#u can blame this on emet-selch
bakubunny · 7 months
“little one” is such an underutilized pet name in fics and imma start a soft girl riot if i don’t see it more often.
like maybe it gives too much ddlg vibes for a lot of people?? i know that’s why i rarely write it; it has a very specific (but good) connotation to me, but i’m trying to appeal to a wider range of readers while also writing for myself. BUT
i swear to you
if i heard that from certain pretty anime men in any context i would lose my shit. not naming them bc i see all of u whipping out those drabbles and hcs when i write shitposts and i’m trying not to spontaneously combust today. 🤨
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shitpost babes: @dcsiremc @bookcluberror @zazter-den @i-literally-cant-with-this @r4td0lll
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cosmodynes · 8 months
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azemethyth sketch commission for @winternightjewels​ 💛💜🧡
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ot3showdown · 1 year
azem/emet-selch/hythlodaeus infodump (ffxiv spoilers up to and including endwalker abound)
these three are regularly described as emet-selch's closest relationship. emet's got terminal old man tsundere disease in the body of a 20 something and he has two partners(not canonically romantic but definitely implied enough that most read it as such) who lovingly bully him abt it relentlessly. while we do not see azem on screen, the way they are talked about by other characters regularly confirms this, and we see it directly with hythlodaeus. despite emet bitching about it, hyth literally tells the player "just say please emet selch and he'll do what you want" when he's reluctant to do a task
when the world ended and azem was split into multiple guys and hyth was sealed away in the ancients' god, everything emet-selch did was to bring back his people from his memories, which heavily involves his love for these two. honestly after seeing what a beautiful man hyth was who can fucking blame him lmao. dude was literally causing world ending catastrophes for those he loved
additionally depending on ur wol u can get reincarnated lovers trope with azem as azem is reincarnated again and again, including as ur wol when u meet him
when emet recreates the ancients' city for u, he also made shades of everyone who lived there. however, hythlodaeus was made with the fact that emet knew hyth so well that he knew hyth would see through the fakeness of it, and so the shade of hyth is fully aware he's a simulation of the original
in ancient society, someone chooses when they die, and it is typically when they've fulfilled their purpose in this world, after which they release their aether back to the world. it's seen as a beautiful thing by most in that society, even if its a little fucked up to some of them+outsiders. hythlodaeus however only has the goal of helping the other two achieve their dreams, at which point he wants all three of them go together
in short, your honor they're poly and i love them
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(im gonna do the same joke again bc my brains broken today)
wow all this happens in critically acclaimed mmorpg final fantasy xiv which has a free trial and includes the entirety of a realm reborn and the award winning heavensward expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime? Cool.
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terendelev · 2 years
Heheheh so I adore the idea of the 3 of them being insanely close together that it shouldn't even be something they had to talk about u know? They kind of slide in the romantic zone and everybody is like "wait is that news? I thought it has been happening for years now" but also I'm just so into teasing emet and his emotional constipated ass I'm like 100% sure he'd deny whatever he's feeling until one of them grab his face, kisses him senseless and goes like "You're a idiot." My background for them is that hythlo and my azem (their name is atlas!!) kind of got to the conclusion that they love each other at the same time, but it became like 10x harder (and funnier) when emet starting to pretend he wasn't jealous of their relationship... i adore the idea of him being like "oh you two are dating now? That's a thing? And I had to learn it from fucking Miltron?" And azem and hythlo are staring at each other like .... you're in it buddy ..... anyway they kiss a lot in front of Hades until he gets like really mad and atlas starts laughing like "ok go ahead dear" and then hythlo gives him a kiss and emet 100% stops functioning for an hour or two. It's all fun and games until azem goes goes insanely mad at emet for him allowing hythlo to go through with the zodiark wish :) they will forever blame themselves about not being able to fulfill hythlo's wish to return to the stars together, hence why they both end up fighting for different reasons (azem wants zodiark gone so hythlo can rest and then they can meet again vs Hades wanting to bring hythlo back so they can be back together). Sorry for the rant I just love them so much :(
"emet and his emotional constipated ass" SDSHJDKSLŞD I AM DYING
I think you really got his character by saying he would be jealous but pretend like he is not while they are aware of the situation and teasing Emet-Selch... give him kisses...
Also, I was reading your ask with a big smile on my face until the last part :') Such a tragic and unavoidable ending I feel so bad for them but at least now Hythlodaeus must be in peace.
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cidnangarlond · 2 years
38-43 for the oc asks with your WoL 🥰
I do not talk about Eris nearly enough so you will get WoL #2 tonight. And then maybe I'll make another post answering these for Fortuna too
38) If they hear something go bump in the night, do they get out of bed to check it out or do they stay put?
Oh Eris absolutely goes to check it out. She's faced so much scary shit that she has absolutely zero fear when going to check something out in her place if she hears a weird noise. Worst case scenario someone broke in and they will live to regret breaking into the Warrior of Light's house.
39) What's one skill they wish they had?
She wishes she could forgive people easier, that she wasn't prone to holding grudges for so long. Granted Eris holds grudges against people that severely wronged her, like Gaius and Emet-Selch, but that's to be expected, isn't it? Also, she wouldn't admit this to anyone, but Eris also wishes she could forgive herself easier. She is her number one critic and can be a bit harsh on herself, and needs to realize she cannot blame herself for everything.
40) What do other people find annoying about them, if anything?
There are times where she can be painfully realistic, but that is how she was raised and finds it hard to deviate from that, even if it's not what people want to here. There is also the "why do you keep throwing yourself into danger so readily please value your own life" but that's born more out of concern than annoyance.
41) What do other people love most about them?
Eris will do just about anything to help someone in need. Given her upbringing as a soldier in Garlemald, something she was for many years, including dabbling in assassinations - how that started is also a VERY long story - Eris took a great many lives without a second thought. For awhile she viewed her doing good deeds and fighting against the Empire as a way to atone for what she did, her sins. Over time she came to understand that helping people for the sake of helping people was better than to help them as a way to make up for her past wrongs. People love and admire how she stops to help anyone that needs it.
42) What's the typical first impression after meeting this person?
"I didn't expect the Warrior of Light to be so short." Well, some people think that about Eris, being 5'2" and all. While she gives off a deeply intimidating aura, she is far kinder than that.
43) What do people notice first about them, as far as their appearance goes?
Aside from the horns, scales, and tail? Her eyes. One is pitch black and the other pure white, the limbal rings around them being a blood red color. To certain people it is very terrifying, and once upon a time there was a rumor that while one eye could see normally, the other could see your life aura, if you were slated to die. It was just a rumor of course, but it was something Eris could use to keep soldiers in line, which wasn't hard anyway, considering her martial prowess and her nickname, "Bitch of the Battlefield." She heterochromia is a result of one parent having white eyes and the other having black, they simply combined with her.
Thank u!!!
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