#u can rb if u want i dont want anyone to be stuck in a toxic friendship w them
println-archive · 6 years
warning for tumblr user epiphanct
disclaimer: most of what happened between us was on now deleted quotev/quizazz accounts and my old blog that i deactivated after getting stalked by someone irl. all the screenshots i can give are from our email conversations, but i can get some testimonies from people who knew her about how she treated me in public and what i told them at the time it all went down. 
(@stillwritinghaikus & @sadcryptid knew me and eli most of the time, but @gafou was there towards the end and can say what they were like the few times we all hung out also only contact these ppl off anon, they don’t all want to be involved too publicly but agreed to be included as character witnesses to who eli is-- there are other people but i don’t have ways to contact a lot of them because we fell out of touch over the years)
anyone who has followed me for long or knows me knows i still deal with panic attacks, issues in relationships, issues with self worth, and nightmares because of a bad ex-girlfriend.
me and eli (i think that’s what they’re going by now and i believe they use they/she pronouns now) were best friends and on-again off-again since 2013 up until some time in 2017. consistently from 2014 until 2016 (i tried to detach from them in late 2016 so we talked significantly less and i would ignore them when they got angry or anything), they emotionally abused me. 
tw for incest, daddy kink, and emotional abuse under the cut-- don’t harass her about the things regarding incest or daddy kink because most of that is from when they were 13-15, i’m only including it because its a testament to what type of person they are and something that is available in our email chains to prove. i was complicit in a lot of the incest rp/kink but at no point was i legit into it, i just never called them out on it and i went with it
we met when they were 12 almost 13 and i was 13 (i think) on our first accounts on quizazz (now quotev), a quiz and story-making website, because they spoiled fred dying for me in a post about harry potter. 
from then we started talking and eventually became best friends. things were mostly normal and healthy overall for the first year until i got into my first relationship w/ someone. they started to get possessive of my time and over me but i thought it was normal and it pretty much was especially when i found out why-- they confessed to having a crush on me. i got permission from my S.O. at the time to be poly and date both of them but eventually i dumped my S.O. for eli alone. it was around when we became exclusive (when they were 13 and i was 14) that things went from normal messy teenager dating to controlling my entire life
they would get angry when i went to sleep, saying that i had to stay up for them or giving me the silent treatment the next morning if i went to sleep when they didn’t want me to. they didn’t limit asking me to stay up to when they were unstable either, most of the time their reason was that they wanted to rp. they would snap and withhold affection from me if i went to sleep on accident or my mom took my laptop away so i would go to sleep. at some point it reached the point that i was missing days of classes in a row because i was sleep deprived and throwing up in the mornings from stress and lack of sleep. i told them this and they still didn’t stop.
they would also control what i posted on my blog or what i had my layout look like on quotev, because if they didn’t like what it was they would claim we had nothing in common and should break up or they should unfollow me or they should block me. most notably, when i made a sideblog for taylor swift posts at some point i started spending most of my time on that blog because taylor swift was a hyperfocus at the time. i switched that blog to my mainly active one and made it a multifandom with a focus on taylor swift, and they got mad at me for posting so much taylor swift. to placate her, i changed it so i only posted taylor swift in my queue and then, finally, i just ran a multifandom blog and avoided reblogging anything about taylor swift more than two or three times a week. i need to emphasize here: i never tried to make eli talk to me about taylor swift after they made it clear they didn’t like them, i didn’t talk to them about it and i didn’t require that they interact with my posts or anything. they just didn’t want me to post about my interest. this also happened with pokemon and homestuck, but to a lesser extent-- the fight was over once i changed my layout from having art for them, i was still allowed to post some.
we broke up sometime in late 2014 for good, but they still made all of my decisions. they were possessive and called me theirs, they didn’t like it when i liked girls who weren’t them, and only let me show affection for them. i was allowed on relationship other than eli, and only because they approved of her and set me up with her. in the end, we broke up because, with eli’s manipulation and forced dependence on them, i was still in love with them. then, within the month of breaking up with this girl, eli switched the script completely and would randomly go through bouts of anger where they would give me the silent treatment and vague about me for still having feelings for them.
they also made it very clear that they got to pick who i could and could not be friends with. most notably with my then best friend dani (@sadcryptid, dont message them publicly abt this). when they found out i was talking to dani in any capacity-- whether i mentioned her or posted something about her-- they would give me the silent treatment or yell at me about it extensively. this went on for YEARS (two? i think) until i ended up dropping dani for entirely unrelated reasons (we’re cool now). when, briefly after, i made friends with a girl who went by luna (who sexually harassed me so eli ended up being right but they didn’t know about that at the time), they lost their shit guilt tripping me into dropping luna too because they wanted to be my only close friend. another time my friend irl confessed to having a crush on me and eli made me talk to her less and said i was theirs
they also briefly shipped reylo and wincest, i have no idea if they still do but i know they did as long as i knew them, and shipped nico from percy jackson (a canon gay character) with their girl oc. (they had a whole breakdown when nico was confirmed gay, saying it ruined the books for them)
they also would give me the silent treatment whenever something good happened in my life-- when i got tickets for the nebraska comic con, or got to see taylor swift, they would give me the silent treatment or yell at me
they had an incest kink to the point of making up ocs to be their twin and older sister, only agreeing to human aus for michael/lucifer from spn if they were related in them (until they changed their mind to getting angry at me for suggesting them), and had a literal daddy kink-- not just into calling their partner daddy but to the point where they would propose rps where their self insert was the literal child of michael and they would have sex. 
they also liked professor/student plots, especially in harry potter with professor snape and their self inserts.
so here are the screenshots now, for your ref in the screenshots, they’ve gone by “mya”, “lottie/charlotte”, “wren”, and “matt”. they also have an oc other than the fake siblings that come up a few times named “juliet” and one named “holly” and one named “casey”. i know that the screenshots don’t have proof of everything i’ve outlined, like i said above most of it happened on accounts that have since been deleted or deactivated so i only have what i could find in my gmail.
i’ll add more screenshots as i find them
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skybristle · 2 years
Please rant about why you didn't like how chapter 14 characterized Caramel arrow. I may not have gotten to it because I'm still stuck in chapter 11 but I'd love to hear it.
pls rb!! i put a lot of thought and effort into these posts!
was talking to a friend. this is a. Horrid mash of copy/pasted stuff from discord dms paired with me typing in new shit to bridge gaps and add points but. under cut again! probably some talk abt murder and violence [but its against affo mainly so its okay /JOKE] but mainly to save space on dashes since i type a lot also note that i tend to call caramel arrow carrow. it just rolls off my mental tounge better and its easier to speedrun typing in my fanon i've also added magnolia into her story but. for the sake of arguement i'll leave her and any magnolia-related changes out. but yeah they canonically kiss devsis told me /lh ill add more if i think of anything
shes a static character. NOTE. static characters are NOT inherently bad. but she has so much potential for being fucked up and questioning her loyalties and shit. as she stands she is just. There. she does a little bit of girlbossing but ESPECIALLy in chapter 14 she is just there to go its okay dark cacao ur doing the right thing it is alright u are okay :] and she doesnt even get resolution with affo. iirc they dont even rlly get a confrontation he just. Runs away. these r my main problems but ill get into a lot of wasted potential later. ill be so mad forever and ever they didn't let carrow kill affogato. like. she had a straight shot in the end when his sheilds were down and he was just trying to get away. ut she just goes "OHHH NO AFFOGATO IS GETTING AWAYYYYY" like babygirl you are the first watcher. What are you doing. i get that cr doesnt have the balls to violently kill him on screen but like u could have shot him and left him for dead at least. Like. .... idk. red velvet gets a crossbolt bolt to the face in TOSC its not too out there. but even then carrow seems like the type to want to kill someone cleanly and effectively no matter WHAT they did so she doesnt stoop to their level. so as far as my fanon goes she shot him thru the head when he was trying to escape. like again i know canon wouldn't do that but it is dissapointing to see nothing happen with him and carrow's arc yet another injustice to carrow's character. shes just. There honestly. like she doesnt DO ANYTHING. shes kinda just [woman standing discord emoji] you could honestly remove her from the plot without much difference which is. REALLY FUCKING SAD considering that she was so hyped up and is playable. her only real character trait is 'loyal to dark cacao'. which falls flat considering DARK CACAO IS FUCKED UP?? like i know affo is manipulating him or whatever but he had to have been at an incredibly low point in the first place - likely caused by dark choco's betrayel and the stress of losing so much , including many of his watchers, to the war. the main missed potential i see: the missed potential with her and dark choco. it's heavily implied he was very very close with her - and her mentor. she even has a line abt him being the one who taught her how to use a bow. it's p easy to assume he's the person who trained her and could probably be considered her non-blood informal older brother or maybe an idol. [i prefer the former but. Yeah] have her loyalty be split between the king who deeply hurt his people for decades [since even before affo i doubt it was good considering i can only IMAGINE how fucked up the kingdom was afrer the DFW with their watchers presumaby spread incredibly thin after so many losses] and FUCKING EXILED HER regardless of affo's imput and the prince who trained and partially raised her but has done so much fucked up shit and lost his path
NEITHER of them are good people. at least completely. do they deserve her loyalty? is she reeally doing good by following anyone?? is bias by being close to the royals clouding her judgement? she can't answer those questions
but No. dark cacao good everyine else bad :3. so dissapointing this is becoming more of a stretch but this is more a thinly veiled excuse to talk abt my fanon because i make her character so much cooler and sexier but. Ya! also not to say she was probably a trainee or barely out of training when dark choco betrayed everyone when he was probably her older brother figure andddd probably got shoehorned into the position of first watcher too fast since dark cacao was in such deep paranoia after getting betrayed by his own son he couldn't trust anyone short of who was practically his own daughter but. Ya! would have fucked. her cutscene thing says she became the first watcher at an incredibly young age. u can assume in canon that just means that she was so capable she earned it so early on but like. You could ALSO take rlly fucked up implications from that if you wanted to. like. Yeah. also i dont have as thorough thoughts on this but. it's sad that we didnt see much of her relationship with the other watchers. its obvious that they miss her, care about her, and are still loyal to her. i've always thought it was a really interesting thing that despite her exile and presumably being stripped of her title they all still call her first watcher. resisting the urge to talk abt her and magnolia so i wont but like. scenes with the other watchers could have rlly helped this!!! oh also if you ship carrow x affogato get the fuck off this post i actually hate you fuck you fuck yo ufuck yuyou fuck you. Die. thats all i remember for now. Bye girl.
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obeymematches · 4 years
Heya! I hope you’re not too swarmed by requests and that you’re staying healthy 💕 I was hoping for an obey me matchup if that’s okay?
I’m a cis bi girl, ENTP/ENFP, Capricorn sun, Virgo moon, Sagittarius rising (if you’re into astrology these are helpful otherwise just ignore uwu) and a Gryffindor. I have short blonde-ish hair, kind of a golden color ig, with bangs and hazel eyes. I’m a bit tanned and very VERY buff because I do loads of sports, and so I’m also not curvy at all unless you count in *cough* 🍑 My clothing style is kind of a melting pot of cottagecore, dark academia and goth, it makes no sense ik. Also I may have light autism according to my parents, but I’ve never been taken to get diagnosed because my brother has a therapist and two would be too ✨expensive✨
I have two very distinct sides to me that are complete opposites. The only way I can describe it is a goblin qkfbkafjwk. At first glance lot of people think I’m scary looking because I’m quite tall and have a light case of RBS but they dont know it’s just because I’m really tired all the time :) I can appear as a bit stuck up, emotionless and as a big pp energy type of gal, which isnt necessarily false but it’s not completly true either. I would never hurt anyone or anything and if I even see a squashed bug I will absolutely cry. Besides that I am quite emotional but i keep it to myself to my best abilities. Although when I’m happy, I’m really hyper and do little dances/ hug and kiss everything in my proximity. I’m dirty minded, subconsciously flirty and not afraid to talk to people I like. On the other hand, if someone makes an advance on me I’ll assume it’s for a practical joke or that they’re not serious because why would you do that, I’m kind of shit 💫🧚‍♀️
I do tons of sports, mainly swimming and I was close to going to junior Olympics last year (I didnt manage it because I overworked, didnt tell anyone and ended up with an injured shoulder and knee whoopsies). I also pole dance and I love high impact sports like boxing and such even though I don’t have a lot of time to practice those. Some other stuff I can do is horse riding, archery, singing, writing, drawing, stuff like that.
I actually have good grades even though I dont really study. I procrastinate every single thing and end up with better results than the people who worked hard which always makes me feel guilty. I really want to study English literature at Oxford but HAHAHAHA dream on, it will probably never happen, my family isnt exactly the rich kind lol. I’m also Slavic so it isnt even my first language. The only subject I could never do in high school was physics because what the hell is that.
Some other stuff about me is that I’m a foodie and a good cook. I really like taking care of people and comforting them. In my friend group despite being the youngest I’m the eldest sibling friend, aka I enable chaos but never join in, just stirr up a mess and observe from afar 🤠I’m really calm in situations that freak people out, for example I had an infection and was in a lot of pain but i laughed my way through it and while i had my surgery i chatted with the nurse which was overall a good time even though I was half naked and numb from the waist down oop
Relationship wise, not to be horny on main but I just wanna hold hands and make out 🥺🥺 Feelings are terrifying and I may be demi/aromantic which makes me feel really shitty about myself, but maybe I’m wrong. Although to be honest, all I really wanna do is make people happy and pamper them and maybe get some cute jewelry every once in a while because I’m a crow and I like shiny things that I cant afford ✌I’m kind of submissive (not exclusively in a sexual way) in the fact that if my s/o asks me to do something, ANYTHING, I will do it if it kills me.
Anyways, I know this is a lot but I hope it’s okay and I didnt forget anything. Take all the time you need and have a great day 💕💕
Hiiii, thank you for sending in a request, i’m sorry for being like half a year late!! :( :( 
I decided to match you with Diavolo! 
Both of you being extroverted is a good combination as he is a very curious demon, meaning there is always something to talk about. Both of you enjoying others’ company is a huge bonus - no need to worry about boundaries! 
big booty couple
Don’t worry about therapy being expensive, if anyone then a prince can afford that for sure - not just that, he is as wholesome as it can get so you wouldn’t have to metion it. He wants the best for his princess!!! don’t mind the cost!!! (unless him paying for you would make you uncomfy… just be open about it darling)
You mentioned that you have a sibling. In a healthy relationship it is important that your partner and your sibling(s) can get along, which might lead to conflict in some cases - BUT NOT IN THIS ONE i mean Dia might overwhelm your family (being a prince and a demon u know) but he would really try his best for you and that is what matters!  
(i feel appearig tired all the time fghjk) 
Anyways your appearance wouldn’t like scare him off ar anything. Man is huge and strong but also a very sweet himbo
He falls for your soft side ngl. Like you crying over a bug is just so cute how could he not- 
Oh darling he knows how to deal with ppl who keep to themselves.. have you ever heard about his 2 best men? 👀 you wouldn’t have much chance at keeping your emotions from him. He wants this relationship to be healthy!! he cares for you so much!!! also who couldve hurt you emotionally i mean who wants to mess with a future queen… it’s his personal job to make your feelings be safe!!!! 
its all worth it because spending time with a happy you is the best thing that has ever happened to him 
you’re fun and he’s fun and its unlimited fun!!!!! 
your confidence when it comes to talking to ppl you like is great!! not everyone dares talking to him, which makes him lonely
but yea he is going to be the one to make the first move 
you have the range when it coes to sports which is, again, nice as he is curious. you are going to have to help him try out all that!! 
super interested in your hobbies and activities, which is a green flag! definitely indulging. 
i think he is very supportive of your studies and he is going to do his best to support your studies at RAD. you could definitely impress him with your talent!!
 hopefully studying at his academy is as good as your dreams of oxford 
he can only hope that
i think he would appraciate your calm approach to life! he is also the same, although he has some baggage hidden under the surface  - but no worries, he is going to open up when he realizes that he can trust you with his emotions. 
you beig dependable is also a nice bonus, but he will have to make sure not to ask too much from you - knowing you are going to push yourself too much if needed. 
you two would do like healthy couples do - every week there is a date; either a chat over tea which he likes and wants to share with you, or doing sports with you, or going go-karting, honestly the options are unlimited with this combination. 
its imprtant that you both can depend on the other emotionally as well 
one conflict might be because of his title, and also because you both tend to keep emotions to yourself. once you two can overcome these i think it should be a very healthy and mature and fun relationship! i think he would definitely fall for you but if you wanted to stay just friends he would be down too. he just can’t lose the one living person he can actually be himself around, can he ? 
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cupidable-moving · 3 years
20 questions tag !!
tagged by @yunwoo !! thank u 🥺💗
tagging: @kiwipitupandstir , @hwacinth , @ckyunoirs , @yeocult , @linothot and anyone else who wants to do this !! lmk if u dont want to be tagged in the future (or Do want tk be tagged!) 💗
questions & answers below the break ! 🛼🎀
name/nickname: coby & lots of nicknames like honeybee, cobes, coblerone, colbert (pfft these last ones are silly)
gender & pronouns: female & she/her
star sign: aquarius
height: 5’2
current time: 3:30 pm
birthday: feb 13, 2001
favorite bands: monsta x, loona, sleeping at last, neon trees, big thief, fall out boy, a great big world, angels & airwaves, steam powered giraffe
favorite solo artists: wonho, holland, brittney spears, kelly clarkson, alec benjamin (but only for 2 songs)
song stuck in my head: que sera, sera by doris day
last movie: soul
last tv show: scientology & the aftermath with leah remini
when i created this blog: ahhhh probably back in 2015? i’ve been on tumblr for longer though
last thing i googled: wilson’s disease
other blogs: @thestartouched (my wc blog😔)
do i get asks: PFFT sometimes! im not a big blog and i talk to most ppl in dms or on the dashboard but if i rb an ask game or smth, i’ll get one or two!
following: 890 (i follow very liberally pfft)
followers: 136 ! 💗💗
why i chose my url: in my head, it’s a word that means ur likely to be affected by cupid & cupidlike thoughts, and thats me so! plus its a cute word
avg hours of sleep: uhh anywhere between 4-12 bcos i am mentally and phsyically Not Okay
lucky numbers: 10, 333
instruments: i can sing, i played clarinet and oboe in high school (i was good but i dont play anymore 😔), i know How to play piano but im not very good, and i’m teaching myself guitar
what i’m wearing: sweatpants & an AMDA tank top (which is a school i do not go to i got this 8 years ago on a trip)
dream trip: a road trip around north america with my closest friends! we talk abt it a lot and i rly want it to happen
nationality: american, & i’m getting my italian citizenship next year! dual citizenship woohoo!
favorite song: rn it’s ‘star’ by loona!
3 fictional universes i would love to live in: maybe disney princess universe for one? i just want to have magic and be a princess!! ; dracula universe! i want to be a vampire too!!! ; SAILOR MOON OMG i want to be a sailor!! i’d be sailor venus 😋💗
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blushpanda · 4 years
Xigbar and Xion’s Mission
This isn’t exactly selfship, but involves two f/os of mine - Xigbar, and my familial f/o Xion - and Saix. and i dont know where else to put it
anyway i call this “chris rewriting the light novel of 358/2 days”
rbs appreciated if u enjoyed it! rix isnt in it but i still want people 2 read it u know
   Another dream, another day...Another weird feeling for her.
    There was never any sun to shine in and wake up the members of Organization XIII, so Xion had to rely on her body to cooperate every morning. Today seemed like it was slightly more difficult to wake up. The blankets - as thin as they were - seemed so comfortable and welcoming ,and she buried herself into it even more.  Didn't look like her body was doing the whole "cooperation" thing, after all, and was in fact rebelling. After all, why leave the warmth of the blankets? There was no reason to expose herself to the cold air of the World that Never Was.
    Still, she couldn't sleep more either - not when Saix was waiting to assign her today's mission. On that note, she wondered where she'd go today...It wasn't exactly her choice, but if she had to choose - a nice, warm, tropical world would be nice....Maybe the Destiny Islands, to collect more seashells for Roxas...Though speaking of; with Roxas out of commission, she'd likely need to go somewhere he would've....Do it for Roxas, she told herself...
    Blinking her sleepy eyes, she gave a soft groan and sat up. There was no point dawdling, although she shivered at the chilly air as she went about her morning routine.
    That dream, though...Something  about it bothered her, and yet felt eerily familiar...or maybe it was comfortable familiarity? She really couldn't tell anymore. They sorta blurred, yet stuck with her all the same...Ah, well. She changed into a clean cloak, expecting the Dusks to clean the other as always, and washed her face. Blinking away the water and then drying with a wash cloth, Xion looked into the mirror.
    I'm the same as ever, she thought with a light, somewhat apprehensive chuckle. Well, she'd hurry to the Grey Room now.
    There, she found Xigbar and Saix - everyone else must have started their missions for the day. "There you are," hummed Saix in a rather uninterested tone, "You'll continue investigating with Xigbar today."
    Xion was a little surprised, but she couldn't reply before her assigned partner called to her. "Let's get going, eh, Poppet?" Sounded like he'd been waiting for her...She wondered if he was always this ready for missions - she hadn't been on one with anyone but Roxas so far, so...Maybe this was normal. What wasn't normal to Xion was the fact he was paired up with her at all, when she had been doing solo missions recently while Roxas was down and out.
    Speaking of...
    "Um...How is Roxas?" She asked softly, finally getting the courage to ask.
    Saix didn't even look at her as he coldly stated, "Still asleep. He may never wake." Her spirits dropped, unsure how to reply to something like that. Much to her confusion, Xigbar gave a small laugh. She looked at him, and noticed a light smirk on his face.
    "Haven't you been checking in on him everyday? That's real sweet of you, Poppet." She was startled at this comment, but was even more startled at Saix's additional response that followed.
    "You may as well keep visiting him," Saix murmured, "There's still a chance he might awaken." Was he feeling okay? He never spoke even remotely approvingly to her...Still, he continued to prompt her. "Now, get to work." She was suspicious, admittedly, but she didn't dare inquire.
    "All right..." Xion spoke slowly, but would look to Xigbar as he opened a Dark Corridor.  He grinned at her, then the two departed...
    ...But Xion's eyes widened on the other side of the dark passage, as she was met with a much brighter environment - and one she knew quite well by now. The blue sea and tall palm trees...The horizon and warm sand on her boots...
    "The..." She began, but Xigbar finished for her.
    "The Destiny Islands. You've been visiting here quite a bit, Poppet." He gave a low laugh - although started laughing a bit harder at her bewildered expression. "Luckily for you, Xemnas wants us to check the place out..."
    "He did...? Um...Why?"
     "You think I know what his intentions are? As if." Xigbar waved his hand, his fang-like teeth bared in a grin. Xion had a feeling he did know, actually, but didn't press it for now. Still...Something felt strange to her. Noticing she wasn't getting any less baffled by his words, he snorted. "Look. You go collect shells. I can handle the investigation alone."
    Her eyes widened. "...Huh? B-but...Xigbar..." Was he seriously suggesting she bail on the mission to collect shells for Roxas? Was he allowed to do that in the first place? "Um...Wouldn't you get in trouble?"
    "As if! I'm the Organization's number II - Plus, you think they're gonna can me over working overtime? It's better business, anyway. Totally in your favor, too, right? C'mon, Poppet..."
    "...." Xion frowned. "....Xigbar, is there a reason you're acting like this?"
   Xigbar waved her off again. Seems like he used his hands to talk quite a bit. "Man, you Keyblade wielders always worry about the smallest things. Just trust me. Not like I've given you reason not to, right? Hardly."
  There was silence for a moment, and then Xion took a deep breath...and smiled a little. "Okay...Um...Thank you."
  "Sure, Poppet. Just be a good kid and keep out of trouble while you're all by your lonesome, huh?" He teased, beginning to walk past her towards the rest of the island - but he blinked and stopped as Xion gently grabbed his sleeve. "What's up?"
   "...Thank you for b-being kind to me." And with that, not waiting for a response, she released him and walked towards the shore. There, she would pick up a shell, and after some time softly remark there was no one else at the beach today. She didn't see Xigbar again until it was time to go back.
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huraiyra · 5 years
tagged by @ccacctii thank u! ⚘
Nicknames: "sumi", but that's it.
Star Sign: virgo. I'm boring
Height: 5'4"
Last Movie I Watched: 3 Idiots for the 10th time. because (a) it is a fantastic movie and I'd recommend it even just with English subtitles and (b) I cant find anything else to watch.
Favorite Musician of All Time: system of a down. but if Serj doesnt fix a release date for this new final album or at least tell us no I'm gonna 🔫
Song Stuck in my Head: mi gna but without super sako's annoyin rap, like the cover by an Arab girl I think. and also that "heart doki doki" song from mermaid melody. by alala
Other Blogs: a dead supernatural blog that I abandoned after I got tired of their shit LMAO. also an art reference blog (if your creative posts get a random RB by a blog called hoshininaritai (a po poyans song I love SO much) it's me.) and etc. private stuff like a video game blog w/e
Do I get asks?: nah. would love to but I get it, you gotta make your own posts and interact with your followers to get asks. dont do that anymore. so it's valid
Who am I following?: same people I followed five years ago-ish when I first got my blog, unless I unfollowed. so just old friends, some funnyman blogs ... and new mutuals from other websites and people who follow me that I thought were tight. mostly random stuff blogs, some aes, some old prompt blogs that I got attached to. I could follow more blogs but a lot of people are weird tbh
What am I wearing?: blue CNE shirt I got with a free credit card and way too long white pants
Dream Job(s): married to a rich lady who loves me a lot and doesnt make me have a job LMAO. and if it wasn't hard as fuck, I'd want to work at NASA with my best friend. realistically though ... wanna work at the local wellness centre I guess.
Dream Trip: travelling scary. but maybe like Japan or a whole Europe trip ... also would like to see Vancouver or America. stuff happens there. The Six isnt as fun as Drake makes it out to be
Play any instruments?: harmonium
Speak any languages?: none (jk I'm English, relatively fluent in Bangla, I can jumble my way through Hindi / Urdu and I can vaguely be understood in basic French)
Favorite Food(s): love me all types of sushi, haleem, phuchka, chicken, lau. good stuff
Favorite Song(s): ok recently i have ONLY been listenin to maître gims so "cameléon" and "malheur, malheur". in general tho "byakkoya no musume" bc kaito's voice makes me cry, and "her" by block b like i love the ENERGY. "i'll sail right home to you" ... you know the one, the one the choir boys sang in the washroom ... also
Random fact: I hate romance but I love playin. otome games. not even for romance half the time just for the company and story. "love tangle" for mobile is my fave fave THANKS
I tag anyone who wants to do this..........
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ohdarlings · 5 years
☾21 question tag
    rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better
    i was tagged by @decayingssoul, ty lovely !!♡
nicknames: dnt have one !!
zodiac signs: cancer ! (cancer☼, aries☽, leo↑)
height: 5″1
hogwarts house: slytherin! 
last thing i googled: enneagram test type 9 (bc im obsessed with personality quizzes apparantly vfhgsf)
favourite musicians: at the moment; leonard cohen, the kinks, bob dylan, tyler the creator, the last shadow puppets and belle and sebastian
song stuck in my head: tracks of my tears by smokey robinson and the miracles
following: 296
followers: 667
do you get asks: every now and again!! usually a few when i rb ask prompts ♡
amount of sleep: usually around 8-10 hours depending on work !! bills, my little dog, usually wakes me up around 9/10 so i have a constant alarm clock lmao 
lucky number: 27, idk why ! 
what are you wearing?: sweatpants nd an old drowners tshirt (my pyjamas are where old band tshirts go to die vgdkgfa)
dream job: im working to be a teacher rn !
dream trip: oh i wanna go eeeverywhere haha, i’d love to go to paris though
instruments: i used to have piano lessons when i was younger but i dont think i can play anything better than fur elis lmao 
languages: english, nd u know i got that A in gcse spanish so call me if ur in spain nd need to ask where the train station is xxx
favourite songs: i have a playlist for that, all 150 of them xxx 
random fact: i was brought up on a weird mix of old 50s/60s tunes, bad 70s/80s songs and chart music, so my favourite songs growing up were crying by roy orbison, valerie by amy winehouse, breakfast in america by supertramp, never never never by shirley bassey and candy by paolo nutini
aesthetic: oh idk if theres a name for it !! old photographs, illustrations in old books, poets’ handwriting, art galleries, soft lighting, the moon, cows in fields ,, that sorta vibe ☽
   ☾im tagging!: @onlymiel @punkslap @suzerotolos @dylanwilbury and anyone        else who wants to do it, you can say i tagged u!!!
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grigio-bone · 5 years
ultraman rb movie plot synopsis pt 2
so katsus stuck in a building and bemoaning the fact that he still sucks at fighting. meanwhile, isa and riku sgree to team up and are like. instantly a great team which surprises katsumi. isami pulls him out of the ruin, katsu complains about neck pains. isami shoots bemstar and the beam is reflected back out of gan q, and riku hears pegas voice calling for help. he asks the bros to not fight because his friend’s in the monster and he wants to rescue him. the bros switch crystals and somehow get pega out.
after the fight riku rushes to pegas side. bros join him and are like.... so, you’re an ultraman too?
they invite riku and pega to dinner, mom asks just what pega is but dad says no food first questions later but then pega dives into his pocket dimension to eat and the nerd half of the family is Activated, asahi askes what happened to riku and he explains that one day a big hand just grabbed him and pega out of nowhere and dumped him in a different dimension. it was planning to kill him and lock up pega and katsu looks concerned before getting distracted scolding his sibs, the dinner devolves into familial bickering as riku looks on
after dinner riku and asahi talk about family together. riku tells asahi about belial, and asahi tells riku about how shes technically not bloodrelated to the minatos. shes was so confused about who she was for a long time, but then katsumi told her that it didnt matter what she was, because asahi is asahi. the bonds between family are strong and blood doesnt matter as long as u care about each other (i thiiink??) asahi says that since her family raised her with such care, she wants to help others too, and bring happiness to everyone
wild mood swing to tregear. apparently he came to toi specifically because theres something he wants from him- toi wants the kaiju that he made to appear in the human world, doesnt he? to destroy the society that looks down on him. what’s its name? after toi gives its name, tregear zaps him.
the news is on back at the minatos and its all people complaining about the property damage around ultra fights. isamis mostly annoyed but katsumis kinda upset, he goes back to tr and talk to toi again, a really sweet speech about dreams but toi interrupts him by saying literally shut the fuck up you didnt fulfill your own damn dreams so dont lecture me. katsumi tears up and runs away.
he stops in an alley and tregear appears to him and says hes here to fulfill his dream. tregear tells katsumi that he has two choices: live peacefully as an ordinary person, or live as an ultra warrior and protect all life in the universe with his power. tregear shows katsumi a planet where the pigmon are being killed off by a mecha gomora and tells katsumi that he has the power and responsibility to stop it. tregear can open a gate to that planet, but he cant guarantee that hell be able to get back. so, what will you choose?
back at quattro m mom is explaining that shes got a plan to get riku back home, but its gonna take just a bit more time. dad wanders in and asks if anyones seen katsumi?
meanwhile katsumis gone to planet pigmon, beats mecha gomora pretty easy but surprise, it was a setup by tregear. toi saw the entire thing and now that he knows that katsumis also ultraman hes even more pissed because it really does look like katsumi has everything he could want. he transforms into snake darkness and absolutely wrecks katsumis shit. says something about “if ur ultraman ur supposed to protect everyone’s lives right? well, kaiju have lives too!” starts whaling on katsu asking “well, how does THIS feel??” n shit. after defeating katsumi, he flies off
back on earth everyones looking for katsumi when snake darkness shows up. riku and isami get ready to fight. tregear shows katsumi an image of the fight and katsumi yells for toi to stop and then he sees the kaiju get defeated and hes like no!!! toi!!!! tregear shows up again and says hahaha, theyre doing pretty good, arent they. in fact, they dont even need you, huh. what a pity. youre not qualified to be an ultraman, and you cant go back to your old life either. well, nobody can predict the future, so keep doing your best, ehehe. he fades the fuck out
back on earth toi’s actually doing way better than tregear showed katsumi. after isami gets walloped, tregear appreas in front of him and mocks him for being unable to do anything without rosso. when isami accuses him of being evil he claims that hes just giving everyone what they want: evil to people who want evil, justice to people who want justice. people are selfish and bonds are easily destroyed.
asahi on the ground says that shes going to help out too with the gyro that saki left her but all three fighters are taken out right afterwards. tregear calls them all a bunch of foolish humans and leaves.
oh my GOD this keeps getting longer
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thank u @meganfoxgf for tagging me!
why did you choose your url?
bc i love @onedirection (im ATonedirection like their url hehehe)
any side blog?
most popular post?
honestly i have no clue, on an old blog i had like a 80k note post during the tumblr messaging hack era lmaoo but on this blog prob some larry gay shit
number of mutuals?
idk if theres a way to check but id say 50-100
how many people do you follow?
how many followers do you have?
been stuck around 2.4k forever rip
how long have you been on Tumblr?
that i can remember 2015 but deffo temporary blogs before that
why did you start using Tumblr?
fandom purposes smh cant leave (but in all honesty this is my safe place i dont wanna leave)
do you have a queue tag?
oh yes i do it used to be smth more creative but now its just #queued
why did you choose your icon? and your header?
chose my icon and header for aesthetic purposes hahaha i love the vibe of the beige blur and the simple But Effective letter with flowers ,., just sets up for the aesthetic here ig!
have you ever made a shitpost?
have i EVER? always <3
how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
eh depends on what it is, otherwise dont tell me what to do
do you have a crush on a mutual?
used to tbh, i havent been on much but we're still mutuals so hi if u see this :-)
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
prob a decent amt tbh
have you had a fight/argument with another blog? who won?
in like 2015 yeah and then i turned 13 <3 bahaha but honestly dont remember prob me
do you like ask games?
yesss but i dont rb too many and when i do yall Sleep on me :'(
do you like tag games?
same thing! but yes i dooo
how much time a day do you spend here?
it used to be alot more but working 6 days a week lately its only been abt an hour before bed and i dont even feel bad abt it
i tag @setsfiretohistory @corazoncitos @louisholepic and anyone else who wants to do this, just say i tagged u! :-)
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yanankim · 3 years
miss mina miss @mina-love tagged me to do this so hi hello
1. why did you choose your URL?
when yuyan were on idol room one of them said that yanan’s korean name is “kim yanan” bc he likes kimchi so much and i immediately tried to nab a kimyanan url but it was taken.... this is what i got instead lol. i changed it to yanankim when yanan came back and was hyped on serotonin juice <3 (tho i do have a handful of pentaurls saved i might change to soon...)
2. any sideblogs?
oh god you have no idea. this itself is a sideblog, my main blog is @that-stingray. my multifandom kpop blog is @chowonsang, my (inactive) w24 update blog is @w24every, my (rarely active) aesthetic blog is @gay-aes, and i used to run @jdoolz6401 and @incorrectfahc, but after r*yn h*ywood was exposed i dont feel comfortable running them anymore... 
3. how long have you been on Tumblr?
good question! i have no idea! 2013 or 2014 i think? ive been here too long and dont know how to work twitter so im stuck here ig
4. do you have a queue tag?
yes! #nobody but queue (its a play on the song nobody but you by bastarz <3)
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
ptg have been my ults since ~early 2017 and i wanted to make a blog purely about them! i also used to post platonic ptg snippets when i first made this blog but they would never get notes so i kinda stopped lol
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
its yanan... hes pink.... need i explain more?
7. why did you choose your header?
its honk... hes with pink flowers.... need i explain more?
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
this one!
9. how many mutuals do you have?
genuinely? honest to god? no idea. over 40 i think?
10. how many followers do you have?
344 lol
11. how many people do you follow?
1143... i need to go thru and unfollow a bunch jc....
12. have you ever made a shit post?
have u seen half my original posts? yes omg
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
mmm depends? at least once every few days when im inactive but multiple times a day when i am active!
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
not that i can think of? most of the time if ppl have rancid takes or if i dont vibe w/ them i just block them lmao
15. how do you feel about “you need to compare this” posts?
not really sure what this is supposed to mean... milena took is as “you need to reblog this” and if thats the case, then i really hate them aksfhjk. a lot of the times i intentionally avoid reblogging posts that guilt trip ppl into rbing them bc i dont have the energy to deal with that type of shit lmao
16. do you like tag games?
ofc!! i think theyre fun and i love looking thru ppls replies to the game <3
17. do you like asks games?
omg yeah but no one ever sends me them when i rb them so ive kinda given up TT
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
genuinely anyone who gets more than 200 notes is famous to me... @astralsweetness and @wooseoks and @uwooyu and @antihongseok-network are the ones that comes immediately to mind tho
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
all of them. if ur reading this i wanna give u a smooch. just a lil peck on the cheek and a gay pride pin ily i hope ur doin well <3
besides the ppl i tagged already i tag everyone reading this to do it. yes that means YOU! YOU who are reading this right now!!! you are legally obligated to do this sorry <3
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