#u have broke my kokoro
mitsuyaya · 3 years
hey..uhmm 🥺👉👈 i just wanted to ask...uwu..*sniff* *sniff* sniffle... i just wanted to ask if you'd be my kawaii girlfriend? 🥺👉👈...*gasps* 🙈 gasp gasp... can't believe i actually did it! 🥰 would u be my girlfriend? 🥰👉👈 no? 😔 *gasps* sniffle sniffle cat crying teoki teoki teoki u u bRoKe mY kOkoRo 😭😭 i should have never trusted u 😠😔 everyone's all the same 😔 they all break my heart 💔😭 teoki teoki kOkOro bRokEn 💔😔 hmph BAKA 😠 oof baka baka uwu uwu 😔 adgsbrhd goodbye 👋 /C
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unicorn-poop · 6 years
Field Trip
Some Trolls were chosen to go on a field trip. This was because they’re in a special ed class and the special ed classes go on very fun field trips for the students.
First they went to a Restaurant
FEFERI: Sit by me Equius
EQUIUS: D—> Yes highblood
Nepeta and Aradia were also sitting at the table. Mallek, Galekh, Tagora and the Jadeblood oc are sitting together
MALLEK: I thought you broke up with her?
TAGORA: Were back together.
GALEKH: And just how? She broke up with you because she was not romantically interested in you because you are a huge pain in the ass and you’re not that attractive
TAGORA: >:( I AM attractive you huge douche and also don’t Fucking swear at me!
The Jadeblood takes money out of the swear jar
Kokoro, Tegiri, Karako And Sollux were at a table
BRONYA: Eat your peas Karako
KARAKO: Honk honk
KOKORO: Honk honk
TEGIRI: (Holding his husbando pillow) Don’t worry pretend he’s not here
Lanque was looking for somewhere to sit. There, a table with Zebruh, Eridan, and Cronus sat.
Lanque sits next to Zebruh
CRONUS: Hey you here to join us cool guys?
ERIDAN: Wouod you like to be in a quadrant with me?
LANQUE: Uh, no
And so the Trolls were eating. Equius choked on his steak. He, himself coughed up the piece he was choking on. He coughed it up STRONGLY because it ended up hitting Cronus in the eye.
ZEBRUH: Don’t worry I’ll help you out bro
FEFERI: Serves t)(at ass)(ole rig)(t!
EQUIUS: D—> Indeed
After they ate they went to a place to play Volleyball.
Everyone started picking their teams. Cronus And Zebruh were on one side and everyone else was on the other. Lanque finally cane into the room and joined the popular side.
GALEKH: I have to agree! Having someone very terrible will make us good Troll look bad. The rainbow drinker obsessed tealblood is a expection.
FEFERI: Leave our team!
LANQUE: Fuck all of you, I will be on this team
EQUIUS: D—> Listen Jadeblood you will go on the opposite team. You will not be on our team! You will listen to the empress!
LANQUE: I will make sure to throw the ball right into your face breaking those garbage glasses of yours!
Lanque joins Zebruh and Cronus
LANQUE: This is do unfair
CRONUS: We should name our team; the coolest Trolls you’ll ever meet.
LANQUE: Ha ha...no! Listen here you sea dwelling piece of shit I am the only cool troll on here! You and you are the worst!
ZEBRUH: WOW, That just hurts
So Galekh gets to serve the ball.
TAGORA: I hope he fails. He owes me so much if he gets it over the net
JADEBLOOD: *Staring at Kanaya*
So Galekh serves it. As a big guy and being a blue blood the ball had so much impact. It ended up hitting Cronus in the face breaking his nose. As he fell he broke both of his arms. Everyone starts laughing so hard. Except for Bronya and the Jadeblood oc. They know Cronus can be shitty buuuuuut they kinda felt sorry for him. Lanque smirked.
So the ball goes back to the other side. It was Malleks turn to serve
JADEBLOOD: This Will Be Interesting
MALLEK: I can’t wait to give our team another point
Mallek serves the ball only it hits Zebruh.
MALLEK: I failed life
TYZIAS: What???
MALLEK: That was supposed to hit my enemy
JADEBLOOD: I Thought You Two Were Flushed Boyfriends???
LANQUE: >:( I will show him one day when I steal his boyfriend
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theangry-ace · 6 years
currently playing: Ken ga Kimi
update 5
time for our resident haraguro(?) boi, Sakyo. tbh I’m not looking forward for his route at all bc I am absolutely fucking scared of anything close to yan. my kokoro is not strong enough for them. but I do like Sakyo in the drama cds, especially the momoyo tsuzuri one. he’s like the most gentle boi with a tendency to tease Kayo or anyone else, whether or not that’s what he intended to do or not.
so our boi Sakyo has two kind of face; one, the ‘normal’, a bit formal and proper personality he showed to others. the other is the 100% enraged, I-will-kill-you-slowly-bc-I-wanna-enjoy-killing-you type of thing. he has a bit of an anger issue as well that he does exactly nothing to hide if ppl mentioned them. his purpose in life is only to exact the revenge of some oni who attacked and murdered his entire family. Sakyo mentioned in the common route that he didn’t trust (or don’t like) Enishi and Suzukake. I suppose he didn’t like ppl who didn’t seem to be dependable.
after the whole merry joyride to Sunpu, Sakyo went to some cave which was rumored to gather a heck load of oni trying to do... something? IDK. but they had already cleared the cave and was on the way to Edo. back in Edo, Kayo’s dad put up a banquet for the six samurai who had been protecting his precious baby girl but Sakyo didn’t manage to be present. he was instead busy in his pursuit for Zantetsu, one of the oni who killed entire family. but unfortunately, Sakyo walked right into a trap and was surrounded by oni and he got away with a terrible wound on his arm (I don’t remember which but he did say it’s no biggie bc he use his sword in another). it was night when Kayo saw Yanohiko, a neighboring kid, was wandering around saying he was getting some water for a wounded samurai. after Kayo realized it was Sakyo, she took him to her room and somehow managed to hide a whole person for a long time in her own fucking room without her dad even noticed!!! what the heck dad like i respect that u respect ur baby girl’s privacy but a wHOLE GROWN ASS PERSON!!! IN UR FUCKING HOUSE!!! FOR MANY DAYS!!!!
and so while living incognito in a girl’s room, Yanohiko came by as well to play with Sakyo. dude is actually not 24/7 angry or thinking about revenge. he is quite gentle with Yanohiko and taught the boy to write and play goma (spinning top?). there is one goddamn funny scene when Kayo’s dad suddenly wanna talk with her and there’s nowhere to hide Sakyo so she shoved him into her futon and get in with him with his goddamn face between her legs lol. STILL THE DAD DIDN’T FUCKING NOTICE???? welp. eventually Sakyo heard about Zantetsu going to enter the tourney that was going to take place and he took off without telling Kayo, leaving her having to lie to Yanohiko whenever the boy asked for him. she managed to find him later when he was trying to get his family’s treasured sword, Hotarumaru, to be fixed/sharpened by a famous fixer(?). he was refused, though, for obvious reason that Sakyo just wanted to kill with his sword.
Kayo shared this with Suzukake who had been supplying her with the medicine for Sakyo and my son said he, too, gonna join the tourney. so she and Suzukake went to the tourney together to see Sakyo. they heard about Zantetsu (lol Suzu called him ojisan) being a merciless opponent and got worried when later Sakyo was to fight him. Sakyo showed some... I think some kind of arrest warrant or written right for him to ask for a duel to the death, for killing his father, mother and elder sister?? or something?? but since Sakyo having his arm still injured and his sword not fixed, he lost the match terribly. Suzukake and Kayo wanna see him at the back room where he was taken but got refused bc Sakyo was ‘desecrating the holy tourney ground with his selfish need to exact his revenge’ or something. Sakyo was to be dumped into jail but Enishi came by and after some ‘talking’ (remember; he is actually some big shot in the Edo castle), he promised that he will make sure Sakyo will be taken care of and would not be in jail.
Kimi -nice end-
all thanks to strings pulled by Enishi, Sakyo is free from being jailed. he met Kayo to tell her everything about his tragic past. when he was a kid (8yo I think), he had a terrible fever and was bedridden. this coincidentally made him hidden from a murdering oni who came for the entire Sagihara family, who he explained was the descendant of those who forged the Five Heavenly Swords. I could not get why the Sagiharas were killed, but Sakyo survived thanks to his nurse maid and incidentally inherited his family’s heirloom, the Hotarumaru. from the age of 12, he strive to become a samurai and would eventually hunt every oni he could find, but because Sakyo was defeated by Zantetsu in the tourney, Sakyo didn’t feel like he is worthy of such pride of his family’s name. he left it in a cave and determined to carry on life no longer as a samurai. Kayo, after hearing all these, understands the whole dilemma the dude is in, but she told him it’s not reason enough to leave behind what was precious to the memory of his family. convinced by her words, Sakyo and Kayo made their way to the cave where he left Hotarumaru and retrieve it. when he unsheathe it then, glowing orbs of light filled the dark cave like a real firefly. Sakyo was so ashamed that he almost abandoned the sword there and from then vowed to always carry it with him as if he was carrying his family on his shoulders. Kayo later convinced the sword fixer/sharpener(?) person to fix Hotarumaru.
after getting his sword back, he told Kayo he couldn’t let Zantetsu’s sin towards his family to go free so he left her one night with a letter he told her to open if he never returned. while he went for his supposed one-on-one duel, Kayo just can’t sit still waiting for Sakyo to come back. she went to follow him but met Kei on the way of his patrol. buddy told her to stay home while he grab some of his pals to help Sakyo. those pals turned out to be the rest of them samurai who went to Sunpu the other day! thankfully for that, Sakyo was saved by an ambush planned by Zantetsu. Tsuzumi was there as well as he was threatened with Nanae’s life he didn’t cooperate. in the end, Zantetsu is finally dead and Sakyo could then rest easy the revenge he was living for has ended.
in the after story, Sakyo married Kayo with the five samurai buddies became her real bridal escort procession to Sakyo’s home country of Yamashiro.
Kimi -another nice end-
not that different than the previous ending, but Kayo was there with her naginata to help with Sakyo instead of staying home. fortunately, she arrived when Zantetsu got done dead. later there was news regarding Sakyo wanting to return back to his home country and probably will not coming back, and everyone knew about Kayo’s relationship with Sakyo. they all asked if she’s going with him, or why she’s unbothered about him going away, but baby girl really didn’t know how to react. sure, they’re lovers, but Sakyo never told her what he planned to do in the future, or whether or not that involved her at all.
Kayo held another feast for her samurai friends and also doubles as a farewell to Sakyo but the dude came late and has no idea why ppl giving him a farewell party. Kayo noticed him looking angry and restless seeing how close the other samurai dudes with her. Sakyo later couldn’t sit still anymore and pulled her to talk alone. there he told her he has no plan on going home aside from a short trip to visit his family’s grave, and that he planned to open up a free shrine school (kinda like a private but small informal school) for kids like Yanohiko who got orphaned and not privileged enough for a basic education. Sakyo and Kayo promised to marry each other soon.
Ken -too terrible what the heck end-
Kayo still tried to convince Sakyo from acting on his revenge against Zantetsu. Sakyo got annoyed and angry bc of this, that he assaulted Kayo to show how much of a terrible guy he is in actuality. he part ways with her and supposedly never to see her again, but he found himself led by a mysterious force to a cave where the whole shits of Asakura trying to reincarnate Tadanaga. there was nothing there but an ominous looking sword called the Muramasa. Sakyo took it after hearing a woman’s ghostly voice lamenting about her unborn child. he immediately thought the ghost to be his dead sister who had returned to the Sagihara family due to her getting pregnant and wanted to stay close to her parents during the whole pre-natal care.
however unknown to Sakyo, it was a malevolent evil spirit which was leading him to find Zantetsu to murder him. he got drunk with the pleasure to kill and didn’t stop at just one person. he managed to kill 10 ppl in one night at Yoshiwara alone, and he wasn’t stopping anytime soon. Kayo actually met with Sakyo before going on his murdering rampage and he told her he had thrown away his Hotarumaru in a lake bc the evil spirits in Muramasa told him to. there was no doubt that the madman who was killing people in the night was Sakyo, the man that she loved. she asked the help of her samurai friends to stop Sakyo but things got much worst when Yanohiko became his victim. the boy just wanted to show Sakyo his spinning top.
eventually they figured out about the evil sword and thought they’d better try to separate Sakyo from it or kill him entirely. they went to the lake where Kayo heard Sakyo said he dumped Hotarumaru, thinking if there’s any humanity left in him, he might want to reunited with his family’s heirloom. unfortunately, in his clouded mind, Sakyo heavily injured Kayo and she succumbed to the wound despite whatever Suzukake tried to do. Sakyo decided to kill himself in a cave with some kind of explosive.
they met in the afterlife and thought to cross the Sanzu river together to... Heaven? but the evil sword reminded Sakyo how much of a sin he had committed, and that he belongs to Hell. Kayo decided to fall to the endless abyss with Sakyo for eternity. this is a terrible ending I hate it.
Ken -just as terrible end-
Kayo managed to stop Sakyo from killing Yanohiko but the dude fled after realizing what he was trying to do. Kayo figured out that he needed to be reunited with Hotarumaru so she went to the lake where he dumped it. Sakyo was there, but he has already made up his mind that nothing he could do would ever atone his sins so he jumped into the lake. Kayo follow suit and they woke up in the afterlife. they tried to cross the Sanzu river but Sakyo stopped halfway saying there’s a lot of angry ppl on the other side, not gonna let him into Heaven. they were the innocent lives he had murdered before. Kayo, on the other hand, didn’t see the angry souls but instead heard some familiar voices calling for her. Sakyo guessed it must have been her loved ones in the living world. he told her to follow the voice and lived a happy life for his behalf. Kayo woke up again surrounded by her panicky dad and her friends. they told her she was floating by the lake, but Sakyo’s body was nowhere to be seen.
the epilogue has Kayo wanting to pay respect to Sakyo’s victim’s graves.
*inhale, exhale*
well at least I like that in Sakyo’s four routes, the roles of the other samurai dudes are quite prominent. it’s nice to see the whole stupid scene with Tsuzu and Suzu arguing about the other stealing the food, Enishi teasing Saneaki that he can’t drink, also Kei the tsukkomi lol that was a nice scene.
FINALLY!!! now I get to my baby son, Suzukake!!!! I’ve actually half cleared his route before but didn’t see the ending yet. I SURE AS FLYING FUCKERY SHIT WILL NOT BE READY FOR THE ROUTE WHICH MY SON DIE!!!! probably I would skip it....
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lazulisong · 7 years
Yuri!!! on .... Chocobo? Midgar? idk
But would Yuuri truly be the simple chocobo rancher or the obsessive rancher determined to breed the ultimate, elusive, mythical Golden Chocobo for his beloved SOLDIER, on his quest to save the planet.
Yuri would be the simple chocobo rancher who occasionally shows up at the Golden Saucer with a new breed of chocobo to race and leaves a trail of broken hearts behind him. He’s dressed in black. His hair is done. He’s wearing contacts. (Minako said do it or Else, and Yuri is not dumb enough to ask what Else is.) He looks as sleek and handsome as his black chocobo. He’s convinced everybody is wondering why that hick is trying to race with the big boys when in fact his nickname is Eros and there’s serious money on being the first one to prove you got him in bed. General Nikiforov is a big fan of the way his competent hands stroke chocobos as they push their heads affectionately against his chest. 
This hit me right in the kokoro and sent right back to when I was a trash fangirl who made my first trip to Japan just to buy ff7 doujinshi and reading a million fanfics. Of course yuuri would breed the mythical golden chococbo for General Viktor and secretly dream of raising baby chicobos for the general in his dreams, right up until general Viktor slam dunks a midgar zolom on a handy tree while yuuri is short sightedly wrangling suicidal chicabos out of the swamp.
1. oh god i read so much shitty FF7 fic in my time???
2. yes okay but I submit to u: General Nikiforov going after a Midgar Zolom and it escaping -- and then as he’s chasing after it he hears a CRUNCH. He follows the sound and finds A Regular Normal Dime A Dozen Unspecial Just A Chocobo Farmer covered in swamp muck, draped in chicobos, and scolding a mother chocobo for nesting in the swamp AGAIN. The Zolom is very, very dead. After General Nikiforov picks up his jaw the A Regular Normal Dime a Dozen Just a Chocobo Farmer (whose muddy clothes cling to his muscles) squints at him and says “What are you doing here this swamp is dangerous” and General Nikiforov finds himself being scolded onto the chocobo with the chicobos and taken to the Chocobo Ranch.
 Yuri announces to his sister he’s tired of chocobos nesting in weird places and also, he broke his glasses and needs his spares. He puts his spares on and turns to scold the lost traveler again and promptly tries to die in shame. 
General Nikiforov is ENCHANTED. Then he sees the black chocobo and realizes that this cute soft birb nerd is in fact the mysterious and beautiful jockey of the Golden Saucer and loses his shit. 
Yuri briefly considers moving into a chocobo nest. But he still wants to breed General Nikiforov a golden chocobo even if it does turn out he’s a huge absentminded dingus who is allergic to shirts.
(Item: may make Yuuko a chocobo or at least the triplets into chicobos? For the laffs, of course.)
Anyway it turns out Yuri tried to enter the SOLDIER program and failed out, like Cloud Stife, but unlike Cloud Strife did not have a mental collapse and decide he was his BFF, just moved back to the ranch and then come to find out he just got unnatural strength and reflexes out of it, which is not a bad thing when you are dealing with horse-sized chickens for a living, tbh. 
Then ??? ???? ???? a lot of mutual saving later VIctor is cured from the bad effects of being shot up with pure earth magic and then they raise chocobos together. 
HOLY WOW HOW THE HELL DO YOU KEEP COMING UP WITH THE B E S T IDEAS please for the love of all that's good in this world TELL US MORE.
sleep deprivation and injudicious amounts of caffiene :|b
also @hystericblue, we’ll see lmao this may be an ask box only thing like Yuri on Layer. It was just you know 11:30pm and it suddenly dawned on me that Victor has the same coloring as a Jenova Clone. Y I K E S @ me.
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temari-i-i · 7 years
OH MY GOD THATS SO CUTE?!! IM IN PUBLIC RIGHT NOW AND PEOPLE ARE GIVING WE WEIRD LOOKS BECAUSE IM SQUEALING BUT THOSE KIRI KIDS REALLY HIT ME RIGHT *gestures at heart* HERE AAAAAalso I would love to commission you but I am very broke at the moment so maybe One Day
right in the kokoro lol sorry and aaaaaah thank you????? that’s so sweet im???????? and it’s OK ahahah there are plenty of artists I would love to commission but I don’t have money either don’t worry I feel u ^^ 
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k-sseulegi · 7 years
JJP fic rec~
I decided to make a list about my personal favorite jjp fics, in honor of their comeback. I do appreciate if you share your favorites with me as well~
Also don’t forget to stream Tomorrow, Today!!  ❀ 
Okay here we go:
Citation - (college au/smut/slow burn/side markson) savage and tsundere jinyoung, only-soft-for-jinyoung jaebum… bad first impressions, and denial of feelings everywhere. sounds quite realistic huh?
Renewal - (a sequel to Citation, where jy is 25 and jb is, well much older) as good as the first one but hella more angsty (yeah i love angst) (and i literally fall in love the characterization of jinyoungie in this one)
Compass Calling (pirate au/prince!jy/pirate!jb/very well-written smut (get ready to squeeze yo ass cheeks)/angst/violence etc...) this fic is e v e r y t h i n g for me… The sexual tension between jinyoung and jaebum is so pleasurable that i cant even. you sink into the atmosphere so easily, the writer is really gifted about portraiting the scenes. it also has a very deep and sad side markson, so get your kokoro ready for this… i can talk about this fic like 9 hours but it’s not necessary bc READ IT OKAY
Better Late Than Never (college au/rich boyz/rivals/fights and angst) ENEMIES TO LOVERS IS MY KINK OKAY i will fite you. ehm let’s get back to the fic, it’s quite dynamic, i mean every second sth happens, so you don’t get bored or lose your concentration. jealous!jaebum stans will love it ( ¬‿¬) 
It has a sequel too and it’s pure angst believe me —> Pace is the Trick
 On the Road to Happiness (coffee shop au/amnesia/fluff/smut/angst/dont be surprised if you see some markjin/ plus side yugbam) Another beautiful fic… Mark is jinyoungie’s first love for a thousand years,platonically ofc, however he’s getting married with another woman and jinyoungie is his best man. and after background information takes place, shit got really real… However the real charm point of the fic is CHIC AND SEXY AND POSSESSIVE AND JEALOUS AND JY’S PEACH STAN JB. i assure that you’ll also see lots of the chin thing dsdkdkf 
I’ll End Up Like Icarus (college au/fluff/romantic comedy)  You should read it, i dont know what else to say. This fic has the most iconic lines i swear you’ll understand what i mean after you read and i like coffee; coffee is the key for everything.
Do What We Do (one shot/smut/cross dressing) get ready to quality smut to the accompaniment of jinyoung wearing a red miniskirt and lowkey but strong jjp feels, that’s all i say.
Breathless (college au/coffee shops/fluff/romantic comedy/mark and jackson are dicks) CUTEST FIC I’VE EVER READ i want to write this fic’s url on my forehead so everyone can reach this beautiful fic and we can make the world a better place i’m serious. Savage, devilish but still cute as hell jinyoung and confused-one-night-stand-boi jaebum strike again!! ((In this point i want to note that the characterization is very important for me in fanfics. I can’t read neither passive and soft jinyoung, or serious and henpecked jb fics. They’re seem so unrealistic (you know what i mean) and boring to me so i don’t enjoy reading them)) Fluffy scenes in this fic make my phone’s screen crack bc of me throwing it to the meaningless spots in my room with a stupid giggle and blush; just a friendly warning before u read…
Glass Fingertips (soulmates/marks/high school au/fluff/angst/some illnesses/dont worry noone’s gonna die) jinyoungie who has just moved in seoul is from jeju island, the place he misses the most and jaebum is his classmate, a froward boy who usually gets into fights and is not liked by much people in their school. Jinyoung has a mark on his forearm which means he has a soulmate somewhere he doesn’t know yet. He’s afraid of the power of the fate and he doesn’t want to believe that a ridiculous mark suddenly has appeared on his arm can erase all his rights to control and direct his life. 
In other words; tough guy jaebum gets soft only for our dazed and confused jinyoung.
Work Sucks (smut/comedy/non au/jjp are officially boyfriends/jb’s about to explode lol) Basicially JB and Jinyoung haven’t have sex for weeks bc of their busy schedule, finally they have a day off but fuck their luck, they’re cockblocked by the world non-stop.
Stupid Lies: Let It All Burn Down (unrequited love/childhood friends/HEAVY ANGST/love triangles) I guess you should first read the previous parts of the Bleeding Love Saga series, but this part is my favorite so i only added this one. Even though it’s not finished yet, i have high expectations about this fic. Jaebum is a softie blindly in love and Jinyoung is an asshole that i don’t understand what he’s trying to do yet, i swore him about 6 minutes per chapter i admit it. *plays kokobop* It goes down down baby~
The Tiger & The Duke (sugar daddy jb/smut/angst/jealous!jb) Fav one of my faves… I personally am not a fan of sugar daddy fics, because everything happens so fast usually; i mean the daddy is the owner of everything, one day he sees our regular boy and falls in love with him immediately, is ready to give him the world etc… But in this fic everything develops slowly for both of them. I love this. And ofc it has savage and unattached jy and jealous, short-tempered and possesive jaebum; seriously what did you expect??
Bed Sheets (prostitute!jy/sugar daddy!jb/angst/smut) rich boy JB wanted our prostitute jy to be his fake boyfriend for one week and things started to get complicated. The characters and the plot are actually similar to The Tiger and The Duke actually but i love it whatsoever.
A Certain Romance (single dad!jb/baby yugyeom/escort!jy/fluff/smut/awkward situations) I’ll just copy paste the summary because that’s it: By day, he’s a top-rated babysitter. By weekends he’s an x-rated escort. These things are generally kept separate, until the day his weekend regular gets his phone number by recommendation and calls for an emergency babysitter. The problem is that Jaebum doesn’t know that Junior the escort is also Jinyoung the babysitter.In which Jaebum and Jinyoung know each other in the biblical sense but maybe want to get to know each other, too.
Also baby yugyeom is too precious for this world.
Walls of Glass (ABO dynamics/tattoos/omega!jb/alpha!jy/enemies to you’ll see/smut) This one is probably my favorite A/B/O universe fic. Jaebum’s family which is the number one enemy of jinyoung’s family (which is a new-house), is an old-house one and has been pure blood alpha for hundreds of years and everyone was sure jaebum is an alpha too, until suddenly the omega tattoo appeared on his neck in the middle of his alpha class. (I’m a simple person; if there’s tsundere jinyoung, sign me in)
The Buckwheat Flower (historical/war/one shot) It’s sad. It’s really sad. It leaves you purposeless. If you’re already sad don’t read it because tears won’t stop. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that very scene.
Hypersystem (sci-fi/unrequitted love) Another fic that broke my heart so bad. You’ll enjoy it if you’re interested in math and stuff tho. Jaebum is in love with Jinyoung for years, but Jinyoung is with Mark. Any other detail i give would be spoiler so i’ll shut up.
Falsettos, Stains, and Drama (high school au/drama club/fluffromeo!jb/juliet!jy/aaaand some jealous!bambam lol /everyone is so cute and shy omg) I’ll end this rec post with a fluffy one. Where the year’s play is Romeo and Juliet and everyone becomes wholly absorbed in their role. 
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captainpettie · 7 years
I was tagged by @kiti-the-warrior-poet​ who’s the best go follow her.
A - Age: 21
B - Biggest fear: Moving back in with my parents. Idk why, but the idea fills me with anxiety.
C - Current time: 8:43pm.
D - Drink you had last: Water.
E - Every day starts with: Opening my phone and scrolling through my social media.
F - Favorite song: It changes alt the time, but today, it’s “Lifted” by CJ.
G - Ghosts, are they real: I’m gonna go with no, personally. I’m personally of the opinion that we just die and that’s the end.
H - Hometown: Midland, Michigan.
I - In love with: Dylan O’Brien, tbh.
J - Jealous of: People who can socialize without working themselves up to it. I always have to prep for it and I can only do it for so long before I just burn myself out.
K - Killed someone: Um no?
L - Last time you cried: When I watched “Wonder Woman” actually. Just, experiencing that movie was such a gift.
M - Middle name: Marie.
N - Number of siblings: Two. Both of my brothers are older than me.
O - One wish: I wish I had someone in my life who wasn’t blood related to me but still like genuinely loved me? Not even romantically tho. I feel like most of my friends right now are people who would walk away when things got tough.
P - Person you last called/texted: My brothers.
Q - Question you’re always asked: Why can’t you do x? I have scoliosis, so that limits me physically a lot and no one seems to get that.
R - Reason to smile: I’m watching 30 Rock now and that’s pretty funny.
S - Song last sang: “Spring Day” by BTS on my drive home yesterday.
T - Time you woke up: 8:00am.
U - Underwear color: Black and white polka dots ayyyyyy
V - Vacation destination: Well if you’re gonna make me pick one, I’m gonna say Scotland.
W - Worst habit: Procrastinating. I had a paper due at 11:30pm tonight and I just started it at 3pm today.
X - Xrays you’ve had: So many haha. I broke my collar bone when I was kid, plus I’ve dozens upon dozens of x-rays of my spine done, cause you know, scoliosis.
Y - Your favorite food: I love anything sweet, and I love carbs. Baked potatoes are a top pick for me.
Z - Zodiac sign: Cancer.
Okay, I tag my lovely friends @only1sterek, @derekhles, @shelton-devers, @sora-kokoro, @paradoxicalbullshit, @tanktopsandplaidboxers, @thealphaownsme, and I know you’ve already been tagged, but also @bankroll1001. And anyone else who wants to do it! Just go for it!
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victakestaipei · 7 years
WEEK 4 RECAP: “Power, Chase Bank Complaints, and TYPHOON SEASON”
As I stated in my previous posts, I’m really really really sorry for the delay here on my WEEK 4 RECAP. Granted, my weeks have started to become pretty routine; But I still like to keep my word with you guys and blog every weekend, despite the topic being my humdrum weekdays.
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Anyway, let’s get to it:
My monday was one for the books, honestly. I stayed in bed all day long blogging and doing homework and just being a bum. It felt awesome. We got in from the Philippines early this morning, and I didn’t actually get in the bed until about 4am, so I took the liberty of playing hooky, and NO RAGRETS! 
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I only left the house to get breakfast with Bunny... We went to this breakfast joint by our house and I splurged on an egg scallion pancake, a breakfast sandwich, orange juice, and a hash brown patty. It was bomb, but who am I kidding, it’s always bomb. I didn’t end up doing my homework until later in the evening, which ended up backfiring because I had SO MUCH HOMEWORK TO CATCH UP ON. It was actually pretty insane, but I still got it all done. For dinner Bunny and I picked up some potstickers from the place right outside our dorms that you all have already heard SO much about because we literally go there multiple times a week. Like I said in my intro... HUM. DRUM. 
Today we went to the bakery before class, I had my daily tea, and barely survived the 3 hour period. After class we went to the gym, and I did leg day today. My legs were shaking so much, it was like they had turned to jelly over the weekend. I think this is due to the fact I took 4 days off🙄 but I managed to get my mile down to 8:30 today!!! Y’ALL!!! BASK IN THE GLORY!!! Progress!!! Slowly but surely!!!  
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After the gym we went to a restaurant on the Shi Da market for lunch, and ordered fried chicken curry with rice and veggies. It was super good, and only 100 NT! (About $3.35 US).  
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Afterwards, we went home and I took the longest shower ever, and then a nap (I really really needed it). I got up just to do homework, and then crawled back into the bed. I found a website that lets me watch Power online so that I can FINALLY catch up to the new season. BLESS UP!!! I started watching this show over the summer, but then I got caught up with other stuff so I never caught all the way up. I last left off on Season 2 Episode 7, but I heard the new season 4 is BATSHIT CRAZY so I need to catch up PRONTO. (Also, can I just take a minute and say I freakin’ hate Angela??? Ugh. Tasha is a ride or DIE and Angela comes waltzing in and I’m just mad as hell. Ghost is such a punkass. I literally cannot deal. Let me shut up while I’m ahead before ya’ll comment and spoil something for me.)
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...He still fine as hell though... :-’)
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For dinner we went to the Gong guan night market to get Gua Bao (remember those pork hamburger things from my “WEEK 2 RECAP” post? “Gua Bao? Gua BOMB!”) and egg scallion pancakes. We didn't leave the house until after 11pm, so alot of our options were closed at that point. 
I actually got up on time to head to the bus, and I was WELL RESTED!! Wow, such a rare occurance. In class I got a 95% on my dialogue quiz today. I’m getting used to pulling these A’s, but our lessons have gotten significantly harder so I find myself reviewing the characters twice as much as usual. Ew.
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At the gym I did chest/shoulders/abs. I wore the wrong leggings to the gym today... I wore my normal black leggings instead of my work out leggings, so I didn't do cardio because I didn't want to be all sweaty in my normal cloth leggings... I don’t know I'm weird I guess?? But my ass was looking PHAT at the gym since I had normal leggings on hehe
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After the gym Bunny and I tried this Italian spot by our school. They have a lunch menu where you can get a dish AND a side for 99 NT!!! (3-4$ US). What a deal!! I ordered pesto penne pasta and pumpkin soup as my side. Pretty plain, but still super yummy!
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After lunch I went home to shower and do my homework and relax. Bunny and I got dinner around 9 because we were STARVING more than usual. I guess the soup and pasta didn’t do it for me. We hopped on the bus to head to Gong guan, but we missed our exit so we ended up taking the bus all the way to our school to go to the Shi Da night market there. MIND YOU I LOOK LIKE A CRAZY CAT LADY. I twisted my hair up and put on two bandanas after taking a shower and putting product in... and I had on a long flowy printed dress I got from the Philippines. Needless to say I looked crazy, in my shower flip flops. We got the soy sauce noodles to-go, with green beans, udon, cabbage, broccoli, and tofu. I also got to chat with my mom on skype tonight which was nice, after struggling to get her speakers to work (for like 20min) so she could actually hear me. I stuffed my face while on the phone with her, and she cheekily said “how come whenever I get you on skype you ALWAYS EATIN??” Then proceeds to laugh hysterically and say “you gonna regret it!! It’s gonna go straight to your hips!!!” ......So charming *eyeroll*, gotta love her lol.... 
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I went to bed super late because I had the migraine of a lifetime. I think it might have been because I didn’t get a tea this morning... Caffeine headaches will be the death of me.
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I woke up with the same migraine, and was moving slow because I was so tired and my head was banging!! It was like the drummer guy from Whiplash was putting in WERK on my forehead. I was about 10 minutes late to class... I tried to rush because I knew we had a test in class, but I just couldn’t bring myself to get out of the bed on time. Kokoro (the Japanese student in my class) and I rode on the same bus to class, he was late too because he had gone clubbing last night! On a Wednesday??... Turns out, it doesn’t matter what day of the week it is here, it’s lit at the club every night. 
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Class was good today. It didn't feel like it dragged as much. But, I was starving the whole time because I didn’t have time to grab some food before strolling into the class. Our teacher referenced the upcoming typhoon today! Meaning, it will be pouring, dumping rain all next week, starting this weekend. There will also be fierce winds. She told us how many people stay home and grocery shop a lot beforehand because transportation and a lot of businesses are closed. For those of you who don’t know, a typhoon is basically a hurricane. I'm not mentally prepared. Our teacher said that typhoon season lasts three months, starting in August. I’m nervous about the food aspect because we don't have a fridge in the dorm so I'm about to be eating perishables all week... canned beans and rice? God, I’m not excited. But maybe class will be cancelled a few days this week? A girl can dream!!!
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In the gym it was leg day yet again! My legs weren’t half as shaky as tuesday so that’s good. I ran a 8:45 mile, after almost DYING on the first treadmill I hopped on. I was adjusting the speed and the treadmill skipped and I almost flew the fuck off. My arms were flailing and I let out this loud/awkward noise and everyone was looking at me. I caught my balance and didn't die, but I definitely quietly turned off the machine and moved to another treadmill shortly after. I think that messed up my mojo because while I was running I was constantly paranoid of the same thing happening on the machine next door. 
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After the gym the three of us went to Shi Da market. I pulled out cash from the ATM but was pretty bitter about it because I looked at my bank statement and my bank (Chase Bank) charges a $5 FEE WITH EVERY NON-CHASE ATM WITHDRAWAL that I make... THAT ADDS UP?!!! Are u kidding me??! I’M BROKE AS IT IS CHASE, CUT ME SOME SLACK!!! I'm so salted. I hate Chase Bank. They suck ass. Do you know how many WITHDRAWALS I’VE HAD TO MAKE WHILE HERE??? I need a Charles Schwab account because it seems like they’re the only bank not trying to PLAY US.
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I tried a new place for lunch where they had these small fried dumplings. I would show a picture but I inhaled it so fast that I didn't get to. So here's a picture of the box...hehe
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I also got some more dragonfruit today    V   so so good.
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After the gym I came home, showered, and relaxed. I ended up napping around 8 and woke up at like 10:30pm... I did my homework in class so I'm probably just going to eat something small and crawl back into the bed. I got a banana at the Family Mart convenience store and some apple juice and a pack of yan yans. Yan Yans are those pretzel stick things that come with the chocolate dip and they’re super good?? I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. I talked to Karis on the phone, and then Paris shortly after that. It was SO GOOD to see Paris’s face and hear his voice after so long. :-’) I miss you roomie!! I knocked out again after hanging up with him.
This morning I woke up to a power outage on our Gong guan campus. If this is any tell of how the rest of the weekend/next week is going to be with the upcoming typhoon, I am not ready.
I got a 99 on my quiz today... I. AM. HURT. It was so so close I could taste the perfect score!!
Today I brought my umbrella to class because the typhoon starts this afternoon/evening. Class breeezed by because there was only 7 of us today. It was back day at the gym, and it was great! I’m definitely going to be sore. And I did some booty workouts on the floor afterward. After the gym we went to Gong guan market (the one by our house, not the Shi Da one by campus) to get some food and look for a SIM card for Bunny’s phone (so that she can have a local phone number and consistent data). We stopped and got pork buns and mango before heading home. 
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When I got home I finally was able to decompress from the long week. I relaxed for a few hours before leaving the house at 10pm to go to the grocery store with Bunny. When we got to the grocery store, it was about an hour or so before closing, and it looked like the apocalypse hit. All the shelves were sweeped, but we got some food to get us through the weekend.... Like wine and rice and potatoes and eggs and snacks. After the grocery store we headed home to relax and shelter away from the upcoming typhoon.
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I made breakfast this morning after finally leaving the bed at 1:30 pm. I made eggs and papas!! - An old fave. (Jaylene I miss you). I also cut up some apples too to eat with peanut butter. It was good, but the papas weren't up to par because I only had two seasonings... Sad day. 
The rest of the day was spent in bed, watching Power and being a couch potato. At 8:30pm our power went out again, but only for a few minutes. It was getting pretty crazy outside at this point. You could hear the wind howling and tree branches swinging and water pushing its way through the cracks in the closed windows of the bathroom/bedroom. 
At 9pm is when I spilled my Pink Moscato on my laptop. HOW COULD SOMETHING SO SWEET BETRAY ME SO HARSHLY?? My computer immediately died after letting out this depressing noise and became completely non-responsive...and so did I. I was on the brink of a meltdown. To keep from succumbing to panic, I put my phone on DND and went to sleep at 9:30pm. I literally knocked the hell out. That’s the best way to avoid problems/conflict right? Take ya ass to sleep.
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I woke up by 4:45/5am, and reality set in. I spoke to my mom on the phone, and she helped calm me down and rationalize the situation. I was a mess. I still am a mess. I cannot afford a new computer right now, and I'm nervous about going to get it fixed because I don't want to be taken advantage of, and I wouldn't know the difference either way... I'm clearly foreign. But I have 8 years of memories and information stored on this laptop, so I'm not letting it go without a fight. I called a few places that claim to fix Apple products on Google, but none of them turned up with any real answers. So after 12pm, I ended up going to the Apple Store at Taipei 101. I took a quick shower and brought a bunch of stuff I figured I might need: my laptop, external hard drive, a flannel, umbrella, towels, a hat, and snacks. I've never been outside when there was a typhoon brewing so it's better safe than sorry right? As soon as I walked outside I could tell something was off. There weren't a lot of people bustling about, and there were countless fallen branches and leaves covering the sidewalks and roads.
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I hopped on the bus, and then the MRT, to head to Taipei 101, the tallest skyscraper in Taiwan. I had this lingering thought in the back of my mind... let me illustrate... “Is it a good idea to go to the tallest sky scraper in Taiwan when there’s a hurricane with strong winds/ pouring rain just waiting to happen?”... All i could picture is the structure toppling over with all of us inside and causing this huge disaster, similar to something straight out of an Apocalyptic movie like 2012.... Anyway, I arrived just before 1pm, and come to find out, the Apple Store is CLOSED. I’m salty. All the lights are on and the store would otherwise look open, it's just that there's no one inside. It's completely empty. Even all the devices on display are powered on. It was kinda errie... Like those paper towns the military sets up, where it looks like a normal town and everything, just no one lived there...  I looked online (again) and went to their actual website where it says today (and only today) they open at 2pm instead of 11am. So I just waited around the mall for an hour until they opened. I found a bench and an outlet so I was just sitting here chilling....Glad I brought my snacks. ;)
When the time finally came to go back to the Apple Store, that overwhelming feeling came rushing over me again. I ended up crying like a PUNK to the customer service lady. So annoying!!! Ugh. I was a fragile mess. I spoke to two different managers who both spoke perfect English, and they helped to reassure me that they would try their best to help me. I have to come back tomorrow for a walk-in appointment with the Genius Bar. Fingers crossed they can help me, or at least retrieve/save my information. 
I left Taipei 101 feeling pretty defeated, so I got some McDonalds on the way home... I know it sounds silly but I needed comfort food and something that felt like home. I ordered the filet o fish (which I crave daily), with fries and a coke. This was not my best moment, but the whole meal only cost 95 NT!! (Less than $3.20). CRAZY! 
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I came home and that’s when I started reading my book that I keep mentioning, “You Are A Badass” By Jen Sincero. It helped me to feel better and get into a better frame of mind. 
I took a break from reading to help Bunny make curry for tonight’s dinner. It was BOMB and came out fairly well if I may say so myself. I’ll definitely be making curry more often when I come back to the States.
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I finished reading my book just before calling it a night. SUCH a good read I cannot stress this enough!!! I learned so much from Jen’s words and she adds funny stories/anecdotes and the way she describes things is just so relatable. If you have a chance to read it I definitely recommend!!!
I went to sleep pretty late, I was laying in bed catching up with Jay (via text) and other friends from back home. Before closing my eyes, I decided to practice meditation, which is one of the key concepts in the book. I wasn’t very successful the first time, because it was hard to clear my mind and just be still. I know it takes practice, so I’m going to try to dedicate time every day to meditate for at least 5 minutes! Feel free to join me on this challenge, it’s supposed to reap unprecidented benefits!
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Also, please pray that when I take my laptop in tomorrow to the Apple Store they can fix whatever’s wrong!!! I need all the prayers I can get. I’m speaking it into existence now: MY COMPUTER WILL LIVE. IT WILL RISE AGAIN. IT WILL POWER ON.
Until next time,
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