#u kno waht.
boxheadpaint · 1 year
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fairy king
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maz-koshia · 1 year
sorry im never not going to be upset about the utter lack of sheikah tech in totk
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equalseleventhirds · 2 years
logically i know that i have been relatively lucky w/ how covid hit me, but emotionally i am big mad abt the long covid symptoms, especially when they get worse at night. nighttimes is my time for me, not my time for being short of breath and achy and brain bad & slow.
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pjackk · 4 months
MAsculinity is being systimatically Undermidnded and Destroyed in our society due to Ufo👽 infiltration + sabotage to our goverment they kno it will be the hunks + muscle🐖's that will rise upbyo defeat there dopey looking goofy ass big bald heads even tho their body makws them high key twinky/twunky + kind of good with it but sadly they are destroting Men's Sperm's via saturnite chemtrale radioactivity being relesed into the atmosphere + into the city tap via collusion with Clintonite Molemen of the Big Apples sewers or "worm holes" as i like to call them be safe & vigilant if u are high key scared as fuck u can lmk i am there for u we can chill and watch 🔥 as fuck funny movies and just we can see waht feels good hibestly if it goes farther then just cuddling im cool with it and actuslly feel that itbwould be good to share our life force with each other thru tantric male erotic bonding its linking up on a whole new level with our spirits & shit Guru Kevin taught me im really in need of sexual attention right now and ive been 🙏praying to Him/Our Savior every day to get some corn cob type dick its been 2 weeks and i feel like my mind is just so fucked uoband foggy i think there are bad proteins building up in my biodiesels and i was so so scared this would happen i need help badly i dont think i will be arojnd much longer if it doesnt get released
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flowercrowncrip · 3 months
hi i saw the ask about the easystand and, no pressure of course, it might be worth a try for u! i didnt kno waht it was so i looked it up, and i dont wanna be that guy that gives unsolicited advice, but the easystand site says that it can improve kidney abd bladder function. it might be worth askin ur doctor about considering ur retention problems at the moment. itd be so cool if it made it more manageable for u
That’s really interesting about bladder stuff. I know that standing is also good for digestion and breathing which I also have difficulty with.
I know anecdotally that it is often really difficult to access standing frames on the NHS if you’re an adult who isn’t expected to relearn how to stand/ walk, but I have a neurophysio appointment coming up and I might ask the person there.
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snaileo · 2 years
Top 5 batshit characters you’ve encountered
in Nooooo particular order...hmmm i really gotta think about this cuz i feel there are Easy ones i could list. but then again this isnt objective, nor do i need to dig deep for this to be a nice list. 1. Umataro Tenma
Of course I feel the first i should mention is Umataro Tenma. like I can't start this list off any other way, this man recreated his own son in the form of a robot and then abandoned him when his senses came to him ( but they left as soon as they showed bc man was back on his bullshit next day) like truly. Batshit King. and thats only his most well know Shit. like this one time he deliberately went back in time, i dont even remember what for, i think it was steal the not Yet Awake atom, and his younger self SEES HIM and LIGHTS HIM UP. theyre BOTH batshit young and old
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like. i feel like we dont talk about how tenma was strapped enough.
2. Terry Silver
The next batshit queen on my mind recently is none other than Terry Silver. It Is Very Normal And Well Adjusted Behavior to terrorize a teenager, torturing him physically and emotionally, all because your Bestie, Your Cinnamon Fucking Apple, told you to. You know. Very Normal Behavior for people in their idk. 40s. Dude is a coked up billionaire and he wanted to play the part of Humble Down to earth man so well that he bought a beat up truck, all just to fuck with daniel.
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And Oh Totally normal to go through extensive therapy, turning your life around and overcoming it all, only for it all to be undone because?? Oh?? My Wrongdoings CAnnot BE UNDONE??? BY SAYING IM SORRY???" like the moment he realized daniel wasnt gonna accept his sorry ass excuse it was Over. 30 years of therapy down the toilet.
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3. Diva
Here's a more tragic one. The me from 6 years ago would kill me right now for even posting her face because I use to be SUCH a stickler for spoilers regarding her but idc right now
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ANYWAY shes for real batshit and shes one of those characters who you can be sympathetic towards, the tragedy of knowing how she got to be this way but god you deserve everything coming to you. There are many things she does as truly batshit but an often forgotten one is stealing the shoes of a man she just killed. And she's later shown putting them on, before continuing her killing spree and doing something that altered the trajectory of the story forever
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she also has an operatic voice, which her singing alone is an omen for bad things to come
4. The Monarch
This is a more recent one as rock had showed me The Venture Brothers and i hate this man. I hate him and i love him. I don't have much to say other than i want to bully him I genuinely want to bully him
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hes just so pathetic. he didnt want rusty getting therapy because he couldnt shit on his day , because well...he was in therapy and theres rules, so he killed his therapist so he'd be free. to. Shit on his day like i dont kno waht to tell you.
this one may feel cheap but understand that like. him being batshit is the greatest thing ever .and hes def one of my favs in terms of being batshit. he made the show such a wild ride and like Cookie I am Looking at you we WILL watch Hannibal (tv show) idk wanna say anything else for spoilers but yeah theres some batshit characters for u
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
I’m late for drunk hour because I’m at the ren fair and the signal is terrible but here’s a question for whoever’s the funniest drunk: how would you solve the problem of no system of government remaining practical when scaled up to the size of nations with billions of people? Do you think there is a system of government that could work at that scale? Or should we be focusing on systems that allow many small community governments to cooperate on the scale of nations?
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But anyway
Prox: if yur meenin th empire by "modenr n8ion" then *wave hands around him* it sux butt it works? u kno waht else sux butts? *eyebrow waggles*
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byregot · 11 months
golbez is reblog backwards!
the real backstory is he's just the ultimate tumblr user thats what squenix doesnt waht u to kno
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oufrelou · 1 year
hey srry to bug you but i jus t realised how old U are and i jst wanted toask if it s alright tht i still follow yu ... i am 19 but i really do not want to intrude at alll so let me know if tha makes U uncomfortable.i followed U back a whiel ago afetr you followd me i think. but i didnt realise so ahh!! let me kno if youd rather i softblock you i just want 2 make sure U are aware since i dontthink its very obvious on my blog how odl i am. also feel free to ignore this if you dont care or post something vague about this ask i will totaly take the hint if youd rathe rnot respond to this directly !! no hard feelings at all no matter waht U pick :]
gonna b honest that i have some trust issues towards ppl 17+ due to personal shit BUT just as long as ur like. not being creepy towards me idrc if u follow me!! /gen
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low-po1y-princess · 2 years
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Play your tricks and all I get is just confusion
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gayspock · 3 years
the only reason i dont smoke is because im too shy to talk 2 the person at the counter...... same reason im too shy to walk into a bakery........................... or any shop where i got to see osmeone ..... i go to tesocs for self checkout ....... and if an unexpected item ends up in my bagging area i dont even wait for help .... i just kill myself before they can get 2 me..... im shy like that
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ryonello · 5 years
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drew myself a new icon 🥰
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dollyprincessollie · 4 years
cannot stop thinkign abt the dream i had abt keiji like 2 nights ago,, i told travis but i think im ready to Tell The World now
so basically i saw 2 ppl i used to go to school with in like. middle school and they were like “oh yea havent u heard?? keiji shinogi is a real person :))” and he,,, was indeed a real person. a real person who was a TWITCH STREAMER?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!.......... and they both showed me a clip of him admitting to having feelings for me on stream like.... epic but also WHat
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equalseleventhirds · 4 years
was feelin FINE (aside from achy joints) and then suddenly my body said lmao NOPE and i just fuckin. passed tf out. am awake again now but like. for how long. am feelin REAL wobbly n sleepy.
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yikeen · 4 years
😳 what if we kissed
what if we were both girls and braindead and kissed passionately😳👉👈
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saepiae · 5 years
i just wanna b with someone that makes me feel the same way that twice music does
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