#u know u fucked up when ur mortal enemy has to speak your feelings for u
haunted-xander · 11 months
I think about that scene in the Ocular where Ryne suggests she fuse with Minfilia properly so so much. It manages to very clearly demonstrate exactly what is wrong with her & Thancred's current dynamic.
First of all: Minfilia. The ghost of Minfilia is constantly haunting them both, it's the root of Thancred's grief and reticence as he doesn't want to lose her again, but nor does he want to lose Ryne. And for Ryne, she's the source of the constant objectification she's been subjected to her entire life, proof of her worthlessness as an individual person. The scene has the existance of Minfilia be the main point of tension, being that this whole plan will decide once and for all if she comes back or not.
And secondly: The complete lack of communication and, as a result, massive misunderstandings. Thancred says everything but the things he should, never telling Ryne anything regarding how he actually views or feels about her, be it in regards to Minfilia, or as her own individual person. And Ryne in turn assumes so much about how Thancred DOES view and feel about her, believing without a doubt that he wishes she was gone just so Minfilia could return.
This scene is the first and only place were Ryne actually confronts him about this, directly telling him 'I know you haven't told me anything because you thought it best for me'. She also says she thought it the best at first too, meaning that the sentiment she repeats throughout shb of 'I wish he'd just say he hates me' is a (relatively) more recent thing. What she has wrong, however, is that she actually doesn't know Thancred's true feelings like she claims. And when she says she does, Thancred immediately tells her 'No. No you do not', all while never actually saying anything to indicate what he actually feels (his ability to avoid voicing is feelings is almost impressive at this point. Also very depressing).
And the cherry on top is that the one who actually manage to grasp and voice the truth in this interaction is fucking Emet-Selch. Mr. I-dont-even-consider-you-alive is the one who is open about the feelings involved. Emet-fucking-Selch. Thancred gets so pissed off about it, too(tbf he gets pissed off at everything Emet does but, ya know).
And then he storms out and Ryne, who isn't looking at anyone let alone Thancred, doesn't really see his full reaction to Emet's words and therefore still hasn't quite grasped what Thancred is actually feeling, the poor girl.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
all aboard the mystery machine | (feat. the gym 3 squad and y/n)
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this was inspired by a post by @kenchiko which was the ‘being in a friend group with gym three squad’ which i like to read when i’m sad. anyway, they all dressed up as the mystery gang and i thought it was so cute i decided to headcanon it. (thank u kenchiko i love ur tsukki stuff but i’m too shy to interact with u *waves*)
it was the day of electric spookaloos aka halloween and you and kuroo were hyped af 
mostly because you could play ‘this is halloween’ on loudspeaker with less weird stares than usual
and kuroo’s all about gROuP CosTUmeS 
previously the five of you had dressed up as the power rangers (which you switched for m&m’s because the helmets were too hard to make), the breakfast club, and the teen titans and now the five of you were going to top it off with…
‘the mystery gang from scooby doo!’ kuroo mentioned in your groupchat
no one noticed it except for bokuto who haha-reacted and then it resurfaced three days before halloween
kuroo and akaashi are the only ones who went all out with their costumes
kuroo has a blonde wig for his fred costume and akaashi also got a wig and made a dress for his daphne costume
bokuto ordered a cloth scooby doo mask online and forgot to order the rest of the body so he looks like inosuke from kny except his head is scooby doo
you and tsukki went to the dollar store on the day itself and just bought shirts for your velma and shaggy costumes
kuroo: you couldn’t even bother to get an orange sweater?
tsukki: it was fifty cents more expensive also i’m the blonde one so i should be fred
kuroo: well you didn’t binge-watch scooby doo all night and got only one hour of sleep so you had to sip akaashi’s pumpkin spiced latte before getting kicked by the owner of said latte
bokuto worked on spray painting kuroo’s pick-up truck to look like the mystery machine 
but the painting didn’t work out and only half of the letters are legible so you’re all piled into a pick-up truck that says ‘THE  Y T RY    AC  NE’ on the side
but you’re off to the only halloween party you were invited to !!
and you blast ‘this is halloween’ on loudspeaker while dancing in the backseat
except on the way tsukki gets a call from his boss (he works at a museum) abt some missing artifacts
you: why did he call you, don’t you just deliver coffee?
tsukki: *kicks you*
you: *kicks back and accidentally kicks bokuto*
bokuto, behind his mask: :’( 
kuroo: missing artifacts??? museum???? 
tsukki: nO–
kuroo: SOUNDS LIKE A JOB FOR THE MYSTERY GANG *drives to museum before anyone can say anything*
akaashi: this is the only party we’ve been cool enough to be invited to this year and we’re going to spend it in mcdonalds again after this is over
akaashi: nO
anyway you, kuroo, and bokuto are excited for this ~~mystery~~
the five of you are miraculously able to sneak past the guards and enter through the back because the mystery gang gave you their blessing to break and enter almost any building on halloween night
kuroo, immediately getting into fred jones mode: alright let’s split up gang! daphne and i will check the upper floors while velma, shaggy, and scooby, you take the basement
bokuto: ruh-roh!·         
you: splitting up is a surefire way for someone to get killed but go off, i guess?
kuroo: also, if anyone curses, they owe a quarter in the swear jar
akaashi: you can only use things like jinkies, jeepers, jiminy, or zoinks
tsukishima: i’m not fucking doing that
kuroo: that’s a quarter
anyway, you’re with bokuto and tsukishima so what could go wrong?
and it all starts when you guys go downstairs into a basement full of creepy artifacts and find a mysterious, glowing amulet
you: i don’t think we should touch that
bokuto, who can barely hear anything in his decapitated scooby mask: TOUCH IT!
tsukki doesn’t care enough to hold him back and bokuto touches the amulet
the basement shakes, the ground beneath you trembles, the amulet grows brighter and pale green apparition appears in front of you. its danny phantom a hooded figure with glowing eyes
tsukki: …a song by Fall Out Boy
you: *trying hard not to laugh but also scared shitless* …jinkies
bokuto: ruh-roh?
tsukki: huh, i guess someone rigged a hologram here as a prank. nice one
you: i mean, i work at customer service so…
tsukki: nice one *high fives you*
ghost: YOU HAVE– *stops when he actually sees bokuto* WHAT ABOMINATION IS THIS?
tsukki: mean, that’s just y/n
you: *kicks him*
meanwhile kuroo and akaashi are sleuthing it up upstairs
kuroo: *having a staring contest with one of the paintings displayed*
akaashi: what are you doing?
kuroo: you know how painting’s eyes tend to follow the main character in cartoons?
akaashi:,,,kuroo that’s a painting of an apple
kuroo: i could have sworn i saw some red eyes 
akaashi: i don’t think anyone would be blazing it in a museum. come on, let’s check the next room
while walking past a row of suits of armor, one of the displays turns its head (but no one notices it yet shhhhh)
back at the basement
the ghost is wreaking havoc: chairs are thrown against the wall, vases are cracked, the faint smell of sulphur is in the air. you and bokuto are fucking terrified and look more like shaggy and scooby despite your shitty cosplays. tsukishima doesn’t believe in anything that’s going on
tsukki: man, these guys here are really putting effort into this prank
ghost: *starts chanting in some unknown, ancient language*
tsukki: ah, nice touch. you watch lord of the rings?
you: tSUKKI NO-
bokuto: don’t worry! i’ll exorcise this spirit with my bible knowledge!
akaashi: *shivers* i just had the strangest feeling that bokuto called manga messiah the bible again
kuroo: zoinks! sounds like him
akaashi: *trying not to cringe* anyway, they’re probably not doing anything right now
the basement, atm: just a complete fucking mess
the walls have started bleeding but somehow y’all are still a-okay
that’s because tsukki’s so salty he’s basically a salt circle with 10m radius but you didn’t hear that from me
the ghost is also tired at this point 
also bokuto is really fucking scared but decides to end things ONCE and FOR ALL
he stands up from under the desk and just tackles the ghost like a football player
he didn’t think that he’d pass through the ghost
but seeing a buff dude with a scooby doo head is enough to scare mr. blood-dripping-from-the-walls shitless, especially when he fucking passes through him
ghost: *disappears back into the amulet*
you: and you still don’t believe that’s real??? 
tsukki: ghosts aren’t real
you: *ready to throw hands*
you pocket the amulet because you can send it to your enemies 
meanwhile: upstairs
kuroo: man, i’d give anything to be chased by a scooby-doo villain dressed in a suit of armor 
a suit of armor: *starts chasing them*
akaashi, in his best daphne voice: jeepers! we better get out of here! 
kuroo, crying out how perfectly akaashi emulated daphne: let’s split up gang!
they don’t split up tho that would be dumb
*cue classic scooby doo chase scene with the music*
and then as they round a corner they run into you, tsukki, and bokuto fresh from the basement and you all fall into a heap
tsukki: *sees the suit of armor running towards then* ah fuck, what now?
kuroo: laNGUAGE *hands him the swear jar*
akaashi: NOT THE TIME
bokuto stands up and once again tackles the knight and this time he doesn’t pass through
it takes five (5) of you to tie up this one (1) guy 
kuroo: oh my god, i’m ready
you: ready for what?
bokuto: the final unveiling
kuroo: now let’s see who’s behind all this! *rips off the helmet which tears off like a mask don’t ask me why but apparently that happens*
and it’s…Bokuto!!
everyone: *gasps and turns to Bokuto who FINALLY removes the scooby doo mask*
tsukki: *gasp* you’re the creepy british dude who keeps trying to buying our local artifacts to display at The British Museum!
akaashi: neo-imperialism is real
bokuto in the suit of armor: guys help!! he kidnapped me!!
all of you (except tsukki because he’s so done at this point) tackle mr. british villain who you thought was bokuto
finally the right person has been tied up
kuroo: your days of stealing artifacts are over!
british villain (let’s say he looks like jude law or something): and i would have gotten away with it…
kuroo: *grabbing your arm* oh my god! he’s gonna say it! he’s gonna say it!
british villain/jude law: …if it weren’t for you fUCKERS!
*dead silence*
kuroo tries to hand him the swear jar but akaashi puts his hand down
you: can we call the police? 
akaashi: *gags* fuck the police 
you: he’s white, british, and a man. they won’t do anything to him
akaashi: exactly
tsukki: hey, you still have that amulet from earlier, right?
you: the CURSED amulet with the GHOST inside?
akaashi: the what now? 
tsukki: yeah, maybe leave it with this guy? and then he’ll get pranked
at this point you’re too tired to argue with mister ghosts-aren’t-real so you leave the amulet with jude law and the five of you get out of the museum and pile into the mystery machine
akaashi: do you think the party’s still going?
you: we could hang out in mcdonalds again like last year
but otw to mcdonalds kuroo’s phone rings and he picks up
kuroo: hello? b-bokuto?
bokuto, over the phone: guys where are you??? the party started hours ago and my headless scooby-doo onesie is hard to get out of and i need to pee !!
akaashi: but…
you all turn to look at ‘bokuto’ sitting between you and tsukki in the backseat. he removes his mask.
it’s…jude law !! 
*cue ending music*
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buffyromanoff · 5 years
A Month Without You
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Warnings: Kind of angsty, kind of fluffy
Requests: ▪Hi! Idk if ur still taking requests (sorry if I’m too late) but would u be willing to do a nat x fem reader fic where they live together and had a fight and aren’t really speaking but nat finds out the reader is sick with a cold and decides to take care of her and forget the fight?
▪Hi! can i request fighting + making up with nat?
You knew what you did was wrong, but apologizing to your girlfriend just wasn't enough this time. You and Nat always had small insignificant fights that you both forgot minutes after they ended, but when you decided to go on a mission that was so secretive that you couldn't even tell your girlfriend about, she wouldnt just forget about it in a few minutes.
Natasha had been crazy worried about you. She spend the entire month asking Fury if he knew anything about you and he obviously did, but he couldn't risk telling her anything without jeopardizing the whole thing so he acted like he didn't know anything at all.
Nat wasn't talking to anyone, not even to Bruce, Steve or Tony. She couldn't sleep for the entire month you were gone, thinking that you may have been taken away. She even escaped an Avengers mission to go look for you in Russia, interrogating some grudged old enemies and risking her own life to find you. But it was worthless. You were untraceable, and she would have been proud of your amazing spy abilities if you weren't using them with her.
You returned to your shared apartment around 3am. You opened the door without making any sound and headed to the bedroom to find an empty.
‘‘you better have a fucking great explanation’’.
You turned around to see your girlfriend. Her face was extremely serious and also angry but her eyes were red and puffy. She had been crying.
You walked towards her to wrap her in a tight hug but she walked away, leaving you hanging with both your arms open.
‘’It was a secret mission Nat, i was specifically told not to tell anyone about it, not even you’’. You were trying to explain your sudden disappearance.
‘’i thought you were dead, y/n. Do you know how terrifying was to live my life knowing you could be in mortal danger?’’. Her eyes started to water up and you tried to hold her hand but she hid them inside her pockets.
It hurted so much to see Nat like this. And the pain got even worse when you realized that the reason she was like that was because of you.
The talking turned to screaming and then crying. Deep inside, Nat knew that you had to do what you done, it's the nasty part of the job and sometimes the mission requires that kind of commitment.
‘’I've been alone for over a month, one more night isn't going to hurt more’’. Natasha grabbed her keys and slammed your apartment's door shut.
You were a mess, and not only emotionally. Your mission required you to be working under freezing temperatures and lack of sleep, not to mention being constantly stressed out so now that you were home and safe, your adrenaline dropped and all the symptoms started to manifest.
You wanted to run after her but your head was so heavy and you were exhausted so you decided to go directly to bed.
You opened your eyes the morning after but you couldn't get up. Your head felt like it was breaking in half your throat was like sandpaper.
Hours later, your bedroom was covered with used tissue and Nat was nowhere to be seen. You texted her but got no answer.
You slept the entire day and your symptoms were not going away.
Suddenly, you heard the front door opening.
‘’Nat? Is that you? ‘’. Your voice sounded raspy and stuffy.
She didn't answer and you heard the door opening and shutting again. She left, again.
You were a weeping mess. But then, the door opened again.
Natasha walked into your bedroom with a bag full of medicine and vegetables.
She placed her hand on your forehead. ‘’you're burning up’’. She pulled up the blankets to make sure you were warm enough.
Nat started to pick up all of the used tissues and came back from the kitchen with a glass of water and an ibuprofen.
‘’here, take this’’. Her tone was still cold and serious.
‘’Nat im so-’’.
‘’don't talk, just take this, you’ll feel better’’. She interrupted and you obeyed her. Minutes later you fell asleep.
You felt the mattress sink a bit on your side and when you opened your eyes, Natasha was there. She was sitting next to you holding a hot cup of tea she just made.
She handed it to you and you thanked her.
“y/n i'm sorry i left like that, i wasn't thinking straight and i was angry at you, and also at myself for not being able to find you and i just-”.She sighed. ”i was worried about you”.
“You don't have to apologize Nat, i'm the one who messed up, i should have sent you some secret message or something for you to-”. Your sentence was interrupted by a sneeze.
Nat stretched her arm and grabbed more tissue paper for you to clean your nose and gave you one of those soft smiles.
“You didn't do anything wrong, we both know what comes with this kind of job and sometimes when the mission is too urgent, there's no time for explanations, we know that”.
A tear streamed down your cheeks as you sipped the tea and Nat wiped them off.
“I missed you so much Nat”. You threw yourself on her with the little strength you had and gave her a hug. She held you tightly rubbing soft circles on your back. “i missed you too honey, so much”. She was crying. “And judging by your condition,you're not going anywhere for at least a week”. You both laughed. “And i'm going to stay here taking care of you until you're better”.
“But what about your job?”.You asked and then blew your nose.
“Oh don't worry, Fury owes me a big one after keeping you away from me for that long”.
Nat started moving her lips against yours. “I love you so much y/n , i would do anything for you, did you know that?”. You answered her by kissing her harder until you realized something”.
“Wait, i don't want you to get sick too”.
“When was the last time i got sick?”. She kissed you again and then you remembered that she has been enhanced by biotechnology, making her immune to diseases and stuff.
Nat ended up snuggled against you in bed, her fingers softly caressing your face until you fell back to sleep once again.
Hours later you woke up alone in bed, your now less stuffy nose could identify the delicious smell that came from your kitchen.
You stood up for the first time since she got here and followed the scent.
“Go back the bed baby, i'll bring you the soup, alright?”.
You walked towards her and hugged her from behind, resting your head on her back.
“but you're here! I'm going to miss you”.
“says the person who disappeared for over a month without even saying goodbye”. She teased.
“I said i was sorry!”.You pulled her even closer and she turned around to kiss you.
“I know, now go back to bed and i’ll meet you there in five minutes”
I combined those request since they were similar, i hope its ok. Let me know if you liked it :)
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kpopfanfictrash · 5 years
A Line Drawn
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Creative Content Contributor: @baebae-goodnight (thank u for this moodboard I keep using ur the bestest)
Pairing: You / Jimin
Rating: PG-13 [ fluff + enemies to lovers!AU + Hogwarts!AU ]
Word Count: 1,540
Summary:  A series of drabbles about Slytherin!Jimin and Hufflepuff!Y/N, the sister of his self-declared mortal enemy.
A/N: These drabbles are non-sequential.
Squinting hard, you raise one hand to shield your eyes from the sun. The Quidditch field you stand on is boiling, especially while dressed in the dark robes that you are. Pushing hair from your forehead, you release a sigh and wonder what time this class ends.
Gingerly, you rotate your other hand and stare at the broom in the green grass below you. Lucas is the only one in your family who is talented at sports. You, on the other hand, are highly uncoordinated and mildly fearful of heights. All in all, you would make a terrible Quidditch player. Still, everyone at Hogwarts must take Intro to Quidditch; much in the same way a normal high school student must take gym, or physical education.
Everyone needs a passing grade, too and – frowning wearily – you wiggle your fingers and wait for Madame Hooch to begin.
“Now,” she declares from several rows up. “All I want you to do is to get up off the ground. Place your dominant hand over the broomstick – yes, just like that – and say, up.”
“Up,” you declare, staring down at the wood.
The broom wobbles before remaining stubbornly immobile. Already, you find yourself hating this.
“Very good!” cries Madame Hooch – presumably, not at you. Half of the class is chattering excitedly, having succeeded the first time they commanded their broomsticks to move.
Frown deepening, you return to the object at hand. “Up,” you repeat, feigning conviction.
Apparently, your broom can see right through this. It wobbles again, half-rising before it flops down on the grass, rolling to a stop at your feet. You glare at this, incensed. Staring at the object, you wonder if you can set it on fire with a non-verbal spell. That would likely lead to failure of the course, though and you scowl.
Perhaps you will fail this class. Perhaps you will fail out of Hogwarts. Perhaps they will say to you there must be some mistake, you must be a Squib and –
“What are you doing?” barks a familiar, male voice. “That’s a broomstick, not a dog. You’re not playing dead with it.”
Stiffening, you attempt to ignore the person standing before you. He does not move though and eventually, you glance up. Park Jimin stares back, both arms crossed and barely a foot away from your face. Park Jimin: your brother’s mortal enemy. Park Jimin: the person who usually assists your class as Seeker to the Slytherin Quidditch team. Park Jimin: the guy who fucked you last night in a broom closet near his common room.
Arching a brow, he does nothing to reveal this fact and yet, you see it written all over his face. It is obvious in the way that he stands, as though he owns that particular piece of landscaping. It is obvious in the way that he stares, as though he is already undressing you in his mind. It is even obvious in the way his lip curls, as though he harbors a secret.
“Jimin,” you hiss, tightening your grip in mid-air. Stubbornly, the broom remains limp. “Go away.”
Chuckling lightly, Jimin moves forward. “Why?” he teases. His grip adjusts yours in mid-air, making you flush.  “That wasn’t what you said to me last night,” he murmurs, breath hot on your ear. “As I recall, it was more along the lines of – closer, Jimin. Harder.”
Jimin’s impression of you is breathy, whiny and you frown, pulling abruptly away. “Shut up,” you inform, haughtily lifting your chin. “Or next time, you’ll be doing both parts of that routine on your own.”
Jimin’s smile disappears. “So... there’s going to be a next time?” he asks, sounding curious.
Blinking, you attempt to discern his level of interest. Jimin can be difficult to read but he seems serious now, almost holding his breath. “I – would you like there to be?” you query, hating how hesitant you sound.
Last night was only the second time you two hooked up, after all. The first time was rushed, hurried and mostly foreplay, if you are being honest. You left immediately after, full of dread about the deed you had done – and with your brother’s enemy, no less. This horror was exponentially lessened though, by the certainty that you had never been fucked that well in your life. No one had ever made you feel like Park Jimin did.
This was what led you back to him last night. This is what led you to lounge inside the Great Hall, finishing your ice cream at a maddeningly slow pace. Jimin sat at the Slytherin table on a bench directly facing your way. He chatted with his friends, not even pretending to eat as he pretended not to notice you.
You say pretended, because when you stood from the bench and stretched both arms overhead, Jimin was staring at you when you opened your eyes. You say pretended, because when you wandered into the hall and waited expectantly, Jimin came barreling out, grabbing you by the waist to pull you into a closet.
Last night was harder, rougher than the first time but you found that you liked it a lot. It makes your body burn just to think of it, which is mildly inconvenient given where the two of you are.
You have not spoken to Jimin since then. Both times, the only words exchanged were ones in passion – exactly as Jimin said. Closer, Jimin. Harder. An actual conversation has yet to transpire, regarding what the two of you are and where this is headed.
Not that it is headed anywhere, of course.
Jimin hesitates. He blinks and, for the first time, you notice how long his lashes are. They are surprisingly delicate for such a sharp face. Slowly, Jimin nods. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you again,” he murmurs, low enough not to be overheard.
His words make your heart race. The way he worded that was peculiar, almost as though – no, he would never want that. “Well, alright,” you respond, releasing a breath. “Then – stop being such an ass to me, before I say no for good.”
Jimin laughs easily, his smile returned. “When did you say no before?” he teases, re-gripping your hand in his. “Now, seriously,” he adds, glancing down. “This is magic, just like any other class. You know how to do this, I’ve seen you before.”
This is surprising to you, and you cannot stop wondering when. You cannot stop wondering when Jimin might have been looking. Turning your head sharply to face him, you stare.
“What you need to do,” Jimin continues, oblivious to your motion, “is consider the broom as an extension of yourself. It will listen, it will move because you make it move. Think of it like your wand, right?”
“I – right,” you exhale, taken aback by how kind and patient he is being.
Lucas has always said that Park Jimin is the lowest of the low, incapable of feeling for anyone but himself. Obviously, you cannot explain to your big brother how you know this – but Jimin seemed pretty in tune with your feelings last night. Also, the time before that.
Before you can think too deeply about those memories, you return to the broom and try as Jimin says. His hand remains on your wrist, fingers wrapped about yours in a way you find thoroughly distracting. There are several rings he wears on each hand and you wonder about each of their meanings before catching yourself.
“Just to be clear,” you announce, staring down at the broom.
Jimin looks at you, surprised. “Yes?”
“This… doesn’t mean anything. Right?”
For a moment, he remains silent. “What – sex?” Jimin states; blunt as ever.
Flushing, you nod. “Yes – us having sex,” you repeat, dropping your voice even lower. “This doesn’t change anything between us. You’re still, well, you and I’m still Lucas’s sister. This is just about sex, right?”
A flicker of something crosses Jimin’s expression but before you can dissect this, it is gone. “Of course,” Jimin snorts, returning to his earlier arrogance. “We’ll just fuck until we’re tired of it. No strings attached. No one has to ever know,” he adds, lower still.
“Right,” you exhale, distracted by his proximity to you. When he speaks like that, with his voice in your ear – you shiver. “Up!” you demand and, to your astonishment, the broom leaps into your grasp.
“Excellent job, Ms. Y/L/N!” cries Madame Hooch, from clear across the lawn. Jimin breaks quickly away. “Now, move to the other end of the field to practice mounting.”
Stepping backwards, Jimin laces both hands studiously before him. “Yes, excellent job, Y/N,” he agrees, loud enough for others to hear. “You know, for a Puff.”
When you hiss, his grin broadens.
“See you around.” Jimin winks at you before striding cheerfully away. The gesture is casual, twisting your stomach and you wince because fuck, is he attractive.
“Whatever,” you mumble, scowling darkly at his perfectly pert behind.
Once he is out of view, your lips twitch into a smile. Apparently, you will see Jimin around. Wiping your expression quickly clean, you turn to head for the other side of the field.
Over your shoulder, Jimin turns and watches you go.
A/N: [ Master List ]
© kpopfanfictrash, 2019. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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