#im gonna chew them both like dog toys
haunted-xander · 11 months
I think about that scene in the Ocular where Ryne suggests she fuse with Minfilia properly so so much. It manages to very clearly demonstrate exactly what is wrong with her & Thancred's current dynamic.
First of all: Minfilia. The ghost of Minfilia is constantly haunting them both, it's the root of Thancred's grief and reticence as he doesn't want to lose her again, but nor does he want to lose Ryne. And for Ryne, she's the source of the constant objectification she's been subjected to her entire life, proof of her worthlessness as an individual person. The scene has the existance of Minfilia be the main point of tension, being that this whole plan will decide once and for all if she comes back or not.
And secondly: The complete lack of communication and, as a result, massive misunderstandings. Thancred says everything but the things he should, never telling Ryne anything regarding how he actually views or feels about her, be it in regards to Minfilia, or as her own individual person. And Ryne in turn assumes so much about how Thancred DOES view and feel about her, believing without a doubt that he wishes she was gone just so Minfilia could return.
This scene is the first and only place were Ryne actually confronts him about this, directly telling him 'I know you haven't told me anything because you thought it best for me'. She also says she thought it the best at first too, meaning that the sentiment she repeats throughout shb of 'I wish he'd just say he hates me' is a (relatively) more recent thing. What she has wrong, however, is that she actually doesn't know Thancred's true feelings like she claims. And when she says she does, Thancred immediately tells her 'No. No you do not', all while never actually saying anything to indicate what he actually feels (his ability to avoid voicing is feelings is almost impressive at this point. Also very depressing).
And the cherry on top is that the one who actually manage to grasp and voice the truth in this interaction is fucking Emet-Selch. Mr. I-dont-even-consider-you-alive is the one who is open about the feelings involved. Emet-fucking-Selch. Thancred gets so pissed off about it, too(tbf he gets pissed off at everything Emet does but, ya know).
And then he storms out and Ryne, who isn't looking at anyone let alone Thancred, doesn't really see his full reaction to Emet's words and therefore still hasn't quite grasped what Thancred is actually feeling, the poor girl.
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queenjunothegreat · 3 months
Told you guys I was gonna start posting the random stuff I won't finish and I wasn't lying ( ꒪꒳​꒪ )
Finally, Leo gave in. “What's up with you, Beauty Queen?”
She blinked at him, like she was startled that he addressed her. “Oh! I just thought you told me you were going to dump Jason. I'm a little surprised to see you haven't.”
Leo chuckled nervously. Jason ignored them and just shoved his face deeper in his book like the slimy little coward of a traitor that he was. “Uh, I dunno what you're talking about.”
“Hmm… I suppose it could have been a dream, then,” Piper mused, then she gave Jason a sympathetic look. “You'd better watch out, Jason. I had dreams about Leo dumping all of his previous relationships only days before it happened.”
Without glancing up from his book, Jason said, “Piper, please. We both know Leo doesn't have enough game to bag anyone but me.”
Piper wheezed in laughter and Leo turned on Jason with a furiously betrayed expression and vermilion cheeks. “Dude! What the fuck!”
Jason closed his book and blinked owlishly at him. “I thought you wanted me to try being funnier.”
“That doesn't mean you should clown on me!”
“Oh, I'm sorry,” Jason said earnestly. “I'm just not all that practiced, so I figured I should start with an easy target.”
“Stop, stop, he’s already dead!” Piper howled.
Leo sneered at her. “Yeah, yeah. Just remember that I had enough game to steal your boyfriend.”
“Bestie, you stole a closeted lesbian’s man,” Piper reminded him. “Our whole relationship he was basically wearing a sign around his neck that said ‘Free to a good home.’” She gave Jason an apologetic wince. “No offense.”
“Not sure how I'm supposed to not be at least a little offended by that, but I'll give it my best shot.”
“We are ignoring the real issue here!” Leo interrupted. “Piper! Since when did you know!?”
“Since forever, dummy,” Piper scoffed. “I can't believe you two really thought you could keep this a secret from me. I'm an Aphrodite kid. I can literally smell it on you two like cheap perfume. And, Leo, really? Like really, really? You thought you could hide this from me? You couldn’t even keep your favorite yogurt flavor a secret from me.”
“It's peach, right?” Jason asked, looking at Leo.
Leo laid a sympathetic hand on his knee. “Sorry, bud, but it's actually strawberry banana.”
“He's lying; it's blueberry.”
Jason looked stricken and stared down at his hands. “I don't know what to believe anymore.”
“And you!” Piper pointed her finger at Jason, and he suddenly found the ceiling very interesting. “Next time you need advice for how to hide hickies, maybe don't ask the Aphrodite cabin when you're trying to hide your relationship from an Aphrodite kid!”
Leo frowned at him in disappointment. “You went to the Aphrodite cabin? Really?”
“Who was I supposed to ask?” Jason demanded defensively. “I don't have a cabin full of siblings to help me out. The closest I have are Nico and Percy! Nico's boyfriend can basically kiss bruises away, and Percy literally laughed me out of the Poseidon cabin. I tried to IM Thalia, but she just looked like she was going to be sick when I asked and hung up on me. I tried to call her back, but Iris told me she'd paid thirty drachmas to block me for the rest of the week.”
“Still though! You could have asked anyone else!”
“Maybe I wouldn't have had to ask for help if you actually kept it below the collar like you were supposed to.”
“Oh, so it's my fault now? Big talk coming from the guy who used my shoulders as a chew toy.”
“Oh, dog jokes. Real original, Valdez.”
“It's not a dog joke, it's just an accurate metaphor because you're literally an animal.”
“Honestly, I'm surprised that you didn't already know how to handle them, Jason,” Piper chimed in. “I figured you would have plenty of experience.”
Jason stared at her like she'd grown a second and possibly third head. “Why would you think that? I arguably have less game than Leo. I'm just tall.”
“I think you have game, babe,” Leo said, patting him on the knee. Then his face screwed up. “Wait a minute. No I don't! Fuck you!”
“Anyway. In case you forgot, my one and only girlfriend turned out to be a lesbian who only dated me because my crazy stepmom brainwashed us,” Jason insisted. “The fact that I haven't fumbled Leo is a miracle beyond words.”
“You're trying real hard to fumble right now,” Leo scowled. “Don't even know why I'm dating you, to be honest.”
”Because I'm mildly obsessed with you and you like the ego boost. And I also hold heavy stuff for you.”
“Plus you actually like his mother henning,” Piper added. She shuddered. “God, when we were dating it was like having a second dad. He just hovers all the time. I can't tell you how many times he asked me if I ate dinner while we were on the quest. Like, we were on the ship together. You know if I ate dinner, my guy.”
Jason pouted and crossed his arms. “Fine. See if I offer you any granola bars any time soon.”
“I think it's kinda sweet,” Leo said with a somewhat sheepish grin.
“That's because you—” Piper leaned over and poked him between the eyes, “are incapable of taking care of yourself, so you need someone to do it for you. Where everyone else sees smothering, you see the only feasible way for you to actually eat more than twice a week and get a full night's sleep.”
“Speaking of, it should be dinner soon,” Jason said, checking his watch.
“Babe, this is not how you beat the suburban dad allegations,” Leo clucked. “What kind of teenager wears a wristwatch?”
“Percy literally wears one everyday?”
“His turns into a magic shield that his brother made for him. Plus, he can't read it and even if he could, the time is always wrong.”
“What am I supposed to do then? What do you two do?”
“We just never know the time,” Piper said, rolling her eyes. “Like cool kids. Cool kids never know the time.”
Jason gave them both a very tired look. “I'm asking Percy to drown me and I'm telling Nico to make sure you two never see me in Elysium.”
“Pft, as if,” Leo scoffed. “We're your favorite people. Ever.”
Jason didn't say anything, he just pressed his lips together and furrowed his brow. “Awww!” Piper cooed, pinching his cheek. “We are! Look at that face!”
Jason puffed up his slightly pink cheeks and batted her hand away, getting to his feet. “I'm sitting with the Athena kids at dinner.”
“Yeah? Well, I'm sitting with the Demeter kids!” Leo announced.
“The Demeter kids won't let you anywhere near them after you accidentally set their roof on fire last week,” Piper reminded him.
“Just kidding; I'm sitting with the Hermes kids!”
“Okay, then I'm sitting with the Hephaestus cabin. I'm gonna get Nyssa to tell me any other secrets you're trying to keep from me.”
“Hey, that's not fair!”
“You two aren't allowed to just sit with other cabins,” Jason sighed, dragging a hand down his face. “You have siblings, remember?”
“Boo!” they said in unison.
Jason laughed. “Seriously, come on, you two. We do actually need to eat.”
“Coming, dad,” Leo crooned.
Piper arched her brows. “Kinky.” Leo gagged at her.
Jason ignored them both and left for the Pavilion, Piper and Leo bouncing along in his wake.
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kissesforsatoru · 2 years
Here is the options bc I’m basic
✨, 🌙, 🌑, ♒️
Ok ok ok Baji vs Yandere bf right…let’s think about it more
Yandere Baji vs TYPES OF Yandere bf
Bc think of it like this
Yandere Baji vs a sadistic Yandere bf
Yandere Baji vs a possesive Yandere bf
Yandere Baji vs a manipulative Yandere bf
Yandere Baji vs an obsessive Yandere bf
Each type of Yandere bf Baji has his own response bc
Hc this-
With a sadistic Yandere bf he leans towards protective more bc there’s a higher chance of sadistic bf intentally causing pain towards you- and you know Baji would never let that happen. He practically is knight in shining armor
With a possesive, Manipulative, obsessive Yandere bf: Baji plays the the one where he shows genuine concern of what ur Yandere bf says and questions you on if it’s rlly rlly ok for them to say that- to treat you this way. He preacrally trying to doubt their lobe feelifng towards you.
woth a possesive…Yandere Baji who is a possesive himself- honestly i can see it like a tug of war. and your sadly thr middle ground- imagine it like two dogs fighting over a chew toy. the issue comes in bc both of them will want to consitanlg be around you their gonna try to do anything to get you to side with them.
plus plus lets add in more fire…imagine this yandere bf is from another gang…think like Baji spinoff with thag one dude who has his one ehe covered and has a longish hair.
imagine yandere Baji vs a yandere bf whos as capible of a fighter as he is…theres gonna be mlre then jjsy blood shed for you
what makes this worse bc its teo yanderes…and yanderes arent known to jjst let things go too easiily- to say you will walk out easily from a yandere bf to Baji is laughable as jf thr yandere bf hasnf comdition you to their mold
rheres alor of spellinf errors im sorry: rhjs was meant to be a hc reuqest 😭
yeah baji would definitely change his tactics based on what kind of yandere your boyfriend is.
with a sadistic yandere, baji sort of has to walk on eggshells to make sure you stay safe. sadistic yans really don’t care about hurting their darlings, and actually find some sort of joy in it, so he’s not gonna risk anything. i think he’d focus more on getting rid of your yan!boyfriend rather than stealing you away from him. but, he still is going to check on you every single day to make sure you aren’t hurt and reassure that he’s gonna take care of the bastard you’re forced to call your boyfriend.
with a manipulative yan boyfriend, baji has to get smart. manipulative yanderes are usually very intelligent and know how to orchestrate everything to their liking so that things go their way. they know what gets to people, they know what emotional strings to tug and twist on to get their way. so baji has to outwit him somehow. i can see him probably trying to get you to realize that you’re being manipulated while also gaining your trust so that you start to second guess your boyfriend.
with an obsessive/possessive yan! boyfriend it truly is a tug of war between them. neither of them are gonna give you up easily if at all. in fact, i think their possessive tendencies kinda get more intense once a rival presents itself. probably the worst situation to be in cause it’s just a constant fight between them that you’re in the middle of. i’m just sitting here imagining both of them wanting to hang out with you and they both get pissy if you deny them, so you have no choice but to hang out with both of then, at the same time. they’re glaring at each-other the entire time, making snarky remarks that have underlying meanings that just piss them off more. a fight will break out, and at that point, whoever wins will be the ultimate victor in this war between them.
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moothemotherfucker · 2 years
Puppy Love
Parings: Five Hargreeves X wife!Reader
Warnings: none just fluff!!
Ask: Mayb reader and five have been together for a while maybe theyr married and (ok this is just my hc but i hc him as ace) but he still wants a family with u so u guys decide to adopt a puppy together and at first hes not completely down with the idea cuz hes never had a pet before but you comvince him to 'just go look' and when he sees this small  puppy hes immediately like 'this one🗿i like him' and just like how he would be with this new little puppy you name mr pennycrumb or penny like the puppy he has in the comics because if that goddamn dog isnt in the nxt season im gonna riot no cap but he gets so happy seeing reader with the puppy like from all the years jn the apocalypse and all the stuff hes done all the murder, he feels sorta like he doesnt deserve to be happy and have the person he loves the most by his side with his new little pup but reader assures him she loves him, that hes a good man despite everything and hes gonna be a great father to you guys new pup💖💗💖💗💖🗣🗣🗣
A/n: This was so fun to write, I hope you like it!! 💜💜
You loved Five, truly, with all of your heart. There was just one problem in your relationship. Five was asexual, and you had your heart set on a family. Of course, you were fine with your relationship; you were more than fine, actually. You loved your relationship with Five more than life itself. He was your husband after all, the light of your life, the reason you woke up every morning. The only issue was that you both wanted to start a family.
And so, that morning when you both sat at the kitchen table sipping coffee, you proposed an idea. “Five, honey?”
“Yes dear?” Five said.
“Have you ever considered getting a pet?” you asked.
“Not really, why?”
“I think we should get a dog.” There, you said it. You were nervous to propose the idea because you were unsure of how he’d react.
“Y/n… why do you want a dog all of a sudden?” Five said.
“Well, I know we were thinking about maybe adopting kids someday, and I feel like this might be a good first step,” you explained.
Five smiled. “Sweetheart, I love you, but I don’t know if this is such a good idea.”
“Oh come on! Can’t we just go look?” you insisted.
“Alright, we’ll go look.”
“Okay! Let’s go!” you said excitedly.
“Now?” Five asked, his eyebrows raised slightly.
“Yes now!”
Five laughed. “Okay then!”
You and Five got dressed and left the house to go to the dog shelter.
“Five!! Look at all the puppies!” you said.
Five smiled at you. How could he not? Your smile was just so contagious. A worker came up to the two of you and said, “Hello! Are you looking for a dog?”
“Yes, we are!” you confirmed.
“Great! Come with me!” the worker said. She led you and Five to a large, fenced in area where about a dozen puppies were playing together.
“Would you like to go in and meet them?” the worker asked.
“Yes, I would love to!” you said.
You and Five were let into the play area with the puppies, and a few of them instantly swarmed around you. You bent down to pet them and a couple jumped up on you, licking your face. You laughed. “Five, look how cute they are!”
Five smiled, knowing his wife was cuter than any of those puppies. Although, one dog in particular did seem to catch his eye. It was a small dog, golden in color, and it was fighting with another dog for a chew toy. The puppy must have noticed Five observing it because it left the toy for the other dog and trotted over to him. “Hey there,” Five said, squatting down to let the dog smell him. Instead the dog immediately jumped on Five, almost knocking him over. “That’s one cute puppy,” he muttered with a smile.
You made your way out of the crowd of puppies to Five. “And who is this?” you asked.
“Y/n, I want this one,” Five said.
And just like that, you left the dog shelter with a perfect little puppy in your arms.
“What are we going to name him?” Five asked.
“Mr. Pennycrumb,” you replied.
Five chuckled. “You sound like you’ve been planning this out.”
“No, I just looked at him and came up with it,” you said.
“Well Mr. Pennycrumb it is then,” Five said. He pecked you on the lips and smiled. “I’m so glad we did this.”
“I told you,” you said, returning his smile.
The next few weeks were probably the most hectic weeks of your life. Since getting the puppy was such short notice, you hadn’t had time to prepare anything, so you were frantically buying food and toys for Mr. Pennycrumb.
After everything was situated, Mr. Pennycrumb had to adapt to the new environment he would be living in. You made every effort to make the puppy feel at home, even going as far as to turning a guest bedroom into a playroom for him.
“Y/n, darling, I love how much you love Penny. I love him too, but don’t you think you’re going a bit overboard?” Five said.
“No, of course not! Maybe you’re not showing enough love for him,” you said teasingly.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that Mr. Pennycrumb needs some time with his dad,” you said, scooping the puppy up and placing him in Five’s arms. The dog reached up and licked Five’s face before curling up in his arms and making himself comfortable. Five smiled at the dog and leaned over to kiss you gently.
After that, the two, now three, of you were happier than ever. Adopting Mr. Pennycrumb truly was a perfect idea.
Five entered the living room to find you sitting on the floor with Mr. Pennycrumb laying in your lap. You were cooing at the puppy, carefully stroking his soft fur. You looked up to see Five staring at you.
“I don’t deserve this,” Five said.
“What do you mean?” you asked, clearly concerned.
“I mean you. I don’t deserve a wife like you. Or a dog like Penny. I just can’t believe this is my life,” Five said.
“Oh Five. You’re a great man, a great husband, and now a great dad. I love you more than anything,” you said.
Five sighed, his face forming into a slightly tired smile, and he sat down next to you. Five laid his head on your shoulder and mumbled a few simple words that meant the world to you. “I love our family.”
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mumscarian · 2 years
runs in here super quick.
henlo astro <3 I hope you don’t mind me popping in rq dbfbh buuuuut, I’m trying to get a feel for redscape and their dynamic (def not for a certain au or anything 😳) and I’m politely asking for any head canons you have
OHHHHHHHHHHH oh my god you have come to the RIGHT place mochi!! ok ok here we go:
They both LOVE dancing. Like idk the word for it but ballroom? Waltz? The type with partners and stuff. It's fancy, its rhythmic, and impresses other people! Their favorite types are both Swing dancing, simply because that is my favorite and also the only one i know anything about lol.
Mumbo is often super shy and embarrassed when partnered with someone he's not used to dancing with, but even so he typically leads, only partially because in almost every given situation he is the tallest one. When he's not supremely anxious and overthinking every step, he gets really into it. Like, once he's in his element you can tell. He loves dancing and you can see it in every step. ^-^
Scar, on the other hand, is perfectly content to be the one getting swung around and twirled and stuff. He started learning how to dance in around s7 or maybe s8 simply because he thought it would look good for his image lol, but he also really enjoys it!! (though it mainly might be because getting spin dipped by Mumbo K. Jumbo is an Experience for the ages)
(Okay im done nerding out about swing dancing hsjhs)
Mumbo overthinks a LOT. That's not even a headcanon, he's just like that. (i mean, just watch him trying to reason out if eating potatoes was cannibalism or not!!) Luckily, scar has learned to tell when Mumbo's too deep in his own head, and always sorts it out real quick. Sometimes it's just him grabbing his hand and kissing it to let him know its there, other times he offers a random paradox or riddle for mumbo to think about rather than the Bad Thing (the equivalent of giving a dog a chew toy so it doesnt hurt its teeth on the leg of the kitchen table), or sometimes he does something very Scar-y, like falling into the boatem hole or a random pit without any rockets or building blocks in his inventory. Just something to pull Mumbo out of his own head! Mumbo has not caught on so far.
Mumbo can and will pick up Scar to take him places if Scar's in too much pain to walk himself. Scar was very surprised and very flustered the first time Mumbo did this. and the second time he did it. and the third. and the fourth. (i think you get the idea at this point)
Scar's got a thing for scary people. (cough cough Mumbo's killing spree in Last Life, Mumbo killing him in the first ep of s9, as well as Grian in, well, everything, but especially third/last life. Scar just sees a man covered in blood and goes 'hey is anyone gonna date that' and doesnt wait for an answer)
Scar LOVES the feeling of Mumbo's stubble, when he has it. He runs his fingers over Mumbo's chin all the time. (grian, on the other hand, hates it, and WILL make mumbo shave at the threat of doing it in his sleep. He and Scar have yet to reach a compromise. Mumbo is just happy Grian hasn't threatened his mustache yet)
Mumbo and Scar are BOTH scaredy-cats, but at least Mumbo acknowledges it. Scar just denies it over and over agains and then jumps ten feet in the air when someone walks up behind him and says 'hi'.
Scar canNOT tie a tie for the life of him, and he hasn't bothered to learn, not when mumbo can do it for him and Scar gets to unabashedly stare at him the entire time.
Mumbo gets SUUPER flustered with physical contact. Scar takes full advantage of this and takes every chance he gets to grab his hand and just fiddle with his fingers when mumbo is rambling about some redstone thing. He finds it super endearing to watch Mumbo try to keep talking, even though he's obviously distracted by scar playing with his hand.
Jellie likes to sit on Mumbo's lap when he's working at his desk. Scar just about dies every time he finds them both asleep, Mumbo's hand buried in her fur, like he fell asleep petting her.
Scar is the resident flirter in the relationship, but that just makes it so that the few times mumbo does flirt at him its 1000% times more potent. Scar absolutely can NOT take what he dishes out.
okeyyyyyyyyy that's all i can think of for now + its getting pretty late so uhhhhh thanks for sending the ask!!! I hope you like the hcs haha
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
I have a hc for you!!!!
when viago is small and the te aro pack comes over he literally only refers to them as puppy/puppies. he'll see one of them enter the room and just go "puppy!" and reach out to them (and of course theyre always very sweet in return and offer to play with or hold him)
but on the rare occasion (very rare) that Anton has a tiny day, viago will also only refer to him as puppy. He and Anton are already friends and enjoy each other's company, but viago loves tiny anton so much and offers to spend time with him as much as possible. Anton is well behaved anyway but can be a bit more excitable so whenever a car goes past or a siren sounds or some kids are talking loudly outside, Anton will immediately run to the window and start howling and Viago will have to calm him down "Shhhh, puppy, mein kleiner welpe, you are safe, I have you here, little pup."
He also gives Anton like actual doggy chew toys and he absolutely loves sitting being held by Viago while chewing on a squeaky toy and having his head scratched by Viago.
Basically Viago loves to call the werewolves puppies when he's both big and small.... it kinda got away from me but I imagine he felt so proud of himself when he made the connection and started calling them that??
Oh my gosh tho yes!! All doggies are puppies in Viago’s eyes! He loves to give the werewolves head scratches and giggle whenever they make those content noises dogs make when they’re happy
AND AAAA oh my gosh, being the pack leader means Anton has lots of responsibilities so, he would totally have somedays where he is just tiny puppy ;w; And Viago is smitten oh my goodness! Now that they’ve sorta created an unlikely friendship with the pack, Viago is so down to babysit Anton when he is tiny!
Tiny pups and vampires honestly aren’t all the different in the grand scheme of it all- they both have an affiliation to chewing on things, have supernatural abilities and are down right adorable! Ofc you know Viago is a very attentive babysitter, he makes sure there are plenty of things Anton can chew and play with, that there aren’t too anythings that could overstimulate a pup (but like you said, noises outdoors def get Anton’s attention no matter what but Viago is right there to promise him that those aren’t bad people or things, probs asking Anton questions like ”Vat colour is the big truck?” stuff to help Anton sorta focus on the smaller things to calm him down ;w; )
Nonny you have galaxy brain aaaAAAA
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childishfluff · 4 years
(im gonna be sending a few seperate asks since theyre seperate thoughts/ideas, sorry for any sort of inbox spam!!) ur pet regressor tommy fic led me into a whole wormhole of many different ideas.. esp abt who else is a pet regressor!!
- wilbur (cat regressor!! also very relaxed, he *will* just sleep on phil or techno's lap for hours on end. mostly nonverbal, but will meow every now nd again. mostly communicates through actions. he can purr. doesn't drop often, but when he does, it's due to extreme stress- meaning he can be pretty sensitive while he's in catspace.)
- tubbo (puppy regressor, but definitely more of a relaxed dog aside from the amnt he communicates, especially through barking, whimpering, and soft "awooo!!"'s. loves snuggles. sometimes, he's scared to come of as annoying, so he's hesitant to slip into pupspace, normally needing someone to help him along and tell him that it's ok for him to be a puppy, nd that he's a very very good boy.)
- karl (kitten regressor!!!! he's either really sleepy or really playful/energetic, and he has no in between on that. he meows.. so much.. all he kno is meow meow!! *very* sensitive while dropped, and as such, he needs a lot of validation and love. will get extremely upset with himself if he notices that anyone is even *slightly* mad/irritated by him.)
- nick (sapnap) (PUPPY REGRESSOR 100000%!!! he's very very loud and extremely playful!!! he can be entertained for *hours* w literally anything, especially toys like chew bones. doesn't really drop too often, but when he does, he drops very very far. something that can trigger his drops is when people compare his traits/actions to those of a dog because he just goes yes!! yes me!!!! dog!!! me!!!! also he loves karl *so* much because karl absolutely spoils him rotten when he's in pupspace.)
- ranboo (kitty regressor!! similar to karl, he can be really sensitive while he's dropped. entirely nonverbal, opting for actions instead. he's a mix of both playful and sleepy. when he sleeps, he curls his entire body up into a circle nd kneads at whatever he's sleeping on until he falls asleep.)
- dream (cat regressor!! sleeps a lot when he's dropped, hes just vv tired. mimics patches, and loves to follow her around/act like she does. even bases his catgear around patches, with tabby-colored cat ears and an outfit based off of similar colors. drops very easily, mostly voluntarily.)
those r the ones i can think of now.. id love to know ypur opinions/interpretations of them!! -🌻
1. Cat Regressor! Wilbur
yes yes yes, I wouldn’t of thought of it myself but the idea is absolutely adorable! I’d totally write that, with like handler/cg!niki in addition to those you listed. And the idea of him using it for stress and therefore being sensitive in catspace? like, that’s amazing. 
I could imagine a fic where someone pushes him to regress for fun for once, but he feels like it’s stupid to purposely act like a cat when he doesn’t need it? They don’t pressure him, or anything, but he ends up slipping because he feels safe. and he realizes not only does it help with stress, but it just makes him more happy!
also imagine him slipping around tommy for whatever reason, and just wanting to sleep while Tommy’s trying to do something fun. So he’s dragging around a sleepy kitten and waking him up every two seconds, and it’s really soft and adorable and ends up with Wilbur sleeping somewhat on Tommy so that he can’t get up and he’s like ‘you’re so lucky I love you, dude.’ awww I need to write a fic- no promises but y’know
2.Puppy Regressor!Tubbo
someone actually requested a puppy regressors!tubbo and tommy fic that I’m having trouble writing, like it sounds cute but it’s kinda hard bc I’ve never written puppyspace before. I actually decided to start over but I’ma keep trying on that. 
anyways, imagine like, Ranboo or Tommy helping him slip over a discord call! Needing help to regress is something that I understand (I age regress, but I haven’t in a while due to this issue), so I could probably write Tubbo in that position well. Needing to be coaxed and told that it’s okay to be a cute lil puppy, like that’s adorable! 
3. Kitten Regressor!Karl
tbh I tried to write kitten!karl but I was half asleep and gave up, I need to get back to that hjsiksja. Like I specialize in writing sensitive regressors w/anxiety over someone being mad at them, so I could definitely pull this off. 
and the idea of him being a talkative kitty is sooo cute! Like I can imagine something along the lines of this conversation between him and a handler/cg:
“What do you want?”
“I don’t know what that means!”
“Meow?” (little head tilt and innocent cute eyes)
“Do you want cuddles?”
*excited meows! and he goes and cuddles up in their lap bc yay, they understood him!*
and imagine kitten!karl playing w/Quackity! very very adorable concept
4. Puppy Regressor! Sapnap
okay okay so I don’t watch sapnap really but this is still adorable! Like the whole ‘me, puppy? yes.’ thing is soooo cute! Imagine George or Dream just forgetting that’s a trigger and making a joke about how one of his mannerisms reminds them of a puppy and suddenly! There’s a puppy to take care of!
and karl spoiling him sounds like something he’d do hjsiksjsa. I can’t really add much on here bc idk much about him/his content past the smp but this is so cute! Maybe I’ll watch a few of his videos and attempt writing him bc I keep getting requests for him
5. Kitten Regressor! Ranboo
yes, I was already thinking about this tbh! Like I’ve written him as a little and it’s kinda similar, he’s sensitive, and he’s less verbal the littler he gets. As a kitten, I can easily picture him just being quiet. 
I imagine that he’s really pouty because of this, because he doesn’t know how to communicate otherwise, so this might confuse anyone who may take care of him. 
“Why are you pouting? Do you want cuddles? Food? Do you wanna play?” 
and he just doesn’t reply bc he’s a kitten and he can’t talk so it’s an endless cycle of guess and check until they reach the right answer, and it’s really funny to watch. I can also imagine that he giggles a lot. Like he’s not verbal or anything, and he doesn’t giggle a lot but sometimes it happens! and if you make him giggle while in kittenspace then you did something right!
it makes everyone happy when he giggles and it’s really soft and cute! I definitely think I’ll write a fic with kitten!ranboo in it, at some point eventually, I think! 
6. Cat Regressor! Dream
awwwww- I didn’t even consider the possibility of this but awwww. Imagine Wilbur and Dream in catspace together, just sleeping and cuddling while basically all the other kittens are playing and being hyper. And everyone’s trying to get them to play but they’re sleepy! (ofc they end up playing anyways bc their friends are adorable and convincing but y’know)
and I really like the idea of him mimicking patches! I’ve seen a few pet regresors say that they mimick/copy their pets so it kinda feels realistic and likely! and plus, it’s really cute. 
and since his regression is voluntary, I can imagine him like one minute, just chillin w/george and sapnap and going ‘what if- what if I just went *cat mode*’ and he tries to hint to his friends that he wants to slip but they’re not getting it so it’s kinda frustrating for him but funny for the readers to see play out bc George and Sapnap are being completely oblivious to everything. Hjsiksja that’d be funny
Thank you for sending this it, like seriously! It was really fun to go through and talk about these, I might make additional headcannon lists once I’m actually awake tomorrow bc I shouldn’t be up rn but yeah, I just wanted to go through and respond to this! <3
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
Fireworks--Luke&Lily&Posy Special
Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
a/n: I know celebrating the 4th is redundant, especially now, but I’ve had this in my head since last night and Luke and Lily are my comfort characters. So this is just a little special day with them and the guys. Enjoy :)
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Word count: 1.3k
Luke & Lily Masterlist
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Lily woke up super excited on July 4th because she knew she’d get to see fireworks later today after having hot dogs and red, white and blue popsicles. She’s too small to understand the meaning of the holiday but is old enough to understand that she gets to spend the day with her family, her daddy and Ella and all of her uncles. 
For breakfast, she begs to have blueberry pancakes while she pokes Posy’s cheeks to make her giggle in her highchair. Luke happily makes his sweet girls blueberry pancakes, he even adds strawberries for a smiley face and whipped cream for hair to get the full effect of the red white and blue aesthetic. 
After breakfast, you help the girls get dressed in their red and blue dresses while Luke packs up Posy’s diaper bag, your swim bags and all the snacks you’re bringing along to Calum’s house. It’s his turn to host the festivities this year and Lily is excited to swim with Duke in the pool. 
“Look, dada!” Lily exclaims running downstairs in her outfit. Luke can’t help but smile, she looks adorable with her hair in pigtails held together by red, white and blue ribbon paired nicely with her red dress and white sandals. 
“You look very pretty, my sweet,” he grins, bending down holding up her small hand. “Now I see why you wanted blue nails.”
“It matches my ribbon!” she points to her pigtails and Luke laughs just as you and Posy descend the stairs. 
You’re wearing a simple white sundress with a red ribbon cinched around the waist, accompanied with red lipstick. You look dazzling and Posy is situated on your hip but she’s in a blue dress with a large, red flowered headband. You’re all so pretty it makes Luke ache with love. 
“I have the most beautiful girls in the world,” he smiles, rising from his spot on the ground to kiss your cheek. He doesn’t want to mess up your pretty lips. Then he kisses Posy’s chipmunk cheek. 
“Thanks babe,” you smile, “is everything packed?”
“Yeah, I’ll go change then we can go,” he kisses your cheek again loving the smell of your lotion and perfume. He won’t be able to keep his hands off you today. 
When he’s changed into white shorts and a nice blue button-down shirt, you’re all out the door to Calum’s house. Music and chatter pull you into his backyard where he has a large canopy setup with tables of food and drinks. The pool has floaties and toys drifting along the top and Duke comes sprinting your way. 
Lily is the first one to run to him, touching the bow he has fastened around his neck.
“Look mama! We match!” she giggles. 
“There’s my girl!” Calum grins making his way over from the grill. Lily screams in excitement as he lifts her into his arms, she’s quick to show him her ribbons and her nails. 
“Hey guys,” Cory walks up with Ella next to him, both of them holding beers in their hands. “Hi Posy, you look pretty in your flower.” he rubs at her cheek which causes her to giggle. 
Ashton heads over next, eyes lit up when he sees Posy. 
“There’s my Princess!” he coos at her and she reaches for her uncle. You hand her off with a smile as Ashton kisses her cheeks. “What a pretty baby, you are, huh? Hey gorgeous,” he greets you next with a kiss to the cheek.
“Hi Ash,” you giggle.
“Paws off, mate,” Luke jokes. 
The afternoon is spent with laughter and catching up. You’re always so thankful that the guys are more than willing to spend time with your girls giving you and Luke a bit of alone time. You both keep your eye on your girls at all times, there’s never really a break from parenting but you love to watch them interact with their uncles. 
Lily is currently in the pool with Cal who keeps catching her as she jumps off the ledge. Ashton is laid out on a large blanket under another canopy tent playing with Posy as she chews on her teething rings or her other toys spread on the blanket. His and her giggles reach you and Luke and fills you with glee. 
When it’s time to eat, Lily eats her hot dog happily while Posy sits in Luke’s lap eating her own cut up hot dog and fruit. Not long after, she started to get a little fussy and squirmy in her daddy’s arms. Her face twisting in a tearless cry.
“Is it too hot out?” Ashton asked worriedly. He loves his niece and hates to see her upset. 
“No,” you hum running your palm over her cheeks and forehead feeling her, she’s not too warm. “It’s a little past her naptime.”
“I’ve still got Lily’s bed in the guest room if you want to put her down,” Calum suggests stealing a blueberry from Lily’s place. She giggles and steals a chip from his plate. 
“Thanks,” Luke situates Posy into his arms but she’s still wriggling. “It’s okay, sweetheart, we’ll go for a nap, okay?” He kisses her temple then rises from his chair, he looks down at you, “I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll be waiting. Nigh-night Posy,” you kiss her hand quickly before Luke heads inside to the air conditioned house. Her cries are silenced as soon as the sliding door shuts. 
After Posy’s nap, it’s dinner time where you all eat more hot dogs and burgers and Lily is sitting in Calum’s lap eating her red, white and blue popsicle waiting for the fireworks. The juice from the popsicle drips onto Calum’s hand but he doesn’t mind, he’s too busy taking photos with Lily. 
You brought sound canceling headphones for Posy and put them on as soon as a warning  firework went off in the sky. Lily screams in excitement but Posy squeezes herself to you and has a tight grip on Luke’s finger. You rub her back, humming softly to her knowing the vibrations in your chest will calm her down.
Then the show really begins. Reds, blues, greens and yellows explode in the night sky. Some are large and some are small bursts of light, the boom shakes your chest. Luke has his arm around you giving you soft kisses to your cheek then to your ear. 
“Luke,” you giggle from the tickling sensation of his lips, “what are you doing?”
“You’re my favorite firework, lovie,” he breathes, lips nibbling on your earlobe.
“Save it for later, Hemmings,” you roll your eyes but turn your head so you can give him a proper kiss. 
When the fireworks show has ended, Posy has fallen asleep in your arms and Michael pulled out the sparklers he bought. He made sure Lily knew where to hold it so she wouldn’t burn her hand. Luke held it with her, he could tell she was nervous and Cory had his phone out and ready. When Michael lit the tip of the sparkler and it sparks with light, Lily’s eyes go wide and her mouth opens in awe.
“Pretty!” she shouts causing everyone to laugh. Luke waves her hand gently and she’s mesmerized by the movement. 
When it burns out, she wants another one right away, and she makes sure she does a sparkler with everyone. 
Lily ends up falling asleep on Cory’s lap around the fire and one look at Luke you both agree it’s time to get your two girls home. Cory transfers Lily to Luke’s arms with a quick goodnight/goodbye kiss. Lily and Posy shift a little in their car seats but are still out like a light. 
Both girls are tucked into bed and you and Luke are finally alone in your room. You push him onto the bed straddling him as you kiss him deeply. His hands bunch up the white skirt of your dress, fingers tickling your thighs. 
“Baby, you’re a firework,” he hums and you smile against his lips. 
“Are you gonna make me go, oh, oh...oh!” you gasp when his fingers sink into you. 
• • • •
Taglist: @galcalirwin @cashtonasff5sos @thecurlsofgod @myloverboyash @rotten-kandy @tea4sykes @jannimoeller3 @loveroflrh @iovehemmings @cxddlyash @princesslrh @here-for-the-uproars @katiaw2 @g-l-pierce @fairyintheglass @gosh-im-short @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby @spicycal @mysticalhood @notinthesameguey @wastedheartcth @atlcalm @itjustkindahappenedreally @calumance @babylon-corgis @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @lanternlover2 @istaywithmyjonas @calteahood @sarcastically-defensive17 @another-lonely-heart  @calumhoodaf @frontmanash @philthepegacorn @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings @addietagglikesbands @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke @mayve-hems @morguelth @haikucal @thatscooibaby @meghanrose05 @idontneedanyone @dinosaursandsocks @cassie-sos @suchalonelysunflower @burstintocolor @zhangyixingxing1
Luke and Lily taglist: @harrysfavslut
**if your url has a strike through it’s because your blog didn’t show up as a tag! :(
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Part 3.
Summary. Iwazuimi thinks up an awful idea to help Kentarou get his anger out.
Warnings. Vomit, chipped tooth, blood. Sad boi Kentarou
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Kentarou walked with you still in his grip till you were off school grounds. The cold air stung your legs and all you wanted to do was lay down.. and check what that cracking noise was. Kentarou dropped his grip on you and your hand went straight to your mouth to rub at your cheek in little circles, fuck it hurt..
After a minute you decided to just reach in and see if anything was broken, your jaw ached from having to open up so wide but you ignored it. Kentarou watched you with a tilted head and twitching eyebrow. Oh please, he thought. As if you broke any..-
When he watched you pull out a chipped tooth his fingers reached out to you for a minute making the veins in his hands dance around against his skin. The wince your body did when you pulled it out sent a chill up his spine. Oh shit, oh fuck. Why. Dammit. The look you gave him was fake, he knew it. He could see it in your eyes you wanted to break down right there.
You waved your other hand around assuring him it was fine, unsure if you should talk or not. You needed to get home though, and fast.. Kentarou watched you limp for a few steps till you almost fell. He caught you and pulled your arm over his shoulders and grabbed your side with his free one helping you steady.
“Just tell me where your damn house is” was all he said too you.
You felt relieved slightly but.. everything still hurt. You guided Kentarou to your home and you had to make up some story for your parents when they saw the state you were in; swollen cheeks, ripped knee high and holding your stomach. You told them some thug tried to rob you and Kentarou saved you. They believed you and before they could thank him he already left.
Kentarou was already down the street far away from you, hurting you. God damn it this was not helping his anger. If anything it made it worse. He pulled his phone from his pocket dialing , when Iwazuimi answered he punched a brick wall. “This isint working. I chipped her god damn tooth .” He growled leaning into the cold hard building staring at his now bloody knuckles watching the blood trickle down the lines in his fingers dripping down to his wrist slithering to his elbow. “I was so angry ..seeing her in those fucking thigh highs. I know everyone was looking at her” he rolled facing the brick wall running his nails along it waiting for Iwazuimi to say something.
Iwazuimi was quiet while his friend unloaded on him. Yeah, this was a awful idea why did he come up with this Iwa-Kun you dunce. They would be in real hot water if you told anyone but you really seemed like you wouldint do that. “Kentarou, i need to tell you something about her.” There was a long pause on both ends if you dont count Kentarous endless heavy huffing and puffing. After a long thinking session Iwa-Kun spoke up .
Kentarou grabbed his side, he felt very hot all of a sudden, his head heavy and his throat felt like it had a heavy piece of food in it. He heaved a few times trying to steady his breathing but it was no use. He was down on his knees staring at the vomit on the ground in front of him , his phone on his lap. He coughed a few times and leaned forward grabbing his phone , his free arm above his head his fingers in his buzz cut. He felt like total shit and now his stomach was aching hard from rejecting his lunch. A few tears fell from his eyes down his cheeks . “She likes watching.. me play..”
Iwazuimi had to go fetch Kentarou himself because he really could not get home himself right now. Seeing his friend in such a state. The Mad Dog as Oikawa called him, was on his knees hunched over his own vomit crying into the cold cement unable to pull himself together. The fact that you enjoyed watching him play made him sick to his stomach. You enjoyed someone as mean as him, as pushy.. as abusive as him. You were not a chew toy. You were a gift . A god damn gift.
Iwazuimi pulled his friend up handing him some water that he sipped and spit back out to freshen his mouth for the time being. He leaned on the third year all the way home not saying anything at all. He wasint gonna talk and Iwazuimi was not going to force him. The whole walk home he tried to think about what to do to make this up to you .. if he even could.
Iwazuimi took the time to reflect on this whole event that he caused. You were so innocent and shy, not a bruise to be seen on your body, should he tell Kentarou that youve been wanting to approach him? Maybe. But now was not the right time, and it might mean more if you say it yourself. He got Kentarou home safe and sound and Iwazuimi went home himself. Both boys thought long and hard about this whole situation.
The next day you were in so much pain all over; your stomach was on fire and you had a bruise on your left knee and right cheek. You wanted to wear thigh highs but it was probably not a good idea.. You did though use make up to cover up your purple cheek. You fixed your hair and left for school , heart beating fast. The whole night you were awake thinking about what happened. The look he had on his face when he saw you stumble along looked pained and shocked as of he was thinking “i caused that.” Was he okay? Was he sad…
Kentarou avoided you all day; dodging you whenever he saw you or giving you an angry look whenever you locked eyes. You were limping and everytime you tried to walk towards him he just took off in the other direction blending in with the crowd of other teens. He was no where to be found at lunch either, not at his usual spot with his team eating a melon bun. He would be at practice though. And you were gonna ask him if he was okay.
After school you walked slowly towards the gym holding your stomach rubbing tbe giant bruise you had on it. You were in so much pain but you had to ignore it for now. You were almost there.
When you did arrive Oikawa was coming up behind you passing you with a smile on his face and a slightly purple nose. He dipped down to your height grinning at you. “Y/n chan! How can i help you?”
“Kawa.. is..” god you needed to sit down.. “Kentarou here..”
Oikawa tilted his head looking over his shoulder raising his voice. “Iwa-kuuuuun!!!!”
“Dont call me that!!!!!!!” He yelled from the gym.
“ is Mad Dog -Chan in there?”
“He went home sick!!!”
Oikawa looked back at you and rubbed your head. “He went home sick y/n chan.”
“O..ok..” you swayed.
“Hes a little mean though, id pick another favorite player , im available.” He smiled at you.
You fainted in his arms and Oikawa almost didint catch you. He cursed yelling into the gym and everyone ran out , Iwazuimi picked you up in his arms and the Coach told him to bring you to the infirmary.
You woke up to see Iwazuimi leaning iver the bed with his hands in his hair . You reached out touching his arm and within a second he looked up sighing with relief. He grabbed your hand with both of his apologizing over and over.
“Uhm. .. Iwa..Kun..”
“Y/n i am so..-“
“Is .. he really sick..”
“He threw up his lunch , he was eating too fast but…..”
Iwazuimi told you about last night, he left out Kentarou crying but he told you about him vomiting and needing him to help the poor guy home.
“Will.. will he be okay for the game?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
“He avoided me all day..”
“I know y/n. He mostly hung around with me today.”
“I dont.. regret any of this.”
Iwazuimi lowered his head into his arms, still holding your hand. “You think you can change him”
“I can try.”
“Hes a good person.. its just stuck under his tough exterior.”
You rubbed his hand with your thumb. “I know, ill find it”
Your parents had come to pick you up and you were given heavy medicine and ordered to lay in bed all day and tomorrow. The game was the day after tomorrow and you prayed you would be okay to go. You would not be at school tomorrow either…
Slowly you pulled your phone from the night stand opening it up to see no messages. Should you..? You opened up your contacts staring at his name for a long few minutes, you were shaking a little. It was just a text. Thats all. Its not like you would see him soon anyway. You took in a deep sigh sending out a text.
🎾i wont be at school tomorrow. But i will see you at the game, i hope your doing okay.
Kentarou was in bed staring at the celing. Watching you limp around the damn school broke his heart into tiny pieces. The fact that he caused such pain to you, someone that enjoyed watching him play. Someone who always had a smile on their face when they asked how his day was… He rolled over squeezing his pillow in disgust. He hated himself, who he was, what he put you through. His phone buzzed and it was Iwazuimi texting him telling him what happened today which broke him even more. God damn it, and Oikawa of all people . He didint reply but he did get another text, from you this time.
His body sunk down and felt very heavy, after everything he put you though, giving you stupid rules, ripping your thigh highs, shoving you into the wall, making you faint at school from kicking your stomach. And chipping your god damn tooth.. you still wanted to make sure he was okay. ..
The text he sent you made you cry instantly, why.. why.. you wanted to be near him, hear him out. Make him feel better..
😡Stay away from me.
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lachlann-macnab · 4 years
At Tiana’s Place Grand Opening
Alternative title: “Totally not a date, we have no idea why anyone would think that” and “Just a couple of dudes being guys”
Dated: November 12- 15, 2020
Lachlann MacNab Lachlann wasn't even sure if he was even welcomed at Tiana's Place after Chippamunka's fiasco and actually wondered if there'd be a moment in which she'd catch a glance of him and then kick his ass out of the place while screaming. That scenario would be completely fair, really, but Lachlann would rather not get kicked around while his side still hurt like a bitch and felt still way too tired  to deal with that too, like, seeing Mister Mac T after dissapearing on him for more than a couple of days was nerve-wrecking enough (and while Lachlann could argue that nothing about that had been something he had any kind of control over, well, he'd rather not tempt fate and have an angry Scott talking his ear off about not doing stupid things). In that moment the only thing that Lachlann wasn't nervous about was the prospect of tasting some of Tiana's food and getting some extras to send Tito and Greg's way later, since that scenario didn't involve someone giving him angry or dissapointed looks. He was slowly passing by the door, just waiting, before he finally spotted the other and gave him a little "hey, Mister Mac T"
Seamus MacTunnag Seamus was...very hesitant to appear at the opening of Tiana's Place but, ultimately, his wanting to show his face and offer his support for the restaurant. Though he'd not personally met her, he thought Tiana had spunk, and he'd heard wonderful things about her from most everyone in town, social media and otherwise. Still, there was still a touch of anxiety behind the appearance, though he did his best to swallow it down and put on a smile. He hadn't heard from Lachlann but that was fine. Despite what had happened shortly before the previous weekend, Seamus had been assured he was still alive thanks to social media (and Louie). It was only mildly shocking when he turned and caught sight of the very man in question, slinking around like a dog with his tail tucked between his legs, offering a nervous little wave and a "hey, Mister MacT," like he hadn't just gone radio silent for days. Seamus just raised a brow, eyes sweeping across to Lachlann's side, noting the thick bandaging beneath the fabric, and said: "Lachlann. Feelin' better, I presume?"
Lachlann MacNab 'Lachlann', he said. And, oh, the former pilot could tell, just with that one word, that the other wasn't happy -and, again, he couldn't blame him a bit. "I feel like sleeping for three more days, actually" he said, trying to joke his way out of any potential trouble as he, tentatively, got a step closer to the other "but I couldn't possibly refuse the oportunity to get some good food or- well, you know" 'To see you again' were words left unspoken, but very much there. "How about you?
Seamus MacTunnag Well, now that that little snitt was out of the way, Seamus let his shoulders fall into a more relaxed position, still eyeing the other man as he edge closer, if ever so slightly. The Scotsman snorted at the joke, which probably wasn't really a joke if the look around his eyes was any indication, and nodded slightly. "Aye, I can imagine, considerin' 'm sure ye pulled yer stitches already." He paused, briefly, to smile at someone walking by whom he recognized, another businessman who was intent on being seen for the opening. When he turned back, there was an air of "kicked puppy dog" hanging around the younger man, and Seamus rolled his eyes. "Ie yer expectin' me tah chew ye out, yer shite outta luck. I ain't yer keeper. Ye disappeared, which I cannae say 'm pleased as punch about, but yer nah dead, so that's somethin'."
Lachlann MacNab As Seamus' shoulders relaxed, so did Lachlann; It just seemed easier to approach the other when there wasn't an imaginary barrier between them (just a fancy-dressed man, but he quickly passed them by so it wasn't a big deal). "Yeah" he admitted just because there was no use in denying something like that (the man had more experience with that kind of things and would realize sooner than later, anyways) "but I'm totally getting those fixed as soon as the hospital isn't full and the doctors aren't exhausted" Swynlakers recovered from trauma considerably faster than normal people, so Lachlann figured it wouldn't take long for things to get back to kind-of-normal. "And I don't mean to get all "it's complicated" on you, so I guess we're even, right?" he joked once more, giving the other a soft pat on the shoulder " 'sides, I'm sure Louie already told you 'bout the chaos. It just...seemed like the right thing to do"
Seamus MacTunnag The corner of his mouth quirked up at the admission, glad he wasn't trying to wave it off. "Mm, ye need someone tah hold yer 'and while they fix 'em," he quipped, a cheeky grin passing over his face. He had heard from Louie, who had done equally as stupid things while the town went to shite, that Lachlann had been saving a man's life. A man who, Seamus had heard through the grapevine, needed his medical bills paid off. So guess what had happened. "Sure, ye didna mean to. But ye did." Seamus shrugged. "An' it was. I did somethin' similar when we had zombies. Drove around on me motorcycle. It was jus' stupid tah do with yer side th' way it was. But...I get it."
Lachlann MacNab Oh, how had Lachlann missed the man -just a couple of minutes and he was laughing once more and things just seemed to be way, way easier to deal with. "My what noble offer, Mister Mac T" he joked back, letting his palm rest on the other's shoulder for a second before moving it to his upper arm "I'll keep it mind" He'd made the previous pain more bearable, so it wasn't just a joke. "...zombies" he echoed with a confused look "that sounds like...something. A little bit better than people attacking others and people burning buildings, I guess" At least zombies weren't people. " 's Donnie ok? I imagine he was worried out of him mind 'bout Louie playing the hero, even if he looked cool while doing so"
Seamus MacTunnag "Aye?" The smile that cracked across his face was both a flash mischievous and that normal cheek. "Good." Nodding, Seamus shrugged again, confirming. "Zombies, yes. And it...was, to a degree, but it was...a lot. Running 'em over was fun though." Placing a hand at the small of Lachlann's back, Seamus steered them around another few people as they entered the entrance of the establishment, considering what the other man had asked of him. "Far as I know, yes. 'M sure he was worried. I know I was. An' I hope he chews his arse out, but I wasna gonna stop 'im."
Lachlann MacNab Lachlann was very, very aware that laughing about running anything over while being an Uber driver was the biggest possible faux pas -but he couldn't help but chuckle anyways at the mere idea of Mister Mac T enjoying himself in such a way. Granted, he was also happy about the physical contact, even leaning a little into the other as he guided him around. " 's a very Donnie thing to do- worrying about 'em, I mean" and he wasn't complaining about it, just pointing it out. Saying the man loved his nephews was like pointing out that water was wet, it was just... natural "and a very Louie thing to do to do whatever he wants anyways" He paused for a second, suddenly feeling as if he was being watched, then shrugging that feeling off. "He kind of takes after you" he added, fondly, almost in a whisper
Seamus MacTunnag It was nice to hear the other man laugh, even if it wasn't the, uh, best topic to laugh about. It was just good. Good to hear and good to cause. When Lachlann tilted into the arm that was curved at his back and waist, Seamus his the smile that came with that, too. A bark of laughter escaped him at the thought of Louie doing what he wanted (because it was true) and Donald being a worry wart over things he couldn't necessarily control. It was the Mallard way and the MacTunnag creed, as it were. "Which one? The worry wart or th' reckless one?"
Lachlann MacNab That was a valid question, but the answer was so very, very simple. "Both" he said, not even stopping to think it over "Louie trying to save people while driving a moped is like a lighter version of you running zombies over" (And it was. and actually quite funny to think about) "And Donnie worrying about things that will be just fine" he added, just stopping on his tracks to carefully avoid bumping into someone, then getting a little bit closer to the other "of...what is kind of certain, I guess? I mean, the boys will cause some trouble for a while but will always come back and won't love him any less even if he was being a big worrywart" 'Just like me, I guess' "Unrelated, but...do you fancy southern food? I've heard wonderful things about Tiana's cooking
Seamus MacTunnag Well that wasn't entirely accurate at all. "Both, huh?" Seamus scratched the side of his neck, behind his ear, with his free hand, the other one hooked somewhere near the closest loop on Lachlann's pants, thumb toying with the material as they waited for someone else to pass them by. "Fast answer. Ye sound pretty confident, Lachie," he said, a touch teasing, but let it be. It was unflinchingly true. And Seamus hadn't really thought about it, how much parts of himself could be reflected in his nephews, until someone else mentioned it. Still, something certain was that Seamus couldn't help worrying, and he said as much, quietly, as they maneuvered through the crowd. The other question was a distraction, and a welcome one, and Seamus answered it easily. "Absolutely. Someone I was very close to, before everythin', used tah cook it often. If 's anythin'  like th' food from her hometown, 'm sure it'll be good." It also helped he had heard good things about Tiana herself.
Lachlann MacNab How long had it been since Lachlann had enjoyed himself that much? The recent events had made the days feel like a blur and- well, there hadn't been much to feel good about, anyways. Things without the other just seemed boring and thinking about it made Lachlann's head spin (because it seemed so silly, right? It had only been a couple of months since he'd arrived to Swynlake so saying something sentimental like "he makes my days worthwhile" seemed way too out there -true is it all might be-) "I'm glad to hear that" he said with a nod "I'm sure that if anyone can capture the magic of that kind of cuisine, it's Tiana" That was another thing that seemed so very natural -her posts were always so enthusiastic about that, she had a passion for what she did and he knew that would show on her food. "I just hope she isn't mad at me. But maybe if we have a lot of food she'll forgive me, right?"
Seamus MacTunnag There was a lot about the past few days that Seamus had realized had been...off, and he had just now recognized that it was because Lachlann had shown up, however many months ago that it was now, and hadn't left. Save for the times he was away crashing through town as an Uber driver and crashing at the apartment that needed to be condemned in Benbow, he was at the house in Besydus. It had been strange not to have the younger man crashing through the front door with some story or another about his adventures in town, the people he's met, the "friends" he may or may not have made. It had become something very much like a routine, a constant, and it was weird when it wasn't around. More than weird, in fact, though Seamus had no idea how to address it. "'M sure she can though that's nah what 'm interested in." Seamus turned to look at him from the corner of his eye. "What'd ye do?"
Lachlann MacNab "Well..." he said after thinking about it for a second and moving his arm so he could link it to the other's, even if the movement was kind of awkward at first thanks to the placement of the other's hand (but they got comfortable after a second and walking around that way seemed way more practical) "Where to begin...?" And suddenly, he realized that he didn't need to give a long talk about it. "Remember the other day when I told you about spending the day with a family? The Polleys?" he'd told him about that fiasco, before (that very same night, actually, since he'd arrived at Besydus with a head full of ketchup and Maeve had been thrilled about him smelling of bacon) "About the baby throwing a piece of bread then some teens starting a food fight in which I valiantly fought for the family's honour? Yeah, it was that. Tiana was the waitress" How curious that he didn't have to elaborate even more. To know the other would understand. "Maybe I can make it up to her by buying a lot of food -some for us, some for the boys, some for Tito and Greg"
Seamus MacTunnag Shifting around a bit so Lachlann could link their arms without straining his shoulder, or Seamus's own, for that matter, the Scotsman hummed in interest. "Aye, I remember. Took ye twenty minutes tah get th' bloody catsup outta yer hair." But, as he listened, Seamus inwardly cringed. That poor woman. "She deserves tah have 'er own place after dealin' with that." A small laugh escaped him and he shrugged, fingers of the hand Lachlann had looped his arm through into the edge of the other man's pants pocket. "Or ye could just apologize, though I figure Mr. Eeyore could do with food that ain't from th' hospital." While he had never met Tito, he seemed like a decent sort, enough to join Lachlann on his quest to make sure Greg survived. "Maybe th' beignets?"
Lachlann MacNab "It takes a special kind of teenage rebellion to start a food fight because of a literal toddler. I only joined in because of that, like...who attacks a family with a baby!?" and, sure, his actions hadn't made things any easier for Tiana and he was sorry for being part of what finally made her snap, but he wouldn't apologize for doing what he thought was the best thing for the Polleys "But...yeah, I guess-" His hand moved, searching for the other's, partly because he needed something to ground himself with and because it seemed a better option that having the man grab him by the pants (not that he'd ever complain or that he, of all people, knew or cared about what was socially acceptable, but, hey) "An apology 's good but it won't...change what happened, I guess? I think actions would be better than words" (which was a very relevant thought during that moment, in many ways) "And I'll have to be extra careful 'bout that, yerp! Tito says Greg 's vegan so we'll have to ask about the ingredients!" He paused for a second. "You remember the beignets!" he said, amazed. They'd seen them at Al's Potluck and had been such a little thing, mentioned in passing and yet...!
Seamus MacTunnag "Teenagers," Seamus responded, voice dry, as he continued listening to the younger man defend his supposed defense of the Polley family who, quite frankly, should not have been where they were at that place and time if it had meant poor Tiana dealing with it as she had. Still, the mental image of teenagers starting a food fight because of a baby was a funny one. And, subtle as Lachlann was not, Seamus couldn't help but find it amusing that he’d joined in a food fight purely because he'd thought it was the thing to do. Also, that the man was now trying to wiggle his hand from his pocket. The Scotsman obliged with a huff, sliding their fingers together with an ease that bellied the actual action itself. "Both, then. An' apology of ye see 'er an' buyin' the food, too. That's why yer here, anyway, ain't it?" It certainly wasn't because Seamus might have shown up or, at least, that was the thought anyway. The amazement that crossed over Lachlann's face at Seamus's memory made him laugh outright, loud and long, and shake his head. "D'ye think I canna remember things, Lachie? 'M nae that feeble minded yet. But, course I did. They were good, fer one, and fer another they're all over social media." Apparently they were one of the best desserts in town.
Lachlann MacNab "Teenagers" Lachlann replied with a nod and a somehow-defeated expression. Thinking about it wouldn't do any difference now to them, the Polleys or Tiana, so he just accepted what had happened and his part on that whole fiasco. Besides, he had more important things to worry about, like the other's laugh. "Ah" he said, suddenly feeling specially stupid for forgetting about the existence of social media (of course! Those posts were nice reminders too!) "I didn't say that or, like, meant to imply it. It was, just, nice that you remembered" He tried to cough the blush away. "And the food's good and I'd like to, like, ask for forgiveness but there's other reasons too-" he shrugged just one shoulder "--you know?"
Seamus MacTunnag Seamus snorted at the other man's defeated expression, the somber tone with which he foretold the destruction wrought by teenagers. It was a sincere understatement. But it was good to see that Lachlann was trying to make ammends for the part he had played in the fiasco. Tweaking the other's hand with his own, Seamus raised a brow at not only the cough, but the red tinge that colored his face and neck, as well. "Saw that," he teased, before smiling slightly, "but, aye, I do. 'M sure she'll appreciate it."
Lachlann MacNab Swynlakers could be scary. Normal teens were scary. Ergo, Swynlake teens... "I think the real surprise 's that you decided to come, Mister Mac T" he said, forgetting about the blush  for a second "'s it because you heard The Robinsons were coming too? Or because of the Tritons? Or are you secretly a Jambalaya afficionado?" (Which was a funny mental image) "I heard Mrs. Robinson is playing some songs!" he added, taking a couple of steps to the right in order to now move away from the bar, knowing the thing might be a complicated topic for the other "you think it would be a faux pas if I were to dance? Like, I mean, my dancing 's almost criminal but I think it'd be fun" Hey, if he was making a fool of himself he might as well go all out, right?
Seamus MacTunnag "An' why wouldn't I? Figure, 've survived all o' this shite, a restaurant openin' couldna be too bad for me health." He was only mostly kidding, too. There had been far too many things trying to kill him over the years; he'd begun to grow tired of hiding from them, from running. "Heard all th' food's good, nah just the Jambalaya. However, I wouldna say no tah a good helpin' of it." They had somehow made their easy through the crowd by now, meandering through the building as they went. Seamus took the place in with a critical, but friendly, eye. The place looked good, to say the least. He tuned back into the conversation somewhere around his cataloging of their location (the bar, regrettably, though he noted the subtle change in their course and was grateful for it) and nodded his head. "'S prob'ly true, then. I doubt she'd miss this." He doubted Cornelius would, either, particularly if his wife was here. When dancing was brought up, however, Seamus brightened up a bit. He hadn't danced seriously in years but he was still fairly good at it, if he had to say so, but he still glanced the other man over, a smirk on his face. "D'ye 'ave two left feet, MacNab? Or are ye actually worried 'bout yer side?" Or both, which was a distinct possibility, but doubtful.
Lachlann MacNab Well, that was an unexpected reaction. Lachlann had expected for the other to chuckle at the idea of him dancing but he seemed to be legit thrilled by the concept. "A little bit of both" he admitted, now stopping for a second to take a look at the big painting that decorated the place (and that seemed familiar, somehow) "I think it'd be dangerous for the furniture and my side if I were to try and dance. 'sides, the music will probably be jazzy or, like, swing or neo-swing, right?" (And as much of a Big Bad Voodoo Daddy fan he was, he'd rather not cause extra trouble) "I'd probably step on you anyways" the (former) pilot added, bumping the other's hips with the least damaged of his and grabbed the other's hand a little bit tighter (in case he lost his balance).
Seamus MacTunnag Pausing as Lachlann did, Seamus tilted his head to look at the (weirdly familiar?) mural as well, wondering where he'd seen it before. "Yer nae gonna run intah anythin'...well, ye shouldna," he clarified, but nodded his head in agreement. "Thas' what Franny does, aye." And, suddenly, he missed the swing dancing when he was younger, probably around Lachlann's own age, when he'd tossed his younger sister up into the air and heard her laugh aloud. While they certainly wouldn't be doing anything fancy, Seamus figured at least one dance wouldn't hurt. Just the one. "Who said ye couldna? 'S how I taught Adelaide. Yer a mite bit heavier but I think we could make it work," he teased, nudging back. "'Course 's up tae you. Slow 's fine with me, too."
Lachlann MacNab "It may come as a surprise, Mister Mac T, but I have some self-awareness" (just a little, really, but it was way better than nothing at all) "and being as accident prone as I am...that can only end it in tragedy for you and your shoes" And yet, here he was, moving a little from side to side as he held the other's hand, not really minding the lounge-style music in the background at all and instead just moving a little for the sake of it. "And I wouldn't want to ruin your squeaky clean image by doing something silly in front of everyone" (Yup, the squeaky clean part was a joke)
Seamus MacTunnag "Do ye, now?" The grin that crossed his face, then, was bordering on impish, but no one else would ever really see it. "I'd've never guessed ye were accident prone, Lachlann MacNab. Not after how we met." No, he was never going to let him forget that. Even with his words, though, Lachlann was swaying a bit from side-to-side, almost in time with the music but not quite, so Seamus let him, sliding a leg back a bit so he didn't take a tumble if he over corrected. The bark of laughter that escaped when he caught the joke was surprised but, really, he didn't know why he was. He was far from squeaky clean and he shook is head, amused by the insinuation.
Lachlann MacNab "Unbelievable, I know" Lachlann joked back (because at this point there was no use in pretending to be offended or that the other wasn't absolutely right) "but it happens" Besides, his attention was now on the other's movements and laugh; He'd been honest with the 'I can't dance' comment, so even something as easy as swaying implied some effort and concentration he didn't quite have, partly because of his wounds and partly because of his...general self. So he moved his free arm to surround the other's side and use his as a guide, even if the rythm wasn't a slow-dancing one (or anyone else was dancing, but he was ready to ignore the rest of the world for a couple of minutes). " 's this like...one two three, onetwo three? or, like, one. twothree, onetwo. three?"
Seamus MacTunnag "Absolutely unbelievable, mmhmm," he agreed, leaning into the joke for a moment more before he caught Lachlann looking at him and tilted his head, arching a brow in silent question. Lachlann moved his free arm around his waist and, he thought, he had his answer. They continued swaying but now Lachlann was asking questions, too, and...really he must have been desperately hopeless at it all if he was asking about a simple three-step. "'S more one two, three," he said, demonstrating with the side-step left, right, and a small backyard rock on his right heel. "Fer swing anwyay. Yer left foot would rock back, since it'd be th' opposite. But fer a slow dance 's nothin' that complicated." As if to prove his point, Seamus nudged Lachlann around to face him using the arm he'd had slipped around his waist and the one he still clutched as a guide. "Jus' following along 's really all it is. Don' gotta worry about yer feet. Jus' follow."
Lachlann MacNab Lachlann was desperately hopeless and the other's words weren't all that easy to follow anyways, so that was a bizarre situation all around (but at least it was a funny one). "One two. Three" he mumbled, trying to mirror the other's movements and failing by a couple of beats before he tried again -and again and failed again -and again. They were lucky that as silly as the whole thing was, it was also actually quite entertaining to be part of; They were quite literally 'dancing' (though the mileage might vary about the dancing part)  to their own rythm and while Lachlann couldn't tell if the other was as focused as he was... well, at least he seemed to be enjoying himself. 'Jus' follow' the other said. "To the end of the world" the (former) pilot replied "...but dancing wasn't in the contract, Mister Mac T"
Seamus MacTunnag So engrossed was he in simultaneously making sure Lachlann didn't pitch over sideways and that they didn't run into any other people milling around, Seamus almost didn't hear what he said. Almost. Suddenly, he was the one making a misstep, grip tightening on Lachlann's good hip and hand to keep them both upright. He could feel the surprise cross his face, too, and he had no idea what to do about it. "...s'pose it wasna. Ye don' mind alterin' th' contract a mite, do ye? 'Cause yer gonna learn, actually learn. Jus' so ye know what t'expect, an' all."
Lachlann MacNab The sudden misstep almost made Lachlann trip, but he (almost miraculously) managed to regain his footing before he stared at the other, now a little bit closer and even more confused than he already was. Had he said something wrong? "I- buh" he tried to say, then tried again "that sounds like a plan, yerp, and I guess learning something new won't hurt" He didn't know what he'd even needed to learn to dance for, or if that was a relevant talent to have, but whatever the other offered, he'd gladly take. "But, are you ok? Or was that part of the dance? Should we take a seat, Mister Mac T?" (A silly offer from someone that wasn't really planning to let go just yet)
Seamus MacTunnag The confused look that passed over Lachlann's face after Seamus's misstep and recovery and Lachlann's own (miraculous) recovery was remarkably endearing. As was the apparent concern. "Old dogs, new tricks, Lachie, old dogs an' new tricks," Seamus hummed, stepping back and out and giving a twist ofis wrist to (slowly) spin the other in a small circle. When he came back to center, Seamus slid his arm around Lachlann's waist again and just...idled with a small grin on his face. "'m fine. Jus' tripped. But if ye need tah sit we can find a table 'fore everyone else takes 'em."
Lachlann MacNab "You sure? I-" Lachlann began, going so far as letting go from the other's waist with the intention to pat his (good) shoulder to make sure- -but the next thing he knew was that he was being guided into a little spin he couldn't help but whisper a happy "weeee" at. But soon enough he was back to facing the other, returning his grin with a smile of his own as he rested his palm on the older man's shoulder and not doing much for a second save for just watching him. "Yeah, maybe we should stop now" he whispered, unaware that they had already done so.
Seamus MacTunnag "We already 'ave," Seamus said, voice pitched lower so it didn't carry, didn't interrupt anyone else around them (whoever was close enough anyway). There was a slight smile that softened the edges of Seamus's mouth, crinkled the edges of his eyes, caused by the little noise he'd heard the other man make. They stared at one another for a moment before someone cleared their throat behind him and Seamus snapped back to reality. He stepped to the side, an arm still resting around Lachlann's waist, and nodded his head as a man and woman passed. "Come on," he said, using the hand he had curled around Lachlann's hip to nudge him toward the tables. "Find a seat."
Lachlann MacNab The realization of having stopped before and his words being silly because of it didn't really bother Lachlann, nor did the other's words -because both of those things seemed completely irrelevant at the moment. "I-" he whispered still, with the intention of pointing out how much he'd missed the other during the days that were still much of a blur on his mind (because of the fever and how the incident with Greg had shaken him way more than he cared to admit and the fact that without him around things just seemed senseless and so very forgettable). And suddenly he was leaning a little closer to the other's face and- -a couple distracted him -distracted them- because, well, they were still on the way. On a public event. So, yeah, those two being bothered by them being on the way was completely understandable. No biggie, not at all. "Yeah, lets" he finally said, once again following the other.
Seamus MacTunnag He hadn't known, rightfully, what he'd seen staring back at him from Lachlann's face, nor for certain that he'd been leaning in closer, closer than before anyway. That Lachlann'd been saying something and had lost it, had seemed distracted, by the couple. In truth, Seamus had forgotten where they were for a few minutes, drowning out the sounds and focusing on the steps, not having to worry about thinking or doing but just being somewhere. But it was still no reason to feel like a stone had settled at the bottom of his gut at having to move out of the way. Yet, there it was, leaden and heavy. Lachlann moved with him as he maneuvered his way through the oncoming throng of pairs and groupings of people, navigating them easily enough to a smaller table away from the main pathway, a place where Lachlann could stretch out his leg and not have to worry about tripping any one and where Seamus wouldn't feel swallowed in by the oncoming tide of people. The privacy was an added afterthought, if a bonus
Lachlann MacNab Things had just...happened, really (or, rather, hadn't really happened) and Lachlann was, once again, at a loss. Again, he couldn't blame the couple for wanting to make their way around, but they had rained on his parade and- -aaand he was feeling specially stupid for even considering doing that while in public, but with the closeness and the sudden feeling of intimacy it (the dancing and the chat) brought...well, he hadn't really considered anything save the other for a brief moment. That said, he felt very glad when they found an empty table and took a seat, since that brought a sense of stability he hadn't realized he needed. "As I was, eh, trying to say..." he began, after taking a moment to make himself as comfortable as possible "I- wait, is that Huey?!" Waitwait- was Huey really on a date just some tables away?!
Seamus MacTunnag Seamus watched the other man out of the corner of his eye as they sat, both to gauge if Lachlann was able to sit without pain and if the almost...discontent he saw was actually there. It was, but Seamus chose not to comment upon it. Rather, he sat in his own chair with a small sigh, glad to be off his feet for a short while. Though he enjoyed dancing, and would have continued if he could, he'd been up on his feet since well before the day had begun and a certain tiredness tugged at his bones now, though it didn't show on his face in the slightest. His head turned to take in the other man, patiently waiting for him to continue before being surprised by his outburst. Straightening and turning to look where Lachlann was, Seamus chuckled quietly. "Aye, so it is." A pause and then a mischievous smile. "Think he'd like tah be told hello?
Lachlann MacNab Oh, what a delightfully devilish idea! Buuut since the other was being the michievious one right now, Lachlann feel the moral obligation of being the voice of reason for now. "Maybe later?" he joked, moving a palm to one of the other's legs, resting it there for a second "it'd be fun to say 'hi' and see what happens but they deserve to have a nice moment first, right?" They, themselves, had been interrupted a second ago and he wouldn't wish that kind of anticlimatic feeling on the teens. " 'sides, I'm having a lot of fun already, Mister Mac T! Maybe we should get something-" he now pointed at one of the menus "-and then, I don't know, maybe continue partying somewhere else?"
Seamus MacTunnag He didn't pout nor did he frown, but there was a furrow between his brows and he sighed, slumping in his chair in mock dejection. "Fine, fine. Yer right, I s'pose." And he was right, at that. Seamus made it a point to let the boys do whatever they thought best, to make their own mistakes and choices and be a voice of reason if Donald asked it of him or he was called to speak to them, but he was not inherently close to them, not truly. But Huey did deserve his date with....who looked to be the youngest Triton lass. So they would stay put for the time being. Dragging his gaze back to the table and the menus Lachlann pointed at, Seamus nodded and pulled one closer, pausing as the end of the thought caught up to him. "'ll keep that in mind. What d'ye reckon ye'll get?" Seamus hadn't had the chance to decide but they had time to, he supposed
Lachlann MacNab Well, Lachlann didn't know much about the Tritons (having only heard of Aquata thanks to the Elections and Alana thanks to Loppy's makeup) and, as such, he couldn't recognize the girl Huey was on a date with as one of them and, instead, just assumed she was the girlfriend he'd mentioned that time at Chapter Three. "Well, I'll have to ask for their vegan options and if they aren't against me taking some food home..." he said, giving the menu a quick look "and, buh, I guess I- we-? should try Tiana's gumbo. I've heard it's a must" Then again, everything Tiana cooked sounded amazing, so there wasn't a bad option. "What do you think?" the (former) pilot trusted the other's tastes, so he wasn't against asking for the same thing as the other.
Seamus MacTunnag Humming as he scanned over the menu himself, Seamus nodded his head absently at the other's words. "Mmhmm gumbo or the jambalaya. Take one home. 'M sure they'll letcha." It was a restaurant, after all. Still, he scanned through the pages and looks everything over, bypassing the drinks and desserts pages, though he knew he'd be taking a container of beignets home for later. "Pick whatcha want an' if there's more than one jus' take th' second one home."
Lachlann MacNab Lachlann blinked a couple of times before he remembered that the other was loaded and, as such, didn't have to go through the whole 'discreetely eyeing the prices and deciding based on them' process everyone else had to. "Ah, yeah" having both was technically, an option "I just don't want to impose or make my part of the tab way more expensive than yours or anythin', Mister Mac T" Ah, the struggles of the non-billionares....! "I guess I'll have Gumbo and ask for some to give Tito, then ask 'bout the vegan options for Greg" but that would had to wait until they were already done eating their parts" he paused before thinking out-loud "...you think we should buy Maeve something?"
Seamus MacTunnag Glancing over at Lachlann, Seamus shook his head at the clear hesitancy to buy what he wanted on the menu versus how much the price was. "I know what yer doin', ye know. Sometimes I think people forget I didna always 'ave money. 'M tellin' ye tah get whatcha want 'cause it don' matter if ye do tah me." And that was the truth. Seamus had worked hard for the money he had, had invested what he had in places that had been lucrative, had been downright lucky at other times, but there had been the times where he'd barely had enough to eat, too. "'S fine by me," he hummed, and answer for the man's entire thought process summed up into a single sentence, closing the menu and sliding it across the table to sit with the other one. He draped his free arm across the back of Lachlann's chair. "Think I saw chicken an' rice we could get 'er"
Lachlann MacNab "I don't know what you're talking about, Mister Mac T" he lied (even if he didn't even bother to make it a convincing lie), taking a moment before nodding and closing his own menu, placing it above the other's "and I'll insist on paying my part. Like, I still have the Gala's money so there's no need for you to worry about it" Hey, Lachlann was kind of dim-witted but he wasn't completely oblivious and was very much aware that some people believed he was around only for the money (Boba's words hurt every now and then) and while he generally tried to not mind other's words a lot... Yeah, he wasn't letting the other pay for his part of the tab. "Can dogs eat rice, though?"  that was a legit question, even if he was distracted with the return of the closeness
Seamus MacTunnag A slight laugh broke out of him as he slanted a smile toward the other man. "Aye, that was very convincin' Lachlann. But if ye insist, I ain't gonna stop ye." See, he knew what people said about anyone he was around for longer than a few days, particularly someone that he'd grown...close to. Seamus had heard it before and he would probably continue to. It didn't help matters that Lachlann was younger than him, too. He could only imagine what people said. If the gossip blog was anything to go by, of which he'd seen plenty thanks to Lachlann, the lads, and a few other random moments of fortune, it wasn't always nice. As though to convince the other about the sincerity of his words, Seamus squeezed the hand that Lachlann had yet to move from his leg and nodding his head. "She can if 's cooked white rice. Good carbohydrates an' protein if ye give 'er meat too. Cannae 'ave it often though."
Lachlann MacNab "That's really appreciated, Mister Mac T" and it really, really was. The last thing he wanted to do was become yet another thing the other had to worry about (again. The whole Black Annis ordeal was a prime example of what could go wrong if he didn't think things twice) " 's not like I don't, eh, appreciate the idea of you paying but I'd rather pay my part, it's only fair and I really don't mean to impose" Specially when they haven't seen eachother during the last couple of days -he didn't want the other to get the wrong idea. (Gee, maybe he should stop reading The Spill. He loved Boba but they were far from unbiased when it came to some people) "Then she can have some, as a treat" he joked, once again interwining his fingers with the other's, not thinking too much about it -that kind of proximity just...happened, really. "And I'll give her some peanut butter as dessert"
Seamus MacTunnag Seamus nodded his acquiescence and his acknowledgment of what Lachlann said, offering up a small smile as he did. "Ye worry too much, ye know that," he said, voice leaning toward teasing to soften the words as he nudged him with the knuckles of the arm curled around his shoulders. "Startin' tah give me a run fer me money." A moment later he dropped the teasing and became serious, leaning so he made sure Lachlann could see his face. "An' yer nah an imposition, ye ken? Ye can pay if ye wanna, I ain't ever gonna tell ye yah ain’t able tah, but it ain't about fair." Fair was nice, sure, but that's not how anyone else would see it. And Lachlann, for whatever his reasoning, had decided to hitch his horse, so to speak, with Seamus's own for the time being. He wasn't going to make it any harder on the man. The joke was one that hit center mass but all Seamus did was shake his head, thumb idly tapping the top of Lachlann's hand while they waited for the waitress. "She's spoilt, ye know that right?"
Lachlann MacNab There were many ways in which Lachlann felt like replying to that: from the typical "I worry too little, actually" to the "I'm trying to dethrone you, you know?", some options a little bit more playful than the others, some a little more serious- but instead, he decided to be a little more direct about what was on his mind, since he hadn't had the chance to do it some minutes before. "She kind of is" he began, then stirred the phrase into what really was on his mind "and I really missed her" A beat. "I missed you" (and that hadn't been his best segue ever, but at least he finally said the thing) "A lot"
Seamus MacTunnag "An' yer mostly tah blame," he mumbled, knowing that was only half the truth. 60/40 at the very least. But he didn't say that. Instead, he listened to the change in Lachlann's voice, a more serious tone than before. Saying he'd missed the dog and, then, him. That he’d missed him a lot, and something about that twisted a bit in his chest, squirmed around and burrowed in between his ribs, a bit disarming but...not necessarily a bad thing. The corner of his mouth curled upward, the edges of his eyes crinkling. Seamus decided to tell a bit of the truth, too. Fair was fair, after all. "Tah tell ye th' truth, it was...strange. Th' house was quiet fer th' first time in months an' it--" It had been alien, is what it had been, and it suddenly dawned on him how easily it had been to get used to having someone in his space for longer periods of time than a few days every so often. "--aye. I missed ye, too."
Lachlann MacNab Lachlann wasn't sure of what he had expected the other's reaction to be like- -but this was way better than the best of any possible scenarios he could imagine. The other was smiling (genuinely smiling!), didn't answer his words with a comment about him being daft or being the one to blame for the brief separation to begin with and, most importantly, he was smiling. His smile was contagious, and Lachlann was smiling back before he even knew it, all semblance of any previous nervousness completely gone. "I didn't mean to dissapear and-" he paused, trying to get his ideas in order. He was a man of his word (because he'd learned from Darkwing's series, of course) and, as such, couldn't promise to not dissapear on the other ever again because things sometimes happened out of nowhere (just like the whole previous ordeal) "-I'll try to not do it again" He couldn't promise because he couldn't control that sort of thing, but he could promise to do his best. "I wouldn't want you to get too comfortable without me, you know?" he joked.
Seamus MacTunnag Apparently, what he'd said had been the correct thing because Lachlann was smiling back at him, his entire face lighting up. It was nice to see, particularly after the last few days' ordeal, that the last time he'd seen him there had been tears and injuries to tend to. Granted, the tears had been his own, first, but Lachlann had followed suit. Seamus still didn't quite understand why (though he was, maybe, beginning to shape up something like one). Squeezing the hand still curled in his own, Seamus acknowledged what he was saying with a quiet murmur of his thanks, anything else he might have said sticking in his throat. Lachlann couldn't promise he wouldn't leave, just like no one else could, but the fact he had promised to try not to do it again well...that meant something. And that something was good enough for Seamus. Without really thinking about it, or making sure he couldn't, the Scotsman lifted the hand in his and pressed the back of it to his lips, dropping it just as swiftly back to where it had lain and turning to the waitress that came alongside their table with a well-practiced smile.
Lachlann MacNab Ladies and Gentlemen (and those who identify as 'neither'), Lachlann MacNab's brain had just left the building. And the planet. And this side of the galaxy, probably. Lachlann's current state of mind could be described with two memes: 'no thoughts, head empty' and with the blurry images full of colourful hearts -the red on his face (that was almost as dark as the one of his hair) did a good job expressing that last idea without any need for words. His thoughts didn't return when the waitress finally appeared, nor when the older man started ordering food, nor with the casual 'customer service-like' jokes she made every now and then. He had been reduced to a blushing, grinning idiot and he regretted absolutely nothing.
Seamus MacTunnag The waitress was friendly, incredibly so, the small talk she made before taking their orders was casual, friendly, and professional. Seamus was pleased to see that she knew the menu expertly, answering the questions he had about certain dishes. Out of the corner of his eye, Lachlann still hadn't stopped grinning. A self-satisfied smirk curled, briefly, around Seamus's mouth before it fell away, returning to something more pleasant. Their waitress caught it, nevertheless, and hid her own smile behind her notepad. Seamus ordered everything they'd discussed, vegan option included, and merely asked for part of the order to be brought out to-go, along with the dessert (unless their minds were changed about that, later). Then she left and the table had fallen silent again. Seamus turned to Lachlann and chuckled at the red flush that had spread across his face. "Did we lose ye Lachie?"
Lachlann MacNab 'Did we lose ye Lachie?' The answer was, of course, a dazed "buh" before any semblance of coherent thought returned to Lachlann's mind and he became, slowly but surely, capable of articulating words. "Yeah, I- wha-? I- sure?" he obviously hadn't heard the other's words (but, hey, at least he was trying), cleared his throat, then tried again "I'm ok, I just- I- yeah. That was- really cute" He then realized 'cute' wasn't necessarily the best word to convey his idea but at this point the fact that he hadn't fainted (like when he was sufficiently near Jim Starling) was practically a miracle in itself. "Sorry, I just-" he laughed "-sorry, Mister Mac T, you have my attention now" (As if he hadn't before) "Would you believe me if I said that blood loss finally got the better of me? and, eh, thanks for ordering, by the by"
Seamus MacTunnag The brunette waited patiently for the other man to be able to express emotions through words, but it was a bit if an amusing wait, if he was being honest. It was almost like watching a computer reboot, except the computer was Lachlann's brain and it had gone completely off-line. "Cute, huh," he questioned, good-humor coloring his words, still a touch teasing as he shook his head and laughed, quietly, again before nudging a water towards the other man. "Nope. Not in th' slightest." The grin that curled around his mouth was cheeky, now, as he motioned towards Lachlann's face, gently ribbing at him. "Seein' as yer face is th' color o' yer hair, I'd say 's fine. An' if it wasna, well, ye'd probably be goin' tah th' hospital." He was, after all, proclaimed a worrier. Had to keep that intact, even if he was messing about. "But yer welcome. Figured it wouldna hurt."
Lachlann MacNab "You know what I meant" was the best argument Lachlann could offer (and he was sure the other  indeedknew). 'Cute' wasn't the best of words to express the idea but it was close enough. (And, again, the other's smile had disarmed him a long time ago and he regretted absolutely nothing) "Maybe I should go to the hospital, but I'd prefer to get some food first" he joked back, just letting things be "I'm a man of priorities, Mister Mac T!" It was almost surreal to think that he had been nervous at the beginning, specially now that things felt so ...natural, as if no time had passed or the town being in literal flames some days prior hadn't been that big of a deal
Seamus MacTunnag "Do I though," he hummed, one side of his mouth still curled upward. He sipped at his own drink for a moment before Lachlann spoke again. "Food first, then. Go tah th' hospital on a full stomach," he murmured, following along on the thread of the joke as his eyes roved over the other patrons. There were a great number of people clustered near the front still, many more seated at tables and booth seats. Tiana's Place seemed to be doing wonderfully well.
Lachlann MacNab "Food first, everything else can wait" he nodded with a smile still on his face. The atmosphere was really, really enjoyable and they were in no hurry to do...well, anything -the previous interruption had been kind of rude but now that they had decided what to eat and had made themselves comfortable it seemed like such a trivial thing to think about. Maybe they'd give dancing a second try, later, and maybe he'd manage to find Tiana and chat her up, maybe the other would find some of his acquaintances and have a good time with them, too- -but that moment, that little moment, was perfect just like that.
Seamus MacTunnag Nodding his head, Seamus agreed to Lachlann's words wordlessly. Instead, he returned the grin. He found himself continuing to do that. Perhaps any other person would have been angry that Lachlann had disappeared, that he'd gone out and done something idiotic because he thought to help a friend. Perhaps, at one time, he would have been. But Seamus had learned in his irregularly long life not to hold a grudge. At this point, it would probably die with him, and he didn't want to hold grudges against the man next to him. He hadn't promised not to leave again, but he'd said he would try, and trying counted in his book. They could dance later or they could not. They could sit and talk or they could walk back to the car and drive back through Besydus. But whatever they did, Seamus was alright with that. It was the trying that counted, after all
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G o t 7 au pt.1
(((((AU where Got7 never debuted. Each member took on other roles mostly still in the music world.)))))
Jackson had invited JB over to meet his new puppy. It was apparent just by viewing the apartment that Jackson had gone to so.e lengths to control the red heeler puppy that was currently occupied chewing on a bone. One wouldn't realize from this snapshot that Jackson was overwhelmed and had been largely unprepared for the terror that this dog had turned out to be. He had met s dog of the same breed when visiting his brother, rugby player in Australia and had fallen in love. Despite being cautioned he thought he could do it.
He was wrong.
JB was overwhelmed and while he liked MinNao well enough, she was quite a handful. Jackson had turned on the tv to one of the music programs airing.
"There's a group that uses a dog in their comebacks." Jackson said excitedly.
"Oh yeah?" JB asked, lounging comfortably on the couch next to his friend.
"Yeah, it's cool, I thought Min could be like that too." He continued, "Have you heard of HEET?"
"Yeah, that's Byoungjin's and Minhwan's group." JB said, squinting his eyes as he remembered the two young trainees that had previously been with JYPE before he stopped being a trainee.
"Yeah that's them. Their mascot is a samoyed and this famous trainer works with them. Oh look! Look! They're on now!" Jackson pointed and leaned forward enthusiastically.
JB sat up to see better, watching the performance. Sure enough a fluffy white dog, was part of the performance. Even her shirt style matched the concept of the rest of the group. She wasn't out with them the entire time but had a role in the chorus as well as the finale where she ran out, jumped off one members back into another members arms and posed with them.
JB grinned as Jackson clapped and laughed, "Isn't that cool!"
"Yeah that's really good. That must be really hard." JB was impressed, "That's a cute dog."
"I'm gonna hire that trainer." Jackson said matter of factly. JB raised his eyebrows, looking over at his friend questioningly, "I am! Minhwan is the leader of HEET. He put me in contact with her. Once this comeback wraps up she said she'd meet with me."
JB shrugged and leaned back, "You'll need all the help you can get with that monster."
Almost on cue Jackson looked over to see that Min had decided to switch from her bone to one of his shoes. "YA! What are you doing?" He jumped up and she immediately went into a play bow then took off running, Jackson hot on her heels. JB watched, his mouth stretched in a line and eyebrows raised before turning back to the TV to see the next act.
JB was awoken by his phone ringing early in the morning. Seeing it was Jackson he almost ignored it but given the odd hour he decided to answer.
"Hyung." JB blinked as Jackson whined out the word.
"What do you need." JB sighed as he struggled to wake up more fully.
"Hyung can you come over and watch MinNao for a couple days?" Jackson pleaded.
"Watch... Min." JB was speechless. He absolutely did not want to do this.
"Hyung please. Jinyoung and Mark and filming right now and Youngjae is out of town. My grandma is sick, I need to see her." Jackson sounded genuinely desperate.
"Ahh... just a few days?" JB clarified rubbing his face.
"Yes yes please!" Jackson now sounded hopeful.
"Yeah, I guess I can." JB sighed, flopping back onto the bed.
"Hyung thank you! I'll buy you something delicious when I get back! Whatever you want." Jackson promised.
"I'll make it worth my while." JB threatened lightly.
"Oh, the trainer is coming this week too, I dont want to cancel with her, can you meet with her for me?" Jackson added almost as an afterthought. JB hesitated then agreed as well. Talking to a trainer wouldn't be a problem. Maybe they knew some cat stuff too, Odd had developed an annoying habit of missing the litterbox.
"Hyung, you're the best! I'll text you instructions." Jackson said.
"Yeah okay. You can stop sucking up now. I'm going back to sleep." JB hung up and rolled over, certain he had heard Jackson start another sentence and not caring.
Guerin made her way to the apartment after getting through security. Jackson was a well known rapper and it was reflected in his choice of home. She had researched him when he first hired her so she could be as prepared as possible, and Minhwan had assured her he was a hard worker and dog lover. While she had worked for celebrities before, Jackson was probably one of the most famous that had reached out to her.
"Stay back, stay!" Said a voice on the other side of the door. She couldn't help but smile, sure that the offending animal was not staying even a little.
The door opened and a red blur leapt over the foot attempting to block the way out. Guerin's reflexes saved the day as she dropped down and snatched up the escapee, grinning at the rotund monster that now flailed in her arms.
What her research had not prepared her for was the stranger that had opened the door. Out of habit she bowed politely and greeted him, which he reciprocated, thanking her for catching the puppy and seeming embarrassed as he invited her inside. Once the door was closed she set the puppy down who took off after a toy. Guerin might not have recognized him but he was easily as handsome as Jackson, if not more so. He was dressed stylishly grungy with loose fitting clothes, the first two button on his shirt undone. She felt suddenly self conscious in her plain khakis and work polo with her company named embroidered on the left (Pounce! Animal Training). She didn't look dirty but he looked like he could be chilling at a club and she looked like she worked for Best Buy.
"Ah... is Jackson here?" She asked after a beat of silence.
JB looked surprised then somewhat embarrassed with a hint of annoyance, he sucked in air through his teeth before answering, "He must have forgotten to tell you. He had to leave town unexpectedly and asked me to look after things here."
"I see." She nodded, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."
"Sorry! I'm Im Jaebeom, most people call me JB. I'm a friend of Jackson's." JB bowed again.
"Nice to meet you, I am Go Guerin." There was another awkward pause, "Would you introduce me to the puppy?" She asked.
"Sorry, of course. Yes." JB turned to find the troublemaker that had managed to disappear.
Guerin was rarely this uncomfortable meeting someone in a professional environment, but she had been thrown for a loop by the unexpected face, let alone such a strikingly attractive one. The twin moles above his left eye were especially charming she mused to herself before pushing the thoughts out of her head as he reappeared with the puppy, writhing unhappily in his arms.
Guerin went into work mode, suggesting he put a leash on the puppy to keep her in the area and started talking about treats. JB listened well, asking thoughtful questions as she discussed treats, reinforcement schedules and behaviors to look for all while covering the basics of how to get her attention and basic commands like Sit and Lay.
Before they knew it the hour had passed, with Min showing significant interest and improvement. "It'll take time. She's still a puppy, and a highly intelligent working breed. But if you keep at it and keep her busy she'll grow into a lovely dog."
JB had been surprised to see how focused and eager MinNao had been once they started working. He was impressed with how easily Guerin worked with the dog, and how much harder it felt when he tried it himself. She kept assuring him that it would get easier with time with genuine smiles and praise.
"Do you work with cats too?" JB asked curiously, stepping out of the x-pen that Guerin had set up around them as a designated play area for MinNao when when was unsupervised.
"Yes, I can work with any animal." Guerin responded with confidence.
"I had a question about one of my cats..." he trailed off, looking at her.
"Sure, what can I help with?"
They spent the time talking about Odd and his new habit, what could have caused it and tips to address it. Eventually the topic shifted to different animals Guerin had worked with and both exotic and the more famous dog of HEET (JB learned the dog was named Eneoji), which led into JB talking about music and his work. Before they knew it 45 more minutes had passed.
"I'm sorry to have kept you!" JB looked shocked, "I'll make sure to tell Jackson to pay you for it."
"Don't be silly. Most of that wasn't work anyway." She waved him off, having morphed into casual speech unintentionally as they had spoken, "You should probably let MinNao out to potty soon though. Here's my card if you have any more questions about your cats." She passed him her business card, then the two of them said their farewells and she headed out.
JB closed the door after her, leaning against it before looking down at the puppy, who was looking up at him while ripping the stuffing out of a plush toy. He sighed then went to get the leash and a plastic bag to take the puppy outside.
JB texted Guerin to schedule an appointment. She had an opening the next day so she agreed to assess the current set up with his cats and give suggestions. The first part of the appointment went normally enough as she offered pointers and praised how most of his set up was very cat friendly. She then introduced herself to the cats by sitting calmly and allowing them to approach her as the two chatted, straying naturally from the intended topic.
"What other animals have you worked with?" JB asked.
"All kinds. Back in the states I worked at a few different zoos, with everything from tigers to spider monkeys to vultures to insects. I love all kinds of animals." Guerin responded, giving Nora scratches behind the ear.
"Wow that's awesome." JB's eyes were wide, "What was your favorite?"
"I like working with birds the best. I have a parrot too, and I take her out flying a couple times a week. Free flight is so fun."
"You fly your parrot? Like on a leash?" JB's eyebrows were high into his hairline.
"No, no leash. She flies where she wants and comes back to me on a cue." Guerin couldn't help but grin a little in pride. She knew it was a cool behavior.
"How hard is it to train that?"
"It's a lot of work, and a lot of patience and relationship building. But it's seriously so much fun." Guerin answered.
"It must be amazing." JB looked impressed.
"Do you want to come sometime?" Guerin invited him, looking up from petting Nora.
"Really? Can I take pictures too?" JB asked, almost disbelievingly.
"Sure, I don't see why not." Guerin shrugged, secretly happy to show off but also somewhat thrilled to have an excuse to meet up with JB, and this time not in a professional setting. The two of them hashed out a time and JB talked about his photography and how he used it as inspiration for his music. Before they knew it time was up and Guerin had to leave for her next appointment. She felt a bit embarrassed that the subject hadn't stayed on topic and told him she would do the follow up appointment pro-bono. JB accepted, also looking forward to see her again. She had turned out to be interesting to talk to and he learned a lot. The two parted ways, both feeling it was a bit too soon.
Jinyoung and Mark were monitoring the last shot they had completed for the drama Jinyoung was starring in. Mark, usually a model, had been recommended by Jinyoung for the small supporting role that required some dancing. Both of them had a background as trainees and while a bit out of practice they had picked it up again surprisingly quickly.
"Charlie." Jinyoung had looked up to see the foreign producer walking past, and gestured for her to come over, "May I make a suggestion?" She hesitated a moment but came over, Mark moving slightly to make room for her.
"I think this move isn't filming well from this angle. Is there a chance we can do something else instead?" Jinyoung pointed out, Mark nodding in agreement.
Charlie looked thoughtful, "What did you have in mind?"
Jinyoung and Mark gave a few options and Charlie agreed that one of the choices would look better on camera, "I'll run it by the director. I think you're right."
"Thank you Charlie, you have a way with getting him to agree with you." Jinyoung smiled disarmingly at the pretty fair skinned woman.
"You're the best." Mark agreed with a small smile while maintaining eye contact.
She couldn't help a slight blush at the flattery from the handsome men, "Oh stop, it's nothing."
Jinyoung had enjoyed working with Charlie, she did her job well, she was likable and thoughtful. He had also learned that she had an unusual amount of pull with the crew as they seemed to trust her opinion. He and Mark had learned to come to her with their requests, since if she agreed it usually went their way.
"I'm serious, we should treat you to something delicious soon for all your good work." Jinyoung smiled coyly, gaining an unnoticed and unreadable glance from his model friend.
"I'm just doing my job." Charlie protested lightly.
"We just want to express our gratitude." Mark pouted cutely which caused her to melt.
"Oh my gosh you two are too much." She patted her warm cheeks self consciously, glancing back and forth between their eager, increasingly cutesy expressions, "Fine if it means you'll stop looking at me like that, you're embarrassing me!" She turned and hustled away to talk to the director about their suggested change before they could butter her up anymore.
Jinyoung watched her go with a satisfied expression before turning back to the monitor, feeling accomplished.
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paradisobound · 6 years
Puppy Love
12 Days of Ficmas: Day 6
Summary: Dan and Phil’s daughter Macey has been asking for a puppy for a while. So they decide to adopt a puppy for Christmas. 
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: None 
[Read on Ao3]
“Macey has been wanting a puppy for a while.” Phil says one night while he and Dan are laying in bed. “She’s been dropping hints every day for a while now.” 
Dan turns on his side and Phil looks down at him from where he sat on his phone. He’s been looking at the websites of the local animal shelters to see what puppies and dogs that they had. They were looking to adopt, not shop. 
“She’s thirteen, Phil.” Dan comments. “Do you think we should really give her the responsibility of a puppy?” 
Phil adjusted his glasses on the edge of his nose and pushed them back to the bridge. “Well, that’s the thing.” He says. “I think Mace will do fine with a puppy. She’s very responsible already. So I guess I don’t see the real harm of adopting a puppy. Plus, it’s not like she’ll be the only one taking care of it. We’d have it be a family dog.” 
Dan nods slowly and Phil can see the expression on his face means that he’s concentrating on what Phil is saying. 
“Do you think we’re ready to have a puppy?” 
“Dan, we raised Macey just fine.” 
Phil watched as Dan chuckled and snuggled further into the sheets. 
“Let’s sleep on it.” Dan finally says, his voice groggy.
Phil locks the screen on his phone and sets it on the nightstand next to the bed. He snuggles down and gives Dan a quick kiss before he says goodnight and shuts his eyes. 
“You know, papa, Gemma’s mum got her a puppy for her thirteenth birthday. But since my birthday is in May, maybe you can get me a puppy for Christmas!” 
Phil looked up from his coffee to see Macey standing in the kitchen in his school uniform, making herself a bowl of cereal. Dan was already gone to work at the BBC but Phil doesn’t leave for work until after Macey is on her way. 
“Hmm?” Phil says, taking a sip of his coffee. “We’ll see.” Macey stomped her foot and Phil gave her an eyebrow raise and she stopped. “Mace,” He began, “A puppy is a lot of responsibility and so it’s something we really need to think about. We still have a month before Christmas.” 
Macey looked up at him and her expression softened and she nodded. “Okay.” 
Phil smiled at her. “I’ll talk with your dad tonight about it.” 
Macey’s lips turned into a massive grin and she jumped up and down in her spot. 
“But that doesn’t mean anything!” Phil said, making sure that was clear. “You know your dad can be stubborn.” 
Macey nodded again and finished pouring the milk into her cereal. “I know!” She said, clearly getting excited already.
Phil let her finish her breakfast so she could get to school on time and he in return finished his coffee and then packed himself his lunch before he also headed to the BBC for his shift. 
“I reckon we’re gonna have to get Mace a puppy now.” 
“Phil, what did you do?” 
Dan was in the shower and Phil was taking out his contacts at the bathroom sink in preparation for bed. 
“Well, she dropped hints about the puppy earlier this morning before she left for school and I kind of said that I would talk to you about it.” 
Phil removed his second contact lens and put it in the pod before turning the sink on and washing his hands. “I know!” He said quickly, grabbing his glasses and putting them on before grabbing his toothbrush. “But I didn’t promise her a puppy. I just said I’d talk to you about it.” 
“Then we don’t have to worry.” 
The water to the shower turned off and Phil turned the tap on again to wet his toothbrush. Dan stepped out and grabbed a towel, tying it around his waist. He grabbed another towel and began to dry his hair. 
Phil brushed his teeth and then rinsed off his toothbrush as Dan stood next to him and did the same. 
“I think we should get her a puppy, Dan.” Phil says seriously. “You know what it’s like to be a teenager and to want a pet and your parent’s either don’t think you can handle it or they don’t want to deal with it. Well, we know Macey would love the thing like it was her child and we also know we’re going to too. We always did say we wanted a dog. Maybe this is the way we can do so.” 
Dan spit out his toothpaste and turned on the tap to rinse his toothbrush off. He put his toothbrush in the holder and Phil wanted for his response. Dan turned to face him. “A dog is a lot of work.” 
“And a child wasn’t?” Phil commented. 
Dan sighed. “Are you sure we should do this?” 
“I think I’m gonna go to the local animal shelter tomorrow.” 
Dan nodded. “Okay.” He walked away from the bathroom and nodded. “Okay. Yeah, we can go quickly after work tomorrow.” 
Phil smiled at him and Dan smiled back. 
When he went back to the bedroom, they exchanged a few quick kisses before falling asleep. 
“No no no no no!” 
Phil watched as Dan chased after the newest family member who the shelter had called Mani. He was a 3-year-old mutt that the shelter said had some form of terrier in it and also some Shih Tzu. He had the energy of a puppy, very fast and very agile. The shelter had, thankfully, held Mani for them so they could pick him up Christmas morning but the new pup was already a spry thing. 
Dan had been chasing him all morning around the house while Macey slept, trying to keep him quiet. The little pupper just slipped out of their grips every time. Phil tried to help at first but now he just can’t help but laugh as Dan chases the tiny dog around the house. 
Thank goodness the shelter told him Mani was house broke and also didn’t appear to chew on anything but his toys. Dan and Phil had went to the shelter every evening to play with Mani and so when they came to pick him up, he’d practically ran for them as Dan put him on a lead and then they finished filling out the papers. 
Trying to hide all of the new dog stuff was hard. They picked up the food and the new toys but kept them in their closet although Macey could tell their suspicious behavior. 
Dan had finally caught Mani and was holding him in his arms as Phil walked over and put the little bow around his neck on his collar. It was a pet safe one and they weren’t going to leave it on him long anyway. 
They could hear the floor creaking and footsteps down the stairs so Dan walked with Mani into the kitchen to hide. Macey walked around the corner, her brown hair a little messy and her pajamas a little disheveled. 
“Where’s dad?” She asked. 
Phil smiled at her. “Merry Christmas, honey.” 
Macey furrowed her brows but then Dan walked out, Mani in hand and Macey’s face instantly fell before she ran over to Dan 
“This is Mani.” Dan said, handing him over to her. 
Phil could see Macey was on the verge of crying as she took Mani from Dan and held the small fur-baby in her arms. “I love him so much.” She said sniffling. “Thank you for the perfect Christmas gift.” 
Dan and Phil both smiled at her. “He’s not your only gift.” Phil mentioned. “We did get you other things as well.” 
When they went into the living room, Macey set down Mani who played around with the scrap wrapping paper and tore it apart. They had given her some of the other things they knew she wanted like some Body Shop lotions and such, but they also wrapped a few dog toys for Mani and as soon as she opened them, she immediately gave them to Mani who played right along with her. 
Dan and Phil but stood back and watched as she bonded with Mani. Macey would pick him up and cuddled him to her chest while giving him kisses and he would return the kisses back. And from that point on, Phil was sure that those two were going to inseparable. 
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do you have any advice or anything about safely stimming? i always seem to have bruises on my wrist and fingers, and my head always hurts from smacking it. i don’t really have any stim toys so i need alternatives or or ways to help stop self hurting stimming
okay, full disclaimer here: i rely on stim toys a lot. my first stim toy (tangle therapy) was bought with the intention of being used as a redirect from one of my dominant stims that was harmful- it was the only thing up until that point that was truly successful redirecting that stim, and without it, i struggle, even with alternative stim toys. that said, i do have enough lived experience as an autistic person, both pre- and post- dx, trying to reduce harmful stims/ learning how to safely stim. i’m still learning. but, i’ll give you what i’ve tried in the hopes that maybe something will work for you. 
the first thing that kind of helps is figuring out what stims feel good and why. when i say this, i mean the self-injurious kind as well. e.g. one of my stims is hitting the heel of my hand on a hard surface, like the corner of a desk or a doorframe. when i thought about what i physically felt when i did it, how i felt in my brain and when i did it, i realised it was often when i was studying and deliberately not allowing myself to stim; i was sitting still, writing, typing, turning pages etc. i’m super super tactile and i love input through my hands (idk how to word that not-weirdly) and so i ended up compensating by having a really intense tactile input (force against a hard surface). in kind of making these connections, i make sure that i’m giving myself enough input to regulate so that i don’t get to the point of needing to redirect a harmful stim, because i don’t get to that point of needing that feeling so bad i hurt myself, if that makes sense?
i guess what i’m trying to say is, understanding how i stim has been one of the most important things i’ve learned. if the bruises on your wrists and fingers come from a need to tactile stim, like mine, figure out what kind of tactile works. there are a surprising number of things you can probably find around your house that can work in lieu of dedicated stim toys: i always wear a belt with a chain that i stim with, i use keyrings, at work i stim on the lanyard i have to wear, i carry pens that i can pop the lids on and off. there are also some fabrics that i like to run my hands over, like a really soft blanket or reversible sequins, that help with that input. 
other than that, for hands in particular, i’d experiment with ways of stimming free-hand (again, idk how to word this stuff). but, do it when you’re not urgently trying to redirect harmful stims. i’ll flick my fingers against each other really fast, and i’ll tap a lot with my left hand (i’m a violinist, so i’ll mark out entire concertos. my instrument is actually a massive stim, in a sense. which makes it funny that i’m lowkey doing a degree in... The Best Stim???). but a lot of it will be trial and error. 
for the head thing, what helped me a lot there was more whole-body stuff? i like spinning in circles, and throwing myself onto a bed/ couch, and swings (i’m frankly furious that there are no big swings near my house, especially since i didnt appreciate how much swinging helped me regulate as a kid). i dont know why but it seems that when i go to hit my head (usually against a wall, and pretty rarely- only when im near a meltdown) i need Big Stim. that also includes weight on me. seeing as i dont have a weighted blanket, i’ve ended up stacking some pretty weird things on my body for that deep pressure, as well as training my dog to do dpt (he’s no assistance dog, he has all of 2 brain cells, but he’s big and comforting and i love him. took about a month to task train that but worth it). but yeah, that’s a lot of trial and error again. what works for me quite likely won’t work for you, and that’s okay
the next thing from there would be picking up on when you’re harmful stimming, and trying to redirect. i guess you could theoretically write it down or record it in some way, but that feels a bit too aba-ish for me personally. it’s gonna be trial and error. it’s gonna be hard, because you’re trying to figure out alternatives to tools that can be really useful in this process. i’m in no way an expert in this process, trust me. i’m so so so so so so relieved that i have a reliable alternative (tangle) to a specific stim that was hurting me and being a daily issue (like i said, i’m a violinist, so having my hands constantly bruised and aching and in pain was pretty distressing). but i still kick my ankles when i walk and bruise them and i still chew on my hands and lips and i still scratch myself up pretty bad and i still have some really messy, shitty, painful ways that i stim. and i don’t like it, and i dont like that i can’t... i dont wanna say control, but have more healthy ways of regulating. and believe me when i say i wish i could help you more, because safe stimming is super fucken rad. nts are missing out on that shit. 
anyways, i wish you all of the best of luck. even though some stims arent great, stimming overall is wonderful. amazing. give yourself the time, and the patience to try things out. i really hoped this helped even a tiny lil bit, and i’m always here to talk about stimming n what little i know about safe stimming and frankly just anything. you got this dude. i Love You !!!!
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riverrunfar · 6 years
New Puppy
(I have no idea what im doing.)
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Paring: deviant Connor x fem Reader
Summary: You haven't shown up at DPD in a week and Connors worried. So he goes to your house to find...a puppy?
Warnings: swearing, and some fluff
You haven't shown up at work for the past week and people are starting to worry, especially Connor. No one has heard from you since last Monday. Connor had asked Fowler if he has heard anything from you, but he said no, then started talking about how he's mad a Y/N for not showing up for work. Connor slowly and quietly made his way out of the room so Fowler wouldn't notice. And he didn't! Connor walked away from his office and back to his and Hanks desks.
Connor sat down with a huff and crossed his arms as his eyebrows were furrowed together. Hank looked up at Connor and scoffed. "If you're so god damn worried about her, then go to her house and see if she's there. It'd be better then just sittin here waiting for her to pop up." Hank said with an annoyed tone, then took a sip of coffee.
Connor looked over at Hank slightly taken back. He hadn't even thought about that. He mentally slapped himself and nodded. Hank smirked slightly, "Okay then, I'll go tell Fowler that you had to go get somthin for me just as an excuses. Come back in like, an hour or so. But, if she needs help with somethin you can stay with her as long as she needs you okay? Just call me if anything happens okay?" Connor nodded again and stood up with a determined look on his face as he walked out of DPD.
He took a taxi to your place, which took about 20 minutes. While waiting, he went over all the possible things that could have happened to you. Which didn't help him out much as he was just getting himself more stressed then he already was.
Finally he reached your house and Connor couldn't be more anxious. He quickly walked up to your front door and knocked loudly. "Y/N? Are you there?! Its me, Connor!" he said loudly. He waited a couple seconds but no reply. So he knocked again. "Y/N?! I-" he was cut off by something braking in the house. This put Connor in panic mode. He quickly backed away from the door, only to charge at it. The door flung open and Connor quickly walked inside. He frantically looked around but he couldn't find you anywhere.
He cautiously walked around with his gun drawn, ready to shoot anything that may come as harmful. As he walked around he saw the couch was all torn up, the trash was everywhere, shoes were torn into pieces, and water was running. This put Connor on edge as he got more and more stressed. Then when he was walking around, he stepped on a...
Chew toy.
Wait what?
All a sudden he heard little pitter patters and soft barking coming from the hallway. He looked over only to find a baby corgi charging at him with a sock in his mouth. He was the cutest thing Connor has ever seen. He just aromatically melted and smiled widely.
"Koda no!" you yelled as you scrambled out of your room. You slipped on one of his toys and landed face first on the ground. As soon as Connor looked up you were on the ground. "Y/N? Are you okay?" Connor asked in a concern tone. You groaned as you tried to pick yourself up, but you couldn't, your arms had failed you. Connor let out a little chuckle and helped pick you up. He lifted you up and wrapped your arm around his neck and he wrapped his arm around your back and gently helped you over to the ruined couch. He slowly laid you down, then just looked at you. He realized that you had dark bags around your eyes and that you had small bite marks on your hands. Not not bad but noticeable.
Then he felt something tug at his jacket. He looked down to see the little puppy again, chewing on his jacket. He smiled and picked him up and held him in his arms. "Who's this little guy?" Connor asked as he gently rubbed the puppy's belly. You looked over at him and smiled softly. "His name is Koda. I found him on the street all alone the other day and decided to take him in." you said with a soft voice. Connor looked up at you with a cute smile as he held the dog. This melted your heart. Like have you ever seen anything so pure?? You felt like you were gonna die of cuteness. You just wanted to cuddle them both.
"He's adorable. Is this why you haven't been at DPD all week?" Connor asked with a soft voice. You nodded and sat up slightly. "Im trying to get him back to full heath. Im going to take him to get his shots tomorrow." you said as you also rubbed Koda's belly. His left back paw started kicking when you scratched his favorite spot. You and Connor giggled at this. He sat next to you and put Koda in your lap. He just sat there and looked up at you too. You smiled softly and started petting him again.
"You know," Connor started, "You really had me and Hank worried over at DPD. We thought something happened to you." he said softly. You chuckled, "you mean you were worried. I don't really recall Hank being that worried about me." Connor blushed slightly embarrassed. You giggled and kissed his cheek, which made Connors blush deepen. You smiled and leaned your head on his shoulder. You felt him stiffen for a second, then relax. "Im sorry..." you began, "I should have at least called you or something. I didn't mean for you to get all stressed and worried about me." you said softly. Connor looked down at you and smiled. He brought his fingers up to your chin and lifted your head up so you could look at him. "Its okay, all that matters is that your safe and unharmed." he said as he tucked a stray strand of hair out of your face. You smiled and leaned into his touch.
He smiled at you and kissed your forehead. "You look exhausted. Lets go put you to bed" he said softly as he stood up. "But what about Koda? I need to watch him." you said as you yawned. Connor smiled down at you and grabbed Koda gently and held him. "I'll watch him for you. Now all you need to do is get up and go put yourself to sleep." he said softly as he helped you up. You nodded tiredly as he lead you to your bedroom.
Slowly, you climbed into bed and lazily covered yourself with your blankets. You rolled over to look at him and smiled. Connor smiled back and sat on the bed next to you while still holding Koda. He softly rubbed your arm and looked at you. "Get some rest Y/N. You need it." he said softly as he got up. He was about to leave when you sudden stopped him. You gently grabbed his hand and blushed softly. He looked back at you with a confused face.
"Could...could you stay with me? Just untill I fall asleep?" you said shyly as you looked up at him. He smiled softly and nodded. He placed Koda by you, then took off his shoes and got into bed with you. Koda tiredly got up and walked to the end of the bed and laid down by yours and Connors feet. You and Connor smiled and looked at him, then back to each other.
You were about to say something, but then you stopped yourself. Connor noticed your hesitation and smiled softly, already knowing what you where going to say. "You want to cuddle?" he asked. You shyly nodded and blushed softly. He smiled and pulled you into his chest as you wrapped your arms around his waist, then tangled your legs together. You sighed happily and snuggled into the crook of his neck.
"Hey Y/N?" he asked softly. "Hmm?" you hummed tiredly. "Look at me please." you did what you were told and looked backed up slightly to look up at him. Then all of a sudden you felt lips on yours. Your eyes went wide, but then closed as you returned the kiss. It was deep, passionate, and full of love. His hand trailed your side as he kept kissing you. Your arms wrapped around his neck and your hands went in his hair.
After about 5 minutes after your guy's make-out cession, you to pulled part from each other as you panted trying to grasp for air. You smiled at him and he smile at you. He gave you small kisses all over your face and neck. You giggled and bit your lip. After he was done he kissed your head one more time and brought you closer to him again. "I love you Y/N..." he said quietly. You smiled and kissed his neck before snuggling into the crook of this neck again. "I love you too Connor." you said as you smiled happily. Then you felt little paws make there way back up to you and Connor. You both looked down to see Koda waving his tale happily as he pounced on you and Connor. You both laughed and started to pet Koda.
You looked back up at Connor, "Your helping me raise him right?" you asked. He smiled and kissed your head once more. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
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I hope this was as cute as I wanted it to be! Hope you like!
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taylorfiction · 6 years
Part one of an AU that i hope you’ll enjoy? let me know? i loved writing this. Be patient with me, i have plans to make the next part slightly more interesting? i understand that it’s a little dull but think of it as a prologue. Also it may take time as im in a weird place with writing atm x
‘She was nineteen, with a baby on the way, on the East side of the city she was working every day, cleaning dishes in the evening, she could barely stay awake, she was clinging to the feeling that her luck was going to change. And, across town she would take the bus at night to, a one-bedroom apartment and when she turned on the light, she would sit down at the table, tell herself that it’s alright. She was waiting on the day she hoped her baby would arrive. She’d never be alone, have someone to hold, and, when nights were cold, she’d say, “the world’s not perfect but it’s not that bad, if we got each other and that’s all we have, I will be your mother and I’ll hold your hand – you should know I’ll be there for you. And the world’s not perfect and the world’s not kind, if we have each other then we’ll both be fine, I will be your mother and I’ll hold your hand – you should know I’ll be there for you.” ‘ If We Have Each Other – Alec Benjamin
‘Hey sweetie, how was your day?’ I kneel down as I greet the little girl in front of me, her toothy grin already telling me her day was as good as ever.
‘It was good, we did colouring and I made this for you,’ Lilly smiles as she hands me what she had been holding so tightly onto. It was a butterfly. It was a pink and purple butterfly that I already knew would be attached to the fridge later this evening with all the other lovely pieces of art my daughter had made for me at school.
I stand up again and hold my hand out for her to take, walking towards Lilly’s teacher for a brief chat, ‘Just checking she wasn’t any trouble today? I know she can get excited sometimes, can’t you chicken?’ Lilly giggles as I ask her, swinging and hanging off my arm, my eyes flick back to her teacher, Miss Miller, and we both smile.
‘Taylor you know Lilly is always a dream, she’s always making the other kids smile, I don’t know how you managed to make such a perfect child on your own at your age’ my heart warms as I hear Miss Miller gush about my pride and joy. I squeeze Lilly’s hand and smile down at her as she wriggles around my legs, not listening to this adult conversation.
‘My Mum has helped a lot aha, Grandma has dinner with us two times a week, doesn’t she?’ I look down at my daughter and I squeeze her hand slightly to get her attention, she nods eagerly at her teacher, that cheeky smile still plastered on her face.
‘Anyway, thank you for looking after her, I’m gonna take her home now before she pulls my arm off’ we both laugh at my joke before Lilly drags me away, excited to to get home to her dolls, we wander through the corridors of her small school and begin the walk back to our apartment.
We walk the five minutes before we reach our building, racing up the stairs to see who could get to the front door first; ending in my wheezing and Lilly’s fits of giggles. I unlock the door and smile as she slips her shoes and coat off and instantly runs into her room to find her dolls before she sits on the sofa with them, fully immersed in her own little story.
I place the coloured-in-butterfly on the fridge under the magnet of the Statue of Liberty, we were in New York after all, and admire all the other colourings and paintings that were there, it was like a collage of everything Lilly.
My phone buzzes and I smile as I see the icon telling me who is calling ‘Hey Gi, what’s up?’ I ask one of my best friend’s, remembering that she was meant to come over later.
‘We still good for tonight? I’ll come at 6?’ she asks, apparently reading my mind with her question.
‘Yes, Lilly is very excited to see you, as normal’ I laugh, remembering how bouncy Lilly was when I told her Gigi was coming for dinner. She loved Gigi. Lilly would never admit it to anyone but I knew she was her favourite out of my three best friends; Gigi, Karlie and Martha.
‘It’s 5 now so that gives me an hour to make dinner, I think we’re good,’ I say as I start to move around the kitchen getting out the tomato sauce from the freezer from when I made too much last time we had it.
She laughs down the line before we say our goodbyes and she hangs up. As the sauce defrosts slightly I realise I’m still in my work clothes and I should probably get out of them before Gi gets here, I guess I was in such a rush to start dinner and get ready for Gi coming round that I completely forgot about changing.
I nip into my bedroom freeing myself of my office attire and slipping into my sweats and a tee, knowing that Gi will probably be in the same kind of outfit and won’t care, the only difference is that she will still look stunningly beautiful.
I walk back over to the kitchen and smile as I see that Lilly is still fully concentrated on the dolls in front of her, ‘Hey Lils, remember Aunty Gi is coming round are you gonna get changed?’ I ask her, snapping her attention from the toys in front of her.
She giggles, clearly happy Gigi was coming round, we ended up calling all of my friends Aunty because they were so close to Lilly and I, it was as though we were all related. ‘Okay, what’s for dinner?’ she asks chirpily, getting up from the sofa but pausing before she ran into her room again.
‘Bolognaise, is that okay sugar?’ I respond, knowing full well that she loves Bolognaise and would eat it any or every day of the week. She nods and bounds into her pink room to get dressed. I mix the mince into the tomato sauce, smiling as I think about how lucky I am to get an angelic daughter like Lilly who was only a hassle at bed time because she didn’t want to leave me.
I used to feel bad that Lilly didn’t have a father figure to look up to. I used to feel bad that I didn’t go out and find who he was and make him help bring her up but then I remembered I probably didn’t want someone who wasn’t even there when I woke up after that one-night stand and probably would never be there for either of us. Pregnant after a one-night stand. And that’s when I get judged. I remember as a child wanting a fairy-tale romance. Look where that got me.
I put the Bolognaise sauce in a pan and let it simmer, knowing Gigi would be here in ten minutes and the pasta would only take about five meaning it would be ready the instant she got here. At that point my wild four-and-a-half-year-old came bounding out of her room, some striped leggings and a Disney t-shirt on.
‘Can I help? Can I help? Can I help?’ she skips towards me with a huge smile on her face and I know that I have to give her a job to do otherwise she’ll sulk. ‘Hmm can you get three bowls out and three sets of knives and forks for all of us sweetie?’ I smile back at her, hoping one day I would actually be able to ask her to stir the sauce without worrying if she’d burn herself.
I place the Pasta in the pan and turn back to watch my daughter counting out three of each object, placing the cutlery on the table while leaving the bowls up there so I could serve it easier later.
There is a knock on the door and an instant squeal comes out of Lilly’s mouth as she realises who it is, she bounds over and opens it for her Aunty Gi before flinging herself into my best friend’s arms.
Gi bends down to Lilly’s height in order to give her a proper hug, ‘Hi Lils, how’s my favourite four-year-old?’ she says into my daughter’s shoulder, making me smile and Lilly giggle.
‘Im the only four-year-old you know Aunty Gi’ Lilly pulls away and gives her that sassy-four-year-old-look that I always tell her off for. We all laugh before Gi pulls Lilly closer to her and begins tickling her, making her squeal.
‘Well then you must be my favourite, mustn’t you?’ Gigi continues to tickle her before Lilly begins squealing at her to stop in between her wild fits of laughter. Lilly nods eagerly at her ‘Aunt’s’ question after the attack was over and hugs my best friend again before running over to where she had left her dolls on the sofa.
‘Hey weirdo’ Gigi walks over to me now and we hug briefly, pulling away after a good squeeze, ‘Oh it smells so good, gimme food,’ she acts her grabby hands at the food still simmering which was probably done now.
I pick up one of the pieces of pasta before encouraging Gigi to open her mouth so she could taste it, ‘Done?’ I ask as she chews and she nods eagerly making me laugh a little. I pick up the pan and wander over to where the bowls are; two larger bowls and a smaller pink one for Lilly.
‘Sweetie, dinner’s ready,’ I raise my voice slightly so Lilly can hear me and she instantly hops off the sofa and bounds across the small distance between the kitchen table and the counter. It was only a small apartment after all. I can’t afford anything bigger on the salary of a sales assistant.
After dishing out the three meals me and Gi took them to the table along with three glasses of water, the wine would be for after Lils was asleep. We chatted about what Lilly did at school that day and the butterfly she had coloured in for me and we talked about when we were seeing Aunty Gi next. It was comforting to be around some of my favourite people. It was peaceful.
By the time we had finished eating and had been chatting for a little while it was 7 pm and Lilly was yawning - I could tell she was tired even if she didn’t want to go to sleep, ‘C’mon missy I saw that yawn, lets get you to bed,’ I stood up, collecting the plates and placing them on the side before offering my hand to the little girl still sat at the table.
‘But Aunty Gi is here, can I stay up? Please?’ I could see her puppy dog eyes and it took so much of me to shake my head at her, I knew she didn’t want to but I also knew how tired she would be tomorrow if she didn’t.
‘Say goodnight to Aunty Gi, because if you don’t sleep now you won’t be able to get up in the morning,’ I raise my eyebrows at her and I hear her dramatically huff before slipping off her chair and giving my best friend a hug and a kiss on the cheek goodnight.
She took my hand and we wander towards her bedroom where I help her get ready for bed and give her a kiss goodnight, promising to read her a story tomorrow. ‘Goodnight, sweet dreams angel,’ I whisper into her room as I shut the door part way and let her sleep.
‘If I ever have kids I want one like her,’ Gigi says with a smile on her face following me across the room towards where the wine is. I pour us both a glass of red wine and we chink our glasses before wandering towards the sofa to chat, ‘You’re twenty-three how in hell did you raise that girl to be so lovely? She asked.
‘She can be chaos at times so be careful what you wish for and you guys and my Mum helped a lot,’ we both laugh at this in agreement before a comfortable silence overtook us and we sipped at our wine, occasionally swirling it around the glass.
I knew It was coming the second she stepped over my threshold it was just a matter of when, ‘So, met anyone interesting recently?’ she asks not-so-subtly, I scoff and roll my eyes at her. I don’t know why she asks when she knows I haven’t.
‘Do I look like I’ve met some interesting recently?’ I use her words in my response, raising my eyebrows to encourage her to answer so I can hear her excuse for asking me when she was really telling me to get out more and to get a life.
Gi smiled and took a sip of her drink, ‘I was just wondering because me and the others are going out Sunday and we want you to come,’ her offer warms my heart but the four-year-old kid asleep in her bedroom reminds me I can’t.
‘What about Lil-‘ I start before she cuts me off.
‘Ask your mum to mind Lily because you will come out with us and you will have fun,’ I try to protest that I’m so out of practice I’d be a let down but she interrupts me before I can start, ‘When was the last time you went out and got drunk? Eh?’
I sigh, trying to remember, ‘last year? When Lilly spent a week at Mum’s? I think?’ I answer skeptically and I see Gi’s unimpressed expression on her face.
In summary: I have no choice.
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sege-h · 6 years
I keep forgetting to post abt this
But Mr Husky is getting adopted.
It kinda stings bc I REALLY REALLY want this dog. But that’s selfish I think, and it’s best he gets someone else since I can’t have him.
I hope the dude that’s getting him is good? Else I’ll have to kick his ass and steal the dog away SHDGSH
I haven’t met him yet, but he’s at least made a good first impression by asking if he can chip Mr Husky right away, which is obviously more than his last owners did.
Speaking of which, we’re waiting a bit until actually adopting him out, just in case his owners show up. But so far there’s been no trace of them and it’s looking more and more likely that he was either dumped, or someone lost him but doesn’t care enough to look for him.
On friday, provided my health doesnt fail me (im sick), I’m gonna buy him a dog toy. Preferably something blue and bone shaped, since the leash we used for him had a blue bone shaped baggy container attached to it, and he tried to nibble on it. But I told him no and he’s so well mannered that he stopped (I’m not actually used to animals listening when you tell them not to chew on something. Thanks, hellcat)
It’s kinda exciting bc I’ve actually never bought toys for a dog before. I gave Archie a tennis ball I had, but that’s not the same.
Might visit Mr. Husky this weekend, provided our health doesnt fail us, again, since both sis and I are sick.
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