#u think i didn't think exactly that when i saw that pic??? u crazy
pancakejikook · 1 month
"jkkrs before: jk is so sweet to jm, he's taking care of him, he defend him when other members teasing him and he doesn't want to"
Um anon have you seen the same jkk for yrs as we have? Jungkook has always teased jm like who do u think was teasing him about his height? Jk always teases jm whenever he can.
"He defends him when other members teasing him and he doesn't want to" I'll give you two examples one from past one from now. 1) Remember how all members teased jm when he said 'Sorry' during his white house speech? And who told all the members not to tease jm nd make him feel better? Of course jungkook cut to when hobi asked jk when he took that taekook pic jk himself used 'When jiminie hyung said sorry' like U see how he himself teases jm BUT it's different he teases jm when the situation is not as serious.
Current example from AYS ep3. Jungkook kept teasing jm with water gun because he wanted jm to play with him. But when jm wasn't budging he let jm sleep. Then when jm woke up nd decided to revange taekook nd when they were upstairs jm said "what do you have to say for yourself?" Jk only said "Sorry" nd tae said "Take 3 steps back" and when jk got those two guns from jm, tae took one from jk but as soon as jm said "Stop" it was again jungkook who said "Let's leave this". Because he knows when to stop exactly.
And to people who kept saying jungkook ganged up on jm with tae then let me tell you jungkook was already teasing jm with water gun then taehyung joined jk. Ppl saying "jungkook enjoyed his time with Tae" i mean that's exactly what they were there for. He said "I'm going to swin" when jm was awake. Jm saw him going inside pool as well, later it was again taehyung who joined jk in pool so was jungkook supposed to ask him to leave or do the thing for which they were there for?? He again at last tried with jm but jm was asleep and wouldn't budge. So he went to take shower and taehyung went outside on scooter ride. And the people who said jk left jm on floor and joined tae to cuddle let me tell you that when jk went to lay besides tae jm was already awake and was at pool already. Jm wasn't sleeping on floor at that time. Jk even came outside a little when jm was at pool nd jk was seen trying to wear a coat. So no he didn't "Abandoned" jm on floor to cuddle tae. And again for those who said jk should have make jm sleep on bed, if jm wanted to sleep on bed he himself would have been on bed, there's cam in their bedroom as well so it's not even like he wouldn't have gotten filmed if he went upstairs. Since start jm was lying on floor, jk himself was lying on floor with mob in one scene. Ever thought that maybe jm wanted to sleep there? And sleeping on floors is common for Koreans. So like where exactly the big deal here?
And if i want to nitpick taekook's interactions and what they said to eachother will y'all love it (I'm saying this cause i know many of those anons are Tkkrs as well since u use TK tag). Thing is i understand jokes. Jk's words towards tae were also harsh as said by jm but I know they're used to it so i won't nitpick but if tkkrs want it then we can move that way as well.
Yeah, pretty much all of this. It's just that's it's crazy to me that these things even have to be explained 😭 like aren't they obvious?
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julla · 7 years
Imagine how Ji's fingers would feel like down there 🙄
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standbyu-03 · 3 years
Sober or Drunk ?
Summary : You don’t want to go to the bar ‘cause it’s too noisy. This time - after a long time you haven’t gone there, you meet a handsome guy - Billy
Pairing : Billy Russo x reader
Word count : 1043
A/N : I will have part 2 for this one with some smut 🤭
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Pic not mine
It’s Saturday night. After a long long week, your colleague suggested going somewhere to relax. ‘Cause you hate bar - where is too noisy for u, so your friends pick a pub near your company all the time. Now they all wanted to go to the bar.
“Please,y/n. Let’s go to The Dawn with us. We have gone to Prague ( pub name ) like forever. Pleaseee.” They made the puppy eyes - which you can’t say no to.
“Fine. I will go with you guys this time.”
“Yay”. They all shouted
“But there’s no Jack in The Dawn. No one will know exactly what I want.” You said sadly.
“We got this babe. We can pick u some bartender, tell him you can’t drink alcohol. And made you some nice drinks. That’s easy. Let’s go.” They grabbed your hands.
Then you and your friends took a cab to go there.
When you came into the bar, it’s better than you think. The lights didn’t flicker too much. And you kinda like being here ‘cause the vibes were good, there wasn’t dark and the music’s easy to listen, not so loud.
After calling some drinks, your friends led u to the bartender, they said
“Hey,...Thomas *read the name tag*. Here is my friend y/n. She can’t drink any alcohol. So can you please make her sth sweet and yummy to drink?”
“Sure. No problem.” - He answers quickly.
“As I remember that you don’t like to dance, right ?”
You nod slightly. “ Don’t know HOW to dance, exactly.”
Your friend said, “Can you babysit this girl, Thomas ?”. They all laughed.
“That’s OK.” He giggles
After you glared at them, they picked their drink quickly and went to the dance floor.
You sit here, tried to make a conversation with Thomas - who turned out to be a cutie guy. You both chat and made friends easily. He made you a yummy apple juice - which has a yellow color.
“Now you can’t be embarrassed to sit here and just drink juice. Apple juice has a yellow color which is the same as whisky. You like it ?”
“I love it. Thanks a lot for your caring.” You answered sweetly.
Probably see you sit here alone, some dudes come close, try to make some move. A guy just laid a hand on your shoulder.
Without turning around, you say clearly
“I’m not drunk. Walk away, sir.”
It’s incredible. Just by that, some dudes already walked away from u. Thomas couldn’t stop laughing :
“You’re quite tough, girl. And sir? He must be younger than you. “
“I don’t care. They’re probably just want to make friends, or want to take me to their bed. No no not today.” You said certainly.
Thomas couldn’t stop himself from laughing.
After 30’ another man came to the bar table and sat next to you.
You turn your face to the right, look at him.
Hmm, a handsome guy!
“A whiskey, please.”
And he took a look at your drink and said
“I guess we have something in common.”
“Haha, maybe.”
He was confused “What’s wrong ?”
And he raised his eyebrow, just like asking Thomas for an answer.
“I made sth special for her. You wanna take a sip ?” He said and took another cup for this man.
“Apple juice. Are you kidding me?” The man said
You laugh, “ Yeah. My favorite. You don’t like it ?”
“Just can't believe someone come to a bar to drink a juice. Go to some “safe and sound” place like Starbuck or maybe Juicy!”. He smirks.
“Does it offend your tastes? Btw, I don't care. I don’t need you to like my drink. Drink yours.” You barked
He became silent. After some minutes he said :
“Stomach issue, right ?”
“Yeah. How can you know ?”
“I used to get some damn pain because of that.”
“Hm, now you know.”
Ha, you know that. So don’t be a jerk, man.
“I’m Billy, btw.”
“I’m y/n.”
After a while, he stood up, and he came close to you, reached his hand like waiting for you to hold it. “ Do you want to take a dance with me, honey ?”
“Don’t honey me. And by the way, I don’t know how to dance.”
“Let me show you.” Then he grabbed your hand, led you to the dance floor before you could deny it.
Oh my apple juice, I haven’t finished.
He took your hands, taught you some basic and simple moves. You didn’t know why you let your guard off when you’re around with him. Maybe he made you feel comfortable.
Then you let loose, and you both move and be closer to others .
You felt your cheeks get warmer.
“See. It’s easy.” He smiled.
This man is gorgeousss.
It’s quite fun, to be honest. You should have listened to your friends for a long time, they have begged u to come here a hundred times.
You didn't drink a drop of alcohol but you felt extremely happy and crazy... you guess it’s might be the music or maybe Billy made u have this fun.
Then he whispered to your ear “Wanna get out of here. I know you don’t like being here.”
You quickly turned around
“No, I just loved being in here.”
Then u saw sth dark and twisted in his eyes
“Don’t think you can take me to your bed this easy. I’m sober, not drunk - to be clear.”
“Oh, I know that, my dear. I just accidentally know exactly where you want to go.”
“Tell me.”
“Shooting range.”
“Wow, you surprise me again. How do you know ?”
“Ez. Cause you just spent at least 45’ watching an action movie on Thomas’s screen.”
“Smart.” You said
Then he again took your hand, led you to come with him.
You didn’t think a lot. Maybe you would be scare of him or think about maybe he can fool you to take u to any place. But you didn’t give a shit about this at all. You kept following him and let him take u to wherever he said. All you can do now is hope that he might be a good guy.
Part 2
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
I’ll Be Home for Christmas
DJ’s 10 Days of Christmas
Day 8:12.22.2020
I’ll Be Home for Christmas x Jordin Sparks
Pairing: Chris Jackson x Reader
Warnings: Some suggestive talk, but very little. Sexism. Female ‘respectability’ Angst and Fluff. PG-13
You and Chris spent a year learning to live with each other and to make space for your love, as well as learning to trust him and let go of your insecurities. 
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Since last Christmas, when you two admitted you loved each other, you’d talked about a future, but Chris joked that you were too stubborn and you joked that he was too old fashioned.
But those weren’t entirely jokes.
You were still grinding in your career as a performer as his was taking off.  It was a fun time. Chris had never felt this way.
At the moment however, Chris was on the road and missing you like crazy.
Chris and company were doing a relatively short tour of the Lion King, 15 days that ended on Christmas Eve. 13 days down and two more to go.
He was feening for you. As he looked at his watch and saw that it was 10 am, he wondered if you were out of bed yet, so he decided to text. 
You were in between shows, auditioning and making it very well without him. You were probably getting ready to go hang out with your friends, He decided to text you.
Hey Love, What are you up to?
You had been on your phone ever since you woke up an hour ago. Work was coming your way fast ever since you started working with your friend Wendy. And you were trying to figure out how to break the latest to Chris.
You smiled when his text came through.
Hey Baby! Yes, I'm about to get going.
Chris would never, ever get enough of being called ‘Baby’ by you.
The last time he saw you in person; you were naked. He licked his lips at the thought, recalling your warm sweet salty goodness.  And laughed that your taste mimicked your personality.
What are you wearing?
Those three words were so basic, but coming from Chris, they got you hot.  You started cheesing.
Your blue hoodie.
Chris settled in and started smiling at his phone.
Dope. My blue hoodie annnddddd?
You had something for him.
Nothing else my G. Commando. Not fully dressed yet.
You in the morning were especially sweet. He needed to see something from you.
Let me see 👀
You giggled as as you snapped some selfies. You picked the perfect one and sent it to him.
You got butterflies when he opened the pic. Wow. A close up of your face. Those lips tho. And your curls were everything. You were hugging your knees, the only other bare parts visible were your kneecaps.
Damn, those knees are hot. I wanna do things to them. 🤨
You died laughing. This was why you loved Chris; you knew he was serious. He was probably thinking up some weird sexual plan for your patellas.
 I can NOT with you Neal.  😂
Chris laughed to himself. 
I'm serious. I miss you baby. And your kneecaps. Been on the road  too long. Need U you tonight. Maybe you can hop a flight to Gainesville. It's a dope place.
You didn't believe him.
I'm not Boo Boo the Fool, Chris.  Gainesville is not what's up. Especially on a Tuesday night.
You were so stubborn. He could feel your attitude through the phone. You knew what was up.  
He was geeked when he could persuade you to come to an event. It just made the vibe better having you around. But he didn't pressure you because he knew you needed to be your own person.
All Chris knew is that he needed you.
Ok. Orlando on Wednesday. We can go to Universal….
That was tempting, but you held out.
I've got to work this week. I'm helping Wendy teach, subbing for Lindsay. And I have other plans that just came up.
Chris growled at his phone, forgetting he wasn't exactly alone. He looked up to see that Adrian was watching him with a raised eyebrow. Chris ignored him.
He got up from the table at the front of the tour bus and walked back to his bunk for privacy.
You got too many plans. Drop 'em. Come here.
You decided to call him.
When he saw the call come through, he answered immediately.
"Whaddup, Queen?"
He had his sexy voice on. It did something to her.
"What's up with you King? Why are you tripping?
"I'm trippin cause I miss you?"
"Nah. You tripping because you’ll be home for Christmas.  In three days."
You shook your head at him through the phone.
"AND because you just had me all up on the phone 7 hours ago."
You were trying to be practical. But you missed Chris like crazy.
"So are you saying you don't miss me? And FaceTime ain't the real deal Babe."
"I miss you Chris. Put that on everything."
He had to smile at that.
"And I know phone sex isn't the same as us being together, but it's life, hun. Plus you'll be home soon. And then I'll make you forget we were ever apart."
Chris felt a magnetic pull from you over the phone. He was frustrated but your energy was amazing.
"Ok. I'm gonna chill. For now. But when I get to my room I'm going to have you electronically again tonight. Be ready."
You shivered at the command in his voice.
"Okay," your voice was low and resonant. "But... Shit!" The sexy tone was gone.
"What's wrong?"
Chris had made you forget about the show tonight.
"I got booked to do a burlesque gig tonight. With Lindsay pregnant and showing and all, she can't do it. And the head dancer liked me when I went with Wendy to the audition."
Chris was quiet while he took it all in. Then, he spoke, trying to be careful.
"Burlesque? Isn't that basically stripping?  I thought you said you would never do that."
"No, Chris. It's just sexy. It's an art form. Stripping is not what this is."
Chris knew exactly what it was.
"Are you sure you wanna do that?" Chris did not like the amount of skin you'd be showing.
"Yeah, why not?" 
"Nah, I'm chillin. But its' just... think of your position now." 
Chris thought he was still being careful.
You didn't get it. But then you did, and it wasn't cool. You tried very hard to keep the ghetto out of your voice.
"What position is that?"
Chris didn't catch it.
"You're my girl, you don't have to be a church lady, but shaking your ass is not where it's at.
"Oh." You were just disappointed in him.
"Why don't you just keep teaching with Wendy. Performing with her probably won't turn out so well."
It wasn't a question. You couldn't believe it.
Chris was on a roll, and didn't hear the change in your tone.
"Yeah. Not that you're not good, but this is not what's up for you…”
You cleared your throat.
That's when Chris heard it. Shit, he'd stepped in it.
"I mean..."
"No. I get what you mean. Exactly."
The chill in your voice actually made Chris cold. But you were getting hot.
"Christopher, I can handle myself."
"I know, but don't..."
You cut him off again.
"I know that I'm going to take the opportunity I worked hard for. If you aren't grown enough to keep your ego in check, what I don't know is what to tell you."
You said it. And instantly regretted it.
Chris needed to be in the same room with you. 
"If you had enough respect for me like you ought to, you wouldn't shake your ass in a glorified strip show.”
You had to be dreaming.
“You know what Chris? I think we need a break before we both say more things we regret."
"What do you mean a break? I don't regret a damn thing. We ain't teenagers and this isn't puppy love. Ain't no more breaks."
"Chris, I need some time to cool down. And don't talk to me like a kid while you're telling me we aren't kids."
"Well then grow up." Chris was so frustrated. 
You looked at the phone as if it had grown legs. You pushed the end call button and put your phone on silent while you sat on the bed, too mad to cry.
Chris threw his phone to the other end of the bunk when he realized that you had hung up on him. 
After a few minutes he turned over to go to sleep to stop thinking about it. It sucked not being in New York, especially at Christmas, but he had work to do. He couldn't chase after you every time you had a fight.
But it was the first real big fight since with you two being apart. And neither one of you knew how to handle it.
You went on autopilot for two days. You didn't stop to cry because you felt that you wouldn't stop. You still communicated in short texts, every day, but it was very strained. Neither one was willing to bend.
You knew that Chris’ had a show tonight, your first night in the show, but you kept expecting to see his lightbulb head. 
You thought that maybe, just maybe, he would forego the last two days in the show for you.  But you shouldn’t have expected that.  You began to reevaluate the relationship. Maybe two performers being together wouldn’t work.
Afterwards, you did receive a huge bouquet of roses, but no card. And Chris hadn't told you to break a leg or anything. You wanted to believe the flowers were from him, but you weren’t sure.
You and the girls from the show went out and got blasted that night, and you were out like a light when you went home.
Chris was an asshole for two days. He was all charm and flow on stage, but he was terrible to everyone offstage. He just stalked past everyone into his dressing room. He didn't talk to anyone, and they all steered clear.
The next night of  the burlesque show, you didn't bother to search for Chris in the audience. You just tried to have fun with the character.
You killed it; your performance was better than opening night.
Chris arrived in New York that morning and went shopping for a ring.  It was time. He was glad that he decided to leave the show early.
As Chris sat watching you, something shifted inside him.  You were incredible!  It seemed that you glowed, even when the spotlight wasn't on you. It was like he didn't breathe throughout the entire performance. 
Man, he didn't give you enough credit. The show was risque and you looked hot as hell, but you were such a professional. Chris was proud of his baby. He felt bad for what he'd said.
He went and bought you a bouquet of flowers and went backstage after the performance. He posted up near your dressing room.
Damn, you were beautiful, laughing and smiling with the other dancers, not noticing him there yet. 
Chris smiled for real for the first time in days when he realized that was all him.
He wanted to just take you in his arms and not ever let you go again. When you looked up and saw him, your eyes locked and Chris felt his world spin. 
Damn. He grinned wide at you.
It was like you were surrounded by electricity. Chris was there! This was part of the energy you'd felt on stage. You stared at each other like the first time you met. This connection was everything.
You ran into his arms. It felt so good.
"You were amazing babe, I'm sorry I was being a sexist asshole and thought anything different. I'm so proud of you!"
Chris held you close as you beamed up at him. You gave him the smile he'd missed for 14 days.
"Thank you Baby! More flowers? And I'm sorry too..."
Chris cocked his head at the more flowers remark, then he silenced your apology with a kiss.
"I love you. I just had to get over myself, I missed home."
You were puzzled. You smiled at him. "You missed New York?"
Chris chuckled.
"Nah girl, you're home. You're everything. Where you are, that's home... I missed you."
You melted. You grinned up at him.
"I missed you too, Chris."
"I decided I needed to man up."
You kissed him again.
"What a man!"
"Okay, let's get the make up sex going."
"What makes you think I'm gonna give you any?"
You hit him in the chest as you turned to get ready to go. But secretly, you were with it.
Chris admired you in the costume.
"Well, I’m home, it’s Christmas, you need to sit on Santa’s lap..."
“Oh, so you’re Santa Claus now…”
“Yeah, and I got a gift for you…”
You figured that he was talking about something in his pocket, but not a black box.
“Okay, let me get changed.” You gave him a peck, having no idea that your life was about to change.
Chris waited for you outside the dressing room, glad that he was home for Christmas.  What a dream.
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