#u wanna star in the premier boys club in movies today go ahead! don’t b mad tho when there’s few women to b seen romantically with tho
caswlw · 3 years
also men can b emotional and not b perceived as gay on tv i promise u it does exist !! men can b friends !! it just so happens that a generation of young adults and teens online is significantly more queer (openly) than ever and likes to see that in their media- so ofc that’s the content that happens to get big (both in ppl watching and fandom growth)- so it’s not exploitative and it’s not twisting something into something it’s not, it’s seeing what’s there and just interpreting it differently (which is allowed.)
again- any argument about “men not having close friendships without being seen as gay” can be refuted by idk. most shows with men in them ? also- take a second to guess WHY shows with mostly male main casts (or entirely male main casts) see this as the way to make content after release. beating around the bush that says “i don’t like this” isn’t helped by trying to make arguments with no base that have evidence covered in the actual homophobic rhetoric that causes men to be written more emotionally closed off- not the ppl on the internet who saw ur work differently !! take a hike
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