My First Kiss
I remember it as it was yesterday.  
His name was Julio and he was 2 years old than me, if I remember correctly.  
We had met over the summer in a Starbucks that often came by.  
I was with my best friend, using the internet and drinking coffee. We both sat on a small table, our small laptops back to back to each other. II focus on my own screen, updating some post on some old website that I don’t remember anymore when a young man approached my friend.  
He sneaked behind her; a smile on his pale face.  
He commented on the video she was watching and his friend joined. Neither were really handsome. I awkward kept my eyes on the screen, peering once in while back at them.  
They cheerfully talked about music and videos they liked. All three shared the same interest.  
After a couple of minutes of chatting my friend introduced me to them. They continue chatting and I added in a comment or two. I was uncomfortable.  
When we left my friend was excited. She thought we had finally found boys that were interested. I was too shy to say that I wasn’t interested or that I didn’t think either of them were interested in me. I faked a smile and told her I liked the pale boy. He was cuter than the other one.  
She cheered. She liked the other one anyways.  
I don’t remember how but at some point they exchange numbers with her and they all began talking.  
Her plan was in motion. She was going to make that boy her boyfriend and she was going to make the pale boy my boyfriend.  
I think we only texted once and it was a complete flop. No interest on his side or mine.  
I don’t know how it changed.  
I remember it was weeks later when I found myself on a phone call with him. We talked for hours and it was actually quite enjoyable. I thought I had at least found a friend.  
Then he told me that I couldn’t fall for him. He had just gotten out of a serious relationship and he wasn’t looking for serious commitment. Just some fun.  
I secretly rolled my eyes because I didn’t even like him that much to begin with but I agreed.  
2 days later we all met up again.  
Julio was all over me. He tried to hold my hand or put his arms around me. A complete change over and I was confused but I said nothing.  
I remember talking about walking around the mall and looking at the stores when my friend disappeared.  Julio’s friend grew worried and we agreed to walk around and look for her.  
Julio suggested for his friend to go to one side of the mall and for us to go to the other.  
I was too focus on finding my best friend, I didn’t even notice I was alone with him until he tried to hold my hand while we walked. I grew nervous.  
Up until that very moment, no boy had been interested in me. I had never had someone hold my hand or even expressed any time of romantic feeling towards me.  
I tried pull my hand away but he would grab it again.  
I remember walking into K-mart; as I suggested being one of the place me and my friend frequent whenever we went to the mall. We passed by the toy section, because we always looked at the magic 8 balls and then headed over to the CD section.  
We went down the hard rock isle when he stopped me. He placed his hands on each side of my cheeks and looked into my eyes.  
My heart pounded so hard I thought I was about to faint. He told me he wanted to kiss me and I told him I’ve never been kissed. I told him I didn’t even know how to kiss.  
A part of me felt like crying. I was already 17 and I had never been kissed and I had to admit it because I was so afraid.  
I gave me a small chuckle and leaned closer and closer until his lips were pressed against mine.  
It felt surreal.
And to this day I still think back at that small hall way, in the back of a old K-mart that probably doesn’t exist anymore where I had my very first kiss with a boy I barely knew or liked.  
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