#characters that actively Weren’t friends ?? ones that idk caused a civil war .
caswlw · 3 years
also men can b emotional and not b perceived as gay on tv i promise u it does exist !! men can b friends !! it just so happens that a generation of young adults and teens online is significantly more queer (openly) than ever and likes to see that in their media- so ofc that’s the content that happens to get big (both in ppl watching and fandom growth)- so it’s not exploitative and it’s not twisting something into something it’s not, it’s seeing what’s there and just interpreting it differently (which is allowed.)
again- any argument about “men not having close friendships without being seen as gay” can be refuted by idk. most shows with men in them ? also- take a second to guess WHY shows with mostly male main casts (or entirely male main casts) see this as the way to make content after release. beating around the bush that says “i don’t like this” isn’t helped by trying to make arguments with no base that have evidence covered in the actual homophobic rhetoric that causes men to be written more emotionally closed off- not the ppl on the internet who saw ur work differently !! take a hike
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howlingbarnes · 8 years
Love Over War
Characters - Peter x Reader, Steve, T'Challa, mentions of Tony
Word Count - 1029
Warnings - Fluff
Request - Hoooooows about the reader being SUPER smart about Peter's age on #teamcap and set after civil war, when Tony is too big to reach out to Steve for help Peter contacts y/n and the team kinda gets back together 'for the kids' sake, cause they're in 'puppy love'????!!!1!1!!1!? (Anon)
A/N - I went a little off from the request. Idk, I started writing and it just happened. Please let me know what you think!
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“Y/N,” Steve mumbled your name after hearing you sigh for about the fourth time in the past half hour.
Though your eyes were glued to the window, he knew that there was a longing dancing within them. Your heart was aching and you couldn’t help the knots that twisted tightly in your chest as you thought about the fight in Germany. You wanted nothing more than to just leave, you hated that you had to pick sides on the matter.
“I don’t want to be here anymore, Cap,” you spoke to the window, actively ignoring Steve’s sad reflection staring back at you.
“Sorry kiddo, but this is bigger than all of us,” Steve answered with a pat to your slumped shoulder before walking out of the room.
You pulled out your laptop and pulled up YouTube where you knew there were videos of the fight posted. A faint smile tugged at your lips when you say Peter appear on the screen. Your smile faded as you thought about how much It pained you to not be able to talk to him.
Sure, you didn’t know him much before the fight but, you took an instant liking to him. You’d never seen Spider-Man before and his skills were fascinating to you. That, and his adorable nature were enough to capture your attention.
You continued watching the video, biting at your bottom lip while Peter struggled to hold up the weight of the semi that Steve trapped him under. Your eyes glued to the image of yourself talking to the spiderman. The audio, thankfully, wasn’t able to pick up on the conversation. All you did was ask Peter his name which you knew was a bold move. He had on a mask, of course he didn’t want anyone to know his identity but for some reason, he told you anyway.
With just a name and a location locked away in your mind, you used your smarts combined with the convenience of the internet to find Peter on FaceBook quickly. At first he tried to pretend that he wasn’t who you were looking for but it didn’t take long for him to realize that you were much smarter than he was. He’d given you his phone number and you would spend every moment that you could, talking to him.
Steve found you out after catching you smiling at your cell more often than not and had taken your phone. You were so tired of him treating you like a kid and what bothered you even more was that you weren’t hurting anyone by talking to Peter. Steve told you that he couldn’t risk you leaking information to Tony. There were times Peter told you that Tony, who he always called Mr. Stark, would say the same thing to him.
It was all so unfair. You wouldn’t talk to Peter about the Avengers’ business, because neither of you were even Avengers yourself. Steve wanted you for your smarts and Tony wanted Peter for his unique abilities. This quarrel had nothing to do with you and at this point, you just wanted your life back.
You wanted to be able to talk to Peter about school and his life. He was the only thing that managed to make you smile these days and you wanted that back.
“I want to go back to New York,” you informed Steve, standing in the doorway that he’d just walked through.
“I can’t let yo-"
“I’m not asking, Cap,” you folded your arms across your chest, knowing that it was a bold move but you were miserable, “I haven’t done anything wrong and I’m not working with Tony. I just - I just want to be with Peter. You understand that, don’t you? You’re supposed to be a staple for freedom, yet you’re keeping me in Wakanda. You don’t need me here.”
Steve wanted to argue, but he couldn’t. You were right and you were your own person, no matter your age. Rubbing the back of his neck, Steve pulled your phone from his pocket and handed it to you. An apologetic look took over his face and you nodded at him before making your way to T’Challa’s office.
“I’m going back,” you poked your head in, pulling him from his work.
“That is good news,” he smiled softly before standing to gather you into a tight hug, “I’ll miss you and I must thank you for helping my team reconstruct an arm for Barnes.”
“Thanks, T’Challa,” you snuggled your face into his chest, feeling a small tinge of gloom in having to leave your friend behind, “make sure Bucky uses those new features for good, hm?”
“I will,” he replied with a laugh.
Your stomach was bubbling over with butterflies as you made to step off the plane that you were sent out on. With your bag in your hand, you stepped down the metal stairs that met you at the door but it nearly hit the ground when you saw the one person that you weren’t expecting to be standing there.
“Peter?” You shouted and sprinted before jumping into his outstretched arms. Your nose brushed the spot just behind his ear as he lifted you from the ground, and his sweet scent infiltrated your senses, “I thought you’d be at school.
“I don’t mind being a rebel for you,” he joked, his voice muffled as his face buried deeper into your shoulder, “I’m just glad that I actually get to touch you.”
“Sorry, that came out really weird,” he chuckled, squeezing you a bit tighter before returning you to your feet.
“How did you get here? I didn’t even tell you I was coming,” you pulled back, unable to pry your hands from his face as you escaped reality in his chocolate brown eyes.
“I guess Cap called Mr. Stark,” the words were coming out of his mouth but you couldn’t believe them, “and a car was sent to get me.”
“They talked because of us?” You asked in disbelief as Peter grabbed your hand, brining it to his lips to leave a tender kiss on your knuckles.
“Love is a powerful thing, Y/N.”
Tags - @bovaria @teamfreewill-imagine @bionic-buckyb @marvel-ash @mamapeterson @buckysmetallicstump @sebbytrash @mademoisellepryde @brightdae @legendarywinnergiver @lmein @feelmyroarrrr @nicmob @callalilyiskewl @andhiseyesweregreen @purgatoan @mellifluous-melodramas @obi-wan-my-only-ho @thirstybitchqueen @alexx-in-wonderland123 @bucky2-0 @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @my-blackbird-universe @wonderless-screwup
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