#PLUS if it were only cases like this being shipped i hate to say it but have they also never heard of ships that are In The Same Fandom of
in1-nutshell · 3 months
Add this to the bottom of the barrel.
I was playing tears of the kingdom and my brain did a hop skip and a jump.
Human body that climbs everything and everyone. has killed a bot with some really archaic weapon, lord knows what they'll do with an actual gun. doesn't really talk but communicates through grunts and hand gestures.
Rodimus who just wanted to get a midnight drink - ...Buddy?
cut to Buddy who just stares back at him for a moment before running into the vents.
Buddy is chaos. There is no stopping them from climbing anything they can get their little hands on.
Hope you enjoy!
Human Buddy who communicates in grunts, noises and likes to climb with Rodimus Prime, Cyclonus, Nautica, and First Aid
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
The crew picked Buddy up from a planet’s flea market.
Buddy looked so miserable and malnourished.
The crew members were outraged seeing a human so far out in space and being treated like this.
Some go off in a corner to think of a plan to get the human without buying them.
Buying them will only make the buyer rich and chase more humans.
Whirl was the one who stole them from the buyers after causing a diversion.
For once Magnus didn’t put him in the brig for stealing them
The human didn’t speak like any normal human and was very distrustful of all the bots.
Except Whirl.
With time the human eventually warmed up to the bots, but they never really learned how to talk.
They were just fine with the grunts and noises.
It was a random name generator that picked their name since many bots had already gone to the brig for wanting to name them and others not agreeing.
Buddy was a simple name.
And they seemed to like it.
But there were some habits the bots picked up on.
Buddy loved to climb anything they could get their little hands on.
This caused much distress and amusement amongst the crew.
Buddy becomes the crew’s mascot/ friend/ gremlin that lives on the ship.
Rodimus likes Buddy.
He even set up a little chair for them on the main bridge in case they wanted to sit there.
He put it there after too many times seeing Buddy trying to climb the chair themselves.
And that one time they did manage to get on the seat and Rodimus nearly sat on them.
That’s why Buddy now has their own chair.
Do they use the new?
Yes and No.
They use it when they are on the main bridge for more than 5 minutes.
But they don’t sit on it.
At least correctly.
The amount of times Buddy has sat down on the chair wrong nearly glitches Ultra Magnus’s circuits.
Buddy knows this and likes to get a laugh out of everyone.
Rodimus is the loudest.
But not everything is fun and games.
Rodimus hates it when Buddy uses the vents.
He’s scared they are going to get lost up there like one of those Earth videos of families not finding their gerbil until they had to cut a hole in the wall and find it deceased.
Buddy, obviously, doesn’t listen to him.
Rodimus came back to his room after a meeting with Magnus and Megatron.
Turns on the light.
Buddy is sitting on his berth eating some chips.
Buddy stares at him before running to the vent on the ground.
Buddy makes some mocking noises in the vent.
“I HEARD THAT!”—Rodimus
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Being one of the bots on board that they were slower to warm up to, Cyclonus does find himself looking after them.
He blames Tailgate for planting the idea in his helm.
He lures Buddy in with treats and by being calm.
Buddy warms up to him eventually.
Cyclonus wants to teach Buddy how to talk so they don’t have to rely on noises or grunts like some unintelligent being.
Buddy was intelligent, they just couldn’t talk or write, that’s all.
He tries his best and sees that Buddy does try their best.
Even if they manage to make a letter sound, is plenty accomplishment for both.
“Repeat after me. Hello.”--Cyclonus
Buddy tries to say but huffs instead.
“No, like this. Hello.”--Cyclonus
Buddy starts making noises that sound like a cat hacking on a hairball.
“…Maybe that’s enough lessons for today.”--Cyclonus
Hacking noises increase.
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Nautica is one of the crew members that got along the fastest with Buddy.
Maybe it was her being friendly and kind to them.
Or it could also be the snacks she secretly gave to them after their meal.
Who knows?
Buddy has a habit of climbing on her when they want something or need to relax.
They do this with certain bots too, but she still feels honored to be chosen for this job.
All she needs to do is acknowledge Buddy, then be still until they reach the top of her helm or neck cables.
Gives them many head pats.
Buddy looking at Nautica from across the room.
Nautica was talking to Brainstorm about her new wrench.
Buddy walks over and begins to climb her leg.
“EEP! Buddy! You know better to do that without me knowing.”--Nautica
Buddy still keeps on climbing until they reach the top of her helm and just lays there.
“I guess someone wanted some attention?”--Nautica
Buddy huffs but pats her helm.
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First Aid
Also, one of the faster members Buddy warmed up to.
But First Aid doesn’t really know why.
He did help Ratchet in making sure they were okay and helped them around the ship, but he didn’t do anything extraordinary for Buddy to like him.
But he is fine with that.
First Aid rather enjoys the company of the smaller human.
He knows Buddy is smart.
One day First Aid came in feeling a bit under the weather and Buddy was making all sorts of gestures and noises to get him out of his desk and to the med slab.
Even trying to carry his digit to the slab.
They knew he wasn’t feeling well and wanted to help, something First Aid found endearing.
However, …
Giving Buddy checkups were 50/50
They could come into the med bay doing everything he said to do and get a treat by the end.
They would be ‘clawing’ and squirming at everything that came towards them.
First Aid walks into the med bay.
Buddy is sitting on his desk chewing.
“Buddy? Buddy what are you chewing?”—First Aid
Buddy pauses, but then chews faster.
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animentality · 8 months
I like to think Gortash fantasizes maybe once or a couple times a day about murdering Orin, because she gets on his nerves but also because he loved Durge, for what she did to his love, she deserves murder but he can't, for the plan.
Honestly I'm not sure if he even knew Orin had murdered dark urge.
He must've assumed so, because nothing short of murder would've forced the dark urge away, but it probably ate at him, wondering where the dark urge had gone.
Not just because he hates orin, although that doesn't help, but because he seems to genuinely like the dark urge.
He probably wondered at night if she'd killed them quickly or tortured them or if maybe they were still alive but imprisoned somewhere in the creepy Bhaal basement.
See I know that Gortash is a tyrannical psychopath with questionable allegiances, but his weird warmth towards the dark urge is just so questionable.
I know he's a schmoozing, two faced, scheming politician, but there's no fucking way that would've worked on Murder Murder Death Child, who kills for fun and profit and is honestly a religious zealot nutcase.
Like can you fucking imagine, trying to butter up a guy who'll cut into you like fucking butter with no hesitation?
I just don't think it was an act.
There is no REASON for him to be so warm to dark urge when they re-meet, like do you really think he would take on a persona of warmth with the child of the god of murder?
The person he hatched his ingenious political plans with?
If they were just business colleagues, I just know that the dark urge and gortash would not pretend to like each other. Why bother, right?
Gortash doesn't care for Orin or Ketheric and he makes that very clear.
But you he's practically showering in praises and roses, with stars in his eyes.
Plus all the chosen three know that the other two want to eventually betray them.
So there's no reason for Gortash to be so warm to you, not unless you think he just instantly clocked that New Dark Urge is the kind of person to like the politician act.
But he genuinely was happy to see the dark urge before he'd even confirmed that dark urge's memories were gone.
Dark Urge is a crazy person, who wrote a fucking letter to their GOD, begging for his forgiveness for their admiration for Gortash.
That's really just proof to me that the feelings were mutual.
They had a genuinely positive relationship.
Perhaps the only good relationship those two scheming bitches have ever had.
And that's why I'm sick in the head about them.
They just have so much potential and they literally only have like one scene and a bunch of letters to confirm it, but I don't care.
I'm drowning on this sinking ship.
I also wanna say that when you read his mind... he is ok with sharing power with you???
Like I know some people say well eventually he'd betray you, but...but I don't know about that.
Dark Urge made Gortash a team player.
He was being real with you. Maybe it would've changed in the future but he seems to genuinely want to rule the world with you, because the plan would not have been possible without you.
He loved the dark urge, your honor.
I'll hear no other cases.
You're so right that he hated orin's fucking guts.
But worse was that he genuinely didn't know what happened to the dark urge and I know it bothered him.
I just know it.
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OFMD fix-it Epilogue
Decided to make an epilogue as a thank you! wanted to try and write some fallout from the reunion. takes place over about a week. tw for blood and stede saying something self harmy. Thank you all again for the incredible response to both parts ;w;
Part one Part two
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Stede: Edward! [ed gasps for breath]
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Ed: What are you doing? Stede: [screams] cHRIST, Ed, Warn a man! Ed: You don’t get a warning when you’re being a dickhead. Why were you running around and lifting shit
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Stede: Settled a crew dispute! I didn’t want to disturb your rest, so I took care of it. Everything’s- oh. Ed: Stede! Stede: I’m fine, really! Ed: Yes, I believe you, man bleeding and drenched in sweat! Stede: I don’t want to just sit on my ass while everyone else busts theirs. Bit of a bad start to co-captaining again, y’ know. Ed: Better than a fuckin’ dead one! You saved their asses, so let them handle it
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Ed: Let me handle it Stede: It’s my mess. Why should you? Ed: Thought we agreed we both fucked up. This isn’t about the gash, is it?
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Stede: Sitting idle is making me...anxious. I...I have this feeling something bad is going to happen. This all went way too well. I feel like the proverbial shoe is about to drop. Ed: You think you’re the only one feelin’ like that? I’m the reason you’re laid up; what with the stabbing and all. Also, this was ‘went too well‘? Scared to ask what the worst case scenrio was in your depraved little mind. Stede: Truth be told, the stab was for my peace of mind as well. Hopefully as cathartic for you as it was for me. Ed: [horrified silence] Things are... super weird right now, but-... Before shit went sideways, Lucius was telling me about the wonders of self care. Stede: Oh no, I feel fantastic! Absolute bliss, believe me! It’s just...
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Stede: But of a novice with this, genuine courtship, let alone the pirate kind! No clue. Plus I didnt facror in the wound-. Perhaps I’m overthinking Ed: hmm Stede: Hard to believe, I know. Ed: If you’re uneasy, I can back off a bit Stede: Not from being with you. The opposite actually. I’m scared I won’t be able to treat you how you truly deserve. If I could shoulder your trauma for even a moment, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I’d do anything really.
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Stede: Sometimes I recall the hurt in your eyes when I first returned, and it forms a pit in my stomach. That’s all. Ed: I’m terrified, Stede. Never thought I’d find something like this. Someone who sees the me I hid for so long. I’m in the same boat as you this time. I’ve never done... all this before either. Feeling ‘n shit
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Ed: No plan. Have no idea how this’ll go. It’s exhilarating, amazing, mortifying, sometimes i wanna throw up- I feel FUCKIN’ ALIVE!
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Ed: You feel it too, right? Stede: Of course, my GOD, man Ed: Then, you being on this ship is enough, Stede. Knowing you’ll be here to peel me off the ground and put me back together. That’s all I need. And I’ll keep your fancy ass alive everytime you rip open your guts. Stede: Well, that just won’t due for someone of your caliber. Bare minimum really. After all,
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Stede: I’d be dead many times over by now without you Ed: Yeah, you would. Ridiculous man. Stede: I think you fancy a ridiculous man
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Ed: Yeah, think maybe I do. No one’s ever gonna take him away from me again. Including the lunatic in front of me. FANG! Come fix up captain bonnet. And strap him to a chair so he stays put [stede sighs]
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Stede: If you can believe, not my first stint being tied to a chair Lucius: Oh, I believe pretty easy
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Stede: Focus, Lucius. I have to nail this rebrand Lucius: I’m sorry, I can’t see anything else you’d be. Maybe grow a mustache? Stede: Now there’s an idea!
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Lucius: Yeah, you’d look very dilfy Stede: Dilfy? Ed: Why are you one the floor? Stede: Oh! Welcome back! Needed a change of texture! How’d it go! Ed: Boring. Gave up instantly.
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Ed: Crew’s back, go irritate Izzy. Lucius: Perfect. I hate third wheeling you two specifically. Ed: Hey Stede: Well, this is a familiar angle Ed: It’s a good angle! Stede: I concur!
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Ed: How’s the stitches? Stede: Ship shape! Ed: Good man. Bummed you missed the raid? Stede: A little bit Ed: You wanna cause some havoc?! Maim some people? Stede: More of perhaps managing the maiming, but yes! Share in the camaraderie!
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Ed: Brought you stuff. Stede: Really? [muffled] oh lovely!
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Ed: Thought you could build your public closet up again. Whatever you dont want, i’ll throw in the rec pile Stede: This wouuld look beautiful on you. keep this one. Ed: Me? These are for you, nut. Stede: Of course you! Always wanted someone to share this passion with! Even more fun when you acquire fine things together.
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Stede: Only made finer by being worn by you. Ed: These are for you too
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Stede: [choked noise] I thought looting books wasn’t piratey? Ed: Notice I put them in a bag and didn’t replace. Stede: Some of these are great finds! Impeccable taste as always. Ed: Meant to do that. Totally didnt just throw shit in a bag and run. Just that good
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Ed: We gotta fill these shelves again with cool shit. Plus, you gotta read to the crew at night. They really miss it. Been filing complaints for days
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Ed: The balls on you to kiss Blackbeard on the cheek. Unheard of! Stede: One could say, balls for days
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Ed:See? Left yourself wide open! Could have easily nicked your liver Stede: Was that your real plan all along? Ed: Most coveted liver in the seven seas. Blackbeard has to have it. Stede: You could have just asked
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baejax-the-great · 8 months
ao3 exists, plus it doesnt even matter what terms i search for on tumblr 100% of the time theres fanfiction. literally you can search any words on this website and some kpop guy/ reader fanfics flood the results every single fucking time. plus some of us are not here for fandoms??? your circus/clown analogy is stupid
So I'm incredibly allergic to shrimp-- to the point where if I ate a single shrimp I would die, to the point where I don't really consider shrimp food anymore--and it's the weirdest thing, yesterday i went to Target to buy hair conditioner, and they were selling shrimp. Don't they know it wasn't what I was looking for and I can't eat it anyway? Why would they do this? Totally fucked up of those shrimp catchers to try to poison me like that.
But analogies clearly aren't your thing, so let me break this down for you.
AO3 does indeed exist, but your suggestion that fanfic live there and ONLY there is akin to saying that imgur exists, so nobody should be posting images, whether they be photos or art, on any other website. Twitter exists (sort of), so really nobody should be posting shit posts or hot takes that are fewer than 140 characters or whatever.
Not everyone uses AO3. There is no law saying that if you write fanfic, you must post it on AO3 and nowhere else. There will never be a law that says that, because that's not how the internet works. Tumblr, one of the few social media sites that allows longform blogging, is in fact a great alternative to AO3 for one-shots. It's a little trickier for multi-chapter posts, but I've seen people make it work.
AO3 is not social media. People can't DM there, send asks, make friends, bump their post to the top of the feed (unless they are an asshole who is about to get blocked by half of fandom for pulling that move). Do you like social media? I mean you're here, on tumblr, bothering a total stranger, so you must see some value to it. Guess what--fanfic authors also enjoy being on social media and sharing what they've been up to, including their WIPs.
Things you aren't looking for being part of your searches is literally just life on the internet at all times forever. Earlier this month I was looking for a reference of draped fabric for drawing purposes. I googled 'chiton drawing' (chitons like the ancient Greeks used to wear), and all I got were drawings of molluscs of the genus 'chiton.' Alright, I did a google search for "toga drawing" and learned that there is an anime girl named Toga and people very much enjoy drawing her. Were the artists of the molluscs or the anime girl to blame for me having to slog through a bunch of irrelevant pictures to find one that could help me with my drawing? No. They correctly labeled what they were doing. That's just life.
Seeing fanfic in the tag doesn't harm you. At all. It doesn't matter if you find it cringe, or it's a ship you don't like, or it's xReader. For like ten seconds you looked at words you didn't particularly like, and then you moved on. How is that different from literally any other post on tumblr? I see bad takes and essays I don't care about on this site all the time. It's called scrolling. Again, this will be the case for every website on the internet forever. Are you telling me you read every tweet in your feed? Every reddit post? Sometimes you see irrelevant stuff. I guarantee some of my mutuals have already deemed this long ass post irrelevant and are scrolling on by. What makes fiction that much more abhorrent to you than the rest of the nonsense?
If you really hate seeing fanfic, tumblr has content blocking and tag blocking. You can block the phrase "x Reader." You can block the tag "fanfic." You can block all sorts of things, and if that doesn't work, you can just block the writers whose existence annoys you.
Sorry man, you personally not liking fandom and not using tumblr for it has really no bearing on what everyone else is doing. Like it or not, tumblr is a hub of fandom, and fanfic authors are going to be a part of every fandom on this green earth. Just because you came to the circus in order to admire the pretty fabric used on the tents doesn't mean the performers are in the wrong for doing their thing.
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mcytshippystuff · 1 year
Grian/Jimmy ship name
This is my petition to make their ship name officially Solidrian!
They are a niche ship but as more people get more familiar with them, specially after limited life, the ship is gonna get more popular. Rn I'm mostly seeing it context of Poly Bad Boys but while I often see Gribeans (Grian/Joel), Smallidairty (Joel and Jimmy), and sometimes mentioned as Smallidarian (Joel/Jimmy/Grian, also known as Poly Bad Boys or BadBoyFriends, which has other stuff in the tag with actual bad boyfriends and abuse so I wouldn't use it) tagged in posts as well, I never see Grian/Jimmy tagged in. This is mostly becuase its a rareship and we haven't really??? figured out a common ship name for them, only recently having a uptick in shippers, and also iv noticed most people tend to lean more towards a brotherly relationship, which is very valid! And sometimes in Poly Bad Boys, people do actually have both Grian and Jimmy dating Joel but not each other, which is also very valid, and is another reason why its not tagged. 
But if your like me who slowly started seeing a different opportunity shipping wise and want them to make out or maybe you only just recently were introduced to them and fell for their dynamics without real knowledge of their past interactions and want them to make out; I think its really time to find a proper shipping tag so not only can people who want to indulge in the ship can find it, but also so those who not want to see it can block it out!
And now, I hear you say, but why Solidrian? Well first Grimmy and Grimy which iv seen suggested once or twice has a solid argument by other people; Its tag is already used by others! I think there's a famous person who goes by Grimmy and also just its a common thing. Second is Solidaritian, which iv seen offered once or twice, which I think has potential but its just a bit clunky and long. And Tian or Sian is neat but they’re just names and/or just too short lol. Griandarity is fine but tbh I try and avoid names that contain the whole name of the person? That's just me but I just dont like it. Plus its also a bit clunky.
Hence, Solidrian. Its easy to say, has a nice ring to it, isn't too long or too short, and as far as I'm aware the tag is EMPTY! And that is why, overall, I think this should be the new common ship tag name. Let me know your thoughts and if you hate/love it. If you ship this, please use the name! Tag it with #solidrian and if you know someone who ships it but doesn't know/have a name idea, ask them to use it! 
Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to hopefully seeing works and art and posts in the #solidrian tag and getting my sweet sweet Grian/Jimmy shipping fix. 
And as always, if you dont like this ship, please either ignore or block and MOVE ON. Your ship is not my ship and that's okay! If I see dynamics differently, that's for me to decide. You will be blocked if you try to start arguments about the ship not being okay or “wrong” becuase your perceived notions of their dynamic. And if you get on my case for shipping at all- Bruhhh I'm not in the main tags dont complain if you came looking for it. 
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zvtara-was-never-canon · 11 months
I saw the anon who sent the link to the post by the burst person that said aang used katara and argued with the anon- but that person is a big example of the weird amount of racism towards tibetan culture in the zk fandom. And I sat this generally, I just mentioned them bc that anon reminded me, but the constant mocking of Aangs culture, from his bald head, to his food, to his beliefs and carefree attitude, is so weird. Because its based on a real culture. The tibetan are a REAL group of people who have been victim to real genocide and it is so weird that zk think it is okay to be blatantly racist towards them just bc they don't like one character.
That's what happens to people that treat shipping like activism. They think "I like this pairing" is the same as "This is being progressive, so not liking it is the same hating minorities" - and by consequences, the rival ship is "bigoted"... so it's totally okay to say actual bigoted stuff to make it look bad.
Plus, I'd say it also connects with the fact that most of the fandom is western - and american - and thus tend to ignore any message that doesn't fit the typical american tropes of dealing with the bad guys: Bombing the shit out of them or shooting everyone in a battle field.
Aang is the protagonist, so naturally he embodies the show's message of "Don't take ANY life. Not an animal, not of a good person, not even of a bad person. To truly end this conflict, the cicle of violence and death needs to be broken." But they are so used to seeing that kind of protagonist eventually "get" that the hollywood, epic battle with nearly everyone dying, is the only way to fix everything... that when it DOESN'T happen they think it's a mistake/wasted opportunity, instead of just a case of "This story has a different philosophy as it's core theme."
And let's not forget the constant "Tibetan Monks = Free Love Hippies." Hence them constantly having bullshit headcanons of "Oh, Aang could never settle down with anyone so he'd inevitably cheat on Katara/never marry her/force her to be in an open relationship." It just never registers to them that they can't just take a real, foreign culture and replace it with some american "equivalent." It's the same reason why so many people think Zeus and Hades are the Greek versions of the christian God and Satan.
I wouldn't be surprised if most of these people don't know ANYTHING about any eastern culture/religion besides just the most stereotypical stuff ever. If they were ever told that these religions have gods whose whole deal is "destruction and death" and they are NOT the bad guys, they'd think you're lying since they think these religions boil down to "Make love not war." If you asked them where Tibet, specifically, is , they likely wouldn't be able to point it out on a map.
Seriously, even ignoring the Zutara aspect, so much of the "criticism" towards Aang comes from people that just not understanding Avatar's message at all, and it pisses me off.
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sadistpet · 3 months
Meet the Writer
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it's munday everybunny you know what that means
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
i love choosing muses that aren’t very. canonically fleshed out. it gives me a lot of opportunity to make them into my own ig :3
raikov is generally a pretty blank slate besides the little we know about him ( being violent / sadistic, being in love with volgin, u kno ) and i think he's potentially a really interesting character from what little we see of him. im personally not ascribed to the eva theory bc i think its kinda silly and robs him of a lot of his personal agency, but it is a common theory, so i kinda wanted to build up a characterisation that was more. faithful to canon rather than fanon u kno. plus sometimes my autism just latches onto specific random characters for no reason and in this case it was raikov JDSFHDFKJ my partner loves raiden and when we were scrolling his wiki page for the funnies obviously raikov's page comes up at the top as a "maybe you meant this" and i just kept coming back to him
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
SURPRISINGLY ENOUGH i hate writing anything with like. eating?? which is ironic considering . raikov . but i just never know how to word it BUT aside from that i think combat is really the only thing ! just cause i feel like it relies heavily on input from both parties and i constantly feel like im overstepping kjshkfjhg
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
fluff angst smut grins. they just come a lot easier to me, especially angst because i always have a LOT to say about silly little internal thought processes and i love writing sadness and pain ^-^ it makes me very gleeful ironically jdkhfdjhg i get very emotionally invested in angst especially. smut is a little bit harder? kinda like with combat ironically it heavily relies on the input of both parties but i do feel for the most part its pretty open ended fun :3
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
i just know. BUT NO SERIOUSLY sometimes it's just Vibes, sometimes it's through reading canon stuff and linking it back to my backstory for him, sometimes it's through interactions with others. there's a lot :3 i do put a lot of thought into my headcanons though, maybe like. too much lmao. but i enjoy it i really love doing a lot of analysis to get to my headcanons
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
a bit of both ! rn i'm writing in silence and i think last night i was mostly writing in silence on my phone and then listening to music while i finished stuff on pc. i think it depends ? sometimes i just get really distracted when listening to music and end up completely neglecting actually writing HDFJGHED so i think overall i prefer silence, or something in the background that i've already seen before so i don't need to pay much attention to it
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
i love winging it :3 i like the unpredictability of it but i think i tend to like. outline ? replies before i actually write them properly. ive never really plotted with anyone besides a vague kinda outline or premise, because i do really like the unpredictability :3 but im always open to plotting grins cutely.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
Yes. not just romantic shipping; sexual, enemies, rivals, whatever, idgaf I LOVE CONNECTIONS!!!!!!! i love being able to write relationships between characters. even if its like, familial relationships or whatever, i think it's SO FUN like ourgh. grins really big
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
frances ! it’s not my irl name but the one im most comfortable using online. i also go by rosalind, neo, and vanya :3 one of these is closest to my irl name but youll never guess
22, 23 this year somehow
september 17th !
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
pink. fairy tale pink. baby pink. any shade of pink
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
UM im not sure ?? of all time maybe dysph.oric reverie by [redacted] and the art of suicide by emilie autumn and valley of the dolls by marina atm though its a stranger i remain and holding out for a hero
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
the thing (1982) !! oh it was so fucking good i really really enjoyed it. theres a bunch of old classic horror films ive never seen so im glad i could tick one off the list :3 the effects in it were absolutely stunning my goodness
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
i think it was blue eye samurai ?? i gen dont remember
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
im so sorry for my crimes but it was the stains of time and then holding out for a hero
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
meat. and sweet things. i dont think i really have any favourites in particular besides liiiike caramel
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
spring ! all the other seasons make me depressed in some way somehow
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
i have avoidant personality disorder so im too scared to explicitly call anybody my friend in case they hate me so unfortunately i will not think of us as friends unless yuou tell me we are. but if i talk to you / interact with you regularly just know i consider u a friend ok. snf
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theblackinnkeeper · 4 months
Sorry, only messaging on anon cause I can’t send an ask on the right account but, I mean I totally get what you’re saying about Komaeda as a whole but I think some things are being overlooked. For one, in regards to his actions in well, the whole story really, I have to present a question. Do we hold children accountable for their actions? Yes, to a point, but we also acknowledge that their brains aren't developed and there are certain processes that they are quite literally incapable of. The same can be said of Komaeda. His brain is literally deteriorating, which in a way could be akin to a child with an undeveloped brain, and the parts that get damaged first in most cases of FTD are all parts of the brain that have to do with moral judgement. specifically the ability to recognize something as morally right or wrong, ability to recognize whats socially appropriate, and ability to empathize (this is all just mostly the ventromedial cortex, so there are countless other symptoms that come into play but) as well as an increasing loss of self awareness. If he were just mentally ill, i would agree that his actions are definitely his fault and his own but in this case, it's much trickier. is a person whose brain is literally deteriorating someone we should consider a moral agent? is this someone in control of themselves enough to be accountable for their actions in full? i wouldn't say so.
but also another thing is that i personally love chiaki, and i have no issues with hinami but i also think its odd that you're anti komahina. like, i mean there are ships im less fond of or that i even think would be better/worse than others but i dont see why if its not the one you like most that you need to reject it entirely. the only times i think thats really necessary is in cases of shipping abusers with their victims or ships thats are problematic i.e. age difference. beyond that, isnt it just easier to idk man…. accept that you’re not gonna agree with every ship you see? Just an observation.
I hear and I get what you are trying to say but I think you fail to get a few things while yes his dementia influences his actions to some degree it’s also due to his obsession with and as nagito said he doesn’t mind killing or being killed if it’s for the sake of hope and while his dementia does affect his perception a bit it’s not enough considering he’s one of the most perceptive characters in the game considering he’s the one who usually has it all figured out so I don’t think the comparison to a child really works with a character like him and if he’s at least aware enough to have a distinct sense of right and wrong(regardless of how screwed up it is) I do think that is enough to be held accountable
If you want to know it’s mostly because I find the ship to be toxic and the fans to be annoying (Everytime I criticize nagito’s actions guess how many fans are in the inbox or comment section are there it’s a pain I tell you) and I was annoyed at all the dr3 Chiaki hate plus hinanami hate (seriously if someone gripes about how despair arc forgot komahina again I’m gonna scream)
So I sort of decided that i should return the favor now I understand that there are worse ships out of there but none of their fans have ever given me a reason to go after them (unlike most komahina fans)
And because nagito’s treatment of hajime in chapter 4 and 5 just bugs me
Because while nagito doesn’t act like fuyuhiko(pre chapter 2) or hiyoko during this time what makes it bugs me is who he’s saying it to
Hajime is someone very insecure about himself and struggles with his self worth due to his lack of talent and very much doesn’t like having his insecurities touched at
So to see someone who supposedly loves him call him worthless And make him out to be dead weight just bugs me
And unlike Souda or toko who both get off on this kind of treatment hajime doesn’t not enjoy it
So it just annoys and disturbs me
I hope my answer was worth your time
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depressedhouseplant · 4 months
🔞 Just Fucking Write - Day 39 🔞
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Prompt: More Apocalypse Fic! But horny! And the (actual) leaders! And crossover ship!
Tags: Unprotected sex
A/N: This idea has lodged itself in my brain & a NSFW scene finally crawled to the surface. Connected to Day 31, Day 34, & Day 38
“You always did like younger men with broad shoulders,” Hak winked.
“Shut up or I’ll feed you to the zombies,” Sangyeon shoved him.
“You would never. Have fun,” Hak grinned. Soobin was waiting by the office door watching them intently.
“If anyone asks,” Sangyeon began.
“You’re in a private meeting with the only available member of our new guests. I know, I know,” Hak replied. “Now go get laid. And don’t forget to turn your headset off. I still haven’t recovered from hearing you jack off.”
“You’re welcome,” Sangyeon grinned and walked over to where Soobin was waiting. “Sorry about that.”
“No worries. Someone has to know where you are at all times. Yeonjun hates it. Plus we always get interrupted, but I think Beomgyu gets some kind of sick enjoyment over banging on the door saying it’s something important when one of us is about to come,” Soobin rocked back on his heels.
“I used to hook up with Hak periodically, but I think it was more necessity than actual attraction. I dunno if that makes sense,” Sangyeon replied, turning off his headset and putting it in a drawer.
“It does. I’ve been wondering the same thing about me and Yeonjun lately. Are we fucking because we want to or because it’s the end of the world and we’re just horny guys in our late 20s?” Soobin leaned back against the desk and stretched his legs out. “Guess we’re about to find out.”
“Guess so,” Sangyeon laughed anxiously. “I’ve always been a little shy about sex stuff. Sorry if it bothers you.”
“I’m happy to take the lead if that makes you more comfortable,” Soobin replied.
“It would,” Sangyeon agreed.
“In that case, take off your clothes and let me see what you’ve got to offer,” Soobin said. Sangyeon nodded and pulled off his shirt. It was only when he sat down to get his boots off that he noticed the look on Soobin’s face. He looked ready to devour him.
“Yes?” he asked as he stood back up to take his jeans off.
“You…are so fucking hot. What the fuck?” Soobin reached out to trace the lines of Sangyeon’s abs.
“Thank you,” he replied, trying not to look away. He’d stripped down to his underwear.
“All the way,” Soobin nodded at his hips. Sangyeon bit his lip and quickly pulled them off. “If neither of us weren’t fully committed to our positions, I’d ride that.”
“Really?” Sangyeon asked.
“You’re not tiny if that’s what you’re implying. However I think you’re far more comfortable with the idea of being the whiny bottom we both know you are,” Soobin said.
“Yeah,” Sangyeon nodded.
“So do you want me to bend you over the desk or have you ride me in the chair? You know this place better than I do,” Soobin said as he began to strip. There was a decent height difference between them, but the thought of being fucked on his desk took the air straight out of Sangyeon’s lungs. And Soobin did have broad shoulders.
“Desk,” he squeaked. “With my legs over your shoulders.”
“Interesting choice. What to watch me fuck you. I can definitely do that,” Soobin grinned. Sangyeon quickly moved all the important papers out of the way and pulled a small bottle of lube out of another drawer.
“Lube? How did you get that?” Soobin asked.
“This place has everything. Including condoms. Do you want to…” Sangyeon explained.
“I’m fine without one if you are,” Soobin replied.
“I am,” Sangyeon nodded. He laid on the desk on his back looking up at Soobin. Part of him felt guilty for making himself unavailable. However, his team had been trying to get him laid for months. Younghoon and Hyunjae were disgustingly in love. The rest fucked each other as and when needed. Hak was more than capable of taking care of anything that came up. Most of all, he actually wanted Soobin to fuck him. Then he felt a hard slap on his thigh.
“Stop it,” Soobin said.
“What?” Sangyeon asked.
“Thinking too much. Bad for you,” Soobin replied. “Are you ready?”
That’s when Sangyeon realized Soobin was 3 fingers deep in him. He’d been so in his head, he hadn’t even noticed Soobin prepping him.
“Yes and I’ll focus on you,” Sangyeon nodded.
“You better or you’ll get something stronger than a slap on the thigh,” Soobin told him. Sangyeon believed him. Soobin removed his fingers, barely entered Sangyeon, and put his legs on his shoulders. Sangyeon’s lower body was entirely off the desk and Soobin had a bruising grip on his waist. It was only then he realized how big Soobin’s hands were.
“Now I’m going to give you what you want and you’re going to let me know I’m doing a good job by not being quiet, okay?” Soobin told him.
“Okay,” Sangyeon agreed. Soobin began fucking into him and Sangyeon finally let himself relax. He let himself get lost in the feeling of being bounced around like a toy as Soobin used him. He’d graze Sangyeon’s prostate periodically causing Sangyeon to whine loudly. Anyone too close to the door definitely heard him.
“That’s a good boy,” Soobin praised as he kept up his aggressive pace. Sweat was making it hard for Soobin to keep his grip, but he held on tighter. Sangyeon would definitely have bruises later. Part of him liked the idea. Part of him wondered what it would be like with Soobin’s hands around his neck rather than his waist. Then Soobin began hitting Sangyeon’s prostate with every thrust. He looked at the younger man who grinned down at him.
“Now be a good boy and come for me,” he said. He didn’t even have to touch Sangyeon for him to reach his climax. At that angle, come landed all the way up to his shoulders. Suddenly, Soobin dropped Sangyeon’s legs off his shoulders and wrapped them around his waist. He grabbed the older man’s hips and fucked into him for a few more seconds. Sangyeon felt his come release into his body. He was nothing but Soobin’s toy for the past 10 minutes and he’d loved it. He was more satisfied than he’d been in years. Then the all too familiar fear set in.
“I’ve been gone too long,” he tried to sit up and Soobin pushed him right back down.
“They’re fine,” the younger man said. He picked them up and sat in the chair, resting Sangyeon against his chest. “You know they are.”
“He’s right! We’re fine!” Hak yelled through the door. “And yes I’ve been here the whole time so no one would bother you!”
“Oh god,” Sangyeon buried his face in Soobin’s shoulder as the other man laughed.
“Now that's a good team member,” he said.
“Forget zombies, I’m dying of embarrassment,” Sangyeon replied.
“We all have to die someday,” Soobin chuckled.
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I don't like Thessaly all that much and there is a lot of reasons to dislike her character but I do think there is a double standard when it comes to the whole transphobia thing espeically in comparison to George who is a clear out and out transphobic. And maybe there are reasons maybe George doesn't get hate is because he's a much more minor character compared to Thessaly who is still minor herself but has a bigger role or because people don't see Thessaly as being good for Dream which one can debate the other way as well though I do think Dream's overall morals are better than Thessaly's but I can't help but think it's down to misogyny or at least it's partly down to that. Like I said I don't like Thessaly but I also don't like the double standard of how women and men are treated differently and this also happens in real life.
Oh yeah, I'd definitely say misogyny is a large part of it. Fandom loves any excuse to hate on a female character, especially one who "gets in the way" of self-shipping or a more popular non-canon ship for their (usually male) fave. Thessaly just happens to be a rare case where she ALSO is legitimately terrible. The fact that she's also terrible in a way that corresponds to a current hot-topic issue likewise gives people easy "brownie points" for hating on her, because fans can frame it in a faux-activist way that comes across as "cool" on tumblr or twitter.
And as for George, I'm not sure if it's because he's a minor character, or, sadly, if it's more "expected" for a man to be cruel towards a woman. The fact that he's presented as villainous to begin with likewise gives him something of a "free pass" to express bigoted views, because hey, he's obviously supposed to be evil anyway. Thessaly is at least marginally heroic in that she's helping our protagonist Barbie (although she ultimately does more harm than good), so hearing her be bigoted is more potentially shocking and disappointing to a reader. Of course, this misses the major theme of the story where everyone, including powerful or divine figures, can be flawed, wrong, or bigoted. Neil himself emphasizes this in The Sandman Companion interviews about A Game of You: the moon rules are supposed to be taken as outdated/bigoted for only accepting menstruating people as women, and Thessaly isn't supposed to be a "heroic" or aspirational figure.
(Also, as a side note: The Companion also states that Dream and Thessaly were supposed to not make sense and be a "wtf why are they together?" type pair. However, given that The Companion often seems to be nudging readers to see Dream in a negative light, it's not exactly clear why they would be "obviously" bad for each other...)
I have to say, Thessaly's TERF reputation preceded her before I got to A Game of You in the comics, and I was actually surprised at how little of her personality that is compared to her other unpleasant actions. I expected her to be full-on "author-who-shall-no-longer-be-named", but basically she makes one transphobic comment before instead doing a spell that causes mass destruction and presumable mass death by moving the moon and thus bringing the storm into the city. She also cruelly sacrifices animals at multiple points in her appearances. I mean, it's all bad, obviously, but the fact that the fandom hones in on ONE particular thing to hate her for, out of the MANY reasons she's hate-able, makes me wonder how much is performative activism.
And on one last note... we all need to talk about Wanda more. Seriously. She's far more than just "groundbreaking representation" or "a victim of transphobia". The Sandman Companion rightly points out that she embodies the intended message of the arc: that everyone should be able to change and define themselves as they wish, the will of any alleged authority be damned. Plus, in a series where the central conflict of the protagonist is ultimately about needing to gain self-knowledge and the willingness to change...Wanda is the one who actually MANAGES that! She, a normal human person, does what an Endless cannot. Of course, the inspiration kind of falls flat in that both her and Dream end up equally tragically dead. But still, she's a very notable foil in the overall themes of The Sandman.
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fandoomrants · 4 months
welcome back to ur fully hp obsession <3
it's just...i really respect ur opinion but as someone who ship Wolfstar for so many yrs I think i have to say sth
This story (harry potter) has so so SO many ships, like everyday we get a new pairing ...you can't tell me the only reason why wolfstar has been so popular for nearly 20 yrs is bc we didn't get interaction between marauders... otherwise what? prongsfoot would be the most popular one or Wolfstar would not be this popular? because we always knew that Sirius and James were extremely close. it's literally there..in the books...we know that.
I never understand the "Sirius was closer to James" argument...yes they were so close but that didn't stop James from falling in love with lily (shocking right? these days ppl tend to forget that this man was in love with someone that is not reggie and they got maried and had a child who this whole series is about)
And yes Sirius was taller than Remus ...ty for mentioning , love u <33
Hi, yeah, soo first of all, thanks for this ask, actually! I mean, I share my thoughts and I appreciate it when someone actually takes the time to read it and especially when they have something to say about it! I'm afraid that's gonna be one very long answer coming at you.
Second, I feel the need to start with this here cause likee, these things I wrote are just a bunch of random canon facts (plus one I just think makes sense) that I realised after going through some stuff and they sent me into a near depression episode because I have totally forgotten most of these things thanks to fanon and I think I'm not the only one. I actually lost a bit of sleep that night.
Third, I knew my wording in that part of the post was weird and was going to create the wrong ideas. So don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Wolfstar. Likee, to me they make sense and I hate what happened in the end. I just meant they're a popular ship because we really get to see lots of interactions between them. And the reasoning is that we got to see these interactions between them as adults, with one of their best friends already dead and one of them (and later the other) aware that it's another one that killed him. We basically get to see only their dynamic and that's what started the ship.
But about what I said that maybe they wouldn't have been that popular if we had seen more interactions between all four of them was based on if we had seen the whole story in chronological order. Without the knowledge that James is going to die or that Peter would betray them.
And I don't think if that was the case, people would have shipped James and Sirius much more. I'm a firm believer that there is this level of platonic friendship that is so strong that there is absolutely no way it can be seen as something else, and this is exactly the type of friendship between Sirius and James. Why I mentioned the closeness between them was just because a lot of people somehow seem to forget that they were the closest ones and instead seem to believe that Sirius and Remus were the closest ones because we first saw them interact as adults when the others weren't around. Not to also mention the Prank or some other things that might have made people a bit wary of the ship. So I think that if we had seen the story in that order, maybe they would have still become a popular ship but not as fast or maybe there would have been people shipping the two of them with other people too, maybe even Peter. Or maybe we would have seen evidence of them being closer to canon than we thought!
I also want to say that in any case, I have things which I love and ship but I also don't mind other people's ships and I don't judge, even if I don't see the appeal myself and I might even read things that have such ships in the background, as long as what I ship is not in any way harmed (e.g. read a fic where one of the people in a ship I have is with someone else). Like, I might dislike a ship only if it is abusive or there is something that's really not okay with it. As I shared a post earlier, there are some ships I don't entirely understand but this doesn't mean I hate them. In that trail of thoughts, I also understand most of people's hcs and somewhat fanon facts that everyone accepts and I don't mind these at all.
Finally, again thanks for this post! I plan a second part where I'll also mention that in addition to Sirius being taller, he also had short hair.
Feel free to ask again or, yk, just send a DM.
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cosmicalart · 10 months
Trope grading game
Thank you @artsyunderstudy and @hushed-chorus for tagging me in this.
Actually took me a little bit after work to fill this out as I don't usually think too heavily about why I like a trope, and sometimes I'm in the mood for a specific trope and will look for those tags exclusively, but most of the time I'll read anything that isn't a big nope for me.
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded 0 - don’t care either way +10 -> very enticed nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: -9
I wanted to say nope to this one, I’ve never really been in a ship/fandom that had any major age gaps, but ones with larger gaps or when one person is barely legal (18-20) it just puts me right off and gives me creep vibes. However, I didn’t give it a nope because there are some smaller age gaps that are fine, like Penny and Shep, if I remember correctly she’s 19 and he’s 22 when they met, an age gap like that is fine
Codependency: +5
Kinda hard to explain this one, it changes with the context but I do lean more towards being enticed
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +5
In cases like Simon and Baz, yes, 100% into that, but when it gets toxic or violent then I want nothing to do with it, there is nothing romantic about that
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +3
As long as that's not their defining trait, then I do enjoy seeing different dynamics where the characters balance each other out, plus I find even relationships irl tend to have some opposite differences to balance them out
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10
Absolutely, I eat this shit for breakfast, but it does have to be done right (like Snowbaz) they have to bond and actually fall for each other, not just be physical attraction and that's it, you can’t just have the characters hating each other and literally trying to murder the other only to turn around and bang it out
Friends with benefits: 0
I’m indifferent, I mean if it ends with them being lovers and there's some angst then hella yeah, but if it’s just friends banging it out for no reason and then happen to date because of it then no thank you
Sex to feelings: 0
As someone who is demisexual, this is a bit hard for me to grasp, but that doesn’t mean I won’t read it, sometimes I’m just really in the mood for smut and this can have the potential for some good hurt/comfort
Fake dating/relationship: +9
Now I really love this if done well, and I have read some really good Snowbaz fics with this premise and wish there were more (I may attempt to write one myself but idk if I’d be able to do the trope justice), but it can sometimes feel a little surface level and frustrating in the “why don’t you just communicate and everything would be better” kind of way
Friends to lovers: +6
This can be really fluffy, or extremely angsty and I’m down for both
Found Family: 0
I like the concept in theory, especially for Simon, his friends are his family (and once he learns about his actual family them as well) but I see this as more of a platonic thing and not so much as a romantic trope, and it can a lot of times be used to gloss over the trauma from biological family when found family isn’t some magic bandaid
Hurt/Comfort: +10 For everyone who’s read carry on, do I really need to explain this one
Love Triangle: 0
Depends on the ship, technically there was a love triangle between Agatha, Simon and Baz. I like it in a more light-hearted way where no one gets hurt
Poly, open relationships: -5
I’m perfectly fine with open relationships, and certain situations get a pass (Someone wicked for example) but I’m pretty monogamous and when reading a ship I usually look just for those two characters. I will say in previous fandoms I have read really good poly relationships so I might read it
Mistaken/hidden identity: +5
I think this would be a funny trope that could be done more, if done right. I have read a few wrong number texting fics that I will count as mistaken identity and they can be great
Monsterfucking: +5
Depends, I have to be in the mood for smut and it has to be written well because it can very easily turn me away
Pregnancy: -9
Again, another one I wanted to nope on, I click out of anything with mpreg; that just isn’t my thing, if it’s a hot couple or the pregnancy is through surrogacy or something then I have no problem with it.
Second Chance: +10
I need this, this works with hurt comfort. Break-up fics destroy me so I need a second chance trope to mend my heart
Slowburn: +10
No explanation needed
Soulmates: +5
Can be really cheesy which is fine, but if it’s cheesy and just not written well then I have a hard time getting into it, but when it is done well then I love it.
Tags under the cut
I already tagged a bunch of people this morning for wip Wednesday, so I'm just gonna tag a few and leave this open-ended to anybody who wants to try
@cultofsappho @bean-mints @ionlydrinkhotwater @larkral @vkelleyart
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skania · 1 year
Replies to OnK Asks #2
I have enough for another round of replies, so let's go!
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If you sent me an anon message these past two days, the answer should be below the cut! If it isn't then I either missed it or Tumblr ate your message, please don't hesitate to message me again if that's the case
Just in case, there are spoilers for Chapter 123 below the cut!
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Hang in there anon! Even if Ruby has grown, Sarina's love for Goro is basically frozen in time. I'm sure that if Sarina had had the chance to grow older, her love for Goro would've naturally transitioned into something more age appropriate. As it is though, it was born within the bubble of her hospital room where Goro was one of the only two good things she had in her life, and then Ruby continued to nurture it through the years by desperately hoping she may come across him again.
For years, Goro has been her romanticized, idealized, impossible first love. So when she finds out that Aqua is Goro, she isn't thinking This is inappropriate, he is my brother! She is instinctively reacting the same way Sarina would've reacted to reuniting with Goro. Ruby needs time to process her feelings.
I also think that Sarina's feelings for Goro were the innocent kind of love where a child is like: This person makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside! I want to be with them forever! We should get married!
So eventually, I'm sure Ruby will realize that being Aqua's sister is perfect, because this way they already are forever bonded to each other.
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People are saying that? They're really trying to find every possible reason under the sun to hate on her 😂 I think one valid critique would be to say that Akane made that offer while not being sure of her own feelings/thinking Aqua had no feelings for her, but... how is that worth hating her? If I didn't love Akane, I'd have just felt sad for her—hating her would've never crossed my mind lol
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I mean, I'm not sure we can generalize. But from what I've seen, people ship just as hard there as we do over here, it's just that they're better at separating fandom from canon. If the ship they like doesn't happen, they usually won't go on a public tirade against the work—they may criticize it a bit in their own corner, but usually they just continue shipping their thing in peace.
All in all though, Aka doesn't seem like the type to do what people want him to do. I believe he will do whatever he feels works best for the story he wants to tell lol
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Ohhh that's interesting! In the few months that Ruby spent on Revenge Mode, she did show more ruthlessness than Aqua would be capable of, so maybe you're right and Crow Girl would've ideally wanted Ruby to be the one carrying it out.
Crow Girl is 100% right though, Aqua just isn't cut for revenge. He is too soft-hearted, too kind. He may be fine with everyone hating him, but he won't be fine with anyone but him suffering, so he is doomed to fail lol
Thank you anon!! You have a good day, too!
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Manga Plus!
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Off the top of my head: flustered Aqua, whenever he makes Akane pout, Akane trying to feed him, Aqua getting caught-off-guard when Akane can tell he wants to talk about breaking up, the whole do-you-have-that-kind-of-feelings-for-me? talk and Akane teasing him when he comes to pick her up with the umbrella are some of their funniest moments for me 😂
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Yes!! You have a very good point anon, Aqua's and Akane's reconciliation is being saved for later. It's just like the next Akane volume cover, the fact that we haven't gotten one yet shows that we will be getting some nice Akane chapters in the future.
Thanks anon, I'm glad you see it too! Maybe I'm jumping the gun, but in all honesty after Chapter 123 I now have a hard time picturing Aqua's feelings for Kana as romantic. Kana's are the wild card, since hers have always been portrayed as romantic. We'll have to wait and see but so far, she seems to be following in Maki's (Kaguya-Sama) steps lol
I'm glad that Akane Kurokawa is Akane Kurokawa. She is one and only.
Well said anon, me too!!
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I think the difference is that Kana's "radiance" comes from her genuine feelings. When she feels down, she can't shine. When she is happy, she shines brightly like the sun.
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That's indeed the reason why she was only able to shine as an idol while Aqua was there. He was the reason she became an idol in the first place, and he's also the one she performed for; the one she wanted looking at her.
So while Ai (mostly) shone through the character she carefully constructed for herself, Kana shines due to her true feelings.
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I do think that some readers aren't particularly interested in understanding him. At the same time, I get it because not everyone is reading OnK with the desire to analyse it. Some people just read it/watch it for fun and without paying much attention, which is perfectly fine although perhaps not exactly the best approach to Aka's writing lol
It's fine though, the person Aqua is will be pretty obvious by the end of the manga, so anyone who has missed it so far will surely get it by then!
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, anon! I agree with a lot of what you're saying, and to answer your question:
do you really think Goro like Sarina in a romantic ways?
No, I don't! There's no chance of Goro liking Sarina romantically, he saw her like an innocent child and treated her as such. There's no ambiguity there at all, his "I'll think about it when you're 16" was just a round-about way of turning her down while gently reminding her of their age-gap. They both knew that Sarina likely wouldn't make it to 16, so I believe it was also Goro's way of trying to make both, himself and Sarina, imagine a future where Sarina was still alive. It's so sad 😭
And yes, the fact that Akane is so different is a great thing! She's also the only one that doesn't seem to have family issues, so there's even less for Aqua to project onto her. The obvious exception being when Akane temporarily lost the will to live, since Aqua likely could empathize 😭
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You're absolutely right anon! For some people, it's like the Aqua/Akane relationship jumped from Chapter 30 to Chapter 98 with absolutely nothing in between—except for Chapter 81 and 87, but even then, only two panels count. The rest doesn't matter 😂
And it's not like there aren't alternative ways to interpret their relationship without ignoring everything that's happened between them and all their development. Hell, they could even say: yeah Akane almost got him, but failing to understand that Aqua just needed her by her side cemented her loss. She lost her chance—or something, and it would be a perfectly valid take! But some people just can't acknowledge that Aqua and Akane have a genuine, meaningful bond because they either a) want Aqua to be an edgelord b) want Aqua to only have eyes for their girl of choice.
Luckily, this willful denial of Aqua and Akane's bond can't change what's written in the manga lol
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squirrelno2 · 11 days
Back at it again with my Jedi oc, this time introducing a clone to be her pining lesbian counterpart. For context this is set incredibly early in the clone wars so Jedi and clones really haven't learned anything about each other as groups except what Kaminoans told them and then whatever they've picked up as individuals/through the grapevine. and also '25 (name to be revealed in the course of me writing this fic but also she'll have a character tag on this post) has Issues. that too.
It was a strange number for a squad. CT-1525 had been expecting a normal squad of nine plus herself as the lieutenant, with a sergeant to answer to and everything. Instead, she was assigned to a Jedi who’d be running relief missions with only a small squad, and she’d be the Jedi’s primary point person. Not that ’25 hated the idea of being in charge, but it wasn’t what she’d expected at all. Especially when the Jedi, General Tayonissa Miran, didn’t show up on time.
“So if she’s not here after fifteen minutes, do we just go back to Kamino?” asked one of ‘25’s new subordinates. CT-907. She’d never met them before today, but she suspected they wouldn’t get along. 907 was obviously cavalier about everything.
“Enough,” ’25 said. “I’m sure she’ll be here soon.”
She could feel other clones and the natborns who worked here in the Jedi Temple hangar watching them. She wished they could just board the ship assigned to them, but that was for General Miran to order.
At last, one of the bustling figures in the hangar came for them. A Mirialan woman with a cloud of black hair and muted purple and fawn-coloured robes sprinted toward them, then paused a few feet away to draw herself upright. She caught CT-1525 looking and smiled sheepishly.
“Hello,” she said as she approached. “I’m sorry I was late. You’re, uh – CT-1525?”
“Yes, General Miran,” said CT-1525. She was already at attention, but she tried to stand a little straighter anyway. Her new general’s face quirked with something – amusement? Disgust? ’25 had her experience with both. She didn’t really like either one.
“I’m not a general,” Miran said. “At least, I don’t think so. Considering you’re the only ones reporting to me.”
“You’re a Jedi, sir,” ’25 said. “And no padawan.”
Miran stared at ’25 for a long moment. ’25 took the chance to stare back at her. The general – Jedi, whatever – had skin that was such a deep, dark green it seemed to sparkle. Diamonds were tattooed on both cheeks, in a pattern that ’25 imagined had been symmetrical before whatever had scarred her and left her right eyelid drooping over a damaged eyeball. Short, wild curls fell into General Miran’s eyes, and ’25 wondered if she would permit a suggestion about tying it back on the battlefield.
“This army has serious organisational issues,” General Miran said at last. ’25 was so startled she nearly laughed. She choked it back just in time. General Miran shook her head, turning away from ’25 to look at the others.
“Tell you what,” she said, pitching her low, husky voice up so every clone could hear her. “Let’s skip the title confusion altogether. It’s just Tayo.”
“Sir,” ’25 said. “We can’t – that would be –“
“I promise if we have to look like a normal, put-together army team you can call me ‘general’ all you like,” she said, patting ’25 on the chest. ’25 stared down at the place where General Miran’s hand had just connected with her armour, unsure what to say or do.
“We have regulations,” ’25 said feebly. “The chain of command –“
“They wanted Jedi to run this war for a reason, right?” said General Miran. “So here’s some Jedi wisdom. I am not more important than you. You’re all here in case something goes wrong, or the assignments I get would put me in over my head on my own. And probably so the rest of the GAR can keep an eye on me.”
“Sir –“ ’25 protested. Miran held up a hand.
“Let me finish,” she said. ’25 slammed her mouth shut, mortified.
“I am not more important than you,” Miran said again. “I’ll watch your backs. I’m happy to have you watch mine. But our job is protecting all the people out there, and making sure they live through a war they never asked for. So if you have to, you leave me behind. This bowing and scraping ‘general’ nonsense won’t cut it. You need to know I’m no different than you.”
’25 had heard of things like this already. Self-sacrificing Jedi, putting clones under their command above their own well-being. Her brother was serving one such general right now, General Windu.
“That has to cut both ways, sir,” ’25 said. “If one of us gets hurt, and it’s between us and the people we serve.”
Miran sucked in a sharp breath, staring at ’25. ’25 hardly dared breathe. She didn’t regret saying it, but she knew she’d overstepped. Not to mention the squad had heard. If any of them disagreed with ’25, she’d just signed the general up for a very awkward position.
“Then we should hope it never comes down to that,” Miran said at last. “Because you’re my responsibility, too.”
So are you a general or not, sir? ’25 didn’t say it. She’d pushed her luck enough for today.
With a sharp intake of breath, Miran smiled at her squad.
“Well, come on, then,” she said. “Let’s get started!”
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Dutch van der Linde is not the only one with faults. But I love how people act like he is!
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But somehow his faults and shortcomings are the only one where we see fans interested in complaining about bringing up causing debates and mayhem over the most.
You have the woman you love die brutally at the hands of another rival gang member leader. And then the man you've been friends with for 20 plus years you watch him get shot in his chest by a piece of shit coward who's only interested in protecting the interest of Elites. A agency that attacks working protesters that are under minimum wage and even has killed them for protesting.
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You are the leader of one of the most successful Outlaw gang probably and recorded fictional history. And watch it burn to ashes because of a mole named Micah planted there. (I don't care what nobody says Mr Bell had dark intentions from the beginning)
You have the law from every direction coming against you. And after you watch your best friend and another guy that you looked at like a son get brutally killed you don't even have time to sit there and grieve over it because you have to worry about everyone and everything else. As soon as you watch them die you're stranded on some Island thousands of miles away from your Homeland being hunted in another war that don't have shit to do with you. No matter where you go you're being hunted for some reason even when you have nothing to do with their War they just want you.
You're accused of being fake and accused of not wanting to retrieve your adopted son out of a correctional facility. Simply because fans who hate you judge you too harshly but they're not trying to see reason. You knew that they were going to hold John there knowing your history of busting your fellow man out. And they were basically using him as bait. People spend their time making fun of you always saying you got a plan but they didn't really consider why you held off on trying to rescue John.
No one even gave you a chance to see if you could come up with a plan yeah I get people where paranoid because there was talks of hanging in but I doubt they would have did that. Because they knew who John was to you.
Oh let's not forget you being blamed about wanting to do the robbery in Saint Denis when it was actually Hosea's idea to begin with when you were actually against it. But because fans are known to run through this game and not thoroughly investigate certain things that goes over their heads.
To try to make a long story short we all know what happens after he returned to america. Everything goes to ship because he can no longer trust those that's closest to him because of paranoia and what may have you and this is a natural occurrences in gangs.
Let's talk about the fact that in spite of all your faults after it's all said and done you come back to kill Micah along with your Prodigal Son and even leave him the money that was stolen. In spite of your shortcomings you did try to make things right in spite of the bitterness still left there and even that's not enough.
Oh I forgot that bring up that accident he happened on the tram. He suffered a concussion and he was all so probably dealing with other underlying mental illnesses he could have had a little bit of bipolar or borderline personality disorder going on. You got to understand the times Dutch was living in wasn't exactly Hands-On with therapy and mental health crisis. Or knowing how to help a concussion. You can tell after that accident he started to really lose it. It contribute to already an existing problem going on with that man. But y'all like to overlook a lot of things as usual.
You're accused of being a narcissistic sociopath after doing this because you know your haters like to believe that everything you did from there on out was just about you you were doing it to serve your own ego when we know that's not the case you see how they have to make shit up just to fit their cause. His apologies don't need to do such thing. Dutch apologists don't make excuses for his wrong and shortcoming we acknowledge them we're just pointing out the reasons for a lot of the things he have done. Being aware of the reasons and making excuses for them are two completely different things. I don't expect people who have one dimensional mindset who are closed-minded who act like they don't touch grass on a regular basis and who are basically cookie cutter copy and paste commenters that are all saying the same thing that the next person said because they don't think for themselves obvious are going to go along with that bullshit.
With all of this being said tell me this, if you were in this position tell me if you could be able to keep it all together?
So easy to judge when you sitting comfortable.
We all love to say what we would and wouldn't do when we're not in the same spot someone else's judging from the outside looking in. It's easy to talk shit and judge when you sitting comfortable like I said. Go figure.
But carry on.
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
requesting all your bitter thoughts on popular ships if you’re comfortable 👀
Well I'm probably already gonna get crucified by a lot of people in this fandom for pointing out what ships I find uncomfortable, so why not?
I'll talk about my beef about the fandom depiction of those four ships specifically, because they're the ones riling me up the most whenever I go into the tags.
I usually don't go anywhere near Mandalorian content (mostly because I haven't watched the show and would like to one day do so at my own pace instead of being pressured into doing so), so finding this ship in tags it doesn't belong to irks me to no end.
I've seen a few bits and pieces that aren't bad, but 90% of the content I've stumbled upon is written or drawn very out of character to the point I'm not sure I'm seeing the characters that are supposedly being depicted.
Trope-heavy fics where Din is aggressive or possessive over Luke are in bad taste, and I hate that a majority of people seems to like this unhealthy and somewhat racist dynamic.
They just honestly don't have any chemistry from what I can tell and the only commonality between them is that they were trying to be there for Grogu in their own way. And then Luke shrugged his shoulders and sent the kid off on his own into an active turf war. That's it.
The fetishisation is strong in this one. Anyone with a twitter account can see what I mean.
It started out as a fairly respectable ship and then it descended into 'fic writing for clout' territory.
You can tell when the author or artist doesn't care much for the characters themselves or their history, and are just putting them in situations where they can be nasty for no reason other than 'this will get me views'.
I have seen some skin crawling content online that really shouldn't have ever spilled out of anyone's brain to ever see the light of day, and no I will not put myself through explaining someone else's weird S&M fetish.
Gateway ship. It's like Rexsoka, but with a vague cover of legality behind it, because supposedly Riyo Chuchi is a consenting adult.
The most prevalent dynamics depicting this ship are often disrespectful towards Fox and other clones (sometimes infantilising, other times hypersexualising), plus Riyo is written in a way that makes her seem less like an adult and more like a naive child.
Major red flags on this one.
A ship that works if written well and respectfully, which is tragically not the case for 99% of times.
Writing Obi-wan as the perfect man with a savior complex that can do no wrong, while Cody is just his basic trophy husband with no personality or skills is... Yikes...
Lets not even talk about all the fetish stuff that goes unchecked half the time. I have seen too much that honest to god rubs me the wrong way.
They say sparsity of actual good content should make it worth more, but in this case I feel like the less good Codywan stuff there is, the more badly written content crops up to fill the void...
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