#ua season 3
polararts · 2 years
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A little Klaus drawing
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girlbossreva · 2 years
Uhh…Allison rumoring Luther…is literally assault. I get that she’s lost a lot but that isn’t an excuse to literally force him against his well, especially when he told her not to. I can’t stand her this season I’m sorry 😭
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cryptcatz · 2 years
my mom and i watching S3: awww look at Number 5/Aiden he’s sooo little 🥺 tiny baby boy
us after I googled and discovered he’s taller than both of us:
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with the return of umbrella academy, I only want one thing. I want all the characters to just pretend that viktor has always been viktor. If someone asks about vanya they all act like they have no idea who that is. Better yet, no one even mentions vanya. No one questions it. This has always been viktor idk what you’re talking about.
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very glad that viktor got the first 'fuck' of the series. he deserves it.
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djarinslover · 2 years
Damn Viktor needs to catch a break. Like I get it, he’s the reason for literally everything but their shithead father ruined him instead of helping him as a child
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homosandhomies · 2 years
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not enough sloane love here so i made this 💕
click on picture for better quality
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I don't think enough people are talking about Grace turning into a terrifying nun worshiping a glowing black hole for no reason to then be killed and have no relevance to the further plot in any way????
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frankensteinboobies · 2 years
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In no particular order because the timeline is like 🤷🏼‍♀️
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obviouslyrin · 2 years
I need to know what happened between Klaus and Ben on episode 9
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bardicious · 2 years
I don't know how else to say this, but people need to calm down about the show "ruining" Allison. Like, chiiill. Yeah, she did tons of fucked up things this season, so did lots of the other family members in other seasons (And have you seen the Sparrows???).
This isn't me defending her actions, I'm just saying it's not bad writing for her to have gone down this road???? It's interesting to explore her anger and to see in which ways her powers enable her to take people's rights away. And how much of her is ultimately willing to do it when push comes to shove.
Allison is one of the main story lines of this season and it's well written (As long as it's addressed in later seasons, like Viktor was in Season 2)
And I feel like lots of people are missing out on the part where she was thrust from a very privileged position in the first timeline, where literally no one could say no to her (who knows how she limited her powers before - there's a reason she stopped using it) and went into a time where she was hated for existing and was placed under horrible prejudice and violence while incapable of using her powers. Like???
This characterization is totally legit. The question is, will she redeem herself, or will they let this plotline lie? If they leave it alone, it's bad writing, if they don't, she'll have more transformation and possibly find real ways to cope with her losses and helplessness or become a villain (which I doubt, likely Reggie is our villain next).
Just, like, chill out.
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ephemeralgalaxies · 2 years
me, sobbing on my bedroom floor as I type in order to keep myself from throwing my phone across the room: "aND ANOTHER THING!!!"
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cryptcatz · 2 years
idk if this makes sense or is just me but. i feel like if Harlan had been a token lgbt character (if there were no other lgbt charas) or something y’all would be more upset about him being senselessly killed. but him being a token autistic/disabled character is fine. lmao
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leilersworld · 2 years
just started season three of the umbrella academy… and they did viktor/elliott absolutely down BAD with that wig. from almost all angles it is noticeable and something about it is irking me to my core. do not mistake this for me calling viktor OR elliott unattractive because boy.. they are so so fine. but the wig.. THE WIG😭😭😭😭
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suchsweetsorro · 2 years
thoughts on UA season 3
anyone else simping over jayme hargreeves? because.... uh.... she... WAHMEN....
like both she and her actress are out of this world levels of gorgeous.....
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ghostonatoast · 2 years
“Anything YOU can do, I can do better.”
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Lila does no wrong she will forever be one of the best Umbrella Academy characters.
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