#ubber suggest
bluprinttechblogs · 2 months
Search Engine Optimization Habits to Grant You High Ranking
Introduction to Search Engine Optimization
Websites across the Internet are the sources of information meant for Internet users. They are ranked by engine bots depending on how they apply the Search Engine Optimization practices. Every minute, new content is added and can rapidly spread like fire. In today’s world, this is one of the most efficient and preferred sources of quick information.Acquiring information in search engines is familiar to Internet users and a common way to get informed. Depending on the search engine your site interacts with, these engines organize their results with the associated websites while factoring in different principles. The principles that search engines rely on ranking a website results results is what we call Search Engine Optimization factors.  These ranking principles are what engine robots to filter existing website data value. The first result page consists of websites that engine bots feel are relevant to the user's request. For your website to earn the top spots, you must implement the SEO factors correctly.This article outlines the top-leading ranking factors used by search robots in different engines. Before we move further, what are search engines? Let us understand what search engines are with their examples. They are robot systems that help users access existing information from hosted websites over the Internet. Examples of popular search engines active include, - Google - Microsoft Bing - Yahoo - Ecosia - Yandex - Baido, and others. 
Search Engine Optimization Practises
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All Search engines have similar filtering techniques, but some do differ. For clarity, let us analyze these similar strategies common to all search engines. When applied correctly, these Search Engine Optimization factors bring about results in a matter of time. They include, 1. High-quality contentOur first factor is high quality content. What is it about? It means attractive, relevant, eye-catching, and accurate information in your blogs. For your content to be of value, it should represent such qualities. The first important step before writing anything is to do thorough research. You must clearly understand the topic of your content and the audience. It is necessary to understand that your content is the connecting point between writers and their audience. Find a good reason to get attention and why readers should listen to you, and you should include it in your content. The first attractive and interactive element should be your topic. Your topic words should ignite engagement in your audience to create curiosity.The reason behind this is that your headline outlines an overview of what your story entails. Examples of words to include in your topic are new, free, proven, and easy. The next element to pay attention to is your content structure. The content you produce should align with your topic and sub-topics. When writing your content, ensure you include these high quality content characteristics, which are,- Readability and clarity - Originality - Relevance - Accuracy - Structure and Formats - Engagement - Detailed in depthExplaining your content in depth is a positive factor in good Search Engine Optimization ranking. You will notice that search engines prioritize detailed content when ranking. By detailing content in-depth, search engines conclude that readers understand such content better. For this reason, your content will be a priority when ranking. 
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 2. Keyword ResearchKeyword research is another Search Engine Optimization determinant to rank highly. When writing your content, you have to ensure that you apply your keywords appropriately. To conduct a successful keyword research, use relevant tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, Ubber Suggests, and other relevant tools. These tools let you identify the common words and phrases that users mostly search for. Identifying the right keywords gives you an idea of the content you are going to build around. So, let's discuss the steps to conduct keyword research. Define your agendaYou must set your target as you make your first approach in Keyword research. Outline your goal and ensure you specify what you want in return. For instance, in this case, you want to improve your SEO ranking. Make a list of probable topics.Take a moment and think about the topics you are interested in writing about. To come up with an attractive topic, consider yourself the reader to discover an interesting topic. Look and identify the attractive words and consider them. You can ask around to get people's opinions or brainstorm with colleagues. Allocate relevant keywords on your headlines.Ensure you have a list of attractive keywords to allocate to your topics. To come up with attractive keywords, this is where you involve your keyword research tools. Find out the keywords related to your topics and identify the attractive ones. Analyze their search volumes and competition. The main aim is to identify the target keywords with decent search volumes with manageable competition by using:- High-ranking words in your web content.  - Low-ranking keywords in your content. In this scenario, low-ranking keywords, preferably long-tail keywords, are less competitive. They contribute to low search volumes but can generate more traffic to your web content and increase click-through rates. 
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 3. Efficient On-Page OptimizationPage optimization is the improvement of your webpage visibility and appearance. It is among the driving factors because it targets to align with the search engine algorithms. To fulfil this requirement, we are going to discuss the various steps involved, and they are: Writing descriptive meta-tags Meta tags play an informative role to both search engines and users. They help in understanding your webpage topic and the overall content inside it. In search results, they are always the first impression for potential visitors. If a meta tag is presentable and attractive to a potential visitor, the chances of increasing your website traffic are high. Apart from traffic, they can also increase the click-through rates of your website. Efficient meta tags are briefly written and should pass the message. Optimization of images What is the optimization of images? Images affect the loading time taken by web pages. The larger the image size, the more time it takes to load it. Optimizing your web images means to reduce their file size. It is a fundamental approach due to various benefits to your website. Some of the benefits include,(a). Requiring less storage space in your site servers. (b). Improves your site's loading speed. (c). Faster website backup creation. (d). Higher ranking in search engines.When optimizing your web images, there are two factors to consider. The first is the file format, and the second is the compression type. When correctly implemented, you can reduce an image up to five times. Let us go through the steps for successful image optimization, which include(i). Choosing the effective image file format. There are several image file formats supported on web pages. For instance, we have, PNG - They are sometimes lossy but produce high-quality images with large file sizes. JPEG - They are adjustable to balance a good quality image with a favourable size but use lossy and lossless optimization. GIF - It uses less compression but is suitable for animated images.(ii). Balance between size and quality. When using a low compression rate, your results produce an image with a large size and quality. On the other hand, when using a high compression rate, the image you get will be smaller in size and low quality. To choose the best image between the two, ensure that your file image size is below 2MB with high quality.(iii). Use image optimization tools You can find a lot of image-optimizing tools on the internet. Some of them are free, while others require paid subscriptions. Popular examples include Adobe Photoshop, JPEG Mini, Trimage, and others.  Internal and External linking For search engine algorithms to understand the structure of your website, internal linking is necessary. It is a technique considered a top-leading SEO factor and is vital for search engines to find the relevance of your pages with their values. Your website users can also use internal linking to navigate through your site. When linking externally, search engine bots will understand what your page content is all about. Ensure you choose high-profile websites for the engines to classify your content as high-value. Search Engine Optimization Keyword Placement What do we understand by this term? SEO keyword placement is the strategic implementation of relevant keywords in content and is among the top-leading SEO determinants. Why do we say so? Search engines use algorithms to browse your web content before indexing, and they greatly depend on keywords.Did you know that how you distribute your keywords in your content matters? The positioning of your keywords makes a difference when engine bots rank your content in search results. There are two things to consider when using keywords in your content. First, how naturally do they fit in your content? And second, how often do they appear? Ensure you at least apply the main keyword in the first 10% of your content. At this rate, when you get to the first 25%, there should be two appearances. It is recommendable because Google uses the terms appearing at the beginning of any content to grade the value of your blog.Moreover, the use of keywords does not end there. Including them in your titles, URL, and SEO meta description adds more value. On your title, front load your keyword for Google search bots to identify your content fast. Keyword placement is not just about populating as many keywords as possible but a natural application in their respective areas. Overusing keywords can be disastrous since search engines may view them as spam, resulting in punishment. As you apply them, consider the keyword density. We measure it by the number of times your keywords appear compared to the number of words in your blog. The effective keyword density ranges between 1% and 2% for single-page content. Your keywords have to keep up with the latest search queries. So don't take too long before updating your keywords to maintain top ranks in results.
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 4. Mobile-Friendly DesignA mobile responsive website is a similar phrase to a mobile-friendly design. It is a design favourable to the mobile device view. Statistics reports indicate that most users access the Internet through mobile devices. Always ensure that your website is mobile responsive to appear in mobile search results. Google reassures that mobile responsiveness page experience is a SEO determinant to content and website ranking. It is vital to Google search engines because this is the source of most visitors. When your website is mobile-friendly, many visitors consider staying on the page. What does this mean? traffic increase, more conversion rates, and click-through rates to represent favourable aspects of search engine rankings. To attain a mobile-friendly website, work on(i). User ExperienceAlways ensure your website is easy to navigate, read and interact with users on small screens. Incorporate a bottom or top navigation and search bars. The navigation technique ensures a proper representation of content on small screens. You can also include personalized features in your mobile user interface. Eye-catching sections on the mobile interface are most suitable for personalisation. (ii). Page speedFor a quality page speed, you should optimize the loading time of your pages to attract users instantly. Do not test users' patience with slow-loading pages to force them to opt for other web sources. If you want your website speed to improve, you have to make some necessary adjustments. To achieve the desired result, we encourage you to work on,- Compress and optimize images. - Minimize HTTP requests by reducing the number of elements in pages. - Deliver content from servers closer to the user’s location through a Content Delivery Network (CDN). - Reduce the size of files sent from your server to users’ browsers through Gzip compression. - Relevance - When two sites are linked together, it portrays relevance since they share a common content ground. - Trustworthy - It is evident that search bots often trust high-profile websites. When you link your website from such sites, search bots understand it as a request to consider your content for reference. As you apply this method severally, search engines gain confidence in your content, and as a result, they improve your results ranks.In writing content, all backlinks are never the same. The text content industry labels them according to their sources. What are the types of backlinks? Let us view some examples that include, Organic backlinks - They are natural links that humans place on websites. Press release backlinks - When press outlets publish their content, they can link their articles to your website at your request. If not correctly done, search bots can interpret the links as spam sources, leading to penalties. Guest blog backlinks - As one of the writing techniques to generate backlinks, blog writers write on foreign websites and then link back to their websites. Developing such links requires content relevance and connection between the two pages. Search algorithms should identify the content connection to approve its viability and impact. Community forums and Q and A websites - Online users often engage in topic contributions when looking for quick answers. On these platforms, contributions are short and precise. For more clarity, you may find links attached to a website requested by contributors, directing readers to specific sites. Despite their differences, backlinks are among the leading SEO determinants. But what do they imply?(i). Increase traffic generation - Reputable websites always engage with constant traffic access due to popularity. If you connect through links, several audiences might want to see what your content offers, as a result, driving more traffic to your website.(ii). Domain Authority - Quality backlinks from reputable website platforms contribute to a strong profile view by search engines. The more you strengthen your domain authority, the more likely you rank well for various keywords.
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 6. Making use of Analytic toolsAnalytic tools are reference tools for your website performance. Through these tools, you can identify performing areas as well as the weak ones. Analytic tools are among the top-leading SEO tools you can use to improve your search rankings. They help users identify the current search trends, improving the search ranks of websites. To get the desired results from these tools, you must stay in line with their current trends. So, how do you get the best from them? Monitor traffic Always check on the organic traffic leading to your website. Monitor the trends of your visitors to understand what interests them. Identify and analyze any pattern behaviour of your visitors. Track any Keyword impact Investigate the performing keywords implemented in your pages. Check the keywords attracting your visitors and leading to revenue or conversion rates. Identify top landing pages Investigate the content structure of the most attractive pages to your visitors. Realize the elements and eye-catching sections that bring positive impacts on your website. Bounce rates and dwell time Do visitors only view a single page of your website, or do a number navigate to other sections? Analyse the results and research on improving any negative-driven scenario.
The above characteristics are top-leading SEO detailed techniques you can apply to your content. The only requirement is good research and correct implementation. Implementing these ideas takes research, time and accuracy, but the results are automatic and assured. Once you implement them well, it can take time for any adjustment, proving to be long-lasting SEO techniques. Read the full article
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lisinfleur · 5 years
Jag Känner En Bot
The request:
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Author’s Notes | I made an OC for this because of the name confusion idea and I used this music – Boten Anna (Basshunter, 2008) - as inspiration! I hope you guys like this! Thanks for the sweet request! Universe | Vikings Pairing | Ivar x OC Info | Modern Age AU, requested by anon for 5CW7 Words | 2687 ⁑ Warnings: Some cursing.
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His friend was late.
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He was sitting on that table, waiting for around half of an hour more than what they had settled when his phone finally vibrated with something from "G4m1ng" - a follower from his blog that became super active, enough to start exchanging messages with himself and become a friend.
His name was Dylan and they were chatting for a while now. The guy was a top supporter of Ivar's work with the blog, even suggesting he should start streaming his games for more views and maybe a career. And that was the secondary reason for that meeting, to be honest. Ivar wanted to know someone who had been giving him different tips for his favorite games, making his nights incredible fun and also, maybe start something new like a bigger and more audacious project having this supporter by his side.
His intention was to invite the guy to work with him and maybe edit his videos for a new Youtube channel, or maybe something on Twitch. He didn't know what was the best investment or platform and his hope was that talking to Dylan would help him to figure this out.
He had thought about this idea for a while and set up the meeting was something they had talked to each other for almost a whole week. They settled that place because it served the best fries of the city - something them both had in common as well.
Dylan knew about his disease and wasn't a problem. In fact, they sometimes spent days texting to each other because Ivar was having a painful day of bluest eyes and had to be in bed for a longer time.  
The guy was an amazing friend - so Ivar was starting to feel worried something had happened because it never passed through his mind Dylan could, somehow, intentionally miss that meeting.
When the phone vibrated, Ivar unblocked the screen quickly opening the notification to see a strange question from his friend...
"Where are you, bro? Gave up on meeting me?"
Ivar frowned. There wasn't a sister location for that restaurant brand: it was the only one in town so it was impossible Dylan had gone to somewhere else.
His fingers started typing a fast answer, trying to figure out what was going on by softly teasing his friend to come.
"I'm at table 20. Did you found a way to get lost here, dude? C'mon... There is a pretty young lady alone two tables from me on the 18. If you take too long, I might want to sit with her and share our fries."
An emoji of a laughing face, despite the concern. Maybe Dylan was only not recognizing him or finding the table. Ivar lifted his face to look for his friend, but what was his surprise when the girl on table 18 took her wide eyes from the screen and looked straight at him, getting up from her table and coming closer to speak directly at him.
"Ivar? I mean... 'I.Boneless'?" she asked, utterly surprised.
Well, this was something he wasn't expecting.
Ivar was sure that he hadn't published his face online too many times and his avatar was the picture of a Viking prince from a series he liked to watch some years ago so. It was pretty unlikely that girl could be some kind of follower that was recognizing him.
"Yeah, I'm... I use this nick but... how do you know it's me?" he asked and she giggled before really falling on a long laugh, causing Ivar to be even more confused.
"Oh, my god! I can't believe this is happening. Fuck!" she cursed, laughing even more.
Damn... Ivar couldn't see Dylan anywhere. And that situation was starting to be embarrassing. Why the fuck she was laughing that much?
"Pretty young lady?" She said, causing Ivar to freeze. "Bro... The last thing I ever thought about myself was pretty... Now about you? Jez, Ivar, you're hot!" she joked.
Just like...
The girl exploded in laughs again.
"Dude, you should see your face!" she smiled. "Yeah, bro. I'm Dylan... Dylan Elyah Summers, and it's very nice to meet you, Ivar," the girl said, extending her hand for him to shake.
"I thought you... I..." he said, speechless, shaking her hand as she giggled again, sitting in front of him at the table.
"I know. You thought I was a guy, right?"
Dylan smiled at Ivar's affirmative nod, giggling as he scratched his nape.
"It happens a lot of times. My parents gave me a unisex name, so lots of times people think I'm a boy," she smiled.
"Yeah, that's pretty confusing," Ivar said, and the smile on Dylan's face diminished a little.
"It's not a problem for you, is it?" she asked.
Ivar could notice a certain bitterness in her voice. As a person with lots of bitter moments in his life, he knew what was that bitter taste on her tone and it wasn't hard for him to figure out her reasons: he could bet a dozen idiots had already rejected her as soon as they discovered she was a gamer girl and not the dude they were expecting to see. Other dozen had probably just started hitting on her like a bunch of horny dogs... He knew his gender: Men could be pretty toxic in his community. Instead, Ivar decided to act differently.
"Of course, it is! How dare you not to tell me you were a girl?" he started, causing her to cringe and sigh, sure she would lose another friend before he smiled at her once again. "I would be waiting for the 30 minutes of lateness, dude. Ya know, makeup, hair stuff..." he joked, receiving a small and friendly punch on his shoulder and noticing she blushed a little.
They spoke for hours, sharing three whole portions of fries with cheese and bacon before they had structured together the whole plan for the new idea. Dylan was super excited about the project, but Ivar had to admit he couldn't stop thinking about how incredible it was to find such a pretty girl that was so similar to him, liked the same things, was so intelligent and charming as Dylan was...
At the end of that amazing day, Ivar and Dylan shared the Ubber that stopped first in his house, closer to the restaurant.
"I see you at the weekend!" he said, confirming the new meeting they had settled for the next weekend to start the channel's physical preparatives at his house.
"My ass! Go log on the game, bro! I see you online in the next thirty minutes! Bye, Ivar!"
"Bye!" Ivar waved back before she closed the door of the car that left taking her towards her home.
"Dylan's sister?" Hvitserk asked, stopping by his side while biting an apple after almost scaring Ivar's soul outta his body.
"No. That's Dylan. Fuck, Hvitserk! You fucking scared me!" Ivar complained before noticing Hvitserk had literally choked with the piece of that damn apple, hitting his brother's back, causing Hvitserk to spit the piece of apple and start coughing at the same moment. "Eat slow!"
"That's... That's fucking... Dylan??" Hvitserk tried, still recovering from the choking surprise. "What the fuck, Ivar!? You went out with that hottie and is standing here as if it was nothing? Brother! She's gorgeous!"
"Stop it, Hvitserk," Ivar warned while walking inside. "Yeah, she's beautiful, she's a girl, but it doesn't change anything. She's still the same Dylan we use to play together. Don't ruin the experience by starting to hit on her ok? For fuck's sake, keep your dick out of your mind!"
But Hvitserk giggled, looking at him with malice.
"Don't worry, brother. I won't hit on my brother's girlfriend..."
It was Ivar's time to almost choke with his own saliva.
Hvitserk giggled again.
"C'mon, Ivar! You speak about this friend all the time, she likes the same things you like, she loves the games you love, you guys talk for hours! I can't believe you discovered Dylan is a girl and didn't ask her to marry you on spot! The two of you are perfect for one another!"
"Nah. No, no. You can stop it right now," Ivar warned. "Don't put your fingers into it!"
Hvitserk's smile became even more malicious.
"You want her, don't you?"
Ivar frowned and before he could answer, Hvitserk smiled bigger.
"I knew it!"
"Stay out of it, Hvitserk!"
This time, it was a harder warning.
"I really like her. She's really special and what we have is really important to me. Don't ruin everything for me or I'll swear I'll never speak to you once again!"
Hvitserk lifted his hands up, trying to tranquilize Ivar.
"Relax, brother... I won't mess up with your girl ok?"
"She's not my girl!" Ivar insisted.
"With Dylan! Dylan! Better now?" Hvitserk answered, still keeping that smile on his face.
Ivar was sure that promise wouldn't be fulfilled. However, he couldn't just get rid of all his brothers so he sighed. At least, Dylan was a nice girl and he was sure she would understand.
And he could always punch Hvitserk's nose if he was going too far so, problem solved, right?
The next few days were kinda strange.
Ivar wasn't being different, nor Dylan. But Hvitserk made the enormous favor to open his big mouth for more than eat the whole kitchen and now everyone knew Dylan was a girl.
Somehow, all the brothers found a way to get closer to her. Even Sigurd, who wasn't making any effort in her direction, ended up speaking to her for a long time about good soundtracks for the new channel, even spending a whole evening in a chat with her, explaining and teaching her about the new synthesizer and what she could make using it.
But the one who was bothering him Ivar the most was Hvitserk himself, all the time trying to be into their chat rooms, always catching Dylan's attention to himself... Ivar remember he told Hvitserk to not to hit on her just because she was a girl, but it was the same to tell a door to not to open! The bastard even invented he wanted to open his own blog just to get her attention on teaching him things so he could have a different style and not be so similar to Ivar's blog!
He really couldn't figure out why was Hvitserk doing this, but surely it was hitting on his balls! And Ivar decided that weekend would be the day for him to put a period on that sentence.
Dylan was his friend for a long time, he liked her, they had everything in common and if someone in that house would be with her, this someone would be him!
When Dylan arrived for their meeting, Hvitserk went all smiles to open the door, receiving her, and even spending a long time of conversation with the girl before Ivar could actually figure out she was already in his home.
"Oh, hi Ivar!" She said, smiling bigger at him than she was smiling at Hvitserk,
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But noticing Ivar was kinda serious, Dylan closed her smile.
"We need to talk," he said, getting the girl kinda anxious.
"Is there something wrong, Ivar?" Hvitserk asked.
A malicious smile on his face. Surely the bastard was planning something. Ivar just kept his icy eyes into his brother's greens.
"I'll talk to you later. This is something between me and Dylan."
Hvitserk shrugged as Dylan started following Ivar to his room.
"Did I do something wrong?" She asked, really anxious now.
"No," Ivar answered, walking through the hall.
"Did something happened?" she asked again.
"No," Ivar answered, monosyllabic one more time, opening the door and entering his room into what Dylan stormed up, annoyed.
"Then tell me what the fuck is going on at once, Ivar!"
"I like you. More than just a friend. And I want you to be my girl."
The sentence sounded like a slap in Dylan's face that became instantly red like a tomato while Ivar was closing his door before looking at her once again.
"W...What did you just say?"
"I said..." he looked straight into her eyes, to warrant she would be able to see his true feelings through them. "I said I like you and I want you to be my girl."
"Ivar..." Dylan hesitated, looking at him. "Are you sure? I mean... You're... I am... I..." she stumbled on the words causing Ivar to smile.
She was sweet when speechless like that.
"You just have to say yes or no, Dylan. It won't change the way I see you. I just want to be real for you. I like you for real, I hardly doubt I'll ever find a girl who sees the world and thinks about it the same way I do... Like you do... You make me happy; you make me forget the disease, the pain; you paint my world in a way I can look at it without seeing it grey. And I want this... I want you by my side."
"Jez..." She spat.
And it was the time for Ivar to think she would break his heart probably saying he wasn't his brother...
He wasn't like Hvitserk, for sure.
But Dylan just smiled.
"You're pretty, sweet, and really know how to speak to a woman. I deserve an achievement for this," she said, lifting her hand to touch Ivar's face with a sweet smile on her lips "Something like 'World's best guy's girlfriend' or something like that..."
Her smile became bigger and Ivar smiled back, coming closer.
"I agree. We should receive some new achievements like 'Ivar's girl' for you, 'Dylan's boy' for me," he said causing her to giggle. "However, I think there is one more thing missing for us to reach these goals."
"Oh, you think? And what it is?" she asked with a smile.
Before Ivar leaned his face, softly mashing his lips against hers; what Dylan received with tenderness, wrapping her arms around Ivar's neck.
They ended up not working at the project, spending the whole time she spent in his house together, exchanging caresses and enjoying each other.
By the night, when she had to go home, Ivar suggested Dylan come back tomorrow for a new visit.
"Then we could try to start working on the channel this time," he joked and she smiled.
"If I can stop trying to find the stars in the sky of your mouth, we can maybe work, for a difference," she answered with a giggle and Ivar smiled, caressing her face before they exchanged a new kiss of goodbye.
"See you tomorrow, Dy."
"Wait, are you two together?" Hvitserk's voice echoed and Ivar turned from the door towards his brother.
"Yes. Dylan is my girlfriend now and I would like you to..." Ivar started, about to tell Hvitserk to stop hitting on his girl when Hvitserk giggled, patting his back and interrupting him.
"Fucking finally! I thought I would have to really try to kiss her to have you motivated, little bro. Congrats!"
Dylan started laughing almost immediately. Ivar, on the other hand, frowned looking at Hvitserk.
"What?" Hvitserk said, smiling. "You are perfect to each other, bro! I just knew you wouldn't go forward so I made you think I was interested just to give you a little push forward. You're welcome!"
"Fuck you, Hvitserk!" Ivar answered punching Hvitserk's shoulder and watching as his brother left, laughing.
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"He's smart... I think I owe him some fries for infuriating you," Dylan said and Ivar smiled at her.
"He doesn't worth a dime. Don't get yourself misled, love."
Dylan instantly smiled tenderly.
"Oh... That's so cute."
"What?" Ivar asked, surprised.
"You called me 'love'," She smiled. "I really can get used to this."
Ivar came closer embracing her with his free hand and smiling.
"Well, get used to being spoiled all the time, love. I'll call you like this for a long... Long time...”
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lunalopierce · 5 years
LA LA BABY| Chaotic Four
WHO:Iris, @oliver-puckerman, @gioharper, @stephaniepills WHAT: The four friends find themselves finally in California where some... things, happen on the first day Feelings emerge, lollipops are taken away, and someone makes another damn sex joke
The plane ride went smoothly, none of any of the four teens luggage had gotten misplaced, and they didn't need to wait too long for the Ubber to head to her apartment. It wasn't anything super fancy but it was the teens home away from home, and it helped that after that one ubber trip they'd be able to use the car her mom left there for her. 
As they pulled up to the building, and got all their stuff out, she pushed through her bag to find her house keys. "You guys all know once we drop this stuff off, we need to go food shopping, cause I don't think i have any food here." She said truthfully, pushing her hair behind her ear looking between the group. "And with it being the four of us, it's probably better for a cosco run and not a target run"
If there was one thing Oliver hated more than anything, it was being on a plane for long periods of time. He had always had a fear that the one time he actually flew anywhere would be the time the plane would malfunction and go down. He knew it was a fear that was likely never to happen, but he couldn't control how far his imagination would take him. Happy when the aircraft finally touched down in LA, Oliver could finally relax a bit more and really let his vacation start. Going down to pick up his bags, the young man laughed with his friends as they made their way through the airport.
Before he knew it the four of them had finally reached Steph's apartment. It had felt like a lifetime has gone by since the last time any of them had come to visit her, but it still gave the feeling of a long lost home. "Yeah, I really wouldn't trust any food that may have been left here before you moved back home.  Though are you sure? Since I'm sure majority of the time we might be eating out. What with sightseeing and Disney. Are we even going to be here often enough to cook ourselves dinner?"
The trip to LA was uneventful - he'd flown to and fro New York a couple of times when he went to Columbia, but he wasn't able to get any sleep the night before their flight.  Though he won't be admitting it out loud any time soon, he was excited. So, he spent  the four-hour flight time dozing off. A groggy Gio wasn't really pleasant company, but by the time they'd arrived at Stephanie's  LA home, he was up and fully awake.
"Costco's much better," Gio agreed as he plopped his bags on the carpet - he never  frequented LA, he never really found amusement parks fun and entertaining, but he'd take every opportunity to go out with his friends before they inevitably part ways. "We should do a bit grocery shopping, y'know - for domesticity, or when Oliver's stomach starts grumbling in the middle of the night," he grinned. Despite his suggestion, however, he sat down on the couch, slumping lazily against the seat.
This was the first time she was going on a trip without her family. Sure had gone to summer camps since she was in elementary school and some of those included sleepaway camps; but those were only a few towns over and not a few states. And surely not more than a few days. This trip meant everything to her. Being the youngest in the group she was scared that when everyone went off to college they’d all lose time for her-- so this was the best way to gather whatever time they had left before that happened. A trip away from drama and a trip away from their parents so they could just be kids and have fun and not worry about anything or anyone. 
Once in Steph’s apartment she dropped her bags along with everyone else's before dropping herself to the floor. Instantly she made herself comfortable, swinging around to lay on the floor, throwing her legs up to rest on the other side of the couch. “Costco is best, we definitely need at least munching food when we’re not eating out or when we want to grab something on the way out. Also drinks.” She nodded, looking up at everyone. “Oh, also, Costco has those taste testing sample people out.”
Stephanie rolled her eyes instantly at Oliver, but laughed "I am not door dashing every night when we're here Oli. And Iris is right free samples for days at Cosco." She put her bag ontop of her suitcase before walking into the kitchen, trying to see what she had left in the cabinets before heading home after her show was unfortunately canceled.  Pulling her phone out of her back pocket she started making a list. "Does anyone have any special request that are must for the next week and a half or are we just gonna be four seventeen and eighteen year olds braving cosco without a list? "
Rolling his eyes at how his friends picked on him, Oliver followed Stephanie into the kitchen, pulling open cabinets as he went. "I think we should plan a few nights out. I have an idea of what I'm going to make you for our date, but I don't have to write that down. Maybe a few pizzas we can bake, stuff Gio and I can barbecue, chips and soda. Other than that im not sure what all we'll want." Finally leaning against the counter, Oliver slung an arm around her shoulders as he watched her write down the things he mentioned.
If Gio had bothered looking back, he would've noticed the dynamic between Stephanie and Oliver changing slightly. "We need to make a grocery list, I think," Gio shrugged, playfully resting his feet across Iris' legs. "It'll be a damn disaster, otherwise. Unless you want to spend half of the day at Costco." Frankly, he wouldn't mind. Costco was magical.
“We’d up buying crap we aren’t going to eat if you don’t make a list.” Iris threw in, knowing the four of them would run around grabbing whatever they wanted and end up spending hundreds of dollars. She sent a glare towards Gio, kicking her legs to annoy him but ultimately didn’t care. She was too comfortable to move. “Oh oh oh! Add candy to that. Specifically lollipops.” She said, reaching into her shorts pocket and yes, pulling out a lollipop, unwrapping it and popping it in her mouth.
As everyone talked, Stephanie was quickly typing the list into her phone, leaning back on the counter, a small smile crossing her lips when Oliver draped his arm over her. "You're saying as if being at costco all day wouldn't be a good time Gio" She said with an eye roll, and typed in Lolipops to the list.
"Iris..I think it might be time we had an intervention about your addiction to lollopops. It's not healthy for someone of your size to consume that much sugar in a day." As he smirked in Iris' general direction, he couldn't help but give Steph a knowing smile as he nodded towards the pair. He couldn't take how adorable they seemed as they flirted with each other. "Do you guys want me to make us french toast before we leave tomorrow?"
"I'll help you," Gio offered, his head lolling back to the edge of the couch to grin at Oliver, "And the Iris and Steph can cook dinner!" It seemed like a fair idea. "I'm kinda craving mac and cheese for dinner tonight. And, hm, a bunch of drinks," he added. "And no lollipops for Iris, nobody wants you to start jumping all over the place 'cause of all the sugar you're consuming."
Iris pulled the lollipop out with a pop, a pout adorning her face. “That’s rude. I have the perfect amount of sugar intake. Just because I’m tinier than all of you and it effects me more, doesn’t mean I have a problem. I can stop whenever I want to.” She shrugged, turning to Gio and pointing the lollipop at him. “You touch this, and you die.” She muttered towards him, a grin still adorning her face. Before calling out to the other two. “Yeah, we can make chicken or something in return.” She shrugged, popping the lollipop back in her mouth.
Stephanie put an x2 next to the lolipops, knowing that just the fact it would piss off the both the boys. "Leave hear alone, we're all gonna end up on a sugar high either now or at disney so y'all need to calm yourself." She pushed up off the counter and walked out to the living room, and looking between the two on the couch. "Do you two wanna stay here and just send myself and oliver to get the stuff?"
Watching as Stephanie wrote down two bags of suckers for his smaller blonde friend, Oliver made a mental note to be sure to take them out of the cart while she wasn't looking. He knew she meant well, but it really wasn't healthy for Iris to have a sucker in her mouth 24/7. "I'll leave her alone the day the two of them finally get together. Then Gio can take over for the both of us, and control his girlfriend. Maybe he can give her something else to suck on." He mentioned as he wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.
Gio let out an undignified squawk at Oliver's sexual innuendo, "Jesus Christ," he choked out, not really knowing whether to laugh or cry. If it had been somebody else, he would've went with it, no doubt, but it was Iris. Iris was different. Gio could feel the heat in his cheeks rising, and he attempted to will it away by sitting up and reaching down to pry the lollipop from Iris' mouth, "Get that shit off,  or else Oliver will start spewing weirder shit!"
She was ready to die. Right then and there, bury her under the sofa, say nice things about her, she wanted to die. Sure, everyone was used to Oliver’s weird perversion to make sexual jokes but this one just felt different. Any moment now her life could fall apart with a few simple words and she wasn’t ready for that. Not yet. She sat up, legs falling to the floor as she peered over at Oliver. “You’re a jackass.” She said, gasping in protest as she felt the candy leave her mouth. “Hey! Give that back! I don’t care what he says, he can go suck a dick for all I care.” She protested, climbing onto the couch and reaching over him to grab at her lollipop.
Stephanie's eyes just widened at Oliver's comment. Yeah she had heard them before but it was never that extreme or about the elephant in the room. She pushed her hair behind her ear just watching everything. "Kay I'll let you two fight over the lolipop and.." she grabbed her bag as she spoke "you two can deal with what just happened with Oliver not having a filter some times." She debated on grabbing Oliver's hand but didn't and just hoped he was gonna follow her.
You would think his friends didn't know he had no filter when it came to this subject. One thing that had yet to change in his growing up was the fact that he used his inexperience in sex as a way to make light of a situation. Truth be told, and he would rather die than let Iris and Gio know, but their threesome had actually been his first time. Maybe it was his defense mechanism, but he did feel bad about what he said when he saw the look on Iris face. "I'm sorry ris. That was uncalled for." Watching as Stephanie left out the front door, Oliver silently followed as he pulled the door closed behind him.
Gio grunted in annoyance, stretching his arm upwards, far away from Iris' reach. "What the hell, get off me," he complained, trying to ignore the way his heart was beating wildly against his chest - Stephanie and Oliver were off somewhere doing god knows what, and they were alone. The asshole part of him thought how hilarious popping the lollipop into his mouth would be (and see the look of infuriation and shock on Iris' face), so he did, a shit-eating grin on his face. "'S mine now."
Iris just glared back at Oliver before putting her focus back on the task at hand. If there was one thing she took seriously, it was her lollipops; she didn’t eat many different kinds of candy, and lollipops were always her go to whenever she wanted something sweet. She shook her head, still trying to reach the lollipop, not hearing the door close behind them. “Dude what the fuck.” She exclaimed, reaching forward and grabbing hold of the stick, mimicking his movements moments prior. “You do know that has my salvia all over it?” Iris questioned, giving it tug , not caring she was all but hovering over him.
Stephanie looked behind her when the door closed seeing Oliver, a small smile crossed her face. "So how long do you think it's gonna  both of them to realize that we're going to the store without them?" She asked grabbing her keys out of the zippered part of bag, and started to walk down the stairs to wear the car was parked.
Patting his pockets to make sure he didn't forget his phone in the kitchen, Oliver glanced over at the redhead. "I doubt they will even notice. I mean did you see them? How can they not see that they are 100% in love with each other." Making his way over to her car, Oliver waited until he heard the beep of her car unlocking before he ran ahead so he was able to open the car door for her. "How long are we going to leave them here? Like are we just going to Costco? Or are we going other places as well"
"Don't care," Gio managed to hiss out, the lollipop still wrenched between his teeth - he wasn't going to lose, it was childish, even for him, but the prideful part of him remained stubborn. "We've done worse," he grinned up at her, eyebrows raising up challengingly. Where did the audacity come from?  He didn't know. Probably their compromising position - which, he didn't mind at all.
Iris rolled her eyes, still determined to get the lollipop; even though it was more so to mess with him and win over him than the lollipop itself. Even out of school, she was still competitive as ever against Gio. No matter how embarrassed she might be at the fact that she was all but straddling him at this point. “Yes, yes. I know. I even know that that was a one time thing and as much fun as it was, not looking to do that again with Oli.” She shrugged, leaving his name out of it. She might try to put on a front with him, but she couldn’t lie to herself.
Stephanie let out a soft laugh. "They are blind if they can see it." She murmured watching him walk in front of her biting the side of her lip. "You know i can get my own door." She teased going over and leaned on the car  looking at him. "I feel like we should just stick with Costco, but we can probably stretch it until they call us and ask where the hell we went"  she shrug a little bit.
Oliver agreed wholeheartedly. He wasn't sure as to why they hadn't just gotten it over with, but if there was anywhere in the world that could spark up a romance, it was Disneyland. "trust me, I know you don't need me to take care of you, but just let me be a gentleman." Oliver complained as  he placed a hand on her waist before closing the space between the two. "Do you have a problem with that?" He asked with a slight smirk gracing his face. "Well I do have our date planned out, but if we did that today, we wouldn't be back until late tonight."
Unfortunately, Gio caught the hint. With Oli?" He asked, pulling the lollipop out and waving it in front of Iris with a teasing smile on his face. Now that the both of them had considerably calmed down, Gio was all-too aware of Iris on his lap, but he made no move to push her away. "Here's your damn lollipop," he passed the candy back to her, "Happy?"
Iris had two choices, to try and correct herself, or just go with it. And considering the compromising position they were in, the fact that she really didn’t care all that much about the candy, and the statement their blonde friend had made earlier, she had a feeling playing it off wouldn’t get past him. “Yes, with Oli.” She grinned, taking the lollipop back from him and popping it in her mouth, halting her fight against him. “Considerably so, yes I am.” She said, pulling the lollipop out. “Though, it’s seemed to have lost it’s flavor.”
Stephanie could feel her cheeks growing redder as Oliver's hands rested on her waist. Why was the smallest thing making her feel like they where kinda perfect in a way. "Fine, i can't say no to that." the redhead whispered rolling her lips between her teeth seeing the smirk play on his face. "No, but we should save that date for a full day in LA."
Watching as she softly chewed on her lip, Oliver felt a sense of pride that he had this sort of reaction on her. "We should really get going, Steph. It's already going to take us a while before we actually make it back here." Nodding in agreement, Oliver waited for her to get in the car before closing it behind her.
Iris' smile was infectious, and Gio found himself returning it with the same calibre. "Just with Oli?" He asked, with a joking lilt to his voice, although there was a little hesitance (hopefulness?) behind his question.  The mere fact that Iris still hasn't made any move to get off his lap was saying a lot. Maybe. "How unfortunate." He licked his lips, "Can't relate, though, my mouth still tastes like strawberry."
“I said what I said.” She shrugged again, twirling the stick between her fingers. She had one every single day, she knew the workings of candy; Iris knew the lollipop didn’t actually lose flavor, she wasn’t stupid, she just wanted to see what his reaction was. A simple test to gauge what her next choice would be. If she was being honest with herself, she was getting tired of the back and forth between them and needed to know if the feelings truly were one sided. She bit her lip, eyes flickering towards his. “Is that so.” She muttered, before mustering up all the Lopez-Pierce courage she could, surging forward and planting her lips on his.
"Fine fine fine." Stephanie muttered getting into the car. She watched him walk around the car to get in himself. She opened google maps and typed into it Costco and set her phone down in the cup holder smiling when he got into the car. "Ready?"
Pulling the seatbelt across him, Oliver only nodded as a signal that he was ready. "So can I ask you something?" Oliver paused as he tried to think of the best way possible to ask this without him seeming like he wasn't happy. "What made you say yes to a date? I thought.." trailing off as he gathered his thoughts, it took him a moment before he actually finished his sentence. "I thought you didn't have feelings for me like that."
Gio freezes - the gears in his brain had stopped for a nanosecond. He certainly hadn't seen this coming; yes, sure, he'd dropped a lot of not-so-subtle hints and openly flirtatious to Iris, but he didn't expect her to... Return it. The moment their lips had touched, and the moment Gio gathered his shit together and kissed her back, the heavy tension in the air had snapped like a rubber band. Gio cupped her cheeks as he deepened the kiss, pulling her flush against him. Oliver and Steph had fucked off somewhere, but were they to suddenly walk in and catch them making out, they would have a lot of explaining to do.
Part of Iris was afraid she just made a huge mistake. Her whole family may be full of confidence but when it came to iris half the time it was pure ‘fuck it all’ mindframe. She knew there was something between the two of them, but she wasn’t sure if the extent of it was just something she made up in her mind. All this was flying through her mind in the seconds before he kissed back, and in that moment a rush of butterflies went right to Iris’ head without mercy. The lollipop fell from her hands, instinctively letting go to bury her fingers in his hair, really not wanting this moment to end.
Once he was buckled, Stephanie started the car backing out of the spot, and started to drive out of the parking lot and getting on the road. She was about to turn up the radio but stopped as he asked that question. “A date. not datING” She said peering over at him hoping that didn’t come off as she wasn’t excited and ready for it,  but talking about the date made her heart race. “I’m an actress, i am good  at showing emotion when I wanna”  she whispered, looking back at the road as she started to change lanes, letting out a small breath. “Like if it wasn’t for the stupid gossip blog, i probably would have just kept pushing my feelings i’ve had aside cause I didn’t want to get between you and your music, or if we /had/ dated before, and i was out here and you saw pictures of me with other guys i wouldn’t want you to think that i was cheating on you. Cause honestly last thing i would do is that to someone I really care about.” The redhead took a few turns as she was talking, and soon they where at Costco. “So, don’t hate me for not telling you.”
Rolling his eyes slightly, Oliver corrected himself "Yes, date but you know what I mean. I know this is us testing out the waters together, but I still wanted to know." If trying to break out in the music industry had taught him anything, it was the fact that tabloids would do anything to get a story--even if they have to make it up in order to do so. "I would still trust you if you told me nothing was going on. You've given me no reason not to trust you. It would be the same thing with me out on the road all of the time. Once we have this album finished, the band and I are planning on going on a small tour. Nothing major..just a few small venues, but you would have to deal with the idea of girls potentially being all over me. I just just hope that if we do end up giving this a real shot, that you would trust me." As the pair pulled into the local Costco, Oliver helped in the task of finding a spot. "I don't hate you. I mean its not like I ever made my feelings known." Looking down one of the lanes, Oliver finally pointed" I see a spot down there."
Gio eventually had to (reluctantly) break the kiss for air. He wrapped his arms around Iris' waist, grinning up at her. "Well," he sucked in a breath, hoping to the gods that he didn't look as nervous as he felt. "That was nice," he said lamely. Way better than their little fling with Oliver. "We should, like, totally do it again."
It was only when he pulled away did Iris realize how on fire her lungs were, that there was this thing called air they needed. “Yeah, really nice.” She responded, not helping the laugh that escaped her, leaning forward once more, pressing a firm kiss to his lips before pulling back again. Her hands fell away from his neck to only let her head fall into them, another laugh escaping from her as everything that just happened in the last few minutes flew through her mind. “I can’t believe I just did that.” She muttered, thanking every god imaginable that not only did he obviously felt the same, but that their friends weren’t around for it.
Stephanie shrugged a little bit. "Well.. you know now." She said softly as she hit the blinker on her car, pulling into the spot. "I'd trust you too, Oli." She turned off her car grabbing her bag and looked over at him. "And you're acting as if I wouldn't end up being a groupie following you guys around" she teased, tossing her keys into her bag getting out of the car, waiting for him. "Look, whatever happens between us, our friendship always comes first, deal?"
The fact that she had always been supportive of his dream really meant the world to him. He wouldn't know what to do if his friends didn't support him, and the fact that the girl he wanted to try and make something with, seemed to always be his biggest fan. "You should know that no matter what, I'll always have VIP passes sitting at the box office for you." Nodding his head as he got out of the car, Oliver could only smile as he made his way over to her side. Wrapping an arm around her as they walked into the store. "Nothing is going to come between us and our friendship, Sunshine. I won't let anything happen."
Gio lets out a soft snort, one hand flying up to stroke Iris' hair; as  amazing as kissing Iris felt, there was an unanswered question hovering in the air, and Gio certainly wasn't going to waste the rest of his summer away being a complete coward. No, he was moving to New York for fuck's sake. "I can't believe you just did that," Gio teased, leaning against her. "So," he started, licking his lips. "Did - uh, did that kiss mean anything, or...?"l
Iris lifted her head solely for the purpose of slapping Gio across the chest. “Don’t forget Gio, you’re the one who reciprocated.” She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. “No, it meant absolutely nothing. I just made up an excuse to kiss you for the hell of it.” She joked, sticking her tongue out at him, a sign she was messing with him. But as quick as she joked, she quickly got serious. “It did. It really did. And yeah you’re going to college in a few months, but doesn’t mean we can’t try, right? I mean, if you’re up for it. Because I am. I mean who knows, if you can deal with dating someone still in high school, we could totally make long distance work.” She said, quickly realizing she was rambling.
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calvin-af-crone · 5 years
I’m quite sure Aarika used the ubber sun lounge last spring . She posted from their think February and back in April 2018 . I think the small building is also a garage , because you can see in the Twins story Aarikas car on Sunday and on Google maps also cars .Think they have a couple garages . The security has probably somewhere down a little place , makes the most sense for me
What do you expect me to do? Am I supposed to search for these photos of Aarika from last year? Or know which story from the Twins you think shows a car you think Aarika drove on Sunday? Instead of sending me a dozen comments every day & expecting me to publish them, I have one suggestion for you:
Then you could re-blog my re-blog of Supa responding to your message, continue the thread w/ your photo evidence, and be a contributing member of our fandom. 
What makes the most sense to me is having security close to the Main House. Criminal robbers or a psycho fan are not going to bust thru the gate & come up the driveway. They would cut thru the chain-link fencing somewhere around the perimeter & try to sneak to the house thru the foliage. There are security cameras all over the property & a room somewhere w/ monitors that are watched 24/7. Also, there are probably sensors that can detect any intrusion around the perimeter & being close to the center of the property allows the guards to get to them faster. That’s my reasoning.
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wall-e-gorl · 6 years
ive recently splurged on some BNHA fantasy ending themed fr fandragons and wanna show them off, so im gonna. gonna go by the order i got them by under the cut cause not everyone is here for my favorite dragon pet game and i dont want to clutter dashes too much. 
So i have 10 BNHA fandragons, which are basically a character represented by a dragon by its colors, genes, and clothes, and sometimes familiar but i dont do that often. Some of yall have seen a few of these lads and ladies already but uhh whomstve cares i recently talked about fandagons with someone and it made me get new ones.
First! Todoroki, whomst i saw as a baby and went “i need that” and was lucky enough that the opal over the eye was the same as on the baby model. Also ignore that this is the female pose cause i checked and female spirals are the only breed/gender combo that do the opal thing lol
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Then! cause im a shipping nerd, Deku! I breed these two for exalt canon fodder babies a lot. I also dont know if i want to keep that accent on him? at a glance its suppose to look like his sparks but its actually a “rotting body with fungi” accent from last years RoR fest lol. Oh and i breed changed him from an Imp [one of the largest breeds] to a Fae [smallest] as soon as i bought him 
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Next! Iida!! I actually found him by accident, i was lair stalking someone and saw that they had his brother for lore reasons and he was stuck at the back and i just shot them a message and Blam Now I Have My Boi. its been suggested that i give him the lightning leg apperal thing but it doesnt really fit his outfit tbh. 
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Next!!! Kirishima!! Best Boi!! I got him as an older rescue, he had several kids and was named Diablo iirc, and his primary is a bit too dark and his eyes arent red but i like em anyways. 
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Next is Kind Murder McSlode himself. hes�� ridgeback female cause i wanted him to breed with Kiri lol. More fodder babies! Oh and hes fire x4. Fire prim, sec, tert, and eyes. It makes for a nice looking gene list lol
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Next! A child who i spent way too long on to figure out his outfit! My favorite! Tokoyami! For him, i had a Set Thing for what he was going to look like, and found a person that breeded his exact color scheme, and bought him off of them, even if they were a bit rude while doing it. also? his red choker was so hard to do? 
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Now we are getting into the new ones, some Girls now. 
Hakagure was the easiest to dress, may i just take a moment to thank Bossdad for Marva cloaks. ... Her colors are white white whiteand all basic cause i think im funny and literally just has gloves. 
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Jirou just grew today and as i have no money atm [i blew it all on Urakaka earlier this week] has none of these clothes but this is what she Will Have. Im Ubber Proud of this one, i got it right so fast
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Next is Tsu. I dont have any plans for her yet since i going to change her breed sometime soon but here is what she looks like right now. As a hatchling she gave off the frogg look needed but i just.. Hate adult mirrors. Shes probably going to be a fae? that or a guardian. i like faes more than guards so probs fae
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And then Urakaka!! whomst i blew like 500,000t on! i changed 2 genes, made her a tun and got most of her outfit all on the same day i bought her. GnG day in and day out bying nothing is so nice for gaining money 
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hey! if you’re reading this and read all of that i apprieciate you! please send me an ask on em! what you think about them, questions about what others will look like, just a i <3 one of them, anything. i love interaction!
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digistart · 2 years
Keeping your SEO score high needs constant monitoring and corrective actions. For this purpose, here are the 5 best-paid SEO tools that are a must for any SEO analyst.
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honestsycrets · 7 years
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↳ All my fics, imagines and headcanons for the precious Ubber himself. Feel free to reblog. Currently taking requests for Ubbe.
Prince of the Day: Ubbe I
5CW: Ubbe I
⇢ hiatus || vikings universe || wc: 2521 || tw: arranged marriage
Summary: Since he could remember, Ubbe has had dreams of a young princess. He has no desire to marry someone else. His mother puts that to an end.
A Scarlet Dream
⇢ victorian universe || wc: 4741 || tw: abo, crazy Margrethe  
Summary: Royal decree commands every viable omega be assigned to a worthy alpha for the supply and demand of sons. With betas and alphas unable to reproduce, it lays on omegas to shoulder the burden of a loveless life. (Y/N) falls into the house of Ubbe whom happens to have a rather unforgiving wife.
Say Yes
⇢ finished || vikings universe || wc: 959 || tw: injury
Summary: After arguing with Ubbe, reader and he train until things come to a head.
⇢ abo universe || wc: 3959 || tw: breeding, multiple partners, threesome, ABO dynamic, mating marks  
Summary: Ubbe’s friend (Y/N) is a rare omega in Kattegat. A rare unmated omega that is. When Ubbe sets off on a trip, another wolf slips in to steal his prize
Black and White
⇢ discontinued || Vikings Universe || wc: 5791 || tw: arranged marriage, non-biological incest, triangle.
Summary: Knowing you are in love with Ubbe, Aslaug suggests you marry her favourite son: Ivar. Apparently, its the best way to heal a broken heart.
⇢ Vikings Universe || wc: 2183|| tw: heavy abuse, cheating  
Summary: Ubbe’s best friend is trapped in an abusive realtionship. Ubbe is determined to get her out.
Summary: She knows how much he hates a short skirt. 
All the Same
⇢ Modern ABO Universe || wc: 1695 || tw: abuse, alpha x omega chaos
Summary: Headmaster (Y/N) decides that Alpha teachers must go. Probably because of her hate for Ubbe, but hey, who cares? He intends to tell her how he feels about that.
Three for Me
⇢ Modern Universe || wc: 1296 || tw: polygamy
Summary: The reader has three Aslaugssons under her grip.
Woman of the Seas
Eight Ounces
⇢ Vikings Universe || wc: 1202 || tw: sexual slavery
Summary: She may be a slave, but she still has her dignity. She refuses to become another one of Ubbe’s playthings.
In His Father’s Footsteps
➳ angst + fluff || ubbe x reader  || tw: death mention
❝ He hasn’t slept all night. Ubbe steps in to take care of her baby brother. ❞
Get Back
➳  smut || ubbe x reader || tw: none
❝ She feels fat. She feels gross. She’s anything but.  ❞
Away From Home
➳ fluff || ubbe x reader x torvi || tw: none
❝ Things don’t exactly go to plan when her partners aren’t at home.  ❞
First Kiss
➳ fluff || young!ubbe x reader || tw: underage
❝ A young Ubbe falls in love.  ❞
Uncalled For
⇢ modern au || wc: 642 || tw: vitiligo reader, bullying
Summary: Ubbe will always protect her. In the stupidest of scenarios.
My Maer
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 642 || tw: childbirth, narrow child death
Summary: The gods are not happy Ubbe rejected them. They find their way of getting back.
Teach Me
⇢ modern au || wc: 462 || tw: 
Summary: Ubbe asks her to the prom.
His Reason to Hope
⇢ war au || wc: 1106 || tw: angst
Summary: After her husband is deployed and captured, Reader never gives up hope.
Injured Prince
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 1104 || tw: attempted rape
Summary: He was once her saviour. Now, he’s been wounded. She defies her master to help.
Let me Help
⇢ modern au || wc: 312 || tw: single mom
Summary: Ubbe and Hvitserk spot a single mom.
Rut Run
⇢ abo uni || wc: 1491 || tw: breeding
Summary: Rut runs are breeding runs. Alpha Ubbe doesn’t usually take apart, but today is different.
You’ll Always be my Princess
⇢ modern au || wc: 4811 || tw: daddie kink, possessiveness
Summary: Daddie!Ubbe and Spoiled!Reader
No Way!
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 1105|| tw: --
Summary: After coming home from England, Ubbe discovers he has a son.
Too Old for This + II
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 1898 || tw: angst
Summary: Reader wants to fuck Ubbe’s daddie. 
Let Me In
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 226|| tw: implication of rape
Summary: Ubbe knows why you have panic attacks.
A Pinch of Love
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 852 || tw: disabled reader
Summary: Reader is frustrated by her inability to be a normal woman. She overcompensates and often gets herself into trouble.
Wistful Thinking
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 431 || tw: 
Summary: Bishop Heahmund gets in the way of you attaining the Viking you want.
Can’t Take It With You
⇢ modern au || wc: 234 || tw: 
Summary: Reader has a shopping addiction and Ubbe must foot the bill!
Baby Fever
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 449 || tw:
Summary: Ubbe can’t help himself.
Could be Cuter
⇢ modern au || wc: 481 || tw: calling some babies playfully ugly
 Ubbe(ssons) cuddles!
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 339|| tw: 
Do More
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 498 || tw: 
Being Forgotten
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 452 || tw: 
Goodbye Ubbe
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 362 || tw: 
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 594 || tw:
Shared Wounds
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 362 || tw: 
Better Than Yours!
⇢ school au || wc: 304|| tw: 
Play With Me!
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 435 || tw: 
Cut It
⇢ vikings uni || wc: 1305 || tw: none || gyda x alfred
Giant Woman
➳ vikings uni || alfred x (?), ubbe x alfred || tw: none
❝ Ubbe helps Alfred try to pick up a woman.  ❞
The First
➳ fluff || ubbe x ragnar x aslaug || tw: none
❝ Toddler!Ubbe and his parents speak about his new baby brother.  ❞
Fight, Baby, Fight!
➳ angst || father!ubbe x reader || tw: none
❝ Ubbe’s shieldmaiden daughter learns of her mother’s pregnancy. But… wasn’t she meant to be infertile? ❞
Crying Wolf
New Father
Ubbe’s Change: Fuckbuddies
Q: Best Stepdaddie?
Crying Wolf
New Father
Sub!Ubbe Smut Scraps
King-Poly Scrap
Vampire Scrap
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Quais as ferramentas de Marketing Digital? Conheça as 3 essenciais.
Quais as ferramentas de Marketing Digital? Conheça as 3 essenciais.
Quando se trata de Marketing Digital, existe um pequeno número de ferramentas que os profissionais usam para obter um melhor resultado nos negócios e deixar que avalie o desempenho de suas campanhas.
Essas ferramentas podem penetrar um novo horizonte para seu projeto e ser extensa aliadas na comunicação e construção do seu site.
Existem infinitos recursos para o Marketing Digital, porém foi pensando nessa situação que resolvi referir as primordiais ferramentas para você que está começando:
1. Plataformas de mídia social
Usualmente as mídias sociais estão integradas em qualquer estratégia de Marketing Digital. Plataformas como facebook e instagram são excelentes formas de engajar seu público, e também, fabricar domínio no assunto.
Além desses proveitos, também há possibilidade de utilizar a mídia social exclusivamente para o marketing. Como o Facebook que disponibiliza o Facebook Ads. É um serviço de massa capaz de atingir um número maior de pessoas, e o melhor, geralmente essas pessoas são o seu público potencial.
2. Ferramentas de correio eletrônico marketing (mail marketing)
Plataformas como MailChimp e Aweber deixam que você crie sua lista e automatize seus e-mails, além de oferecer dados analíticos de qualquer campanha.
Quando você interage com seus compradores via correio eletrônico, gerando teor de qualidade, a resolução de compra se torna maior. É desse modo que essa é considerada uma das melhores ferramentas de Marketing Digital.
3. Ferramentas SEO
Com o propósito de tornar um site visível, é necessário que você conheça as meios de SEO (“Search Engine Optimization” ou “ melhora para mecanismos de procura”). É essencial para aumentar a quantidade e qualidade de pessoas que visitam seu site, por intermédio de tráfego orgânico.
Prosseguirei sugerindo ferramentas para colocar seu website nos primeiros lugares dos buscadores:
- Ubber Suggest: A procura da palavra-chave certa é essencial para empreendedores que desejam aumentar o tráfego de um website. O Ubber Suggest é a plataforma que vai permitir você buscar por essas palavras, além de ter inúmeras sugestões que também podem ser utilizadas.
- SEMRush: Não é à toa que esse utensílio é um dos preferidas dos profissionais de SEO.
Com a plataforma, você consegue espionar os seus concorrentes e distinguir como o website está desempenhando. As palavras-chaves estão gerando leads? O que meus concorrentes estão fazendo? Estou direcionando a audiência correta para meu website? Você deve responder todas essas questões utilizando o SEMRush.
- Google Analytics: Com o Analytics, você pode identificar de onde seus visitantes acessam sua página e também como eles chegaram até lá.
Se você já aplica o Marketing Digital, é provável que tenha o link do seu página da Internet nas suas redes sociais. O analytics te informa se seus visitantes vieram através dos backlinks ou através dos buscadores.
E não conclui por aí. Este também mostra quanto tempo seus visitantes ficaram no seu website, a taxa de rejeição e quantos estão lá em tempo real. Tudo isso é mostrado por intermédio de gráficos e dados na plataforma.
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pallmaemalaise-blog · 7 years
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Nationalism, loyalty and devotion to a nation; exalting one nation above all others, obedient without question.
Patriotism, love that people feel for their country yet still able to think critically and challenge/question authority.
George Orwell said, nationalism is ‘the worst enemy of peace’. Orwell had seemed to feel that nationalism is a feeling that one’s country is superior to another in all respects, while patriotism is merely a feeling of admiration for a way of life. These concepts show that patriotism is passive by nature and nationalism can be a little aggressive, okay, let’s face it, ubber aggressive.
I carried a passionate detestation for the military before I received my separation papers. A tour in Iraq can do that for you, hell, a substantial amount of time spent within the military culture can do that for you. It took several years for me to not cringe and see red come Veterans Day or Memorial Day. The idea of being thanked for my service or to boo hoo for the dead made my blood boil. I was quick to repudiate and combat the conditioned gesture with brazen snarky wit. 
Over the years, I like to think that I've evolved a bit. At first, I'd go for the jugular come Veterans Day but then I started to regain a sense of empathy for not just myself but for all soldiers, no matter their ethical ethos. I saw us as a disposable product produced by a malevolent manufacturer.
I no longer cringe, see red or have blood boiling moments come Veterans Day or at least this present one but what still remains is a healthy disappointment at not only the "thank you for keeping us free and safe" nationalistic fervor type but for the conditional empathic ones who lack the compassion and understanding it takes to comprehend why folks like myself enlisted in the military. They seem to fail to see the economic hardships many of us face and the left create the very same us and them divide that the right does.
Veterans Day can help bring to light the classism, fascism of the conditional egalitarian.
Would you like to support the troops? Do you feel the urge to thank us for our sacrifice? Especially those who have, not fallen but been killed? Are you one who has a desire to honor those who have served because you feel safer from illusions and fabricated threats brought to you by your pals at homeland security who of course are sponsored by war profiteers courtesy of the military industrial complex?
Well, if you do. Allow me to offer some suggestions.
You could support the troops and still be critical. Stop being an apologist for an outfit that uses us (troops) to carry out the war crimes and crimes against humanity that have been handed down by the elite. Again, soldiers are the product, the product of a criminal manufacturer.
I suggest, supporting the troops by not supporting war or any military intervention of any kind. I suggest we speak candidly about what war does to those on the other end of our barrels as well as the epidemics that plague us, our soldiers when we come home. I suggest we speak openly about post traumatic stress, traumatic brain injuries and military sexual trauma. I suggest we have conversations about a suicide pandemic among us, our veterans. I suggest we have dialogues regarding inadequate mental health treatment for the enlisted as well as the discharged.
Much like the fetus, the soldier isn't of value once he/she is discharged. If you pick up what i'm putting down?
Lets move on to the part where folks endlessly thank us for our sacrifice. How we sacrifice our lives and those lives who are touched by ours, whether by death, disfiguring/mental disability or simply a trauma or two. How we are "brave" due to our "sacrifices" and how "selfless" we are to defend the country, populace, flag, etc. but the reality is this, there is nothing brave or selfless in enlisting into the military. We are tools, pawns in a class ridden system to perform henchmen/womyn duties for a mob boss. Where is the honor in dying in illegal wars that are in result draining our economy while creating great wealth for a very selective few?
I feel we support profits over people by perpetuating the acceptance of war by simply remaining silent and this is what veterans day means to me. An arbitrary thanks and other ego bloating slogans that without honest, critical dialogue about the truth of war and our place and role we take as veterans and as a viewing society in it, then, I feel we only endorse, condone and ironically support the same machine that is responsible for deaths, traumas and mistreatment of the very same soldiers you claim on this day to care so, so, so much about.
This combat veteran sees lip service. I see a factory with unfair labor practices and the ceo stops by for an appearance to thank those workers, not for what appears to be their hard work but rather their complacency or desperation to work in such undesirable conditions.
It's shameful that it has become socially unacceptable to speak out about injustice regarding the military culture. As veterans we need to call ourselves out, we need to reject these pedestals, images created to make us feel good or that act as a superficial pat on the back and be honest with ourselves on what it means to be a soldier and more importantly, what we are asked to do and do as soldiers.
I see supporting the troops, veterans as follows. A compassionate comprehension of our economic system and how it's arrogant to blame folks for enlisting or serving. It’s classiest and lacks understanding. Support is to care enough to speak out against the system that governs them and set aim to stop it. Counter recruitment for example is an act of love. These words my fingers are pounding out on these keys is not done out of hostility or anger but out of love.
And lastly, as for honor. I see no honor in service. This doesn't necessarily mean I reject my military experience or that I’m not empathetic to those serving or have served. However, there is no justification for the blood on my hands. Thousands of folks are serving life sentences for bullshit petty crimes when if in any other domain other than the military and law enforcement, I'd be serving well-deserved multiple life sentences for performing my duties as a united states soldier spreading democracy. Impunity, thanks to a loose rules of engagement that leaves no room for any accountability whatsoever.
But at least contributing businesses give us some hand outs to show their appreciation. I mean, nothing says thank you for fighting for the interests of those who have absolutely no interest in you than a free breakfast at Denny’s.
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Alasan Anda Harus Fokus Pada Long Tail Keywords Untuk SEO
Banyak artikel dari luar maupun dalam negeri yang membahasmengenai manfaat / keuntungan long tail keyword (kata kunci panjang) untukupaya SEO Anda, memang sulit untuk meyakinkan klien Anda untuk lebih memilihlong tail keyword dibandingkan dengan memaksakan mendapatkan broad keyword yangmemiliki kompetisi dan volume pencarian yang cukup tinggi.
Tapi dengan menunjukan dan menjelaskan  data dan metode yang tepat kepada merekasangat mungkin untuk merubah keputusan mereka supaya mempertimbangkan untukmenggunakan metode long tail keyword ini untuk strategi SEO jangka panjangdalam rangka membawa bisnis / website mereka menuju keberhasilan. Pertanyaannyaadalah bagaimana cara Anda memanfaatkan long tail keyword ini? Baiklah Saya akan membahasnya di poin berikutnya.
Pencarian long tail keyword semakin digandrungi para digitalmarketer, tentunya dengan berkembang penelusuran dengan menggunakan bahasa yanglebih manusiawi (natural language) dan pencarianuntuk long tail kian meningkat, terutama dengan momentum teknologi saat iniyang hampir diakusisi oleh pencarian lewat mobile phone.
Namun tidak seperti kata kunci inti (broad keyword), longtail keyword lebih sulit untuk diidentifikasi secara tepat. Maka dengan tujuaninilah artikel kali ini dibuat untuk membantu Anda dalam memahami point dibawahini:
Bagaimana cara riset dan menemukan long tail keyword.
Studi kasus pada long tail keyword.
Cara membuat optimasi SEO untuk long tail keyword.
Alat/ tools untuk membantu Anda menemukan long tail keyword yang tepat.
Baiklah, apakah Anda sudah mengetahui apa itu long tailkeyword? Long tail keyword atau (kata-kunci panjang) merupakan kata kunci yangterdiri dari 3 – 5 kata. Sedangkan broad keyword (kata kunci generik / umum)merupakan kata kunci yang terdiri dari 1-2 kata.
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Ditemukan fakta bahwa 70% dari semua konten yang ada diduniamenggunakan long tail keyword, jadi long tail keyword ini merupakan sebuahpondasi dari menentukan strategi SEO yang paling efektif.
Kata-kunci generic atau broad keyword biasanya terdiri dari1 -2 kata, dan memiliki jumlah pencarian yang besar, berbeda dengan Long tailkeyword yang memiliki sedikit jumlah pencarian namun biasanya memiliki tujuanyang khusus, sehingga long tail keyword sangat cocok untuk Anda yangmenginginkan rasio konversi yag besar.
Apakah tujuan Anda saat ini adalah untuk mendatangkan banyak traffic organik ke website Anda?
Search engine seperti Google merupakan solusi dari keinginanAnda, tentunya Google dapat memberikan pengunjung yang sedang mencari solusiuntuk permasalahan yang mereka butuhkan.
Lalu bagaimana Anda bisa mengarahkan mereka menuju website Anda, apabila segala usaha(optimasi konten) yang sudah anda lakukan belum berhasil sampai saat ini karenakompetisi keyword yang Anda inginkan sangatlah ketat.
Lalu apa maksud dari long tail keyword dan broad keyword.Keduanya merupakan susuanan kata-kunci namun memiliki maksud yang cukupberbeda. Agar Anda tidak bingung mari kita mabil contoh.
“Madu” merupakan kata kunci broad keyword atau kata kunci umum, ketika Anda mengetikan kata kunci ini pada kolom pencarian
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Pada gambar diatas menunjukan bahwa rata-rata pencarianbroad keyword memiliki banyak pencarian dengan kompetisi yang tinggi, beerbedadengan longtail keyword yang memiliki traffic yang cukup rendah.
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Bagaimana Mengidentifikasi Long Tail Keyword Yang Baik Untuk SEO
Berikut merupakan hal yang dapat Anda lakukan dalammengidentifikasi cara bagaimana mendapatkan long tail keyword yang bagus untuk upaya SEO Anda.
Tips pertama
Ketika Anda telah melakukan riset dan telah mengidentifikasikata-kunci mana yang memiliki rerata jumlah pencarian dan kemungkinan toolstersebut akan memberikan Anda kata-kunci terkait dengan topik yang Andainginkan maka rangkumlah data tersebut, lakukan analisa pada sekumpulan datatersebut. Anda pastinya akan mendapatkan ide dengan lebih jelas untuk kontenapa yang akan Anda buat.
Tips kedua
Long tail keyword seringkali terlihat tidak natural ataubahkan seperti bahasa robot, ini terjadi karena tools terkait hanya menampilkankata kunci yang paling banyak digunakan oleh pengguna search engine sepertiGoogle. Modifikasilah kata-kunci tersebut sebelum Anda gunakan untuk judul atauheadline konten Anda agar lebih meyakinkan pembaca bahwa konten Anda memangmenarik.
Tips ketiga
Tidak semua long tail keyword yang memiliki jumlah pencarianyang bagus dan kompetisi yang rendah dapat digunakan. Mengapa tidak semua dapatdiggunakan??? Alasannya adalah kadang long tail keyword terlalu spesifikmembahas suatu topik sehingga Anda akan sangat sulit untuk mengembangkan kontentersebut karena cakupannya terlalu sempit, jadi Anda harus berpikir secarakreatif untuk mencari dan menyusun kumpulan kata-kunci panjang tersebut menjadisatu kesatuan konten yang baik dan berkualitas.
Studi Kasus & Bagaimana Cara Menentukan Long Tail Keyword Yang Tepat Sasaran
Menentukan broad keyword(kata-kunci umum) lebih mudahdaripada menemukan long tail keyword. Broadkeyword dan long tail keyword memang sama-sama membutuhkan riset untukmenentukan kata-kunci apa yang tepat sasarn dengan tujuan Anda. Namun mencarilong tail keyword cukup berbeda.
Long tail keyword merupakan 3-5 atau lebih kata yangdigunakan pengguna search engineuntuk menemukan solusi atas permasalahannya secara spesifik. Biasanya long tail keyword menggunakan bahasa natural(bisa juga bahasa slank atau salah ejaan,cth: omset(omzet), praktik(praktek) ,dsb).
Tanpa sebuah riset Anda mungkin akan menggunakan kata-kunciyang tidak biasa orang gunakan atau yang tidak biasa orang ketikan.
Jadi Saya akan memberikan Anda cara untuk menemukan longtail keyword secara tepat sasaran.
Google Suggestion & Related Keyword
Juga Anda dapat menggunakan pencarian organik yang Googlesediakan yaitu related search, Andadapat menggunakannya untuk mendapatkan ide untuk long tail keywords Anda.
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Fitur Saran Kata Kunci Terkait yang Google tawarkan sendirimemiliki beberapa wawasan/ insight tentang longtail keyword yang paling sering orang-orang gunakan dalam pencarian. GoogleSuggest ini secara otomatis muncul ketika Anda mulai mengetik kata kunci yangAnda inputkan ke dalam kolom pencarian.
Sebagian besar kata kunci yang muncul pada kolom tersebutmerupakan apa yang sebenarnya orang-orang cari pada topik tersebut. SetelahAnda mengetikkan permintaan pencarian, Google menyediakan sekumpulan kata kunciterkait pada akhir halaman, termasuk beberapa long tail keyword yang layakuntuk digunakan.
Tentu saja, Anda harus merisetnya kembali sebelum Andamenggunakan sekumpulan kata kunci tersebut digunakn untuk Anda gunakan ke tahapyang lebih jauh lagi.
Analisa Kompetitor / Pesaing
Kemungkinan besar pesaing Anda telah menggunakan long tailkeyword (kata kunci panjang). Kompetitor ini akan membuat pekerjaan Andasedikit lebih mudah. Anda dapat melakukan riset kata kunci panjang apakah yangmereka gunakan, cobalah untuk memeriksa kata kunci yang ditargetkan olehpesaing Anda.
Anda dapat menemukannya di meta tag dalam source code, darikeyword density checking tools, ataupun dari pemindaian secara langsung denganmelihat konten-konten yang ada  diwebsite pesaing Anda.
Natural Language: Forum, Komentar, E-mail.
Pertanyaan orang-orang tersebut dalam suatu grup diskusi,forum, komentar  sering kali mengandung istilah kata-kunci yang tepat (yaitu, kata kunci) yang biasanya mereka gunakan dalam pencarian Google.
Jadi, saat Anda memilih mengamati bahasa yang mereka gunakandi forum dan kolom komentar,maka kalimat tersebut tidak diragukan lagi bahwa orang-orang tersebut sering digunakan dalam kolom pencarian di Google.
Tidak sedikit praktisi SEO yang tidak menyadari hal inikarena mereka hanya fokus pada core keywordnya saja dan melewatkan bahasa natural yang biasanya orang-orang gunakan untuk kata kunci yang ditargetkan.
Jadi daripada Anda mengandalkan intuisi cobalah lakukan riset melalui forum, komentar, dsb untuk kata kunci panjang (long tail keyword) yang ingin Anda optimasi.
Saya biasanya mengambil beberapa ide kata kunci panjang langsung dari beberapa komentar yang ada di beberapa forum atau blog populer.Jika Anda menjalankan sebuah blog pastinya Anda sudah mengetahui bahwa blog yang menarik memilki tingkat interaksi substantif tertentu di mana orang akan bertanyatentang masalah yang terkait dengan [kata kunci/ tema] yang Anda inginkan, dan disitulah kemungkinan Anda akan melihat berbagai long tail keyword (kata kunci panjang) yang biasanya mereka gunakan.
Tools Untuk Menemukan Ide Long Tail Keyword
Ada banyak tools gratis maupun berbayar yang dapat membantuAnda menemukan kata kunci panjang (longtail keyword) terkait untuk kata kunci yang Anda inginkan.
Karena Anda sudahmembaca sejauh ini maka Saya akan memberikan referensi dari beberapa contoh tools yang sering saya gunakan di antaranya adalah: Ubersuggest, Google Keyword Planner (Google Ads Tools), Google Analytics, dan Alat Google Webmaster,keyword tools IO.
Seperti halnya penelitian kata kunci lainnya,mengidentifikasi kata kunci ekor panjang untuk kampanye Anda seharusnya tidakberakhir hanya dengan menemukannya. Integrasikan mereka ke dalam teks Andasehingga mereka dapat mengerjakan sihir mereka. Sangat penting untuk memilih disini, karena Anda berurusan dengan kata kunci yang sudah memiliki volumepencarian yang lebih rendah.
A. Uber Suggest
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Uber suggest merupakan tools yang sangat berguna untuk melakukan riset keyword secara gratis dan sejujurnya ini merupakan alat andalan saya dalam melakukan riset keyword.
Ubber suggest dapat diakses dengan GRATIS pada semua fiturnya. Anda hanya harus menginputkan kata kunci yang ingin Anda analisa>> pilih berdasarkan region >> dan tekan look up. Semudah itu untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi kata-kunci yang Anda harapkan. Banyak tools serupa yang menghadirkan fitur sekeren ini namun berbayar. Harganya pun bervariatif namun dengan segala keunggulan tentunya.
Pada ubber suggest Anda akan mendapat berbagai macam insight menarik seperti layaknya Google keyword planner dan aplikasi serupa seperti:
Keyword Overview:Fitur ini akan menampilkan volume dari banyaknya pencarian, tingkat persaingan,dan estimasi biaya PPC yang mungkin Anda keluarkan.
Keyword Suggestion:Fitur ini menghadirkan rekomendasi kata kunci yang berhubungan dengan katakunci yang Anda inputkan.
Keyword Difficulty: Tingkat kesulitan pada keyword yang Anda tuju.
Tingkat Persaingan: Tentunya Anda dapat memeriksa besarnya kompetisi tergantung dengan kata kunci yang Anda targetkan.
Anda dapat mengakses semua secara gratis di ubber suggest.
B. Google Keyword Planner
Google keyword planner merupakan alat yang sangatdirekomendasikan untuk melakukan riset keyword. Tools ini merupakan alat resmiyang dikeluarkan oleh Google sendiri dan tools ini terintegrasi dengan sistemGoogle Adwords (Google Ads).
Fiturnya yang sangat lengkap merupakan kelabihan dari Googlekeyword planner ini. Namun untuk mencari kata kunci panjang akan lebih sulit,karena Google lebih memunculkan kata kunci dengan volume pencarian yang cukuptinggi saja.
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C. Keyword Tools.IO
Anda dapat menggunakan keywordtools untuk menemukan ide long tail keyword (kata-kunci panjang ) untuk topik yang Anda inginkan.
Alat ini sangat berguna ketika Anda ingin menemukan judulkonten atau topik dengan kata-kunci panjang. Dengan hanya memasukan topik Anda akan mendapatkan banyak long tail keyword yang relevan seperti pada gambar dibawah ini, Saya mencoba dengan menggunakan kata-kunci “kurma ajwa” dan alat ini cukup mengesankan dalam menampilkan saran kata-kunci.
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D. Google Analytic
Google analytic merupakan alat yang sangat berguna untukmengukur demografi pengunjung yang mengakses website Anda. Anda dapat melihatriwayat demografi seperti bahasa, usia, jenis kelamin, artikel, ataupun lokasipengunjung website Anda.
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Google analytic merekam semua behaviour pengunjung websiteAnda sampai ke hal terpenting yaitu: Google analytic dapat memberikan Anda kata kunci (query) apa yang sering digunakan pengunjung sampai mereka menemukan website Anda, sangat keren kan.
Namun tentunya alat ini hanya bisa digunakan setelah Anda menanamkan kode analytic kedalam website Anda.
Caramenggunakan google analytic.
Cara membuat optimasi SEO untuk long tail keyword.
Long Tail Keyword Memiliki Sedikit Traffic Namun Tinggi Konversi
Seringkali long tail keyword memiliki sedikit estimasi jumlah pencarian di tiap bulannya jika kita melakukan riset pada alatriset kata-kunci. Namun berdasarkan pengalaman yang saya lalui selama ini adalah kata kunci panjang (long tail keyword) memiliki jumlah traffic yang cukup signifikan.
Memilih metode ini sebagai salah satu upaya SEO andamerupakan  suatu cara menebak apa kata panjang yang akan pengunjung ketikan. Jadi sangat sulit membandingkanpencapaian traffic melalui long tail keyword ini dibanding menarget broad keyword atau kalimat umum.
Lalu apakah dengan traffic yang sedikit ini berarti websiteAnda gagal mendatangkan leads atau klien? BIG NO, Saya katakan disini dengan mengoptimasi long tail keyword maka Anda akan mendapatkan beberapa keuntungan seperti :  Long tail keyword memang memiliki sedikit traffic, namun berpeluang besar untuk menghasilkan konversi (merubah visitor menjadi leads).
A. Buatlah perencanaan yang matang sebelum memulai optimasiuntuk mentargetkan kata-kunci panjang (long tail keyword) yang Anda tuju.
B. Buatlah konten blog seputar kata-kunci panjang yang Anda buat.
C. Juga yang harus Anda utamakan adalah untuk selalu melakukan riset  untuk mengetahui user intent (minat kata-kunci, yan biasanya akan diketikan pengunjung).
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Panduan ini dapat memandu Anda dalam mengidentifikasi longtail keyword  yang profitable, yang tidakhanya akan membantu Anda peringkat lebih tinggi, tetapi juga dapat menghasilkankonversi yang lebih baik.
Memilih kata kunci  dan strategi pembuatan konten relevan, memilihkumpulan long tail keyword tidak selalu menjamin untuk mendapatkan trafficsecara besar atau bahkan posisi satu Google secara otomatis.
Mengoptimasi SEO dengan long tail keyword merupakansebuah komitmen atas ide & waktu yang ditunjukan untuk rencana jangkapanjang, dan ini harus diperlakukan sebagai investasi.
Baik investasi dengan waktu dan ide, riset kata kunci danstrategi konten. Semua itu akan terbayar nantinya jika Anda serius melakukannya.
Sekarang, susunlah strategi kata kunci panjang Anda dengan riset, semoga informasi ini dapat membantu Anda mendapatkan kata-kunci spesifik yang ingin Anda rangking.
Sumber: advancedwebranking.com
The post Alasan Anda Harus Fokus Pada Long Tail Keywords Untuk SEO appeared first on IndonesiaGo Digital.
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