#Ubbe Lothbrok x Reader
blakeswritingimagines · 2 months
Sitting Down on Their Lap
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Ragnar: First he would be a bit cautious trying to work out why you chose that particular time to do that. He might get you to explain yourself and give you some playful jibes about it but would most likely play along and snuggle against you making sure to tickle you a few times, it's his duty after all.
Athelstan: His eyes widen in shock as you gracefully plop down onto his lap. He can feel his jaw drop at the unexpected weight and warmth, and his heart begins to skip beats. His whole body feels flushed and his palms begin to sweat. "Wh…what are you doing?" He'll question you but will let you stay.
Floki: He would be taken by surprise but ultimately amused by this unexpected development, as it is clear that you are just being playful. He responds by wrapping his arms around you, his fingers dancing up and down your sides as he pulls you tighter into his lap. He'll ask playfully, "Well, what have we here?"
Lagertha: She loves it when you randomly sit on her lap. It's unexpected and intimate and shows a level of comfort and trust between you both. It reminds her of how much you just want to be close to her, even if you have no idea how it affects her. It's a simple, but powerful gesture that shows your warmth, and your connection.
Aslaug: She'd be a bit surprised at first, but then she'd wrap her arms around you and give you a kiss, pulling you close to her so you're close as close could be.
Bjorn: Bjorn's heartbeat speeds up, and he glances down at you to see what you are doing. The sudden invasion of space is unexpected, but the contact sends a jolt through Bjorn as he feels your warmth. He puts his arms around you, pulling you closer, leaning his head down until his face is close to yours to kiss you.
Ubbe: He wraps his arms tight around you without a second thought, pressing you into the warmth of his chest. His hands find the curve of your hips as he pulls you even closer. Your weight is comforting and familiar like you belong there. He'll caress your soft hair, running his fingers up and down your neck.
Hvitserk: Well, he’d first laugh. Your sudden weight would catch him off guard, and the fact that you would be so silly as to plop down on his lap would be quite comical to him. He’d take that as a chance to squeeze you as tightly as he could, pulling you close and wrapping his arms around you.
Sigurd: Initially surprised, but then immediately pleased. He would wrap his arms around your hips and pull you closer to him. After a moment he would gently push you to your feet and stand up, then gesture for you to sit on the couch next to him. Sitting closely together, he would wrap an arm around you and squeeze your body against his.
Ivar: A slight smirk crosses Ivar’s lips as you plop down in his lap. He wraps his right arm around you, pulling you in a bit closer, while his other hand moves down to caress you. He leans forward, his lips close to your ear, and he whispers, “I don’t mind one bit.”
Halfdan: He'd be startled and maybe a little bit annoyed at first, but he'd also find it endearing. You would likely be seeking out an affectionate reaction from him, so he'd give you what you were looking for. He'd wrap his arms around you and kiss your head.
Harald: He would wrap his arms around your waist, resting his chin on the top of your head as you sit in his lap. He would smile down at you, amused by how unpredictable you can be sometimes. He would kiss your forehead and pull you closer to him, savoring the moment.
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kaivenom · 18 days
How are the viking's men when you raid together...
Warnings: small hints of suggested themes
Ivar the Boneless
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Absolutely in love.
He is the more excited of the brothers to get you into raids.
Of course he fears about your safety but if you are with Ivar it's clearly that you know how to handle things like this.
Seeing you all covered in blood of your enemies, with weapons on your hands and that exhausted look, made him think you are a valkirie.
He gives you trinkets, even when the city has been destroyed and all the treasures of the city belong now to the vikings, he still gives you things he sees on another woman.
Sometimes you don't like how he gets after fights, becuase sadism in battles is good but tortures after that, no.
You try to reproach him about it, at first he gets angry, then he tries to be less sadist after that.
At the end, raiding with Ivar is a big adventure.
Ubbe Ragnarson
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Very protective.
Expect him to be your shadow, attached to your side every second.
He kisses you after battle, he says he doesn't want to be in Valhalla without feeling your lips one last time.
In battle you both are always together, fighting in complete synchrony.
One thing he does when the battle ends that drives you crazy is kissing you. You both covered in dust and blood, exhausted from battling and he just goes to you with feral eyes, drops the sword/axe and kisses you furiously.
He doesn't like to make you gifts from the raids but instead you are the one who grants him things, he smiles like a child everytime.
Hvitserk Ragnarson
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He thinks it's the best thing you both could do.
Like a vacation for the two of you, seeing new places and trying new food.
All the things he gains during the raids are YOUR things too, he gifts you everything he can.
He ussually tents to follow some jokes from other vikings about taking woman from the raids.
After seeing your face full of disgust, he never does it again, he wouldn't support seeing your eyes look at him like that again.
He always finds the higher spot on the place to spent the evening after raiding, organizing a picnic above all the bloody chaos of the under.
Sigurd Ragnarson
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He doesn't like you going, he doesn't like going either.
You both only go when it's necesary because of his family.
When you are there, you both prefer to watch out the camp rather than enter in battle.
In fact, probably you are better warrior that him, so you protect him during the battles.
Being on the camp he always plays instruments to calm himself, and because of that you lay next to him and relax yourself too.
After battle he goes straight to your side and hughs you tightly, other vikings mock him about his not-so-manly behaviour.
Bjorn Ironside
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He doesn't really care.
He thinks you can handle yourself, but unlike the others, that makes him let you get lost around.
He just watches you from afar with a serious face, expecting the unexpected.
A small grin appears on his face every once in a while, thinking about how badass you look.
The sight of seeing you covered in blood makes you look so desirable, he has to restrain himself from taking you right there.
You have to endure his cheater behaviour with foreign woman and getting slves everywhere.
But after battle you are euphoric and decide to put him on place.
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underscorewriting · 1 year
Hello !
How are you doing?
Could you make a one shot where your the ragnarsons little sister ( your 5 yrs old and ragnar and a witches daughter ) and they don't know you exist but you come with bjorn from a raid and you meet them andyou just capture everyones heart .
And you give hope to the people of kattegat because you are a powefull witch and they think you are a god
Maybe they find out your powers when you save someone from death with your powers?
Thank you!
Oh my god, I love that idea!! Sorry that it took me sooo long to write this, but here it is now!! ^^ I kinda changed it a bit, hopefully you don't mind too much!! :)
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The lost daughter
Brother!Ragnarssons x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Sigurd being a dick, Angst?
Words: 2.414 (think this one's my longest story!!)
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Emotions were all she ever knew. Bad ones, painful ones. She didn't understand why she felt them so intense, whenever something happened. People usually got hurt very badly if she got upset. A little girl that could kill people in the most torturous way possible, without even having to move a single finger or having the thought in mind.
The town she lived in always said that her "witch" of a mother was the reason behind this cursed child. They tried hurting her but she ran, she ran straight into a group of men. No not just men, women were there too. Women she couldn't help but stare at. None of the people in her town looked like them.
Her town was called Wessex, rumors were that in the earlier years, vikings have already been there, even had a deal with the great king Ecgberht. But that was years ago, way before the little girl was even born.
The man in front of the group smirked slightly before he leaned down to her height. "Now who might you be? You wouldn't know where a witch named Meredith lives, would you?" The man studied her features, each one identical to her mothers, except the ocean blue eyes. A feature left from her father.
Taking a step back she tripped over her own leg only to be caught by the man in front of her. He wore his hair in a braid and his beard was longer than she ever saw anyone wear. His eyes didn't hold any danger in them, maybe curiosity, but nothing she had to be scared of. Calming her nerves slightly she stood up straight again.
"witch?" She tilted her head confused, not understanding what that word really meant, only hearing it when someone insulted her mother. Her eyebrows furrowed in anger. "My momma was no witch! She was a healer and helped lots of people!" Pushing away from him, she heard something snap behind the man.
A man holding his arm, which was twisted in a weird angle. The man was screaming in pain as his legs twisted as well, painfully bringing him to his death. It took the little girl some time to snap out of her emotions and look over to the man, only to gasp at the state of the man.
Covering her eyes quickly with her hands she turned away, a quiet sob escaping her. The other men gasped in fear, she had to be blessed by the gods they thought. "By the gods it is true!" The man with the braid laughed and pulled her into his chest. "You are coming home with us, little one. Bet you want to meet your family!" Peeking through her fingers she nervously chewed her lip. She wasn't sure if she could trust him, but her momma once told her a story about a man she could always trust if he ever came to her. A man named Ragnar Lothbrok.
The man, who was carrying her, didn't look exactly how her mother explained, but his icy blue eyes reminded her of him. "Are you Ragnar Lothbrok?" Her voice came out in a whisper as she held onto him. A laugh rumbled in his chest as he put her down on the boat. "I am his son, Björn Ironside. My father and I were often here in Wessex, he met a woman, a healer he used to tease by calling her a witch, they shared a bed and later on rumors spread, that she was with his child. You. I am your brother, we're going to Kattegat, our fathers home. Our home."
Confusion settled in the little girls chest, she didn't fully believe him, but somehow she thought she could trust him. The hope of having a family battling the fear of getting killed or worse.
They traveled for months on no end, the little witch started to enjoy the sea. She learned many things thanks to her brother. The gods became her favorite topic, next to her having four more brothers back at home. Giggling she ran over to Björn. "Brother! When will we arrive?" Excitement settled in her bones as she held onto his hand, looking up to him with wide eyes. Björn couldn't help but smile slightly at how excited she was. "We will arrive soon, look."
When she looked into the distant she saw land becoming bigger, they were close, just about to reach it. She was nervous, he had warned her about how different each brother is, but she was excited. Excited to see a family she longed for. Excited for a land that would also belong to her in some way.
As they arrived she was nervous, people looked at her weirdly, making her scared that she might hurt someone. Björn was walking in the front with her, three men waiting for them in a big hall. The girl had already heard a lot about them and could easily tell who each one of them was. But one wasn't here, she was disappointed.
The men looked at Björn confused. "Welcome home, brother. I see you did not return alone, who is that child?" Ubbe smiled slightly walking up to them. "She's our sister. Father laid with a woman from Wessex, she was a healer I got to know her a bit." The little girl started fidgeting with her hands, trying to release some of her stress. Ubbes eyes found hers, she could only see kindness in them.
A chuckle came from where the other two stood, the blonde man laughing at how ridicules this sounded. "Be serious, brother. You couldn't possibly believe something that stupid." Sigurd was being gruesome, looking at the child in disgust at how her clothes looked. She was no child of Ragnar for him. she didn't look like one either. Sneering he gave her one last glare as he walked away.
Biting her lip she looked to the ground, counting the seconds and minutes so she could calm down. A sigh came from the other three men. Hvitserk slowly made his way towards her kneeling down so he was her height. A smile forming on his face as he studied her eyes, the blue reminding him of his little brother. Even the white in her eyes was a little blue.
„Looks like Ironsides is telling the truth.“. A grin spread on Hvitserk face as he stood up straight. Soon there was a clicking sound to be heard. Ivar came into the great hall, wondering what all the noise is about, having only heard parts of it. „Gods would you just keep it down, Hvitserk.“
Fear settled in her stomach, she was terrified of meeting Ivar ever since Björn told her all the stories about him. When her eyes finally met his she couldn't help but flinch. His eyes matched hers the most. They were almost identical and a giddy smile formed on her face, before she could stop herself. With him it was the clearest that he was her brother. "I heard Sigurd whine about our brother having found some bastard child from father, that couldn't seriously be his..."
Ivar leaned down towards the little girl, tilting his head slightly, inspecting her, before grinning like a lunatic. "But as I see she looks more like a child of Ragnar than he does." Hvitserk laughed and Ubbe couldn't help but grin a little at Ivars statement. All of them were nervous for his reaction, since he was the hardest to please, but somehow her eyes made him realize it the quickest.
The little girl couldn't believe how easy they all accepted her and included her in everything. Everyone except Sigurd. He spread the rumors of her having some powers, but instead of making the people be disgusted of her they started admiring her, bringing her brothers gifts for her. Every person in Kattegat thought she was a god. How couldn't she be? A child of the great Ragnar Lothbrok, it was about time one of them had to become a god.
Even her brothers sometimes believed it, but they also soon learned that her power held a lot of danger. Ivar was the first to notice that her eyes, like his, told in what situation her powers would be. If they were blue in the whites, then it was dangerous for her to interact with a lot of people meaning, keeping her with Ubbe and Hvits would be the wisest decision. Of course they trusted Ivar with her, but most of the times Ivar himself was somewhat worried about upsetting her too much.
On her good days she would walk with her crippled brother through the market, helping him get things and later on hearing about all the adventures he went on. She wouldn't tell but she did like him the best, since he understood her the most. Ubbe was a close second. Björn left for another raid soon after he brought her to the others, which sandend her the most was that he didn't even say goodbye.
She loved her brothers very much, even Sigurd. Ivar was very protective of her when it came to him. He was never allowed too close to her or to be alone with her. It was rare that Ivar cared that much, but he knew how cruel Sigurd could be if he wanted to, and he didn't want her to go through the same things he himself went through.
During a feast late at night she sat with her brothers, giggling and laughing as Hvitserk told her the funniest stories and Torvi braiding her hair, she felt whole. Ivar was sitting in the throne looking over the people, seeing how they looked at his sister in fear, he liked that they feared her even if they thought she was a god, but he also knew how it upset her that they avoided her at all costs when she was close.
Sigurd hated everything about her actually being treated like all of his brothers, like an actual child of Ragnar even though Ragnar himself never even knew her. On this particular night he drank one too many cups of ale and his company wouldn't stop talking about how great her powers are and how she was the hope for the people in Kattegat. The hate he felt for Ivar was nothing compared to the hate he felt for her. It made him see red, he got up and walked straight up to her as she was wandering around the hall, looking at different things.
Ivar was watching her carefully, making sure nothing could happen. Sigurd grabbed her arm forcefully making her stop and turn towards him, a gasps escaped her. Looking up to him she gave him an excited smile. "Brother! Are you enjoying the feast? Ubbe said I may not try the ale yet because-" But he interrupted her by grabbing her face hard and squishing her cheeks together. "I am not your brother! Neither are they!" He pointed to were Ubbe and Hvitserk were laughing together. "Just because Ragnar laid with some bitch in Wessex doesn't make you anything to us! Oh and Ivar? He's playing his own games, he only keeps you around so that you can help him archive the power he wants!" A smirk was on Sigurds face as he watched how tears streamed down her cheeks and how her lip quivered.
Sadly for him he did not notice the blue of her eyes and how she was further away from the others, to calm her powers. One might think that the ax hitting him in the back was her, but people tend to forget how hotheaded Ivar the boneless was, now that he seemed calm compared to his sister. Ivar couldn't help it and threw the ax, hearing his brothers harsh and hurtful words, making him not realize what he was doing as his hand found the weapon.
Ivar didn't mean to kill his brother, panic spread in his chest as he quickly limped over to the two of them. The little girls eyes were wide and still filled with unshed tears as she did her best to keep Sigurd upright. Of course she was upset with him, but he was still her beloved brother, even if he didn't see himself that way.
The hall quieted down quickly. Hvitserk and Ubbe were quick to join their siblings helping the girl to carefully lay down their brother. Both shot daggers with their eyes at Ivar, who was slightly trembling, scared to have actually killed him. Ubbe tried to pull her away from Sigurd, not wanting her to see so much blood at such a young age, not caring about viking tradition at this point. This was her brother dying, she shouldn't see him like that.
But she had other plans. As if it was instinct, she pulled away from Ubbes hold and pulled the ax out of Sigurds abdomen. Her hands covering in blood as she pressed them onto the open wound applying as much pressure as she can before closing her eyes, saying a quiet prayer to the gods. Repeating the prayer over and over again in barely a whisper her eyes shot open, the blue now seeming like it glowed, making the men around her flinch slightly.
They all saw the wound healing. It healed quickly, way quicker than anything else and her eyes soon stopped glowing as the wound was completely gone and Sigurs eyes snapped open. The little girls eyes closed slowly as she released him from her grip and dropped exhausted to the ground, making Hvitserk quickly catched her head, before it hit the floor, picking her fully up. All of them were silent for a moment as they listened to Sigurds heavy breathing.
None of them could believe how blessed they were, having a sister as strong as her. It didn't matter to them if she was a god or a simple witch blessed by them. All that mattered to them was that she was safe and taken care of. She was so young with such great power. A power she needed help with, a power that they all had to tame with her. But it was alright, if that's what it takes for her to feel loved and needed.
The Ragnarssons could not hide the fact that their sister was the reason they all connected fully again. She truly was a blessing from the all father.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! :)
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axelsagewrites · 2 months
wWoohooo open requests ❤️❤️❤️Could you maybe create something for Ubbe or Bjorn form the Vikings series?
Ubbe Ragnarsson*Meet Me Where We Met
Pairing: ubbe x f!reader
Word count: 1602
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Warnings: hunting animals, fluff
Masterlist here
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Ubbe loved his brothers in the weird way his family did but even he needed a break from them. the issue was there was few places to be alone in Kattegat. One particular eventful dinner had Ubbe excusing himself to take a walk which ended up taking him deeper into the forest than usual.
He wasn’t worried though. He knew these woods like the back of his hands. As Ubbe sighed and settled down to sit on a fallen tree a twig snapping had his head snapping up. It was probably just a rabbit but still he reached for the handle of his dagger when he realised the sun was setting.
Then there was a whoosh of leaves. Ubbe was ready to pull his dagger out when the rabbit ran out from behind a tree, straight across from where he sat. Ubbe almost laughed at himself, but his smile fell when the arrow hit the rabbit.
He hadn’t even seen the bow that fired it, but he was on his feet. “Who’s there?”
“Shh,” a voice hushed him from the trees.
Ubbe whipped around, looking to see where it had come from, but the voice seemed to mix with the wind. He turned and saw a deer, standing still, eyes dancing with fear.
Then the next arrow came. The deer hit the ground before it could run. Ubbe pulled the dagger from his belt just as a person walked out from amongst the trees. you were holding a bow out in front of them, their spare hand in the air empty. “I didn’t mean to startle you,”  
The cloak you were wearing was a mix of dark greens and blacks. With your hood up and a black fabric wrapped across the lower half of your face it was no wonder he hadn’t seen you.
“Put the bow down,” Usually he figured himself a good one on one fighter, but he didn’t need to see what else you could do with a bow. You threw it forward, dropping it at his feet before reaching up to pull the fabric around your face down.
What he really hadn’t expected was to find you so attractive. Now he could see you it was clear to him how beautiful you were as you lowered your hood. But there was something else, “You look familiar,”
“I live in Kattegat. Perhaps you have seen me around now,” you said, walking towards the rabbit near his feet, “Would you mind putting your own weapon down?”
Ubbe could feel his cheeks heat up when he realised, he was still in a protective stance. He quickly stashed the dagger back in his belt. he watched as you picked it up and took out the arrow before tossing it into a bag on your side. “Quite the hunter I see,” he said, nodding towards the full bag by your side.
“Someone has to do it,” you said as you walked to the deer and crouched down.
Ubbe followed you over, grabbing your bow so it didn’t get lost. “You don’t enjoy it?”
You paused for a moment, “I enjoy the quiet. Being alone. Being able to not have to think. I don’t enjoy killing them,”
It was an odd thing for Ubbe to hear. Everyone in his family seemed to enjoy killing and hated the idea of quiet. “Sorry if I ruined your peace,”
“Nah,” you grinned up at him, a quality he founded oddly endearing, “I’ll forgive you if you help me carry this back,”
Ubbe grinned right back at you, “You drive a hard bargain,” he said as he crouched down across from you. “I never got your name,”
“You never asked,”
“I’m Ubbe,”
The next day Ubbe went on another walk to the same spot, sat on the same fallen tree, and waited. It was on his walk back he realised how foolish he was. Of course, you would not be in the same spot twice. But how else was he to find you?  When you arrived back to Kattegat last night a man you claimed as your brother saw you and took over for Ubbe to carry it home since the sun was long gone.
Still Ubbe went back each day just encase. He enjoyed the quiet of it all. He found himself able to relax for the first time in a while as he sat on that tree. it had been a week since he had saw you, so he almost didn’t recognise you at the market.
Your hair wasn’t braided back out of your face. It was left mostly loose with small braids throughout. Your dress was red and would never be able to blend with the trees. But one thing was the same.
“Ubbe,” you grinned, that same smile as before. You greeted him as he walked up to your stall at the market. It was mainly animal skins and pelts with a few other items scattered around.
“I was starting to think you were avoiding me,” he said, chuckling to try make it sound like a joke, but the thought had crossed his mind, “You’re a hard person to track down,”
A smirk tugged at your lips, “I try. Anything take your fancy?” you asked.
Ubbe looked over the table, wondering how many nights it took you to gather these all. One caught his eye in particular, “Is that our deer?” he asked, pointing to the skin.
“Our deer? If I remember correctly my arrow killed it,”
“I helped you carry it back,” he countered, “Don’t I at least get a discount for that?” he teased as he leaned over the table. You pretended to think about it before shaking your head.
“Ten silver for the pelt,” you told him. Ubbe went to reach for his money, but you continued, “Or eight if you help me hunt tonight,”
“Ah so I did help?” he teased.
You rolled your eyes, “Not even slightly. But the company was not bad,”
Ubbe shook his head at you, grinning like a fool as he pulled out the silver, “eight it is,”
“Meet me where we met?” you offered as Ubbe rolled up the deer hide.
“You mean where you almost killed me?”
“Honey if I wanted to kill you, you’d be dead,”
There was no reason for Ubbe to feel so nervous as he sat and waited. You told him you’d meet him after supper, but time was marching on. Maybe he was in the wrong spot? Or maybe he was too early or-
“Boo,” you said, leaning down next to his ear.
“What the fuck!” Ubbe screamed, jumping up off the log as you began to cackle. His shoulders relaxed when he saw it was you, but he still was panting out of breath, “Don’t do that,”
“Did you not hear me?”
“Clearly not!”
“Alright I’m sorry,” you laughed, stepping over the log to sit on it.
Ubbe finally regained himself before turning to you with a confused look. “Where’s your bow?”
“Eh, thought I’d give myself the night off,” you said before looking between him and the tree log, “You wanna sit?”
“So how come you wanted to meet me?” he asked, moving to sit beside you.
The way his blue eyes bore into you with such confusion and hope made it hard to look back at them. “Don’t know really. Just thought it would be nice. The quiet you know?”
“You invited me to come sit in silence with you?” he asked, an eyebrow raised and a smile on his lips.
You felt yourself becoming unexplainably shy under his gaze, “We don’t have to be silent the whole time,”
“It’s alright,” he said, settling into his seat, “We can just sit for a while,”
So, you did. For a good hour you sat silently beside each other, at some point moving to rest your head on his shoulder and his on your head, just enjoying each other’s company. After a while though you began to make small talk.
The small talk did not last for very long though. You moved from topics of how many siblings to venting to each other. You told him about how much you hated hunting, how you only did it to survive, how you’d rather farm instead. He told you about his brothers, how loud they were, how aggressive they were, how much he longed for a quiet evening.
“I love them, I do I just- “
“Don’t like them sometimes? I get that,” you said, turning to face him, a task that was far less daunting now.
Ubbe turned away though, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, “I shouldn’t be putting this on you,”
“I don’t mind,” you said, leaning forward to force him to look at you, a small smile on your lips, “Sometimes its nice just to talk,”
“I’ve never been good at it. the whole talking thing. Its easier to just accept things. it’s not like they’ll change,”
“You never know. Besides,” you said nudging his knee with your own, “I like when you talk. It’s good to talk about these things. honestly until this tonight I think I was slowly losing my mind,” you laughed.
Ubbe chuckled as well, “I get that. trust me,” he paused as he looked into your eyes. You were both silent again, a smile on both your lips.
“I should probably go back soon,” your words made his heart drop, but he did his best to conceal it, “Will you meet me again tomorrow?” and just as quickly it fluttered again.
“I’d love to,”
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dreamonseems · 1 year
First raid
- Story eight of Líf series of one-shot stories about Ubbe, his reader wife, and their children. Every story will be different but within the same universe. Nothing will be in order, just random stories about their lives.
⚠️ Warning: Smut in this chapter!
- Ok I made up a place called Raven United so any race reading this can Imagine being the reader.
Summary: You go on your first raid. There's some trouble, but Ubbe is always there to protect you.
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As the Viking army sailed towards their target, Y/N felt a surge of adrenaline rush through her veins. She watched as Ubbe and his brothers prepared for battle, their faces stern and focused. Ragnar stood beside them, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger.
When they finally arrived at their destination, she jumped off the boat, sword in hand. She followed Ubbe and the others, her heart pounding. They charged forward, their battle cries ringing through the air.
At first, she felt overwhelmed by the chaos of battle. She saw men fall around her, heard the clang of swords and shields, and smelled the blood and sweat of their comrades. But as the battle raged on, She found herself falling into a rhythm, moving with the others, defending herself, and attacking their enemies.
They fought bravely, taking down several of the enemy soldiers with their swords. She felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as she fought alongside Ubbe, knowing that she was proving herself as a worthy shieldmaiden.
After the battle was won, she felt a sense of exhilaration and relief. She had survived her first raid, and she knew that she had proven herself to Ubbe and the others. She felt more confident in her ability as a warrior and knew that she had a bright future ahead of her as a shieldmaiden.
After the successful raid, the warriors were in high spirits and celebrated around the fire with meat and mead. Ubbe was caught up in the moment and was laughing and drinking with his brothers, while Y/N sat a little way off, lost in her thoughts.
Suddenly, a warrior from their army approached her and started to flirt with her. At first, she politely declined his advances, but he became increasingly forceful and wouldn't take no for an answer. She tried to leave, but the warrior grabbed her arm and struck her across the face.
The sound of the slap echoed across the camp, drawing the attention of the other warriors, including Ubbe. He rushed over to her, his eyes blazing with fury.
"What do you think you're doing?" Ubbe growled, his hand on the hilt of his sword.
The warrior, who was still holding onto Y/N, sneered at Ubbe. "Just having a bit of fun with the new girl. What's it to you?"
"She's my wife," Ubbe said through gritted teeth. "And I won't tolerate anyone treating her like that."
The warrior laughed. "Your wife? She's just a slave you bought."
Without hesitation, he drew his sword and charged at the warrior, engaging him in a fierce battle.
The fight was short-lived as Ubbe was an experienced warrior, and the offending warrior was quickly overpowered. In a swift move, Ubbe dealt the fatal blow, ending the warrior's life. Y/N, shaken but unharmed, watched on as her husband defended her honor.
As they entered the tent, Ubbe noticed how shaken Y/N was. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and her hands were shaking. He sat her down on their bedroll and knelt in front of her.
"Shh, shh," he said softly. "It's okay. You're safe now." Ubbe held her close, stroking her hair as she wept
She clung to him, her tears wetting his shirt. "I just feel so overwhelmed," she admitted. "Everything that happened today, and that warrior... I don't know if I can handle this."
Ubbe tightened his hold on her. "You're stronger than you think," he said. "You proved that today. You fought bravely, and you defended yourself when that man tried to hurt you. You're a shieldmaiden now, my love. You're one of us."
She sniffled, looking up at him. "But what if I'm not good enough?" she asked. "What if you realize that and leave me?"
Ubbe's eyes softened. "I will never leave you, my love," he said firmly. "You're my wife, and I love you. You're the most important person in my life, and I would do anything for you. Please don't ever doubt that."
Her eyes met his, searching for any sign of falsehood. But all she found was love and sincerity. Slowly, she began to relax in his embrace, feeling safe and protected.
"I'm sorry," she said softly. "I just... I get scared sometimes. It's a lot to take in."
Ubbe kissed her forehead. "I know. But we're in this together, my love. Whatever happens, we'll face it together."
Ubbe's lips met Y/N's. She felt a rush of warmth spread throughout her body. She could taste the mead on his breath as he kissed her with an intensity that made her heart skip a beat. His hands were tender as they cupped her face, and she felt his fingers gently stroking her hair.
She wrapped her arms around Ubbe's neck, deepening the kiss. She could feel his muscles tensing as he held her closer, as if afraid to let her go. The world around them faded away as they lost themselves in the moment, lost in the passion that burned between them.
Finally, Ubbe broke the kiss, looking into her eyes with a mix of desire and affection. "I love you," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion. "I will always love you."
smiled, her eyes shining with tears. "I love you," she said, her voice filled with sincerity.
Ubbe's hands roamed freely over her back, pulling her even closer to him as he deepened the kiss.
Their tongues danced together in a fiery tango, exploring each other's mouths as they lost themselves in the moment. She could feel her heart racing, her body trembling with anticipation as Ubbe's hands traced down her spine, sending shivers of pleasure through her entire body.
Their kiss grew more passionate, Ubbe's grip on her tightened. She surrendered herself completely to him, letting him take control as she felt herself slipping into a deep state of arousal.
Without breaking the kiss, Ubbe began to remove her clothing, one piece at a time, revealing her supple skin to the firelight. She felt her body heat up with desire, wanting nothing more than to feel his touch on her bare skin. She returned the favor, helping Ubbe out of his clothes until they were both naked and exposed to each other's eyes.
Their lips never once parted, as they explored each other's bodies with hungry eyes and eager hands.
"I'm going to show you how much I love you," Ubbe whispered in her ear as his fingers began to work on her core. She moaned in pleasure, her body responding to his touch. "Please, Ubbe," she whimpered, unable to hold back her desire any longer.
She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter with each passing moment, her body craving more of Ubbe's touch. She moaned loudly, her hands gripping tightly onto his muscular shoulders as he continued to work his magic.
Finally, when he could tell she was ready, he removed his fingers and positioned himself above her. "Are you ready?" he asked, looking deeply into her eyes. She nodded, a look of anticipation and longing on her face. With a deep breath, he slowly entered her, filling her completely with his hard, throbbing member.
gasped in pleasure, her body arching up to meet his as he began to move in a slow, rhythmic motion. She could feel every inch of him inside of her, and she loved it.
She moaned as Ubbe continued to move inside her with increasing speed and intensity. She couldn't believe how much she loved this man and how much he loved her, She felt safe and protected in his arms, and the pleasure he was giving her was beyond anything she had ever experienced before.
As Ubbe's grip tightened around her, she felt a surge of arousal coursing through her body. she moaned, her fingers digging into his skin as she held on tight. "More."
Ubbe's smirk grew wider as he heard her words. He growled, his pace quickening. "Look at you, Wife taking me so well, so deep."
She couldn't speak, lost in the pleasure that was consuming her entire being. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge, and she knew that Ubbe was right there with her. They moved together in perfect harmony, their bodies in sync as they reached the peak of pleasure together.
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imaginesmai · 11 months
Once upon a fairy tale - Ubbe Ragnarson (7)
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Barely alive, it’s been a couple of rought weeks BUT I’M BACK. Other parts: Once Upon A Fairy Tale Masterlist  
Plot: Ubbe and you take important decisions, about your future and the future of your kingdoms, not knowing that something bigger than you is happening outside the castle’s walls.
When Ecbert told Ragnar about your decision to stay, the king didn’t look surprised at all. He humored you with your father, agreeing about the old age and bad knees. They both exaggerated their physical conditions between laughs, and concurred that they needed to take the hunting trip easy.
From behind your father, you watched with a soft smile the interaction.
You hadn’t noticed until that year how close your father and Ragnar were. Back at Wessex, you didn’t have many friends, and not a relationship as close as them. As you stared at their interaction, you felt your heart growing bigger, feeling that you had taken the right decision.
The moment was cut short when Ubbe and Sigurd appeared. Apparently, Aslaug had had a bad night and wouldn’t be gracing you with her presence. And, since Hvitserk hadn’t shown up for breakfast, he had declined going with them.
The hunting raid was complete and ready to go, you guessed. And it was time to share with Ubbe the news.
Both kings looked at you when the brothers arrived. Before you could notice the difference between them, Ubbe talked.
“I’ve been looking for you” he lifted the corner of his mouth, not completing the smile. “Good morning, father. King Ecbert”
“Ubbe” your father nodded in recognition.
“Where is your saddle?”
Indeed, while Sigurd was wearing his riding clothes, Ubbe was still in his usual, prince-ish robes. Not only he was wearing a long, cobalt tunic with silver embroidery, but he didn’t carry the usual smell of staying in the barn for hours.
When his brother rolled his eyes and walked away, Ubbe smiled. He had had enough time to prepare his horse, clean his riding boots and choose his favorite saddle. If he had wanted, he could have gone to the hunting raid, just as it was planned for him to go.
He liked to hunt. Like the adrenaline of chasing a prey and the silence of the forest. When they hunted, his father and him went back to his childhood, where they shared a deep bond. But he had decided against it.
“I won’t be accompanying you today, after all” Ubbe explained. “There are… matters I need to take care of. Maybe I can help princess Y/N packing”
“You won’t have to” Ecbert interrupted him.
Looking at your father, Ubbe lowered his head. His idea had been to stay behind with the excuse of helping you to pack. He didn’t know why, but after you were interrupted in his chambers, he had felt the need to spend one last day with you. Hvitserk had left the castle early in the morning to complete his weekly activities in the cabin, which included two brunets’ servants and the daughter of the baker.
So there was little chance of being interrupted.
He tried not to show his disappointment, because if you didn’t have to pack bags, then he didn’t have a reason to stay.
“We’ll be… staying. For another day” you explained, not meeting his eyes. “Because my father might get tired in the hunting raid, and it’s a long way back to Wessex. If it’s not a problem”
When Ragnar didn’t answer, Ubbe realized you were talking to him.
It took him by surprise that you were staying, but it was even more surprising that it was just for a day. Because he had known, deep down, that his intention today was to convince you to stay. That, during the last seven days, he had tried; first unconsciously, then as a choice. He started the summer mildly convinced that he had to marry you, and now he didn’t know what he wanted anymore.
Just that a day was an awful short amount of time.
“You could always check the old storage room” Ragnar proposed finally, breaking the silence. “It’s full of games and objects you used as children, and I’ve been asking you to take a look for a while. Maybe Y/N can help you”
“She can. She’s really organized” Ecbert contributed. “Besides, it is a bad day to stay outside. Just let these old dogs enjoy the hunting raid and find something to do. We will be back soon. Don’t want to get too tired”
“Indeed. Only God knows how many days in bed will earn us the hunting trip” Ragnar started at you with an amused smile. “Might be weeks”
“Might be, my dear friend. Shall we go?”
Both kings turned around and walked towards the carriage, that would take them to the designated part of the forest. Where the rest of the town would be waiting, with their dogs and bows ready.
While they walked away, you thought about how lucky you were. Your father would willingly stay for the whole summer if that’s what you wanted to, if that made you happy. He would also cancel the hunting raid and ride back to Wessex himself.
You stayed in silence as they got into the carriage and told the driver to move, until they drew up dust from the path and Sigurd kicked his horse to lead the way.
You had never had any problem talking with Ubbe. With remarks or mean words, you always kept the conversation going until you were torn apart by the adults or one of you couldn’t physically talk. But while the first drops of rain hit the ground, you kept quiet, not knowing what to say.
The meaning behind your decision was clear – that you wanted to try again, that you were willing to finally accept his hand. That you had consciously turned away the chance of changing your fate, consciously had chosen to marry him, without a proposal or weeding plans.
Staying meant you had admitted your intention of moving forwards, to whatever future you could hope for, and now it was Ubbe’s turn to answer. The decision of staying instead of going to the hunting raid could be an answer, but he didn’t know your decision yet.
So you waited, as rain started to wet your hair and soak your dress.
You waited in silence, until a cape was wrapped around your shoulders and a pair of hands turned you away from the path your father had just disappeared from.
“We should get inside” Ubbe spoke through the rain, that had gotten heavy a matter of seconds. “Fuck. It’s – fuck!”
“Oh my god” you couldn’t help but laugh when suddenly you were hit with what felt like a gallon of water.
You let yourself be lead away from the main door while Ubbe wrapped an arm around your shoulder. With a natural instinct, you shifted closer to him until you fit under his arm.
It wasn’t funny, but you couldn’t stop laughing, and soon, Ubbe was laughing too. It wasn’t the pearly smile you had seen that day at the courtyard, that flashed in your mind without your permission. It was different, and at the same time, wonderful.
You ran through the rain, not tripping against each other’s feet by luck. Servants that were taking cover in the barns stared when you passed by, and a man with bulky clothes tried to stop Ubbe with a scandalized scream.
Once you finally took cover, you were soaked. The rain had drenched Ubbe’s cape, now heavy on your shoulders, and the bottom of your dress was full of mud. Even your socks, under thick books, were wet. Still smiling, you stared at Ubbe as he moved your hair out of your face, letting you see his full smile. It was beautiful, his chipped front tooth a reminder of you.
Although he was too drenched to the bones, his hands felt warm, or maybe it was your cheeks. Or maybe you were running a fever and you were hallucinating, because suddenly, it was a déjà vu from that morning. He was looking at your lips and you were wondering what it would feel to stay forever, not just for a day.
His finger hovered over your mouth, a ghost touch.
“You look like a wet rat”
“And you smell like a wet horse”
He scoffed and for a second, you thought he was going to actually kiss you. That he was going to move forward and you were going to meet him at the middle. In a perfect fantasy, he would ask you to stay and you would choose to, not using excuses or prologues.
You would never know, because thunder roared in the sky and the moment was broken.
 What Ragnar defined as an old storage room was everything but that. It could have been a room, a long time ago, with high windows and a clear view of the forest. But someone had decided to start accumulating things inside, and now you could barely take two steps straight.
You hadn’t bothered bathing, neither had Ubbe. As if not spending every minute of the day together was an offense, you changed clothes with your backs to each other, not even using the bathroom. You chose a dark green dress that showed your boots, comfortable to move, and Ubbe had put on a different tunic.
He showed you the storage room, moving the curtains. Everything was covered with white, dusty sheets, and you were in for a long morning.
“I threw Hvitserk down the stairs with one of these” Ubbe said from behind you, breaking the comfortable silence in the room. “He broke through a window and didn’t even get a bruise”
You looked away from the pile of children’s clothes that you were trying to organize. He was holding up a large piece of wood attached to one wheel, the other missing. Indeed, you remembered using a similar one in some occasions, although you didn’t have a specific memory with it.
Between mountains of garbage, you had found many children’s toys and clothes. After spending a lifetime of summers together, you had gathered a good amount of entertainment options. In a useless attempt of bringing you closer, your fathers had brought you everything a child would want or need. Not realizing until it was too late that you would hit each other with it before sharing.
“Didn’t you race me with one of those in the gardens?” you tried to remember, getting closer.
“You were winning so I tried to shorten through my mother’s roses” he chuckled. “She got mad, but you were furious”
“You destroyed every last of them!” you laughed too, remembering that summer.
It was one of the first ones you spent in Mercia, and you had never used a toy like that one. Thinking you wouldn’t know how, Ubbe had raced you and you had won, and in the meantime, he had destroyed half of his mother’s garden. You remembered her scolding and feeling furious at him.
So angry, that you used his favorite wooden sword as a throwing dagger during the next day.
You moved closer to him, looking at the piece of wood. Even if you had argued more than talked, it wasn’t always boring. There were games and competitions. When you were all young, Ubbe didn’t discriminate you from being a girl, and included you in the games where he thought he could win. Somewhere in the way that changed and your worlds drifted apart.
“You care too much about flowers” he said, raising from where he was sitting.
“It’s not I have many things to care about in here. I can’t cook, train or ride, and needlework is definitely not one of my passions. No matter how much your mother tries” you explained. There was only a foot between you two. “Flowers are… nice. They are beautiful”
“If you want to, I could assign some more servants to the garden. So they can help you take care of them”
If you want to stay, I could make you happy, just so you know
Ubbe let the hidden meaning clear. Because if you left after your father rested, then the garden was the least of your concerns. He couldn’t care less about the flowers or the garden, and he knew right then, that if it made you stay, he would send his whole army to take care of those flowers.
In that dark room, crowded with objects from your past, he waited for you to answer. It was impossible that you hadn’t understood what he meant, and by the way you stared at him, he knew. In just seven days, he had made a decision that had been asked from him for sixteen years. Sixteen years under the pressure of getting to know you and take you as his wife.
Only when you were no longer under that much pressure, he finally saw it clear.
“It would be nice” you answered, your voice small. “You could help me sometimes. If you want to”
Through the window, another lighting broke the sky. The storm was now loud and wild, thunders and lighting accompanying the rain. Someone appeared through the trees riding a horse at full speed, towards the castle. It would take them a while to reach the gates, and you didn’t notice them.
Not when Ubbe’s blue eyes were staring right into your soul, and when yours couldn’t decide where to look – to them or to his mouth.
“You’re staying” he tried, not a question but a fact. A need.
“If you want me to”
Before you could notice the smoke that was raising from the middle of the forest, he crossed the invisible line he had drawn sixteen years ago and pressed his lips against yours. They were rough and demanding, not like the shy, first kisses you had shared with boys in your kingdom.
You could have fallen if it wasn’t for the table that was behind you, or for his hand that pressed your hips against his. There was no air between you two, no space for second guesses. Only his lips and hands on your body, and yours on his neck.
One of yours caressed the back of his head, your thumb brushing the soft hair where his braid started. Not knowing what to you with the other one, you held yourself together by holding onto the desk. Afraid he would let you go and you would crash into the ground, knees turned into jelly.
But he didn’t let you.
With his free hand holding your head straight, demanding more of you, he broke free for air. His pupils were blown, almost no trace of blue behind them. No one had ever touched you the way he was, and you understood that no one would in the near future, if you had a saying in it.
Ubbe didn’t move his hand from your face. Instead, giving you time to push him away, he lowered it down your neck. Something inside him screamed to let go, to forget about what was expected from him and lower his hand more, until there was no turning back. The way you were looking at him, the way you weren’t moving, made it harder.
But he resisted and let his hand go to his original place, to your cheek.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked after a long minute, his voice rough and deep. “We don’t – you don’t have to. Not even if you stay”
“Shut up”
Once more, you crashed your lips against his and he let you, smiling against them. You could feel every curve and corner of his body that you had guessed that morning under the covers. The room’s temperature grew in seconds, and when the hand on your waist moved lower, you let him.
Sixteen years of frustration, hate and disagreement were forgotten as you felt your skirt move higher, his leg making its way between yours.
One thing was to sleep in the same room, to let people assume you were together, but another one was to actually do it. Before you could regret your decision or let your brain caught up with your heart, someone knocked at the door urgently.
“It’s the king! The king is dead!”
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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collecting-stories · 1 year
Oceans - Ubbe Ragnarsson
Summary: Ubbe stumbles upon a person in the woods.
A/N: This is really just me trying to get back into writing Vikings cause I've been in the mood to lately.
Vikings Masterlist
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Mud caked the rims of your boots, soles sinking into the grass as you stood at the edge of the wooded area, fingers gripping the hilt of the knife that was secured on your belt. Through the trees, seemingly ignorant of the violent rain that was obscuring a usually clear line of vision, stood a man in armor like you’d never seen before. He was tall, taller than men you were used to, and everything about him was entirely foreign. The snap of a branch under his foot had alerted you to his presence in the woods. You weren’t alone any longer. Like a little kid coming across a wolf on the forest path, you felt frozen in space. Usually quicker on the draw, and on the defense, you were stuck in limbo just waiting. Who would move first? You or this man who looked like he had just startled a deer and was trying to calm it with his immobility.  
There were stories, warning tales that floated from village to village the closer you got to the channel about men who came from strange lands and pillaged whatever they could. You were not as unfamiliar with the idea as some of the villagers who repeated the stories told to them. This place was foreign to you too, though perhaps not as foreign as you’d heard their land was. You’d never known anyone who’d gone there and back again or knew anyone who knew anyone who had. It was all speculation, each time growing darker, with sharper teeth and more villainous endeavors. They didn’t just kill, they slaughtered. They didn’t just steal, they burned whole villages to the ground. As if the devil this village feared had possessed them, sent them up from hell to do his bidding on the good, true christians that had stolen you from your home and sold you to the family you lived with for a price you could never hope to pay off.  
“There are more of you?” You spoke saxon, hoping he knew something of the language you’d been forced to adopt. It wasn’t yours and you realized that he knew that when he tilted his head. Eyebrow quirked and for a split second you forgot how tall and demonic and out of place he was because he looked as bewildered as the little boy you kept watch over when you tried to explain the phenomena of the universe.  
Finally he nodded. He didn’t seem afraid at all and you didn’t blame him. Who were you to inspire fear in anyone? You let go of the hilt of your knife, chancing a step toward him. The only thing he could be doing, by not yet killing you, was biding his time. If he assumed that you were faster than he was, that you knew the woods better than he did, then he could assume that you would reach the closest village sooner than he and his men would. And if you did, it could give them chance to run, though you could assume that running was in vain. This man looked the very part of death and it was an inevitable fact of his existence that wherever he went, so did it. Even if you ran, even if you warned whoever you had to warn, he and his people would find you and kill you and it would mean nothing.  
Though you life so far had meant nothing anyway. “I’m not going to run away,” you continued speaking. He had understood you before. “I’m not afraid of you.” That was a lie and the little half smile that he gave you told you that he knew it was a lie.  
“No?” He took a step closer to you, leaves crunching beneath his boots.  
You swallowed the nerves that bubbled up into your throat, keeping your gaze on him and your stance relaxed. You weren’t afraid. What was the worst he could do to you? Kill you and put you out of the abject misery that your life had equated to since you had been brought to this village? Leave you alive and take you back across the sea to wherever he was from so that you could live exactly as you lived here somewhere else? You had no alliance to the people in the village where you lived.  
The closer he got to you, the better you could see him and you were struck with the odd thought that he was incredibly attractive. There was something about the way he moved that vaguely reminded you of something you once knew in another life. You could see also, as the rain began to lessen, that there was a series of small markings tattooed into his skin, parallel to his eye. You hadn’t seen anything like that in a decade, maybe longer. Sometimes it felt like the place you were before this village was an imagination of yours, just a daydream that you invented. Other times, like this one, it felt like you had just been standing in the doorway of your little house watching your father sharpen a sword.  
“Perhaps you aren’t afraid,” he teased when you reached your hand out and touched the side of his face where the tattoo was.  
Just as quickly as he’d felt the roughness of your fingers against his cheek they were gone, your hand clutched to your stomach as if you’d been burned. “You’re going to kill them?” You asked, not daring to look away. He could devour you if you even blinked and you knew he would not hesitate to do so.  
“We are already on our way.” 
Ubbe had split from his brother at the sound of a brook, eager for water after the long journey to shore. When it’d begun to rain he had abandoned the expedition, heading back towards the encampment to rejoin his brother and his army. It was then that he’d seen you, standing in the middle of the forest and staring at him as though he were some apparition sent by the gods. He’d been on shores like these before, had seen other saxons. They were nothing inspiring, if not for the wealth of land and riches that were offered in the raids, they offered little that peaked his interest. But there was something in your eyes, even through the dense rain he knew you were different. And when you spoke, the accent that carried your words was nothing like the saxon ones he had grown accustomed to. You were no christian.  
You wondered what repayment of a debt entailed for his people? Would these supposed heathens be as brutal as your christians had? Surely not. “Would you take me back with you? Is it foolish...to beg for my life?”  
“Are you begging?” The way he asked was almost teasing. As if he was saying ‘weren’t you the one who said you weren’t afraid’. When you squared your shoulders, the hand that had caressed his face going back to your knife, he smiled. You were positively enticing.  
“No.” You replied, forcing yourself to keep yours eyes locked with his. They were blue like the ocean. Like the stream by the house that you vaguely remembered living in as a child.  
“What about your people?” Ubbe asked, looking passed you as he spoke. Unlike you, unsurprisingly, he wasn’t afraid to look away. What could you really do to him. You doubted your knife would do more than tickle him. “You’ll let them die?” He’d encountered plenty of saxons and while he had little respect for them, he didn’t know them to abandon each other.  
“They’re not my people.” You explained, “they are nothing to me.” It would be beyond your ability in saxon to tell him exactly what they were. To explain the pain and anguish that you’d suffered all these years though you suspected he knew by the way his eyes softened at your words. Still tall and intimidating and yet, his eyes made you doubt that he could be as terrible as the stories you’d heard. No one with eyes that soft could kill the way these men supposedly did. Or maybe he could, but you couldn’t believe that he would kill you that way.  
“What should you have me do?” He asked, though he had already made up his mind. Possibly when he first saw you. Bjorn had told him once of a person he’d taken back to camp with him as a sort of trophy and he’d heard stories of Athelstan from men who’d travelled with his father. Whether it was some hereditary thing in him, a need to possess something beautiful and different, or whether it was something about you and the way you stood so unafraid in the middle of the woods and refused to cave to him, he knew that he was already planning to take you home with him.  
“I could work...if you gave me passage. I could work to pay you back.” You offered.  
Ubbe frowned in thought, reaching his hand out and running muddy fingers against your hairline. The caress felt almost intimate and for the first time since you saw him in the clearing you let yourself lose focus, closing your eyes for a moment as you leaned against his touch. When he pulled away, you opened your eyes, tensing again as if you had never let yourself relax.
“What would you do?” He asked, blue eyes shining as they met yours again.  
“Anything.” You promised, “I have nowhere to return and I will not die.” 
“You refuse it?” 
“If you wanted to kill me, you would have.” You reasoned, knowing it was true. There had been plenty of moments from when he saw you to now that he could have killed you. He could have done anything he wanted to but you were both still standing here in the woods and it had started to rain again and you could smell the smoke in the air. “So then, if you’re going to let me live...take me away from here.”
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1-800-choke-me · 3 months
Hvitserk: I sleep with an axe under my pillow
Ubbe: I sleep with a knife under mine
Y/N: you're both pathetic
Hvitserk: oh yeah, than what do you sleep with?
Y/N: Ivar
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fragileheartbeats · 3 months
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⌗ 𝘝𝘐𝘒𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚 𝘏𝘊 ⁝ 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 ( ♱ )
— 𝘙𝘢𝘨𝘯𝘢𝘳, 𝘉𝘫𝘰𝘳𝘯, 𝘜𝘣𝘣𝘦, 𝘏𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘬, 𝘐𝘷𝘢𝘳 <3
˚꒰🌼꒱‧ it was a request, but I deleted it by mistake. Anyways hope you enjoy!
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ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐀𝐑 | 𝑳𝑶𝑻𝑯𝑩𝑹𝑶𝑲 ─ ♕ . ♡𝆬
The Charismatic Leader
Ragnar is the strategic and deeply passionate yandere. His obsession is rooted in a profound emotional connection and intellectual fascination. Ragnar treats you with a curious mix of reverence and possessiveness. He sees you as his equal, his partner in both love and adventure. "My Heart," a term that signifies your essential place in his life. Ragnar’s love is shown in grand gestures and the sharing of wisdom. He wants you involved in his plans, seeing you as integral to his vision of the future. Ragnar's jealousy is a slow burn; he's confident but can become cold and distant if he feels he’s losing your attention. When vulnerable, he shares tales of his fears and dreams, often gazing at the stars with you, pondering the gods' will. Witnessing Ragnar’s intense conflicts, both internal and external, could be harrowing. His determination to achieve greatness can sometimes overshadow his attention to you, leaving you feeling isolated amidst his ambitions. Ragnar envisions you by his side as he makes history, exploring new worlds and standing together as equals among the legends.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐁𝐉𝐎𝐑𝐍 | 𝑰𝑹𝑶𝑵𝑺𝑰𝑫𝑬 ─ ⸸ . ♡𝆬
The Fierce Warrior
Bjorn's obsession nature is that of the protector, almost knightly in his devotion. His love is fierce, and his protective instincts are strong. He treats you with a protective warmth, always ensuring you are safe and respected by all. He call you "My Shieldmaiden," even if you do not fight, it’s how he sees you—brave and strong. Bjorn’s demonstrations of love are in his protective actions, ensuring you never face danger alone. His gifts are often symbolic, representing his commitment and your shared strength. Bjorn’s jealousy can erupt into fierce displays of dominance, though he tries to keep it in check. His vulnerability comes out in quiet moments when he shares his doubts about living up to his father’s legacy. The worst experience would be getting caught in the crossfire of his ambitions and the dangers that accompany his life. Bjorn dreams of a future where you both stand as legends, with a legacy of strength, courage, and unity that echoes through the ages.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐄 ─ 𖤐 . ♡𝆬
The Compassionate Strategist
Ubbe’s obsession is more measured and thoughtful, rooted in a deep emotional and intellectual connection. He treats you with a gentle respect and an eagerness to share everything with you, from the mundane to the profound. He will call you "My North Star," guiding him through life’s tumultuous seas with your wisdom and compassion. Ubbe shows his love through acts of service and the sharing of knowledge. He’s always teaching you something new, ensuring you feel valued and heard. Ubbe experiences jealousy more quietly, preferring to outthink rather than confront. His vulnerability is in his fear of loss, often sharing his nightmares of a life without you. Perhaps the most challenging aspect of loving Ubbe is coping with his internal conflicts, particularly his struggle to balance his ambitions with his moral compass. Ubbe envisions a peaceful future, one where wisdom and compassion have created a world in which you both can thrive, surrounded by family and a community that respects the land and its history.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐇𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐊 ─ ✦ . ♡𝆬
The Wild Spirit
Hvitserk’s obsession is impulsive and volatile. He’s the embodiment of a storm—unpredictable and wild. He oscillates between intense affection and moments of distracted restlessness. But in his good moments, he's exhilarating and deeply attentive. He will call you "My Tempest," capturing both his perception of your captivating allure and the tumultuous nature of his affection. His demonstrations of love are spontaneous—adventures in the middle of the night, unexpected gifts stolen from far-off lands, and passionate declarations. Jealousy can drive Hvitserk to reckless actions, sometimes endangering himself to prove his worth. He’s surprisingly open about his feelings, wearing his heart on his sleeve. The inconsistency and his struggle with his own demons can leave you feeling insecure about where you stand with him. Hvitserk sees a future filled with adventure and unpredictability, always chasing the next thrill but doing so together, forever entwined in each other’s chaos.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐑 | 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑩𝑶𝑵𝑬𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑺 ─ ✞ . ♡
The Ruthless Tactician
Ivar's love is intense and all-consuming, marked by his cunning and ruthless nature. He views you as his ultimate prize, his reason for victory. With you, Ivar is surprisingly tender, a stark contrast to his usual ruthlessness. He shares his strategies and thoughts, making you the confidante of his deepest ambitions. He will call you "My Queen," placing you above all, the only one capable of understanding his true self. Ivar’s expressions of love are possessive and grand. He eliminates any threats to your safety, often before you’re even aware of them. His jealousy knows no bounds, and he can become dangerously cold towards perceived rivals. In vulnerability, Ivar reveals his fears of inadequacy and his deep need for your affirmation. Witnessing the lengths Ivar will go to secure power and protect you can be both awe-inspiring and terrifying, as his methods are often merciless. Ivar dreams of a future where you both rule, unchallenged, with a legacy that will be remembered and feared throughout the ages.
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@ 𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔 . 𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡, 𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑠 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑏𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠.
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undiscovered-horizon · 9 months
Vikings preference: your friend hits on you and gets aggressive
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Ragnar Feels genuinely hurt because he thought he could trust your friend. Whenever Ragnar went away, he'd ask your friend to keep an eye on you and generally make sure you're safe and sound. Makes veiled threats and passive-aggressive jokes at first, hoping that he can both force a boundary and not sour any relationships but his humour is gone when he realizes that your friend is not keen on taking no as an answer. If you raise your concern about "safety vs. keeping a friend", Ragnar makes a sarcastic comment about your sentiment - because a guy who forced himself on you is such a great friend to keep, right?
Gives you a knife to keep on you at all times. If you have the guts, and such an occasion arises, to stab the man once he gets physical with you, Ragnar will have your back no matter what. Also, low-key thrilled. But if you don't end up fighting your own battles, he'll gladly do it for you. Not an ounce of regret on his face during or after.
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Bjorn Pretty direct. Makes plausible threats and will fulfil them. Terrifyingly calm and collected for the most part. He's angry but also disappointed that someone you considered a friend could repay your kindness and affection in such a way.
If you tell Bjorn that you're unsure what to do because you want to keep your friend or you think that he's overdoing things, he might get short with you but it's not out of malice. He's worried that if you don't see your male friend for the lying snake that he is, you might get even more hurt and that possibility enrages him so much he doesn't entertain that thought longer than necessary.
Bjorn is definitely the type to make his revenge somewhat public. Not only will that make others keep their distance from you but it will also earn him respect among other men - he takes his husbandly duties seriously. Whether your "friend" lives or dies is entirely up to them and how callous they have been with you. Whether he meant to or not, Bjorn causes people to look away from you when you're walking through the town. No one wants to risk getting your friend's treatment.
After that, Bjorn will never trust any man who tries to be your friend or claims to be one.
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Ubbe Tries to be the bigger person at first and has a stern word with your friend. Ubbe is probably the only one to seriously take your word/assurance that there's nothing to get worked up about. He will also wait relatively the longest before getting seriously involved - not because he doesn't care, it's quite the contrary. He doesn't want to impose on your independence, so even if he's uncomfortable with the situation but you keep saying "I've got this", he will keep to himself although will voice his concerns (and will refuse to leave you alone at any place or time). When things become serious and the man starts to get physical, Ubbe will make it clear that from now on he's more concerned about your well-being than your freedom: "I'm sorry for disregarding your wishes but I can't sit and watch you get hurt". Believes to be responsible for your safety as your husband.
Ubbe is the type of person who will seek your friend out on his own and resolve the issue right then and there. He goes to the other man's house one night and leaves it only when an agreement is reached - doesn't matter how far he has to go to ensure that. Ubbe's not afraid to get his hands dirty for the right reasons.
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Hvitserk Also hurt because he was actually getting along well with the other man. Hvitserk will ask about your perspective and wishes but if your safety is compromised, he won't make them a priority. At first, he's trying to get you out of harm's way, so you're leaving your house only if he's by your side. But once he learns that your supposed friend forced his way into your home and put his hands on you, Hvitserk is determined to take things into his own hands. He won't seek out your friend on his own but rather wait for an opportunity to arise; doesn't start the fight but surely will end it. The next time another unwanted advances are made towards you, Hvitserk has an axe in his hand and this time, he's the one who doesn't take no for an answer.
If you ever befriend another man after that, Hvitserk will tolerate him but never let go of any suspicions. Also, might tell the story of your previous "admirer" to scare your new friend into behaving properly.
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Sigurd The most probable to get into a brawl right away. At first, he feels quite self-conscious seeing another man flirting with you but when the man in question starts to become aggressive, Sigurd coins his insecurity into hostility, effectively picking a fight. After what seems like lakes of blood and an entire concert of bones breaking, the brawl ends. Sigurd looks like he's been through Hell and still that's a lot better than your friend, who would be pronounced dead if it wasn't for the sporadic raise of his chest as he tries to take in a ragged breath. Sigurd will also voice his anger as he's caving in the other man's skull ("Was it fun when you grabbed her? Enjoying a little manhandling, eh? I'm happy to provide").
Gains respect in his brothers' eyes but none of them quite wants to admit it.
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Ivar He would also feel self-conscious at first. Considers your friend's bold behaviour an assault on his masculinity ("You think I'm not man enough and therefore think you have any right to bother my wife"). Not surprised in the slightest. Hated the guy's guts from the very beginning and made it obvious. Might actually say the dreaded "told you so".
Because he perceives your friend's aggression as somewhat personal, Ivar is driven to go quite far in order to make the punishment fit for the crime. Not only does he do it for your sake but also to make sure that everyone knows just how much of a true Viking is inside him. Some say that "silence is golden", so if your friend decides to use less-than-savoury language towards you, he might end up with his throat filled with liquid gold to ensure no more offence leaves his mouth. Similarly, he's going to suffer the "equivalents" for whatever other thing he's done. He grips your hand so hard there's a bruise? Ivar will wrap his hand with a chain and slowly tighten it until all the bones crack and the wrist is literally torn away from the forearm. But no matter what he does, in the end he still feels like it doesn't quite make up for your friend's wrongdoings.
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blakeswritingimagines · 3 months
Wiping away their kisses
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Ragnar: He'll laugh and smile, then he'll jokingly chase you around, trying to kiss you again, though he's pretty much pretending to put in any effort into it. Once he's caught you, he'll wrap you up in his arms, and kiss you on the neck instead.
Athelstan: "What are you doing?" He can't help but ask as he frowns at the act of wiping away a kiss. He is not happy about you being playful, especially when it comes to something as intimate as a kiss. He sees this as a sign of you not valuing the connection you have, and it bothers him.
Floki: His grin spreads wide at this like he's finding the situation hilarious. He lets his lips curl into a lopsided smile before leaning back slightly and playfully sticking his tongue out at you, teasing you. He winks and giggles, "I guess you're just not into it, huh?" His voice is teasing but playful.
Lagertha: She'll chuckle to herself, secretly entertained by the playful gesture. She'll lean forward and press her lips against yours once again, enjoying the feel of your skin against her own. When you playfully wipe it away again, she grins and says in a teasing voice, "I'll keep kissing you until you're too overwhelmed to wipe them away anymore."
Aslaug: She'll laugh after knowing it was a joke, and give a teasing look, then pull you close again and softly kiss your lips. She'll whisper, "Who said I was done yet?"
Bjorn: Is annoyed at first, but he quickly becomes playful and grabs your hands, preventing you from wiping away any more kisses. He leans in and slowly kisses your cheeks, lips, and finally neck. He'll release your hands and trail his fingers along your body, gently squeezing your hip before backing away.
Ubbe: A look of playful annoyance crosses his face. But that quickly turns into a devilish smirk. When you go to wipe away another kiss, he gently grabs your hands and pulls you closer so you can't.
Hvitserk: If you playfully wipe away a kiss, he would playfully pretend to be offended, then he would playfully grab your arms and pull you into another kiss while saying in a playfully playful tone, "You can't get rid of me that easily."
Sigurd: "What are you doing?" He'll laugh to hide his embarrassment and playfully reach for another kiss. He moves closer to you and wraps his arms around you, pulling you in close. With one hand, he'll cup your chin and lean in close. He'll gaze into your eyes and gently kiss you again, taking his time and letting your lips softly brush against each other.
Ivar: He gives you a playful glare, letting his lips curl into a small smirk. "Oh, you're asking for it now." He leans forward, putting his hands on your hips, and starts kissing you again.
Halfdan: He smirked at the little trick you tried to play on him. He then leaned forward and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you passionately, deeply, and repeatedly as he runs his fingers through your hair, leaving strands of it disheveled as he does so.
Harald: He would look you in the eyes and smile, leaning in to kiss you again. He takes your hand and gently pulls you close. He'll whisper in your ear: "I couldn't help myself, darling - your lips are too irresistible to resist." As he kisses you again, more deeply this time, and gently bites your bottom lip before pulling away. He looks deep into your eyes and whispers again, "Let's not be play tonight, shall we?"
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ubbesbabymama · 1 year
Their friend is pregnant, pt. 2.
↳ Pairing. Hvitserk The Berserker, Sigurd Snake in The Eye, Ivar The Boneless.
↳ Summary. How would they react to their dear friend being pregnant. [I imagine this with them having the same kind of friendship that Ragnar had with Athelstan but with the reader].
↳ Warnings. Violence, death, abusive relationships, smut/mention of sex.
↳ Note. A second part so I could write the ones that are left because is just so much fun to write this plot.
Part one.
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Hvitserk The Berserker.
He adores you, he genuinely thinks you’re the only perfect person on earth and he would do anything to protect you from anybody, even himself.
He is busy between a thrall’s legs, making everything in his power to make her scream his name, thrusting like a madman when he hears his name being called and he stops right away. That’s not the thrall’s voice.
“Hvitserk,” You sob and he can’t help but to pull out and push the woman, running to you while fixing his pants.
“Come here, come here,” He mumbles, taking you in his arms and walking to another room that doesn’t smell like sex.
He sits on the floor in front of a bonfire with you on his lap, and you move around till your legs are around him just like he is around you. You move again and he grunts.
“D-Don’t move too much,” He whispers.
“O-Oh! I’m sorry, forgive—,” You try to move but he grips your thighs. “Hvitserk.”
“Forget everything else and tell me why are you crying,” He says. “Talk to me.”
“Why do I have to talk to you while your cock is poking into my backside?” You ask him and he grunts again, this time because of your stubbornness.
“That is because I got interrupted while I was getting it down, now, talk to me or I am going to take my axe and go look for the information myself.” He threatens.
You sigh and clean your face a little before looking at him.
“I am with child.”
“That’s not true,” He chuckles and panics when your eyes start to fill with tears, and he takes your face in his hands. “Wait— no, no, no sweat heart.”
“Y-You don’t believe me either,” You sob in his hands and he shakes his head.
“I thought it was another one of your pranks, I apologize little one,” You nod, sobbing. He frowns. “Either?”
“He kicked me out of the house… literally,” You whisper, rolling your dress to show him your scratched knees, you show him your hands and they’re scratched too. “He said I cheated on him, that a whore like me could find a man to breed me really fast just so I could trap—,”
You stop talking when Hvitserk moves you around, standing up and taking you with him. He puts his hand on the small of your back to guide you out of the room and back to his room. In silence he takes off your dirty dress and tosses it to the side, he looks around for a moment and comes back with a shirt of him, he helps you put it on.
“I’m going to be right back, get under the covers,” He quietly says, you shake your head, and he sighs. “Under the covers, please.”
“You’re going to kill him.” You whisper.
“Of course, I’m going to kill him, for starters, I gave you that house, he has no right to kick you out, and second, while you’re with child?” He snorts with malice.
“Hvitserk,” He looks at you and holds your stare to let you know that he is not backing down. You nod to yourself and kiss his cheek. “I’ll wait for you awake.”
You know he is back when some thralls enter the room with the tub, he enters right behind them and you gasp, he is bathed in blood, from the hair to his boots.
“What in Odin’s green earth did you do to him?!” You ask alarmed, he shrugs and starts to take his clothes off in front of you and the thralls. “Hvitserk!”
“I tied him to a tree and started beating him,” He looks up slowly, his eyes cold. “I beat him till his last breath.”
“You’re insane,” You whisper, getting out of bed when he gets inside the tub. You start to undo his braids.
“For you, I can be worse than Ivar, you know this already.” He chants, not a single trace of regret on his face.
“Yeah well, you killed the abusive father of my child,” You roll your eyes. “So it’s safe to say that you’re now a father.”
He smirks.
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Sigurd Snake In The Eye.
Everybody could see how much you mean to him, it was as obvious as the fact that the sun would shine every day. When it comes to you he knows no reason or shame, going as far as to beg if he needs to.
“I-I can’t find her,” He murmurs when all his brothers are gathered to hunt.
“Who?” Ubbe asks.
“What do you mean you can’t find her? It’s almost as if you live together,” Hvitserk jokes.
“I think her husband has something to do with her suddenly disappearing.” He swallows and just now everybody feels the tension in the air. “I-I need help, please.”
Suddenly Ivar starts crawling away and everybody looks at him, he stops and looks back directly at Sigurd.
“What are you doing there? We have to find her.” He grunts and in no time Sigurd is by his side.
That’s how much you mean to Sigurd, so much that even his younger brother whom he always argues about anything not dare to joke around.
And he finds you, in a small cabin deep in the woods, thanks to Hvitserk’s insight in the town he founds that your husband owns this cabin for when he goes hunting alone.
He enters the cabin and sucks a breath when he sees you in a corner hugging your legs. He takes one step and your husband comes out and pulls you by the hair, you yelp.
“If you get close I will kill them both!” He screams and Sigurd frown.
“Who’s them?” He whispers to himself, and you sob.
“You didn’t tell him? You’re carrying his child and you didn’t—,”
“Because it’s not his!” You cry, looking at Sigurd and his stare makes you stop trembling a little. You’re safe, Sigurd is here.
Suddenly an arrow enters from behind Sigurd, right on top of his head, and embedded right onto your husband’s head, him being so tall makes it easy for the archer to shoot without fearing it would hit you.
Sigurd looks behind him and nods to Ubbe, who just nods back and starts walking back with his brother, leaving him with you.
He opens his arms and watches how you run and jump on him, his arms sliding around you, one on your thigh and the other on your waist.
“I’m here now, shh…” He comforts you while walking till he leans on a wall. “Nobody can’t hurt you anymore.”
You sob on his neck and he hums.
“I’m tired,” You murmur and he nods.
He takes you back to the town and directly into his room and orders the thralls to prepare a bath for you. When everything’s ready he undresses you and lets you get inside the tub, he’s about to start looking for clothes for you but your grip on his hand stops him.
“I’m not going anywhere, I’m getting in with you,” He says to calm you down and when he sees you expectant he undresses and gets inside too, behind you.
He starts to caress your belly, he supposed you haven’t seen your monthly blood and that’s why you know you’re with child since it’s not clear in your belly.
“You’re going to start living here,” He whispers in your ear. “So I can take care of you better.”
“You have obligations,” You whisper.
“And you’re the main one,” He hums. “Yes?”
Ivar The Boneless.
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Nobody understands how you can stand Ivar, with the man being borderline obsessed with you. The only reason why you can lay with men is that he is certain that he can’t satisfy a woman and he would rather be burned alive than disappoint you from all people, but other than that, he lets no man get close to you unless you directly tell him that you chose that man to warm your chambers, he has bodyguards for you, thralls for you, he gives you a quarter of everything he owns or gets. Even when he goes raiding everybody knows that a lot of the goods are yours and yours only. That’s how obsessed Ivar The Boneless is with you.
Of course, it’s almost impossible to hide things from him, more so with the people in town being so eager to bring him information about you just to be favored, so as soon as you’re being yelled at and tossed around by the Viking Ivar is notified.
“You think after three times you can already be with child?! Do you think I’m stupid?!” The man was yelling at you, but you weren’t backing down. No sir.
“After ONE time of laying together, I can already be with child, or do you think your seed is so weak you need more than once? even more than three? Poor you.” You mock and gasp when he pushes you, making you fall onto your backside, you whimper at the burn in your hands for breaking the fall.
“I should just kill you and that bastard right now!” He yells, and you spit on your side in response.
“Who?” You freeze, feeling chills run down your spine. That voice only means problems, and a lot of them. “Who are you going to kill? My woman?”
You feel him right beside you, leaning on his crutch. He looks down at you and nods and you nod back, slowly standing up.
“L-Lord I-Ivar,” The man stuttered.
“So? You’re going to kill my woman, you say?” Ivar says, his tone friendly but his eyes, oh those eyes.
“N-no, no my lord,” The man keeps stuttering. “It’s this woman who says she’s carrying my child.”
Ivar face snaps to the side, looking at you while anger starts to bubble in his system, a burning feeling in his chest, he squints his eyes at you and silently you start to pray to the gods for the life of the man.
“When I was hunting and you were keeping me company, that was your last month bleeding, right?” Ivar says and he’s not actually asking, he knows that information, for he’s the one you always go to when you’re in pain, but you nod anyways. “And he pushed you while you’re carrying a child?”
You nod again.
“Yes, Ivar.” The man grimaces when he hears you call Ivar by his name and without honorifics, why nobody told him he was laying with someone so important? “He did.”
Ivar’s face slowly turns to the man, and he grins.
“Now I have to decide whether you die—,”
“Ivar can I—,” You start but are interrupted.
“NO!” He snaps, pointing at you with his finger. “You do not get to save him from this, you do not get a saying this time!”
“Ivar,” Your own anger makes you grind your teeth. “Can I go home? My feet are hurting and I need to get a healer for my hands.”
He blinks and looks down at your bloody hands from the fall before, he sighs, feeling bad at the way he talked to you when you weren’t even trying to help the man.
“I’ll finish this quickly,” Ivar says and in the blink of an eye, the man is being dragged by Ivar’s men while crying and babbling apologies.
You don’t let Ivar say anything more and start walking home and when you get there you ask for a healer and after being done with your hands and a quick checkup on your overall health you ask for a hot bath.
“It’s ready, my lady,” The thrall says just in time for Ivar’s entrance, she gasps and starts to tremble.
“You can go now, don’t come back again, you may take the tub out tomorrow,” You whisper tiredly.
Ivar is covered in blood and even you get a chill run down your spine. It looks grotesque, never has he had so much blood on him from just one person, he looks demonic even.
“I’m—,” He starts but you lift your hand.
“I honestly don’t want to hear it,” You murmur, starting to get undressed.
He looks at you with attention, watching you moan when the hot water gets in contact with your skin.
“I’m sorry.” He finishes what he was saying earlier and you roll your eyes.
“I’m with child, I got pushed by the father of the child and then he got killed by you and I imagine it was in the most animalistic way you could think of,” You tell him coldly. “I’m tired, I didn’t need you snapping at me when I was the one being mistreated, you may go now if that’s going to happen again.”
“I’m sorry.” It’s all he says, he looks emotionless, his voice too. But you know that those words coming out of Ivar’s mouth is already a blessing.
“I don’t want to talk to you.”
“I’m not leaving.” He says, crawling more closer.
“You look scary.”
“I’ll get clean after you tell me how are you,” He whispers and you sigh.
“What am I going to do now?” You whisper to him, getting close to him.
“Nothing, you don’t need to do anything,” He whispers. “Just let me take care of you. Both of you.”
“You already do that,” You smile.
He smiles and leans, giving you a soft kiss although you could tell it doesn’t mean anything more.
“Yes I do, until the gods call me to Valhalla.”
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classywitchunknown · 16 days
Imagine the house of the dragon x reader x vikings
Reader is the beloved targaryen princess. The youngest daughter of alicent and visary. Everyone's favorite family member is due to her kind heart and open mind. Maybe when she was able to get away from her overprotective and possessive family, she took a peaceful walk in the woods, collecting beautiful flowers. Then she finds the injured ragnarssons and takes them back to her home. Maybe she gives them some of the flowers or some gold and jewelry to welcome them to her home. The family only accepted it because how could say no to their precious little princess (they kept an eye on them, though). Ivar takes notice that she treats him like anyone else (even after knowing he's a cripple), and the fact that she'd wack sigurd upside the head whenever he picks on him (like she did for aemond when their brother and nephews would pick on him). The ragnarssons fall in love with her, especially when she asks to learn more about their gods with a sparkle in her eyes since the first time they spoke about them. We all know the reader's family wouldn't let them marry her (especially alicent), so now there's another war. Who will when in the end? Will the reader marry one of the ragnarssons or one of her brothers or nephews? How would aslaug react to the reader? Will she see her as the daughter she always wanted? Would Ragnar and/or largetha do the same?
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bjornswoman · 6 months
Foe's regret I
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Author's note: Hello there! Here comes this fic you chose to come. At this part I have to say that one more part has left to come from this series. Thank you for supporting me. I wasn't planning on delivering this today. I had it in store for Christmas as a gift to you all, but I couldn't keep myself from posting it, so here it is. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.
Pairing: Ubbe x Reader.
Genre: Mini!series, drama, angst, violence, slight romance.
Summary: Your life is about to change again, probably this time things will get better... or not.
Warnings: Violence (emotional and physical), mentions of murder (strangulation), strong language.
My enemy and me masterlist | Nemesis's wish | Enemy's cruelty | Rival's touch |
Days and nights had past but everything felt the safe inside your prison. Only this time you weren't only miserable and hopeless, but also betrayed and filthy after that disastrous of a night.
You wanted to run away from Kattegat – from Ubbe. But you knew that this wasn't even an option – not after what had happened the previous time. You wouldn't even dare to lay a foot outside the Hall without someone on your tail.
However, that wasn't the only reason behind this. Your son had a huge impact on your decision. Even if you ever found the opportunity to leave this place for good, Ragnar would hate you for taking him away from his father. A father who was Ubbe Ragnarsson – a magnificent warrior, descendant of Odin himself. The child was his first-born – his heir – you had no right to take him away from him.
On the other hand, you couldn't leave on your own. You couldn't stay away from your son – your heart wouldn't bear not to see him for a day let alone a whole life. The only meaningful thing you had in this life was your son – without him you were dead.
The thundering sound of a goblet falling startled you and forced you out of your thoughts into the atrocious reality. Around you men and women were laughing and drinking, fighting and eating, talking and dancing. It was another feast that you had to pretend to be the perfect wife. False smiles and identical words and promises were all you could see behind the masks of all those pretenders that were surrounding the Hall.
"You don't seem to enjoy yourself." Drunken, slightly hoarse voice spoke from the seat next to yours. It was a familiar one though it didn't belong to your husband – it belonged to his younger brother.
"I am afraid you are mistaken, Hvitserk." You answered and you glanced at the drunk man. Then your eyes went back at the crowd.
You weren't in mood of starting any conversation – even with Hvitserk. You wanted to stay on your seat drinking ale from your goblet until the night was off – and you prayed for it to end soon enough because you couldn't stand seeing her swinging around the Hall giggling with the guests full of your husband's child. And your husband's eyes were only on her, the love of his life – now you knew damn well that he was lying he hated you because he couldn't be with her and you were hating him more than before. More than ever.
"Well, I won't push you to talk if you don't want to, but you should know that if you ever need to spill your guts and let of steam, I'll be here." Those were the realest words you had ever heard coming from someone else – from someone who was too drunk to reconsider the words coming out of his mouth. And yet it didn't seem this way, it seemed like Hvitserk meant each one of them.
You turned your gaze on him properly this time. Maybe he was right you should speak to someone – you should take this weigh off your shoulders, but you knew that Hvitserk couldn't be the one. He was Ubbe's brother and in love with Margrethe. Torvi couldn't be that person either, she was his brother's wife – practically his family.
That resulted to you having no one for once more. You were utterly alone, but you were used to it by now.
"You know that we can't really talk, don't you?" You asked him in low tone of voice and he turned his gaze on you. Green eyes gazing right inside your shuttered soul.
Hvitserk shook his head and chuckled. You looked at him frowning in curiosity.
"Ahh, yes. I almost forgot for a moment that you are more like a bird imprisoned in a golden cage than my brother's wife." You almost smiled at the comparison he managed to make.
"I was never the second as for the first I start to think that the only thing missing is the wings." You tried to play along, but the melancholy didn't let you be as playful as Hvitserk was when he pointed out the similarity between you and a caged bird.
Hvitserk left the goblet on the table and sat properly on his seat, his eyes were only on your figure along with his attention. It was like he was totally sober for a moment.
"You mean he broke your wings the only time you dared to walk out of that cage?"
"Something like that." You smiled sadly, recalling which moment he was talking about.
"And yet you love him. Still."
You frowned. You opened your mouth to protest – to accuse him of lying, to give him one by one all the atrocious reasons that his remark couldn't be true. You almost wanted to rip the collar of your dress and show him the scars of his brother's large hands on your neck of all the time he almost strangled you. But most of all you wanted to yell at him because he dared to say such an awful and offensive thing.
"You don't need to persuade me of the opposite." He continued and grabbed his own goblet taking a long sip of his drink. "I don't know the reason behind all this horrible situation you have to live in – well, in fact, I know it – but I wish things were different between you and him. You are a good woman – you deserve a lot of things and surely this torment isn't one of them. He is a good man as well, but he is stubborn and I can say that he loves you back."
You didn't want to hear anymore. You didn't know which your reaction should be. Not because you were shocked or believed any of his words. You knew that Ubbe didn't love you – he hated you. He had even told you that he loved her that night.
Before Hvitserk could even start again talking about Ubbe's hypothetical love about you, you dumped your own goblet on the table in front of you and left your seat.
"Don't say anything else. Ubbe himself told me that he loves her." You said quickly and stormed in your chamber before Hvitserk could answer you.
You didn't need to hear anything else about Ubbe or Margrethe. In fact, you didn't even want to see them for the rest of the evening. You needed a night away from all this despair – you deserved it after everything you had been through lately.
However, your silence didn't last long because Ubbe stormed in the room more frustrated than you did a few minutes ago.
"What do you want?" You asked him angrily because of his sudden appearance in there.
"Are you out of your mind?" He yelled and kicked the table flipping it over, throwing all the decorations on the floor.
"No, you are out of your mind!" You were yelling too now. You couldn't believe at the audacity of that person. All he did was coming in and yelling at you over and over and over again. It was all a circle happening again and again the same thing and you were tired of re-living the same scene every day.
"I am not the one who caused a whole scene in front of so many people and left! What do you think you are doing?"
"Are you serious? I caused a scene? I was talking with Hvitserk! Just a civilised talking! Something you can't do apparently because all you do is yelling!" You yelled back. All you asked was for a simple night. A silent one which meant away from him and his madness. He was mad – there wasn't any other excuse behind all of his behaviour. However, you couldn't find a proper reason he was in such a state. You hadn't caused any scene in there.
"Don't bring this on me, woman!" He was very angry – you had seen him this way multiple times before and you knew what was to follow. His hands were running through his braids uncontrollably and you couldn't understand the reason he was so mad. "You are the one who humiliated me and my family!" His finger pointed out on you and you scoffed – you couldn't help it – and it enraged him more.
Within a couple of seconds one of his hands was on your throat pressing it until you had no breath in your lugs. Nothing new – just some bruises and marks that you had to hide under your clothing. Ubbe pushed you back on the wall – your back hit so hard that all the inches of your body were shaken.
"You humiliate my name and you have to get punished for it!" He growled and you looked at him as angrily as he eyed you. You weren't going to lose this time – not again. And most importantly you couldn't let him know that you were afraid. He couldn't know.
"What are you going to do that you haven't done yet? What, huh?" You challenged him, looking him in the eyes. You wouldn't back down.
A sardonic smirk formed on his face when he heard your words and his face came closer to yours. You weren't used to be this close to him. Your faces were mere inches apart and without your approval your eyes stared on his masculine features.
"I am going to take Ragnar away from you. You are going to see him again when you will act properly." His tone was normal again, but his nerves weren't. Your eyes widened and you tried to do something you hated yourself for the same moment you did it. You raised your hand and tried to hit him – to slap him on the cheek – but his hand stopped you.
After that, both of his hands were gripping you firmly and this time maybe he would make his dream coming true – he was going to strangle you to death and as he said once; nobody would suspect him.
Your eyes widened again, but this time not because of the fact that he was going to kill you this time, but because you were going to hit him. You had never done that before – never. You had thought about it plenty of times, but never did it.
You closed your eyes waiting for your death and tears rolled from your eyes – tears because you tried to hit him. He had done horrible things, but you – you weren't this beast. Images of your son were flashing before your eyes at you last moments.
But you didn't die at the end of day, because the door opened and Hvitserk along with Sigurd and Bjorn forced Ubbe away from you. They tried to help you when Ubbe was forced away from you, but you stopped them you fell on the floor coughing, trying to breathe normally again.
Bjorn and Sigurd were talking to him as Hvitserk was standing next to you trying to make sure whether you were fine or not.
"He wasn't.... going to kill me." You managed to say with clear difficulty in breathing. All pairs of eyes were following you while you were struggling to stand up.
"It didn't seem this way to me." Bjorn pointed out and you shook your head trying to convince him the thing around.
"I wouldn't kill her." Ubbe spoke finally, his burning blue eyes were only on you as your own eyes were on him. "Now leave us for a moment. We will be alright." He told them and they looked at disbelief before they walked to the door.
"We will be right outside, don't even think about it." Hvitserk warned his brother before all of them were out of the door and stayed just the two of you in the room.
Ubbe didn't try to come close to you, he stayed at his former position and neither of you talked. The atmosphere was suffocating inside the room.
"You were very lucky this time, but next time you will raise your hand on me you won't be that lucky." He warned you in much calmer tone of voice.
It was a threat – another threat.
You hated yourself for trying to hit him. He had never done it, but had done other equally awful things. You wanted to tell how sorry you felt and ask for forgiveness and you would if it was for another person. You would never leave your guard down for him again. You knew better than falling for his tricks again.
"We will see about that." You couldn't keep your mouth from saying it.
"Don't tempt me to finish what I started." Ubbe growled before he was out of the door.
"I'm sorry." You muttered when he was out of the chamber and touched your hurting neck. Tears started streaming from your eyes at the memory of you raising your hand on Ubbe.
After some hours, you un-braided your hair and put on your night-gown ready to lay on your bed, after your son was asleep. You blew out the candles and laid on your bed closing your eyes. But you didn't get to sleep, because the wooden door opened and closed. You kept your eyes shut, but your hand moved under your pillow and wrapped around your dagger's handle.
When you felt the mattress next to you moving, you turned around and pointed the dagger at the man's neck. You could recognise him under the midnight light coming from your window. You knew this person well – fortunately.
"I must confess that I wasn't expecting this." He whispered, but you didn't take the dagger away from his neck. For the first time ever, Ubbe Ragnarsson was under your mercy. That meant that you could do to him anything you liked. This was getting entertaining.
"Why are you here anyway? You should be with your wife." You reminded both of you and moved the dagger closer to the flesh of his throat.
"In case you forgot you are my wife."
"I meant your other wife."
Ubbe didn't seem to want to answer your question probably he – himself – didn't know the reason he was on your bed.
"You know that I could take this little knife of yours easily." He said and touched the tip of your blade. You smirked hoping that he couldn't see it in the dark.
"Yes, but you haven't taken it yet." You heard him chuckling and you smiled.
"No, I haven't." His voice was coming from somewhere closer than you remembered. The dagger was still pressed on his neck, but it seemed as he didn't care at all about its existence – he wasn't afraid of you and that was annoying you even more than his arrogancy.
"I could kill you and nobody could prove it was me." You recollected his own words and used them to upset it, but it had quite different effect than the one you wanted.
As an answer his hand was placed on top of yours – on top of the hand which was holding the dagger on his throat. He guided the blade closer to his flesh and you watched him thrilled as he was pressing his own skin with the sharp knife.
"Do it. Kill me. Nobody deserves to kill me more than you do. If I am to die soon, I'd prefer to be you the one holding the blade soaking in my blood. So, don't hesitate, do it – slice my neck." The smell of blood reached your nostrils and you knew that it came out of him. He had been cut by the blade, but it hadn't been deep enough to be fatal.
You pulled the knife away from Ubbe and dropped it on the stony floor. Your hands were working hard in the darkness trying to reach for his wound. You knew that he was bleeding when your hands me the something liquid streaming – his blood.
You hoped desperately that he couldn't see your face. He couldn't see how upset and worried you were for him. You didn't want him to suppose that you cared – you didn't care. You didn't care at all.
And yet you couldn't stop yourself from lighting the candles again and searching for a cloth to treat him. When you found what you were looking for, you went back to bed. You sat next to his lying form and placed the cloth in the bowl of water. Then, you placed the wet cloth on his wound and he didn't react – he didn't even flinch.
His blue eyes were focused on you trying to stop the blood streaming.
"I thought you would want to get rid of me by now." Ubbe finally spoke and you dared to glance at him for a passing moment. You thought to yourself. You thought that it would be better if he was dead. However, you couldn't picture his death. You were afraid that if you even tried, it would happen. It should have been what all you were waiting for, but it wasn't.
"I have told you, Ubbe, I've never wanted you dead." Your eyes were back on the cut on his throat. It wasn't a fatal wound and it wasn't big enough, but still you couldn't let him bleeding. Not even for some minutes. "Not even after everything that we've been through." You confessed in a soft tone of voice. In such way that you didn't want him to know about that last part. But, now, he knew.
"And yet I would kill you if I had the chance." This was a confess and it made you smile. It wasn't like you weren't afraid that he wasn't going to do it, you were sure that earlier he would have killed you if his brothers hadn't stormed in the room.
Ubbe could kill you easily, but this didn't mean that you could do this to him as well. He didn't care whether your son would grow up having a mother or not, as you did. But this didn't make you change your mind when it should have had. If you were to walk away one day, you would do this and he would be alive. Although, if that ever happened, he wouldn't let you go far enough – he would find you anywhere.
"You have the chance now." You reminded him that you were alone and your gaze met his under the slight light of the candles. You left the cloth in the bowl and placed it on the table close to your bed.
"I can't kill you right now." Ubbe said and stood up from your bed to meet you.
"Why not?"
You hated the way your eyes were magnetised on his imposing figure. It reminded you how much more powerless you were comparing to him. You wanted to force your eyes away, but you couldn't bring yourself to.
Ubbe shook his head trying to fight back a smirk which was forming on his face.
"It feels like you are provoking me into killing you sometimes. You are so annoying and careless and stubborn and I can't keep myself."
His footsteps became heavier when he almost reached you. You didn't make any attempt to get away from him – you stayed on your former position, staring at him.
"From killing me?"
A low chuckle – one so dark that got goosebumps – came out of his mouth and he took a step closer to you. Again, you didn't try to escape which seemed a terrible idea.
You knew that you were asking too many questions that could get you in danger. This man was so unpredictable that you weren't sure when he would snap out of nowhere and try to strangle you again – or this time he wouldn't use his hands.
"Among other things." These words came out darker than it probably meant.
It wasn't long before he was in front of you and his hands were reaching for your skin. They rested on your neck, but not like previously. He wasn't wrapping his hands firmly around you – he was touching you. Just touching. Nothing more – only pure touching. And yet, only pure it wasn't. Nothing was pure between Ubbe and yourself.
His touch was intoxicating and you felt like you needed more of it. You needed this touch in every inch of your body. It was forbidden – Ubbe was forbidden. And that was the exact reason you had to stop this. Because if you didn't, it would ruin you again and this time it would be worse than any other.
You took some steps back. He didn't try to reach you again. Ubbe knew himself that this was a big mistake and it shouldn't happen again.
"Margrethe probably needs you." You told him bitterly. You couldn't even pronounce her name without feeling this weird feeling which had the exact taste with poison. "She's close to give birth to your child. You should be there for them both."
Ubbe knew that you were speaking the truth – he should have been with his wife – and yet he was in your chambers standing opposite you, feeling attracted to this room – feeling attracted to you.
"You didn't need me though."
It surprised you to hear him saying that. However, it was another truth that couldn't go by unnoticed or stay hidden between you two. You didn't lie to each other because you didn't care about the opinion the other person would form. At least that was what it was supposed to be like.
Indeed almost each month of your pregnancy you were alone, but you liked it. You didn't want Ubbe around – you hated the idea that he would eventually be around when this child would be born.
"But she does." You managed to mutter. You were trying to bring back those feelings. Those you had for him during your pregnancy – when he had been on another raiding and you hadn't seen him for plenty of months.
When you could actually hate him because you didn't have to see him every single day.
"Once you had told me that your feelings for me weren't hateful when I was away." Ubbe's voice held a different tone. One you confessed coming out of his mouth few times.
Yes, you could recall that conversation. It was the one he told you that he was thinking about you at the battlefield, but it was too late to believe in his words, because you had already found out about the slave girl and her child. It was one of the worst days of your life – how somebody could forget the day their life took the downfall.
Although, that conversation was the last thing you wanted to remember after all this threats and the tears you shed. And yet it was still stuck in your mind like it was yesterday.
"I was trying to give in to the feelings I felt for you. The way I had you in my mind when I was at the battlefield. Don't ask me how those feelings were formed — I have no idea. I was thinking of you, knowing that you were praying for me not to return. Those feelings couldn't be replaced by any fight we had. At the end of the day, all that stayed in my mind was one of your rare smiles and the way you care for our son."
Ubbe had said.
"I have never prayed for you to die on the battlefield. I did quite the opposite in fact and it felt strange in my heart. I hated — I told my self to hate you — I was telling myself all the things I hated in you so I could hate you. I felt strange for you — my heart was beating in a strange way as much as I tried to avoid it, it exists, still."
That was your reply.
Your eyes were fixed on his gaze. Ubbe wasn't paying attention in anything else in the room but you. It felt like nothing else existed except the two of you. If it was under different circumstances, you would feel special and even loved – only if it was even possible to acknowledge how it felt to be loved by someone.
His tone was a soft and kind of regretful one. But it had never lasted long. This time time it wasn't due to him mood swings but due to his brother storming in the room, out of breath. Hvitserk cut him off when it was obvious that he was about to say something – or more accurately – confess something.
When you saw the man standing next to the door, you let a long breath – one you weren't aware that you were holding all this time – to leave.
"Margrethe is in labour!" Hvitserk exclaimed and everything changed inside you. It felt like the reality was coming back and your delightful dream was over. The object of your misery was back there – visible –standing in your way.
Your husband's eyes met yours. Regret – they yelled. But you couldn't understand which was the thing he had regretted for.
For cheating?
For impregnating her?
For marrying her?
For treating you like garbage?
For forcing you to stay in his side?
For the misery he put you into?
Too many reasons and they weren't all of them. There must have been something you couldn't recall. And yet, you didn't care. You couldn't even feel pity for your wasted life anymore. In fact, you couldn't anything – you were empty.
"She's asking for you brother." Hvitserk spoke again this time softer. His eyes were moving from Ubbe to you and the opposite, because no one of you had said a word.
"Yes." Was the only thing Ubbe managed to say and dragged his brother outside of the room. "You should be there too. Make yourself proper and come." Your husband was back. That was the Ubbe you knew. Your tyrant.
You had no tears left to shed. You were just empty as you were putting on your dress.
You were empty when you walked through her chambers and had to confess her labour.
You were empty even when the child was out. Boy – the midwife had announced happily. And she brought it in your hands and you weren't empty anymore. He was crying his guts out – like your own. His brown eyes were big and pure and you lost yourself inside them so mush that you almost didn't noticed. Although when you actually show them, they didn't mean anything – a child was brought in the world and it was the biggest blessing Frigg could give to a woman.
"Give him to me!" Margrethe's voice was the one who heard through the silent room, but you didn't move to place her son on her lap.
"The prince should hold him, my lady." The midwife reasoned her, but she didn't stop yelling for her son.
Even if she wanted, she couldn't hide away the child from Ubbe. Sooner or later, he would see him. You couldn't interfere or even felt pity. Nobody pitied you when you cried. Nobody cared for you feelings.
You placed the boy on her lap. Without sparing a look at her – the young man was all you cared about. Which could possibly be his fate. Why did it have to be this difficult for a baby just born. Why should a child carry its parent's burdens.
Your footsteps were vast as you were exiting that suffocating room.
"Son." You muttered when you met the curious eyes of the people who were supposed to be your family. Your eyes dared to wander only on Ubbe's form. You were supposed to bring him his son on your hands and it would probably have happened this way is things had been different.
Ubbe frowned when he spotted your unclear expression. Even you weren't empty enough to be idle after this. You almost felt sympathy for him, forgetting about all the horrible things you had been through because of his cruelty.
If you were as cruel as Ubbe was on you, you would even say that all this was a payback for all his doing. But you didn't feel like it, not when in the middle of this situation stood a new-born boy. One that would probably be the object to everyone's ire.
Ubbe didn't wait for a second word or asked anything else, he just burst into the room without warning. You didn't dare to move or speak another word. After all, it wasn't about you anymore.
Tag list: @bruher, @utterlyhopeful-fics, @hypocritic-trash-baby, @fofisstilinski, @brianochka, @thelirofnorthlands, @malamistka, @gothicwidowsworld, @savagemickey03, @brianna-merlim, @shitsandgiggles1
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miss-madness67 · 7 months
What is a Viking? (Ubbe)
Prompt: When Ubbe follows Floki’s trails to the new land, he finds more than he expected: you. Slight AU, Ubbe’s not with Torvi.
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The tall grass caresses your hands softly. The seagulls dance in the sky. A shiver runs through your body, the sea breeze is cold, especially at the peak of the cliff. From your position, you have visibility over the coast. Waves crash on the rocks to your left, and at your right, a vast sandy beach extends. You have been here for hours, it is your favorite spot. You love the land that you live in, even if recently there have been certain curious developments to your routine. Some time ago, from this same cliff, you were the first one who spotted him. The crazy man that spoke another language and crafted wood. He was in bad shape, malnourished, when he arrived at the shores in a tiny boat. You had taken him to your mother, Pekitaulet. Despite the cautiousness, your people welcomed him. Nevertheless, all of you were a bit on edge, he could not have been alone, could he? So you waited for the rest of his people to arrive. Waited and waited, until one day, another boat docked.
The first few days, your tribe was careful. They left the newcomers alone, just to see what they would do. They were less than you, after all. You could defend yourselves if something were to happen. Your mother, knowing how curious you were, forbade you to go near them. She did not want you to make the same rash decision you did with Floki, the mad man. It certainly took all of you not to approach them, but you managed. However, you could not help looking at them from afar. Just like Floki, they were fascinating. They wore so different clothing and acted even more so. You wanted to learn more about them. Still, that interest in their culture was nothing compared to what made you feel specifically one of them. You saw him in your first illicit exploration, he carried himself as the leader. Tall, with broad shoulders, light hair, and eyes a color you have only seen on Floki. Yet, they were a different shade, much brighter. Blue eyes. Your mother had told you before that blue eyes meant danger. But what a beautiful danger he was. You were so utterly entranced by him that he almost caught you once. You swear that he saw you; your eyes connecting with his. But then he left. Maybe he did not see you after all.
It was a few days later when they found your camp. They were following the traces your people placed for them, and they bought it. You still remember the wary look in their eyes when they saw your people. You still remember the look in Ubbe’s (you learned his name then) eyes when he saw you. He was smitten. You knew then that he had indeed seen you before. You wanted to question why he did not say anything, but you could barely understand him. That would be something for you to ask once you could communicate more.
To be honest, that first meeting was a little tense, both groups expecting attacks. It was until the little girl pulled the old man's facial hair that everyone laughed and ate. You could barely take your eyes off Ubbe. Not that he was doing a better job at concealing his interest in you. After they left, your mother chastised you. She wanted you to be friendly with them, but to be careful.
The second meeting went smoother. Their people invited you back to their camp and showed you around. You sat with your sister-in-law, Nikani, and a woman named Torvi, while you braided your hair. Torvi appraised you once you finished, though the result was a poor attempt to duplicate her hairstyle. On the other side of the camp, you saw your brothers Peminuit and We'jitu have an aim contest with Ubbe and the other men. Shortly after that, Ubbe sat with you by the fire. He wanted to tell you something, but just like you, he did not know how to express himself without words. Yet, he was stubborn. He looked you in the eyes and murmured, “du er vakker.” You smiled, although you had no idea what he meant. However, it was like no words were necessary to express each other’s feelings because, after that, he rarely parted from you. That evening, you took his people to Floki’s house.
Slowly, you learned the way of his people and he learned yours. You would dry fur for him to wear and sew beads for necklaces. He accepted all of your gifts happily and returned some. He gave you meat he hunted and a beautiful fluffy fur he brought along with him. Languages were exchanged, and you began to understand better what he said. One of those times, when Torvi was teaching you a few words, you asked what ‘vakker’ meant. Knowingly, she responded that it was ‘beautiful’. You blushed, remembering all the times Ubbe had called you that. Even so, the relationships between tribes were still fragile when one of them killed your brother We'jitu. Your family was devastated. For a moment, you thought everything accomplished would be lost. That you would have to forget about Ubbe and whatever blossoming relationship you had. Luckily, Pekitaulet was wise and wanted no war. She granted the foreigners a chance to redeem the loss. But even when they killed the murderer, everything remained tense. During the punishment and funeral, you were not able to look at Ubbe in the eyes. You were too lost in grief. And even after that, it took a while for things to settle down, for you to spend time with him again. Once you did, though, you realized him coming here was destined.
“Are you still up here?” a voice calls you softly from behind. You glance back, your husband is making his way towards you. His blue eyes shine bright in the sun. He smiles charmingly. “I thought Pekitaulet told you to be careful and not to climb the cliff for a while.”
Your guilty laugh echoes through the abyss, “I’m feeling much better now, don’t worry. Why don’t you sit beside me for a bit?” Ubbe hums but does as requested. Once settled, he takes you in his arms in a gentle embrace, placing you between his thighs.
It took more than you would have liked to learn the Norse tongue. In fact, Ubbe learned faster your language. Nevertheless, that was no barrier for your love to thrive. Steadily, the two of you became closer. You would often exchange lingering gazes, smiles, and soft touches. Everyone could see the love blossoming between the Viking and you. Soon, he asked your mother for your hand in marriage. Despite past events with his people that lead to the death of We'jitu, Pekitaulet recognized that Ubbe was a good man. She blessed the union and you became one heart.
“So,” Ubbe murmurs into your hair. He places a sweet kiss in your temple and continues, “are you going to tell me what are you doing up here?”
A few days ago, you started to feel lightheaded while in the woods. You took a nasty fall because of it, managing to injure your ankle. The healer warned you about going out until it was healed. She was about to leave when your mother requested to know the cause of your dizziness. It was no surprise what the healer responded. In fact, it was more than welcomed news. You have not told Ubbe yet. As far as he is concerned, your ankle has not healed yet.
“I just wanted to see the sundown, it is a beautiful time of the day, is it not?” You respond, gazing lovingly into your husband’s eyes.
He stares back and smiles at you. “You are beautiful.” You blush, making his smirk grow wider. He inclines and captures your lips in a small kiss. “Tell me what is it, wife of mine,” he says once he parts from you, “I know you now well enough to notice that there is something you are keeping from me. And it is not the beauty of the sundown.”
You exhale, well, it seems like you won’t be able to keep it a secret much longer. The only ones that know so far are your mother, Nikani, and Torvi (whom you befriended). You place your hand on his, softly tailing his wrist tattoos. “First, I would like to ask you something that I never had the chance to do before.” He regards you curiously, but nods. “The first time that you saw me, it was not in my camp, was it?”
Ubbe looks away sheepishly. “No. I saw you first in the woods.” He seems embarrassed, “I know you saw me too, we locked gazes.”
“Then why you say nothing to your people?” You ask.
A faint blush colors Ubbe’s cheekbones as he responds, “We had just landed, we were thirsty, and there you were, in the middle of greenery nature, all gorgeous, like a true goddess.” He peers back at you, and confidently admits, “I thought I was seeing things, losing my mind.” The hand that is not encased by yours lifts and caresses your jaw. “When I saw you again at the camp and I realized you were real…” He leaves the sentence incomplete, but you know what he means. You know too well, after all, you felt it the first time you saw him.
His utter honesty must be compensated. He needs to know the secret. “My love,” his eyes shine at the nickname, “you are right, there is something you should know.” You bring his hand slowly to your lower belly and place it there with a light squeeze. The breeze plays with your hair. You smile shyly, looking at him through your eyelashes. Ubbe inhales sharply. There is no need for words to be said, he knows what you mean, just like he always knew what you wanted to say even when you could not speak his language nor his yours. And yet, you want to say it because it is the best news ever. “Jeg er gravid.” And you know, by the look in his eyes and the smile on his face, that it is indeed the best news. He places both hands in your face to bring you closer. This time, the kiss is full of hope, love, and happiness. You can swear, to his gods or yours, that this moment, right here, was destined.
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imaginesmai · 1 year
Once upon a fairy tale - Ubbe Ragnarson (3)
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I wanna say I’m sorry in advance and that next chapter will be up tomorrow, so pls don’t attack me  Other parts: Once Upon A Fairy Tale Masterlist  
Plot: Aslaug tries to push you closer to Ubbe, leaving you in a vulnerable situation. When faced with a group of soldiers, they don't hesitate to make their opinion about you crystal clear.
Warnings: men being rough with reader, unwanted sexual attention, harassment
You woke up alone in the room, but there was evidence of another’s person presence not too long ago. There were robes on the ground, and a pair of man’s undergarments hanging from the bottom corner of the bed. Besides, it smelt like Ubbe.
When last night you told him to sleep on the ground, you half expected him to drag your out of bed by your foot, but you were too tired to care. Yet, as minutes passed by, you only heard him change clothes and pile covers on the ground. You had been almost lulled back to sleep when he had taken the pillow from under your head.
It could only go so well.
That morning, you changed clothes quickly, not wanting to find any unexpected visitors, and let the room to be made by a servant. It was sunny and warm enough to leave your coat inside, and to choose a light dress that would let the sun bathe your skin. Following a tradition you had created many years ago, you took the hall that led to the gardens and stared at the colorful flowers.
Spending a whole summer in a foreign country was incredible boring for a kid, and when you didn’t succeed in making friends, you had to look for other sources of entertainment. Ubbe and his brothers didn’t let you participate in their games; probably, because you won each one of them without playing fool. The only kid who made an effort to befriend you was Sigurd, but his interests didn’t align with you.
There weren’t many pleasant memories in the castle, but the gardens told a different story. Hvitserk was allergic to many of the flowers that grew inside, so the Lothbrok’s brothers didn’t go there often. It was silent and peaceful, and apart from an occasional interruption, you found yourself enjoying the calm. On the other side of the garden, you could hear the castle coming alive, probably from the courtyard.
Back home, you didn’t have flowers, not as pretty as in that castle. Watering them and watching them grow was your main activity during those months.
“Those are primroses” a woman’s voice said behind you, while you knelt in front of yellow flowers. “Had them brough from the woods outside the castle. And they’ve grown just fine”
“I can see that, my queen” you answered to Aslaug, not moving from your position. “They’re beautiful”
“Indeed” she agreed. “They’ve grown just fine”
Her feet moved forward and soon you were covered by her shadow. Looking up, you met her icy eyes and cold smile.
If you had to define Ubbe’s mother with a word, it would be distant. While her son was all feelings and impulses, she was always calm and passive. You had long ago discarded the idea of an indifferent queen – everything that happened in that castle, she knew where, when and why. Anyone could be fooled by her attitude, but you knew that every word and gesture was intentional and had a purpose.
Slowly, you rose up and brushed the dirt from your dress, although there was none.
“Do your new chambers meet your needs, my dear?”
“They do. Although I’m afraid I don’t think prince Ubbe share the feeling”
“He will, eventually. Give him time” she tilted her head in what pretended to be an innocent way, but that made her look like a snake staring at her prey. “Any man can get used to it”
You smiled without your teeth, because you had no doubt there were many others empty rooms in the castle. Only that she didn’t want you to be anywhere else, and you could think of a few reasons why.
Last year, you heard some of the servants talk about Ubbe, in a way you had never heard or thought about. You had had your own adventures at home, with a vendor from the market and with the stables’ boy in your castle. But those words got stuck in your brain, and for a few days, it was the only thing you thought about.
“It’s just, he’s gotten so big. And tall. And that face… He looks just like his father but more handsome, and he isn’t married yet. I would kill to feel what he hides between those elegant clothes” a servant laughed, as if it was a secret.
“I know. I can’t wait until he comes back. Heard he has let some girls into his room. I will gladly volunteer next time”
Everyone who had eyes could see Ubbe’s resemblance to his father, a strong, ferocious and handsome king. While you weren’t very fond of him, you had eyes, and could see too. Aslaug wasn’t any different.
She was getting impatient, and every year that went by, was another chance of a bastard appearing in the hands on a common girl and asking for rights.
“People will talk, but you don’t have to worry, Y/N” Aslaug assured. With a look, she started walking and you followed her, with your hands laced and your eyes on the ground. “Maybe it’s not common to share chambers before the weeding. You’ve been engaged long enough to skip that rule, don’t you think so?”
“I... don’t know, my queen. I can’t say what others might think of the situation, only that neither prince Ubbe nor I like it very much” you tried.
“You’ll get used to it too, don’t worry. After all, what better place to stay than in your husband’s bed? Isn’t that where a good wife belongs?”
You knew better than to talk back, so you kept quiet. The flowers you intended to take care of moved past you as you walked by her side, servants and soldiers bowing. Every year, she took upon herself to remind you that time was running out. Every year, she ambushed you sooner or later and tested the waters.
Sharing a room was nothing but accidental.
She couldn’t care less about his son’s reputation or about your dignity. The only thing she cared about was other’s opinion, and what they might say. Because they would talk, about you and Ubbe, and if someone was bold enough to start the rumor of you two bedding, the wedding she wanted would come up way sooner.
Birds chirped around you as you listened to her list the good qualities of a wife. You might not have had a mother, but your father had taught you enough and assured you other people would when he couldn’t. You knew what was expected from you, how you had to behave in and out the bedroom. Hating your fate didn’t make you ignorant, so you kept your head down and listened.
After a long and torturous walk through the gardens, you found the exit to the courtyard, where the king’s sons were training. There were soldiers and majors fighting against each other, laughing and tossing friendly punches.
From the language they were using and the lack of women, you guessed that was a place you weren’t supposed to be. There were shirtless men sweating and showing off his muscles, in a relaxed atmosphere that wouldn’t suggest the princes were between them.
Sigurd and Hvitserk were fighting against each other, with training swords and wooden shields. The loud noises didn’t alert anyone from the presence of the two visitors, and they kept going. Your eyes stopped when you found Ubbe, not too far away in a hand combat with a man twice his size.
He was shirtless too, new tattoos and scars decorating his body. The previous day, you hadn’t really noticed the change from the boy to a man, but now you did. He moved effortlessly around his opponent, dodging hits and throwing punches.
As you stared at the muscles of his back tense and move, you felt enchanted. You weren’t sure you blinked until the prince finally got a hold of the man’s forearm and threw him to the ground. When Ubbe rose victorious and showed his brothers a teethed smile, you forced yourself to look away, wondering how could a face change so much in a year.
Only then, you noticed Aslaug looking at you, with a satisfied smirk on her lips.
“Thought they would have finished by now. How silly of me” she excused herself. Instead of turning around, she gathered her skirts and stepped down the first stair. “Come on, dear, let’s say hi. It would be rude not to do so”
“My queen, I’d rather – “
She didn’t wait for you, just kept walking down, knowing you would follow. Queen Aslaug had earned herself the respect and fear from the castle, day by day, and as soon as the soldiers noticed, one by one fell to their knee.
They didn’t look at you, didn’t rise up when you passed them or acknowledge their training partners. In a wave motion, they bowed to their queen and pressed a fist to their sweaty chest. You moved behind Aslaug in silence, staring at their faces and bodies. Maybe it was all part of her plan, but it didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy it.
When you turned thirteen and your father caught you talking with the son of the cooker, he decided you would continue your training and outside activities far from any men. Excluding blurry memories of soldiers fighting with your father when you were younger, you had never seen so many men at their knees.
Thoughts that surely couldn’t belong to you crossed your mind, and you looked forward, ashamed and with your cheeks red.
A few feet away from you, Ubbe’s blue eyes met yours, his eyebrows furrowed. He looked between the kneeling soldiers and your cheeks, twisting his mouth.
“Hvitserk, Sigurd” Aslaug greeted them, taking a good look at Ubbe’s face. “Ubbe”
“Mother” the younger one replied, staring at the both of you with a small smile. “Princess Y/N, lovely to see you again”
“What are you doing here?”
Ubbe’s voice was rough, no trace of the bright smile you had seen moments ago. Soldiers were starting to rise, still in silence, and everyone stared while Ubbe and his mother stared at each other. They were fighting some type of mental battle no one else was aware of.
Awkwardly, you waited by her side until she finally clapped her hands and looked at the crowd, ignoring her son’s words.
“Don’t stop on our account, please. Continue your work. Let princess Y/N see how strong and brave her soldiers are going to be soon” she extended her arms towards them, although no one moved. “Keep going”
Slowly, the sound of swords and shields came back, and Aslaug turned back to her sons.
You could feel the stares of every man in the courtyard in the back of your neck, and it occurred to you, you weren’t wearing appropriate clothes. As an unmarried woman, you were supposed to be elegant, discreet, hidden. Most of the dresses you had brough were long sleeved and with high necks, covering every inch of your body. That’s how everyone in Mercia had seen you until that moment.
But it was hot and you were supposed to be in the gardens, so you had chosen a pale, blue dress with a low neckline that showed your shoulders, and sleeves that only covered until your elbow. And you hadn’t touched your hair, leaving it hanging from your shoulders.
Now aware of the situation, you crossed your arms over your chest and looked at Aslaug, who seemed awfully pleased with herself.
You didn’t think for a moment she actually forgot about the training.
“What are you doing here?” Ubbe asked again, staring at her mother. “It’s training day. You know it. And you shouldn’t be here, neither should she”
Disgust dripped from the last word, and he didn’t even meet your eyes.
“But she’s your future wife, you should share every part of your routine with her” she fired back, not minding Hvitserk’s stifled snort. “I didn’t see you this morning at breakfast, were you in a hurry?”
“I was. I have been training all day. Here. Where you shouldn’t – “
“Don’t tell me where I can or can’t be, Ubbe. Enough”
“Mother, we were about to end” Sigurd stepped forward. “Why don’t you wait for us in the castle?”
“I have business to attend” she smiled again, her snake eyes looking between Ubbe and you. “But you should escort princess Y/N. I think she was trying to take care of some flowers”
Without saying another word, Aslaug walked the other way. Soldiers moved so that she could pass, and when she did, they went back to their previous fight. She walked with a determination she hadn’t had in the gardens, and even if you had had time, you wouldn’t had been able to follow her. Not looking once over her shoulder, she disappeared.
And then, you were alone with the three princes in a yard full of loud soldiers who resumed their previous behavior.
All the respect they showed earlier, the quietness that followed your path, was because of Aslaug. You were just the foreign princess of a smaller kingdom, with no authority or importance in their training practice. You guessed that they would have had more consideration for any other woman from Mercia, but your value was of a servant.
A person without opinion or saying, that didn’t need to be taken into account.
When a soldier passed by your side and spit on the ground, only inches away from your shoe, you decided it was enough.
“If you’ll excuse me” you said, already starting your way towards the stairs. It wouldn’t be easy and you would probably have to shove some soldiers, but there wasn’t any other solution.
“Where are you going?” Ubbe asked, coming forward to.
“To my chambers? To yours. Anywhere I don’t have to see this”
“You can come to mine”
You found yourself face to chest to a man with blonde, short hair, and a missing eye. Only his shoulders were the length of your whole arm. His sweaty face stared down at with you side smile, earning the laughs of some of his partners.
It wasn’t anything new to you.
Maybe, during the first three years, people were intimidated by a foreign country visiting his lands. Maybe, they were actually happy at the thought of his prince getting married soon. But it all vanished quickly and you had endured your fair share of comments and observations from Mercia’s people. And you weren’t amused anymore.
Ubbe was, who stopped behind you.
Those people were not willing to risk his head, so they always talked when no one but you could hear it. The servants whispered not so low when they prepared your bath, the nobles sat close to you and commented the empty seat by your sides, and the soldiers only talked when the halls were empty.
“Get out of my way” you scoffed, easily dodging his body and moving forward.
There was a faint commotion behind you and soon Ubbe was back in his place, his breath almost hitting the back of your neck. The fact that his very naked chest was a touch away was making you nervous, and you tried to walk faster.
Soon, you lost the small clearing the princes were training in and were fully into the courtyard, surrounded by bodies.
Not even ten steps into the crowd, Ubbe grabbed your elbow.
“Are you insane? Are you actually insane?” he all but screamed to you. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Why do you ask so many questions? The only thing wrong here is your mother, who should know by now better”
“You should too! What was that back there?”
“Stop asking questions!”
You pushed him away and turned around, wiling your feet to walk faster. Not because you were actually annoyed by his questions, but because having him so close, made you stutter. The feeling of his hot chest against your fingers when you pushed him away, tempted you to keep your hands there.
Thankfully, you were smaller than him, and could outrun him while he tried to chase you.
Some soldiers thought it would be funny to try and stop you, going so far as stepping into your skirts and grabbing your shoulder and hair. They laughed and made comments that you shouldn’t had to hear.
To them, it was chasing the rabbit that was escaping from his prince. To you, it wasn’t so fun.
One of the soldiers stepped on your skirt and the cloth tore, achieving a bunch of hurrahs from the rest of his friends. Stopping to see how bad the damage was, you saw Ubbe pushing through the soldiers farther than before, something murderous on his face. He looked at your dress and moved faster, going as far as throwing a man into his partner.
You turned around to keep moving, now your eyes warm with tears. One thing was the playful banter of children, or even the not-so-playful pranks with Ubbe. But it wasn’t a joke anymore, you felt the men’s intention clear and loud. Humiliation and frustration boiled up in your body until you felt your chest tightening up. You willed yourself to save the tears for later, when you would be finally alone. So you tried to move.
Before you could do so, someone grabbed your hair and pulled harder than before, making your yelp in pain. You were thrown back, and by mere luck, you hit a man’s chest instead of the ground.
Suddenly, a pair of rough hands were on you, while your captor’s arms held you still.
“Come on, don’t be shy! Show us what more you have there!” someone roared, attempting to see through the slip of your dress. He managed to lift one side and grip your left calf.
“I’ll take the other side!”
He didn’t, because when the first man tried to move higher, still holding your left leg against him, was met with your foot on his face. The kick launched him back and made you stumble into other arms. Again, they tried to move lift your dress, now from behind. No matter how much you moved or kicked, your voice stuck in your throat.
By that time, there were tears running down your cheeks, and it was clear it wasn’t just a game between the soldiers. Some of them had stepped aside, looking almost troubled. But no one said anything.
It wasn’t like fighting with the princes, or falling into a prank. It felt like an assault to your dignity, even if they tried to make it look like a joke.
The first man quickly recovered and looked at you while covering his mouth. In his other hand, there was a piece of tooth that you had broken.
There was no longer humor on his eyes, not even the lustful glare he was trying to hide before. When he charged towards you, some of his friends tried to stop him, but it wasn’t enough. He moved with his whole-body force towards you, and since other soldiers were still holding you, you couldn’t do anything but close your eyes and try to cower away.
Between the shouts and laughs, you distinguished a familiar voice, and then heard a body falling to the ground.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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