#uchiha aiko. || headcanons.
imaginarianisms · 5 months
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just thinking about how. aiko is just. such a genuinely good & kindhearted person. like. even for his time, like, in his main verse, where the era of warring states had stopped relatively recently & a lot of people discouraged that kindhearted nature but he. genuinely didn't care. he may have compassion fatigue at times & he's by no means perfect & sometimes, as a genin, he'd be almost too merciful if there's unnecessary bloodshed outside of missions ofc, but hikaku & toka encouraged him to be kindhearted in a world full of people that tell him that you're supposed to Always Suppress Your Emotions. he's seen firsthand what that's led to. it's the entire reason why he decided to become a medical nin. after accidentally killing his own brother akio in his main verse in a training session (back then training wasn't as supervised as it is today) & seeing how many people suffered unnecessarily in times of war & how he himself was a victim of abuse by his classmates to the point of being assaulted by one of them (with said classmate being a hyuga & the hyuga clan's influence was very prominent, that's why he didn't speak up until years later when he was standing over his corpse while he bled to death in war & he did nothing to save him, only hushed him with a finger over his lips), that's the whole reason behind his purpose. he wasn't considered "uchiha enough" by the clan because he didn't have the sharingan like his older sister momoka because he failed to inherit it, but he's a skilled illusionist like his mother. he may be soft & kind & sweet but he isn't naive & that doesn't mean he can't snap at people & genuinely get angry at & hate other people bc he's still human ykno.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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I’m making a timeline of the Uchiha-Senju kids and this is how it goes so far, long post ahead!
Momoka is the eldest, Aiko and Akio are twins though Aiko is the older one and they’re younger by two years, Haruka is four years younger than Aiko and Akio, Takehiko is two years younger than Kimiko and Kimiko is two years younger than Takehiko - they are all a few years younger than Hiruzen and Danzo’s age group.
Momoka was born a year after Konoha was founded when Hikaku was 26 and Toka was 28 ; 29 and 30 when the twins were born, 33 and 35, 35 and 37 when Takehiko was born and 37 and 40 when Kimiko, their final child was born. Momoka was five years old when Uchiha Madara attacked Konohagakure and Aiko and Akio were four years old - barely old enough to remember - while Momoka remembered everything ; Haruka was born two years afterward, Takehiko was born four years after and Kimiko six years afterward.
By the time of Audaces Fortuna Juvat, Momoka is twelve years old by the end of the first ever Chunin Exams and she turns thirteen at the end of the story, Aiko and Akio are ten, Haruka is six, Takehiko is four and Kimiko is two.
The First Shinobi World War, much like its equivalent, World War I, lasted four years, starting when Momoka was 12 turned 13 and lasted until she was 17 where she actively played a major role, even moreso by the end of the war, Aiko was 15 ( and Akio would’ve been ) 15, Haruka would’ve been 11, Takehiko would’ve been 9 and Kimiko would’ve been 7 by the time the first war ended. Momoka and Aiko were the only active contributors of the First Shinobi World War as the rest of the children were too young to participate but they helped in other ways by supporting the war effort - Momoka was a skilled kunoichi in her own right, and Aiko shined as a medical nin by the middle through the end of the war by the time a terrible plague swept across Fire Country, and Aiko’s medical genius and talent saved the lives of millions. After the war came a twenty year time of peace ( the first decade being the Narutoverse equivalent of The Roaring 20′s or the Golden 20′s ) followed by years of economic depravity which then became the Narutoverse equivalent of The Great Depression.  It was during the first decade after that Momoka began training Hatake Sakumo, Hatake Kakashi’s father, who was said to surpass even the Sannin in strength and prowess ( and slowly begin rising to power in the Uchiha Clan ), Aiko’s skills improved as a medical genius and as a spymaster, Haruka went missing for a time in her adolescence only to return to Konoha a skilled and ruthless assassin ( it’s ... a long story ), and Takehiko and Kimiko truly blossomed as shinobi and as popular and well beloved nobles of the country.
Kimiko never lived to see the Second Shinobi World war rise nor see her only son, Nawaki, die a brutal death or her only daughter, Tsunade, rise to fame, as the war arose six years after her assassination.
Then the Second Shinobi World War began.
Kimiko gave birth to Tsunade when she was eighteen and Nawaki the same year she died - at age twenty two. Momoka was twenty eight when Tsunade was born, Aiko was twenty six, Haruka was twenty two and Takehiko was twenty, and Toka would be 62 and Hikaku would be 60 by the time Tsunade was born and 66 and 64 when Nawaki was born and Kimiko died later that same year. When Kimiko was assassinated at age twenty two, Takehiko was twenty four, Haruka was twenty eight, Aiko was thirty and Momoka was thirty two. Takehiko took protective custody over Tsunade and Nawaki as Kimiko made him promise her that he’d look after her children while dying in his arms, and that he did to his dying day.
Momoka would’ve been 37, Aiko would’ve been 35, Haruka would’ve been 31, and Takehiko would’ve been 29 by the time the Second Shinobi World War arose.
The Second Shinobi World War, much like it’s counterpart, World War II, lasted six years ( 1939-1945 ), so Momoka was 43 when it ended, Aiko would’ve been 40, Haruka would’ve been 36, and Takehiko would’ve been 34 - though Haruka and Aiko both died prior to the Second Shinobi World War happening and Takehiko died during the events of the Second Shinobi World War so he died at 34, respectively, ten years after Kimiko died. Toka was 74 by the time the Second Shinobi World War ended and Hikaku would’ve been 72, as he died prior to the Second War. So, Momoka was definitely having Kagami’s children before ( and possibly during ) the Second War and lived long enough to have and meet her grandchildren.
After the Second War, I’d like to think that Momoka trained Uzumaki Kushina, Naruto’s mother, in becoming a jinchuriki for a long while, as the was the only known person who could control the Kyuubi seeing as there were no Mokuton users at the time and Uzumaki Mito was long dead by then. I’m uncertain on how old Momoka would be when the Third Shinobi World War arose, because the timeline’s unclear and there’s no real counterpart to go off of but the source says it took place more than ten years prior to the begnning of the series and we don’t know how long it lasted ... and that’s really vague, but regardless, she fought and survived the Third Shinobi World War ( and it would be her last war ) and she would later die in the Uchiha Clan Massacre ( whether by her own hand or Itachi’s - it’s hard to tell ), meaning she lived long enough to watch Team Minato grow up, to see Kurama attack Konoha ( AGAIN ) and meet Naruto, Sasuke, all the Konoha 11, etc etc etc. until she finally died a few years later.
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ladyimaginarium · 4 years
@historias-multorum​ WHISPERED: cherry - what is your muse’s sexuality? ( Uchihas Kimiko and Aiko )
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Although she’s never had the chance to date other women or non-binary folx because she was betrothed and later became happily married to her lord husband Senju Takahiro, Kimiko would be Omniromantic Omnisexual according to Western terminology.
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Aiko, however, is more complicated in regards to his sexuality. He is Grey-Panromantic Apothisexual, essentially meaning that while he experiences romantic feelings rather infrequently and is romantically attracted to people of all genders, he is sex repulsed and therefore does not seek out sexual relationships due to trauma in his preadolescence where he was raped by another classmate, Hyuga Torikabuto, who used to bully him and sought to humiliate him. Even decades after the incident and Torikabuto’s death a few years later in that same decade, Aiko made the decision to never have sex and he still lived a good life.
romance+sexuality headcanons. || ALWAYS ACCEPTING.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
@insoucicnce said: 👀 top five hobbies he enjoys. GO!
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Picking medical herbs and flowers for his ikebana and taking care of his bonsai collection.
Playing the zither and the flute.
Practicing his medical ninjutsu on patients and those who seek his help.
Feeding the stray animals that come near his homes.
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