#uff that was looong and tiring
Realised lately that fan wars, ship wars, country wars, any kind of wars in this world will never end.
You see there are sorts of people out there. Nice ones, bad ones, good people, awesome ones, and toxic ones, the sick in the head ones and considerate people. Everyone having their own opinions from their own experiences, teachings, etc etc. Its hard to find a single train of thought among all.
So what I want say is.. this manga or any other, any movie or a drama, we read/watch for entertainment. It's something not real. It's made up. A fiction. An imagination of the writer wants/sees the world to be. Since it's for entertainment, we should just enjoy. If we can't enjoy a particular manga, find something else and move on. Let's not force our ideologies on others. Everyone has their own opinion for their own reasons. Some read it for politics, some for the romance, some for humor, while others for the found family, while yet others for everything it the story has to give. So let's be and let's others be.
Life is too short to be fighting and clashing over something so silly. It's just an imaginary story people, written by someone, totally fictional. If we need to argue and fight, argue over something real. Something that matters. This is just so not worth it.!
Our ships might be different, so can be our boats and seas. That does not give us an excuse to force ourselves on others. That's just pathetic. Find and mingle with like minded people. If you're toxic, find equally toxic group. If you're nice, find nicer people. Let's not go around hurting others, mocking, looking down, fighting, clashing.
What are we? Some kind of internet thugs?? Sure thug sounds cool, but still let's not do it.
I, for one do not like my mood ruined by some random stranger over internet, who I don't know and probably will never know. So why bother?
I'm reflecting on myself too, for I, jumping on others bandwagon, made a post for fun. I mocked. I kindly deleted it, otherwise I'd be a hypocrite right?
Excuse me, English isn't my first language and my writing is sloppy. The words and sentences I chose are not as cool as a lot of people out here. And somewhere somehow while writing I probably sidetracked and wrote something else entirely. But I mean every little thing I wrote. As long as I can get my point across.
Looking back, I joined Tumblr for fun. I'm not a social media person. I don't use any. I carefully chose Tumblr, a place I can interact about my fictional and real world. I've been interacting with people here more by the day and it brings a smile to my face. It's my side comfort-fun place. I do not want such a place to be filled with negativity. Want to continue having fun daily with folks out here. I'd like everyone who is reading this, to do the same. In your own world, in your life, in your social media. Because life is too short. Do not come at me saying I'm forcing my thoughts on you. NO. It's like an invitation which you can gladly reject.
To all the people who get asks, messages that clash with your beliefs, with your ships and boats and seas, that disturb the peace of ur heart, JUST IGNORE IT. Turn a blind eye and continue to walk your way. Because it's not worth a dime.
This post could definitely irk some people. Like they say, you cannot please everyone.
Have a wonderful day 🌼
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afangirlwashere · 6 years
The girl that saved him at the raiders’ camp (Louis x reader multiple choices fanfic)
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(gif is not mine ofc credit to the creator)
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A/N: Please read this note first!!! So… My stupid ass thought it would be a good idea to do this. This all started with a guilty pleasure writing that was supposed to be only seen by me (that’s why some dialogue might seem a little off). But then I thought “Well.. I’m gonna post this after I finish it just for some starved Louis fans.” (i love Violet too pls don’t eat me alive, no tea here) BUT THEN! Ya girl got an idea to make this an INTERACTIVE FIC. And let me tell you… This was a NIGHTMARE to make work. But I managed! Hopefully… If anything is off or doesn’t work please message me and I’ll see what I can do. I hope I caught all the mistakes.. Uff.. Every choice you make along the way has either a minor change in the outcome or a BIG change in the outcome. It might be just details (for the minor changes) but if you pay attention and remember your decisions you’ll notice! I did this instead of studying… So please reblog it, comment or like it if you did like it! You’ll make me feel like my bad grade from the upcoming test is worth it… kill me If I’ll ever do this again I’ll definitely make it a bit easier for myself.. As always my requests are open! The list of characters I write for is on my blog! Have fun with this! I’ll go die in a hole because this was stressful and tiring and it took the whole day god I fucking hope this will work the way it’s supposed to because I’m gonna cry myself to sleep tonight if it wont
Warning: spoilers for The final season episode 1&2!!! angsty and fluffy (depends on your decisions) 
„I mean… It was pretty cool.“ Louis shrugs.
„Pretty cool?“ AJ stares at him „She was amazing! So badass! Like when she threw the dagger? And the way she whoosh and whaash and bang bang! Right in their heads!“ for the first time in a looong time, he looked excited. 
After Clementine died in the saving expedition a lot of people were afraid AJ could go crazy and shoot all of them.
They took his gun away and tried to be as kind to him as possible. 
Clem did a lot for the group. She got rid of their biggest problem which were the raiders. 
Another problem will come again for sure this is not their last encounter with enemies.
They knew that.
But it was nice to feel like they’re safe.
For now. 
Louis was the one who took care of AJ. Clem wanted it that way.
She saw how much AJ looked up to him. He was kind of a big brother figure that he never really had. 
AJ did the things Louis did and said the things he did. Louis even started teaching him the piano.
It was a nice distraction for the little kid now that the person who’s been in his life the whole time is gone forever. 
Louis was just talking to (Y/N). 
The girl that saved him at the raiders’ camp. 
She was a friend of James – the guy that saved Clementine and AJ when they ran into Lilly for the first time in the forest. 
When Louis first saw her she had that same hideous walker mask on.
Her personality overflew and Louis couldn’t help but like her even with that disgusting mask on.
He could see her (Y/E/C) big eyes that shined with excitement, adrenalin, and life. She reminded him of himself.
She made the same jokes as he did – they basically had the same sense of humor. 
After she took the mask off it was a whole another level of excitement. 
He promised himself that If I get out of this, I am making all the moves!
Her plan if anyone catches them sneaking around… Let’s just say Louis would have been much happier if she went for the real thing then just putting her hand on his mouth and pretending to be kissing him. 
Before AJ came in they were talking about (Y/N)’s training and skills and that she could maybe start training the others with things like throwing knives or some of the sweet sweet moves she had in the hand on hand combat. 
“Looks like you have a fan.” Louis smirks at AJ who watches them both with adoration. 
It’s no secret he adored Louis since day one, (Y/N)’s skills and the fact that she’s very similar with her personality to Louis. 
“Hey little dude,” Louis kneels down to AJ, “could you give us a minute?” he winks at him hoping the kido will get his hint.
Seems like it worked since he smiled a little too wickedly and scattered away.
(Y/N) watched him with a little smile across her lips. She genuinely liked the little fella.
Plus she shared a room with him. 
There are more rooms but no beds in them since the kids used all the unneeded ones to make weapons or barricades.
And they agreed that it would be good if someone was with AJ in his room. 
(Y/N) was a little scared that he could flip out and not let her sleep in the bed because That’s Clem’s bed! but surprisingly nothing like that happened. 
She had a few midnight talks with him.
Seemed like Clementine didn’t teach him a whole lot about how people work in general. Didn’t tell him about how it used to be.
All the religions, different languages, other ways all that fun stuff.
Maybe she didn’t remember a lot of it herself. 
They were probably around the same age when the apocalypse started but (Y/N) had a lot of time to spend with all the adults who loved to talk about how it all used to be… 
All of them liked to feel a little nostalgic. They told her how things used to work and kept her memory on the world before this fresh.
Which meant she could transfer her knowledge to AJ.
“So… I was thinking…” Louis looks around seeming nervous.
[CALL HIM BY A NICKNAME]                                       [LET HIM SPEAK]
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