#ugh I hate Neal
quinnmorgendorffer · 1 year
I have to say my watching of House has made me want to try to watch Once Upon A Time again so I can see Jennifer Morrison in a role I actually like 😬
(Only true tumblr user quinnmorgendorffer fans remember when I was an ouat blog until there were spoilers that Augustus was going to turn back to Pinocchio and I was so mad I stopped watching.)
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
… I think part of Neal’s problem is that even when he’s not on a con, he acts like he is.
For ex. rewatching Honour Among Thieves and I genuinely don’t think he planned it—or if he was supposed to have planned it, no one told Matt Bomer, which would kinda defeat the purpose. My rationale being that even though no one is watching him, he reacts in genuine surprise to how fast the FBI shows up at the end. Also he had no reason to hide the plan from Mozzie, who would support it, and instead we only see him brooding about the theft—although one could argue that that’s bc of the show’s habit of only showing selective scenes to hide the whole plan, yaddyada…
But I just don’t think he was planning that far ahead. I think he was genuinely upset and stressed about the blackmail and upset at the idea of going behind Peter’s back that he didn’t think that far ahead.
But I also can’t blame Peter for thinking he might have—bc honestly what he should have done, even after she framed him, was just tell Peter. Explain that Abigail was blackmailing him into the job, and hell, they might’ve even helped and made it a bonafide sting. But he doesn’t. Bc Neal doesn’t tell people things outside of emergency circumstances, and it seems to be a habit he can’t break. The fact that he kept this from Peter obviously makes Peter suspicious, bc it makes it seem like Neal planned it. But he didn’t. He defaulted to ‘fixing’ it himself, yet another habit he can’t seem to kick, the not relying on people.
I love the show, and this ep was actually well done on both sides, but at times I do agree that they try to force drama between Neal and Peter a little. I appreciated reading an interview by one of the show runners noting that they were struggling w/ that, which I think become visible a few times bc, to paraphrase ‘why are you still being a jerk to this guy who has done so much for you?’ Matt Bomer makes Neal likeable even in some of his more obnoxious moments (usually when they start going on about how wonderful being a thief is and I’m like… kinda sucks from here, but okay?), but there are occasions were I feel like Neal behaves suspiciously and then gets upset that Peter suspects him of something (not you s3, you and your character development are wonderful and I’m glad you’re here), or Peter gets made to be a bit overly nasty just to cause drama.
Honestly, my memories of the later seasons are kinda blurry, esp towards the end, but from what I’ve seen from other people, they are on good terms at the end, and the whole finale actually isn’t Neal running away to ‘live the high crime life’ again (like I originally thought, hence why I hadn’t really watched it) and is more along the lines of guerrilla witness protection? Bc faking your death and fleeing the city bc you’re trying to protect the people you love from a violent gang is one thing, but ‘waaaaahhh I wanna go back to stealing and using people and only caring about money’ is… Another. If it’s the former, I actually love that, bc it’d show how he’d changed from the start of the show to really start valuing people, whereas the second one just feels like ‘lol conman cool guys.’ Also makes the whole storage container thing (which I do know about) more of a promise of return than a farewell, bc I really dislike the latter.
I don’t care about Neal who only wants adrenaline rushes and money and lying to people bc it’s fun. I care about Neal who is intelligent and maybe a bit vain, impulsive and well meaning, faster talker, quirky, loves his adoptive parents and really needs to meet his new baby brother.
Like if you’re never gonna show me big Neal holding baby Neal, at least let me pretend it could happen eventually.
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mintchip-lover · 6 months
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So I’m again on my Once Upon A Time rewatch and I just finished watching season 4, and y’all, this season is sooooo chaotic. And so freaking funny.
Introducing Frozen but no one in Storybrooke knows anything about Frozen
Elsa almosts kills Emma in the ice castle and instantly feels bad about it
trying to find the author of a magical storybook
“I knew there was a good reason why you kept me locked in there for all those years, waiting for the time you needed me most.”
Regina puts Sydney back in the mirror
Anna meets Charming who has long hair
“I’m not bossy, I’m the queen.”
Basically any time Kristoff and Elsa are on screen together
The Snow Queen and Elsa coexisting AND ARE RELATED
Sooo many moments that are references to the original Frozen movie scattered throughout the Arendelle plot making it feel like one big inside joke that we are let it on
“You’re the mayor now.” “I am?”
The stunned silence at Mary Margaret finally losing it
“Can I have ice cream, Mommy? REGINA let me get ice cream.”
Will Scarlet. Just. Will Scarlet.
“You seem like a decent sheriff. I trust you’re not the sort to shoot a man in the back.” “What…?” *starts running*
“TWO sheriffs?? That’s just bloody unfair.”
Belle frantically calling Emma because a drunk man passed out in her library and she has absolutely no context and is definitely freaked out by it
“I may be a thief, but I’m not a liar. Let me show you.” *immediately starts trying to break in* *fails to break in* *EMMA BREAKS IN INSTEAD* “Neal taught me a few things.”
The character arc of Hook’s left hand
Emma finding her parents waiting eagerly for her to return home + Mary Margaret who wants to hear EVERYTHING about Emma’s first date vs David who thinks that some details are okay to be left out
Mary Margaret finding Will Scarlet and thinking that David set it all up and Will being So Confused
“I’m the sheriff’s wife.” “You’re married to the blonde?” “No that’s my daughter. I’m married to the other one.” “What now?”
“So…the sheriff’s wife can pardon me?” “I’m also the mayor-” “He did it.”
“I’m an idiot.” “Finally, something we can agree on.”
“Regina, I was hoping we could talk.” “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m about to storm an evil ice cream truck.”
“It’s bad enough that I’m stuck with you and Captain Guyliner making eyes at each other.” “We don’t make eyes.” “Ready love? 😃”
“Have I ever told you the story of how I met Marian?” “Only about 3 dozen times.” *starts recounting the story* “3 dozen and one.” *tell the story together*
“My whole life I have stuck to my code of honor.” “So why are you here…?” “Today is not one of those days.”
Mary Margaret telling Regina to button her shirt before she goes to check on Henry
“Wow you royals REALLY go through exhausting lengths to ignore your issues.”
Frozen Hans in the closet
“I think it’ll be easier to break into the library now since I’m not drunk and taking punches!” *Robin opens door with ease* *points to sign* “Open till ten.” “Well that’s generous.”
“Guess what! You’re my oldest friend!” *rips Hook’s heart out*
“Now it’s Elsa trying to find her sister that’s screwing us all!!” “…Coming from you that’s terrifying.”
“Kristoff!” “David!” “You cut your hair!” “So did you!”
Ingrid convincing Emma to stay in the foster home instead of running away by encouraging her to terrorize a kid with rubber spiders
…The spell of Shattered Sight, and all Snow and Charming do is roast each other
“I AM NOT HAPPY!! 😡😡😡”
“Sealed in My Own Vault?! UGH!!” *looks at outfit* “what the hell am I wearing??” -> the evil queen is back!!
“Emma, you’re prickly, but I don’t hate you.” “…I’m prickly??”
I’m sorry but Regina just has THE most comical face when she realizes Emma is coming, and any time she’s acting like the evil queen in this episode, all of it is just over the top and such a caricature and comical and I can’t take it
Poor Anna trying to make everyone feel love
*sing song-ish voice* “Snow White is a murderer. I killed the evil queen’s mother. And I said I was sorry when I wasn’t.” …Snow??? What???
“YOU said you could keep a secret!!” “I! Was!! TEN!!!!!!!”
Basically all of Snow’s and Regina’s sword fight
Plus David watching uselessly (except for when he teams up with Snow briefly to disarm Regina)
Henry making Hook trip on marbles when he enters the mayor’s office
Will wants another go at Hook, charges, misses, Hook knocks him into the wall, Will crumbles
Anna: *hits Kristoff over the head* *reads note* “*gasp* Kristoff! Do you have any idea what this is?! *pause* Oh, right, I knocked you out. *moves closer* wake up! We have to take this to Elsa. *kisses him* I love you! You’re amazing! …You’re unconscious. *gets up* I’ll be right back, okay? Stay there! I mean I know you’ll stay here but I’ll be back anyway!!”
Ingrid sacrificing herself and the music going on in the background at that point OH MY GOSH
*very confused* “…what am I wearing?”
Regina, David, and Mary Margaret laughing, like,, authentically laughing, like so much that it almost looks to me like they’re Lana and Josh and Ginnifer just having fun, and they’re all falling over laughing too, and it’s almost a blooper reel
“I’m sorry I tried to kill you.” “With a cross bow! You tried to kill me with a crossbow!”
“The door to Arendelle must be around here. It’s just a matter of finding it.” *magic broomstick finds it instantly* *silence* “…there it is.”
Maleficent, Ursula, and Cruella DeVil’s first entrance like wowie that is cool and ahhhh they look so good
They just. Released Chernabog. From the hat. Freaking Chernabog was just. In the hat.
Regina and Emma’s phone call with Ursula and Cruella
*Chernabog turns to Maleficent* “I knew it.”
“I hope you choke on my bones.” THAT IS SUCH A RAW LINE WHAT THE HECK ASFJJJGJDS
“The Chernabog was looking for the heart with the greatest potential for darkness…but it was not looking for Regina. It was after Emma Swan.” AHHHH CHILLSSSSSS
“If you say a word about this to anyone, especially Emma, you won’t have to worry about Regina. I’ll rip out your hearts myself.” …SNOW??? WHAT??? DUDE??? HUH???
Snow finding out she and Maleficent will both be mothers and she’s straight up like “nah, I don’t wanna work with you. I won’t darken myself by associating with you.” And Maleficient is like “you…wouldn’t want to make a better world for our children…just because you don’t like me??”
Regina crushing the glass after taking the shot as if it was a heart, like. What. Regina how did that prove you are villain it just proves you have a strong grip (you’re lucky you were wearing gloves or else your hand would be pretty messed up)
“First one to save us loses.”
Basically Regina is trying to join a gang
“I said we needed to meet covertly! You brought the whole Charming Softball Team and their pirate mascot??”
*Regina without warning possesses Mary Margaret to communicate where she is and what she’s doing*
Robin Hood stealing a horse in New York
Actually right before that as the camera is panning into the scene you can hear someone shout “I’m walkin’ here! I’M WALKIN’ ‘ERE!”
…I don’t even wanna get into the Zelena is Marian plot because that’s a really icky part of the plot
Ariel: *sees Hook* *immediately slaps him*
The Apprentice putting Isaac in the book without warning
Pinocchio being turned back into August
August being wood and then being a person again but then his nose grows
“We have a lot of questions.” “I bet you do.” *brings down curtain ONTO A WOUNDED MAN and runs away*
It looks like Cruella is going to get a heartbreaking traumatic backstory to show why she is how she is…but really she’s just a bad person
Emma and Regina go on a road trip
The wolf making them crash, giving everyone watching déjà vu to season one (including Emma)
“You know me from the diner, right? Smile and hold my hand and walk around the block for a little bit and you get free burgers for a week.”
*teen Emma is depressed on the bench waiting for a bus* Lily: “heyyyyy 😁😁”
The Apprentice thinking it’s just Okay to sit next to a teen girl and address her by a name she didn’t tell you. Like. My guy. I know YOU mean no harm but you REALLY gotta think about what it looks like to HER
Lily’s conspiracy board
Lily steals Emma’s bug -> Emma grabs a wrench, smashes a car window, and steals a car
Regina looking freaked out when Emma starts talking like she herself would
Regina holding on for dear life when Emma is angrily chasing Lily
*spreads arms out* “go on. Kill me. Put me out of my misery. Put an end to this.”
“There have been many authors, from the first cave painter […] to a man named Walt.” *1966* “Our last author…he passed away recently.”
Rumplestiltskin almost dying (again) (you know, just his seasonal near death experience even though he’s immortal)
Seeing Isaac write “Once upon a time…”
Henry standing up to Isaac
Rumplestiltskin the light one.
“This does not come with a price!” THAT FREAKING BROKE ME
Charming saying “I will always find you” but it sounds Wrong
The dwarves do in fact whistle…but it is Unsettling
Regina is the outlaw with a bow and arrow instead of Snow White…and she’s aiming at Henry
“My name is Henry. I’m your son.”
Regina and Robin’s meet cute that is just like the first time they met and AHHHHH I LOVE IT
Zelena is Robin’s … fiancée
Episode 22 ending with Emma locked in the tower
Henry breaking into the castle using a Star Wars reference
“Why isn’t it rum?” “Rum? I’m allergic to that stuff.” “Of course you are.”
Hook is jealous of himself AGAIN
“Now you’re down to six. Would you like to make it five?”
Regina and Emma meeting again
“What does your heart say? I know what my heart says. But what if his doesn’t say the same thing?” “Isn’t that a risk you’re willing to take?”
Emma confronting her parents with such a brilliant speech and amazing expression…but if you watch in the background you see Hook holding the sword above his head, pointy end going being him, gritting his teeth, bouncing forward and backward, trying to look brave but actually just looks like a scared doofus (in the most endearing way)
Hook sacrifices himself for Emma
They all go to crash a wedding
Henry becoming the author
Hook scaring Emma because he’s not where they left him
Henry breaks the Author’s pen
Rumplestiltskin isn’t doing so hot
Belle storms into the shop yelling at Rumple but is immediately concerned when he falls to the ground
The Darkness overtaking the Apprentice
Regina is about to be taken by the darkness
Emma becomes the Dark One.
I’m pretty sure I’m missing a few things too.
Anyways, like said, this season is chaotic as HECK.
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I hate when I have to defend Owen but...ugh... There's a throwaway remark in the first episode by one of the bikers says something about respecting first responders and that they have other first responder members (I bet it Sergeant O'Brien. No offence Neal McDonogh but, he looks exactly like an Nazi) and from the trailer that they're planning something. It seems to indicate that the group have deliberately targeted first responders and that a fire captain like Owen would be by Prime get for them. When they met Owen they didn't act like Nazis obviously, they were middle-aged professional man like him who just enjoy motorcycling, they were friendly and chatty and probably blew a little smoke up his ass because they wanted to recruit him and groups like that know exactly what to say and how to appeal and how to hide their true selves. The moment Owen clocked who they really were he got the F out of that bar.
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Scythe chapter 11-15
You know the drill!! Cmon!!!
Chapter 11!!
-I always forget the conclave’s have names,,,
-The thing is, you can never blame these people for fighting back, it’s human nature, but OUGH the consequences of human nature are so devastating
-But just imagine the guilt you’d feel, your husband got killed and you get immune from the same fate for a whole year. That’s just prime for survivors guilt
-Also the fact that Faraday told the family the man didn’t resist is just testament to his kindness and compassion
-“The sanctity of the law…And the wisdom to know when it must be broken.” *Stares at Goddard*
-MILK SCENE, I unironically love this scene even tho I think it’s really funny
-Also I genuinely don’t know how ppl drink milk b4 bed, is that even a real thing? How does that make you sleepy??
-Also good on Faraday!! Don’t waste shit!!!
-Apparently all the Scythe Rings are white but I refuse to acknowledge that, they’re all multicolored and each color relates to the scythe in some way <3
-That ring security system Faraday has going on is sick as fuck tho ngl
-“Now let’s see how long it takes Rowan to go for the ring.” I love himmmm, he’s fun!!! He can be fun!!
-Tonist mention!! I love the Tonists <33
-Nice chapter!! Gives more depth to Faraday!!
Chapter 12!!
-Rowan and Citra’s test are approaching!!!
-The idea of having to hold yourself back in life because you’re afraid of being killed is actually terrifying—
-Also same Rowan, I hate studying too
-“Rowan concluded that not knowing was more terrifying than knowing.” If I remember correctly what the consequence is then that is CERTAIN true
-I LOVE Citra and Rowan’s banter here!! You can see their chemistry early on!!
-Cute chapter! Lots of Citran moments!
Chapter 13!!
-“I’m a human being, not a mole.” Faraday is soooo fun sometimes like so fun and endearing???
-I too hate walking at 6:30 am (I go to public school in America)
-“I have found that with the Scythedom, it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission,” He is iconic yall
-“What’s the worst they could do?” Things said before disasters—
-“Running the gauntlet” Like walking the red carpet!
-“Scythes wished to be seen as the many faces of light, not of darkness.” And soon they will be! Yk, just right after the plague—
-OO now they’re seeing scythe goddard ohoho I LOVE HAVING FORESIGHT
-Citra would cringe at the fact she at one point dazzled by goddard
-Rowan don’t be fatphobic /j
-I like that the conclave’s are pretty boring for the most part, makes it feel more realistic
-I love how only when Citra becomes a Scythe does she begin to understand these rituals, shows how much she grows
-OHOHO we got goddards fuckin note bullshit! Citra is gonna hear allll about that when she becomes a scythe
-Love how Chomsky is basically described as “as white as anyone could be” lmaoo token white man
-also gun lobby, nothing to say about it just…Gun lobby
-Rowan starting to talk like faraday is GOLD
-Again I love Citra and Rowan’s banter
-The idea of the weaponsmaster being a infomercial salesman is SOO funny i need to use that in my scythe oc shit
-Also that digital poison sounds fucking TERRIFYING
-The Scythes not liking the term ‘victim’ is rlly interesting to me, shows they really think of themselves as these faces of light
-Neal I don’t think you know what feminine hygiene products sound like—
-Hand of midas shit but even MORE horrifying!!
-I am terrible with names I saw Scythe Mandela and thought he was Scythe Possuelo and I have no idea why
-Who names their child Ransom??
-VERY good and long chapter!! Two more to go!!
Chapter 14!!
-OOO the test scene!! One of my favorites!!
-Again what is with the shit names??? Jacory??
-OHH you do NOT interrupt scythe curie girl you are FUCKED
-Oh Citra you’re gonna revisit the worst thing you’ve ever done REALLL soon
-We all want a relationship with the thunderhead Curie
-Very good chapter that adds to the stakes of the story!! One more to go!!!
Chapter 15!!!
-God the shock and confusion and how upset they all are really captivates this conversation
-And you see that eventually Rowan is very willing to die at the hands of Citra, that’s how much he loves her like UGHH
-“Scythes were supposed to be above the petty,” oh citra you have no idea bby girl,,
-Hash pales!!!
-Ive already went in depth about why I love this scene in my Citran analysis post but UGH I LOVE ITT
-Liar!! You are totally in love rowan!!
-God he is such a fucking dick i hate himmm
-Very good chapter :)
AND THATS THE NEXT 5!!! Next time we’ll do chapters 16-20!
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ladystrallan · 1 year
Once Upon a Time season 2 thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- “are the nuns still nuns or can they… y’know date? Don’t say it’s me asking” Dr Whale you rascal
- Rumple x smashing glass: the real otp
- Rip Charming’s mom, you kinda remind me of Hercules’ mom
- Ok I kinda like Dr Whale now
- Regina it’s been DECADES you need to move on from Daniel
- I ship Emma and Neal so hard
- Wow the introduction of captainswan AND swanfire in one episode???
- Nooooo Belle crossing the town line :(
- This arc was TRAGIC
- Ugh I hate the Greg and Tamara arc
- Ruby x whale??? Why do I kinda ship it
- “What’s his name?” “Baelfire” “A STRONG NAME” what a delivery
- Robert Carlyle is the best actor in the cast
- Nooooo he just wanted to be a good dad
- Okay I’m really starting to not like Regina
- Idk why she is mad at snow and not cora, THE ACTUAL PERSON WHO KILLED DANIEL
- Snow’s mom: coughs into a handkerchief, me: SATINE
- Drink every time rumple says “bae”
- The casting of young snow was spot on, their mannerisms are so alike
- He called him papa… I’m crying
- Literally why does she hate Eva so much
- Regina you’re on the wrong side, killing daniel was part of her ten step plan to make you queen
- She just threw mrs patmore out of the window
- Not Tamara
- Pettiness runs in the Mills family
- Cora: murdered eva because she tripped her once years before
- Regina: wants to kill snow and everyone close to her because she didn’t keep a secret when she was TEN
- EW cora x rumple
- Their vibes are so gross
- Imagine if they had a kid… I can’t
- Screaming crying throwing up
- Rumple talking to Belle on the phone :(
- That was so sad
- Ooh snow tricking Regina
- “Any baby I have… it won’t be yours” yikes
- The amount of mommy issues in this show…
- 2x17 I hate this episode
- “You always pay your debts” is rumple a lannister?
- I hate Greg/Owen so much you have no idea
- Wooden august looks rough
- Like it’s not terrible but it’s not good either
- The dragon: is a magical powerful man, also the dragon: gets killed by a taser
- Noooo why did blue turn him into a little boy and not a hot guy again
- I can’t decide which I hate more cora x rumple or greg x tamara
- Both have such gross energy
- “I can’t focus on my spinning with all your crying” lol
- Not Lacey
- Rumple about Belle/Lacey: oh no she’s not wholesome anymore
- I actually like the Lacey episode
- I don’t remember having liked it but I do now
- The sound rumple makes when he sees the prisoner is gone lol
- Wingman charming
- “I’m so sorry about your dress…” why don’t you take it off? ;)
- Did they recast Robin Hood? That’s weird
- She’s into him being evil…
- Rumbelle is so cute omg
- “Jail cell? I don’t think so” lol
- I’m sorry I just can’t get behind Regina
- She’s just so manipulative and has zero regret for everything she’s done
- The Regina torture scene was TRAUMATIZING to middle school me
- “Is it magic?” “No… it’s science” THAT’S DR WHALE’S LINE YOU CAN’T STEAL IT GREG
- Bae fanficed himself into Peter Pan
- Ugh Greg and Tamara are the worst
- Yay belle is back
- Memorable lines: “it’s delicious, cheesy and doesn’t lie” “no… it’s science” “love is weakness” “bae”
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: Rumple, August, Belle
Like: Neal, Emma, Charming, Mulan, Ruby, Archie, Dr Whale
Neutral: Hook, Snow, Aurora, everyone else in Storybrooke
Dislike: Regina, Blue
Hate: Greg, Tamara, Cora
Season rating: 5/10
I hate hate hate the whole Greg and Tamara plot, also Cora x Rumple grossed me out, but there was a lot of Rumbelle content (it was really sad though)
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I didn't plan to post my art yet as I am not happy about my drawing skills yet, but @adeptalec inspired me to make this. Hopefully I can color my art one day like them.
I also wrote a story for it, which turned out super long...
Due to being a werewolf Neal has suffered from motion sickness his entire life. His sister Annie was definitely mocking him by choosing a cruise ship for the family vacation.
To make it worse she had also chosen the seafood menu for lunch. He normally hated seafood, but he had been so hungry after skipping breakfast he ate more than he should.
Now he was clutching the railing with one hand, and covering his mouth with the other. The cold fatty shrimp hadn't settled at all and was now sloshing wildy in his stomach. He barely managed to stagger out of the resturant due to the rocking of the ship. Each step threatened to bring up his lunch as he burped the aftertaste of soda and shrimp salad.
It was even worse outside. The salty stench of the sea made him even more nauseous. The ship's movement was stronger out here and he could feel his stomach content flip back and fourth along with the ship.
He had to swallow down the increasing salvia. It made him terribly nauseous, but he wanted to avoid throwing up if he could. Unlike his sister he had never been that great at controlling his abilities. Doing something strenuous like throwing up tends to make him involunteerly transform. He was already self concious about being a huge beast. Transforming on a human dominated area would lead to a lot of unwanted attension.
By now he had to remove his hand and let the excessive salvia drip down to the ocean. He was panting heavily, switching between taking deep breaths and swallowing down the lumps of acid lingering in his throat.
He didn't notice his sister had joined him until he felt the nauseating smell of a greasy hot dog. He almost lost it then and there. He immediately clasped his hand hand over his mouth again and fought down a gag.
"Wow little brother. I didn't know your face could get even paler. In fact it looks a bit green, are you feeling well?"
She bloody knew he wasn't! Despite also being canine, although not a werewolf, but a kitsune, she never suffered any drawbacks.
"Ngh, I'm fin-", he was cut off by his body doing a heave as vomit puffed out his cheeks. He had to press both hands above his lips to swallow it back down. He felt the texture of whole undigested shrimp coated in cheese and mayo dressing. It made him more nauseous than ever and he knew it woudn't take long before it would be brought back up again.
"You should just throw up. It will make you feel better", his sister pointed out while still waving the smelly hot dog in his face.
"I am- ugh, not- urp, sick", he managed to spit out between burps.
What a stupid brother she thought. He obviously needed to throw up.
"Neal are you sure you are not sick, you kinda look like when we were on that car trip. You know the one where you ate all those hot dogs and we had to stop all the time so you could bring up those chunky, stuffy onion cheese hot dogs"
If he could he would have turned around and promptly proceeded to spew all over his sister, but he had no time for that as the vomit shot up his throat and leaked through his fingers. Wave after wave of a thick white mixture of today's awful lunch partly fell down the railing and partly on his shoes.
He knew he had to compose himself. However he barely had time to take a breath between each heave before the next wave of vomting.
This was bad. He could feel his stomach shift, and it was not because of seasickness. He felt so weak he fell down on his knees onto the small puddle of vomit by the railing while feeling his body contract as he transformed into a wolf.
He had forgotten that seasickness was somehow even worse in this form. His wolf stomach was also not happy with his choice of biscuits and tea for snacks earlier. He coudn't even lean over the railing now to save his dignity, he was stuck bringing up the rest of his stomach content on the deck on all fours. His dignity was pretty much gone now anyways as people had flocked towards him in awe and started filming. He felt too sick to care. He still felt nauseous after giving back the shrimps to the ocean. The only thing he could do now was sticking out his tongue like a dog as salvia pooled in his mouth.
Luckily the trip was only going to last two more days...Thanks dear sister.
I didn't plan for it to be the intro fic for my werewolf boy Neal and his sister, but now it is.
I have more fics and characters that I may post soon if anyone at all liked this.
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
Heyo! Im curious, What if Amelia was a part of the Fashionista Caper?
-Anon 1
If Heart Ache was in The Fashionista Caper 
[Author’s Note: Heck yeah, should have gotten to this sooner. Also this is really heckin angsty so enjoy]
     All the models were okay and the outfits should be at the van with Zack, Ivy, and Julia. Walking with Carmen back to the van ShadowSan couldn’t help but think that something was wrong, as if there was a missing space. When they made it to the van it clicked. 
Three people tied up inside and a figure who sat on top filing her nails. “My, my,” she jumped off with a swift landing. “You stole the show. It makes me jealous.” 
It was unnerving to see the girl that used to treat Carmen like a little sister, who would pick her up and spin her around, sing to her when she trouble falling asleep, and acted as a shoulder to cry on along with Crackle when she didn’t pass ShadowSan’s final was now looking at her with eyes full of malice. 
“HeartAche! Are you really going to kill three people because of a few dresses?” Carmen knew she would too. When it came to violence she never held back, no matter the reason. That’s why you don’t ask Neal about the teeth marks he has on his lower arm. Homegirl is feral. With her fists clenched she let out a growl. “It’s not about some dumb pieces of historic cloth!” ShadowSan and Carmen stepped back, an unstable HeartAche is a dangerous one. “It’s about YOU leaving ME like everyone else!” She took one of the many hair sticks out of her messy bun and pointed it towards the duo. “I’m no longer good enough for Cleo, Tigress decided to date that girl, and Thunderbird is too busy with his mute boyfriend!” She let out another growl, teeth clenched, the hair stick had pink sparks coming from the tip. “I. Hate. You!” She charged towards Carmen, causing her to grab the woman’s wrist and twist her arm.
A swift kick to the stomach made Carmen stumble back but she was on her feet in a matter of seconds. No matter how strong HeartAche was she couldn’t possibly take the infamous Carmen Sandiego and an ex faculty member. 
The fight was aimless repetition with petty damage and close calls on both sides. 
“Ugh!” She was thrown against the wall by her ex instructor. HeartAche leaned against the wall, holding her head with her free hand. 
The duo took that opportunity to run to the van and escape the girl’s terror yet her hand reached out and grabbed ShadowSan’s wrist in a tight grasp. “Fine. I’ll accept fail with grace this time but…” She looked up at his irritated features. “At least give me that hat.” He yanked his hand away and Carmen spared her one last glance before tossing Dash’s hat down next to where she kneeled. 
“You took a while, I was starting to worry.” HeartAche closed the passenger’s seat door. It was instant that he knew something was wrong. Was she…crying? “I got your hat, sugar boo.” Despite showing it to him she didn’t have the intent of giving it back as she hugged it closer to her chest. 
“Did…Did something happen, dear? You have that look on your face.” Dash asked with apprehension as his girlfriend slumped back in her chair, tenderly rubbing the back of her head. 
HeartAche smiled tiredly. “Tonight’s caper wasn’t up to my standards is all.”
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lil-melody-moon · 6 months
hello, it's pickle! being a librarian would be super cool, there's so many good books out there! do you have any favorite books or types of books to read? my personal favorites are 'their eyes were watching god' by zora neale hurston and 'entangled life' by merlin sheldrake ! hope everything is good for u!
Hello <3
Yeah, the job practices were very nice, even if a few days sucked, but ya know. It all depended on the librarians and not everyone are amazing. That's how it is.
I don't have favorite books, I'm literally reading whatever has a nice sounding plot, but if it comes to types of books, I really love band's/musician's biographies and some good fantasy books. I'm trying to finish one book now, it just drags on forever. It's the third book in the series "A Court of Wings and Ruin" by Sarah J. Maas and as much as I like the previous two this one is just... UGH. I will finish this one and then I'm moving to John Lennon's biography by Philip Norman I bought a while ago, like straight away!
Never heard of your favorite ones, will definitely check them out!
Yes, it's somehow good. I only had to sit through a lecture of one old hag I hate. I have lessons with her tomorrow as well, I need help *sobs* Hoping your day is good as well <3
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eightiesfinalgirl · 2 years
novel, scary, tasty :)
hey shan!!!
Novel - favorite book?
ugh, I hate to admit I haven't read many books lately, however, the giver by lois lowry will forever and always hold a special place in my heart. miss peregrine's home for peculiar children by ransom riggs and scythe by neal shusterman are notable favs of mine as well.
Scary - what's your favorite scary movie?
jennifer's body! I love this movie way too much, lol.
Tasty - do you have a comfort food?
I'm weird, but chocolate covered biscuits. to be clear, this are southern us biscuits covered in a specific type of chocolate sauce. iykyk.
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dayinthesimulation · 2 years
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I have such a weird feeling going through my body. I was open enough to tell Corey that Neal wanted to do “clothing optional” pics. I said that I wasn’t comfortable doing them. Then corey told me to make good decisions and turned it into “how Elisa may feel” and I told him how Vic explained it to me. We ended with him telling me “god forbid anyone give you advice”…. Which hurt my feelings but not nearly as much as it used to. I txted him later and told him to stop being salty. We barely spoke all night. He’s on a little trip with friends….. probably sleeping with someone lol. But anyways long story short…. Neal first was like “oh she doesn’t care whatever man she doesn’t care about anything” to “careful with what you share bc Elisa doesn’t want things coming back to her” I felt so terrible when he said that. Those two aren’t the same things. We took some spicy pics, not nudes tho. But still, I don’t think it was a good idea. And I think I’m gonna tell him that I don’t want to share these with anyone else. And I’m sure he will agree. So now I have to lie to Corey about it and I’m not liking forward to that. I hate being put in that situation. I don’t even want to see the pics. Ugh I’m not so happy with myself.
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riricitaa · 4 years
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Where's the lie lol
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link-sans-specs · 4 years
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Let's talk about that. (!!!)
KFC vs. Popeyes Taste Test | FOOD FEUDS
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leondraisaitlsglove · 4 years
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April 15th 2020 via ig live
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bradmarchrad · 7 years
oh my god out of every fucking team - the DUCKS?
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