#ugh i’m just complaining i do really wish we had an actual good resource to communicate with other keepers
sharkieboi · 2 years
certain fb group for animal care people just makes me sad sometimes cause it’s either just people looking for engagement by asking a very easily searchable question with “cute animal pic for tax!!1!1!1!!1!” so they can get some likes or people discussing actual literal human rights violations that their workplace is trying to commit and being like “but am i the bad person for buying donuts for my team when susan in HR who i never interact with is lactose intolerant?” or people using the anonymous post option to have impromptu group therapy
#shhh sharkie#like. it used to be a pretty good resource. and i’m not gonna leave the group.#cause every once in a while there’s actual useful or fun posts#and i’m not on fb enough to care really#but wow does it just make me cringe every time i check fb#it’s literally always just either a stupid question that you can absolutely find with any search engine#using that as an excuse to post the ‘cute’ animal pic that wasn’t getting enough likes on your other social media#like ‘hey what do you guys feed your lions? cute pic of said boy for tax!’ girl there’s literally several manuals for what to feed lions#or it’s someone being like ‘hey my manager kicked dirt in my mouth and called me an idiot idk maybe i’m the problem?’#or it’s someone being like ‘i’m depressed and overworked and also my mom just died anyway do you guys have self-care tips?’#half of these posts will be made by people who aren’t even keepers.#ugh i’m just complaining i do really wish we had an actual good resource to communicate with other keepers#that wasn’t paywalled like an aza membership#but was also more well-managed so that you don’t have to sort through all the above to find actual resources or advice#the amount of comments and even posts (!!!) that the person mentions they’re not even in the field!!!!!#and not even ‘anymore’ like literally never have been!!! why are you in this group!!!!!#this is not wild green memes this is a group for animal caretakers!!!!!!!#idk i’m just salty i fucking hate social media but i can’t get rid of it
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chaseatinydream · 4 years
snakes, cats and dogs || c.s (atz)
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➵ pairing: reader x choi san (ateez)
➵ word count: 2831
➵ genre: hogwarts au; rivals to lovers
➵ synopsis: at the rate things are going, hogwarts is going to become a zoo
You don’t think it’s a secret to anyone that you hate Choi San.
Alright, perhaps hate would be too strong of a word. Choi San is annoying. He pisses you off. He’s like a pesky little fly that buzzes in your ear and lands in your soup but you can never catch, he’s just that.
Really, really annoying.
You sigh, shaking back the sleeves of your robes to look at the time. A glance at the watch sitting on your left wrist tell you that it’s time for prefect patrol, getting up from the plush leather seats of the common room, you bid the Giant Squid goodbye with a weary wave as it slinks past the windows, basked in the ghostly green glow.
Stepping out of the doorway, you tuck your hands into your pockets, the dungeons can get a little chilly, especially at night, and you’re not in the mood to catch a cold at this time of the year. There are exams to be taken and you can’t afford to fall sick now. With a soft hum, you head to the Great Hall to meet up with the other prefect on duty tonight.
Tonight, Kim Hongjoong is waiting for you with a cup of hot chocolate in hand, feet swinging back and forth gently, perched on very end of the Ravenclaw table, bundled up in a warm knitted blue scarf. The sixth year is one of your good friends, having started off as a good mentor for your studies, as uncommon as inter-house friendships sounded.
He waves warmly the second he sees you step into the Great Hall with a soft, secretive smile, the massive school is entirely quiet and empty, completely yours. There’s magical feeling in the air when your footsteps echo in the silence of the hall, the air so often filled with chatter and laughter now hushed and drowsy with slumber.
“Good night to you.” Hongjoong raises his mug in some sort of greeting and you laugh quietly, taking a seat on the bench next to him. He slides a cup over to you as well and you sip it, letting the sweet warmth spread from the tip of your tongue down to your toes. “It’s cold. Didn’t you bring a scarf?”
“I didn’t think I would have Apparated to the North Pole the second I left the Common Room, but by then I was too lazy to go back and get it.” You shrug and Hongjoong chuckles, he’s used to your careless attitude. “I’m alright. I’ll just finish up patrol, head back to the dorms and defrost in front of the fireplace before I go to bed. Anyways, I’m sure running after him will get my body temperature up.”
At the sheer thought of him, your face pulls into a scowl.
Hongjoong winces in sympathetically. “That kid still giving you the run for your money, huh?”
“He’s so... ugh!” You complain, slamming your mug down on the table for added impact. Luckily for you, it’s already completely empty, its contents having all gone down your throat. “I just spot him sneaking out in the corridors all the time and I’m not fast enough to catch him! He’s as slippery as a snake, honestly!”
An amused smile curves Hongjoong’s lips. “Aren’t you a Slytherin too? Moreover, didn’t you use to slip out at night after curfew too last year?”
You pause, scowling, it’s too late for your mind to be working at this hour. “I... yeah, but I’m supposed to be a prefect now. It’s... it’s a pride thing. If he keeps escaping me it’s like a taunt in my face. I’ve never even seen him do anything, but he’s just there.”
Hongjoong does laugh this time, his melodious voice ringing throughout the Great Hall.
“Alright. How about we get to patrol fast so you don’t become a walking icicle by the time you return to bed?” He raises a chocolate warmed hand to pinch your cheek playfully and you laugh, batting his hand away, your bad mood instantly gone. “I take the eastern side and you take the other?”
“Howdy, Future Head Boy.” You salute and he pushes you in the arm with a laugh, you set down the mug; the house elves will clear it later for you. The two of you get up and start walking out of the Hall, Hongjoong making small talk with you about Transfiguration and the latest Quidditch match. After he makes you promise to attempt to stop San from sabotaging the semifinals (Ravenclaw against Hufflepuff), you wave and part ways.
The hallways are ghostly silent as usual, and by that you mean deathly silent aside from the mad cackling of Peeves in one of the upper classrooms. With a sigh, you slide a hand into your pocket to rest on your wand, ready to cast an Obscurio charm on the poltergeist in case he’s round the next bend. Slytherins aren’t known for being resourceful for nothing, and you guess that you’re one of the only people to know that the blinding spell works on ghosts as well.
Making your usual rounds, you scale the stairs, careful to make sure that the whimsical staircases aren’t about to move before hopping up the steps as fast as you can. And just as your foot touches the floor, you hear the groan of the staircase moving behind you; there goes your fastest way back to the dorms. With a sigh, wishing that you’d thought to bring a scarf, you step forward... and hear a strange, muffled noise.
You frown.
Pulling out your wand with cold numbed fingers, you move towards the noise, you’ve heard the basilisk stories and whatnot about werewolf professors. While you’re pretty confident in your dueling capabilities, having been invited to join the Dueling Club in your third year, you don’t want to risk anything. So, warily, you inch closer and closer to the end of the corridor, the shadows being cast by the windows in the light of the full moon really aren’t helping your paranoia, and you keep Protego on the tip of your tongue, ready to blast a Shield Charm at the first sight of danger as you round the corner-
You poke your head around the pillar and make a face, to your surprise, it’s a Shiba Inu sitting there, tail wagging excitedly. Your stare continues even as it barks a joyous little sound and runs circles around you, tongue lolling out - you’re pretty sure dogs are not on the list of approved pets in Hogwarts, and that you should report it to the teachers immediately, but...
But you’ve always had a massive weakness for dogs, and from the way this one keep pawing your legs excitedly, it likes you too! You can’t help but feel your heart fill with warmth.
“Hey there, little guy.” You murmur, getting on one knee to crouch in front of the dog, immediately it licks your hand vigorously, barking the entire time. It rubs its head against your palm and nuzzles its snout into the folds of your robes, as if searching for treats. “How did you get here?”
“Woof!” The dog barks brightly in reply, and unluckily for you, you don’t speak a word of dog. However, lady fortune shines upon to you tonight, there’s a noise down the hallway you’d just come down and you rise to your feet instantly, wand already out even before you realise.
“Shiber?” You hear a voice calling, and to your glee (and perhaps annoyance) you realise that it’s Choi San’s voice. Then you frown and glance down at the Shiba Inu at your feet, who’s still panting happily and looking up at you. Why on earth is San looking for his cat at this hour of the night?
You ignore it, however, and merely wait for your prey to round the corner. Finally you will catch him, finally you can stop running after him, and finally-
The dog runs out and you barely manage to fight down your gasp, berating the dog mentally for startling you, but before you can get upset, you hear San cry out in happiness.
“Shiber! Thank goodness I found you!” He says, sounding relieved and there’s a series of short barks in reply, and to say you’re confused is an understatement. You wrack your mind, desperately, trying to pull the frazzled pieces of your mind together, it’s eleven at night and it’s too cold for this. Isn’t Shiber a cat?
“Why did you run away, huh?” San’s voice turns scolding now and you keep silent, still utterly confused about this. You’re pretty sure San either had some wrong mushrooms at dinner or he’s just plain sleepwalking right now, until you hear the next words that leave his lips. “What would have happened if any of the professors were walking around at night and found out that you’re actually a dog, Shiber?”
For a second, you simply make a face, mind trying to fire its remaining cylinders in the cold. And then your mouth falls open, and it clicks.
Shiba Inu. Shiber. Shiba Inu. Shiber. It makes so much sense now.
“Choi San, you have a dog?” You say, incredulously as you round the corner. San almost leaps five feet into the air in shock, as if you’re Sirius Black out for his blood, with an incriminating Shiber clutched tightly to his chest. Now that you look at the Shiba Inu a little more clearly, you can see where the coloring of its fur matches that of its feline form, the coat is of the same shade, the ears twitch in exactly the same way. ”Oh my god, that’s some high level Transfiguration skills right there-”
Before you can say another word, San pins you to the wall, one hand pressed urgently against your mouth and you make a noise of protest, smacking his arm hard indignantly. “Yah!”
“Shh!” He hushes you immediately, glancing around warily as if looking out for something. Of course you don’t listen to him - what does he think he’s doing - opting instead for flailing about in a bid to get free but he’s too strong, deceptively lean arms hiding well toned biceps and forearms.
“You can’t just do this to your house prefect!” You protest against his palm, the sentence coming out more like a garbled string of incomprehensible noises rather than anything resembling real words. He ignores you, you feel your fury spike up and you’re ready to stab him in the eye with your wand when he turns to look at you, he’s very close, way too close.
“Shh! What if a teacher walks past?” He whispers fiercely into your ear, a scowl replacing his usual, devil-may-care grin. You give him and death glare and kick him in the kneecap, but he doesn’t budge in the least. Rolling your eyes, you lean away as far as you can from him, there’s nowhere to go but the warmth of his forearm cushioning your back from the stone wall, it burns through your thin robes and an unwilling flush rises to your cheeks.
“Then you’ll get detention like you should!” You hiss in reply, trying to wriggle out of his grip. “And then get into trouble for bringing a dog into school, like you’re supposed to!”
San’s face go white the second those words leave your mouth, than to your absolute shock he grabs your hands pleadingly, wringing them back and forth with a frantic look on his face.
“You can’t tell.”
“What can’t I tell?” You grumble, suddenly immensely awkward, you weren’t expecting him to do this in the least, and immediately contrive to extricate yourself from the social train wreck as fast as possible. “Choi San. Choi San, let go of me!”
“You can’t tell the professors.” San says almost desperately, subconsciously pressing forward in his distress, and you make a face as you try to back away, whoa, whoa, whoa, personal bubble, boy! “Please!”
“I’m a prefect, I can’t just let you get away with stuff like that.” You snap, still trying to pull away from him. “What, the worst thing they can do is send Shiber back to your parents, it’s not like the school will turn him into hot dog or something-”
“They won’t.” San tells you, and for the first time you hear the edge of desperation and sheer, undiluted fear in his voice, his hand gripping your impossibly tight. “But my parents will.”
It’s no secret to the whole school that Choi San is practically nobility, even among the Slytherins. He’s the only son borne of a marriage between two aristocratic families. Power, prestige, wealth, he has it all, and even his money has its own prestige, it’s old money, businesses and trades that have been passed down the generations. And his parents wouldn’t take care of one dog?
“Wait.” You pause, giving him a confused look. “You mean... your parents didn’t give you the dog? How did you get it?”
“I rescued him from Hogsmeade.” He says, finally removing his hands from you, belatedly, you realise that you miss the warmth of his hands, goosebumps immediately racing across your skin where his skin once touched yours. “It was winter of our third year, and I found him in an alleyway behind Knockturn Alley, freezing and starving to death. I figured his previous owner must have abandoned him, so I brought him back with me to the castle... they aren’t allowed in the school, so I transfigured him to look like a cat... but he still barks sometimes and-”
“Explains your weird ass cat.” You realise, unable to believe how long you’ve been fooled for two whole years. “You mean this kind of Transfiguration in Year Three? All on your own?”
San at least has the conscience to look a little guiltily, scratching at his head awkwardly. “Well I... I did ask Mcgonagall to give me advanced lessons meant for the Year Sixes, that’s how I-”
You hold up a hand, sighing. “Okay, okay, I get it, you’re genius.” San opens his mouth to protest but then you crouch in front of Shiber, who’s still barking cheerfully, one hand coming up to scratch the fur around the ruff of his neck. “You say your parents won’t take him in? Then what do you do during winter break when you go back to your home?”
“Not home, house.” San corrects you immediately, a dark shadow crossing his face the second the words pass his lips and you feel a twinge of sympathy. Even for a Half Blood (one of the only to ever get in Slytherin, you might add) yourself, you've heard of the notoriety of the nobles and are lucky not to be one of them yourself. “Wooyoung takes him back with him to his family in the Muggle world but...” He pauses, looking slightly upset. “I don’t want to cause more trouble to his family than I already have...”
Slytherins are well known for being skilled in getting others to do what they want through any means possible. Whether it be emotional manipulation, underhanded, subtle pressurizing or completely shameless, full blown threatening, the means don’t matter, only the end. The lot of you are Slytherins, after all, and to each his own. San might be just trying to play you along like a puppet on a string, but still, you have nothing to lose by allowing him to keep his pet (you do have a weak spot for the small cat... uhh, dog).
However, you can’t just let this opportunity slide past you, it’s simply not in your nature to do so. “Well...” You drag out the word, pretending to consider this carefully and rubbing your chin. “I can’t just let you get away with doing something like this...” Your sentence trails off meaningfully and San’s eyes widen minutely, before he pauses to look at you more carefully with a guarded expression.
“What do you want from me?” He asks cautiously. Will it be money, an invitation to one of those prestigious galas that his parents host but he never wants to go to, or something even more exorbitant? Instead, you shrug carelessly. He’s a Slytherin, you’re a Slytherin. The two of you are birds of the same feather, or well, in this case, snakes of the same scale, and he knows that no Slytherin will ever in their right mind do a favour for a stranger without a reward.
“Nothing at the moment. How about you owe me a favor?” You say, with a cheeky grin, fingers reaching down to stroke your fingers through the dog’s fur. San takes a moment to think, looking down at Shiber, the dog barks happily and wags its tail at its master.
The he sighs, nods and turns to you. “Fine.” You smile triumphantly, hold out your hand, a grin playing on your lips.
And that’s the beginning of it all.
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vore-scientist · 5 years
Goldilocks and the Giant Wizard
A Tale of the Mystic Woods
(safe/soft GT vore w/fearplay)
Premise: The Giant Evil Wizard Yonah HaEsh has a uninvited visitor to his tower, and she’s quite the troublemaker. I worked a lot of silly lore into this one. 
**Content Warnings**: The titular Goldilocks lives! Do not worry! But there is minor skin irritation/burns (multiple factors involved). Descriptions are not graphic but are intense. Also Yonah briefly considers killing her (but not digesting her alive, he would never!). [please message me for additional info if needed!]
Goldie’s POV is 1st person, Yonah’s is 3rd. 
My name is Zahav Goldstein-Goldbloom. But most people call me Goldie. It’s great to meet a fan! Oh? Are you not a fan? Surely you’ve heard of me. I’m a pretty awesome adventurer if I do say so myself. And I do. Say so. All the time. I am brave. I am strong! I can run for hours! I am resourceful! And I always come out on top… always… well. Except for right now. Right now I am…
You will never guess where I am. (Or maybe you will, given fairly universal theme of the author’s blog).
I’m in the stomach of a giant! Who is also a wizard! What’s up with that? Giants can’t become wizards!
Yeah. I was eaten. Gonna die soon. That sucks. A lot.
It’s terribly smelly and terrifyingly dark in here. I briefly took out a light stone but that was worse. The horrible angry pink walls… the slimy mucus… the acids that I’m sitting in… I would rather not watch my own demise. But don’t worry, I’m not going quietly! I’ll scream my loudest up until the very end! This I swear. And I can scream very loud. If you’re worried that I’m using up my air faster: better to pass out and not die painfully right?
There’s no point in telling me that I shouldn’t be complaining, or that adventuring is far from safe. I know. I know. It’s super duper dangerous and adventurers die all the time but I never figured it would happen to me! I always do everything right. So how could this have gone so wrong? Must have been something. I should have just enough time left to reflect.
How about we start at the beginning. Not of my life. As exciting as my entire life is, or… was… I don’t think I have time before well… you know. My skin is already feeling a bit tingly. That’s probably a bad sign.
Anyways! Let’s start a few days ago. When I entered a rather mysterious forest.
The day had been pretty darn great so far! I broke a curse put upon the charming town of Shevana. I guess I did a really good job since they carried me out on their shoulders! Singing my praises! And gave me a nice reward. They told me that I’d done such a good job that they never needed me to visit again. I waved to the crowd as I walked down the road into the bright sunny day.
Ugh. I’d forgotten how boring this part of adventuring was. Travel. Walking. Just me and me thoughts. For hours. So many hours.
I wish I’d stayed in town awhile longer. They gave me some gold but didn’t give me any food for my journey. And you can’t eat gold! Unless maybe you’re a lava snake. But I’m guessing you aren’t since they can’t read. Can’t really hold books in molten coils.
Usually I manage to find something, a stray fruit tree, shoot a rabbit. However I saw no such things on the side of the road! Not that I was concerned. One day without food could not worry me.
But that one day became two. And on that second evening I came to a forest.
I figured I could find something to eat in a forest! Right? Berries at the very least. Countless people have told me to be careful about eating plants I’m not familiar with but I’ve never had any problems.
I didn’t expect the sun to set so fast. Nor for it to start raining. I could barely see three feet in front of me let alone forage for sustenance. What I needed was shelter. Warm and dry shelter. Hell I would take a hole in the ground!
That’s when I spotted it: A hole in the ground!
Right between the roots of a small group of trees growing on a sizable mound of earth and rocks. And it was very dry, the earth inside covered in a soft moss! Finally things were making sense again.
One thing was missing: warmth.
What I lacked in food I made up for in flint and tinder! Miraculously still dry tinder thanks to my awesome waterproof bag that I got from a witch. I offered to return it after I was done with my quest but she wouldn’t let me near her hut and insisted I leave and never come back.
So I lit a small fire.
That’s when the rumbles started.
That’s when I found out that this wasn’t a mound made of earth and rocks.
Well it was made of bears. Large, no-longer-sleeping bears.
Made of earth and rocks.
I was able to get out of there and make a run for it as they disentangled themselves, the roots of the trees had grown deep and I could hear them ripping out of the ground as the beasts roared.
Miracle is an understatement. I shouldn’t have gotten away from the bears. I couldn’t actually run since I couldn’t see even if when the rain stopped. I collided into every thorn bush and tripped on every rock and root. From behind me I could hear them, they were getting closer. Surely at their size they could reach me in just a single bound!
And then I didn’t hear them! I also felt really nauseated as I stumbled into a clearing.
Not a true clearing. It wasn’t an empty meadow. From what I could see it was a garden, and possibly a small orchard? The sky was still dark with clouds. Thankfully The plant beds were spaced very far apart; not the most efficient use of space. And no, I didn’t pick any fruits or vegetables! This is clearly a magical garden! I’m not stupid. I don’t know what gave you that idea!
Fine! I took some apples! They smelled normal enough, and I’m not cursed or anything. Plus I was thoughtful enough to carve the adventurers symbol for “safe” on the tree, to let others know.
After that I just wanted to be out of this rain, out of the dark. And I was still hungry. Apples aren’t very filling.
There was a light!
Shining from the window of a tower at the opposite end of the clearing. I could not believe! And even better, the tower was covered in strong vines, miraculously free of moisture and easy to climb! With the prospect of a roof over my head, I had the strength to make my way up.
That fall from the window into the tower should definitely have broken a few bones.
This was no ordinary tower. It was magical. And whoever lived here was… well giant isn’t the right word. I’ve seen giants and they are about 40ft tall, this isn’t nearly big enough. I’ve heard stories of smaller varieties of giant but none from this continent. Perhaps some really large ogre lives here? But what ogre needs a magical workshop?
I should have maybe, maybe, just waited for whoever lived here to show up, because they weren’t around, and there was a freshly burning candle on the desk.
My hunger having been momentarily abated with apples and distracted by my curiosity, I climbed up on to the desk.
Wow! What treasures! Magical gizmos And whatchamacallits And doodads And doohickeys, And thingamabobs! I wanted to play with each to find out what they all did! And there were books! So many books and scrolls and bottles full of who knows what! I almost did, when I spotted the letter.
Whoever lived here must have left suddenly, for at the edge of the desk was a piece of parchment shiny with ink, and even though I could not read the writing, it was clearly an unfinished letter.
I tried to skim some of the books only most were in languages I couldn’t read. And they hurt my eyes.
It was time to continue my explorations. What I needed to find was a bed, or something suitable as a bed. And if I was lucky, something to eat and drink.
From my vantage point on the desk I could see an open trap door with a staircase leading down into the dark. There weren’t any other exits aside from the window so down I went.
Climbing down giant stairs is not fun. And I didn’t fancy having to climb back up. Hopefully I would find food and be recharged by then. Wow I was hungry.
Was that? That smell. Savory and meaty! Food! A doorway appeared on the wall of the stairwell, which led into a kitchen. There was no way I could prepare food here. Thankfully the table was set for dinner! And with the serving being so large, surely I could take some and it wouldn’t make a difference.
Ow!!! The soup, which had been luke warm, burned my mouth! I’d never eaten anything so spicy in my life! Ow ow ow!!! I reached into the goblet for handfuls of what I figured was water. But it wasn’t. Whatever it was it was sweet and bubbly, and it soothed the pain so I drank more.
No more soup for me, but there was a small, relative to the rest of the place, loaf of bread. A personal sized one. If said person was a few stories tall. It was as large as a bolder with a nearly rock hard crust to complete the illusion. I had to use my knife to carve into it.
The bread wasn’t spicy, it was full of raisins and nuts! Regular sized ones. Delicious! I ate my fill, and had more of the sweet drink before continuing my quest for a bed!
Woah!!! I almost fell off the table. I must’ve been really tired, the room is spinning a bit. But I was fine. I didn’t fall so I was fine! In fact I felt GREAT! I used the chair to get back to the floor and back to the staircase. No way was I getting up it. That way lead to the workshop, I only made it down one floor. So down I must go once more.
This time I found a living room. It was lit by a roaring fire in the hearth. There was a couch, an ottomon, and an armchair.
I tried to climb up onto the couch but it was too far off the ground. I used my grappling hook and it snagged the upholstery but as I tried to climb it just ripped down. I tried again with the same result except my hook got on a seam! It wasn’t far enough up so I left it there.
The armchair was the better bet, I should have inspected all of my options rather than just heading to the first thing i saw.
A large blanket was draped over the chair, tassels reaching the floor, and I was able to climb up. I couldn’t pull the blanket up to wrap myself in it, but beggars can’t be choosers. The Chair was very soft all things considered, though the fabric of it and blanket were rough, it was enough of a bed for someone as tired and small as I.
I promptly went to sleep.
Fuck. That was. Not fun. Bruised and bleeding, he was looking forward to getting back home. At least the storm had passed and the early summer sun was rising. Well, he deserved to sleep a day and a night for this. And get a handsome paycheck. The king was damn lucky to have him at his beck and call! He had postponed dinner to finish writing a report when he got the call too! Now he would have to write a second report!
Finally he stepped over the stone path of his garden, careful not to slip as his shoes were covered in mud. At least he wasn’t tracking blood anymore. Not much at least.
As he passed by his dancing sunflowers they bent towards him. They shouldn’t be active this early in the morning, even in summer. Was something wrong? Were they sick?
All their faces were turned in the same direction. He crouched down to their level (about 4 meters). Their attention was on the apple trees. That’s when he saw it.
One of the trees had been vandalized! Some sort of symbol carved into the trunk. He didn’t have a hope in finding the person, but he wrote down the symbol just the same. He needed to know what it meant. He didn’t want his tower being marked by some guild or cult.
Irritation pushed away some of his exhaustion as he Leapt up to snag the tower windowsill. His wounds stretched and blood trickled out again. He landed in his workshop with a muddy, bloody, thud. Maybe he could finish off the first report after all. Future him would thank him and-
The report was covered in footprints! The not yet dry ink had been tracked all over his desk! He held the now ruined report under the magnifying glass.
Human shaped.
A thief most likely. If they were so foolish as to still be around (and judging by the lingering scent of human, they were), they just won themselves a ticket down his throat. And if they were very lucky, because Yonah was now in quite a Mood™, it wouldn’t be one way.  
It took a lot of focus to make his way silently down the stairs. He wanted to stomp and scream, to be monstrous, but that would give the thief warning. Give them a fighting chance. They did not deserve that chance.
Using his nose he followed the smell of the human to the kitchen. But he did not find them. Instead he found his now cold dinner.
Which the human had clearly helped themselves too! Did this person lack manners? Just, eating off of someone elses plate! Or rather, bowl? There were dried splashes of soup and mead all over the table, and his bread had little holes carved into it. What kind of person did that! Was this even a thief?
That didn’t really matter, he would eat them either way. He took a sip of the mead. Alcohol wasn’t what he needed, but it was what he wanted. Mmmm, it tasted better than he expected. It tasted like…
Had the human just stuck their HANDS INTO HIS CUP? He wasn’t grossed out. It’s not like he bothered to wash the humans when he swallowed them whole or anything. It was just so weird!
Tasted good though. It made him excited to eat the real deal.
Maybe a change of clothes first? And a bath? His current adornments were getting crusty and smelled horrible. So was he. The wounds had dried into the threads and pulled with every movement. Then again, he probably looked really scary. He couldn’t even imagine the state of his hair. 
As he passed through the living room to the bedroom he had a strong urge to pass out on the couch and deal with all of his problems when he woke up. He caught himself unconsciously taking a few steps towards it.
That’s when the scent of the human caught his attention once more. And something else caught his eye.
Something was off about the couch. Inspecting it he found it had been torn! The stuffing spilling out and a small hook stuck in the fabric. First his report, then his bread, now his couch! This thief’s chances of survival were dwindling by the minute.
No time to change his clothes he was going to find the human before they wrecked anything else!
Oh. They were. right there. Sprawled out, halfway under the blanket on his armchair. Sleeping. As peacefully as one could be. Not for long. But he did not want to wake them just yet.
He sat down on the ottoman and leaned forward.
The human certainly looked like a thief. At least, she had adventuring gear. Not all adventurers were thieves but the ones who entered his tower were usually there to steal.
Her shining golden hair made of large curls was impeccably clean and fell across her face with perfect delicacy. Her golden-brown skin was free of blemishes, though her cheeks were flushed, the scent of alcohol lingering on her. She was beautifully innocent looking. And he was furious.
Was she not a thief? Thieves may be foolish but they didn’t break into his house to eat his food and drink until they passed out.
Then he spotted her knife and ink stained boots, about a meter from her head, tossed aside.  
He took a deep breath, filling it with rage and fire.
Ouch! What was that! A blast of hot steam?
I woke up to find a very angry giant man in wondrously patterned robes standing over the bed, eyes angrily aglow. As my vision focused I saw that the robes were torn in several places and dreadfully bloodstained. So was the man, and he was still bleeding out of a few wounds, in particular a nasty gash on his left cheek and a black eye to go with it.
More hot breaths growled forth.
Well I am nothing if not polite. Even to grumpy people. I sat up, yawned, stretched a bit, and cheerfully greeted this giant man.
“Hello! I’m Zahhava Goldberg-Goldstein, adventurer extraordinaire! you call me Goldie! What’s your name?”
I held out my hand and smiled. No one can resist my smile.
That’s all she had to say? He pushed the fire in his eyes to grow more intense. But she just continued to smile. Her huge golden eyes sparkling with irritating innocence.
“I don’t believe you’ve earned that information.” he growled and she blinked, “What the fuck are you doing in my tower?”
She considered for a moment, “Sleeping? Well I was sleeping. Boy does one get tired without a steed! I should really get one! And I call myself a hero! Wow You have really hot breath!”
Crossing his arms Yonah let out another snort of steam before he straightened up and leaned back.
“Do you always break into people’s houses?”
The human spoke with her whole body, wild motions that Yonah suspected some people had been in the line of fire of.
“I- there wasn’t a door or anything! Quite perplexing, but i’ve heard of towers like this before. Tricky stuff, but I’ve handled worse. Never met a vine I couldn’t climb, and the window was open!”
“Can I assume those are your footprints smeared across my report to the king?” It did not escape Yonah’s notice that she didn’t actually answer his question.
“Is that what that was? It was in a very strange language, it looked similar to dwarvish. Is that the language of this land? I must have crossed a boarder… I only ventured two days from town..”
Guess she didn’t read giant. Thankfully the king did, and let him write reports in his own language. And again… not actually an answer from this little, absent minded, egotistical, delectable, thief.
“Is this yours?” He held up the hook.
“Oh yes! Thanks so much for getting it loose! It was stuck something fierce wasn’t it!” She held out her hands but he only grinned, used the hook to pick his teeth and tossed it into his sleeve. Her smile wavered only briefly.
She still had not apologized.
“And you who poked little holes in my bread and drank my mead?” Yonah’s left eye twitched.
“I was hungry! After not a bite to eat for two days I Couldn’t believe I found such a bounty. Did you make that bread yourself it was incredible! The soup was way to spicy though, nearly burned my tongue off!”
Yonah raised an eyebrow. So not a thief? Just a poor lost soul? A bit of his anger subsided as a hint of pity grew within him.
“Before I got here I found this hill see, I was trying to get shelter from the rain. There was a small cave so I went in! But then… the Hill… it turned out to be made of bears! And- YIPE!”
Out of nowhere I was pinned under his right hand and smoke started billowing out of his hair; the roots of which sparked to life. We had just been talking! Having a nice conversation, what could have prompted this change?!
His face loomed over me, smiling. Not a kind smile either. Why was he smiling? He was clearly mad! Oh what had I done?
Now scalding spittle joined the breath as he shouted at me.
I didn’t respond. I couldn’t! He was crushing the air out of me and I struggled my hardest to get his hand off.
“N-no-“ I coughed, my only reward was a lungful of the hot breath.
“Ooohhhohoh I’m going to enjoy eating you!” he laughed. The unmistakable laugh of -
A villain.
This was a villain’s lair! Stupid stupid!!! Of course! The tower! The vines! The mysterious Workshop filled with bubbling noxious things in jars! The sweet, perfectly trimmed goatee this giant man had! It all added up, but all too late.
My heart stopped. Not literally but it sure felt like it. DID HE SAY ‘EAT ME’?
The hand lifted slightly and I took painful breathes.
But Before I could do anything to save myself the fingers curled around my back and I was Brought to his face. His grin stretched ear to ear and he drew his tongue over his lips.
Using the breath I managed to get, I tried my best to reason with him.
No. Of course she doesn’t. But beaten up and oh so hungry, Yonah was not in a merciful mood.
Why should he let her live? This idiot humans had no respect for other people! She disturbed ancient spirits and felt no remorse! In fact she was acting as if she did nothing wrong!
He was done talking to her. Lowering her from eye level he pressed her onto his tongue and licked her bodily. She shrieked as she was covered in his near boiling slobber.
She tasted very very good. Her tears adding to her already savory flavor. He shoved her torso into his mouth and closed his lips around her.
The blood thundering in his ears drowned out her shrill cries, and after a few more seconds of enjoying her flavor he tipped his head back and swallowed her down.
Yonah didn’t know why, but he decided against killing her. For all she had done… as thoughtless and worthless of a person as she clearly was, she had made no attempts on his life. She was just completely oblivious, and tactless. Not an execution worthy crime. Though… he had come very close. He almost snapped her neck when he held her in his hand. And again, almost bit down to do the same between his teeth. It would have been quick, bloodless, painless.
Neither times he did he take the opportunity. And as the struggling mass filled his stomach he wasn’t about to make her suffer a slow painful death as his meal. That was never something he could do, no matter how angry. 
/Of course/ he thought, a wicked grin growing on his face as pat his stomach, making her scream and scramble /she didn’t know any of this/.
I don’t know why I continued to scream as I was crammed into the Giant’s mouth, he wasn’t listening to me at all! He was true to his word, he was going to eat me! Oh right it was because it was painful!!! Everything around me burned and I was pushed against the teeth, though the grace of a god who I could not name, I was not bitten.
Not yet.
In hindsight I should have started saying my prayers much earlier. Surely he was much too small to swallow me whole and was going to bite my head off or something. Or maybe my waist? He sealed me inside his mouth, letting my legs dangle out. The tongue was still active and shoving me into the hard teeth.
The end was surely near!
Gravity shifted and I slid down to the back of his throat! As my arms and head were pulled into the tight passage of flesh my legs were sucked into his mouth. I kicked as best I could but all I got were triumphant chuckles as my legs met his enthusiastic tongue.
Powerful rolling muscles shoved drew me down again and again! As my legs were pulled into the restricting tunnel my outstretched arms passed through a tight ring of flesh. Then my head escaped the esophagus. I took a breath and choked on the humid vomit smelling air.
I didn’t stop screaming as the rest of my body was squished into the stomach. I didn’t stop as my face was pressed into the bottom, where a small pool of fluids was gathering! NOT GOOD! I did not stop as I hurriedly I rolled around to get my head away from the digestive juices.
There was still air. Not the most breathable, but it was air. How long it would last?
And it was even hotter in here, in the belly of the beast. I swear the pool of liquid boiled. I was thrown about, squished and shoved, as the giant laughed and laughed at my impending demise.
And it must be soon. For we are back where we started!
Eaten by a giant wizard.
And judging by the pounding on my left side, a disgustingly pleased giant wizard. I knew there was evil in the world. But it is really disheartening to know there were those so cruel that they relished in the death of others. And I was so powerless against him! I hadn’t even a sliver of a fighting chance.
I couldn’t tell if it was sweat or his stomach fluids flowing down my face, it all burned the same. It was like a boiling sulfur pool. The worst sauna ever.
ACk! Some of the fluid got in MY MOUTH!!! And the fluid level is… it’s rising. It was at my ankles when I began telling you my tale but now it halfway up my calves, and i’ve got my knees to my chest so… it’s getting worrisome. I’m done screaming. It’s not worth it. I’m sure I’ll start again once my flesh starts literally being eaten away, but for now…
“Hey!” the voice of the giant hit my already pounding ears like a mallet. Oh gods. He was gonna talk to me as I died! Did he have no respect for his meals!? Or was this respectful in his culture… I doubted that.
“Have any last words?” the chuckle shook and swirled around me.
Last words. Did I have any? Were they worth it? Just for him to hear. He knew my name but I couldn’t imagine him seeking out my friends and family. Especially since I don’t have any. Did I want the last meaningful thing I say to be for my killer’s ears only? I kinda wanted to say SOMETHING.  Through sobs I managed:
“Like- like what?” before realizing that asking him for suggestions wasn’t smart. There was a forceful pushing on my left side.
The prodding became more forceful. Helping his stomach soften me up I guess. 
“Are you really THAT Dense?” his evil laughter making the offensive fluids splash my face. I would NOT show any sign of pain. Not yet. But it still hurt. Everything stung and burned like I had waded into a boiling salt sea with a million paper cuts.
“You break into my house! Fuck up my report, tracking ink all over my desk!! Carve little holes into my freshly baked bread and splashing mead and soup everywhere! Rip up the upholstery on my couch! And not to mention you Disturbed the ancient forest spirits which I HAD TO DEAL WITH! ”
“But, I didn’t realize, I didn’t mean to-” I was just trying to survive the storm! It’s not my fault. Right? RIGHT!? But. I would be angry too. If I had written a letter to my mom and someone got grubby food covered hands on it. I would be quite mad! If I had made myself a nice meal and some kid picked at pieces of it, even small ones, I would be furious! I would be beyond outraged if hmmm if some idiot accidentally summoned a demon which I had to banish and said idiot didn’t thank me or admit to their mistake… Oh. I’m the idiot. I’m the assole.
“Yes, you are an asshole. Glad you finally figured that out. I was getting worried.”
Fuck did I say that out loud? My mind must be on its way out. It is getting difficult to breathe. Wait? Why did he care? What was going on?
Man it would have just been a cherry on top of his horrible day if he released his victim without  her learning her lesson. Otherwise it would have felt like a terrible deed to unleash her back onto the world. But he wasn’t about to keep her captive. His place would be a pile of rubble in a week if she even so much as looked at his magical artifacts.
You see, he’d heard of entities such as her…
The Heedless.
Agents of Chaos And Entropy.
She was clearly still developing. There was still time. Not to stop her, just minimize her catastrophes. And getting her to access her Hindsight was a step in the right direction. Now he just needed to send her to someone to unlock her Foresight. But he couldn’t think about that right now.
As he pulled her unconscious form out of his throat he saw her golden skin was now tinged red and blistering in places. He frowned; he didn’t think that he’d pushed the time limit for “unharmed” with Goldie. It had only been a few minutes.
Mucus, spit, and stomach fluids hit the counter top with a loud TSSSS; steam rose.
Ah. Those weren’t acid burns, they were… regular burns. He had been so mad, he couldn’t even begin to imagine what his internal temperature was.
He immediately dumped her body into the half full sink, while he continued to spit up more fluids. Gross. Along with the painful effort involved was almost enough to make him question why he let them live through him. Ok not really. He might have embraced being a monster, but not that much. He was still a person. And so were his victims.
He made sure to keep her head above the water, she was still breathing. She had been awake up until he spat her out. His best guess was she passed out from screaming so much. He held her gently and let cool cleansing water flow around her.
A few moments later she gasped and sat up. Then dived towards the running faucet, she had to get the fluids off of her face. And the waterfall was more forceful than the continuously draining pool.
My skin and body ached. I think this is what it feels like to be boiled alive. The ever flowing water kept the heat at bay. All I could do was close my eyes and sit there.
Eventually I opened them, through the water I saw the distorted face of the giant. Still angry. Still bloodied. Still… I was on the outside of his body again! I just wasn’t sure why.
“You can’t stay there forever” the voice of the giant came through the water.
I leaned forward just so my lips breached, “yes, I can.”
The giant’s face came close to me once more and I screamed. But back under water nothing but bubbles came out.
“No. You can’t. This is MY house, so if you stay you will become MY food. Got it?”
I fell over, cowering under his gaze, “You’re going to eat me again!” And huddled up as best I could but I’m no turtle.
“If you dont get the FUCK out of here, yes.” he bellowed, eyes glowing again. “I’m feeling generous, as well as stupid, so I didn’t kill you. Do not push your luck.”
He picked me up! Didn’t even warm me! Rude! But I didn’t dare scream or struggle lest he lose his temper with me. And he wasn’t being gentle, his calloused fingers brushing over my burns, squeezing my sides surely bruising something!
Of course it was better than being eaten! Better than being dead! Not that much, as I was shaken and swung about!
By the time I dared open my eyes we were back in the workshop. And I was dropped on the windowsill, the cool stone just barely won over the rough texture.
“Now,” his face was my entire sky, eyes two burning suns while his hands on either side. I could run, I could leave the tower. But I didn’t think he would approve.
“What do you have to say for yourself?”
Say? What could I say? I’d said everything! right? RIGHT? ...!
“I’m sorry!” I squeaked.
“What Was that? Tasty one?” A drop of hot spit landed next to my face.
His smile became a crescent moon before he picked me up and set me on my feet.
“There’s hope for you after all,” he said.
A part of him, and not a small part, felt a bit bad for what he was about to do. And there wasn’t time or opportunity to get it approved so he might get reprimanded. Plus it might mean he would have to see her again. But it was the only way. Ok, maybe not the only way, but the quickest way, and the sooner the better with Heedless Wreckers.
“For your transgressions I should have killed you, or at the very least made you work to repay the damage,” he tried to look thoughtful.
Goldie inched ever so slightly to the edge of the windowsill. Yonah flicked his eyes and tapped a finger so she knew he’d noticed. She gave him a guilty smile, but made no more motions to flee. Hopefully she was paying attention. This was a bit involved and Heedless Wreckers weren’t known for being able to handle complex tasks.
“Instead I’m giving you a quest!”
Out of all the things I anticipated him saying, “I’m giving you a quest” was not one of them.
No one ever gave me quests. I’ve always had to find my own. They were never as glorious as I wished. For some reason I’ve always had to give up most of my reward money or loot for “damages” or whatever. So unfair.
Fuck I needed to pay attention! If I failed he would surely eat me. And kill me this time!
“I’m in need of some hard to get spell components, including the missing piece of the spell itself. Fortunately they can all be found in th capital city. From Fowl Business Apothecary i require powdered hens teeth, 5 grams filtered through dried Red Fanged Weaver webs. I need some of those webs too, fresh.”
Oh gods this was a lot already and it was the first item!!!
“At least 6 pieces of Prickly Pear Fruit and the crystallized thorns from those pieces! Keep track of whose quills belong to who! I believe Midbar’s Emporium will have them in stock, if not they can point you to and imports market, make sure to get pears attached to the leaf, I’ll just have to crystallize the quills myself.”
What? Prickly pear? Quills? Oh he means desert candy!
“Petrified Snail Skulls, pilfered woodlouse hats, and Bottled Pygmy Goat laughter from Pixilious Proprieties.”
He stopped and considered, “you won’t have a problem with riddle solving right? Pix doesn’t let anyone into their shop without answering a riddle. Powers their magic I think. And while you can then make purchases, they will generously discount items for each additional riddle answered”
I dearly wished I could write all this down! I would never remember it. But I had no paper! No pen! No parchment or ink! And even if I did, I’m still damp.
The giant stroked its goatee.
“I should really write all this down,” he mumbled, and walked over to his desk, rummaging through the drawers, which I thought odd since it was just paper and ink right?
Then a thought struck me… I could.. Run. Right now. While his back was turned. No quest! No problems! Running is one of my special talents, it has saved me many times. This might be my only chance. But I didn’t, which was definitely the right choice as the evil giant came back, snatched me off the window sill and placed me on the desk as he finished gathering supplies.
I refrained from mentioning that I couldn’t carry a giant sized list. At least he wrote in a language I could read. Repeating each line as he wrote them; very considerate.
“Oh!” he said halfway through, “There are some more common components I’m running low on, if you can’t find them all don’t stress about it.”
His new calm, almost friendly attitude was freaking me out! Speaking as if I was his regular delivery boy, and not someone he was inclined to eat for dinner just 15 minutes prior!
“Make sure you visit The King’s Treasury first, I’ll notify them of your visit. You need a Treasury Seal to purchase things, as you won’t have the coin with you, and the merchants don’t know you and thus wouldn’t be inclined to sell you some of the rarer items even if you did. Not without considerable mark-up.”
The treasury!?
“And finally,” he looked down at me. There was more than a glint of hunger in those eyes.
“The Library. You will be heading to the Mystical Archives, they will be expecting you, but tell them your name and that you are in search of the following items: First, 27th page of the 12th book on the 3rd shelf of the nearest bookcase right of the door to the section on hyper-natural phenomenon”
“Why-?” but he narrowed his eyes. Yep. not going to question it.
“And a copy of A Nation of Ash Volume 5: Compendium of the Historical and All Too True Sorcery of the Kingdom of AniDeva in the 4th Era Following The Pheonix Storm With A Thorough Index of Relevant Spells and Enchantments By Omexaryl Othar Odelis, Grand Magister of the Realm (3rd Edition)”
Was that even a real book?
It suddenly occurred to me this could be a wild cockatrice chase.
The list was complete, and he blew on it with breath that shivered in the air, drying it instantly.
Then he folded it up, his eyes flashing orange every time he pressed in a crease. I just stood there as it got smaller and smaller until I could easily fit it in my bag.
“Don’t open the list indoors,” he said, handing it to me. I took it without thinking. “It’s not shrunken. It will fold back up itself.”
The trip back to the windowsill was only a few seconds and he did carry me. It wasn’t so bad now that he wasn’t playing the villain. He still didn’t like me, and I couldn’t blame him. We definitely got off on the wrong foot. Mostly my fault. But he did eat me…
That’s all in the past. I was ready to get on with my quest. Even if it was just shopping.
“If I may ask something, Sir-“
“Mr HaEsh” an eye twitched but didn’t flare. He hadn’t given me his name beforehand after all.
“Mr… Ha-Esh” … his name was ‘The Fire’, a bit on the nose.
“Where is the capital from here?”
My hair dried as he heaved a sigh right at my face.
“I couldn’t tell you. No, I really can’t. Just keep walking until out of the forest. Ask someone for a map or directions at the first town you come to.”
Before setting off, he gave me a satchel of provisions. I took this as a sign that he actually wanted me to succeed in my mission.
I thanked him for this chance and he just grunted. But the corners of his mouth twitched upwards slightly.
If I wasn’t on a quest I would have lingered in the garden! In the daylight it was incredible. I wanted to smell every flower, caress every leaf! Not the time.
I ran off.
Finally he could breathe easy. And hope she didn’t burn down the woods on her way out. That… shouldn’t happen. The Mystic Woods was too powerful for even a developed Heedless Wrecker. It was more likely to hasten her exit, at least make that part of her quest uneventful.
Yonah would have loved to go downstairs, reheat his dinner, even drink the certainly flat mead, take a bath, dress his still aching wounds, and sleep all the rest of the day. And he would. But there were a few things to take care of.
Mainly one thing.
He returned to his desk and touched the filigree frame of the mirror and spoke.
“Please put me through to an Operator of His Majesty King Benyamin of Orr, on the request of His Royal Mage, Yonah HaEsh, designation phey-tef-dal-memi-gamil-gamil ” it was long but at least he didn’t have to make up a stupid rhyme. And Yet, if one didn’t say “please” it wouldn’t work at all. Mirrors.
It took a minute for someone to answer, but finally the familiar face of Nava Holtz materialized. Skin almost as dark as warm night night sky, and long black braids ornamented with gold and silver.
She had been an Apprentice Op when Yonah was first hired, assigned to him because none of the more senior Ops wanted to deal with the evil giant firewitch who, as far as the administration was concerned, was more trouble than he was worth. Working well with him earned her some fast promotions and Over the years he’d proven himself. Ops were less rude to his face at the very least. Nava was still his favorite, she had been so patient and kind with his adjusting to his new position.
Which is why he wished someone else had answered, he didn’t want her to deal with this bullshit. Of course, he could think of no one better.
“Yonah! It’s good to see you, oh my word” she gasped, “I heard you had to wrangle talleks.”
Actually, he was glad it was Nava, he didn’t feel up to polite formalities.
She had not failed to notice his sorry state.
“Oh, yes! Um… I’ll have the report later, you can let Marni know I got them to settle down. It wasn’t easy,”
“No, I can see that,” she said, her genuine concern was much appreciated.
In his full report he would mention how they resisted magical restrained, requiring him to physically wrestle them. With diamond claws and fangs, and jagged rocks sticking out of their fur, he was thankful to have only suffered lacerations and bruises. Once they calmed down, and thank fuck they spoke dwarvish (an ancient dialect, but it was sufficient), he burned some inscence and played a flute and off to slumberland they went.
One of them, the youngest, but the largest, wanted to remain awake. And the sleeping ritual only worked on bears who wanted it to. That would be interesting. And he should tell The King, but that wasn’t why he called. For now it sat by its parents, keeping vigil.
“I figured out who woke them,” he said, Nava’s eyes went wide, “and you’re not going to like it…”
He explained about the girl.
“Are you sure she’s Heedless?”
“Yes, I could smell it on her,”
“So if you unlocked Hindsight then…” he could practically hear her heart plummet to the floor.
“You didnt!”
Yonah grimaced, “I did… she’ll be at the treasury in a few days. The tasks I set her should help her think things through. It was a long list, she can’t wing it. And some of the items require special transport methods. She’ll have to plan. I copied the instructions I gave her, I’ll send them over. I trust you can contact the necessary guilds?”
Nava sighed, “Yes, of course. And you did the right thing. It’s just going to be a lot of paperwork.” In fact she was already writing as they spoke.
“The last thing she’ll be doing is a library quest. Two actually. Standard and Precision Exploratory. Can you put me through to Archivist Ahava?”
Nava stopped writing, “Don’t they hate you?”
“Yes,” exactly.
Nava smiled, “So you want them to deal with this. Fun. They are the best brownie for the job. Just don’t give them any grief.”
“I’ll try. And thanks, I’ll call again soon,” he smiled.
“Transferring call,” she said, smiling back, as she fiddled with her mirror set up.
The mirror swirled And went iridescent before resolving into shelves of book! Directly in view of a pile of that rose from largest to smallest.
“Oh me oh my this had better be good! I was in the middle of some important business, very important indeed!” the squeaky yet harsh voice belonged to a stout brownie with light grey-brown skin, straw like hair nearly bursting from its bun, and 4 jewel-like eyes. On their body they wore a fancy, flowing, but rather plain colored suit. And on their face they wore a scowl.
“/Yonah/,” Ahava never refused to be formal with him, and not out of familiarity. They climbed up the stack of books to sit facing the mirror.
Their lower left eye twitched as he too addressed them informally. He really shouldn’t, they were higher ranked… one of the highest ranked, Royal Mages.
“Fortune has once again done the disservice of connecting us so make it snappy, I have work to do! And what is the meaning of calling me looking like something a dragon chewed up and out”
Yonah grinned and Ahava’s scowl deepened, “Couldn’t be helped, I was wrestling Talleks. And don’t lie to me, I know for a fact you take tea at this time, for an hour.”
Two eyes narrowed and two eyes widened, their long fingers curled and uncurled.
“But I’ll get to the point. I encountered a Heedless Wrecker today, who needs to be taught the use of Foresight. I’ve sent her on a quest, and it includes the library,”
He explained to the increasingly annoyed Archivist, who was turning an amusing shade of blue.
“I cannot sign off on sending a Heedless into the catacombs! No way no how! There is not a single archivist trained to handle such things!”
Yonah raised his brows and blinked a smile.
“No no no! Out of the question! I will turn her away, yes I will! See if I don’t!”
“But I really do need that book. Otherwise I’ll have to come myself.”
That earned him a glare from all four eyes. Yonah could see the gears turning in their head. Thanks to his status as a dangerous magical entity, he had to be under escort when visiting The Archive. The King required Ahava to be that escort. It was either him or Goldie.
“I gave her a list of items to get for me, several of them are actually for her use in the catacombs’ challenges.”
All but one of the eyes closed as Ahava crossed their arms, taking deep breaths.
“Fine, I’ll do it. I got nothing better to do, and it’s been a while since I went on an adventure. Now, I must get back to my tea. Yes I must”
They disconnected without another word.
It would take at least a few days for Goldie to reach the capital. He had time to take a bath, eat, and change into a soft nightgown before using the Magic Pantry to send the quest details to Nava.
Along with a loaf of bread small enough to share with the entire Ops Team.
[Thanks for reading! please reblog/message me with feedback! for more mystic woods go to vore-scientist.tumblr.com/tagged/+mystic+woods+story or search ‘mystic woods story’ on my blog! For thief stories only search “MW Thieves”]
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c-s support + paired endings + night of the ball
Ingrid: That’s the third time this month. I: Well, that's that. Father never relents. I: Oh, Professor! Hello! Did you need something?
>Were you just hiding something?
>What were you doing just now?
I: Well, um, that is... I was just tossing out something I have no need of. It's important to keep our spaces clean, after all! I: You'd do well to remember that too, Professor! A clean space makes for a clean mind...or some such. I: Getting rid of things you have no need for is the first step to managing one's belongings in an economical way.
>Could you help tidy my room sometime?
I: Certainly, I'd love to. Just say when, and I'll be there in an instant! (post-skip?)
I: While I'd love to help, I don't want people getting the wrong idea with me being alone in your room. (pre-skip?)
>Are you the thrifty type?
I: Does that surprise you? Perhaps it seems ill befitting someone of noble birth to care about such things. I: Despite my family's nobility, we've never been particularly wealthy. I: So my father raised me to be conservative with my resources, paring down when necessary. I: He also encouraged me to keep my living spaces immaculate, so the two go hand in hand, I suppose.
>He sounds like a good father.
>He sets a fine example I'd be happy to follow.
I: Yes. He's...a good person. I: Even when managing our territory used up most of our family's resources, he still went out of his way to ensure my comfort. I: I think he'd be happy to hear you say that.
>What was it you threw out, anyway?
I: Oh...just a scrap of paper. I: It was already written on, so no good for note-taking. And obviously I can't use it to clean my lance. I: So I tossed it. No need to hang on to inconsequential things, you know! I: Professor, did you come to check on me for any particular reason? I: I hope Sylvain and Felix aren't getting into trouble as they tend to do.
>No particular reason, no.
>I just wanted to talk with you.
I: Ah. Well, if there's nothing important, I'll be on my way, then. I: I still have some cleaning to take care of, after all. Talk to you later, Professor.
I: Ugh, will Father never learn?! All of these useless letters are only creating more rubbish in the world! I: It's strange to think I won't be receiving any more letters like this... I: Professor? Ah, I didn't see you standing there. My apologies.
>Was that a letter you were disposing of?
I: Oh, ah... That paper? Well, I...yes. Yes, it was. I: It was a letter...from my father.
>Are you sure you want to throw it away?
>Isn't that important to you?
I: I understand where you're coming from here, but I have no need of such things. I: It isn't like anything of importance was written on it. I: Curious? I suppose there's no harm in allowing you to read it. Go on, then.
My dearest daughter, Ingrid,
Are you well? I trust that you are behaving yourself and refraining from causing trouble for others.
Things on the home front are in order. The marriage proposal for you and the viscount's son should be prepared soon.
Although I am quite certain there are many superior candidates at Garreg Mach Monastery.
As you know, the very survival of our family is dependent upon whom you marry.
You are the only one left in the family who can make things right. We are all counting on you. Do not lose sight of what truly matters.
>This is...
>A letter about marriage prospects?
I: Yes. This was the last letter I received before leaving the academy. (post-skip) I: Yes. Perhaps you found it somewhat entertaining. (pre-skip) I: I've told you that we've never been very well off, financially. I: My noble family—House Galatea—branched off from House Daphnel in the Alliance. I: Shortly after, we were lucky enough to receive the support of the royal family, allowing us to attain nobility...to some extent. I: But the territory we watch over is poor, its harvests meager. And our noble blood, too, has grown thin. Neither my father nor my brothers bear a Crest. I: I, however, do bear a Crest. Because of this, my father sees me as our family's one hope for the future. I: A Crest is highly prized among nobles. Were I to marry into a greater noble family, that financial support could soothe our woes...
>I can't believe he would use you like that...
>What an awful way for him to treat you...
I: Thank you, Professor. Your sentiment alone is a great comfort to me. I: Despite my own feelings, I understand why he said these things. It isn't that he doesn't care for me. (post-skip) I: Despite my own feelings, I understand his approach to all this. It isn't that he doesn't care for me. (pre-skip) I: I understand it very, very well. Which is why I... I: I apologize, Professor. I must be going.
I: Apologies for bothering you so late. I just...really wanted to speak with you.
>I'm happy to listen.
>If you must.
I: Thank you. You see, I've been feeling conflicted. About my future. I: It may seem petty to worry about such things in the middle of a war like this...
>I don't think it's petty.
>Let's hear it anyway.
I: This isn't something I open up about with many people. I: Feeling such a sense of inner turmoil while a war rages on and others are fighting with all they have, well... It feels a little selfish. I: The truth is, I've wanted to be a knight ever since I was a small child. I: Not just any knight, like one you might find serving within the castle guard, but a true knight—one serving a master. I: However, my father has always had different plans for me. He wants me to marry, for the benefit of the Galatea family.
>You don't have to do what you don't want to.
I: Defying my father feels...wrong. I've seen how he's struggled over the years. I: His burden has always been far greater than any I've had to bear myself. I: While he fed me extravagant meals, he subsisted on meager portions and watered-down soups... I: He never once complained—even though he must have been starving. I: Knowing his sacrifices, I've never been able to tell him of my dream of becoming a knight. I: Although ultimately, I find myself betraying his wishes. I: Now that I have parted ways with my father, there is nothing to stop me from pursuing my dream. I: Now that this war has begun, my father has allowed me to fight for my homeland. I: But even if I do become a knight, I feel an unease deep within me. I: I fear I will never escape this guilt I carry. I: That I have shunned my duty as a noble.
>Sometimes there's no avoiding such complications.
I: Yes. I know. All I can do is accept this inner turmoil.
>Could you not find a way to do both?
I: To follow both my dream and my duty? I...I had never considered that as an option. Perhaps there is a way.
>It's no use worrying about things that are in the past.
I: Of course not. We cannot change what has already come to pass.
I: Even with the academy days long behind us, you're still a professor, through and through. I: Always listening to others' troubles and offering up your wisdom. I: I really am grateful for all that you do for us, Professor. I: I hope you'll always be here as a guide to everyone. I know I myself would appreciate that deeply…
I: Is something the matter? You seem lost in thought.
>Just taking a little break.
I: I know you've been very busy lately.
I: It's wise to take breaks and rest. Especially with all that is going on in the world...
>I was waiting for you.
I: Oh? I didn't know... Though that is a bit of a coincidence.
I: I came here in hopes of finding you. I had a feeling you might be here.
I: Actually, I...um... I wanted to speak with you about something. I: I-I promised myself I would wait until the war was over...
>What is it?
I: Well. I: Professor, I have feelings for you. I: Of course, I respect you as a person, and I'll understand if you can't love me back, but...still, I had to tell you. I: Though my focus has ever been on my duty and training, I cannot deny the feelings that have arisen. I: My dream is to attain knighthood, but now I have a new dream to hold tight to... I: That is to be with you, always.
I: Um... I...
>I have something for you.
>There's something I want as well.
I: Oh! Is this... I: I must say I'm a little...inelegant with such matters. Battle is all I know. Are you quite certain? I: You truly desire to share your life with me... I: I am so happy! I...I worried that my feelings would go unrequited. I: Now that all of that is out in the open, I feel as light as a feather! I: My love... I... I: I swear to stay by your side, always. I swear on the goddess above...and on you, here at my side. I: You and I, together, entering this new age. I: No matter what the future brings, I will stand by you, as your sword, your shield, and your dearest companion. I: There is nothing that brings me more joy. It truly is all I need in this world. I: I love you...so very much. I: Ah, I'm sorry! I'm overcome. This may take some getting used to.
paired endings
Byleth announced his marriage to Ingrid shortly after becoming leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan. Together they made great strides toward restoring Fódlan to its former glory and beyond. Though Ingrid contributed to the court in her position as queen, she also famously guarded her king in a physical capacity. Most well-known is how the "Warrior Queen" drew her own weapon to repel an assassin's blade meant for her husband, a tale which lived on in chivalric storybooks for generations.
Byleth announced his marriage to Ingrid shortly after succeeding Rhea as the new archbishop. Together they made great strides in helping to restore the Kingdom of Fódlan to its former glory and beyond. Though Ingrid provided counsel to the archbishop as his wife, she also earned renown as a Holy Knight of Seiros. Most famously, she parried an insurgent's blade with her own weapon just before it struck the archbishop's neck. Tales of the archbishop who ended the long war, and his valiant wife Ingrid, lived on in storybooks for generations.
When the war at last came to an end, Byleth and his wife, Ingrid, relocated to her hometown. Galatea territory had been seized by the Empire, but the emperor granted Ingrid's request to retain governance of it. She and her husband were initially received with skepticism, but together they worked hard to reform the territory and address its food shortages. Through hard work, pure grit, and a truly knightly dedication to the people, they were able to transform the barren landscape into what would, decades later, become known as the most fertile grounds in all of Fódlan.
night of the ball
I: Whew, I can't manage one more bite. So full... So full! I: Oh! Professor! What do you think you're doing here?! I: I came here to stuff my fa—I mean to have some ME time.
>I sort of followed you...
I: You mean you saw that just now? All the food? Everything?!
I: Ugh, so embarrassing... Maybe there's a nearby rock I can crawl under.
>No reason, really.
I: Oh, so we're just running into one another by chance, then. Phew.
I: If you had followed me here, I'd be a little...bothered. And probably embarrassed.
>Were you waiting for someone?
I: Who, me? No, no, of course not. I was just about to walk off all that food I just ate. I: Really, I came here to have some privacy. I: But you're here now, so I suppose that makes it a bit less private.
>Are you worried people may get the wrong idea?
I: I suppose there's that possibility, now that you mention it.
>Just the two of us...
I: Uh...well, yes. I suppose it's just us here...
I: Does that concern you too, Professor? I'm happy to return to the reception hall.
>It's not terribly concerning, really.
I: Of course. Nothing to see here!
I: I'm happy to keep walking off this food, in that case. Ah, the stars certainly are beautiful tonight, hm?
I: It's peaceful, looking up at them together, don't you think? Maybe we can do it again sometime.
>I'd love to come along.
I: If we return from here together, I worry that people would start unsavory rumors about us.
I: I don't concern myself with gossip, but I'd hate for it to mar your reputation in any way. Are you certain?
I: Fair enough. Let's head back, then.
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rough-and-whump · 5 years
Rough is a Whumpee
So, yeah, this might end up being a series, ha ha! I tend to hurt myself a lot and this might be a fun thing for me.
Please keep in mind: I might “whumpify” some of my experiences to make it more interesting in a whump context.
I’m not sure if this might be a trigger for anyone, but obvs don’t read this too much if you don’t like the idea of “whump” type things happening to real people. 
Again, I do this for fun, and I’m as clumsy as a three-legged camel walking blindfolded and backwards on a snow-capped mountain.
Some context:
I do karate. Been practicing for about 9 years. I started as an adult and am one of the longer standing members of my club right now. Most of my peers in the front line have been practicing for 20+ years.
I have chosen to do this to myself, because it’s part of what I view as “my journey” as a martial artist. Plus also, I mean, my injuries in karate have never been that serious - I’m partially lucky, but mostly smart about how I fight and who I fight, lol!
I totally have a lot of times when I get hurt. Most times, it’s not bad - it’s just low-level stuff that bothers me during the day. But when I describe it, it definitely does sound bad - I find it’s okay, like, I can still function; but lots of folks I talk to about my injuries look at me like I’m stupid. But, frankly, I can’t afford to just stay home whenever I feel a bit uncomfortable. XD
The incident:
Canada Day Parade with my karate club. It’s been rainy and wet. We know that this makes boards harder to break, but we (me and my student) still wanted to do it. 
Boards seem fine, our test breaks two days before the Parade went well.
Parade time. First three breaks for me go fine. But there’s definitely more hurt in these boards than the ones we broke last year. Still decide to go ahead.
Break four, last of the parade. In front of a group of small kids, namely girls. It’s my student and my fave corner for breaks since the crowd is usually really amped up. 
It’s been raining now for the last twenty minutes - our boards are soaked. We know this, but we still go for it because we’re idiots.
I set up for an elbow break. I’ve done two of these and a front punch break all fine up to now. So I figure, okay, I can do this. Just all the power.
Fire it up, annnnnd... first one - bounce. Don’t swear, try again. Full power. Bounce.
I switch to a hammer fist break and get through it, but ooowwwwwww.
The consequence:
I have some righteous bruising on my elbow and hand from my two good elbow breaks, the front punch and the hammer fist. I don’t bruise easily and I have an olive/tan skin tone, so bruises don’t generally show through. But these are a niiiiice deep purple, ha ha!
Aaaaaand I have a separated AC joint in my right shoulder.
The whump, mental side:
The doubt of whether or not the injury is actually as bad as it is.
Don’t want to seem “weak”, so I often brush off pain that requires frequent and often medication.
Also don’t want to make a big deal if this really isn’t so bad. It isn’t a full on dislocation, it’s fixable, so it can’t be that bad.
Buuuut, legit it hurts. I refuse to take a bunch of painkillers because I don't like how they make me feel. I'm trying to make do using weed and rest.
Part of why I'm purposefully avoiding strong pain killers is also because when I've done that in the past, I've also ended up trying to "push through" my injury and it makes my recovery longer.
Extending on the point above: I’m purposefully choosing to feel more pain so that I know when to kinda pull back from what I’m doing. This said, I still feel it. So I’m spending the day with increased tension in my neck (manifesting headaches to boot) and a bit of mind fog from just having to devote some of my mind to ignoring the pain.
Details on the painkiller thing: I’m choosing not to use Robax, Motrin, or Tylenol much because I legit had a problem with them a few years back. I never developed any actual bad liver or kidney problems, but I was taking about a bottle of Robax Platinum every week for three weeks at one point. That’s a lot of Robax. And that was a recent blip. Before I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety and Clinical Depression, I turned to Robax and alcohol to manage my symptoms of panic and feelings of worthlessness. It really did a number on me. There were a lot of factors pushing me into that corner. Honestly, I wish I had access to weed at that time, because it would have helped me so much to have alternative, healthier, and less harmful pain relief and anxiety help. 
When I first stopped taking Robax and chose to just deal with the pain as best I could, it took me about a month to realize that I was feeling better and better and better. I didn’t know why - I thought hey maybe it was just weather or something. But after some more reflection and a bit of experimentation, I found that it was actually the chemical painkillers that made me feel that way.
Legit I was addicted to painkillers. I went from liking the relief I got from two Robax at a time to needing to take four at a time to get a sort of “high” feeling - I could put on “robax glasses” that made it easier to deal with my abusive boss, the blatant illegal activity happening at work, and the toxic work environment and shit pay.
The whump, physical stuff (aka the good stuff):
I can’t lift my right arm over my head, combined with being a creature of habit and right handed, it’s lead to a lot of “fuck, ow!” moments when reaching up for some stationary at the office or when reaching for something in the cabinets in the kitchen.
Sharp pains occasionally - not often - kind of radiates up and down in severity. I can’t find a trigger for it yet, if there is one. It could just be pain ‘cause it’s a busted shoulder. 
Pains tend to be:
“heat” at the shoulder itself
“radiating” lines of tension and sharp pulling pains up across the collarbone towards the base of the neck, up the side of the neck, into the right side of my head (somehow?! when I went to get accupuncture, that point was suuuuper effective/painful), and down towards the meeting point of all the lat muscles in the mid back.
The neck pain is the worst, it sends shooting pains up the right side of my head, and definitely puts me “on edge”.
Typing is a fresh horror. I work an office job in tech and do a lot of typing in my day, so I had to figure out with our office wellness dude (who is such a darling and so sweet, and legit he and I schedule “meetings” that end up just us chatting about our weekend adventures) how to set up my station so I keep my arm internally rotated.
Side note: legit, this separated shoulder thing is a much bigger deal than I think I want it to be. I’m scared of it, really. I don’t want to lose the full function of my right arm - I need to fight with it, plus I need to still be able to “Simba raise” my cat into the air on sunny mornings.
He was telling me I should look into getting a sling so it’s supported while I’m just sitting/not using it. I’m ok without one at work cause I can set up my station so my elbow is supported and I can keep my arm internally rotated. But like, this guy doesn’t make a big deal out of nothing - if he’s advising me to get a sling, I really should consider it... he’s a trained kinesiologist and former physiotherapist, like, he knows what he’s talking about. XD
Headache onset by 11:25 AM. Shit, I wish I took my CBD oil to work. 
It’s definitely a constant presence in my mind - it makes working harder to a degree because a part of my mind is just always firing. But at the same time, work is also better because I have a reason to kind of fully invest myself mentally into work - the pain also sort of drives it. But it’s exhausting and unsustainable. 
Fictional Whump Thoughts From This:
Again, this is me dramatizing my thoughts. I don’t actually think exactly like this - there are parts that are true, but most of it is just me using my experience as a whump jumping point.
“Ah! Fuck... Dammit.” (in response to trying to do a movement drill on Saturday but realizing even just pulling back my left arm with power makes my right shoulder hurt)
“No no, I’m good, it’s okay. It’s just that it hurts a bit and I can’t lift heavy things, but I can still do a lot - it’s okay.”
“Hey, uh, could, um, could I get help out to the car with this?” (sheepishly asked at the grocery store for four measly bags - I ended up just carrying the light stuff on the right side and taking forever because it took too long and I was too embarrassed to wait for help. I’m otherwise able, so I shouldn’t use resources, right?)
“Oh, no, it’s fine - it’s a small price to pay, really. I felt super badass.” (Truth, but some people don’t get it)
[This is less fictional more real, but let’s say it’s dramatized a bit]: I’m really glad this happened to me and not one of my students. I’ve trained for this. And I signed up to do the board breaking knowing it would be harder, more risky and I would certainly be injured. If nothing else, I anticipated bloodied knuckles (I still have the scars from last year’s parade). This would have seriously injured a younger, less experienced student of mine - and would have had lasting mental consequences. Especially done in a public setting like a parade. A lot of people think the boards we break are fake or styrofoam. McDojos might do that, but my club has a history of hard, traditional-style training. Our boards are half inch pine. They’re easier to break, but they still hurt.
“fuck, this is hard without painkillers... this without painkillers or weed?... ugh, my day is gonna be way harder than it should be.”
[In response to my boyfriend’s question of ‘what can I do to make it better?’]: “Naw, I’m good, it’s just me complaining. Don’t mind me, it’s fine. Just complaining about it makes it easier to deal with the pain.”
There’s a definite sense of irritation that I can’t do my usual activities to reduce tension in my neck. I can’t shake my head quickly, my neck mobility is limited, I’m getting tension pains in my left trap now, great.
When I’m in consistent, low-level pain, I often forget to breathe. When deep breathing pulls on the muscles in the shoulder due to how all the torso muscles connect, it makes it even worse.
Okay, legit tho, I’m starting to feel bummed out. So I’mma go throw myself into work.
Again, this is something I did to myself. A lot of my online friends don’t get why I’m so dedicated to this. But I’ve noticed martial artists all react to my injuries with the same reaction I have - sympathetic, but ultimately we’re a bunch of testosterone-ridden fools who like to brag about battle scars. And then ask for heat packs or back rubs ‘cause we’re bunches of teddy bears when we’re not fighting each other.
Anyways, legit this could probably turn into a series for me. I tend to be the whumpee or the caretaker in a lot of scenarios. 
Is this something y’all are good with? Would you prefer this be formatted differently? Anything else you want to know? Otherwise I’mma keep doin’ it just like this.
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ghostmartyr · 6 years
Pokémon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 4]
Going into the fourth badge with a full team of six! Rocking!
Here we are:
Puff (Dratini)
Sylarana (Serperior)
Stella (Poliwhirl)
Nessy (Milotic)
Itsy (Cubchoo)
Caspet (Haunter)
Looking like a real squad, guys. Lesgo.
The bridge is still out, so it’s out to the desert we go.
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...Ah, it’s the anime hair scientist.
Colress. He invites us to a duel in the desert route.
...I thought it was a joke that this lady just keeps picking fights with me every single time I try to pass through the route, but no. No. That’s what really happens. Ugh.
I can’t remember if Colress is really a bad guy or just a driven scientist guy.
In any case, he has a level 21 Magnemite out first. Nessy is handling it since I have nothing to deal Electric pokemon really and Nessy has a ton of HP. And yay, that doesn’t come back to bite me.
Level 23 Klink up next. Nessy Refreshes and Recovers back to the health the Magnemite took. Taking too long to beat back the Charges, so Sylarana’s going to try to be helpful. And hey, that’s all it takes. Fight done.
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Ack, I don’t think this is the sort of place I can do anything with without wireless and the like.
I love how so many business people in this world see a random ten-year-old and decide that they are the best person they could possibly ask for to manage their affairs while they run off doing whatever.
I’m just going to ignore this place and take advantage of the Pokemon Center past it.
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Hello, we have a new route.
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...Did I...
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Oh crap. I took a break in between catching Puff, so I forgot all about buying poke balls. Aha. Okay then. Okay. We got this. It’ll be fiiiiine. I’ve got two more whole chances to make sure that it’s fiiine.
One try left.
Come on.
You know you want to be on the team, buddy.
...Fine, you don’t. Damn it. Dead route.
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While we’re here adding injury to insult.
Sorry Sylarana. Maybe naming you after a dead snake from a fanfic was a bad idea after all.
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Dead route and dead pokemon.
This is shaping up to be a pretty harsh run.
Okay. Poke Balls bought.
The outside of Desert Resort has Magmar.
I’m just going to casually avoid trainers in the rest of the Resort until I find the castle place, aka new route for new friend.
If only I were actually any good at avoiding trainers. So far I’ve fought two.
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Okay, this time, we’re going to keep from losing anyone in the process of getting a new friend. Agreed? Agreed. Awesome.
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...No can do.
Poliwhirl is one thing, since Poliwhirl can still be Politoed, but I used a Granbull in my Elite Four battles in the first version. Can’t repeat that. Dang it.
Larvitar’s down here as well.
No Sylarana and an Electric Gym next. I need to find a new route.
Route 5, help me out here.
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She gives us Fly!
...Do we have anything that can learn Fly?
She also introduces us to Hidden Grottos, which I had forgotten all about and don’t really mean much to Nuzlockes.
I’ll say hi to it. If it’s randomized, this is my catch option, if it’s not, let’s just call Hidden Grottos liminal spaces that don’t have real route significance.
Not randomized. Bye bye Minccino. Now we go explore the grass.
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I have a Water team. Yike.
This thing is not proving easy to catch.
But catch it I shall! Your name shall be Frill, and please do not take it personally that I’m going to go to another route to find things.
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Oh dear.
Boruto, I expect great things from you. Please do not disappoint.
Meanwhile the next thing I see on this route is an Emboar.
No offense, Boruto, but my journey to find a new route continues.
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Help me Obi-wan Keforest. You’re my only hope.
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...Don’t I need a Dusk Stone or something to evolve you?
Um. If it keeps using Charge Beam it’s going to kill Nessy.
I can choose to catch it, or I can choose to run.
...Wait, can I run when Bind is used?
No, no I can’t.
This is.
I feel like I’m watching Nessy die in slow motion.
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Omchomp, welcome.
Hm. I have some choices to make regarding me team, but first thing first, I’m going to raise Boruto a level. There are Basculin and Lampent where we caught him.
Now there’s the question of what to add to the team. Ninjask is cool as heck, and I’m not opposed to using one. Shedinja is a delightful, chaotic choice for a Nuzlocke. Using both isn’t something I think my team could survive.
...Okay I can’t resist being that stupid. Shedinja, aka Sasuke. Alllll the way.
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Sasuke is Sassy and proud of its power. Fitting.
This is such a dumb idea. I can’t wait to watch what happens.
Let’s see... Fire bad. Flying bad. Ghost maybe bad. Psychic maybe bad.
...Fine, so I know what each type is weak against, but not which types the combination spares or makes worse. Making this an even dumber idea than its initial inception made it appear.
We are so doing this.
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tfw I finally am playing at a time that gets me on the Royal Unova! Yay!
Boy howdy do I hope they don’t have things that will kill me dead!
Level 16 Pidove.
I think I’m good.
I swear if a move has a possibility of making me flinch it is doing nothing but making me flinch. I cry.
Oki doki.
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The team.
Grinding time.
Ha, so since they couldn’t very well complain about the next Gym Leader still not having the bridge open, this time you can’t go left of Nimbasa due to a crowd of happy people. Gah. Being closed in is a lot more annoying when you have a limited number of resources dependent in part on map size.
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Sorry, Sasuke.
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I’d like to say some words, but well. I always knew I wasn’t really equipped to handle such a gimmicky creature on my team, I just thought it would be funny to try. And that I’d last longer. It’s probably just as well, honestly.
...Sorry this is not the emotional farewell everything else is getting. But let’s be real, we knew this would happen, and I didn’t delay it long enough to get invested.
Also your name is Sasuke. We both knew what this was.
Boruto, welcome to the team!
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Okay, Giga Drain. Not Itsy’s friend.
...Give me a break she was still in the damn green and aaaaaaaaaa.
I am not doing well this run, am I?
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Go away I can’t catch you. ;-;
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I am so sorry, Itsy.
I wish I could say more, since unlike Sasuke I actually like you, but.
This is hecking bad.
Omchomp gets on the team to fill up a slot. I’m not sure I have the resources to properly train her, and I’m collecting too many creatures who I’m not sure I can fully evolve for my tastes.
But that’s how Nuzlockes go, right? You work with what you have.
Back to grinding. Maybe stick more to wild pokemon than trainers.
Cool, Croagunk is also here.
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Okay look.
I will admit to being a bad trainer.
But one Bite taking out a pokemon at full health is not generally a foreseeable circumstance when super effectiveness isn’t at play.
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-clears throat-
I am so sorry my friend. We will never know how if I might have succeeded in evolving you. That is a weight off my shoulders, but incomparable to the pain of no longer having you.
What a mess.
I have to admit, part of me is hoping that I just wipe at this point. Starting over seems way, way simpler than this as it is. And then I ran into a trainer by accident, and the trainer has a lever 25 Watchdog.
Yeah, this will go well.
Eh, not well, but everything’s alive. I’ll take that. My mission at the moment is just training the heck out of Nessy, because she’s the only thing I can say with confidence probably can’t die to one hit from anything currently available.
Huh, I found an Audino. I’d guess I stumbled into wiggly grass without noticing. That’s cute, it’s actually where it’s supposed to be. ...Scratch that, enough of them are showing up that I’m wondering if it’s some time of day thing.
...So see, I have the problem of going on autopilot while I think.
...tfw Nessy is now level 34 and Caspet is 30.
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Screenshots taken moments before disaster.
...Then there’s the return of Mightyena plus a Gengar. Not friendly grass, this. Maybe I need to pick another spot to train stuff.
There’s this one trainer here who won’t fight unless I have a Prop Case, which means I can’t avoid the Musical building forever. Well I can. But that would keep me from battling stuff, sooo.
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And random trainer beaten.
Now what.
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Carnival rides to drown our sorrows.
Elesa built herself a new Gym. Her old one is now just roller coasters.
I should probably go to the actual Gym.
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Ah. A random NPC to let us know that Elesa is in another castle.
Screw it, let’s go to the other castle.
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...After finally checking out whatever this is.
Cool. Me and Rosa are going to fight the Subway Bosses. This is the only time this will ever happen in any Nuzlocke ever. Guaranteed.
Yay, we won against the level 26 Gurdurr and Boldore. Despite the horror that is Sturdy rearing its head once more.
Before I go to the Gym, I’m going to head out to the sportsball stadiums and have some fun. Hopeful, optimistic fun where nothing dies.
My solution to all problems now is to throw Nessy at them until they die. With a side of Caspet. The other members of my team are going to gain levels through Exp. Share only, probably. Omchomp is the only one that knows useful stuff and might live through first contact. Puff will one day be mighty indeed, but isn’t yet. Boruto... Boruto’s best move is arguably Leech Life.
Yay, Nessy and Caspet. You two are holding this team together.
That is not your cue to die.
To the Gym.
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Ooooh, snazzy. Nicely arranged, Elesa.
She has a level 27 Elekid. Why don’t I have a level 27 Elekid. Or just an Elekid. Elekid is awesome. She also has a level 27 Flaffy. I want that slightly less. It is still of interest.
One mook down. Down the catwalk for another.
The level 27 Flaffy is first this time. Such variety. Then a level 27 Blitzle strikes.
This place has some dang style. Next up is same flavor with Blitzle and Elekid.
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Elesa you are clearly amazing but what the actual heck are you wearing.
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This is all going to be fine.
We know it’s true because I said so.
Level 28 Emolga out first. Caspet downs it with one Venoshock, then a level 30 Zebstrika takes the stage and panic is felt by all.
Oh lovely. It knows Pursuit. Not taking you out then, Caspet.
This has the makings of pain all over it, but I trust you.
Yay! Another Venoshock did it!
Last up is a level 28 Flaffy. Let’s finish this, Caspet.
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It was gory and scary, but we did it, gang.
Halfway there.
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imagineaworlds · 6 years
04//Mike the Inconvenience
summary: Olivia Grace is a motherfucking Magician. Yeah, she’s British. Yeah, she’s got a LOT of secrets– but doesn’t everyone? And she’s totally fucked up.
pairing: margo hanson x female!oc
word count: 2,505
warnings (for entire series): cursing. drug and alcohol use. drug and alcohol abuse. sex.
(1) - (2) - (3) - (4)
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Grace was stumbling down the stairs just before she was knocked into by someone running up the stairs. She rolled her eyes and looked at the boy in front of her. It was Todd, one of the Physical kids living in the cottage, but forgotten by Grace and all of her friends.
“Sorry,” Todd apologized, then continued running up the stairs, afraid. Grace continued down the stairs, and she heard the laughter of Margo and Eliot.
“Todd?!” Margo joked. They continued to laugh as Grace leaned over the staircase railing and sighed. Eliot was first to notice her to which Margo turned around for. “Oh! Liv! Come here,” Margo waved her hands in her own direction. Grace threw her head back and unwillingly went down the stairs. “Question,” she whirled around to reveal a small pink bikini with gold chains covering her body. It was weird to have friends who trusted her to the point they were willing to show off their bodies to her. “Does this scream Ibiza or what?”
Shyly, Grace nodded.
“Liv,” Eliot gushed. He turned back to his packing and talked about his plans for Ibiza.
“Hey, El?” Margo stopped him. He looked up at her. “We haven’t invited anyone. Have we?”
Eliot shook his head. “No, but Ibiza’s our thing. It always has been. You can’t be serious. Dean Fogg would never allow it.”
Margo smiled, “Olivia, go grab your things. You’re coming to Ibiza with us!” Margo ran up a couple of steps to meet with Olivia. “Come on, you're going to need help packing all of those drugs in your case, ‘cause they are sure as hell coming with us,” she pulled Olivia up the stairs.
“I’ll just use a packing spell Alice taught me… Thank you, though,” Grace said uncomfortably.
“Nonsense,” Margo clapped her hands on Grace’s shoulders to stop their walking through the hallway. “I insist.”
For the next hour Grace and Margo were packing bathing suits on bathing suits, drugs on drugs, and the occasional shirt and shorts, but never anything noticeable in the pile of white and green in plastic bags. Grace had asked as a joke if everyone at Ibiza was always nude, and Margo plainly responded with a yes, then laughed hysterically. When it was all packed Margo helped Grace take the bags downstairs. Eliot was shuffling through papers and scratching his head. He was looking for some kind of spell in Arabic, or at least that’s what Grace could see from the papers and books he was rummaging through.
“I’m looking for a present for the elders who invited us, but I can't decide,” he admitted, tossing a book on the ground, frustrated.
“What did you guys do last year?” Grace asked.
Eliot opened another book. “A working bag of dicks.”
Grace immediately laughed. “Brilliant. Did they love it?”
“Oh, yes, they did…” Margo smirked, swaying her hips to the side as she bit her lip. “What are you deciding between, El?”
Eliot sighed and threw another book on the floor. It was the last book he had to throw, and all the other papers were crumpled, telling both Margo and Olivia that he was out of resources. “I heard some kids talking about a magical gin. Problem is, I only have half of the spell and there’s nothing in the cottage that even mentions the word gin.”
“Okay? So?”
“We,” he looked at both the girls, “have to go to the library.”
Margo’s face scrunched, her nose wrinkled, and it was all joined by a whine, “You must be joking.”
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They had put it off all day. Margo, Eliot, and Olivia were doing everything they could to stay away from the terrible fact that they had to go to the dusty, long forgotten library somewhere in the middle of campus where all the nerds hung out. They even resulted to Google Magic for answers, but clearly everyone online didn’t have a clue or didn’t give a shit about actual magic. So the ugly truth became clear, and the three best friends walked to the library prepared to stay up until morning if they had to just to find the spell for the magic gin. When they got there, the place was empty except for the old and disgusting librarian. She was stubby, a bit overweight, and her back was hunched. Her grey hair resembled that of Albert Einstein, which made Grace want to laugh and point the joke out, but she stayed quiet. The librarian was stern, and if you made any noise louder than a whisper, she threw you out and banned you from the library, which didn’t sound all that bad to Grace, truth be told.
While Grace and Margo sat down, Eliot’s fingers skimmed over book spine’s and his eyes scanned the titles, looking for anything that could be helpful to their search. When he returned ten minutes later, he held five books. He slammed them on the table then grabbed the top book, falling into the chair next to Margo and across from Grace. Margo took the second book, and Grace the third. Upon opening the book, Grace noticed that it was all in Arabic, but when she focused on the letters she could suddenly understand everything she was reading. To make it weirder, she had never taken a foreign language class in her life, not even Spanish, and she had never seen an Arabic word in her entire life as far as she knew.
“What even is this?” Margo complained.
“It’s Arabic,” Eliot and Grace said at the same time.
“Ugh,” Margo shut her book, “A bag of dicks is sounding awfully good at the moment,” she joked, taking Eliot’s hand in hers. Grace laughed and got back to reading, taking a few notes.
“Copy that,” a man said from behind Eliot, still looking at the bookshelves. When he noticed that the attention had drifted to him, he faced them.  “My name’s Mike. You guys are reading Arabic, no?”
“We are…” Olivia answered.
“I aced it here a couple of years ago,” he began, “And without cheating.”
“Woah,” Margo whispered. The comment wasn’t made for Mike’s name or his ability to read and understand Arabic or his courage to make fun of Eliot, it was pointed at his looks. And gosh, he had looks. Grace thought to herself.
Mike did not differ from any other New Yorker, yet he managed to catch all of their eyes. Gay or otherwise. His blonde hair was cut short— definitely not long like Quentin’s or Eliot’s— He was wearing a plaid shirt with a suit coat and khakis. It was an acquired taste, supposedly. Margo was clearly suspicious of him, or jealous, Grace couldn’t quite place her finger on what Margo was feeling, or let alone the difference between the two when it did come to Margo.
“Eliot,” he held out his hand. “By the way.” Mike shook Eliot’s hand, but they didn’t let go. Grace and Margo looked to each other.
“Margo and Olivia,” Margo said, pointing to both the girls, but Eliot and Mike didn’t break gaze with one another.
By the time they were back at the cottage, they had found the spell (Without Eliot and Mike’s help, Margo would want everyone to know that it was Grace who found the information.) And when they were building for the spell, Mike and Eliot were still not helping, which irritated Margo to the point she yelled at them: “Just bang! Now!” And that’s what they did. For over two or three hours the two of them were in Eliot’s room, shaking the cottage. Literally.
“So I want everyone here to know that the two of you did nothing,” Margo snapped at the two men once they came downstairs. “Except for each other.” Margo and Grace had finished, finally, and it seemed that the boys did too. “Todd did more than you.”
Todd looked excited, but Grace gave him one nasty look and he was quiet.
“I’m sorry, Margo,” Mike said sincerely. “I really do hope that we get to know each other. You, too, Olivia.”
“Oh, um, Mike,” Eliot stopped him. “Margo and I are fortunate enough to get away with calling her Olivia… I don’t want to find you dead,” Eliot joked and looked at Grace.
She gave him a sour smile before starting the machine for the gin. It rattled for a while, then came to a stop. Nothing happened.
“Well, that was underwhelming.”
Following Eliot's comment that came too early, the bottle filled to the top with what looked to be a liquid. Margo made a snide comment and gripped the bottle, ordering Todd to get olives and glasses as she popped the cork off. The lights flickered and smoke filled the room. It wasn’t magic exactly, but instead a crappy looking, real life CGI-ed genie.
“Shit…” Eliot muttered. Noticing everyone’s confusion in the cottage, he turned to them and explained, “It’s not gin, as in: g-i-n,” —Eliot loved spelling those kinds of things out—  “It’s jinn: j-i-n-n. The Arabic word.”
Margo laughed, “No fucking way. What kind of jinn is he? Like a three wish kind o’ guy or an any wish means endless possibilities?”
Todd stepped forwards, “Actually, Margo… Because you opened the bottle and freed him, he’s in your service and will only respond to you.”
“Mental,” Grace whispered.
She watched as the jinn eased and bowed to Margo. “نعم عشيقة.” Is what he said, which Grace easily translated to: “Yes, mistress.” Then he walked to Mike, pushed Eliot out of the way, and gripped at Mike’s neck. Everyone was in a state of panic by such point because the jinn was attacking someone, and even Eliot tried to help, but the jinn and Mike disappeared as Eliot was about to trap them.
“Okay, Bambi, what the hell?” Eliot exclaimed when he stood up straight. “Why did you wish away my boyfriend?!”
Margo laughed and set down the jinn bottle on the table. She was frustrated with him and his accusations, and why he felt it was okay to treat her like shit just because they weren’t as close anymore. Or at least that’s what Grace got from the way Margo was responding. It was hard for Olivia Grace to understand what everyone was saying because they were screeching in each other’s faces and she had taken a few extra ecstasy pills once she and Margo were done packing her stuff for Ibiza.
Ibiza. That was something Grace was looking forward to while she fell onto the couch, blocking out her friend’s bickering. She needed to get away from Brakebills and Quentin, though both he and Alice were at Brakebills South and would be until the day after the girls went to Ibiza for break. Two weeks of alcohol, drugs, and sex was what Grace needed to forget everything and move on with her life. She was at Brakebills to learn magic, become like her mother and father, and live out the rest of her life as a legitimate Magician. That’s what excited Grace the most. She finally had something to put effort towards. High school was fun and all, but college and magic was really what made sense to her. Sometimes she feared magic would become an addiction too. What’s the harm in one more addiction? Grace kept reminding herself.
Just remember, Vivie, you’re the disappointment. The one who’s different from the rest of the world, loves someone for their personality and not their sexuality or gender. You’re the one who never made the cut for Brakebills until two months after the official Exam. That’s what Grace kept saying to herself, and, yes, most of it was true but it never meant she had to beat herself up about it. Liam always told her it was important to stay true to yourself and not lie to anyone about it. If people had any issues with Olivia, they’d have to talk to Liam about it, which usually meant a black eye or two and a few broken bones and teeth. Big brother’s have the tendency to be overprotective, and Grace had her protector.
Once Margo and Eliot were finally done arguing and had agreed that Margo could have possibly been responsible for Mike’s disappearance, they went on a hunt for El’s sudden boyfriend, which neither Margo nor Grace approved of. Like Eliot cared. They were headed to the library, where they met Mike. Margo admitted she thought Mike should go back from where he came, which Todd figured out was where ever they met Mike. Just so happened, that was at the library, the one place they thought they would never return to. Grace was being pulled Margo who was following a half clothed Eliot.
“You don’t think he’s mad, right?” Margo said to Grace. Olivia shrugged her shoulders as she walked on her own and not being dragged around. “I mean… They only met today, banged a couple of times in one day, and that’s it. It’s impossible for them to be in love and shit suddenly. Isn’t it?”
“Margo, why don’t you just talk to him? We go to Ibiza tonight, so talk to him before that,” Grace guided. Margo sighed and looked at Eliot’s back and his long curls, longing for her best friend. She smiled at Grace and rested her head on the Brit’s shoulder as they continued to walk. Margo Hanson may have not had Eliot Waugh wrapped around her finger anymore, but she sure had Olivia Grace under her trance—  Metaphorically speaking.
Margo was ready to leave for Ibiza, the hub of partying for Magicians. Grace was still upstairs, thinking about why she was leaving and what good would come from it if she stayed or left. But against everything running through her mind she picked up her suitcase and went to the stairs. She could hear Margo complaining about Eliot not going to Ibiza with her, but Eliot responded with an apology, followed up by him saying some things about Mike.
“But what about Olivia?” Eliot snickered, “Hm?”
There was an unauditable retort from Margo.
“Oh, come on, Bambi! Just tell me you’ll at least kiss her.”
“I don’t know what you're talking about,” she said, followed by something else unauditable to Grace.
“I see the way you look at her…”
Margo sighed, “It’s not that obvious,” she declared. “Is it?”
Eliot laughed. “Come here, Bambi.” Grace pictured them hugging and swaying together. “You have fun without me, you hear? And remember, sun screen, waxing, and a lot of drinking. I’ll be disappointed if you return with more than a single swimsuit.”
Grace took this as her chance to show them she was there. “Are we ready?”
Margo turned to her, “Yeah, just one more thing. Todd!” she called. Todd came running in from the kitchen as if he too were eavesdropping. “Grab a swimsuit. You’re coming to Ibiza with us ladies.”
“Actually?!” Todd jumped up and down.
“Yes. So get a move on.”
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bangtaniess · 6 years
exam results come out tonight and I just need to express my emotions 
im so scared. im so scared that I'm going to fail. based on my grades I know theres a very small chance that I will and a much bigger chance that I pass and I keep telling myself that but I can’t help it and its terrible. I hate that I keep worrying about this because its been eating me up inside. I’m just really worried about my bio exam because if I failed that, and I would have had to really done badly in it, then I fail the whole of ib and that means that I can’t go to my first choice of uni. my second choice of uni is okay too and I got a sort of scholarship there so its not as bad, its actually great and those two schools are sort of rivals I guess but im not so bothered about that. I'm not bothered by the fact of having to go to my second choice. its okay too. what I'm most worried about is letting my parents down and most importantly myself. my mom already told me that its okay if I failed, just as long as she knows that I tried hard, which I did. but even if I did fail and she said it was okay, she's still going to be disappointed. before the exams, she was worried for my grades in math and bio, so I got a tutor for math, who helped me a lot - so much that I'm not worried about it anymore. I tried to get one for bio, but I couldn’t and im so fucking angry about this actually. 
if anyone is even reading this im now going to complain about my bio teachers. in the first year of ib, we had the worst bio teacher ever. he did absolutely nothing in class. he would teach us for like 6 minutes and then let us do our own learning for the rest of the lesson. he left the school that year because that dumbass teacher was always drunk and the school found out. he would have like vodka or something in his coffee, which I found out about the following year, which makes a lot of sense now because he was such a crappy teacher. so in the second year, we were totally behind and we knew absolutely nothing. and I don’t do very well with science, especially biology - I regret choosing biology, let alone doing it in hl ffs. our new teacher in the second year was a lot better, she was stricter, which was okay because it pushed us to learn and she actually taught us stuff. due to our last teacher, she was forced to teach us faster and made things more simple in order to teach everything in the syllabus, which I understand but this teacher was always in and out because she was sick most of the time. and she was very forgetful and made us somehow feel guilty for things that she did??!?!! she also complained about us taking up too much of her time, but we were giving up our free time to do extra learning??!??!?! so that doesn't make any sense and it made us scared to approach her. when I needed a tutor, I asked her if she knew of anyone and she said she would ask around and tell me when she found one for me. after a week or so, I followed up, because she still didn’t update me on it, and she said she’ll go ask the other teachers. she said one of the teachers knew of one and she would give me their contact once she receives them but she never did, so I never got a tutor. im so annoyed that she didn’t prioritise that because she said my year (since we were the seniors and needed the most help) were her priority, so I assumed she would do anything to help us out. but im also annoyed that I didn’t keep pestering her about it, because then I would've got what I wanted. without the tutor, I decided to just study harder by myself. near the exam time, she said that she was going to give us all the resources used during class, but guess what she never sent them and I asked her about it a few days before the bio exam. no reply. I go to her on the MORNING of the exam, and she acts like she knows nothing and I know she totally forgot about it, so I ask her again for the resources and also for some help with things I don't understand. she says she will send it, she never does and we do the the exam. the bio exam was my last exam of all exams. I went home from my other exams feeling relieved, but I left that one feeling regretful because I knew there was so much I could have done to make myself more ready for the exam. and I was so upset about it. but I couldn’t let myself be sad about it for the whole month until results, so I forgot about it until the week before results. and now I am here, writing this. and I feel much better just letting my feelings out.
 I don’t like to blame but i really just blame my first teacher, because if we were taught properly from the start, it would have been so much easier to understand things, instead of rushing through content. we were forced in this situation because he didn’t have his shit put together in his personal life, and his lack of care for his job led to our suffering basically. the past two years were going to be a very important time in our high school years obviously because our futures depend highly on our grades and I fucking wish it wasn’t like that. especially for the school that I want to get into. I was already accepted but on the condition that I pass ib. so if I fail ib just because I failed biology I blame mr fucking chad. fuck u for ruining my future because u didn't do your job. my parents didn't pay you to do absolutely fucking nothing anyway my point is, im not even doing something related to biology for my career so I don't understand why its going to have such a big impact on whether I get into my school or not and its just so annoying. 
I had another point earlier where I said that I didn’t want to disappoint myself. I don’t think my parents would be as bothered as I am if I fail, and honestly im glad that as an asian person my parents aren't strict about grades. but I have expectations for myself. my parents are my role models and I want to be as hardworking and successful as them, and thinking about it now, my grades don’t really matter but if they’re not good, they won’t show how hardworking I am, which means I won’t be able to live up to my own standards. does that make sense? I really struggled with biology and I really tried my best and if I fail it means I didn’t work hard enough. im really not passionate about it either which made it harder for me. I just don’t want one class to make me think so badly about everything. I actually am a hard worker because I've been told I was by my teachers and I don’t slack off on work, at least not all the time, so now im just annoyed that I keep thinking about this ugh
in conclusion (lmao), I had and still have many negative thoughts, but I should be thinking positively. in my mock exams I barely studied for bio and got a decent grade which won't make me fail ib, so it should actually be okay. I keep telling myself every once in a while that I will pass, because I worked hard and I did my best, and I honestly don’t think I did that bad, im just paranoid. and even if I do fail, I can work harder and retake my exams. I'll go to my second choice of school, which isn’t that bad, because I thought I was gonna go there anyway because I didn't think I would be accepted into my first choice of school, and I was excited about it nonetheless. and I will get over everything eventually. 
if anyone read this, congrats for reading everything. thanks for reading I guess, I just needed a place to rant. 
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lordsicheng · 7 years
JBJ Enemies to Lovers Series: Accidentally, Purposely (3/7)
Kwon Hyunbin x OC
Type: Bulletpoint scenario
looks quite long lol sorry
Running on your way to your first day of work you were quite worried
Because you have to start over as a creative director at a new company again
And you were scared your workmates wouldn’t like you nor your ideas
But you got the job so you felt like you should suck it up and show your best
Your old company was fine
Until two of your officemates left
And they were the best in the company too
Let’s just say, almost every client you had wasn’t feeling all the ideas you had
You were always a team with the two of your officemates
But they kind of betrayed the company
And you actually
So you just shrugged it off and resigned
And here you are, already at a new company after just less than two months
You got to the office where the CEO gave you through email
And you were confused on how the company was able to have such a huge building
Plus it has only been a year since this company was made
So you just tried your best to smile and go inside to get to the elevator
But you realized you didn’t have an ID yet
So you just figured you’d probably get one when you go up
You were walking your way into the elevator until
“Excuse me, ma’am? Where are you off to?”
A security guard officer approached you as you were about to step in the elevator
“It’s my first day of work, and I don’t have an ID yet”
“But ma’am, you get your ID once you get hired”
“I haven’t even been to this place before”
“You mean you weren’t interviewed before you were hired?”
“Just let her in.”
Someone suddenly said from behind as he was to go to the elevator as well
He was really tall, you thought
He had quite of a cold aura in him
But damn, he looked like one of those runway models you’d see on fashion TV shows
“Oh, Mr. Kwon. Do you know her?”
“Not personally, but I know she was hired through online applications.”
He smiled at the security guard
And the security guard just nodded and looked at you
“My mistake, ma’am. Have a good day on your first day”
You released a sigh of relief as you got into the elevator with “Mr. Kwon”
You couldn’t hide your smile because of what happened
You saw that he pressed level 5
And you were gonna go to the same level
“Wow, same level. And you saved my life today. Thanks!”
But he didn’t budge
And you were confused on why so you tried to tilt your head to look at him
“Next time, tell the security you were hired online.”
He suddenly said frigidly
You just gave a confused expression because earlier he was really nice
“Does this guy have a double personality or something”, you thought
Once the elevator got to level 5, he walked out first without even saying goodbye
You were just appalled by his sudden change of mood
But you just shrugged it off once you walked out as well
“He probably hates Monday mornings.”
You walked your way to the CEO’s office and knocked twice before he opened the door himself
“Ah, Ms. y/n, come in!”
You walked in and closed the door behind you and saw a big office with such minimalist décor
You sat on the chair that was in front of his desk and gave your best smile
“So, it’s your first day. You were one of the three new employees chosen, but you landed the job as the new creative director.”
He sounded really excited that you were joining the company
“Thank you, sir. You must have seen my portfolio”
“Yes, I certainly have. Although I will be frank, you were not my first choice. One of our human resource managers handpicked you and thought you were going to be one of the best candidates. I followed his advice, and immediately approved.”
He gave a small smile while typing on his computer
And you just nodded
Sure, you thought you probably weren’t the best applicant as well
But you just shrugged and smiled because you won over the others
“Now, I want you to be with your team today. Go to the office two doors after mine and your new desk will be there. There’s a project coming up for a photoshoot in about a week, so I want you to think of any ideas for the image you think looks best for the shoot. Also, try to come up with a venue that fits well since from what I’ve heard, most venues are packed.”
You nodded as he handed over a small folder
Probably portfolios of the models that were chosen for the shoot
“Thank you, Mr. Lee. I’ll go ahead now.”
You smiled and bowed as you stood up
“Have a great first day.”
You were walking out of the office and you looked at the folder
It finally felt like you were in a new world
And you smiled widely as you continued looking at the folder as you walked to your way
Until you suddenly bumped into someone
And well, worst thing is
He spilled his coffee on his shirt
“Hey! Watch where you’re going!”
He exclaimed out of anger
And you were jumbling and a nervous wreck as you tried to grab your hankie from your pocket
But heck you knew it wouldn’t work
Now he got stains all over his shirt
And you looked at him by surprise
It was “Mr. Kwon”
“Oh, it’s you again. Ms. Newbie.”
He said annoyingly
“I’m sorry, Mr. Kwon. I’ll… get you a new shirt…”
“Don’t bother.”
He said as he suddenly took off his shirt
And well you know what was exposed
You furrowed your brows as you were shocked that not only was he really tall
He had a physique of a brusque model
“Oh wow don’t you wear a shirt underneath?”
“Why bother? The weather’s humid these days.”
He was looking at the stain and then he looked at you
“So how much is that gonna cost me”
“Nothing much. About… 220 bucks”
“I choose my shirts carefully.”
He gave a fake smile and just walked his way to the nearest restroom
And you just looked at him with a baffled expression
“Wow. Materialistic”, you thought
But heck you were already starting to get annoyed by him
So you walked over to your office to see your new officemates already talking about the shoot
“Oh! You must be the new creative director! Please, come in. We were waiting for you.”
You smiled as you were surprised at how they were really nice to you
And you were hoping it wasn’t just because it was your first day
“Ms. y/n, we’ve been trying to get a bit of space in Common Ground for the shoot. But it’s always packed, ever since the place became public.”
“Well, we can try to ask permission at the nearest seaport?”
“Ma’am, the only seaport we can ask proper permission from is all the way at Ulsan.”
“So? For better results in the shoot, we’d have to sacrifice on going there and travel for long hours. Plus, we only got a week to prepare.”
You were sure enough that the seaport that had a lot of spaces for the shoot
Plus, you and your past workmates already did a couple of shoots there before too
Suddenly, someone barged into your office and didn’t bother to knock
Surprise, surprise
It’s Mr. Kwon again
And finally he has another shirt on
He saw you first and just sighed as he put a folder in front of you and your other officemates at the table
“Here’s the list of models I chose for the shoot. I’ll get back to you guys on that in a couple of hours.”
He sounded pretty annoyed after he said that and just went out again and closed the office door
“Gosh, he’s such a pushover.”
“I know, I wished someone had the guts to push his buttons just for fun.”
After one of your officemates said that you widened your eyes
Because you totally remembered what happened earlier before going inside the office
“I kind of… spilled coffee on his shirt… before I came here…”
You said in a small voice, and everyone looked at you and laughed
“He deserved it! He’s such a pushover”
“He may be handsome, but gosh he is just sometimes too strict. His looks are gobbled up away because of his personality.”
You just nodded and decided to agree
Your first impression of him was just too similar to how the others talked about him
And you just waved it off and went back to the shoot planning
“So, let’s take a look at who the models he chose were.”
You opened up the folder to see some portfolios of mostly men
And you furrowed your brows again because you were surprised these men looked like Mr. Kwon himself
“Ugh, not Sungbin again.”
“Why did he choose Kyungjin? We already had a shoot with him last week?”
“There are only two girls in here, does he think the theme is too masculine?”
You looked at your officemates complain over the models Mr. Kwon chose
“What’s with the models, though?”
You looked at all your officemates
And they just sighed because they were confused on how to explain everything to you
“Sungbin is Hyunbin’s best friend. He’s ALWAYS chosen in shoots because of him.”
“Yeah, and Kyungjin has already done a shoot with us three days ago. We can’t just call him again out of nowhere.”
“The two girls he chose were the same girls for our retro shoot a month ago. We need new faces, too…”
“Wait… who’s Hyunbin?”
“Mr. Kwon”
“Kwon Hyunbin….”
You just nodded in curiosity and in agreement with everyone
“Mr. Lee gave me a folder of all the models who would fit the shoot, so let’s take a look.”
You opened up the folder to see a lot of other models who you knew would fit the shoot even better than the ones Hyunbin chose
“I’m beginning to think Mr. Lee chose the best new creative director.”
“Shhhh let’s go back to choosing.”
You just smiled at how one of your officemates complimented you
Because not only did you really hate choosing through bias
But also because you wanted to get work done immediately
You didn’t notice it was already Friday since you were already becoming busy even though you were still only 5 days old in your job
You smiled as you scanned your ID and saw the same security guard who called you on the first day
“Someone’s in a good mood today. Have you adjusted well?”
You walked your way to the elevator
But as the door was about to close
A tall man suddenly ran and pushed the button again to open it
“Why didn’t you hold the door for me?”
He asked annoyingly, and you just sighed
“I didn’t even know you were nearby.”
Hyunbin just went inside and stood right next to you
The silence inside the elevator was so awkward that you wanted to just get out immediately
“So I heard you crossed off Sungbin from the list of models.”
You looked at him as he said this and just gave a smile full of sarcasm
“Well, we need to be open enough to accept other models too.”
“But he’s my best friend.”
“In the business world, friendships are always at stake. We have to get rid of bias if we want to keep this business running, no?”
You smiled as you looked at the elevator door open to your level
And you chuckled as you walked out
Hyunbin just looked at you
And he had this type of defeated look on his face
“One day.” he whispered
You went inside your office with a huge smile
Until you saw two of your officemates with a gloom look on their faces
“What’s up?”
“The shoot got moved to next month. And two of the models are not free by then.”
“What? Why?”
“The photographers have to go to Italy for a different and more urgent shoot.”
“Can’t we get another set of photographers then?”
“We already sent the notices to Mr. Lee and all the models, so we can’t change it. We can only change the dates of the shoot.”
You sighed as you sat on your desk chair
“So, any other projects we could work on?”
The managers of the company thought that you shouldn’t go with your other officemates to some projects for the first two weeks yet since you were new
And they wanted to see how well you could adjust and work through some loads yourself
Surprisingly, you were really good in handling lots of papers they gave you
They were impressed by your work ethic especially when you handled one of their hardest clients to deal with
“Ms. y/n, we don’t want too much color for our event”
“But if you look at your exhibitions, it’s too dull because you always use the same color and people have already given feedback that they want more. Also, the timing of your events are always on a bad timing since you want to compete with other artists. And you wonder why you always have the same people going to your exhibitions.”
The head of the human resource office was merely awed by how you handled people
The only reason you were able to do that was because you never showed any bias at all
And you wanted to make sure that projects given to you aren’t only a benefit to your clients but to their audience as well
“Keep up the good work, Ms. y/n.”
The CEO complimented your work ethic and definitely was happy that you were under his company
But of course, there’s always gonna be that one person who gets jealous
“Sometimes I wished we didn’t hire her”
“Hyunbin, you chose her in the first place out of all 21 applicants”
“I know, but I didn’t know she’d be this much of a show off”
“But she’s not showing off? She’s only doing her job?”
“Even so? I am starting to not like her”
“Are you crushing on her or something?”
“No way!”
“Then why are you so against her doing her job when you were the one who chose her in the first place? You’re confusing”
Hyunbin would often complain like that to his officemates in his own office
Because honestly he was still upset by how you made him spill coffee on one of his favorite shirts
And sometimes he’d give you an annoyed look whenever you got the chance to see him
This bothered you a bit, but because you wanted to be professional you just smiled
And maybe, you kind of wanted to hate him too
Your officemates would often talk to you about some rumors about him
Even though some were ridiculous and you don’t believe most of them
You just naturally wanted to dislike him as well
So it was a week left before this shoot you mostly handled
And basically, you had to meet up with one of the photographers on Friday night
One of your officemates already told you he was a bit of a flirt
And all of the people in the office and some others knew that as well
Even Hyunbin
You  just brushed it all off because as you say
“Business is business”
Once you were done with work that Friday night
You decided to go to the restaurant right after
So you scanned your ID and was about to head out the building
Until someone from behind ran their way to you
“Hey, y/n!”
And even before you could turn to see who it was
You already knew by the tone of his voice
“Mr. Kwon, I have to meet with the photographer so we could discuss the shoot.”
“I know, but I can’t let you go by yourself.”
“Why not?”
“He’s bad news.”
“Bad news?”
“He’s a good photographer, I admit. But you don’t know how he’s like with clients”
“Fine. But get a table away from us, if you will”
And you both went to the restaurant together
The whole taxi ride was awkward and you both just looked at opposite directions on the windows
The taxi driver even asked if you both were in a lovers’ quarrel or something
“Are you guys having relationship issues you both seem pissed”
“The only relationship we have is business”
You got annoyed and you just rolled your eyes
Because he was starting to get on your nerves and all
So once you both got to the restaurant
The photographer saw Hyunbin and waved for you both to come over
And you thought the photographer wasn’t even that bad looking
Plus you wanted to push Hyunbin’s buttons and try to flirt a bit right in front of him
The photographer wasn’t even surprised about you meeting him with Hyunbin
Because he was also aware by all the rumors going around him that he was a flirt
“So you decided to bring Hyunbin along, eh Ms. y/n?”
“He tagged along out of nowhere so it naturally became that way”
“Don’t worry, I don’t bite. Unless, Hyunbin has a bit of a crush on you?”
The photographer smirked as he looked at Hyunbin
Hyunbin just ignored this and continued on looking on his plate as he ate
But he did blush a bit and looked suddenly on the side
“A crush? On me?”
You said sarcastically
“In your dreams.”
The whole night of conversations were mostly about the shoot
And you were relieved because not once did the photographer even try to hit it off with you
Once the meeting was over you and Hyunbin both waved goodbyes to the photographer and left the restaurant
You were about to catch a cab but Hyunbin beat you to it and got inside himself
“Hey! Aren’t you gonna get me a cab?”
“You can get it yourself”
He just went inside the cab and left
And you were so aghast of his selfishness
“Wow, never in any way will I be able to like this guy”
But in the cab, Hyunbin was just chuckling to himself
Because he thought, maybe he did kind of have a bit of a crush on you
Again, he just rolled his eyes and waited to get to his house
It was finally Monday which meant
You exclaimed as you arrived an hour earlier than usual at the office
Because finally you were allowed to go to the venue of the shoot
And you were relieved by how punctual the other people who were going with you actually came the same time as you
“Are we all here?”
“Got room for one more?”
Everyone suddenly looked at the person who said this
And wow, it was Hyunbin
You looked really confused because you knew he wasn’t usually into Monday mornings
And you looked at your other officemate
“He wanted to go to the shoot with us, he asked me if he could.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I thought you already knew since you were with him last Friday…”
So you just sighed as you helped out on bringing some boxes of costumes for the stylists to work on all the way to the elevator to go downstairs
And you were annoyed as well by how Hyunbin just stood there
Yawning and looking at everyone bring the boxes and some other things needed for the shoot
“Aren’t you gonna help us with this?”
“There are only two boxes left so it’s too late for me to help.”
You opened your mouth in shock at how he responded to you
But then again, were you even surprised
You decided to sit in front of the van because no way in hell did you want to sit next to Hyunbin
And before you all knew it you all left to go to Ulsan at 7am
You all wanted to arrive there by noon since the shoot was gonna start by 1pm
The whole van ride was just all of you falling asleep and talking about work and random stuff
You took a few peeks at Hyunbin on the mirror
And all he did was sleep
You noticed how he was a bit bloated and just laughed
“What’s up with him?”
You asked the driver who was also one of Hyunbin’s friends
“He drank with some others at a party last night and went home at like, 2am”
“Does he get bloated whenever he drinks?”
“He must’ve had instant ramen last night to try not to get hungover”
You just laughed as how typically opposite he was
Usually at work he was really formal and cold
But you didn’t know he was also someone who loved going to parties and drank often
Finally, after four and a half hours you all arrived Ulsan
Then after another thirty minutes you arrived the place of the shoot
Already prepared by some of the workers since they were already your friends
“Hey, Sunwoo! Thanks for letting us have a shoot here again”
“No problem, y/n. We gave way since today is a slow day for us.”
You just smiled as you helped your other officemates set up for the shoot
And in no time, the models arrived as well with their managers for the shoot
So did the photographer you met, who also came with two others
You hurriedly sent the models to the makeup artists and stylists to get ready
You looked over to your watch to see it was already 12 noon
You didn’t really feel hungry since you ate a lot of junk food in the van earlier
So you just shrugged everything off and decided to get on with the shoot
You tried to look around and find Hyunbin
But all he did was be on his phone and look at everyone becoming all busy
You walked over to him because he was starting to get on your nerves
“Why did you come with us all the way here if you weren’t gonna help us anyway?”
“Maybe because I don’t want to”
“You should at least help us even a bit and not show your lazy ass in front of us.”
You said this as you walked away
And the other officemates heard this and looked at Hyunbin disappointedly
But Hyunbin just sighed as he walked over to where the models were to check on them
In just a few minutes, the shoot already started and everything was going well
You did a headcount on how many models were there since you called up 4 of them
But you were shocked as why you only saw three of them
You told this to one of the photographers and they said it was fine
And that they were gonna try and make it work
You were still a bit worried, though
Because you really wanted to make the shoot go smooth
One of your officemates then went up to you and got a text from one of the models’ managers and said he couldn’t go because of a different shoot
And you gave the most horrified expression
You just decided to stay calm then, since the photographer assured it was fine
Hyunbin was looking at you from afar
And he was amazed by how hardworking and helpful you were to everyone
And whenever you smiled at something, he suddenly started to smile a bit at times too
Because regardless of how haggard and overworked you looked
He thought you were really pretty while doing your job
Especially when you tied your hair
My, my did his heart suddenly beat faster than usual
“What on earth is going on with you, Hyunbin?”
He questioned himself at times whenever he caught himself looking at you mindlessly
So he tried to look around elsewhere whenever you were near him to not get too obvious
Mid-shoot, he saw you yawn over three times while looking at all the models posing
He figured you were really sleepy so he went to make coffee inside one of the small tents for the models since there was a coffee machine inside
In just a while, he came out with two cups of coffee and walked his way next to you
You noticed him stand next to you, but you didn’t look at him and just gave the side eye as you were crossing your arms, looking at the shots on the computer screen
“Here, you need this. You might fall asleep anytime soon.”
You grabbed the cup without even looking at Hyunbin
And he kind of knew you wouldn’t look at him anyways since he knew he was a bit cold to you
“Y/n, bad news... one of the photographers want someone who has a built body to go shirtless and wear just this vest on top”
You widened your eyes as you looked at your officemate as she approached you
“Y/n! Have you contacted any other models yet?”
One of the photographers then looked at you in the middle of him taking shots of the models in front of everyone
“He’ll be here in a minute!”
You were feeling frantic as you just stood there and looked around in hopes of seeing someone in a second
Until you suddenly remembered something
You looked at Hyunbin, and he just gave you a confused look
You suddenly spilled your whole coffee cup on Hyunbin’s shirt
And he just looked at you in shock
“What the hell, y/n?!”
“Hey, here’s our new model!”
You yelled and everyone then looked at you pointing at Hyunbin
And Hyunbin again still had his shocked expression
“Take off your shirt”
You whispered to Hyunbin
“Excuse me?”
“Take off your shirt and thank me later.”
So Hyunbin just took off his shirt and exposed his upper body
And everyone else was shocked as to how Hyunbin covered his physique the whole time to actually have a nice and even toned body
“Hyunbin, come with me.”
You smiled as you grabbed Hyunbin to go to the tent with the makeup artists
And in just a few minutes, you and him got out and he was already made up for the shoot
“Now, do this or you’re gonna be sorry you ever came here in the first place”
And Hyunbin just nodded as he walked his way next to the photographer
“Hyunbin? How long have you been hiding this body?”
The photographer laughed as how he was shocked to see Hyunbin all made up
So the shoot went on and Hyunbin did some random poses with the other models
And you were surprised at how he looked comfortable doing random poses that fit well with the shoot and its concept
Whenever Hyunbin looked at you, you just smiled and gave him the thumbs up
And well, he just smiled back
You never knew he was actually really handsome whenever he smiled
Even when he just scowled he already looked quite hot
You mentally slapped yourself from ever thinking this over and over during the whole shoot
And reminded yourself how cold he really was so you just shrugged it all off again
Once the shoot came to a complete success, everyone went to dinner at a restaurant nearby
And the place was packed with all the models, your officemates, the photographers and some staff eating together
Out of all places, your officemates just had to make you sit in front of Hyunbin
Everyone had a great time during dinner just talking and finally happy with the outcome of the shoot
“To y/n, who discovered a new model in Hyunbin!”
One of the photographers raised a glass, and everyone laughed and did cheers
You looked at Hyunbin getting all flushed from this
And you just laughed
You realized you left your phone in your other bag in the van so you asked the driver to give you the keys so you could get it
Once he gave it to you, you ran out to open the van and get the phone
You grabbed your phone and immediately closed your bag and went out of the van
And you were startled to see a tall man stand in front of the door as you got out
“Hyunbin, please don’t scare me like this ever again”
You closed the van door and almost went up back to the restaurant
“Hey, y/n”
Hyunbin called you and you looked at him
“Congrats on the shoot’s success”
He gave you a small smile
“Thanks. And congrats on your new hobby, I guess?”
And he just laughed as he scratched the back of his head
“You should thank me for choosing you out of all the applicants for this job, too.”
“Wait, you chose me? Why?”
“Hmm, your portfolio was good. You also had a lot of experiences compared to the other applicants.”
“Well, thanks, I suppose”
You shrugged and there was a bit of silence between both of you
“And I thought you were kind of cute, too.”
You widened your eyes, suddenly shocked by how soft he was becoming
“You’ve been cold and mean to me for the past month and now you call me cute?”
You shook your head as you laughed
And Hyunbin suddenly became shy and laughed as well
“You still owe me a shirt, you know.”
“I’m getting you one once I get paid.”
You laughed as you turned to go back inside
“Hey, our boss is giving us a day off tomorrow because of the shoot today.”
He suddenly said and you turned to him again
“Yeah? So?”
“I was wondering…”
Hyunbin scratched the back of his head and suddenly became nervous again
And you just looked at him and became all puzzled again
“Do you want to… I guess, go out tomorrow and… help me buy a new shirt?”
“Why me?”
“Because you seem to know a lot about fashion… I mean, we could also get coffee afterwards… if it’s fine with you?”
You chuckled as he was asking you this
Is Mr. Cold guy asking you out all of the sudden?
“Fine. I’d like that. As long as we can start over.”
He smiled and was relieved that you accepted his offer
“So, it’s a date then?”
You laughed again at his sudden burst, and he covered his mouth out of embarrassment
“Well, I guess it’s gonna be a date, then.”
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riskeith · 4 years
manifesting xiao for you!!!!! it surely will be worth it after all that wait and all those rolls shsjdhsj <3 you’ll probably upgrade him and his weapons and talents and all that right away too, huh? spilling all your recourses on one stotic lil boy 👅 (can’t say i blame ya he deserves it) FUNNY YOU MENTION THAT when i did the guiding light seal puzzle before the stormterror battle i accidentally forgot to change kaeya’s weapon to the ones i’ve upgraded so he was stuck with the dull sword and i was like why the FUCK doesn’t he do any damage and then it hit me . yikes 😬 Lmao has that ever happened to you?
oh really? reading all of that makes it seem like we’re in the bad end of the stick dhdhdjdjfh but you made me curious to try it out tbh... now where could i get a hold on a pc..... hm
yeah omg you’ve gotten so far now i can’t imagine how bizarre it would be to revert back to giving like 10 dmg and facing level 3 villains lmao still sometimes even i find myself missing the early days things weren’t as stressful then ): do you?
school did start which is why haikyuu is perfect!! it’s been keeping me very warm and happy tbh... 🥺 you know something i noticed this time watching is that kagehina are Always around each other. i honestly don’t remember them doing that but watching now it’s like at almost every scene they are either standing next to each other or showing up to the other’s scene and it’s like??? damn???? y’all live like this? idk if that changes in future eps but right now it’s Constant. i love it.
dude i’m such a nostalgia person i’m always up for a trip to the good ol’ days bc sometimes you just gotta go back to things for your own sake. but fun Fact i started watching voltron after it ended so i missed so much of the hype while it was ongoing.. literally came into it while it was a goddamn mess. i knew that klance wouldn’t be canon but watching i couldn’t help but hope... how was it stanning while it was ongoing?
(you saying that reminds me of the what if we kissed meme..... what if we kissed in the genshin co-op mode 😳 anyway you’re at such a high level idk how much i could help you... i suppose we could just run around but yeah i do play in europe... 😭)
RED AND BLUE GAYS!!!!!! RED AND BLUE GAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the purple light were mega gay like hello????? especially since lance is bi and it was Him that said the line and hfjdhdhsjdjdhdj fuck ! i’m so sad now ever since we started talking about them i’ve just been missing them sooooo much it’s crazy... KEITH DESERVES THE UNIVERSE he’s so sweet and caring in his own way and he grew so much like compare s8 keith with s1 keith and see!!!! he matured so much and god . at least he’s helping the galaxy with his lesbians now
dude i wanted to say that but i was scared it was an unpopular opinion.... hunk and pidge could be so mean to him sometimes for no reason or just shoo him aside and no??? don’t do that to your friend????? it irked me sometimes bc you could see that he got upset about it but he felt like he had no one to turn to 😭😭😭😭😭 kms but keith. keith is good.
THE I LOVE YOU SCENE did it also take you sooo much by surprise like i remember watching and just going AAAAAA??????!!!??!!?? and the art???? mister anime keith kogane?????? it was so beautiful and so perfect and so sad ughhhhhhh funny how keith has 2 out of the three i love you scenes on voltron even tho he’s the stotic type .
i’m thinking but honestly all i want is some fluffy angst... a punch in the gut with some final kissing . i love fics that rewrite the sunset scene always chefs kiss... or you know how in season 7 for some reason they always called out for each other first? like when lance has his crashing scene keith yells out lance come in twice??? or when they are stuck in the galra prison and they yell out each other’s names???? idk something about that would be amazing to read???? ok i rambled idk rewritten canon klance is just Mwah... OH IM SO EXCITED TO READ THOSE SNIPPETS EEEEEEE :DDDDDD TY FOR SENDING THAT
i’m soooo glad you liked the fanart when i saw it i HAD to send it your way... it’s the little bois in their animal hats 😭😭🥺 i love them so much it’s soooooo cute 😭😭 i’ve been stalking the original tweet and there’s some other version and they’re super adorable too 😭😭😭😭😭😭
hope you had a wonderful day today + yesterday... take care <333
hey heyyyy~
actually i don’t think i have many resources to give him bc im focusing on levelling up my team for the ascension rn FJKHDSKFHSDKJFHSDK but for sure i will do it... anything for him 😩 AHAHAH nooooo but yes ! during the chalk prince dragon event i used festering desire in dragonspine but my higher levelled sword everywhere else, but sometiems i forgot to switch back and was stuck with shit damage 💀
yeah actually i see a lot of poeple complain about not being able to do missions on mobile either (or having a really hard time with it) fskjhfksj but there are for sure people who would think mobile is better so 🤷‍♀️ to each their own! ahah does anyone in your family have a windows laptop/pc? steal borrow it 🤪
i definitely miss the easier days!! it’s fun going to an area with lower level enemies bc i defeat them so easily.. but then again their drops also aren’t as good so you trade one thing for another i guess lol
ikr?!?!?? like we get it you’re inseparable omg.. it’s so cute when they go seek out asahi as well and hinata hides behind kageyama and then points and at him like he’s showing him off.. lives in my mind rent free 😌
oh i see!!! that’s so brave of you omg you knew all that and still decided to give it a shot? fshfkdsjf. it was. insane. like talking about the positives only, it was just everyone going crazy every time there was a single hint of klance is canon king and just ugh. it was all so exciting and hype and like the energy you know?? especially when there were conventions where they were revealing trailers or new info wow tumblr was buzzing.. (reminds me of when klance was top ship.......) i miss that kinda environment tbh! but also now that i’m in uni i don’t think i’d have the energy to keep up fhskfjds
(WHAT IF WE KISSED!! IN GENSHIN CO-OP!! HAHA JK... UNLESS?! that’s so funny fskdj but i wish 😔😩 makes a second reroll account just for this? HAHAAH. and noooo even if we didn’t do anything i feel like it’d be so fun just running around hfkdsjs. and maybe i could carry you w your quests it’s always been my dream to help someone out like my brother can just come into my world and one-shot enemies 😩 but maybe some day!! cross-server will happen)
:((((((((((( S1 KEITH AND S8 KEITH THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 😭😭😭😭 keith went from being a lone wolf expelled from the garrison to finding his MOTHER!! AND THE BESTEST SPACE WOLF DOGGO!! AND LEADING A FKN ITNERGALACTIC ORGANISATION!~!!!eASKJDHSAFHEHFSDIUHSAZODUQWEQWYRHIASKJDNCSOUADHB. marmora!keith............. both a blessing and a curse.... but that uniform tho 🥵
i cried!!! so much watching that scene lmao!!! can’t remember how i felt at the time but i was probably also surpirsed.. and ikr? that’s poetry in its own tbh we love that keith said the most ‘expressive’ and ‘emotional’ lines the most
sunset scene... sunset scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg yeah them just calling out for each other’s names first like??? explain please?? omg also remember when keith chose lance in the quiz.. AND LANCE CALLED KEITH THE FUTURE? FUCKING EXPLAIN???????? WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! there is no heterosexual explanation. okay but now that you’ve put sunset scene in my head... either rewrite where lance was looking for keith to confess to him bc they were going back to space and he wanted to get it out or.. in the future where klance are together and lance has a dream about it and suddenly realises wait. did keith already like me back then. and then they talk about it ... hmmmmm . AND WOOOO NO PROBLEM!! HOPE YOU ENJOY <33
i def have to look at the other versions!!! honestly this meme is kinda the best thing out there rn so many cute baby renditions of charas.. blessed!! i love them all sm...
thank you!! hope yours have been great too, and school is treating you well :**
0 notes
yankeecountess · 7 years
So I just saw one of the grossest ads on You Tube (you know, those ads that proceed the video) and I was too dumbfounded by it to hit the “skip” button, although a part of me greatly wishes I had. It’s for this conservative propaganda think-tank that pretends its an educational resource (sure it is, for fascism) called “Prager U” and they had this video (with a woman narrating it, so OF COURSE it can’t be sexist) talking about the plight of boys in the public school system, how they are being “held back” because our modern education system only cares about girls and their academic needs, to which I started to gag (yeah, they care soooooo much for the academic needs of girls, who they send home if they dare show some collarbone).
Look, I’m not saying that boys don’t struggle with school. I actually do believe that boys struggle in academics to a point, but I don’t think that’s necessarily the fault of the public school system. I think that’s the fault of “masculine over-sensitivity” in our society, who don’t put a lot of emphasis on education. I mean, it’s the Republican Party who keeps gutting education and public schools, so clearly general education is not on their priority list. But also, society encourages boys to be more involved in sports and extracurricular activities that has very little academic emphasis. I mean, I remember when I was in school (granted, it was in the 90′s, but I don’t think time has changed *that* much) when the boys who were involved in the more “academic clubs” at school, were teased mercilessly by other boys, and practically every film/TV portrayal of boys involved with such things, have fathers who act “ashamed” and “embarrassed” that their son would rather be a mathlete than go out for the football team, even going so far as to use homophobic slurs as a means to shame them into being “more masculine”.  So no, this is NOT the fault of feminism, despite what this propaganda machine wants you to think. If anything, feminism is trying to say that it’s perfectly fine for boys to seek academic/educational activities just as it’s perfectly fine for girls who want to play sports.
Ugh, and they even had this woman narrator say that “we need to do away with Zero Tolerance” and more or less just let “boys be boys”.  Ok lady, I want to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that you’re simply an actress who was hired to spew this bullshit (although I fear you probably do believe some of it) but seriously...the whole point for “zero tolerance” has NOTHING to do with saying that “boys can’t play at recess” or even that boys can’t roughhouse--and for the record, girls roughhouse every bit as much as boys do. But the main reason for “Zero Tolerance policies” (and quite frankly, not enough places have them, in my opinion) was to try and stop bullying from turning into something deadly--and that goes for both genders. To say that Zero Tolerance is stopping boys from being their “true selves” is utter bullshit.  What you’re really complaining about here is that you can’t bully that one kid for how they look, be it their weight, hair, skin color, religious identity, or sexual orientation, or that you can’t snap a girl’s bra without getting into trouble. WE WOULDN’T NEED ZERO TOLERANCE IF YOU JUST TOLD YOUR KIDS TO TREAT OTHERS WITH RESPECT AND BE FRICKIN’ POLITE. Oh, and the “example” this woman gave about the unfairness of a boy being suspended from school was that he “ate around the edges of a pop tart until it resembled a gun and pretended to shoot others with it”. Um, HELLO??? With sadly all the school shootings we’ve had over the past few decades, I think something like that deserves zero tolerance.
The only thing I agreed with in this entire video was something the woman said early on, about how we need to encourage boys to read more.
Yes, absolutely. Girls are often encouraged to read more than boys, in fact when it comes to fiction for teens, a majority of it is marketed/geared towards female readers than male. But the market responds to the need, therefore the way to get more books written/geared for a general young male audience is to encourage boys to read! Although it’s not like these don’t already exist, meaning books geared for boys (and I’m using a “generalization” here) but if we don’t encourage/emphasize the importance of reading for boys, then boys aren’t going to read...and will fall behind in academics. But again, the public school system is not the enemy.  Make education a priority--TRULY a priority with boys, get them involved with reading and STOP referring to certain activities/hobbies as “soft”. If a boy wants to cook, sew, do theater, play an instrument, get involved in the arts, don’t treat that as something to be ashamed of! And STOP the whole “boys will be boys” mentality. That’s just an excuse for failing to teach good manners, respect, and basic human decency.
And stop with the whole idea that “girls have it easy” when they don’t. More often girls aren’t called upon when they raise their hand, aren’t taken seriously when it comes to interests in science, math, and technology, and 9 times out of 10, it’s girls who suffer from a “zero tolerance policy” in terms of what they wear or how they styled their hair or some other sexist crap, and are pulled out of class and sent home for failing to cover-up whatever bit of skin they dared to show (or accidentally showed, as is often the case) and the boys “couldn’t concentrate”. Yeah, girls have it sooooooo easy in school and never struggle at all. BULL. SHIT.
Like I said, this thing is a conservative propaganda think-tank that tries to make itself seem “legit” because they cleverly have people of color spewing things about how affirmative action is racist to whites, and women talking about the plights of men and their lack of rights in this femninazi world. Do not buy their bullshit, figuratively or literally.
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thebestplltheories · 7 years
PLL 7x14 Power Play - (long, sorry!) Thoughts
- Yep, one of the best episodes of the series. Call me dramatic, whatever. But in my opinion, it was. The story was constantly moving and I loved that. That is all I need to classify a PLL episode as good. And, combined with answers.. they had a formula for success. I wished I recorded myself watching it because I genuinely had a smile on my face from start to end, and two particular reveals got a great reaction out of me. Even the romance scenes I appreciated. Ugh, such a good episode! So many feels. Happy, intense, OMG, frustrated, emotional.
- Well... after this post, you know where I’m off to... my unanswered questions post! Finally I get to cross off more! SHOUTOUT TO US TUMBLR FANS FOR THEORISING EVERY SINGLE ANSWER WE GOT TONIGHT WITH 100% ACCURACY!! 
- I don’t know how you guys did it, but theorising that Ted is Charlotte’s father... what the hell! I always dismissed that theory. I thought it was too out-there. But it happened! I was sooooo shocked. I thought Ted was just a random guy from the church that liked Ashley. End of story. Apparently not end of story! Loved it. There is no way they had that planned all the way back then. I really do think that Ted was brought to the show just to be a love interest for Ashely. Then they created the Charles story and realised “oh shit, we need a male to be Charlotte’s father. Lucky we made a character like Ted!” I refuse to believe they intended to use Ted for more than just a pastor in love with Ashley. Anyway, not that that matters. I’m happy with this answer.
- Last week I complained that PLL has severely lacked good production since the dollhouse episodes; production in the sense of unique camera angles, music, etc. Well today they finally returned to its glory. The ending scene was so good and dramatic with the music, that camera angle where Ali finds her hidden puzzle piece and also when Mary steps out from behind the door to reveal herself with Ted... little things like that, I appreciate. 
- The reveal that Lucas knew CHARLES... wow!!! OMG!! I actually said “no fucking way” for once in a few years in PLL. They’re going somewhere with this. Lucas built that board game, he is an app developer and has the resources/money. 
- Another reveal that made me actually throw my blanket off and sit up... when they actually SHOWED that scene from 4B of Mary creeping up on Spencer!! We all kind of guessed that it was Mary in that scene, but to actually SEE the writers SHOW US that link very explicitly rather than let us just guess... it was AMAZING. I hope the series finale is like that, where they actually SHOW us past scenes like that, rather than expect us to make the links. Such a good scene, learning the backstory behind that.
- Mary killed Jessica. I knew it! I was not shocked one bit. But hey. After 7 seasons of this craziness, I am totally happy to take logic over shock. “Sydney killed Jessica!” like no. Get lost. Zero logic. Mary killed Jessica, yeah, I’ll take it!
- People are probably disappointed that it was Sydney under the hoodie... I told myself it’s not AD so I was expecting someone like that. I was happy with that.
- Aria going dark.. I’m all in. But please don’t cause a massive divide in the group. The small divides it causes now is fine, but I don’t want to spend the final 6 episodes with the girls pissed off at each other/Aria.
- Amongst all the storylines going on, they still managed to have scenes relevant to Archer. Thank god! See, that’s what we want. Forget the ping pong, and just keep us updated on other side mysteries like that. We don't have to solve the side mystery, but just keep mentioning them in the ‘filler’ scenes. That’ll keep us going until the finale.
- I thought finding out who killed Jessica, and that Ted is Charlotte’s father, would be enough for this episode. Nope, they revealed what we’ve all been thinking since August last year! Emison fans on Twitter telling Marlene to go kill herself: fuck off. NEVER wish that upon anyone. As if I’m actually saying that. I know Emison fans are really passionate, and rightfully so, but chilllllll. Spencer said it very well: they are feeling violated. Emily isn't saying “yippee, let’s have a baby Ali!!” Yes it’s controversial, yes it’s diving into areas of rape, but don’t tell a woman to kill herself.
- Not gonna lie. I did laugh at AD’s hoodie talking to Aria. The concept was cool but it looked far too fake. This show never is good with visual effects and stuff like that (*cough* CeCe watching the girls in the window in 610 *cough*)
- Shoutout to Paily. I really enjoyed their scenes. All of them. I was a shipper of Paily during season 4 and so this brought me right back to those good old days. Paige has barely smiled since she came back in 7B so it was so good to see her be happy for once. 
- There was one thing that someone said that really made me think Spencer has a twin!!! I can’t remember what it is! I’ll rewatch later in the week and update you all.
- Thank god Ezra is being dismissive of Nicole. I mean, it’s sad for Nicole, but at the end of the day and putting realism aside, just get lost Nicole. Ezria is endgame and you’re just making PLL fans frustrated.
- Next week’s promo!! Directed by Troian!!!!!!!!!! Wren’s return!! “Every theory I come up with leads back to you” is Furey hinting towards a Spencer twin? Not that he knows, but if all his research keeps pointing to a Spencer, it’s only a matter of time before he finds something? It is in 2 weeks but I’m so happy because it means the finale is pushed out to when my uni exams finish!
- 9/10. I can’t give it 10/10 because I’ve forgotten what a perfect PLL episode feels like. It’s been way too long. Maybe this is what a perfect PLL episode feels like? Again, I can't remember. But it’s up there!
- Sorry this is long, but hey, 6 to go. Need to summarise it all and it’s better than sharing thoughts all over the place with scattered messages. Compare this to 712, which never even got a post!
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