#ugly crying.gif
butcharondir · 1 year
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When I were in Brum, guineas only caused pain. But look at that fucker. That's total joy, that.
The Gallows Pole (2023) // What Will We Do When We Have No Money? (Traditional)
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piracytheorist · 2 years
ugly crying.gif
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proto-homo · 7 years
The men's sewing patterns put out by the major companies feel like misandry in action.
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notadog · 8 years
when ppl u love and respect call u by the name that feels right without u having to ask ₍•͈ᴗ•͈₎
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midnight-in-town · 7 years
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also, why do the guys who hold the door always have to die such a sad death?
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The air reeked of burning peat. The floor was hard-packed dirt. Wooden steps spiraled up inside the walls to the roof. He saw no windows. The tower was dank, dark, and comfortless, its only furnishings a high-backed chair and a scarred table resting on three trestles. No privy was in evidence, though Theon saw a champerpot in one shadowed alcove. The only light came from the candles on the table. His feet dangled six feet off the floor. "My brother's debts," the king was muttering. "Joffrey's too, though that baseborn abomination was no kin to me." Theon twisted in his chains. He knew that voice. Stannis. Theon Greyjoy chortled. A stab of pain went up his arms, from his shoulders to his wrists. All he had done, all he had suffered, Moat Cailin and Barrowton and Winterfell, Abel and his washerwomen, Crowfood and his Umbers, the trek through the snows, all of it had only served to exchange one tormentor for another.
- Theon Greyjoy and Stannis Baratheon, The Winds of Winter
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freddiequell · 13 years
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