#ultra-light aircraft
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Pelegrin Tarragon G3X, Limbaži, Latvia, June 10, 2023. Photo by D.P.
Description:  Carbon Fiber Composite airframe; Hydraulic retracting LDG system; Wheels and Brakes, "Beringer"; Luggage Compartment; Flight Control sticks, pedals and throttle control for both pilots; Electric Flaps; Controller (Flybox); Electric Horizontal Trimmer; Canopy Anti Fog Vent.
Year of construction: 10.2018.;  Engine: UL-Power 390i, 140 hp @ 3300 rpm / 130 hp @ 2800 rpm. Propeller: FP Propeller 2 Blade, In-flight Variable Pitch Propeller, Spinner and backplate- Carbon Fiber.
Cruise speed 156kt with Fuel consumption 22L/hr, Fuel tanks 2 x 65L for long range flights. Made by Tarragon Aircraft in Latvia.
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fairyrona · 18 days
What's wrong? Rainbow.
Okay this post is a little of a brain vomit, because I've read so many smart posts lately and I have some thoughts that kinda tie into all of them or maybe provide some pieces.
So, let's add some maybe fresh thoughts. If somebody had already said all that, please step forth lmao
First, the Zombie Boy drawing and different/changing timelines. (and project rainbow) For For context, @willbyersabyss 's post.
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S1 version mentioning the mind control experiments.
-> completely erasing that timeline/version of events by the said mind control. -> And now Will Byers has become the Zombie Boy
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It's almost unbelivable how much timeline-wrongness/loops S2 hides under it's sleeve.
Trapped in an artificially created time loop / timeline.
What's wrong with Mama? Rainbow. Timeline's wrong.
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Oh, what you say Nancy-in-Terry's overcoat/costume?
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Murray's? But not yours?
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Oh, then what if Murray's timeline?
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Zombie Boy version. The one that says Will got lost in the woods. Our timeline. And then we get Lucas telling Max the truth. (Events of s1, that represent the Zombie Boy version.) But on this particular timeline-train of thoughts, he literally repeats after Nancy:
Will didn't get lost in the woods. The timeline's wrong.
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And then it get's even more messy, because Max thinks this story feels derivative. This is literally us reading the s1 article. But then, why is she reacting to the s2 version like that?
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And then she calls him out for lying. We get told multiple times, that Lucas is not telling the true version of events.
Friends don't lie. Never ever. No matter what. Is that right? Then how do you explain this?
Out of order. The timeline is wrong. Out of order.
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Friends don't lie. Never ever. No matter what. Is that right? Then how do you explain this?
Now, lets go back a little. And add some MKUltra.
What's wrong with mama? Rainbow. Timeline's wrong. Out of order.
I don't think I've seen anyone mention the fact that we've got not 1, not 2, but at least 3 Rainbow Rooms.
terry ives' mind loop (with different colour-gradings)
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Ray's, the lab ward's home in Chicagoproject nina tape-based memories project nina tape-based memories (with different colour-gradings)
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While we're at HNL colour grading I wanna quickly add that Terry's sequences are a lot warmer, I'd even say the walls are different paint all together. But it could just visual clue of time passing, renovations and all.
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However. It's a cool detail that while Terry's memories are warm-ish-> turn greenish just as it cuts to little Jane and Kali and then the lighting immediately becomes cold - like in Will's scenes. (And Ray's, ''true'' version is warm as well. Outside of the girls nightgowns, that are more cool-toned. and that's another mindfuckery detail, bc Ray's kids are dressed more like lab subjects than the lab subjects.) (out of order)
I wanna talk bout the middle Rainbow Room. And its possible connection to MK Ultra.
First. Light is important. Here are two posts about light's and rainbow's involvement in the experiments'.
For context, go to the two @conflictofthemind 's posts.
breathe. sunflower. rainbow. three to the right, four to the left. four-fifty. breathe.
breathe. (He isn't breathing!)
sunflower. (follows the light. Joyce to find Will, El to talk to Terry etc. Will's house being all lit up in the pilot. AND the shed. And the light bulb thing. followed the light? and went back?)
(electromagnetic spectrum gets separated. different wavelengths reflect at a different angle. but in the end it's still just an optical illusion. it doesn't exist in a specific point in the sky.)
Rainbows are actually full circles. The antisolar point is the center of the circle. Viewers in aircraft can sometimes see these circular rainbows. (The horizon obstructs our view. It's as if the second half was under. In the Upside down.)
three to the right, four to the left. 43. 1943?
four-fifty. (Turning up the dial on the machine. 450° degree angle? it loops.
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breathe. it loops.
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Also, the safety vault, the rainbow and the dial is all circle shaped, and it ends on the dial being turned, as if we're actually going round on it's axis. (But in Terry's memories, and Ray's flat, we're only seeing one half of the story. S4? we get too many versions. A half circle, the rainbow going around the room, turning upside down etc.)
In that scene they are in Ray's apartament. (another light reference)
And I have a few theories. This is the writers telling us that
there are multiple versions of the event
these memories from another timeline. which i'll touch upon in a different post, to keep things in order
the event is replicating itself in different manners
Okay, now a rundown of the scene:
-> The Kali Gang bursts in. The RAY-guy begs for his life. Says he's gonna help El find Brenner.
-> Nobody believes the guy, neither the audience nor the characters, but the thing is - he was telling the truth! Now, after s4, after being introduced to yet another, COMPLETELY different rainbow room, we know that.
What also interest me is that Ray said Brenner trusts him - thus he knows Brenner is alive. Was that a secret between the bad men as well? Is Brenner being alive something more than not succumbing to injury circa s1?
The things is!! El and Kali never entered Ray's rainbow room.
And Ray telling us the truth feels like a check mark - this! This is the one!
I think either:
a) there are different versions of the event: Where the girls in the room were not El and Kali, but some other two kids, possibly actual siblings.
a.1) this only happened once - and Jane is not El.
b) The original event that keeps weaving itself into the plot his hasn't happened to Terry specifically.
c) Or there was no ''original'' but it keep's repeating to trigger something, or replicate an effect. Somebody finding two ''kids'' in a rainbow room.
This really feels more like a visual and storytelling metafor.
Same with @erikiara80 post about colour green.
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Especially with what happened st Ray's place.
El and Kali on different sides of conflict, Kali being the more blood-thirsty, revenge seeking one.
-> Kali and El want to kill Ray. But Kali want it to last, to make him suffer. -> For a moment El listens but then Kali-Gang find the girls in the rainbow room -> El notices a photo frame with Ray and his daughters and doesn't kill him in the end. -> This pisses off Kali, she want to kill him, but El stops her. And they evacuate without killing the guy.
vs. El showing 'empathy'.
But we know that NINA's memories are not entirely trust-worthy... (s4 Owens: how much did you skip?)
This might be a nod to the fact that El doesn't actually relate to the strong emotions Kali is feeling about this. (That El is not Jane, Ray didn't torture her mother.)(Or that they originate from different timelines.)
Oh and, let's not forget about the staring point. The Zombie Boy articles. And how Will-Joyce-Hopper are involved in that scene sequence.
Want it or not, in this color grading, this car looks like Joyce's green pinto.
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And this, also, looks like Joyce's green pinto.
Now, why am I suddenly pulling Joyce and Hopper into all of this? Because Hop says a funny line in s2.
"You wanna take him back to Chicago?'' (about Will having episodes. They also mention Boston, where another comic takes place.)
All in all, Hopper discourages Joyce from looking for help anywhere else but HNL.
But take this car parked by Ray's place, take that one line, and take the fact that Ray was not bullshitting El?
And to that let's add that the Zombie Boy event having ''Chief Hopper'' literally written all over the page? Zombie Boy is encircling him for gods sake. (in green) Pointing fingers.
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(Which Chief Hopper tho haha)
oh and
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I really hope this makes sense. Might not. Hopefully it does.
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navcommrelay · 5 months
/////Transmission Start///// CFRI OPSCOM N. LINDSBORG TO ALL OPERATION TOUCHDOWN SLDF AND ALLIED ELEMENTS: At 1526 hours local standard time, CFRI Angel Squadron performed an escort operation alongside a DropShip from @seafoxmathias delivering 'Mechs to in-field forces of @harwood-pmc-official. During this operation, COMSCAN detected a spike in ambient heat bearing southwest of the operational zone, and directed Angel Squadron on a pass-by course to check the area... Captain Molly Sanders was the wing lead of Angel Squadron. Had been for the better part of a decade, now- ever since Captain Raiken had that unfortunate engine failure. Captain Sanders was confident, assured, and in control- especially in the cockpit of her Sparrow, Angel-1.
Right now, though, she was none of those things.
The cockpit was alive with panic alarms- proximity warning for incoming Long Range Missiles, radar lock warnings, damage control warnings, and- most notably- the piercing whistle signifying her canopy had been breached by whatever the hell had taken potshots at Angel Squadron as they breached the horizon over the main road. Cursing wildly, she peered through the spiderwebbed ferroglass in front, trying desperately to assess whether her flight path was stable. The damage was impact- no molten airframe, no scorching heat filtering in through the damaged cockpit meant whatever had hit her wasn't an energy weapon. A world-shaking BOOM rocked the Sparrow in midair, sending the craft arcing through the sky away from the rest of the formation as Angel-6's bomb load detonated midair. The cloud of smoke and ash provided a reference point, and as she frantically righted the crippled aircraft, a blurry and fractured silhouette was visible below. Angel-4, unable to avoid both the debris from the bomber and the incoming autocannon fire, started coming apart piecemeal, blasts tearing great rents through the light armor of the fighter before it simply broke in two. A momentary flash of light, heat- not only visible but tactile even at this distance- lit the world like a thousand fireworks as an impossibly bright beam lanced up from below and simply erased Angel-2 and Angel-3. No explosion, no flame, just a streak of light and two puffs of smoke. Careening towards the ground, Molly frantically grabbed for the canopy breakaway lever, hauling with all her might, before the seals gave and the wind tore the structure from her aircraft. Blinking against afterimages, she banked, ejecting chaff, flares, and her reserve fuel tanks, desperate to outrun the incoming missiles. A last-minute ping from her craft's sensors sent a brief, surface-level analysis of the strange structures below that had turned her squad into a memory, before she joined them in oblivion. PAN PAN PAN EMERGENCY BROADCAST ANGEL-1 TAC ASSESSMENT: Manufacturer: Unknown Production Year: Unknown Model ID Beacon: JHA-000 Jericho Class: Superheavy 'Mech Type: Word of Blake Drone Hex-Mech Error: 'Mech size exceeds integer bounding parameters. Override. Mass: 250 Tons Chassis: Reinforced Structure Armor: Improved Ferro-Lamellor Engine: UNKNOWN Heat Sinks: UNKNOWN Speed: UNKNOWN Armament: 1x Experimental Extra-Light Naval Subcapital Laser 2x Gauss Rifle 2x Extended-Range LRM-20 6x LBX Autocannon-10 6x Ultra Autocannon-2 12x Micro Pulse Laser 6x Variable-Speed Medium Pulse Laser 6x Laser Anti-Missile System Improved C3 Computer Beagle Active Probe ARCHANGEL Advanced ECM Suite WARNING: Multiple units detected. WARNING: Accompanying elements detected. Error: Transmission offline. Get ready, everyone. /////END TRANSMISSION/////
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aviatrix-ash · 4 months
That whale post got me thinking of Radars on planes and Cybertronian Seekers, shuttles especially.
Sonar is pretty similar to an aircraft's weather radar, it also can hurt if you stand in it's path for too long! Especially the super powerful ones. You're likely going to get an annoying headache from one. I've heard radiation poisoning is also a possibility.
I was drafting up some comic blurbs earlier while thinking of the salmon who have the ability to seek out their home stream out of the thousands of others. I was thinking was if some Cybertronians had that ability? Maybe Seekers, seafarers and other land based Cybertronians who have the capability to travel far across Cybertron have the ability to navigate their way back to their home city. An internal GPS of sorts.
Space capable Cybertronians would have to have something more powerful, on the ultra low wavelength spectrum to help them navigate even the darkest light voids of space. Much like the ultra low frequency of a whale's sonar. Yet these shuttles, (Star)Seekers(?) can always always find their home of Cybertron anywhere they are in the galaxy, maybe even the universe!
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mr-camhed · 26 days
Some other Transformer characters i made/envisioned that i might archive/finish here:
Doominator, Junkion mercenary, Decepticon, transforms into The Ford Mustang in Death race, a cold, cruel and nihilistic survivalist that only believes in The tendency of evil and The goal of survival thanks to his tough upbringing.
Cometron, Autobot intelligence courier, Velocitronian, transforms into a GT1 street car, has an unhealthy obsession with being faster that she would risk her own life for it, idolizes Blurr.
Tailgater, Decepticon sniper and ground squad leader, transforms into an Audi A8, War crimes enthusiast who almost habitually murders civilians and medics so much he fragged a few of his own command officers mistaking them as civilians which causes chance of promotion down The toilet and frustration he can only quench by murdering more innocents and sometimes souring the relationship with Decepticon allying species. Leads a team of genericon called "Karashni Squad" with a fellow Decepticon named Bulwark who transforms into a compact station wagon.
Landread, Decepticon "pretender"(think IDW Ultra magnus, transformable robot in armor that makes him bigger transformable) and battlefield commander, outer armor turns into Main Battle Tank, inner robot turns into a station wagon. Spark brother to Bulwark, reckless and short tempered, believes in actions over words, hates substanceless egoist like Autobots and staff officers with a passion, functioning alcoholic.
Munitionwash/Ammunitionwash: Decepticon Conehead seeker assassin, transforms into vector thrust VTOL strike Fighter, dive bombing enthusiast, thinks dashing fast enough that further witnesses can't identify you with enough firepower to kill anyone close enough to bear witnessed suffices as assassination. Almost always smokes a cy-gar, which can be also used as a weapon.
Skywalk: Autobot female seeker(probably one of a kind), police patrol, transforms into a light multirole fighter in police livery, very ammo conservative, only shoots when she's absolutely sure about it is garuanteed to hit.
Algorithmaster: Decepticon Data analyst and communications expert, transforms into a long chassis Mercedes Vario TV van with a telescopic antenna mast. A Decepticon who keeps a low profile to hide its own perversity and sadism, Algorithmaster is a good substitute for Soundwave if you can't get ahold of him for intelligence or surveillance missions when he's not secretly causing chaos by disrupting The dataflow of wherever he is for fun or doing sentient life trafficking for money. Has The major Weakness of being top heavy in both modes but especially in van mode and toppling over almost garuanteed to break The antenna and heavily diminishing his effectiveness.
Whitenoise: Autobot aerial forces and later Cybertron Security bureau agent, transforms into an Antonov An-71 AWACS Aircraft. Determined on justice to The level of singlemindedness and even overconfidence, Whitenoise would often put herself into danger to pursue her enemies. She Was Algorithmaster's coworker in Iacon's telecommunications centres where she accidentally discovered his illegal activities which caused her to be kidnapped and almost brainwashed by Algorithmaster before she was rescued by Orion pax, Strongarm and wheelarch where she bodyslammed herself and a chair into Algorithmaster's back and broke his antenna to stop him from frying The officers' cerebral module with his data bomb attack that kept her in a trance like state. After she found out that Algorithmaster had escaped after The Kaon riots and Decepticon uprising and is still at large after The war, she began to embark on a quest to bring The criminal back to justice.
Duke O'Death(Pirate name/press nickname)/Speedstick(original name)/Stealthclad(preferred name to be called): Former Decepticon, currently leader of Space Pirate organization Deathkneller, wanted by both The Galactic senate and Blackbox Consortium for Attacks against their fleet, Empurata Victim and triple changer, transforms into an armored muscle car and a stealth attack helicopter. Semi schizophrenic, criminal with principle and a code, either completely disassociating and silence or extremely friendly and talkative depending on situation and almost no inbetween.
Transporticus Maximus/Giganticus Maximus/DeathKneller(real name unknown), ancient Titan whose origin is still mystery, transforms into a 20 mile long 10 mile maximum width interstellar warship with a black hole powered star destroying weapon that will completely exhaust its entire power supply to fire. It was found drifting in space by Duke O'Death after his former flagship Just Defense, a hijacked Galactic Senate heavy cruiser was crippled in a Battle against Galactic Senate task forces, with almost everything still in working order but nobody on board and The spark field in it destroyed. Its identity as a Titan is hidden from most of The people with parts grafted from other vessels, The destroyed sparkfield cloaked by a medibay for Mechanical lifeforms, and The chamber for its almost always inactive, temptingly presumable as dead cerebral module hidden behind a secrect entrance in Duke O'Death's personal quarters.
Projectile: former Decepticon fire support, bodyguard of Duke O'Death, transforms into a heavy artillery, has a massive hole in his head and cerebral module implanted into his chest. Determined and simple minded, Projectile does not think much beyond his own duty, and luck would have it, he almost always gets a reliable commander.
Pulldown: Former Decepticon road transport team, bodyguard of Duke O'Death, transforms into a wheeled heavy duty tractor, partner and mobility aid to Projectile. Similarity Determined and simple-minded, but also smart and confident, she would almost always finish her job with flying colors.
Heavytoll: Decepticon logistics support, transforms into a two wheeled heavy tractor, has no legs in robot mode and has to use his hands to walk and work, and doesn't believe in perfection.
Hardcore: Decepticon morale officer, Victim of an especially and deliberately botched Empurata-shadowplay combo, transforms into and R129 Mercedes SL 73 AMG sports car. Formerly a musician and DJ For underground radio in Tarn who was framed by a disgruntled neighbor which causes him to have his hands melted into nubs and mind completely destroyed; although he would later become a performer for Megatron during his gladiatorial fights after Hook rebuilt his hands as much as he can and gave him his mouth back. Capable of instigating neutrals and even weak minded Autobots into fighting for Decepticon with his music.
Trashmaster, Functionist universe Model worker, transforms into a garbage truck, being a lower caste worker who almost always have to clean up after The frequent pogrom of The disposable class, Trashmaster was forced to work hard to try and survive. However, hia hard work only ended up in tighter schedule and more demanding quotas that takes further toll on his physical and mental health which caused him to becomes addicted to at first drinking, before an escalation towards Circuit buffers, Circuit boosters and Circuit Speeders to cope with The pressure of cleaning up more and more bodies and maintaining a public Appearance, until his mental programming finally snapped and began ingesting Energon off corpses of The disposed and at first later extended to murder and cannibalization of still living Transformers which were overlooked by functionaries to keep the facade running.
Combiner teams:
Succorbots(pronunciation: Secure-bots<by Autobots and beings leaning towards goodness>/Sucker-bots<by Decepticons and beings leaning towards evil and uncaring>), Autobot search and rescue team similar to Protectobots, combines into Lifeline.
Speedbump, Leader and surgeon, transforms into an armored command and rescue truck, almost totally blind due to damage of brain module by a gunshot would inflicted by a Decepticon named Tailgater, Pacifist, never carries weapon, can't see beyond arm's length, still actively does search and rescue on battlefield. Torso of Lifeline.
Sundance, Medic, transforms into a UH-60 rescue helicopter, almost got killed by her spark brother before the war and was rescued by Speedbump and became his protege, also studies Psychology in hopes of trying to cure her brother. Left Arm of Lifeline.
Skylift, Transporter and Anesthesist, transforms into a heavy lift tiltrotor, was a Decepticon until the Faction became less about improving The life of The lower caste, The most aggressive of The group, gets a little excited when regular anesthetics fail to knock their lights out sometimes. Right arm of Lifeline and usually pairs with Recoil.
Signal, detector, minesweeper and hazard disposal, transforms into a wheeled ground penetrating radar/mine detector, formerly a treasure hunter who was enthralled by The experience finding life after a major earthquake killed his old partner, left leg of Lifeline, can ne paired with Recoil in vehicle mod.
Biclaw, debris cleaner and hazard disposal expert, transforms into a twin boom excavator with both caterpillar track and retractable legs, former construction, great at digging but still still slightly clumsy at medical, Right leg of Lifeline.
Recoil, Armsbot(arms micron but larger), security, transforms into a automatic incapacitator launcher, appointed by Autobot high command to make sure the team doesn't get killed, pairs with Skylift and can be used as a weapon for Lifeline(although Speedbump would not use it unless the other member insists).
Decapiticon, Decepticon Genocider group, used by Decepticon high command at most dangerous place in order to destroy enemies and hopefully these mentally unstable mechanical monstrosities would die in it too. Combines into Autocide.
Obsolence/Obselence, leader, triple changer, Empurata Victim, extremely Eugenic supporter, worshipper of powerful beings such as Quintesson; Unicron and Hytherion, wishes to be a Phase sixer or Warrior Elite, turns into an armored Fire truck with a heavy flamethrower and an Ekranoplan with heavy missiles, and The torso of Autocide.
Annihilate, ax/saw crazy helicopter gunship, wears a mask and favorite weapon is his armscon Powersaw. Would Kill anyone that's not his Decapiticon buddies if he pleases, Right arm of Autocide.
Thud, Sociopathic antisocial, turns into a heavy tank, The smartest of The bunch and only isn't The torso because he was beaten into submission by Obsolence, still wants to challenge leadership ever now and then, Right leg of Autocide.
Knackercracker, a lover of fighting unfair, turns into a wheeled MLRS that can sprout wings, Right arm of Autocide. Most normal member of The group, although The standard isn't really high.
Nonclockwise, seeker, transforms into a strike Aircraft, mind filled with contrary thoughts so much that it can only think straight when commiting war crimes. Left leg of Autocide.
Powersaw, Armscon, turns into a large circular saw. An unfortunate steel worker who witnessed his coworkers and friends murdered before being kidnapped and enslaved by The killers when The war broke out, Powersaw has no choice but comply and hope to be out of The misery as soon as possible. Handheld weapon of Annihilate and Autocide.
Clearifycons, Decepticon infiltrators that turns into sanitary related equipments. Combines into Stinkatron.
Dumpster, Leader, interrogator and intel gatherer, turns into a Dumpster truck and mobile trash crusher, an absolute slob coated in a concoction of blood, energon, tissue fluid and other substances that are absolutely repugnus to enemies, loves to destroy things that are considered beautiful. is The torso, left arm and namesake of Stinkatron.
Sewer, infiltrator and saboteur, turns into a "mobile waste fluid disposal unit", The most miserable being probably ever seen because of The body he was constructed cold in, and uses the negativity to absolutely raise hell to The enemies. Lower left leg of Stinkatron.
Sweepvan, infiltrator and assassin, turns into a streets sweeper truck, has mysophobia, and tries to keep enthusiasm for The job. Left hip and right leg of Stinkatron.
Grassflyer, infiltrator and surveillance, turns into an industrial mower. Often mentally detached from The work of cleaning, Grassflyer would uses circuit buffer(opposite effect to circuit booster) agent to break up The monotony which causes him to pick up other things. Lower left arm of Stinkatron.
Stratum, strategist and scout, turns into a sanitations department patrol station wagon, The smartest of The group who was kidnapped by his Sanitation department colleagues into The Decepticon cause, Stratum is trying to find balance of searching for means of escape and survival. Head and upper right arm of Stinkatron.
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Mushrooms could help replace plastics in new high-performance ultra-light materials
A research group from VTT Technical Research Center of Finland has unlocked the secret behind the extraordinary mechanical properties and ultra-light weight of certain fungi. The complex architectural design of mushrooms could be mimicked and used to create new materials to replace plastics. The research results were published on February 22, 2023, in Science Advances.
VTT's research shows for the first time the complex structural, chemical, and mechanical features adapted throughout the course of evolution by Hoof mushroom (Fomes fomentarius). These features interplay synergistically to create a completely new class of high-performance materials.
Research findings can be used as a source of inspiration to grow from the bottom up the next generation of mechanically robust and lightweight sustainable materials for a variety of applications under laboratory conditions. These include impact-resistant implants, sports equipment, body armor, exoskeletons for aircraft, electronics, or surface coatings for windshields.
Read more.
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tastydregs · 2 years
The US Air Force Is Moving Fast on AI-Piloted Fighter Jets
On the morning of December 1, 2022, a modified F-16 fighter jet codenamed VISTA X-62A took off from Edwards Air Force Base, roughly 60 miles north of Los Angeles. Over the course of a short test flight, the VISTA engaged in advanced fighter maneuver drills, including simulated aerial dogfights, before landing successfully back at base. While this may sound like business as usual for the US’s premier pilot training school—or like scenes lifted straight from Top Gun: Maverick—it was not a fighter pilot at the controls but, for the first time on a tactical aircraft, a sophisticated AI.
Overseen by the US Department of Defense, VISTA X-62A undertook 12 AI-led test flights between December 1 and 16, totaling more than 17 hours of autonomous flight time. The breakthrough comes as part of a drive by the United States Air Force Vanguard to develop unmanned combat aerial vehicles. Initiated in 2019, the Skyborg program will continue testing through 2023, with hopes of developing a working prototype by the end of the year. 
The VISTA program is a crucial first step toward these goals, M. Christopher Cotting, director of research at USAF Test Pilot School, explains. “This approach, combined with focused testing on new vehicle systems as they are produced, will rapidly mature autonomy for uncrewed platforms and allow us to deliver tactically relevant capability to our warfighter,” he says. 
With Ukraine’s use of semiautonomous drones, the US military’s first autonomous flight of a Black Hawk helicopter last November, and the successful testing of AI algorithms in US U-2 spy planes in 2020, it’s clear that autonomous combat represents the next front in modern warfare. But just how completely will AI take over our skies, and what does it mean for the human pilots left on the ground?
The VISTA X-62A (short for Variable In-flight Simulation Test Aircraft) has always been ahead of its time. Built in the 1980s and based on an F-16D Block 30 Peace Marble Il, the plane previously held the designation NF-16D and became the US Airforce Test Pilot School’s go-to simulation machine in the early 1990s. A versatile and adaptable training tool boasting open systems architecture, the VISTA can be fitted with software that allows it to mimic the performance characteristics of multiple aircraft, from heavy bombers to ultra-light fighter jets. 
Prior to last year’s autonomous flight tests, the VISTA received a much-needed update in the form of a “model following algorithm” (MFA) and a “system for autonomous control of the simulation” (SACS) from Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works. Combined with the VISTA Simulation System from defense and aerospace company Calspan Corporation, these updates facilitated an emphasis on autonomy and AI integration. 
Utilizing General Dynamics’s Enterprise-wide Open Systems Architecture (E-OSA) to power the Enterprise Mission Computer version 2 (EMC2, or Einstein Box), the SACS system also integrates advanced sensors, a set of Getac tablet displays in both cockpits, and multilevel security features, all of which enhance VISTA’s capabilities, including its rapid-prototyping advantage, which allows for speedy software updates to meet the accelerating pace of AI development.
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nitiemily · 6 days
Advanced Embedded Camera Design Services for Defense and Aerospace Technologies
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As defense and aerospace technologies evolve, the demand for reliable and high-performance embedded camera systems is rising. These cameras play a vital role in a wide range of applications, from surveillance and reconnaissance to navigation and target acquisition. To stay ahead, manufacturers and organizations must adopt advanced embedded camera design services that deliver innovative, efficient, and robust solutions.
The Growing Need for Advanced Camera Systems
Modern defense and aerospace industries face ever-growing challenges in terms of operational complexity, safety, and efficiency. Embedded camera systems are integral to addressing these challenges by providing real-time, high-resolution imaging in harsh environments. Whether it’s for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), satellites, or ground-based systems, embedded cameras are critical for capturing and processing essential visual data.
However, designing these systems is not a simple task. Defense and aerospace applications demand embedded cameras that meet stringent performance, reliability, and security requirements. As a result, expert design services are essential to creating solutions that meet the unique demands of these industries.
Key Considerations in Embedded Camera Design
Ruggedness and Durability
Defense and aerospace environments are harsh. From extreme temperatures to high levels of vibration and shock, embedded camera systems need to be built to withstand these conditions without sacrificing performance. The use of ruggedized materials, advanced enclosures, and reinforced components ensures that cameras continue to function in the toughest scenarios.
For instance, cameras used in UAVs may be exposed to rapid altitude changes and strong winds, while ground-based systems may need to endure the shock of rough terrain. In both cases, the durability of the embedded camera is crucial for mission success.
Compact and Lightweight Design
Space and weight are at a premium in defense and aerospace applications. Equipment must be compact and lightweight to avoid adding unnecessary load to aircraft, spacecraft, or military vehicles. The ability to design embedded cameras with these constraints in mind is essential.
Advanced design services offer the expertise needed to minimize the size and weight of camera systems without compromising functionality. By utilizing cutting-edge technologies and design techniques, manufacturers can develop cameras that are both powerful and compact.
High-Performance Imaging
Another key requirement is high-performance imaging. Defense and aerospace applications often require capturing high-definition or even ultra-high-definition images in real time. These images may be used for surveillance, navigation, or targeting purposes, making clarity and accuracy essential.
Design services can help implement advanced imaging technologies, such as low-light sensors, infrared cameras, or thermal imaging capabilities. This ensures that cameras can provide clear, detailed images regardless of environmental conditions, such as poor lighting or extreme temperatures.
Power Efficiency
In defense and aerospace applications, power efficiency is always a concern. Embedded cameras must be designed to operate with minimal power consumption, especially in remote or unmanned systems where access to power sources is limited. Efficient power management systems, combined with energy-saving components, can extend the operational life of these cameras.
Moreover, by reducing power consumption, designers can minimize heat generation, which is crucial for maintaining performance and preventing overheating in tightly enclosed spaces like aircraft or satellites.
Security and Data Protection
Security is paramount in defense and aerospace technologies. Embedded camera systems must incorporate robust encryption and cybersecurity features to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access. Given the strategic nature of military and aerospace operations, any breach could have significant consequences.
Design services can integrate state-of-the-art security protocols into embedded cameras, ensuring that they meet the highest standards of data protection. This includes encrypting the images and videos captured by the camera, securing communication channels, and safeguarding onboard storage.
Benefits of Professional Embedded Camera Design Services
Customization and Flexibility
Professional embedded camera design services offer the flexibility to create highly customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of defense and aerospace clients. Whether you need a compact camera for UAVs or a high-resolution imaging system for satellite deployment, expert design services can provide bespoke solutions that meet your exact specifications.
Customization options may include sensor selection, lens configuration, housing design, and more. With a highly skilled design team, you can ensure that the final product aligns perfectly with your operational requirements.
Faster Time-to-Market
The defense and aerospace sectors often operate under tight timelines, with the need to deploy new technologies quickly to maintain a competitive edge. Embedded camera design services help speed up the development process by offering streamlined workflows, rapid prototyping, and testing.
Designers with experience in defense and aerospace applications understand the regulatory and compliance requirements, ensuring that projects proceed smoothly through every phase of development. This reduces the risk of delays and accelerates time-to-market, allowing organizations to deploy new camera systems quickly.
Cost Efficiency
While the development of advanced embedded camera systems may seem expensive, working with professional design services can provide significant long-term cost savings. Expert designers optimize the performance, power efficiency, and durability of the camera systems, reducing maintenance costs and extending the lifecycle of the product.
Additionally, professional design services help avoid costly mistakes and ensure compliance with all necessary regulations, preventing the need for expensive redesigns or retrofits later in the project.
Access to the Latest Technologies
Embedded camera design services stay at the forefront of technological innovation. By working with experienced professionals, defense and aerospace organizations gain access to the latest advancements in camera technology. This includes new imaging sensors, miniaturization techniques, and AI-driven image processing capabilities.
By leveraging these cutting-edge technologies, organizations can enhance the performance and functionality of their embedded camera systems, keeping pace with evolving defense and aerospace needs.
Looking Forward: The Future of Embedded Camera Systems
The future of embedded camera systems in defense and aerospace is exciting. With advancements in AI and machine learning, cameras are becoming smarter, capable of real-time image analysis and decision-making. This opens up new possibilities for autonomous systems, where cameras can help drones or ground vehicles make independent navigational decisions or identify targets automatically.
Additionally, as materials and manufacturing techniques improve, we can expect even more compact and lightweight camera designs, enabling greater flexibility in where and how these systems can be deployed.
Moreover, the ongoing development of satellite technology is driving demand for high-performance embedded cameras capable of capturing detailed images of the Earth and space. These systems will play a key role in defense operations, environmental monitoring, and scientific research.
Advanced embedded camera design services are essential for addressing the unique challenges of defense and aerospace technologies. From ensuring ruggedness and durability to enabling high-performance imaging and security, professional design services deliver the expertise needed to create reliable, efficient, and customized camera systems. As the industry continues to evolve, organizations that invest in cutting-edge embedded camera solutions will be well-positioned to meet the demands of the future.
To Know More About embedded camera design services
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astronomicalstarss · 29 days
3 NASA Technologies Impacting Society and Our Way of Life 🚀
By: Science 10 Class (Group 14) - Alvarez, Dacanay, Dy, Gumatin, Sindac
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Truly, NASA has always provided insight to what is yet to be known in the big wide universe. They have done this through the use of multiple tools, primarily the technologies they have invented. However, who would have known, these technologies used on their space missions are entirely beneficial in everyday life on earth. It’s fascinating how something so big and used for big projects and discoveries, are used simply in our everyday lives and bring us convenience in our chaotic lives. Thus, in this blog post, I will be discussing 3 NASA technologies impacting society and our way of life. 🪐
Communications and Phone Technologies 📱
In the 1990s, NASA built a new sensor using a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS). This is what was used to take photos in space during space missions as it is a small, highly efficient, and low-power-requiring tool. Thus, it was relatively convenient for these space missions. Consequently, with the rising digital times and the need for convenience as a human species, this CMOS technology is widely present in our digital imaging industries (Dunbar, 2019). Moreover, NASA has helped come up with portable Wi-Fi signal boosters. These were originally made to improve communication during lunar missions. However, at present, the technology is used to help increase incoming signals and improve local reception for cell phones, laptops, satellites, and Wi-Fi internet receivers without the need for power plugs, cables, or batteries. Both of these technologies have impacted society enormously (Richmond, 2024). Evidently, this has enabled the application of cameras, high-definition videos, and social media to a smaller, more compact cell phone where multiple functions are condensed. This has impacted us by making capturing and sharing photos easier, allowing for more efficient dissemination of visual information. Similarly, the invention of the Wi-Fi booster has enabled faster and more efficient communication when using Wi-Fi, allowing for better communication with others.
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Home Purifiers 🧼
Air purifiers were initially designed by NASA to eliminate various toxins present in the air in order to make plants grow efficiently in space. NASA's success in the newly developed technology influenced its modification into plug-in filters to keep the indoor air cleaner and healthier (Dunbar, B., 2019). This breakthrough has opened opportunities for further innovative developments of the different air purifier purification technologies to cater to rising issues affecting public health. The existing air purification technologies are high-efficiency particulate air filters that have mineralization technology of ultra-light structure, negative (positive) ion technology, photocatalyst technology, electrostatic dust collection technology, and activated carbon adsorption technology (Wang, et al. 2015). These different technologies are utilized in various ways. During the COVID pandemic, air purifiers were used in hospitals, schools, and various establishments (NatéoSanté, 2023). In a study conducted by Zhai, et al. (2021), portable air purifiers were found to be effective in mitigating virus-carrying droplets in enclosed places. A similar research by Fermo, et al. (2021) found air purifiers to be efficient in reducing concentrations of fine Particulate Matter (PM) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) present in indoor air. The filtering of these air pollutants has impacted society and the current way of living by providing means to consistently monitor and maintain indoor air quality. This consequently minimizes and/or prevents possible illnesses or diseases.
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Sustainability 🪴
Solar cells found in solar panels are one of the innovations developed by NASA to power unmanned aircraft flights. This technology was successfully launched in 1995 through the Pathfinder, the first remote-operated solar-powered aircraft to reach an altitude of 50,500 feet. Developed by the Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology (ERAST) Alliance, this invention was created to apply solar technology to power the aircraft’s electronic systems, allowing it to endure long durations and high-altitude flights for science missions (NASA Spinoff, 2005). This was followed by other prototypes including the Pathfinder-Plus, Helios, and Centurion, each of which were developed to surpass the altitude of its predecessor with the hopes of remaining airborne for weeks (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2014). This invention involves the creation of single-crystal silicon solar power cells which are efficient, lightweight, and cost-effective. As the world continues to face the issue of global warming, such technologies become increasingly important to integrate into daily living. As such, it impacts society by contributing to our sustainability efforts to renewable and reusable energy rather than relying on unrenewable energy sources. Moreover, it provides numerous communities with a more cost-efficient option and uses this to power their house and everyday needs (Richmond, 2024).
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These are some of the few technologies that NASA has created and that we now use in our everyday lives. Many more were not listed here but are important in their own right or be the trailblazer of technology in the future. You may read more about them in the references below.
Dunbar, B. (2019). NASA: 60 Years & Counting - Technology. NASA. https://www.nasa.gov/specials/60counting/tech.html
Richmond, S. (2024, August 12). Council Post: Reaching For The Stars: Three Ways NASA Breakthroughs Impact Technology Today. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbestechcouncil/2022/01/07/reaching-for-the-stars-three-ways-nasa-breakthroughs-impact-technology-today/
Dunbar, B. (2019). NASA: 60 Years & Counting - Technology. NASA. https://www.nasa.gov/specials/60counting/tech.html
Fermo, P., Artíñano, B., De Gennaro, G., Pantaleo, A. M., Parente, A., Battaglia, F., Colicino, E., Di Tanna, G., Da Silva, A. G., Junior, Pereira, I. G., Garcia, G. S., Goncalves, L. M. G., Comite, V., & Miani, A. (2021). Improving indoor air quality through an air purifier able to reduce aerosol particulate matter (PM) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs): Experimental results. Environmental Research, 197, 111131. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2021.111131
NASA Spinoff. (2005). Harnessing the Power of the Sun. https://spinoff.nasa.gov/Spinoff2005/er_3.html
NatéoSanté. (2023, November 4). What is an air purifier? What effect does it have on indoor air quality, viruses and Covid-19, health? Retrieved September 8, 2024, from https://www.nateosante.com/en/thematic-files/what-is-an-air-purifier-what-effect-does-it-have-on-indoor-air-quality-viruses-and-covid-19-health/
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (2014, February 28). Centurion Remotely Piloted Solar-Powered Airplane. https://www.nasa.gov/reference/centurion/
Richmond, S. (2024, August 12). Council Post: Reaching For The Stars: Three Ways NASA Breakthroughs Impact Technology Today. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbestechcouncil/2022/01/07/reaching-for-the-stars-three-ways-nasa-breakthroughs-impact-technology-today/
Wang, Y. H., Wang, H., Zhao, C. Z., & Zhang, Y. (2015). Research Progress of Air Purifier Principles and Material Technologies. Advanced Materials Research, 1092–1093, 1025–1028. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.1092-1093.1025
Zhai, Z., Li, H., Bahl, R., & Trace, K. (2021). Application of portable air purifiers for mitigating COVID-19 in large public spaces. Buildings, 11(8), 329. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings11080329
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nsfwhiphop · 1 month
Don't mind me, just PJ shopping - That Crown Prince life.
The price of a private jet can vary widely depending on the type, size, range, and age of the aircraft. Here's a general breakdown:
Light Jets (4-7 passengers):
New: $3 million to $9 million.
Pre-owned: $1 million to $5 million.
Midsize Jets (8-10 passengers):
New: $9 million to $20 million.
Pre-owned: $3 million to $10 million.
Heavy Jets (10-18 passengers, long range):
New: $25 million to $75 million.
Pre-owned: $10 million to $40 million.
Ultra-Long-Range Jets (up to 19 passengers, global range):
New: $70 million to $100+ million.
Pre-owned: $35 million to $70 million.
VIP Airliners (converted commercial aircraft, up to 100 passengers):
New: $80 million to $500+ million, depending on customization.
Pre-owned: $50 million to $200 million.
These prices do not include ongoing operational costs, such as maintenance, crew, fuel, and hangar fees, which can be significant.
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Lithuanian Aerospool WT9 Dynamic designed and produced by Aerospool of Prievidza in Slovakia, Limbaži, Latvia, June 10, 2023. Photo by D.P.
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book4flight · 2 months
Book Your Qatar Airways Flight: Fast and Simple
Venturing on a global adventure is on the bucket list of many travellers. And Qatar Airways is there to transform the dream into reality. The world-class airline is known for its unmatched service and hospitality. Qatar Airways is appreciated around the world for its commitment to customer service and innovation.
The airline’s wide network makes it one of the most sought-after airlines to fly around the world. In this article we are going to raise the curtains on Qatar Airways and why the airline is on top of the list when it comes to discovering the world.
Qatar Airways on its Own League:
Qatar Airways since its inception has gained the status of a celebrity airline. The world-class airline is also one of the most advanced airlines in the world. Its fleet consists of over 200 aircraft that fly to over 160 destinations across six continents. The airline’s dominance is visible through the numerous awards and recognition it has won multiple times over the years. These awards further infuse and cement the trust and belief in the airlines. Qatar Airways ensures that it meets the demands of the constantly changing requirements of the passengers. 
Fine Dine Experience High in the Sky:
While on a mission to explore the world, food plays an important part. Qatar Airways world-class in-flight dining takes culinary excellence to new heights. The airline with a team of experienced chefs uses the finest ingredients to prepare world-class dishes that cater to the taste and dietary requirements of every passenger.
Whether you are travelling Economy, Business, or First Class, get ready to taste a wide range of diverse menus featuring a fusion of international cuisines, local specialities and healthy choices. The dine-on-demand service allows passengers to enjoy their meals when they want offering them the freedom of planning for their explorations. 
Quality Entertainment that Transcends the Borders: 
Flying with Qatar Airways means transcending the borders, whether it is physically or in the form of entertainment. The airline's advanced in-flight entertainment and dedication to excellence offer the ultimate in-flight experience.
From world-class blockbuster movies to TV programs, songs and anime there is so much to watch and listen to. Passengers can choose from multiple entertainment options as per their age, language and region. Onboard Qatar Airways and experience a whole new dimension of entertainment.
Luxury Lounges:
Qatar Airways luxury lounges are the perfect way to start the journey in style and comfort. Every Qatar Airways lounge is designed for maximum relaxation. It acts like an oasis that offers an escape from the hustle and bustle of the airport. Here passenger can enjoy delicious dishes and recharge themselves before their flight.
A wide range of amenities including shower facilities, a business centre, fine dining and quiet rooms make them an abode of luxury. These lounges are perfect to just sit, relax and plan for the upcoming adventure calmly.
Unparalleled Comfort and Luxury:
Qatar Airways is known for its exceptional service and comfort irrespective of the cabin class. From the moment the passenger steps on board, he is greeted by the friendly cabin crew’s warm hospitality. Whether it is the economy class or the ultra-luxury Qsuite in Business Class, the service is the same across the flight.
Utmost attention is paid to the detailing and ambience for maximum comfort and relaxation. For instance, the airline’s Qsuite offers a private cabin, customized lighting, and an ergonomics panel for personal space. The airline ensures that every passenger reaches their destination refreshed and energetic to further venture into the adventure of discovering cities across the globe.
Customized Service at its Peak 
Qatar Airways customized service caters to the needs of every passenger. Whether it is a particular dietary requirement, a kid travelling alone or needing assistance with mobility, the airline-trained staff ensure that the journey is comfortable and stress-free. And if a passenger is on a mission to explore the world personalized service makes a lot of difference. It allows the person peace of mind and makes him comfortable for the upcoming adventures. 
Qatar Airways goes beyond an airline, it is a ticket to explore the world in comfort and style. With its USP including matchless service, amazing network and award-winning in-flight entertainment along with commitment to sustainability the airline ensures that the journey remains a memorable one. Book your world adventure with Qatar Airways and set on a voyage to explore the world with one of the leading airlines.
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jetsetgounofficial · 2 months
The Gulfstream G650 Private Jet: Ultimate Luxury and Unmatched Performance
In the realm of private aviation, the Gulfstream G650 stands as a pinnacle of luxury, performance, and technological advancement. Renowned for its exceptional range, speed, and comfort, the G650 has become the aircraft of choice for discerning travelers seeking the ultimate flying experience. Manufactured by Gulfstream Aerospace, this ultra-long-range business jet redefines what is possible in private air travel.
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Unparalleled Range and Speed
The Gulfstream G650 boasts an impressive range of 7,000 nautical miles (12,964 kilometers), allowing non-stop flights from New York to Dubai or from London to Buenos Aires. Its top cruising speed of Mach 0.925 makes it one of the fastest business jets in the world, enabling passengers to reach their destinations quickly and efficiently. This combination of speed and range makes the G650 ideal for both transcontinental and intercontinental flights, providing unparalleled convenience for business and leisure travelers.
Superior Cabin Comfort
The G650's cabin is designed to deliver maximum comfort and functionality. With a length of 46 feet 10 inches (14.3 meters), a width of 8 feet 6 inches (2.59 meters), and a height of 6 feet 5 inches (1.95 meters), the spacious interior can accommodate up to 19 passengers. The cabin's layout is highly customizable, typically featuring a variety of seating configurations, including club seats, divans, and conference tables.
One of the standout features of the G650 is its large panoramic windows, which not only provide breathtaking views but also enhance the sense of space and natural light within the cabin. The aircraft is equipped with advanced climate control and noise reduction systems, ensuring a serene and comfortable environment at all altitudes.
State-of-the-Art Technology
The Gulfstream G650 is equipped with cutting-edge avionics and technology to enhance safety, efficiency, and passenger experience. The PlaneView II flight deck features advanced flight management systems, including Enhanced Vision System (EVS), Synthetic Vision-Primary Flight Display (SV-PFD), and Head-Up Display (HUD). These systems provide pilots with superior situational awareness, contributing to the aircraft's outstanding safety record.
Additionally, the G650 offers high-speed internet connectivity, satellite communication, and a comprehensive entertainment system, allowing passengers to stay connected and entertained throughout their journey.
Exceptional Performance
Powered by two Rolls-Royce BR725 engines, the G650 delivers exceptional performance with a maximum takeoff weight of 99,600 pounds (45,178 kilograms). Its advanced aerodynamics and fuel-efficient engines result in lower operating costs and reduced environmental impact, making it a sustainable choice for private jet travel.
The Gulfstream G650 is a testament to innovation and excellence in aviation, offering a seamless blend of luxury, speed, and advanced technology. Whether you're flying for business or leisure, this aircraft provides an unparalleled travel experience, ensuring you arrive at your destination in style and comfort.
For those looking to charter this magnificent aircraft, JetsetGo provides premier charter flight services with access to the Gulfstream G650 and a diverse fleet of other luxury jets. With JetsetGo, you can enjoy the ultimate convenience and comfort of private air travel, customized to meet your specific needs and preferences.
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Understanding the Different Categories of an Aircraft Registration Form
When it comes to submitting registration forms, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the ensuing bureaucratic process. After all, what if you get something wrong? How do you make sure you’re filing for the proper registration in regards to your aircraft? Is there something in particular that you need to keep in mind to avoid mistakes with the application? Filing your aircraft registration form can get complicated, but don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through the main categories that you should take into account during this process.
Aircraft Registration Form
The process for aircraft registration is fairly straightforward, especially given that the bulk of the process will be a simple form. Getting this registration will be important given that it will be the document that allows you to fly in accordance with the rules and regulations in place. Don’t worry, the process isn’t that hard. You will need to submit the aircraft registration form, as well as the corresponding proof of ownership as evidence of your purchase. The process will vary depending on whether the aircraft has been previously registered with Transport Canada or not, as well as if the airplane is imported or made in Canada. Even though the details of the process are bound to vary, it is still very straightforward.
Registering Ultralight Aircraft
Each country will have specific definitions for what an ultralight aircraft is and how to register ultra-light aircraft. For example, in the United States, an ultralight aircraft will have different parameters than here in Canada. There are two categories for ultralight aircraft under the Canadian registration guidelines: basic and advanced. Keep this in mind because the aircraft registration form that you will have to submit will vary depending on these denominations.
Basic Ultralight Aeroplane – These aircraft will have a capacity of two people and an MTWO (maximum takeoff weight) of 544 kilograms (1,200 pounds). These must only be used under daylight visual conditions, operated from land or water, and with the appropriate ultralight pilot permit.
Advanced Ultralight Aeroplane – These aircraft will have a capacity of two people and an MTWO (maximum takeoff weight) of 559 kilograms (1,232 pounds). These must only be used under daylight visual conditions and with the appropriate ultralight pilot permit. The aircraft may only carry a passenger if the pilot has the necessary ultralight aeroplane passenger-carrying rating. Additionally, it may also operate at a controlled airport without prior arrangement.
Finding Every Aircraft Registration Form
Now, we all know that filing for any sort of bureaucratic application can quickly become quite a nightmare if you’re dealing with uncooperative government agencies. That is why we at the National Aviation Registration are here to give you a hand. Our platform has every form relevant to the aircraft documentation processes, making it easy for you to not just find the aircraft registration form, but also to fill it out and submit it to Transport Canada. If you need help at any step in the process, all you have to do is give us a call at 1-800-998-3527 or email us at [email protected]. We’ll make sure you get the assistance you need.
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aviatrix-ash · 1 year
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Obsessed with these DC-9 diagrams in this station number booklet. They're such silly creatures and I love them.
When working on aircraft mechanics have to use these "station numbers" in our logs to provide exact references to certain locations on that aircraft. They're typically expressed in "inches from the datum" which is an imaginary 0 point the engineers of the aircraft came up with that typically starts at the nose or firewall, or a few inches forward of the nose (I have a theory it's where the prototype's test pitot tube would have stuck out to) it varies from aircraft to aircraft. Datums also get kinda weird with ultralights/light-sports/taildraggers (the Ultra Pup I'm trying to fix up starts in the center of it's forward landing gear), but they're super important in calculating the weight and balance/Center of Gravity of aircraft.
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militaryleak · 4 months
Rheinmetall Presents LUNA NG Uncrewed Aircraft System at ILA Berlin 2024
Rheinmetall is presenting its comprehensive array of airspace protection solutions at the ILA Berlin 2024. As a holistic system provider, Rheinmetall is dedicated to ensuring the safety of both military and civilian airspaces. Among its impressive lineup, the LUNA NG airborne reconnaissance system stands out as a testament to Rheinmetall's expertise in real-time surveillance and operational flexibility. The LUNA NG is an advanced uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) designed for real-time airborne surveillance, detection, and tracking. It features a robust yet ultra-light fuselage made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP), which grants it a flight time of over 12 hours and a data link range exceeding 100 kilometers. This range can be expanded to approximately 500 kilometers with optional SatCom equipment, covering an impressive spatial area of more than 30,000 square kilometers. #military #defense #defence #militaryleak
Rheinmetall is presenting its comprehensive array of airspace protection solutions at the ILA Berlin 2024. As a holistic system provider, Rheinmetall is dedicated to ensuring the safety of both military and civilian airspaces. Among its impressive lineup, the LUNA NG airborne reconnaissance system stands out as a testament to Rheinmetall’s expertise in real-time surveillance and operational…
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