#ultras marseille
bdscarf · 6 months
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antifainternational · 2 years
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Olympique Marseille, Virage Sud
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culturadellastrada · 1 month
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le010n11 · 1 year
Guys what happened with the ultras, Leo & ney ? I can't wrap my head around it atm so can someone tell me what's going on?
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libraryofsports · 2 years
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Unveiling the hidden stars: ALMA shines a light on dust attenuation Interstellar dust is a key component in galaxies. It favors star formation and drives the chemistry and physics of the interstellar medium. However, it hides the majority of stars in a way that it is impossible to observe them. Astrophysicists use dust attenuation laws that would uncover these hidden stars by reverse-engineering the light from galaxies to quantify how many stars are there. strophysicists are trying to estimate how much of the ultraviolet and visible light emitted by stars in dusty galaxies is absorbed by dust and then re-emitted in the infrared range. However, for decades, the problem was that the laws governing the processes of radiation attenuation by dust were not sufficiently known. There was a lack of knowledge about what this process depends on. The situation changed when a group of astrophysicists found a hidden correlation between dust and the shape of galaxies. An international team of researchers has made new findings about the dusty star-forming galaxies at distances larger than 10 billion years from us. They have studied over a hundred of heavily dust-obscured galaxies in the early universe, and investigated the attenuation of radiation by dust using various physical aspects. Their study is published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. The team was led by NCN Preludium grant winner Mahmoud Hamed, along with his supervisor, another NCN grant holder, SONATA BIS, and team leader at Astrophysics Division of NCBJ, Prof. Katarzyna Małek. Close collaboration between the National Center for Nuclear Research in Warsaw, Poland, and the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille in Southern France, used cutting-edge technical analysis in order to answer the decade-standing question: What is the form of the law governing processes of dust attenuation process in galaxies residing in the young universe? The team discovered that the estimated physical properties of super dusty ultra-massive galaxies (~10 times more massive than our own Milky Way) strongly depend on the models used to describe dust attenuation in the analysis. The ground-breaking discovery in this complete study was that the way dust dims the stars is strongly correlated with the shape of galaxies observed at different wavelengths. The analysis results showed that in the case of a compact distribution of stellar populations in galaxies, consistent with the distribution of dust, the influence of dust on their perception can be explained using a simple attenuation law, without the need to assume complex geometries of stars and dust. This greatly simplifies the calculations and analysis of the physical properties of these galaxies. On the other hand, the team has found that when the sizes of stellar population areas are significantly smaller than the sizes of dust areas, complex features in dust attenuation laws must be included in order to explain the amount of dust in these objects. Roughly speaking, taking into account the relative compactness of star-to-dust emission is crucial, especially since the type of attenuation law used may strongly affect our interpretation of key elements in these galaxies such as how massive they are. Moreover, the curve of relative size evolution between stars and dust was found, shockingly, to peak around the cosmic noon (an interesting epoch of the universe, when galaxies did nothing besides forming stars massively). These new findings give a huge insight into the nature of dusty star-forming galaxies when the universe was adolescent, which is critical for understanding galaxy evolution. The research team hopes that their study will inspire future research to investigate dust attenuation in the era of grand instruments such as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and the Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA). IMAGE....Star-to-dust compactness as a function of the age of the Universe. The distribution peaks around the cosmic noon. Credit: National Centre for Nuclear Research
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Donald Currie Caskie was born on May 22nd 1902 at Bowmore, Islay, his exploits during WWII earned him the nickname “The Tartan Pimpernel"
The son of a crofter he was educated at Bowmore School and then Dunoon Grammar School Donald then graduated from the University of Edinburgh and from New College in 1928, with a higher degree, a doctorate, in Divinity.  Further studies – and some travels – followed,  he was licensed to preach and ordained to the ministry of the Church of Scotland in 1932 and became a minister, his first Kirk was at Gretna before being sent to the Scots Kirk in Paris in 1938.
A small congregation of the Church of Scotland had existed in the French capital since 1858, acquiring in 1885 the building in the Rue Bayard formerly used by the American Episcopal Church.  The Kirk has a connection to another famous Scot  the athlete and missionary, Eric Liddell preached there in 1924.  Wishing to observe the Sabbath, he had refused to run that day.
Dr. Caskie did not hesitate to attack from his pulpit the Nazi regime in Germany, where Adolf Hitler had attained supreme power as Chancellor in January 1933.  As Hitler’s policies and plans became ever more aggressive and extreme – with talk of racial hatred and Germany’s supposed right to extend its borders at the expense of its neighbours, Lebensraum – Caskie became more outspoken in his condemnation.
As the prospect of war loomed Donald Caskie felt a duty to remain in France, rendering such help as he could.Ultimately he reached Marseilles – Marseille.  Here the Scottish minister opened the British Seamen’s Mission, ostensibly a simple place of shelter and spiritual support, but from the start Caskie had always intended to give assistance of a more tangible and substantial kind.
Those seeking help usually arrived under cover of darkness – cold, hungry, often wounded, for the Mission was to become the last link in a chain of ‘safe houses’, refuges, for escaping Allied servicemen that stretched all the way to Dunkirk in the north.  When a man was well enough, and after Donald had said a prayer for him, he would be guided across the Pyrenees to neutral Spain and ultimately to Gibraltar, from where he might return to Britain to rejoin the forces.  
Donald Caskie went on to help orchestrate the safe return of around 2,000 Allied soldiers and airmen trapped in occupied France by establishing a network of safe houses and escape routes – despite facing the constant threat of capture and execution.
At Marseilles, Caskie was under constant surveillance from the Vichy police; everywhere he went, he felt he was followed.  The house itself was frequently raided.  He had to be ultra-careful – ‘canny’ is the Scots word.  “My only armour was the grace of God,” he wrote.  His first duty towards each new arrival was to hide him, at least until such time as ‘papers’ of some sort could be obtained.  
Dr. Donald Caskie’s dangerous and clandestine work at Marseilles had continued for almost a year before he was suddenly arrested.  
Convicted on scant evidence of helping Allied servicemen, Donald received only a suspended sentence.  Banished from Marseilles, he was directed to Grenoble where his high academic qualifications allowed him to take up a post in the department of English at the university.  Grenoble was the ‘intellectual centre’ of opposition to the Nazis and many students were deeply committed to the Resistance. He did not cease to be active in his wider mission of rescue.  The Scottish minister knew many people – many who might be able to assist – and seemed to have a talent for making new friends; he has been described as a consummate ‘networker’, 50 years before this modern term was coined.
The name of the last man whom Dr. Caskie helped to rescue while at Grenoble – Mr. William Nash, a fellow Scot from Whitburn, West Lothian. It was April 1943.  In just a few days Donald Caskie was to find himself again under arrest, but this time his situation would be altogether more serious.  Returning to his accommodation one evening, he switched on the light to find himself confronted by five men of the Nazi Gestapo.  Seized at gunpoint, he was arrested, interrogated and sentenced to death at a Nazi show trial but survived when a German pastor intervened.
Caskie was transferred to the Caserne St. Denis, a regular prisoner-of-war camp rather than a high-security prison, where the men eagerly awaited the end of hostilities.  Donald’s joy at the liberation of Paris was ecstatic.  “My happiness can only be imagined,” he wrote, “it cannot be described.”
Dr. Donald Caskie returned to Scotland in 1960.  His last charge was at Monkton, close to Prestwick Airport, from which he retired in 1968 due to failing health.  He died on 27th December 1983.  Donald had not married, and is interred with his parents in the graveyard of Kilarrow Church at Bowmore, Islay.
 A true heroic Scottish figure, he is remembered with plaques in Marseille and Paris as seen in the pics.
If you want to know more about this little known Scottish war hero there is a ten minute video from The People’s History Show  on YouTube here 
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albad · 10 months
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«Dans une carrière de policier vous allez commettre une illégalité, forcément. Aujourd'hui on doit traiter les policiers différemment, il doit y avoir une inégalité dans le traitement des policiers en faveur de ces policiers. Il doit y avoir une excuse de violence, je pèse mes mots. Ça doit passer par une Cour particulière, ou une commission, ou un organisme particulier.»
Ce ne sont pas les mots d'un fasciste dans les années 30, ni l'extrait d'un programme d'extrême droite radicale. Ce sont les mots de Jean-Michel Fauvergue, sur Cnews, le 22 juillet 2023.
Cet homme n'est pas seulement le sosie du méchant dans Avatar, le super-flic qui massacre les habitants de Pandora pour le compte de firmes capitalistes. Jean-Michel Fauvergue est l'ancien patron du RAID, une unité de police spécialisée dans l'antiterrorisme et le grand banditisme, récemment utilisée contre les écologistes et dans les banlieues. Il a surtout été député macroniste pendant cinq ans et est aujourd'hui conseiller de Macron sur la sécurité.
C'est donc un homme au cœur du pouvoir qui demande, sur une chaîne d'extrême droite, que les policiers censés garantir la loi bénéficient officiellement de mesures d'exception qui leur permettrait de tabasser ou tuer avec la garantie d'être protégés : «une excuse de violence».
Fauvergue avait déjà porté la «Loi de Sécurité Globale» en 2020, une batterie de mesures ultra-liberticides qui augmentait les pouvoirs de la police. Il reconnaît désormais que les policiers, qu'il connaît bien, commettent tous des actes illégaux. Mais plutôt que de les en empêcher, il faudrait donc créer spécialement pour eux une justice d'exception.
Ces déclarations ont lieu alors que des centaines de policiers se mettent en arrêt maladie illégalement pour contester des décisions de justice. La CRS 8, connue pour son ultra-violence et visée par plusieurs plaintes pour violences policières, a publié une photo de la compagnie revendiquant «zéro activité» en soutien à «la BAC de Marseille», qui a laissé pour mort un jeune homme le 1 juillet, et «le collègue de Nanterre» qui a exécuté Nahel fin juin.
Que fait le gouvernement ? Rien. Il laisse des fonctionnaires armés menacer la justice et se mettre en arrêt tout en conservant leur salaire grâce à des médecins de complaisance. N'importe quelle autre profession subirait des sanctions immédiates. Des profs ou des soignantes ont été gazées pour avoir réclamé des moyens, des électriciens ont été violemment réprimé pour avoir lutté pour les retraites. Ici, le ministère accourt pour écouter les factieux.
Quand la SNCF fait grève, il n'y a pas de trains. Quand les profs font grève, il n'y a pas de cours. Si le personnel hospitalier pouvait réellement faire grève, il n'y aurait pas de soins. Quand les ouvriers font grève, la production s'arrête. Quand la CRS 8 fait grève ? La population ne risque rien. À part moins de morts, de mutilations, de manifs réprimées. La seule chose que protègent ces unités, c'est le gouvernement et les ultra-riches.
Il n'y a pas de "bavures", les policiers criminels ne sont pas des exceptions. S'ils se soutiennent tous, c'est qu'ils savent qu'ils sont capables de commettre les mêmes actes. Ils s'identifient aux agents poursuivis pour des faits gravissimes. La police n'est donc pas seulement «au-dessus des lois». Elle dicte la loi, elle l'écrit, c'est elle qui est au pouvoir. Elle contrôle le discours médiatique, décide des ministres de l'Intérieur, choisit ce qui peut être dit ou censuré, terrorise tout le monde.
Cela fait des années que des médias indépendants comme le notre, des chercheurs, des ONG tirent la sonnette d'alarme : en France le pouvoir, totalement illégitime et discrédité, a confié toute son existence entre les mains de milices d'extrême droite armées. Il est totalement dépendant d'elles.
La question d'un coup d'état d'extrême droite ne se pose plus donc en terme de possibilité mais de calendrier. La dissolution de la police n'est plus une idée déraisonnable mais une nécessité à court terme.
Contre Attaque
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philoursmars · 9 months
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Marseille, Montredon, chez moi . De ma fenêtre, les couchers de soleils sont superbes (...mais parfois aussi les "entrées maritimes" : air trop chaud, mer trop fraîche...)
Alors l'avant-dernière est une sorte de diffraction que fait ma fenêtre sur mon mur !
Quant à la dernière...problèmes de remontée lymphatique, nécessitant ces bottes gonflables ultra sexy !
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bdscarf · 10 months
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scorpio-62 · 2 years
Eine kurze Recap meiner Auswärtsfahrt mit der Frankfurter Eintracht nach Marseille.
Nur für diejenigen, die es interessiert wie es wirklich für uns unbeteiligte Fans war und die nicht gleich sagen die Eintracht Fans sind eine Schande für die Liga.
Zu viert und recht guter Dinge sind wir von Brüssel nach Marseille geflogen und, recht blauäugig, mit ÖPNV vom Flughafen in die Innenstadt gefahren, um zu unserem Hotel zu gelangen. Wir waren uns der Gefahr noch nicht richtig bewusst, aber da wir keine auffällige Fankleidung trugen passierte glücklicherweise nichts.
Nach dem Einchecken im Hotel sind wir los um etwas zu essen und dann zum Stadion zu fahren. Unser Hotel war nur wenige hundert Meter von dem Platz entfernt, an dem die Busse zum Stadion starten sollten, dort gab es schon ein Riesen-Polizeiaufgebot, aber auch viele Eintracht Fans, sodass man sich relativ sicher fühlte. Nach den Vorfällen beim CL Finale in Paris hatte ich ein bisschen Angst wegen der Polizei und war nicht gerade glücklich, dass das einzige CL Auswärtsspiel, zu dem ich reisen konnte ausgerechnet in Frankreich und dann auch noch in Marseille sein sollte, aber wir sollten noch froh über die Polizeipräsenz in der Stadt sein.
Wir waren so gegen drei zum Essen gegangen, hatten danach noch einige Zeit auf dem Platz verbracht und uns dann in einen der ersten Busse begeben. Es dauerte eine Weile, aber so gegen fünf startete der erste 'Konvoi' von ca. zehn Bussen Richtung Stadion.
Auf der ewig langen Fahrt - wir bekamen eine kostenlose Rundfahrt durch die weniger guten Viertel (um nicht zu sagen Slums) der Stadt - mussten wir feststellen, dass uns der blanke Hass entgegen schlug. Mittelfinger-Salute von allen Seiten. Ich habe so etwas noch nie auf einer internationalen Auswärtsfahrt erlebt und ich war schon in Porto, Rom, Mailand und London.
Aber das war erst der Vorgeschmack auf das was uns noch erwartete. Unsere Busse wurden in die Tiefgarage des Stadions geleitet und dort wurden wir kontrolliert um ins Stadion zu gelangen. Das war alles nicht so schlimm, auch wenn viele die Schuhe ausziehen mussten und wir Frauen auch eine etwas unangenehme Brustuntersuchung über uns ergehen lassen mussten.
Ich denke wir waren so gegen sechs im Stadion und kurz danach ging es schon los mit den Böllern und Raketen, die zuerst noch von außerhalb des Stadions Richtung des Gästeblocks geschossen wurden. Als die zweite Busladung ankam, flogen dann auch Steine und die Polizei musste Pfefferspray einsetzen, weil Teile der Fanlager dabei aneinander gerieten, so zumindest berichtete uns eine Gruppe Frauen, die wir vorher schon getroffen hatten und die nun zu uns kamen. Die Pfefferspraywolke wallte mittlerweile sogar bis in den Block. Zu dem Zeitpunkt, an dem noch keiner von den Frankfurter Ultras da war, entstand dann diese Konversation in der WhatsApp Gruppe unseres EFC:
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Ich habe keine Ahnung, was die Stadionbetreiber sich dabei denken, wenn sie einen Gästeblock direkt neben den schlimmsten Ultras ihres Vereins platzieren, natürlich eskalierte die Situation mit dem Eintreffen unserer Ultras ziemlich schnell. Waren es anfangs nur wilde Gesten (die scheinen alle nur noch Mittelfinger zu besitzen) und wüste Beschimpfungen, wurden es ganz schnell Raketen die von diesen Chaoten in unseren Block flogen. Na ja, und wer lässt sich denn sowas lange gefallen? Natürlich flog die Pyro von unseren eigenen Chaoten zurück. Erstaunlicherweise kam die Polizei im Stadion nur in unseren Block, in den Bereich der eigenen Ultras traut sie sich offensichtlich nicht. Man hat den Eindruck denen ist die Situation in ihrem Stadion schon seit langem entglitten, denn, so wie man hört, zeigen sich französische Sportreporter völlig unbeeindruckt von dieser Gewalt im Stadion, weil sie es von den französischen Ligaspielen schon gewohnt sind. Aber solche Zustände darf man doch nicht unhinterfragt hinnehmen.
Wieder zurück zu meinem kleinen Bericht: Ich war schon die ganze Zeit bei jedem Böller zusammengezuckt und hatte furchtbare Angst wenn die Raketen kamen, als ich dann sah wie in beiden Fanlagern einige jubelten wenn Pyro Menschen traf und eine der Raketen die in unseren Block kamen quasi auf meiner Augenhöhe platzte (siehe dieses Twittervideo), hatte ich genug. Nachdem mein Mann unsere Begleiter informiert hatten, begleitete er mich noch vor Spielbeginn aus dem Block, er hatte mir angesehen, dass es mir nicht gut ging. Mit Hilfe einer netten Ordnerin aus Frankfurt, die uns durch den Block in die Tiefgarage brachte, und eines sehr freundlichen, deutschsprachigen, französischen Busfahrers, der uns ein Taxi besorgte, verließen wir das Stadion mit zwei gleichgesinnten Fans. Wir waren nicht die einzigen, es waren noch etliche andere die mit Panikattacken den Block verließen.
Unsere Fahrt zum Hotel verlief glücklicherweise problemlos, aber unsere Begleiter, die im Stadion geblieben waren, erzählten von der Heimfahrt mit dem Bus. Durch die Blocksperre, die bei Auswärtsspielen häufig für die Gästefans verhängt wird, hatten die Einheimischen Zeit sich an den Straßen und in der Nähe des Platzes zu dem die Busse fuhren zu sammeln. Es flogen Steine auf die Busse, einige mit  Zwillen abgeschossen, und die Polizei brachte unsere Fans teilweise von dem Sammelplatz der Busse zu den Hotels, dabei sperrten sie Seitenstraßen in denen sich der Mob versteckte mit Schutzschilden ab.
Am nächsten Tag waren wir wesentlich vorsichtiger als wir uns in der Stadt bewegten und fuhren auch lieber mit dem Taxi zum Flughafen.
So eine Auswärtsfahrt möchte ich nie wieder erleben. Was ist daraus geworden, dass man sich mit gegnerischen Fans unterhält und sich gegenseitig freundschaftlich aufzieht? Es ging doch in Barcelona ohne Gewalt und mit den Fans der Rangers in Sevilla. Warum hört man solche Dinge immer wieder von Marseille?
Ich konnte mich zuerst gar nicht richtig über den Sieg freuen, es fühlte sich an wie nach einer Niederlage und erst heute konnte ich das Spiel ansehen (wobei ich mich über das blöde Gelache der Sportreporter bei den Böllern richtig geärgert habe, die haben keine Ahnung wie sich das anfühlt wenn einem die Raketen um die Ohren fliegen).
Mittlerweile empfinde ich auch Freude über den Sieg, aber fürchte auch die Untersuchung der UEFA.
Warum nur wollen einige wenige Fußball zum Krieg machen? Sie verderben der großen Mehrheit den Spaß an der Sache.
@mitdemadlerimherzen, sei froh, dass du zu Hause bleiben musstest. Wir hatten auch ein paar Bekannte im Fanflieger, wie ist es deinem Bruder ergangen?
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lepartidelamort · 7 days
NÉGROCALYPSE : le juif Attal jure d’imposer la repentance pour l’esclavage dans « chaque parcelle de France »
Après son voyage triomphal à Mayotte, je me disais que Marine Le Pen avait épuisé l’essentiel de ses possibilités de nuisance.
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J’ai gravement sous-estimé la toxicité de l’alcoolo-tabagique, et plus encore son amour immodéré du rhum, des DOMTOM et de leurs noirs idiots.
Cette femme dispose de ressources quasiment illimitées dès lors qu’il s’agit de nous entraîner toujours plus bas, dans les égouts.
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Il y a 20 ans, ce cirque à propos de l’esclavage des nègres par les nègres – car les nègres s’esclavagisaient entre eux pour commencer – était une thématique ultra-marginale d’un carré de noirs, tapageusement promus par les juifs, à peine invités à la télévision une fois par an.
Aujourd’hui, en 2024, Le Pen, figure de proue de « l’extrême-droite », s’est ralliée avec enthousiasme à l’entretien de la haine de l’homme blanc.
Elle veut être la Walkyrie des nègres, tonitruante.
C’est du Thuram. Du Thuram au vin blanc.
Marine Le Pen est prête à tout pour répondre au moindre désir des nègres, mère aimante, et les nègres ne désirent qu’une chose : tuer des Blancs et violer leurs femmes.
L’éleveuse de chats n’y voit aucune espèce de difficulté.
Nous en sommes arrivés au point où on ne peut plus la distinguer des macronistes.
Le juif Attal veut la même chose, mais en plus vaste, plus pressant, plus systématique.
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Le fléau nègre nous entoure, nous bouscule, se fait plus envahissant chaque jour, dopé dans son élan par la constellation des salopards opportunistes, des pédés, des garces à maladies vénériennes.
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Il faut éduquer les masses face à ce danger que représente l’extrême-droite démocratique.
Si nous ne faisons rien, elle imposera un cafre par lit dans chaque foyer français, au nom de l’impérieuse unité nationale, laquelle, depuis Clovis, a toujours été, c’est Monsieur Benchettrit, historien officiel de CNews qui le certifie avec l’assentiment appuyé de Bardella, que la France n’est jamais tant la France que lorsqu’elle s’accepte, percluse de races délavées et impensables, sentant juste ce qu’il faut la pisse des ascenseurs du Marseille septentrional, humectés à bonne mesure, enivrants, tout en aigreur douce, intimes, possédants.
Se faire posséder par les nègres, voilà le cap, par mille prétextes.
Il faut s’en défaire absolument.
Je vous invite à visionner ce film extraordinaire qu’est « Adieu Afrique ! ».
Il est en italien et en anglais, chef d’oeuvre de 60 ans qui n’a pas pris une ride de l’instant nègre.
Nous ne pourrons rien bâtir de nouveau et d’émancipateur sans d’abord détruire ce fatras idées absurdes que charrie la démocratie, aussi bruyamment portées soient-elles.
La vérité, c’est que la race et le racisme commandent le monde. Tout le reste n’est qu’un monticule de déjections de cafre.
Faites-le voir, en groupe, seul, peu importe. Notre futur s’y trouve. Marine Le Pen aussi.
Démocratie Participative
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champipns · 26 days
Qual equipe da Ligue 1 Francesa tem tido o melhor desempenho em casa nesta temporada, e como isso pode influenciar nas apostas esportivas?
🎰🎲✨ Receba 2.000 reais e 200 rodadas grátis, além de um bônus instantâneo para jogar jogos de cassino com apenas um clique! ✨🎲🎰
Qual equipe da Ligue 1 Francesa tem tido o melhor desempenho em casa nesta temporada, e como isso pode influenciar nas apostas esportivas?
Desempenho em casa da Ligue 1 Francesa
Com o aumento do trabalho remoto e da flexibilidade de horários, muitas pessoas estão buscando maneiras de otimizar seu desempenho em casa. Isso também se aplica aos jogadores de futebol da Ligue 1 Francesa, que precisam manter sua forma física e mental mesmo fora do campo.
Uma das chaves para um bom desempenho em casa para os jogadores da Ligue 1 é manter uma rotina disciplinada de treinamento físico. Isso inclui exercícios aeróbicos, treinamento de força e flexibilidade, adaptados às condições de espaço e equipamentos disponíveis em casa. Além disso, a alimentação adequada desempenha um papel fundamental na manutenção da energia e da saúde dos jogadores, com uma dieta balanceada que inclua proteínas, carboidratos complexos, gorduras saudáveis ​​e muitas frutas e vegetais.
Além do aspecto físico, é crucial que os jogadores da Ligue 1 cuidem de sua saúde mental enquanto estão em casa. Isso pode incluir práticas como meditação, ioga ou simplesmente tirar um tempo para relaxar e desconectar do estresse do dia a dia. Manter contato regular com os colegas de equipe e com a equipe técnica também é importante para garantir um senso de comunidade e apoio mútuo.
Outro aspecto a ser considerado é a análise e estudo do jogo. Os jogadores podem aproveitar o tempo em casa para assistir a vídeos de partidas anteriores, estudar táticas e estratégias, e até mesmo fazer sessões de análise individual com seus treinadores para identificar áreas de melhoria e desenvolvimento pessoal.
Em resumo, o desempenho em casa da Ligue 1 Francesa requer uma abordagem holística que abranja tanto o aspecto físico quanto o mental. Com disciplina, dedicação e o apoio adequado, os jogadores podem manter sua forma e estar prontos para dar o seu melhor quando voltarem aos gramados.
Equipe líder em jogos em casa na Ligue 1
Tendo um desempenho dominante em casa é uma vantagem invejável para qualquer equipe esportiva. Na Ligue 1, a principal liga de futebol da França, algumas equipes se destacam por sua força dentro de seus próprios estádios. Essas equipes, muitas vezes, têm uma base de torcedores fervorosa que cria uma atmosfera intimidadora para os visitantes e impulsiona os jogadores a darem o seu melhor em campo.
Entre as equipes líderes em jogos em casa na Ligue 1, destaca-se o Paris Saint-Germain (PSG). O clube parisiense, com seu elenco estelar e uma base de torcedores apaixonada, é conhecido por sua invencibilidade em casa. Jogar no Parc des Princes pode ser uma tarefa assustadora para qualquer adversário, com o apoio fervoroso dos Ultras Paris, que transformam o estádio em um caldeirão de emoções.
Outra equipe que merece destaque é o Olympique de Marseille. Com sua história rica e uma base de fãs leais, o Stade Vélodrome torna-se um reduto quase impenetrável para os oponentes. A energia dos torcedores do Marseille pode impulsionar a equipe mesmo nos momentos mais difíceis, criando uma atmosfera única que contribui para seu sucesso em casa.
Além disso, o Lille OSC também se destaca como uma força em casa na Ligue 1. O Stade Pierre-Mauroy é um local onde os adversários enfrentam um desafio árduo, com a torcida do Lille empurrando a equipe para alcançar grandes resultados.
Em resumo, as equipes líderes em jogos em casa na Ligue 1 são aquelas que conseguem aproveitar ao máximo o apoio de seus torcedores e transformar seus estádios em fortalezas invencíveis. Essa vantagem em casa muitas vezes faz a diferença em uma liga tão competitiva como a Ligue 1.
Estratégias de apostas esportivas na Ligue 1 Francesa
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
A Ligue 1 Francesa é uma das ligas de futebol mais emocionantes e imprevisíveis da Europa, o que a torna um terreno fértil para estratégias de apostas esportivas. Com uma ampla gama de equipes talentosas e jogadores renomados, é importante entender algumas estratégias-chave ao apostar nesta competição empolgante.
Primeiramente, é crucial realizar uma pesquisa aprofundada sobre as equipes e jogadores envolvidos. Analisar o desempenho recente das equipes, estatísticas de gols marcados e sofridos, bem como lesões e suspensões, pode fornecer insights valiosos para tomar decisões informadas.
Além disso, considerar o histórico de confrontos diretos entre as equipes pode ajudar a prever resultados e identificar padrões de desempenho. Algumas equipes podem ter vantagem sobre outras devido a estilos de jogo específicos ou confrontos passados.
Outra estratégia importante é estar ciente das condições de jogo, como o clima e o local da partida. Condições climáticas adversas podem afetar o desempenho das equipes e influenciar o resultado final. Da mesma forma, o desempenho das equipes em casa e fora de casa pode variar, portanto, é importante levar isso em consideração ao fazer suas apostas.
Por fim, é essencial gerenciar cuidadosamente sua banca e evitar apostas impulsivas. Estabelecer limites de apostas e seguir uma estratégia de gestão de bankroll pode ajudar a garantir que você não aposte mais do que pode perder e mantenha o controle sobre suas apostas.
Em resumo, ao apostar na Ligue 1 Francesa, é fundamental realizar uma pesquisa detalhada, considerar o histórico de confrontos diretos, estar ciente das condições de jogo e gerenciar sua banca de forma responsável. Com as estratégias certas, você pode aumentar suas chances de sucesso ao apostar nesta emocionante liga de futebol.
Análise de desempenho dos times da Ligue 1 em casa
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
A Ligue 1, principal liga de futebol da França, é conhecida por seus emocionantes jogos e equipes competitivas. Uma análise do desempenho dos times em seus próprios estádios revela insights interessantes sobre sua força em casa.
O desempenho em casa é crucial para o sucesso de qualquer equipe de futebol, e na Ligue 1, não é diferente. Analisando os resultados das partidas em casa das equipes, podemos identificar padrões e tendências que nos ajudam a entender melhor seu desempenho.
Algumas equipes da Ligue 1 demonstram uma dominância impressionante em seus estádios. O Paris Saint-Germain, por exemplo, é conhecido por seu poderio em casa, muitas vezes conquistando vitórias convincentes diante de sua torcida apaixonada no Parc des Princes. O Olympique de Marseille e o Lyon também têm um histórico sólido de desempenho em casa, criando um ambiente intimidante para os adversários.
Por outro lado, algumas equipes enfrentam dificuldades em garantir resultados consistentes em seus próprios estádios. Times como o Metz e o Troyes têm lutado para capitalizar o fator casa, muitas vezes perdendo pontos preciosos em frente à sua torcida.
Além disso, a análise do desempenho em casa também pode revelar insights sobre a estratégia e estilo de jogo de uma equipe. Algumas equipes adotam uma abordagem mais agressiva em casa, buscando controlar o jogo desde o início e pressionar os adversários. Outras preferem uma abordagem mais cautelosa, focando na defesa sólida e aproveitando as oportunidades de contra-ataque.
Em suma, a análise do desempenho dos times da Ligue 1 em casa é essencial para compreender a dinâmica e a competitividade da liga. A capacidade de uma equipe de dominar em seu próprio estádio muitas vezes se traduz em sucesso na tabela de classificação e na admiração dos torcedores.
Tendências de apostas com base no desempenho em casa na Ligue 1
As tendências de apostas esportivas são frequentemente influenciadas por uma variedade de fatores, e o desempenho em casa é um dos mais significativos em ligas de futebol como a Ligue 1. Na competição francesa, observar como as equipes se saem em seus próprios estádios pode oferecer insights valiosos para os apostadores.
O desempenho em casa na Ligue 1 é uma área de análise crucial para quem busca vantagem nas apostas esportivas. Historicamente, algumas equipes têm um forte histórico de vitórias em casa, enquanto outras podem enfrentar dificuldades em seu próprio terreno.
Uma tendência comum é que muitas equipes da Ligue 1 têm um desempenho consideravelmente melhor em casa do que fora. Isso pode ser atribuído a vários fatores, incluindo o apoio fervoroso dos torcedores locais, o conhecimento do campo e condições familiares.
Para os apostadores, entender essas tendências pode ajudar a informar suas decisões. Por exemplo, ao considerar uma aposta em uma equipe com um histórico comprovado de sucesso em casa, pode ser mais prudente apostar a favor deles quando jogam em seu estádio.
Além disso, é importante estar ciente das exceções a essas tendências. Algumas equipes podem ter um desempenho surpreendentemente bom ou ruim em casa em determinadas temporadas, devido a mudanças na equipe, estratégia de jogo ou outras variáveis.
Portanto, ao analisar as tendências de apostas com base no desempenho em casa na Ligue 1, os apostadores devem considerar cuidadosamente o histórico das equipes, o contexto atual e outros fatores relevantes antes de tomar uma decisão informada. Ao fazer isso, podem aumentar suas chances de sucesso nas apostas esportivas.
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ethanmanson2 · 3 months
Augmented reality and virtual reality use in sport and exercise
So what is augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality(VR)?,Augmented reality is an interactive experience that enhances the real world with computer-generated perceptual information,it overlays computer generated images onto the users view of the physical world,typically through smartphone cameras. VR immerses users in a completey virtual world.users wear headsets that transport them to a simulated enviorment where head movements are tracked,enabling them to explore and interact with the virtual realm.The experience can range from simply looking around to full-body movement.So how is this used in sports and what benefits does this give?,AR works with computer vision and machine learning models that analyze whats happening through the camera,so that it will be able to recognize body gestures and movements in real-time,allowing athletes to better measure their performance and stats after training,allowing the athlete and coaches can monitor.AR/VR is opening up new doors for the sports fans engagment,providing them with ultra-realistic expierence during live sporting events.With immersive expierences,fans can virtually be transported into the game enviorment,rooting for their favourite team and players.Furthermore, AR-enhanced stadium experiences offer fans a more interactive and exciting way to engage with their team and players.
Bringing stats and games to the forfront-At SoFI stadium in Los Angeles,for example, NFL fans can take photos with their favourite players via AR enhanced photos kiosks,Football clubs are also recognizing the value of intergrating AR into the fan experience.In league 1 side Marseille,in 2021, experimented with a service by french firm immersib.io.This servie allowed fans to use their smartphones or smart glasses to access real-time player metrics,including passing options,game heat maps,distance covered,high intensity runs,top sprint speed and number of dribbles completed.
This innovative approach not only enhances fan engagment but also opens up new revenue streams and sponsership opportunities.Imagine a fan clicking on their favourite player and unveiling a range of statistics and insights,creating a connection between the player and fan.
During the FIFA world cup held in Qatar, the FIFA+ app took fa engagment to a whole new level with the incorporation of augmented reality (AR) technology.USers of the app were treated to an immersive experience that allowed them to access video replays from various camera angles, including the crucial VAR replays, mirroring the experience of watching the tournament on television,additionally, fans could enjoy a live augmented reality overlay the provided real-time statisitics,line-up details,heat maps, and valuable insights, all seamlessly intergrated into the surroundings through AR.
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But this is just the start,As football finance expert Kieran Maguire predicts that the future of footballs revenue generation will undergo a seismetic shift.While current revenue streams rely on tickets sales,brodcasting and commercial income, disccusions are underway about the rise of the metaverse,VR and AR, bringing the matchday experience right into peoples homes.The evovling landscape of fan expectations and the potential rewards are compelling reasons for football to embrace AR and VR technologies.
The environmental impact of the use of VR technologies is yet another positive that can be discussed. By using a virtual environment to simulate a physical area of model this elimates the need to physically visit a site for sporting practice, thus reducing the amount of carbon emissions used when having to travel to and from these sites. This approach partners with the goals surrounding carbon neutrality and the aim of a low carbon future. VR also gives individuals the ability to evaluate different design alternatives, considering the environmental implications and opting for more sustainable choices that could result in minimized ecological damage. it is clear that the use of AR/VR technologies benefits sport in a wide range of ways by affecting the players, the fans and the companies evidencing that this clearly appears to be the way forward. The importance of climate change and the evidence supporting the use of these technologies in eliminating carbon emissions will only further emphasise the need to continue to develop these technologies going forward.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Donald Currie Caskie was born on May 22nd 1902 at Bowmore, Islay, his exploits during WWII earned him the nickname “The Tartan Pimpernel"
The son of a crofter he was educated at Bowmore School and then Dunoon Grammar School Donald then graduated from the University of Edinburgh and from New College in 1928, with a higher degree, a doctorate, in Divinity.  Further studies – and some travels – followed,  he was licensed to preach and ordained to the ministry of the Church of Scotland in 1932 and became a minister, his first Kirk was at Gretna before being sent to the Scots Kirk in Paris in 1938.
A small congregation of the Church of Scotland had existed in the French capital since 1858, acquiring in 1885 the building in the Rue Bayard formerly used by the American Episcopal Church.  The Kirk has a connection to another famous Scot  the athlete and missionary, Eric Liddell preached there in 1924.  Wishing to observe the Sabbath, he had refused to run that day.
Dr. Caskie did not hesitate to attack from his pulpit the Nazi regime in Germany, where Adolf Hitler had attained supreme power as Chancellor in January 1933.  As Hitler’s policies and plans became ever more aggressive and extreme – with talk of racial hatred and Germany’s supposed right to extend its borders at the expense of its neighbours, Lebensraum – Caskie became more outspoken in his condemnation.
As the prospect of war loomed  Donald Caskie felt a duty to remain in France, rendering such help as he could.  Ultimately he reached Marseilles – Marseille.  Here the Scottish minister opened the British Seamen’s Mission, ostensibly a simple place of shelter and spiritual support, but from the start Caskie had always intended to give assistance of a more tangible and substantial kind.
Those seeking help usually arrived under cover of darkness – cold, hungry, often wounded, for the Mission was to become the last link in a chain of ‘safe houses’, refuges, for escaping Allied servicemen that stretched all the way to Dunkirk in the north.  When a man was well enough, and after Donald had said a prayer for him, he would be guided across the Pyrenees to neutral Spain and ultimately to Gibraltar, from where he might return to Britain to rejoin the forces.  
Donald Caskie went on to help orchestrate the safe return of around 2,000 Allied soldiers and airmen trapped in occupied France by establishing a network of safe houses and escape routes – despite facing the constant threat of capture and execution.
At Marseilles, Caskie was under constant surveillance from the Vichy police; everywhere he went, he felt he was followed.  The house itself was frequently raided.  He had to be ultra-careful – ‘canny’ is the Scots word.  “My only armour was the grace of God,” he wrote.  His first duty towards each new arrival was to hide him, at least until such time as ‘papers’ of some sort could be obtained.  
Dr. Donald Caskie’s dangerous and clandestine work at Marseilles had continued for almost a year before he was suddenly arrested.  
Convicted on scant evidence of helping Allied servicemen, Donald received only a suspended sentence.  Banished from Marseilles, he was directed to Grenoble where his high academic qualifications allowed him to take up a post in the department of English at the university.  Grenoble was the ‘intellectual centre’ of opposition to the Nazis and many students were deeply committed to the Resistance. He did not cease to be active in his wider mission of rescue.  The Scottish minister knew many people – many who might be able to assist – and seemed to have a talent for making new friends; he has been described as a consummate ‘networker’, 50 years before this modern term was coined.
The name of the last man whom Dr. Caskie helped to rescue while at Grenoble – Mr. William Nash, a fellow Scot from Whitburn, West Lothian. It was April 1943.  In just a few days Donald Caskie was to find himself again under arrest, but this time his situation would be altogether more serious.  Returning to his accommodation one evening, he switched on the light to find himself confronted by five men of the Nazi Gestapo.  Seized at gunpoint, he was arrested, interrogated and sentenced to death at a Nazi show trial but survived when a German pastor intervened.
Caskie was transferred to the Caserne St. Denis, a regular prisoner-of-war camp rather than a high-security prison, where the men eagerly awaited the end of hostilities.  Donald’s joy at the liberation of Paris was ecstatic.  “My happiness can only be imagined,” he wrote, “it cannot be described.”
Dr. Donald Caskie returned to Scotland in 1960.  His last charge was at Monkton, close to Prestwick Airport, from which he retired in 1968 due to failing health.  He died on 27th December 1983.  Donald had not married, and is interred with his parents in the graveyard of Kilarrow Church at Bowmore, Islay.
 A true heroic Scottish figure, he is remembered with plaques in Marseille and Paris as seen in the pics.
If you want to know more about this little known Scottish war hero there is a ten minute video from The People's History Show  on YouTube here 
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For all the football fans out there, if you think your club sucks let me introduce you to the one club who has brought me continuous joy this season (I hate them):
Olympique Lyonnais (M).
Last (official) win: May 27th, 2023
Ranking: 18th out of 18th in Ligue 1 - 4 points after 10 games (4 draws - 6 losses).
Latest scandal: game against Marseille - while the Marseille fans were throwing stuff at the Lyon bus (and injuring their coach), Lyon’s fans in the stadium were singing racist and fascist songs (some against some of their own fans). Lyon’s Ultras are becoming more and more well known for being fascist piece of shit.
Ongoing comedy: the legendary president (and on my list for asshole of the year every year) Jean-Michel Aulas sold the club to the American John Texter recently. And they’ve been basically throwing shit at each other in the press blaming each other for the position the club is in now.
This club is currently an epic Shit Show and I love it!
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