#ummm i just think it’s nice to treat art in particular with more understanding and grace than you might extend in other scenarios
wormtoxin · 11 months
i’m gonna be real, the cultural perception that trans women are predators is absolutely vicious and immediately dangerous to women. but idk if policing the behavior of trans perverts online is my ideal solution. internalized transphobia has led me to more immediate repression and danger to myself than much else. i’m constantly terrified to publish (admittedly completely boring and safe and marketable) erotica because someone might make such an accusation against me. Trans artists’ reputations have absolutely crumbled on accusations with less stable foundations. I don’t love transphobia. I’m really lucky that the worst kinds of transphobic violence i’ve experienced have been through a screen. I just don’t know that extra surveillance and moral hyper-vigilance is gonna work out in our favor here, girls.
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volfoss · 1 year
Oh im very late but buggy or okiku for the character ask game?
First impression: what a weird guy surely my love of clown characters wont make me like him
Impression now: he has SO much character depth and no one focuses on it but me. hes everythign hes so wet and pathetic
Favorite moment: VERY early on but i really like how he treats Nami really early on when he thinks shes going to join his crew. Like he can be kind deep down BUT its in his own way. Like him offering to let her use the cannon was a nice gesture from him.
Idea for a story: UMMM id love to see him get to rest a bit. get that man doing something silly.
Unpopular opinion: the nose thing being such a fanon joke is such a big source of frustration for me because there is a lot of character depth behind that. SICK of people making "sexy buggy" art and its just him without his nose i hope we all die. but genuinely like. it is something ive analyzed a lot and no one else rly seems to so.
Favorite relationship: PLATONIC. but i find the stuff w him and luffy really interesting esp during impel down. their dynamic is silly to me idk... idc a ton about the cross guild dynamics other than it lets him be so pathetic boy coded
Favorite headcanon: hes in his 50s but loves to lie about his age to try and get people to think hes accomplished more in less time
First impression: when i was first looking into one piece, i was checking w one of my favorite sites (that discusses trans womens rep in media, link here if ur curious) and had seen the author had said she was good rep. so i was excited to see just HOW good it was and i was hit with the my god she is so pretty beams instantly.
Impression now: literally she is everything to me u dont even UNDERSTAND. i love her a lot and shes one of my fave characters ever <3
Favorite moment: AUGH this is so so hard... ummm top 3 ok??? in no particular order. numba 1. the scene where shes bandaging zoro up. i really enjoy their friendship a lot. numba TWO. when shes hiding behind zoro and he had to point out shes like 9 ft tall. numba THREE. every scene w kin'emon :3
Unpopular opinion: i do not think oda did the best trans rep ever w her (or yamato for that matter) but people dont analyze it with the context of the PAST trans rep weve had and how well. they will put yamato w the women figure wise so like. idk.
Favorite relationship: ilove her and zoro platonically their dynamic is so goofy :3
Favorite headcanon: i think she would be very very good at swimming :)
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Herodotus, Kronos, Athena, Aphaia, Atlas and Atlantis
Also tell all about your ocs! What climate does Octavious live in? What's the culture like? Have you made a map for the serendipity of calamity? Any fun details you want to share?
This got long so everything is under the cut!! thanks for the ask <33
Herodotus: Literally nothing. There isn’t a professional setting where I have studied any one thing in particular, and I’m not the kind of person who purposefully studies anything in my free time. I enjoy learning things by just,, existing and collecting knowledge. I'd like to study art, but the opportunity has yet to arise.
Kronos: It’s in about a month ;)
Athena: As much as I love to read, I’ve never really thought about this? I don’t really have a set list- ummm… Raybearer is really good and I highly suggest it, Tuck Everlasting, I remember I always loved the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series, and Fever King is great, and finally The Bed Was On Fire When I Laid Down On It is really good. That isn’t in any particular order and is more of just books I can remember reading and enjoying atm XD
Aphaia: A bit less stressed, a few less mental health issues. I remember being incredibly repressed, for a bunch of reasons. I don’t like who I was as a child, I had views I now disagree with and did things I now disagree with, but I can understand it was those mistakes that led me to be who I am now. I have a complicated relationship with who I was when I was younger.
Atlas: I genuinely don���t know. Sorry XD
Atlantis: Over the course of my, admittedly short life, I have taken violin lessons, piano lessons, voice lessons, cello lessons, mandolin lessons and just general music lessons. (I’m not taking any right now, and I'm not particularly good at any of these)
A chance to talk about my Oc’s??~ don’t mind if I do XD
Octavious originally lived in a very hot climate and hates the cold with every fibre of her being. Since moving to the capital (where this story at the very least starts) he has lived in a colder climate. Not cold, it still gets too mind-numbingly hot in the summer, but it’s the kind of place you need a heavy jacket in the winter.
The culture in this world is something I both have and have not thought about. I probably have the culture of Octavious’s hometown and the general culture of the Hydro elves figured out but everything else is really iffy, so I guess I’ll just talk briefly about both of those.
Hydro elves in this world a fairly nomadic, and you can find them nearly anywhere in the world, but if you do it will just be families of 6-ish or less. Larger communities are formed on the shore near places where they can grow large amounts of fibre. Octavious comes from a community close to a field of Linen or a linen adjacent fibre that I’ll come up with at some point. This is because linen is really good for weaving, and for making fishing nets. Nets are a very large part of Hydro elf culture. In these communities, it will generally have up to 50 people, and they will all treat each other like family. It takes a village to raise a child you know? Adults that aren’t your parents are referred to as aunt and uncle, and other people your general age that aren’t your siblings are your cousins. Blood relations aren’t very important, everyone is family. The people with the most respect are the oldest members. This is because they know the most about weaving and net making, which are both very culturally significant.
I actually have made a map!! It’s really rough and is 100% just for me to get a general idea of where I want things to be, but it exists, and I want to make a better version of it to post and to show you where everything is.
Oooo~ fun details? Alright.
Octavious’s necklace, as previously stated, is a bunch of waived together strings, each string corresponds to someone especially important in his life. She likes weaving little bracelets and things of the like, which is why he has given his friends friendship bracelets. Only Auster wears theirs normally, but the other two did keep theirs.
Octavious’s love language is gift-giving, Auster’s is words of quality time, Oak’s is acts of service, and Luka’s is physical touch.
Luka loves dad jokes. Octavious hATES them.
Auster’s design for what he turns into is my favourite thing rn, so I’m very excited to show you.
Oak hits out of love, and hate, and pretty much every other feeling because Oak likes hitting things.
Octavious has the most academic knowledge, but they are also the dumbest person ever and I kinda love that duality. It’s like, high intelligence, low wisdom.
Oak and Octavious bond over causing havoc, and generally being nuisances (affectionate)
I’d say Auster is the most traditionally nice out of any of them, but that’s because Oak is aggressive, Octavious is bad at being genuine, and Luka is bad at expressing himself.
Octavious’s hair is designed to look a little like storm clouds and lightning.
Auster is the hardest to draw. I don’t even know why, they just are.
Oak and ember elves can’t control fire, they control heat. This means that they can start a flame in their hand (or anywhere else) if they have fuel and oxygen, but they can’t really move flames created by them or otherwise. They can also snuff out fire really quickly because they can just take away the heat.
Auster doesn’t have a last name. Not just I haven’t found one yet, they just don’t have one. I think that there are so few Avian elves that the people didn’t see a need for last names, they just never recycled any first names.
I’m trying to incorporate as many Oc’s I made for other stories that I have since abandoned into this one. So far I have reused Oc’s for one of Auster’s siblings, another hydro elf, and possibly a deity.
Originally I was going to just have basic elemental powers for the different elves, but I’ve since changed my mind and I’m trying to come up with something a bit more interesting ;)
Thank you so much for enabling me to talk about my Oc's it makes me so happy ^w^ <33
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