#but if u gotta unfollow i understand
wormtoxin · 11 months
i’m gonna be real, the cultural perception that trans women are predators is absolutely vicious and immediately dangerous to women. but idk if policing the behavior of trans perverts online is my ideal solution. internalized transphobia has led me to more immediate repression and danger to myself than much else. i’m constantly terrified to publish (admittedly completely boring and safe and marketable) erotica because someone might make such an accusation against me. Trans artists’ reputations have absolutely crumbled on accusations with less stable foundations. I don’t love transphobia. I’m really lucky that the worst kinds of transphobic violence i’ve experienced have been through a screen. I just don’t know that extra surveillance and moral hyper-vigilance is gonna work out in our favor here, girls.
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koskela-knights · 10 months
If I go to Bright Falls and Ilmo Koskela doesnt show up to rail me personally behind the Oh deer Diner then I will jump into Cauldron Lake willingly
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meyhew · 1 year
Why all of the sudden I can see all the things you like on my dash and how can I stop this from happening to me 😅
what does this mean 😭
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snekdood · 8 months
ok now im just angry that i have 700 followers
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
It doesn't mean JK doesn't trust Jimin
Proceeds to write an essay which only means JK doesn't trust Jimin with RM at all. Oh and should I remind you RM and Jimin and living in same apartment complex???? While JK is living in whole another place ???
Tbh IF jkk are a couple I can die on a hill to prove Jimin will never be unfaithful to JK but things you all write these days are just not it. For any reader it strikes as JK is too insecure about Minimoni's relationship. All while it's obvious RM is someone Jimin respects deeply and RM is always ready to help Jimin with anything. Their bond is strong because both are very mature people who mutually respect each other.
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People like you who lack reading comprehension skills really do my head in. If you don't understand something come and ask me. I am MORE than happy to explain and clarify.
First of all, anyone with eyes can tell JK has never truly settled in Brunnen. People make jokes about him living like a frat boy because of how empty the place looks. It's coz that's not his home. His home is where Jimin is. Them fighting on that run episode was not for naught. First the lamp
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then the couch and TV
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That seemed way too natural. Like they've done that many times before. Jimin knew they would have different opinions coz its happened b4. And JK has great taste btw. Him and Jhope are the neatest members so I expect his actual home looks very stylish and very well furnished. Nine-one is their shared home so Minimoni being neighbours is irrelevant.
When exactly did I say Jimin has ever been or would ever be unfaithful to JK??? I see its come for Shaz day, today. I have said over a million times Jikook have been with each other and only each other since day one. I have also said many times all members not just Minimoni love and respect each other. But I guess u didn't see those posts, huh? How convinient.
My post was about one particular topic and that topic was the only one that I addressed. It had nothing to do with how Minimoni are outside of Jikook.
You saying that post was about how JK doesn't trust Jimin is fucking bull. JK being possessive and territorial over Jimin has nothing to do with trust. I've said it before, but if Jikook were not hiding, if they were public, JK wouldn't act the way that he does. He wouldn't need to claim Jimin.
things you write these days are just not it.
Nigga no one is forcing you to be here. Unfollow or block, you don't gotta see my shit! You're coming off like you don't believe that JK gets bothered or annoyed which is just lies Jikookers tell themselves for what reason, idk.
This man used the wrong fucking entrance just so he would be the one sitting next to Jimin and not Suga. Riddle me why he would do that? Please.
I'm guessing you also ignore the tongue in cheek thing he used to do when bothered or annoyed? Well then explain to me why he does it here when he hears that Jimin, V and Jin went hiking together.
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Last but not least this anti Minimoni moment where JK touches RM but when Jimin reaches for him JK prevents that from happening. It's very subtle and easy to miss but it's been kindly zoomed in for us here with dramatic music to boot
(Watch V watching JK's hands and see for yourself that that really happened. V sees everything) Here is the original thanks to @chim-chim1310 as always 😘😘 It makes sense that JK did that since everyone was just praising RM in that moment. 🤭🤭
But my point is this is just a JK thing that has nothing to do with him not trusting Jimin. From what I've gathered its actually normal in SK for men to be this territorial about their other halves.
I know it's taboo among Jikookers to talk about this side of Jikook. But just because I came along and I ain't afraid to bring up this sensitive topic doesn't mean u can come for me and call me a liar. You don't like me, block me. You wanna stick around then bloody get used to it.
Normalise discussing Jimin and JK being bothered by certain things when it comes to eo.
Oh! And should I remind you RM and Jimin and living in the same apartment complex????
With 4 question marks. Bitch please! As if we don't all know about this account that sells beds and only follows Jikook.
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Jikook were rumoured to be seen walking into a furniture store only for this account to follow them not long after. Now they're only following Jimin but that's because Mr. Rebel deleted his IG. Jikook live together anon, so don't talk to me about Minimoni being neighbours. It means fuck all in relation to the topic at hand.
Next time fix your tone when you need clarification from me or keep your damn reservations to yourself.
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cupcakeinat0r · 8 months
Damn y’all, @gltzpzy told me I gotta keep writing for DadBod!Miguel, daaaaayummm😔😔😔😔 Gotta do what she says tho, srry yall. Hope y’all don’t mind, completely understand if u unfollow tho.
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eirian · 9 months
havin thots. if this makes u uncomfy i understand and u have the freedom to unfollow or block, curate ya own experience i wont be mad
prefacing this by saying i still have my own standards and havent flipped to Supporting certain things, my opinions on the way i view things have just kind of shifted
so theres a convo going on on a post ive reblogged elsewhere abt the morality of portraying certain things in fiction and how it may or may not reflect on the creator irl and it rly made me think abt stuff
ive always been a believer in the idea of fiction 100% affecting reality and that if u write smth nasty theres gotta b a reason for that somehow. but after reading some pieces im kinda thinkin like. idk. i do agree that fiction can affect reality still, i think thats undeniable, and sometimes ppl who write certain things in fiction CAN and ARE actually into those things irl. but now im also of the opinion that not everyone is in that category and some ppl just want to explore things in fiction that they would never ever support or do irl for one reason or another. fiction can affect or reflect reality but in the end fiction is not reality. i think both can be true. just...make sure things are tagged bc a lot of ppl Including Me dont want to see certain shit in their fandom tags.
like idk. i hate certain subjects in fiction like of course pedophilia and underage torture porn and incest and i will never ever support or tolerate those things. but at this point ppl have the right to write about them themselves if it stays in fiction. fiction has always been a place to explore shit without it being done in the real world (even tho again i do know some ppl Do like these things irl. just not everybody). i feel like i would be a hyprocrite if i condemned everyone who writes content like that and then turned around and continued indulging in my own interests like at the very least the violence and murder in dragon ball and the other evil/problematic characters im interested in. ive literally written some brutal murder shit and...well. zamasu and goku black. thats all i rly need to say abt that lol.
that being said the anti/proship shit is still stupid as hell to me. i dont condone attacking ppl and dogpiling and witch hunting for writing nasty shit even if it grosses me out personally, but i also cant stand ppl who make being into fictional gross shit Their Entire Personality and act like theyre doing something by flaunting it. yknow. both extremes are stupid and i wish it would die already
so ya. i most likely wont b making any posts abt that shit in the future, im getting too old to be stressing abt shit like that. if someone squicks me out im going to block. thats it. and if you dont tag your shit im also blocking and then strangling you on top of it. thats all
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amane-by-together · 2 years
school bag || teru minamoto
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genre: fluff
pairing: teru minamoto x fem! reader
summary: in which teru and [name] went on a lunch date before classes start
author's note: based on the true story and my offering to the gods to bring back teru bc i miss him :') idc if u hate him ya all can unfollow me for liking him 😗💅
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[Name] placed a hand on her cheek while twirling her pen as she listened to her teacher’s lecture. She crossed her legs, letting out a small sigh from her lips. All her teacher’s words start to sound slow and blurry because of how tired [Name] is—despite the morning sun, she still feels sleepy. [Name] was in verge of zoning out until she heard the school’s speaker’s announcement.
“Attention to all teachers, we will be having a meeting around 9:00 AM. All classes will be dismissed for today, students are now allowed to leave and come back after lunch, thank you.”
There was silence, then all of a sudden, majority of the class started to cheer at the early cancellation of the class. [Name] whispered a small ‘yes’ under her breath now that she can go home and do the things that she wanted to do. “[Name]-chan, are you going straight to home?” Yashiro asked as she already wore her school bag. “Or do you have other plans?”
“I can’t stay at school to clean Hanako’s bathroom since I’ll get shoo-ed off by teachers since the PA system deadass said that all students are allowed to leave.” [Name] explained, pretending to be sad that she won’t be able clean the bathroom for today, she’s sure that Hanako will understand unless he needed an explanation.
“Aren’t you supposed to borrow a book from the library?” Yashiro tilted her head in confusion. [Name] blinked for a couple of seconds, then putting a hand under her chin to think about it, and realizing that she needed to borrow a book from the library.
“Fuck—! It’s supposed to be my free day!” [Name] cussed.
“[Surname]-san, mind your language.”
“Sorry Sensei.” [Name] apologized before grabbing her bag from the side of her table. “I gotta go now Yashiro, you go ahead and go home—stay safe.” [Name] quickly told Yashiro as she quickly went to the library to borrow a book, which is about Rocket Science, something that she had been interested in after she took the key with a rocket keychain from the doors that lead to nowhere and everywhere.
[Name] ran to the library and went to the receptionist to ask for books related to Rocket Science. “Hmmm, I’m afraid that you needed to go to the old building department, most of the books are there. The library is still under renovation so until then, you have to go to the library by the other building.”
“Thank you…” [Name] bowed slightly. She opened the door and let out a frustrated sigh that she had to walk her way to the old building which is like a six minute walk since you have to cross the courtyard before reaching there. [Name] clutched her bag, trudging her way to the old building department. “Do I really have to go to the other building? Can’t they just comb through every bookshelf to get a damn book. Goddamn it.”
[Name] flinched, thinking that it’s probably one of the student council patroling the hallways and that they caught her saying a cuss word, but it’s weird because every student should be home right now, unless? [Name] turned around to see Teru waving his hand with a kind smile on his face. “Minamoto-senpai? Eyow, what you doing here?”
“I was with my friends but then I spotted you from afar so I decided to excuse myself and stop by and say hi.” Teru explained while scratching his cheek sheepishly. [Name] nodded at his response, she doesn’t seem to mind it if her seniors approach her and it’s like a normal thing for her. “By the way, why are you heading to the old building department?” Teru bounced back the question to her.
[Name] explained to Teru that she needed to borrow a book from the library so she first went to the newly established library to the new building but they lacked source materials and they are currently under renovation and that she was recommended to go check by the old building. “But it’s tiring to go there to be honest. You should probably head home by now, I bet Kou-kun is worried sick right now.”
“Don’t worry, I told him that I will be going home soon.” Teru reassured [Name]. “Are you heading home after getting your book?” Teru bent down a little to take a better look at [Name] since she was shorter than him, which he thinks it’s cute, as they start to walk their way to the old building.
“I mean since we have to go back after lunch, I guess I could stay home for a little bit.” [Name] shrugged in reply. She and Teru already established the friendship level after that late night incident where they both encountered each other in front of the convenience store and talked about themselves while making candy by the park. “It’ll be boring if I stay in school for three hours waiting for my classmates to come back.”
Teru stopped walking which made [Name] halt as well. She turned to look at the blonde haired male next to her. “Is there something up, Minamoto-senpai?” [Name] asked, getting slightly concerned as to why he randomly stood still. Teru needed to tell his true intentions as to why he approached [Name] in the first place and this is only his one in a million chance to do so before it won’t happen again.
“I can come with you to get your book…” Teru reached over to scratch the back of his head. [Name]’s eyes widened a bit as a small blush appeared on her cheeks. Teru gulped, looking away from [Name] as he continued. “And if you don’t mind, wanna go out and eat lunch together? Just the two of us?” This sounded more like Teru is asking her out on a date—and out of all girls, he just asked [Name] and it shocked her.
Yashiro will be needing all the details of their date if [Name] agreed to come with Teru. Aoi will be happy for [Name] because first, the most popular guy in school asked her friend out on a date, and second of all she’s a sucker for romance like Yashiro. [Name] cleared her throat to cut herself from her train of thought, thinking about possible ways to avoid this scenario because she felt guilty if she were to accept his offer and there’s like a hundred of fangirls who wanted to be in her shoes.
“But like, I don’t think I have any money left if we were to go out to eat lunch since this is for school purposes.” [Name] winced. “Plus I owe you one for helping me from that creepy guy on the convenience store and even paid for my things.”
“I never said you will be paying for this one.”
[Name] was caught off guard. “Ha? No way—you’re serious? You’re going to treat me lunch…?” Teru stiffled a laugh at her reaction, nodding that he was serious about it and that he was not bluffing. There was wind that passed by which carried the strands of [Name]’s hair a bit as she smiled at Teru. “Alright then—but make sure it won’t be far.”
“We’re just going to a nearby fast food restaurant, don’t worry.”
“Okay, now let’s go to the library to claim my book, then we can head to the fast food restaurant to eat lunch and if we have time left, we should go to the library to stay for a while, I have a quiz later.” [Name] slumped her shoulders with a sluggish laugh, if only the whole day was cancelled but they have to come back after lunch to continue classes.
Teru laughed as well. “I’m sure you’ll do well later.”
“Thanks.” [Name] gave him a closed eye grin. Teru’s heart skipped a beat. For the record, he was quite nervous considering that this situation looked like a date rather than a hang out as he wished to engrave in his mind. He was the one with the lack of experience and [Name] went through a few dates with Souho back when they were still together.
“Is your bag heavy?” Teru asked while pointing at the bag that [Name] is carrying.
“Well—it’s heavy not gonna lie.” [Name] showed her school bag.
Teru held out his hand. “I’ll carry it for you.” [Name]’s heart is definitely doing flips of joy right now because she’s experiencing every fangirl with a heavy bag’s lifelong dream which is for someone to carry their bag. And this type of stuffs happen in romance animes and kdramas. She gave her bag to Teru for him to carry as they entered the old building department.
They went for the second floor since that’s where the entrance of the library is located. [Name] had a quick flashback about her discovering the 4PM Bookstacks in order to find out Hanako without having to ask him about it. “Minamoto-senpai, is it okay if I go ahead? You can wait for me here.”
“Sure, I’ll be waiting outside.” Teru told her. [Name] entered the library to borrow a book while Teru, on the other hand, was strolling around the area checking his phone every ten seconds. [Name] went outside with a big smile on her face, waving the book at Teru. “You’re quick, [Surname]-san.” He praised.
“Yeah finally—since I’m the only one in line anyways.” [Name] sighed in relief.
“Then, shall we go?” Teru gestured to the other direction which leads to the exit of the old building. [Name] nodded in agreement since she was getting hungry. The two went outside the gates of the Academy on their way to a nearby fast food restaurant. “So…have you ever been on a date?”
“Hmm, yeah I had.” [Name] replied. “But it was with my ex for the first three dates—then a movie date from a certain guy, how about you?” Teru sweatdropped, must be nice to be in a date, he was always busy with student council work and exorcism to the point that he almost had no time for himself and that’s why he’s missing out a lot.
“I never been to a date…” Teru embarrassingly admitted. “Unless you consider what we are doing is going on a date.” He mumbled—but [Name] heard him loud and clear.
“So, is this a date then?” [Name] leaned forward with a slightly teasing smile on her face.
Teru inched away with an obvious blush on his face. “Maybe?”
[Name] giggled. “Let this be your first one.” Teru may be calm right now but he’s feeling butterflies and his cheeks warming up so he covered that up with a soft smile on his face. When they arrived at the fast food restaurant, they placed their things on the table and sat down.
“I’ll order for us.” Teru gave [Name] a quick wave before he went to the counter to order their food. [Name] pulled out her phone to play some games to pass the time, until she made a big mistake by turning to her side. It was an old lady, but she was familiar because she lived in [Name]’s neighborhood. [Name] internally panicked so she quickly disguised herself so that the old lady won’t recognize her.
‘I didn’t expect her to be here! I’ll be fucked up if that old lady recognized me and she will tell my mom that she spotted me on a date and then she’ll question me as to why I didn’t tell her and I’ll be doomed for eternity, the thing with Souho is already a high blow for her what more if I’m eating lunch with my senior.’
“I’m back~!” Teru cheerfully sat down next to her after placing down their order which is weird, isn’t he supposed to be sitting in front of her, but it’s fine anyways at least he’s covering her from the old lady’s vision. “Are you okay [Surname]-san? You seem to be paranoid.”
“Oh, don’t worry—I’m just letting my guard up, who knows some student from Kamome Academy might spot us and create an issue about us and that ‘Minamoto-senpai’s crush is from the Astronomy Club’ is gonna happen again.” [Name] explained, half of them is true but she’s more worried about the old lady by the neighboring table. [Name] gestured Teru to come closer to whisper something to him. “There’s an old lady next to us and she’s quite familiar and that’s why I’m hiding.”
Teru glanced to his side, then turned to look at [Name]. “[Surname]-san, the table next to us is empty.” He simply said.
“Eyow—what the fuck?!” [Name] blinked once she saw that the old lady that was on the other table was now gone like a popped bubble. “I swear, she was there before!” [Name] tried to explain. Teru only chuckled at her panicked attitude which he found it adorable.
“Maybe you’re seeing things that I can’t see~” Teru cooed.
“Whatever, at least I don’t have to hide anymore.” [Name] took a scoop of her ice cream and ate it gratefully. Teru chuckled as he started to eat his food. [Name] and Teru had a couple of conversations during lunch until they finished up their food. “Waaah—I feel so full.” [Name] remarked while stretching her limbs.
“[Surname]-san, look at me.”
[Name]’s heart was about to leap out from her chest at the sudden command. Teru tilted his head on the side as he leaned in to take a closer look at her. [Name] quickly whipped her head away from Teru as she proceeded to wipe her lips. “Let’s go back now.” So [Name] and Teru took their belongings as they walked back to Kamome Academy and they’re just in time because students are just entering the school.
Teru was still carrying [Name]’s bag, this is starting to look like the two of them are going out but then again nobody cared as they continued heading to their classes. [Name] and Teru chuckled at their oblivion as they headed to the library to review for their upcoming lessons. “[Surname]-san, if you’re going to study, put away your phone.” Teru smiled as he tried to take [Name]’s phone.
“Ehhh, I need my phone.”
“Do you really need your phone in a daily basis.”
“Of course—!”
Teru covered his mouth to chuckle. “You’re really cute, [Surname]-san.” [Name] tried to tell him not to blurt out cheesy words because she is easily flustered but then Teru proceeded to tease her because of it.
“Minamoto-senpai…I swear…” [Name] covered her face with her palms.
“Which reminds me, I have to go back to the Student Council room, I’m sure the others are there by now.” Teru stood up from his chair but then [Name] grabbed his sleeve. He slowly turned to look at [Name], who was now smiling shyly at him. “[Surname]-san?”
“Can you stay here for a little bit? I mean—don’t go, my classmates aren’t even here yet.” Teru’s heart skipped a beat, [Name] looked so adorable begging him not to go, not what you think of course. This school crush of his is making his feelings go haywire because out of all girls in Kamome Academy, why does he have to be crushing on [Name]?
Teru couldn’t simply say no, so he obliged. “Why not come with me to the Student Council room, you can stay there as long as you like.”
“I mean, sure.” [Name] agreed. The two teens went downstairs to the first floor to exit the library, and Teru is still carrying [Name]’s bag. Along the way, they chatted for a while that is until when [Name] reached for the door, Akane was there to reach for it too. “Tomato Head?!”
“Aoi-kun?—“ Teru added with a hint of confusion as to why the Vice President of the Student Council is right in front of them. Akane stared at them, trying to connect the dots as to why the two of them are together.
Akane coughed, gesturing to at the bag that Teru’s carrying. “So it’s [Surname]-san, huh President?”
“It’s not what it looks like—!” [Name] tried to explain the situation. “He’s just carrying my bag because it’s heavy!”
“Then why are you two together?”
“Because we had lunch together.” Teru smiled forcefully. “Now Aoi-kun, meet me back in the Student Council room and we’ll have a nice discussion about it.” Teru threatened Akane, then he switched the mood by smiling as he gave the bag back to [Name]. “By the way [Surname]-san, thank you for today—good luck on your quiz later~”
“Have you heard? That if you carried someone’s bag, you’ll end up with that person for the rest of your life…at least that’s what I heard.” Aoi told the girls the week after [Name] and Teru had lunch together. Many students have been carrying each other’s bags, mostly the girls wanted the boys to carry their heavy bags. “I wonder who started the rumor…”
[Name] flinched. “Bruh—Minamoto-senpai just carried my bag and now everyone’s doing it? What the actual crumbs—?”
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doggirlsotd · 8 months
i feel like i gotta unfollow u for that last one
i understand
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dereliction-if · 9 months
Dear Sai, I am a frequent visitor & big fan
honestly I am a bit afraid that we are hyping your ifs a lot because your ideas are fucking amazing, and all the characters, world building and lore just are so exciting. I love nsfw aspect and that you are not afraid to be bold and of stepping beyond safety lines!
I noticed I started to be fearful that when you release the demos there will be people that wont like it, or expected something different and that it will discourage you. Ive seen to many amazing authors give up, just throw everything in the trash when it gets hard. Writing 3 ifs at the same time....oooh boy!...Sai, just.... don't stretch yourself thin. Writing is an art, it flows from the soul, its affected by motivation and emotions. So I am worried about you, I truly hope you have good people around to keep you on your path, to lend you a hand or shoulder, whatever you might need.
Because we neeeeeed writers like you, stories like that! I want to see your ifs being finished, published and sold on steam or other platforms.
just...take care of yourself, ok?.......I do hate that Cedric is not a ro and will never forgive for that 💀 thats to keep you grounded so your ego wont explode from all the praise
Love u though ❤️
I consider this an evil attempt on my emotional stability! ;)
Seriously though, thank you very much for taking the time to write this. I understand what you think and the "fear" and doubts involved. I've seen many authors abandon their projects too. And this is more than sad. I think I started PiA parallel to Dereliction because I know I profit from the different settings and writing and when I feel stuck with one project I can distract myself with the other. I def need the variety to keep my spirits high for a long term motivation and not fall dead to boredom lol. Dereliction and PiA are two stories that wander my mind for a very very long time now, so I thought, why wait for one to be finished when I can work on the other meanwhile already...
// oh ok, well then I will def never ever re-introduce Cedric as a Ro cause yk ... gotta stay grounded. Everybody out there will know it's because of you now /jk - no, he won't be re-introduced as a RO...
But I want to add, that removing Cedric as a RO is exactly for that reason, to stay true to my initial idea and I know I can enjoy my writing much more again, even if some might not like it.
I know that my demo will disappoint some readers and it's ok. This is why I "warned" my readers about some content and I am fully embracing any critique and unfollows. As long as it is something I stand behind, I will not regret anything and not feeling the pressure for compromises is such a treat.
Thank you for your message Much love Sai ❤️❤️❤️
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margaritaville · 5 months
hiiii! can you tag ofmd stuff please?
i’ll be honest i don’t know if this is the blog for you because ofmd is basically the only thing i really blog about? this is in essence an ofmd blog. if you’re a mutual from before the ofmd days who feels bad about unfollowing i completely understand if u gotta unfollow! do what’s best for you! love u anyways!
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amygdalae · 1 year
justttt realized your post abt minors following you and I realized, "oof, I was following sorry gotta unfollow" sorry I didn't check earlier, didn't mean to pass or break any boundaries by not double checking while following sorry!
No worries! Thank u for being honest and understanding. Have a good one :^)
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princehatterene · 9 months
I didn't see the post but if ppl are unfollowing/blocking u over it they're probably overreacting. Sorry you gotta deal w this crap ppl suck :/
i deleted it yesterday but y’know how people have been making jokes like “we all need to get weirder f/os i’m sick of seeing the same three anime sources everywhere”? it annoyed me so i made an angry post abt it, but uh. apparently me being annoyed by it was a pretty hot take (even tho i’ve seen others’ posts annoyed at the same thing and everyone seemed to be fine with those but uhhh en ee way-)
but i also worded it in a way that could be seen as a vague post, which. completely understandable, i definitely should have chosen my words better and not like. mentioned something specific from the post i had seen, but i really did not mean for it to be directed at one particular person
i admit i’m a terrible communicator and i don’t always think before i say dumb shit, and for that seriously i am so so sorry
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snekdood · 8 months
idk how or when i got 700 followers but cool and hi i guess
#why are you here#im literally just here yelling#i was at like 200 last i checked#gotta be a lot of bots bc idk#its just that i hate this website so i dont understand how theres a portion of this website that wants to follow me#either its bots or cowards taking screenshots of my posts w/o saying shit to me directly#or ig the rare few of people that genuinely like me ???????????????????????????????#but qhy#i am starting to get anxiety about this revelation. i fear power.#one of the worst fates i'd hate to fall unto me is becoming powerful and misusing it. becoming what i hate.#so i try to push power away all the time. its why im so nasty on here dsjhbvdhgfbs im trying to get people to HATE ME#pls dont do this. i Will just hide away from humanity if i have to#*begins stabbing in the air violently in all directions as if trying to fight off a very quick small ghost*#yelling on the internet about your problems is all fun and games until ppl actually follow u and start to like u and become somewhat#swayed by what you say through no real attempt of your own and thn its a decision if you're going to let a drunkenness for that power to#over take you or reject it like the hideous manipulative shit it is#and then i end up deleting my social media accounts for a while bc the responsibility of power is too overwhelming and it keeps#trying to fucking come bACk to me and i DONT FUCKIN WANT IT#google how do i make people hate me and unfollow me so things can go back to normal and i can be a nobody yelling online#people who are following me and especially young people listen up: you do not have to be like me or do anything like me#you can be disgusted or annoyed with some of the ways i operate and generally like me anyways#dont feel pressured to do anything i say ever im yelling to what i was hoping was the void but ended up being 700 entire people#im literally just some guy who sits inside and thinks all day and likes to garden and do art sometimes and im only 26#i am not someone who knows everything or anything like that i share from my own experiences and thats it#and i am not always correct on anything ever and im always open to being wrong and i especially love it when people ACTUALLY#directly point out to me when im wrong and correct me and please oh god please do not try to be like me sdfbhfsdvhgfsdhgc#you are your own person with your own life i can be a guy you look at and be like 'how can i be more like or less like this dumpster fire#of a man' but dont be like me in every way or think like me in every way just dont please have your own opinions#okay im glad i got that off my chest sdnjfsdhvgsdhvgfhvgfsd#also if you're a minor you SHOULDNT be following me anyways
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bitbrumal · 1 year
ooc henlo fellas apologies for the radio silence! i'm still not coming back, but it's meant to be a temporary hiatus even if a long one. sorry to stop in the middle of discussions, i genuinely was & am intrigued but the act of writing itself got. boring, lol. gotta do that mental crop rotation before i come back. i don't know who will still be here by then so i'll see u then & have fun! i understand if u unfollow. but if u don't that's cool beans & we'll see each other whenever c: there won't be a queue running in the meantime, so there won't be any posts clogging your dash pointlessly.
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ectonurites · 2 years
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I posted 5,737 times in 2022
2,540 posts created (44%)
3,197 posts reblogged (56%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,711 of my posts in 2022
#dc - 553 posts
#grandpa max is god? i go to church now - 208 posts
#tim - 123 posts
#steph - 91 posts
#cass - 89 posts
#kon - 87 posts
#sam draws shit - 80 posts
#sam explains - 64 posts
#heartstopper - 54 posts
#dc comics - 52 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#its fine to wish a different robin had been made queer but u don't gotta undermine what actually ended up happening to talk about it 🤷‍♂️
My Top Posts in 2022:
Isn't Kate a lesbian how is she cousins with Bruce?..
ive just been staring at this trying to figure out how to even start answering it for like 10 minutes
2,867 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
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3,424 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
why haven't they banned Joker from Gotham?
bestie do you think being banned would actually like. stop him. he already breaks laws, what's a ban gonna do?
5,730 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
i want you guys to GUESS what this anon says. because seeing this notification itself could not have prepared me for the full thing
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47,035 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Okay, that’s IT. As a bisexual ranch dressing supporter I just can’t continue to follow you in good conscience. Why do you industrial carpet shippers all think it’s okay to use bland women as a scapegoat for premium disco culture? Maybe if you actually bothered to read the ukranian degeneracy thesis you’d understand batman’s suntan technique, but I guess you’re just too busy making free insurance consultation posts, so whatever. Blocked, flambéed and unfollowed.
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being on mobile and seeing the random generated ask before the warning about it made this an experience
73,831 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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