silvashapeshifter · 8 months
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some drawings in mess because :
✨my mind's a mess :P✨
Ok so in order :
• Diz!Sans having a not really good time ? (he's going insane yes :^)
• Revenge!Sans
• Doll
• also Revenge
• Doodle!Sans
• Éclair (don't pay attention to the writing, this drawing was made on a draft of a dissertation during my blank French baccalaureate)
• A doll version of Threat!Sans in the hand of Corruption (Error!Silva) — the quote next to the hand is not said by the doll but by someone else-
all the OCs here belong to me
— Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
— Errortale belongs to loverofpiggies (if the tag is active I'm deeply sorry:''^)
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telanganajournalist · 7 months
Journalism is one of the most dangerous professions in the world. Attacks on journalists should be considered war crimes by the United Nations!
UNO Symbol ప్రపంచంలో నీ ప్రమాదకర వృత్తుల్లో జర్నలిజం ఒకటి జర్నలిస్టులపై దాడులను యుద్ధ నేరాల కింద పరిగణించాల్సిందే ఐక్యరాజ్యసమితి గత మూడు దశాబ్దాలుగా జర్నలిజం ప్రపంచంలోని అత్యంత ప్రమాదకరమైన వృత్తులలో ఒకటిగా మారుతుందని ఇంటర్నేషనల్ ప్రెస్ ఇన్‌స్టిట్యూట్ తెలిపింది. తమ పనిని నిర్వహించే క్రమంలో 1600 మంది జర్నలిస్టులు మరణించారని యునెస్కో నివేదిక తెలుపుతున్నది. యునెస్కో అంచనాల ప్రకారం కేవలం పదికి ఒక…
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ayeforscotland · 2 months
I want your thoughts on why you think they're happening in England, rather than Scotland; Personally, my thoughts are (of course) the Media and the Government have done a very good job of portraying 'British Culture' as being underthreat - and in England, we have a weird 'cultural-cringe' towards English culture (cos of the far-right incicentally :P) *and* the Far-Right tend to kick up a big fuss about 'English identity' being underthreat, alongside the fact I don't think we've really thought about where we want to go in the future (and also being weirdly misty-eyed about a *certain* past...) Of course, I'm rambling - and you might be better informed <3
It's hard to pin it on one single thing but there's a few reasons that come into play.
The Scottish independence referendum in 2014 probably saw the biggest upset in a large portion of the Scottish population's faith in the Scottish & British press. The indyref is easily Scotland's biggest democratic project in the last 50 years. Lots of people became more politically aware because you could not avoid the conversation.
Throughout indyref there came about a general distrust in the media from independence supporters, not so much from a conspiracy side of things, but more publications openly came out in support of the union and the BBC was part of that.
Through no fault of its own, England hasn't had that seismic event. You could argue it was Brexit, but Brexit was fueled by anti-immigrant sentiment which gave rise to wall-to-wall brexit campaign talking points.
It's also worth saying that demographics in England are a lot different. The latest census showed an increasing number of PoC Scots, but we're not near the level of diversity England has. I'd argue this has allowed far-right groups to focus on people who are susceptible to the type of people who, wrongfully, have "concerns about the demographics of their hometown changing."
Totally get where you're coming from about the far right laying claim to aspects of English culture.I remember having a conversation on here about the English flag and 'English' as an identity vs 'British'. And I can totally see why immigrants to the UK would feel much more comfortable claiming 'British' as opposed to 'English' as their nationality.
[Insert long tangent about how British and English are often synonymous]
None of the above should put Scotland on a pedestal in anyone's eyes. We have our own challenges with racism and sectarianism. But I do think there needs to be some form of recognition that while the UK could be classed as a cultural block in its own right, the nations of the UK have their own culture that *does* influence things one way or another.
It's up to antifascists across the UK to unite against the far-right. They should be counter-protested wherever they rear their ugly heads.
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fanstuffrantings · 5 months
Things I think would've been fascinating to include in fairy tail:
Heavier emphasis on organized religion
Specifically on how religious figures respond to demons, monsters, and magic.
Mirajane changing so much following the death of lisanna due to monster/demon magic being claimed as taboo by the church. Mirajane experiences so much guilt and the belief that it's her fault she becomes incredibly religious. How she unpacks it over the course of the story.
Celestial mages being acolytes of the church with the idea of Layla breaking off to marry Lucy's dad and her lineage stretching back to the first acolytes of the church.
Mavis leading a religious army after being manipulated by Zeref into believing she was a chosen of the gods, and her connection to the church/king allowing her to form fairy tail with financial support. The difference between what the guild was and what it currently is.
Juvia choosing to opt out of the S-class exam and instead focusing on self healing and growing out of her gray obsession. Her, Jet, and Droy bonding in their grief about Levy and Gajeel disappearing and Juvia herself seeking out old phantom lord friends to reconnect and inform of Gajeel.
Nab and Vijeeter getting proper characters and a focus on how their magic could be powerful and terrifying.
Building off of Mest existing, make a stealth group who speaks directly to Makarov taking missions he approves. They get sent on infiltration missions and are typically overlooked in fairy tail itself. They never take the s-class exam so their exact magical abilities never get publicized.
A longer gap in between the founding of fairy tail and the modern day so Mavis has more time to become a legend that few if any know the truth of.
Actual consequences for magic usage beyond just tapping out mana. Erza's armors all having unique drawbacks, natsu having to build up his tolerance to fire as a child and constantly underthreat of overheating and boiling his insides if he goes to far, etc.
Erza going on quests specifically to find unique armor sets that all have some historical meaning behind them that we as the audience get to hear about (connecting to a previous point, her heavens wheel armor being one of the remaining sets from Mavis' army)
Chapters from the POV of the guildmates left behind in-between the 7 year time skip to build up the excitement for the group return.
I know there are more but this is my list so far.
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gwydionmisha · 9 months
A Word on Fighting Back in 2024
Way back in the last weeks of 2016, I wrote that this was a marathon, not a sprint, and we are still running, running, running.
We fought tooth and nail as the country slipped further and further into fascism and horror. Thing would have gotten so much worse, so much faster if we hadn't.
Electing a democrat wasn't enough. That can never be enough. As long as the margin is so small in the senate and they hold the house, all we can really do is keep fighting the slide, with are ptrotests, our calls, our texts, and our votes.
Don't let anyone tell you that both parties are the same, because people who say that are lying in the hopes you won't vote. Look at the Supreme court and tell me with a straight face that Roe v. wade would have been repealed by Democratic majority court. Imagine what we could have accomplished with a few more seats in the house keeping it Blue instead of divided government. Look at how Democrats fought for every inch in budget negotiations and preserved as much bodily autonomy as they could without holding the house in budget negotiations. I will take a party that will listen to us any day over one that actively wants us daed and is passing legislation to make that happen.
We need turn out to win. We need people who are progressive to run for office. we need people to actually vote in the primaries. We need people to volunteer for campaigns and the party, and get out the vote. We need honest young people who are willing to be poll workers and election officials despite republican terroristic threats. We need people to vote the whole ticket in every single primary and general, including state and local races. Look at what a big difference fipping the court in an election is making for wisconsin. Look at how big a difference school board races make. Read voter guides. Research on line. VOTE! Get your friends to vote.
Democracy is still on the line and we still need all hands on deck for that. Don't let the ship sink without trying to patch and bail first, all right? Because if we fall, so many of us will die, and the world will be a far worse place.
Remember also, that this is fundamentally a matter of collective action. No one can do it alone. Everyone needs a little rest and self care. Organize. Pick an area or several areas where you are most passionate and do what is within your strength. Take rests when you need to. Make space for fun, as we need "Bread and roses too." Turn out when somethoing is urganbt inside your interest area or not. have each other's backs always, always, always. So often the other side has won because the most priveleged are willing to throw others under the bus in hopes that this will apease the Right. Nothing will ever appease the Right except our total destruction. They just take and take and take. If a group you aren't a part of is underthreat? Signal boost and turn out in support. Protest! Contact congress critters and styate reps.
We hang together or we hang seperately! There are more of us than there are of them. Make that our strength.
May your 2024 be better than 2023!
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i-am-still-bb · 1 year
In the interest of “breaking the stigma” I think I’m just going to name what I’m dealing with outright, because if my husband had had complications from his gallbladder removal in January I would not have hesitated to share that. And I really believe that mental illness should be treated no differently.
(check tags before you click “keep reading”)
On the Monday after Easter (April 10, 2023) my husband told me that his aunt and uncle (S & D) were coming over to take him to the hospital. I asked why and I assumed it had soemthing to do with the emergency gallbladder removal surgery that he had at the very end of January. He told me that he had been thinking about killing himself. And that he has thought about it off and on for years. I learned no more in that moment because S and D arrived to take him to the E.R. He was admitted to a Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) that night. It was voluntary, but underthreat of the pink slip (sectioned / involuntarily committed). 
I felt like someone hit me over the head with a 2x4. I knew that something was wrong, because he’d been acting really weird since I arrived home from Sacramento (April 2) and he had been acting weird for a while. I had expressed my desire for him to stop taking the Adderall that he had started taking in early February because that was really the only thing I could see that had changed in recent months. (Doctors have since told him to stop taking it.)
On Tuesday I found his journal and found out that he had intended to attempt suicide on Easter if he could get out of coming to a family event with my son and I. Why Easter Sunday? Because of that family thing. Some of my family lives 2.5hrs away, so my husband would have a guaranteed 8hr window at least. And if that failed (which it did) he intended to try on Wednesday April 12th in the 1hr window from when I leave for work at 10:30 and when he has to pick up our son from school at 11:30.
The rest of that journal was basically a log starting on the previous Wednesday (April 5) (actually the same day that he had a therapy appointment) of all the things that were wrong in our relationship. How he views it as a failure. That he thinks there is nothing left to salvage. And more. That document is thousands of words long. I skimmed because I could not stand to read it. 
He did reveal these thoughts and plans (only the Wednesday one) to S and D on Saturday April 8th. On Monday the 10th he messaged S something that alarmed her and prompted the immediate trip to the E.R.
While he was in the CSU he was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), and Bipolar 2. That last one is pending because if Bipolar is diagnosed in an inpatient, emergency setting it should be confirmed in an outpatient setting once the patient is more stable. That appointment is early next week. I guess fingers crossed, but not crossed?
MDD - duh, given the suicidality
CPTSD - I had suspected this for a while
Bipolar 2 - I was not expecting that, I know too much about bipolar to be really optimistic. 50% of bipolar individuals attempt suicide at least once. 40% have a mixed episode meaning that they can have the suicidality of the depression and the focus and drive of the mania making them more likely to plan and attempt to carry out their plan. Their risk of suicide is 30x higher than those with no mental illness. Their life expectancy is 10yrs shorter than the rest of the population. 83% of diagnosed cases are classified as severe. And its unpredictable. You can be stable on meds for years, decades, and then suddnetly you’re not. 
He was released late Monday on April 17th. And he returned to work. Before he was admitted to the hospital he did inform his manager that he was being admitted to the hospital and I communicated with HR while he was in the CSU giving them updates that consisted of that he was feeling better, antsy to get back to work, but still in the hospital. He returned to work on Tuesday the 18th. At end of business on Friday (April 21) they fired him. And given his glowing performance reviews, the amount of money that he had been making the company, the only real reason has to be the hospital stay. (On that note it looks like they’re contesting the unemployment claim.) 
This set him spiralling. He was planning suicide again. And didn’t tell me. Again. I was told that he was an 8/10 (0 being no suicidality or feelings and 10 being that an attempt was imminent) and I tried to help get that number down, but it went up to a 10. On Saturday he was still at a 10. D and I wanted my husband to call a crisis line. D reached out the the CSU and they contacted us. CSU asked my husband if he could come in for an evaluation. My husband agreed (he later told me that if he had been at a 10 in that moment he would not have agreed). D and I thought they would just talk to him, remind him of coping skills, etc. They decided to keep him for 23hrs. D and I were shocked. When they went to admit him the oncall doctor decided that my husband needed a higher level facility (severe suicidal thoughts is what they put down, and my husband disagrees with that, but can’t tell me what he wanted them to put). So the CSU sent my husband to the ER to be evaluated and later transported to a local hospital that has a lockdown wing. Once again it was “voluntary” under threat of the pink slip. He arrived at the lockdown unit Sunday morning. Everyone being admitted is subject to a 72hr hold and at many places weekends and holidays don’t count toward that. They did release him Tuesday morning (so only 36hrs into the 72hr hold). So he’s home again.
And he has barely spoken to me. 
I visited him in the lockdown unit on Monday. And it did not go well. He tried to tell me what to tell the nurse practitioner so they would let him out. I don’t toe anyone’s party line. And I did not respond well, but I tried to. I really tried to remain calm, and explain myself. But he decided that because I wasn’t just rolling over and saying “yes, master, whatever you want” that I didn’t believe him and that I was against him even though I repeated stated that I heard and understood him, and repeated his words back to him. No one is against him. They’re against the illness. I now know that some of this could be part of psychosis, a common symptom of Bipolar and would explain some of the other things like him believing that everything he is doing is wrong and bad. But that could also be the Depression. There is so much overlap between these things, which obviously makes it hard to diagnosis. ADHD, bipolar, CPTSD, and schizophrenia all overlap. But they each have a few things that makes them stand out from the other. but they may overlap as much as 75+%
So that visit did not go well. We pretty much sat in silence for the last 20m of the 45m I was there. And that silence has effectively continued ever since.
He went to group therapy yesterday and then went to S and D’s house without telling me, which, given the present circumstances raised my anxiety levels. Which I already have plenty of. If there’s a negative feeling or emotion I’ve probably experienced it in these past 2.5 weeks (except shame). 2.5 weeks that have aged me years. 2.5 weeks that feel like a lifetime. I’ve screamed, I’ve wailed, I’ve been numb, I’ve cried more tears than I can count, I’ve nearly puked from the emotions. 
And we still haven’t really talked.
And I can’t share anything I’m thinking or feeling with him because as of now the only triggers that he has identified for his suicidality are spilling food/drink, breaking dishes, upsetting me, me crying, or him feeling rejected (by me or by anyone else). Let it be known that I’ve made it very clear over the past decade that I don’t care if something gets broken or spilled. I want to know about it so I can replace the item, and I want the ensuing mess to be cleaned up. 
And as for me rejecting him. I didn’t get him lunch on Saturday because I assumed that he was still asleep. He was still in bed. He looked asleep. And I only got lunch for my toddler, not even myself. But in his mind he twisted that into proof that I don’t care about him or love him. He wrote that in the journal. He wouldn’t tell me that directly because I would get upset. He wrote more in the journal. And it’s pretty much all about me.
I trigger his suicidality. 
I KNOW that it’s the disease talking. But it really binds my hands. I can’t do shit without him taking it the wrong way. If I’m not making eye contact, because I’m trying to create a more comfortable space for him to be in while he talks, it means that I can’t bear to look at him, etc. 
And I know that I have my own things. I grew up with a highly neglectful and emotionally/financially abusive father, took up a lot of responsibility at a young age, had two relationships that had mild to significant levels of coercion when it came to sexual contact. Since our son was born in summer ‘21 I’ve had a lot more problems with anger and resentment. To be honest I probably fall somewhere on the mild end of the spectrum. And I’ve been so burnt out. And each time I expressed a need for my husband to even do basic tasks like putting his socks in the laundry, not letting food spoil on his desk, cleaning his bathroom (there are 3 bathrooms, I hate cleaning bathrooms, I am only cleaning 2), he feels like an absolute failure and wants to die. Forget about asking for help with our child when I’m massively overwhelmed and need a break. 
I am looking for a therapist of my own. 
And we were supposed to start couples counseling this week, but it was Tuesday morning and he wasn’t released in time to make it to the appointment, so it starts late next week. But I feel like most of our problems stem from the Depression. Him taking my face/words/actions the wrong way, his inability to do basic tasks (this is not new, he has been like this at least since August 2014), are all probably linked to the diagnoses. And I’m sure there are things about me that he wishes I wouldn’t do or would do. And I have asked that question explicitly several times. And I don’t get an answer. Because he doesn’t want to upset me. 
Leading up to this event I was asking him what was wrong. But the same thing happened that always happens. He just shut down and stared at me. And I would keep asking and trying to engage in different ways. And then I would lose my shit and yell. And then he would tell me something. And then we’d talk about it; and it was usually something ridiculously minor that he had blown out of proportion. And now I think he was in a suicidal place each of those times and he just threw me a bone to make me shut up. And now I don’t feel like I can trust him. But that’s something to be addressed in couple’s counseling that isn’t linked to mental illness. But he will probably see my mistrust as just another way that he has failed me, another reason why I would better if he weren’t here, so I don’t even think I can share most of this stuff in couple’s therapy because it’s all just going to trigger him. Maybe if we reach a point of stasis? But then I won’t want to talk about it for fear of triggering another depressive episode to begin. 
But to him (I think) I’m somehow I’m just supposed to be who I was on Monday the 10th while I was at work teaching my students about the Impressionists, who I was when I went to the gym after work, who I was blasting music in the car on my way home with the windows down and the sunroof open, who I was in the shower and getting dressed and thinking about what I was going to do with the rest of my Monday, who I was before an atom bomb was dropped in the middle of my life. 
And I’m not.
And I will never be again. 
I’ll be similar, but I’ll never be the same. 
And that upsets me. I have negative feelings about that too. Grief for who I was, grief for what I thought my future was going to be like.
And a grief for what the past was. Because I want to go back to before, but there really isn’t a before. He’s been dealing with this for most if not all of our relationship (we tarted dating in early 2012). And now when memory photos pop up on my phone I can’t help but wonder what he was really feeling, where his mind was. We went on a camping trip late last summer and those photos have been popping up. In each one where my husband isn’t standing or walking somewhere he’s slumped with his head down. And I feel like I can’t have good memories of that trip, because it really looks like he was in the middle of a Depressive phase. Or I can have the memories, but they are now tainted with knowledge that I did not have at the time. 
I am trying to take proactive steps. I’m looking for my own therapist to help me deal with this trauma that is likely to be ongoing, but also the anger and stuff. I also have a small worry that what is going to probably going to prove to be a repeated trauma is going to trigger something in me because my dad and his biological mother probably have/had undiagnosed mental illnesses.
I’m reading books about suicidality so I learn about it, but also so I can learn what I can do to help and support.
I have books about bipolar and CPTSD that are on my list. 
I agreed with no hesitation to the couples counseling. (I actually thought my husband would be the most resistent to this given his opinions on mental illnesses or having problems that require therapy/counseling meaning that you are broken, but I guess that may have changed and that is a good change.)
I’m taking a seminar with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness).
My husband and I have a meeting with a NAMI coordinator on Friday (he hasn’t yet told me if he’s going or responded to my calendar invite). 
I’m considering going to some of their support groups for friends and family if I can make it work with childcare.
I’ve gone to church more in the past 2.5 weeks than I have in the last decade. I’ve been thinking more about mindfulness and trying to let go of desire because the desire is causing suffering. Religon has returned for me, I guess. 
But I’m pretty helpless in this situation. And I’m trying to accept that if he wants to he will find a way to end his life no matter what I say or do. And if he does attempt and complete, its not my fault even if it feels that way. 
EDITTED TO ADD: And now that I have legitimate reasons to be worried about his safety he keeps turning his location sharing off. We share our locations with each other. And it really only gets used to see “are you still at X? if so I have a question / request, but if you’re not there anymore, its no big deal” or “are you on your way home with dinner?” It was on earlier today when I used it for the first reason. He’s in the neighboring city visiting his grandma. Our rat needs something from the vet, but I don’t want my husband to be agitated if I ask for him to stop by the vet and he was already on his way home. I can probably call them tomorrow and pick it up on Saturday morning, but if he’s 5m away now it would make sense to do it now rather than me driving 30m there and back on Saturday morning.
(Location sharing is also what kept me from calling the police and ERs on April 8th when he was at D and S’s house. He left for a martial art around 11, told me he was eating with a friend around 1:30-2. And then wasn’t home until after midnight. I started to get worried when it was after 4 and he wasn’t home. But I saw that he was at D and S’s house so I wasn’t particularly worried.)
So I check his location. He’s still at his grandmother’s. I send the text. It’s short enough that the preview would probably show him the whole thing, so no big deal if it’s not “read.” I check a bit later to see if he’s “read” the message or responded. Nope. He’s been gone for 3hrs now and I check to see if he’s on his way home. So I know whether or not to add the perscription only rat food stuff to my to do list. And his location is turned off. WTF.
So he saw my message. Didn’t respond. And turned location sharing off. Thanks. That makes me feel great. Does he want me to be upset? Does he want me to bring this up? I’m not going to because I don’t want agitate him or myself. I’m getting so tired of the passive aggression. Just tell me your pissed. 
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darin64 · 6 months
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Abundance 156.
María Pilar Díez Calderón Concavo/Convex, taking photos, first sight concavo, a throughly sight convex. Sight, natural sight. Does it link to gestalt? Health, hearing/acoustic pollution, humans accept it, humans live underthreat of acoustic pollution. Living acoustic pollution free. Night and day, night and day. Writing articles for a website about entrepreneurs, about public speaking, about…
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alastoe69 · 3 years
I'll remember ya too, darling.
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silvashapeshifter · 7 months
★.° 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 °.★
𝙷𝚒, 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚂𝚒𝚕𝚟𝚊 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝙾𝙲 /𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊).
I am french 🇨🇵, a music lover 🎶, a dragon lover 🐉, minor, someone who tries to draw and write ?
I'm more into traditional art, so you may see more art on paper than digital art on this account. I principally draw dragons, anthropomorphic animals (yeah you can call me furry if you want), skeletons (by skeletons I mean Sanses) and my OCs. Complex designs are, well, too complex for me-
I'm into Undertale / Deltarune (and UTMV), Wings of Fire, Warrior Cats, The Amazing Digital Circus, Hellaverse (Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss), a bit into FNAF, and The Nightmare Before Christmas, Good Omens.
⚠️ : NSFW, pedos, problematic shippers ((that ships inc*st, r*per x victim, p*dophilia, and that kind of stuff)) LGBTQ+phobes, racists, fatophobes, and actually any kind of hater and/or illegal stuff DNI PLEASE.
I will probably upload my art very slowly, and I do a lot of reblogs, but maybe one day I'll organize it all, if I have the courage to.
Stories / AUs I own :
• UnderThreat (Threat!Sans)
• UnderRevenge (Revenge!Sans)
• UnderLure (Spritze!Sans)
• UnderDizzy (Diz!Sans)
• A Tale Of an Astras (and it's AUs) → basically where all my furry OCs come from
• Beyond The Horizon → my big writing project, a story which takes place in a dragon world (it's inspired by WoF but it is NOT an AU).
To see my drawings
By the way, requests are closed but asks are open. I may take long time before answering, I'm a lazy dragon :'3.
⚠️ To the Palestinians in need of help that send me messages : I can't donate, so please know that the only thing I can do is making the GFM link active and give some visibility.
I think it's all for now, I'll try to refresh it often if I can.
Enjoy my blog !
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((userboxes made by @xxx-ang3l-w1th-a-sh0tgun-xxx ))
((for the "proshippers DNI" userbox, note that this term is used in the "problematic shippers" meaning. however, I do not support harassment, weather it's by antis or pros.))
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distanceandvector · 3 years
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telanganajournalist · 7 months
Are they targeting Venkateshwarlu Boya and his family with political pressure?
#VenkateshwarluBoya ##Underthreat రాజకీయ వత్తిల్లతో వెంకటేశ్వర్లు బోయను, అతని కుటుంబాన్ని టార్గెట్ చేశారా? అయ్యా బాబు నేను జర్నలిస్టుని, నాకు ఉస్మానియా యూనివర్సీటీ ప్రొఫెషనల్ డిగ్రీ ఉంది. 15 ఏళ్లు మీడియాలో పని చేశాను. ఐన్యూస్, వీ6, రాజ్ న్యూస్(సాటిలైట్ చానల్స్), యోయో టీవీ(ఐపీటీవీ) డీడీ యాదగిరి, టీఎన్ ఎన్(లోకల్ చానల్), జాతీయ మీడియాలలో పనిచేసిన అనభవం నాది. జోగులాంబ గద్వాల జిల్లా ఏపీఆర్ఓ విధుల్లో…
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chrismilliganphoto · 4 years
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Walking a fine line. Black Rhinos are very rare, on the brink for decades. We must pull them back. @rhinosirf @rhinolover.vn @rhinoafrica @conservationorg @africanimals #rhino #blackrhino #black #wild #wildlife #nammal #horn #savetherhino #bigfive #rhinoceros #safari #namibia #namibian #africa #african #nature #conservation #underthreat #criticallyendangered #endangered #rare #golddust #chrismilliganphoto https://www.instagram.com/p/CDAJJBLAshM/?igshid=y9rl184rcnfr
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maximumavoidance · 5 years
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#first #people #indigenous #wetland #birds #sacredibis #egret #underthreat the actions by governing bodies local, provincial and national 🍃 you 🤐... none of the more privilege white areas have #wetlands, these are #sanctuaries in #Khoekhoe communities which are easily #voicesinthedark #overlooked #sahorrorstory https://www.instagram.com/p/BvvVxZRB67Z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yey3mjqh6jks
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deborahstevenson · 7 years
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I just added a new piece of art to Saatchi Art! Under Threat
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ribaarchitect · 7 years
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HORNSEY TOWN HALL A large 🎄 adorns the courtyard garden of the old town hall which is currently used as an arts centre but controversially earmarked for redevelopment with considerable resistance to the proposals from the local community. The building was designed in the 1930’s by New Zealand born architect Reginald Uren and is an iconic landmark in Crouch End, North London https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hornsey_Town_Hall #hornseytownhall #iconicbuilding #landmarksoflondon #artscentre #classicbuilding #crouchend #london #underthreat #redevelopment #hotel #residential #designproposal #communityresistance #listedbuilding #1930s #heritage #christmastree #christmas #instachristmas (at Hornsey Town Hall Arts Centre)
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