#underverse I blame you. again you. and only you
soaked-ghost · 6 months
The fandom being ableist with Ink is so true actually and it's so unfortune really. People have been complaining about this since 2019 and still nothing fucking changed..
Also, there's a lot of tropes that this fandom uses with him and all of them somehow ties to 'disability' tropes. Like the 'evil and mean because of their disabilty', 'Ink provides character growth to other characters, but never himself', 'infantalized by everyone and treated as an animal', 'his lack of soul must be cured or he'll never be happy' or the 'becoming soulless is a fate worse than death etc..'
I'm aware that in Undertale, the interpretation of soullessness being some somekind of disabilty is purely interpetative and perhaps not even Toby Fox's original intention with this concept but with Ink however, it 100% is (i could even argue that comyet landed in some dangerous writing paths by making his condiction a clear parallel to disabilities, but this is for another day). Ink is totally unable to function without his vials canonically, as he's stated as being unable to move, interact, talk, think etc... If that's not a disability i don't know what it is.
I'm not EVEN going to talk about the horrible tropes people use for his vials (yes, a lot of them ties to ableist tropes about medications). Some people treat his vials as the most horrible and sad things ever, when it's like..... just medication?? What's so 'edgy' and 'horrible' about having to take medications anyways??
exactly!!!! EXACTLY!!!!!
u were able to word every single one of my thoughts in a single ask!!
The problem is that people have a WAY TOO EDGY perception of ink as a person, so anything connected to him is turned into something horrible and evil
Which is STUPID and DUMB because ink is literally supposed to be a nice guy
Take how people portray ink when he runs out of paint and becomes 'empty'. I've said this before but ink when he's 'empty' genuinely sounds like the lowest point of a depressed person. (And depression is considered a disability btw)
he becomes numb to everything around him, he can barely bother to care or move or speak, he's literally just super depressed in that state but people INSIST that it's actually creepy and spooky thing when he's empty :/
He's literally just feeling bad what is wrong with u.......
He never gets a chance to be good, he's always scheming something or thinking about stabbing people in the back, like ALWAYS. and when he's demanded an explanation he always gives the 'because I'm soulless' answer which bruuuuuuuuuh be for real.
This fandom has a loooooong history of just being plane bad at having takes about characters and also just having terrible media literacy
And about the point u've made about his vials being always dramatically edgy for no reason. Not only is it treated like the worse thing ever for a person to go through, have u guys noticed that even with his vials, his emotions are not 'real'? like his vials don't work or make him even more of a liar? and the 'artificiality' of his emotions when he takes his vials are always treated as bad?
Like bro those are his MEDS what are u insinuating??
His vials literally help him function!! what are u trying to say when ur telling me that it's bad because it's 'artificial'????
The problem with ink is that he is covered in layers and layers of misunderstandings, ableism, and a lack of understanding of themes and arcs.
What ink is supposed to represent is not that people without souls are evil and unredeemable!! he's supposed to represent that u can bounce back from ur darkest hours and live on a full happy life despite what might limit u!!
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opallyrie · 2 months
Hey there everyone, I know I have been inactive for a while so seeing me posting again might be a shock. Anyway, I am writing this to say that the harassment of others in a community is not okay and should never be tolerated. Some people think that just because you are on the other side of a screen it is okay to spew out whatever thoughts that come into your head, no matter how toxic. Those people need to realize that tearing down others just to build themselves up does not make them better than the person they are harassing and hurting. It just makes them look like jerks.
Today I found out that unfortunately Jael Peñaloza, a very talented creator in the Undertale fandom that many including myself; were inspired by, is taking a possibly indefinite hiatus due to malicious individuals who have been spreading hate and harassment towards her for quite some time. The fact it got to this point is unacceptable. I completely support Jael in her decision to take a break, it couldn't have been an easy choice to make. Mental health is no joke and I hope she takes all the time she needs and more to heal from this terrible experience. I am going to leave a link at the bottom of this post for those interested in getting the full details or those just wanting to show their support for Jael.
I would like to say that if you are one of the people who harassed and tore down Jael to this point, Shame is only the precursor to what you should be feeling. As regret and disgust at your own actions should follow soon after. You have completely twisted what being a member of this community should entail. Instead of supporting your fellow community members you tore them down, Instead of listening to reason you blocked out all rational thoughts and blindly cast blame, instead of showing kindness you were cruel in your words and actions. You all should reflect on these truths and try to better yourselves before you re-enter any fandom. If after reading this you still see nothing wrong with what you did then there is no place for you in my community or in this fandom.
Finally, to the Undertale community I want to say that even if Underverse doesn't come back the fandom will still be able to live on as long as we all keep creating and supporting one another. The Undertale fandom isn't just one fanwork, it is all of us together making art,stories and all sorts of wonderful fan works for the game we love. Stay determined.
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stargazeraldroth · 1 year
Okay so this MIGHT be weird but I had an idea for a very different version of Underverse that I wanted to share with someone??? I’m never gonna do anything with it (if you end up liking anything from this, as a prompt or idea or story or anything like that, feel free to take it!), but it’s one of those things I gotta get out, you know??? Hope this isn’t a bother!!!
Anyways, basic idea involves borderline platonic yandere Blue and Dream for Ink (because I’m a sucker for it, blame the prompt on AO3 that mentioned the idea), so for his “own good,” they’re the ones who ended up working with XGaster (I’m not sure how they’d meet him- maybe they went to help him that first time instead of Ink, because he was busy or something?) to cause the X-Event. I imagine that their whole reasoning would be them hoping XGaster being a creator in his own right would give them a way to get Ink out from under the thumb of the ones Ink normally has to deal with- Maybe they think there’s a chance the Overwrite button can do something? Or hell, maybe the reason is as simple as wanting to give Ink a soul and believing XGaster has the means to help them. I’m not actually sure!
Just. I don’t know? The idea of Underverse turning into one giant festival of suffering for Ink, as he gets hit with one betrayal after another from people he thought he could trust (Cross, Dream, and Blue). Then Error destroys the Multiverse, and everything just… Keeps falling apart from there.
Again, hope this isn’t weird or a bother- But I’d be interested in hearing what you think of an idea like this, or seeing where you’d take it, or anything like that. Either way, take care, and thank you for reading!!!
Anon, the only thing that's a bother right now is the fact my parents never told me they made another pot of coffee, so there's about half a pot going to waste. With that being said, I'm sorry if this is poorly written because I'm like. Running solely off caffeine from like 4-5 cups of coffee and stress from schoolwork. I was gonna wait to answer this until tomorrow morning, but then I remembered that I'm done work for the day and I have nothing else to do until I randomly go to sleep at like midnight, so.
I feel like I've said this a hundred times before, but even if I have, I'll say it again: I have a thing for platonic yanderes. I don't know what it is about them, but for some reason, I just love them. That goes for yandere characters in general, but that's not the point.
I'm gonna take this one at a time, hopefully it'll help me keep myself organized and I can actually form a coherent idea for once.
I find the idea of Dream and Blue meeting X-Gaster in Ink's place very interesting!! I'm a bit of a stickler for the idea that Ink would never endanger the AUs for whatever reason, no idea if that's canon or all, so this actually works in my favor. I haven't watched Underverse's early episodes in forever (don't think I ever even watched the X-Tale series, oop-), so my memory of why Ink made the deal with X might be a bit muddled.
Anyway, I think it's very believable that those two would want to take some of the workload off Ink's shoulders. They're supposed to be a team, let them help! Ink's a bit reluctant, not just anyone can do these kinds of jobs, but they're so eager to help... oh, alright, fine, you can take the job- but if anything happens, they need to inform him right away! They're absolutely going to do that, no doubt about it, 100%. (They have no intention on doing that)
Anyway, I think their intentions would start out genuine. They really just want to help Ink! They see how overworked he is and he's just one person, it's not right to make him shoulder all this responsibility. The two are wary of Creators due to some unfavorable members (if they found out 1/4 of the stuff I do to Ink for the sake of an AU, they'd have a bounty on my head), so they're not about to let Ink go and meet with one face-to-face. (Again, I have not been refreshed on Underverse lore, so if there's inconsistency I'm. So sorry) He seems to have good intentions, but they're still wary of him.
Actually, here's a potentially interesting idea: Dream and Blue don't start developing into yanderes until after meeting X. Something I usually go with is X-Gaster having his own kind of fixation on Ink, though not necessarily in a romantic or even platonic sense. He admires Ink's power and role, and the two pick up on that- especially Dream. And neither of them like it.
With that being said, I think it's inevitable that Ink would meet X himself at some point. Dream and Blue keep pushing it off, telling him they can handle it, but at some point he puts his foot down and goes to meet X. I think it'd be too complicated to have him not meet him, or maybe this will come back to bite me in the ass, I don't know!
But I'm glad you mentioned that they could be the ones who cause the X-Event, Anon. Using my stickler thing from before, Dream and Blue wouldn't have the same innate sense to weigh the pros and cons for the other AUs, or the AU itself. Sure, they have their moral compasses, but power corrupts people. Power leads to greed, as does greed lead to a hunger for power. And X can be very persuasive when he wants to be, I'm sure. I don't doubt that he would use their fondness for Ink to his advantage (hope I wrote that right), telling them that he can do so many things in return for their help: he can experiment and create Ink a soul of his own, and then he won't need those pesky Creators anymore.
(Or, maybe even better, X-Gaster dangles the possibility of "freeing" Ink from his duties as the Protector. He hints at the possibility of using the OVERWRITE to change Ink's Code, removing his connection to the Creators. All such tempting ideas... they only want what's best for their friend, don't they? Would they really pass up such an opportunity? So many possibilities to play with!)
I think this whole idea can lead to an interesting but painful story of Dream and Blue's obsessive behavior worsening, escalating to the point of becoming full-fledged yanderes. They can't let Ink know the truth about what happened with X-Tale! If he found out they've been keeping things from him... that they had a hand in what happened and what's now happening... oh... oh, he would hate them, wouldn't he? He'd want to stop being their friend! He- he'd leave the Star Sanses and he wouldn't work with them anymore! They can't have that! They can't live with that! They... they won't let him leave them like this!
This could lead to SO MUCH ANGST MATERIAL. Like- imagine the kind of stuff that would go down between Dream and Nightmare! Nightmare can sense so much guilt and shame from Dream, which is so... intriguing! And Cross would probably know about his involvement, considering X-Chara, and Nightmare would eat. That. UP! Dream, Mr. Hugs-&-Smiles himself, being linked to an entire world's devastation? Well, it wouldn't be the first time... (Apple Incident references go BRRRRR-)
From Ink's perspective, the story's probably escalating into a horror story tbh. Like you said Anon, he's getting one hit after the other: an AU was destroyed during the Truce, one betrayal after another, finding out about X-Gaster's madness, Dream and Blue going from liars/backstabbers (or whatever term you wanna use for them) to obsessed yanderes that would do anything to keep him to themselves, Error destroying the AUs... I haven't even talked about Error yet!
For once, I feel there isn't much to say about Error. I was going to say something about him being a yandere, too, but I felt like it took away from Dream and Blue being platonic yanderes. He would either be relishing in Ink's downfall or he'd be like "Damn, that sucks".
Ah, and now I raise another proposal: X-Gaster betrays Dream and Blue. This might be a given, but hear me out! X sticks to his proposal of using the OVERWRITE on Ink, but instead of cutting his connection to the Creators or giving him a soul (or whatever else he filled their heads with), he turns Ink into a relatively mindless weapon at his disposal. This would basically be the equivalent of Ink being blank in Underverse, but he's extra ruthless because X is the one in control.
I'll just let y'all soak with that idea at the end.
(Quick addition: Imagine a kidnapping scene. Let that cook.)
Looking at the post, I think I got everything I wanted to. Again, sorry if this is poorly written or not very cohesive. It's very late for me and I'm very tired, but I know I'm not going to sleep for another hour or so lol. I might revisit this idea tomorrow or something, see if I have any new ideas, but I think this is it for now.
Thank you, Anon, for your ask!! This was fun!!
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blackgoldaster · 4 months
(X)Gaster, Creators, and the Knowledge of being fictional
so, in an appearant fit of self destruction, i managed to read part of Xtales plot on a fanon wiki.... and well, i couldn't decipher all of it, but from what i understand, XGaster's motivation comes from not making a good enough AU...which appearantly drove him insane? And appearantly he uses everyone as puppets to try and create the perfect AU as a result.
But how is that any different from a real life creator? I myself suffer from perfectionism, and im sure many other people do to. We all create stories just to scrap them again, especially me. I was told making multiple versions of a story is part of the writing process...what makes XGaster overwriting each story any different from that? What makes him evil, when other creators arent?
it seems to be from the same logic of the people that blame the player for the games actions, while also villifying the player at the same time (or alternatively, frisk or chara). And yet, sans says something interesting, in that the no mercy route is done not out of a desire of good or evil, but because you can, so you have too.
that whole desire of not doing it out of good or evil...thats the thing that people keep forgetting. You dont magically become evil by killing all the enemies in a videogame, even if the game itself says so. The reason? Because the characters you mistreat are not real.
People love to villify the player, but strangely enough, not the creator. You know, the one who makes the story, the one above the player? Why is the player evil, but not the one who enabled the player, and all other evil in the story in the first place?
once again, because characters are not real. But say, what if a fictional character became aware that everything wasn't real? Like, actually became aware that everyone is just a figment of someone's mind, including themselves.
What if, the knowledge of everything being fictional, made them view it like us, the real people, and what if, the desire to create a good story is the same that we do? But don't forget, because the creator is also a character, their own feelings don't matter...which means the only reason they would create a story...
Is to entertain real people, aka us.
So now I ask the question, If a character knew that everything is fictional, and thus not real, whose own feelings don't matter, who only desires to entertain real people...
Would they still be evil then?
But thats the strange thing in the UT Multiverse, while the characters are very much aware of Creators existing, I almost never see it acknowledged that the multiverse is not real, or the sheer horror & nihilism the characters would realistically experience if they found out.
Sure, there is the occasional story that does, but those stories always end with "we feel real, so we are real, so the person who doesnt acknowledge us as real is the bad guy and we should hate them!"
and to put it bluntly, thats a really shallow take to an interesting philosophical question.
As for Xtale? Xtale/Underverse doesn't seem to acknowledge its AUs as "not real" or atleast dont show any nihilistic responses to it (to my knowledge). I find this quite a shame, 'cause well...
It would make Xgaster a much more compelling character in my opinion.
A creator who is identical to us in every way, with the exception that their fictional...imagine all the interesting philosophical questions that would arise. A fictional villain whose descent to villany is acting like a real person
But, thats complicated. Thats not what the surface view of canon implies. Of course we cant have that.
No, the fandom wants a villain they can unconditionally hate, maybe with a semi-sympathethic backstory thats unproportional to their actions, but a hatable villain nontheless.
first was Flowey, then Chara, then King, then Mike, and ofc the Knight & the Player, as well as the occasional Asgore & Alphys, but the scapegoat nobody recognizes as one, is Gaster, who has been villified from day one, and will probably remain so forever...
Which is a shame, not only cause that makes the stories far more shallow than they need to be, but also cause, well, Gaster is both an Undertale and Deltarune character, with meta knowledge, implied to be overseeing everything, so what would the next logical step be?
or in other words, what would make a truly self aware fictional character any more evil than us?
and once again...
what would make (X)Gaster any more evil than us?
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magicdreemurr17 · 3 years
Okay, can we just talk about how literally nobody acknowledges the potential trauma that XChara might hold regarding how Cross literally killed everyone he ever cared about in past timelines?
Asriel, his brother
Asgore, his "better father"
Toriel, his only Mother figure
Muffet, the girl his brother loved and who saved him and Frisk in Timeline Number IV
Undyne, his sensei
Frisk, his original brother
Mettaton, his and his brother's creation
Papyrus, his friend (and creation?) and Cross' "little brother"
I have this personal theory that XChara harbors resentment towards Cross, not just because he refused to help Frisk rebel against XGaster, but also for killing all his friends just for trying to help and protect Frisk. Not only that, but I think he's hiding this fear of losing them all over again.
Think about it, XChara basically had to watch them all die, just as he did in watching XGaster kill Undyne in Timeline Number V. Frisk was the only one between the two of them who had the power to stop Cross, and he couldn't because that was his best friend in a previous timeline. Chara was just guiding Frisk on what to do; it's not as if he could've physically done anything to subdue Cross. In the end, he watched everyone die all over again, including Frisk (which must've triggered some horrible memories from Timeline Number VII).
I think deep down, XChara might blame himself for not being strong enough to SAVE everyone, and that's probably why he might turn to the Original Universe's Frisk for help. His Determination wasn't enough to save his friends... so he needs someone who has already persevered through everything he has endured manifold.
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What do you guys think? Does Chara hold any trauma from that moment just as Cross does?
(Screenshot from Underverse 0.6)
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sleepyfan-blog · 6 years
Maybe Damaged Vocal Cords with Nightmare?
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Damaged Vocal Cords
First part here. Previous here.  
Fandom: Underverse
Characters and pairing: Nightmare, Dream, Dreammare
Warnings: cursing
Word count: 1,108
Summary:  Nightmare figures out that he’s injured.
Nightmare hadn’t realized this at first - likely due to the fact that he’d been struggling with awful headaches every time he remembered memories that had been suppressed by whatever the hell Ink and that Gaster had done to him to forcibly rip the Apples of Negative and Positive feelings from him a couple of weeks ago. Not that anyone but Dream was aware of the headaches and what they signified - the two of them couldn’t trust anyone with the knowledge that he was aware of the horrifying villain he’d been up until very recently. Not while Ink was still trusted by almost everyone they encountered.
Swap Sans, Fell Sans and Classic were the only ones - apart from Cross who had been deemed unreliable by everyone else had directly seen what Ink had really done. No one had seen Classic - and the other two had been killed by the Gaster. Well. Error had also seen what Ink and Gaster had done, but they knew for certain that he was captured and restrained still within X-Tale.
But Nightmare… Was struggling to speak. It took a great deal more effort for him to speak than it normally did. Not simply because most of the inhabitants of the Omega Timeline were incredibly wary of him - despite the fact that Ink had introduced him as a new ally, and that it was clear that he was much weaker than the multi-dimensional tyrant that they had all heard of and feared. He tended to be soft-spoken by nature, but he… He realized that he couldn’t speak loudly after he’d been trying to get a couple of Fell survivors to stop trying to fight Cross - who he’d manipulated and tricked into working for him while he’d been the Evil Gooplord.
His voice had cracked and faded. He’d flared his aura - pulling much of the mutual antagonism and building anger from Fell Undyne and Mettaton - as well as from Cross. The abrupt lack of negative emotions had caused all three of them to fall over and sit down in shock. Then Dream had come over, smoothing the misunderstanding. Nightmare had been a half-step behind his beloved, not quite touching the other, but ready to grab the other and teleport them out of there if they started to try to fight again.
He couldn’t do much, but he could try to keep Dream safe stars damn it. Nightmare had caused far too much of the other’s suffering for many centuries. The negative guardian realized that it actually hurt to speak - and more than just the fact that it was awkward as hell to try to talk to people who were still convinced you were evil… Not that he hadn’t been doing that for most of his life. Even before his desperation and foolishness had caused him to pull a positive apple from the tree in an attempt to prove himself just as good as Dream.
“Dream… I… May I speak with you for a moment?” Nightmare managed out, as he approached the other. His voice still hoarse as he resisted the temptation to massage a couple of his cervical vertebrae to alleviate the pain he was feeling. It wouldn’t help.
The several different versions of Alphys who Dream had been talking to all frowned a little and looked away from him, clearly unhappy that he’d cut into the tail end of their conversation.
“Hmm? Oh, always, Nighty!” The positive guardian responded, beaming brightly at him in a way that Nightmare was aware that the others were jealous of. Dream hugged him tightly before teleporting the both of them to an empty spot in the strange not-quite AU. Nightmare had realized that Dream smiled genuinely around him, and they had only begun to realize how much the other had been hiding from all of them.
It was going to cause a fight, sooner or later. Particularly as most of Dream’s smiles around the mortals were pale imitations of the real thing. But Nightmare couldn’t muster up the energy to care. He liked being able to make Dream smile and laugh like that. He also delighted in the many hugs that his beloved gave him, hugging the other back tightly. Nightmare eagerly hugged the other back. “I… I think that something’s wrong with my voice. Error told me right before Ink rescued me that I’d been screaming for a while…”
Dream’s eye lights vanished for a moment, and the other checked him, the other’s hands glowing a bright green with healing magic a couple of moments later “How long have you been hurting? You… You are injured, Nightmare… Please don’t hide this sort of stuff from me again. I… Have… H-have they been going after you again? I-I asked them not too…”
“No… No one in this timeline has tried to actively hurt me. They’re hostile and suspicious, but none of them have tried to hurt or kill me.” Nightmare reassured earnestly pressing a gentle kiss to the other’s teeth, wrapping him up in a hug. His voice immediately sounded better, stronger and it didn’t hurt to talk “I promise that if any of them do go after me, I’ll teleport away from them and either find you or hide until you come back. It’s just that whatever Ink did to me in order to make me like this caused the damage.”
Golden tears shimmered in Dream’s eye sockets and the other buried his face into Nightmare’s chest after a moment “I… I wanted you to come back to me… T-to be free of the corruption. I N-never wanted Ink to… T-to torture you back to the way you’re supposed to be.”
“I know that, darling. I won’t blame you for the actions of that soulless bastard. I didn’t when he first captured me, and I haven’t yet. I won’t ever.” The negative spirit soothed earnestly. He really wanted to know where the hell all of the apples that Ink and the Gaster had ripped from his magical core were, but so far their subtle efforts at trying to find them had failed utterly. It was either a direct confrontation with Ink, or attempt to sneak into X-Tale to try to find them there. Neither option was one that Nightmare liked very much due to the inherent danger in both options. The guardian of creativity promised that they were safe, but neither Dream nor Nightmare really believed the other. Whatever game that Ink and XGaster were about to begin, it didn’t bode well, and with the power that the apples held… It could make whatever dangerous, miserable bullshit that the two of them had planned much, much more deadly.
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bluefiresoul · 6 years
three brothers bios
Name: soul (sans) Age: 14 Gender: male Species: (blue wings) skeleton Lv: 50 Weakness: water Strengths: dark magic and fire magic Attacks: gaster blasters, light magic, fire magic, bones attacks, Energy blades. Base starts: hp: 2000. Power: 2000 Defense: 2000. Speed: unknown Birth Family: satos (dad) crystal (Mum) Soulless (oldest brother) looseer (the middle brother) Adopted family: ink sans Personality: kind hearted, puts everyone before him, get depressed when I'm on his own. Personality to strangers: Very wary, and very quiet. Personalty to friends Nice and friendly, over protective of them. Personally towards birth parents Hate his dad. Never met his mother Personality towards adopted parent: Friendly to ink Back story Soul was born in unfairly au. Everywhere is death on every corner. He was abused by his dad. I have used to the pain and fear that I have received from his dad. I have never met his mother. She was killed by his father. When he was 6 year old I met ink. Ink Took soul away from his au and his father and now I stay with ink. Ink been training soul for a couple of years now. Soul is now 14 year old. Soul protect the doodle sphere when ink goes out and when ink come back from his job. Soul go out to does his job. His job is to collect the soul fragments from destroy that error sans, nightmare sans and satos destroyed. Soul closest friend is Abyss sans and dream sans and chimera and heartbreaker and Laura. But one day some bounty hunters called Soul hunters and the death hunters come to look for rare indanger creatures so they can sell them or kill them. And right now they are bigger Target is soul. ------------------- Au info: Soultale is very dangerous for everyone who wants to go there because of the monsters and humans and demon who live there: they all have a lv around 50 or higher. But the au not used to be like this. It used to be a peaceful and safe and beautiful Place but now it's like hell. Everyone turn evil and sadistic and hatred and soulless demons all because of one monster no that demon destroy everything and everyone in this au And the demon go by the name satos. A skeleton with attempt on destroying the universe. satos did have a family. He had a beautiful wife name crystal and 3 are and they were name soulless, loose and soul. Soulless was the oldest out of his brothers Looseer is the middle brother And soul was the youngest brother. Satos killed his wife so he can try to kill his youngest they are just because he has blue wings. ------------------- Blue wings creature info: Blue wings Creatures are proper size to be the ones who can stop satos and the destruction of the underversus and Bring piece to everyone and everything. ------------------- Name: soulless (sans) Age: 25 Gender: male Species: (Demon) skeleton Lv: 79 Weakness: light magic and water magic Strengths: fire magic and dark magic Attacks: gaster blasters, dark magic, fire magic, bones attacks, Energy blades. Base starts: hp: 5000. Power: 5000 Defense: 5000 Speed: unknown Birth Family: satos (dad) crystal (Mum) Soul (youngest brother) looseer (the middle brother) Personality: mean to other people and monsters, get depressed when I'm on his own, ------------------ Back story: soulless is the oldest brother out of his family. When he was born. He was destined to rule the underworld and the underverse. The only love you have seen was of his mother but sadly she got murder by his father.because she was trying to protect his baby brother soul.he blaming himself for his mother's death. Because of this I have got stronger than ever. One day I was walking round in some au. He saw to brothers happy playing with each other. Then I thought to himself. I could use one of those kids to help destroy the underverse.he manage to get one of those kids. He asked what the kid name was and they said they were nightmare.soulless know that nightmare was being bullied by the humans and monsters and this plan that he was thinking about. I have concerns Nightmare to eat the negative apples and join him to destroy the underverse with him. ------------------- Au info: Soultale is very dangerous for everyone who wants to go there because of the monsters and humans and demon who live there: they all have a lv around 50 or higher. But the au not used to be like this. It used to be a peaceful and safe and beautiful place but now it's like hell. Everyone turn evil and sadistic and hatred and soulless demons all because of one monster no that demon destroy everything and everyone in this au And the demon go by the name satos. A skeleton with attempt on destroying the universe. satos did have a family. He had a beautiful wife name crystal and 3 are and they were name soulless, loose and soul. Soulless was the oldest out of his brothers Looseer is the middle brother And soul was the youngest brother. Satos killed his wife so he can try to kill his youngest they are just because he has blue wings. ------------------- Demon skeleton are pure evil creatures that come from the depths of hell and to come to wreak havoc and to capture the blue wings and kill them and they follow their master satos or they do not listen to satos they will be killed themselves. ------------------- Name: Looseer (papyrus) Age: 20 Gender: male Species: skeleton Lv: 50 Weakness: Electric magic. Strengths: life magic and Fire magic. Attacks: gaster blasters, water magic, fire magic, bones attacks, Energy blades. Base starts: hp: 4000 Power: 4500 Defense: 5000. Speed: 4000 Birth Family: satos (dad) crystal (Mum) Soulless (oldest brother) Soul the youngest brother) Personality: very serious when it comes to catching Demons or angels. Very protective of his team soul hunters specially when it comes to shade. His very grumpy and clam sometimes. Backstory: Looseer was abandoned by his family when he was 10 year old because of that he could not trust anyone after that. He had been traveling around the underground for a couple of years. When he was looking for food. I met a kind old lady and an old man.they saw how scared and hungry Looseer was. They took him in and adopted him. A couple of years and months pass.looseer when out to some Erines that is adopted parents wanted him to do but when he comes back. I've seen his home on fire. I have quickly run to his family and when I got there I found Demon standing over his dead family. I tried to save his family but he was not strong enough to kill the demon who killed them.the demon kick Looseer out. When I woke up. He saw two burned bodies in the corner of his eye. Rush other to them and started to cry his eyes out. Later that I have buried them and told them how much I have loved them. I have set off on his own again. As he went, he saw demons attacking some villages. Seeing that made him very mad. On that day he made A vowel to destroy all Demons and other evil creatures who hurt and kill the innocent. I met some other skeletons who had the same backstory as him.
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stargazeraldroth · 1 year
Aaahhh I’m! So glad you (and a few others!) liked my little Underverse AU idea! It means a lot to me, and seeing the idea blossom is so much fun- Thank you so much for making me smile so big!!!
I’m definitely with you on the whole “Ink wouldn’t endanger the AUs” thing, and it always rubbed me as off in the original Underverse… No hate meant to Jakei, of course! What they’ve done is amazing, their animation and art is absolutely gorgeous, and I can tell that they put a lot of heart and love into their creation! It’s just not something up my alley, you know…? Though 0.7 slaps, Ink/Fresh/Cross vs Error, Ink vs Fresh, and Fresh!Ink vs Error is my favorite sequence of events… So much fun, heh.
Anyways! I feel like a lot of avenues could open up with the idea you’ve laid out, here- I will say that I imagine this as a relatively nice (or doing his best to be!) Ink who doesn’t have any darker intentions, because I feel like that hurts more? Though obviously that’s open to interpretation!
But, like. How would Core!Frisk feature into this- I’m a sucker for platonic!Core and Ink, so I can’t help wondering what they’re thinking of everything going on. Have they been trying to help Ink, and maybe warn him that things are going south? Have they had to decide that they can’t risk the Omega Timeline getting involved with all of this, and been forced to watch a friend fall into a toxic trap? Do they care at all? They’re an interesting character to me, so I can’t help wondering!
And! Cross! My poor, misguided boy… I feel like he has a lot of potential to go a lot of different ways- Because once Blue and Dream’s betrayal becomes known, and they release XGaster, does he have a realization that he betrayed Ink, if only in a less personal way than they did? He hunted through the AUs and damaged them, knowing it would hurt someone who thought of him as a friend- What would he think of that? And depending on if you want brotherly!Cross and a Ink, I think it could go a lot of ways.
Error is a mixed bag, to me- He could absolutely be a yandere himself, and in that scenario, I could see him using Ink’s betrayal as a “ha, don’t you see I was right?” sort of moment. Because the people Ink cared for went behind his back in such an awful way, but he’s never done that, now has he? Alternatively, Error being the only sane man and going “well damn, I don’t like the guy, but that’s kinda fucked up” has some interesting potential in making him the overall… Hero? Or at least hero-aligned, since he might be trying to help Ink, now.
(Also, I just feel it’d be very funny, if he realized Blue and Dream caused the destruction of an AU and went “HEY WHAT THE FUCK THATS MY JOB-)
There’s just! So much to think about! And I’m so glad you enjoyed thinking about it! Make sure to take care of yourself, and thank you again for reading and thinking about my little idea!
I live for my brain to be consumed by AUs, I don't think there's even a logical side to my brain anymore /j.
Before I get more into this response, I wanna say that I'm not trying to bash Underverse either. I really do enjoy the series! I feel like Underverse is a big part of the AU community and I love that, it's just... I wish I could love it more, if that makes sense? I'm not placing any blame on Jakei, but I'm a firm believer that Ink's portrayal in Underverse has significantly contributed to the misconception of his character and the sheer amount of villainization (again, you know who you are). I think my favorite episode was actually 0.6, if I'm remembering correctly. That's the one with the Dream/Cross vs Killer/Nightmare battle, right? So many good cuts of Nightmare. 0.7 was good too, with all those juicy fights. Yum.
I don't really see Ink as a naive, wholly good character. I don't imagine him anywhere near as evil as other people do (y'all know who you are), but I don't see him as pure good either, like what I might imagine for Dream or CORE. However, I am very fond of the idea that Ink's been influenced by Dream and the others, and so he's better… but still not entirely good. He's still generally neutral and all, but he does make more effort to be considerate of others and have a better grasp of morals. Maybe this is a niche interpretation but he's my top comfort character, dammit. I'm gonna do what makes me feel happy and warm.
(I say as I torture him in numerous AUs)
Anyway, I do imagine this Ink to be nicer (or whatever word you wanna substitute that with) than the canon Underverse!Ink. Like I mentioned in the last one, I'm a stickler for the idea he wouldn't endanger AUs, buuuut... now that I'm thinking about it, wasn't part of his motives the Creators gradually leaving? Ink needs his paints to be "alive", if you will, and he won't get those if the Creators are gone. So if he becomes desperate, afraid of being forgotten (again), then... maybe he'd make a small exception? Perhaps? It's... for the greater good! I'm not gonna deviate from what I originally said too much, but I'm a sucker for angst- I'm sure there are some people here who can verify that statement.
I honestly didn't think of CORE very much when thinking of the idea. I know they're important to the story, I just... don't think about them very often lol. I'M SORRY CORE I STILL LOVE YOU-
From what I remember, CORE hates the concept of "the greater good". They're very against the idea of there being things as part of the grand scheme of the Multiverse, I believe. So they're going to be at a standstill here: obviously, they're not okay with Ink being manipulated, nor are they okay with what Dream and Blue were doing. But at the same time, they can't just risk the Omega Timeline. It's essentially the last safe haven in the Multiverse, in terms of being shielded from potential threats (let's just ignore Nightmare manifesting for a moment). As much as they despise the ideology of a greater good, they know they can't rush into this with their usual attitude. They know from experience that things don't always go the way you want, that people- no matter what your intentions may be- will be affected by what choices you make. (Maybe that can lead to some CORE backstory acknowledgment crumbs-)
Regardless of what choice CORE makes, I believe they would care about them still. They're just a little baby, just a little kid, give them a break!
I feel like Cross is becoming the primarily neutral character of this lol. I feel like he would have a lot of mixed emotions about the situation. On one hand, he could still be bitter towards Ink while also feeling guilt for his own betrayal. Depending on how emotionally damaged and exhausted he is, Cross might just feel pity and not much more. I think his dynamic with the other two Stars, especially Dream, would also come into play at this point. If he feels this awful about their betrayal, then... how does Ink feel...? I would ideally want the development of Cross and Ink becoming more brotherly with each other, but that's just personal bias.
And now, Error. Error, Error, Error... one of my favorite AUs. One of my skrunkles. My blorbos. My brainrot babes. There are things that I can't help but include when making an AU, and Errorink- or at least Errorink crumbs- is one of them.
First, let's consider the idea of Error being a yandere himself. This can either be a romantic yandere or a platonic yandere, personally I prefer the romantic one for Error. Generally speaking, even without the yandere trait, I do believe that Ink is the only Error considers "on his level". They're equals- one can never truly defeat the other. Error could definitely use the betrayal to his advantage, and try to tell Ink that he was always right about those anomalies. They took advantage of his trust, and now look at what's happened. But him? He'd never betray Ink in such a way. He's the only one Ink can trust. This could lead to some major angst when Error destroys the AUs, maybe also lead to Ink shutting down and considering giving up. And then Error can kidnap him (again)! Fun!
Now, we'll consider the one where Error isn't a yandere. This is probably the most generally favorable and can be a breath of fresh air amidst the two (three, if you wanna play with X-Gaster a bit) yanderes going after Ink. You know the situation's bad when Error- ERROR- is considered sane compared to you. I do like the idea of them being reluctant frenemies here; Error doesn't really like Ink, but damn, did he really deserve all of that? Especially if Error knows how much Ink truly depends on the Creators. I like the idea of them forming an unstable partnership for the time being. And who knows? Maybe, in this case, Error is one of the people keeping Ink from really hitting a breaking point.
I wonder what that would be like, Ink hitting a breaking point. Imagine all the juicy angst. Ink questioning if any of this even worth it, if trying to keep a Creator active was worth it. If he's worth it. Dream and Blue would frantically reassure him that he is worth it, no one wants him to fade away, but he just... doesn't really believe them. After what they did, how can they expect him to trust whatever they say?
Also, also! I am 100% supportive of the idea that Error takes offense to other people doing his "job". I absolutely LOVE that idea. I like to imagine that's what Ink does in AUs where the Balance is actually important, when Error's being lazy and doesn't wanna do anything. He's like "Hm, I guess I'll just find someone else to destroy the AUs" and suddenly, Error's working.
There's honestly so much that can be done with the concept of platonic yandere Dream and Blue being in Underverse. See, Ink never needed to worry about being forgotten or Creators leaving the Multiverse, because he's got me. I make so many AUs I should be getting paid for it.
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