#platonic yandere blue sans
stargazeraldroth · 9 months
Okay so this MIGHT be weird but I had an idea for a very different version of Underverse that I wanted to share with someone??? I’m never gonna do anything with it (if you end up liking anything from this, as a prompt or idea or story or anything like that, feel free to take it!), but it’s one of those things I gotta get out, you know??? Hope this isn’t a bother!!!
Anyways, basic idea involves borderline platonic yandere Blue and Dream for Ink (because I’m a sucker for it, blame the prompt on AO3 that mentioned the idea), so for his “own good,” they’re the ones who ended up working with XGaster (I’m not sure how they’d meet him- maybe they went to help him that first time instead of Ink, because he was busy or something?) to cause the X-Event. I imagine that their whole reasoning would be them hoping XGaster being a creator in his own right would give them a way to get Ink out from under the thumb of the ones Ink normally has to deal with- Maybe they think there’s a chance the Overwrite button can do something? Or hell, maybe the reason is as simple as wanting to give Ink a soul and believing XGaster has the means to help them. I’m not actually sure!
Just. I don’t know? The idea of Underverse turning into one giant festival of suffering for Ink, as he gets hit with one betrayal after another from people he thought he could trust (Cross, Dream, and Blue). Then Error destroys the Multiverse, and everything just… Keeps falling apart from there.
Again, hope this isn’t weird or a bother- But I’d be interested in hearing what you think of an idea like this, or seeing where you’d take it, or anything like that. Either way, take care, and thank you for reading!!!
Anon, the only thing that's a bother right now is the fact my parents never told me they made another pot of coffee, so there's about half a pot going to waste. With that being said, I'm sorry if this is poorly written because I'm like. Running solely off caffeine from like 4-5 cups of coffee and stress from schoolwork. I was gonna wait to answer this until tomorrow morning, but then I remembered that I'm done work for the day and I have nothing else to do until I randomly go to sleep at like midnight, so.
I feel like I've said this a hundred times before, but even if I have, I'll say it again: I have a thing for platonic yanderes. I don't know what it is about them, but for some reason, I just love them. That goes for yandere characters in general, but that's not the point.
I'm gonna take this one at a time, hopefully it'll help me keep myself organized and I can actually form a coherent idea for once.
I find the idea of Dream and Blue meeting X-Gaster in Ink's place very interesting!! I'm a bit of a stickler for the idea that Ink would never endanger the AUs for whatever reason, no idea if that's canon or all, so this actually works in my favor. I haven't watched Underverse's early episodes in forever (don't think I ever even watched the X-Tale series, oop-), so my memory of why Ink made the deal with X might be a bit muddled.
Anyway, I think it's very believable that those two would want to take some of the workload off Ink's shoulders. They're supposed to be a team, let them help! Ink's a bit reluctant, not just anyone can do these kinds of jobs, but they're so eager to help... oh, alright, fine, you can take the job- but if anything happens, they need to inform him right away! They're absolutely going to do that, no doubt about it, 100%. (They have no intention on doing that)
Anyway, I think their intentions would start out genuine. They really just want to help Ink! They see how overworked he is and he's just one person, it's not right to make him shoulder all this responsibility. The two are wary of Creators due to some unfavorable members (if they found out 1/4 of the stuff I do to Ink for the sake of an AU, they'd have a bounty on my head), so they're not about to let Ink go and meet with one face-to-face. (Again, I have not been refreshed on Underverse lore, so if there's inconsistency I'm. So sorry) He seems to have good intentions, but they're still wary of him.
Actually, here's a potentially interesting idea: Dream and Blue don't start developing into yanderes until after meeting X. Something I usually go with is X-Gaster having his own kind of fixation on Ink, though not necessarily in a romantic or even platonic sense. He admires Ink's power and role, and the two pick up on that- especially Dream. And neither of them like it.
With that being said, I think it's inevitable that Ink would meet X himself at some point. Dream and Blue keep pushing it off, telling him they can handle it, but at some point he puts his foot down and goes to meet X. I think it'd be too complicated to have him not meet him, or maybe this will come back to bite me in the ass, I don't know!
But I'm glad you mentioned that they could be the ones who cause the X-Event, Anon. Using my stickler thing from before, Dream and Blue wouldn't have the same innate sense to weigh the pros and cons for the other AUs, or the AU itself. Sure, they have their moral compasses, but power corrupts people. Power leads to greed, as does greed lead to a hunger for power. And X can be very persuasive when he wants to be, I'm sure. I don't doubt that he would use their fondness for Ink to his advantage (hope I wrote that right), telling them that he can do so many things in return for their help: he can experiment and create Ink a soul of his own, and then he won't need those pesky Creators anymore.
(Or, maybe even better, X-Gaster dangles the possibility of "freeing" Ink from his duties as the Protector. He hints at the possibility of using the OVERWRITE to change Ink's Code, removing his connection to the Creators. All such tempting ideas... they only want what's best for their friend, don't they? Would they really pass up such an opportunity? So many possibilities to play with!)
I think this whole idea can lead to an interesting but painful story of Dream and Blue's obsessive behavior worsening, escalating to the point of becoming full-fledged yanderes. They can't let Ink know the truth about what happened with X-Tale! If he found out they've been keeping things from him... that they had a hand in what happened and what's now happening... oh... oh, he would hate them, wouldn't he? He'd want to stop being their friend! He- he'd leave the Star Sanses and he wouldn't work with them anymore! They can't have that! They can't live with that! They... they won't let him leave them like this!
This could lead to SO MUCH ANGST MATERIAL. Like- imagine the kind of stuff that would go down between Dream and Nightmare! Nightmare can sense so much guilt and shame from Dream, which is so... intriguing! And Cross would probably know about his involvement, considering X-Chara, and Nightmare would eat. That. UP! Dream, Mr. Hugs-&-Smiles himself, being linked to an entire world's devastation? Well, it wouldn't be the first time... (Apple Incident references go BRRRRR-)
From Ink's perspective, the story's probably escalating into a horror story tbh. Like you said Anon, he's getting one hit after the other: an AU was destroyed during the Truce, one betrayal after another, finding out about X-Gaster's madness, Dream and Blue going from liars/backstabbers (or whatever term you wanna use for them) to obsessed yanderes that would do anything to keep him to themselves, Error destroying the AUs... I haven't even talked about Error yet!
For once, I feel there isn't much to say about Error. I was going to say something about him being a yandere, too, but I felt like it took away from Dream and Blue being platonic yanderes. He would either be relishing in Ink's downfall or he'd be like "Damn, that sucks".
Ah, and now I raise another proposal: X-Gaster betrays Dream and Blue. This might be a given, but hear me out! X sticks to his proposal of using the OVERWRITE on Ink, but instead of cutting his connection to the Creators or giving him a soul (or whatever else he filled their heads with), he turns Ink into a relatively mindless weapon at his disposal. This would basically be the equivalent of Ink being blank in Underverse, but he's extra ruthless because X is the one in control.
I'll just let y'all soak with that idea at the end.
(Quick addition: Imagine a kidnapping scene. Let that cook.)
Looking at the post, I think I got everything I wanted to. Again, sorry if this is poorly written or not very cohesive. It's very late for me and I'm very tired, but I know I'm not going to sleep for another hour or so lol. I might revisit this idea tomorrow or something, see if I have any new ideas, but I think this is it for now.
Thank you, Anon, for your ask!! This was fun!!
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
can you please write yandere alphabet for sans from undertale?
I can try, sure! Doing this mostly from memory so I hope you enjoy!
Yandere Alphabet - Sans
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Stalking, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Jealousy, Violence, Kidnapping, Isolation, Trauma, Poor mental health, Fear of loss, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
I feel classic Sans leans more into overprotective territory than anything, although he could also fall into possessive territory. For the most part Sans would be very laid-back and not much of a threat. Which means most of the time he isn't that intense.
However, I feel Sans has moments where he can be intense. He hides them well and for the most part is the usual carefree skeleton around you. But there always seems to be an aura of something dangerous with him.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Sans prefers to keep things easy and stress free. Him being messy would only happen if he was pushed to it. Which doesn't happen often...
When it does, however...
He may not accept mercy.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Sans would treat you well if he ever did have to isolate you in such a way. He feels there's no need to mock you, not if he genuinely cares about you. Every need is tended to and you're in safe hands.
Even if you blame and hate him... he promises he still loves you.
He tries not to but his actions may come off that way.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
I wouldn't really say Sans is all that vulnerable. After all he's seen he's most likely not. Rather hardened, actually. But he will try his best to show he cares and to show you how much you mean to him.
Although that's not to say he won't have vulnerable moments, like in the sense of a mental breakdown.
Upset but he's understanding. He knows what it's like to not be in control. But he assures you... what he's doing is far better than what he's gone through.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
No and he doesn't.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Seeing him snap. He doesn't want to hurt you but he may do it by accident. You've never seen him at his full power, you don't want to.
But nothing good can come from him when that eye sparks blue....
You've never seen him fight, so when he gets into a fight or shows signs of hitting a breaking point around you... that may be your worst experience.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He wants to have someone he knows he won't lose. He wants to protect you. He wants to keep you with him as long as he can.
But with the possibility of RESET around every corner... he worries he'll never get that.
Maybe and he might lash out but most of the time he silently copes instead.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Overprotective, Subtle Manipulative, Slightly Possessive, Caring, and Laid-back. He seems like he'd be mostly docile... but may have moments where you see the truth.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
I imagine when he meets you and befriends you he keeps an eye on you. He teleports around to meet you and always seems welcoming. He doesn't seem all that bad.
Even when he expresses distaste towards others around you he still manages to stay so nice and comforting around you. Despite small outbursts, he may make you gravitate towards him. You can trust him... he only means well...
But by the time you realize his behavior is suspicious...
He already has you locked in his room.
His true nature? Yes.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Isolation, maybe a bone cage. He refuses to hurt you... but he isn't against restraining you.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Not many, for the most part he wants to give you your freedoms... unless he feels he can't.
Surprisingly patient, actually.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He might not... although he could always wait for another RESET to try again, right?
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
A little and maybe. But you're still never out of his sight.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Trauma, the RESETS, he may not want to lose anymore loved ones so he fixates on you.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He feels bad and tries to help make you feel better. But if you need space... he understands and leaves you be.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Reciprocating his feelings is the only way I can think of.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He isn't a worship yandere but he clings around a lot. He would do anything to keep you with him.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He can wait awhile... but I'd say months.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
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trancylovecraft · 10 months
Previous Chapter ☆♡☆ Masterlist ☆♡☆ Next Chapter
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CHAPTER SEVEN: "The souvenirs of a lost country, the hope of a promised land. This divorce between the woman of her life-"
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A scar is apart of the wound repair system in the skin, Being a natural part of the healing process. Things such as stabbings or slices are known to leave rather large and noticeable marks.
"Okay.. So start from the beginning, Take your time and make sure to be as detailed as you can!"
A wooden chair dragged forward with a screech towards the side of the bed, Mitsuri promptly sat herself down on it. Front facing the chair and her head resting on the backrest with a happy-go-lucky grin.
It was early morning, The warm sun only hung just over the distance.
Tender white clouds were woven on the far horizon leaving the rest of the elysian blue clear as acrylic glass. The windows were open in the butterfly mansion to let a feather-like breeze float its way into the room.
A sharp ray of sunlight was brought in too, Shedding light into the unlit room. Particles of dust and fluff floating through were made lucent in the shine as it overlooked the two women.
Mitsuri clicked her pen and readied her notepad with a happy hum.
The chartreuse of her irises were speckled with a star-like glow, A kind of glow that hadn't been present in weeks and burned like the sun.
Maika could near feel it's tender yet scalding warmth when she looked up from her bed as the woman spoke again.
"Go on now! Make sure to not leave anything out, Okay?" Mitsuri spoke with a peppy outgoing tone, One that contradicted her previous demeanour when Maika first greeted her. The bags that were under here eyes were gone along with the mess of her strawberry locks, Now neatly tied into nicely made braids.
Maika clicked her tongue, Trying to recollect her thoughts.
"Well.. It all started when I traversed down to the village in search of herbal medicines. [F/N]-sama had chest pains at the time and we were out of any remedies so I had volunteered to go and get some for her.." She started. A hand was rested on her chin in an mime of thought.
Mitsuri nodded and hummed, Quickly scribbling down something onto the paper in front of her.
"Go on!" She pipped, Continuing to write.
Maika nodded.
"At the time I had brought a Kakushi with me on [F/N]-sama's orders.. We had gotten down to a stall and the merchant and the Kakushi got into a fight. When I backed off.. I.. I was suddenly yanked into an alleyway." Maika said as her eyebrows lowered.
Mitsuri raised her eyes over the notepad, Proceeding to write yet her attention partly dragged itself to Maika at the light of new information.
"It was.. It was Uppermoon six, I.. H-He held me by neck and asked me about the Kakushi I was with.." Maika's voice grew softer as she recalled the memories.
Mitsuri clicked her pen and nodded.
"I'm so sorry to hear that. It must of been awful for you being in that kind of situation, I can barely imagine it myself!" Mitsuri laughed airily, A way of trying to breaking the tension "The new Uppermoon six was mentioned in the report filed by Himejima-san, What happened next? If it's too much we can try this again in ten minutes?"
Maika looked back up at Mitsuri, Obligation already present in her eyes.
"No! No.. I want to be of help, I want to make sure I can tell you everything while its still fresh in my mind." She rebutted, The fire in her eyes didn't quite match Mitsuri's but that didn't mean it didn't put up a fight.
Mitsuri's smile spread.
"Kyah~! You're really admirable, Heihachiro-san. I appreciate your determination a lot you know." Mitsuri squealed, Voice sweet as parfait.
A faded flush rose up on Maika's cheeks, She smiled shyly.
"T-Thanks.. Well.. Anyways, I was able to escape by stabbing him in the neck with the Kaiken all of the shrine-maidens carry around.. I ran out into the street and met up with the Kakushi.. Not for long though as the Uppermoon quickly caught up to us." Maika said.
"And how did you escape?" Mitsuri queried, Leaning further towards her.
Maika inhaled, Taking in a deep breath.
"Well, Before I did he attacked me. Sliced me on the back and injured me pretty badly.. The Kakushi was able to distract him and he ordered me to run. I didn't want to but I had no other choice, So I did.. I ran off into the mountain" Maika replied.
Mitsuri followed up her explanation with a quick squiggle onto the notepad, A single brow comically furrowed while she sung a quick song under her breath.
"The Kakushi.. Right! And after that you were able to make it all the way back to the shrine in time to see [F/N]?" Mitsuri asked once more. The fire in her eyes stoked as soon as she mentioned the name.
Maika paused for a second, Trying to recall what happened. The entire thing was a snowy blur, The mist on the mountain that day was now clouding her memories as she looked back with a hazy eye.
"Erm.. I.. I can't remember how I got back, The most I remember was a general direction and a will to live I guess.." Maika chuckled. "But before I knew it I was there, And suddenly a a wall collapsed onto me. I don't know how much time passed after that but next I know there was Fujimori-sama and the demon fighting."
Mitsuri's breath hitched. The point after she had been dragged off by Seijun, The point where everything fell into obscurity. None of fact or knowledge but instead theory and assumption.
[F/N] was eaten, That was the general consensus. It was one that made Mitsuri feel sickened, One that made her keel over and her head spin. It was the only rational explanation due to the body being missing. It was the only reasonable one because there was no one there to see it happen.
No one except Maika.
"They had been fighting for a while it looked like. Eventually it reached this sort of peak and Fujimori-sama went in for a neck slice.."
"And..?" Mitsuri mumbled, Leaning even forward on baited breath as she waited for Maika to finish.
"And.. And.. The demon cut open her stomach, [F/N].. She fell to the ground next to me, Laying against the wall bleeding out…" Maika spoke softy, Sensing it would be a tough topic for the woman perched over her bedside.
Mitsuri's smile gradually turned into a frown as the maiden spoke, Her lip trembled as it morphed into a frown. She steadied her breathing when it picked up once more, Keeping a steady rhythmic flow in her lungs.
A demon actually able to defeat [F/N]? Unheard of! If Mitsuri was told so a few months ago she would of waved it off as heresy. But now with everything that's happening, It didn't sound so unbelievable now.
She had been injured badly by the sounds of it. Cutting open her stomach Maika said, The mere thought made Mitsuri bite her tongue. It was worded like it was fatal but..
"Yes.. Yes I see.. But you said that [F/N] is alive.. R-Right?" Mitsuri's voice quivered.
Maika paused for a second before slowly nodding.
"I had lost a lot of blood at that point so it's a little fuzzy but I had went over to her side to see if she's okay.. Fujimori told me to hide myself in the rubble.. I did as she said and a few moments later the demon had came out from the smoke." Maika said.
Mitsuri clicked her pen once more, Her cheery attitude before had dissolved into something more serious as the conversation took a darker tone. She wrote down a few more sentences, Dotting down what Maika said with careful importance.
"He had walked up to her, He.. He went on some long-winded rant I think.. Insulting him and.. And her haori, Yes.. He took interest in her haori." Maika said. The entire thing was fresh in her mind yet it felt so underdeveloped inside.
"And..?" Mitsuri prodded
"And then he went to take off her mask.. It.. I don't know how it happened but suddenly Fujimori-sama had became [F/N].. I.. It happened in a blink of an eye, But then.. Then the demons entire demeanour just.. Changed.." Maika said.
"How so?"
"The way he felt.. It was so intimidating before, It felt powerful and.. And absolutely terrifying but once he had lain his.. eyes.. On her face he just.. He reached out and cupped her cheek then he just.. Started crying." Maika explained.
As she spoke disbelief was flooding her voice like a broken dam, Mitsuri felt washed away by it too. What Maika said? It didn't make sense..
"He was silent then.. He screamed, It was so loud and guttural it.. It sounded so painful and animalistic then he just picked her up and held her in his arms. Suddenly Uppermoon six was summoned to him and then they just left.. With her in the arms of that demon." Maika mumbled.
Mitsuri at this point was stunned speechless, The scribbling on the notepad had stopped a good while ago in favour of processing this new information. A demon, One that seemed to have some authority over another Uppermoon.. What changed once he unmasked her?
A demon crying was near unheard of, Only in their last moments were they ever reported to show such emotion. Did the demon recognise [F/N]? But how? Mitsuri knew her better than anyone, If she had any contact with a demon she would of known.
But to be fair, Her failing to know was how she was in this situation in the first place. Mitsuri couldn't be sure.
"I'm sorry but.. After that I don't remember much, I.. I might of passed out but all I know now is that I'm here, Explaining what happened to you.." Maika murmured. While she knew she explained most of what she knew a part of her ruminating in her chest felt as if it wasn't enough, As if it wasn't helpful at all.
Mitsuri shook her head.
"No, No! Don't be sorry, You've been extremely helpful and I'm so glad that you're okay. I'm just gonna ask one or two more questions and then I'll be out of your hair, Thank you so much!" Mitsuri comforted.
Her hand snaked over to Maika's which lain limp by her bedside, Mitsuri's fingers wrapped around Maika's palm and held it with a tight yet comforting grasp.
"Right.. That's fine.." Maika smiled lightly, It was nice to get some reassurance after everything's events.
"Alright.. So the demon in question, Could you please explain to me what he looked like?" Mitsuri asked.
Maika squinted her eyes, Trying to get a good picture of the culprit in her mind. He was the kind of demon who could be mistaken for human on first glance but a few details stuck out immediately like a dandelion in an orchid field.
Maika rubbed her chin, Piecing the portrait together.
"Well.. He was tall, Erm.. Human looking, Spiky ponytail, Hakama and purple kimono.. Uhm.. Ah-" Maika shot up, Seemingly remembering something. "Right.. Right, How could I forget.. He had six eyes. I.." Maika trailed off suddenly lost in thought. Mitsuri flipped a page in her notepad and jotted down the description of the assailant.
Powerful, Definetly, Especially if he could take down [F/N]. Being able to defeat her spoke miles in strength.
"Six eyes?" Mitsuri asked.
"Yes.. Yes and- OH!" Maika exclaimed, Taking a loud gasp which instantly made her start to cough up from the sudden jerk of her body.
"What, What's wrong?" Mitsuri asked, Squeezing Maika's hand in a futile attempt to console her sudden outburst. Maika wheezed lightly, Fixing her breath and speaking with a hoarse voice.
"T-There was kanji in his eyes, He wasn't just any demon.. He was Uppermoon one." She rasped, The hand holding Mitsuri's squeezed tighter as he free hand moved up to her throat to check.
Mitsuri paused mid inhale. Her eyelids expanding at the final syllable as she stared down at Maika, Seemingly mulling over the information as it started to churn in her head.
She made no movement for only a moment, All before slowly nodding.
Uppermoon one. [F/N] was kidnapped by Uppermoon one.
It seemed ridiculous, It seemed like a pipe dream with smoke rising up in the air, Easily wafted away by the stroke of a hand. Mitsuri wanted it to be a result of mistake or blood loss, An accursed mirage caused by delirium.
But it added up. The demon was able to wage victory against [F/N], Uppermoon six seemed subservient to him and everything Maika had testified thus far made sense. Mitsuri didn't want it to be true.
But she took a deep breath, Held it for a moment before exhaling out. But she needed to accept the reality. According to Maika, Her best friend was kidnapped by Uppermoon one. For what reason she didn't know and dearly wanted to.
"Right, Okay.. I.. I see. Thank you so much for your help, I can't express how much I appreciate this, Heihachiro-chan!" Mitsuri warbled. Her same peppy smile rising back on her face as she got up from her chair. She placed the paper and pen into her obi, A makeshift pocket.
"I'll leave you to rest now, I truly hope you make a full recovery soon! Take care, Okay?" Mitsuri quickly bowed down in a polite gesture of gratitude, Hand slipping away from Maika's as they went down to her knees.
Maika nodded.
"Alright then.. Stay safe!" Maika called out to Mitsuri as she walked away, Already at the door The Love Hashira turned back and waved her farewells.
"Bye, Bye!" Was the last thing she said before stepping out the door and shutting it behind her, Leaving Mitsuri alone within the long winding hallways of the butterfly mansion.
As soon as the door shut with a resounding click! she was left only to hear the loud noise of the silence.
Mitsuri propped herself up against the door, Back hitting the maple and supporting her up like a harness. She breathed in and out, Trying her best to keep the rhythmic beat of her heart to a minimum.
But it was fruitless. Mitsuri's cheeks grew a shade of blossom, Her hands slapping the sides of her face as she squealed in euphoria.
She pushed herself up from the door. Mitsuri couldn't contain the sheer exhilaration pumping through her bloodstream as she spun around, A way to exert the happiness as her braids trailed behind her gliding movements.
[F/N] was alive. She was really alive.
Her attempt had failed. Mitsuri knew that it wasn't completely confirmed, The demon had taken her, What happened after was a mystery. But if he had taken her he must of wanted her alive for some reason, Right?
Mitsuri paused in her movements, The smile on her face near ear to ear as she tried to cool down the inferno of her blush.
A voice called out from down the hallway, Snapping Mitsuri out of her ecstasy and guiding her head to the left.
Shinobu walked down the passageway, Head held high with a small smile and glossy eyes as they spied Mitsuri. She looked content, Yet Mitsuri could see the curious gleam under the morning light.
"Shinobu-chan!" Mitsuri greeted, Prancing lightly over towards Shinobu and stopping in front of the shorter woman with a swing in her step and her hips as she stood in front of Shinobu.
"Mitsuri, You're in a good mood." Shinobu commented, Cocking her head to the side.
Mitsuri hummed lightly.
"Really? Is it that obvious…? Oh who am I kidding, Of course it is!" Mitsuri exclaimed, Jumping up and down on the spot as she hummed. Shinobu smiled in return, The change in mood from yesterday was drastic.
It was good, She seemed to be back to her old self. Though there was a reply to that observation, Only one thought going through Shinobu's mind at the moment.
But at what cost?
"I suppose Heihachiro-san had some good news?" Shinobu queried to which Mitsuri quickly nodded.
"Yeah! Well.. As good as it can be I guess but the main thing is that [F/N] is alive! I feel so happy right now, I just can't contain it!" Mitsuri grinned, Swaying her hips side to side.
Shinobu clicked her tongue.
"Do you mind giving me the rundown?" She asked.
"Ah, Yes.. Hold on!" Mitsuri nodded quickly. Her hand instantly stuffed itself in the side of her obi and tried to fish out something stuffed inside it. Shinobu wondered to herself why on earth she was holding things in there before Mitsuri pulled out a little notepad and pen.
"Here you go!" Mitsuri announced, Holding out the notepad out to Shinobu to take with a grin. Shinobu took the item into her hands and started to flick through the pages.
Mitsuri watched on as Shinobu looked through her writing, Mumbling out the words as she read the scribbled writing. Shinobu raised a brow as she reached the end of the verse.
"Kidnapped? By Uppermoon one of all demons.." Shinobu gawked, Eyes fixed to the sentences as she read it over a second time.
"Great, Right?" Mitsuri responded with glee, A reply that felt unfitting for the news of her best friend being maimed and whisked away by one of the most elusive figures within the slayer's world.
Shinobu's brows lowered.
"Mitsuri-chan.. If what your reporting is true then you do understand the implications of her kidnapping, Correct?" Shinobu inquired. But by the looks of Mitsuri's slowly shrinking smile, Shinobu didn't even need the answer she gave.
"Of course I do, But don't you get it? [F/N] is alive, She's not dead! It's good news, Don't you see?" Mitsuri said, The gleeful spark in her voice seemed to dim only a little bit. It was still present yet it definetly faded.
Shinobu sighed.
"Yes, I do. But she was taken for a reason. What if she was taken for information, What if she was being tortured-"
Shinobu cut herself off, Pausing to find the right words to say.
"..What if she has been turned into a demon, What will you do then?" Shinobu asked lowly, Her voice only kept between them. The prospect of [F/N] being turned into a demon was a real possibility, If she was then the indications would not look good. Both for the two of them and the demon slayer corps themselves.
Mitsuri looked at Shinobu dead in the eyes, The malachite hues shone under the sun. Near burning with fire of the same calibre.
"Then I guess I'll just need to ask where Tanjiro-san got his box." Mitsuri replied so casually that it took Shinobu off guard, The corners of her lips quirking if only for a moment before turning back into that same porcelain smile.
"I see.." Was all Shinobu said as Mitsuri walked past her, Off to somewhere Shinobu didn't know. Mitsuri turned back to Shinobu, Giddy grin reappearing on her face.
However when Mitsuri's shoulder brushed past Shinobu's, She stopped in her tracks. Her face was unable to be seen by the shorter woman, Her eyes not looking back at Mitsuri's.
"I failed [F/N] once, Shinobu… I'm not going to fail her again, Never.. Never ever again." Mitsuri whispered.
That was all she said, Footsteps picking back up as she walked down the hallway.
"We'll talk soon, Have a good day Shinobu-chan!" She called out, Then turned the corner and walked away.
The silence reverberating down the hallways was nigh-unbearable, A drone that stopped at a stand still and seemed to never continue on.
The sawdust scent burned at the tip of [F/N]'s nose, Her eyes wide and aware of the demon in front of her. His presence catching her off guard, Not expecting to see another soul wandering about the confines of her birdcage.
Upper three appeared to share the sentiment, His face mimicking her own expression perfectly if not for the demonic features prominent on his visage. Sharp fangs shining under the light, Cracked glass eyes that seemed to burn into her and sharp navy stripes wrapping around his entire body.
"You.. What are you doing here?"
His voice called out, Slightly echoed within the high walls of the corridor. It sounded fairly deep, A hint of a boyish tone under the serious and accusing hiss near spat out from his throat.
[F/N] stared him down. The sharp inhale she took stuck in her lungs as she looked over him, Judging his stature to his clothing all the way to the angles that made up his cruel face.
But.. She didn't feel scared.
Kokushibo felt like a firm hand of authority, A dark presence that just dripped in power. It was one that could make any person tremble in fear regardless of status, The sheer aura that radiated from his soul made [F/N]'s insides turn and want to puke.
But it was different with this one. He didn't command authority or did he have any overwhelming presence (At least, Not for someone like [F/N]). While it was powerful in its own right it instead felt more accusing than anything, And strangely enough it didn't feel threatening or dangerous.
It infact felt similar. The first impression of his looks and the read she got off of his aura reminded her a lot of certain boys from her childhood, One's which memories made Goosebumps raise up on her skin and her fingers itch in irritation.
And they were something she could handle.
"What am I doing here? What are you doing here?" [F/N] responded, Folding her arms and trying to keep up a tough demeanour in front of him to try and hold some ground. The annoyance in her voice a second-nature to the demon's behaviour.
She thought she was alone here, That it was just her and her captor but now as [F/N] glared at him she now knew that it wasn't the case.
The demon's nose scrunched up at her response, Offended at her audacity to ask her of such. His teeth started to bare a little more, Gums barely showing out from under his dry lips with his eyes narrowing to a sharp tipped glare.
"Do not question me, What are you doing here? Who are you? This place isn't meant for any kind of human being, How did you get in here?" He hissed, Taking a single slow step towards her, One that echoed out from the sheer weight.
[F/N] backed up foot in tandem with him, Keeping them both at equal distance. She pinched her temple, Groaned once before mumbling under her breath a string of curses.
"Okay.. Number one, I don't even want to be here. Number two, My name is [F/N] Fujimori" She started.
"Number three, I don't even know how I was brought here, I don't even know where 'here' is so if you could enlighten me then that would be great!" [F/N] replied, Mimicking the demon's hiss in a sarcastic mockery yet it held the dragging undertone of desperateness.
[F/N] didn't even know where she found the guts to speak to upperrank three like this, She figured it was probably the built up agitation from the past few.. Well, She had no idea how long it had been. She only knew the mix of anger, Hopelessness and melancholy fester inside her like an illness.
The demon gawked, Maybe it was at the new information provided to him or maybe it was the gall she had to speak to him that way. Either way however, He felt his own agitation start to match hers.
"You are in the Infinity Castle, The demons headquarters. How a weak human woman like you got in here without even wanting to is a joke." The demon responded through gritted teeth, Eyeing her up and down.
How some weak looking human woman got into the infinity castle baffled him. As soon as he turned around the corner and spotted her he felt a jolt of surprise shock his dead heart. What he would do he didn't know, This was a woman and as such physical violence is out of the picture.
"The.. The Infinity castle. The demons headquarters." [F/N] repeated back to him. "A joke, Does it look like I'm laughing?" She said, Leaning in a little bit to emphasise her mockery.
"This is not funny, How you got in here is a major security risk and a threat to you and us. So tell me now what the hell you did to get in here?" The demon snarled.
Even though his tone was venomous he hadn't made a move to attack or even touch her in any way, Just limited to threats and demanding tones. It was unusual behaviour for who she would assume would be upper three, But deemed it safe to continue.
"I have no idea how I got here! I was kidnapped!" [F/N] exclaimed, Throwing her hands up in the air as an overdramatic gesture.
"Kidnapped? By who?!" He interrogated.
"Oh! I don't know.. Uppermoon one, Perhaps?" [F/N] hissed, Taking a foot forward to get up in his face. [F/N] bit back her tongue, Wondering if she had went too far once his face fell. But she kept up her guard and her mask, Stand your ground.
"You were kidnapped by Uppermoon one?" He repeated, Mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
Upperrank three stood silent, The two of them were only separated by half a foot. His nose was still scrunched up in what looked to be a mixture of disgust and disbelief, One that she'd been wearing a lot herself recently.
He took a single step back, One that made the old floorboard creak within the quiet passage.
"Why would.." He mumbled lowly under his breath, More to himself then to her.
"It's complicated." [F/N] responded, Huffing lightly.
The demon looked back up at her. It seemed as if the shards in his eyes and the amber hue of his kanji stained irises were sizing her up, It was similar in the way how you would square up your opponent in a fight. Examining every muscle, Checking the chances of victory.
"So why aren't you killing me?" [F/N] asked. Even though his stare radiated that of an adversary, He made no move to fight. A behaviour [F/N] wouldn't assume of the upper rank three.
"What?" The question she asked seemed to make the demon break out of his train of thought.
"Why aren't you trying to kill me, Before you knew I was brought here. You're upper three right? So.." [F/N] trailed off in her sentence, Seeing that he had already gotten the meaning to her question.
The demon groaned.
"I don't kill or raise my hand against women, Even if I did I wouldn't waste it against a weak human being like you." He retorted, Folding his arms in a display of what only could be described by [F/N] as a faux show of morals.
[F/N] sighed, The one time her mask would be really useful. The one time when she would really need it. He wouldn't harm her as a woman, He wouldn't kill her as a woman. In other words that was off the table.
Why was it that every time she got that one chance it would be ruined by some bullshit reason? It seemed like every turn there would be some curveball thrown to stop her path. It was irritating to say the least.
"Ugh.. Whatever you say I guess. Have your principles or.. Something, I don't know. I'm just gonna go find somewhere else to wander about in.." [F/N] grumbled, Scratching the back of her neck and turning around to start trotting off to wherever "somewhere else" was.
The demon 'tched. He watched her drag her feet down the hall, Shoulders slumped and a grumpy far-away gaze. As she turned the corner he was left with an assortment of questions.
Kokushibo, Uppermoon one. Why would he kidnap her? Was it on the orders of his master? Maybe.. But if that was the case Akaza suspected that both him and Douma would of been informed of her bounty.
Was Kokushibo doing this on his own volition? Unlikely.. But not impossible. He was loyal to a fault to that man, Even to the point of fanatisism. But what if he was keeping her here by his own will?
Akaza didn't like it when women were harmed in any way, He had to ball up his fists when the other Uppermoons talked about their deeds towards them. It irked him, It gave him curiosities and questions.
Ones that built up on his tongue and were dying to spill out.
Akaza clenched his teeth and turned back towards the stairs.
It's better to keep his nose out of whatever's happening here, For now at the very least. This didn't involve him and if Kokushibo wanted her dead then he would of already done the deed.
The obsidian black shade of the nights sky loomed over the small village. Dotted with glittering specks like eyes looking down at the mortal plane.
It was quiet, The only sound was the light rustle of tree leaves in the cold midnight wind passing by. It swept over the low valley the silent town sat atop of, A chill running down the spine of whoever may come in its way.
Not that they would. The houses and the buildings, The restaurants and the streets were all completely empty.
Candles went unlit, Light usually emanating from behind the windows didn't show up tonight. Bowls full of fresh food sat on top of restaurant tables went untouched, Stuffed animals played with by children went abandoned.
There was no sign of life at all in this village, None except for one.
Slow footsteps clad in well-made leather shoes wandered the empty streets. The sound reverberated along the wooden panels of the houses the man passed. The moon sat high signalling midnight, The soft rays shining down on his form.
Muzan paused. The golden laced waistcoat and blouse he wore was in pristine form, Perfect to the very last fold in fabric. No stain or spot to be found once he stopped in his steps.
His calm voice sung out into the silent night. He didn't even need to turn around to know that he was behind him, Kneeling down in respect and honour before him.
"Muzan-sama." Kokushibo replied. He was kneeling down, Head tilted towards the ground to bare his neck amongst his hair. Kokushibo made no move to get up from his position, The two parted by a good few metres.
Muzan turned around to face the Uppermoon. His scarlet eyes scanned over him, Veins visible in his irises as he stared. His face was hardened with a cold expression, Yet it seemed more relaxed compared to that of how he treated someone such as Akaza or especially Douma.
It was more trusting, If you could even call it that in the first place.
"I assume you know why you have been called today" Muzan questioned. Wine stained eyes waiting for his subordinate's answer.
Kokushibo was silent. His body still before his master, Crouched down he mulled over his reply. He infact did know, He had been expecting this for a good while. However how he would explain was still something he had no clue on how to phrase.
"Yes.. I believe this is about the Kakushi base.. That me and Uppermoon six got into a few weeks ago.." He answered. Head raising up from the ground slowly so his amber hues could meet the maroon of the progenitors.
Muzan hummed.
"Correct. I believe that you were able to destroy the main base of operations there" Muzan asked, Tilting his head to the side in question. Urging him to go on.
"I was able to destroy the entire base.. Yes." Kokushibo confirmed, Letting Muzan nod slightly at his response.
He walked a little closer to the Uppermoon, A single step echoing softly from within the confines of the silent village.
"And what exactly were you able to get out of it?" Muzan queried once more. The question of the century. Both Muzan and Kokushibo were on more levelled ground compared to the other Uppermoons, Even going as far as to calling Kokushibo his near equal, A business partner of sorts.
The keyword is 'near', However. Kokushibo was loyal to him like a dog, Fanatic and subservient by choice. Even though he had the decision of being a kind of contracted servant he had denied this in choice of full compliancy and order.
That's why it was so hard to explain what Kokushibo had done on instinct, For once in his long life he felt himself speechless in front of him. While Muzan could very well peer into the caverns of his mind and take a look for himself, Due to Kokushibo's high standing it was a sign of respect not to.
Either way, Kokushibo knew what he had to say.
"..While in the midst of destroying the base I came face to face with that slayer you had informed us about.. The one who slew one thousand." Kokushibo started, Slowly getting up from his kneel to stand on his two legs while he explained.
Muzan's thin lips morphed into a small frown at the remembrance of the slayer.
"And I assume you were able to take care of him?" Muzan asked. Kokushibo didn't respond for a second, Making his master's eyes narrow in suspicion.
"No.. This is where it gets more complicated.. And where I selfishly ask for you to lend your ear.." He trailed off for only a second, But the words that came before rose a narrow eyebrow on Muzan's face.
"Why? Did you not succeed in killing him? Of all the Uppermoons I did not expect you to fail against a slayer.." Muzan commented, A comment which he knew would strike Kokushibo right where it hurts and it showed in how he subtly clenched the hem of his haori.
Muzan, He always had a way to dig into the insecurities of the people around him both Human and demon. An off-handed comment or a simple look was enough for him to have his claws on whoever he targeted. And the pride festering in Kokushibo was absolutely no exception.
"..No, I was able to take the slayer down.. However.. Whilst I was about to kill him.." Kokushibo trailed off once more. An oddity of the Uppermoon, The usual calm and unbothered demeanour was absent and instead replaced with a hesitant drawl.
Muzan took a few strides forward towards the taller man, His steps reverberating against the derelict streets. Kokushibo didn't falter an inch once his master reached out a hand, Two bony fingers extended to press on the temples of the Uppermoon.
Kokushibo stood silent, Jaw locked as he felt a sudden surge of energy come from between his eyes. A searing shock, He could feel the sensation of prying eyes into his memories like claws combing through an archive.
It pulsated. Kokushibo felt as if his head was cracked open, Brain on display for Muzan to see as his fingers removed themselves from Kokushibo's temples.
Muzan took a step back, His action finished as he stared up at his subordinate with an unreadable expression to the normal eye but Kokushibo could see the irritation arising from him. He hummed, Eyebrows tightly knitted together.
"I.. I see.. So the slayer was.." Muzan trailed off. His nose twitched in agitation, The fact that the slayer hadn't died and infact turned out to be someone unexpected entirely was.. Irritating to say the least.
He didn't speak after that, So Kokushibo took the opportunity to do so.
"Respectfully.. Before you say anything more I ask of you to let me explain.." Kokushibo asked, Courteous in tone as always. Muzan looked at him, Crimson irises staring him down.
Muzan raised a hand to his chin, Clawed fingers covering his mouth in a display of thought.
"..Your sister? Ah.. Right, I remember now. The one you spoke about a few centuries ago, The one I provided you a vial of my blood for." Muzan commented, His cat-slit eyes widened slightly at the realisation.
Kokushibo nodded. The memory of that night coming back to him. The tiled rooftop at the dead of night, A night very similar to this one. Muzan had came to him with an offer, One Kokushibo just couldn't resist.
The night they stood eye to eye. The one where Muzan offered him a chance at eternal life, A chance to hone his skills and live past the dreaded age of twenty five. A way to surpass Yorichii.
Kokushibo remembered it well. Once Muzan had offered and set down the deal Kokushibo had bargained, He didn't mean to but it didn't mean he regretted it either. The words just slipped out of his mouth.
"What? Is this not enough for you? What more can I possibly offer you?"
"I ask that you provide more of your blood, Not for me. But for my sister dying of an incurable illness.. That's all I ask and then I will do whatever you ask.. Whatever you ask.."
Muzan had accepted rather easily and once the three days of transformation was up he had awoken with the vial gripped tightly in his hand. If only he had gotten back to [F/N] in time.
If only.
"Correct.. She is back with me.. I am currently keeping her in the shrine replica in the infinity castle.. I am sorry I did not ask for your permission, However due to her injuries I thought it was necessary.." Kokushibo apologised, Bowing his head down low to represent that. Muzan hummed once more.
"I am not concerned about where you are keeping the girl, I am concerned about how you were able to let an opportunity like this slip by you. The Kamado girl, Nezuko Kamado.. She was there, Was she not? Not to mention the boy with the hanafuda earrings.." Muzan replied.
The air around them seemed to grow sharper, A thick edge made of the oxygen they breathed. It turned cold, Colder than it already was. Kokushibo took a deep breath in, The boy with the hanafuda earrings, He didn't need to be reminded once more of him. How Yorichii's earrings were turned into a family heirlooms he had no idea, But he didn't want to remember right now. He'd figure out how to deal with the boy later.
But the Kamado girl, He had failed on that front. That was something he couldn't deny, He had failed to capture her in favour of saving his sister. But that didn't mean he had no more course of action.
Kokushibo raised his head, Looking at Muzan in the eyes.
"Yes.. I was unable to capture them.. Fortunately however.. Since I have brought my sister back home I have come to the belief that she is able to assist on that front.." Kokushibo started, His voice was low yet concentrated. A confident lilt.
"Since she is a Hashira.. A special kind at that.. I strongly believe she knows the whereabouts of the Ubuyashiki estate.. If I am able to get this information out of her we will most definetly be able to both take down the corps.. As well as capture the Kamado's." Kokushibo finished. Finality lifting his tone up as he stood his ground in front of Muzan.
Muzan paused. He didn't say a word.
His eyes narrowed, He appeared to be contemplating over Kokushibo's words. Mulling over his proposition, Thinking it over with utmost care. If Kokushibo was any lower in ranking or had any less respect, Muzan would of tore him to bits for his audacity to speak to him with such equality.
The silence around them was louder than any wail or scream that came after his arrival, Though it was broken once he, Muzan, Decided to speak.
"Alright then. If that is the case then I assume you'd be wanting to turn her into another demon then? You agree that it must be the best course of action, She wouldn't need to confess where it is when it can be done with a quick look into her mind, Yes?" Muzan inquired.
True, It would be incredibly easier to turn her into a demon and get the information that way. Not to mention that it would be more agreeable to Kokushibo, So much so that turning her into a demon was one of the first thoughts in his mind when he saw her again.
"No.. Currently that is not an option.. With the injuries she sustained during her fight and the fact that she is a breath user.. I fear that she might die if I give her my blood right now.. Besides that.. Right now she isn't in the best of moods.. She's rather confused and in a sort of rebellious phase currently.." Kokushibo replied.
For a human to become a demon, Their blood must mix with that of Muzan's. The cells coursing throughout his bloodstream doing the job of processing them into such.
As such, Every demon has a concentration of Muzan's blood.
Especially the Uppermoons, The most powerful of the bunch. Normally Muzan would be the only demon capable of turning others, However due to the high concentration in the Upperranks blood they have gained the ability to turn others as well.
However, While the Uppermoons have a high concentration it is certainly not pure. If they were to inject their blood into a human being on a whim the person has the ability to actively fight it off similar to an illness.
It means that the transaction has to be consensual, The human has to willingly drink the blood and accept that along with the approval of Muzan himself to become one. Not to mention a breath user requires much more blood than normal due to their skills and talents.
Even if Kokushibo was to ask of pure blood from Muzan, The chance that [F/N] would be able to break free from his curse after transformation was a very real possibility. It's why Muzan occasionally asked for people to become demons instead of just outright doing it, Tamayo was a warning of what might happen.
If he attempted to turn [F/N] now, Her injuries and the amount of blood he needed to give might just kill her. Even if she survived and became a demon, Kokushibo guessed that there would be a very good chance that she would get away from Muzan's hold. And if someone like [F/N] was to break free of the curse, It would signal an issue at the very least.
It had to be consensual, Kokushibo knew that much.
"I see.. And you believe you are able to convince her of such?" Muzan asked. The proposal that Kokushibo had lain out seemed to finally click inside his head, Idea's and thoughts forming. Forgetting Kokushibo's failure entirely.
"In time, Yes.. Once she has calmed down and I have been able to resurface her memories.. I know she wouldn't mind becoming one, Then.. It is only a matter of 'doing' afterwards.." Kokushibo concluded. Muzan nodded slowly.
"Yes.. But I must ask how you believe you'll be able to 'bring back' her memories in the first place, Are you even sure she is your sister at all and not just some random human girl?" Muzan asked once more, The final question.
"There is no doubt about it.. She is my little sister. I have considered every possibility… Including the chance that she isn't who I thought.. However due to recent information coming to light my worries have disappeared.." Kokushibo said, Remembering their recent talk.
"My best theory on what happened.. Is that she has been reincarnated after a good few centuries.. How that is possible I do not know.." He finalized.
Reincarnation, Before it was something he believed was dubious at best. It was something he never considered a possibility nor had it ever been proved, Not until now. The proof was there, Hopefully waiting for his return back home.
"Alright then.. I will leave you to do as such and I expect you not to fail me again. I wish you good luck in your endeavour" Muzan said, Turning away from him and beginning to stroll away.
"I appreciate it greatly, Thank you, Muzan-sama." Kokushibo bowed once more as he walked off. The cool air of the night and the now derelict village turned to nothing in his wake.
The moon stood high in the ebony black sky, Hues of faded purple and mists of scattered cloud looking down at the quiet landscape.
Kokushibo took it in, Staying there for a while. Watching as Muzan started to get further and further away until he went entirely. Disappearing on the horizon.
Kokushibo licked his lips once, The faint smell of copper and iron danced along his nose. An emptiness in his stomach, He felt hungry.
It wouldn't hurt to grab food before he got home to see [F/N] again. While it ate at him to stay away for too long, The thought of what might happen to her when he's not there bit down into him.
But he needed to tend to himself. Feed, Get stronger. Kokushibo knew that he had to find food.
Maybe he'd take her out next time, Maybe it would be nice to bring her outside and get some fresh air to calm her nerves.
Besides, She'd need to learn how to feed on human beings once she became a demon and he was more than willing to teach her, Hold her hand and guide her along on the right path, That's what a good big brother would do after all.
He'd get her to turn eventually, Becoming a demon is what's best for her. Once she calms down and regains her old memories he knew that she'd be more than willing to become a demon. Kokushibo knew that she trusted him more than anything, He knows she loves him.
He'd wear her down, While she was extraordinary in her own right she couldn't keep acting the way she has forever. [F/N] had nowhere else to go, No one but him to turn to. But then again, She'd need to feel more comfortable to regain them.
Kokushibo would figure that part out later.
With that final thought he disappeared into the night, His figure fading from view as he went to find his next meal.
[F/N] warily strode down the shrine hallway.
It had been a good while after her encounter with the Uppermoon. Sure enough he hadn't walked after her or tried to search her out afterwards, It was probably better that way. He wasn't going to kill her nor was he going to help her get out of here, So it's for the better if they just ignored each other.
At least, That's what [F/N] thought anyways. As she paused at the doorframe, Leaning her bodyweight into it she looked at the soft canary light pouring in from the other side of the corner.
[F/N] layed her head against the wood, Listening to the sounds of punching and hitting something unknown. It sounded fast, Furious and determined. It was a sound she often heard back when at the corps, Memories of training sessions coming back to her.
Days she'd stay up practicing her form, Days she'd spar with her comrades and all the mistakes they laughed over. It all felt so ready in her recall.
It felt sort of nostalgic. She had only been conscious for at least two days yet it felt so far away to her, Like the mountains on the far horizon at the shrine. It was a sort of comfort, A bittersweet taste on the tip of her tongue.
As the punching sounds continued she wondered how they were doing now. [F/N] knew she wasn't very well liked as a Hashira. Even though she was somehow considered the strongest among them, It was more of her attitude that put people off.
Colleagues like Sanemi and Iguro were especially unpleasant, Uncalled for comments and snide looks were always their go to. Every time [F/N] turned up late or showed a lack of respect they would be in abundance.
Even other's like Tengen or Rengoku had something to say at points. Others like Muichiro or Giyuu didn't pay much attention at all to her, Ignoring her entirely. Shinobu was one that she had shallow conversations with in passing, She was alright.
Mitsuri, [F/N] felt bad at her name being brought up again in her mind. Why Mitsuri still stayed with her for all these years was a mystery. Was it because she felt pity? Some long lost attachment or could it be because of their pact?
Either way she deserved better, Someone that didn't keep her tethered to the ground.
The memories swam around her, They hurt a lot. A sense of dread or guilt, [F/N] couldn't tell which it was but they held onto her like a hand, They hurt so much yet [F/N] didn't want to get rid of them at all.
As the punching sounds continued she listened on, Reliving the memories in her mind. She knew that the sounds most definetly came from the demon, She recognised his voice from the grunts and yells echoing a bit away.
She also knew she shouldn't of been drawn to them. She knew she shouldn't be taking a step towards them and she was very well aware that slowly walking in their direction wasn't a good idea.
But she continued anyways. Her cautious footsteps made slow creaks on the floorboards, Where she walked was unfamiliar. One of the rare places she didn't venture into on her previous scouting mission.
It was on the first floor, Dead centre. It must of been one of the modifications Kokushibo was talking about as she didn't recognise the architecture or the layout. She walked into the very wide open double doors, The light shining through the translucent paper windows and the cracks in the dark bamboo door.
Fresh air flooded her nose. [F/N] took a few more wary steps before the light hit her face, Making her raise a hand to cover her eyes.
Once her eyes adjusted, She looked upon the scene.
Tall winding wood, Branches twisting out from the bark and bursting into arrays of beautiful green leaves that shined chartreuse under the faux light. It was a tree, It was unlike any she had saw before.
It had the long turning branches of a Japanese pine yet stood as high as a Hyperion tree, Reaching up into dark sky above. The shrine surrounded it, The middle of the second floor and the roof gone to make way for it. [F/N] could spot glistening red apples hanging down from the dark oak, Shining and ripe. Ready to eat.
The sight amazed her. How a tree was able to get that big or how it was even here in the first place was astonishing, It was impossible yet it stood before her like a tower and looked down on her like a god.
[F/N] pried her eyes away from it, Looking around at where the tree surrounded.
It was wide open and [F/N] could tell it was the courtyard, Smoothed over dirt flooring with clumps of unmown grass standing before her. The walls of the shrine acted like the fortress surrounding the shrine, Boxing it up. The jacktop walling there, This must of been where the light was coming from..
[F/N] snapped her head over. With the sight of the tree and the new area around her she was completely phased out to the fighting sounds, The reason she was here in the first place.
Upperrank three was in the far corner of the courtyard, He was dead-eyed staring at what looked to be a makeshift dummy. He was beating the living daylights out of it with a fire and passion [F/N] could see from a mile away.
It was very beaten so when it flew back from his punch and hit the wall of the shrine, Parts of stuffing came loose from within the seams of it.
[F/N] watched as he stood over the dummy, Worked up fighting stance as he looked down at it like a defeated opponent. She was somewhat impressed by his determination and energy, It showed through the beads of sweat rolling down his body and his heavy breathing.
She folded her arms over her chest, The warmth of the courtyard keeping her snug as the demon picked up the destroyed dummy and set it back in place. [F/N] frowned a bit, He really did remind her of the kids she grew up with.
"Hey." [F/N] called out. A quiet mumble as she watched him jerk his head around, Obviously unexpecting the sudden presence interrupting his training session. His eyes lowered on her.
"What do you want?" He interrogated, Shoulders raised high and on guard. A frown etched deeply into his cracked lips and deathly pale skin.
[F/N] sighed. She didn't really know why she decided to come so close in the first place, It was of course due to the nostalgic noise but it wasn't exactly something that was easy to explain to a demon like him.
She kicked a small rock with her foot, Toying around with it.
"Dunno.. I don't exactly have anything to do so I guess I just wanted to come see what you were doing.." [F/N] trailed off, Looking nonchalant as she slowly paced around the small exterior.
The demon groaned, Irritated by her presence. Even though he didn't harm women it didn't mean he'd treat her with respect either. That was fine, [F/N] was fine with returning the favour.
"Do whatever you want, I don't care." He said. Turning his bare back to her and refocusing back onto the dummy, Continuing his strikes onto the patchwork of the fake figure.
He didn't pay any more attention to her, Completely forgotten as he proceeded with his training.
[F/N] stood there awkwardly, The rock she had toyed with under her foot stood still. Why she decided to come in the first place without a plan or reason, It was stupid and she chided herself for it in her head.
Clicking her tongue once she slowly made her way over to the base of the tree. The small grassy hill it was perched on holding it up as [F/N] sat down within the vegetation, Nestling herself within the exposed roots comfortably.
She dragged her knees up to her chest, Sat within the shade of the leaves she watched the demon continue with his training. It was cosy within the leaves, The cool heat like a blanket on a winter's night.
Of all the places in the mockery of her shrine this was the one that felt the most authentic, Even though it wasn't even in the original it still held that sought after amenity that none other could replicate. It was nice, It was a distraction. It wasn't cold or uncomfortable, It was just fine.
"So.. What's your name..?" [F/N] asked. She didn't even mean to let the words slip by her lips, They came out on their own. She didn't mind though, Just curled up tighter and rested her head onto her knees.
The demon didn't even flinch, Nor did he turn around.
"Akaza." Was all 'Akaza' said.
[F/N] hummed, A bit disappointed on his answer. She wondered why but supposed that being kept up in here with only Kokushibo made her hungry for other forms of social connection, And his one word answer wasn't satiating at all.
"Why are you here anyways?" [F/N] asked.
"..I come here to train, I like this place because it's quiet and has no one around to bother me with meaningless questions." Akaza jabbed, His eyes focused on the task in front of him, The one that made his soul radiate with determination and fire. Burning bright.
Ignoring the insult. A neuron clicked within [F/N]'s mind. Fire, That's it. This is the one that killed Rengoku, The one the crow had called about on that fateful morning. A hole in his stomach and the Mugen train incident.
[F/N] remembered how she got it, The crow had landed on her shoulder during a ceremonial dance. It had to be paused just so [F/N] could go check up on Mitsuri, She didn't have a personal connection to Rengoku but Mitsuri did. Him being her previous master after all.
The crow had told of their bargain, How he wanted Rengoku to become a demon, To train with him forever. Rengoku, Being an upstanding and moral man had fiercely denied leading to his death.
[F/N] felt a twinge of disgust pang in her heart, One of her colleagues and this was the man who slaughtered him. While they weren't close it still was still a tragedy to kill such a decent person, He was strong and had a good heart. And it was punched out by this demon.
"So, Akaza.. Why are you training on a dummy so much? Don't you have any other Hashira to punch a hole through?" [F/N] queried. A poorly disguised jab at him, A snide yet knowing look on her face as she watched him side-eye her.
"..How do you know about that?" Akaza asked, Throwing one more powerful punch to the dummy making it topple over onto the floor.
[F/N] shrugged.
"What, How do I know about you killing off Kyojuro a few months ago? Do I really look that weak?" [F/N] asked. Yes, That was the correct answer and the one she said in her head. She had none of her support beams like the mask and sword that made her strong, But she needed to keep up her tough exterior.
If you let it down, You will be killed. An old voice echoing in her head, One she agreed with.
Akaza breathed air out of his nose.
"Of course you do, I don't know why you were kidnapped but you're definetly not happy about it. But you're not trying to escape nor do you look like your planning on trying to.. So yes, I think you're weak." Akaza replied casually, Turning around to meet her eyes.
[F/N] exhaled, Her brows furrowed in annoyance.
"Well, I tried running but it just brought me back here! I'm.. I'm still trying real hard to get out but I'm still figuring out how." [F/N] retorted, Staring right back at him with the same energy trying to match it.
"You might be a member of the corps, However you know it doesn't matter. I can see a weak person from miles away, I feel it in my skin.. They absolutely disgust me. Sounds to me you just tried running once and then gave up, If that's not pathetic then I don't know what is." Akaza argued.
[F/N] blinked. His words cut through her like a chilling blade and left frostbite in its wake, It hit hard and made her jaw drop agape. The gall he had to call her pathetic, The gall he had to point it out. It irked her to say the least.
She put each of her hands beside her, Hauling herself up from her comfortable position she stumbled before standing on two feet. [F/N] stared him down, Huffed lightly from her perch.
"Well then, If you're so horribly disgusted by my presence then how about you just get me out of here? You don't want me here and neither do I, So you get me out of this godforsaken place and I'll be out of your hair." [F/N] argued, Exasperated and tired as she stood strong in place.
Akaza shook his head.
"No, Absolutely not. I don't know why you're here but if you were taken by Kokushibo then there must be a good reason for it, I'm not getting involved." Akaza said, Speaking his name with such acidity that she thought wisteria was in the air.
[F/N] groaned loudly, She turned around and grabbed the back of her neck with both hands. Staring up within the foliage as if communicating with the kami. She started to feel irritated, Annoyed and very angry.
"There is no reason.. There is absolutely no good reason.." [F/N] mumbled, Moving a hand round to pinch her temples tight.
"What?" Akaza asked, Not being able to hear her.
"He's keeping me here because he thinks I'm his fucking sister!" [F/N] exclaimed, Sharply turning back to Akaza and taking a few steps towards him, Indignant and irate as she stood before him.
Akaza froze, His expression going blank as he processed the information given. [F/N] sighed. The anger she had before exiting her body as she flipped round and paced a few steps away from him, Trying to let it all go.
"You.. He thinks you're what?" Akaza asked, Bafflement in every word he spoke.
"He thinks I'm his sister.." [F/N] sighed, Resting her head in her palms. Akaza stood still watching the girl a few feet away from him. She was breathing heavily. Stressed, He could tell.
"..Are you?" Akaza asked once more, Words coming from his confusion and stammer.
[F/N] sighed, Stilling in pace.
"I don't know.. I really don't know.." She mumbled. The conversation her and Kokushibo had a good while ago, It resurfaced again. The nightmare that matched up to his story, What were the chances? They were so low, Nigh if not impossible.
Everything felt so alien, So strange and weird. Her emotions were in pieces and her thoughts even more so. Was she his sister? At first there was no way, Definite deniability. But now after their communication she had no clue, None at all.
[F/N] gagged lightly, Moving her arms down to her abdomen.
Akaza looked at her, Going over every muscle and fold in the sleepwear she wore. Her hair was a mess, She seemed like she hadn't showered in ages.
What was up with her?
First this girl knew about his encounter with Rengoku, Something only corps members and his family should of known about and she did not resemble Rengoku at all. His best guess is that she is a corps member, She had no fear when he approached her and strangely enough had no fighting spirit what-so-ever. An anomaly, Something not achieved by many.
But how? She didn't look like a slayer at all, Could it just be her nature? He couldn't tell.
Secondly she claimed that she was Uppermoon one's sister and that was impossible. Kokushibo was one of the founding members from over five hundred years ago, It was improbable but.. No.. She wasn't claiming to be as such, According to her it was Kokushibo who was claiming blood relation.
That was unlike him. Kokushibo, As much as Akaza loathed him with every inch of his being couldn't deny he was of respectable standing. He was calm and thought his actions out, He was smart and most certainly of sound mind.
"So why would he.." Akaza thought out loud, Half to himself and the other to the girl a bit away from him. He waited for an answer but only watched as she keeled over, Grasping her abdomen and starting to cough violently.
Akaza's eyes widened and his body moved before his mind did, Instantly running over to her side to examine any damage.
"Hey, Hey- What the hell happened?" Akaza shouted rather agressively, Hand grabbing her shoulder and adjusting her so he could see what she was grasping tightly.
Around her mid-section was a very bloody dressing, It seemed like it hadn't been changed and whatever injury she had sustained down there had possibly came open. Maybe it was from the sudden turn she made to face him or maybe it came undone on its own.
It didn't matter, She was.. Sick.. Akaza's instincts kicked up. It was one he wasn't sure he had anymore nor was it one he knew he had in the first place but before he could think he had hoisted a single arm under her armpit, He positioned her hand to wrap around his shoulder, Supporting her entire weight.
"Fuck- Damnit.." He cursed as [F/N] groaned in pain. He started to move, One foot in front of the other as they made their way out of the courtyard, The warm light fading behind them as they got into the cold passageway of the shrine.
"Do you have anywhere you sleep?" Akaza asked, Continuing to walk along. [F/N] looked up at him, Pain erupting inside her abdomen as she spoke.
"I- Ugh..- Upstairs.. My bedroom is upstairs.." She wheezed, Another group of coughs coming up from her throat as Akaza nodded. He mumbled a confirmation under his breath and started to direct her along to the stairway.
They got to the foot of the old rickety wood steps. Akaza made no more move to speak as he silently guided her feet along, One step at a time as they slowly made their way to the second floor.
Once they got to the top, [F/N] weakly guided him towards the select room with a feeble point. As they walked [F/N] wondered why he was helping her, Why his attitude changed up so quickly once she started bleeding.
Akaza pushed open the shoji door, It slid open with ease thanks to his immense physical strength. They walked inside, [F/N] limping along with him as he laid her down on the futon. Surprisingly with a careful touch.
Akaza hissed another round of curses under his breath.
"Alright.. Don't move, I'm gonna check your injury." He spoke quickly yet he didn't make any move until [F/N] feverishly nodded, In too much agony to disagree.
Akaza moved his pale hands down to her jinbei. Before it was oversized enough to shield the dressing entirely, Making it completely unable to be seen before.
He moved it up lightly, Showing off the ruby splotched bandages wrapped around her entire mid-section. Akaza worked quickly, Slowly peeling the dressing down to get a good look at her injury.
[F/N] wailed in pain, Akaza's spare hand moved down to her shoulder to keep her in place as the injury was finally showed off to him. He gawked, It was massive. A large cut from assumedly a sword was on display.
It was stitched up to the nines. It had been sterilized yet the thing that disturbed Akaza the most was how deep it seemed to go. This injury went more than muscle deep, This went right down into her organs.
This was a fatal blow. No human being would be able to survive this, Hashira or not. Especially since something of this magnitude would be unable to heal, The muscle and skin destroyed and showing off her innards.
It was impossible to heal yet the majority of it looked good as new, There wasn't even any scarring, Not a single mark to be found. The only remainder of it being the outline of the stitches plotting out where the injury would've been.
While it still was mostly healed over, A small part of it still seemed to be in recovery. The stitches there luckily weren't open, The pain must've come from the unsettled position that it was in.
"Ugh.." [F/N] groaned as Akaza moved away. He got up from his crouched position and went over to the dresser, Near impossible to see except from his illuminated aquamarine outline from within the dark.
Akaza grabbed a fresh roll of bandages conveniently sat on top of the dresser, Walking back over to the crippled girl lying on the futon he grabbed on to the bloody bandages. Unwrapping them slowly, [F/N] moaned in agony.
"It's fine.. It's fine.." Akaza hissed lightly under his breath as he finally got off the dressing, Cloth drenched in crimson sat in his hands. He tossed it aside into a far corner of the room, He'll deal with it later.
Unrolling the bandages he moved a hand under her to the dip in her back, [F/N] complied as he raised her up and started to wrap a fresh dressing around her abdomen. She huffed lightly, He was being so careful. It was strange.
He rolled a few more layers around her before tearing it off, Tying it neatly it settled in place. Akaza removed his hand, [F/N] lowering back onto the mattress with a groan she lain splayed out. Panting and breathing hard.
Akaza raised up, Looking down at the exhausted girl with an unreadable expression. Why he did what he did he had no idea, It was some inner response that held more authority than his own common sense.
He felt a chill run down his spine like cold water, He shivered, Shaking it off. This was bad, He should of stayed out of this. He shouldn't of kept interacting with her in the first place.
Akaza groaned under his breath and turned away from her, The bandage was already settled and done, All that was left was for her to get some rest. He needed to leave, He'll go out and find someone real to train with.
The floorboards ached under his heavy footsteps. He got to the frame of the shoji door before he heard her meek voice call out to him for a final time.
"R-Real motherly behaviour for a demon there.. Seemed like you're use to taking care of people" [F/N] mused exhaustedly, One final jab at him before he left.
It made him tense up, He had no idea why. Shoulders were raised and his muscles flexed.
"Whatever. Don't speak a word of me being here to anyone." Akaza commanded, But it was too late. When he turned back she had already fainted on the futon. Her body grown limp and her eyes fluttered shut.
Akaza 'tched. Grabbing the door he slid it shut, Leaving her in darkness.
He sighed. What occurred played out like a reel tape in his mind. She and Kokushibo, Related? Improbable. Yet..
He shook his head. It's none of your business. Just walk away, This doesn't involve you.
And he hoped it stayed that way. It was his last thought as he took off.
Disappearing in a blink of the eye.
Next Chapter
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
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Updated: Sept 24
I was a bit stumped about it at first, but I've decided that I'll write NSFW too, so minors 👁👁 please don't look. If I see any minors interacting with any NSFW posts. I will block you. I REALLY don't like blocking people, so please don't make me.
Other than that-
Hello! ٩( ᐛ )و
Just a quick note that this blog will be more about the writing aspect, so headcanons, oneshots and links/updates on AO3 stories, along with recommendations of stories will be posted here!
Another note!
I write SPECIFICALLY for chubby readers, since-
I am a chubby girl myself and I can't find any x chubby reader fics from/for my fandom to save my life- (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡
Granted, some people may see it as a simple weight change, but for me, it's the feeling of REALLY being included in the story.
These lines from a bunch of fics I've read-"His shirt fit loosely on you", and "he wrapped his arms around your thin waist", "your small frame" or "He picked you up with ease", etc-don't fit me and I know I'm not the only one.
If a fic usually doesn't clarify that it has a chubby reader, then it's USUALLY a skinny or medium-sized person. I just wanna give me and my chubby fellas a chance, y'know? ┐(シ)┌
And please don't take this the wrong way & please don't think I'm attacking you if you write like this I swear I'm not! Everyone's allowed to write for whatever fandom they want and with whatever body type they wanna write for! I'm just stating that this blog is focused on specifically chubby/plus sized readers.
I write Platonic Readers! For example, if someone requests being just best friends with a certain character, or having a sibling dynamic with another character, then it's all good! 👌🏽
I also write for Yandere characters/situations! If the situation asked for IS uncomfortable to write, I have the right to deny it.
I also do genderbend! I don't see it done much, which is cool! But I'm a dumb little hoe so- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Final thing! I also write for monsters! I write for skeletons and demon monkeys 😑 Basic stuff, like werewolves, vampires, mermaids/merman, hybrids, etc!
I'll write for certain characters for certain medias since it's the only thing I feel I can actually write without making the characters OOC. (´・ω・`)
Sun Wukong
Red Son
Spider Queen
Maybe the others too if they're requested enough 👀
I WILL NOT write for LMK NeZha, due to the controversy of his age. I've seen many discussions on it, from all sides, mainly from those who are Chinese. And all I have to say is that I don't wanna touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.
Monkey King: Reborn, Hero is Back & Ne'Zha Reborn Sun Wukong are also a go! I just watched the movies and I am quaking 👀 If you guys have any Sun Wukong movies or game characters that're fleshed out enough to be written, PLEASE send them my way.
Count Harebourg
If there's other characters that are requested, then I'll see who they are and if I can write for them.
Maybe I'll do Transformers in the future! I've only seen Transformers Prime, so I'll need to expand my knowledge first. I mean, unless y'all want some Prime stuff 👀. I'll probably watch Animated and read the comics soon-(Hopefully, I've dropped the damn thing twice-😔)
Now for the big boy-😥
I'll write for it and certain AUs. The AUs follow as below(Sans nickname 1st, Papyrus 2nd)
Undertale (Vanilla and Creampuff)
Underfell (Red and Edge)
Underswap (Blue and Stretch)
Fellswap (Raspberry and Rus)
Swapfell (Black and Cash)
Fellswap!Gold (Wine and Coffee)
Horrortale (Axe and Sugar)
The Outertale AUs count too, but it's best not to ask for something that includes, for example, Undertale Sans and Outertale Sans since they'll basically be the same.
Outer nicknames include:
Outertale (Cosmic and Nebula)
Outerswap (Orion and Atlas)
Outerfell (Comet and Sirius)
Also including specific characters include:
Geno from Aftertale
Passive!Nightmare and Dream from Dreamtale
Cross from XTale
Dust from Dusttale
And to be honest, I'm at a bit for a dilemma when it comes to if I should include Ink, Evil!Nightmare and Fresh. Since Ink doesn't have a soul to feel. Granted he has the ink he drinks to emulate the emotion he wants to feel but idk- (´⌒`;)
Fresh is parasitic monster that lacks emotions and jumps from different hosts so writing him romantically might be a bit of a problem.
Evil Nightmare searches for negative energy, as it's said that positive emotions make him weak. (╯︵╰)
I try my best to stay on track with how characters would canonically react, along with a dash of what I think they would do. But if there's enough asks, then I'll try my best to write them! ଘ(੭ ᐛ )♡
Other potential AUs
I haven't read Underlust or Storyshift, but if there's enough requests for them, then I'll do my best to read through their stories/find information and write for them.
I'm having a bit of trouble finding concrete information for the bottom two, so they might be a bit more tricky to write about. (•ิ_•ิ)
As far as rules go, just don't send anything rude, k?
Also, please specify if you want Angst, Romance or Platonic/ if you want Headcanons or a One Shot.
Other than that, this post will update every once in a while if I decide to add or negate something, so keep an eye out! (≧∇≦)/
Sorry if there are spelling errors! Have a good day!
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nesssblog · 2 years
"Why did I click that link?!" (Yandere Ghibli x Reader)
"I should really do my schoolwork. But I suppose one movie wouldn't hurt." Y/N yawned as they grabbed the remote, paying no mind to the ever-growing notifications of the deadlines for their schoolworks blaring on their laptop.
'I'll do it, tomorrow. In the morning...'  They groaned, It was pretty late at night, so they needed a break.
Scrolling through Netflix' assortment of movies, they noticed that their favorite Ghibli Movie was no longer available in Netflix, to their dismay. They sighed, and thought of another way to watch it. An idea popped up in their head, albeit not a smart one. "Guess it's time to use those sketchy websites F/N suggested..." They groaned, reaching out for their laptop with the little energy they have left.
They scrolled through the various links in Google, most of them had a purple hue, due to Y/N's past habits with watching with those sites. They knew very well that although they had the movie they were looking for, they would be bombarded with pop-ups and weird ads in their face. Plus, The last site gave Y/N's laptop a really bad virus, so that was a no for them.
They eventually chose a site that seemed safe, and searched for their desired movie. Luckily for them, it was available. They muttered out a small 'yes!' in excitement, and clicked the movie. Surprisingly, It started a few seconds after clicking, no weird ads, no buffers, and no random singles in your area. Y/N started to watch the movie with a contented smile.
While watching the movie, Y/N felt off. Normally, they would have focused on the movie, but they felt like something was wrong. This lingering aura surrounded them, leaving a sour taste in their mouth. They brushed it off, and kept their eyes on the film.
Their eyes drooped, and they started to feel light-headed. Is this their body's way of saying 'GO TO SLEEP RIGHT NOW YOU LITTLE-' or was it something more sinister? As the movie went on, the tiring feeling slowly consumed them bit by bit, until they fell asleep on the table. With the movie still playing, the laptop gave out sparks, and turned off by itself. A shadowy figure grinned at them, and closed the laptop. A bright blue mist covered the figure and Y/N, and they were gone in a flash. Leaving only their laptop and unfinished schoolworks behind.
̸̩̺̔͊̔͒̉̐Ỳ̷̨͔͚͇͉͈̟̥̝͒̈́͌͌a̷̛͇̱̎̔̿͘̚͘n̴̢͉̭̰̉́͊͘͝͠d̴̲̠̜̮̝͌̀̏̋̈e̶̲̺̪͗̋̽̏͛̂͌̃ṙ̵̹͈̲͔̭̩̭̤̪̣͌̽͗̐͆͒̑̓ę̷̖͓̫̜͉̠͙͂̐͜ͅş̶̼̙̟̫̙̱͇̞͋ ̸̨͇̳͉̦̭͗̓̌̏̏͂͝͝͝!̷̪̙́̓͑͋͠
(well, some of them-)
Howl Jenkins Pendragon
"Careful. Haven't you heard the rumors about me?"
"I'm just keeping you out of harm's way. Isn't that what lovers do?"
Prince Justin
"Ah, hello! Are you one of Howl's companions?"
"He already has Sophie, now it's my time to take your heart."
"You shouldn't be here. It's too dangerous."
"No spirit will ever separate us apart. I'll make sure of it.."
"Wait, you're that human who came out of nowhere!"
"Say, you're not bad. For a human, I guess."
"You want to come with me? No. It's too risky for you."
"You should've stayed at the village."
"Intruder! Are you affiliated with that evil woman?"
"You shouldn't leave, stay with me."
Lady Eboshi
" Are you acquainted with that wolf girl, perhaps?"
"Whoever stands in my way for your love, shall be eliminated. I assure you."
Kaguya-hime (platonic)
"You're just like me. You're not from here, are you?"
"I must take you to the moon with me, If it means keeping you safe from them. Forever."
"Little Bamboo's friend, right? Nice to meet you."
"It's a blessing for me to have met you, now we can leave this all behind!"
Prince Ishitsukuri
"You're saying that Princess Kaguya chose a peasant like you, over me?"
"I will worship the ground you walk on, and I humbly request you to be my partner for evermore."
Middle Counselor Isonokami
"What did Princess Kaguya see in you?"
"No treasure measures how much my heart longs for you."
The Mandrake
"You're not her, and you never will be."
And we welcome you, dear reader, to the beautiful world of Studio Ghibli!
(i dunno if this'll ever have a chapter 1, but comment below which movie you want Y/N to port to first lmao)
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cheesus-doodles · 2 years
Yandere Platonic Toman Former Gang Leader Darling
Recommended Readings: Still You
just really really wanted to write something short that was Red Dragonflies related, so enjoy :) p.s. this happened roughly 4 years before the events of Red Jacket, if it wasn't clear!
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A groan of despair, and Hirosyou, the first of Jun's two Vice Division Captains, sank his head into his palms, pulling at his eyes. "How did I not see that coming?"
The Second Wing rolled his eyes. "Fuck if I know how you lived this long with balls for a brain."
"Says the baseball nut."
"Shut the fuck up." Waving the other to hurry up and make his move, Jun glanced back up at the empty front garden of the Sano dojo, the barred metal gate that stood at the end of a short driveway doing little to block the gaze of outsiders into the compound. While he supposed it wasn't too far fetch for you to spend time at the Sano residence after your classes had ended for the day, what was unusual was that you weren't here to consult with the former Black Dragon President like you had previously; he would have known if you were, given Hase would have requested he accompany you to the meeting. So what could possibly be the reason you were here out of the blue?
Absentmindedly biting down on his thumb as he racked his mind to think of the possibilites, Jun picked up his queen, shifting it to a space a few squares away from the opponent king before setting it down with a definite, final click that broke the stillness of the lifeless street. "Checkmate."
A sudden gust of wind that peeled down the street both they and the Sano dojo sat on floated the sigh of acceptance that escaped from Hirosyou, the boy falling backwards to rest on his outstretched palms against warm concrete. The brutal afternoon heat that had baked the earth just an hour earlier had finally let up as the sun started its slow descend from its peak towards the distant horizon - a relief the two friends welcomed together with the comfortable quiet that had settled over the area.
But it seemed that he had once again spoken too early, the momentary peace broken by the all-too familiar rumble of a motorcycle pulling up from behind him, quickly followed by the heavy stomping of boots across asphalt that announced the arrival of a most unwelcomed guest - one that Jun didn’t bother turning around for, the scowl on his face only growing at the shadow thrown over him.
"Furusawa-san." Hirosyou greeted with a quick bow of his buzzcut head. It was more than Furusawa probably deserved, the Second Wing thought, seeing that all the other received was a questioning look from the oblivious Right Eye and Vice Captain, Furusawa turning to glance at him for a mere moment with furrowed eyebrows before looking back at Jun, jabbing a finger in the other's direction. “Who’s this?”
The baseball bat that just been idly propped against the wall just a few moments ago found its way into his hand in moments, the thud and echo as it bit into flesh and muscle enough to wring a wince from Hirosyou’s face, despite the other being a veteran deliquent. But Furusawa didn’t even seem to notice the bash, now more concerned with trying to discern what was being screaming at him by an exasperated Jun. “You shit walnut, it’s been two fucking years! My fucking Vice Division Captain?! Hirosyou??”
Yet Furusawa only looked even more perplexed, chocolate eyes once more swinging around to land on the black-haired boy. A moment of silence from scanning him up and down only earned Jun another shrug right before he settled on the ground with a huff. “Doesn’t seem he can fight all that well.”
"And who the fuck fights well next to you?!”
“Hase. He’s not too bad. You should get yourself a Hase.”
As if Hases sprouted on trees like rotten fruits. Plus the last thing Jun wanted was having to drag around that lifeless, permanently depressed sob of a human being anyway.
How did you even put up with all this, was his next thought - the sheer incompetence and utter lack of brain enough to drive anyone insane. Yet there you were, somehow never bothered with having to handhold Furusawa in any matter that required the slightest amount of thinking.
You must be some sort of saint, Jun concluded, even as he grumbled under his breath to no one about monsters and inhuman strength, his hands back to quickly packing away the chess pieces that littered the sidewalk around where the board had been reverently placed, replacing them neatly back into the little drawers inlaid along the sides of the chessboard.
Unlike what the fathead that had the privilege of being your other Eye believed, there were ways other than fists and blood to settle bets and disputes in the Second Division. The clinking of wood against wood that filled the otherwise silent street only served to quickly catch the attention of the man with the mob of black and pink hair who looked intrigued, picking up several pieces that were hilariously tiny in his giant hands, his head tilting to one side. “What’s all these?”
“Nothing you will ever fucking use, trust me.” The Second Wing snorting, snatching the final pieces back, before passing the well-worn board to Hirosyou. “Just leave this on my table. Need it tomorrow.”
For someone that just got called weak by his own gang's Vice Captain, Hirosyou looked surprisingly unbothered - he must have already accepted that there was no measuring up against a beast like Furusawa. “I’ll head back to base first, Captain.”
“Remember, it’s all the fucking paperwork on my table. Don’t miss a single fucking piece.” Ahh the wonders of winning a bet - his entire fucking afternoon was cleared in a go.
A loud, long sigh. “Yes sir.”
Propping his baseball bat back against the wall as peace once more fell across the land, Jun dug into his pockets. He was sure he still had some somewhere. As expected, Furusawa instantly perked up at the muffled rustling of plastic, turning to watch as he brought his hand back out, fist now filled with colorful wrappers of sweets of various sizes.
Dropping his emergency stash of bribes into the other’s awaiting outstretched hand, it was at times like this that Jun had to wonder how anyone could be afraid of the boy next to him happily digging into his sudden windfall, looking much like his own younger siblings rather than a well-feared underground fighter. Was he really two years older than himself? “So what’s Boss here for today?”
“Playdate.” Furusawa replied from between clenched teeth, carefully picking through the pile of sweets, already in search of his next treat.
“A fucking what?”
“A playdate.” Furusawa repeated, one hand scratching at his ear as ther other set another newly empty wrapper down on the ground next to him. “Boss never really got to be a kid, ya know?"
Jun opened his mouth, before snapping it shut again. There was no arguement to be made here no matter how much he hated to agree with Furusawa - when was the last time he had seen you acting your age?
Your oldest friend continued on. "So she’s been coming here to play with Takeomi’s little sis. Heard she’s about the same age as Boss. Plus Izana hangs round here too sometimes.”
Takeomi’s sister - Senju wasn’t it? She’s alright, Jun thought - reminded him of his own baby sisters: lively, energetic and cute (or at least when they were being well-behaved). Might even remind you to let loose once in a while. But it was the second name that had his hackles instantly raised. Everything about Izana, especially when it came to you, screamed wrong. “I don’t like that little fucking creep. Makes my hair stand.”
Furusawa only shrugged. “Hase said he was out today.”
Translated: who were they to tell you what to do? It wasn’t like Jun hadn’t already voice his opposition to you dating Izana - anything beyond that would be overstepping. You were his Boss after all, but it didn’t mean the he had to like your choices.
“Furu! Jun!” The cheerful call of his name broke the depressing train of thought Jun was spiraling down, and he jumped to his feet. Furusawa did the same, though Jun bemusedly noted the other quickly stuffing his remaining treats into his pocket.
“Boss! You’re b-” His words died away at the sight of you making your way over from the gates, Senju pausing to lock them back behind her.
“Look what Senju helped me with!” The stars sparkling in your eyes reflected your excitement as you gave your friends a quick twirl, a feeling that Jun could not find in himself to replicate, showing off the neatly bound bandages stretching from around your chest down to your midriff that formed a makeshift sarashi. “Don’t I look cool?!”
“Boss, are you?” Jun stammered out, his brain going into overdrive as it desperately tried to process what he was seeing. Now would be a good time to start fucking eating what he was thinking earlier about Senju.
You paused in your little celebration, tilting your head as the excitement in your eyes was replaced with confusion. “Am I?”
“Are you wearing anything underneath?” Was all he managed to squeak out, his cheeks starting to burn even as he failed to shift his gaze away from you. Fuck fuck fuck - Jun already knew the answer to his question from the way the dread was settling at the base of his gut.
But worse still was when you misunderstood what he was asking, your wandering hands reaching down to tug at the hem of your skirt. "Pretty sure I am."
Senju thought she was doing you a favour. New friends were hard to come by, with her brother being a delinquent as known as the God of War. So when you - one of the few people close enough for her to call a friend and with the added benefit of being about the same age as her - had begun to rave non-stop to her about how awesome some nameless dude in a haramaki had looked, she had been eager to lend a hand in making your dream come true. All in return for a little promise that you would invite her to watch one of the fights that the Red Dragonflies’ mediated of course, and you had been happy to agree to her request.
"Stop that!" His face must have caught on fire at some point without his knowledge, seeing how hot his cheeks felt as he slammed one hand over his eyes in a desperate attempt to erase what he just saw, the other quickly slapping your hands away. Where was the eye bleach when he needed it? How was he ever going to look at you normally again?
But what the pink-haired girl hadn't anticipated was you wanting to show off her little handiwork to your other friends, only to be caught off guard when you had tugged her outside to reveal your new look, completely unaware of the looks of horror dawning on the boys’ faces and her own.
Shit. Hopefully she doesn't land herself in trouble again - Takeomi would be furious.
But before you could question Jun any further, a giant black tee had already been dropped over you, you almost instantly becoming completely lost in the fabric that dwarfed you twice over. Though it wasn’t long before your head finally found the top with some rearrangement help from Senju, it was only to the sight of Furusawa carefully draping his jacket over your shoulders, a very strained smile now stretched where his usual grin was. “Girls can’t go out without clothes, Boss.”
“But I’m wearing clothes, Furu!” You protested, waving your arms in the air. “These are clothes!”
Your gigantic friend gently flicking your forehead was enough to send you into a full-blown pout - seemed like you already knew what he was going to say. “Bandages ain’t clothes.”
Stretching back up to his full height, the infamous Vice Captain of the Red Dragonflies looked a lot more menacing with his tattoos now fully on display, grin now back on his face now that you were fully dressed once more. Enough to have Senju shrinking slightly behind a still upset you - no matter how many times you reassured her about how “Furu” would never dream of hurting her, that bloodthirsty grin you never seemed afraid of still scared her. Even Shinchiro flinched at his name.
But all you did in response was pout some more, your feet tracing patterns in the ground, whining under your breath about how you thought you finally looked awesome, and that it wasn’t fair that Furu could go bare-chested but you couldn’t wear a sarashi.
To which he simply patted your head, ruffling up your previously neat hair. “Takeomi in today?”
“Yeh.” You mumbled dejectedly. “Said hi to him and Shinchiro-san on the way out just now."
Reaching into one pants pocket and pulling out a fistful of money, the tattooed boy carefully laid it in your comparatively tiny palm. “How bout you go ahead and get something to eat with Senju, Boss? I’ll come find you later.”
He adjusted the collar of the red jacket hanging off you like a cape. “And don’t take this off, you hear?”
Senju didn’t miss the downright evil look that had washed over Furusawa’s face as he turned back to face the dojo, a sharp contrast to your dejected one, sadly telling her that your friends would never allow you to look so cool, even as you tugged at her to walk.
Having just awoken from the stupor he had been trapped in from seeing - of all people - you without a shirt, Jun found himself alone on the street that was once more void of life, you and Senju having disappeared to parts unknown, and a now half-naked Furusawa tearing his way into the Sano compound.
A look as sinister as the creatures and beasts that decorated the older boy’s back and arms, Senju shivered, monsters whose eyes seem to follow her even as Furusawa effortlessly pried open the bars of the locked dojo gate like they were made of cotton instead of steel, letting himself into the compound with barely a lost breath. Gulping and clinging to you tighter, Senju wasn’t sure how someone so scary was only 15, but at least one thing the pink-haired girl was sure as hell about was how thankful she was for not being her big brother now.
Everything clicked in seconds in his head. This should be good.
“TAKEOMI!” One half of a sliding door went flying out and over the compound wall as Furusawa stormed the house, the sound of shattering glass and splintering wood following the trail the other blazed with fists and feet.
A very audible yip echoed out, and the whole house seemed to rattle to its foundations. The sight of a figure scrambling out of where there used to be a door - Takeomi by the looks of it, from that well-gelled hair - brought the drama out into the open, the crashing and breaking quickly following suit. “HUH? WHAT? WHAT DID I DO?”
Oh, he saw where this was going. So Furusawa assumed that Senju had learnt the whole sarashi shit from Takeomi. Well, he wasn’t going to correct that anyway, not with the show he was getting. Fucker deserved it.
What looked like the entire Sano couch set was sent flying out a new hole in the house, right before Furusawa leapt out after the airborne furniture, looking very much like the beast rumours claimed he was - Jun could clearly see where the fear of the Vice Captain came from now.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” The other screamed back, lit cigarette still tightly clenched between two fingers as he threw himself to the side to dodge Furusawa’s fist that pulverized the stone lantern behind him.
Maybe he should go after you and Senju, Jun idly mused, baseball bat lightly tapping against his leg - Furusawa seemed to be doing enough damage by himself as is. But then again, there was nothing to worry about - he knew you well enough to know that you wouldn’t want to get into any sort of trouble while Senju was with you.
Besides, Koji should be free about now to go meet up with the two of you.
In addition - short black hair streaming back in a puff of air as Jun jumped the crooked gate in a single smooth leap - there was the fire already burning that he could fan to punish the smooth-brained ape who had dared give the okay for you to date Izana, prized baseball bat letting out a threatening clang against metal as the Second Wing joined the fray. “SHINCHIRO! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE YOU PERV, YOU SAW BOSS HALF NAKED!”
Now a few streets away, you didn't look too much happier with your style being crimped, though Senju did make an effort to hold on to your hand as she led you down crowded streets. A good treat was bound to cheer you right back up. “Come on, let’s go get ice cream. I know a good cafe.”
Furusawa very obviously pausing where he held Takeomi squirming by the collar of his shirt, before the gears once more started to turn in his head as he whirled to scan the ruined wall, fury burning in those narrowed eyes. Hurling the other man back towards the house, Shinchiro only having time to let out a squeaked “I swear I didn’t” from where he had been half cowering, half watching, only to quickly diving behind the ruins of a wall in an attempt to hide.
Stopping at the traffic light, the red man stared you down unwaveringly as you shifted the gigantic shirt properly over you, tucking the spare material into the hem of your skirt as best as you could. Though this seemed to have given you another idea, Senju worriedly noted.
“Do you think Izana would think I look cool?”
Uh oh. She knew a bad idea when she heard one. But you had already made up your mind before she could answer, your face brightening into a cheerful smile, a hum bubbling up from between your lips. “I’ll go show him later!”
Senju instinctively held up the black card grasped in one small hand: a treat. Food had to be the answer to take your mind off stripping again and getting her into more trouble. “I swiped Takeomi’s card.”
“Don’t think we’ll need it.” Looking back down at the money that Furu had given you still clutched in one fist, you took advantage of your break to neatly arrange, fold in half, and stuff into your pocket. “By the looks of it, Furu gave me a 100 thousand yen.”
“…miscounted again?”
You shrugged. “Most likely.”
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okchijt · 2 years
Whenever I click the link I can't see the mastermind of the rules it just shows me the homepage D:
That's strange. It works for me and for other people I know^^' I'll put everything here for you :)
- Please specify whether you want a Romantic or Platonic and Yandere or Non-Yandere character in your request.
- Be sure to always specify the gender of the reader and sexuality. If not, I will write a gender-neutral reader and decide on the sexuality myself based on the request.
- If you want multiple characters being with the reader, please use these words to describe better what you mean in the request: Polyamory, if you want the characters sharing to also be romantic with each other. And use the word: Sharing, if you want the characters participating in the relationship to only be romantic with the reader and not also with each other. (If you don’t understand my explanation, type below or message me and I’ll use an example to explain it better for you :))
- This also applies to platonic relationships. You’ll only have to tell me it’s platonic and use either the word: Polyamory, to indicate that the 2 characters are together but not including the reader. Or use the word: Sharing if the whole relationship is strictly platonic and no one is romantic with each other. (If you don’t understand my explanation, type below or message me and I’ll use an example to explain it better for you :))
- I don’t mind writing NSFW/Smut.
- No incest. Relationship’s between family members whether related or not will always be platonic when it comes to the reader or ships.
- I’m okay with writing ships, but only if I agree with them. I don’t think I would be able to write for a ship I don’t like or care for. Sorry^^’
- Character limit is 4 (But if you want to for example request a group of characters like the Ninjago gang in one, then I'll make an exception to those).
- I do not write for oc's, so when requesting please make sure you don't accidenlty end up requesting for an oc. It's fine if you add some backstory or characteristics to the reader if it's for the sake of a request. But if your request looks something like this: "I'd like to request x with reader who's name is Megan, has long blonde hair and blue eyes and hates the color pink and horse rides etc." Then I'm sorry but at this point you're describing an oc and I won't do the request for you if that's the case, sorry.
Yandere Alphabet (Link to original)
Fluff Alphabet (Link to original)
NSFW Alphabet (Link to original)
🩷My Current Brainrot Fandoms🩷:
Batman -The Telltale Series
Amnesia Memories
Hazbin Hotel
Dead By Daylight
- Attack On Titan
- Assassination Classroom
- Angels Of Dead
- Amnesia Memories
- A Silent Voice
- Aggressive Retsuko
- A.I.C.O.: Incarnation
- American Dad
- Avatar: Way Of Water
- Beastars
- Best Bugs Forever
- Blood Lad
- Be More Chill
- Batman Arkham Trilogy Games
- Big Mouth
- Beneath (2013)
- Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki
- Brothers Conflict
- Batman - The Telltale Series
- Code: Breaker
- Chainsaw Man
- Code Geass
- Chucky (Show)
- Diabolik Lovers
- Doki Doki Literature Club
- Dead By Daylight
- DC Super Hero Girls (2019)
- Dogs In Space
- Encanto
- Eddsworld
- Family Guy
- FNAF Security Breanch
- Fire Force
- Ghostbusters (1984)
- Gleipnir
- Harley Quinn (Show)
- Hazbin Hotel
- Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
- Helluva Boss
- Human Resources
- Heathers
- Highschool Of The Dead
- Inside Job
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous
- Kiss Him Not Me
- Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War
- Kung Fu Panda (1 & 2)
- Love&DeepSpace
- Lego Ninjago
- Ladies Versus Butlers!
- My Hero Academia
- Miraculous Ladybug
- Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
- Metal Family
- My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU
- Maid Sama
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
- Noragami
- Osomatsu-san
- Rent A Girlfriend
- Romantic Killer
- Steven Universe/Steven Universe Future
- South Park
- Speed Dating For Ghosts
- Sonic
- Seven Deadly Sins
- Smurfs (1981)
- Spider-man: Into The Spiderverse/Across The Spiderverse
- The Maze Runner
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)
- Teen Titans (2003)
- The Office
- Transformers Rescue Bots
- Ted Lasso
- Tsurezure Children
- The Amazing World Of Gumball
- Turning Red
- The Cuphead Show
- The Batman
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Toy Story
- The Hangover
- Tinkerbell
- The Bad Guys
- Total Drama (All Seasons)
- Unicorn Wars
- Violet Evergarden
- Welcome Home
- Yandere Simulator
Lastly, English isn’t my first language so don’t be surprised if there are any grammar mistakes ^^ ’But this isn’t my first rodeo with writing so I should be fine. So go ahead and send me a request! If you have any more ideas or suggestions, be sure to type them below or just message me about them and we’ll see what happens from there ^^
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dearest-painter · 3 years
My list for what I’ll do yandere theme since I’ve never told y’all
The umbrella academy
My hero academy
Diabolk lovers
Dead by daylight
Pokémon (because I can)
RWBY (I don’t know all the characters yet I’m still new)
Five nights at Freddy
Helluva boss
Hazbin Hotel
One of us is lying
Mystic Messenger
Ever after high + monster high + monster prom
Demon slayer
Identity V
Red vs Blue
Komi san can’t communicate
Sing 1&2
Halloween(Horror movie)
Nightmare on Elme’s street (not Freddy tho,I feel uncomfortable with him)
Friday the 13th
Onward the movie
Coco(any childrens will be platonic)
I have no mouth and I must scream
Criminal minds
Punch out
Markiplier egos
Jacksepticeye egos
sander sides
Bad guys the movie and book series…do I have regrets? Maybe but meh
the stanley parable :)
Ghostbusters both female and male one
The boy the horror movie 1 & 2
Addams family
GI joe retaliation the movie
Escape the night
Blush blush
The boys
Some cartoon characters depends
Hocus Pocus 1&2
Dream works
Suicide squad 1&2
Night at the museum all movies<3333
Spider man into the spider verse
Spider man across the spider verse
Ride the cyclone
Stardew valley
Pacific Bay[criminal case]
Murder in the alps
Criminal case
All the criminal case games, expect the future one FUCK THAT ONE
new amsterdam
Ready or not
You’re next
Would you rather
The lost boys
Payday 2
Most of the dragon ball s series
Just dance 2022 & 2023
Bully [Scholarship edition]
Vampire diaries
Descendants[Vampire diaries version]
And that’s pretty much it for now but more will come soon!!
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kezibun · 5 years
My fanfic list!
Find all these and more on @keziha-writes and my AO3
Multi chapter fics:
Coffee college and Skeleton Roomies
Xreader, Reverse harem with Sans and Papyrus from UT, UF, US, SF
On hiatus from this one at the moment. ^^:
Storm of a hunt
A Sf!Papyrus X reader set in the underground.
SOH Fic list
Hiatus.... on this one as well sorry
One shots by character
Red (UF! sans):
What's bugging ya.
There's a problem and you can't hide it from your boyfriend. ( X reader)
A weird one, where you take the Pov of a street cat being taken in by Red. (Reader is a cat)
Sweetheart we gotta talk
Red has something to tell you.... (x reader)
Night night Sweetheart
Trouble sleeping? Don't worry Red's here to help. (X reader)
Yet another Uf sans x reader
Some self indulgent comfort, (X reader, on their period)
Stay awake
Seems the 3 of you are wide awake, until Red helps your baby to sleep. (X reader) self-indulgent
Some more comfort
Another comfort fic (X reader)
Edge (UF! Paps):
"I like your laugh."
Blueberry (US! Sans):
The title explains all. A friend or romantic fic its up to you. (X reader? Or platonic)
Stretch (US Paps):
None yet feel free to request him though.
Sans (OG):
His voice.
You just really like listening to his voice after a long day. (X reader)
Black (SF Sans):
A Queen or the commoner. pt 1 pt 2
(royal au) His adoptive parents want him to wed the heir to the throne, but his soul belongs to a kind hearted commoner. (reader x Black)
"Who hurt you"
"Everyone thinks I should stay away from you because your dangerous."
Rus (SF! Pap):
More of a cinnamon tea kinda guy.
Commission fic for Ziz. Rus pretends he likes coffee so he can pick up his brothers (who is banned from said coffee shop order and meets the lovely Laurel. (Ziz's OC Laurel x Rus)
Axe (HT Sans):
None yet feel free to request one though.
Crooks (HT Papyrus):
"I saved you a piece."
Through the ages series
A series that takes you through the history of my au with your favorite skelly's.
Vikings age:
The Medics Quest
Ziz x HT Sans
Ziz belongs to a tribe of healers, Sans and his brother to a warrior tribe. But the brothers are only transport for the sick and injured... how do they get roped into something like this?
Medival and the war:
Our secret little cabin
Edge x reader
Post monster vs human war. You promised to meet your love once he returned from war no matter how the war ended, you don't know why he hasn't come back yet but wait you must do non the less.
Bow and the crew of Starglider Nine
Bow x Pluto
The crew of starglider nine, Pluto, Sans and Axe, follow an SOS signal and find a human, Bow drifting in space.
Skelly choose a date
I'm still doing these it's just taking a while to do the ones I got. Feel free to still send some tho ^^; (all are X reader!) choose your own here.
Red (UF sans):
Spring, Mountain picnic!
Summer nights walk!
A Winters wander to Grillby's!
Summer, sunset meander!
Edge, (UF Papyrus):
A picnic and Autumn antics in the rain.
Sans (UT):
Autumn coffee
Papyrus (UT):
Autumn walk
Stretch (US Papyrus):
A Spring nights walk
Blue(US Sans):
A spring picnic with a chance of rain
Rus(SF Papyrus):
A moonlit walk in an autumn woods
Blackberry (SF sans):
Winter coffee with Black
Axe (ht sans):
Fall, thunder and food
Extra characters:
Autumn date with Coffee (FSG Papyrus) at the park
Choose a path games.
Caught Red handed!!
Yandere Uf Sans choose your path story. What you see in that alley way on your way home in the dead of night shocks you to your core, chills you to the bone and makes you question everything you think you know about your skeleton friend... what you do next will determine whether you die, just survive or you live to see the light of day. Play if you dare.
Nebula space station adventures!
A series of one shots in space! With adventures uwu
Request your own here.
Prosthetics and Plants- Red x reader
That's all for now, I hope tis still up to date XDD and hope you found something you liked.
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stargazeraldroth · 9 months
Aaahhh I’m! So glad you (and a few others!) liked my little Underverse AU idea! It means a lot to me, and seeing the idea blossom is so much fun- Thank you so much for making me smile so big!!!
I’m definitely with you on the whole “Ink wouldn’t endanger the AUs” thing, and it always rubbed me as off in the original Underverse… No hate meant to Jakei, of course! What they’ve done is amazing, their animation and art is absolutely gorgeous, and I can tell that they put a lot of heart and love into their creation! It’s just not something up my alley, you know…? Though 0.7 slaps, Ink/Fresh/Cross vs Error, Ink vs Fresh, and Fresh!Ink vs Error is my favorite sequence of events… So much fun, heh.
Anyways! I feel like a lot of avenues could open up with the idea you’ve laid out, here- I will say that I imagine this as a relatively nice (or doing his best to be!) Ink who doesn’t have any darker intentions, because I feel like that hurts more? Though obviously that’s open to interpretation!
But, like. How would Core!Frisk feature into this- I’m a sucker for platonic!Core and Ink, so I can’t help wondering what they’re thinking of everything going on. Have they been trying to help Ink, and maybe warn him that things are going south? Have they had to decide that they can’t risk the Omega Timeline getting involved with all of this, and been forced to watch a friend fall into a toxic trap? Do they care at all? They’re an interesting character to me, so I can’t help wondering!
And! Cross! My poor, misguided boy… I feel like he has a lot of potential to go a lot of different ways- Because once Blue and Dream’s betrayal becomes known, and they release XGaster, does he have a realization that he betrayed Ink, if only in a less personal way than they did? He hunted through the AUs and damaged them, knowing it would hurt someone who thought of him as a friend- What would he think of that? And depending on if you want brotherly!Cross and a Ink, I think it could go a lot of ways.
Error is a mixed bag, to me- He could absolutely be a yandere himself, and in that scenario, I could see him using Ink’s betrayal as a “ha, don’t you see I was right?” sort of moment. Because the people Ink cared for went behind his back in such an awful way, but he’s never done that, now has he? Alternatively, Error being the only sane man and going “well damn, I don’t like the guy, but that’s kinda fucked up” has some interesting potential in making him the overall… Hero? Or at least hero-aligned, since he might be trying to help Ink, now.
(Also, I just feel it’d be very funny, if he realized Blue and Dream caused the destruction of an AU and went “HEY WHAT THE FUCK THATS MY JOB-)
There’s just! So much to think about! And I’m so glad you enjoyed thinking about it! Make sure to take care of yourself, and thank you again for reading and thinking about my little idea!
I live for my brain to be consumed by AUs, I don't think there's even a logical side to my brain anymore /j.
Before I get more into this response, I wanna say that I'm not trying to bash Underverse either. I really do enjoy the series! I feel like Underverse is a big part of the AU community and I love that, it's just... I wish I could love it more, if that makes sense? I'm not placing any blame on Jakei, but I'm a firm believer that Ink's portrayal in Underverse has significantly contributed to the misconception of his character and the sheer amount of villainization (again, you know who you are). I think my favorite episode was actually 0.6, if I'm remembering correctly. That's the one with the Dream/Cross vs Killer/Nightmare battle, right? So many good cuts of Nightmare. 0.7 was good too, with all those juicy fights. Yum.
I don't really see Ink as a naive, wholly good character. I don't imagine him anywhere near as evil as other people do (y'all know who you are), but I don't see him as pure good either, like what I might imagine for Dream or CORE. However, I am very fond of the idea that Ink's been influenced by Dream and the others, and so he's better… but still not entirely good. He's still generally neutral and all, but he does make more effort to be considerate of others and have a better grasp of morals. Maybe this is a niche interpretation but he's my top comfort character, dammit. I'm gonna do what makes me feel happy and warm.
(I say as I torture him in numerous AUs)
Anyway, I do imagine this Ink to be nicer (or whatever word you wanna substitute that with) than the canon Underverse!Ink. Like I mentioned in the last one, I'm a stickler for the idea he wouldn't endanger AUs, buuuut... now that I'm thinking about it, wasn't part of his motives the Creators gradually leaving? Ink needs his paints to be "alive", if you will, and he won't get those if the Creators are gone. So if he becomes desperate, afraid of being forgotten (again), then... maybe he'd make a small exception? Perhaps? It's... for the greater good! I'm not gonna deviate from what I originally said too much, but I'm a sucker for angst- I'm sure there are some people here who can verify that statement.
I honestly didn't think of CORE very much when thinking of the idea. I know they're important to the story, I just... don't think about them very often lol. I'M SORRY CORE I STILL LOVE YOU-
From what I remember, CORE hates the concept of "the greater good". They're very against the idea of there being things as part of the grand scheme of the Multiverse, I believe. So they're going to be at a standstill here: obviously, they're not okay with Ink being manipulated, nor are they okay with what Dream and Blue were doing. But at the same time, they can't just risk the Omega Timeline. It's essentially the last safe haven in the Multiverse, in terms of being shielded from potential threats (let's just ignore Nightmare manifesting for a moment). As much as they despise the ideology of a greater good, they know they can't rush into this with their usual attitude. They know from experience that things don't always go the way you want, that people- no matter what your intentions may be- will be affected by what choices you make. (Maybe that can lead to some CORE backstory acknowledgment crumbs-)
Regardless of what choice CORE makes, I believe they would care about them still. They're just a little baby, just a little kid, give them a break!
I feel like Cross is becoming the primarily neutral character of this lol. I feel like he would have a lot of mixed emotions about the situation. On one hand, he could still be bitter towards Ink while also feeling guilt for his own betrayal. Depending on how emotionally damaged and exhausted he is, Cross might just feel pity and not much more. I think his dynamic with the other two Stars, especially Dream, would also come into play at this point. If he feels this awful about their betrayal, then... how does Ink feel...? I would ideally want the development of Cross and Ink becoming more brotherly with each other, but that's just personal bias.
And now, Error. Error, Error, Error... one of my favorite AUs. One of my skrunkles. My blorbos. My brainrot babes. There are things that I can't help but include when making an AU, and Errorink- or at least Errorink crumbs- is one of them.
First, let's consider the idea of Error being a yandere himself. This can either be a romantic yandere or a platonic yandere, personally I prefer the romantic one for Error. Generally speaking, even without the yandere trait, I do believe that Ink is the only Error considers "on his level". They're equals- one can never truly defeat the other. Error could definitely use the betrayal to his advantage, and try to tell Ink that he was always right about those anomalies. They took advantage of his trust, and now look at what's happened. But him? He'd never betray Ink in such a way. He's the only one Ink can trust. This could lead to some major angst when Error destroys the AUs, maybe also lead to Ink shutting down and considering giving up. And then Error can kidnap him (again)! Fun!
Now, we'll consider the one where Error isn't a yandere. This is probably the most generally favorable and can be a breath of fresh air amidst the two (three, if you wanna play with X-Gaster a bit) yanderes going after Ink. You know the situation's bad when Error- ERROR- is considered sane compared to you. I do like the idea of them being reluctant frenemies here; Error doesn't really like Ink, but damn, did he really deserve all of that? Especially if Error knows how much Ink truly depends on the Creators. I like the idea of them forming an unstable partnership for the time being. And who knows? Maybe, in this case, Error is one of the people keeping Ink from really hitting a breaking point.
I wonder what that would be like, Ink hitting a breaking point. Imagine all the juicy angst. Ink questioning if any of this even worth it, if trying to keep a Creator active was worth it. If he's worth it. Dream and Blue would frantically reassure him that he is worth it, no one wants him to fade away, but he just... doesn't really believe them. After what they did, how can they expect him to trust whatever they say?
Also, also! I am 100% supportive of the idea that Error takes offense to other people doing his "job". I absolutely LOVE that idea. I like to imagine that's what Ink does in AUs where the Balance is actually important, when Error's being lazy and doesn't wanna do anything. He's like "Hm, I guess I'll just find someone else to destroy the AUs" and suddenly, Error's working.
There's honestly so much that can be done with the concept of platonic yandere Dream and Blue being in Underverse. See, Ink never needed to worry about being forgotten or Creators leaving the Multiverse, because he's got me. I make so many AUs I should be getting paid for it.
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the-daylight-here · 5 years
new yandere blog? nice! i read your platonic dadmic one and that was so good! would you consider doing an aizawa one where an orphan kid managed to get into UA and he surprises her later with adoption papers?
||you’ve got an ‘older sibling’ in this who will act like your boyfriend for either shits and giggles or generally to keep stalkers away from you. Basically, he can pass on his emotions by being within a certain distance, and physically touching him can give you the full force of what he’s feeling. he’s bakugo sized and fairly strong, so picking up people is not an issue. holding in his emotions makes him cry a lot from the mental and physical stress.
Shouta had been watching that student since the entrance exam. She was extraordinarily fast, and that wasn’t the only thing she could do with her quirk. It was interesting, to say the least. Much like Midoriya Izuku, her quirk could destroy her body if used recklessly. She had to wear body braces on almost all her joints during exercises like hero training. Still, it was enthralling to watch her grow and improve.
And finding out about her status as an orphan saddened him for some reason.
“Sora!” you yelled, looking for the person you recognized as your family. Your crybaby ‘sibling’ swung his head in your direction and ran towards you, scooping you up into his arms with cheerful laughter. You started laughing and hugging him too. You knew it was merely an effect of his quirk. He held a lot of his quirk in, but it was hard to contain when he was physically touching someone, as well as just happy.
A lot of the customers outside the bakery smiled and cooed gently, mumbling something about ‘what a cute couple’ or something like that. After years of correcting people, the both of you just gave up. This was also probably an effect of his quirk. Containing it was a hell of a job, but at least the negative ones weren’t as difficult. You think the last time you actually felt he was stressed was in middle school when he had to find a job in order to help your caretakers keep the half-decent roof over your heads and good clothing on your backs without sacrificing money for food.
“Should we feed more into the illusion or should I put you down?” he asked softly. You giggled and ran your hands through his silky, midnight colored hair. “Put me down, I’ve got good news,” you laughed. He did and took a couple steps back to spare you from the full, smothering force of his quirk. You practically jumped up and down, still feeling the pure elation from earlier, atop the excitement of the news. “I’ve got my provisional license!” you told him, pulling it out of your wallet. Sora gaped.
“(Y/n), that’s awesome!”
“I know! How should we celebrate?”
“Me getting you your own snake?”
“Sora, NO! Why can’t you have normal pets?”
“Hahaha! Kidding. How about I bake some stuff and your entire class comes to celebrate for even taking the exam?”
“You’re not making it alone. How about I bring Sato-san and Bakugo-san by, and we can all bake stuff for it.”
“Or I can come there with ingredients and--”
“Alright, alright. I’ll grab you in a couple hours,” you laughed, turning around and bumping into someone. “Sorry,” you apologized with a squeak. You looked up to see your teacher, who was glaring at your sibling. All of the glowy, happy warmth was sucked from the air, and you saw Sora’s genuinely jovial expression melt into the professional ‘I am a good employee and will deal with you with a smile,’ face. “Hello sir, how may I help you today?” he asked. Anyone else would likely have been fooled by this, but growing up around him gave you an edge to tell you when he was hiding his feelings. Not to mention, everything usually seemed quite bright and colorful when he was cheerful. Now, as he went into professional mode, things seemed duller and grayer.
“I was told you typically handled adoption interviews, considering you'll be taking over when your aunt and uncle retire,” your teacher answered. Sora hummed lightly at that. “I'll talk to you later on it. I'm swinging by your class’ dorm to help celebrate the exam,” your blue-haired sibling answered, turning curtly on his heels and returning to his job. Sora told you when you were moving into the dorms that Aizawa's general vibe felt off to him.
You gave a short greeting to your teacher and began walking back to the dorm, your teacher in tow.
Shouta understood the blue-haired boy’s concerns and dislike concerning him. After all, who would trust a full grown man who seemed to lurk in the presence of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl? Not to mention an observant, caring brother-figure. Ito Sora seemed like a cheerful, happy-go-lucky idiot with the potential to be an idol or something like that. He was scared of dogs and cared about the other orphans under his and his guardians’ watch. He seemed like he wouldn’t be of much interest, but he paid attention to hero, villain and gang activity.
The boy’s skills and quirk made him a prime hero candidate if he’d been interested.
The only reasons Sora was of any concern was his skills and quirk, as well as the fondness of the speedster student. The two seemed particularly close because of their ages, as well as the girl having been among the earliest to come into the care of Ito Sayaka and her husband.
As he entered the courtyard that night, during the celebration, he saw the blue haired male sitting on the steps, whittling away at a wooden arrow.
The teacher sat next to him.
“You’ve been following (Y/n) since shortly after the entrance exam, and particularly closely after the USJ incident. I know about the USJ incident because she told me. Then, after the training camp and Kamino Ward mishaps, UA started using a dorm system. So, sorry, I don’t necessarily think the best of you,” the freckled boy said flatly, not looking up. Shouta laughed bitterly. If he’d been in the same situation, he would have definitely been more protective over the student.
“I understand that. I don’t understand why you won’t approve the adoption papers.”
“Call it selfish, intuition, whatever. But (Y/n) has always been able to handle herself. Sure, she thought it was cool that I can shoot arrows precisely or run through uneven terrain like a monkey, but I was never really much more than emotional support. And I honestly kind of think you might end up coddling her or pushing her too hard if I let this go through.”
“Or is it you’re in love with her?” Shouta teased. He wasn’t much one for jokes, but it could’ve been a possibility.
“Maybe. Don’t know. But, as long as she’s happy, I’m okay with it.”
He was surprised to see a sloppy signature of approval at the bottom of the paper as the boy held it out. “Take it before I use it as target practice,” Ito muttered. Shouta quirked a brow but took the paper. He hoped (Y/n) would like this surprise.
You stole the last slice of cheesecake right from under Todoroki’s nose, going to sneak off before you felt ice around your ankle. Shit. You turned around with a nervous laugh and grinned shakily. “Heyyyy, Todo-chan,” you greeted. He looked done with your crap and went to take the cheesecake as you held it away, whining. “My brother maaaade thiiiiiiiiiiis,” you whimpered. “You didn’t have to steal it, (L/n).”
“You’ve had three slices.”
“YOU DIDN’T EVEN PASS! And you’re rude too!”
“You’re supposed to refer to people with honorifics and your dad emotionally fucking stunted you, so you’re socially inept and have no filter.”
The Pepsi-can boy thought about it long enough for you to phase through the ice and run to your room, protecting the pastry best as you could.
Ten minutes later, Aizawa knocked on your door and entered, holding a packet of papers out to you. You recognized the messy signature and your name, and your eyes widened. Sora approved Aizawa adopting you? That was unexpected. You two had been going back and forth on it for a week or so now, so you smiled widely.
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skeletorific · 7 years
How would each of the skelecrew react to suddenly appearing in a girls room covered in merchandise of the said skelebro? Once the girl sees them though, she just sort of deadpans and starts collecting the merch to throw it away. She says something along the lines of "Would you grab some of that? I seem to have a lot of trash to take out... It was a nice fantasy while it lasted..."
UT!Sans: There’s like a moment where his eyelights flicker out and then he just kind of rolled with it. “So, you’re a fan, I take it.” He hold up one of the dolls and smiles faintly. “Can’t say I’m surprised. I do tend to spin heads around.” If you pick up on the joke, he figures you’re pretty cool, talks to you. Hey, if all goes well, you may end up with his number, either platonically or romantically. He helps you get rid of the stuff if you want, but he’s taking a doll and a t-shirt, because that’s hilarious.
UT!Papyrus: BEST. DAY. EVER. WAIT, DON’T THROW THAT AWAY! HOW ELSE WILL YOU SHOW YOUR LOVE FOR THE GREAT PAPYRUS?! Yeah, he’s excited, his eyes are doing that adorable anime thing, and he is definitely making you his latest best friend. He can’t believe he finally has a real fan!
UF!Sans: Teleports the hell out and then prays he never sees you again. He doesn’t know what kind of serial killer nonsense that is, but he is not being stabbed by a crazed yandere. No thank you.
UF!Papyrus: He thinks its weird, and tells you so, but then stops you before throwing any of it out. “OBVIOUSLY YOUR OBSESSION WITH ME IS BIZARRE AND IRRITATING, BUT IT IS ALSO……UNDERSTANDABLE, I SUPPOSE, FOR SOMEONE AS GREAT AND TERRIBLE AS I TO HAVE GROUPIES.” he waves a hand in a show of dismissiveness. “I WILL NOT TAKE THIS PLEASURE FROM YOUR PATHETIC LIFE.” Then he leaves. But you maaay find you “accidentally” run into him quite a bit.
US!Sans:…..WHERE DID YOU GET THIS STUFF?! ITS SO GOOD! If any of it is handmade he’s very impressed and asks you to make more stuff for him. He holds up a picture by his face. “I CUT A DASHING FIGURE, DON’T I?” Then he asks you to hang out sometime. Papyrus probably won’t be as cool with you, but Blue will hold him in check, and the two of you likely end up becoming good friends.
US!Papyrus: While he’s a little more creeped out on his brother’s behalf,  if its him, he just kind of goes with it. He looks around the room, looking mildly amused. “So, kid, you a stalker, or what?” He’s kidding…..you think. He shrugs when you try throwing it out. “Do what you want. But hey, I can think of worse roommates.” And then he points to the doll of him and smiles. You don’t really seem that threatening so he’s pretty cool with this. If he ever sees you around, he’ll approach you, ask how your “little buddies” are doing. Hey, might end up with a friend out of the deal. But get rid of your merch if you don’t want to be teased for it constantly. 
SF!Sans: You are his new henchman, you start tomorrow, pick up your collar and badass jacket at his house at 8 AM sharp. He’s enthralled by having someone as in love with him as he is with himself. I’d show up for that first day if you don’t want him breaking down your door and demanding to know where you are, but eventually you can talk him into releasing ou from a life of servitude. Still, you are probably now considered as one of his closest allies. 
SF!Papyrus: He just looks around for a bit, and then in a very calm voice, says. “No.” and then teleports away. Not today. 
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stargazeraldroth · 9 months
First of all! This is very late, I’m super sorry about that- I had some stuff going on (work, feeling under the weather, etc), but! I have returned!!!
MSMAMSKS THERES SO MUCH TO GIN LORE THOUGH- But! Starting with the basics, the largely known version of Gin (and the one I’m mainly focusing on!) is actually a continuation of the original Hotarubitale AU- As a brief summary, Gin was a baby very close to death, his version of Gaster took him into the forest of monsters and remade him into a skeleton (I believe monsters and spirits are one and the same, here?), he met his version of Frisk when they got lost in the woods and led them out, they slowly develop some form of relationship, eventually years later he dies after touching a human child he mistook as a monster pretending to be a human.
The Gin associated with Ink comes to life here! Basically, he becomes a ghost who watches over his version of Frisk, only for Error to attack the AU. In the process of trying to stop him, he earned that massive crack in his skull, and Ink intervened after that to drive Error off and whisk Gin to the Omega Timeline with Core Frisk.
It’s… A Lot to explain, from there, and it’s been a while since I’ve done an in depth look, so I might be wrong- And I don’t think I could adequately do it justice (the siiversans blog has a summary page of the plot, though, as a sort of sparknotes!), but basically “shit goes wrong, Gin has a surprise brother (hello, Papyrus!), anons cause shit to go wrong again, people are brought back to life temporarily and shit is somewhat fixed??? Bonding happens, OH GOD SHIT IS WRONG AGAIN AND GIN IS DEAD-“
As a summary of Gin and Ink’s relationship… Well, for starters, Ink promised Gin safety and protection, and they’re very dear friends- Trying to describe the dynamic is kinda tough for me, but I’d say… Soft? People around them would say they should kiss apparently (they were! Very good friends!), and they have a sort of playful, carefree air to them, I think. They never got together in the direct canon because they never confessed before Gin died, but they were happy together. There’s a lot of unspoken regrets, there, and unvoiced love that I think would hurt Ink for a long, long time after the fact.
I! Don’t know!!! Aaahhh I’m just soft for them-
Moving on though!!! I could certainly see him having both, though rejection sensitive dysphoria is more applicable here, you’re right.
Cross is Ink’s Emotional Support Guard and Ink is Cross’s Emotional Support Artist. That’s it that’s the dynamic they’ve got going on. I like to imagine they try and blanket burrito each other when they’ve healed a bit. It’s just funny to me.
Truly, we fall into many of the same holes. I also have no idea what the fuck I’m doing, ever, at any given point in time. Whose bright idea was it to make me an adult?!? Either way, Error trying to cheer Ink up with puppets is really fucking cute, love that sort of thing- And even if he’s awkward about it! I think Ink would appreciate it! Error, his main rival, using one of his hobbies that involves creation to cheer him out, however begrudgingly, would be heartwarming, in a sort of way, you know?
Aaahhh, I didn’t mean, like, “Error is a god” is annoying! More like… When people make him Good and Flawless and functionally elevate him to the level of a “God That Does No Wrong” scenario, you know? I’m a sucker for actual god (but still flawed) Error! It just. Peeves me when his actual, manbaby and not-a-good-person (at least conventionally) personality is wiped out in favor of making him our Lord and Savior and Ink the Scum of the Earth, like you said. And! I don’t believe it’s changed, and he does, if I’m remembering correctly, destroy AUs because, in his eyes, they’re glitches and abominations- Corrupted copies of the original that shouldn’t be hear, in his opinion. Like, I’ve legitimately seen people characterize Ink as having a god complex, and I’m like… Guys, Error is Right There. Either way, I’m with you- People should write what they want! They can interpret as they please. I just, uh, wish that wasn’t a total misinterpretation of one character at the expense of my comfort character. Come on, guys, Ink doesn’t deserve that.
AJZAKJNZ I’LL BE QUICK ABOUT IT AND GIVE A SHORT SUMMARY I PROMISE- If you’re still interested, lemme know! But! Basically, it’s Forced God of Destruction, with unwilling Error and all… At first. Because really, why would whoever assigns these jobs make someone eternal duty something they try to escape from? So he destroys reluctantly at first… And then with a bit more of an open mind and rationalization, because this is- Surprisingly fun? Half of these guys are assholes anyways, or living in their own personal hell, so really, he’s doing them a favor. They should be thanking him! He’s basically a god- Hell, he is a god! And he just gets more and more into it, into his role- Starts being more haphazard and careless, and suddenly the inhabitants of the AUs are even being given the dignity of peaceful, painless deaths- It’s terror and pain and a glitched skeleton laughing like a madman as his tears their souls apart.
He gets far, far too enthusiastic about it, is what I’m saying. So much so that the Balance starts to… Tilt, a bit- Or a lot. Because Ink, meanwhile (also a god), had been careful to not inspire/create (depending on whether he’s actually a creator or a protector here) too much- Especially since creation takes so much longer. The Balance was an important, delicate thing, after all, and difficult to fix.
If I keep going, I’ll never shut up- Just! Error going too far, too fast- And Ink having to clean up after him and fix things! I’m very passionate about this!!!
Hhh Broomie I’m sorry!!! I’ll just. Pretend Core or Cross picked it up. Ink is already suffering so much, he needs a break.
Shattered and Blue probably treat him like a plush toy that talks, let’s be real. Poor Ink is pretty much carted around and placed (forced) next to or between them to “cuddle” and shit. They don’t want him to feel sad! And if Shattered has to hold him down with tentacles… Well, they’ll get him to see things their way eventually, they’re sure!
They’re the “why are you running” meme. That’s it, that’s them.
Nightmare’s the deadpan snarker of a narrator we’d need to get through the suffering that this AU would bring, huh.
OHHHHHHH I'M FINALLY HERE! I've been getting put through the washing machine by schoolwork, especially that treacherous subject... math. But! I'm back now! I've also just been extremely lazy and stuff.
Dammit Error. You always, ALWAYS come in and ruin people's happy lives with your need for destruction and annihilation! I still love you, my glitchy manbaby, but please. Just once. Just stop. Honestly, my brain's not processing everything after a long day of mathematics, but it's shoveling in that Ink angst pretty well. Do I have a problem? Nooo... do I need therapy? Maaaaaybe... but that's not important!
I like how I knew next to nothing about Gin's lore or his dynamic with Ink, yet I still included him in my Food Fantasy AU. And the best part is that his counterpart in that AU is based solely off the mask I saw him with like.... once??? I don't know.
Cross and Ink are mutual support buddies and I love that for them.
While it is adorable to think about Error trying to put on an awkward puppet show for Ink to cheer him up, I can't help but imagine that he might... not be the greatest? I mean that he might use a Dream and/or Blue puppet to try and cheer him up, but that might just make him even sadder because those are puppet versions of his best friends.
This. This is exactly how I feel whenever I come across one of those stories that does little more than just flip the roles. As in, the Bad Sanses are actually misunderstood babies who aren't at fault for what they've done and the Star Sanses are the Scum of the Earth, toxic, and the worst people to have ever lived. The concept of making the Stars secretly evil and all could be interesting, I think it has a lot of potential when used properly! But the idea has been largely ruined for me by a lot of stuff that just feels one-dimensional, you know? I don't care if people use the idea, I've personally written things that the majority would disagree with, I can only encourage people to add more depth to the characters; if the Stars are going to be the actual evil, then why are they evil? What are their motives? This is especially important for a character like Dream, who is the embodiment of all positive feelings. If the Bad Sanses are the actual good guys, then how/why do they deserve redemption? Why are they actually good? A lot of people use the Balance as an excuse, but the Murder Trio (and Cross, if he's there) is exempt from that- those three aren't relevant to the Balance. So that really only applies to Error and Nightmare, and while Error doesn't really have many other options, Nightmare technically does. There are ways to cause negativity other than murder, guys. If they're still going to use the murder route and stuff, then what makes them the good guys? What makes them deserve that reveal/acknowledgment that they're misunderstood?
Another important thing to consider is that the Bad Sanses aren't entitled to forgiveness, especially Error and Nightmare. Like yes, Error was (presumably) forced to destroy AUs for the Balance, but that doesn't erase the consequences of his destruction. That doesn't erase the fact that the Omega Timeline is FULL of people/characters who escaped from their destroyed worlds, who lost their homes and their families. Nor does the necessity of his role make those same people magically forgive him. Can they be understanding of his position? Certainly. Do they have to immediately forgive Error? No! In fact, they don't have to forgive him at all! The Bad Sanses aren't entitled to forgiveness just because they're secretly the good guys. ESPECIALLY if they're still having the Murder Trio commit murder to spread negativity, when there are known alternatives.
Anyway, moving on from that little rant. I am so sorry for talking your ear off and I hope nobody gets too offended by what I said, I just get really into this stuff. Can I just say- I absolutely love how you have Ink be aware of the Balance! So many FGOD AUs have it to where Ink either has no clue about the Balance or doesn't believe it exists, and I'm like??? Why??? He's literally the Protector of the AUs, if anyone would know about the Balance, it would be him! It's literally crucial to his role to protect the AUs, they'll fall apart without it! My personal headcanon for my own stuff is that Error's actually the one who didn't believe in the Balance (harmony between destruction and creation? A Truce? Even if it really does exist, ignoring the Balance only benefits him! Get outta here with your pacifist BS, Ink!) and Ink just can't stress it enough to him lol.
ANON TELL ME AS MUCH AS YOU'D LIKE- you can always send it in a separate ask if you'd like! That way you can focus on just your AU and not have to worry about the ask being too long!
I like how this went from "Ink gets isekaied back to his unfinished AU" to "Oh shi- SAVE THE BRUSH!"
Man, you're right- they probably treat him as some kind of glorified teddy bear at this point (ngl I actually have a headcanon that Ink is a surprisingly wonderful cuddle buddy). He's usually good with cuddling and physical affection, but this is just... no! Let him go!
It's been too long. I forget what that was responding to.
Nightmare as the narrator of this AU is perfect. I never knew I needed this in my head.
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stargazeraldroth · 9 months
Ooohhh, good luck with your schoolwork, then! And don’t push yourself too hard~
I get what you mean! To be honest, I tend to make him lean more towards good, myself- It’s just how I view him, in no small part (like you said) thanks to all of the overly malicious interpretations of him. And honestly, especially with the other Stars, I usually interpret him as “good-leaning chaotic neutral,” so really, I’m probably biased, too! Also, he definitely, absolutely does need therapy- To help recognize and process his own feelings (and validate them), to help him recognize social cues he tends to disregard, etc. If nothing else, he’s lived for so goddamn long and seen so much shit that he could do with talking to A Professional about it and just getting it off of his chest. And that’s just with his canon role as a Protector… If you view anything with, say, Gin as canon, he probably needs it even more. And I’m a sucker for Gin/Ink, so I like taking it into account, heh.
I think I may have read that one, too! I… Also cannot remember the title, though, whoops. But! I could see his abandonment issues (and probable RSD, at least in my opinion (no I’m not projecting hush-) because Look At Him) playing into how he takes all of this- And the entire thing combines with his other issues and the fact that protecting the Multiverse is kind of a Big Deal to him, and it all just. Really, really starts to weigh him down, I think. He’d be trying to go over everything he did- Wondering if he did something to make them think he hated being soulless, like you said, or how he led them to think that he needed saving from the Creators (which, maybe he does, just. Not like this), or how me screwed up so much that two of the people he bases his understanding of morals off of went off the deep end. Did he interfere too much? Is this going to happen to others? Was there a way he could have seen this coming and stopped it? Blue and Dream would probably hate that he’s thinking that way (and maybe it even feeds more into their delusions, because how could he think like that? It couldn’t be their fault, right? They’re in too deep now, they can’t just stop-), but Ink is gonna spiral into self hatred and spiral hard, no matter how you look at it.
Core deserved to go a bit feral and wreck havoc on people who hurt the ones they love. Just a little bit. You know. As a treat. For real though, they’re definitely the sort of threat you regret overlooking, because even if they, physically, cannot do anything to you, kiddo’s got Influence and Knowledge and probably a damn good Scary Face. They’re definitely gonna assemble the squad to get their artistic pal back.
Depending on how badly off Ink is in the moment (both emotionally and physically), Cross might actually start out as a necessary caretaker AND protector for him- No one wants to decide things For Him, given everything that happened, but also, if he’s refusing to take his vials and not letting himself feel or function, someone needs to try and make sure he’s at least semi-healthy, you know? Either way, given time and A Lot of healing, I definitely see it developing into a much healthier, much happier friendship and partnership- With Cross probably acting like a Big Brother sometimes, because you know, Oreo Bros. And by that I mean, once they regained their bond, he gleefully holds having almost an Entire Foot on Ink over his head, and stuff like that (let them tease each other and be goofballs, they need it-).
Core and Cross are just gently giving Ink hugs and head pats while Error is just that one video of the guy awkwardly petting the other guy with a broom. And Fresh, in my mind, has plenty of motive to keep Ink Alive and Kicking because, if the Protector is gone, the chances of his Primary Food Source dying out goes up. Also I just really like the dynamic he’d bring to this particularly chaotic table, it’d be fun.
AHAHAHAHA HES SUCH A FUCKIN MANBABY AND I LOVE IT. Tantrum throwing Error over what would, to other people, be Weird Shit is always just. So funny to me. If Blue and Dream do kidnap Ink, I imagine he’d be a likely source of rescue, because the indignity of Someone Else having the nerve to capture His Rival would drive him insane.
O O F. That’s a tough (and painful) one. My first thought is that, if they wish for Ink to have a soul, and to not be “burdened” with the role of Protector anymore, the Overwrite reconstructs his old soul and locks him back in his old, unfinished AU… With just the sketches and his own thoughts for company. Unless it erases his memories, I don’t imagine he’d cope well with the sudden onslaught of Feeling so much and being in his Worst Nightmare.
My OTHER thought is that they wish to be Ink’s “perfect protectors” or something along those lines, but without any real guidelines, so now everyone has to deal with Shattered Dream and a Much More Deadly Blue running around and refusing to let Ink go anywhere.
Alternately, it goes right… For them. By locking all three Stars in the Doodlesphere and rendering it impossible to breach. Talk about an opportunity to gaslight poor Ink.
I'm sorry for shouting at you like that- but I have not been able to find a single thing about Gin's lore! Like I have a name, that's all I know. All I know is his name and that he had a close bond with Ink, or something like that. I don't even know where to look for this man's lore, which sucks because he?? Looks cool to me??? And he's Ink's friend???? I genuinely don't even know what Gin's lore is or what AU he's from-
Okay so that either refers to Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy or rejection sensitivity, and honestly? I'm here for both of them (I have looked as their basic definitions and nothing more). I, too, suspect that I may have some problems when it comes to abandonment and rejection... but this isn't a therapy session and I'm trying to be mysterious about myself, so we won't dwell on that. I can get behind Ink spiraling into self-hatred, that's a whole mood. Also, I just feel like if Dream and Blue tried to reassure him that it wasn't his fault (and of course they would, why wouldn't they step in?), Ink wouldn't believe them. There's just no other explanation for it, to him. Especially if they were to try and explain their reasoning to him.
I want you to know that I read "artistic" as "autistic" and didn't bat an eye. That's some self-projection right there.
Ooo yes yes, I understand exactly what you mean! I can see Cross being a necessary caretaker for the time being, if only to keep Ink functioning. Also just to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't do anything drastic, just as a precaution.
HJBVHHJBHJGG- Error with the broom?? Trying to comfort Ink by probing him with it?? Splendid imagery. He never learned how to comfort people, he's doing his best. He's improvising for the situation and I think that deserves some credit.
If Dream and Blue were to kidnap Ink, Error would be that one clip of the tank pulling right up to the house's door. I hope you know what I'm talking about, I think it's the perfect example of this. Error being a huge manbaby and having tantrums is something I live for, but it's so rare to find it in fanfics?? At least from my own experience. And I attribute that to the fact that Error's also greatly mischaracterized by a majority of the fandom as some sort of saint, but that's a topic for a different day.
(I will never want to rant about this.)
You know... I'm the one who suggested the hypothetical scenario, but you didn't have to assault me with that first interpretation /lh. My poor baby- especially because I'm pretty sure Ink doesn't actually remember anything from before waking up in the Anti-Void?? So he'd be confused and petrified, with no way of stopping his emotions or processing them. This also means that Broomie's gone for good, how could you do this Anon?
I do love me some Shattered content. Some nice Shattered and Ink interactions, we love to see it, love to see it. Some "nice" interactions. In this case, it's definitely a hostage situation, even before they hypothetically emerge victorious. Since Shattered now has tentacles, he can basically keep Ink restrained at all times, if he were to catch him. I can picture the scene: they use the OVERWRITE on themselves and, as soon as they do, Ink feels it. Something is wrong. So very wrong. The story- stories- they're different now. Something's gone wrong, he needs to fix it, but he's probably too bewildered by what he just witnessed to react properly. And for a little treat, just a little seasoning, imagine that he feels actual pain whenever something major like this- something so extremely off-script- happens. If the pain's great enough, it would render him stunned just long enough for the two to strike.
In the situation where they get locked in the Doodlesphere, I imagine there would be a scene where Ink's just processing everything. He's like "Creators... what the actual fuck?" The Creators really went to get the milk, huh?
Alternatively, Nightmare's probably just somewhere, eating popcorn while watching this whole thing go down from start to finish.
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stargazeraldroth · 9 months
You’re fine!!! Honestly I also don’t always remember everything I’ve said, it’s How Things Be sometimes- You’ll find no annoyance at repetitions or contradictions here! We’re having fun, not engaging in a life-or-death situation.
Anyways, yeah! I get that, and I do agree that he tends to end up just. WILDLY on one side or the other (my poor man just can’t exist as a chaotic neutral entity to some people, huh-), when in reality he’s firmly a neutral force who’s Seen Some Shit. Honestly, my only qualm with him being chaotic neutral is that some people make him a malicious chaotic neutral and he’s like. Very much not, you know? I dunno, his characterization is fascinating to me and I wish! That more people! Leaned into his actual character instead of making him something he isn’t!!! But ramblings aside, yeah, he’s very much a desensitized guy who wouldn’t be nearly as good at his job if he was as wholly good as people seem to think he should be.
(I could go on about this man forever but I’ll stop now-)
Oh no I definitely agree! He’s got major abandonment issues with anyone he cares about- The creators might be a more primal kind of fear (since without them, he’s just. A husk.), but it would definitely apply to his loved ones, too. People like his Dadsters, Cross, Dream and Blue, probably Error in a weird “rival who has existed for as long as I have” way… There’s definitely potential there for Dream and Blue to use it against him, the poor guy. And while I don’t see them intentionally making him blame himself (they want him to be happy! To be free!), them saying that they did this for him, because they care for him and what to “help him” would… Definitely fuck him up, I think. I could see him blaming himself for it all- For not catching them going down a slippery slope, yes, and for not being proactive enough, and for “causing” this, but I could also see him eventually coming to the conclusion that this happened because he, specifically, was their friend. If he’d just stayed distant, if he’d never interacted and formed friendships, if he hadn’t interfered, maybe this would’ve been avoided? Just. A total belief that he, specifically, ruined things.
Core angst!!! My poor child is suffering All The Time and the entire Multiverse just expects them to be Wise and Good, it’s so much pressure for a fucking- What, ten year old? They need to have a breakdown at some point, I think- Not just over this, but over all of the accumulated stress of every bad things they’ve witnessed (and, let’s be real, they deserve to have a breakdown and get out their emotions-). Dream and Blue writing them off might end badly for the two of them, though… Core is a highly stressed child, yes, but they’re a highly stressed child with omniscience and omnipresence, and I imagine that existing for so long has led them to be Very Attached (whether they show it or not) to other, equally eternal beings. They’re still a Frisk, after all- They’ve still got their own brand of Determination, and that willpower to help people- And eventually, I think they might be one of the biggest threats to the yanderes.
Cross (and XChara) are wildly versatile here, but I do love me some Oreo Bros, so I’ve got no issue with that route, haha. XChara is definitely a very bitter person in general (which, like, fair, they’ve gone through some shit), but even if they don’t particularly like Ink, I could see them being somewhat sympathetic (and probably very angry) on his behalf- If only because Dream and Blue’s desire for “the best” for Ink would probably hit. A Lot of sore spots in the way XGaster acted. They aren’t fond of Ink at all, really, but that doesn’t mean he deserves what’s happening to him.
Cross, meanwhile, has a lot of potential for some Realizations here, and, I think, the chance to rebuild his bond with Ink (artist buddies!). Ink has, by and large, done his best to help him, after all- Even spent lots of time with him, in his empty AU, despite his terror of blank white spaces. He didn’t leave Cross to rot, but he very much could have, and even when Cross was endangering the Multiverse, Ink still tried to have faith in him. That, combined with how much the situation probably reminds him of his own, could definitely prompt him to reach out and reconnect- And apologize, I think. Ink is probably in too much shock and emotional turmoil to respond, like you said, but it’s the thought that counts… Now that I think about it, do you think Cross would take up the mantle of “protecting” Ink (in a much healthier way) as a way to sort of atone for his part in all of this? Hell, maybe it becomes a sort of thing where he almost becomes a “co-Protector” with Ink, towards the end of all of this- He’s got a knack for codes, if I recall correctly, and Ink could do with some healthier help.
(This AU is giving a lot of potential for the Oreo Bros, I love them dearly-)
Oh, it’d definitely take more than one person to pull Ink out of the emotional spiral that’d form after all of that- Cross, Core, Error if he’s a good guy here, maybe even Fresh? And possibly a few others. Poor man’s gonna need a support system after all of this, to be honest.
Error, in my mind, is always very possessive of (A) his role as the Destroyer, and (B) his position as Ink’s rival and primary enemy. In a version where he’s at least semi-good, I definitely see that coming out in full swing- He’s Very Offended that other people managed to not only do so much damage, but that they did part of His Job. And, to make things worse, they fucked with His Rival. Glitchy has some potential here, I think.
Oooh, those two would definitely be tempted by Overwrite, if they got a hold of it- And since Ink has never exactly tried to stop the creators from being awful to him, I could easily see them rationalizing not asking for his input when using it. He doesn’t know what’s best for himself! He needs them to help him, to make sure he’s taken care of and happy and safe- He’ll thank them for this later, they’re sure… Or at least, that’s how I think they’re thoughts would go.
Oh boy, time to see how much I remember from the last time. I've been a bit busy with schoolwork and some other things, but I have a bit of time right now to get to my inbox. I'm actually taking a small break from my environmental notes to be on Tumblr.
I'm a bit guilty of making Ink lean one way or the other myself, but I swear I don't do it on purpose lol. I absolutely love reading it, though! I just can't seem to get it right myself. I think it's because I'm so sick of the blatant mischaracterization in how people make him solely malicious that I just like. Can't make him stray from good myself?? I dunno, could just be a bit of a personal bias. Maybe a bit of a niche thing. I also haven't tried to write him in more neutral scenarios very often, he's always kinda stuck with the other two Stars. Maybe I should try experimenting with that sometime. I think part of his desensitized attitude would be the fact that he... doesn't really have anyone to confide in? Like, a running thing between me and one of my friends is that Ink is in dire need of therapy but doesn't think he needs it because this whole time, he's been compartmentalizing what he's seen/experienced and has had to keep it to himself.
I once read a fanfic on AO3, forget what it's called, that used that idea! Ink being "forgotten" by Error, but Error was just pretending to see how he'd react. He didn't take it well lol. And you're right, Dream and Blue wouldn't intentionally make Ink believe that it's his fault, but it would end up just pushing him to that perspective. Another thing to consider could be Ink wondering if he ever said or did anything that made it seem like he was unhappy about being soulless. I think blaming himself would be the only way he'd be able to process it: he's not a yandere himself and he doesn't have the greatest understanding of emotions, let alone thought processes and other people's perspectives. He wouldn't be able to rationalize their thought processes and obsessions otherwise.
I thiiiiiink CORE is around 10? They're either 10 years old or younger, and that doesn't make it any better. And you know what I think? I think they've more than gone past their breaking point. I do think that the two underestimating CORE and writing them off would come back to bite them, and rightfully so. I think the fact that they're still a kid makes people instinctively underestimate them, and if Dream and Blue are especially confident in themselves for this, then they're more likely to underestimate their influence. I'm very fond of the idea that CORE is a key character in foiling their plot.
I absolutely love the idea of Cross being a healthier protector for Ink, if only for the time being. He doesn't view it in the same way Dream and Blue (probably) did, in which he HAS to protect Ink, but in a companion sort of way. I can see Cross proposing the idea of being an official co-protector, but I think it could be left ambiguous as to whether or not it actually happens. After all, Ink's co-protectors did kind of just betray him and threw the Multiverse into chaos, so he's not doing too well in the co-protector department. This man's getting screwed over left and right. Damn.
I- I'm sorry, I just- I love the image of CORE and Cross being the primary supports, while Error and Fresh are in the back. Error doesn't know how to comfort people to save his life (me too babygirl dw) and he's mostly being disturbed by Fresh, who doesn't really care about Ink... but he's still a valuable ally (or asset, if you will), so he'll do his part.
If you wanna go with an Error who is more in-line with how he acts in Underverse, then he's probably gonna throw a temper tantrum over someone else being such a thorn in Ink's side. HE'S supposed to be Ink's greatest rival! HE'S supposed to make Ink hurt! NOT! THESE! ANOMALIES! THEY'RE TAKING INK'S ATTENTION AWAY FROM HIM AND- *screaming turns into glitched screeching as the impersonation gets out of hand*
Okay, now with that being said, here's some angst fuel: hypothetically speaking, let's say Dream and Blue do use the OVERWRITE. What then? Since they're most likely using it on a whim and, despite seeing X-Gaster use it, haven't had any experience themselves... how might it go wrong?
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stargazeraldroth · 9 months
Haha, I don’t see Ink as a wholly good and naive character either, no worries there! I more meant that he… Tries? Because I do think he cares about his friends and family, whether or not someone views it as being in the same way as everyone else. To be fair, I also don’t think he can afford to be wholly good and naive, since he protects the Entire Multiverse and has to take care to not interfere too heavily in the AUs (something someone who was wholly good and naive would struggle much more heavily with, I think). Anyways, yeah, Ink is a largely chaotic neutral character! I just imagine that he does lean more towards good and tries to be considerate to make his friends happier, if that makes sense.
I don’t remember his initial motivations all that well myself (a good memory, I do not have-), but I do think the idea that so many creators were leaving (and abandoning him to become a husk again) would shake him up very badly. I still don’t see him endangering an AU because of it- But I could see it making it a bit more difficult for him to be rational, and potentially make him overlook what the other Stars are doing. Blue and Dream couldn’t possibly be endangering the Multiverse behind his back, right? They’re his friends, they know the creators are slowly beginning to leave! And they’re good people, they’re the ones who help him in his own struggles with morality, they tell him when he isn’t being a good person. They’re like his moral compass. So they wouldn’t risk something he’s dedicated his entire existence to. They wouldn’t do that to him, right…? Right?
To be fair! Core can be Tough to work into plots (omniscience and omnipresence is difficult to work with, after all), and I don’t believe they can impact things physically… They’d definitely have a lot weighing on them regardless, I think- And no matter what, I think it’d distress them a lot, even if it isn’t their fault. Like you said! They’re a little kid, all-knowing or not, they can’t fix every problem, much as they might wish to… I do wonder if Blue and Dream would see them as a threat, though. Hm.
Cross has a lot of room for development, here… I’d like to think that, eventually, he’d realize Ink was as much of a victim of overbearing control as he was (XGaster for Cross, Dream and Blue for Ink)- Like you said, a lot of his reactions would depend on how emotionally tired he is, but I do think he’d feel guilty for contributing to everything Ink went through during that series of events, after a while. And depending on how much this has emotionally exhausted Ink, I could almost see him being offended on his behalf, if Ink is just too tired to care? Either way, I’m a sucker for the… Oreo Bros, I think it is? So I think eventually brotherly Cross and Ink could be interesting! Also, the imagine of Cross carrying around tiny, emotionally blank Ink (blank because everything is So Much and he doesn’t wanna feel anything right now-) on his back smacked me in the face and I just think it’s a neat dynamic, haha.
Hm… Error is a tough one, and I think his characterization would largely depend on what kind of tone you’d want the story to take, and what kind of ending you’d want to give it.
If Error is also a yandere (romantic, like you said, because I’m also a sucker for Errorink-), it gives the story a much more hopeless feeling- Because the only one on Error’s level is Ink, but he’s shut himself down because he just. Can’t deal with everything? It hurts too much. Which might be an interesting chance for a more bittersweet tone, where someone (Cross? Core? Someone else?) has to drag him back into feeling, kicking and screaming. In that scenario, I could see an ending where Error and Dream and Blue and XGaster have all been stopped, and the Multiverse can heal, but there’s still so much damage, and you know it isn’t going to be easily or painless, even if Ink has new friends who hopefully won’t turn on him like that. I’m not sure, though.
And then there’s the idea of a not yandere Error, which I feel could lend a more humorous, almost lighthearted and hopeful tone to the whole thing- Not a work of comedy or anything, obviously, but it lends itself to a better ending, you know? And it has another advantage, for Ink- He knows Error doesn’t like him, but he’s still trying to help him, and I could see that helping stabilize Ink’s mental state, just a little bit. And on Error’s end, begrudging fondness for the tiny artist aside, I do think he genuinely respects in in a way he doesn’t most others- If nothing else, that’s the only goddamn person he’s been consistently interacting with for a long, long time, and the only person who’s truly earned his respect. Ink is capable of matching him blow for blow, so how dare these uppity brats try and do so much damage to his rival?
Ink is gonna be on the brink of either losing it or letting himself drain out regardless, I think, which would definitely make Blue and Dream panic- He’s their friend! They just wanted to make things good for him, to make him happy and set him free! Why can’t he see that? They couldn’t have made a mistake, right? There has to be someway to help him, to fix this. He has to see things their way eventually, right?
And who’s to say they don’t start thinking of stealing Overwrite for themselves, at that point? Maybe, if they could just make a perfect world, one where Ink doesn’t have to worry about protecting (and maybe doesn’t remember any of this- For his own good, of course! It’s upset him so much!), things will be okay again.
asmsnsjsm I feel like I ramble more and more in these asks, whoops??? Sorry about that! I’ll try and shut up now, but! I’m really glad you like this idea!!!
Ngl I don't really remember everything I said, so I'm so sorry if my points don't connect or if I repeat myself!! Anyway, I thiiiink I explained it like that because the fandom generally has a big issue when it comes to Ink where he's either the vilest creature to have ever been spawned or he's an UwU baby (can we bring the UwU-pocalypse back for shits and giggles y'all /j). But I do agree! I just don't think it'd be possible for Ink to be entirely good, especially with everything he would logically see in the AUs, you know? Even if he WAS that way at the start, hypothetically speaking (just in general, not specifically for this idea), I think he'd be too desensitized to stuff by this point to really... care? Maybe that's not the right word to use, but it doesn't really affect him anymore.
Personally, I like to imagine Ink's fear of abandonment isn't just limited to the Creators. I actually don't know if it's canonically limited to the Creators or not, I'm just going off a whim here. But I do headcanon that once he's formed an actual attachment to someone, like his friendship with Dream and Blue, he then gets paranoid about them leaving him. And this... this can actually be used to Dream and Blue's advantage, oh my- I'm just realizing this- maybe that can also tie into his denial/obliviousness to their role in this whole mess. It can also lead to some good manipulation scenes and angst later on, after he does find out about their betrayal and all. They were doing this because of him. I wonder if Ink would actually blame himself at all for what happened, like actually blame himself. Not just blaming himself for not being as proactive, but also blaming himself for things out of his control.
CORE's omnipresence and omnisight are part of why it's so hard for me to actually take them (and the idea of the Council) into consideration when making AUs or planning new fanfics. It just feels like it makes it too... easy?? If you wanna throw in some CORE angst (which is extremely underrated in my opinion), then they can end up having a breakdown from all the stress. They're so used to being this person that people look to for help and guidance, and they've witnessed all these things across the Multiverse against their will, and they're powerless to do anything to STOP IT- the poor kid's gonna give themself burnout. I can picture Dream and Blue watching CORE have a breakdown and glance at each other like "Damn. We kinda screwed up, didn't we?" All things considered, I don't really think they'd see CORE as a serious threat until a later time.
Cross is easily the MOST flexible character in this idea. There are so many ways his character can be developed and how his dynamics with the others can change over the course of the story. I have a soft spot for Oreo Bros, so... I'm gonna personally take that route, don't mind me y'all! I do think X-Chara would stay largely bitter, just in general, but they also realize that Ink was also greatly wronged in the situation. Even if they've got a potential grudge against him, being the Protector and all, they do have some sympathy. Maybe not a lot, but some. Cross is independent from X-Chara's opinions, and he sees so much of his own situation in Ink's. Their situations are different, greatly so, but maybe he can... try to make things right between them. If Ink hasn't just shut down emotionally, I think he might just be in too much shock to really respond to anything. I can see Cross getting angry on Ink's behalf, especially at Dream and Blue.
(Also that little imagine of Cross carrying Ink?? I have such a soft spot for Oreo Bros, I love them so much-)
Yeeeeah Errorink gang rise up!!! I'd say that it takes a combined effort rather than just one person to pull Ink out of his funk. I think that once everything's over and they can start healing, Ink can only bring himself to trust CORE. He's known them longer and, given their... restrictions, he's more willing to trust them. For Cross, it's definitely going to take a lot of time, but I think there's hope for them.
Error in the non-yandere one feels like he would look at Ink, disgusted, and go "You're just gonna let them treat you like that?" Now I'm not saying Error would treat Ink as his favorite person in the Multiverse, but I do think he'd get a defensive attitude like "Only I'M allowed to make Ink feel miserable!!"
Oof, this is just one twist after the other. Dream and Blue betray Ink, X-Gaster betrays them, then they try to go against him. I would not trust either of these two maniacs with the OVERWRITE, I wholeheartedly would not. I don't think they'd necessarily do anything malicious with it, but they might get... tempted. Like what we talked about before, with the possibility of cutting Ink from the Creators or even giving him a soul. They get these ideas on how they can help Ink, but would they remember that Ink should have the final say? Would they care about his input at all, or would they be too lost in their delusions that they know what's best for him?
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