#unfollow all the weirder blogs you want
shaunashipman · 1 month
You move pretty similarly to some crazy buddie shippers. Like hating on a mustache so badly and getting pissed bc you see it because there's no bts of Lou yet is crazyyyy. "disgusting dead caterpillar decaying on his top lip" like are you okay? Like the crew loves the mustache & so does the cast. Let them have fun. Why are you so upset when the cast all look happy and having fun on set with it. I feel like if it was any other cast with the mustache for example Bobby or Kenny, you'd enjoy it. But since it's RG and it makes buddies happy, you're being a buzzkill bc you hate that buddies so much. It just doesn't feel like you're actually a fan of the show but just a fan of Lou & bucktommy. Lou will eventually be spotted on set unless they give them an offscreen breakup which I can't see them doing twice in a row for Buck.
babe are you okay? why are you so pressed about what I'm doing?
show me where, in any of my mustache hating posts, I mention lou. if you go through my blog, you'll find very little posts about lou being/not being on set (no shade to those that are posting, I know y'all are having fun 😘). I'm not worried about lou not being seen on set. it's very unlikely tommy isn't coming back, at least for a little bit, so I'm not stressed. and if he isn't, I'll complain about how it's bad writing for a day or two, then move on.
my hatred of the mustache, is because I fucking hate mustaches. kenny or peter or anyone could have one and I'd still fucking hate it. because I hate mustaches. the only person I even slightly tolerate it on is tom selleck, and even on him it's gross, it's just that he's always had one so he looks weirder without it. you hear that? I hate the mustache on thee mustache man. I stand by "disgusting dead caterpillar decaying on his top lip". it's true. just like it's also true that other people really like the mustache, and find it attractive, and I don't like to unnecessarily rain on other people's parades, so I didn't put my mustache loathing posts in the tags.
and I'm not upset about the videos of the mustache, I'm bored. the cast and crew is having fun, great, glad they are, I'm not. and I'm not commenting on their videos about it, I'm not tagging the cast in my posts, I'm just stating, on my own blog, to my followers and mutuals, that I don't like the mustache and I'm bored of seeing it in the bts. people are welcome to unfollow, and even block if they want. but several of my moots really like the mustache, and post about it, and I don't unfollow them, so I think they'll also be fine with seeing posts about how I don't like it. because we're adults who understand you don't have to agree with every single opinion someone has to be friends with them.
funny how a handful of posts about me disliking the mustache = me not even liking the show. quick question, are you part of eddieblr who thinks the show revolves around him? cause newsflash, I could in fact hate the character of eddie, and RG, and it wouldn't mean I don't love the rest of the show. yeah, I post a lot about bucktommy, they're my shiny new blorbos, fresh out of the package and hardly damaged yet. but I very much love the rest of the show and characters.
so, how about you stop worrying about what other people like or don't like, curate your space, and leave me to be a hater in peace
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demonsfate · 3 months
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guilty as charged (mun edition) // accepting // anonymous asked . . . Have you ever unfollowed a blog? What were the reasons?
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All the time LOL. Most often I unfollow unactive blogs, typically blogs that have been inactive for a year or damn near it. Why do I bother? Because sometimes I'll notice my dash is very slow and I'm like "daaamn I've got [this many] followers... how come nothin's happenin?" Then I realize oh wait, a lotta my mutuals became inactive lol. So softblocking them is a good way to gage how many active followers I actually have.
Other times I've unfollowed a blog just because I personally didn't vibe with the mun's ooc posts, or content they're putting out. Or, one time when somebody was just reblogging TOO many posts that were completely unrelated to their muse, and was just spamming the dashboard with unrelated fandom reblogs as if they were a personal or somethin. I don't mind a lotta ooc posts, but I do start drawing the line when my dash gets spammed with completely different fandom posts that aren't related to their muse in any way.
The most controversial time I unfollowed somebody, and this may kinda count as drama but not really, was this K.ingdom Hearts blog. For some reason, my Riddler blog took MONTHS to pick up. I mean, I had it for 4 months and couldn't get a single follow back or anything. I have no clue why - literally nobody wanted to write with me then. (Which is really bizarre, given that, I think at one point, it had 400 followers - many ppl started writing with me later). I'm gonna guess it's because my blog had dark themes / backgrounds. (I wrote my Eddie as a CSA survivor - this may be semi important later)
Anyway, a confession on one of 'em RP confession blogs was expressin' how sad they were that nobody was writing with them, I agreed with it too, also offering I'd write with 'em too. A KH blog came up to me and saying they were having the same problem. I was about to learn a big lesson in writing with them just 'cos I was sympathetic LOOOL. So basically I followed, and we kinda talked on and off for a couple weeks, we wrote a lil. But then their topics started getting ... weirder, horrible even.
Then suddenly, their posts got super fucking crazy. Like they BRAGGED about their tags were apparently QUOTES from the Columbine shooting and the Jamestown cult tragedy?! I didn't fuckin' know 'cos who would??? And like when I went to unfollow them, they were having a thread where the character casually threatens to rape his brother and it's like holy shiiiiiiiiiit. So of course, I hardblocked 'em for that clownery.
Unfortunately, I started getting anon hate on my blog (obvs from him). I got like 4 anon hates in a row - but I blocked the anon and well, that did that lol. Some of the anon hates were like "I thought you liked dark content..." and it's like yeah, when HANDLED WITH RESPECT LMAO. My character was written as a CSA survivor as a background, I don't actually write the fuckin' act out, it's just part of his story. And like, it's also there to show how male victims handle it, and how a lot of sexual abuse survivors tend to turn to hard drugs to cope with it. my BLOG HAD NOTHING THAT WAS GLORIFYING / USING TRUE CRIME SHIT & THEN HAVING MY CHARACTER THREATENING TO UGHGHHH. And like, I didn't call 'em out, didn't mention it on my blog. They can write whatever the fuck they want, I just don't want anything to do with that stuff lmao. So I blocked them.
Then I got one of their mutuals messaging me like "why did you block [user]? they thought you were good friends with them. they're really hurt :(" and it's like?? I kinda talked to them every now & then thru DMS, that's it. We never exchanged discords ffs, we were far from "friends" never mind good friends lmao. Also don't be wildin' on your dashboard, ppl are likely to become uncomfortable and unfollow.
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
hi welcome back
My disorganized-bitch policy of never unfollowing people who go inactive unless a spammer takes over their zombie account is paying off and i’m seeing some ancient blogs come back online and resume their activity now that Certain Events have Transpired in the Greater Context of Social Media so I just sorta wanna say hi and welcome back and listen
shit is weird, and the only way we’re all gonna survive is if we stick together and get even weirder, so like
come on in, the water’s fine, I’m doing my part to keep it unhinged with ya. Shop local, buy small, we can’t activism our way out of this one but we can do good where we can, tip your server, etc. etc., but really above all else remember, be unmarketable-to and as weird as possible.
(My particular part in this nonsense is that I write shockingly-coherent but unreasonably long intertwined epics nominally based on the concept of Witcher fanfiction (netflix? book? video games? yes and no to all three) but by this point they’re mostly OCs. We’re not at a million words yet but not for want of trying. This is not a marketable or rational thing to do. But if you were wondering what I’ve been up to, that’s what I’ve been up to, since March of 2020 when I realized not all of us were getting out of this alive.)
Pull up a coping mechanism. Be nice. Get weird. Ignore celebrities. Dismiss influencers. Avoid algorithms. Turn off the “best stuff first” shit. Look up things your damn self. Reblog all the good stuff you find. Use the queue function or not. Embrace the cringe. Post some titties. (as an aside: i have only seen like one pair of titties since they announced that, are we dead inside or what? come on man. no, no, i’m there with you-- I’m not posting shit until i see something i can believe in. So, free the nipple but like, someone else go first.)
Anyway hi. Some of us are still here. 
Let’s get weirder.
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rockbottomhq · 11 months
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hey angels! we hope you're all having a wonderful start to your weekend so far. the two of us just wanted to drop in for a brief second to address a few additions and changes to our rules that we've been chatting about. nothing big is happening, we just wanted to expand on two existing rules and add some clarity that should set us up for a smoother experience regarding hiatuses and activity checks.
previous rule: hiatuses are two weeks max by default. life happens though, so please get in contact if you need to extend yours. new rule: hiatuses are two weeks max by default. life happens though, so please get in contact if you need to extend yours. all hiatuses will be marked on the masterlist and kept track of on our group wide stats page. before inquiring on whether or not a role is open, please check both pages to make sure the role isn't currently saved. we will not be answering any anonymous inquiries about the status of a hiatus that doesn't belong to one of your own muses.
the reason for this change is due to an influx of messages we've gotten regarding member hiatuses and why certain members, while on hiatus, have not been included in activity checks. we understand that the bandom realm is small right now, so certain roles are more sought after and coveted than others, but we appreciate patience when it comes to trying to secure a role that you might be extremely interested in playing.
previous rule: five days without posting on your main blog gets you a warning, seven days gets you the boot.  new rule: five days without posting on your main blog gets you a warning, seven days gets you the boot (with the opportunity to post until midnight on the seventh day to be marked safe from losing your role). activity checks are done at moderator discretion. there is no set schedule for activity checks. we will not be honoring reservations for roles that are inactive but have not been posted yet on the main. in other words, you must wait until we post a proper unfollow for a role before attempting to claim them.
this change goes hand in hand with the previous change. we have always included the full 7th day as an opportunity to post to keep your role before it's opened, since we don't think it's fair, for example, for an activity check to be posted at 8pm on the 6th day of inactivity and then a certain role be reopened the next day in the morning or afternoon. life gets busy and we like to give the benefit of the doubt rather than immediately reopen a role the second it hits the next day.
because we've never fully clarified this, we've gotten a few messages from people trying to reserve faces or certain roles before we post that they're officially inactive. again, we understand a certain urgency to secure roles within a really small community, but we are striving to create a fair, comfortable environment and this is a big part of that.
finally, we'd like to ask you guys to turn off the anonymous option within your inboxes for the time being. a lot of you received weird messages with the letter A as the only content and we just want to clarify that that message did not come from click bites or us as a precursor to any kind of gossip game.
we're unsure of where it could have originated from and we'd much rather err on the side of caution and cut off the ability for it to turn into anything weirder than it already is. we'll let you guys turn the option back on sometime in the near future, but definitely want to get ahead of it now to preserve the environment we've all fostered together so far.
that's all for now! once you've gotten this far, please toss a like towards this post so we know you've read it. as always, thank you for being such a lovely group to run. we couldn't be happier to be here with y'all.
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cabinofimagines · 2 years
Because of your rough and poorly made responses, this blog is stopped. Improve your attitudes or else stop answering your followers aggressively, it doesn't make you better 🤮
I wanna be very clear about this and I hope you read carefully cause i'm not gonna repeat myself
I'm assuming you're talking about the last ask where the anon talked about their cousin bc on the first one I made sure to explain my intention was to not sound rude but to explain why I think is bad to have such mentality and demean yourself over that kind of stuff
This blog is run by adults, and we're extremely careful now about what kind of things we allow in here, bc we're aware most of our active followers are minors. That ask was well-intentioned but it was talking about some contents we are not comfortable sharing in the blog anymore. That's why I said in the tags not to send more about it.
Maybe I shouldn't have posted it at all, but we thought it was a little funny how they wrote the whole thing so nonchalantly and if you really have been following us, or used to anyway, you would know this is how we've always responded. We've gotten weirder asks, we've deleted those, this one was only a little TMI, so we thought it was ok to post as long as we made it clear we weren't encouraging them to send more stuff like that.
We're not trying to be better than anyone else, if we don't want to be reading asks like that one we're gonna say it and that's it, we've established many times this is our blog and we're going to prioritize our preferences over the followers' every time, cause we're the ones handling it.
We've turned this blog into something that actually gives us joy and that inspire us to keep creating content that many people appreciate, more importantly, it's turned us (the admins) into really good friends, and if you think i'm going to let one of them be uncomfortable having to read those kind of asks they don't like to read, you are sorely mistaken.
I said what I had to say about the whole subject the first anon brought up, I posted the other cause, even though it derailed in the middle, still had a nice message in the end, so I let it pass. And i'm answering this one to remind you we are not working for you and we don't really have to explain ourselves or appeal to you, but we still try to keep our blog as a safe space for all of the visitors. If you think that setting boundaries makes us rude, then you did the right thing by unfollowing us.
Have a good day/night.
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c0pperdale · 1 year
I was away from Tumblr and general online fandom culture for many years, and returning to it has led me to some interesting realizations. A primary one being, at the ripe old age of 34, I am a fandom old. In my day-to-day life I don't feel old, but when in online fandom spaces, I certainly do. It's led me to realizing that I need to be more delicate and careful about interacting with others in this space than I needed to be when I was on here at age 25–26.
Back then, I was a decent bridge age, in that I could relate to and interact easily with both people older than me and a little younger than me. But now I am substantially older than the younger users on here, and I very much do NOT want to be creepin' on y'all. The problem is, my thought process for following blogs is typically seeing a post and thinking, "wow cool I like that!!1," and clicking the Follow button. So, most of the time, I don't do a lot of research before following other blogs, meaning I'm going in blind as to how old some of y'all are. And this sometimes leads to a post in my dash where the person is talking about school or classes, and it's very clear they're not around my age talking about their post-graduate program; no, they are in college, or worse, high school. And that feels yikes yikes yikes for me, so I unfollow.
So, all of this is to say, if I follow and then unfollow your blog and you're a young person (teens and early 20's), please know this is probably why. You deserve to have an online experience without having weird old ladies like me observing you. I came of age during the era of AOL chat rooms, where I was ages 11–14 chatting online with people inappropriately older than me, who were also often turning our conversations to very inappropriate places. Looking back at that as an adult, I am like HOO BOY that was super icky. Since that happened to me, I feel the instinct to place a very big and large boundary between me and youths online, even though I have zero plans to act gross. The internet is way bigger and weirder now, but hopefully me trying to set that boundary there is doing something helpful. Anyways, just my thoughts.
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cangse-sanren · 4 years
controversial opinion some of you aren’t ready for:
zhu*ling is just xich*ng with an even worse dynamic and between kids to boot.
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Pro-choice aesthetic blogs out here being like "if you're pro-life, kindly unfollow me now! Fuck off!" Like, first of all, telling me to fuck off is not kind, but thanks. I needed that. Secondly, it's a free country, I can follow whomever the fuck I want. You do not have to interact with me. Do you know how many of my followers have furries or anime cat girls as their avatar? Do you think I go to their blog and interact? No. No, I do not, because the few times I've looked at some of my weirder followers blogs, I've seen shit I can't unsee. But, they apparently love my political hot takes and my aesthetic reblogs, so...
What I'm saying is...get the fuck over yourself. First and foremost, I am a political blog, not an aesthetic blog, I just reblog aesthetics to fill the spaces when I have nothing to say. If you are a photography blog or an aesthetic blog, that is what you are, above all else. And you can reblog your shit political takes, because it's your blog, and I ignore them for the most part. They may inspire a post, like this one, but I'm only going to reference what you said vaguely, not reblog what you said and write you a fucking dissertation on why you're wrong. It's your blog, post what you want.
But telling your followers to unfollow because of a difference of opinion, and further telling them to fuck off, is completely illogical. You are on a social media platform. You will interact, or merely cross paths, with people with whom you may wildly disagree. Such is life. Pull your head out of your ass and just ignore us. Like you probably do 98% of the time, anyway. Carry on, business as usual.
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soft-black-teabag · 4 years
You do know that minors follow you, right? I don't think the conversation you were having earlier was quite....appropriate
Now, I really appreciate when people point out my flaws, like, I really do, because it gives me the opportunity to get better and I am so so thankful for it.
But like, just...give me a break?
Like, it's not even the first time someone says I'm inappropriate but let's talk about what is inappropriate about me:
I know, I use a lot of bad words, but I swear that especially when talking to the younger of us, I try to avoid them if not...extremely necessary to make my sentences hilarious.
Smuts? I even stopped reblogging them on my main account, but I still reblog them on my side blog because authors needs reblogs, they needs to be shown to others and some smut writers are my friend, I can't just stop supporting them out of the blue, I can't and I won't.
Inappropriate conversation? I am used to do a lot of dumb jokes when I'm with my friend, but now I reduced them drastically where I am on tumblr, I even try to stop the babies when they try to make me have an hard-stan crisis, I swear that I literally avoid them the most I can or write some things in the tags.
But like, yeah, they are minors, some things are not appropriate for them but, like, this is my blog? And there are my friends?
I love all of my babies with my whole heart and I want to make it a safe place for all my babies, but, please, I am begging you, tumblr is supposed to be my safe place too.
This is supposed to be the place where I can feel safe too, this is supposed to be the place where I can feel free to say my opinions, this is supposed to be the place where I can just be myself and stop worrying about others, but now people come here and tells me that I shouldn't talk like that, I shouldn't reply like that, I should do this, I should do that.
I am not a public figure, I am just a fucking seventeen years old girl, flash news, I have flaws, I make errors, I talk dirty, I am not perfect, I have insecurities and even if I know that you didn't mean to hurt or make me angry and I'm just being an extra dramatic bitch, but, we were literally talking about the crotch of a guy because he posted a photo where it was the only thing you could see.
We were just joking about him posting a pic that had fuckboy vibes and they were just joking around with me like they always do, I answered in a sarcastic weird way, paraphrasing the phrase in a confusing way because it was 2 am and it got weirder that it should have.
Now really, I really really want to accept criticism and grown and all, but I don't...I don't even know why you criticize me so much for it, I really don't want to sound like an asshole but if someone doesn't like the topic they could just scroll past? Or if I really am that bad you can unfollow me.
And I really hope this doesn't sounds aggressive, because it's not supposed to be aggressive, but I'm really tired, full of stress, and you have no idea how many times I deleted and rewrite this, while I'm supposed to be listening to the physic teacher.
Did I went overload? Yes, totally yes
So yeah, sorry anon, I'm probably going to delete this later
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nightscaped-archive · 5 years
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that’s right! 3rd august 2014 ~ 3rd august 2019, babey! that’s half a decade. YIKES! teeeechnically, i made the blog on the 2nd and kael was in development in the few days leading up to the 3rd but my first ic post on this blog was just after midnight on 3rd august (it’s...10pm here now so i’m a little late but, because the dash has been quiet all day, fart noises to that). i don’t have the energy to put together a bias list or anything cute like that but i’d like to just...be a sap for a second. i wanted to get some ic done here today and try to be active on the blog’s anniversary but i’ve not been focusing well today & that’s partly why this post is a little late hehehe. also happy birthday to natsu, kael’s de*d best friend ):
i say this every. single. year. but this anniversary is really exciting because i remember not thinking kael would last more than a few months, mostly because i had been cycling through canon muses without being able to settle. kael was the muse that finally just really CLICKED. i was so scared to try writing an OC on such an open platform like this but i’m SO glad i gave it a shot because, ultimately, i feel more secure writing original characters. i’ve always loved creating my own characters, this is my comfort zone. back then, i remember my indecisiveness was a little weird but i feel like having a muse this long has become the weirder thing asfgfdsdfg it’s hard sticking with the same muse so long when the rpc seems to favour jumping from blog to blog --- which is totally cool and i’m not knocking what other people do at all, it’s just a little frustrating when people use that as a reason to only give blogs, esp original muses, a month of attention. but, hey, i don’t want to use this post to complain. i want to be positive! and i DO feel positive! and i want to point out those frustrations to make a positive point! despite the ups and downs of this blog, despite sometimes losing confidence and the motivation to write, i’m extremely grateful for the experiences i’ve had with the muse and the stories i’ve gotten to write. i’m very proud of kael as a character and, even if i feel low about the blog sometimes, i’ll always be proud of this character for myself. whether or not people are interested, whether or not this blog is active, i am happy with what i’ve done with this character over the past 5 years and i don’t think anything will change that :relieved emoji: :relieved emoji:
now, this is where i thank people...i’m not gonna name names or be super specific because i’ve rambled enough as it is but i do want to say that i’m super grateful to everybody who’s EVER taken an interest in this muse. even the people who have long since been inactive, the people who have naturally drifted away, even the people who got bored or eventually unfollowed. this is going to sound like some cheesy SHITE but just...thank you for giving me your time & for every spark of inspiration you might have shared with me without knowing! ;~) and, of course, an extra thank you to people who have written big plotlines with me, whose muses have been super important to kael & his development and also the BIGGEST thank you to the friends i’ve made through this blog. or the friends i made before who kept with me through this blog. (and the MOST INFINITE thank you to a bestie without whom 1) kael’s plotline would be very different and 2) my life would be a lot less FUN)
somehow, i don’t feel like i’ve really gotten all my feelings written out clearly and there are definitely things i’m missing but, again, my ability to focus is NOT with me today and, the more i try to write, the more i start rambling. maybe it’s just as well, i’m sure there’s nothing to say that i haven’t said on previous anniversaries. still, i’m stunned this blog has lasted this long. looking through old posts from the very beginning of my blog is so funny to me because it was so obvious i didn’t really know who kael was yet, even if i got a grip on him quite quickly after. even so, he’s definitely changed in a lot of ways but i think the essence of the original character is always there, his core has always been the same. i don’t think he’s been an inconsistent character. there’s less enthusiasm here than there was in the past, maybe because he’s not a new character so there’s less to say or maybe because the rpc has become apathetic. it’s not for me to say. but my love for writing him has been the driving force here. i don’t feel like i need people to tell me whether or not this is a good character because the most important thing, at this point, is that i still care about writing him. sometimes, this blog has brought trouble & i haven’t always enjoyed it but, even if rp is just a hobby, kael has done a lot for me as a source of comfort and escapism and there’s no taking that away from me, babey!
i know i haven’t been as active here lately, especially over the last month. a lot of things in my real life slowed me down near the end of last year & i just wasn’t in the mood to bring my whole self into my writing. that’s less of an issue now but i also just haven’t felt as invested in indie rp as i used to. i don’t want to go into the reasons why because it’s really the usual boring stuff of not being great at reaching out to people and putting yourself out there as an OC writer being hard unless you’re someone with a lot of friends. i’ve been trying to get into closed rp, esp closed oc-based rp, on the side to keep myself going but i really want to use this milestone as an excuse to push myself! i owe replies here and i want to do them! please wait for me!
anyway, tldr; thank you sticking with me and this boderline-catboy bastard for 5 whole years! i’ll be here more often as soon as possible. i LOVE kael!
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consulting-cannibal · 7 years
i've just found your blog and your artwork is HILARIOUS it makes me laugh so much and also your name is SCOUT? I LOVE IT! is that your nickname or did ur parents actually name u scout?
THANKS! i’m glad!!
and yes, i was actually, legally named Scout at birth!
it was my mother’s idea, and she thought it’d never backfire, but i have several friends that have expressed how hurt they were that they only knew me as “scout” and didn’t know my real name
it’s somewhat awkward trying to explain that i do, in fact, have the same name that their dog probably has
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Anonymous said:
I had to unfollow you, it pains me to do it cause I love you so much, but for some personal reasons I had to( i kinda feel like an asshole for unfollowing you so I feel the need to explain myself) 💙❤
aw, that sucks! but yo, don’t feel bad. you gotta do you. things change! know that i’ll be here if you choose to come back! ♥ 
(but, hey, if it’s something that i did to hurt you, please tell me, so maybe i can help others in avoiding doing so in the future! there are times where i’ve said things that came off as bad or i didn’t realize was in the wrong, and i truly truly try my best to learn from these things)
Anonymous said:
I’m bringing Gabriel back in a season 12 fic I’m writing (the boys are annoyed to find out he’s been splitting his time between chilling with Chuck and relaxing in Australia) and I was wondering if it was okay if I mentioned how Gabriel helped Chuck create some of the weirder animals when he was a kid. I know it’s a weird question, but I just want to make sure.
yeah, that’s totally fine with me!! go right ahead! know that those were all inspired by tweets, so it’s a grapevine of creativity at this point i think
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