#unfortunately i cannot ramble about this anywhere so to the blog it goes
thotsforvillainrights · 3 months
I just gotta say I absolutely love what you did with the blog change, the new banner thingies you do for each character looks really nice!! :D
And might I request just some general smut headcanons for my man's Goto, chrono and chisaki?
(Thank you! Now if only I could stay consistent with updating the masterlist or writing in general. THEN it would be 100% the best haha! Until then, I can only dream. Ramblings aside, I feel like I've done something for Chisaki and Chrono at least once in the past before but I'm too lazy to search the masterlist. So just in case, let's do it again!)
~Muscular/Chisaki/Hari Smut Headcanons~
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-This has probably been mentioned in the past but should be brought up again...you have to have a certain type of thick skin to put up with this man. This is regarding the relationship in general. At least as far as LOV asshole status goes, you might have a better chance trying to reason with Shigaraki or Dabi. With Muscular, you absolutely cannot take things to heart. He's gruff...he's a gruff man and that's the best way to describe it with him. Now leading into the smut:
-Being hardheaded and stubborn means he has a certain way he wants to go about things. That means if you ever had any hopes of topping him then you're just shit out of luck. 99.9% of the time during sex he's calling the shots. That other small percentage was the one singular time he let you take over on your anniversary. Even THEN he still ended up leading near the end of things. He just can't help being in control most of the time/all the time. Hopefully that doesn't get to you too much because otherwise it may lead to an unwinnable argument.
-He's a little rougher with the things he does. That bein said, he's not a monster! You don't have to worry about him doing anything despicable like taking things too far when you're not for it, or hurting you during it (on purpose at least). He obviously cares enough to be in a relationship with you so no worries there. Also, he's fine implementing some form of a safeword if you feel you really need it. He's grimey but again, he's not a monster.
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-Bravo for getting him to be in a relationship with you in the first place. Bravo for even getting him to notice you long enough to hold a conversation without looking at you in disgust. He's surprised by his own actions and so are you (no more so than Pops. The old man is the most shocked by everything). Anyhow, he cares for you but can tend to be selfish with things. Give him a break as he's still learning how to love and how to go about things in a relationship both sexual and nonsexual.
-Beforehand he's going to obviously request you get cleaned up. Don't try to get him with the "but Kai, we're both just going to get dirty again" speech because it's not going to work unfortunately. It's like a chore but you'll come to find that the headache is worth the reward. Once between the sheets you realize he's learned so much since the last few times. He's sickened by the thought (and embarrassed too) but he's spent some time researching just for you. He applies what he's learned and then proceeds to perfect it bit by bit. He won't let anything he does to you be taken terribly whatsoever. He wants to be able to KNOW he's done a good job pleasing you.
-His pace can tend to be a bit slower sometimes, along the line of making love rather than straight up fucking. However, his tune changes easily based on how the night is going and how badly he wants to finish. Speaking of finishing, don't ask him to finish anywhere but in you or in a condom. Splashing bodily fluids all over the place creates unnecessary mess so unfortunately (if you're into facials) you won't be getting one unless you wear into him for a long while until he breaks. Oh, and expect the cleanup to come afterwards too. A mandatory shower before aftercare cuddles is the main thing to expect. As mentioned beforehand, the headache is worth the reward.
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-Talk about fun sex, this is the man to fulfill that. It's rare he can be anything but teasing both in and out of the bedroom. Dating him is like dating a best friend. He's pretty much the best partner of the 3. He's attentive and listens to your needs. Don't get me wrong, he's still a little bit of an ass but a teasing one at that. It may get to be annoying how many times he tires to get into your pants once the two of you start dating but if you let him know the jokes annoy you then he'll try to cool off on them for you. He understands not to push his limits too much when it comes to you.
-A lot of times he'll try to draw a little laughter out of you during sex. That way once you're laughing he can swiftly turn it into moans for him. It's like a challenge for this man almost. The sex blindsides you too. One minute you'll be outside in the backyard chatting and laughing on the picnic blanket and then the next thing you know you're giving him a handy in the shed. Other times you're chilling on the couch playing games or watching a movie before you find yourself on the carpet while he puts his tongue to work. Sometimes you might find yourself walking into it thinking you'll just have a quick shower together before suddenly your back is against the wall while he's plowing into you beneath the warm water flowing from the showerhead. Roll the dice on it.
-Despite this, he's really a great person to date outside of sex. If for whatever reason you were seeking a friends with benefits type of relationship, I can see him falling in love rather quickly. Maybe it happens more quickly than you think.
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So how's life going for you all?
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(Doi: Oh hello! I’m doing great! I am very happy cuz soon I’ll get to see my friend Sadie, auntie Sketch is gonna draw with me, and tomorrow I get to see my dad, Robin, since they are coming home from school!!
Red: Eh.. I’m alright I guess.. )
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(Tony: my day is going PERFECTLY thanks for asking!
Sketch: traditional art is waaay better than digital art!! Digital art is just overrated since it’s “newer”
Colin: well it’s not my fault digital art is more preferred than your outdated form of art.
Sketch: you’re outdated!)
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(Robin: Hello! I am doing well! Im just a little bit busy right now with a definitely not last minute assignment which is practice for the field I’m going to college for! Oh speaking of which I am going to be a humanities teacher which is a mix of literature arts and history which is definitely something I am excited for! I wanted to do this because I can ramble about my interests in certain aspects of history to my students which is exciting!! I cannot wait to start teaching! Anyways I am doing well and I hope you are doing well too!!)
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(Steak: I’m doing alright, I’m just making a pie with my family at the moment so I am a little occupied heheh!
Spinach: Dad the recipe says to do THIS not THAT! We are baking a pie you have to follow the recipe because last time you were in charge of baking you made pudding instead of a cake ‘cause you said “it would be fine”!
Fridge: I’m doing well! My day has been slow but it’s been alright!)
Unfortunately I couldn’t find Bread Boy anywhere in the household but I’m pretty sure he is doing ok! Also Shrignold couldn’t answer because he was at work and I didn’t ask Lamp because he was asleep and he gets very mad when he is woken up from his naps, but my guess is that he is doing good!! Anyways thank you for the asks!!
(Mod: sorry this took so long to answer!! I got busy with other things and my motivation was very low, but thank you all for being patient and thank you for sending in asks!! I will try answering asks more frequently and also note: not all my art will look this way for asks so if it ever changes to a different style of drawing (like colored or no shading) please don’t be bugged! Also I added little word things saying what the people are saying in case it’s hard read! Also I promise when this blog goes quiet it is not dead! I’m just doing other things! But anyways thank you for sending in asks and being patient with me!!)
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thespoonisvictory · 3 years
Hamilton Hot Take: A Hamilton that kept in the deleted songs and workshop versions tell a superior story (So Broadway vs Off-Broadway version). And, no, I’m not just talking about Congratulations (although that one should’ve also been kept).
A significant part of Hamilton’s narrative focuses on the relationship between Burr and Hamilton. From the beginning, their ideologies and the way they get ahead are completely different. Burr keeps his true opinions and thoughts close to his chest. He never reveals anymore than what will make him most agreeable to others. His persona is one of inoffensively likable. Hamilton is quite the opposite. He is never indecisive, always shooting off his own opinions. He takes risks in order to grab at better opportunities, but often this leads him to gathering more enemies. And despite these differences, Hamilton and Burr remain good friends who have a lot of mutual respect (and envy) of one another.
Until the second act that is. And the second act is also unfortunately where things start getting cut and rewritten.
As the dsmp fandom would put it, Broadway A. Hamilton is made “smooth” compared to his original counterpart. He’s much calmer and more reasonable. He’s pride and short temper have been stripped away. And Burr, in comparison, is stripped of much of his more sympathetic traits. Aside from Dear Theodosisa (Reprise) and really any mention of his family being entirely cut, he’s made to be far more malicious and villainous in other songs, compared to their original lyrics.
Take for example, Schuyler Defeated. Both versions start on Eliza and Philip finding out about Eliza’s father being challenged for his seat in the senate. In the Broadway version, Eliza is very unconcerned with this development and she and Philip leave the song as quickly as they entered, happy to go and meet the new senator. The original, in contrast, starts out with a panicked Eliza, desperate to find Alexander because she knows exactly how he’ll take this. Hamilton’s characterization also vastly changes depending on the version. Broadway Hamilton is very calm, innocently asking about Burr’s change in party affiliation. Meanwhile, og Hamilton comes out swinging, already furious, he demands to know when Burr changed parties. Hamilton is far more personally offended in this version, framing Burr running against Schuyler as an attempt to “make a fool of [him],” compared to to the Broadway version where he seems more offended on behalf of his father-in-law. The only thing that stops Hamilton from doing anything stupid for what is essentially just running for senate AND not the personal attack Hamilton views it as, is Eliza and, later in the deleted song “Let It Go,” Washington talking him down from it.
Another example is the Broadway vs original versions of “Your Obedient Servant.” The Broadway version is undoubtedly framed in a deeply negative light. He is furious, unable to understand Hamilton’s support of Jefferson, viewing it as an attempt to keep him from winning, as something done to spite Burr specifically. Meanwhile, the original Burr is more calm in level headed in explaining his feelings. In both versions, Burd makes accusations towards Hamilton. In the original, he backs up his claims with a source in the form of a private letter sent in confidant, while Broadway Burr makes accusations of Hamilton calling him “amoral [and] a dangerous disgrace,” which is never said by Hamilton anywhere and has no basis. This combined with Burr already suggestion they can name a time and place I’d they have a disagreement, makes Burr come across as far more petty and eager to start a fight. Faced with accusation with no basis, Broadway Hamilton responds fairly reasonably, saying he would need to sight a specific source for him to be able to disavow those words, and provides his own list of disagreements with. Original Hamilton, however, is very flippant of the accusations, being incredibly petulant in denying Burr’s accusations, mocking the wording of them. And yes, while both Burr’s escalate the conversations to threats, the Hamilton’s responses show just how different these versions. Broadway Hamilton stands by what he says and defending himself by saying that everything he said is true and that Burr stands for nothing. Which is completely true, so Burr then challenging Hamilton to a duel makes Burr seem unreasonable and angry that Hamilton pointed out how his own ideology screwed him over. While original Hamilton makes the whole disagreement incredibly personal, for no reason, bringing up Burr’s dead wife to mock him. It’s only then that Burr challenges Hamilton to a duel, to which Hamilton agrees to almost immediately, showing how rash the original Hamilton is, compared to the Broadway version who thinks the challenge over for a few seconds before agreeing.
And finally, “Ten Things, One Things,” really shows how far their friendship and understanding of each other has fallen off. Burr’s perspective shows how much he wants Hamilton to apologize and back down from the duel, only realizing at the 8th count that this is a serious duel, and Hamilton won’t be backing down. Meanwhile Hamilton goes into the duel considering the possibility they might die, but as the counting continues he becomes more and more convinced he and Burr will survive. He is specifically is assured of this by realizing it’s not in Burr’s political interests to kill him. While Hamilton scrutizes the area, Burr’s own fear and paranoia takes hold, convinced Hamilton will shoot, Burr resolves to kill Hamilton first, so his daughter will not orphaned. All the while, is so assured of his safety that he starts to think about going to back to his house to see Eliza awaken. Neither one of them are able to fathom the possibility of the other outside of the image they’ve created of each other. Hamilton cannot see a Burr that wouldn’t wait, and Burr cannot see a Hamilton who would throw away his shot.
Far more emphasize is placed on Hamilton’s violent anger in the original, while in the Broadway version this is lost and Burr is pained more as the unreasonable instigator in their deteriorating friendship, when the original makes it so much more complicated than that. Broadway is so much more Black and White in the story it tells, where the villain Burr shoots our hero Hamilton, rather than the far more interesting story of a friendship between two men based on mutual respect, admiration, and envy and how that friendship ultimately changed both until they could no longer understand each other and how that inability to see how the other had changed, led to their ultimate falling out in the form of final duel.
I’m not saying the workshop versions of songs are better musically (I know jack shit about music) but they make Hamilton’s characterization and relationship with Burr so much richer and that’s why the story they tell is so much better to me.
TLDR; Hamilton is less of bitch in the Broadway version and it makes me >:(
I hope this makes sense, I started to ramble
god damn this is so good idk what to do with this other than nod and tell you to run my blog for me
also- this reminds me of what happened to off broadway orpheus vs live broadway orpheos, bc ob!orpheus is a self confident bitch who was charismatic and funny and I like him so much, and b!orpheus is a awkward little rat creature who doesn't make as much sense both as a character and in the narrative. he got smoothed
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poetic-mime-blog · 6 years
I’m going to type out my thoughts on a matter here instead of reblogging a post and risking attracting more drama to my brother’s blog. Feel free to ignore this.
From my understanding, here’s how the chain of events went: 
- My brother was constantly bending over backwards to please and ensure that “F” was feeling safe and all right. He was also begging for communication from “F” so that there would be less issues arising, and so that their friendship could flourish in a healthy manner. Instead, he was given excuses and a refusal to establish healthy communication. Nonetheless, my brother still continued to do all that he could to keep things as stable as possible. 
- My brother shares a sketch with some friends. It included a hairstyle he had never done before, and he had not used any references for it, and he was proud of the outcome. One of his friends, “A,” who had no connections to “F” whatsoever, offered critique without first asking if my brother wanted it. This happened in a DM on Discord. Unfortunately, my brother was not in a good enough mindset to handle that and he started splitting on “A.” Unwarranted critique is a trigger for my brother thanks to some bad experiences in the past.
- My brother, upset, goes into a Discord server that he, “F” and some other friends are in, goes to the vent channel, and types out a very short rant about the situation and his frustration over it, as the unwarranted critique is something that has been happening consistently. All from different people. 
- “F” responds to the rant by making a message saying that they’re going to be muting the channel, as they can’t handle “reactionary negativity.” Nothing negative was said towards them as a result, on any front, and the subject was simply dropped immediately afterwards in the server. 
- My brother goes to his own blog to ramble then, to blow off some steam. He tagged the post as “negative” to help ensure it would be caught by those who had that tag blacklisted. He didn’t use “drama,” as it didn’t fit the situation. 
- Suddenly, “F” is blatantly avoiding and ignoring my brother. They were posting in the server at the time that my brother finished another sketch, which happened to be of one of “F”’s favorite characters of my brother’s. My brother excitedly sent “F” the sketch to share it. “F” did not respond and immediately stopped talking in the server. This was very odd behavior for “F” when nothing negative, as far as my brother was aware, had happened between them, and it set off my brother’s anxiety, but he didn’t think much of it, wanting to give “F” the benefit of the doubt instead of letting his anxiety run rampant. 
- The next day, my brother sees “F” posting in the server again. He messages “F” and asks if he did anything to upset “F.” Again, “F” immediately stops posting in the server and does not respond. At that point, my brother knew he was being ignored and he began to panic. He is left in this turmoil for hours, and eventually he leaves the server due to his panicking and feeling unwelcome by “F,” who created said server. 
- When “F” finally responds, it is with a vague message of, “I’m not in a position to explain myself, don’t beat yourself up over this >u<” This did not clarify if my brother had done anything to upset “F” or if “F” was upset over something else and my brother was simply caught in the cross of it, which had happened before. The not knowing and the tone that offered no concern over my brother’s own well-being due to “F”’s actions caused my brother to break down severely. 
- Messiah, one of our system protectors, was then triggered to the front, and he sent a very blunt message to “F,” saying that their actions were not okay. They offered no comfort or clarification as to what was going on, and my brother was feeling as if they were going to be abandoned. They were causing blatant harm to my brother, when my brother had been doing everything at this point to cater to “F”’s every need, and never returning that kindness. He mentioned that friends should not be doing what “F” was doing to my brother, as they were supposed to be friends. 
- “F”’s response to this was to block my brother on Discord and everywhere else without another word. This only made everything worse. It caused my brother to go into what are now weeks’ worth of depressive spirals, suicidal spells, and total instability. Abandonment is one of my brother’s biggest triggers. Period. 
- A few days ago, I attempted to extend an olive branch from my blog here, as my brother was still willing to try and work things out despite how toxic the situation had been. I was met with another, totally apathetic message, and blocked. It also contained an excuse of “our disorders just don’t work well together.” My brother has BPD, and “F” says that they have “AvPD.” However, I think it can be agreed with that there is a difference in saying, “I have this disorder and these struggles” and using said disorder as a crutch and as a way to say behavior cannot be improved and that one is not responsible for their own actions due to said disorder. The latter is exactly what “F” had been and continues to be doing.
- Yesterday, my brother finally decided to come out in the open about this situation. He used as many details as they could leading up to the abandonment, using only facts, and keeping “F” unnamed. He did not call “F” any derogatory names. He emphasized how negatively he has been impacted by this situation, as the entire thing boiled down to “F”’s refusal to communicate with him. If communication had been established as it should have been, my brother and “F” wouldn’t have had nearly as many issues as they did. And these issues were always minor. 
- Not all that long after, my brother received an anon whose message accused my brother of “taking this out on “F.”” The thing is, the only thing my brother did was lay everything that happened out on the table, explain why he has been so unstable and upset lately, and hint to the fact that “F” should take responsibility for their own actions. He has not sent anon hate to “F,” told anyone to harass them, or try to tell other people to not be friends with “F.” 
- This anon’s typing style and tone were nearly identical with the message I received here when I reached out to “F” so we and several of our friends are convinced that the anon was “F” themself, attempting to get my brother to shut up about what happened, as they don’t see themself as being in the wrong whatsoever. This hypothesis can also be backed by the fact that my brother did not have “F” blocked anywhere before the anon was sent. After answering it, my brother blocked “F”’s blogs, and there has not been a single negative anon over the situation since. 
Going off of all that, I can say that I see “F” as both toxic and an abuser. They cut my brother off the instant he was no longer a convenient presence for them, and after the one singular time one of us called them out on their toxic behavior. Keep in mind, “F” knew we are multiple and even claimed to have other friends who have DID, so punishing my brother for one of us standing up for him is disgusting to all of us that were aware of the situation. They walked all over my brother, made him jump through hoops to keep them happy while he was neglecting his own mental and emotional health to do so out of fear of saying anything negative to them. 
My brother actually had a similar “avoidance” situation happen between him and a different friend, “V.” My brother was having an unstable day to begin with, and “V” accidentally caused my brother to start splitting harshly on them. He reacted impulsively by going offline and not speaking to “V” without explanation. The next day, he saw how distressed “V” had become over it. His reaction was to apologize for hurting them, explain what caused him to react in such a manner, and to talk things out. There was also an agreement that he offered: if he was to start splitting like that again, he would tell “V” that he was splitting, and that he needed space, but they would be okay and they could talk things out later. 
This sort of explanation is what my brother begged “F” for in the cases that “F” would shut him out. A very simple but comforting explanation. “I can’t talk right now but we’re still friends.” That was all my brother ever wanted from “F,” but that was too much to ask for, apparently. 
Collectively, we’re autistic and have an assortment of other mental illnesses besides BPD. Saying vague things like what “F” did as their answer to my brother being scared out of his mind that he was about to lose his friend, offer no comfort and only cause confusion and more panic. 
And yet, the “anon” that sent my brother an apathetic message over the situation told us that “he”--lumping Messiah and my brother into the same category, reading as if they’re calling them the same person--overreacted to them saying they needed space. Messiah “overreacted” when they offered no explanation for anything whatsoever and caused my brother to start panicking and sobbing in the front because he didn’t know what was going on. A stern message, telling someone that causing their friend pain isn’t okay and that they need to communicate with their friend is “overreacting.” 
“F,” I don’t know if you’ll ever see this, but you are shit at hiding yourself on anon, and myself and ten other people (not in our system, mind you. I’m talking separate individuals) that we’ve talked to know that what you did wasn’t okay. It wasn’t healthy. None of it was. And you have a lot of growing to do. I hope you do. Because if you don’t, and you keep throwing away friends like you did my brother, you are going to end up alone. No one wants “friends” that will abandon them the moment they voice that they are being hurt. Not mildly inconvenienced. Not a little irritated or vaguely confused. Hurt. The kind of hurt that panic attacks, breakdowns, and sheer terror causes. The sooner you realize that, the better off you’ll be. In the meantime, you better not ever come near my brother again unless, like he mentioned when answering a different anon, you have a genuine apology, an explanation that isn’t bullshit and more manipulation, and are going to straighten up your act and work to gain back the trust that you highhandedly shattered because you refused to communicate and didn’t like being told that you were in the wrong. 
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Hello lovelies!
I don't really post often here on Tumblr (I leave it to Lu, who does such an awesome job) but in this case I feel compelled to speak. Recently Lu and I (you may have read her blog) were approached by several people warning us away from a human Companion who apparently abuses their spirits. Of course our interest was piqued, so we asked for proof of these things, and were given... well, to be honest, nothing proving the statements made. So we thought "well, okay, that's slightly odd. Why don't we go to the source?" So we obtained the person's screen-name, and Lu contacted them directly via chat. Without going into over-much detail, this person was baffled as to why they were being accused of this, since they went to the conjurer for help. According to what I know, and this may not be entirely accurate so please forgive me if I've left something out, the conjurer received an intuitive thought/revelation  about the situation, and came to the conclusion that the spirit was being abused, and not the person. Again emphasizing this is only what I know, the conjurer immediately went to several friends to confirm their thought. From what I've been informed, there was no actual divination done on the part of the conjurer, such as tarot, runes, pendulum work, shufflemancy, scrying, omen reading, or something that would give a more concrete confirmation of the intuition they received. (I'm sure I missed some major divination methods here, but you understand my point) I am not here to chastise anyone for this situation, but instead I wanted to use it to bring up an interesting point. Conjurers, people look to us to be the best of the spirit keeping community. We have a duty to hold ourselves to a higher standard, because we are the ones who act as a link and bastion between humans and the astral realms. That's not some duty to be taken lightly, and unfortunately I see it being taken lightly by others, and it concerns me somewhat. If you are an emissary to the astral, it is your job to represent the best of humanity. Now I'm sure the conjurer in this situation was just doing what they thought was best. Unfortunately, this ended up really harming someone else who had come to them for help in the first place. This person's name has been slandered on Tumblr, and there were attempts to warn Lu and I that they were "dangerous to their spirit companions." Which, now that we've looked into the situation, has proved to be untruthful. Now, Lu and I have actually dealt with situations before where there's been an abusive spirit involved. Every time, it has been a thoughtform. Every. Time. Actually, while I'm on this subject, there's a few things I'd like to point out. Number one: Spirits are dead. Dead. You cannot kill them, you cannot starve them, you cannot abuse them....I'm sure you get the idea. They're DEAD. The worst abuse someone could bring on a spirit is beyond the power of pretty much anyone here on Tumblr. Yes, I said that, and yes, I am aware I'll get flak for it. But now that I have your outraged attention, let me continue. Entities are a different story. Entities are living, breathing, feeling beings from various astral realms that are connected to ours, so we're lucky enough to work with them. Can they be harmed? Well yes they can, but again, I'm pretty sure harming an entity is beyond what most people here will be able to accomplish with ease. I can't speak for other shops, but I know for a fact each entity and spirit in our shop allows themselves to be bound. ALLOW. They give permission. As in...they know a hell of a lot more than we do, and these amazing beings, despite all of humanity's flaws, decide to be bound to someone. They have the right, at any point, to revoke that permission and leave if something isn't working out. The same goes for the Human companion. if they revoke permission, the spirit has no power to stay with them. Anyway, I got off track there and I apologize. Far be it from me to tell other people what to do, because everyone has their own path to walk. All I can do is share what I would have done in a situation like this. When someone comes to Lu or I with a problem, the very, very first thing we do is pull out tarot cards and do a reading on the situation. Oftentimes our first impressions may not be correct, so we let a higher power inform us what's really going on with the situation. Once the reading has been done, we re-confirm it with either a second tarot reading, or we move on to a different source, such as runes or a pendulum. What I'm trying to say is that before acting or getting all pumped up or overly excited about the situation, we gather information. That's an important step anywhere, not just in spirit work. Once we have all the information we need, we go back to the person and have them confirm it or say "no, that feels really off to me." If they confirm it, we can move forward to solving the problem. If they deny it, we go back to square one and work our way from there. Notice at no point do we bring others into this, except for each other. (Lu and I always work in tandem. Anything she knows, I know, and vice versa. We work as a team, no matter the situation.) If we feel that things may be over our heads, we ask the person ahead of time if they're all right with us bringing in a trusted friend to help with the situation. We keep them in the loop. At no point do we run off with our findings and tell our friends everything before the situation has been resolved or before we have enough information. Others, while meaning well, sometimes have the disadvantage of muddying a situation instead of making it clearer. After we've come to the root of the issue and have a solid base, we work with the person to find a solution. Of course the solution varies with each case, so I'm not going to create a list of them here. The point is working with the person. I'm going to get flak for saying this too, because conjurers are important links between humans and the astral realms. But, as human beings, and I hope decent human beings, we put people first. Other humans. If we suspect there is an abuse situation going on, we look at both parties impartially. It's difficult, I know, because we want both the spirit and human to be happy together as companions. It's harder for spirits/entities to be abused. Anyway, sorry I sort of rambled on there. I'd like to make one final appeal to the conjurers and conjurers to be. Be fair and impartial, and don't jump to conclusions when working with people. It's the mark of a steady mind that doesn't take something at face value and instead researches it. Blessings, Pandora
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