#unfortunately the paper is also on that stupid royal match game
hashtag-anthems · 11 months
alright we're doing it lads we are writing an academic paper about bg3
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axwalker · 4 years
You’ll never walk alone
Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin !!!!
I said it before in my previous post (here), but I’ll say it one million times again:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You’re one of my closest friends here and I love you so so so much!!
I know we’re living a hard, difficult world right now, but I hope you can find a way to enjoy your Birthday the way you deserve it! 
Warnings: SMUT (that I know of, but I’m sure someone who’s really motivated can find something else 🤷🏽‍♀️.)
A/N: This is an AU but it takes place somewhere during the social season.
I hope this covers everything you were asking for. It has a slow burn, your favorite soccer team and a bit of Dublin because I know how much you were looking forward to go. DON’T WORRY, YOU’LL GO BEFORE YOU KNOW IT!
Word count: Euh… (coughs nervously) You asked for a slow burn so 7,000 words… `
PERMATAG: @burnsoslow​ @pedudley​ @mskaneko​
Thank you to to the beautiful birthday girl ( @mskaneko​ )  for the beautiful edit in the mood board. To @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​ for beta reading, and to @pedudley​ for  reading and for the incredible mood board that closes this fic. 
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Alexis snuck out of the palace and called an Uber that took her to the local Irish pub in less than fifteen minutes.
The bar was a cozy place with large wooden panels, solid counters and Irish music.
She was about to sit on one of the stools when she felt someone’s eyes behind her, staring at her. She turned her head and there he was, Drake Walker sitting in a booth with a tumbler of whiskey in his hand. He raised his glass towards her, trying to ignore the fact that his heart had skipped a beat when he had seen her.
After ordering a pint, she sat next to him with her usual perky attitude. “What are you doing out of you cabin in the woods, Walker?”
He squinted at her “The real question is what are you doing here, O’Brien? Out of the palace without a guard.”
She shrugged. “I wanted to watch the match, and I’m staying. You can take me back to the palace as soon as Barcelona kicks Liverpool’s ass”
God, she was exasperating. “Of course, you would be a Barcelona’s fanatic.”
“You mean the best club in the world?” She took off her leather jacket, she was wearing the famous blue and scarlet Barcelona’s shirt.
He growled. “You can’t sit with me wearing that.”
She gave him a flirtatious look. “Would you prefer if I took it off?”
Sometimes, he swore she was actively trying to torture him. He took her chin with his fingers fixing his piercing eyes on hers.
“You don’t want to play that game with me, O’Brien.” He said in a hoarse voice.
She swallowed hard, her heart beating furiously in her chest. When he finally tore his eyes away from her, she took a long sip of beer.
After a few silent minutes, she spoke. “I can’t believe you’re actually rooting for Liverpool. They haven’t won a Champions league in thirteen years.”
He growled. “I’m so sure we’re beating Barcelona tonight, that I bought tickets for the second leg.”
She sat on the booth cross-legged hugging a cushion. “You seem awfully confident that your team, a team that hasn’t win in ages, is going to beat the best team there is.” She gave him a confident smile. “Want to bet?”
“The best team…?” He shook his head. “What do you want to bet?”
“If Barcelona wins tonight, you give me your semi-final tickets.”
He raised his hands shocked. “Are you crazy, do you know how much I paid for those tickets?”
She reached for his arm and squeezed it with a fake empathic expression on her face. “Don’t worry, Drake if I were rooting for such losers, I wouldn’t want to bet the tickets either.”  
He considered her proposal for a minute, well aware that she was provoking him on purpose, but he just couldn’t back out when she was challenging him. “I’m in, but if you lose you have to get me tickets for next year’s matches. All the matches.” He saw her stunned expression, so he added irritated. “You’ll be queen next year O’Brien, it’d be easy for you to get them.”
She didn’t know why but it really bothered her that he would assume she was going to accept Liam’s proposal. She reached for his hand anyway. “Deal, Walker.”
For the next two hours they sat next to each other, drinking and bickering playfully. In the halftime he challenged her to a game of darts, she wasn’t bad at all, and she certainly looked extremely cute when she concentrated but he beat her easily, reaching 501 points in ten minutes.
However, at the end of the second half of the match, he was seriously pissed, not only he had lost his precious semi-final tickets, but he also had to put up with her cocky attitude while she celebrated Barcelona’s victory.
After a while of singing and cheering with a group of Spaniards, she came back to the table, ecstatic, and extended her hand towards him pointing at her palm. “The tickets, Walker.”
He groaned “Do you think I carry them with me all the time, O’Brien? I’ll give them to you at the palace.”
She laughed truly enjoying her victory. “So grumpy! I didn’t know you were such a sore loser, Drake. I’ll go get another pint. What are you drinking?”
He rolled his eyes. “Dalmore, fifteen years. Just tell them to put it on my tab. I come here often.”
She mimicked a fake surprise. “That’s so shocking!”
He laughed in spite of himself. She added playfully. “And Dalmore, eh? Being a veterinarian definitely pays.”
He smirked shrugging “I don’t need much, O’Brien, but I definitely need good whiskey. How do you know Dalmore?”
“My grandpa loved whiskey. Especially that one.” Her eyes watered thinking about her grandfather but she shook her head to chase the tears.
Drake saw her eyes and his heart tightened; he raised his hand to stroke her cheek, but squeezed her shoulder instead, pouring his eyes into hers to make her feel comforted without words.
It worked because she gave him a small smile, he had rolled his sleeves, so she rubbed his forearm with her fingers softly, almost tenderly, making him crazy. Why did she have to make it so fucking difficult being close to her? He stood up.
“We better leave, Obrien. It’s late and tomorrow we have to travel to Applewood.”
She didn’t want the night to end. For a minute she allowed herself to think about the life she would have had with Drake if they were a couple, if she had met him alone. If she hadn’t been so stupid to be blindsided by Liam’s charm, but when he abruptly stood up, she understood. He didn’t feel the same about her. She had to forget her stupid crush and move on.
They drove back in silence, both of them embarrassed, both of them hurt and filled with unspoken feelings.
The next day, Alexis felt much better. She had drunk too much the previous night and the alcohol had put crazy ideas in her head. It was clear that Drake only saw her as an annoying friend, so she would do the same.
Liam was different, even if the little spark that had initiated at the Statue of Liberty hadn’t become the fire she was hoping for, he was there for her. He had been clear about his feelings for her. Maybe love wasn’t the crazy passion she thought. Maybe love was calm, peaceful and reliable.
Or maybe she just needed to think for a few days, put some distance between her and that stupid competition. She thought about the football tickets she had won. She was definitely going to that semi-final, Drake, Liam and royal court be damned.
She knew Liam would be having breakfast in the main hall, so she went looking for him. She entered the hall and stopped in her tracks. Liam was having breakfast, but he wasn’t alone.
She cleared her throat. “Hi guys!”
Liam’s face lit up seeing her. “Lady Alexis. Good morning.”
Drake gestured a quick hello with his hand and turned back to reading his paper.
Mr. Polite as usual. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you, Li. I want to leave the court for a few days. I’m going to England for the semi-finals of the Champions league”
Liam stopped eating and looked at her puzzled. “That’s in two weeks from now, Alexis. The coronation is in less than three weeks. I would’ve expected that you wanted to be here.”
“Yes! Of course, Li. It’s only for a couple days. England is four hours away. I just want to watch the match. It’s… important for me”
Liam was uncomfortable, he didn’t want her to leave. Even if he couldn’t tell her yet, he had decided he was going to choose her as his queen. And her place was there with him not at some dumb football competition. “Where did you even get the tickets?”
Drake took his head out of the paper. “we made a bet and she won them from me.”
Liam grinned “I told you Liverpool was going to lose, Drake. You have to pick a winner’s team.” He turned to Alexis, speaking to her in a soft voice. “As a suitor and especially as the woman I care about, I-.”
Drake stood up so fast, he almost spilled his coffee. “I don’t think I should be part of this conversation.”
Liam raised his hand. “Actually, Drake, yes. Stay. I was going to say that I care very deeply about you, Alexis. I can’t let you go alone because you’re a member of the royal court, you’ll need protection. Unfortunately, I can’t spare any guards right now, but if Drake accepts, he can go with you. He has trained with Bastien plenty of times and can assure your protection.”
Drake couldn’t allow that. Last night, he had barely slept thinking about her. Two days abroad and he’d go crazy. “I can’t. I have a lot of things planned for that week, Li. I’m sorry.”
Liam squinted at him, puzzled. “You were going to go to the semi-finals anyway, that’s why you bought the tickets.”
Fuck! “Yes, but as Alexis won them, I made new appointments.” He was a terrible liar.
Alexis saw through it. “I don’t need a glorified, grumpy baby-sitter, Liam. Thank you very much.”
“I’m sorry, Alexis, but you’re under the crown’s protection until the end of the Social season. I can’t let you go without a guard; it would be terribly irresponsible from me.” He had made up his mind, and she had to start to get used to the fact that a future queen had responsibilities and responded to him.
Alexis was fuming, she was seriously considering quitting her role as a suitor when Drake spoke seeing how much she wanted to go. “It’s fine, I’ll go with her.” He smirked at her “In exchange of the other ticket.”
Liam started to regret his offer. “I really think it’s better if you stay here, lady Alexis.”
She shook her head. She was going to go, no matter what and as she didn’t need the second ticket anyway, she accepted, strangely happy. “The second ticket is yours, Drake! I have to go get ready to bake an apple pie  for the competition.” Before leaving the room, she turned to grin at Drake. “And thank you.” He felt his heart warming up with her smile.
After breakfast, Drake went to the stables. He needed a good day of intense work to forget the stupidest deal he had ever accepted.
It was already difficult to be around her and pretend to be only her friend when they were surrounded by the other suitors and the madness of the social season. Now, he was going to have her all for himself for two days. He shook his head at his own stupidity. She wasn’t there for him and she never would be. She was there vying for Liam’s hand. Liam, his best friend the king. The same man offering her a whole kingdom.
The truth was that Drake had never been jealous of Liam before. He had a good life, a life he enjoyed. He was passionate about his job and excelled at it. He was free to go fishing, hiking or drink a whiskey in a pub whenever he wanted.  It was a life that he had been able to choose for himself unlike Liam who would have to lead the imposed life of a king. So, no, he had never been jealous of his best friend before Alexis O’Brien had arrived in the court. And now, every time Liam so much as looked at her, he wanted to punch him in the face. He definitely shouldn’t have accepted to take her to Liverpool.
Shaking his head, he put on his white coat and his rubber boots and went to check up on Mirabelle.
The next few days he tried to avoid her as much as he could, he had convinced himself that he only needed a little distance, a little space and whatever he was feeling, would naturally go away and they would be able to go together to Liverpool as friends.
A few nights before leaving, he saw her coming out of the palace and walk towards the maze only dressed in a big sweater and some sort of pajama shorts. He debated with himself, but in an impulse, he decided to go after her, just to make sure she was fine.
When he approached the center of the maze, he saw her, and his heart tugged. She was sitting on a bench with her knees up, her head buried in them, clearly crying. He sat next to her, and silently rubbed her back, soothing her. Slowly her sobs stopped, he leaned towards her and cupped her face turning her face to him.
“Do you want to talk about it, Lexie?”
Her heart jumped in her chest. He had never called her anything else besides O’Brien before.  She knew she could open up to him. “My grandfather, Noah,  died exactly one year ago of a heart attack. I really miss him.”
“I’m sorry, O’Brien” his heart broke seeing her so sad “Come here.” He opened his arms and she snuggled against him.
“He and granny practically raised me. He arrived in the States when he was twenty-two years old, but he never lost his accent” She smiled. “He used to call me his little ‘stor’. It means treasure in Irish... He’s …was the bravest man, I’ve ever met.”
He smiled down at her and brushed her cheek with his thumb to wipe a falling tear. “And most importantly he loved Dalmore whiskey.”
She laughed through her tears.  “Yes, almost as much as he loved granny. His dream was to come back to Dublin with me and show me Trinity College where he went to school. He said that I would love the library there.” She brushed another tear. “I’m sorry, I’m such a mess.”
“Shh, I got you, it’s okay. It’s okay, O’Brien” He hugged her tighter “You never have to apologize to me for how you feel.” He had never held her so closely. Her cherry scent was intoxicating, “I always be here for you. I promise.”
She looked at him hurt. “Like you had been these past weeks?”
He shook his head. “I’m just giving you and Liam some space, O’Brien. We’re only friends and he deserves you”
She stood up trembling with fury. “I’m not a fucking prize either of you gets because you deserve it. Don’t you want to be with me?” He didn’t answer, so she insisted. “I think you feel something for me, Drake.” She waited for an answer that never came, he couldn’t tell her anything without betraying his best friend, plus, she was sad and confused and he wasn’t going to take advantage of it.  “Got it. See you at the plane. Good night.” She stormed out leaving Drake more confused than ever.
Three days later, they were ready to leave for Liverpool, Liam had insisted in lending them his private plane so they could come back directly after the match. He wanted her back fast. Drake had required to leave for Liverpool one day earlier because he had business to attend at Kentwood stables, one of Liam’s horse dealers in England.
Alexis installed herself in one of the leather seats when she saw Drake talk to the pilot.
“What was that about, Drake?”
He shrugged “I have no idea what you’re talking about, O’Brien.” He took out a deck of cards from his bag. “Poker?” He wiggled his eyebrows adorably.
She grinned mischievously. “If you don’t mind losing.”
He observed her expression and smirked, she seemed relaxed and happy as he hadn’t seen in her for a long time.
They played the whole flight to Liverpool, teasing each other, Drake was great at poker, but Alexis used to play all the time in college, so they won two games each.
He smiled cockily. “Don’t worry, O’Brien. I’ll beat you later, I was just warming up”
She rolled her eyes playfully “Yeah, suuure.”
When they got off the plane, she saw Drake talking to the pilot again. She waited with her bag for a car to pick them up from the private tarmac, but Drake shook his head.
“Come on, O’Brien. We need to catch a bus to go to the city center.”
She was happy to do something normal for once, but it was unusual. “No car to pick us up?”
He beamed, he didn’t do it often but when he did he looked so handsome it actually made her knees weak. “Not today, come on”
She followed him through the terminal, not paying much attention. When they exited the building, she turned her head and saw a big sign on the top the airport:
“Welcome to Dublin”
She stopped in her tracks, incapable to move for a second. Drake stood next to her waiting for her reaction.
When she finally spoke, she had a small lump in her throat. “How did you do? I- d” Without thinking about it, she threw her arms around his neck pulling him for a hug. He pulled her against him too, allowing himself to enjoy a few seconds of closeness with her, inhaling her shampoo, feeling her against him. When she pulled away her eyes were brighter than usual “Thank you Drake.”
His raised his hands. “Hey, I have entirely selfish motives. A friend told me about this distillery where they supposedly have great whiskey.”
They went to the B&B where Drake had booked two rooms, a cozy, small place called The Blackrock. It was perfect, the lobby was full of books with a lit fireplace and the lady at the reception was warm and kind.
Before leaving, Alexis decided to change her clothes, she had woken up too early and had lazily thrown a pair of jeans and Converses on.
It was a sunny day in May, but they were in Dublin and it was relatively cold. She decided to wear a red, short sweater dress with a V neck, a pair of tights and her Doc Martens. She put on some black eyeliner, a touch of gloss, and sprayed her Lost Cherry perfume, on her wrists and neck. She felt giddy and nervous to spend the day with him. After a last look in the mirror she took her leather jacket and went downstairs.
She waited at the lobby sitting next to the fireplace, Drake had told her that he needed to make some calls to the Veterinary clinic at the Palace. It made her smile how much he loved his job. How much he cared about it.
Drake saw her as soon as he came down the stairs but waited for her to see him, before announcing himself. At the risk of sounding like a stalker, he wanted to watch her for a few seconds, he spent so much time trying to hide whatever it was she stirred up in him that he never let himself just admire her. She was incredibly beautiful, but it was the energy she irradiated that made his heart stop every time he looked at her. He shook his head; he was quickly approaching a very dangerous territory.
He cleared his throat “I see you’re warming up by the fire.”
She grinned. A true smile, just for him. “I was waiting for you, but I’m ready to go. Do you have anything planned?”
He gave her a conspiratorial smile. “I have some things in mind. Do you trust me?”
She couldn’t help the earnest look in her eyes, when she answered. “Totally.”
They decided to walk, it was a long stroll, but they wanted to make the most of their time there. She pulled her camera out of her huge handbag and took pictures of everything she could. She loved the vibe of the city open and colorful. Everyone seemed relaxed and stress free. Even Drake. She succeeded to take two shots of him when he wasn’t looking.
He knew he only had two days with her. He was trying really hard to keep his thoughts at bay but just the way she looked at everything and the joy she transpired while they explored the city was enough to make him forget his good resolutions.
He remembered the conversation he had had with Liam the day before. They had been drinking at his office when Liam had suddenly told him that he regretted having authorized the trip.
“What do you mean?
“I thought you were my friend, and maybe you still are, but I saw you in the maze last night, Drake. You were holding her.” Seeing that his friend was about to talk, he raised his hand “Just remember who she belongs to.”
Drake felt a rush of anger, his fists immediately balling. “She doesn’t belong to anyone, Liam. She can do whatever she wants. Last night she was sad, that’s all.”
“It may be, but just in case, remember that she’s here for me. She deserves the world, she deserves to be a queen, Drake. My queen.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose. Liam was right, she deserved the world and more, so he’d have to settle with being his friend.  
They had been walking more than an hour, when they saw an imposing grey building. She screamed with excitement, recognizing it immediately. Her grandfather had showed her hundreds of pictures of it while he talked about his younger years in Dublin.
He was touched to see her eyes watering at its sight but didn’t dare to do anything else but stroke her cheek with the back of his hand.
“Aww, O’Brien. Come on, let’s see that library”
They were both amazed as soon as they entered the famous Long Room. It was majestic. The sight was imposing, high wooden ceilings and walls, millions of ancient books covering the shelves, and infinite rows of marble busts honoring the greatest writers and philosophers of history.
They looked together for Jonathan Swift, Noah’s favorite writer, while Alexis told him anecdotes of her childhood, and how he used to read her ‘Gulliver’s travels’ before bed. She seemed nostalgic but happy to remember him.
“He was a great man, O’Brien. And even if I didn’t know him, I’m sure he would be very proud of you.”
She sighed. “I don’t know… I think he definitely would’ve disapproved of the idea of me competing for a prince’s hand.”
Drake looked at her intently trying to figure out how she felt about it, he knew she was in love with Liam, but at the same time he couldn’t deny that there was something else going on between the two of them, something undefined and powerful.
After seeing the Book of Kells, they spent the rest of the day exploring the city. They took pictures next to Molly Malone, ordered a Fish and chips at Presto’s, and got lost in the Jaime’s Joyce museum.
Alexis bought a colorful painting portraying the famous Dublin doors, and Drake got his wish of visiting the Roe & Coe Distillery where he felt like a little boy in a candy store. It was a perfect day. Both of them yearned for it to last, but neither of them took a step towards the other.
They want out of the distillery slightly drunk, laughing like crazy. “Last stop ‘The workman’s bar’, O’Brien. Maxwell recommended it.” He grinned, she had never seen him so happy, so relaxed. What she’do to kiss those dimples. “I’m dying to show you the Temple Bar area. Come on!” He added when he saw she was lost in her thoughts.
The pub was packed, they had trouble finding a table but after a few minutes they found one close to the stage.
He asked for their drinks, two double whiskeys. She gulped hers.
“Easy O’Brien, this is not a competition” He beamed, again, she was almost getting used to it.
She looked at him with fire in her eyes. “I can do whatever I want tonight. And I want to drink. Oh, I know! Let’s play a drinking game!” She beamed.
“You want to play a drinking game, against me O’Brien?” He arched his brows “Are you sure?”
She gave him a devilishly smile, just what he needed to go insane. “I’m not playing, Walker, I’m winning”
He chuckled “You’re such a cocky ass. Let’s see that” His phone rang, it was the clinic. “Just a sec, O’Brien. I’ll take this outside.”
When he came back, he saw her talking with one of the guys from the table next to hers. He cut the distance between them as fast as he could. When the guy saw Drake sit next to her clearly angry, he babbled a quick good night and left as fast as he could.
She witnessed his behavior extremely annoyed. He had been clear, he only wanted to be her friend. So why did he behave like that?
“What the fuck, Drake? Why are you so angry?” The words came out of her mouth before she could stop them. “Are you jealous?”
He was tired too, tired of wanting her so badly, tired of months watching her from the distance, tired of pretending he felt nothing for her, when he couldn’t think about anything else. He fixed his eyes on her. “Like crazy.”
She leaned to kiss him, but Liam was in there, present between the two of them. He cupped her face. “We can’t O’Brien. You love him, I know that.”
She shook her head. How was it possible that someone that knew her so perfectly well, that could almost see through her soul was so incapable of reading her true feelings. “Forget it, Drake. It’s fine.”
He heard the hurt in her voice and started to wonder if maybe, only maybe, she felt…something for him.
They sat in silence until someone stood up on the stage and began to sing ‘Hey, Jude’ with a voice way off key.
“Fucking Maxwell, he recommeneded a karaoke bar!” He groaned but after a few more seconds of the singer torturing The Beatles they burst into laughs easing the tension. They played several games and talked about their childhoods and years of college. After several singers, the host of the evening called Alexis’s name.
She chuckled at his puzzled expression. “I wrote my name in the list when I went to the bathroom.” She stood up and went to the stage.
For the hundredth time that day, his mouth went dry just looking at her. She was so incredibly sexy that he couldn’t think straight. The red of her dress illuminated her face, making her black eyes darker, her full lips irresistible. The dress wasn’t tight but it was short so he could admire her long legs and thanks to the V neck, part of her cleavage. He was sure no one at that pub had seen anyone more beautiful or sexy than her. He smirked when the song started. She had chosen Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth.
She began to slowly sway her hips with the rhythm of the song and started singing. He shook his head; Not only was she softly dancing, which was enough to push him over the edge, but he had heard her sing before and knew he was doomed. She had a low voice, sultry, soft. Like a moan.
We got this king size to ourselves
Don't have to share with no one else Don't keep your secrets to yourself It's karma sutra show and tell
She was slowly moving her hips and looking at him fixedly as she sang. He stared back, his black eyes looking at her so intently she felt like she was going to combust. He leaned against his seat, with the tumbler in his hand, licking his lips, savoring the moment as much as she was, letting his eyes tell her all the things he wanted to do to her.
You got to give it up to me
I'm screaming mercy, mercy please Just like they say it in the song Until the dawn, let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
She had chosen that song on purpose. Every time he heard her sing for mercy, he felt a twitch in his pants. Every time she moved her hips asking him to get lost with her until dawn, he was tempted to go on stage, take her and fuck her right there in the bathroom.
The applause took him out of his trance. He saw her approaching the table where they were seated. Fuck, he didn’t give a damn anymore, he wanted her, painfully, agonizingly. He left the money for the drinks on the table and intercepted her on her way to the table. He gripped her hand and led her outside. He had called an Uber but they had to wait for it. Except that Drake couldn’t wait another moment, he pressed her against the first wall he found and leaned towards her; whispering in her ear. “What are you doing, O’Brien? I told you not to play those games with me.”
She smiled biting her lip, and then shrugged “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He growled burying his nose in her neck, softly smelling her cherry scent; making her shiver “Fuck! You have no idea what you do to me, do you?”
Her heart couldn’t have beat faster. She felt like it was going to go out of her chest.
He fixed his eyes on her “If you want to scream for mercy, Lexie” He brushed her neck with his fingers, as his other hand stroked the small of her back and he kissed her earlobe. “I’ll make you scream all night.”
She was physically incapable to form words, so she nodded. A nod. All it took was soft movement of her head and hell broke loose. He placed his hand on her back and pulled her against him crashing his mouth with hers, caressing her face. He nipped her lips and let his hands wander through her body, desperate, impatient.
They arrived at her room fifteen minutes later, after a painfully long Uber ride.
She tried to open the door, but Drake was behind her, his arm around her waist, his lips on the nape of his neck. “Drake, god!”
Finally, she opened the door, and they almost stumbled inside. He was still behind her, still ravaging her neck. He took her by her waist and in easy movement turned her face to him kissing her lips again. They were better than he had imagined, with a sweet taste, soft and tender at his contact. He scooped her in his arms and took her to the bed. He stopped for a second to look at her. His goddess, gorgeous, with swollen lips and messy hair.
He smiled down on her “Are you sure you want this, O’Brien?” She nodded, lost in the sandalwood.
“I didn’t hear anything, Lexie”
“Yes, I’m sure” she panted.
He locked eyes with her as he put a strand of hair behind her ear “You better be, because if I make you mine tonight, I’ll never let you go again.” She nodded again, grabbing the back of his head to crash their lips again.
They took each other's clothes in desperate movements. “Fuck, Alexis you’re so damn gorgeous.”
He grabbed her from her waist and sat on the edge of the bed with her on his lap.  She straddled him as his passionate kisses made her crazy. She threw her head back giving him full access to her breasts that he cupped kissing the spot where her jaw and neck connected, his thumbs slowly teasing her hard nipples. She moaned loudly.
“Drake, please”
Drake smiled against her neck “Are you asking for mercy, Lexie?” His question was joined by the movement of his right hand wandering through her body producing jolts of electricity everywhere he touched her, until he finally reached her core. He stroked her skin enjoying how soft she was, before circling the little nub inside of her with his thumb.
Drake growled “Fuck, Lexie, you’re so wet for me” He kept teasing her, touching everything bit of skin around her clit.
“God, Drake, you’re driving me crazy, please…” Drake’s finger suddenly entering her, not letting her finish.
“Is this what you want, Lexie?” He whispered to her ear. She nodded lazily too excited to answer. “Come for me” He slid another finger inside making her writhe against him, her breaths becoming shorter, and shorter as she clung to Drake’s back.
“Drake, I…I god Drake fuck!” She screamed when a powerful wave of heat ran across her body leaving her wasted.
Drake steadied her with his arms, stroking her back. He kissed the top of her head giving her time to recover.
“Fuck me, Drake”
He buried his mouth in her hair. “I told you I was going to make you scream for mercy.” He positioned himself with the tip of his dick rubbing her center “Look at me, O’Brien. I want to see your pretty face as I enter you”
She gasped and locked her eyes with him, her hands around his neck, his gaze piercing hers, as he entered her slowly, giving her time to adjust to him.
He growled again biting her shoulder. “Damn, Lexie you feel incredible baby, so fucking tight”
Drake didn’t know at what moment, but the energy of the room had shifted. He felt much more than a powerful lust for her. He wanted to have her, all of her, forever. They rocked their hips at the same pace, slowly at first but sooner increasing speed staring at each other as their movements became more passionate. He kissed her lips deeply, lost in her. They both felt a connection like neither of them had experienced before. He hit her spot several times making her moan his name over and over again. Without taking his eyes off of her, he stroked her clit as they both reached a point of no return.
“Drake!” She screamed his name yet again, as her muscles compressed around him. Feeling her come screaming his name pushed him over the edge, and he filled her completely.
They fell down on the bed, spent. He pulled her close to him and kissed her front.
“Are you staying?” His heart tugged at the vulnerability of her soft voice.
“If you want me to stay, O’Brien. I’ll never leave again.” She smiled against his chest as they both drifted to sleep, only to woke up a few hours later and made love again.
The morning light woke her up. He was hugging her tightly against him, with his chin on her shoulder, his breath in her ear. She had never felt safer or happier before, until a horrible thought crept into her head. What if he didn’t want her anymore? What if he decided again that she belonged with Liam?
She felt him move behind her. Maybe she should be casual about it, but she had no idea of how she would be able to do that. There was nothing casual about the way they had made love the night before. The expression was cheesy but it fit perfectly. The connection between them was deep and explosive.
His raspy voice pulled her out of her thoughts. “Hi.”
She turned to face him and her heart skipped a beat when she saw his smile and the soft expression on his eyes. “Hi.”
Lucky. That was how Drake had felt that morning when he had opened his eyes. Like the luckiest bastard in the world. She was cuddled against him, bare and exposed to him, he could hear her soft breaths, smell her delicate scent. After all the reservations he had had, and the torment of thinking she loved Liam, he was elated to be with her that morning. He didn’t doubt anymore, not after the way she had given herself to him the previous night. He felt she was awake and whispered a soft hi in her ear. When she turned to him, he couldn’t control himself much longer. He had to make her his again.
After spending the morning making love, they took a shower together and got ready for Liverpool. Neither of them dared to talk about the future, unwilling to break their little bubble with practical matters or with Liam’s name.
They took the Ferry at Holyhead and arrived at Liverpool at 6:20, just in time to grab a little something to eat and go to Anfield Stadium.
The atmosphere was intense. Liverpool’s and Barca’s flags flooded the streets, mixed with chants in English and Spanish everywhere. It was electric.
Once at their gate, they had to wait in line to enter because security was checking people’s bags. Drake turned to watch Alexis’s face, she was almost jumping with exhilaration and a warm feeling spread all over his chest. He smiled to himself, never in his wildest dreams he could’ve anticipated coming there with her. He moved behind her and looped his arms around her waist protectively, there were too many people, too much excitement, she could easily get hurt.
They located their seats and Drake left to get a couple of drinks. He shook his head amused when he came back, she had taken her jumper off revealing her Barca’s shirt, a blue spot in a sea of red.
“Do you have a death wish, O’Brien?” He chuckled.
“It’s not my fault I have good taste” She shrugged.
“Come here” He cupped her face and kissed her softly, seriously considering the idea of skipping the match and taking her to a hotel room in Liverpool. “You have no idea how much I want you all time, Lexie.”
She smiled and kissed him too, overwhelmed by all the things she was feeling.
“Have you ever come to a Liverpool’s match before?”
She shook her head no. “It’s the first time.”
“Prepare yourself, everybody talks about the emotions of Liverpool's supporters, but it’s really something else when you see it in person.”
She opened her big eyes wide. “Are you telling me that the dark and brooding Drake Walker is capable of enjoying displays of emotion?”
He chuckled. “You’re a pain in the ass, O’Brien. You know that, don’t you?” He pushed aside the hair from her face and kissed her.  
He was right; Liverpool supporter’s emotions were all over the place. They sang their hymn wholeheartedly, but it was when the first notes of ‘You’ll never walk alone’  played on the speakers that goosebumps appeared all over her arms. Every single person around her was singing passionately, pouring all their hearts on the song. One single voice for more than forty thousand supporters cheering for the players entering the field.
“Ready to lose, Walker?”
“Lose? Prepare for the greatest come back in the history of football, O’Brien”
She laughed cockily. “Love your optimist side, Drake. We’re three points ahead”
The referee blew the whistle announcing the beginning of the game.
Drake and Alexis were equally excited yelling instructions at their respective teams in a mix of English and Spanish.
At the seventh minute, Drake yelled emphatically as Origi scored the first goal. "Yes! Let's go!”
Alexis was fuming screaming in Spanish to the goalkeeper. “¡Pinche Stergen! ¡Muévete carajo!”.
He couldn’t believe how adorable she looked when she was that angry. He teased her in the hope to infuriate her even more. “That’s one, O’Brien, we have at least three more to go.” He said matter-of-factly, clearly enjoying the fire in her eyes.
The rest of the first half-time passed uneventfully, with no more goals of either team.
“You’re not so cocky now, are you, Walker?”
He groaned. “We still have a second time to go, O’Brien, don’t count your chickens just yet”
She smiled cockily, only a miracle could save Liverpool at that point. However, sixteen minutes after the whistle for the second time, the miracle happened when Wijnaldum scored two goals in a two-minute interval.
Twenty-three minutes later Origi nailed the final nail in the coffin scoring an historical goal, eliminating Barcelona from the competition.
Alexis screamed furiously at Stergen, Piqué and the rest of the team. Drake stopped his celebration for a minute to watch her as she jumped on her seat screaming. Her energy was exciting, contagious. There in the middle of a football match after the most incredible night of his life, he realized something he knew for a long time now, but that he hadn’t dared to accept before. He grabbed her by her waist taking her down off of her seat. She used the momentum to straddle him and kiss his lips passionately, as his hands wandered along her back sending electricity everywhere. When he parted, he cupped her face, an earnest look in his chocolate eyes.
“I love you, Lexie. I’m completely crazy about you”
God, she loved him so much that his words touched her profoundly. She cleared her throat and fixed her dark eyes on him. “I love you too, Drake. With everything in me.”
He crashed her mouth with hers again in the middle of the cheers and ovations of the Liverpool supporters.
“We’re definitely not going  back to Cordonia tonight.”
Alexis snuck out of the palace and called an Uber that took her to the local Irish pub in less than fifteen minutes.
The bar was a cozy place with large wooden panels, solid counters and Irish music.
She was about to sit on one of the stools when she felt someone’s eyes behind her, staring at her. She turned her head and there he was, Drake Walker sitting in a booth with a tumbler of whiskey in his hand. He raised his glass towards her, trying to ignore the fact that his heart had skipped a beat when he had seen her.
After ordering a pint, she sat next to him with her usual perky attitude. “What are you doing out of you cabin in the woods, Walker?”
He squinted at her “The real question is what are you doing here, O’Brien? Out of the palace without a guard.”
She shrugged. “I wanted to watch the match, and I’m staying. You can take me back to the palace as soon as Barcelona kicks Liverpool’s ass”
God, she was exasperating. “Of course, you would be a Barcelona’s fanatic.”
“You mean the best club in the world?” She took off her leather jacket, she was wearing the famous blue and scarlet Barcelona’s shirt.
He growled. “You can’t sit with me wearing that.”
She gave him a flirtatious look. “Would you prefer if I took it off?”
Sometimes, he swore she was actively trying to torture him. He took her chin with his fingers fixing his piercing eyes on hers.
“You don’t want to play that game with me, O’Brien.” He said in a hoarse voice.
She swallowed hard, her heart beating furiously in her chest. When he finally tore his eyes away from her, she took a long sip of beer.
After a few silent minutes, she spoke. “I can’t believe you’re actually rooting for Liverpool. They haven’t won a Champions league in thirteen years.”
He growled. “I’m so sure we’re beating Barcelona tonight, that I bought tickets for the second leg.”
She sat on the booth cross-legged hugging a cushion. “You seem awfully confident that your team, a team that hasn’t win in ages, is going to beat the best team there is.” She gave him a confident smile. “Want to bet?”
“The best team…?” He shook his head. “What do you want to bet?”
“If Barcelona wins tonight, you give me your semi-final tickets.”
He raised his hands shocked. “Are you crazy, do you know how much I paid for those tickets?”
She reached for his arm and squeezed it with a fake empathic expression on her face. “Don’t worry, Drake if I were rooting for such losers, I wouldn’t want to bet the tickets either.”  
He considered her proposal for a minute, well aware that she was provoking him on purpose, but he just couldn’t back out when she was challenging him. “I’m in, but if you lose you have to get me tickets for next year’s matches. All the matches.” He saw her stunned expression, so he added irritated. “You’ll be queen next year O’Brien, it’d be easy for you to get them.”
She didn’t know why but it really bothered her that he would assume she was going to accept Liam’s proposal. She reached for his hand anyway. “Deal, Walker.”
For the next two hours they sat next to each other, drinking and bickering playfully. In the halftime he challenged her to a game of darts, she wasn’t bad at all, and she certainly looked extremely cute when she concentrated but he beat her easily, reaching 501 points in ten minutes.
However, at the end of the second half of the match, he was seriously pissed, not only he had lost his precious semi-final tickets, but he also had to put up with her cocky attitude while she celebrated Barcelona’s victory.
After a while of singing and cheering with a group of Spaniards, she came back to the table, ecstatic, and extended her hand towards him pointing at her palm. “The tickets, Walker.”
He groaned “Do you think I carry them with me all the time, O’Brien? I’ll give them to you at the palace.”
She laughed truly enjoying her victory. “So grumpy! I didn’t know you were such a sore loser, Drake. I’ll go get another pint. What are you drinking?”
He rolled his eyes. “Dalmore, fifteen years. Just tell them to put it on my tab. I come here often.”
She mimicked a fake surprise. “That’s so shocking!”
He laughed in spite of himself. She added playfully. “And Dalmore, eh? Being a veterinarian definitely pays.”
He smirked shrugging “I don’t need much, O’Brien, but I definitely need good whiskey. How do you know Dalmore?”
“My grandpa loved whiskey. Especially that one.” Her eyes watered thinking about her grandfather but she shook her head to chase the tears.
Drake saw her eyes and his heart tightened; he raised his hand to stroke her cheek, but squeezed her shoulder instead, pouring his eyes into hers to make her feel comforted without words.
It worked because she gave him a small smile, he had rolled his sleeves, so she rubbed his forearm with her fingers softly, almost tenderly, making him crazy. Why did she have to make it so fucking difficult being close to her? He stood up.
“We better leave, Obrien. It’s late and tomorrow we have to travel to Applewood.”
She didn’t want the night to end. For a minute she allowed herself to think about the life she would have had with Drake if they were a couple, if she had met him alone. If she hadn’t been so stupid to be blindsided by Liam’s charm, but when he abruptly stood up, she understood. He didn’t feel the same about her. She had to forget her stupid crush and move on.
They drove back in silence, both of them embarrassed, both of them hurt and filled with unspoken feelings.
The next day, Alexis felt much better. She had drunk too much the previous night and the alcohol had put crazy ideas in her head. It was clear that Drake only saw her as an annoying friend, so she would do the same.
Liam was different, even if the little spark that had initiated at the Statue of Liberty hadn’t become the fire she was hoping for, he was there for her. He had been clear about his feelings for her. Maybe love wasn’t the crazy passion she thought. Maybe love was calm, peaceful and reliable.
Or maybe she just needed to think for a few days, put some distance between her and that stupid competition. She thought about the football tickets she had won. She was definitely going to that semi-final, Drake, Liam and royal court be damned.
She knew Liam would be having breakfast in the main hall, so she went looking for him. She entered the hall and stopped in her tracks. Liam was having breakfast, but he wasn’t alone.
She cleared her throat. “Hi guys!”
Liam’s face lit up seeing her. “Lady Alexis. Good morning.”
Drake gestured a quick hello with his hand and turned back to reading his paper.
Mr. Polite as usual. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you, Li. I want to leave the court for a few days. I’m going to England for the semi-finals of the Champions league”
Liam stopped eating and looked at her puzzled. “That’s in two weeks from now, Alexis. The coronation is in less than three weeks. I would’ve expected that you wanted to be here.”
“Yes! Of course, Li. It’s only for a couple days. England is four hours away. I just want to watch the match. It’s… important for me”
Liam was uncomfortable, he didn’t want her to leave. Even if he couldn’t tell her yet, he had decided he was going to choose her as his queen. And her place was there with him not at some dumb football competition. “Where did you even get the tickets?”
Drake took his head out of the paper. “we made a bet and she won them from me.”
Liam grinned “I told you Liverpool was going to lose, Drake. You have to pick a winner’s team.” He turned to Alexis, speaking to her in a soft voice. “As a suitor and especially as the woman I care about, I-.”
Drake stood up so fast, he almost spilled his coffee. “I don’t think I should be part of this conversation.”
Liam raised his hand. “Actually, Drake, yes. Stay. I was going to say that I care very deeply about you, Alexis. I can’t let you go alone because you’re a member of the royal court, you’ll need protection. Unfortunately, I can’t spare any guards right now, but if Drake accepts, he can go with you. He has trained with Bastien plenty of times and can assure your protection.”
Drake couldn’t allow that. Last night, he had barely slept thinking about her. Two days abroad and he’d go crazy. “I can’t. I have a lot of things planned for that week, Li. I’m sorry.”
Liam squinted at him, puzzled. “You were going to go to the semi-finals anyway, that’s why you bought the tickets.”
Fuck! “Yes, but as Alexis won them, I made new appointments.” He was a terrible liar.
Alexis saw through it. “I don’t need a glorified, grumpy baby-sitter, Liam. Thank you very much.”
“I’m sorry, Alexis, but you’re under the crown’s protection until the end of the Social season. I can’t let you go without a guard; it would be terribly irresponsible from me.” He had made up his mind, and she had to start to get used to the fact that a future queen had responsibilities and responded to him.
Alexis was fuming, she was seriously considering quitting her role as a suitor when Drake spoke seeing how much she wanted to go. “It’s fine, I’ll go with her.” He smirked at her “In exchange of the other ticket.”
Liam started to regret his offer. “I really think it’s better if you stay here, lady Alexis.”
She shook her head. She was going to go, no matter what and as she didn’t need the second ticket anyway, she accepted, strangely happy. “The second ticket is yours, Drake! I have to go get ready to bake an apple pie  for the competition.” Before leaving the room, she turned to grin at Drake. “And thank you.” He felt his heart warming up with her smile.
After breakfast, Drake went to the stables. He needed a good day of intense work to forget the stupidest deal he had ever accepted.
It was already difficult to be around her and pretend to be only her friend when they were surrounded by the other suitors and the madness of the social season. Now, he was going to have her all for himself for two days. He shook his head at his own stupidity. She wasn’t there for him and she never would be. She was there vying for Liam’s hand. Liam, his best friend the king. The same man offering her a whole kingdom.
The truth was that Drake had never been jealous of Liam before. He had a good life, a life he enjoyed. He was passionate about his job and excelled at it. He was free to go fishing, hiking or drink a whiskey in a pub whenever he wanted.  It was a life that he had been able to choose for himself unlike Liam who would have to lead the imposed life of a king. So, no, he had never been jealous of his best friend before Alexis O’Brien had arrived in the court. And now, every time Liam so much as looked at her, he wanted to punch him in the face. He definitely shouldn’t have accepted to take her to Liverpool.
Shaking his head, he put on his white coat and his rubber boots and went to check up on Mirabelle.
The next few days he tried to avoid her as much as he could, he had convinced himself that he only needed a little distance, a little space and whatever he was feeling, would naturally go away and they would be able to go together to Liverpool as friends.
A few nights before leaving, he saw her coming out of the palace and walk towards the maze only dressed in a big sweater and some sort of pajama shorts. He debated with himself, but in an impulse, he decided to go after her, just to make sure she was fine.
When he approached the center of the maze, he saw her, and his heart tugged. She was sitting on a bench with her knees up, her head buried in them, clearly crying. He sat next to her, and silently rubbed her back, soothing her. Slowly her sobs stopped, he leaned towards her and cupped her face turning her face to him.
“Do you want to talk about it, Lexie?”
Her heart jumped in her chest. He had never called her anything else besides O’Brien before.  She knew she could open up to him. “My grandfather, Noah,  died exactly one year ago of a heart attack. I really miss him.”
“I’m sorry, O’Brien” his heart broke seeing her so sad “Come here.” He opened his arms and she snuggled against him.
“He and granny practically raised me. He arrived in the States when he was twenty-two years old, but he never lost his accent” She smiled. “He used to call me his little ‘stor’. It means treasure in Irish... He’s …was the bravest man, I’ve ever met.”
He smiled down at her and brushed her cheek with his thumb to wipe a falling tear. “And most importantly he loved Dalmore whiskey.”
She laughed through her tears.  “Yes, almost as much as he loved granny. His dream was to come back to Dublin with me and show me Trinity College where he went to school. He said that I would love the library there.” She brushed another tear. “I’m sorry, I’m such a mess.”
“Shh, I got you, it’s okay. It’s okay, O’Brien” He hugged her tighter “You never have to apologize to me for how you feel.” He had never held her so closely. Her cherry scent was intoxicating, “I always be here for you. I promise.”
She looked at him hurt. “Like you had been these past weeks?”
He shook his head. “I’m just giving you and Liam some space, O’Brien. We’re only friends and he deserves you”
She stood up trembling with fury. “I’m not a fucking prize either of you gets because you deserve it. Don’t you want to be with me?” He didn’t answer, so she insisted. “I think you feel something for me, Drake.” She waited for an answer that never came, he couldn’t tell her anything without betraying his best friend, plus, she was sad and confused and he wasn’t going to take advantage of it.  “Got it. See you at the plane. Good night.” She stormed out leaving Drake more confused than ever.
Three days later, they were ready to leave for Liverpool, Liam had insisted in lending them his private plane so they could come back directly after the match. He wanted her back fast. Drake had required to leave for Liverpool one day earlier because he had business to attend at Kentwood stables, one of Liam’s horse dealers in England.
Alexis installed herself in one of the leather seats when she saw Drake talk to the pilot.
“What was that about, Drake?”
He shrugged “I have no idea what you’re talking about, O’Brien.” He took out a deck of cards from his bag. “Poker?” He wiggled his eyebrows adorably.
She grinned mischievously. “If you don’t mind losing.”
He observed her expression and smirked, she seemed relaxed and happy as he hadn’t seen in her for a long time.
They played the whole flight to Liverpool, teasing each other, Drake was great at poker, but Alexis used to play all the time in college, so they won two games each.
He smiled cockily. “Don’t worry, O’Brien. I’ll beat you later, I was just warming up”
She rolled her eyes playfully “Yeah, suuure.”
When they got off the plane, she saw Drake talking to the pilot again. She waited with her bag for a car to pick them up from the private tarmac, but Drake shook his head.
“Come on, O’Brien. We need to catch a bus to go to the city center.”
She was happy to do something normal for once, but it was unusual. “No car to pick us up?”
He beamed, he didn’t do it often but when he did he looked so handsome it actually made her knees weak. “Not today, come on”
She followed him through the terminal, not paying much attention. When they exited the building, she turned her head and saw a big sign on the top the airport:
“Welcome to Dublin”
She stopped in her tracks, incapable to move for a second. Drake stood next to her waiting for her reaction.
When she finally spoke, she had a small lump in her throat. “How did you do? I- d” Without thinking about it, she threw her arms around his neck pulling him for a hug. He pulled her against him too, allowing himself to enjoy a few seconds of closeness with her, inhaling her shampoo, feeling her against him. When she pulled away her eyes were brighter than usual “Thank you Drake.”
His raised his hands. “Hey, I have entirely selfish motives. A friend told me about this distillery where they supposedly have great whiskey.”
They went to the B&B where Drake had booked two rooms, a cozy, small place called The Blackrock. It was perfect, the lobby was full of books with a lit fireplace and the lady at the reception was warm and kind.
Before leaving, Alexis decided to change her clothes, she had woken up too early and had lazily thrown a pair of jeans and Converses on.
It was a sunny day in May, but they were in Dublin and it was relatively cold. She decided to wear a red, short sweater dress with a V neck, a pair of tights and her Doc Martens. She put on some black eyeliner, a touch of gloss, and sprayed her Lost Cherry perfume, on her wrists and neck. She felt giddy and nervous to spend the day with him. After a last look in the mirror she took her leather jacket and went downstairs.
She waited at the lobby sitting next to the fireplace, Drake had told her that he needed to make some calls to the Veterinary clinic at the Palace. It made her smile how much he loved his job. How much he cared about it.
Drake saw her as soon as he came down the stairs but waited for her to see him, before announcing himself. At the risk of sounding like a stalker, he wanted to watch her for a few seconds, he spent so much time trying to hide whatever it was she stirred up in him that he never let himself just admire her. She was incredibly beautiful, but it was the energy she irradiated that made his heart stop every time he looked at her. He shook his head; he was quickly approaching a very dangerous territory.
He cleared his throat “I see you’re warming up by the fire.”
She grinned. A true smile, just for him. “I was waiting for you, but I’m ready to go. Do you have anything planned?”
He gave her a conspiratorial smile. “I have some things in mind. Do you trust me?”
She couldn’t help the earnest look in her eyes, when she answered. “Totally.”
They decided to walk, it was a long stroll, but they wanted to make the most of their time there. She pulled her camera out of her huge handbag and took pictures of everything she could. She loved the vibe of the city open and colorful. Everyone seemed relaxed and stress free. Even Drake. She succeeded to take two shots of him when he wasn’t looking.
He knew he only had two days with her. He was trying really hard to keep his thoughts at bay but just the way she looked at everything and the joy she transpired while they explored the city was enough to make him forget his good resolutions.
He remembered the conversation he had had with Liam the day before. They had been drinking at his office when Liam had suddenly told him that he regretted having authorized the trip.
“What do you mean?
“I thought you were my friend, and maybe you still are, but I saw you in the maze last night, Drake. You were holding her.” Seeing that his friend was about to talk, he raised his hand “Just remember who she belongs to.”
Drake felt a rush of anger, his fists immediately balling. “She doesn’t belong to anyone, Liam. She can do whatever she wants. Last night she was sad, that’s all.”
“It may be, but just in case, remember that she’s here for me. She deserves the world, she deserves to be a queen, Drake. My queen.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose. Liam was right, she deserved the world and more, so he’d have to settle with being his friend.  
They had been walking more than an hour, when they saw an imposing grey building. She screamed with excitement, recognizing it immediately. Her grandfather had showed her hundreds of pictures of it while he talked about his younger years in Dublin.
He was touched to see her eyes watering at its sight but didn’t dare to do anything else but stroke her cheek with the back of his hand.
“Aww, O’Brien. Come on, let’s see that library”
They were both amazed as soon as they entered the famous Long Room. It was majestic. The sight was imposing, high wooden ceilings and walls, millions of ancient books covering the shelves, and infinite rows of marble busts honoring the greatest writers and philosophers of history.
They looked together for Jonathan Swift, Noah’s favorite writer, while Alexis told him anecdotes of her childhood, and how he used to read her ‘Gulliver’s travels’ before bed. She seemed nostalgic but happy to remember him.
“He was a great man, O’Brien. And even if I didn’t know him, I’m sure he would be very proud of you.”
She sighed. “I don’t know… I think he definitely would’ve disapproved of the idea of me competing for a prince’s hand.”
Drake looked at her intently trying to figure out how she felt about it, he knew she was in love with Liam, but at the same time he couldn’t deny that there was something else going on between the two of them, something undefined and powerful.
After seeing the Book of Kells, they spent the rest of the day exploring the city. They took pictures next to Molly Malone, ordered a Fish and chips at Presto’s, and got lost in the Jaime’s Joyce museum.
Alexis bought a colorful painting portraying the famous Dublin doors, and Drake got his wish of visiting the Roe & Coe Distillery where he felt like a little boy in a candy store. It was a perfect day. Both of them yearned for it to last, but neither of them took a step towards the other.
They want out of the distillery slightly drunk, laughing like crazy. “Last stop ‘The workman’s bar’, O’Brien. Maxwell recommended it.” He grinned, she had never seen him so happy, so relaxed. What she’do to kiss those dimples. “I’m dying to show you the Temple Bar area. Come on!” He added when he saw she was lost in her thoughts.
The pub was packed, they had trouble finding a table but after a few minutes they found one close to the stage.
He asked for their drinks, two double whiskeys. She gulped hers.
“Easy O’Brien, this is not a competition” He beamed, again, she was almost getting used to it.
She looked at him with fire in her eyes. “I can do whatever I want tonight. And I want to drink. Oh, I know! Let’s play a drinking game!” She beamed.
“You want to play a drinking game, against me O’Brien?” He arched his brows “Are you sure?”
She gave him a devilishly smile, just what he needed to go insane. “I’m not playing, Walker, I’m winning”
He chuckled “You’re such a cocky ass. Let’s see that” His phone rang, it was the clinic. “Just a sec, O’Brien. I’ll take this outside.”
When he came back, he saw her talking with one of the guys from the table next to hers. He cut the distance between them as fast as he could. When the guy saw Drake sit next to her clearly angry, he babbled a quick good night and left as fast as he could.
She witnessed his behavior extremely annoyed. He had been clear, he only wanted to be her friend. So why did he behave like that?
“What the fuck, Drake? Why are you so angry?” The words came out of her mouth before she could stop them. “Are you jealous?”
He was tired too, tired of wanting her so badly, tired of months watching her from the distance, tired of pretending he felt nothing for her, when he couldn’t think about anything else. He fixed his eyes on her. “Like crazy.”
She leaned to kiss him, but Liam was in there, present between the two of them. He cupped her face. “We can’t O’Brien. You love him, I know that.”
She shook her head. How was it possible that someone that knew her so perfectly well, that could almost see through her soul was so incapable of reading her true feelings. “Forget it, Drake. It’s fine.”
He heard the hurt in her voice and started to wonder if maybe, only maybe, she felt…something for him.
They sat in silence until someone stood up on the stage and began to sing ‘Hey, Jude’ with a voice way off key.
“Fucking Maxwell, he recommeneded a karaoke bar!” He groaned but after a few more seconds of the singer torturing The Beatles they burst into laughs easing the tension. They played several games and talked about their childhoods and years of college. After several singers, the host of the evening called Alexis’s name.
She chuckled at his puzzled expression. “I wrote my name in the list when I went to the bathroom.” She stood up and went to the stage.
For the hundredth time that day, his mouth went dry just looking at her. She was so incredibly sexy that he couldn’t think straight. The red of her dress illuminated her face, making her black eyes darker, her full lips irresistible. The dress wasn’t tight but it was short so he could admire her long legs and thanks to the V neck, part of her cleavage. He was sure no one at that pub had seen anyone more beautiful or sexy than her. He smirked when the song started. She had chosen Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth.
She began to slowly sway her hips with the rhythm of the song and started singing. He shook his head; Not only was she softly dancing, which was enough to push him over the edge, but he had heard her sing before and knew he was doomed. She had a low voice, sultry, soft. Like a moan.
We got this king size to ourselves
Don't have to share with no one else Don't keep your secrets to yourself It's karma sutra show and tell
She was slowly moving her hips and looking at him fixedly as she sang. He stared back, his black eyes looking at her so intently she felt like she was going to combust. He leaned against his seat, with the tumbler in his hand, licking his lips, savoring the moment as much as she was, letting his eyes tell her all the things he wanted to do to her.
You got to give it up to me
I'm screaming mercy, mercy please Just like they say it in the song Until the dawn, let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
She had chosen that song on purpose. Every time he heard her sing for mercy, he felt a twitch in his pants. Every time she moved her hips asking him to get lost with her until dawn, he was tempted to go on stage, take her and fuck her right there in the bathroom.
The applause took him out of his trance. He saw her approaching the table where they were seated. Fuck, he didn’t give a damn anymore, he wanted her, painfully, agonizingly. He left the money for the drinks on the table and intercepted her on her way to the table. He gripped her hand and led her outside. He had called an Uber but they had to wait for it. Except that Drake couldn’t wait another moment, he pressed her against the first wall he found and leaned towards her; whispering in her ear. “What are you doing, O’Brien? I told you not to play those games with me.”
She smiled biting her lip, and then shrugged “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He growled burying his nose in her neck, softly smelling her cherry scent; making her shiver “Fuck! You have no idea what you do to me, do you?”
Her heart couldn’t have beat faster. She felt like it was going to go out of her chest.
He fixed his eyes on her “If you want to scream for mercy, Lexie” He brushed her neck with his fingers, as his other hand stroked the small of her back and he kissed her earlobe. “I’ll make you scream all night.”
She was physically incapable to form words, so she nodded. A nod. All it took was soft movement of her head and hell broke loose. He placed his hand on her back and pulled her against him crashing his mouth with hers, caressing her face. He nipped her lips and let his hands wander through her body, desperate, impatient.
They arrived at her room fifteen minutes later, after a painfully long Uber ride.
She tried to open the door, but Drake was behind her, his arm around her waist, his lips on the nape of his neck. “Drake, god!”
Finally, she opened the door, and they almost stumbled inside. He was still behind her, still ravaging her neck. He took her by her waist and in easy movement turned her face to him kissing her lips again. They were better than he had imagined, with a sweet taste, soft and tender at his contact. He scooped her in his arms and took her to the bed. He stopped for a second to look at her. His goddess, gorgeous, with swollen lips and messy hair.
He smiled down on her “Are you sure you want this, O’Brien?” She nodded, lost in the sandalwood.
“I didn’t hear anything, Lexie”
“Yes, I’m sure” she panted.
He locked eyes with her as he put a strand of hair behind her ear “You better be, because if I make you mine tonight, I’ll never let you go again.” She nodded again, grabbing the back of his head to crash their lips again.
They took each other's clothes in desperate movements. “Fuck, Alexis you’re so damn gorgeous.”
He grabbed her from her waist and sat on the edge of the bed with her on his lap.  She straddled him as his passionate kisses made her crazy. She threw her head back giving him full access to her breasts that he cupped kissing the spot where her jaw and neck connected, his thumbs slowly teasing her hard nipples. She moaned loudly.
“Drake, please”
Drake smiled against her neck “Are you asking for mercy, Lexie?” His question was joined by the movement of his right hand wandering through her body producing jolts of electricity everywhere he touched her, until he finally reached her core. He stroked her skin enjoying how soft she was, before circling the little nub inside of her with his thumb.
Drake growled “Fuck, Lexie, you’re so wet for me” He kept teasing her, touching everything bit of skin around her clit.
“God, Drake, you’re driving me crazy, please…” Drake’s finger suddenly entering her, not letting her finish.
“Is this what you want, Lexie?” He whispered to her ear. She nodded lazily too excited to answer. “Come for me” He slid another finger inside making her writhe against him, her breaths becoming shorter, and shorter as she clung to Drake’s back.
“Drake, I…I god Drake fuck!” She screamed when a powerful wave of heat ran across her body leaving her wasted.
Drake steadied her with his arms, stroking her back. He kissed the top of her head giving her time to recover.
“Fuck me, Drake”
He buried his mouth in her hair. “I told you I was going to make you scream for mercy.” He positioned himself with the tip of his dick rubbing her center “Look at me, O’Brien. I want to see your pretty face as I enter you”
She gasped and locked her eyes with him, her hands around his neck, his gaze piercing hers, as he entered her slowly, giving her time to adjust to him.
He growled again biting her shoulder. “Damn, Lexie you feel incredible baby, so fucking tight”
Drake didn’t know at what moment, but the energy of the room had shifted. He felt much more than a powerful lust for her. He wanted to have her, all of her, forever. They rocked their hips at the same pace, slowly at first but sooner increasing speed staring at each other as their movements became more passionate. He kissed her lips deeply, lost in her. They both felt a connection like neither of them had experienced before. He hit her spot several times making her moan his name over and over again. Without taking his eyes off of her, he stroked her clit as they both reached a point of no return.
“Drake!” She screamed his name yet again, as her muscles compressed around him. Feeling her come screaming his name pushed him over the edge, and he filled her completely.
They fell down on the bed, spent. He pulled her close to him and kissed her front.
“Are you staying?” His heart tugged at the vulnerability of her soft voice.
“If you want me to stay, O’Brien. I’ll never leaving again.” She smiled against his chest as they both drifted to sleep, only to woke up a few hours later and made love again.
The morning light woke her up. He was hugging her tightly against him, with his chin on her shoulder, his breath in her ear. She had never felt safer or happier before, until a horrible thought crept into her head. What if he didn’t want her anymore? What if he decided again that she belonged with Liam?
She felt him move behind her. Maybe she should be casual about it, but she had no idea of how she would be able to do that. There was nothing casual about the way they had made love the night before. The expression was cheesy but it fit perfectly. The connection between them was deep and explosive.
His raspy voice pulled her out of her thoughts. “Hi.”
She turned to face him and her heart skipped a beat when she saw his smile and the soft expression on his eyes. “Hi.”
Lucky. That was how Drake had felt that morning when he had opened his eyes. Like the luckiest bastard in the world. She was cuddled against him, bare and exposed to him, he could hear her soft breaths, smell her delicate scent. After all the reservations he had had, and the torment of thinking she loved Liam, he was elated to be with her that morning. He didn’t doubt anymore, not after the way she had given herself to him the previous night. He felt she was awake and whispered a soft hi in her ear. When she turned to him, he couldn’t control himself much longer. He had to make her his again.
After spending the morning making love, they took a shower together and got ready for Liverpool. Neither of them dared to talk about the future, unwilling to break their little bubble with practical matters or with Liam’s name.
They took the Ferry at Holyhead and arrived at Liverpool at 6:20, just in time to grab a little something to eat and go to Anfield Stadium.
The atmosphere was intense. Liverpool’s and Barca’s flags flooded the streets, mixed with chants in English and Spanish everywhere. It was electric.
Once at their gate, they had to wait in line to enter because security was checking people’s bags. Drake turned to watch Alexis’s face, she was almost jumping with exhilaration and a warm feeling spread all over his chest. He smiled to himself, never in his wildest dreams he could’ve anticipated coming there with her. He moved behind her and looped his arms around her waist protectively, there were too many people, too much excitement, she could easily get hurt.
They located their seats and Drake left to get a couple of drinks. He shook his head amused when he came back, she had taken her jumper off revealing her Barca’s shirt, a blue spot in a sea of red.
“Do you have a death wish, O’Brien?” He chuckled.
“It’s not my fault I have good taste” She shrugged.
“Come here” He cupped her face and kissed her softly, seriously considering the idea of skipping the match and taking her to a hotel room in Liverpool. “You have no idea how much I want you all time, Lexie.”
She smiled and kissed him too, overwhelmed by all the things she was feeling.
“Have you ever come to a Liverpool’s match before?”
She shook her head no. “It’s the first time.”
“Prepare yourself, everybody talks about the emotions of Liverpool's supporters, but it’s really something else when you see it in person.”
She opened her big eyes wide. “Are you telling me that the dark and brooding Drake Walker is capable of enjoying displays of emotion?”
He chuckled. “You’re a pain in the ass, O’Brien. You know that, don’t you?” He pushed aside the hair from her face and kissed her.  
He was right; Liverpool supporter’s emotions were all over the place. They sang their hymn wholeheartedly, but it was when the first notes of ‘You’ll never walk alone’  played on the speakers that goosebumps appeared all over her arms. Every single person around her was singing passionately, pouring all their hearts on the song. One single voice for more than forty thousand supporters cheering for the players entering the field.
“Ready to lose, Walker?”
“Lose? Prepare for the greatest come back in the history of football, O’Brien”
She laughed cockily. “Love your optimist side, Drake. We’re three points ahead”
The referee blew the whistle announcing the beginning of the game.
Drake and Alexis were equally excited yelling instructions at their respective teams in a mix of English and Spanish.
At the seventh minute, Drake yelled emphatically as Origi scored the first goal. "Yes! Let's go!”
Alexis was fuming screaming in Spanish to the goalkeeper. “¡Pinche Stergen! ¡Muévete carajo!”.
He couldn’t believe how adorable she looked when she was that angry. He teased her in the hope to infuriate her even more. “That’s one, O’Brien, we have at least three more to go.” He said matter-of-factly, clearly enjoying the fire in her eyes.
The rest of the first half-time passed uneventfully, with no more goals of either team.
“You’re not so cocky now, are you, Walker?”
He groaned. “We still have a second time to go, O’Brien, don’t count your chickens just yet”
She smiled cockily, only a miracle could save Liverpool at that point. However, sixteen minutes after the whistle for the second time, the miracle happened when Wijnaldum scored two goals in a two-minute interval.
Twenty-three minutes later Origi nailed the final nail in the coffin scoring an historical goal, eliminating Barcelona from the competition.
Alexis screamed furiously at Stergen, Piqué and the rest of the team. Drake stopped his celebration for a minute to watch her as she jumped on her seat screaming. Her energy was exciting, contagious. There in the middle of a football match after the most incredible night of his life, he realized something he knew for a long time now, but that he hadn’t dared to accept before. He grabbed her by her waist taking her down off of her seat. She used the momentum to straddle him and kiss his lips passionately, as his hands wandered along her back sending electricity everywhere. When he parted, he cupped her face, an earnest look in his chocolate eyes.
“I love you, Lexie. I’m completely crazy about you”
God, she loved him so much that his words touched her profoundly. She cleared her throat and fixed her dark eyes on him. “I love you too, Drake. With everything in me.”
He crashed her mouth with hers again in the middle of the cheers and ovations of the Liverpool supporters.
“We’re definitely not going back to Cordonia tonight.
So, @pedudley​ made me this beautiful mood board of them traveling, and I immediately thought about this fic. So for me these are the photos they took to each other. 
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angmarwitch · 6 years
A/N: In honor of the opening of The Phantom of the Opera in the Philippines, I give you this fic. I hope you enjoy! (the title is taken from Masquerade from TPOTO)
When his half-brother dragged him to attend a Halloween party, Orm thinks that he will have a terrible night. Well, that's until he found someone with a matching costume.
(Or Orm dresses as Raoul de Chagny from the Phantom of the Opera in Bruce Wayne's Halloween Party and he meets you, who is dressed as Christine)
Warnings: None so far, but maybe just a little fluff and some occasional angst from Orm. Also, a bit OOC(?)
Perhaps of all the things Orm Marius hated in the surface world, there is nothing that can compare to the sheer loathing he felt for parties. Even when he was still the former King of Atlantis, Orm never enjoyed parties and was only forced to partake in the feasts and banquets in order to fulfill his duties as a King and to appease his subjects and the Atlantean nobles. For him, such events were too loud and annoying and simply an inefficient way to interact with people so he avoided them as much as he can.
So when his obnoxious King of a brother asked, no, forced Orm to accompany him to a party, the younger royal refused, violently. He even went as far as threatening to kill Arthur, for real this time, if the half breed would continue pestering him with such a stupid notion.
Yet, all his efforts had gone to waste when Atlanna asked him to go, saying that it would be a good way for him to assimilate with humans and learn more about their culture. Not wanting to disappoint his beloved Mother, Orm relented and accepted another defeat.
It was the reason why he is here now, standing awkwardly in the corner of a stranger's house (apparently, the owner had been one of his brother's allies in their little group called Justice League, he recalls Arthur calling him Wayne or something like Batman) in an equally uncomfortable costume his brother got him. Inasmuch as he hated socializing with these low-life surface-dwellers (humans, Arthur would correct), he does want to admit that a few of them actually had good taste and upbringing. It's a shame that some actually befriended his beloved half-brother.
Shifting, he tried to fix his ill-fitting clothing, his costume. At first, he really didn't understand the prospect of wearing this ensemble but Arthur patiently explained that they were attending a Halloween party. It was a surface tradition to wear such attire to celebrate the event. If he were given the chance, he would have just worn his normal Atlantean regalia but his brother pointed out that it was a human event, thus Orm ought to wear human clothing.
The now King of Atlantis even offered to choose his clothing. Skeptical of his brother's ability and tastes though, Orm demanded he picks his own clothes. He was thankful that he did for Arthur had almost dressed him in a dragon costume so that he might match Mera and Arthur's "Game of Thrones" attires. The dragon was supposed to be Mera's pet or child. Orm refuses to degrade himself further like that. The Prince was a perfectionist and if he had to attend this Halloween party, his clothing would need to be as perfect and dignified as he is.
In his short stay in the surface, Orm had gone to enjoy some of the mediocrity the humans had invented and produced. One of the things he had come to love here was music. His home had never lacked gifted musicians and composers, however, it appears that the same can be said with the surface dwellers (he wasn't a keen fan of modern music though). A music lover, Orm absolutely became engrossed with the works of Chopin, Beethoven, Vivaldi, and Bach. He also admired the beauty of operas, musicals, and theatres, one from which he took the inspiration for his Halloween garments.
Scanning the crowd, he tried to look for his idiot half-brother to ask him how long he needed to stay here before he could return home. The incessant prattle of people was grating his nerves and he doesn't think he can stand another woman try to coax him into a conversation.
But instead of finding his brother, his eyes landed on a familiar figure, one that seemed to have been caught in the same predicament as he is.
You stood out amongst the sea of people that surrounded you. You wore nothing but a simple gown of white, a wedding gown, a design that he knows by heart. Your hair was styled with little waves, fanning around your heart-shaped face, and appeared to be bouncing each time you moved. Your face had been devoid of all the freakish colors, makeup as Arthur called it, other women had covered their faces.
Orm can sense your nervousness and unease from across the room. He wasn't an expert in reading surface-dwellers but he feels that like he, you were also dragged to attend this event without any say. This night was supposed to be for fun. An idea came into his mind, perhaps he could remedy that. The question is if you would humor him, given that the two of you matched outfits. It was truly coincidence but not an unwelcome one.
A shy smile graced your lips and a beautiful shade of pink dusted your cheeks as soon as you met his eyes. He waited for a hint of recognition in your features and when your eyes widened, he knew that you finally realized why he had taken a particular interest in you. Smirking, he walked slowly towards you,  in a non-predatory way, afraid that you might leave. He always had that effect to other surface dwellers.
You didn't though.
"Hello, little lotte," he greeted, his eyes lighting with amusement, closing the distance between you. He bowed his head a little, copying the actions of gentlemen in those lousy romantic movies Arthur and his Mother had forced him to watch, and it was working.
"Monsieur," you replied, giggling softly as you dipped into a curtsy. Smoothing your skirts with one hand, you offered the other to him which he gladly accepted.
Orm, who had the mind to thank Arthur later (for the first time and hopefully also the last), bent to press a kiss on the back of your hand. He was immediately rewarded with a modest laugh from you and he thinks that he likes the sound of it.
"Waiting for your Phantom, I presume?" He asked, straightening himself, your hand still remaining in his. You smiled sheepishly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear, the color of your cheeks deepening prettily. Now that he had a clear view of your appearance, he believes that you looked even more enchanting. How can a surface dweller have this much allure? He mused. Recalling the musical he had based his guise on, he now understands why Raoul and the Phantom had fallen for Christine.
"No, I don't think I need to anymore, Monsieur," you said, shaking your head, eyes transfixed on your connected hands. "My Vicomte has finally arrived."
Grinning as he offered you his arm, Orm concluded that surface parties and its dwellers may not be that bad at all.
And yes, he will definitely thank his idiot half-brother later.
More A/N:  *I wanted to add a picset but unfortunately, my computer is malfunctioning.
*Little Lotte is the nickname Raoul had given Christine. It was from the story her Father used to tell them when they were younger. 
*Vicomte is Raoul’s title it is the equivalent of Viscount I think. 
*The Game of Thrones reference is a bit lousy/cheesy but I had to do it. lol
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wistfulcynic · 6 years
Both Are Infinite, Chapter 3
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Summary: Busy single mother Emma Swan relies on her best friend, Royal Navy Captain Killian Jones, far too much to ever ruin things by acting on the crazy lust she feels for him. The boundaries between them are firmly set… until they’re not, and suddenly Emma and Killian are forced to confront the feelings they’ve been suppressing for far too long.
Also on: AO3
Art by: @rouhn
@resident-of-storybrooke @rouhn @teamhook @wellhellotragic @kmomof4 @let-it-raines
Chapter 3:
Henry and Roland stood in front of the farm’s goat pen, tentatively reaching their hands through the fence to pet the goats’ soft noses and feed them treats. 
“I think I like goats,” said Henry.
“Me too,” said Roland. “I like their noses. But my dad says…” 
Henry frowned, and stopped listening. He liked Roland, who was about his age and who knew a lot about animals and about dinosaurs and about how Captain America was the best Avenger —something that Henry required of all his friends— but he never shut up about his dad, and Henry was growing tired of hearing about the man. Roland should think about what it was like for people who didn’t have dads, he thought crossly, before he went around bragging about his. He considered saying that to Roland, but deep in his heart he was still hoping that Killian would agree to be his dad, even though both Killian and his mom hadn’t reacted to his inquiries the way he’d thought they would, and so he didn’t want to say anything to Roland until he was sure Killian was no longer an option. 
 Henry thought that his suggestion made perfect sense, and he didn’t understand why his mom and Killian couldn’t see it. He didn’t have a dad, Killian didn’t have a kid, he and Killian did stuff together the way his friends did with their dads, Killian took care of him when his mom couldn’t and taught him things that were important to know. As far as Henry was concerned the matter was settled, and it was just a question of calling Killian “Dad” instead of “Killian,” and then he could tell his friends that his dad was the captain of a big ship, and they wouldn’t look guilty or pitying when they talked about their dads in front of him. He decided to try this out. 
“My dad’s the captain of a big ship,” he told Roland. 
“Yeah. It goes everywhere in the world and he’s the boss of all of it.” 
“That’s cool,” said Roland, clearly impressed, and Henry felt a bit guilty for lying. After all, it wasn’t Roland’s fault he had a dad and Henry didn’t. 
“And my mom works for a famous inventor,” he added, wanting to tell the truth about something. 
“I don’t have a mom,” said Roland, matter-of-factly. 
Henry was flummoxed. “You don’t?”
“No. I did, but she died. I don’t really remember her.” 
The pang of Henry’s guilt grew sharper, and he writhed a bit as he considered this. Roland didn’t remember his mom, and he, Henry, didn’t remember his real dad either. Maybe Roland would understand. 
“Actually, Killian’s not really my dad,” he confessed. “I just want him to be. But he is the captain of a big ship.” 
“Is that why you want him to be your dad?”
“No. It’s because he takes care of me and he loves my mom, and that’s what dads are supposed to do, right?” 
Roland nodded. “Yeah, I think so. That’s what my dad does. I mean, he takes care of me and he tells me stories about my mom.” 
A question was burning inside Henry. He hoped it wouldn’t upset Roland, but he had to ask it. “Do you ever wish you had a mom? A live one, I mean?”
Roland nodded again. “Yeah, sometimes. When I’m sad or I don’t feel well or when my dad has to work a lot.” Henry was almost certain now that Roland would get it. “Is there someone you want to be your mom?”
Roland thought for a while. “Maybe my dad’s boss,” he said finally. “Lots of people think she’s really mean, but she’s always nice to me and once when my dad was sick she came to our house and brought him soup. I think I’d like it if she was my mom. He paused, and Henry waited anxiously for him to continue. “Sometimes I pretend she is.” 
Henry grinned. Roland definitely understood. 
When Killian and Emma arrived at the Rabbit Hole that evening, both the bachelor and bachelorette parties were in full swing. Emma looked around, taking it all in. The Rabbit Hole had once been a mysterious, adults-only place in her mind, one that felt intriguing and exciting. Now, through the eyes of wider experience, it looked just like any other slightly dive-y bar. She felt oddly disappointed. 
“Tell me again why both events are being held at the same venue?” Killian murmured in her ear, distracting her from her thoughts. 
“Because David and Mary Margaret do everything together, they can’t help it. And there’s basically only one place in town for this sort of thing,” said Emma. She glanced over at him, her heart doing its familiar dance when her eyes met his bright blue ones. He was looking particularly good tonight, she thought; as gorgeous as he was in his uniform she preferred his off-duty look of black leather jacket and skinny jeans, his beard a bit less neatly trimmed, his hair a bit mussed. He looked slightly wild and slightly dangerous, and anyone who didn’t know would never guess he was a decorated naval officer. She loved that about him, the different facets of his personality that should have been incongruous but somehow meshed seamlessly into one fascinating, complex man.  
“Emma!” came a shriek from her left. “Holy shit, girl, is that you?”
She turned to greet the tall brunette who was charging towards her, finding herself swept into a hug before she could manage to deflect it. “Hi, Ruby.” 
Ruby stepped back, holding Emma by the shoulders as she gave her an assessing once-over. “I feel like I haven’t seen you for ages! It must be years!” 
“No more than three of them—” 
“Really? It feels like so much longer! And who is this?” she transitioned smoothly, turning to Killian and letting her eyes caress him in a manner designed to throw a man off-balance.
“Ruby Lucas, this is my friend Killian Jones,” said Emma, a bit warily. 
“Ohhh, yes, I’ve heard of him,” said Ruby, batting her lashes and holding out her hand. “Captain Jones, isn’t it?” she purred.
Killian was not so easily thrown off his game. His lips curled slowly into a devastating smile as he took Ruby’s hand and brushed a kiss across the backs of her fingers. Emma couldn’t help feeling a bit gratified when Ruby involuntarily caught her breath. “Just Killian will do,” he said, looking up at her through his long eyelashes, his deep voice caressing the words. Emma hid a grin. He had managed to turn Ruby’s tactics around on her, and it was oddly satisfying to see the bold brunette on the back foot for once. 
Ruby blinked slowly, staring at Killian for a long minute before shaking her head to clear it then breaking into a grin of reluctant camaraderie and respect. “All right, then, Killian,” she said, twining her arm around Emma’s and pointing to the far corner of the room with her other hand. “I’m going to steal Emma away now, the boys are over there on that side of the bar.” Emma looked over where Ruby indicated and her mouth fell open. 
“Ruby, is that… is that Graham Humbert?” 
“Oh, yeah, he moved back a year or so ago. He’s the park ranger for this area.” Ruby shot her a speculative look. “You had a thing for him in high school didn’t you? You ever get off with him?” 
Emma was still staring, lost in memories. “No, though not for lack of trying. Unfortunately, he was more interested in trees then too.” 
“Well he might not be anymore. Unless I’m very much mistaken, he is giving you the eye.” She tugged on Emma’s arm. "Let’s go say hello.” 
Emma glanced at Killian who was standing very stiffly, his expression uncharacteristically blank. He didn’t meet her eyes. “If you’ll excuse me, ladies,” he said with a tight smile, and departed, disappearing into the crowd before she could protest. 
“Come on, Emma, let’s go greet the hunky woodsman.” Ruby pulled her over towards where Graham was sitting but their progress was interrupted by Mary Margaret, already flushed with alcohol, the pink paper crown on her head slightly askew.
“No you don’t,” she said, “No men tonight. This is girls’ night, night for girls.” 
“Oh c’mon, MM, it’s not a bachelorette party if someone doesn’t get their rocks off.” 
Mary Margaret scowled. “I said no! And anyway, Emma already has a man.”
Emma’s scowl matched her friend’s. “I don’t—” she began, but Ruby pounced. 
“Ah, yes, the insanely hot and I must say impressively smooth Captain Jones. What is your deal with him, Ems?”
“There’s no deal,” snapped Emma, pushing both women away and stomping towards the bar. If there was going to be interrogation on this subject, she needed to be a hell of a lot drunker to deal with it. She ordered three shots of whisky and quickly tossed them back, relishing the fiery burn that traced its way down her throat to her stomach, helping to dull the familiar ache that had bloomed in her chest at the suggestion of romance between her and Killian. By the time she’d slammed the third empty shot glass down on the bar, Mary Margaret and Ruby had flanked her again. 
“C’mon, there must be a deal,” pressed Ruby. “You can’t just be friends with a man like that, not really.” 
The ache stabbed Emma again. Why does everyone always say that? “Well, we are just friends.” 
“And you’ve never fucked him?”
Ruby still had zero concept of boundaries, thought Emma crossly. “No.”
“Don’t you want to?” Ruby’s voice was pure disbelief. 
“I—” What a stupid question that was, thought Emma. Of course she wanted to, had wanted to from the very moment she’d seen him from across a bar not that dissimilar to this one, had wanted to every moment of the five years that had passed since. It had certainly been her intention to end up in bed with him when she’d taken her alcohol-fuelled courage in hand and marched across that bar to lay a kiss on him. She wondered endlessly about what would have happened between them if Henry hadn’t gotten sick. Would she have been able to fuck him then walk away, as she had done easily with other men? Something told her that a single night in bed with Killian wouldn’t be anywhere near enough. 
“I’d rather have him as a friend,” she said quietly, and Mary Margaret and Ruby’s eager faces fell as they recognised the resigned sincerity in her voice. 
“I mean, couldn’t he be both?” Ruby ventured, sounding contrite. “Friend and lover?”
“But why not—”
“Because I’d fuck things up, and then I’d lose him, and I can’t lose him. Besides,” he doesn’t want me “he’s dating someone else.” No point telling them he’d broken up with his girlfriend, for all she knew that could just be temporary, He’d looked awfully sad when he talked about it. Mary Margaret and Ruby looked like they were about to commiserate, and Emma hastened to change the subject, knowing she wouldn’t be able to handle their sympathy. 
“But never mind that, I thought you said this was a party!” she said, forcing a smile and waving at the bartender for more drinks. “Girls’ night, remember! Come on, bride-to-be, let’s get you drunk— er, drunker.” She handed them each a shot. “To your wedding,” she said, holding up her glass. 
“To my wedding!” cried Mary Margaret gleefully, and they all drank. 
Half an hour later, Emma was feeling wonderful, just buzzed enough to be carefree without tipping over into out-of-control. 
Her eyes wandered over to where Graham was sitting. She could still see why her teenage self had been into him, though if she was honest none of the old fascination remained. He was sort of Killian-lite, she thought. Similar height and build, similar dark-haired, light-eyed, beardy aesthetic, but he lacked Killian’s edge and charm and his simmering sex appeal. In another time and place, another Emma would certainly not have turned down a night with Graham, but here-and-now Emma had no desire to tear his clothes off and have him against the nearest flat surface, as she pretty much constantly wanted to do with Killian. She thought about Ruby’s question, and the alcohol coursing through her system somehow made it seem like not such a bad idea. Why couldn’t Killian be a lover as well as a friend? People did that, right? Friends with benefits they called it. He was her friend, so why couldn’t she have some freaking benefits? Of course, there was the small matter of him practically throwing her off of him this morning. She had to admit that that wasn’t promising. But he had also kissed her once, kissed her as she’d never been kissed before or since, with the same blazing heat and barely-contained passion she felt for him. Most of the time she refused to let herself think about that kiss, the single hottest experience of her life, but the memory was burned into her brain and she knew that even if she wanted to she’d never be able to forget it. If she let herself she could still could still hear his sharply drawn-in breath as she’d pulled his mouth down to hers, still feel the way his hand had tangled in her hair and their lips had clung together in the gentlest, sexiest way, both soft and firm, before he’d tilted his head, opened his mouth, and devoured her. Emma had lost herself in the heat and wetness and the way his tongue had curled around hers, tasting of rum and spice, making her head spin and her whole body flush as she’d moaned and pulled him closer. She still remembered his muscles flexing under her fingers as she’d clung to him, the iron strength of the arm he’d wrapped around her waist, holding her like he never intended to let go; remembered the intense connection that had sizzled between them, setting her nerve endings alight at every point of contact. She remembered the wrecked look on his face when they’d finally come up for air, the way he’d stared at her like he’d never seen a woman before, like she’d shaken him to his foundations. Sometimes she thought she’d give anything to see that look again, to feel that he wanted her as desperately as she wanted him.
“Fuck,” she groaned, squeezing her thighs together. She was really wet. This is why I never think about that damned kiss. 
She scanned the room for Killian, not seeing him at first. Then the crowd shifted and there he was, sitting in a dark corner booth, deep in conversation with a gorgeous brunette. Emma’s heart gave a painful lurch as she watched him lean in close to say something to her, his mouth curving into a flirtatious smile. She replied, smiling back, and then they both threw back their heads and laughed. Emma realised with a jolt that she recognised the brunette. It was Belle, the town librarian. Typical, she thought. Killian loved to read, he and Belle would have a lot in common. A lot to talk about. A lot to laugh about, apparently, as they burst into laughter again and her gut twisted viciously at the sight. 
When are you going to get it through your thick skull that he doesn’t want you?
But the kiss…
That was one time, and it was years ago. He hasn’t made a single move since. He’s never made a move on you, actually, don’t forget, you kissed him. Let it go.
Dragging her gaze from Killian and Belle, she looked back at Graham and found him watching her. He smiled. Killian-lite, she thought again. Maybe that would suffice; she had a Killian itch that needed scratching, if she couldn’t have the real thing then maybe the lite version would be enough. At least there’d be no danger of her falling in lo— no, mind, don’t go there. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Belle nearly doubling over with laughter as Killian grinned wickedly to punctuate whatever story he’d been telling her. Emma made up her mind. She flashed Graham a flirtatious look and stood, flipping her hair over her shoulder and sauntering over to him, missing the pained resignation that flashed across Killian’s face as he observed her out of the corner of his eye.  
An hour later she had tipped from carefree to out-of-control and was just rounding the corner to barely functional. Quickly tossing back the two latest entrants in a long line of shots, she draped herself over Graham’s shoulder, tracing her fingertip along his jawline, and blinked slowly as she tried to concentrate on what he was saying through the alcoholic haze that she thought might finally be strong enough to wipe the image of Killian and Belle from her mind. 
“Emma, why don’t you just talk to him?” Graham was saying in a carefully patient voice. 
“Hmmm? Who?” “Killian.” Graham’s tone suggested he had repeated this suggestion multiple times. 
“Talkabout wha’ with ‘im?” slurred Emma.
“Tell him how you feel, Emma.” 
“How d’you know how I feel bou’ Killian?”
Graham sighed. “You’ve been talking about literally nothing else for the past hour.” 
“Look, maybe I should get someone to take you home.” Graham signalled to the bartender and suddenly there was a glass of water in front of Emma. “Drink this,” he told her.  
“Mmmmm,” Emma looked down at the glass, trying to make it sit still long enough for her to pick it up. It refused, and when she looked up again Killian was there.
“Heyyyy!” she said, grabbing his arm and leaning her head against his shoulder.
“You all right, Swan?” 
“Fine, ’m fine. Jus’ fine.” 
Killian smiled, but there was something troubling behind his eyes, something she couldn’t put her finger on. “Fine indeed,” he said. “Are you ready to go home?” 
“Home,” she giggled. “Take me home, Killian.” She stood up so abruptly that she stumbled on her high heels and fell backward. He caught her with an arm around her waist and she leaned into him, snuggling into his embrace and nuzzling her face into his shoulder. 
Gently, he set her away from him, leaving only his hand on her arm to steady her. “All right, love, let’s go. There’s a taxi waiting.” 
In the taxi she clung to him, her head on his shoulder, determinedly resisting his attempts to get her to sit on her own seat. She wanted to cuddle, damn it, she thought, knowing that there was a reason why she couldn’t but unable to call it to mind. The ride was not a long one, and when they arrived at Mary Margaret and David’s house he held her away from him with a firm grip of his hand on her arm as he helped her inside and up the stairs to their room, and all Emma could think about was how strong he was, how calm and competent he was all the time, everywhere, and how she wanted to wrap herself around him and never let go, wanted also to see him driven wild, pushed beyond the limitations of his iron control. 
He lowered her to a sitting position on the bed and knelt down to remove her shoes, then leaned in close and unzipped her dress. She took a deep breath, inhaling the heady aroma that surrounded him. Fuck, he smells so good. Smelling him was one of her secret indulgences, but this time she’d barely managed to catch a whiff before he was gone, retrieving her pyjamas and laying them on the bed next to her. 
“You get changed, love, I’ll go get you a glass of water.”
Why’s everyone want me to drink water?
“No, wait,” she said, lurching to her feet and falling unsteadily towards him. He caught her, his hands on her hips, his eyes darting away as she tried to catch his gaze. 
“What is it, Swan?” he asked, his voice rough. 
“Don’t go yet,” she breathed, running one hand across his chest and reaching up with the other to caress his face. He swallowed hard, then a muscle in his jaw began to dance and she traced her fingertips over it, fascinated. 
“I’m coming right back,” he ground out, but she just shook her head. 
“Don’t go,” she pleaded. 
“Killian, I—” she hesitated, groping for the words, the alcohol making her long to tell him how she felt while at the same time robbing her of the ability to express it. “I—” Nope, no use, the words wouldn’t come. Frustrated, and overflowing with emotions that needed an outlet, she stood on her toes and kissed him. 
The feel of her mouth on his, finally, after years of subsisting on only the memory of it, rocked Killian to his core and left him iron hard and desperate, the desire to say to hell with it all and just take what she was offering almost a physical force in his gut. He had to fight his attraction to her constantly, which was exhausting enough when their boundaries were clearly in place but here, with her pressing herself insistently against him, her lips soft and hot, her breasts against his chest and her arms twined around him, the narrow bed they would share for the night only inches away, it was all but impossible. For one brief, heartbreaking moment he allowed himself to be weak, to tangle his fingers in her silky hair and return her kiss, nudging her lips apart and taking her mouth as he’d so often dreamed of doing, deep and soft and wet, stroking her tongue with his as he held her close. Lost in the intoxicating pleasure of her, he allowed himself to pretend that the love of his life was in his arms because she wanted to be there, that she was kissing him because she loved him and not because another man had gotten her all keyed up then unceremoniously dumped her on her friend when he’d realised she was too drunk to fuck. The memory of Graham's sheepish expression when he'd asked Killian to take Emma home filled him with rage, rekindling his urge to pound his fists into the other man's face. At least the bastard hadn’t taken advantage of her inebriated state, Killian thought furiously. 
What, you mean like you’re taking advantage of it? 
Fair point, he conceded. 
He slid his hand down her back and over her ass, pulling her hips tightly against his and pressing his aching erection into her softness, letting himself imagine just for a second how bloody good it would feel to bury it inside her, at the same time fisting his other hand in her hair and pouring five years’ worth of love and lust and longing into one last fierce kiss. 
Then he let her go. 
“Killian?” she whispered, confused, blinking dazed green eyes at him, reaching out to pull him back. 
Killian cursed Graham Humbert with every foul invective he could call to mind, and after ten years in the navy he knew a fair few. 
“Get changed, Emma,” he managed to say, his throat so tight he could barely force out the words. “I’ll go get you that water.” Deftly evading her reaching hands, he fled from the room.  
When he returned to the bedroom ten minutes later, having managed to regain some calm and wrangle his cock into submission, he found Emma curled up on the bed, sound asleep, still wearing her dress. Killian cursed again, not bothering to whisper, knowing that she was down for the count and unlikely to wake up before noon. He set the glass of water down and regarded her helplessly. He could let her sleep in her dress, but the prospect gave him an unpleasant twinge of conscience. She’d be a lot more comfortable in her nightclothes, and he hated to think of her in any discomfort. 
Gathering the tattered remains of his self-control he gently slid her arms out of her dress, making sure to keep her breasts covered and resolutely ignoring her obvious lack of a bra. He picked up the tank top she liked to sleep in and slipped it over her head, pulling her arms through the holes and smoothing the shirt down her body, removing her dress as he went, his eyes darting away from the sight of her pebbled nipples poking up through the thin fabric of her tank. He was rock hard again, blood pounding in his ears and his fingers itching to touch her, and when he pulled her dress down her hips and saw the tiny scrap of lace that was all she wore as an undergarment, he nearly came. As quickly as his trembling hands would allow, he pulled her pyjama bottoms up over her legs and hips then tucked her under the blankets and sighed in relief when her gorgeous body was fully concealed. 
He needed a very, very cold shower. 
Retreating into the haven of the bathroom and locking the door behind him, and shed his clothes rapidly, glaring at his cock as it sprang free from his jeans. Cold water alone was not going to be enough, he knew, not when images of Emma’s long, slender legs, golden curls peeking out from under the tiny triangle of black lace between them, were burned into the backs of his eyelids. Stepping into the shower, he grasped himself firmly, bracing his other hand against the wall and ducking his head under the icy spray. He hated jerking off to thoughts of her; it felt like a violation of her trust and of their friendship, but he’d never been pushed this close to the edge before and could think of no other way to achieve the relief he desperately needed. Pumping his cock roughly, almost angrily, he closed his eyes and surrendered to his fantasies. Emma’s gorgeous legs wrapped around his waist as he thrust into her, the tight, wet squeeze of her inner walls around him, her hair spread out on the pillows as she moaned his name and writhed beneath him, ecstasy breaking over her beautiful face as he made her come again and again. 
It didn’t take long. He was more aroused than he’d ever been in his life and his release came so quickly it was almost embarrassing. He pumped himself dry, hoping that this perfunctory shower orgasm would keep his cock limp long enough for him to fall asleep, though he knew that with Emma lying beside him that hope was certainly a futile one. He dried himself quickly and returned to the bedroom, pulling his pyjamas on and sliding stealthily into the bed as he had the night before, again keeping as much space as possible between himself and Emma. Releasing his breath in a long sigh, he closed his eyes and willed sleep to come. He was ready for this day to be over. 
But it was not to be. Barely had he begun to relax when Emma rolled over, drawn to him like iron to a magnet, and buried her face in his neck, her hand sliding under his t-shirt, fingertips caressing his skin. He turned to look at her but she was unquestionably asleep, her breathing deep and even, a slight smile on her face as she snuggled into him. 
Killian gave up. There was only so much a man could be expected to endure in one twenty-four hour period, and he was pretty sure he’d surpassed the limit some time ago. He slid his arm under Emma, pulling her close, brushing her hair back from her face as he pressed soft kisses onto her cheeks and forehead. 
“I love you, Emma,” he whispered, stroking her face with reverent fingers. “I’d give anything for this to be real. Forgive me.” 
Turning his face into her hair and cuddling her close, he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. 
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
The Princess Diaries AU! Royal (and huge, thanks to Munakata) Sarumi wedding with a lot of bonding moments, specially between Yata and Munakata (I really want this), Fushimi and Munakata, Yata and Mikoto, Fushimi and Mikoto and Sarumi, a lot of Sarumi obviously :3
Munakata totally does the royal Sarumi wedding up big, so big thatYata probably has to coax Fushimi out of his bedroom on the big dayto keep him from hiding there and skipping his own wedding, Fushimidoesn’t understand why they can’t just elope because he doesn’t wantto deal with the crowds and the people and the staring. Yata’s kindainto the idea of eloping himself but he’s also aware that as the nextruler of the country he can’t get away with that no matter how hewants to. Also Fushimi won’t open the door and technically theyshouldn’t be seeing each other before the wedding anyway so whathappens is Yata’s sitting there with his back against one side of thedoor and Fushimi’s inside with his back against the other as the twoof them talk, Yata knows Fushimi doesn’t do well with crowds and Yatahimself is super nervous too but at the same time he’s actuallyreally excited, like he doesn’t care about the big fancy party or thebanquet or any of that shit he just wants to be married to Fushimi.And even if their wedding was just the two of them standing in therain or something with nothing more than a piece of paper that wouldbe fine with Yata too, that they’re stuck with the big commotionsucks but in the end the important part is that the two of them aregoing to be together forever. Fushimi’s really quiet as Yata saysmost of this, just sitting there with his arms wrapped around himselfwallowing in anxiety and low self esteem and the more Yata talks themore he uncurls and starts responding a little with the occasionalirritated tongue click or snort when Yata says something silly.Finally Fushimi cracks the door open a bit and tells Yata to getgoing, they’ll see each other later at…the ceremony. Yata gets thishuge grin on his face and says he’s looking forward to it as he headsback down the hall.
He’s not far from Fushimi’s room when he’s stopped by an amusedMunakata stepping out of some corner, telling Yata that he did verywell calming Fushimi down like that. Yata’s probably a little annoyedat Munakata for making this stupid fancy wedding as it is, likeyou’re upsetting Saruhiko you asshole and nobody upsets Saruhiko.Munakata maybe actually apologizes a little for that, while hehimself did support a large wedding because he believes such a finematch as Fushimi and Yata deserves to be celebrated he also allowedhimself to cave to certain pressures of office, that the royalwedding has always been a big affair and there are parties thatexpect to be invited whom Munakata therefore had to send invitationstoo, even knowing that Yata’s fiancee would be uncomfortable withsuch a crowd (and then Yata has a panic moment wondering if Munakatainvited Fushimi’s terrible family and basically being like ‘if I seeany of those assholes in the crowd I’m climbing the tree outside hiswindow right now and we are fucking eloping,’ Munakata replies in aperfectly calm, officious voice that it seems those invitations wereunfortunately lost in the mail and no one gets into the weddingwithout an invitation, alas. Yata likes him a tiny bit more now).
The ceremony itself, Yata finds himself getting nervous too, likehe’s the one who stands at the altar and Munakata’s going to bringFushimi down the aisle to him and standing there with Mikoto, Totsukaand Kusanagi staring at the crowd he suddenly realizes how manypeople are here, all watching him and all waiting for him todo something stupid and commoner-like and mess up. Mikoto sees howtense the kid is and puts a hand on his shoulder, Yata starts tostutter out his nervousness Mikoto’s just like 'Yata, if they have aproblem with you then fuck 'em,’ Kusanagi groans a little but he’ssmiling and they’re all in agreement, it doesn’t matter if Yata doesthings the 'right’ way because it’s his wedding ceremony, as long asYata does what feels right to him who cares if it goes againstroyal tradition (and that’s when Yata catches sight of his mom andsiblings in the crowd smiling at him and looking so proud and hecan’t help but smile back himself). He almost loses it again thoughwhen Fushimi walks in, wearing some kind of really amazing royal suitwith like gold chains and a long fancy blue coat and he looks soamazing Yata’s speechless for a minute, Totsuka giggles a little athow cute the young love is and Yata swallows hard and steps forwardto meet his lovely bride.
Fushimi walks the whole way down the aisle looking really stiff withMunakata on his arm leading him, his eyes keep darting to all thepeople around staring at them. Munakata softly says that he’s fine,he’s more than worthy of their stares and Fushimi’s like 'shut up Ididn’t ask you.’ He does relax a little though, clicking his tongueand grimacing at how stupid and extravagant the whole ceremony is.His eyes keep getting drawn back to Yata at the front of the roomthough, in full prince regalia and staring at him with shining eyesand Fushimi feels his face getting hot. Munakata chuckles next to himand Fushimi’s all 'don’t even say it,’ clicking his tongue again. Toone side some snooty royal in the crowd whispers something aboutFushimi being of such low birth and how could a person like thismarry their future king, Munakata and Fushimi both fix that personwith matching cold glares and Munakata quietly gives Fushimi theperson’s name because he totally knows everyone here, some snootylord is not going to be on the new king’s good list.
The actual vow exchange is all sweet, Kusanagi officiates and hekeeps things moving (Mikoto’s niece Anna is both the flower girl andring bearer and is super adorable) so that Fushimi and Yata don’thave to stand there listening to people drone on too long. The royalceremony has pre-written vows but of course Yata can’t help butad-lib, there’s a rustle of unrest from some corners of the crowd andYata falters for a second before being like 'Mikoto-san’s right, fuckthose guys’ and just barreling forward with his own vows whileFushimi’s face gets redder and redder and he can barely keep up hisexpression of complete indifference. Fushimi has his part of thetraditional vows memorized and he recites them flawlessly but then atthe end he stumbles for a second and Yata’s all surprised becauseSaruhiko remembers everything but Fushimi just coughs a bit and thenadds his own little addition to the vows and Yata just beams. EvenKusanagi can’t stop himself from smiling as he pronounces themmarried and they kiss, after they separate Fushimi and Yata quietlytease each other about whose face is redder.
Then the after party is long and exhausting, poor Yata gets grabbedby Kusanagi while Munakata takes charge of Fushimi and they arerequired to make the rounds to say hi to various dignitaries anddiplomats. Fushimi tires out first, probably already drained from allthis being out in public, and Munakata obligingly pretends not tonotice when Fushimi slips out into an empty room. Or he thought itwas empty, Mikoto’s there lying on the couch because even though he’sking he totally slipped out after the ceremony was over. Fushimi sitsdown a bit away from him, kinda nervous around this person, andMikoto doesn’t even open his eyes as he asks if Fushimi’s enjoyinghimself. Fushimi clicks his tongue as he mumbles that of course heisn’t, he wanted to elope. Mikoto smirks a bit as he says thatwould’ve been a good idea, especially because it would have pissedMunakata off. Eventually Yata comes looking for Fushimi and Mikotojust gets up like 'you two have fun,’ leaving them alone in the room.Yata and Fushimi stare at each other and then totally sneak away fromtheir own wedding back to Yata’s room where they play video games andjust hang out and then cuddle on the bed for the rest of the night(Fushimi whispers something into Yata’s ear about 'the honeymoon’ andYata goes bright red but at the same time he suddenly reallywants to kiss Saruhiko again and things possibly escalate nicely fromthere).
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