#unfortunately the preorders are already closed but its still very cool!
ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
WMMAP's manhwa: Now in Thai!
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I'm a little bit late reporting about this, but WMMAP's manhwa will get an official Thai translation! The physical books will be released by SENSE T Publishing in collaboration with KW Books.
Translator: เฟริน (Ferin)
Price: 460 Baht per book
The books include postcards and bookmarks, and preorders will also receive 2 acrylic keychains (5x5 cm).
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ivanaskye · 7 years
Finally, some information about all my books and series in one place...
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Šehhinah is a fantasy-with-angels trilogy in a world with near-modern tech, but a different history (and set of continents!) than ours.  It’s about understanding yourself, finding friends, and being a dork.
There are angels running around, and Fallen too.  The magic system, Theurgy, is based on literally manifesting one’s soul into the world, because no one in this series has any chill.  Especially not God, who makes willing people into Their Holy by manifesting Their soul near enough to them to burn their bodies and give them superpowers.  Or Lilith, who lowkey kidnaps abandoned or abused children and manifests her soul near their bodies to make them into demons.
Each of the books takes place primarily in a different city with a different cast, although some of the characters do cross over (especially in the third book.)  For this reason, the second book can probably be read standalone if that’s what you’re down for.
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The first book, The Stars that Rise at Dawn, takes place in Ēnnuh, a desert city which is maybe the second-oldest city in the world (but this is debated).  There’s solar panels and motorcycles everywhere, and bookstores host philosophy debates with clickbait-style advertising.
It follows Elīya, a philosophy major who Doesn’t Know When To Stop, and her childhood friend Yenatru, who is Too Gay To Function.  Elīya’s on a quest to get back together with her other childhood friend, Tamar; Yenatru’s just on a quest to have friends, or maybe even a boyfriend.  Thankfully for Yenatru, he runs into Lucifer in the library one day, and strikes up a weirdly good conversation with her.
Yes.  That Lucifer.  He’s surprised about that too.
Anyway, Lucifer’s also pretty much just a dork who wants to have friends, so they’re a good match.  But Elīya might have other plans for them… like trying to rope them into this whole finding-Tamar thing.
“Most people think of you as somewhat dignified,” Yenatru points out. “Someone with pride. Impressive.”
Lucifer clutches a hand to her chest. “Ow, don’t go implying I don’t have pride. I like being prideful! ’S fun.”
“You are attempting and failing to banter with some really shy boy you met in a university library,” Yenatru says, deadpan.
“I did say I was pathetic,” Lucifer says with a smile. “Do you believe me now?”
Yenatru thinks about that for a moment, then nods. “Yes. Yes, I believe you.”
Lucifer’s smile turns harder, almost determined. “Good.”
[GET IT HERE FOR 99cents]
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The second book, The Birds that Fly at Dusk, takes place in Ākal-ne, a city at the edge of the steppe near some mountains.  It’s large and spread-out, people mostly roller skate to get everywhere, and each field of study has its own college, which is also a lodge where its students say.  A collodge, if you will.  (Sorry not sorry.)
It follows Celyet, a semiverbal autistic demon originally from near the city who ran off to the city to evade bad social dynamics, which, #relatable.  She manages to run into Sän, another demon who’s been spending their time lately working as a barista and also falling over a lot.  Celyet’s trying to avoid people and doesn’t want to make friends, but there might be some kind of connection between them…
…And then Jibril, the pun-loving angel who never shuts up, walks into that very coffee shop, because they (a terrible coffee fiend) are actually its owner.  That’s why it’s called JiBrew.
And that’s when Celyet accidentally performs Theurgy right in the middle of the coffee shop.
“Hmm, okay,” the angel continues on, “it’s kind of starting to look already like you’re not going to say anything, sigh”—and Celyet, looking down at the bar, finds herself blinking at the fact that the angel Jibril just said the word ‘sigh’ aloud, dramatically, instead of actually sighing—“I mean, I’m kinda used to it, since I’m so overwhelming and frankly gorgeous and all, this kind of thing absolutely happens.  Although I do quite like hearing from other people!  God, that’s always fun.  Oh, yes, that too—I’ll curse by God, when I feel like it.  Of course, I’m an angel, but why not.  I’ll curse by God and fire and flames, the whole thing, it’s a better curse than anything else really, and that disaster probably deserves to be used as a curse anyway.  Still can’t believe They didn’t notice how flaming sad Lucifer was for so long!  A couple of times I even tried to be like, hey God, my man, I mean not really man because You have no idea what a gender is, but my man all the same, have You noticed, there are some flaws in how You’ve set things up.  And They were just kind of like … well, the way They are, They basically only responded by just being fire, you know how it is.  And it’s fun to feel that kind of fire and light everywhere in your body, at least for me …”
Speaking of God, Celyet thinks, God she wonders if Jibril’s ever going to shut up.
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The third book, The Lives that Argue for Us, is set for a May 4th release date, and is available for preorder.  It introduces the partially-floating tropical city of Askannan, where a subculture of people—the Seafarers—dedicate their lives to traveling around the world and showing people cool art because, again, no one in this series has any chill.
Kjorel is one such Seafarer, and is about to leave for his first voyage after secondary school… which unfortunately means not seeing his datemate, Teśena, for about eight months.  They’re in an open relationship, but have never been put to the test quite like this before.
So while Teśena’s dealing with the loneliness of being almost entirely nonverbal and without aer datemate by befriending God, Kjorel finds himself in Ēnnuh… where he meets a certain adorable boy who hates shorts.
Teśena’s not quite sure how this works, how to think to someone who’s this here with aer, but ae tries, ae imagines almost an opening up of the memory of it all—and somehow this act, this unfurling, itself gently glows.
A thousand wings shift again, eyes made of fire open and close, wheels made of fire turn and turn.  And the fire of God’s wings moves as if closer to aer, almost as if laughing, understanding, something like a mirror wrapped in one of the wheels reflecting.
Teśena has made terrible, impulsive decisions, ae understands.
And God seems to respect that in the way God respects Themself.
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Evocation is an NA fantasy series with short, novella-length books set in a fantasy world which thinks it knows what’s up.  There’s a very established and easily accessible system of name magic, and easy communication with the low-power Gods known as Vitalities… what more could a society want?
And then a completely different type of magic shows up overnight.
The series follows Nena, a former circus performer who’s already won the world’s equivalent of the Olympics… meaning that now, at eighteen, she has no more life goals left.  Oops.  So she’s getting TF out of dodge, which is to say, out of her hometown, to do… something.  She isn’t really sure what.  It might involve befriending fellow traveler Maráh.  Or it might end up accidentally setting a bunch of things around her on fire with her thoughts…
Meanwhile, Cijaya’s recovering from emotional abuse over in a different city, and is pretty sure that graduating secondary school is the right time to get as far away as possible.  But even waiting two months for that is a challenge, especially when your only friend is the snarky Vitality of a nearby lake.
The second book, currently up for preorder and about to be released on April 3rd, continues these characters’ stories in addition to introducing the fourth major character of the cast: Pelekri, who’s also discovered the new system of magic, and is using it to … be a vigilante solar panel installer.  That’s what anyone would do with magic, right?  Right…?
“You’re not excited,” Maràh said.  “Not really.  Not openly.  No matter what you present on the surface.”
“About this?” I asked, almost smiling, however inappropriate that expression was.  “About Mangtena?”
“About anything,” Maràh said, almost smiling too, perhaps as if they’d caught me in something, as if they’d won, or just as if in the back of their mind they were thinking about really good chocolate.
Well, of course, I could travel.  I could even imagine being excited about that, as I once was.  I hadn’t yet visited every city on Sifir, and perhaps I could.  I could go to every last one, see it all, see everything—
—and, I asked myself, how long would that really take?  A few years?  Sifir wasn’t big; everyone knew that.  But though certain Vitalities had long hinted at a much larger landmass somewhere across the ocean, a continent they called it, the oceans were simply too wide to cross, though many had tried.
My breath caught in my throat and the reason for that catching burned in me: boredom.
The Size of the World:
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The Size of the World is a standalone novella, my first published release, and also the only one of my books available in paperback (which is very pretty.)It’s hyper-poetic in both style and setting, and involves Theia—a character who is much more autistic than I had a clue about at the time when I wrote her—crossing the Seven Seas to find the Darkness past the Seventh Sea.  And, uh, falling completely in love with this girl she meets in the Second Land.
“Theia,” she says, grinning. “That is a good name. It tastes like ivy in my mouth.”
“Who are you?” I ask.
“I am Tellus,” she says, “if you wish.”
“If I wish?”
“Tell me,” she whispers, “have you ever met someone with only one name?”
“Yes,” I say. There is nothing in common between my Kingdom and hers.
“In this Land,” she proclaims, “you never will.”
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montydollcrew · 7 years
I-Doll Fukuoka 8
This is kinda late but a few people said they did want to see a report, so here is a small one! I-Doll was on October 9th on a Monday - it was a public holiday, but unfortunately because not everyone got that day off and Doll Show in Tokyo being on the same day, there were less vendors than usual. However, Dearmine attended as a vendor for the first time which I think more than made up for that. I hurried right over there as soon as I got in because I knew they’d get swamped with people quickly and it would be hard to get photos, and there was already a line. They had the samples of their newest dolls on display and available for preorder - these ones aren’t out yet. 
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Those blond ash-skinned DearPets - Oz and Storm - sure are cute in person, I do kinda wanna get a DearPet one day.
They also had a whole load of other dolls - mostly from their DearBeans range - including previously released limited colours and some that were limited to this event. I had been lining up just to get close enough to take photos, but when I saw all the Beans there.... well, I was worried that when I got closer I didn’t want to be the person who left the line without buying anything, but then when I got even closer and actually saw all the Beans up close I realized that I probably wouldn’t be able to leave without buying one even if I wanted to ._. Looking at them on the website is one thing, but seeing them right in front of you...
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I actually took a really long time to decide, though, and I ended up letting 3 of the people behind me go first. I was waffling between one of the grey ones, the event-limited yellowy one or a black one, but as you may already know, I got this dude. He was displayed in a pink nightgown (you can see him in the photo) but was slightly cheaper without it so I got him naked, as I wanted to buy him clothes at the event itself anyway.
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Rachel and Angelica were stunning in person, too...
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Dearmine had real cute bags, too! Anyway One of my twitter/insta mutuals choco.tan was also there selling a bunch of cute 1/12 miniatures she’d made, so I got some pancakes.
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She’d also brought along her adorable Rudy, who I am a huge fan of and always make sure to take a pic of when I see her! Rudy is a honey delf Corni, another doll I really want. (I want both Kid and Honey delf Cornis, but I have different plans for each)
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(I got a pic of Apollo with Rudy back at Doll Friend earlier this year!)
The teeny little dealer shop Fukuoka has called Doll Shop Eden also had a booth there with some of the newest dolls they’d gotten in. I really like that special grey-skinned Dollzone Miss Kitty.
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A bunch more sellers - many had Halloween-themed items.
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^^^I really like the spooky faces on those ones!
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The custom Houzuki is pretty cool too.
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A whole load of cute little custom heads!
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That little coffin case for 1/12 dolls is cute.
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Some cute furniture here.
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I really liked these cute little cats this person was selling! I didnt look too closely though cos I spent all that money at Dearmine already 8′)
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I’ve seen this person at a few different events, they sell feather-wigs.
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That’s the booth of another mutual, I always get a cute hair accessory when I see her. I got a bunny-shaped one this time.
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Not all the ‘big’ dealers went to Doll Show! I got that sailor dress from them at May Dolpa.. I really like their clothes but thanks to Dearmine I was just looking now.
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It’s always fun seeing how dealers decorate their booths. This one has a YoSD Kanon sitting up there next to the pink star...I was really tempted to enter the lottery for her back in May along with Renee to be honest, she’s pretty cute with different eyes (I’m not really a fan of the dull-looking eyes Volks gave her).
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The heads/eyes of those two girls were for sale...tempting.
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So many tiny clothes! I got Jasper’s (my new Dearmine) from here. You can actually see the set in this photo if you look closely...  There was another set I wanted but I didnt have enough for it, although its probably for the best that I got the one I did because the pants are stretchy - they’re made for obitsu11 but dearbeans have bigger thighs and non-stretchy pants might not have even gone on.
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Nekomasshigura was also there selling some eyes,
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and some custom heads,
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and also showing off ‘Vivimol’, a Nekomasshigura original head-sculpt.
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These chairs are cute!
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I was also surprised that Sen came here, considering they’re an actual store in Tokyo so it seemed weird they’d come all the way down here when Doll Show was much closer. They had some nice stuff and it looks like they brought a sizeable load of their inventory but as before, I didnt want to look too closely as I’d already spent enough money today.
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There was some obitsuroid shenanigans next to Dearmine’s booth - I’m not 100% sure if Dearmine were running this too or not.
On to the collection area! It’s very, very small compared to other doll events - especially Dolpa, where the collection area is almost as big as the dealer area, but there was still a lot of dolls set up - most of them MDDs.
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Many like these are familiar faces at most doll events in Fukuoka.
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Some fancy gents chiling out over here...
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aaaah a Prisma Illya...she’s got such a cute head, I want her head so bad.
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But not as much as I want Arle’s head...and this repainted one was so adorable ;_;
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A Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro Miku! Very very cool.
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A Cirno and a Kudo too? What is this, MDDs Torino wants and can probably never have day? 
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There’s this one guy who goes to every doll event with a giant suitcase full of Azone50s, I’m pretty sure these are all his.
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A nice little Dearmine collection!
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The little blue kitty is one of my fave Dearmine dolls...
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Two very cute DearPets!
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I-Doll is organized by the same people that organize a ‘hand-made’ fair called Hand Art Marche, and its typically on the same day close by. During I-Doll in Tokyo, Hand Art Marche is usually also at Big Sight but in a different hall with a separate entry fee. Since Fukuoka’s one is smaller, they put both I-Doll and Hand Art Marche in the same hall, and a ticket for one gets you free entry to the other. I didn’t take any other photos except for this one but they always have a lot of interesting crafts and stuff there - and there’s usually a bit of overlap between the doll and craft people. Anyway, that was I-Doll Fukuoka 8! It was a little smaller than previously, which worked out well because I spent so much at Dearmine. I’d like to see I-Doll Fukuoka get more companies to visit in future!
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slrlounge1 · 6 years
The Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM, …Ready For 8K Video? | Lab Test & Opinion
Lensrentals.com has apparently tested the resolution (sharpness) of more than 300 different lenses. In fact, they usually test ten copies of a given lens, just to check if there are any inconsistencies, and ensure that the results from one lens aren’t just a fluke, good or bad.
So, when I tell you that the new Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM is the sharpest lens they’ve ever tested, that ought to be worth ten thousand Youtubers or Instagrammers who have ever said this-or-that lens is, simply, “very sharp”…
I mounted the first [lens], sipped my coffee and then lost my mind and started shouting various expletives…I hadn’t broken anything; I just saw MTF curves higher than anything I’d ever seen in a normal-range lens.
Now, for those of you who don’t know who Roger Cicala is, he is a rather hard person to impress when it comes to lenses. His optical testing method, known as OLAF, is likely the best in the business when it comes to cameras and photography.
Aspects Of Image Quality
DISCLAIMER: Of course, sharpness isn’t everything; there are so many other characteristics that make a lens great. Such a caveat must indeed closely follow such bold, high praise as, “sharpest lens ever tested”…
With fast-aperture telephoto lenses, two other aspects of lens performance besides sharpness immediately come to mind: autofocus reliability and bokeh. If those two factors let you down as a photographer, then sharpness alone cannot be enough reason to spend $1,898 on a lens. (You can currently preorder it; expected delivery is some time in April 2019.)
Needless to say, here at SLR Lounge we’re certainly looking forward to reviewing the new Sony 135mm! Initial reports are that it is indeed a great option in those other areas of autofocus and bokeh, so we’re eager to take it out for a spin at some weddings and portrait sessions, as well as potentially some other creative ideas. But, more on that later. Let’s look at the test graphs, since that’s likely the reason you clicked on this post in the first place. We’ll keep it simple and explain what you’re looking at.
Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM Lab Test Results
So, just how sharp does “sharpest lens ever” look, in an actual sharpness graph? Alone, the following graph may not mean much, because MTF charts don’t mean very much unless you actually understand the numbers.
I would try and explain exactly what the numbers mean, but here’s the thing: even camera companies themselves don’t use the exact same scales on their own MTF charts, and likely not the same testing methods either, meaning it’s just not very useful to look at one chart and assume you can deduce how sharp it actually is, relative to other lenses.
In other words, forget the numbers themselves, and just know this: the higher the colored lines are, the sharper the lens. The left edge of the graph reprsents the dead-center of an image, and the right edge of the graph represents the edge(s) of an image frame. So, as you might expect, a lens is usually sharpest at its center, and it gradually gets a little softer as you approach the very edges. That’s the important thing here.
Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM versus other 135mm prime lenses
Since a single MTF chart isn’t very useful to the average photographer, here’s how the Sony 135 GM performs against the Sigma 135mm f/1.8 Art, a lens which is already known to be incredibly sharp indeed, even on high-megapixel full-frame sensors:
In this MTF graph, the centerline in the middle represents the center of both lenses, and the outer edges of the graph represent the edges of each lens. The Sigma 135 Art is on the left, the Sony is on the right.
By the way, the colored lines, again in simplified terms, just represent various frequencies of fine image detail.  Just remember that the higher the lines, the sharper the lens.
As you can see in the above graph, the two lenses are actually similar at the very edges, however, the Sony is just unprecedentedly sharp in the center of the image.
Here is the Sony 135mm GM versus the Zeis Batis 135mm f/2.8, another modern, very sharp 135mm prime lens:
  The Zeiss Batis is, on average, a touch sharper at the very edges, but again, the Sony pulls ahead towards the center. But again, keep in mind that all of these lines are ridiculously high up on the graph. A “decently sharp” lens, in many cases, still has its lowest (purple in this case) lines just barely halfway up the graph, even in the center. Both of these lenses have crammed all possible forms of measurement into their upper ~1/3 of the graph. Simply put: both lenses are astonishingly sharp.
Okay, that’s enough graphs and lab tests. For even more geekiness about “lp/mm” and observations from Roger Cicala and OLAF, read the full article here.
What we should ask ourselves now is, what does all of this really mean?
What we’re seeing is the next generation of lens, that is ready to handle the next generation of high-megapixel sensors. Indeed, you could probably expect this lens to still “look great” on a 75-megapixel camera body! Which does imply that we’ll be seeing such cameras in the coming years.
There’s something else to keep in mind, though: if you’re shooting with “just” a 20, 24, or 30-megapixel camera, to be totally fair and honest, all of these recent lenses are going to seem jaw-droppingly sharp. Sony, Zeiss, Sigma, and Nikon have all delivered exciting new 135mm and/or 105mm prime lenses in the last few years that, in an effort to balance out the geekiness of MTF charts, I should probably jsut describe as “bonkers sharp”.
Would you still see a difference in sharpness between this lens and a much older 135mm prime lens, even on a ~24 megapixel sensor? Of course, but only if you’re using truly perfect shooting technique, but that is the case with any photography scenario where you’d like to see a difference in sharpness.
Why Does This Lens Need To Be So Sharp?
If the Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM is so sharp that it easily out-resolves the highest-resolution sensor Sony currently offers, (the 42-megapixel A7RIII, our final review of which is coming shortly!) …what is its real purpose?
In short, this lens is future-proof. Not only is it ready to handle an inevitable higher-megapixel sensor, but it’s also likely ready for 8K video! Maybe we’ll see a Sony camera body that offers 8K video in the coming years, who knows. (Note: we don’t have insider information, nor are there any rumors; this is just an observation on what such a high-resolution lens will be good for.)
Nobody should buy a lens for its future potential only. However, it has always been a good idea to invest in glass that can last you 5-10+ years, if you take good care of it. This indeed appears to be one of those lenses.
What’s Your Creative Idea For A Fast, Sharp Telephoto Lens?
All in all, camera gear is just mean to help you achieve a creative vision. Things like increased sharpness are only meant to allow your equipment to “get out of the way”, and let you do something really cool. The question is, what creative ideas do you have?
Since lab test charts aren’t very exciting to look at, I’ll share an image with you that has been in the back of mind for nearly 5 years now. It’s a still photograph, however, I really wanted to create a timelapse of what was happening at this moment. And that is, the Andromeda galaxy was rising in the night sky, and passing very close to the dramatic, iconic lip of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. This is something I’ve been wanting to re-shoot with a “flawlessly sharp” telephoto lens:
Andromeda Galaxy & Halfdome, Yosemite National Park Sharpness and low noise were achieved in this image by stacking multiple exposures and blending the sky exposures with a single ultra-long exposure of Half Dome. To learn about photographing our own Milky Way galaxy, and nightscape photography in general, be sure to check out our Milky Way Workshop!
  Andromeda approaching Half Dome, GIF animation Nikon 85mm f/1.8, cropped to ~135mm. Unfortunately, this lens has severe color fringing in addition to its relative softness, and was unsuitable to create a good timelapse. I hope to re-shoot it someday, with a lens such as the Sony 135mm f/1.8!
  So, I’d love to hear your thoughts on all these amazing new ultra-fast telephoto primes that we have been seeing lately! What creative idea would you pursue, if you had an “insanely sharp” 135mm f/1.8 (or 105mm f/1.4) at your disposal? Low-light portraits, astrophotography, or…?
Take care, and happy travels!
from SLR Lounge https://www.slrlounge.com/the-sony-fe-135mm-f-1-8-gm-sharpest-lenses-ever/ via IFTTT
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wearemesquel-blog · 8 years
Nintendo Switch Review
Well, the day has finally arrived that the average person can put their hands on a Nintendo Switch. At least, if you were lucky enough to get a preorder or find a retail store with a few in stock. The Switch has a lot of potential to be the next great thing, especially from a company with the pedigree of Nintendo. But how does the console stack up against the competition?
The Switch comes in two different color schemes: red and blue, and gray. So of course, we had to get both. I'm a much larger fan of the red and blue color scheme simply because it gives the device a bit more pop. However, most of the people I associate myself with prefer the simplicity of the gray console. Regardless of the color of the Joycons you choose, the dock is going to be a standard black color. The dock serves as a glorified cable management system. It isn't the best looking piece of machinery, but it serves its purpose well.
The Switch does have one, massive design flaw: the wrist straps. I made the mistake of putting the wrong wrist strap on the wrong Joycon. It was easy to do because the plus and minus signs that indicate which Joycon the strap should go on can easily be missed if you aren't paying close attention. This mistake caused the strap to jam onto the Joycon and I had to practically rip it off to free it. This a major design flaw, and Nintendo seriously needs a fix for this in the next iteration of the console.
Launch Lineup
Obviously, the biggest mover of the console is going to be Breath of The Wild, and with good reason. The newest entry in the Legend of Zelda franchise is absolutely stellar, but we'll talk more about that in a different review. The other games are somewhat inconsequential, Bomberman is a fun multiplayer game for those of you looking for a nostalgia trip, and 1-2 Switch is the Wii Sports of this generation except not a pack in. The Switch doesn't have much going for it at the moment as far as games go. Unfortunately, it seems like it is going to be a fairly slow year until later this fall.
There isn't much to say about the Switch's interface. It is very similar to other recent Nintendo consoles. It's easy to navigate and use. Installed apps are displayed front and center on the front screen. Underneath that, you can access various system settings. The E-Shop is still very basic at this point in time. There are a few tabs that display upcoming and released content. All in all, it's smooth and works decently well.
You rack up a pretty steep price tag when you pick up a Switch, even though its the 2nd cheapest console to ever release. The machine itself is going to cost you $299. It doens't come with any software bundled in, so you're also going to want to pick up a couple games because. If you want to play multiplayer games, you're going to want to consider getting another Joycon bundle which has a steep price tag of $79. The Pro controller is also almost a necessity for singleplayer games which is going to run you another $60. While the console and games are the only thing you absolutely need to enjoy the console, you can expect to shell out anywhere from $400-600 depending on how much you want out of your experience.
The Nintendo Switch is pretty cool, but it has a lot of first iteration issues that can really bring down the experience. If you already have a Wii U to play Breath of the Wild on then you may want to wait before putting down the $299 for the console alone. If you don't have a Wii U and absolutely need to play the next Zelda game then you'll be at home with the console. Just be aware that you will have a few speed bumps to deal with as well as some pretty brutal potholes.
Have you picked up a Switch yet? Let us know @wearemesquel on Twitter.
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Cameron Corliss is the founder of Mesquel. He spends nearly every moment talking about or playing video games. He enjoys a good movie and spends every night patrolling the city streets to stop crime. You should follow him on twitter @CountCameron. 
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slrlounge1 · 6 years
The Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM, …Ready For 8K Video? | Lab Test & Opinion
Lensrentals.com has apparently tested the resolution (sharpness) of more than 300 different lenses. In fact, they usually test ten copies of a given lens, just to check if there are any inconsistencies, and ensure that the results from one lens aren’t just a fluke, good or bad.
So, when I tell you that the new Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM is the sharpest lens they’ve ever tested, that ought to be worth ten thousand Youtubers or Instagrammers who have ever said this-or-that lens is, simply, “very sharp”…
I mounted the first [lens], sipped my coffee and then lost my mind and started shouting various expletives…I hadn’t broken anything; I just saw MTF curves higher than anything I’d ever seen in a normal-range lens.
Now, for those of you who don’t know who Roger Cicala is, he is a rather hard person to impress when it comes to lenses. His optical testing method, known as OLAF, is likely the best in the business when it comes to cameras and photography.
Aspects Of Image Quality
DISCLAIMER: Of course, sharpness isn’t everything; there are so many other characteristics that make a lens great. Such a caveat must indeed closely follow such bold, high praise as, “sharpest lens ever tested”…
With fast-aperture telephoto lenses, two other aspects of lens performance besides sharpness immediately come to mind: autofocus reliability and bokeh. If those two factors let you down as a photographer, then sharpness alone cannot be enough reason to spend $1,898 on a lens. (You can currently preorder it; expected delivery is some time in April 2019.)
Needless to say, here at SLR Lounge we’re certainly looking forward to reviewing the new Sony 135mm! Initial reports are that it is indeed a great option in those other areas of autofocus and bokeh, so we’re eager to take it out for a spin at some weddings and portrait sessions, as well as potentially some other creative ideas. But, more on that later. Let’s look at the test graphs, since that’s likely the reason you clicked on this post in the first place. We’ll keep it simple and explain what you’re looking at.
Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM Lab Test Results
So, just how sharp does “sharpest lens ever” look, in an actual sharpness graph? Alone, the following graph may not mean much, because MTF charts don’t mean very much unless you actually understand the numbers.
I would try and explain exactly what the numbers mean, but here’s the thing: even camera companies themselves don’t use the exact same scales on their own MTF charts, and likely not the same testing methods either, meaning it’s just not very useful to look at one chart and assume you can deduce how sharp it actually is, relative to other lenses.
In other words, forget the numbers themselves, and just know this: the higher the colored lines are, the sharper the lens. The left edge of the graph reprsents the dead-center of an image, and the right edge of the graph represents the edge(s) of an image frame. So, as you might expect, a lens is usually sharpest at its center, and it gradually gets a little softer as you approach the very edges. That’s the important thing here.
Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM versus other 135mm prime lenses
Since a single MTF chart isn’t very useful to the average photographer, here’s how the Sony 135 GM performs against the Sigma 135mm f/1.8 Art, a lens which is already known to be incredibly sharp indeed, even on high-megapixel full-frame sensors:
In this MTF graph, the centerline in the middle represents the center of both lenses, and the outer edges of the graph represent the edges of each lens. The Sigma 135 Art is on the left, the Sony is on the right.
By the way, the colored lines, again in simplified terms, just represent various frequencies of fine image detail.  Just remember that the higher the lines, the sharper the lens.
As you can see in the above graph, the two lenses are actually similar at the very edges, however, the Sony is just unprecedentedly sharp in the center of the image.
Here is the Sony 135mm GM versus the Zeis Batis 135mm f/2.8, another modern, very sharp 135mm prime lens:
  The Zeiss Batis is, on average, a touch sharper at the very edges, but again, the Sony pulls ahead towards the center. But again, keep in mind that all of these lines are ridiculously high up on the graph. A “decently sharp” lens, in many cases, still has its lowest (purple in this case) lines just barely halfway up the graph, even in the center. Both of these lenses have crammed all possible forms of measurement into their upper ~1/3 of the graph. Simply put: both lenses are astonishingly sharp.
Okay, that’s enough graphs and lab tests. For even more geekiness about “lp/mm” and observations from Roger Cicala and OLAF, read the full article here.
What we should ask ourselves now is, what does all of this really mean?
What we’re seeing is the next generation of lens, that is ready to handle the next generation of high-megapixel sensors. Indeed, you could probably expect this lens to still “look great” on a 75-megapixel camera body! Which does imply that we’ll be seeing such cameras in the coming years.
There’s something else to keep in mind, though: if you’re shooting with “just” a 20, 24, or 30-megapixel camera, to be totally fair and honest, all of these recent lenses are going to seem jaw-droppingly sharp. Sony, Zeiss, Sigma, and Nikon have all delivered exciting new 135mm and/or 105mm prime lenses in the last few years that, in an effort to balance out the geekiness of MTF charts, I should probably jsut describe as “bonkers sharp”.
Would you still see a difference in sharpness between this lens and a much older 135mm prime lens, even on a ~24 megapixel sensor? Of course, but only if you’re using truly perfect shooting technique, but that is the case with any photography scenario where you’d like to see a difference in sharpness.
Why Does This Lens Need To Be So Sharp?
If the Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM is so sharp that it easily out-resolves the highest-resolution sensor Sony currently offers, (the 42-megapixel A7RIII, our final review of which is coming shortly!) …what is its real purpose?
In short, this lens is future-proof. Not only is it ready to handle an inevitable higher-megapixel sensor, but it’s also likely ready for 8K video! Maybe we’ll see a Sony camera body that offers 8K video in the coming years, who knows. (Note: we don’t have insider information, nor are there any rumors; this is just an observation on what such a high-resolution lens will be good for.)
Nobody should buy a lens for its future potential only. However, it has always been a good idea to invest in glass that can last you 5-10+ years, if you take good care of it. This indeed appears to be one of those lenses.
What’s Your Creative Idea For A Fast, Sharp Telephoto Lens?
All in all, camera gear is just mean to help you achieve a creative vision. Things like increased sharpness are only meant to allow your equipment to “get out of the way”, and let you do something really cool. The question is, what creative ideas do you have?
Since lab test charts aren’t very exciting to look at, I’ll share an image with you that has been in the back of mind for nearly 5 years now. It’s a still photograph, however, I really wanted to create a timelapse of what was happening at this moment. And that is, the Andromeda galaxy was rising in the night sky, and passing very close to the dramatic, iconic lip of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. This is something I’ve been wanting to re-shoot with a “flawlessly sharp” telephoto lens:
Andromeda Galaxy & Halfdome, Yosemite National Park Sharpness and low noise were achieved in this image by stacking multiple exposures and blending the sky exposures with a single ultra-long exposure of Half Dome. To learn about photographing our own Milky Way galaxy, and nightscape photography in general, be sure to check out our Milky Way Workshop!
  Andromeda approaching Half Dome, GIF animation Nikon 85mm f/1.8, cropped to ~135mm. Unfortunately, this lens has severe color fringing in addition to its relative softness, and was unsuitable to create a good timelapse. I hope to re-shoot it someday, with a lens such as the Sony 135mm f/1.8!
  So, I’d love to hear your thoughts on all these amazing new ultra-fast telephoto primes that we have been seeing lately! What creative idea would you pursue, if you had an “insanely sharp” 135mm f/1.8 (or 105mm f/1.4) at your disposal? Low-light portraits, astrophotography, or…?
Take care, and happy travels!
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