#unintended low poly
lowpolypeople · 2 years
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Lifeline (low poly) from Apex Legends
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carlyraejepsans · 6 months
I'm gonna be seeing vertixes in my fucking sleep tonight
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fatratinatophat · 3 days
Promised you guys your Scraps and Goob headcanons since that poll won so here they are!
If someone wants to steal these, you're more than welcome to, I'd prefer getting credit if possible. If someone ends up using these for a comic or fanfic or something I'd love to see it so pls tag me or PM me I love reading my silly things :]
Scraps made Goob because she wanted a fellow Toon that would share her interests and hang out with her since the others weren’t really particularly crafty and didn’t share her interests
Goob just randomly showed up in Gardenview one day, both employees and other toons were extremely confused but the company decided to monetize on the free toon. His random appearance is also why he’s not on almost any posters
Goob was originally her height but he ended up growing a lot taller than her, Scraps is not happy about this development
His sharp teeth were also unintended, growing in randomly as he got bigger, Scraps was very confused
She originally planned to make his arms like the rest of his body, but underestimated the amount of fabric it would take to make him, so she improvised with long strips of rubber and red and blue felt to make his hands, which is why they look out of place
His arms are also filled with poly beads (pretty sure that’s the right name, it’s the beads put in things like weighted blankets and heavier plushies to weigh them down) because she ran out of stuffing too
Dog and cat coded, you can guess who’s who
Both get zoomies cause I said so
Scraps WILL sit in boxes and circles on the floor, you cannot stop her
Scraps purrs and kneads when they’re both just hanging out instinctively
Goob is tall, Scraps is short
Goob is extremely clumsy, and this causes him to get rips pretty frequently, Scraps usually sews him up, whenever a spot starts to look too strange cause of all the sewing, she will cover it with a custom patch
Scraps is made of construction paper with her hands being Pom poms, her parts have to get replaced quite frequently, Goob helps her with this
Goob is usually very calm and non confrontational however, if someone is bullying Scraps and ONLY Scraps, he gets slightly violent and will slap whoever was talking to her rudely, this hurts quite a bit because of the poly beads in his hands. Nobody dares to say anything rude to Scraps when her brother’s nearby (Except the rare Shrimpo insult when he forgets)
The two of them are basically attached at the hip, rarely ever apart for long periods of time, let alone at all
Neither of them can feel pain because they’re made of craft materials, they can feel what’s happening to them though it just doesn’t hurt
When either of them lose all their hearts in a round, they don’t die they just simply are incapable of moving anymore (Ripped off arms/legs, etc)
Phew alright I’m done, might edit this in the future if I get any better ideas to add but here they are, all the headcanons I have so far for these 2. Can you tell I think about them too much?
Below is ur promised doodles (They’re very low effort they’re not good also do me a favor and pretend I drew Scraps’ head right in the first image, ok?)
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rawmeknockout · 2 years
Poly loving cuddle sesh with g1 Tracks, human reader and Blaster?? Maybe they all had a long day and just wanting to relax in each other's presences?
im sorry i made this all about tracks i intended it to involve blaster focus too but i made it too long to continue 😔
You hadn't ever meant to insert yourself into Tracks and Blaster's relationship, it just sort of 'happened'. Blaster went on and on about Tracks: how beautiful he is, the sound of his laughter when they're alone, the brave way he faces off against Decepticons leagues larger than him. If Blaster hadn't been so keen to compliment and praise everything Tracks did, you wouldn't have become so curious about the flashy mech.
It's certainly nice to have another mech who is available when Blaster is not. The cool feeling of Tracks' metal against your bare back is a welcome relief from the heat of the sun beating down on Mount St. Hilary. His engine is quieter, too, compared to Blaster. A low, smooth rumble that you can barely feel; it reminds you of all the late nights spent riding around in his cab, the effortless glide of his tires on pavement. Tracks floats on air as opposed to the other mechs, who barrel through life.
A giddy smile stretches across your cheeks, tilting your head back to look upside down at Tracks' serene face. You know he's well aware you're staring, he has a keen sense for being admired in any sense, but he doesn't deign you a look back. You're not sure you're in the mood for his rather harsh teasing, and he doesn't seem in the mood to mock. One large servo does come up to lay gently over your torso, though, more so hovering than resting. Tracks, despite his casual arrogance and callousness, shows his fondness in the little ways. It makes spending extended periods with him so addicting. If you linger long enough, suffer the winter of his backhanded remarks, you can catch the warmth of his feelings buried deep.
He's nothing if not shrewd about how much embarrassment he's willing to endure for those he loves.
The soft brush of the sliding door alerts you to Blaster entering, but you don't turn back, instead rolling over to lay your head upon your crossed arms.
"You two lay-abouts been here all day?" Despite his words, the red mech is quick to slide into the berth next to Tracks, leaning over to place an affectionate peck on your crown. There's a warmth flipping and turning on itself in your chest, so eager with love that you can't trust your own mouth to make words.
"I covered my shift. I don't intend to mingle with the other ruffians, if that's what you're asking." Tracks' haughty words are soft, and the kiss he gives Blaster's cheek is even softer. They fuss at each other quietly, as they are wont to do. You don't think there's a thing in this world they haven't bickered over, but it's a comfortable sort of back and forth that speaks of deep-seated care and years in each others company. And lo, despite his words, Blaster seems wholly unintending to 'mingle' with the other Autobots, either. His nurturing tendencies pull him to stay; as a compass revolves and returns back to it's center.
Your eyes slip closed as you hear their fussing devolve into soft kisses, their chests pressed on either side of your body, servos holding your squishy body reverently. The soft hum of their engines sing you to sleep, waves of love pulling you into dreams.
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tabriscadash · 3 years
I was asked this on my old blog right as I set about transitioning to this one, so...
The first character I ever fell in love with: for DA:O, dare I say Daveth? What can I say -- I irrationally got incredibly attached to him. otherwise, DEFINITELY Morrigan, and I have crystal clear memories of my first run through Lothering and looking at Morrigan like 😍 the whole time. For DA:2/E, Carver -- unless you count Anders & Justice since I knew of them from Awakening beforehand, in which case probably Justice. For DA:I, it’s a toss-up between Vivienne or Cole -- I technically liked Cole first but SPECIFICALLY in the supporting material (Asunder), and didn’t vibe with him anywhere near as much in the game, AND I got him as a companion after I got Vivienne, so probably Vivienne.
A character that I used to love/like, but now do not: for DA:O, I guess Oghren? I never loved him, but I liked the idea of him because I really liked the dwarves/Orzammar side of DA’s worldbuilding -- but he’s such an unlikeable character that I just.. don’t vibe with him at all. I debate recruiting him every single time now, and I don’t think I ever do his personal quest (in the base game OR Awakening). for DA:2/E, I don’t really have anyone that fits -- but I REALLY wanted to like Merrill and Aveline more than I did, and especially in Aveline’s case, I can’t stand her and genuinely think she’s the unintended, secret Big Bad of the whole game. for DA:I, probably Cole, bc I was really into the idea of a little walking-corpse serial killer animated by a spirit as per the book, but that’s not really the vibe in DA:I, and combined with the somewhat patronising/ableist language and how significantly he is infantilised (including by the fandom) I just got put off him. I do still like him, but not as much.
A ship that I used to love/like, but now do not: for DA:O, I don’t really have one? I guess see my DA:I answer, lol... for DA:2/E, has to be Anders - I don’t think he’s OOC in 2, but I think his writing does so little with him and he feels v. reductive. Where his relationship could be SO interesting and angsty, it instead is written in a really dull and/or cringey way. It would have been nice to see Anders more like the Anders of Awakening near the beginning of the game (rather than random, infrequent and questionably rare snippets), and then see the progression of his relationship with Justice as the game went on -- I want more interesting abominations, PLEASE. for DA:I, listen I cannot express to you HOW EXCITED I was for my planned Lavellan to romance Sera… also I used to be way more tolerant of Cullen x Amell/Surana ships because, like, hey dark ships are fun, right? But since Cullen’s ~wholesome whitewash~ in DA:I, and his fandom clamouring to absolve him of any wrongdoing ever.. it’s boring to me.
My ultimate favourite character™: for DA:O, probably Sten? or Morrigan. They’re both fantastic, and also are significant comfort chars for me. for DA:2/3, honestly, probably my own Hawke -- I feel so hugely proud of her, and can’t imagine I’d enjoy the game anywhere near as much had I not played it as my Hawke. If not her, maybe Sebastian or Carver? for DA:I, I really love Vivienne, as well as Blackwall, and Solas is a great character even if I probably would not say I liked him.
Prettiest character: for DA:O, we all know it’s Zevran. for DA:2/E, I think Aveline -- although her aggressively bland colour-scheme lets her down in a major way (although I respect her dedication to all orange all day every day). There’s just something about her arms -- very Abby from TLOU:2. for DA:I, maybe Josephine? Ser Barris is very pretty, too...
My most hated character: for DA:O, I really didn’t like Alistair, Wynne and Oghren, and of my companions - Oghren is probably my least favourite. He’s vulgar and also profoundly uninteresting. for DA:2/E, it has to be Aveline. There’s just something about ineptitude and a complete, wilful refusal to take accountability for your actions that I can’t stand. It would be okay if it was an intentional character flaw, but the game/narrative treats her like she’s lawful good and it really annoys me. for DA:I, maybe Iron Bull? He was a huge disappointment for me. I also really dislike Sera, Cassandra, and Varric. I’m so sick of Varric - I never want to see him again.
My OTP: for DA:O, I really loved Zevran’s romance -- but I am also very amused by the fact that Leliana got to ‘love’ status with Kallian accidentally, AND I got the ‘love’ glitch for Justice (👀) and Velanna. I do sometimes wonder about an AU where Kallian is forced to make a politically expedient marriage with Nathaniel Howe for diplomatic reasons in order to consolidate her position as Arlessa, and it being an entirely platonic arrangement (it’s not like anyone expects an heir from an infertile Grey Warden) -- and maybe Zev and Nate kiss sometimes, who knows? I also LOVE my Darkspawn Chronicles AU where Kallian and Nelaros are a happy, married couple each hiding their skills with weapons from each other like dumb, cute sweethearts. They shelter Zevran when he fails to kill Alistair and a poly couple evolves. for DA:2/E, I love the IDEA of a Seb romance that isn’t so strictly conditional around the structures that abused him -- he should be allowed to love, chastely or otherwise, but free from the Chantry OR his position as prince/heir. I’d LOVE to actually have a romance with him where you can actually challenge the abuse he’s experienced. for DA:I, Malika doesn’t have a canon romance (although I think when I replay, I’m going to romance Josephine!) but I think Blackwall has an amazing romance. Solas’ is also iconic, it must be said. 
My NOTP: for DA:O, I really dislike Alistair in a shipping capacity; he’s immature and says a lot of misogynistic shit and I don’t think he’s the worst for it, but I don’t really vibe with shipping him, having played the game as a female city elf. for DA:2/E, I wouldn’t say I have one, particularly? although I really dislike Aveline’s relationship with her husband simply because it seems incredibly inappropriate, given that they work together and she has power over him -- and because I dislike her, generally, I don’t feel inclined to do something nice for her. for DA:I, I suppose Sera/Lavellan -- although I’m not AGAINST it, it just really isn’t for me, having attempted it. I also don’t really vibe with Dorian x Iron Bull. Something abt the way the game handled BDSM and their relationship banter specifically I don’t really like.
Favourite episode quest: for DA:O, probs Orzammar/the Deep Roads. I really love the dwarven lore! and, of course, Fort Drakon is really funny, even though it’s not canon in my game iirc. for DA:2/E, maybe the murder mystery with the serial killer, where ultimately Leandra dies? I also really enjoyed all the companion quests. for DA:I, The Descent (just, all of it, lmao) and everything to do with the Avvar. Crestwood also BANGED.
Saddest death: for DA:O, it’s frankly a fucking INJUSTICE that Shianni gets murdered if you make her Bann of the Alienage -- the idea of that happening whilst Kallian is in Amaranthine and unable to protect her :( genuinely very upsetting. I go back and forth on who is made Bann, tbf, so idk how canonical it is: I think maybe Cyrion would get it, but I’m also endeared to Soris holding the position, with Shianni as Hahren. for DA:2/E, Bethany. I wish both twins had had the chance to reach Kirkwall :(. Let Leandra die instead. for DA:I, maybe not the saddest death, but the most memorable for me was that one sleeping dragon in the Hissing Wastes.. leave her alone. Stay out of a womans’ business.
Favourite season game: DA:O!
Least favourite season game: DA:I.
Character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate: for DA:O, Alistair. I cannot deal with his complacency and hypocrisy. for DA:2, I really disliked Merrill but I honestly cannot remember why. DEFINITELY Varric -- I hated how the game forces you to be his best friend, and if you’re low approval, you have to endure these pointless pissy little comments with this little anti-dwarf centrist pissant. After the expedition, I literally have no reason to put up with him, and I NEVER take him out. I hate that he plays the same role in DA:I, too. for DA:I, the Iron Bull was hugely disappointing, and I also really don’t vibe with Cassandra. She just seems very wishy-washy and complacent and hypocritical, and many of her comments about other cultures seem snide for literally no reason other than bigotry. 
My ‘you’re a piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: for DA:O, lbr probably Sten. Mans is gonna launch a HORRIFYING invasion in the next game iirc and frankly, I’m ok with it. Just wanna see that big bastard again ❤🥵. for DA:2/E, I LOVE Gamlen, ok? for DA:I, I am not sure if I have one.
My ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: for DA:O, if any of you so much as LOOK at Velanna wrong, it’s hands. That includes Bioware. I also feel incredibly protective of and sad for Morrigan. for DA:2/E, probably Sebastian -- I feel so sad for him, and so frustrated by the limitations with the game. for DA:I, I’m honestly not sure.. maybe Josephine? I don’t really feel this way about Sera, but I do think she deserves better from the game and its writing, and also from fandom: there are valid criticisms of her, but the hate she gets is not proportional to any valid issues with her -- and gee, I wonder why that is.
My ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: for DA:O, I did use to find Cullen x Surana/Amell intriguing as a dark ship -- I actually hc that Neria Surana is actually Nelaros’ sister, and have dabbled with it as a dark ship. I also am interested in Loghain/Alistair - which each pretends the other is someone else. Alistair is wooby, hate ships are, in general, fun -- so long as we acknowledge that they are, indeed, unhealthy ships. for DA:2/E, I kind of feel like Sebastian romances are, invariably, kind of dark... and, similarly, Anders romances -- especially with certain red Hawkes, The way it ends is, invariably, bordering on fucked up. ALSO Hawkecest is weird and wonderful: GET WITH IT. 
My ‘they’re kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but I’m not too invested’ ship: for DA:O, I joked about Velanna x Leliana once and I’ve not been able to stop thinking about it ever since… Velanna x Sigrun is also something that can be so personal. Ariane x Finn is adorable and are paid DUST by Bioware AND fandom. I actually am really into Anora x Nathaniel & NO I will NOT explain myself; it’s a crackship but it’s MY crackship. for DA:2/E, Isabela x Fenris is super cute, but I don’t pay enough attention to them to really have super committed thoughts & feelings on them. for DA:I, Blackwall x Josephine is cute as a background ship; I also think Maryden x Cole is sweet.
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yungidreamer · 4 years
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Home should be safe, but sometimes innocent things have unintended consequences. 
Angst, lots of angst, sorry, I promise things get better
Pairing: Yunho, Mingi, unnamed female character, established poly relationship
Word count: 6.2k
Content warnings: people dealing with homophobia and internalized homophobia and fears of ostracization. Struggles with decisions about being out and self acceptance.
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“Can I get you something to drink?” Yunho asked over his shoulder as Hong Joong pulled his books out of his bag and onto the kitchen table.
“Sure,” Hong Joong nodded.
“Soda, juice, sparkling water,” Yunho listed out the drinks he could see in the fridge. “Something aloe...not sure what that is.”
“How about a soda,” Hong Joong chuckled, amused by the last observation. Yunho pulled two cans out, one for each of them, and joined him at the table.
“Thanks for coming over to help me study,” Yunho said, opening his notebook. “Some of this science is just going right over my head…”
“No problem,” he waved away the thanks and turned to the start of the chapter they had spent the week covering in class. “The material is hard. I’m just lucky I basically took this in high school. I did AP chem.”
“Thank god you sat next to me,” Yunho laughed. “I’ll pay you back with dinner tonight. I can look and see what we have later. If we don’t have anything worth eating we can just order something when my roommates get back.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Hong Joong agreed with a smile. “Okay Phases and Classifications of Matter, have you ever heard such a scintillating opener?”
“Mmmm, sexy,” Yunho joked back. The tension broken, they set about going through the dense material of the chapter, doing their best to slog through, focusing on the definitions and concepts that would likely be covered in the test next week. Yunho wrote out notes as they went through, comparing them to those he had taken in class.
“I just keep getting stuck on what the hell the difference is between weight and mass,” Yunho cradled his head, staring at the paper in front of him. “I know they are different, I do, it’s just…”
“Okay, okay, just think of it as like...the mass is how much space it takes up,” Hong Joong mimed out a sphere in the air in front of him. “If you have something this size, the mass is going to be the same here, or in space, or on Jupiter, but the weight depends on how that mass interacts with gravity. The mass of something, how much there is of it, doesn’t change, but it’s weight depends on how gravity attracts it to other bodies.”
“Okay I think I get it,” Yunho nodded, scribbling something down. “Let’s see if it sticks.”
A whooshing clunk sounded as the front door opened and someone entered the house. Yunho hopped up, leaving Hong Joong at the table as he went to go greet whoever it was. The heavy footfalls that approached, told him it was Mingi that had arrived home first. The two met near the kitchen door, their paths crossing just outside the double wide door between the kitchen and the living room.
“Hey I--” Yunho started to mention that he had a friend over to study but was cut off by a happy and eager Mingi, who had greeted his approach with his trademark full face grin, taking his head in his hands and bringing his lips to his own for a joyful kiss. He was happy to be home; happy to have the week over; happy to touch someone he loved. 
Yunho froze, immediately regretting not messaging Mingi that he was bringing someone over to study. The study session hadn’t been planned. He had only asked him if he was free as they were packing up at the end of the class. It hadn’t crossed his mind to message her or Mingi that he was bringing someone by to work with. He couldn’t have even guaranteed that Mingi would have seen it if he did. He turned his phone off in class and sometimes forgot to turn it back on before he got back. After all, class was less than a half an hours walk from their front door. Maybe it would have been useless, but at least then he would have tried.
Mingi broke the kiss, pulling back to look lovingly at Yunho’s face. He could see it, the moment that Mingi saw, over his shoulder, that someone else was there. His face fell and he blanched. Without a word, he stepped back, turning to go down the hall as quickly as he could manage.
“Mingi wait,” Yunho called after him, his guest at the table forgotten, aside from the unintended impact his presence had had on the boy he loved. “Hey, wait—” He called out again as Mingi disappeared through the door to his room, slamming it closed behind him.
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She entered the front door, taking off her headphones as she stepped inside. Putting down her book bag next to the couch, she headed for the kitchen to look for something to snack on while she waited to talk to the boys about dinner. An unfamiliar face greeted her in the kitchen, which oddly looked more surprised to be there than she felt to find him there.
“Uh, hi,” she greeted.
“Hi--hello,” the boy quickly stood up, extending his hand to her. “I’m Hong Joong, I’m in Yunho’s chemistry class. We were studying…”
“Ah, well, welcome,” she gave him a welcoming study. “Did Yunho go to the bathroom or…” Her eyes scanned the study material still strewn across the table, clearly still in use. 
“Oh well,” Hong Joong shifted uncomfortably. “I think his boyfriend was surprised I was here… I didn’t mean...It isn’t a problem that he’s gay.”
“Boyfriend…” she froze, blinking, as if that would solve the malfunction that was happening in her mind.
“Yeah,” he sighed. “The kiss was actually kind of cute, they seem like a sweet couple, but I guess maybe they aren’t out and...it’s not a problem. I’m not going to say anything. I won’t say anything.”
“Thanks,” She plastered a bland smile on her face. “It’s just...things are complicated at the moment.”
“No I understand,” He nodded, a regretful look on his face.
“I hate to leave you alone,” she sighed. “But do you mind if I go check on them?”
“No, yeah, that’s fine.” He insisted. “Just— Should I go, or…”
“Ummm, let me go check on them,” she shifted, looking towards the hall. “Yunho might want to study a little more or at least say goodbye, so, maybe wait.”
“Yeah, right, sure,” Hong Joong nodded, stepping backwards toward his seat, a worried look still on his face.
“Thanks, really,” she gave him a smile before setting off for the hallway, mentally cursing everything...Mingi’s father most of all. She found Yunho in the hall, leaning against Mingi’s private bedroom door, his forehead pressed against the white wood as he said something she couldn’t quite make out until she drew near.
“...if you would just let me in,” Yunho spoke to the person on the other side of the door.
“What happened,” she whispered harshly, keeping her voice low so that it wouldn’t travel to the kitchen.
“It...it all just happened so fast,” Yunho looked pained as he turned slightly to look at her. “I just wanted to study a little and I forgot to message either of you. He just came home...and I was going to tell him...I was headed to tell him I had brought home a friend...but he got to me first, and he was so happy to see me, he just...it was just a kiss. He should be able to come home and kiss me if he wants. Home should be safe. I...I fucked up.”
“Okay,” she nodded, running a hand over his arm. “First, what do you want to do with your friend?”
“I don’t know,” Yunho rubbed his face, feeling like there was no winning for him at the moment.
“Do you need to study?” She decided to focus on the practical things first.
“Yes, I’m an idiot when it comes to chemistry and—“ 
“Okay, then go, explain what you need to, to your friend,” She sighed, casting a look to the closed door. “Study for another hour or however long you can concentrate tonight. If you can’t, then talk to him and plan something over the weekend. Maybe meet at the library or something. I’ll see if I can’t talk to Mingi.”
“I’m sorry,” Yunho’s chest hurt and he was sure he wouldn’t be good at focusing any more tonight but… how important was it for him to keep up appearances?
“Accidents happen,” She drew in a long breath through her nose. “Let’s just try not to stumble into any more incidents like this.”
“Please talk to him for me,” he begged quietly. “Please make him understand...I’m so sorry.”
“I’ll try. Go talk to your friend,” she shooed him away, watching him walk away down the hall before she knocked on the door. “Mingi, baby, please let me in…” There was a faint shuffling on the other side of the door, then…a click. The door swung open a few centimeters and she could make out the sound of retreating footsteps. Pushing into the room, she let her eyes adjust to the dim room. He had turned off all the lights and closed the curtains to make the room as dark as he could.
She slipped inside, closing the door behind her, her eyes scanning until she found a lump on the floor near the foot of the bed. He sat there, making himself as inconspicuous as he could, legs pulled up to his chest, his face hidden in his knees. He looked small...and sad...like he wanted nothing more than to disappear.
“Baby,” she knelt down beside him, her hands going to the messy mop of brown hair that stuck out in every direction. He had clearly been running his fingers through his hair, pulling at it in frustration with himself. “Please talk to me, love.”
Mingi lifted his head enough for his eyes to peer at her over the line of his knees. His eyes sparkled with unshed tears that spilled the moment he blinked. “I…” he managed to choke out before his throat closed and he couldn’t make another sound.
“Okay, okay,” she soothed, stroking his head. He let his knees drop and reached out with his long arms, drawing her into his lap and holding her like she was the only thing keeping him afloat in an ocean of pain. Her arms wrapped around him in return, letting him tuck his face into where her neck and shoulder met as he let out a soul crushing sob.
In the dark of the room, she sat with him, quietly letting his warm, wet tears soak through her t-shirt as she gently shushed him. She rubbed the broad expanse of his back in slow circles with one hand as the other held his head, her fingers gently running through the soft fluff of his hair. In the moment it was all he needed, it was all he could take. In a few minutes the feeling of pure panic subsided, the choked feeling in his chest had loosened enough for him to not feel like he was drowning.
“What happened?” She murmured, hoping to get him to say something, anything, to indicate that he was past his moment of horror.
“I...I just came home, I was so happy to see Yunho,” he shook his head, letting out a wet hiccough as he took a breath. “I wasn’t thinking. I was so stupid, so stupid. I wasn’t careful. I just…”
“Go on,” she encouraged, continuing to hold him. “Just tell me what happened.”
“It’s home,” he shrugged, his shoulders drooping even further as he let it go. “I didn’t think I had to be careful. I just saw him and he looked so good. School has been hard and I just wanted to kiss him...and I did.” He pulled back, letting his head rest against the bed as he looked pleadingly at the ceiling. “I pulled back and that is when I saw him. I saw his face. He looked so disgusted. I can’t...I just...I feel gross.” Hot tears ran from the corners of his eyes as he tried to draw a breath only to find he couldn’t. He could only draw short gasps, choked short by the fear coursing through him.
“Honey,” she soothed, using her hands to make him look at her. “He wasn’t disgusted. I’m sure he was just surprised, that’s all. You are...unexpected, baby. That’s all.”
“You don’t know that,” he insisted, a hint of panic still dancing behind his eyes. “You didn’t see his face. You d-d-didn’t see it.”
“I saw him when I came in,” she assured him. “I talked to him. He even said you two were cute.”
“Wh-wha-what?” He stuttered out past his hiccoughing breaths.
“He said you two were kind of cute,” she wiped away the dampness of his tears. “He doesn’t think you are gross.”
“How do you know he wasn’t just saying that?” Mingi asked, not sure he could believe it.
“Trust me,” she smiled. “I wouldn’t lie to you. And you know I would hunt someone to the ends of the earth if they wanted to hurt you or Yunho.”
“But…” he began, only to have her cut him off with a gentle kiss.
“Really, he seems nice,” she added. “Maybe you can go out and see for yourself.”
“I can’t--” his eyes widened and he shook his head.
“Love, I won’t make you come,” She calmed, speaking in a quiet, assured voice. “But am I usually right on things like this?” He nodded. “Would I ask you to do this if I thought, even just a little, that it would hurt either of you?” He shook his head. “Will you come out with me?” He paused before giving her a smaller, less sure nod. “Okay, let’s stop by the bathroom to rinse your face a little first, yeah?” He agreed, letting her stand before taking her hand and letting her lead him into the bathroom. He washed and dried his face, frowning at his slightly pink and puffy eyes which would not disappear with just a quick wash, then allowed her to comb his hair into some semblance of order.
“Ready?” She asked. Taking a deep breath, he nodded. “You know, you’re beautiful even when your eyes are puffy from crying.” He let out a surprised and pleased scoff of a laugh, hugging her tightly in response.
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Yunho walked back into the kitchen, half surprised to see Hong Joong still sitting there at the table. He was staring into space, clearly distracted by his own thoughts, only turning when Yunho approached the table and moved into his peripheral vision.
“Hey, look,” Hong Joong started, a worried look painting his features.
“No, let me,” Yunho interrupted, then paused, trying to decide how to apologize and explain. “This is really my fault. I forgot to mention that someone was coming over and…”
“You two are still in the closet,” Hong Joong filled in. “That’s okay. I would never say something about it if you aren’t out. I can keep a secret.”
“I...thank you, but,” Yunho sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It’s not that simple. I would appreciate you not saying anything but…”
“I mean what is that simple,” Hong Joong joked, trying to lighten the mood.
“Right,” Yunho agreed, letting out a laugh at the attempt at jest.
“This is your first semester here, isn’t it?” He confirmed, allowing Yunho to nod before he continued. “The campus has a lot of LGBT students and even some professors that are out. The campus is a safe place. There are clubs and support groups and I have some people I could introduce you to.”
“That’s...that’s nice of you,” Yunho gave him a nod and grateful smile. “It is still more complicated than that. I’m not sure we would really fit in and…”
“No pressure,” Hong Joong put his hands up, backing up but letting the offer stand. “You don’t have to do anything, and the offer will always be there.”
“Thanks,” Yunho said earnestly. “I can keep that in mind I just…I still need to study, and if you don’t mind helping me still, I’d really appreciate it.”
“Do you want to keep going today, or…” He let the offer hang.
“I don’t know,” Yunho scoffed, looking at the books and papers strewn across the table. “I should, I just...my mind isn’t on the books right now.”
“We don’t have to,” Hong Joong said agreeably. “I guess maybe tomorrow would be alright, too.”
“I think I just need a few minutes,” Yunho shook his head. “Do you mind if I make myself a snack?”
“No that would be fine,” Hong Joong accepted affably. 
Yunho nodded and walked over to the refrigerator, pulling out everything he needed to make himself a sandwich. 
“Did you want a sandwich, too?” He offered.
“Yeah, sure, thanks,” Hong Joong agreed, though he probably would have agreed to slamming his hand in a door if he thought it would reduce the tension in the house. Honestly, he felt terrible. When he had seen the other boy kiss Yunho, he had indeed been surprised by the sight. He hadn’t been grossed out but, honestly, he would never have guessed Yunho was gay. It just came out of left field. He had been totally taken by surprise and it had undoubtedly shown on his face.
The stupidest thing, he berated himself in his head, was that it didn’t fucking matter. He felt like a moron, but it had just hit him the same way catching a frog working a smartphone would have. It was just completely unexpected. You’re better than this, he scolded himself silently. You wouldn’t have made that face you did if that girl had come home and done the same. God, I’m so embarrassed. He squirmed in his seat, debating bowing out and just starting fresh tomorrow, but he didn’t say anything, just watched in silence as Yunho worked on making some sort of sandwich, he hadn’t even asked what kind.
In the silence, they both heard the click and creak of a door opening somewhere in the hall. Footsteps moved further down the hall then disappeared. In the kitchen everyone held their breaths in the silence, wondering if someone was coming. Yunho stood, bread in hand, hoping to hear more, but nothing followed. Letting out the breath with a heavy sigh, he finished assembling the sandwiches. He passed one to Hong Joong and flopped down at the table to eat.
They both took their first bites and were met with the disappointment of it mostly tasting like paste. The food itself was fine, it was probably even delicious, but their taste buds couldn’t register it past the cloying discomfort.
Footsteps sounded down the hall again and both boys looked up, putting the food down as they looked in the direction of the sound. She emerged first, one hand extended behind her with Mingi following, gripping it tightly with both hands. Yunho moved to stand up, only to stop when she shook her head. She escorted Mingi to the empty seat beside Yunho, opting to stand behind him with a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Mingi kept his eyes down, focused on the table. He looked terrible, Yunho thought. His nose was red, his eyes were slightly puffy, and he looked like his heart had been broken in two. Yunho reached out under the table, putting a palm on Mingi’s knee, only to have him pull away. It was like a stab to Yunho’s heart. He wanted to say he was sorry, he wanted to comfort him...he wanted to hold him.
“Mingi, baby,” she said softly. “I’d like to introduce you to Hong Joong. He came by to help out our Yunho study.”
Hong Joong’s attention was caught by her words. It could be that they were all just very close friends but...Mingi baby? Our Yunho? His eyes flicked to her, trying to read her face. Somehow she reminded him of velvet covered steel. Soft and inviting on the outside but strong and unbending if struck. Somehow he knew, she was not one to be crossed.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Hong Joong said, nodding once in Mingi’s direction.
“Hello,” Mingi said quietly, straightening up but still keeping his eyes down.
“I...I’m sorry about earlier,” Hong Joong continued. “I was just surprised and…” he trailed off and grimaced at himself. “Please, don’t be embarrassed. It was sweet. I wish I had anyone in my life that was that happy to see me.” Success, he thought to himself as Mingi’s eyes lifted to meet his for a second. “I don’t suppose you are taking Chemistry this semester? I’m happy to help you too, if you are…”
“No,” Mingi answered glumly. “I wish I had.”
“Oh, well, the offer stands when you take it,” Hong Joong offered. “Of course, maybe by then Yunho will be an expert on all this and he can help you, then.”
“I’m just going to be lucky if I can pass the tests,” Yunho gave a short chuffing laugh. “Please, don’t count on me being able to hold on to this in any useful way.”
“You’ll do fine,” Hong Joong laughed. “You’re doing so much better already.”
“Let’s see how I do on the test before we decide that,” Yunho demurred.
“Anyway,” Hong Joong smiled at Mingi. “I’m sorry about earlier and I’d like to maybe be friends. I have some people you should maybe meet.”
“What do you mean,” Mingi asked, suspicious but curious.
“I have some friends who are, well, like you...I think,” Hong Joong’s eyes flicked to her, still not sure what to make of her. It didn’t help that she was keeping silent. Then again, what had he said to her?
“What do you mean like you?” Mingi looked between Yunho and his classmate.
“Uh, just...you know….” Hong Joong felt suddenly unsure. “Gay?” Somehow the last word ended as a question.
Mingi flushed, part of him wanted to object. After all, he didn’t like boys...or well, not just boys.
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“Why are you always hanging around with him?” Mingi’s father asked him with a sigh. 
“He’s my best friend,” Mingi shrugged, moving the food around on his plate.
“I don’t like how he talks with you,” His father grumbled. “Always touching you when he laughs. Why can’t he ever be serious? Life’s not a joke.”
“They’re kids, honey,” his mother soothed. “Let them have fun while they can. And that Yunho boy is sweet. He’s so helpful when he comes around.”
“You just like that he helps you cook,” his father scoffed.
“It’s nice to have someone who isn’t afraid to help in the kitchen,” she admitted, sending her son a smile as she said it. “He is so lovely and helpful.”
“Boy’s aren’t supposed to be lovely.” His father let his silverware drop loudly to the table. “Boys are strong, reliable. Useful.”
“I would say helping in the kitchen is very useful,” she countered.
“That isn’t the kind of useful that will get a guy anywhere in life,” his father insisted. “You didn’t marry me because I helped with the dishes. You married me because I could provide.”
“Times are changing dear,” she reminded him. “It wouldn’t be so bad for Mingi to know how to be both. Women these days expect more from guys.”
“Fine, maybe cooking is good,” his father shrugged and grumbled. “The touching is too much. The world hasn’t changed that much. Men don’t do those things. No one wants to be around that stuff.”
“Dear, really,”  she rolled her eyes.
“He’s going to end up alone like that,” his father insisted. “Guys don’t want to be friends with boys that do that, and no girl worth her salt would want to be with a boy that she feels like she has to compete with his friends for attention, especially that kind of attention.”
“Honey, drop it,” she warned.
“Why don’t you date that girl you two are always with,” he suggested, half changing the subject to placate his wife. “She puts up with you two. She’s sort of pretty too; you could do worse.”
“She is wonderful,” his mother sent a glare to her husband. “You really should bring her around more. She is so fun to talk to.”
“She’s been busy,” Mingi shrugged, hoping the excuse was good enough. “I mostly see her when we meet up to study. I don’t know when she can.”
“Just remember,” His mother offered him a strained smile, knowing what she said was only half true. “Your friends are always welcome.”
“Thanks mom,” Mingi offered her an attempt at a smile.
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“It might be nice to have some friends you don’t feel like you have to, well, hide from,” Hong Joong fiddled with one of the papers on the table. “You can think about it.”
“No one wants to see that,” Mingi said, his head ringing with the hundred ways his father had told him that; sneered when he saw those things he didn’t approve of.
“That sounds like something you heard a lot,” Hong Joong intuited, a hint of sadness in his tone. “My friends, you’d like them and I really think they would like you.”
“It would be nice to make more friends,” She responded. “We all moved here a few months ago and it would be nice to have some people to hang out with here.”
“Actually, we are having a Halloween party next weekend,” Hong Joong lit up as the idea struck him. “You should come. You can meet my friends and you’ll have fun.” He turned to Yunho and teased. “It would be a great way to celebrate that test you are going to ace next week.”
“Your faith in me is inspiring,” Yunho laughed. “But that could be fun. I guess we’ll have to see if we can make it.”
“It’s going to be at my dorm,” Hong Joong explained. “Do you know where Whitby Residence is?”
“Yeah over on the north campus,” she confirmed.
“Yeah, yeah,” he nodded. “If you have costumes, wear them. It’s just going to be a good time. I really hope you will come.”
“Okay,” Mingi agreed, looking up at him finally.
“Great, great,” Hong Joong grinned. “Listen, I’m not sure I’m going to get a lot more out of studying tonight, but tomorrow I’m free. It’s Saturday but I would love to get in a little more studying if you would be up for it.”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Yunho nodded, grateful for an excuse to not try and concentrate anymore tonight. “Where did you want to meet to study?”
“The library is possible,” Hong Joong offered. “Or here is still fine with me.”
Yunho looked at Mingi, wondering if it might be okay or if he should push for the library.
“You can study here,” Mingi said quietly in the stillness of the moment.
“Sure,” She agreed. “You bring the brains, I can provide some study snacks.”
“Yeah of course,” Hong Joong gave her a grateful smile. “Thanks for, well, letting me come over and study. Being able to study here is great; no battling for the best study spaces or rules against snacks or drinks in some of the spaces.”
“Home is always a comfy place to study, if you can get away from distractions,” She took a step back away from her protective stance by Mingi as Hong Joong started to pack his things up. Yunho did the same, gathering his things up to carry them down the hall to his room and drop them on the little desk he had there.
“So what are you studying?” She asked Hong Joong, filling the silence as he packed.
“Design actually,” Hong Joong replied. “It’s not exciting or anything, but it's where my passion is.”
“That could be really interesting actually,” she replied supportively. “Are you interested in stuff like fashion, or interior design, or graphic design?”
“Fashion and graphic design,” he was surprised by her interest, as well as her ability to engage in the subject at all. Most people were somewhat dismissive, outside of others in his department.
“What are you going to do with that?” She asked, walking with him towards the front door, both boys trailing behind them.
“Not sure yet,” He admitted. “I really like the idea of recycled fashion, but…”
“You don’t have to know yet.” She shrugged.
“True,” Hong Joong finally felt the tension he had been holding let go. “We have time.”
“Exactly,” She said enthusiastically.
“Anyway, it was really nice to meet all of you,” Hong Joong adjusted his bag on his shoulder.
“Yeah I’ll see you tomorrow,” Yunho agreed. “Maybe around one?”
“That sounds good,” Hong Joong readily agreed. “See you then.” He opened his arms to offer the much taller boy a hug. Yunho paused for half a second before leaning down to take the offered hug. They pulled apart and he opened his arms to her, giving her a solid hug goodbye. Lastly he turned in the direction of a still quiet Mingi, offering him a hug as well. Mingi hesitated but gave in, leaning down to hug him. 
Hong Joong held him for a few seconds longer than he had the other two. “I’m sorry again...I just...Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow when I come to study.”
“Yeah, probably,” Mingi fidgeted as he answered.
“Well, see you later,” Hong Joong bid as he turned and walked out the door.
She closed the door behind him and Yunho immediately threw his arms around Mingi. “I’m so sorry for today. It was all my fault and I will do anything to let you know how sorry I am.”
“It’s okay,” Mingi only half hugged him back. “I should have been more careful.”
“No, love,” Yunho shook his head and pulled the other boy tightly against him. “This is home. You don’t have to be careful.”
“No...I have to be careful,” Mingi shook his head again, his eye prickling as the fear and emotion rose again.
“I want to always come home to a greeting like that,” Yunho insisted, turning his face to kiss the other boy's cheek. “Never hide how you feel for me. Not here.”
“Come here, loves,” she gave them gentle pulls, urging them to come sit with her on the couch. Yunho followed, taking Mingi with him and pulling him into his lap.
“Okay so I think we need to come up with a few house rules,” she suggested quietly. “Let’s start with agreeing not to bring anyone over without checking with everyone first.”
“Agreed,” Yunho said quickly, pressing his forehead to Mingi’s shoulder. Mingi nodded.
“It would be nice to make friends here,” she said carefully. “Maybe we can find people who won’t find the three of us together weird, but that might take time. It’s probably worth a try but in the meantime, maybe we need to decide what we are when we aren’t at home.”
“What do you mean?” Mingi asked, giving her lost puppy eyes as he tried to decipher what she meant.
“Well, are we just roommates?” She proposed. “Just friends?”
“I...don’t know,” Mingi said honestly.
“Then we’re just friends for now until we decide differently.” She nodded, giving his leg a reassuring pat. “We’ll be careful and keep things at home. Maybe we can just ask Hong Joong to pretend he didn’t see anything. I’m sure he can just pretend nothing happened.”
“Yeah, I’m sure he wouldn’t say anything,” Yunho agreed, not sure what he felt about it.
“Of course the other alternative is,” she ventured slowly. “I’m just the friend here.”
“Just the friend?” Mingi parroted.
“Well, maybe it would be okay for you two to be a couple for a while,” she gave them a smile. “I don’t think people would think it is that weird if you two were together and had a female friend and roommate. Besides, maybe then you can see that most people don’t really think like your dad.”
“But…” Yunho trailed off, not sure what to say, but it didn’t sit right with him.
“We don’t have to decide,” she replied. “Not right now, but it is something to think about. It wouldn’t mean we can’t do stuff together, but maybe you two hold hands sometimes and maybe I don’t always make it to lunch on Tuesday or Thursday.”
“No,” Mingi sat up. “I don’t like that, it’s not the answer.”
“It’s just an option,” she held up her hands. “We don’t have to decide now.”
“No he’s right,” Yunho shook his head. “It’s always been all of us together unless it was at school or one of us was gone. It doesn’t feel right to pretend that it isn’t all of us.”
“Only for a little while,” she promised. “And it was just an idea. Why don’t you two talk a little more and I’ll go pick up some dinner for us from one of the places nearby.”
“I can go with you,” Mingi offered.
“We can both come,” Yunho leaned forward as Mingi moved to get up.
“No, don’t worry,” she shook her head. “It won’t take me long.” She looked at Yunho and gave him a bright smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Take care of our boy for me, and you two can clear the table up the rest of the way for me. Does chicken sound good?”
“Yeah, sure,” Yunho agreed. She patted Mingi’s knee and stood up, heading over to where she had left her bag by the door. Slinging it over her shoulder, she gave the boys a wave and headed out the door. She made it all the way down the curve in the road to where it dead-ended into the road that they walked along every day to head to the university for her to give up being strong. They couldn’t see her now and that was what mattered.
Tears clouded her vision and she sat down on the edge of the sidewalk to allow herself five minutes to let it all out. Moving in was supposed to make things easier. They were supposed to be together and feel free to be themselves. But suddenly the outside world had intruded. It was easy to steel her spine and make a show like she thought everything was going to be fine. They needed that from her. 
She could still see how timid Mingi was to make the first move with Yunho. That he had done what he did this afternoon, only to have things blow up like this, was about the worst thing she could have imagined. She wondered if Mingi ever noticed how he would reach for her first, covering for himself, before he let himself reach for Yunho. Sometimes she could almost hear Mingi’s father’s voice echoing out of his ears when he suddenly froze, questioning if he was doing something wrong.
Someday she would say her piece to that man. But not now. Mingi needed his support for school and there was no way of telling what stupid thing he would do if he heard that his son was more than just friends with Yunho. 
No one here knew them, no one here was friends with their parents, so she wasn’t worried in particular that anything would get back to him. Maybe having a chance to really see that everyone doesn’t find two boys in love strange or gross would be good. Of course there would always be some people who ‘didn’t approve’, not that it was their place to have an opinion either way. But it would be good for him to finally step out of the shadow his father had put him in his whole life. He was too kind, too sweet, too affectionate, too soft. He wasn’t strong enough, forceful enough, confident enough. No one could have been, not even a clone of himself. It’s one thing to ruin your own life with your self hatred, she fumed internally, it’s another to let that taint everything that you do with your kid. 
Enough, she told herself wiping her face and taking a few steadying breaths. They would work through it eventually, together as they always had. It would be fine. They just had to be careful, really. Much as she knew that Mingi was disgruntled that they weren’t in more classes together, it was probably for the best. The less time they were together outside, the fewer questions anyone would ask.
She had thought about suggesting that they all make their own friends, maybe even have a little more time apart, but she hadn’t suggested it after seeing their reaction to the idea that maybe the two of them could spend a little more time together or even consider letting themselves be ‘out.’ Maybe it was a dumb idea, she admitted, but she was tired of watching them hurt. It didn’t really have to change anything, she promised herself.
Standing up, she wiped her face and pulled herself together, and headed to the restaurant to pick up dinner. By the time she got back home she would be fine. She would make sure they never saw it worry her.
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The Intersection of Technology (MOTORCYCLE BACK PATCHES).<br> Fresh wearable styles, fabrications, inscribing tools and also online tools will certainly transform how shops offer multiple markets in the brand-new years.<br> In 2020, MOTORCYCLE BACK PATCHES MAKERS and also designers have accessibility to a wide variety of new apparel designs, constructions and embellishing techniques to better serve various other sectors, especially those centering on fitness, style as well as athleisure. However, as competitors remains to warm up in these markets, stores have to tap into modern technology services that let them move at the rate of business now.<br> As we kick off a new years, industry specialists weigh in on trends they assume will be the biggest bottom-line boosters, showing that decorated-apparel development has comprehensive influence.<br> Physical fitness.<br>   motorcycle back patches Technology for fitness textiles has come a long way and guarantees to maintain evolving. "There's no reason for transparent trousers anymore," says Summer Barry, marketing and also creative supervisor at BELLA+CANVAS. "Women desire fabrics that make them look excellent while they exercise.".<br> As an example, BELLA+CANVAS developed a four-way stretch construction for its 5-inch-rise, high-waisted leggings that are crafted to lift, sculpt, contour and smooth. "You can use these leggings far past the fitness center," she states. "Plus, they're side-seam totally free for an optimum print surface area.".<br> Additionally, anticipate fun dye therapies to include fancifulness and also energy to efficiency garments. For example, Champ is presenting a mono scrunch in its Reverse Weave hoodie.<br> Allover belt-style screen printing has actually made a return, in addition to great deals even more bling. Keep an eye out for metal, radiance, foil, smoke, orthochromatic as well as thermochromatic, as well as reflective inks. "We have actually gotten a lot of inquiries for specialty inks, particularly silver or gold glitter as well as sparkles; fake aluminum foil; and dimensional inks, such as puff," states Kieth Stevens, Western local sales manager for International Coatings. "Printers are also going back to the traditional plastisol feeling.".<br> International Coatings recently released a new-and-improved clear gel gloss ink designed to function as an in-line aluminum foil caviar grain and also flock adhesive. The business additionally launched its FlexCure ink line, with a flexible treating variety from a reduced 275 ˚F to a typical 325 ˚F.<br> " Low-curing inks have actually discovered a home in the marketplace as a result of today's high-synthetic-fabric components," Stevens claims. "Lower curingtemperatures can result in power financial savings and additionally aid manage color migration and also textile shrinkage.".<br> This year, large physical fitness brand names are leaning toward utilizing non-PVC transfers that adhere to their environmental requirements. "These transfers assist offer sustainability as well as breathability, as well as they extend with the garments," says Cris Saunders, director of sales as well as advertising and marketing for Insta Graphic Systems, which uses guidebook and also automatic flatbed warm presses.<br> The company turned out SiliconeX, a stretchy, non-PVC transfer that requires a low-temp application, causing a softer, smoother surface. "We see designers utilizing it for efficiency garments; sports and athleisure wear; team-sports equipment; and also for commercial workwear," Saunders claims.<br> Insta additionally introduced a new heat press: Model 780 is a dual-platen automatic shuttle bus press with advanced touch-screen technology. "This press uses even warm and also pressure circulation, together with flexible operation from handbook to fully automated setting," she states.<br> Gone are the days of full-chest decor in the physical fitness market. Today's pattern? Intriguing areas.<br> " Look for unusual placements that in the beginning appear to be errors or unintended," states Marcus Davis, product growth supervisor at HanesBrands. Consider these brand-new places: on the elbow joint, alongside the garment or throughout the collar.<br> " We're seeing tiny, refined branding on yokes and bases of garments," Stevens claims. "Dimensional transfers, holographic patches and also needlework are big." And also, he keeps in mind, with just-in-time production ruling the industry, transfers and also direct-to-garment (DTG) printing give excellent decoration choices.<br> Top quality taping on garments has been prominent for a number of seasons now, so look for prints or needlework with this very same look. "Some efficiency products may not function well with published grosgrain ribbons or twills related to them as a result of their lack of stretch," Davis says. "Consider applying a straight print to these materials to accomplish the same or [a] comparable appearance.".<br> <br> Fashion.<br> One-of-a-kind fabric structure and also detailing are big this year. For example, BELLA+CANVAS established a sueded fleece, created by a finishing procedure that produces a cashmere-like feel for supreme luxe charm. The firm also developed a DTG-printable fleece with a 100% cotton face and also a poly/cotton-blend fabric.<br> Tie-dye has actually reappeared on the fashion front, with business like Alternative as well as Champion presenting brand-new styles this year. "Look for trendy color procedures that produce distinct appearances," Davis says.<br> Excessive and also allover design on style pieces are crucial for 2020. "Lots of mixed media is popular," Barry states. "Try a small text print along the collar, or a large and also strong print down the sleeves. Whatever's fair game, including sweat t shirts' external hoods.".<br> At retail, eye-catching, yet resilient crossbreed printing-- which incorporates display- as well as digital-printing procedures-- is an in-demand procedure that charms widely to consumers. It weds a screen-printed white underbase with electronically printed top colors. After using the white underbase, the pallet rotates under the crossbreed electronic print head. CMYK shades then obtain printed, usually wet-on-wet, in addition to the underbase.<br> " With hybrid [publishing], totally brand-new decorations are feasible," states Michelle Moxley, development supervisor at M&R Cos. "We're seeing full-color graphics published on aluminum foil, photo-realistic lenticular as well as liquid graphics. The possibilities are limitless, especially since you can immediately color-match across brands.".<br> A lot more interesting? Decorators can use "clever" graphics with QR- and AR-driven capabilities and variable data on each impression.<br> DTG printing additionally is hot for retail garments. "DTG enables interactive on-site printing experiences, as well as online fulfillment," Moxley claims. "This modern technology has actually come up with the fad of customized 'unit-of-one.' Modern workflow systems have actually made the process near smooth, producing very efficient as well as successful outcome.".<br> M&R introduced a crossbreed CMYK printer, the DS-4000, which publishes 400 pieces per hour, with graphics approximately 15 ″ x 19 ″ in a 600 x 1,200 dpi resolution. It is compatible with M&R's Stryker, Challenger III and also Gauntlet III automated screen-printing presses. On the DTG side, the firm provides the Maverick, a commercial system that publishes 120 items an hour, with graphics as much as 15 ″ x 19 ″ in a 600 x 1,200 dpi resolution.
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boredonheroforge · 4 years
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Ok, last shading experiment for a bit, but I just created this one recently. Here I wanted to see what a flat or cel shaded texture would look like. Again, like with Mr. Inverse, the intention was to play around with what is possible with the editor, as I wouldn’t expect this to be able to be printed in a way that would be replicated in the physical sense. An unintended side-effect was that it seemed to almost highlight the geometry edges, giving it a low-poly or early 3D gaming engine sort of vibe.
Bonus Content:
First attempt at a cel shaded mini, with a more mystical direction. 
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0 notes
biofunmy · 5 years
A Study Supporting The $330 Daysy Fertility Tracker Just Got Retracted
On her popular Instagram feed, Jessie Brebner informs her thousands of followers about tools they can use to become — or avoid becoming — pregnant. Last summer, she posted something worrisome: A scientist was raising serious questions about the Daysy, a $330 thermometer that claimed it could identify whether you’re fertile with 99.4% accuracy.
Women reacted with shock and concern. And Daysy’s manufacturer, Switzerland-based Valley Electronics, promptly blocked Brebner from its Instagram account. When the influencer later chimed in on the company’s Facebook group, where another person had asked about the evidence for the device, she was kicked out.
“I just don’t think it’s fair to market something as 99.4% effective to women if it’s not, because this is literally women’s lives that can be affected by something like that,” Brebner told BuzzFeed News.
The study that was the source of the 99.4% figure was retracted Tuesday from the journal Reproductive Health. It was pulled more than a year after Chelsea Polis, a reproductive health researcher, raised concerns about it — and eight months after the journal’s editor told her that the study would be withdrawn.
In its retraction notice, the journal’s publisher wrote that “fundamental flaws in the methodology” mean “that the conclusions are unreliable.” The publisher also noted that the study’s authors disagreed with the retraction.
Despite hearing criticism for months — and even formally acknowledging that the paper would be retracted — Valley Electronics has continued to tout the device on social media as being 99.4% accurate, although it has removed the statistic from its website. “Travelling with Daysy? No problem!” said a Facebook post on Jan. 23. “Daysy is made to adjust to your unique way of living with 99.4% accuarcy [sic].”
Niels van de Roemer, Valley Electronics’ medical director, said earlier this year that the company has “the right to block accounts that use our platforms to make aggressive advertising for themselves” and was justified in citing the study until it was officially removed. “Since the study was not retracted about 1 year after the publication of the commentary, it is of course legitimate to use the content for educational purposes,” he wrote by email.
But Polis disagrees. “It does not appear this company is very interested in providing accurate information to its potential consumer base,” she said.
Her protracted attempt to fact-check the Daysy, she said, demonstrates how untruths proliferate online far faster than scientific publishing is accustomed to correcting them.
“My concern is that these are overinflated estimates, and that people are being put at risk of unintended pregnancies” because publishing in scientific journals appears to make a company credible, said Polis, a senior research scientist at the Guttmacher Institute (though her research on Daysy was done outside of her role there).
For Polis and other critics, Daysy is just one of the many fertility products now flooding the market without solid evidence to stand on. Many are essentially just thermometers connected to an app. Although they’re marketed as high-tech, the basic concept behind them is antiquated, said Lauren Streicher, clinical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause. She said that clinicians realized decades ago that body temperature alone is not a reliable indicator of a woman’s fertility window, and have since recommended far more accurate urine tests.
“To me, the danger is that people are depending on it,” she said of digital thermometers. “Whether they’re depending on it to not get pregnant and end up inadvertently pregnant. Or if they’re using it to get pregnant and they’re not getting pregnant, they’re wasting a whole lot of time.”
For example, Natural Cycles requires users to take their temperature every morning and record that data in an app. Although it is the first app with FDA approval to market itself as a contraceptive, it has been blamed for misleading ads touting its accuracy and for causing unintended pregnancies. A regulatory agency determined that a number of those pregnancies were in line with the company’s statistics, but ordered it to clarify its marketing about the risks.
Along the same lines, the Daysy is an under-the-tongue thermometer that, with a combination of red and green lights, communicates to its user where she is in her ovulation cycle and records that data on a corresponding app.
These “digital birth control” inventions can help women become more aware of their bodies, but Mary Jane Minkin, a professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at Yale School of Medicine, said they likely don’t offer much more than that.
“If it helps people and it helps them track better and helps them get organized, that’s perfectly okay,” she said. “But in terms of ‘Is this going to offer something brilliantly new and novel?’ — I just don’t see that happening.”
Nevertheless, the Daysy has a healthy follower count on its main Instagram of more than 43,000, not to mention several additional accounts for different countries. It, along with other devices like the Lady-Comp and the Baby-Comp, is made by Valley Electronics, which describes itself as a family-owned business of about 50 employees founded more than 30 years ago.
Polis started researching the Daysy in the summer of 2017. While she was looking for studies about fertility-tracking apps, she found a pair of papers by Valley Electronics about devices that were predecessors to the Daysy, and whose results were being touted as evidence for the Daysy.
In Polis’s view, the studies raised red flags because they surveyed users about their past experiences with the devices, instead of following women as they used them. What’s more, she believed, the questionnaires were not well-designed or rigorous. So she emailed the company to express her concerns about its shoddy science.
In September 2017, van de Roemer of Valley Electronics responded to say her feedback would be discussed by an internal advisory board, according to an email shared with BuzzFeed News. But in another email, he also wrote, “Personally, I don’t think you can compare a company’s (not representative) surveys with scientific standards.”
The Daysy didn’t resurface on Polis’ radar until March 2018, when a group of scientists, including one from Valley Electronics, published the company-funded study in Reproductive Health. Based on a survey that asked 125 users about their past use of the app and pregnancies, it concluded that the “Pearl Index” — a metric for the number of contraceptive failures from a birth control method — was 0.6, making the device 99.4% effective at preventing unintended pregnancies.
But Polis was alarmed by how the company came to that 0.6 index. This time, she outlined her concerns in a formal rebuttal to the journal, noting, for instance, the survey’s low 13% participation rate. She also pointed out that the study did not count responses from users with fewer than 13 cycles’ worth of data in the app — meaning that it left out the majority of users’ data, and at least 10 of their pregnancies, according to a data table in the paper.
As a result, she wrote, the study served to “severely underestimate unintended pregnancy rates.” She called for it to be retracted “to protect public health, scientific integrity, and potential consumers.”
Polis submitted her critique to Reproductive Health in April 2018, and it was published that June. Three months later, the editor-in-chief José Belizán emailed to say that the Daysy study would be retracted.
“Fortunately, the final decision have [sic] been taken and promptly the retraction will be published in the journal,” Belizán wrote her in a Sept. 25, 2018, email. “It was a painful experience but unfortunately these are situations that journals are exposed to.” In an undated document published on its website sometime that fall, Valley Electronics acknowledged, too, that the study would be retracted.
But that retraction would not actually happen for many more months.
Earlier this year, van de Roemer of Valley Electronics acknowledged to BuzzFeed News the need for the retraction, but said that the Daysy’s accuracy was backed up by three other studies of similar devices by the company.
He also said that the company is working with US scientists on a new study, “as we are convinced that further studies and scientific findings are necessary.” But he declined to disclose any details about that research.
Although Polis knew that retractions frequently take months, sometimes even years, she did not expect that doing something in the public’s interest would be so hard or so time-consuming — for her, or for other potential science whistleblowers.
“I think it’s reasonable after a year to have lost a little bit of faith that this is being taken seriously,” she said.
Sahred From Source link Science
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2VDkl3S via IFTTT
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Cleaning roofs, as we mentioned in earlier post, can be done in dozens of ways using many different cleaners and tools. As roof cleaning contractors, we want to use the method that keeps our material and labor costs as low as possible while producing results that our customers will appreciate and recommend to others. We also want to be safe, so minimizing the potential for injury is a very important consideration.
We have introduced the ideas of water brooms, surface cleaners, and using a pressure washer. We have also talked about ‘no pressure’ washing with strong cleaners that do all the work. Of all these methods, the safest, lowest cost method is to apply strong cleaners to a roof with a bleach-rated pump. This can be accomplished either from the ground or up on the roof (if you have the proper safety equipment).
While we cannot point to any single method as “the only way”, we know that the most successful contractors cleaning roofs today use strong cleaners and no pressure. The primary ingredient of that strong cleaner is sodium hypochlorite, or bleach. You must have the proper equipment for this technique. Here are some suggestions.
First, you have to arrive at the job ready to work. You can buy or build roof cleaning rigs that fit into the bed of a standard pickup truck, or you can use a trailer rig for this. Using a trailer frees your truck up for other duties, so that is the preferred rig.
Next, you will need a few extension ladders of differing lengths. On the job, you will always grab for the shortest ladder that will do the trick, because of the weight and clumsiness of carrying longer ladders.
You will need one or two detergent tanks. It is ideal if the tank intended for bleach is light-proof (either molded in an opaque color or painted) to delay the break-down of the bleach from sunlight.
The ideal size of your primary tank is 100-125 gallons. You are limited by DOT to carrying 1000 pounds or less of any strong caustic like bleach, and that usually comes down to a little under 125 gallons.
If you have one tank, you will premix your final cleaner (bleach and soap) in that one tank. If you have two tanks, the second one can be as small as 30 gallons and is used for the soap you will add to the bleach.
You will use about 60 gallons of this mix to clean a typical roof, so your 125-gallon tank should get you through two jobs before you have to go and refill.
Now to the more expensive parts. You need to purchase a chemical transfer pump that will handle bleach. Some pump manufacturers offer Santoprene-fitted electric pumps, which can hold up well against bleach for a fair amount of time. If you use an electric pump like this, you can use a 12-VDC source for power. This may be a battery or you may even tap your vehicle as a power source. Some pumps are available in 120 VAC configurations, but they require a generator for power and there is no appreciable advantage to using them. Pump failures have to be expected with electric pumps, primarily due to the corrosive nature of bleach. It is often wise to have a second pump standing by in case you need it.
Alternative transfer pumps are gas-driven and built entirely of stainless steel and poly, which are impervious to bleach.
The pump you choose should deliver between 4-8 GPM, or you will waste a lot of time. The pump is permanently mounted to your rig, so you need a long hose to deliver the cleaner to the roof surface. There are several choices in hose material, some being “bleach-rated” and some being just plain inexpensive enough to throw away when it starts being affected by the bleach. Bleach-rated hose sells for about $2/foot, while clear braided poly hose goes for as little as $0.50/foot.
The diameter of the hose can make a huge difference in the volume and throw-distance you achieve with your pump. Contractors use hose that is sized between 3/8” and ¾” and anywhere in between. There is little cost difference between various sizes, and it is suggested that ½” or 5/8” might be just right.
Length of the hose is affected by your target market, but most contractors look at either 200’ or 300’ as the perfect length. This amount should allow you to reach all sides of a typical dwelling in your area. Keep in mind that many upscale neighborhoods featured very detailed roofs with difficult areas to reach. It is always better to have too much hose than not enough. Avoid splicing this hose as much as possible, as every splice is a possible future leak. Leaks destroy your pump’s ability to deliver, and may result in property damage.
If you use poly-braid hose, it will begin to discolor and turn stiff within a few months. You will likely replace this hose annually. If you want to get the most out of your hose, we suggest using a hose reel. This can be any hose reel, but if it is made with stainless parts (at least the plumbing) then you will get longer life from both the reel and the hose. If you elect to work without a reel, you will be coiling up the hose each day after work. Eventually as the hose stiffens this task gets harder and harder.
You want the pattern of the chemical spray to stay as tight as possible. A wide ‘splashy’ pattern leads to chemicals reaching spots you didn’t intend to hit. Ideally, a small pattern around a foot in diameter is ideal. You may have to experiment a little to achieve the pattern you are looking for, but most people are successful using 0-degree shooter tips such as a 0040, 0050, or 0060. Remember that plastic and stainless are not damaged by bleach, so make sure that your tip and gun are constructed of these materials. Some contractors build a gun using a ball valve, plastic pipe, and stainless nozzles. Variations abound, with most in favor of a bend downward at the end of the pipe. In stainless, this ‘bend’ is literally a bend in the tubing. In a plastic wand, a 45º fitting is added. Some dealers offer bleach-rated wands and guns already assembled for you.
Many contractors use a “multi-tip” tool that holds three or four assorted nozzles. This allows you to adjust your spray for conditions without having to look around for the last place you had that certain nozzle. They are all right at the end of your gun.
Among the miscellaneous items you will need to round out your equipment include a water hose and mixing buckets (if any part of your cleaning mix is in powder form). You may need rags, tarps to protect areas, light paper drop cloths for landscape plants, and other small items. Optional (but really nice to have) are things like ladder stand-offs (that allow you to place a ladder and climb it without hitting gutters) and a tool one manufacturer makes to continuously feed water to the gutters to keep the bleach from accumulating.
You should have whatever you need for contingency plans – in case you pump or hose fails or you get strong cleaner on an unintended surface.
Most importantly, you must invest in safety-related items. These include eye protection (like goggles or a face shield) and skin protection (rubber gloves, a face shield, etc.). You may want a rubber apron to wear when you are transferring chemicals, too. If you climb on to the roof to clean it you want that safety harness and possibly a portable anchor system that allows you free movement on the roof without the danger of an injurious or fatal fall. You also want Korkers or Cougar Paws for your feet to give you unbelievable traction on the slipper surface. Next, consider a respirator. Most strong chemicals will take your breath away, which is really scary up on a roof. Finally, you likely will want a waterproof pocket for carrying your cell phone, which can be your lifeline if you run into trouble.
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fpvoices · 6 years
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Chelsea Polis, Senior Research Scientist, Guttmacher Institute
New York, New York, U.S.A.
We want to help people achieve their own desired number, timing, and spacing of pregnancies. I hope that our field will continue moving towards a reproductive justice framework, a concept put forward by women of color which encompasses many things, including ensuring that not only can people prevent unintended pregnancies, but that they can achieve the pregnancies that they do want, and can raise their children in safe and sustainable communities. I think infertility is an issue that hasn’t received the amount of attention in our field that it might need, and addressing it could help build trust in our field. Being responsive to people’s needs around all of their reproductive decisions is something that could help make clear why we do what we do: that we’re here to serve people and to assist and empower them. I’ve collaborated on studies related to infertility in Nigeria and how we can better measure it, because we don’t have a lot of good data at a national level on this issue in many countries. It’s complicated and challenging to deliver infertility care in low-to-middle-income environments, but I’m hopeful that we will continue moving towards embracing all reproductive challenges that people face, in a more holistic and person-centered way.
Interviewer: Anne Ballard Sara
Photographer: David Alexander
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actual-knight · 6 years
Evolution of 808
As I’ve been working on 808, I’ve saved several renders I’ve done at various stages during the project, so I can see what I’ve changed, what’s better or worse, etc. I’ve gotten decently far into the rigging stage by now, so I thought I’d do a bit of a showcase to show how the model has improved.
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This is the oldest version of 808. Her base model is the same one that I’ve been using for a long time, and most of it was initially identical to Char’s model, as you can see from the hoodie. I’ve greatly improved my knowledge of Blender’s hair system, so I used it for this. I’ll have to change it later, which is sad, but for now it looks pretty good.
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I had changed the subdivision method on her eyebrows at this point, making them curvy instead of sharp. Not much has changed in this one, but it is the only one I did that’s in 4K resolution. That doesn’t mean much in this format, but it’s something.
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Before remeshing and rigging, I made a few changes to her eyes and hair, to see what looked better. I decided on a higher hairline and larger pupils/irises. (What are they called if her eye is just a giant pupil and no iris?) This is the final hair design, and I haven’t changed it since this version, if I remember correctly.
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This is the first render I did after remeshing and starting work on shape keys. (I may end up using bone deforms for her eyelids instead, because it’s hard to make them properly otherwise.) The dent at the base of her neck is gone, as well as a few other softened features; this is because my renders from this point on use a lower-poly mesh that I haven’t put normal maps on yet. My high-quality model (the clay figure I’m basing my puppet on, if you will) has 5.8 million vertices, while the low-poly one has about 8,000.
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One of the first things I wanted 808 to be able to do was smile. She’s cute, so her smile should be cute. Simple logic. However, at this point I hadn’t done any research on how a smile actually works, so my initial attempts became something of a nightmare. At this point I noticed that her lip, among various other parts of her, was somewhat strange-looking; it was at this point that I started considering a full-scale resculpting and re-remeshing.
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The uncanny valley reaches its peak. I actually really like this face on a conceptual level, but unfortunately I didn’t execute it very well. the upturned closed eyes are something I haven’t managed to properly replicate, but I got fairly close in this iteration. Shape keys were starting to make me somewhat upset at this point, so I decided to focus my attention elsewhere.
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My initial remesh of 808 only included her neck and upper chest, extending down only to about her collarbone, with the remaining area being covered by her jacket; I had borrowed the already-remeshed models of her hands, wrists, and legs from Char. At this point, however, I decided that I would eventually make more clothing models, so I wasn’t just limited to the “minimalist semi-punk” look. Different articles of clothing cover different amounts of skin, as anyone who’s ever accidentally worn a v-neck in public knows all too well. So, in order to accomodate for that, I decided to remesh her entire torso, at least down to waist level, as well as her arms and hands. This render is the point where I started doing that, as demonstrated by her Venus de Milo-esque arms. I kept experimenting with her facial expressions, but on a more limited scale; despite the saying that it takes more muscles to frown, I’ve always found it way easier to model negative emotions, although it’s probably because they look fine without large mouth deforms.
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This is my most recent render. I decided to finally bite the bullet and go through with the large-scale overhaul I had been dancing around for a while. I deepened her eye sockets, rounded her mouth and chin, reshaped her face slightly, widened her shoulders, moved her arms further, back, and strengthened her shoulder blades, among various other things. There’s a small, anomalous shadow on the right side of her chest; this is due to the way I did my remeshing. Instead of remaking all 8,000+ vertices from scratch, I decided to use Blender’s shrinkwrap modifier, which sped the process up considerably. (It probably took about 20 minutes instead of 4-5 hours for a full remesh.) There were a few unintended results of this, however: First, I had to delete all of my shape keys. This wasn’t a serious problem, since I didn’t like them very much anyway, and once I had learned how to make them I could pretty easily recreate them. Blender is really nice in that your technical skill (something I characteristically have almost none of) is exactly the same as your technical knowledge (which tends to be my area of expertise since these kinds of things stick in my head). The second issue that arose was that shadow I mentioned earlier. It turns out that when I did my high-speed remeshing, a few things slipped through the cracks, including several polygons that were either strangely shaped or just not in the right place. Since her shoulders are still under construction (I’m probably going to widen them a bit more now that I know that’s part of my problem), I think I’m probably just going to properly redo my remeshing from the shoulders down. I haven’t actually done her hands yet, anyway.
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ds4design · 8 years
When the trolls come at you over birth control coverage, here's what to say
If you're a woman who, on the internet, has tried to defend widely accessible and affordable birth control, you probably know all the counterarguments by heart: "Why should my tax dollars make it easy for you to have sex?" "I don't want to pay for what you do in the bedroom". "Don't have sex if you can't afford to get pregnant". 
Such comments conveniently gloss over the complexities of real life. But it's also easy to trot out similarly simplistic responses when arguing for birth control. Women and their allies are tired of having to defend something that seems basic, but the important thing to remember is that you're not trying to convince the troll. Instead you want to sway the social media audience watching your exchange. You're playing to the crowd. 
"Most of these claims or moral arguments don’t take women’s interests very seriously."
That matters because informed public debate of birth control is critical right now. The Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, requires insurers to provide federally-approved methods of contraception without a copay. Republicans, who plan to repeal Obamacare but haven't introduced a replacement yet, have indicated their bill won't have the same requirement. Millions of women could lose access to affordable contraception as a result.
Public polling shows that a majority of Americans support full birth control coverage, but Republicans aren't in that camp, and trolling comments on social media can amplify a much different narrative. Some critics will never be convinced, but if you choose to take on their talking points for all to see, here are six things to keep in mind: 
1. It's not "free" birth control. 
First, the government doesn't send bureaucrats out to roam the streets with bags of free pills and IUDs, tossing them to the nearest random woman. Instead, insurance companies and clinics work with doctors and pharmacies to provide them to patients at no additional cost. 
People who receive copay-free contraception typically put their own money into the health care system by paying taxes and private-market premiums. Last year, people with employer-sponsored health insurance paid on average $5,277 toward their family coverage. Low-income Medicaid recipients may also pay premiums for their insurance. 
It’s not FREE birth control. We’re asking for coverage by the health insurance we ALREADY pay for.
— Not My President (@missmayn) February 7, 2017
While eliminating the birth control copay saved women a lot of money, they continue to finance their own health care while also subsidizing services for fellow Americans. 
2. Birth control is for planning pregnancy. 
People who oppose copay-free contraception often associate it with promiscuity or irresponsible sexual behavior. The simple truth is that birth control helps women prevent and plan pregnancy. (It can also alleviate symptoms of medical conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.) That's pretty thoughtful decision-making, and yet, critics get stuck on sex, a nearly universal expression of human desire and intimacy.
We tend to talk about BC being used in 2 ways: pregnancy prevention or a health issue. But preventing pregnancy is a health issue!
— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) January 14, 2017
Arguing about why people are having sex, or under what circumstances, is ultimately a distraction from legitimate practical concerns about not getting pregnant. Demanding that people wait to have sex until they’re ready to conceive just isn’t realistic, says Lawrence Nelson, an associate professor of philosophy at Santa Clara University. That logic would make even the most committed married couples chaste. 
"Most of these claims or moral arguments don’t take women’s interests very seriously," Nelson says. 
3. Preventing unplanned pregnancy is good for women, families and taxpayers. 
Under Obamacare, birth control is considered preventive health care, just like vaccinations, routine checkups and breast pumps for new mothers. That may seem odd but making it easy for women to prevent a medical condition — pregnancy in this case — saves the government and taxpayers a lot of money. 
In 2010, the federal government spent $21 billion on births, abortions and miscarriages related to pregnancies that weren't planned. Studies suggest that unintended pregnancy leads to worse economic, health and academic outcomes among children. When women avoid getting pregnant at the wrong time, research indicates they're able to get more education and increase their earnings. 
Not much of a fiscal conservative if you're unaware that every $1 spent on contraception saves the government $7+ on preg, delivery, & care. https://t.co/qJH5UxFxe9
— Chelsea Polis, PhD (@cbpolis) January 13, 2017
Adam Thomas, an associate teaching professor at Georgetown University's McCourt School of Public Policy, says that increased spending on family-planning services like expanded access to contraception is a wise investment. His research shows that for every dollar the government spends, it saves nearly $6. Another study indicated that savings could be as high as $7.
"Unintended pregnancy is a major public health problem," says Thomas. "Expanding access can address that problem." 
4. Birth control can be too expensive with a copay. 
Some people love to insist that every woman can afford contraceptive copays if she tries hard enough. But before Obamacare birth control frequently cost women hundreds of dollars a year, depending on the method. 
The most effective forms, like the IUD and hormonal implants, had an upfront cost of several hundred dollars. As a result, some low-income women, constantly making hard choices about which basic need to prioritize on a limited budget, used less effective but relatively cheap contraception (i.e. condoms).    
"We already know who’s going to suffer the most if and when they roll this back."
Understanding that dynamic is key to tackling the problem of unplanned pregnancy, but there’s almost no point in arguing further with someone who refuses to believe birth control with a copay is out of reach for many women. If they're not willing to believe and trust women's personal experiences, they won't defer to you. And if that person starts mocking a hypothetical woman’s grocery store purchases or cell phone bill, for example, in order to attack her reproductive health choices, the conversation has lost its perspective — and arguably its sense of decency.   
"We already know who’s going to suffer the most if and when they roll this back," says Alexis Cole, policy manager for the reproductive justice organization Urge. "It’s those that had the hardest time affording birth control before — young people, immigrants, women of color and low-income families." 
5. Yes, some sexually active women don't use birth control. Talk about why.
One stereotype tends to throw the birth control debate into chaos, and it's the notion that many women gleefully have sex without protection, consequences be damned. The opposition to affordable birth control is then built around the idea that women can't be trusted with their own sexuality, so why give them a means to prevent pregnancy. In other words, they just shouldn't have sex. 
While it is true that some sexually active women don't use contraception, they make up less than one-fifth of women at risk for unintended pregnancies. That's a small group, but instead of pretending they don't exist, people who support birth control access should talk about the bigger picture. 
Studies suggest that disadvantaged women, in particular, are ambivalent about unwed motherhood. The possibility of an accidental pregnancy doesn't constrain their risky behavior because they don't feel like they have much to lose, says Thomas.  
Ensuring they have access to sex education and affordable birth control is important, but it might actually be more effective to improve their economic prospects. To hold those women up as a rationale for denying everyone affordable birth control fundamentally misunderstands their predicament. 
6. Beware the slippery slope of refusing to "pay" for someone else's medical intervention. 
If someone refuses to subsidize no-copay birth control on principle, do others then have the right to withhold their taxpayer dollars from financing medical interventions they find objectionable? The natural birthing mom might insist that her premium doesn't go toward medically unnecessary cesarean sections. Or Scientologists could demand their money never pay for psychiatric services because it violates their belief system. 
Nelson says people can't plead a special exemption for their objections to birth control. Everyone who pays into the private or public health care system might have very specific wishes for how that money is spent, but that's not the bargain we've made to ensure people are healthy and have access to preventive care and essential medical treatment. 
"To say this is different strikes me as not taking women’s lives as they’re really lived seriously, and what it means to a woman to get pregnant when she doesn’t want to get pregnant," says Nelson. 
What it comes down to, he adds, is making birth control accessible and affordable so women are tied to the future they create for themselves, not their fertility. 
"For women to really be able to live in the world as equals to men," Nelson says, "they need control over their sexual reproductive lives." 
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The Intersection of Technology (MOTORCYCLE BACK PATCHES).<br>
Fresh wearable styles, fabrications, inscribing tools and also online tools will certainly transform how shops offer multiple markets in the brand-new years.<br>
In 2020, MOTORCYCLE BACK PATCHES MAKERS and also designers have accessibility to a wide variety of new apparel designs, constructions and embellishing techniques to better serve various other sectors, especially those centering on fitness, style as well as athleisure. However, as competitors remains to warm up in these markets, stores have to tap into modern technology services that let them move at the rate of business now.<br>
As we kick off a new years, industry specialists weigh in on trends they assume will be the biggest bottom-line boosters, showing that decorated-apparel development has comprehensive influence.<br>
Physical fitness.<br>
Technology for fitness textiles has come a long way and guarantees to maintain evolving. "There's no reason for transparent trousers anymore," says Summer Barry, marketing and also creative supervisor at BELLA+CANVAS. "Women desire fabrics that make them look excellent while they exercise.".<br>
As an example, BELLA+CANVAS developed a four-way stretch construction for its 5-inch-rise, high-waisted leggings that are crafted to lift, sculpt, contour and smooth. "You can use these leggings far past the fitness center," she states. "Plus, they're side-seam totally free for an optimum print surface area.".<br>
Additionally, anticipate fun dye therapies to include fancifulness and also energy to efficiency garments. For example, Champ is presenting a mono scrunch in its Reverse Weave hoodie.<br>
Allover belt-style screen printing has actually made a return, in addition to great deals even more bling. Keep an eye out for metal, radiance, foil, smoke, orthochromatic as well as thermochromatic, as well as reflective inks. "We have actually gotten a lot of inquiries for specialty inks, particularly silver or gold glitter as well as sparkles; fake aluminum foil; and dimensional inks, such as puff," states Kieth Stevens, Western local sales manager for International Coatings. "Printers are also going back to the traditional plastisol feeling.".<br>
International Coatings recently released a new-and-improved clear gel gloss ink designed to function as an in-line aluminum foil caviar grain and also flock adhesive. The business additionally launched its FlexCure ink line, with a flexible treating variety from a reduced 275 ˚F to a typical 325 ˚F.<br>
" Low-curing inks have actually discovered a home in the marketplace as a result of today's high-synthetic-fabric components," Stevens claims. "Lower curingtemperatures can result in power financial savings and additionally aid manage color migration and also textile shrinkage.".<br>
This year, large physical fitness brand names are leaning toward utilizing non-PVC transfers that adhere to their environmental requirements. "These transfers assist offer sustainability as well as breathability, as well as they extend with the garments," says Cris Saunders, director of sales as well as advertising and marketing for Insta Graphic Systems, which uses guidebook and also automatic flatbed warm presses.<br>
The company turned out SiliconeX, a stretchy, non-PVC transfer that requires a low-temp application, causing a softer, smoother surface. "We see designers utilizing it for efficiency garments; sports and athleisure wear; team-sports equipment; and also for commercial workwear," Saunders claims.<br>
Insta additionally introduced a new heat press: Model 780 is a dual-platen automatic shuttle bus press with advanced touch-screen technology. "This press uses even warm and also pressure circulation, together with flexible operation from handbook to fully automated setting," she states.<br>
Gone are the days of full-chest decor in the physical fitness market. Today's pattern? Intriguing areas.<br>
" Look for unusual placements that in the beginning appear to be errors or unintended," states Marcus Davis, product growth supervisor at HanesBrands. Consider these brand-new places: on the elbow joint, alongside the garment or throughout the collar.<br>
" We're seeing tiny, refined branding on yokes and bases of garments," Stevens claims. "Dimensional transfers, holographic patches and also needlework are big." And also, he keeps in mind, with just-in-time production ruling the industry, transfers and also direct-to-garment (DTG) printing give excellent decoration choices.<br>
Top quality taping on garments has been prominent for a number of seasons now, so look for prints or needlework with this very same look. "Some efficiency products may not function well with published grosgrain ribbons or twills related to them as a result of their lack of stretch," Davis says. "Consider applying a straight print to these materials to accomplish the same or [a] comparable appearance.".<br>
One-of-a-kind fabric structure and also detailing are big this year. For example, BELLA+CANVAS established a sueded fleece, created by a finishing procedure that produces a cashmere-like feel for supreme luxe charm. The firm also developed a DTG-printable fleece with a 100% cotton face and also a poly/cotton-blend fabric.<br>
Tie-dye has actually reappeared on the fashion front, with business like Alternative as well as Champion presenting brand-new styles this year. "Look for trendy color procedures that produce distinct appearances," Davis says.<br>
Excessive and also allover design on style pieces are crucial for 2020. "Lots of mixed media is popular," Barry states. "Try a small text print along the collar, or a large and also strong print down the sleeves. Whatever's fair game, including sweat t shirts' external hoods.".<br>
At retail, eye-catching, yet resilient crossbreed printing-- which incorporates display- as well as digital-printing procedures-- is an in-demand procedure that charms widely to consumers. It weds a screen-printed white underbase with electronically printed top colors. After using the white underbase, the pallet rotates under the crossbreed electronic print head. CMYK shades then obtain printed, usually wet-on-wet, in addition to the underbase.<br>
" With hybrid [publishing], totally brand-new decorations are feasible," states Michelle Moxley, development supervisor at M&R Cos. "We're seeing full-color graphics published on aluminum foil, photo-realistic lenticular as well as liquid graphics. The possibilities are limitless, especially since you can immediately color-match across brands.".<br>
A lot more interesting? Decorators can use "clever" graphics with QR- and AR-driven capabilities and variable data on each impression.<br>
DTG printing additionally is hot for retail garments. "DTG enables interactive on-site printing experiences, as well as online fulfillment," Moxley claims. "This modern technology has actually come up with the fad of customized 'unit-of-one.' Modern workflow systems have actually made the process near smooth, producing very efficient as well as successful outcome.".<br>
M&R introduced a crossbreed CMYK printer, the DS-4000, which publishes 400 pieces per hour, with graphics approximately 15 ″ x 19 ″ in a 600 x 1,200 dpi resolution. It is compatible with M&R's Stryker, Challenger III and also Gauntlet III automated screen-printing presses. On the DTG side, the firm provides the Maverick, a commercial system that publishes 120 items an hour, with graphics as much as 15 ″ x 19 ″ in a 600 x 1,200 dpi resolution.
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