#unintentional plotholes are my bread and butter
fluffypotatey · 2 years
So. Knowing that (for the upper class) most clothes were tailored to fit specific measurements, and altered as needed, I still want to know where the holy fuck Gwen found a gown that fit Leon. Because unless it came up to his knees (it didn't) and wasn't laced/fastened at all (it'd have to be to, y'know, stay on) then that means it fit well enough as is. I want to meet this fucking 6'3" brick wall of a noblewoman with broad-ass shoulders and arms like BAM who owns a dress that can fit Sir Big Bird over here, and she better be played by Gwendoline Christie.
i am so glad you brought this to my attention because that's something i never really considered. sure, we could just say that bbc's production found a dress in his size and leave at that, but why would we when this beautiful, unintentional concept exists now?
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