#unless you don't like cherries LOOKING AT YOU @FREIZUSEIN
shakespearerants · 9 months
*gently holds your face between my hands* listen to me. i am going to tell you the secret to happiness, ok? are you listening? yes? ok here goes. you're gonne take 175 g of buckwheat flour and mix it with 250 ml milk 2 eggs half a teaspoon salt and a packet of active dry yeast. and then you're gonna take a glass of sour cherries in cherry juice sweeten them a little bit but not too much with sugar heat them juice and all in a pot on the stove and thicken them to sauce consistency with some starch. we can look up how to do that on the internet together later if you want :). and then you're going to fry little pancackes out of the buckwheat dough. yes, just like you normally do. you can use a griddle instead of a pan if it makes you feel better. it's ok. and then you're going to mix some cinnamon and sugar in a glass together. and then you're going to take your favourite fermented dairy product i don't care if its cottage cheese or joghurt or sour cream and you're gonna eat it all together. did you listen to me? you're going to eat it all together. i love you.
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