#unlike the hellbird app
shellysaurus-rex · 1 year
Fire Emblem: Engage OC Info Sheet
Figured I would be the change I wanna see in the world and make one of these as a template; just in case anyone needed it to workshop an OC of theirs!
I might have gone over some small details but I think I’ve basically included everything if not a bit more, so feel free to add or delete whatever you like! (Complete also with * keys where I explain something in better detail)
Fair warning as well that this will also include spoilers from the main storyline, in my key notes just to be safe for those who haven’t finished it yet
Credit if you like, or don’t because it’s all just words to me anyways.  But I would definitely love to see how it looks as well hehe Will be putting all the info Below:
Basic Information:
 Ally Notebook:
Initial Page;
Initial Class:
Basic Info:
 C Rank;
 B Rank;
 A Rank;
Ring Size:
 S Rank;
Life with (NAME):
  Possible Endings:
  Battle Quotes:
Changing Class:
 Leveling Up: -(0 to 1) -(2 to 3) -(4 to 5) -(6+) -(Reaching Max Level)
 When Selected: -(Full Health) -(Full Health) -(Full Health) -(Medium Health) -(Medium Health) -(Medium Health) -(Low Health) -(Low Health)
 Critical Attack: - - - -
 Defeated Enemy: - - - - -
Ally Defeats Enemy: - -
 Ally Heals: - - -
 Emblem Engage: - -
Post-Battle Exploration:
 Chapter-Specific: *[1] - - -
Battle-Specific: -(Not Deployed) -(Deployed Numerously) -(Leveled Up) -(MVP) -(Alear Leveled Up) -(Alear MVP) *[2]
Location-Specific: *[3] -(Default) -(Default) -(Default) -(Florra Mill Town) -(Firene Castle) -(Mountain Settlement) -(The Grand Crossing) -(Brodia Castle) -(Fort on the Border) -(Destinea Cathedral) -(Shadowy Moor) -(Tullah Desert) -(Oasis Village) -(Solm Palace) -(Northern Fortress) -(Azure Coast) -(Florra Port) -(Route to Elusia) -(Givre Port) -(Elusia Castle) -(Lythos Castle) -(Lava Fields) -(Mountainous Region) -(Gradlon Temple)
 Death Quote: -(Pre Death Quote) -(Casual Mode) -(Classic Mode)
 In Somniel: *[4]
-(Café Terrace)
-(Training Yard)
-(Lookout Ridge)
-(Alear’s Birthday)
-(Pact Ring)
-(Pact Ring)
-(Horse Manure)
  Café Terrace:
-(On Duty Quote)
Cooking; -(Expert Dish) -(Capable Dish) -(Eager Dish)
Results; -(Perfect Result) -(Decent Result) -(Good Result) -(Bad Result)
Sharing Meal; *[5] -(Favorite Dish) -(Neutral Dish) -(Disliked Dish)
Introduction; - - -
  Wake-Up Events: *[6]
-(Waking Early)
-(Waking Early)
-(Waking Early)
-(Waking Early)
-(Waking Early)
-(Waking Early)
-(Waking Early)
-(Waking Early)
[1] – Whether your character has something unique to say after a certain chapter (e.g; Alear being revealed as the Fell Dragon in chapter 20, or their reaction to the state of Florra Port after chapter 17 should they be from Firene especially)
[2] – This also leaves room for any extra dialogue your character might have in response to a specific character dying in that battle during Classic Mode (e.g Say if Pandreo and or Bunet both die; Fogado would have 3 different dialogues for all 3 possibilities)
[3] – It’s worth noting that even if a character wasn’t recruited early into the story, they still have different dialogues you can see as you go back and revisit that place in a skirmish (e.g Hortensia has dialogue in regards to chapters way back in Firene and even Brodia where you first fight her)
[4] – Depending how tied to the story your character is, they could also have unique dialogue in the Somniel if Alear speaks with them between chapters (e.g; How Diamant and Alcryst will make note to head out as soon as possible after King Morion’s kidnapping)
[5] – Something I found out late is that sometimes the two characters you invite to dinner can actually talk directly to each other about the meal, I don’t really know what determines it but if you wanted to have a Oc/Canon dinner date dialogue with Alear third wheeling then by all means.
[6] - Something else I didn’t know was that during every wake up event there’s also a unique dialogue every character can have for every event if you’re impatient and hit a button to wake up early; usually includes them being like “Oh! You’re already awake! Okay I’ll go away then lol” 
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randomscpventblog · 3 months
Feeling rant-ish today so I’ve just been thinking that it’s kinda sad that Bright users/fans have become as excluded/outcasted as those odd RPC people because unlike those sexist, transphobic, and homophobic users, our only transgression was simply liking a character. Also I know I’ll have people saying I’m exaggerating or that Bright users are just playing victims, but I seriously dare anyone that thinks that way to try and talk casually about Bright anywhere near a wiki space, because you’ll quickly be talked down too, cut off, or completely ignored, and to add salt to the wound the people treating you like that will be the same one’s who looked the other way when the very predator was still active.
It may not be as bad here on Tumblr although you still have some big name artists that seem to think Bright users/fans are the bane of their existence, but to be fair their are some Bright users that also seem to have a largely unwarranted vendetta against rewrite users as well, they are much smaller accounts in comparison to the rewrite users to note however. Strangely enough the least volatile space for Bright users seems to be Twitter of all places, because for once the hellbird app is one of the most sane. YouTube commentators don’t seem to care about the drama at all and just want Bright content. Reddit is spilt right down the middle, and Discord servers vary greatly, obviously. Ao3 sticks with Bright thankfully and I don’t have enough information about TikTok or Instagram to come to a conclusion about either of them.
I will still be keeping tabs on all spaces I currently watch over to make sure they are safe for Bright users because no one deserves to be excluded for simply liking a character, and I judge those who exclude us much more then I judge those who simply choose to continue using Bright or those who are neutral and choose to use their own character/Shaw.
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