#unlucky thirteen ~ ✧ {hans westergaard}
star-of-waterdeep · 4 months
kiss picrews of my s/i ocs and their respective f/os :D
in order: hans westergaard and his younger sister, sigrid, elijah kamski and his android gf, JT400 (justine), astarion and his tiefling sorcerer gf, juno
i’m actually soso happy w how these came out they look so close to how i imagine them
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Fanfic's snippet - How Hans became a pirate, part IV
First part here
Second part here
Third part here
Hans is telling the story of what the hell is he doing here to Anna and Elsa after three years of the events portrayed and from his own perspective, mind you.
Hans was painfully aware that he is wearing only his old pyjamas.
Captain Rogers, on the contrary, had an elegant, red coat with black lining and a tricorn similar to his daughter’s, with a golden hem.  Across his chest a leather belt was hanging, two small daggers inserted into it. He had a short, dark and well-kept beard. His hair was surprisingly long for a sailor and he didn’t even tie it. But the most important thing about him was his aura of… not even an authority, it was simply something that made Hans think that the captain knows every answer to every question, and if he is still asking – it is simply because it is, unfortunately, his duty.  
“Prince Hans Westergaard” he stated calmly, tapping his pen on the desk. “The unlucky thirteen”.
Great, so he didn’t have to introduce himself.
“Ahoy?” he tried; from a time perspective, this attempt to make the atmosphere a bit lighter was quite… sad.
Nevertheless, captain did smile a little. Probably for the sake of good manners.
“So, what exactly are you planning to do here, m’lad? We have no princesses to kill. Nor queens.”
Hans took a slightly deeper breath, trying to compose himself. Maybe it is good that Layla warned him. In the end, the word of his… misdeeds… has probably travelled far. Of this fact his father reminded him constantly and painfully, explaining in excruciating details what a shame he brought for the entire family. It was a little strange that the crew didn’t recognize him, though. Maybe it was too dark? But if their captain knows, he will have to tell them too. Maybe he will gain some “tough guy” points. He heard that it works that way in prisons… maybe.
“I… I would like to be a pirate” he stuttered, knowing that it sounds like something said by a ten-year-old rascal. He pulled down his sleeves a little.
How did Raivis put it? For adventure, for glory, for unforgettable story?
“Because I have nothing left to lose and no way out”. Those words practically rolled down his lips without him knowing. He almost wanted to slap himself. How could he let himself be so vulnerable in the first ten minutes?! He was practically begging to be laughed at.
Captain looked at him carefully, like he was studying some specimen.
“You look quite alive, Hans, so you have something to lose”. He put a pen down. “Two legs, two arms, one head… look, you even have a full set of fingers and toes. Do you know how easy it is to lose it, being a pirate?”
He took a moment to think about it.
“I suppose… I am willing to risk it”.
Rogers smiled again, this time with slight amusement.
“You have no idea what you are trying to get into. Nor what are you really willing to risk.”
“But I know what I can’t risk”. He lifted his chin a little and added a few more decibels into his voice, so it doesn’t feel like he was whispering anymore. He also hoped that captain won’t notice how hard he is trembling. “I can’t risk going back home”.
For a moment there was a silence in the cabin. After a few seconds of it he was fully willing to get down on his knees and beg if Rogers won’t let him in.
“What can you do?”
“E… excuse me?”
“On a ship, every crewman has to have some skills. What are yours, m’lad?”
Hans had over twenty years of experience in being a prince, which meant he was trained in a few different martial arts and fencing, he knew something about diplomacy and, how certain events demonstrated, he was also excellent at manipulating people. He was also able to run fast, take cover and pretend he is not even here. After Arendelle he learned how to do a hard, physical labour. That was quite a good start for an entry level pirate, wasn’t it?
He could say all of this and maybe it would work. But this smoke from a burned gun powder went through his nose straight to the brain, swaddling everything into a thick layer of fog. Or so he assumed, because there was no other explanation of his next words.
“I can read maps…?”. It was the stupidest thing he could say. He didn’t even know why, from all the possible options, he chose this one. He didn’t know the first thing about maps, he just knew how to not held them upside down!
It was a mistake, it was painfully obvious.
“Ah, maps, you say…?” He knew the captain knew he just lied. “Alright, then.” Rogers rose up from his stunningly ornamented desk and walked to the back of the cabin. Only now Hans has noticed that there was a portiere, its colour blending with the wallpaper, hiding some other room. “We shall see, then. We are heading towards Eldora now. You will tell us the shortest route and explain how to avoid submerged rocks. Please, wait for me”.
The captain disappeared and good, because Hans was pretty sure that in a few seconds he is going to burst into tears and he really wasn’t able to endure such an embarrassment. This day was definitely too long. And in a few minutes he will be kicked off the ship he barely managed to get onto. They were quite far on the sea now, so there were only two possibilities. Either he will drown or he will manage to swim his way back to the land. There was only one, small issue – there was no other land in the swimming distance other than the Southern Isles. If he would swim there… maybe drowning wasn’t such a bad option.
He flinched, hearing an unexpected sound.
A cat has jumped on the desk. It was a giant cat. Not a fat one, just… muscular. It looked a little like a tiger, just sized down by some sort of a spell.
“Oh… hi?” He stood steadily, letting the animal to smell him. He even offered his hand, as a sign of a good will. The cat started to rub its whiskers against it. And then it climbed and leaned its front paws on his chest. It was so heavy it almost hurt. “Oh, you are friendly…”
The cat was now sniffing around his ears and eyes, every few seconds nudging his cheeks with its head. Eventually, Hans decided to take it into his arms. In the end, if he is going to die today, at least he is going to hug a kitty before. Maybe it will make it a little better.
The pet immediately snuggled into him, its head against the shoulder and started purring deliciously. Vibrations of this sound went straight down into Hans’s spine. He felt how they are steadying his rampaging heart, untying the knot on his stomach and loosening the tightness in his throat.
“Well, hello” he whispered, petting the creature on its enormous back. “What is your name, kitty? Mine is Hans and, well, apparently I am an idiot”.
After this surprisingly honest, probably originating from a subsiding hysteria, statement, the cat purred even louder. And it laid its paw – a really mighty paw – on his chest, like it was trying to say that everything is going to be alright…
And in this moment Hans has finally noticed that captain Rogers just got back and is looking at them with his eyes wide.
“Oh, sorry, I shouldn’t have…?” the prince asked, wondering if he should keep holding the cat or if he should put it down somewhere.
“No! Don’t move!” Rogers approached them fast, not blinking even once and started to examine them like they were a statue in a museum. Hans couldn’t tell if he managed to make him mad or if he is just borderline stunned. “M’lad, how did you manage to do that?”
“But… what, exactly?”
“You are holding Mango”. He answered, still shocked. “Mango is a hellish creature, feared by the most vicious pirates. She hates the whole world with a burning passion and usually, if someone is trying to touch her, they end up with few stiches… and you… can you talk to animals, by any chance?”
“Not that I know…?” He stated, even if he was tempted to enthusiastically confirm – at least this lie wouldn’t be so obvious like the cartographical one.
“So, how…?”
“She… she just came to me, I didn’t know…”
Purring quickly turned into growling when the captain took one step too far – as far as the cat was concerned, of course. He immediately recoiled, like even he was scared of her.
“Well, m’lad…” He put the map he brought with himself on the table. “I see there is indeed something interesting in you”.
Hans didn’t know how to respond, so he just smiled awkwardly, still holding the cat.
“Very well, then”. Rogers finally said, passing near them. “You have to know that Mango is also the most excellent pest-catcher who ever lived on this world. She won’t let any rat on her deck. If she states that something or someone is not a rat, then I am left with no choice but to trust her judgement.”
Hans held his breath.
“Come.” The captain gestured towards him to approach. “We should introduce you to the rest of the crew. Welcome aboard.”
The sense of relief he felt in that moment was nearly impossible to describe.
“I… thank you”.
“Just make sure I won’t regret it.”
“You won’t regret it!”
“Captain. Of course. You won’t regret it, captain. I promise. But… captain…?”
Rogers turned towards him and raised an eyebrow.
“I… to be honest, I can’t read maps. I mean, at least not to well.” He admitted, crouching down a little.
Rogers chuckled.
“I know.”
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characterbios11 · 4 years
Unlucky number thirteen. The number has followed Hans around his entire life. He was cursed for it, or so he was told by all twelve of his older brothers. At least, when they acknowledged his existence. Life was easier when they didn’t. Hans learned early on that the safest option was to remain as invisible as possible, the only way to avoid the kind of attention that inevitably ended in ridicule and abuse. His father was loud and demeaning and his mother was distant and always appeared tired. The closest he had to a friend was Lars, fourth born son and the only who had a significant age gap between himself and his younger brothers, meaning he spent time as the youngest as well. 
Life didn’t change much when their father died. The king was a cold man, and his eldest son Caleb wasn’t much different. Hans was six when Caleb took the throne, as well parental responsibilities, and, for the most part, things went on the same as they had before. There were whispers of unrest among the people, not that Hans was privy to the politics. The Westergaard family had not been good to their kingdom, and the people stirred against them. The new king Caleb went to a witch for a solution and while she gave him magic powerful enough to convince the people to love him, it came at the cost of a curse. Unbeknownst to Hans, he was the one to pay that cost. A shard of glass from a very ancient and powerful mirror dropped in his eye while he was sleeping, and the kingdom was at peace. Peasants could rot and starve in a bountiful kingdom, all while happily paying the last of their money to the royal family. 
The effects on Hans were subtle, in the beginning. People put it off to him growing older, adapting to the people around him. He was mocked for not having a personality of his own, another cookie cutter prince. Even that wasn’t enough to get his brothers to accept him. Unlucky number thirteen followed him wherever he went, and twelve older brothers promised that he would never see any important role in life. Instead, he was shipped off to the navy where his now moldable personality could be whatever was demanded of him. It was Lars who eventually took pity on him, helped him to craft the plan of being the one sent to Arendelle for the coronation of Queen Elsa. When that failed, Hans returned a guilty disgrace. 
He had his reasons for why he did things, he thought. There always felt ample reason in the moment to act the way he did, and yet when he looked back on it, he couldn’t fathom what drove him to make the choices he did. Some days it felt as though there were an external force driving him, but that was no excuse he could speak up about. His brothers were all too happy to be rid of him, and Hans was reduced to slave labor in the castle stables. 
That was the closest to peace he ever felt in life. Simple, manual labor was enough to shut out any other thoughts and he was allowed a look into the lives of the Southern Isles people. He was allowed to be something other than a prince. 
When their world began to crumble, Hans was one of the first to dive headlong into the new world, attempting to escape the reaches of his family. From the pan to the fire, Hans walked straight into the domain of the Fairy Godmother and was quickly converted into a lackey for another overpowered tyrant. In this world, he collects debts and hurts who She tells him to hurt. The life is enough to make him miss the Southern Isles, and yet for all his trying, he can’t seem to quit.
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Frozen--Book 1--Chances
Chapter 2--The Unlucky Prince
Hans is granted a second chance by a criminal known as the Mystery, someone people have only heard rumors about. How and why the Mystery decided to go out of his way to do this was beyond Hans, and frankly it bothered him. But once the Mystery’s plan goes into action, it’s only a matter of time before something bigger begins to develop.
(AO3 version) (Prologue)
Early the next day in the Southern Isles, a guard walked to a prison cell with a tray of food. He stopped at the end of the hall and turned left to face the prisoner—Hans Westergaard. The green-eyed man sat with his back against the wall, unmoving. His right knee was pulled up, and his right arm was resting on it. His head was tilted at a slight downward angle, and he looked to the floor. His red hair had lost its form and was tangled and messy. His usual princely attire was far from princely, having wears and tears in his clothes and gloves. His once shiny boots were now dull and dirty, and overall, he looked miserable.
The jailor slid the food under the bars. “Such a pity, being unlucky number thirteen and tried with treason. You probably already know that your family is very disappointed in you.”
No response.
The jailor walked off, his footsteps echoing down the hall. At the end of those footfalls, a door slammed shut.
Running his fingers through his hair, Hans tilted his head back and groaned. His eyes shifted down to his food, and he moved his arm to grab something off his tray. Savage squeaking was heard, and rats hungrily skittered to the tray of food, startling Hans and making him stand up and jump back. When the rats left, there was nothing but crumbs. Hans groaned. So much for breakfast. . . .
A small bag was suddenly slipped through the bars of the cell’s window, and the bag landed on the metal bed with a soft thud. Hans turned around to see a navy blue figure at the window hanging by a whip. Startled once again, the ex-prince took a few steps back and reached for his sword. Only, it wasn't on him anymore.
The figure gestured to the bag with his eyes. Not taking his own eyes off the suspended person, Hans reached for the bag and peered into it. And inside were fruits and the occasional bread.
He opened his mouth to say some sort of thanks when he saw no one at the window. Seeing something on his right, he turned his head to see a wanted poster of the—boy?—he had just seen.
Wanted—The Mystery
Thievery, Murder
Looks: navy blue clothing and cloak
Physical features: light jade eyes
Weapons: leather whip, fists
The description was all under a picture of a hooded and masked figure, the only spark of bright color seeming to be the eyes. The reward for capture was $300,000.
Sitting on his hard bed with the bag in hand, Hans began to wonder why a thief and murderer, specifically that one, would go out of his way to give him food when he really could be doing something else. Or maybe he had imagined the person at the window.
Then what would explain the bag he now possessed?
Suddenly he heard voices from down the hall. He went to the farthest corner of his cell and strained his hearing.
“. . . time we end this,” a gruff voice said.
“How many times have I told you? We wait for His Majesty’s orders,” a second voice said, irritated.
“I say the sooner he dies the better it’ll be for everyone. We’ll finally be rid of the troublemaker.”
“I agree, but we have to wait.”
Who are they talking about? Me, or the Mystery? Hans thought.
“Anyways,” the gruff voice continued, “how about that thief whose been wanted for ten years?”
Ten years?!
“Ten you say?” the second voice started. “Bah! I’ve heard of one whose been wanted for fifteen.”
“Oh she’s just a legend in a book,” the gruff voice protested.
“Legend or not she was a murderer with no soul.”
“Well no matter. That murderer they call ‘the Mystery’ was seen in Arendelle last night. Stole some food and killed a man with a single punch. A single punch!”
“I’d like to see what else he can do.”
“I can do that, but better.”
“You did one time. Remember 1834?”
“Oh yes. I almost tore off his head, that rascal.”
Hans put a hand to his throat and swallowed. Suddenly the rest of the pear didn’t seem that great.
“Now you can’t,” the second voice said, a little disappointed.
“Bah. I could—wait did you see that?” The gruff voice sounded suddenly startled.
“See what?”
“Look there! A black blur! Don’t tell me you didn’t see that.”
“You’ve been eating too much—there! I saw it!”
Hans heard someone shift in position.
“You there!” a third voice exclaimed.
“Yes sir!” More shifting in footing.
“A message from His Majesty King William about Hans’s fate.” Hans’s heart stopped beating for a second.
“What of it?”
“He has decided that Hans Westergaard be hanged at noon.”
“Finally!” the gruff voice cheered.
Hans slid down against the wall. He felt like puking up what little breakfast he had. He didn’t want to die, but he also didn’t deserve to live. It was enough they threw him in prison after having him shovel horse manure for who knows how long.
“It’s only eight in the morning, so I suggest you ready the gallows,” the third voice said.
Hans’s stomach went into knots.
Four hours left to live.
(Prologue) (Next chapter) (Previous chapter)
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paradiseliesrp-blog · 7 years
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         “I’ve been searching my whole life to find my own place.”
Name: Hans West Age: Immortal Job: Mortician FC: Garrett Hedlund Status: Taken Original Story: Frozen
Once upon a Hans West
Unlucky number thirteen. Such has been the curse of Hans Westergaard, thirteenth prince of the Southern Isles. Some claimed the curse was nothing but a silly superstition, yet he has been plagued with bad luck all his life. And it’s been a very long life.It began with Arendelle. He was determined to marry into the royal family there and escape from his own family. In true testament to his poor luck, the newly crowned queen turned out to be a powerful sorceress. Hans did his best to shift his plans according to the changes, but there was little he could do when Anna came to him with a frozen heart. He didn’t love her, so no act of true love on his part could save her. Instead, he left her to die.
He took control of Arendelle and took the only course of action he could think to take. He executed Queen Elsa in order to end the winter. With that stroke of the sword, he sealed his own fate. The winter ended. He was crowned king. He took what measures were necessary to end any rebellion. Time passed and Arendelle aged and more stirring gathered among the people. Eventually, an attempt was made on his life. It was a violent death, and he woke washed up on the shore of an island, his wounds still fresh and his body back at it’s prime.There was no plausible explanation for how he had survived, but he had. After a week on the island, he received a visitor. A powerful god there to assure him that he had actually been cursed this time. There were repercussions for killing Elsa, who apparently came from one godly parent and one human one. He could suffer endless deaths, but they would always fail to thoroughly kill him.
It was another year before Hans escaped from the island. Pirates gave him a ride off and he chose to remain with them for a while. He died three horrific deaths within the first month. But nobody questioned why he was still alive, so he kept on. He was well into his fifties when he saw them. First Anna and then Elsa. They had no memory of him, and they were noblewomen as opposed to princesses. But he would never forget their faces, he knew it was them. Over time, they seemed to get flashes of the previous life they had lived and eventually, Hans suffered the fate of a pirate; hanging. He left them to live their lives after that, once he was revived. And the cycle repeated itself.
As the world forgot about them and the places they’d come from, they lived on. Anna and Elsa found them in every one of their lives, sometimes remembering and sometimes not. Always hating him. On the rare occasion that Elsa remembered entirely, he was likely to suffer an icy death in the face of her wrath. Those were the only times she regained her powers, when she fully recalled her first life. He did his best to avoid them, both for theirs and his own sake of mind. It rarely worked. They always found him, even when he tried to be the right kind of person. After hundreds of years of dying and living, he didn’t exactly want to keep playing the bad guy. But it seemed with his luck, there was no way to escape the role that had been given to him. He’s been in Paradise for the past fifty years, relieved to find a place where people don’t ask questions about why he’s still around, why he occasionally appears to go back in time in his aging process.
Possible Connections
Elsa & Anna Wynn - Enemies through several lifespans
Philip Larkin - War buddies in the far past
Jack Calavera - Working relationship
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star-of-waterdeep · 9 months
ahhh i finally got the chance to start developing my s/i for hans!!!
she’s his little sister 🥰
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Book 1--Chances
Hans is granted a second chance by a criminal known as the Mystery, someone people have only heard rumors about. How and why the Mystery decided to go out of his way to do this was beyond Hans, and frankly it bothered him. But once the Mystery's plan goes into action, it's only a matter of time before something bigger begins to develop.
(AO3 link)
[Below is a snippet of one of the first chapters. Hope you enjoy and give this story a read!]
Early the next day in the Southern Isles, a guard walked to a prison cell with a tray of food. He stopped at the end of the hall and turned left to face the prisoner—Hans Westergaard. The green-eyed man sat with his back against the wall, unmoving. His right knee was pulled up, and his right arm was resting on it. His head was tilted at a slight downward angle, and he looked to the floor. His red hair had lost its form and was tangled and messy. His usual princely attire was far from princely, having wears and tears in his clothes and gloves. His once shiny boots were now dull and dirty, and overall, he looked miserable.
The jailor slid the food under the bars. “Such a pity, being unlucky number thirteen and tried with treason. You probably already know that your family is very disappointed in you.”
No response.
The jailor walked off, his footsteps echoing down the hall. At the end of those footfalls, a door slammed shut.
Running his fingers through his hair, Hans tilted his head back and groaned. His eyes shifted down to his food, and he moved his arm to grab something off his tray. Savage squeaking was heard, and rats hungrily skittered to the tray of food, startling Hans and making him stand up and jump back. When the rats left, there was nothing but crumbs. Hans groaned. So much for breakfast. . . .
A small bag was suddenly slipped through the bars of the cell’s window, and the bag landed on the metal bed with a soft thud. Hans turned around to see a navy blue figure at the window hanging by a whip. Startled once again, the ex-prince took a few steps back and reached for his sword. Only, it wasn't on him anymore.
The figure gestured to the bag with his eyes. Not taking his own eyes off the suspended person, Hans reached for the bag and peered into it. And inside were fruits and the occasional bread.
He opened his mouth to say some sort of thanks when he saw no one at the window. Seeing something on his right, he turned his head to see a wanted poster of the—boy?—he had just seen.
Wanted—The Mystery
Thievery, Murder
Looks: navy blue clothing and cloak
Physical features: light jade eyes
Weapons: leather whip, fists
The description was all under a picture of a hooded and masked figure, the only spark of bright color seeming to be the eyes. The reward for capture was $300,000.
Sitting on his hard bed with the bag in hand, Hans began to wonder why a thief and murderer, specifically that one, would go out of his way to give him food when he really could be doing something else. Or maybe he had imagined the person at the window.
(AO3 link)
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