#unnumbered 40
nowicantlose · 1 year
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Unnumbered #40 The Loneliest Number
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gunzlotzofgunz · 4 months
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jpf-sydney · 3 months
Ohisama ahaha
New item:
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The sun's laughter 'ahaha', the little bird's laughter 'ahaha'. Turn the pages and you'll find flowers, puppies, fish and more, all full of smiles and their laughter 'ahaha'. This picture book will cheer up both children and adults as they read it aloud.
Shelf: 726.6 MAE (@ children’s book section) hisama ahaha. by Maekawa Kazuo.
Tōkyō : Kogumasha, 1989. ISBN: 9784772100953
[40] unnumbered pages : colour illustrations ; 21 x 30 cm.
Text in Japanese, hiragana only.
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mtmte-bracket · 11 months
[ROUND ONE] Our Steps Will Always Rhyme vs Revolution
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A quick summary/refresher for each storyline is under the cut including TFWiki links:
Our Steps Will Always Rhyme: Ratchet has a bunch of emotional repression about being bad at expressing his feelings, decides to go pick up Drift since it turns out his exile was based on a lie, and finally lets First Aid take over his job after god knows how many issues of promising to. TFWiki link.
The Revolution one-shot: this (technically unnumbered) special tie-in features the Scavengers as part of the huge IDW-wide crossover event Revolution. (In)famously, it was written as something of a send-up and piss take of, well, big corporate promotional crossover events. Crankcase meets up with his online boyfriend(?) CONS4EVA; hijinks ensue. TFWiki link.
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walks-the-ages · 5 months
Ya know, I thought being a Faction Paradox fan meant it could be hard to find books.
But the things I'm finding while looking up Arsène Lupin books? Which are public domain, with some very rare, very expensive first editions from 1908-onward still floating around?
hoooooooo boy, some of the literal scams I've come across...
... First, there's this monstrosity.
first, you know something is up already when you see the cover:
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(functional ID: ) The book itself is yellow, and the entire "cover" is just a medium-sized, plain white rectangle with plain text that reads "Arsene Lupin Versus Herlock Sholmes (1910)". The only bit of color outside the yellow background is a tiny rectangle at the bottom of the white section, that has a simple red rose in it, and at the bottom on the yellow portion, it says Maurice Leblanc and Georgie Morehead; they are the author and english translators respectively.
Not only is this cover incredibly ugly and boring....
They didn't even put the accent on the è in Arsène !
Now, granted, I still don't know the key-combination needed to type out the è (on a regular keyboard, that is; mobile is much easier), but I also literally have a pinned tab leading to the Arsène Lupin wiki so I can literally just copy and paste his name whenever I need to, lol. I'm also not a supposedly wide-spread, professionnel publisher who specializes in reprinting rare books....
speaking of reprints!
This is their reprinting statement in the book.
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[ID: plain text on a white background that reads: "Printing Statement: Due to the very old age and scarcity of this book, many of the pages may be hard to read due to the blurring of the original text, possible missing pages, missing text, dark backgrounds and other issues beyond our control. Because this is such an important and rare work, we believe it is best to reproduce this book regardless of its original condition. Thank you for your understanding. end ID]
Now, all this wouldn't be so monstrous.......
Except this is what it looks like, reading the book.
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[ID: A photo of the inside of the book, showing an unnumbered page which is mostly blank, with extremely large margins around the top, bottom, and sides of the relatively tiny "inner page" of text, which is originally labeled as page 171.
So, on top of admitting they have having zero quality control for their reprints, they're also not even selecting the correct page or printer size for their "rare reprints!" Literally so much paper is being wasted here.
"Arsène Lupin vs. Herlock Sholmes" is 350 pages long in its original 1910 First Edition. That's with text that actually filled up the original page. If they'd at least chosen a smaller page size to fit their clear PDF-print, it would have been fine....ish.
But they didn't, so now this book is 350 pages long, and probably wasting half of those pages on pure blank paper.
Also, they're charging $30-$40 for these, "brand-new" on Amazon; going to their publishing website just leads any search to a generic Amazon page, full of the same extremely blatant ripoffs, including "leather hardcovers" from a print of demand location they can't even be bothered to not use a stock photo that requires them to blur out three different titles on the spine for each different angle.
Oh, and the real kicker?
Here's the exact Archive.org listing they're scraping to reprint for exorbitant amounts of money:
Literally down to the exact title, without an accent.
And this isn't the worst one I've found, either; another "public domain scraper" as I've taken to calling them, has taken this book:
and downloaded the ancient, autogenerated Epub from the Internet Archive, and without any human being looking at that Epub, converted it into a PDF and sent it off to a Print-On-Demand company to make those same generic, leather-bound hardcovers for $30+.
Would you like to know what the ancient, auto-generated epub looks like for this very old, very old scan of a book looks like? The one these scammers are reprinting and selling for an arm and a leg without anyone actually looking at the contents of what they're selling?
As a reference, this is what the original, old scan looks like:
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[ID: a black and white image of two pages of text from an old book, the text is cramped, slightly blurry and tilted, and is difficult to read; the scan is from an old enough time that, from the shape of the pages not being physically joined together, that the book had to be manually cut page by page to be scanned. There are artifacts, dots and smudges throughout. end ID]
So, you ready to see what these scammers are selling to paying customers with no warning?
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[ID: A screenshot of the Calibre ereader app, showing a page from the auto-generated epub from the old scan described above, showing a message in bold across that top that reads "The text on this page is estimated to be only 39.04% accurate." followed by a paragraph of complete gibberish; numbers, symbols, sanskrit letters, various special characters, etc, with no rhyme or reason. End ID.]
I don't know if this scam listing is still out there, I reported the one I found on Abe books, but they're also probably out there with a million duplicate listings on various websites.
So, yeah. Please,
If you are looking for physical copies of the Public Domain Arsène Lupin books, please make sure you carefully check what you are buying before ordering, especially online.
Make sure the 'è' in Arsène has the accent; make sure there's actual quality control, and for Arsène's sake, make sure what you're buying isn't slapdash gibberish.
If you don't know already, most of the Public Domain books that are in English and are PD in the USA can be found on Project Gutenberg (18-19 are PD in the USA this year if you include the play and its subsequent novelization; Gutenberg has 16 of these (including the play) , and you can read them completely for free, 100% legally:
I highly reccomend having the wiki page for Arsène Lupin opened up as you're reading through the books for the first time, because many of the books released at various times (and in various languages) with multiple different titles, so no two reading guides use the same title and leads to sheer confusion.
if you speak French, you can also read all of Maurice Leblanc's Arsène Lupin books, barring 1 that wasn't published until 2012, 75 years after his death, which you can read in french on:
Since USA and French Copyright law are different, if you are in the USA you cannot use any books published after 1928 (except post-humous) for derivative works, as France has a shorter copyright term of 75 years after death (except post-humous), while the USA is based on 95 years after publication, so us poor Lupin fans in the USA have to wait until 2037 before they all are Public Domain :'(
TL;DR: If you're a fan of a series which is Public Domain, you can read them online for free 100% legally; if you're looking to buy phyiscal books and you're shopping online, please take care to check for quality to make sure you're not getting scammed with an extremely poor quality ""book"" which could be complete gibberish, and/or a huge waste of money and paper.
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kradogsrats · 2 years
Hello, I had a question for you about the Katolis army.. do you think it is meant to be a standing army? If Opeli says they could take on all the other human kingdoms (and Aanya was worried about losing a million?) that would be a very large army to maintain on a permanent basis? But they seem to just.. be there.. ready to go.. and food, housing, equipment - this would be super expensive, especially if there’s been ten years of relative peace? I don’t really understand why they would have it set it up this way.. surely magma Titan could have been averted if some of these soldiers were farming…
OKAY SO uh ha ha well I am not actually a historian, much less a military historian, but I will do my best to convey my largely-unsupported thoughts
Basically, this would be a much, much easier question to answer if we didn't have Queen Aanya's line about a million men and women being sent to war against Xadia. That's just like... a staggering number of people, even if she's referring to the combined total forces of the Pentarchy and not solely Duren's contribution or the expected casualties.
If we take the size and population of Xadia according to the old reddit post that put it at roughly the size of Mongolia and 40 million, just so we have some kind of ballpark numbers to attach to this, a force of one million from the 20 million humans would be 50 people per 1000 being in the military.
Like, just grabbing some random numbers from the internet, around 200 CE the Roman military was about 450,000 strong for a population of something like 70 million. Only men could enlist, so we’ll knock that population number down to 35 million, which puts us at only 12 men per 1000 being in the military. Just for fun, if we estimate 20% of the Roman population as citizens (free men, essentially) and eligible to be legionaries (rather than auxiliaries), we still get a comparable 13 citizens per 1000 in the military.
(Side note: here in the modern world, only North Korea has an estimated 50 people per 1000 in active military duty. Israel, with compulsive military service, has about 33 per 1000. Just to give a bit more insight into those proportions.)
So we’re already looking at an army more than twice the size and composed of  quadruple the percentage of the populace as Rome, literally notable for it's crazy huge standing army and the society-wide logistics that went into supporting it. Flash forward to a more medieval conflict like the Hundred Years' War, where you get numbers like the Battle of Agincourt having somewhere around 6,000-9,000 English defeating probably 14,000-15,000 French. (For reference, France had a population of about 14 million at the time.) That French number varies depending on whether you're counting an armed, armored military servant to a knight as a combatant, which the 14-15k estimate does not but like... idk, man. Including those dudes, it's more like 24,000... but even if you imagined each of the five kingdoms of the Pentarchy fielding an army that size, you wouldn't even break 100,000.
Now Aanya, bright, forward-thinking young queen that she is, is probably actually estimating based on the assumption of a campaign against Xadia being potentially years-long (if she’s not being entirely figurative). I'm way too lazy to pore over battles of the Hundred Years' War, but we can look at something like the Crusades, instead: the notably "successful" (in that it captured Jerusalem and established a kingdom there, after which everyone went home because their pilgrimage was complete) First Crusade was fought over three years with total crusader forces of 160,000-180,000. The significantly less successful Second and Third Crusade (and we're ignoring like four unnumbered ones in-between) were four years with 35,000-ish and three years at 36,000-74,000 (yeah that's a big estimate range, blame Wikipedia).
Getting into some much... vaguer... numbers, military casualties of the Hundred Years' War (including wartime disease, starvation, etc.) are estimated at 2.3 million-3.3 million. Over the course of *checks watch* 116 years of on-and-off fighting. You just couldn't kill people all that efficiently, back then. Now, granted, a war with Xadia would have a) magic, and b) FUCKING DRAGONS, but... Opeli estimates the casualties of an immediate war between Katolis and the Neolandia/Evenere/Del Bar forces to have an upper end of “tens of thousands,” which really, really suggests that we are not talking about a combined million people, even if Duren was included.
ANYWAY that was a lot of fuzzy math to kick this off, so let's talk about Katolis and realistic-ish possibilities for its military.
First of all, a standing military is not really unheard of even in the actual real-world medieval Europe, it just looked a bit different. Professional soldiers did exist, perpetually equipped and ready to fight, and they made up a large portion of most military campaigns. However, they were broadly dispersed among the nobility, so if you wanted to have a war, you had to wait for everyone to show up. Because of the nature of the feudal society, you kind of had a trickle-down (trickle-up?) standing military--the king could call on his vassals to fight, who would call on their vassals, etc. etc. down the chain until you had an acceptable force of dudes who came with their own armor and could kill each other with a decent amount of skill. (There were also non-professional peasant militia infantry forces, but generally they were not worth the logistical burden of fielding them.)
You also could have mercenary forces, which fell in and out of favor over the medieval-renaissance eras. On the one hand, you then didn't have to be paying the salaries of a whole-ass army during peacetime, but on the other hand... once you stop paying the mercenaries, nothing stops them from getting frisky with all your nice, safe cities to take a bit extra off the top, because they know you don't have an army to stop them. It was found to be more cost-effective to just have your own dudes with some degree of loyalty to king and country, and then pay them on the regular.
But right, Katolis. With the slant that this is a faux-medieval setting with heavy emphasis on the faux, because everyone is wildly over-fed, over-healthy, over-cleaned, and over-educated, I'm willing to fudge things like period-accurate agriculture techniques to allow for feeding a decent-sized group of people being paid to stand around and train for war. Maybe wandering dark mage hedge wizards routinely zing up everyone's fields, or they're all using fertilizer from fancy Xadian livestock with Earth primal poop. Whatever. At some point (which to be fair is probably post-industrial), having more people working the land doesn't actually produce any more. Same kind of deal for housing, we’re just gonna assume much more advanced understanding of and techniques for sanitation and waste removal than would be “realistic,” which removes a lot of the problems with having a bunch of people all living close together. Because let’s be real, none of us really want to think about how much literal shit is just sitting around in the open at any given moment or running into the water supply to give everyone dysentery. (I’m pretty sure it’s only in the post-antibiotics era that you stop having at least as many of your casualties be from disease as from battle.) I personally haven’t decided whether I think the setting has running water and sewage systems for the sake of my own fic purposes, but I kind of lean toward “yes,” because it’s the kind of thing that honestly isn’t that far out of place with all the other modernized incongruities going on. My main problem is how you run indoor pipes through a stone castle, but I also don’t know anything about plumbing.
Katolis also shares the vast majority of the border with Xadia, and controls the Breach--the one place you can march an army through from either side. It makes sense that they have an entire subsection of their military (the Standing Battalion) devoted to guarding that one point, but I would definitely expect there to be at least small fortified outposts along the entire border. I mean, dragons can fly. The only other kingdom that shares any part of the Xadian border is Duren, and it's a pretty small slice north of the Breach. So since Katolis is everyone's primary defense against the persistent threat of Xadia, I would bet they regularly collect some kind of support from the other kingdoms that goes toward maintaining the forces necessary to keep up that security. Whether that's food, other war materiel, straight-up money (it can be exchanged for goods or services), whatever. In a sense, Katolis is acting as a mercenary army for the rest of the Pentarchy. (Though they also have a non-mercenary stake in not fucking around, since Katolis is also the most threatened by Xadia due to proximity.)
We also see that towns in Katolis seem to have fortifications and military presence based on proximity to the border, so in addition to general border surveillance/security, you'd also have forces dispersed for that. It's likely that even the more interior towns have small forces of military ("guards") for general security and law enforcement, since there doesn't really seem to be anything else filling that role. So my general assumption would be that there are some large concentrations of military forces in places like Katolis City, and/or maybe there's some other military-centric location for large-scale training and mustering that isn't on the map or mentioned anywhere, and then you've got a spread-out force across the other population centers, maintaining the security of the major roads, keeping an eye on the borders shared with the other kingdoms, etc.
An alternative could be having a complex rotation of reserve forces in effect, where Katolis has the capacity to muster a large number of troops but only a portion of them are on active duty at any time and the rest go home and maintain the general labor force. That does make things a little more complicated in the “making sure everyone is actually armed when you call them up for war” area and having to suddenly increase your supply logistics by however many times over, but it’s something you can at least plan for. I would assume that in addition to the higher level of discipline and training the Katolian army has (according to Opeli), it also has a more coordinated and robust supply infrastructure. Like I’m sure it’s there somewhere in the force Viren marches with. Way at the back. Out of sight.
We’ll leave what exactly Viren’s plan for an extended campaign in Xadia beyond “reach the Storm Spire, eat the dragon prince” was as an exercise for a later time. Like good lord, dude, if Aaravos hadn’t thrown the Sunfire elves as a whole into complete disarray as a casual side effect of chowing down on the Sunforge, was he like... going to lay siege to Lux Aurea? Did he imagine that once the dragon throne was empty everyone would just capitulate?
Basically I do think it’s possible if you fudge a lot of setting stuff that is honestly already fudged, so I’m willing to allow it. However I will remain almost as salty about the “million” thing as I do about Star Wars claiming that a three-year, galactic-scale war was fought by fewer than half as many soldiers as the US alone served in WWII.
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andyb3nn3tt · 2 years
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Inktober 2022 No. 1: The Owl . “Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen.” . 26 years ago something amazing happened. . The creators of Star Wars and The Muppets joined forces, along with a Monty Python founder and one of the greatest recording artists of our lifetime, to create a movie experience to remember. George Lucas, Jim Henson, Terry Jones and David Bowie combined their unique, singular visions to create LABYRINTH. . This month I’ll be exploring all the corners of the corridors, bridges, caverns and swamps of this movie world as I work my way through my 6th INKTOBER. So I’ll be easing my way back into illustrating some real people - in addition, of course, to the gang of worms, chickens, goblins, fairies, fireys, fungus, and multitudes of other creatures. I’m playing fast and loose this year, with just a skeleton of a list that I’ll refine as I go; hopefully the results will be positive. Thanks to all who follow along; like, share follow! . Coincidentally, LABYRINTH was released TODAY on Netflix US, in case you want to take your own walk back through the maze to the Goblin City. I recommend it. . 40 minutes, 7.5x11”, @drphmartins Black Star and Pen-White ink with a @speedball_calligraphy 107 nib and @pentelofamerica medium-point black pigment Color Brush on @strathmoreart 400-series watercolor paper. . Soundtrack: Björk - Fossora . #ink #Inktober #inktober2022 #Labyrinth #GeorgeLucas #jimhenson #davidbowie #terryjones #starwars #themuppets #montypython #jenniferconnelly #owl #barnowl #youremindmeofthebabe #imovethestarsfornoone #b3nn3tt https://www.instagram.com/p/CjL4IlBOjX0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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boxheadcomics · 2 years
Timeline of lore chapters:
Boxhead 29) - 25th of December 2043 (past, which is why it’s unnumbered)
1. Boxhead 2) - Fast Food Chef (New characters; Jessica and Timothy)
2. Boxhead 3) - Smiley Face (New character; Bethany)
3. Boxhead 7) - Order Up
4. Boxhead 9) - Choices (New character; Toby)
5. Boxhead 12) - Return to McCheesy’s
6. Boxhead 15) - Wasn’t Me
7. Boxhead 17) - Encounter (New Character?)
8. Boxhead 19) - Nice to See You Again
9. Boxhead 25) - Questions
10. Boxhead 28) - A Fateful Encounter
11. Boxhead 30) - Answers Unfound
12. Boxhead 33) - The Search
13. Boxhead 35) - Nice to Meet You
14. Boxhead 36) - The Search Continues
15. Boxhead 37) - Together
16. Boxhead 39) - Found him
17. Boxhead 40) - Argue
0 notes
rbolick · 2 years
Books On Books Collection - Ellen Heck
Books On Books Collection – Ellen Heck
A is for Bee (2022) A is for Bee: An Alphabet Book in Translation (2022)Ellen HeckCasebound, decorated doublures, sewn and glued book block. 40 unnumbered pages. Acquired from Amazon, 10 November 2022. Photos: Books On Books Collection. Permissions requested via online form at Pushkin Press 14 Dec 2022. Earlier animal abecedaries’ efforts to nudge us toward more multilingual awareness led with…
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gameguides · 2 years
Little Inferno All DLC Combos
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Welcome to our Little Inferno All DLC Combos guide. All new combos added with the Ho Ho Holiday update for the "Naughty & Nice Combos" achievement. #LittleInferno
Little Inferno All DLC Combos
This guide covers all of the combos for the new Ho Ho Holiday DLC that uses item from the new Naughty & Nice catalog. Be sure to start the DLC version of the game and not the base version. Combos The numbers are as they appear in the combo list in game. A number after an item such as (2) indicates that the item is from catalog 2. The unnumbered (NaN) are from the Naughty & Nice catalog. 02. Pirate in a Pear Tree = Pear Tree (NaN) + Toy Pirate (1)
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13. Santa's Pals = Poodolph Poo Poo Plushie (NaN) + Disgruntled Elf Plushie (2)
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16. Singers = Pear Tree (NaN) + Valkyrie Doll (2)
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18. Ginger Ginger = Gingerbread Disaster (NaN) + Toy Leperchaun (2)
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21. Poo Pals = Poodolph Poo Poo Plushie (NaN) + Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie (2)
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22. 12 Days of Hanukkah = Bluetooth Enabled Smart Dreidel (NaN) + Pear Tree (NaN)
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23. Drama Club = Nutcracker Doll (NaN) + Valkyrie Doll (2)
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24. Sweet Screams = Gingerbread Disaster (NaN) + Marshmallows (2)
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28. Plate of Cookie = Gingerbread Disaster (NaN) + Fragile China (3)
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30. Tooth Blue = Bluetooth Enabled Smart Dreidel (NaN) + Tooth 'n' Corn Breakfast Flakes (3)
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32. Can Opener = Sw1SS 4R-M3 (NaN) + Future Fizz (3)
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39. GingerBread = Gingerbread Disaster (NaN) + Toaster (3)
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40. Pear Juice = Pear Tree (NaN) + Super Juicer 4000 (3)
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41. Acorn Cracker = Nutcracker Doll (NaN) + Squirrel Whistle (2)
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44. Working Boss = Office Worker Plushie (NaN) + The Boss Plushie (4)
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55. Undead Alien = UFO (NaN) + Toy Zombie (4)
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56. Breaking Bulbs = Ho Ho Holiday Fun Starters (NaN) + Fragile Bulbs (2)
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57. Red, Green, and Blue Orbs = Ho Ho Holiday Fun Starters (NaN) + Tiny Galaxies (4)
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58. Galaxy Invasion = UFO (NaN) + Tiny Galaxies (4)
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73. Batteries = Batteries Included! (NaN) + Batteries (1)
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74. Field Trip with Santa = Sleigh of Learning (NaN) + Celebration Bus (1)
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79. Freezing Rein = Poodolph Poo Poo Plushie (NaN) + Freezing Rain Cloud (5)
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80. Dirty Power = "Clean Cole" Boy Plushie (NaN) + Oil Barge (2)
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81. Coal Cleaner = "Clean Cole" Boy Plushie (NaN) + Naughty Sock
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82. Dirty Dust = "Clean Cole" Boy Plushie (NaN) + Reindeer Dust
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83. Extra Clean Cole = "Clean Cole" Boy Plushie (NaN) + Dish Detergent (5)
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86. Boxed Wine = RE:Gift (NaN) + Midlife Crisis Mitigator (3)
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87. Balls = Balls of Tape (NaN) + Sporting Ball (6) + Goo Ball Pack (4)
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88. Football = Missile Toe (NaN) + Sporting Ball (6)
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92. Crank 'n Grab = Nutcracker Doll (NaN) + Lumberjack Hand (6)
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95. Birds of a Feather = Pear Tree (NaN) + Game Bush (6)
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96. abDUCKtion = UFO (NaN) + Game Bush (6)
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100. Mortars 'n' Missiles = Missile Toe (NaN) + Unstable Ordinance (6)
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108. Gym Sock = Naughty Sock (NaN) + Protein Powder (6)
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112. Hugs and Kisses = Missile Toe (NaN) + Feelings Bear Plushie (2)
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113. Recursive = RE:Gift (NaN) + Russian Nesting Doll (5)
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114. Bro Science = Lil' Scientist Kit (NaN) + Protein Powder (6)
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115. Footwarmer = Missile Toe (NaN) + Naughty Sock (NaN)
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116. Sticky Vials = Lil' Scientist Kit (NaN) + Balls of Tape
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118. re: = RE:Gift (NaN) + Email (7)
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120. Laser Focused = Bluetooth Enabled Smart Dreidel (NaN) + Laser Pointer (7)
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121. Hands to Feet = Missile Toe (NaN) + Laser Pointer (7) + Lumberjack Hand (6)
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123. Santa's 24 Hour Flight = Sleigh of Learning (NaN) + Flaming Globe (7)
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124. Earth Invasion = UFO (NaN) + Flaming Globe (7)
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126. Blastoff with Santa = Sleigh of Learning (NaN) + Rocketship of Learning (7)
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128. Tape Worm = Balls of Tape (NaN) + Computer Worm (7)
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139. Factory Workers = Office Worker Plushie (NaN) + Clone Factory (7)
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144. Crack Down = Nutcracker Doll (NaN) + This Way Down (7)
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146. Beam Me Up = Broken Teleporter (NaN) + UFO (NaN)
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149. Logged Online = Yule Log Delivery Subscription (NaN) + Internet Cloud (7)
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150. Sawing Wood = Yule Log Delivery Subscription (NaN) + Drill Chain Thrower (6)
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nowicantlose · 2 years
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Unnumbered #292 WD-40
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cosmomoore · 3 years
Rainbow High Clothing Sale Time!!
First up, housekeeping:
- Payment via PayPal or Cashapp
- Tracking will be provided for every order
- Buy $25+ get 10% off, buy $50+ get 10% off and Free Shipping
- Please message me (no asks because I don't see those most of the time) with the numbers corresponding to the items you're interested in along with your zip code. I'll respond with your total plus shipping.
- US only because shipping is still crazy (sorry).
- I have a cat.
Now on to the clothes:
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Shirts (1-16) are $6 each.
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Skirts (17, 18, 20, 21) are $4 each, Dresses (19, 22, and unnumbered) are $8 each.
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Pants (23-26) are $6 each.
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Hooded Jackets (27-30) are $12 each, No-Hood Jacket (31) is $15.
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Socks (32-40) are $2 per pair. 32-39 fit the curvy body, 40 fits the muscular body.
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These are pattern test pieces (except for 46). They fit fine, but don't use the final patterns.
41, 44, & 45 are $2 each; 42 is $5, 43 is $8, and 46 (socks) are $2 for the pair.
With the exception of the socks and the cinched bust dresses, most things fit both bodies. Here are some photos to give an idea of the way stuff fits:
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jpf-sydney · 6 months
Sekaiichi utsukushii boku no mura
New item:
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A young boy, Yamo, lives in the Afghan village of Paghman. The peaceful village is surrounded by the bounty of nature. Fruit trees burst into bloom in the spring, and in the summer, Yamo's whole family joins in harvesting apricots, plums, pears and cherries--breaking into song as they pick. This year, for the first time, Yamo goes to the market in town to sell their harvest with his father. He is filling in for his older brother, who is off fighting in the war. After they have sold their fruit, his father uses the income to buy a white baby lamb. This book, the first of three in the Yamo’s Village series, leads the young reader to think in real terms about the meaning of war and its impact. And they understand that there used to be many beautiful villages in Afghanistan.
Shelf: 726.6 KOB 1 (@ tadoku section) Sekaiichi utsukushii boku no mura. by Kobayashi Yutaka.
Tōkyō : Popurasha, 1995. ISBN: 9784591041901
[40] unnumbered pages : colour illustrations ; 21 x 30 cm. (Ehon wa tomodachi).
Text in Japanese with furigana on all kanji characters. Use of kanji is very limited for juvenile readership.
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This book is suitable for tadoku, extensive reading for learners of Japanese-language. Please find details about tadoku and our reading night event on ourtadoku web page.
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renee-writer · 3 years
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Numbered Chapter 40
They are back in their little housing unit. No place has ever felt more welcome. To be back heer with their children, to see them sleeping under their roof, it is incredible. They are awaiting Anna. She is coming to tell them about the changes they will experience as full members of the community.
Grace sits at the window, watching the people go by with a smile. Content is close to describing how she is feeling but, it is deeper than that. Vito comes in from checking on the sleeping children. He smiles at the look of pure peace on her face. “Happy?”
“Yes,” He joins her, wrapping his arms around her, “yes beyond happy covers it. It seems a dream.” She rest back against him until their doorbell rings. He raises to answer it. “Welcome Anna. Come in.”
She walks in and smiles at Grace. “Thank you. I won’t take much of your time. I know that having a newborn is exhausting.”
“Please have a seat. Would you like something to drink?”
“Thank you and no, I am good.” They sit across from her. “As you probably noticed with Doctor Griffin, people’s attitudes toward you have changed?”
“Yes. He was a surprise.”
“Yes Vito. There was a woman, twenty five years ago. She came as you did, to seek shelter for her unnumbered child. We didn’t think anything of it. I just recall as I was just fifteen with my mind on other things. The leader, he took the child in, without question. He offered to do the same with the mother but, she left her infant son without a backwards glance. This was suspicious enough to warrant her followed. When they saw where and to who she was going, they silenced her.
She left a very bitter taste here. It was then we started the testing. Until a person passes, well, they are looked at as enemy. Self preservation, you see?” They both nod. “Now that you have, people will treat you as a member of the family. Also Vito, we see you have computer experience?”
“I do.”
“Wonderful. We give two weeks paternity leave. After you will start in our computer lab. It runs everything here. I believe you will find it more challenging then a mop and sponges.”
“Absolutely thank you.”
“The janitorial role is to see what you are willing to do for your family. Those that refuse are watched very carefully. Family, children, that is all important here. Which is why, Grace, you will be able to stay home with your children until Malachi is five and starts school. We have found it is the best way to raise them.”
“That is wonderful! Thank you.” She reaches across the table and takes her hand. Anna squeezes it.
“You are quite welcome. Everyone should be quite welcoming now.”
“Yes, all but Charles. He still seems..”
“Yes, Charles is a special case. That little baby boy that the mother dropped off…”
“It was Charles, wasn’t it?”
“Yes Grace. He grew up a solemn little boy and into a resentful man.”
“Yes we..” the radio she carries crackles. “excuse me one moment.” She answers it. Listens.
“Anna, Charles is gone. Worse. He left a note. You need to get back to the office right away.”
“I’m sorry. I have to go.” She jumps up.
“We understand. Hope all’s okay.” Vito walks her to the door. She smiles at him and back at Grace before hurrying out.
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afewnovelideas · 3 years
In which I realize the Republican Party has evolved into the Ferengi
Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
1. Once you have their money, you never give it back.
2. The best deal is the one that brings the most profit.
3. Never pay/spend more for an acquisition than you have to.
5. If you can’t break a contract, bend it.
6. Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.
7. Keep your ears open.
8. Small print leads to large risk.
9. Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
10. Greed is eternal.
11. Latinum isn’t the only thing that shines.
12. Anything worth selling is worth selling twice.
13. Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
14. Anything stolen is pure profit.
15. Acting stupid is often smart.
16. A deal is a deal…until a better one comes along.
17. A contract is a contract is a contract…but only between Ferengi.
18. A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all.
19. Satisfaction is not guaranteed.
20. When the customer is sweating, turn up the heat.
21. Never place friendship above profit.
22. A wise man can hear profit in the wind.
23. Nothing is more important than your health, except for your money.
24. Latinum can’t buy happiness, but you can sure have a blast renting it.
25. You can’t make a deal if you’re dead.
27. There’s nothing more dangerous than an honest businessman.
31. Never insult a Ferengi’s mother…insult something he cares about instead.
33. It never hurts to suck up to the boss.
34. War is good for business.
35. Peace is good for business.
40. She can touch your lobes, but never your latinum.
41. Profit is its own reward.
44. Never confuse wisdom with luck.
45. Expand or die
47. Never trust a man wearing a better suit than your own.
48. The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.
52. Never ask when you can take.
57. Good customers are as rare as latinum–treasure them.
58. There is no substitute for success.
59. Free advice is seldom cheap.
60. Keep your lies consistent.
62. The riskier the road, the greater the profit.
65. Win or lose, there’s always Hupyrian beetle snuff.
69. When she discusses money for “favors”, charge her what she’ll pay.
74. Knowledge equals profit.
75. Home is where the heart is…but the stars are made of latinum.
76. Every once in a while, declare peace….it confuses the hell out of your enemies.
77. If you break it, i’ll charge you for it.
79. Beware of the Vulcan greed for knowledge.
82. The flimsier the product, the higher the price.
85. Never let the competition know what you’re thinking.
89. Ask not what your profits can do for you, but what you can do for your profits.
94. Females and finances don’t mix.
95. Expand…or die.
97. Enough…is never enough.
98. Every man has his price.
99. Trust is the biggest liability of all.
102. Nature decays, but latinum is/lasts forever.
103. Sleep can interfere with opportunity.
104. Faith moves mountains…of inventory.
106. There is no honor in poverty.
109. Dignity and an empty sack…is worth the sack.
111. Treat people in your debt like family…exploit them.
112. Never have sex with the boss’s sister.
113. Always have sex with the boss.
121. Everything is for sale, even friendship.
123. Even a blind man can recognize the glow of latinum.
125. You can’t make a deal if you’re dead.
139. Wives serve, brothers inherit.
141. Only fools pay retail.
144. There’s nothing wrong with charity…as long as it winds up in your pocket.
162. Even in the worst of times, someone makes a profit.
168. Whisper your way to success.
(unnumbered, but mentioned as part of the “original” 173) A man is only worth the sum of his possessions.
177. Know your enemies…but do business with them always.
181. Not even dishonesty can tarnish the shine of profit.
189. Let others keep their reputation…you keep their latinum.
190. Hear all, trust nothing.
192. Never cheat a Klingon…unless you can get away with it.
194. It’s always good business to know your customers before they walk in the door.
202. The justification for profit is profit.
203. New customers are like razor-toothed greeworms. They can be succulent, but sometimes they bite back.
208. Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer.
211. Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success. Don’t hesitate to step on them.
214. Never begin a business negotiation on an empty stomach.
217. You can’t free a fish from water.
218. Always know what you’re buying.
223. Beware the man who doesn’t make time for oo-mox.
229. Latinum lasts longer than lust.
236. You can’t buy fate.
239. Never be afraid to mislabel a product.
242. More is good…all is better.
255. A wife is a luxury…a smart accountant a necessity.
261. A wealthy man can afford anything except a conscience.
263. Never allow doubt to tarnish your lust for latinum.
266. When in doubt, lie.
284. Deep down, everyone’s a Ferengi.
285. No good deed ever goes unpunished.
286. When Morn leaves, it’s all over. (made up by Quark—season 3, episode 3, this is representative of the idea that all things may be adjusted should it serve to make a profit)
299. Whenever you exploit someone, it never hurts to thank them. In that way, it is easier to exploit them next time.
(Source: Wikipedia)
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rubyvroom · 5 years
I had kind of a tough 2019 and did not have the will/energy to write about most of the things that happened or the things I did. It was a Soldier Through And Hopefully Come Out The Other Side kind of year. 
I can at least come up with some end of year lists though, and mention some of the things I never got around to posting here. Unless stated otherwise these lists are in order of preference but I did not sweat that order very much, so left them unnumbered.
Movies from 2019 that I recommend: (This is without a doubt my worst list, I did not see many movies this year. When I get caught up this list will be probably entirely different)
Little Women
Knives Out
Captain Marvel
IT Part 2
Velvet Buzzsaw
Toy Story 4
Ten strongest albums from 2019 
Sharon Van Etten - Remind Me Tomorrow
Ladytron - Ladytron
Carly Rae Jepsen - Dedicated
Tyler, the Creator - IGOR
Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising
Sigrid - Sucker Punch
Jamila Woods - Legacy! Legacy!
Sleater-Kinney - The Center Won’t Hold
Clairo - Immunity
Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell
Ten songs I loved in 2019 (that were not on the above albums)
King Princess - Prophet
Big Thief - Not / Cattails (a tie)
Billie Ellish - Bury A Friend
The National - Light Years
Aly & AJ - Church
Dua Lipa - Don’t Start Now
Ohmme - Give Me Back My Man
FKA Twigs - Cellophane
HAIM - Summer Girl
Hatchie - Stay With Me
Ten TV Shows I loved in 2019
Russian Doll
Watchmen (note: I am only on episode 2 but I am confidently placing it at Number 3 right now, to my UTTER SHOCK as I didnt even want this to exist)
The Expanse
The Good Place
Schitt’s Creek
Good Omens
True Detective
Los Espookys
Umbrella Academy
Also: His Dark Materials, Stranger Things, Dark, One Day at a Time
Ten bands I saw live in 2019:
Spiritualized (Wilbur Theater)
The National (Agannis Arena)
James Blake (House of Blues)
Hot Chip (Royale)
Carly Rae Jepsen (House of Blues)
Ladytron (Royale)
Mitski (Boston Calling Festival)
CHVRCHES (Boston Calling Festival)
King Princess (Boston Calling Festival)
Christine and the Queens (Boston Calling Festival)
also: Superorganism, Anderson Paak, Yaeji, Tame Impala, Hozier, Adia Victoria
Ten Amazing Sci-Fi/Fantasy authors I discovered in 2019 because I went on a rampage (not all of these books came out this year but they came out recently) 
Martha Wells : The Murderbot Diaries (All Systems Red / Artificial Condition / Rogue Protocol / Exit Strategy)
Seanan McGuire : Wayward Children series (Every Heart a Doorway / Down Amongst the Sticks and Bones / Beneath the Sugar Sky / In an Absent Dream)
S. A Chakraborty : The Daevabad Triology (The City of Brass / The Kingdom of Copper)
Catherynne M. Valente: Space Opera / Radiance
Becky Chambers : A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet / A Closed and Common Orbit / Record of a Spaceborn Few
Liu Cixin : The Three-Body Problem / The Dark Forest / Death’s End
Mary Robinette Kowal : The Lady Astronaut Series (The Calculating Stars / The Fated Sky)
Ken Liu : The Grace of Kings / The Wall of Storms
(On deck for reading are Tender by Sofia Samatar, Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee, and The Only Harmless Great Thing by Brooke Bolande so the rampage continues)
Comics Series I am Actually Following in 2019 
The Wicked and The Divine (rip)
Once and Future
Ginseng Roots 
Love and Rockets
My Solo Exchange Diary
The Way of the House Husband
X-Men / House of X / Powers of X
The Immortal Hulk
Favorite Graphic Novels of 2019
Tillie Walden : Are You Listening?
Colleen AF Venable and Ellen T. Crenshaw : Kiss Number 8
Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Valero-O'Connell: Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me   
Maia Kobabe: Genderqueer
Jen Wang : Stargazing
Jaime Hernandez : Is This How You See Me?
Brian McDonald and Les McClaine : Old Souls
Lucy Knisley : Kid Gloves
Jim Rugg : Street Angel - Deadliest Girl Alive
Podcasts I listen to regularly in 2019 but none of them are cool or anything
How Did This Get Made
Pop Culture Happy Hour
This Is Actually Happening
Judge John Hodgeman
Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend
How to Be a Girl
Dear Prudence
Beautiful / Anonymous
Video Games I logged the most time playing in 2019 (in the order I played them. In order of preference, RDR2 is #1 followed closely by Sekiro)
Spiderman (PS4 version)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Red Dead Redemption II
Death Stranding
The fact that there are only 4 listed here should tell you how absorbed I was by all four of these. Next on deck: the Outer Worlds
And that was my year. I also traveled to Barcelona and Rome, got a big promotion, subsequently was left holding the bag when everything fell apart at work, a family member died fairly badly, was depressed, had a lot of writers block, also wrote more than I ever have, turned 40, and a whole lot of other stuff that is kind of a blur and other stuff too personal to get into, but it was A Lot. Here’s hoping 2020 is Not As Much, or at least I handle it better. 
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