#unovan public transportation
Unovan Public Transportation Discourse
I really do love the idea that Ingo and Emmet have a public transportation rivalry with Skyla. Each vastly prefer their own modes of transportation and make fun of the other for their preferences, but have to remain civil around each other for Elesa's sake. But they can all agree on one thing.
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Boats are terrible! They don't have the speed of a plane nor the convenience of trains. No matter what happens between them, they can always agree that boats suck.
Therefore all three of them would gladly take time out of their days to bully local ship Captain, Pop Roxie.
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It helps that Pop Roxie really kinda sucks at his job of being a ship's Captain.
All of them only ever tolerate cars. In spite of their differences, the one thing that all four of them have in common...
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None of them are any good at driving cars. The one point of solidarity between all of them. Seeing them all have to go on a road trip would be a fantastic time!
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butteronpancakes · 3 years
Post-PLA Ingo and protag hcs
- Because of the space-time traveller and amnesia solidarity, Ingo is Protag's honorary uncle, but we already knew that.
- After they finish the dex, Ingo returns home with Protag, both of their memories and subsequent homesickness being clearer but still missing specifics (e.g. they dimly recall growing up with Emmet and Barry, respectively, but can't recognise names, faces, or particular moments).
- Submas' fans decreed that Ingo receive one of Lady's Sneasler's eggs, and I am upholding that law. Protag's starter and Gliscor join them, but all of their other pokemon remain behind to help the Pearl clan and Jubilife village.
- Ingo takes up temporary residence in Twinleaf town with protag, where he meets Johanna, Barry, Rei/Akari descendant (gen 4 rival), and Professor Rowan (who is confused as to why he salutes and addresses him as commander). Protag is informed that they are the region's missing champion, but they keep a low profile until matters are resolved.
- Both are readjusting to new diets, modern technology, and the fact that paras will not murder them. Arceus bless repels. Memories start returning at a faster rate, but this causes both of them to suffer from migraines for a while.
- They don't know where Ingo comes from and aren't even sure they live in the same time period until they do some surface-level research on missing muppet men foreigners who speak train lingo (protag doesn't know what a train is but it's the first thing that came to mind for some reason), not expecting to find anything.
- But, as it turns out, this dude is one of the strongest trainers in Unova and oversees the Unovan public transportation system with his twin brother. At this point, he's also pronounced dead, yikes.
- Ingo begins to panic, DESPERATE to see Emmet, whom he has now remembered completely. Dialga and Palkia are called to open a gateway to the gear station. Also, rumours of their return are beginning to surface here and there, so now is the opportune time.
- The two part ways, with protag giving their contact details and very, tight hug
-Submas' reunion ensues (I'm sure we've read enough fics and comics to know what that looks like), followed by an Elesa reunion not long after! Iris and Drayden were also included since the train twin hive-mind concluded they were kin.
- Protag and Ingo communicate on a semi-regular basis via texting and the occasional video chat. When they are scheduled for exhibition matches with elite Unovan trainers, Protag will ask Ingo for battle strategies. Ingo tells them to spam earthquake. 
- Emmet and Elesa have not met protag in person, but the trio is constantly nagging them to visit Nimbasa city.  While they both want to personally thank Protag for bringing their brother home, Emmet also wants to battle a verrrry tough trainer, and Elesa wants to design their wardrobe.
- When Protag comes to visit, he does the fight subway multi-line with Barry as well as Elesa's gym challenge. The gang also visits the theatre, stadium, Elesa's shows, the Rondez-View, and a few fine restaurants.
- From that point on Emmet and Elesa are also honorary uncle and aunties to protag and Barry. Protag considers them their Unovan extended family :D
- At some point I think the twins and maybe Elesa visit Sinnoh and proceed to diss Melli at the local museum. 
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puckbees · 3 years
Established over a hundred years ago, the Unovan Central Railway is one of the largest railways in the world. Starting as a means to ferry goods up and down Unova's central column, it quickly grew to provide transportation as well. One of its greatest accomplishments at the time was its revolutionary safety procedures, pioneered by the station master at Nimbasa City's very first passenger house.
Rumored to have appeared one day in a bright flash of light, not much is known about Nimbasa's first station master due to his unusual avoidance of the public eye. Simply called Emmet, surviving records indicate that he was quite direct for his time, and that he required everything in Nimbasa Station to be ran at a rigid safety standard. Despite what must have been considered strange behaviors to his contemporaries, many of those working under him held him in high regard, and some of the rules in place at Nimbasa Station became the basis of modern safety rules across the region's railways.
So uh. Now that that giant block of backstory is out of the way let me present to you the Station Master Emmet au!
Inspired by a post from @pokemonspecialismyreligion, this au focuses on Emmet going back in time to find and bring back Ingo. Unfortunately, while the time travel was dead on, he wasn't moved an inch, and so finds himself stuck in old Unova. Using his knowledge of trains, Emmet is able to get himself a job working for one of the railways that have sprung up in this time period, and certain circumstances lead him to taking over the aforementioned Nimbasa Station.
I hope to post more for this au soon, as ive got a lot of ideas for it, but in the meantime heres a preview of Emmets Station Master design
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(As an afterword, this au is 90% headcanon on the unovan history part, so bear with me if i get a little bogged down in details.)
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