#pop roxie pokemon
wingsofachampion · 1 year
Alright, this has been on my mind for several days now, and I need to say it.
I absolutely adore the gym leader/elite four/champion blogs on here. And they deserve more appreciation!
So I'm gonna go through them and shout out as many as I can!
My apologies if I miss some. Despite my efforts, I'm not following every single Pokemon IRL blog out there, and my memory isn't the best.
Shoutouts are under the cut!
@artyburgh - I had no idea who Burgh was before this blog, but I do now! I love his relationship with Grimsley, it's adorable! And I love how passionate he is about bug-types, it's lovely to see!
@grimsley-official - I love how this person writes Grimsley, he's so intriguing! I love how he still has a gambling side as shown by the dress betting, and I love his relationship with Burgh!
@underground-boss-clay - A lovely new blog with the gym leader of Tropius' new hometown! I love the shenanigans that happen here, and Clay is surprisingly sweet! The other characters here are fantastic, too. Mildred from PR is great.
@piers-official - I think this was the first of the League Crew (that's what I'm calling this group now) blogs I followed? And oh boy, what an introduction! I love learning about Piers and Marnie, and seeing the shenanigans they get up to.
@rockstar-roxie - I haven't seen this one around a lot, but I gotta shout this one out for starting the music ask games. Thank you, I've had so much fun with those!
@prestigepreceptcenterpregym - Doesn't quite fit in with the rest, but that's perfectly fitting for Justy, the sole gym leader of Orre. This blog is absolutely hilarious, and Justy is such a magnificent jerk.
@a-real-champion-time - Leon! A newer blog, with Tropius' favorite champion, the one she got a plushie of months ago! I literally laughed in glee when I saw that this blog existed, and I adore the shenanigans Leon has already been up to.
@darkpunkrocker - Another blog I haven't seen around too much, but I love the interactions Sidney and Tropius have had so far, and I enjoy whenever he pops up on my dash.
@stow-on-side-ghosts - Oooooh, spooky! Love the air of mystique with this blog, and the air of dread that's simultaneously welcoming and friendly at the same time.
@legendsobsessions - Cynthia! Probably my favorite take on Cynthia, by one of my favorite authors! I love her and Tropius' interactions, each teaching each other so much.
@ballonleastadiumofficial - Saving my absolute favorite for last! I ADORE this blog! I could not care less about Bede before, but this blog has made him one of my favorite mainline Pokemon characters, and I love how much extra character you've given him, with his conflicting feelings about Rose and all! Aaaaaaa!
Thank you all so much for running your blogs, and I look forward to many more interactions with you all!
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heavenlyhoundoom · 5 months
The sun and friends show au characters all have a guilty pleasure.
Sun: Playing with glitter glue.
Moon: Ready cheesy romance novels.
Eclipse: Reading cringy pokemon fanfics.(he thinks they're funny.)
Earth: Eating cereal for dinner.
Lunar: Wearing a rabbit onesie.
Hunter: Watching Bluey.
Scythe: Singing when no one's around.
Ruin: Talking to himself.
Trashcan Man: Eating spaghetti with ketchup.
Freddy: Listening to Katy Perry.
Chica: Eating entire bags of candy by herself.
Monty: Watching My little pony(friendship is magic).
Roxy: Dressing up like an emo.
Stitchwraith: Watching Pixar movies.
Orville: Listening to cringe pop.
Pigpatch: Eating dessert before dinner.
Happyfrog: Writing fanfics about the shows she likes.
Nedd Bear: Playing Roblox.
Mr.Hippo: Watching Spongebob.
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cutekittenlady · 8 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 5
I just need one.
Just to steady my nerves.
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Ohhhh thats the good stuff.
Okay Polly. You can do this. Just walk out on that soundstage. And, i dunno, act?
Dear lord this is like third grade talen show all over again. Only this time I don't have Hugh to dig the hole.
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The filming... actually turned out okay? It was pretty standard fare hero schlock but ah well.
And hey, i actually have a fan!
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Hmmm this is going straight into my veins.
Dont tell my mom.
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Your lucky I've had my lemonade hit today old man.
Welp. Guess I'm a move star now.
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Oh shoot it's dark. Uhhh is Pop Roxie still running his boat? I did say I was gonna do all the gym matches so I kinda gotta go to Castelia right? Hnngh maybe I'll come back to do more films later?
At least after getting a set of wings or something to get here and back again in a jiffy.
I wind up running to the pier in the rain.
Okay Hugh I'm here, sorry I took so long. See there was this bald guy with a really unfotunate name and-
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Whaaaats going on here?
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What like.... like the terrorist group? I mean lets not jump the gun here Roxie. I mean just cause theyre dressed kinda funny doesn't mean we can just jump to conclusion. Besides even if they WERE Team Plasma they wouldn't just admit to it. Nobodys that-
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... Wow okay so... you guys are like... actually that dumb then?
Look I- No I get you wanna make some big dramatic speech but I- Stop cutting me off you RUDE LITTLE-
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Hugh, baby, do NOT cut the Polly off when shes speaking! You know what happened in third grade.
Anyway Hugh goes off on this whole hate filled speech about how much these guys suck. And I expected some kinda edgy response but instead.
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Home slice. You were chased... by Lillipup? Dude I hit a Lillipup with a bike when I was, like, five and it was flattened like a pancake. Sure, I got banned from riding for, like, ten years but my point is that anyone who runs from a Lillipup, a Lillipup right?, has no right joining a terrorist organization.
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God its the third grade all over again.
Hope you have a shovel Hugh.
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Oh sweetie.
We're gonna bury you.
Plasma Grunt sent out a Patrat against Bentley and you can just tell that Bentley has a chip on his shoulder over the Gym battle because hes raring to go. Patrat starts with bide after Bentley wraps him up, after that I had Bentley use growth while Patrat stored energy. Next round Patrat releases the energy and Bentley hit him with vine whip. That combined with wrap gets the little rat int he red. Patrat manages to forestall hi defeat with detect but one return later and its over.
After defeating the Patrat Bentley learns Leaf Tornado.
The Plasma grunt and his buddies have enough sense to run off before we can really get going and run for their lives.
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Its okay Hugh you didn't have a shovel anyway.
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Uh... Pretty sure thats a YOU job? Your the gym leader here.
However Roxie gives me the HM for Cut before running off.
Well Hugh guess we have a free HM now soooooo
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Deep inhale through nose
Yeah okay.
Your lucky were friends Hugh.
The things I do for friendship.
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Thats what I DOING! GAWD
Look its not like we're even going to find them! If they're really in a terrorist cell theres no way they're just going to be standing out in the open like a jackass saying "Come and get me Polly"
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.... Bentley.
Go loose buddy.
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Hey look its a purrloin.
And now its dead.
Just like old times. Old times being, like, the day before yesterday. Or whatever.
Aaaand the Plasma grunt runs away.
Hugh get her!
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I... you... She ran RIGHT PAST YOU!
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oh please do tell
Okay she said they have a boat. Castelia City has a port. Hmm Okay.
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I... we were JUST there Hugh! We'd have been better off just waiting in Virbank for them to come back and then jumping out at them from behind a trash can! Or dragging them into an alley to get info or something!
Arceus Dammit Hugh! This is YOUR revenge quest! I'm just tagging along cause Prof. Juniper asked me to complete... the... pokedex....
You know what Hugh, you uh, you go on ahead. I have some stuff I gotta... take... care of....
Shit shit shit how many pokemon do I have to catch?!
Ran into a shaking bush and caught an audino on the way to the pokemon center. Shove THAT into the PC for now, what else....
Route 19... Route 19 gotta start with route 19. Habitat mode dont fail me now!
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piers-official · 1 year
36, 28, 25 ((@underground-boss-clay))
36. 3 ways of traveling that you enjoy the most
I think I'd like traveling by cabbie better if they actually stopped inside Spikemuth. Train, I love the train. I think trains should be everywhere. Recently travelled via my Uncle's Honchkrow. I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought. There's somethin' invigoratin' about bein' in the sky with a trusted pokemon.
28. 3 things you love cooking/baking
Well first off, I make a mean curry. I don' eat meat, but I'll still fry up some slowpoke tail for Marnie or my Grandmum. Pasta is always quick an' easy t'make, It's good for when ya need to cook somethin' quick in a pinch. An' I like bakin' cinnamon rolls. Course it's the ones that come in those pop-tubes, but I always make extra icing cuz they never come with enough.
25. 3 people you’d never get tired of
My family is definitely at the top. I love m'sister an' grandmum, an' now I got an uncle to add to the list! The friends I made on here. I really love talkin' to @stow-on-side-ghosts, @rockstar-roxie, You o'course Mr. Clay, an' even @ballonleastadiumofficial. My gym trainers. They may have done stupid shite in the past, but I care 'bout them like family. I always try t'be there for 'em when they need me.
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uncle-dusknoir · 7 months
Pelipper Mail! A woven basket full of Roseli berries. Clipped to the handle of the basket is a faux Galarian Zigzagoon tail keyring. It's vaguely bristly to the touch. It comes with a note, scrawled in angular neat handwriting on pink stationary paper.
"Hello, Ms. Basil.
Gym Leader Roxie and I are preparing to engage in a 'hunt' designed to catch him a Zigzagoon. I thought I might get a souvenir to mark the occasion - that is, until I remembered that everything about Zigzagoon is unbecoming of my style, to say the least. So, I'm having you take this off my hands. Seeing as you seem to collect bones as a hobby, I thought having a trinket shaped like a pokemon's body part wouldn't phase you in the slightest.
Enclosed, you will also find some Roseli berries. I saw what you said about your pokemon potentially having difficulties getting the upper hand over fairies. I should know better than anyone that fairy types are one of the most difficult sorts of pokemon to beat. If you would like to apply some of that 'actual strategy' that you mentioned, you might give these to one of your pokemon. It should even the playing field. Slightly. Or, if that doesn't sound appealing, they also make a fragrant herbal tea.
Regards, Gym Leader Bede" @ballonleastadiumofficial
[Offscreen response]
Her day is full of fairies today. Offhandedly mentioning them on Rotumblr, trying to re-create that Fae-offering bread implanted in her brain from a couple months ago, and now- denoted by a Pelipper tapping it's beak against her window- what seems to be an offering from the Fae. A woven basket? How did none of these berries fall out?? (Not that she would know, either way.)
She washes the flour off her hands (and her face and sort of awkwardly wipes it off her sweater) to receive the basket, carefully putting it on the kitchen table to sort through it. Berries, berries, berries, berries- she wondered if any of her dogs would want to try one, or maybe the Shuppet that she had to gently push away from the open jar of Combee honey. She should close that.
There's the note. (He's friends with Roxie? From Virbank?) A snort of laughter at the wording. 'I'm having you take this off my hands". That's a fantastic line and knowing that he wrote it entirely honestly is wonderful. She misses going out in the woods for bones, really...
blah blah battle strategy blah blah upper hand... ooh, tea. She examines a berry, taking a bite out of the thing. Not bad, overall, but she's not a fan of the bitter aftertaste...
Hey. "Hey. Away- I'm not putting you in the washing machine again," she warned, waving another couple Shuppet away from the open honey. Really ought to close that. She skims over the letter again... Souvenir. What the hell is a Zigzagoon souvenir?
She took an embarrassingly long time to find the souvenir in question; taking a break to get the sweet bread swirled with honey and into the oven, divided into a few different mini-trays. There's a glaze that goes over the top that she'll have to start, too...
She finally found the thing by picking up the basket and looking under it, spotting the dangling black-and-white charm in the other side and, face pink, unclipping it from the basket.
Isn't that cute? She laughs a little as she examines it, running her thumb over the bristles. Reminds her of how Toothy's fur felt with he was a Zigzagoon... certainly doesn't have to be that sharp anymore, that's for sure. She pet it for another couple minutes, before a quiet *clink* roused her attention again.
A Shuppet had gently pressed its horn into the honey jar, though it's head was too big to fit through the hole, awkwardly pressed against the table as it had knocked the jar over.
Pfft. "You're lucky I already finished with that," she huffed with joking disappointment, popping the Shuppet out of the jar. And maybe running her finger to clean up the excess honey from it's horn. And maybe licking that off.
"Stay out," she chided, finally closing the jar. "Where did I leave my Bag...?"
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clairefable · 1 year
Was reading an old post of your backstory of your pokefankids, and realised we need roisins lore now!
SORRY ROISIN ANON I FORGOR 😭 omg "lore" makes it sound like I don't just make these things up on the fly with whatever nonsense pops into my head, but I will try! Roisin, youngest (and last I swear to God no matter how much peer pressure the good people at the fankids server put on me) Altshipping kid and Rhona's younger sister by a few minutes. Best summed up thusly: "All edge and no point".
Resents being a twin and all the obvious comparisons that come with it and sought to assert her individuality the second she came out of the womb. While Rhona is cheerful and optimistic to a fault (often irritatingly so) Roisin acts ultra serious, rarely smiles, refuses to see the bright side of anything, could start a fight in a phonebox and is generally just a bit of a fun sponge... or at least that's how she acts because she has to be DiFfErEnT. The second she was old enough she has her hair cut short (to contrast Rhona's signature pony tail) and as an older teen gets two large tattoos on each arm of Roselia flowers, the left arm has the regular colours and the right arm is the shiny variant.
She is actually very close with her twin despite this, as even she recognises that Rhona didn't ask to be a twin anymore than she did, and because of the age gap between them and their older brother and sister. She will absolutely throw hands if anyone tries to take advantage of Rhona's good (and sometimes naive) nature. (Daddy's money may have been the only thing standing between her and expulsion from school on a few occassions for... fiestiness.)
She does mellow a little bit as she gets older and realised that no ones like a "Not Like Other Girls" girl and actually starts being herself; which, as it turns out, is someone who is naturally very funny with a sarcastic- but never nasty- sense of humour. If she roasts you it's purely out of love! She loves music and is especially a big fan of Roxie, a fellow poison type appreciator! (She's actually a pretty decent singer but her voice doesn't lend itself to that kind of music, much to her chagrin.) As far as pokemon go, she is partial to poison types (because they're so misunderstood, just like her innit) and is rarely seen without her lil best buddy Gulpin (later Swalot) by her side. Like Rhona she's a very capable trainer but more does it for fun, as she eventually ends up falling into modelling after becoming Rune's favourite clothes horse once her oldest sister becomes a fashion designer. For some reason, her slightly acerbic demeanour wins her lots of fans!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
I don't know why those anons that decided to attack me without the self respect to even go through my own blog are still bugging me so much but... I suppose it's just the confusion of experiencing hate for no reason. At least come at me not through someone else. My asks/anons are always open and maybe it bugs me but still. How icky. Like I wasn't even worth enough to hate me to my face (my blog. Whatever.)
In case anyone is confused on how some Tumblrs work- fan pages? They tend to only post about the things they're a fan of. I love more things than just Dom and Kells but you don't see me posting about much else. The same way Roxy separates her Kells page and 21 Pilots page but loves them both. Sure some people post about anything and everything but some of us have a focus and that's okay.
I love women, I love lots of women. I grew up on divas (the real originals, not the pop icons that exist now). I obsessed over Buffy, Charmed, True Blood, and Ghost Whisperer. I begged my own mind to see that obsession and try instead to be more like them. I tried. I tried so hard. My favorite book series isn't just by a female- it's hero is a heroine. Most of my favorite books are like that.
All my closest friends are women, online and when I got out more in real life. My mother is one of my favorite humans. My platonic harem my group of friends and my safety net here are mostly female. Just because I call out bad things when I see it and it so happens to be a woman doesn't make someone misogynistic. Frankly it's disgusting to say so and lessens the meaning of the word. People who act like that probably support Amber Heard. Saying women can't be called out for negativity or abuse isn't very feminist of you. It's basically saying women aren't actually equal.
I've been attacked on here by terfs before, I made the mistake of joking about equality in sports. Asking why trans people can't play in their group. I posed the question, why not mix all genders together and prove once and for all women are better and erase transphobia in sports but I had to delete it because I got attacked so much. It's probably still up on those pages... I think about it too frequently.
You can't have it both ways, you can't say 'equality' then say women can't be bad too. You can't claim to be better than men and then say trans women can't join your team. It doesn't make sense.
Maybe it's my AuDHD or something I don't know but when I feel mentally bad touched like that it doesn't go away for so long. It sets up shop in the back of my mind and picks away at it like acid. That's what hate feels like to me. Acid. I hear the bad louder than the good no matter how hard I try not to. But all of you have been so amazing. Thank you. Anyway, if you made it this far claim your Eeveelution. I made a little edit of how it felt to me the other night with Pokemon. Me the little Houndour being protected by all the Eevee/Eons 🖤
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kakusu-shipping · 11 months
💣 🎵, and 💢 for N, for the Villain ask meme, if you'd still like to do 'em :o
Aaah thankyou!!! I didn't really consider N a Villain but these are tame questions so he can answer them, I think
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Asks for me...? Sure okay...
💣 - What was your WOW moment where you realized that Emile was the one?
Wow.. moment...? Oh! Hm... When we were younger I never thought on it much, but I always knew then I wanted to be around him forever. I forgot that for a time, and didn't remember it until I saw him again, older, but the same. Still so.. Caring. Talking to Pokemon, I knew every one he had was with him by their own choice, caught in PokeBalls but free in their own ways.
When he'd stand in front of his friends when danger struck, when he'd grab onto Victini to pull him to safety, when he'd stand up to my grunts with no fear to protect Bianca, when he faced Ghetsis' Hydreigon with no help from Pokemon, when he stopped Ghetsis from hitting me, when he shielded me...
There's been many "wow" moments as you'd put it, I couldn't say which one was the moment, I think they all mattered
🎵 - Name a song that reminds you of Emile!
There's a pop song that plays in the Ferris Wheel cart, apparently it's from early in Roxie's career, I'm afraid I don't remember what it's called but Emile hums it rather often. Though that may be my fault, as I ask to ride the Ferris Wheel at least twice a week. It's my happy place, and I like when Emile is there with me.
💢 - Have you ever gotten angry on Emile's behalf?
No, not really. Is that bad? Should I get more angry for him? I've seen him get angry for me, but I've never felt like I was in a situation where I should be angry for him. Am I bad at this...?
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toxiicpunk · 11 months
She gave Roxie a soft kiss on her cheek, then curled up against her dear wife. "I got two days before I need to pop back over to Aevium for a bit. New Pokemon apparently showed up in places.~ So! I'm spending time with you till then."
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She just sighs and rubs the back of her head. "If you do something stupid and nearly die again, Iset. I will kick your fucking ass and lock you in this condo." Iset may be a champion, but holy fuck was she exhausting.
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xrockinroxyx · 11 months
Just a small introduction on this app(I'm mostly not alive on here because of work so I might pop here now and then)
𓆩─────・ 。゚🕷:🦇:🕷. ─────𓆪
୨୧┇Name: Roxy
୨୧┇Gender: female
୨୧┇Age: 23
୨୧┇Pronouns: She/Her
𓆩─────・ 。゚🕷:🦇:🕷. ─────𓆪
╰─ - ̗̀✎ My Favorite...
୨୧┇Color: Red
୨୧┇Anime/Show: Face off/ Hazbin hotel and Helluva Boss
୨୧┇Game: Cookie run,Stardew valley,pokemon,Splatoon 2/3 ,Identity Z
୨୧┇Animal: Bats,Spiders, Wolves and hyenas
𓆩─────・ 。゚🕷:🦇:🕷. ─────𓆪
╰─ - ̗̀✎ Interests & More!
୨୧┇Likes: VideosGames and Drawing
୨୧┇Dislikes: slow walkers and people who eats with their mouth open
୨୧┇Birthday:March 22
𓆩─────・ 。゚🕷:🦇:🕷. ─────𓆪
(I don't usually answer dms here unless we are close it's a personal preference that I don't want to be message by random people I don't know)
My Carrd/Other Social Media
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Honestly, yeah, I think Bianca's team is fine. I don't know what additions I would make. Sure, the Chandelure with the Emboar bothers me a bit, but again, it's fine as it is. I do have an idea of her getting a yamask for some reason. I genuinely don't know why, just popped into my mind. And I haven't even taken into account the pokemon she'd choose to catch and raise in b2w2, since the Pokedex expands more there.
Maybe a poison type? Since she's dating Roxie. Not by b2w2, I mean afterwards...well. There's trubbish. Trubbish is a little guy.
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Unovan Public Transportation Discourse
I really do love the idea that Ingo and Emmet have a public transportation rivalry with Skyla. Each vastly prefer their own modes of transportation and make fun of the other for their preferences, but have to remain civil around each other for Elesa's sake. But they can all agree on one thing.
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Boats are terrible! They don't have the speed of a plane nor the convenience of trains. No matter what happens between them, they can always agree that boats suck.
Therefore all three of them would gladly take time out of their days to bully local ship Captain, Pop Roxie.
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It helps that Pop Roxie really kinda sucks at his job of being a ship's Captain.
All of them only ever tolerate cars. In spite of their differences, the one thing that all four of them have in common...
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None of them are any good at driving cars. The one point of solidarity between all of them. Seeing them all have to go on a road trip would be a fantastic time!
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cutekittenlady · 8 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 6
~~~~ Three hours of running, screaming, ball throwing, and A LOT of crying later ~~~~
I have been at this for HOURS!
Screw it. I've done enough for the Professor to at least think I'm trying.
Hopefully Hugh will buy that I was just "tearfully saying goodbye to mom" or something like that.
Nearly out of pokeballs too. I am going to take the longest nap on that boart right to Castelia. I am not even kidding.
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Aww Roxie saw her dads shitty movie and thought it was 'good'. Sure thing Roxie. Sure.
Still its sweet she supports him. Keep working at it Pop Roxie. You'll get there someday!
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Oh Hugh have you, uh, been waiting here this whole time? Sorry my, uh, business took... three hours... My mom uh wouldnt stop crying about her baby girl leaving and it was all touching and...
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Aaaaand your not buying any of this?
Okay look man, I gotta level with you. The last three hours have been a hell of pokemon catching. It had to be done! I completely blanked on it before and this whole "fill the pokedex" thing is kinda my excuse to leave home. I really don't think my mom would accept "help my best friend exact his revenge on the remnants of a terrorist organization" as a proper reason for traveling. I jumped at the chance they gave me! It's not my fault it came with strings attached!
I know how to cheer you up.
You want a Pidove? I caught a pidove. No tradsies. Just free gift pokemon. Yeah you want a pidove.
Sooo we cool?
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Thats the spirit buddy!
Pop Roxie! Hoist the anchor, raise the sail, swab the poop deck! Cause we're leaving on a quest!
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I knew I liked the cut of your jib Pop Roxie!
Alrighty Hugh lets get going! NOthings gonna stop us now!
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Sorry about your shoes POP Roxie. I swear I didn't know I got seasick.
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Yeah might be kinda hard finding a handful of weirdos in funky hats in a city this big. Do you have a plan?
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.... Thats not a plan Hugh. Look for now lets just... split up yeah? I'm tired. I'll go find us a hotel or a bench in the pokemon center to sleep on or something. Give me your Xtranceiver number, I'll call you when I find something. Call me if something happens yeah?
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Yeah well chances are we're gonna be splitting up a lot more after this. I still gotta catch enough pokemon to make mom and the professor think this is just a nice PG adventure. Besides, after Cheren and Roxie I think I have a taste for this whole pokemon battling thing.
With that Hugh gives a passing comment about the weird looking ship on the dock next to us and take off. Welp I'm in the big city by myself for the very first time.
And I'm exhausted. Gotta see if I can find a place to rest. So I stride into the city.
And a random clown gives me a bicycle. And ask me to do a relay. At midnight.
I've been in this city a handful of minutes and already this palce is nuts. I mean I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to ride a bike again. Pretty sure that ten year ban for running over that lillipup is up.
Whatever. Questions for later.
Couldn't find a hotel anywhere. I'll send Hugh a message and sleep at the Pokemon Center tonight.
~~~ Hugh didn't come to the Pokemon Center tonight.
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That not... concerning. I'm not concerned.
Wandered around the city doing some sight seeing. Not looking for hugh. Just sightseeing. Got the last casteliacone, visited a gallery, had a stranger come out from behind a dumpster and give me the tm for flash.
Interesting city.
Still since I can't seem to find Hugh guess I better go to the gym. Think I saw in a brochure that Castelia Cities gym is a bug type gym. If thats true Molly will probably wind up torching the place heh.
Welp guess I might as well head over. Before I leave the pokemon Center though I sell a few of the items I found around Virbank that I dont need, mostly X attack and stuff, and buy more great balls. My attempts at filling out the dex as much as I could before used up a lot of the balls I had.
I'm gonna need to fight some trainers for money soon or something. That acting stint I did was fun but did NOT pay anything. I've still got supplies, but I don't think I'm going to be doing a lot of filling out the dex until I can get more money for more balls and stuff. I mean I still have like 5 great balls, that ultra ball that neighbor in Aspertia gave, plus the heal ball and net ball I bought but thats about it.
Plus I'm down to, like $4.26. Thats not enough for lunch much less, like, 20 pokeballs.
Definitely hitting the gym. Roxie forked over quite a lot from beating her, so this Burgh guy I heard about will probably do the same. Bare minimum I'll be able to get some more Lemonades.
Aight Molly lets go get that money!
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With my money?! I mean I havent beaten him yet, sure, but its basically an inevitability here! Where did he go?!
Then this purple haired girl walks up. Apparently she and Clyde know each other? Apparently she's looking for Burgh too. Evidently this Burgh guy is the flighty sort who wanders out of his gym, like, all the time.
Yeesh, Cheren might've been a newbie and Roxie mightve been rocking out too hard to hear me, but at least they were AT their gyms. I though gym leaders had to be at their gyms at all times. Yknow like a 9-5 type deal. Is it NOT a 9-5 type deal?
Wait.... do you guys not get paid?!
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Oh sure NOW you notice me.
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I... How did you.... how could you.... How did you KNOW about that?!
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Yeah well tell that to the weirdos back in Virbank.
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..... By giving me money?
Oh oh no you meant hunting down Team Plasma. Hnngh well... If the gym leaders not here anyway... and considering that might be where Hugh went (who I haven't seen since last night)... Sure why not.
Iris mutters something about thinking where they might've gone and then just takes off too fast for me to follow! Thankfully Burgh knows this town beter than me. He said she went around the corner towards the Pokemon Center. Guess thats as good a place to start as any.
Now might also be a good time to break out that bike that clown gave me last night. Not that I'm in a hurry or nothing.
Thankfully the saying about never forgetting how to ride a bike turns out to be true and I easily catch up to Iris. She tells me we're heading for Thumb Pier. She suspects theyre probably hanging around there.
Why she suspects that I dunno. In fact I'm not even certain who this girl is. Oh well, its the only lead I've found so peddling feet dont fail me now.
As it turns out Thumb Pier is 'suspicious' because its where you enter... the sewers. She wants us... to go into... the sewers.
I mean... I guess if a terrorist organization was gonna hide out in a big place like Castelia after a failed coup the sewers isn't the weirdest place to hide out but...
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GAH Hugh! Don't sneak up on me like that! More importantly where the hell have you been?! And gods no I haven't found any members of team plasma yet. Though I think Iris here might have a lead...
Is THAT where've you been all night?!
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Dodging questions is for strange old men who jump off cliffs and run shady movie lots. NOT from supposed BFFs hunting terrorists together!
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That's what I'm trying to do! Look man you can't just disappear all night and then suddenly- Hugh! Hugh you get your edgy anime hair ass back here!
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dreamland-arcade · 2 years
Welcome to the Dreamland Arcade!
You have officially entered the domain of the Dreamland Arcade! We are a polyfragmented system prone to splitting and have no steady number to count us all.
We are DreamlandArcade on SimplyPlural if you want to know our system member list.
We collectively use They/Them and It/It's pronouns! If you don't know the fronter refer to those ONLY!!
Hosts and Co-Hosts!
Host: 🌙 Karina Chai (#dreamcade karina) - 03/14 - she/they/it - Source(s): Too many. (If you ask, I'll gladly tell you!)
Co-Host: 🎮 Kirby Nanami (#dreamcade kirby) - 03/14 - she/they/poyo - [typing quirk]> kirby - The Pink Puff herself! - System Manager - Source(s): Planet Pop Star
Co-Host: 🧢 Hunter (#dreamcade justice) - 12/03 - Any - TT: Typing quirk. - Ace Attorney Enthusiast - Karina's Best Friend -Source(s): Multiple; Prominent: Homestuck (Dirk Strider), Ace Attorney (Apollo Justice) and The Owl House (Hunter)
Don't Look Dreamland (tag these for us)
- Reblog bait
- Politics / Serious topics (including death and tragedy)
- Any sort of discourse
- Posts with ships in them (that we do not approve of) - Signal boost posts (people requesting money/ donation posts)
Before You Interact
We swear, alot.
We say queer and LGBT+ slurs and don't believe in "reclaiming". Our queer ancestors did not risk their life just for you sheltered kids to argue whether or not someone who's queer can say faggot or dyke.
Queer is NOT a slur, do not tag anything as q slur or we'll block/unfollow
We value system over media.
We are very open about our opinions on specific headcanons and ships.
We do not believe that systems should be held accountable like singlets (like...come on)
We consume content that is not morally pure, because we know what nuance is and can enjoy something while knowing why it's bad
We own ocs that did not belong to us originally. They were "gift" ocs and we are unaware if they still belong to us or not. Still though, we will create content of them. Just know we aren't the original creator nor do we support them and/or connected to them in any way. Thanks.
Some of our introjects come from random media, some we have knowledge on and some we don't. Do NOT treat them as if they automatically like their media. And do NOT assume we support that media unless listed in our likes.
Do NOT interact
Endos, tulpas, and supporters/neutrals
Non-psychotic and singlet kinnies! Fucking NONE. We have bad experiences with them. And especially kinnies who use the term "doubles." Doubles is a delusional and system ONLY term. If you know you don't have a form of psychosis and are a system and use system and DA terms, FUCK OFF. And it goes double if you PRETEND to be your "highest kin".
Fictive and factive disrespecters
Dsmp/MYCT, Attack on Titan, Homestuck, Danganronpa, Mandela Catalogue and/or Walten Files fan Seriously! If you're a Homestuck fan you are on the thinnest of fucking ice. Doubly so for you guys who support shit like D/rk/J/ke, transmasc Roxy and June Egbert.
Fandom people in general/Engage in fandom stuff
Black Doom Slanderists. Good god shut the fuck up every one of you who talks shit about him.
Roleplay accounts of ANY kind. We are NOT roleplayers, we are a SYSTEM
Anyone 14 years old and younger.
NSFW accounts
Discourse accounts
Elio Strider (or anyone who's friends with him/support him)
Special Interests (We don't shut up about these)
- Drawfee (Drawtectives, Drawga)
- AUDT, our massive DuckTales 2017 AU! It has poisoned our brain
- Littlest Pet Shop (2012)
- Ace Attorney
- The Era of Shadow
- My Little Pony (every generation)
- Kirby
- Slime Rancher
- Teas! Like, the drink
- Five Night's at Freddy's and FNaF Highschool
We're Normal About These
- Game Grumps
- Amphibia
- The Owl House
- Pokemon
- Neopets
- Psychonauts
- Undertale and Deltarune
- Legend of Zelda
- Steven Universe
- Adventure Time
- Doki Doki Literature Club
- Gravity Falls
- Mr. Osomatsu-san
- Misao
- Corpse Party
- Omori
- Ib
- Mad Father And etc (there's more, but we cannot remember)
Art account: @dreamscape-popstar
Oc only account: @dreamlandvalley
(Posted 05/01/22) (Edit 08/13/23)
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epicspheal · 2 years
What are your OCs favorite songs, bands, genres and musical tastes?
Hi there @namelessbaron! I'll start with Jack, who is very much a classical music snob. Mozart, Tchaikovsky, the big names. He's also very much into the opera and has even tried Opera himself (it...didn't go so well). Cami has eclectic musical tastes where she will listen to everything. Her playlist can go from gospel to pop to R&B to rock in a flash. She does have a slight preference towards R&B and K-pop. Fun fact Cami can rap (with a flow nearing the speed of Busta Rhymes) but few people have heard this. She can't really sing though. Marsha really enjoys a lot of Alola's traditional music but she's also very much into Kanto/Johto Pop thanks to living in Kanto for a number of years. She's also really into R&B and she specifically has a voice comparable to Ariana Grande (or Mariah Carey for my millennials out ther) Calla really enjoys a lot of rock music she's a huge fan of Ryuki, Piers and especially Roxie (like has a major celebrity crush on Roxie). Calla also enjoys Latin hip-hop and Reggae something she shares with Hop. When not geeking out about Pokemon the two would often have karaoke nights Jabari is much like his cousin Cami in that his taste are extremely varied. Jabari does however have a slight preference towards Reggae and Eurobeat music. Jabari has a pleasant singing voice (vocally close to Usher) And Valen is a really huge country fan. He even worked on a country-rock collab with Ryuki that had some modest success.
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monmuses · 3 years
Since its been a while, I lay my URL fourth for opinions-! >.>
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Send me your URL and I'll tell you
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My Opinion on;
Character in general: i LOVE Rivor, hes such a goofy lil idiot to Roxy. she “””tolerates””” him but lowkey does see him as a friend C: for pokemon lore in general, im a complete ape with knowing stuff about it, but i just love his looks. i like him!
How they play them: u do a great job writing him! tbh its the first time ive seen someone write dialogue to a Pokemon before, especially in an rp setting. and with seeing ur blog, ive been seeing more pop up (and follow me too!), so that’s super cool!
The Mun: ur great and i love chatting with u at times when talking about threads C:
Do I;
RP with them: always!
Want to RP with them: HELL ye
What is my;
Overall Opinion: i love Rivor to bits, mun is also a fantastic person too!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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