#up but he thinks what hes doing (evil gay science) is benefiting the world and hes clumsy and he says weird silly phrases and he loves old
ozymoron · 10 months
sometimes you just gotta make an oc whos just all the shit you like in a man all in one dude
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xtarotdollx · 7 months
Attempting one of those long ass literary analysis posts because my friends have told me I should please enjoy this long ass ramble
Okay so like Jekyll creating Hyde is itself a crime right? Like it is it’s a horrifying event filled with body horror and pain like Jekyll creating the potion and creating Hyde is an objectively Bad Thing ™ but like why??? Jekylls motivations for doing so are both sympathetic and relatable (and intentionally so) so why are his actions considered the literal original sin of his story?? Anyway I was bored and fucked around and found an answer and I need to share it because fuck me I can’t be normal about Jekyll.
Anyway review time our buddy Jekyll is sad gay and alone and comes to the conclusion that people contain multitudes. And I say multitudes because Jekyll himself admits in his own research that there’s more to his theory and than just good and evil,
“I say two, because the state of my knowledge does not pass beyond that point.”
“… I hazard guess that man will be ultimately known for a mere polity of multifarious, incongruous, and independent denizens.”
and that he splits himself into good and evil because that’s what he’s most familiar with (aka it’s the split that he can use for his own benefit.) But like, homeboy was kinda on to something. The idea that humans are complex and multifaceted with multiple conflicting ideas and identities has been a thing across psychology and even whole cultures for like forever, and considering that Jekyll and Hyde was written around and about the the creation of the psychology as a scientific field, Jekyll is has (for lack of a better word) discovered something very profound, important, and massively influential to the world around him. And positivity influential to!! It’s that iconic quote “if each could be housed in different Identities, the world would be relieved of all that is unbearable” I think he’s getting ahead of himself here and kinda self projecting but there is very real truth to the idea that studying the difference facets of human identity could improve people and society. And even if he’s dead fucking wrong still putting out the information would end up benefiting societies collective knowledge. Kinda like how Freud was so influential to psychology because some of his theories were so buck wild and wrong that people had to come and correct him, widening the scientific field as a whole.
And Jekyll doesn’t do that. This life altering information is kept to himself, for his own personal use, benefit, and pleasure. And that’s so fucking wild and horrific for so many fucking reasons. Like it goes against so many rules of behavior it’s FOUL. First of the selfishness and gate keeping is inherently just cruel, but this man is a DOCTOR, and a SCIENTIST. This motherfucker took an OATH BEFORE GOD to provide the best care to the people, and now that care, or at least information that could lead to better care, is being squandered for personal gain. That’s fucked. That’s criminal activity right there.
But also I dare you to find me a scientist that doesn’t want to share their research and passion THERE IS NONE. I may be basing this analysis off of a stereotype but I believe it’s a stereotype based in reality but isn’t this the very thing people who go into fields of science and research do??? Like, they are unified by their desire to explore and SHARE knowledge??? Even if like the Jekyll wasn’t a professional doctor with his Hippocratic oath just doing things for shits and giggles, how is the goal not to tell people about this?? This doctor isn’t doctoring the way doctors should. Jekyll keeping his discoveries to himself is also just borderline non human behavior to me because who actually in real life does that. Again how is the end goal not to share this discovery? Humans are social creatures we want to share things. Swapping stories around a campfire is like the oldest human tradition ever. If you’re out in the woods and see a cool frog the immediate reaction is to call your friends over to look, or take a picture, or something similar. WHEN I THINK OF NEW WAYS TO VIEW AND INTERPRET JEKYLL ANS HYDE, THE IMMEDIATE THOUGHT IS TO SHARE IT WITH MY FRIENDS. I cannot FATHOM how secrecy is Jekyll’s immediate desire as a fellow human who lives on this earth.
And this actually slots in with really well with Jekyll and Hyde as a social critique of the upper class. Keeping super important info to yourself is NOT a human activity in any capacity, but it is an institutional one. The best thing I can think of to describe and compare it to is oil companies history of actively suppressing information about climate change to stay in business. It’s a modern example but I feel so deeply that there is an 1800s equivalent that I just can’t think of or don’t know in this moment. But the point is, Jekyll isn’t a person (metaphorically speaking), he’s a institution of wealth and power doing what large institutions do best, profiting off of the the control and suppression of the people below them, in this case the control of information.
But of course, Jekyll literally speaking, is a person. He’s just some guy, and seeing a very very human character act without any human instinct so casually is freaky and 10/10 horror. Jekyll’s creation of Hyde isn’t a crime or a sin because Hyde is an evil thing that will do evil things, it’s horrifying because Jekyll’s choice to do so is inhumane in every definition of the word thank you for coming to my TedTalk have a nice day
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fake-wizard · 4 years
How did you become a trans terf? This is really interesting!
Thank you for this question because I can now delay watching my lectures for like 30 min. 
I got tumblr my freshman year, started my deep dive into the realm of tumblr’s lgbtqianpd+++ stuff. I did a bunch of ace discourse as an “inclusionist” then as an “exclusionist”, started iding as nonbinary demiboy, ace/aro, he/they, got a binder i think during the winter of my sophomore year and came out to a couple friends as nb. Went more towards ftm. Started dating my current boyfriend winter of my junior year, told him I was id’ing as ftm (he’s bisexual, didn’t matter) and the rest of my friends, changed my name and pronouns socially. Start of my senior year I told my family and had them change pronouns and name as well. My bday is in October, so turned 18 and was going to start testosterone. 
By the winter of that year however, I had been hate-reading a lot of “terf” blogs. And what I found was that I could not argue against what they were saying. I was experiencing a lot of cognitive dissonance about it all, repeating the same mantras but knowing they didn’t quite add up. 
Specifically about: If sexuality is based on an internal sense of gender, how can you be attracted to anyone until they tell you what gender they are? If a lesbian sees a woman and she says “i’m ftm” does that mean the lesbian is now a bisexual because they were ���attracted to a man” or is a switch supposed to flip and they stop being attracted? If sexism is based on “being perceived as a woman/passing as a woman” then why do butches who pass as men still experience sexism? If being gay is about “being perceived as gay in society” then wouldn’t that make all the homosexual couples historically who passed as hetero for safety suddenly become actual literal heteros? If transmen have male privilege, why are they not represented in politics, are targetted for sexual abuse by straight men, and need access to abortion just like women do? If transwomen don’t have male privilege, why are they the main voices of the movement? They can reap all the benefits of a male life for 50 years, and then suddenly none of that mattered? If me and my boyfriend’s relationship is “gay” now that i id’d as ftm, how come we could legally get married and adopt in any country in the world? I was raised being told I Should like and date men, I never once believed my attraction to men was a sin, and gay men experience the Exact Opposite, so how could we both possibly be gay men? Why do transwomen have male patterns of violence? Why have I only ever heard of stories of transwomen abusing transmen, and not the other way around? Is it possible to only be attracted to the same sex? To say no is to say that it’s possible for all women to like dick, which is obviously fucked up. What is so different about a man and a transwoman that means a lesbian is supposed ot like the latter? Why can’t anybody define women? first woman, then female, then afab, the goalpost kept moving. What is there to being a woman besides being female, isn’t all that extra stuff just stereotypes? When my sister is distressed with her body and denied herself food, or I cut myself, that’s a bad thing because it hurts your body, but hrt and a mastectomy hurt your body, they even risk killing you, but that’s okay? I took a sociology class and it’s clear socialization effects behavior - but somehow magically trans people grow up uneffected by it? If socialization can influence women to wear makeup, dress, and act in specific ways that arent’ innate, and cause higher rates of eating disorders, couldn’t it effect dysphoria as well?
And so much more!!!
And that’s only on the trans side - I also had my eyes opened to the horrors of pornography and prostitution, the rates of domestic violence, and all the other terrible sex-based oppression that women are subjected to globally. There is so much more to being a radfem than the trans issues too. 
So for two years (winter of my senior year to winter of my college’s high school year) I decided not to transition. I engaged with radfem tumblr and talked about all these things with my female friends in person as well, it was like getting a huge weight off my shoulders too. And it really did help lessen my dysphoria to an extent. I came up with a long list of coping mechanisms to employ for dysphoria as well. 
But by this february, I was just so tired of that. I still supported everything I say about radical feminism, about sex based oppression, protecting homosexuals, and the dangers of medical transition. But dysphoria is just this constant painful presence day in and day out, and I pursued medical transition in february. I applaud every woman who chooses not to transition, and ultimately view transitioning as giving in, because I can no longer be a role model to young dysphoric women, who shows them that you don’t need to transition. 
At this point, I love my body more than ever and I can’t imagine regretting these changes really. I will miss connecting with women the way I used to, especially as a woman in science, but the women in my life from before transition will always see me as one of them still, and I appreciate that. 
The way I see it, words don’t hurt me at all, they are immaterial, and as a scientist I value coherent definitions, and I understand the realities of sex. So my goal with transition is to pass as male in society and to alter the parts of my body that bring me distress - I know i’m not literally male. And I think all trans people need to get to the point where they understand that, it really helps mentally. 
And I’ll always think, maybe if i had different friends (half of my friends understand, half think i am or would think i am an evil terf) or was dating a woman instead of a man (i’m bisexual, thought i was hetero in highschool (but called myself a gay man lmao), and dating someone with the same body seems like a big deal in handling dysphoria), if i tried harder with my coping mechanisms, if I saw a therapist who understood all this and didn’t just encourage me to do whatever I wanted, maybe i wouldn’t be transitioning. But I’m happy now, so that’s what I focus on as mattering to me, and that’s what I want to pursue. 
I do caution others from doing the same though. 
Also tangent at the end here, I call myself “trans” because I’m medically transitioned. To me, “cis v trans” makes no sense and is sexist. But “dysphoric vs not dysphoric” or “medically transitioned vs not medically transitioned” make more sense to me. 
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evilelitest2 · 4 years
So how do the rest of us get the dirtbag left to piss off?
You are speaking my language.  Its actually less hard than it should be, the dirtbag left isn’t that large it just seems larger because of how Twitter and Tumblr works.  The big thing we need to do get ride of those fuckers is to tap into their recruitment which means we need to very publicly talk about their issues.  THere are three main things we need to openly talk about, two of which are easy and one of which is...hard.  
1) Making it clear from the start that leftism and progressivism go hand in hand, that both of them come from the same place, the belief in human equality and justice.  
2) Make it clear that the so called “woke” values aren’t just good because they are morally good (though they are) but also because they are an objectively good idea and helps any real form of socialism.  Because again, treating gay people better isn’t just the right thing to do, it helps the nation.  Because having a large percentage of the population actually able to spend their time earning money, paying taxes, spending money and supporting social structures (to say nothing of their personal contributions to art/culture/science/entertainment ect) makes the society as a whole more healthy and productive.  Just to give a few examples
Keeping qualified women from working jobs that they can do better hurts everybody 
The sooner trans people can transition and get access to hormones and reach a state of emotional health the sooner they can actually live productive lives (constant misery does not make for a good citizen) 
The fact that about 40% of the US population is constantly denied access to good jobs, wages, education, opportunities, and cultural employment due to racism means that the nation isn’t benefiting from their possible contributions 
Making workplaces, even capitalist ones more gender neutral, racially/sexually diverse will produce better policies overall, because a lot of shitty elements of capitalism come from toxic masculinity, religious fundamentalisms  and white supremacy as much as it does from a pure profit motive
And even beyond those issues, no socialist policies are ever going to be enacted as long as otherwise marginalized people aren’t able to benefit from it  
Those are pretty easy arguments to make, we just need to make them loudly and do so even when the dirtbag left isn’t around.  Like we need to just openly state why intersectionality is a practical policy not just a moral one.  The last thing though...thats tricky because I think a lot of leftists don’t want to deal with it.  Which is
3) We need to do a better job of understanding conservatives
See we tend to understand Rightist as...failed leftists.  Like they just don’t know any better, if they weren’t so ignorant, they would accept our world view.  We just need to find a better way to explain equality to them and suddenly they would magically be on board.  And that ignores the biggest problem when you are dealing with a movement made up of bigots, fundamentalist's and conspiracy theorists, led by grifters and megalomaniacs...they like the policies that are enacted.  
The left has long believed that poor white men are voting against their own interest when they support bigoted policies that hurt them economically, but in many ways they are voting for their own interests if they view the world through a tribality “us vs. them” mindset...which they do.  ANd if they are a bunch of people who revel in the idea of hurting the weak and defining themselves as the sense of normal, and rejecting any notion of intellectualism.  I think Trump’s election really eye opening because every single evil, cruel, stupid, incompetent, and absurd policy was...openly cheered on by his cultists.  The notion that conservative voters are “misguided” or “misled” is hard to reconcile when you see how much they reveled in the images of immigrant children being taken away from their families, how much they delighted in Trump rejecting science and intellectualism, how they cheered him on every time he advocated torture, deportations, abuses', cruelty, and violating human rights, and finally how they were delighted when the police opened fire on unarmed protestors.  The Dirtbag’s left argument is that the average MAGA voter is a good old boy who is really just a good person who disagrees with you and wants to be able to swear, and that image is one that leftists created because white people don’t want to acknowledge that their family members would have been little Nazis if they had been around in 30s Germany.  And that is the big hurtle we have to address, that a about 60-74 million Americans are not just ok with but actively rooting for conspiracy theories, anti intellectualism, mass murder, torture, child abuse, dictatorship, racism, sexism, homophobia, and above all cruelty.  And that they will do so at the expense of their own self interest, these people are letting themselves die of Covid in order to support a man who will hurt the people they hate.  
And that is sort of the most difficult pill for the left to swallow, because the left still is in love with the Roussouian idea that most people are fundamentally good and its just systems that make them bad, and we don’t want to abandon that. And the dirtbag left takes advantage of that to provide a really comforting narrative to a lot of leftistst
“Oh Trump supporters aren’t really cruel selfish cultists who worship willing ignorance, they are just misunderstood, if we just use more slurs they will come around to our way of thinking”
The left really needs to understand that they really do believe what their actions indicate.  Its the same problem we had with post war Germany, the whole idea that “oh only the leadership were evil, most Germans didn’t know anything” when in reality most Germans (and really most Europeans) were complicit in antisemitism and dictatorship long before Hitler came to power.  The left never likes to believe the worse in people, the right is always too willing to do so.  
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bit of a rant oof
If homophobes are so obsessed with the idea of gay people or gayness being “unnatural” I gotta say I hope they aren’t relying on technology because lemme tell you something about modern day manufacturing, television, laptops, and taking showers.
I really don’t understand and see how this argument holds up because it falls apart once you realize all these people mentioning homosexuality being unnatural are probably pro-capitalist, and capitalism being the driving force behind unnatural establishments of workers producing industrial and manufactured goods whilst allowing your CEO, boss, etc, to accumulate masses of wealth despite already being well off as it is.And before I hear “Our urge to be aggressively competitive is our nature!”, I’d like to point out that applies to those who are trying to survive in a society where certain resources may be scarce. Of course you’re going to fight for them if it’s a life or death situation unless, you find a way to be mutual about it and establish a more cooperative way of surviving that serves to benefit both parties. We aren’t so simple-minded that we just look at things as a kill or be killed situation. This type of rhetoric and logic is used to justify the existence of billionaires whilst also being based on a very twisted rendition of evolutionary theory. Saying that it’s in our nature to do what we must to survive is not the same as saying that mass accumulation of wealth to such an extent it drains resources from those who need it is justified, because one could argue that our desire to survive can lead us to find a solution in mutual aid, cooperation, and autonomy rather than being overly competitive and creating foes where it might be unnecessary. Sure, we can also be greedy, but to what end do we allow our greed to become so overwhelming that it negatively effects the entire world’s population? In a smaller, agrarian society, I figure those who would try and accumulate a mass majority of resources would be shunned and potentially expelled from said society. In our current society, we’re convinced that billionaires are some kind of benevolent being who keeps the good will of the people in mind, but of course, as history has shown, the establishment of hierarchy and accumulation of power inevitably corrupts those to such a degree that it negatively affects anyone who isn’t considered an “elite” and with no democracy existent in the workplace, I’d hardly call our CEOs benevolent just like I’d hardly call Monarchs benevolent. Although the UK proves they haven’t moved past the worshiping of Monarchs..
 I fail to see how the unnatural mass accumulation of wealth, by unnatural means of production, those things being made in unnatural and industrial settings, and being distributed by unnatural means, is even remotely human nature, and I’d even argue that this “human nature” argument is honestly arbitrary once you realize humans are heavily influenced and are adaptable to their environment, but I digress.
Humanity isn’t so simple to kind of just boil us down to the idea that we exist solely to mate with those of the opposite sex and make children who will then do the same in later years, and I fail to see how viewing humanity in such a way isn’t limiting and restrictive. Whether or not a man can love another man really isn’t a problem. All these reactionary worries of undermining traditional values and marriage is just mere fearmongering. No one who’s actually straight is just going to decide to not get married because their gay next door neighbor got married. Raising children won’t be undermined, nor will the idea of “family” be undermined. The issue arises when reactionaries seemingly want some arbitrary reason to exclude gay people from normal life due to preconceived notions and archaic beliefs that are more than a millennia old at this point, and these people are seemingly fine with government intervention when it suits to enable discrimination, but once it does the opposite, now we have a discussion about civil liberty and rights, because apparently those who aren’t disadvantaged the same way others are, are now being systemically and institutionally oppressed because gay people can hold a big fancy wedding and live in the same suburban neighborhood. Some even try to make it some faux feminist issue, making claims of how gay men getting married is somehow a result of men appropriating femininity and what it means to be a woman.
I mean, The AAP, APA, NASW, and AMA seem to disagree with those who try to undermine people who aren’t straight, but for some reason we’re still having this debate all because of gay characters being represented in films and current properties, and this is quite recent really. Gay character pops up in a comic book or film, all the incel-esque fanboys of whatever property they’re into lose their shit and begin to make conspiracy theories about cultural marxism and the end of civilization as we know it. Apparently sucking dick is going to destroy all of the order established in the world, despite the order in the world ironically being built off the pillaging and ransacking and oppressing of other groups across the world. The SJW propaganda wants to undermine straight people by including people who aren’t like me oh noes. The SJW communists have taken over every individual industry ever in the history of everything, and now my kids are going to become gay! What a tragedy! I need to become an online reactionary activist and pretend I’m an intellectual because I cite evidence whilst misinterpreting it and then make claims about how I trigger the libs!
You might think I’m being seriously hyperbolic here, but I’ve seen conservatives and centrists on Youtube speak EXACTLY like this, and it baffles me that people take these kinds of people seriously. I don’t think I’d look at a movie that just so happens to have an all straight cast and think “THE STRAIGHT AGENDA” because that’s nonsense. Marxists owning means of production only to use it for spreading a progressive message about how gays are pretty ok? Marxists wouldn’t take over businesses. They’d either destroy them or establish worker’s cooperatives out of them, and sorry, but DC, Marvel, and all these other big entertainment distributors? None of them are destroyed or workers co-ops, and if they were, it wouldn’t be because of Marxists going against their own values to prove some point about how capitalism sucks. Capitalism does that by itself. Your kids can’t just majestically turn gay because they saw a comic strip of Spiderman kissing Deadpool. If your kid is gay, that’s just because he just is.His attraction is something he can’t help and feels rather natural to him, and to him, would feel unnatural to constantly be told that their attraction is evil and wrong, and is somehow being enabled by the media they consume. If anything, the media they consume helps them realize themselves better and I see no negatives with that. Triggering the libs? Most “progressives” or leftists typically acknowledge that certain things being said or represented are in poor taste. I don’t like cancel culture, but me saying that someone shouldn’t call someone a faggot isn’t me being “ultra triggered liberal sjw”, it’s just me saying that such vernacular derives from the dehumanization of a certain group of people, and it’s not your word to own. When you say it in a such a way, we know what you mean, and it’s not helpful to you or I. That’s not me telling you to go die, and if your reaction to that is more vitriol, then maybe you’re the one who’s offended by me making an honest point. Sorry if your tunnel vision view of societal norms and the way we as people treat each other originates from cowardly centrists from Youtube, or reactionaries.
I’m genuinely and honestly tired of this debate surrounding whether or not I have the right to exist and be free from discrimination. I can’t fathom why so many people think my right to exist is somehow a violation of their own rights to such a degree that they think they need to undermine mine, and I’m especially tired of these same people arguing that something I can’t help is unnatural despite many of these people consuming and being surrounded by things that actually are unnatural, and made by unnatural means. Also tired of the bs surrounding entertainment and this whole charade regarding fake outrage surrounding gay people in films. Admittedly I do have a problem with companies using LGBT representation as a mere commodity for liberal consumer points, but that’s not a problem with being gay as much as it’s a problem with companies being soulless husks as corporate entities with no regard for humanity. And I’m really tired of having buzzwords thrown my way as a way to shut down conversation, and then have these people pretend they owned me in some hypothetical debate. Sexuality and the way it’s shaped through genetics, environment, the structure of our brain, etc, is a very complex subject, and it irks me that people really want to find any way to disregard science to try and justify their bigotry only to claim they aren’t bigoted in any way.
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go-redgirl · 5 years
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Delingpole: Boris Johnson and Donald Trump Have Made Christmas Great Again!
This Christmas, spare a thought for those less fortunate than you.
I’m thinking, especially, of all those losing losers who have been driven to apoplexy by the Conservatives’ massive victory in the UK general election.
They wanted a Marxist Prime Minister. They believed they were going to get one in the form of crusty has-been Jeremy Corbyn. Instead what they got is their worst nightmare: the birth of Britain’s very own Trumpian revolution, in the form of Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Yes, I know some of you have reservations about how genuinely conservative Boris is going to be. But since it’s Christmas, let’s banish all unpleasantness and think only of happy things: the tears, wailing and abject misery of the left as it tries — and fails utterly — to come to terms with the scale of the crushing defeat it has just experienced.
Here is privately-educated cartoon communist and feminist Laurie Penny (who, before she moved to the U.S. to become a screenwriter, popped up fairly regularly as one of the BBC’s go-to lefties, operating under the handle ‘Penny Red’).
Boris Johnson is cut from the Trump mold, a shiftless spoilt aristocrat posing as a man of the people from his stagnant pool of privilege, the sleazy con-man, the blustering moral black hole on the political event horizon.
People are going to die. People are going to live shorter, meaner lives. Communities on the brink of collapse will implode. We’re going to have to try and hold it together through these years.
Here is eco evangelist George Monbiot, explaining that the reason the Conservatives won is that the proletariat were yet again duped into voting against their own interests by the evil, Russian-backed, far-right, capitalist hegemony: 
We could, of course, go on and on this vein, gleefully listing all the lefty semi-celebrities who have been unhinged by Boris and who are now running round in circles like tigers chasing their tails till the point where they’ll eventually turn to butter.
But to dwell to excess on lefty misfortune would be greedy: like having too much cream and brandy butter with your third helping of Christmas pudding.
Suffice to say that one of the surest signs that Boris Johnson’s victory is a very good thing and not a bad thing is the effect it has had on the forces of the regressive left.
Politics, as Andrew Breitbart used to say, is downstream from culture. He was absolutely right and it’s why, I believe, it will be a mistake if we set too much store by what Boris Johnson’s Conservative administration does or doesn’t do over the next five or ten years.
Some of its policies — I’m liking the sound of its proposed free ports in the regions — will be effective; others — anything it does which has anything to do with ‘combating climate change’, for example — will be a complete waste of space.
But politics was ever thus. It is in the nature of governments — even ones wearing the conservative label; even Margaret Thatcher’s and Ronald Reagan’s, for heaven’s sake — to waste money on an epic scale, doing things which would be much better left to the private sector.
What matters far more than politics, though, is the surrounding culture. It’s here, I believe, that we are going to experience the most important benefits of the Boris Johnson revolution.
Boris is an optimist, a patriot, a lover of the good things in life — wine, women, song, fast cars, Greek epic poetry… He has no time for the puritanism of the left, nor for the narrow reductivism of identity politics, nor for constraints on freedom of speech.
Whenever I speak to ordinary, non-political people about Boris, the reaction is always the same: they grin. He can be a bit naughty, they think, and maybe not every one of his promises is to be taken literally. But they’re prepared to go along with him because he’s a jaunty, charming cove they can relate to because they can imagine themselves having a drink with him and enjoying a bit of banter, just like we all used to be able to do when Britain was a free country.
Boris Johnson feels like the Restoration of Charles II after far, far too long under the grim, Christmas-banning Puritans.
We felt this, very much, at a Libertarian Drinks we had in Worcester before Christmas — at, where else?, the local branch of Wetherspoons. [* footnote for U.S. readers: chain of friendly pubs where they serve really, really cheap beer, run by a cheerfully pro-Brexit hero entrepreneur called Tim Martin, who deserves to get a knighthood in the New Year Honours.]
It was an extraordinary, varied crowd which included a vicar, a gas salesman, a soldier, a philosophy professor, a graphic designer, a retired nuts and bolts manufacturer, a council’s financial officer. What we all had in common was that for years we’ve lived in trepidation of the kind of bitter, aggressive, priggish, self-righteous, bullying Social Justice Warriors like the ones I mentioned at the beginning.
We don’t fear these people as individuals — why would you? They’re jumped up nobodies with delusions of adequacy — but we’re very much wary of the collective power they’ve accumulated in the last decade or so. They operate in a world where it is all too easy to destroy someone’s career, deprive them of their livelihood, ruin the reputation on the flimsiest of pretexts: you only have to consider, for example, how Nobel-prizewinner Tim Hunt was monstered and destroyed purely because a grievance-seeking, leftist activist had chosen to misunderstand a joke he made at a conference.
But at this years’ Libertarian Drinks there was a sense that the tide is turning, that we’re starting to get our country back from the small but highly influential minority of leftists who have held it hostage.
They called us ‘far-right’, ‘racist’, ‘alt-right’, ‘gammon’, and ‘Nazi’. They said that we’re stupid because we didn’t all read gender-studies and environmental sciences at university. They accused us of hating women, ethnic minorities, the disabled, gay people, transsexuals. They tried — and largely succeeded — to make us tread on eggshells every time we opened our mouths for fear that we might commit some microaggression that might get us cancelled.
And now it turns out that we needn’t have worried after all because we’re the normal people and they are the freaks. I’m sure I’m not describing anything here that American readers won’t already recognise from their own experiences with Donald Trump.
Never mind Trump’s policies, some of which are good, and some of which are not so good: what most matters about the Trump presidency is that it has freed that neglected constituency — people who are patriotic and hard-working and independent and who speak their mind — to feel happy in their skin and to realise that they are not, after all, deplorables but the silent majority.
Boris Johnson is going to have the same effect on Britain as Donald Trump has on the U.S.
They’re different people, with different styles, but they’re both going to make their countries great again.
That’s why I shall be toasting them both this Christmas and why you should too.
Merry Christmas, Bozza! Merry Christmas, the Donald!
Not only is it what they deserve but, even more importantly than that, it’s the kind of sentiment guaranteed to make a thousand thousand bitter leftists choke on their egg nog.
London / Europe Politics Boris Johnson Christmas Donald Trump
OPINION:  That’s great news to hear!  Merry Christmas to both leaders in their own country!  👑👑🎄🎄
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Astra 4 - 6 | Demon Slayer 17 - 19 | Cop Craft 4 - 6 | Dr Stone 3 - 6 | Fruits Basket 15 - 19 | Given 3 - 5
Astra 4
How does anyone wash their hands with a spacesuit on?
Those exaggerated faces (reaction to candy plants) weren’t in the manga. Good thing too – they improve on the source.
Hey, man (Ulgar)! “Big girl” is offensive. (I’m probably saying that because I’m not too big myself.)
The *ding ding ding!* was pretty hilarious…LOL.
I remember this was pretty harsh to read for me the first time…because y’know what they say about representation mattering in feminist studies/articles? Yeah, that. (Exactly how I’m represented? That I’ll leave to your imagination…)
Aw, the Gruppie sounds adorable!
I think I’ve said this already, but Kanata uses the word “zetsubou” – despair, not necessarily “hopeless” – to say what he says.
Demon Slayer 17
I was a bit confused as to why Inosuke was majorly angry all the time, but then I realised that he’s not necessarily angry, per se - he is just majorly competitive.
*head on spider legs appears* ARGHHHHHHHHHHH! That reminds me of that head on spider legs from Toy Story…I seem to remember that freaked me out to some degree. I’m actually not afraid of spiders, but show me an image for “trypophobia” (fear of tiny holes) or stick me somewhere high up without secure footing…and I’m gone.
This episode is…great! I’m cursing as I watch, but it’s great! The CGI is adding to the creepiness! Also, I so didn’t expect Zenitsu to have black hair.
I agree with Zenitsu’s master, he is a moron…
…but truth be told, I think I see myself in him. That’s probably why I find him so annoying. Lately, I’ve found there are periods where I resent myself more than anyone else…and that’s the scariest part about living life. But I can’t complain, because I put my name down to help others in the same situation.
Z-Zenitsu! I-I’m sorry I ever doubted you! I’m so sorry…! I promise I’ll stop thinking you’re annoying, because you remind me of meeeeeeeeeee…! *sob, snivel, sob…*
Ukogiiiiiiiiii! Wahhhhhhhhh!
Hmm…you can smell rain. I’ve smelt it before. But thunderclouds…? Not so much.
Demon Slayer 18
“Rookie Mizunoto join the battle!” – The Smash Bros intro is a fun way to introduce people, no?
I thought Shinobu Kocho was Naruto running, but instead she has her jacket on her shoulders…so it only looks like Naruto running.
CG models are back to being awkward again…
“If you can’t slash something with one sword, you just gotta pound it with another sword!” – Basically, the philosophy of the entire shonen genre when dealing with swords.
“I’m gonna die.” – Well, there’s some words I thought I’d never hear from Inosuke…
Oh yeah…I forgot Inosuke’s never met Giyu.
Hmm…I’ve been suspecting Rui is the member of the 12 Kizuki as a demon with lower possibility of being so (but being raised by Ply’s hint during our collab and Tanjiro’s fight), but I’m more certain of the father being the 12 Kizuki based on what the series has shown us already. Hmm…so who is it???
*starts watching Taisho Secret* Wait, where did Giyu come from??? *watches again* Oh, he appears from above…! Interesting…
Hmm…I like salmon onigiri myself. I also like tuna…most flavours, really.
Cop Craft 4
The man (?) with the purplish hair who called Kei over is meant to be a gay stereotype or at least close to one. Aside from his (?) appearance, you can tell by him (?) nding his sentences with “wa”.
Marth’s post for ep. 4 said “And Suddenly, Vampires”, so…I’m thinking about how Cop Craft actually does the horror vibe really well as I watch.
Aw, these cliffhangers suck! I’m starting to thank myself that I ran behind on every show but Demon Slayer.
Cop Craft 5
O-Oh, the CG is getting worse…
Who was the 2nd person dead? The 1st was Chapman…
Astra 5
As I’m laughing at the reactions from the makeover (because I knew this was coming), I’m simultaneously wondering…holding those scissors in the way you’re doing is dangerous, Luca!!!
Oh great…midseason animation slump. This is only the 2nd show to suffer from that this season…and I’ve only caught up on 3 shows so far.
“Mine is bigger!” “No, mine is!” – Ah, anime boys and their ability to make things vaguely Freudian when out of context…*slight sweatdrop*
*slow pan, with a final shot on Aries’s boobs* - Oh, really…? *grumpy*
*…then proceeds to do boob shots of all the girls* Oh, really?!? You wanna go, show?! You were doing so well, up until this episode!!! I didn’t read past volume 2 of the manga, so this beach stuff is all new to me!!! Plus, it sucks because boob shots are everywhere!!!
“…approach him like that…”
People have been pointing this out, but McPa = Camp, Shummoor = Mushroom, Vilavurs = Survival…so Arispade = Paradise.
Ulgar really reminds me of Tooi, even though he came first…
Dr Stone 3
Taiju’s ugly tears make me go “d’aww” now that this scene is animated…it was nice in manga format, but even better when it was moving and with colour.
Now that I think about it, Tsukasa’s “benefit of the new world” talk reminds me of Death Note.
Senku trying to steal Kamakura Buddha bronze looks like Bart Simpson…
Boueibu should’ve taught you that Hakone is home to hot springs.
Dr Stone 4
You don’t fire a smoke signal…
Oh wow, Mecha Senku! Wouldya lookit that! *points at him* He answers questions in the manga, so I didn’t think he’d get adapted!
Are those…CGI trees? Oh great, why does all shonen these days need CGI trees???
Fighting over established interests means a Thucydides trap (a mini version of which seems to be playing out here with Tsukasa)…that’s basically the only thing I remember from my old politics classes.
I just noticed Yuzuriha refers to all the boys with –kun. She wants to stay friends with all of them…I guess even Tsukasa’s on that list, huh?
Hmm…Senku’s eyes are a reddish colour, but otherwise he’s normally representd with blue to Taiju’s red…
I just realised Senku has a red pen and a black pen in one of his breast pockets.
Aww…it’s nice to have rivals who aren’t 100% evil for once. Sure, pure evil rivals are easy to write but hard to justify. Good guys with one morally wrong aspect to them are harder to write, but easier to get behind. (Plus, at least they’re not Sasuke-style angsty.)
Dr Stone 5
So…I went searching…and I was wondering why I wanted to claim Tsukasa as husbando (but man, he’s a bit more stereotypical for a gal to fall in love with – all girls like bad guys, amirite???), but as it turns out, Senku and his buds from our era (Tsukasa included) are 18 and so are ripe for the husbando/waifu picking (not to mention they’re technically over 3700 years old, which more than makes them legal for things like drinking alcohol, as Senku himself pointed out a few eps back).
D’aww…this was in the manga, but now I find Tsukasa inserting himself into Senku’s flashback cute.
Notably, Gen Asagiri appears on the front of the book this student is asking the question from. Who’s Gen Asagiri, you ask, my dear anime-only random nonexistent entity I type these notes for? You’ll find out…soon.
Hmm…Yuzuriha is more observant than we give her credit for. Also, Senku pulled a Gen Asagiri right there…LOL.
LOL…those ‘shrooms seem massively symbolic. They were also in the manga, IIRC.
Why does Yuzuriha wear a neck scarf, anyway?
Hey, they even managed to get the game-like text box right! Awesome! (It reminds me of Little Alchemy, to be honest.)
“Himo” translates to rope…or a cord. Just FYI.
Astra 6
Eyyy…this show is calling me out.
Eyyyyy…Toi vibes from Ulgar!!!
Eyyyyy…wut? I can’t believe Anime Feminist was on the money here??? (Context: The reviewer for Astra said Luca was “one ambiguously-gendered character”.)
Hey…I once read a book with a 50% similarity to this plot. (There was a gay character – not intersex - and all the characters are adopted.)
I think Xenodude said this, but…in space, nobody can hear you scream.
I’m laughing so hard…why are Kanata’s abs the thing that hurt the most? (It’s because he’s got the harness in that region…forget I asked. It’s still funny though.)
“MILD THING” – Yep, Ulgar’s gonna be mild after what happened this episode…
Ohhhhh, I didn’t understand the “hairpiece” thing until it was revealed it was a toupee through context.
Ooh, 50% chance of lying here. Who to trust, who to trust? Charce or Aries? (I trust Aries, by the way.)
Dr Stone 6
The alien explanation etc. was in the manga, but…why do all the attackers look like Senku???
Senku does his best Thinker impression.
Eyyy! Fighter vs. fighter. I love this scene, even if only because Tsukasa (and his muscles) have the upper hand in both the visual angle and the power balance, although [BLEEP <- no spoilers!] has the surprise factor.
I remember learning once blonde hair is recessive…so does that mean most of the community is blonde? (I know the answer to that, but you, my non-existent anime-discussing entity, don’t.)
I’m tempted to hear Senku scream, “This. Is. SCIENCE!!!”
Fruits Basket 15
For some reason, videos run much faster on my phone than my laptop…
Hmm…this is the first time I’m properly listening to the 2nd ED…It’s kinda like how you’d expect an ED to be: quieter than an ED, but still serving up cuteness.
Fruits Basket 16
This episode’s visually very dark…
Middle School!Tohru reminds me of Hitori Bocchi.
Smol Uo looks like Kyo.
Fruits Basket 17
(nothing this time, sorry!)
Fruits Basket 18
Oh! I remember the matching scene in the manga (where Kisa bites Tohru for the first time).
I also remember the manga Hatsuharu is reading is called “Mogeta and the Ant” (Ari).
Now you see why Tohru is Kyoko’s daughter…
“…what her hair and eye colour were.”
Fruits Basket 19
The ep is called “I’m So Sorry!”…I think I know who’s going to star in this episode, alright…
For some reason, when I see Ritsu and Mitchan apologising to each other, I think of me and Astral…(LOL…?)
…Or maybe it reminds me of Zenitsu…?
Eyyyyyyyy, A-ya is A-ya…
This overly-apologetic character of Ritsu…this is why Martin was my favourite character back in the original Ro.Te.O days…*sighs while basking in nostalgia*
Demon Slayer 19
This episode’s been hyped since last week. Let’s get on with it!
Ooh, no pattern on this title card…
Wow (sarcastic), talk about infighting…but amazingly, I found Inosuke’s art shift to be funny for once in my life! (Amazing!...and yes, the exclamation of “Amazing!” is sincere)
Using terror is…well, Machiavellian. Hard power. You get my drift, right?
So basically, Rui breaks down the nuclear family for us.
Wait a flippin’ second…Hinokami (god of fire)? Charcoal selling? Water Breathing??? One of these is not like the others, for sure.
I get the feeling the father’s dance was recorded as video then converted to animation by ufotable staff…that’s what they did for YoI, no?
“The cold won’t bother you, either.” - Well, due to his fire theming, the cold never bothered Tanjiro anyway…*echoes of “Let It Go” suddenly play in the background*
Go for it, Nezuko! Be the Bakugo of the Demon Slayer world!
According to the credits, Tanjiro’s dad’s name is Tanjuro…that’s confusing, to say the least…
(Sorry Astral, the background noise while I was watching meant I did’t watch it with sound on…Also, is it wrong that I think the dad is hot??? Another thing: why do Tanjuro and Tanjiro have matching scars on their temples…?)
One of Tanjiro’s bros looks like Zenitsu??? Wuh???
Ooh, insert song “Kamado Tanjiro’s Song” by Go Shiina ft Nami Nakagawa. I’ll have to listen to it when I can. (Ever since SGRS, I’ve loved Go Shiina’s work…guess I didn’t expect it here, though.) Update: Misattributed the work. Go Shiina does videogame work, Sheens Ringo did SGRS stuf.
Given 3
I never knew that asking someone into a band was like asking someone out…(probably because I’ve never been in a band).
Given’s a frickin’ riot – that’s one reason I stuck with it.
I forgot Mafuyu was underage…!
Cop Craft 6
That car chase was basically Need for Speed…with worse graphics…
I followed Kei’s advice to Google Jeffrey Dahmer…and I regret it.
The text says “Someone from the Semanian gang of thieves made contact.”
I didn’t make sense of “I hate being McCloud” until I rewound a bit and found that’s a disguise or alter ego of Tony’s.
“Shift the transmission into ‘Reverse’. The car will begin to roll backward sharply…” - The driving instructions are real, at least.
Given 4
Ehhhhh…still shots…
Kaji sure looks tough for a violinist…but a music major? Never thought he’d be one…(I saw some spoilers saying Kaji was a violinist before I watched the episode, hence my lack of surprise in that department.)
Not everyone’s in a band, y’know…
$120…? Nasty…
Ah, a layby? I don’t actually know what other countries call it, but where I am they’re called laybys, not layaways. (At the charity store I volunteer at, they call ‘em “holds”, though…which makes things even more confusing.)
Watching th first ep at the anime club made me realise that one had a piano version of Marutsuke, while this one is standard Marutsuke.
Given 5
Ooh, I see English-translated lyrics! Nice one, subbers! By the way, the title of the OP “Kizuato” sounds like it should translate to “Traces of Scars/Wounds” in English, but it’s in katakana, so I can’t confirm that…
It seems joining a band is a metaphor for love in this show…(see ep. 3 notes for more on that)
Holy moly! I’m still fairly new to BL/yaoi in general, so two-timing the boyfriend is not a trope ‘ve seen before, let alone dealt with in my head…
Ooh, more translated lyrics! That (ED singer) does sound like Mafuyu, come to think of it…
0 notes
marcjampole · 7 years
If you want mainstream media to like your book on American decline, blame the 60’s. Fantasyland latest to do so
It seems as if no social critic can get a fair hearing in the mass media unless she-he blames it on the sixties. If you Google the expression “blame it on the sixties,” you summon up references to a wide range of articles and books in which experts and pundits blame a variety of current social and economic problems on changes in the attitudes, customs and mores of the 1960’s. My perusal of the first three pages of search results found the 1960’s and early 1970’s faulted for the rise in child abuse, our economic decline, political correctness, the vote in the Electoral College for Donald Trump, the increase in obesity, crime and growing drug abuse.
You’d think that most of the sixties-haters would be religious and social conservatives, because, say what you will about that decade, it did witness the sexual revolution that led to more open attitudes and greater social acceptance of sexual rights for women and all kinds of sexual experiences between all kinds of people. But as it turns out, a substantial number of sixties critics are self-flagellating liberals, you know, pundits who claim to be liberal but butter their bread by always blaming liberals for their own predicament. For example, after the election, a slew of Democrats blamed Clinton’s loss on the Democrats depending too much on “identity politics,” i.e., caring about civil rights. With friends like that…
The latest liberal self-flagellator to blame the sixties for the deplorable state of the world is novelist and journalist Kurt Andersen, in his glib and often superficial Fantasyland. Anderson’s description of today’s American Fantasyland is attractive and largely accurate. The insidious spread of fake news; the new level of lying by politicians; the basing of social and economic policy on disproven or bad science; the great numbers of Americans who believe in demons, the absolute existence of a god with male features and/or a literal interpretation of the Judeo-Christian genesis myth; the large number of adults whose lives revolve around electronic games, comic book superheroes, cosplay and other escapist fare; the climate change deniers, the evolution deniers, the birthers—these snapshots of the irrational are but a sampling of the evidence that Andersen musters to show that current American society is based on lies and myths, that we surround ourselves with fantasy.
Andersen is also right when he asserts that fantasy has played a major role in American society since the search for the Northwest Passage and the Salem witch trials. His history of irrational thought in America reads like an outline or a greatest hits list: each major figure in an irrational movement or trend gets a paragraph or so. For readers who want to delve into the long history of irrational thought in America, Fantasyland can serve as a syllabus that sends you to the right people and primary sources to read.
But the third part of Andersen’s thesis—that the sixties marked a turning point, after which instead of being a peripheral trend, irrationality took center stage—is dead wrong.
In sixties terminology, Andersen’s mistake is to conflate “do your own thing” with “believe your own thing.” Yes, a lot of people believed in some pretty weird stuff in the 1960’s. Like the First (1730-1740) and Second (1800-1860) Great Awakenings and the Roaring Twenties, the sixties saw an uptick in interest in the occult and the irrational. But lots of the doing of your own thing in the sixties and early seventies involved overthrowing old myths and lies and asserting the truth of empirical science, such as the anti-Vietnam War, Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, Gay Rights, environmental, anti-nuclear, organic gardening and sustainable living movements. All products of a very rational sixties. And in every case, it was the government or the majority of those with influence who were living in a fantasy.
Andersen takes particular note of the rise of the Pentecostal movement and televangelism in the 1960’s. True enough, but morality is not inherently contra-factual. Morality motivated a lot of the antiwar activists and poverty workers. Remember, too, that a Christian left and right wing have existed in this country since at least the abolitionist movement got its start. Even if we accept the core beliefs of the Christian right wing that have persisted for at least 140 years, a rise in a concern for moral issues doesn’t in and of itself suggest the society is entering a fantasyland. I can be against a woman’s right to control her body for moral reasons and still be living in the real world. I enter Fantasyland only when I believe that an abortion causes future health problems, that life begins at conception or that vaccines cause autism.
All of society bases part of its existence on fantastic notions, typically related to ethnic superiority, national character, religion and the convenience of rich folk. Certainly since Columbus made his voyages, religious and irrational beliefs have harmed the United States. Our economy before the 1860’s was largely based on the myth that Africans were inferior people who needed the white man’s guidance and therefore benefited from slavery. What about the medical, economic and social impact of the myths that led to the anti-marijuana laws of the 1930’s? TR, Henry Cabot Lodge and William Randolph Hearst shoveled a lot of bull hockey at Americans to build support for the Spanish-American War and our later atrocities in the Philippines. I would like to prove that the inflection point at which belief overran rationality was during the Reagan era, when so many edifices of lies were built and then used to justify horrific policies; lies and myths such as welfare queens, supply side economics, the failure of government, the failure of public schools and the benefits of the unimpeded free market. But reading history books like Stephen Kinzer’s The True Flag about the Spanish-American War epoch and Matthew Karp’s This Vast Southern Empire: Slaveholders at the Helm of American Foreign Policy about pre-Civil War U.S. foreign policy demonstrates that the Bush II and the current administrations aren’t the first times the United States has been run by a band of reality-denying ignoramuses guided by myths with no basis in reality and representing a sizable minority but not all the people.  
If we, as I do, place primary blame for the growth of the American Fantasyland on the increase of lies and myths knowingly perpetrated by the news media, we can’t really locate in the 1960’s the inflection point after which fantasies begin to dominate the media and, by inference, American society. Since the original scandal sheets and yellow journalism of the Gilded Age, mass media has been growing inexorably, and as it does, so has the ubiquity of advertising, the focus on celebrity and the increase in myths being presented as truth—in commercials, by televangelists, well-funded rightwing think tanks and rightwing television and radio, on alt-right and UFO websites, in social media and fake news. Let’s look at some of major events in the history of media’s creation of Fantasyland: yellow journalism emerged at the end of 19th century, free market commercial radio developed in the 1920’s, the first radio evangelists started broadcasting in the 1930’s and 1940’s, the rise of commercial television and the beginning of the right wing creating alternative distribution channels for their myths occurred in the 1950’s, the federal law that allowed companies to own more TV and radio stations passed in the 1980’s, rightwing radio was born in the 1990’s, the Internet was the 2000’s, the Citizens United decision in 2010. You get the idea.
Why then blame the 1960’s? We would have to read into Kurt Andersen’s heart to know the answer as it pertains toFantasyland. I am, however, quite confident that the larger phenomenon of blaming the 1960’s (and early 1970’s) for every social and economic ill since then results from the mass media applying a screen: Blame the sixties—we like it; blame another decade—reject the article! For the most part rich folk who like the status quo own the mass media and the companies which support media outlets with advertising. While rich folk include a spectrum of beliefs from left-leaning to ultra-right (there are very few socialists of any ilk among this group), they mostly lean right and mostly want to protect the prerogatives of the wealthy.
And they don’t like the true story of what happened in the sixties: It was the absolute high point for equality of wealth and income in U. S. history and the high point of union power (if not of union membership, which occurred in the 1950’s). While not the inflection point for American irrationality, it certainly was for the movement to provide equal rights in courts, the marketplace and workplace to all Americans—plenty happened afterwards, but the turning point certainly came in the 1960’s with the maturing of the Civil Rights movement and the start of other inclusion movements. The 1960’s thus represent the start of the threat to the special position of white males.
In other words, the real “evil” of the 1960’s is not that it created an American Fantasyland, or that it led to a decline in morals or educational standards or the work ethic. No, what the mass media hates about the 1960’s is that for a few brief years we saw a way to institute a true social democracy in a fairly equitable society with a fairly level playing field, kind of like the model developed in Europe after World War II. The Reaganites saw another way, but to make it work, they had to denigrate the real ideals of the sixties—government spending to solve social problems, a level playing field that did not favor individuals of any group, the importance of ending poverty and giving people a hand up, enlightened stewardship of natural resources, a foreign policy not dependent on America bullying other nations. These core beliefs—all based on facts and science—contradict everything the right stands for. Thus the desire, even today, to blame everything on the 1960’s.
I stopped reading novels about writers or university teachers about 30 years ago. I think it might be time to stop reading books that blame the 60’s.
1 note · View note
roidespd-blog · 5 years
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A term that has been thrown around by many as a counterpart to the birth of the Gay Rights Movement in 1968. Because you see, whenever a vital force comes to the scene and thrives, its equal in destruction must rise as well. Some kind of cosmic YING and YANG. The term itself, known also as the Gay Agenda, officially emerged in 1992 through a Californian Christian Organization called Springs of Life Ministries in a series of… well let’s call them propaganda videos against the immoral life choices of gay people. That very same year, a Christian political activist organization used those videos for their campaign to prevent special rights for gays, lesbians and bisexuals.
The Gay Agenda was officially in the American Zeitgeist.
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You’re gonna ask me : why did they wait 24 years to counter attack the Queer Movement of the late 60s with a wonderfully catchy name like THE HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA ? (Admit it, name-wise, it’s damn good).
Well, as I was researching the origins of this term, I came across what, in my opinion, constitutes the foundation of America’s (and therefore, the World) fear towards the rise of legal rights for queer people : a 1987 essay by Marshall Kirk called « The Overhauling of Straight America ». (1) (which I believe was itself inspired by « The Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion »). (2) I have a lot of things to say about this article that would take another full article and would also be quite pointless as it needs to be contextualized to a very angry spirit of 1987 Anti-Gay America, but I will sum up Kirk’s thoughts. In this article, Kirk tries to put together a new way of attacking the social and political system that puts the community on the verge of extinction. He makes it very clear that the way things are being handled is wrong and new tactics are necessary for the advancement of the cause. Here are the six mains points of this new way of thinking :
Plus a whole other sets or rules and alphabet letters for getting ourselves known to the public in a new and more conventional (conventional as not-so-threatening) image.
First appearing on Guide Magazine, the article is not entirely wrong on its views and strategies — although we are still debating as of right now as what is the best way to represent Queer people to the public. I struggle with this everyday, proof of an internal psychodrama based on fears and lack of proper footing in the world… We’ll talk about that another time, ‘kay ?
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The main problem with the article is the way it was presented to the straight white man who read it : as a insidious installation of difference in its system. Gay people will try to appear straighter, go incognito and fade to the background to get more acceptance and more rights. Something that did not fly with Christian groups. So came the new stigmatization of Queer people with what seems to be America’s favorite obsession : Conspiracy Theory.
Conspiracy theory A belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event.
I also have a very, very, VERY definition of the Homosexual Agenda from a very, very, VERY funny site called Conservapedia (3)
« The Homosexual Agenda is a self-centered set of beliefs and objectives designed to promote and mandate approval of homosexuality and its ideology in society, along with the strategies used to implement such. The goals and means of this movement include INDOCTRINATING STUDENTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, restricting the free speech of the opposition, obtaining SPECIAL TREATMENT for homosexuals, DISTORTING BIBLICAL TEACHING AND SCIENCE and interfering with freedom of association » It also states « THE HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS THE BIGGEST THREAT TO THE RIGHTS OF THE FREE SPEECH AND RELIGIOUS FREEDOM TODAY ». Honestly, if you can take a step back and not throw up, it’s pretty funny to read. Then you remember that thousands of young people try and mostly likely succeed in killing themselves because of those beliefs and it’s quite hard to take a step back. Now, I’d like to talk to you about Paul Cameron in a segment called « Portrait of a Demon »
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Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1939, raised in Florida, educated by Californian colleges and a proud owner of a PHD from a university of Colorado, Paul Cameron is an evil man. IS cause that cunt is still alive. After working on somewhat interesting researches from the effects of passive smoking and the relation between pet ownership and happiness, he associated himself with a little group called … Spring of Life Ministries. Remember those ?
Cameron appeared in one of their fun little videos and through « science », argued that 75 percent of gay men regularly ingested feces and that 70 to 78 percent have had a sexually transmitted disease. He emphasized through more « research » the harms caused by homosexual behavior and by its acceptance from the general public. For that, he used the same rhetoric as his passive smokers research : even though you are not a practitioner, accepting it around your personal space might cause you (and society) to die. He also said that he started feeling sexual attraction to men at age three, was molested by a male at 4 and became heterosexual at 8 or 9 years of age. Sure. I can also talk about his need to associate pedophilia with homosexuality through pamphlets made by the Family Research Institute or that one of their conclusions was that a homosexual teacher could influence their students to become homosexual (4).
I can talk about the « accomplishments » and « contributions to science » of this guy all day, but keep that one sentence in mind : Paul Cameron is a CUNT that helped construct the idea that homosexuality should not be adopted by the general public as « normal » and that gay people will destroy society. He partly created the Homosexual Agenda bullshit and he can go suck a bag of dicks.
So HOW DO WE FIGHT THE HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA ? The Concerned Women of America (5) has the answer in 11 points for us. 01. Share the life-changing gospel of Jesus Chris with a homosexual. (Someone tried that one on me, once. He did not work, unfortunately).
02. Educate your family, co-workers, and friends about the homosexual agenda. (Just like I’m doing right now ? I rock! Good for me!)
03. Confront media bias. (And tell them all about our entirely anti-gay non-bias opinions from God.)
04. Call your representatives. (RuPaul, Neil Patrick Harris, Ellen, Laverne Cox and Kirsten Stewart, right ?)
05. Reach children and students with the truth. (Before homosexual pedophiles, or more commonly known as just pedophiles can get the fairy hands on them.)
06. Talk to your pastor. (Did you know that 7th Heaven’s Stephen Collins admitted to sexually abusing three different underage girls ? But that’s not the same. He was a Reverent on the show, so whatever.)
07. Speak out against « sexual orientation » laws. (No marriage, no benefits, no protection, no peeing in public bathrooms, no service in any establishments for you, faggots and friends!)
08. Lobby corporations and do shareholder activism. (Sure, because queer people are not consumers and they will not affect the market by their disappearance AT ALL.)
09. Pray and take « direct action » (Wait, wait, wait. Those are two different things. What direct actions are you referring to ? You’re starting to sound like a Christian Heterosexual Agenda.)
10. Call or write the President. (It also says « Urge the President to be a moral leader ». Not sure your President will truly help on that department.)
11. Support pro-family organizations that are fighting on your behalf. (The fight is never over. Power to the STRAIGHT MORAL PEOPLE!)
Ladies. Gentlemen. Everyone else in between and beyond.
There is no Homosexual Agenda. We’re talking about a HUMAN AGENDA concerning Queer People. We wake up, just like you. We drink coffee, just like you. We eat. We drink. We shit. Just like you. We like the same music. We watch the same movies. We take the same trips. We deserve the same respect and protection. Just like you do. There’s a lot of talk about differences and community and normalization. Forget about those clichés (which we will talk about later) and those fears you have. The only agenda we have is to live. And sometimes eat tacos.
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I’ll leave you with a counter definition of the HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA by our friends from the RationalWiki page (6) :
« The Homosexual Agenda (…) is a metaphorical boogeyman created by the Religious Right in the United States. The agenda’s slimy lavender appendages are trying to infiltrate and corrupt every facet of traditional American culture, most notably family values. The prime purpose for the metaphor is to give LGBT rights a shady, vicious and fictional purpose and thus keep it dehumanized »
See also : « Gay Revolutionary » by Michael Swift (7) (1)http://library.gayhomeland.org/0018/EN/EN_Overhauling_Straight.htm
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Autism Myths: Intentional Misrepresentation & Sociopaths
I don't know why neurotypicals are so intent to attack, undermine, smear, and even go so far as to character assassinate not just autistic people, but the type of mind in general, unless I'm incredibly right about NT tribalism and they just can't help themselves. It's fascinating just how many parallels I can draw between the NT 'scientist' and baloney systems of faith and religion. As an autistic person, I have an incredibly clear view of this, my mind just strips away the nonsense and sees things for what they truly are. I already spoke of the Cult of Dark Matter, and how that's turned into something that's the contemporary equivalent of 'finding God,' instead of just admitting that a.) our estimations of mass within our galaxy may be wrong, and b.) Erik Verlinde might actually be correct. The attitude toward autism is very similar to the Cult of Dark Matter, Creationism, and other things you probably should be weary of. The reasons why will become rather obvious as you read this and things fall into place. I'll open by saying that I don't think there's such a thing as an NT 'scientist.' The NT 'scientist' is like HR from CW's Flash. They're all about pomp and marketing, but they lack the level of necessary objectivity to engage in actual science. Their 'science' is all about sensationalism and the rise of neurotypical extraverts in science has lead to the shoddy state it's in right now (read here and here and here). Science used to be much more a field dominated by the a gamut of different kinds of minds, but as it shifts towards neurotypical extraversion it's losing cohesion and worth. A part of why NTs make for bad scientists is that they can't leave their tribalism behind. If you need to understand this, read my prior post on autism myths, and some others on my blogs. NTs have a very binary, absolute outlook on the world, very 1 and 0. The NT is 1, everyone else is 0, that's how they define their incredibly simplistic hierarchy. If you're not 1, if you're not of the NTs in-group, you're 0 and thus subhuman. This is how prejudices occur. This is how a gay person who's experienced bigoted hate can turn around and act like a hateful bigot toward trans people, because they can't stop being tribal. This doesn't happen with other spectrums who'll advocate trans right every bit as much as their own. In fact, autism is quite prevalent amongst trans people.
NTs will even try to tell you they’re more attractive for being the for being the 1 to your 0. They might even use some entertainingly bollocks-laden 'science' to try to prove it. Which will then be deconstructed by someone actually intelligent. Still, the fact that they made the effort is somewhat telling, isn't it? You see, NTs are perfect and so they must also be the most attractive, too. That's simply science! Oh dear.
NTs will also tell you that children who dislike making eye contact are racist, let’s just ignore the studies that show that eye contact is painful for autistic people. But nah, it can’t be that! Autistic people are racist, obviously.
The reason why it goes this way? The tribalism of the neurotypical spectrum's mind makes them incredibly selfish, they're all about themself or their group. The interesting part is is that that selfishness can be subverted if they believe it's in the interest of their in-group. This is why for affiliative extraverts they can put the interests of their in-group above their own even when it's harmful for them to do so. Sociopaths are masters at manipulating them to do this, which ultimately benefits the sociopath at the expense of the affiliative extravert. This is simply how they function, however, there's little that can be done about it. It's unfortunate, but they don't have the Theory of Mind enough to be self aware of this manipulation. What this means is that it's incredibly easy to spot someone on the NT spectrum versus all others. If, say, a person has autism, Williams syndrome, or any other number of mental ‘disorders’ they're likely to have avoided the curse of the NT tribal world view. These other spectrums won't view the world in this black & white, arbitrarily binary way, they won't see things in absolutes of 'my tribe' and 'their tribe' in the way that the NT mind always does. Whatever fluke of evolution has occurred, it's given them self awareness enough to want to expunge this from their outlook. It's fascinating to me because you can even see it in how the neurotypical spectrum views the world. Consider: "I am neurotypical. I am the basis, the default. I am 1. I am normal. I am the standard. I am health. I am perfection. I am the embodiment of correctness against which every other is to be judged. If you differ from me, then you are 0. You are flawed, you embody problematic elements which are contrary to my default status and thus you are inferior." The very concept of 'neurotypical' is oh so, so, so very telling. You'd have to be blind not to see it, and this is only a problem that the NT brain suffers from. And yet, the NT mind is sadly lacking in Theory of Mind to the point where there's no self awareness of this flaw, it escapes their own perception. And if they don't see it, then it doesn't exist. Do you see? And this is something that only the neurotypical spectrum cannot be aware of as their mind is designed specifically to lack self awareness of this factor, to ensure that they play it up as much as possible. Other spectrums are, in various degrees, less prone to tribalism and/or more profoundly aware of it. The NT cannot be aware of their own tribalism. What this leads to, of course, is that the NT will always try to smear anyone that the NT believes to be 0 to their 1. I see this in bad science, in religious people, in politics, in just about any field that's dominated by the neurotypical spectrum. Consider politics: "Our party is 1, all of our ideas are the right ones and we will never back down. Your party is 0, every idea you have is toxic, evil, and wrong so we'll fight it at every turn." This is true with marketing as well. And marketing fascinates me. Did you read that prior post where I spoke of how autistic people are less prone to the marketing brainwash? That was based on an actual study. This study points out that autistic people are better able to make consistent decisions without being controlled by marketers. So I ask you, why do you think that is? Why do you think that autistic people aren't so vulnerable to bias and marketing trickery? Tribalism. Affiliative extraverts are easily brainwashed into adopting a tribe, sociopaths (and to a lesser extent, agentic extraverts) are incredible at pulling their strings, something about how their brain functions has given them a startling expertise at manipulating affiliative extraverts. And there are more affiliative extraverts on earth than any other kind of human being. Which makes this tricky, and sometimes, even dicy for others. Affiliative extraverts are the group thought of when one says 'the masses,' thier actions are dictated to them by social structures, marketing, the media, and outside sources. They don't seem to make very many of their own decisions, they just go with the flow and obey whatever the Zeitgeist is, locking in with it as much as possible. I spoke of this earlier as well where even affiliative extraverts who're poor will buy expensive branded goods just to fit in. Tribalism is powerful. I'm more sure of this than anything else I've ever been, it's the one thing I want to contribute to humanity so that everyone can realise that there are aspects of every spectrum which could be considered problematic. There isn't one perfect, pure, default spectrum. The fact that they believe that is evidence of the disordered tribal thinking I speak of, the kind that they lack Theory of Mind enough to actually perceive. It always vexes me just how lacking in Theory of Mind the average neurotypical is when it comes to this topic, because you can present them with all the evidence you can find, directly, and they'll still deny it. They'll even then turn around later and say that they don't like some ethnicity because reasons, you'll point this out to them, as one does, and they'll come up with the most specious, nonsensical arguments to support it. This has been my ongoing experience with affiliative extraverts. In the UK, Nigel Farage is an expert sociopath who was fantastic at manipulating affiliative extraverts to be racist. He puts up this fucking awful ad (which I've used as the picture accompanying this post) that's an utter fallacy about immigration, which autistic people call him on. So what do the affiliative extraverts do? They go out and harass Polish people and shove dog shit through their letter boxes, they deface a Polish community centre with obscenities (in London, which is supposed to be the most progressive place in Britain, or so they say), and worse. Why do you hate Poliish people, affiliative extraverts? There'll be more specious, nonsensical arguments than you can shake a stick at, but once you bat all those down it ultimately results in "I don't know." I know why. Because Nigel Farage told you to. And you obeyed. It's that simple. Affiliative extraverts are that simple. So, here's the thing. When Nigel Farage put up that racist advert filled with so much BS it made my head spin? Every autistic person I know of called him on it. And not even one of the neurotypicals we knew of did. Why? This benefited the agentic extraverts and sociopaths, of course, by giving them even more power by removing invasive cultures which might challenge their power. They're afraid of sociopaths and agentic extraverts of other cultures coming in and taking over their herds. And the affiliative extraverts? "WE OBEY." Just like bloody daleks. I've never met an affiliative extravert that's able to think for themself. Please, prove me wrong. I'd love to see any evidence to the contrary because every day I see more evidence that supports my view of the neurotypical spectrum. I'm always trying to look for evidence which is contrary to that, something that might tell me I'm wrong, I'm almost desperate in doing this. I have to be careful though because I don't want to end up doing the Cult of Dark Matter thing but from the opposite end of wanting to prove myself wrong. At some point I just have to accept that this is how things are. I think I write these articles to spread this awareness and to give people a chance to challenge me, still. So, anyway, that's how the neurotypical spectrum works. Yes, affiliative extraverts really are sheeple. I'm sorry. We can beat around the bullshit bush all day, if you'd like. We can argue semantics, I can call you on manipulative nonsense, and we can play silly games. The truth is is that agentic extraverts and sociopaths would rather that affiliative extraverts weren't aware of how herd-like they are, how easily controlled, how simple it is to edit their behavioural patterns just by shifting their perspective of how their tribe behaves. If I'm wrong about affiliative extraverts? Explain the study about how people view the Apple logo with the same religious zeal as Christians view imagery of Christ. I want you to think about this. Don't just accept my views, look into it for yourself. If you agree, that's fine, but always agree because you couldn't defeat this perspective yourself. Those tested in that particular study were affiliative extraverts, as there are more of those than any other kind of person. They were looking for Apple loyalists, after all. If they'd done that test on any other kind of brain, they would've found that effect to be greatly reduced or non-existent. It's similar to Creationists, isn't it? Proper science discovers that dinosaurs have feathers. What happens next? Sociopaths undermine this by saying that science ruined dinosaurs. But wait, the kind of sociopath saying this is a Creationist! There's something going on, here. You see, Creationists don't believe dinosaurs actually existed. So what's happening? These religious sociopaths are using manipulation tactics to undermine their flock's faith in science, they'll do this any way they can with whatever cheap, base trickery is available to them. This is what happens. Affiliative extraverts are sheep who'll believe anything that agentic extraverts and sociopaths tell them, because that's how their spectrum works. You see, all minds on the neurotypical spectrum possess manipulative traits, it's just the further you move toward sociopathy and away from affiliative, the stronger those traits become. And all minds on the spectrum have a certain weakness to it. Yes, even the sociopaths are weaker against this kind of manipulation than other spectrums (such as autism). This is why we always see these tribes trying to manipulate one another, to undermine the others. And sociopaths, due to a lack of self awareness, will try to pull this on groups involved in other spectrums. The thing is? It won't work. We're obviously going to call them on it due to our immunity to these shenanigans. There's a reason why the autistic mind doesn't fall prey to marketing, quod erat demonstrandum. And this brings me to my point. I was reading this article about Williams syndrome and it amazed me just how much the author (who I quickly identified as an agentic extravert) tried to use Williams syndrome to demean autistic people. They also undermined Williams syndrome as well. Can we consider what they're saying?
Williams syndrome is a genetic disorder versus the default state of neurotypicality.
Empathy is problematic if you have more than the default NT level of it.
Autism is the opposite of Williams syndrome as it doesn't experience much empathy.
Autistic people won't say "I love you." in excess.
Autistic people hate hugs and other kinds of physical contact.
Pushing the myth that oxytocin is Universally a 'love hormone.'
Pushing the harmful idea that autism needs to be 'cured.'
Empathy is seen as a disability in Japan.
The article praises the book for not being exploitative.
Let's tackle each of these individually.    Williams syndrome is a genetic disorder versus the default state of neurotypicality. I contest this. I say that it requires a greater degree of understanding so that those on this particular spectrum can better integrate into society but I contest the idea that a mind is disordered simply for functioning differently than the perceived neurotypical norm. I absolutely despise this idea, it leaves me feeling livid. Yes, they might require more help because they may be more vulnerable, especially with all of those manipulative NT sharks they'd have to deal with, but they aren't disordered. It's simply that their brain functions differently. This perspective that everything that isn't NT is disordered is nonsense. And it's toxic, harmful, and frankly evil nonsense. It's the kind of nonsense that allowed atrocities to be committed against the Jews by the Nazis, because the Germanic people were convinced (affiliative sheep that they were) to believe that Jews were inferior and responsible for many of their woes. This is no different. This is exactly the same sort of toxic thinking that allows atrocities to happen. So, no. Williams isn't disordered, it's just vulnerable because neurotypicals are so exploitative and those on the Williams spectrum simply don't have the tools to deal with those encounters. When someone becomes old, are they 'disordered' for being vulnerable?    Empathy is problematic if you have more than the default NT level of it. Really? Why? Yes, it can lead to more suffering because neurotypical spectrum sociopaths exploit this for their own gain, but why is it perceived as a negative to have more empathy? I don't like this. I think that empathy is necessary for us to learn to stop being horrible to one another. Empathy is the natural counter to exploitation.    Autism is the opposite of Williams syndrome as it doesn't experience much empathy. This is fascinating. A moment ago the author was saying that it's problematic to have too much empathy, now there's this negative tone to their article while talking about autism for not having enough of it. So, which is it? Is it bad to have too much, or too little? I think the idea here, of course, is that you need exactly the correct amount, the NT amount. Which frankly isn't very much at all as we know for a fact that both minds with both Williams and autism alike possess much, much more empathy than neurotypical minds. That isn't what the article writer is saying, though, I know. They're pulling an old autism myth out of the bag that autism has less empathy than the neurotypical mind does. This has been disproven time and time again, I'm sick of hearing this particular myth. I know from my interactions with neurotypicals that I have far more empathy than they could ever hope to. The anecdotal account, for example, of the NT a horrific act on television and putting their hand to their mouth and gasping, but then having forgotten about it fifteen minutes later versus how other minds (autistic, introverted, Williams, et cetera) will internalise it and be bothered by it for weeks to come. NTs would love for us to believe they're empathetic but even affiliative extraverts on the NT spectrum have a marked lack of empathy. The neurotypical spectrum just doesn't have a whole lot of empathy. Yes, affiliatives have a little bit more than agentics and sociopaths, but it's dwarfed by the sheer levels of empathy in autistic, introverted, and Williams minds. The neurotypical mind makes a pretence of empathy (hand over mouth), but doesn't really feel the experience like other minds do.    Autistic people won't say "I love you." in excess. This one is news to me. My partner tells me that I say this too much, that sometimes I say it so often that it makes them uncomfortable. It's just that due to autism being functionally introverted, I don't interact with a lot of people. The ones I do interact with, though, I will regularly tell that I love. Of course, the NT mind only recognises extraversion, everything else is an inferior state, so if the autistic person isn't telling everyone they love them, then according to the absolute binary perceptions of the NT mind, they never do it at all. Autistic people are prone to saying "I love you." in excess, but just not to a group of people. You see, Williams is like an autistic form of extraversion, versus the low empathy, lacking in self awareness, manipulative, and exploitative NT form of extraversion. Williams minds have more in common with the autistic mind due to how both types of mind experience an excess of empathy, whereas neurotypical minds don't experience much empathy at all. And it's funny because the more extraverted empathy of the Williams mind also clearly makes the article writer very uncomfortable.    Autistic people hate hugs and other kinds of physical contact. Um. Yes we do. I love hugs. I seek out hugs at every opportunity. The thing here, though, is that because we can get overloaded, there's a protocol to it. So we prefer it when people ask first before just lunging at us. And there's something about an NT hug that feels... wrong. I don't know how to explain it, it just doesn't feel real. I don't like it. It feels fake, like they're doing it out of a social need rather than an empathetic one, it's all fake with them. I'm left feeling deeply uncomfortable after an NT hug. It's just disturbing. One thing about autism (and I bet this is true of Williams, too) is that we have an empathy radar, of sorts. We know when NTs are faking something. We know when someone is hurt, or happy, and nothing can be hidden from us. This has made numerous people I've known very unhappy and uncomfortable as they can't hide anything from me. My senses will just hone in on anything that seems wrong and fixate on it. From reading boards like Wrong Planet (an autistic forum), I know I'm not alone in these experiences. So I don't like hugs from NTs. They feel excrutiatingly fake. I don't like how they leap at me without asking, first, only to just do this cold feeling, fake hug that I don't enjoy. With autistic people we ask first, then we hug, and it feels real. There's warmth there that an NT hug just can't compare to. This means, of course, that autistic people don't like hugs just because we're not into hugs from NTs. That's obviously what it means. Yes.    Pushing the myth that oxytocin is Universally a 'love hormone.' This one is dangerous. Now, Williams minds might have found a way to avoid the bad aspects of oxytocin, which is awesome. I'd like to take that and copy-paste it across all brains as that's a handy quality. I'm not being sarcastic, here, because looking at Williams syndrome I do believe that that might be the case. Their minds might have cracked how to use oxytocin in a good way, without the incredibly dangerous side effects. What dangerous side effects? Well, in NTs, it makes them even more tribal. Check out this study about how oxytocin can fuck you up. An NT on oxytocin would choose to save the life of one person of their own ethnicity, gender, and age over a group of people of different ethnicities, genders, and ages. In the NT brain, oxytocin dials the tribalism dial up to 11. This isn't the kind of thinking you want to see someone exhibit if they have to make a decision about the balance of life. Choosing one life over 20 lives, 10, or even five other lives is never the correct choice. So, in NT brains, oxytocin is very, very dangerous. It means that the NT would happily allow diversity to die if it meant that a smaller number of 'their own kind' were to survive. This isn't something that we want to see more of. This is something we want to see LESS of.    Pushing the harmful idea that autism needs to be 'cured.' Yes. Yes. Yes. Autism is a disease. It needs to be cured. Blah, blah, blah. Let's not actually ask autistic people what they want, or care what they think. Let's just accept our cures handed down to us by the Great, Glorious White Hope of the NT. I don't even know how to deal with this. What next, NT? Black skin is a disease and we should use CRISPR to cure that so that they can be as White as you are? Fucking hell. I don't even want to dwell on this one. Suffice it to say? It's bullshit. There are different kinds of brains, there is no Universally disordered or ordered brain. That's just ridiculous and they should know better, but they can't get away from their tribal-oriented thinking, and how it locks them into binary absolutes. NTs are just so lacking in Theory of Mind that they can't even realise just how tribal they are. Hey everyone, did you hear? If you're not NT, you're fucked up! You need to be cured! Also white. And straight. And anything else the NT values.    Empathy is seen as a disability in Japan. Are... Are you okay, Clare? Are you doing alright, there? Clare being the article author. I mean, that's a really, really fucked up thing to say. As someone who's taken in plenty of Japanese media, and is familiar with philosophies like Shinto and Bushido, I have to call this out. Bushido even goes so far as to say that it's important to be empathetic to the needs of your lord even if it comes at the expense of your own wellbeing. There are a number of cornerstones of Japanese culture which are built on empathy. Did Clare just take a look at a bunch of Japanese people, see some introverts who aren't constantly faking empathy, and then decide that they must have none? Oh, good job! That's some solid journalism, that is. It's hard to write at the moment as I'm stopping to facepalm every few seconds due to just how fucked up that is. It's typical, though, isn't it? Clare is obviously a Westerner, likely American. It's culturally apt in America for NTs to be very fake about their lack of empathy, to put it on even when they aren't feeling it. Obviously, that fakeness is the correct way to go, Japan's introversion means they have no empathy! No, dear. It just means that Japan doesn't fake empathy.    The article praises the book for not being exploitative. Funny that. Shame we can't say the same about the article, which is clearly using the book to push its own agenda. New Scientist should be ashamed. Another day, another round of NTs billiously spewing dialectic diarrheoa about autism. And anyone wonders why we suffer with depression. Really.
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hueman-blog · 7 years
Answering Personal Questions
I made a user I follow, @razzledazzlefoshazzle , answer all of these on his blog. I’m feeling guilty so I’m gonna do it too. I know none of you asked but HERE GOES MY PERSONAL INFO!!!
200: My crush’s name is: Averi 
199: I was born in: Place? Lancaster, PA, USA. Year? 1999 
198: I am really: Bored and unmotivated 
197: My cellphone company is: Apple 
196: My eye color is: Brown 
195: My shoe size is: 8-9 Women’s US 
194: My ring size is: Idk, something little 
193: My height is: 5'4" I’m little 
192: I am allergic to: Stupid people 
191: My 1st car was: Never had one 
190: My 1st job was: Cashier at California Tortilla (a fast food Mexican franchise around D.C.) 
189: Last book you read: Cradle and All 188: My bed is: My safest place, my true home, and also too empty 
187: My pet: Doesn’t do much 
186: My best friend: Is my girlfriend 
185: My favorite shampoo is: Shamu 
184: Xbox or ps3: Deck of cards 
183: Piggy banks are: Cute decoration, inefficient coin collector 
182: In my pockets: I’m in pajamas 
181: On my calendar: Work, as that’s the only thing in my life scheduled. Also a haircut within a few days 
180: Marriage is: Great for legal benefits, stupid for expensive ceremonies 
179: Spongebob can: Please end soon it turned idiotic long ago 
178: My mom: Is abusive (sorry to bring the mood down) 
177: The last three songs I bought were? Who buys songs anymore?? 
176: Last YouTube video watched: History of the World 
175: How many cousins do you have? On my dad’s side, 8. On my mom’s side, no idea 
174: Do you have any siblings? An older brother 
173: Are your parents divorced? Nope 
172: Are you taller than your mom? Probably not 
171: Do you play an instrument? Nope 
170: What did you do yesterday? Absolutely nothing just like every day
[ I Believe In ] 
169: Love at first sight: Nope 
168: Luck: Yes 
167: Fate: Nope 
166: Yourself: Not really 
165: Aliens: Yeah there’s gotta be some life out there 
164: Heaven: No 
163: Hell: No 
162: God: The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Hell yes. Be boiled for your sins 
161: Horoscopes: Nope and frankly if you do I find you uneducated 
160: Soul mates: No 
159: Ghosts: Nah 
158: Gay Marriage: Believing??? In love,??? And commitment??????? Between two people???????? Obviously! 
157: War: Never 
156: Orbs: I believe in Orbeez 
155: Magic: No it’s just science we can’t explain, or illusions we can’t see the entirety of
[ This or That ] 
154: Hugs or Kisses: Kisses 
153: Drunk or High: Music 
152: Phone or Online: Online on my phone 
151: Red heads or Black haired: Black haired 
150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes 
149: Hot or cold: Hot 
148: Summer or winter: Summer 
147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn 
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate 
145: Night or Day: Night 
144: Oranges or Apples: Apples 
143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight 
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds 
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate 
140: Mac or PC: Mac!! 
139: Flip flops or high heels: Flip Flops 
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: ugly and sweet are opposites now?? I guess sweet and poor 
137: Coke or Pepsi: Fruit Punch 
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 
135: Burried or cremated: Cremated 
134: Singing or Dancing: Singing 
133: Coach or Chanel: Money to spend on actual useful things 
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Who??? 
131: Small town or Big city: Big City 
130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target 
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Both suck, but I’d choose Stiller 
128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure. My feet are too ticklish 
127: East Coast or West Coast: West Coast USA 
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas, I don’t like being the center of attention 
125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate 
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney 
123: Yankees or Red Sox: What is a sport? How do??
[ Here’s What I Think About ] 
122: War: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing 
121: George Bush: “Mr. President, what are your thoughts on Katrina?” “We’re gonna find her. And we’re gonna bring her to justice.“ 
120: Gay Marriage: Its a marriage between two people in love. Celebrate, but don’t go broke in one day 
119: The presidential election: Media and rich people control it basically, and I’d rather it be an actual democratic popular vote. Trump is a clown and should have never won 
118: Abortion: Its a woman’s right to choose. Personally I think the world is overpopulated anyway and more people should adopt rather than try to conceive 
117: MySpace: Never had one 
116: Reality TV: Scripted, not reality 
115: Parents: Good or bad, they influence your whole life because they were there at the start. Mine went bad and ruined me 
114: Back stabbers: Oh I love them- what?? They suck. No one should be betrayed like that 
113: Ebay: Never used it but it got the ball rolling for Amazon 
112: Facebook: I only use it to message/call my friends, and to see unlimited amounts of dogs 
111: Work: It’s a necessary evil 
110: My Neighbors: Quiet, the only one I met was a total bitch though 
109: Gas Prices: I don’t drive 
108: Designer Clothes: C'mon people there are way better uses for your money 
107: College: Shouldn’t be expected of teenagers 
106: Sports: Boring, overhyped, the players overpaid 
105: My family: Worthless, judgmental pricks 
104: The future: Uncertain
[ Last time I ] 
103: Hugged someone: Sunday (3 days ago), when my friend picked me up from work 
102: Last time you ate: Italian ice about 1.5 hours ago (8:15pm) 
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: A month ago 
100: Cried in front of someone: A month ago maybe?? 
99: Went to a movie theater: Many many months ago 
98: Took a vacation: A year ago 
97: Swam in a pool: Two years ago? 
96: Changed a diaper: Never 
95: Got my nails done: My 16th birthday I think (almost two years ago) 
94: Went to a wedding: Eight years ago? 
93: Broke a bone: Never 
92: Got a peircing: I was 14 and got my ears pierced (almost 4 years ago) 
91: Broke the law: Never 
90: Texted: A minute ago
[ MISC ] 
89: Who makes you laugh the most: My friend Brad. He’s so inappropriate but his jokes I cannot stop laughing at 
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Not paying bills other than Internet 
87: The last movie I saw: Coraline 
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Moving to California 
85: The thing im not looking forward to: Paying for rent in California 
84: People call me: To friends: Lys. To family: Alyssa. To my girlfriend: Lyssy. To everyone else: annoying 
83: The most difficult thing to do is: Get up out of bed every day 
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Nope I do not drive 
81: My zodiac sign is: Cancer 
80: The first person i talked to today was: My friend Jessica 
79: First time you had a crush: Preschool, this boy in my class Marshall 
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Myself 
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Yesterday, idk? 
76: Right now I am talking to: My phone in the way of typing 
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Survive hopefully. I also wanna be a flight attendant 
74: I have/will get a job: Have a job as assistant manager of an arcade 
73: Tomorrow: I’m going food shopping and seeing my annoying cousin Barbara (she has two boyfriends and they both treat her like shit. It’s not poly it’s just cheating) 
72: Today: I actually made a meal that was nice 
71: Next Summer: I’ll be living in California 
70: Next Weekend: I have to face my parents for the first time since February. I hate it 
69: I have these pets: A ball of moss named Mo 
68: The worst sound in the world: My girlfriend crying 
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: My father 
66: People that make you happy: My girlfriend Averi 
65: Last time I cried: A few weeks ago?? 
64: My friends are: Averi, Raven, Jessica 
63: My computer is: My phone 
62: My School: Is nonexistent 
61: My Car: Is also nonexistent 
60: I lose all respect for people who: Hate on others for no reason 
59: The movie I cried at was: Toy Story 3 
58: Your hair color is: Black 
57: TV shows you watch: None 
56: Favorite web site: Tumblr usually 
55: Your dream vacation: California 
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: Once I got constipated a few months ago for 48 hours. I screamed 
53: How do you like your steak cooked: Medium 
52: My room is: Either super messy or super clean. Right now messy 
51: My favorite celebrity is: Jacksepticeye 
50: Where would you like to be: In my girlfriend’s arms on a beach 
49: Do you want children: Right now I don’t think I ever would but if I ever did I’d adopt 
48: Ever been in love: Yes I am now 
47: Who’s your best friend: My girl 
46: More guy friends or girl friends: Girl friends 
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Sleeping 
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: AVERI 
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: Stalin did 
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Nope 
41: Have you pre-named your children: I did with my ex. Never again 
40: Last person I got mad at: My grandmother 
39: I would like to move to: California 
38: I wish I was a professional: Sleeper [ My Favorites ] 
37: Candy: Swedish Fish or Nerds 
36: Vehicle: Volkswagen Beetle 
35: President: Biden 
34: State visited: California 
33: Cellphone provider: Cricket 
32: Athlete: Me, running from my responsibilities 
31: Actor: Eddie Redmayne 
30: Actress: Anna Kendrick 
29: Singer: Laura Jane Grace 
28: Band: Against Me! 
27: Clothing store: Thrift shops 
26: Grocery store: Safeway 
25: TV show: Adventure Time 
24: Movie: Wall-E 
23: Website: Pornhu- I mean Tumblr 
22: Animal: Red Panda 
21: Theme park: Disney World 
20: Holiday: Christmas 
19: Sport to watch: Extreme Chess Mega X 
18: Sport to play: How Late Can I Get Up Before Concerning My Family 
17: Magazine: :enizagaM 
16: Book: The Underneath 
15: Day of the week: Saturday 
14: Beach: Any beach 
13: Concert attended: Fall Out Boy x Paramore 
12: Thing to cook: Pasta with alfredo sauce 
11: Food: Bacon egg & cheese on a bagel 
10: Restaurant: TGI Fridays 
9: Radio station: Night Vale Community Radio 
8: Yankee candle scent: Ass 
7: Perfume: Averi’s 
6: Flower: Averi 
5: Color: Orange - the color of Averi’s voice 
4: Talk show host: John Oliver 
3: Comedian: Bo Burnham 
2: Dog breed: Corgi 
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Hell yeah I wouldn’t lie to you
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clubofinfo · 7 years
Expert: All it takes for a society to express fear, paranoia, confusion, and a sort of mad country (riffing on mad cow disease, bovine spongiform encephalopathy) mental disease is a toxic brew of narcissism, propaganda, amnesia, planned and perceived obsolescence and a transnational economic barbarism against the collective masses, and we end up here: Leaders (sic) in USA, Canada, Mexico, most of Latin America, most of Europe, Australia, Japan, Israel and Middle East are as nasty and ethically/morally arrested developed as any of the lots in power-on thrones-in war rooms at anytime during the development (sic) of “civilization,” so much so that’s it’s hard to tell which tentacle of a Trump-styled sea monster really has hold of our collective frontal lobe. These are the days, yessiree — anti-intellectualism, nationalism, demagoguery, disparaging one group after another—Mexicans, Muslims, African-Americans, Asians, women, and any and all competitors. These people in America, like Trump, throw low blows and distribute piles of lies and spread their pandemic of white male billionaire disease, and he rises in the polls, by the very people he and the neoliberals and neocons and Christian-Zionists call parasites, or, deplorables. Adversaries are quickly branded “losers” or “flunkies” or “dopes” or “lowlifes.” I want to lay down, but these countries are like uncles who touch you when you’re young and asleep. Look at all these borders foaming at the mouth with bodies broken and desperate…I spent days and nights in the stomach of the truck; I did not come out the same. Sometimes it feels like someone else is wearing my body. ― Warsan Shire, Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth Anyone can postulate just how long it took, really, for humanity – most certainly the hoards of IKEA-loving developed tooled and armed first world and their groomed despots — to succumb to the adage of we are just apes with nuclear bombs (or monkeys with algorithms, surveillance tools, psychological war weapons, and gobs of fossil fuels). Five decades of collective community abandonment, collective mean styled capitalism, collective delusion; four decades of a collective cult of personality (nothingness), collective imploding of services, public health, welfare, safety; three decades of collective reverse mortgaging education, food systems, public transportation; ten decades of collective see-hear-speak no evil in the midst of massive evil-crimes against humanity/crimes against the globe/crimes against nature/crimes against common sense? The Humanist: Some people are genuinely afraid. Chomsky: They are genuinely afraid. The fear is genuine, and you can’t ridicule people’s genuine feelings. In fact you have to sympathize with them, ask where they’re coming from. In this case I think you can understand it. If you’re crushing somebody under your jackboot, you have to have a reason. The reason can’t be “I’m an evil monster.” The reason has to be either “I’m doing it for their good,” which is the usual reason, or else “I’m afraid of them and if I don’t do it they’ll go after me.” That’s a very prevailing attitude. It can be manipulated and cynical, power-hungry political figures working for concentrations of power do it all the time. Germany, remember, was the most civilized part of the world. It was the peak of Western civilization, the center of the arts, the sciences, and literature. If you wanted to study physics, you went to Germany. Within a few years, it turned into a society of raving maniacs. Why did they destroy the Jews? Out of fear. Because, in their minds, the Jews were going to destroy them. They were defending not only themselves, but the Aryan race against the Jews. The Humanist: That brings us back to the human animal, apparently a very fearful animal. Chomsky: Humans are capable of many things. Some of them are horrible, some are wonderful. The very simple acts of meanness from bureaucracies and the leaders, or so-called leaders, are demonstrative of the scaling up of the barbarity and banality of evil the elite and their minions with their trillions in offshore bank accounts and cachets of diamonds and Great Lakes full of oil have parlayed from this collective lack of empathy. Little Eichmann’s pushing the collective mouse click of despair, and smaller ones with a badge and uniform and pure hatred of blacks-Latinos-gays-demonstrators-people. In Spokane or Tucson, LA or NYC, the agents of human disposal are hard at work – boulder sized concrete detritus spread out under Interstate 90 in the heart of Spokane so vagabonds or local homeless can’t spread their tents and belongings out of the freezing rain. Three hundred dollar tickets for asking a stranger to spare a dime in El Paso or Ventura – both the panhandlers (sic) and the givers subject to fines, handcuffs, jail. True, jail, or worse by just imagining (no, this is not a thought experiment) the few of us who fight back, with words, principles, telling off some Gestapo cop with 17-bullet clips on semi-auto German pistols and their three foot batons and their Kevlar vests and their rapid fire 12 gauge shotguns and their reinforced SUV’s and their sixty foot streams of pepper spray and their hydra-headed Tasers and lobbed shock grenades and rubber bullets and bean bag launchers and their noise throwers, flame throwers, tanks, weaponized drones, conveys of armed Humvees and armored command centers. In Santa Monica you can’t use a public curb to parallel park the old RV or hitched-up trailer. No overnight parking. No living in dignity. No sleeping here, or …? Multi-thousand dollar fines and impounding of those last vestiges of a home before hitting the tarmac with discarded yoga mat. These fascists, knee-jerking Anglo-Caucasians, pushing over food carts in Atlanta or Albany. All American Flag Wrapped wingnuts swastika-tagging food marts owned by Sikh-Vietnamese-Korean-Punjabi in every town and big city, from Pacific to Atlantic. Those 24-hour ticking time bombs of insults, retrograde reporting, falsifications called Mainline Media, failing not even just the humanity test in falsifying what social injustice is, but rubbing out any semblance of reality, as if each and everyone of them with coiffed hair and sweaty lips is Blanche Dubois and Walter Middy on Steroids-Growth Hormone Replacements Fake Journalist/Person. In 2014, 64 communities had citywide bans on public camping, up from 40 in 2011. And the number of cities that prohibit sleeping in vehicles jumped from 37 in 2011, to 81 in 2014 and the number of cities that prohibit sitting or lying in public spaces increased from 70 in 2011, to 100 in 2014. Often called “sit/lie” laws, they prohibit the homeless from sitting or lying down on any street, sidewalk, entrance to a story, alley or other public place. This is the age of shitting on thy neighbor and throwing huge chunks of stone in our greasy collective glass houses: more and more cities are passing bans on begging, loitering and sharing or giving food away in public places, which hurts non-profit, community, individual food give-away programs, and pantries or churches who give food to the homeless on the street. The penalties vary by city and law and can include fines or jail time. Here, read the report on, Ending the Criminalization of Homelessness in U.S. Cities Hell, I worked for one of Portland’s largest homeless and recovery non-profits, and the dude we called our boss, from one of the top five investment (sic) companies, told us social workers to call the cops if we felt threatened, and he believed anyone leaning up against the bricks of our office should be roused by the cops, as Portland has laws against leaning against buildings (you know, this constant rain 6 months out of the year Mini-Metropolis), so god forbid the poor and homeless might get a few minutes of respite under an overhang. Poverty pimps – you don’t have to resort to the Urban Dictionary to understand the connotations of that phrase, but here, read! The term “poverty pimp” is defined as a derogatory label for an individual or group which, to its own benefit, acts as an intermediary on behalf of the poor. Literally, a poverty pimp is an individual or group who solicits for the poor, or it can mean, a welfare system procurer. Poverty pimps gain a higher quality of existence from exploiting the poverty of others. Under the American system of inter-linked public and private social services the poor get helped but not in any effective way; the big bucks go for overhead. As always, a lot of anti-poverty money is going to people who are not poor. There are whole classes of people who live off the services provided to the poor. Ahh, the flipped over America – liberals living off the pain of the poor, and the elites, the bankers, the chosen ones in the renter class, legal class, penitentiary class, they make the big bucks on servicing the poor, forcing them to live lives of toil, legal financial obligations killing them, and so many other things coupled with the very idea that a mark is born every second, and a sucker (read poor, forced poor class) is born every nanosecond. My own work here, at DV, or LA Progressive and a monthly magazine speaks to the shackles poor people trudge around, from a liquor store-gun shop on every corner, to PayDay Loans in every census track, to fence-line communities sucking in the carcinogenic of the hissing, steaming, fogging by-products of the refinery-industrial sized farming industries. Read, my, “Six Degrees of Separation!” “The High Cost of Being Poor,” now eleven years old, from Barbara Ehrenreich, but relevant, by just ramping up the pain and the stats by a factor of five! And this one by Dave Johnson is three years old, good, informed, and yet, keep adding onto the misery these two writers reported — more than half of Americans are near poor, and the one paycheck away from poverty/homelessness /destitution/basement surfing/car sleeping/opiate sucking/booze sucking/suicide is not a story the left-right-in between want to deal with, and those deplorables voting for Trump are most probably not in this huge grouping of Americans working as wage slaves and precarious/temp/ multi-gig fellow citizens who would see the entire shit hit the fan with a bad fall, cancer diagnosis, busted head gasket, death in the family, and jump in the rent even 10 percent. These purveyors of cultural sickness, country-wide hipsterism, nationwide values – the Mainstream Press – come on hard at us, precarious ones, fellow Americans, or whatever they think we are: Republicans constantly talk about how good the poor have it. In 2002 the Wall Street Journal called the poor “Lucky Duckies” because they are “the beneficiaries” of the progressive tax system and pay little or no taxes. But the reality is that it just plain sucks to be poor. It’s actually more expensive not having enough money to get by. Even the pop psychologists who are touted by Alternet and Salon, two pro-Hillary sites, have to weigh in on Trump and our collective psychosis. Here’s one — “Duke Psychiatrist: America Is Having a Nervous Breakdown: Author Allen Frances puts Trump on the couch, and reveals how we might regain our sanity”: The 20 richest people in America have more wealth than half the country. 20 people have more wealth than half the country. The message is real. The Democratic Party has been remarkably inept in connecting with its natural voters. The Republican Party has sold propaganda very successfully, and Trump is the epitome of someone who is the worst possible messenger for a reasonably important message. He’s a false prophet. Every move he’s made has betrayed the people who voted for him. I think that the hope over the next months will be that his falling popularity, from 45 percent to 35 percent, that we’ll see a gradual erosion of people who realize that he was not the man they thought he was. That the hope they rested in him [was] misplaced, a buyer’s remorse, and he will become more and more isolated in office and as a result, will be able to do less damage. Shame, blame, recrimination, prejudice, racism, speciesism, genocide. This is the fabric of a society weened on the hind tit of war games, wars, football on Sunday, cults of patriarchy, disaster capitalism, parasitic money making. This is the end line of those fed on Hollywood lies, normalizing murder, fetishes around looking-feeling-tasting-sounding-smelling like some Disney character. Every day in America, more than half the people are tackled by their own fears, their own lost lives, hoping for some cleaning of the slate, massive restart button, personal-national tabula rasa. Lusting after the good old days of slavery, seeding those first nations’ blankets with smallpox days; those glory days of bombing brown people, ripping off the soul of Mexico; those halcyon days where bombs bursting in air is the theme from sea to shining sea. Everyday I have youth, boy do I have youth, and it’s not just the Trumping of the Worst Presidents on Earth — all 45 — that eats at these 17-to-21 year olds. It’s not the constant bombardment of the gut with the bio-waste of modern (sic) diets eating at the very fabric of their sanity.  They sort of get it that their prostate cancers and breast removals in four or five decades might be tied to the cheese in Cheetos or triple-deck cheeseburgers. These youth are worn out at age 18. They are gassed and fatigued. Their poverty and their family pedigrees, all of that, with the shit-storm that is America being our CLASS chiseled country, all of that plus the stupidity of industrial education, the plague of low paying job futures, and the absurdity of the heroes/super heroes they adore making the greenbacks they lust after but really know it’s all smoke and mirrors and Hollywood fascism and Pro-Sports elitism and Music Mental Depravity. It’s the daily examples of burned out infrastructure — nothing for youth, except the impending days of wine, vodka, beer consumption when they hit 21. It’s the absurdly lacking public transportation. The clarion call to get hitched up with car loan, over-priced (usury) rentals, and the endless Twitter and SnapChat of more and more expensive pieces of shit smart-dumb phones and sick loan shark level phone and data plans. Is this the paradise of the blind, the lost generation, the data-info-knowledge fatigue/paralysis generation? Is this the one last thrust of the masses in America to push away those One Percenters and the purveyors of the Christian-Zionist white racist flogging of the other races? These young people know they have been lied to. They know they are in the same rooms-hallways-corridors-churches-malls-warehouses-classrooms of the great con game impresarios. They know their future is looking like chronic asthma, diabetes, brain fog, loss of motor-bodily-cognitive functions. Who in their right mind would not BECOME opiate addicted under this shit hole operation, capitalism, and the con men of the last spasm of unfettered capitalism? Which child living under this web and flaming net of exploitation-disparities-abandonment wouldn’t rather choose/enter into the controllers’ house of torture a la Spanish Inquisition? Better to wig out, check out, burn out, veg out. The bastards are high in number, and the body count is rising. Here, Hedges burns it good, in his piece, “How Careerism is a Big Part of Our Social Predicament“: The greatest crimes of human history are made possible by the most colorless human beings. They are the careerists. The bureaucrats. The cynics. They do the little chores that make vast, complicated systems of exploitation and death a reality. They collect and read the personal data gathered on tens of millions of us by the security and surveillance state. They keep the accounts of ExxonMobil, BP and Goldman Sachs. They build or pilot aerial drones. They work in corporate advertising and public relations. They issue the forms. They process the papers. They deny food stamps to some and unemployment benefits or medical coverage to others. They enforce the laws and the regulations. And they do not ask questions. Good. Evil. These words do not mean anything to them. They are beyond morality. They are there to make corporate systems function. If insurance companies abandon tens of millions of sick to suffer and die, so be it. If banks and sheriff departments toss families out of their homes, so be it. If financial firms rob citizens of their savings, so be it. If the government shuts down schools and libraries, so be it. If the military murders children in Pakistan or Afghanistan, so be it. If commodity speculators drive up the cost of rice and corn and wheat so that they are unaffordable for hundreds of millions of poor across the planet, so be it. If Congress and the courts strip citizens of basic civil liberties, so be it. If the fossil fuel industry turns the earth into a broiler of greenhouse gases that doom us, so be it. They serve the system. The god of profit and exploitation. The most dangerous force in the industrialized world does not come from those who wield radical creeds, whether Islamic radicalism or Christian fundamentalism, but from legions of faceless bureaucrats who claw their way up layered corporate and governmental machines. They serve any system that meets their pathetic quota of needs. Why do people leave their homelands, and seek the very Turtle Island of many of their own societies’ problems, desperation, despair?  “No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark,” is one way to look at it, coming from poet, Warsan Shire. There is no land of milk and honey now that the beasts of any nation have been sucker punched and dumped into the shipping canals of the Goldman and Sachs, the countless ones in Fortune 400 circles, by the 20 richest, meanest people on planet earth! Or the richest in America! How good are they? How shapeless are they in their Lost Paradises? And how many levels down the Dantean flaming ladder will they fall? If ever? That is the question, to flail and flog, or not to! Colonialism only loosens its hold when the knife is at its throat. — Frantz Fanon Replace “colonialism” with capitalism, Wall Street, Military-Financial-Big Pharma-Insurance-Ag-Energy-Surveillance-Prison Complex! http://clubof.info/
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evilelitest2 · 4 years
Why do fascists hate capitalism?
Good question.  About half the reasons they hate capitalism are the same reason most leftist do, bad people are still likely to be annoyed at a bad thing that hurts them. Here are the other reasons 
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1) Fascists don’t believe in social mobility.  Capitalism core tenant is “social mobility’, that somebody can work hard and become a billionaire, blah blah blah.  Now this focus on social mobility is and always has been mostly a lie, but even rhetorically capitalism values the notion of social advancement.  fascists do not, in fascist ideology, your birth determines your place in the world, and is part of a “natural order”.  The only way to improve yourself is through war, and even that is more fulfilling your existing destiny rather than creating your own.  Thus Fascists despises any form of social advancement outside military leadership, which is a major reason why they hate liberalism, socialism and communism, but its also a reason why they hate capitalism (though they usually prioritize the left wing ideologies first).  This is even more true for them when somebody they think is “inferior” advances ‘above their station.  Fascists aren’t aristocratic, but they hate capitalism for much of the same reason that the feudal aristocrats and monarchs hated it.  It brings change and challenges the caste system 
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(Speaking of which) 
2) On that note, capitalism is rarely…ideologically racist.  Now capitalism is racist, it promotes and enforces existing racial hierarchies, and much of the damage of colonialism can be laid at the feet of capitalism.  However capitalist ideology rarely buys directly into blood purity or “The Volk” style race theory that fascists so love.  Capitalism in the US makes it super difficult for a black man to advance compared to his white counterpart, but if a black man does manage to become a billionaire, capitalism is basically cool with it.  If you look at a demographic breakdown of the 1%, it is mostly old white men (and almost all people who at least partially inherited their wealth) but it also includes a lot of non white people and women.  its a minority and many of them come from dictatorships (Saudi Arabia, China ect) but the ‘richest people in the world club isn’t entirely monochromatic.  To leftists, this doesn’t seem especially impressive, but to fascists it is way too much diversity.  Because capitalism is at its heart…amoral, the system will keep going even if the 1% are majority non white, gay or women, but to fascists that is terrifying.  they barely tolerate capitalism because the ruling class are mostly straight white dudes, but the thought of the ruling class not overlapping with their belief in racial science to them is terrifying 
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3) Capitalism is ultimately an amoral system.  It doesn’t really believe in a larger ideology beyond “make a fuck ton of money”  and “innovate…somehow.” It does evil things because it believes that doing so will make them money, if doing the right thing will make them more money, they will.  Capitalism is just an utterly mercenary ideology, and will gladly pretend to support progressive causes if it turns a profit.  Again, leftists (rightly) aren’t big fans of this, but fascists hate it for the same reason we do honestly.  
Like you know the whole “Woke capitalism” thing that gets leftists worked up.  its doing something good but you know they don’t care and so they will abandon us the moment they feel like they can get away with it and all that.  That is how fascists feel about the racism in capitalism, they like it but because it is not ideological, they don’t trust it. 
Again this seems weird to leftists, but yes, fascists don’t like capitalism because it isn’t racist enough.  We tend to interact with capitalism more than fascism, so people often don’t realize how much worse it can get 
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4) Capitalism doesn’t care about the spiritual, except as something to sell.  ironically for all the hatred capitalism and communism have for each other, the two ideologies actually share a lot in common, they are super secular, materialist, and basically assume that everything in the world is nothing more than simply products.  Communists and capitalists disagree on what should be done with these goods, but neither of them believe there is anything beyond this world.
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Fascists utterly reject this world view, they hate it, they hate it with a thousand suns.  I know that there current image is a sort of ironic racism chanboard nonsense, but in terms of their actual beliefs, Fascists take everything super seriously.  The entire argument of Nazism is that they value symbols more than actual human life, and they are fiercely attached to various “spiritual” political issues even if they are officially atheists.  I mean capitalism doesn’t give a damn about “degeneracy” because it isn’t actually a material thing, its just an aesthetic preference, there is no like “measurement” of degeneracy.  same goes for honor, the family, purity, and their approach to art, fascism is in many ways about finding meaning in otherwise mundane things.  So at fascist rally to them is this transcendental almost religious experience, while a capitalist would be more It interested in trying to find a way to make money off it.   Fascism is a highly Romantic movement, which doesn’t play well with the cynical wordy perspective of capitalists, who believe in nothing.  
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Fascists also dislike aristocracy, but they love the myth and romance that is necessary for aristocracy and monarchy.  They basically want aristocracy of the skin.  
5) Fascists kinda…hate the idea of money.  Like Capitalism emerged from the merchant classes and is basically came about with the argument “all of your aristocratic concerns over honor, titles, and god are stupid, what matters is who has the money and how you use it”  And Fascists just hate that worldview, one of their defining traits is their love of war and conflict, in fact fascists prioritize war over almost everything else.  It has been noted by smarter men than I (I recommend Ur Fascism) that Fascism is basically a death cult, they want effectively an endless war that they can die gloriously in destroying their enemies.  
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Consistently by the way, fascists will prioritize destroying the people they see as inferior over securing their own material best interest.  Hitler probably could have run his dictatorship in Germany on his own for quite a long time and lived in luxury, but he wanted a giant war because that is what they care about.  
in fact actively seem to indulge in self destructive short term ideologies.  The Nazi economic policy was an absolute joke, with the economy serving as nothing more than something to keep the war effort going.  Stephen Miller, the most fascist like person in trump’s administration, is hyper fixated on a brutal immigration policy, even though it actually hurts the economy.  Fascists oppose freedom of movement and free trade, even though those are policies neoliberal capitalism supports.  The reason is that Fascists value the preservation of “The Volk” over profits, and would rather their people suffer than have to live alongside other races (these people are deeply stupid)
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6) Fascism doesn’t enjoy having fun.   I know for most of, our experience of capitalism is misery as we work, to earn the right to work, to earn the right to give, ourselves the right to buy, ourselves the right to live, to earn the right to die.  However the way that capitalism sells itself is basically “buy lots of shit and that will make yourself happy”.    
Fascism doesn’t really…like being happy.  As i said before, they like war, they like conflict, they like having an enemy who they can destroy.  To fascists, what matters most is how you kill and how you die, rather than enjoying life.  Fascism is about fetishistic death.  Pink Floyd was right that Fascism is almost a form of intellectual suicide.  
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If you look at Japanese fascism, there is big fixation on aesthetic purity focus, with the only thing mattering being conflict 
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7) Capitalism tends to value the urban, the industrial, and the technology, while fascists, like the Confederates before them, are enamored with the rural and the pre-industrial.  This might seem surprising, but there are a lot of fascists who are into environmentalism, Nazis Germany was one of the first states to pass laws banning animal cruelty and limiting smoking.  Fascists are really into this sort of “Clean earth, clean people’ aesthetic which always serves as the breeding ground for cruelty.
8) Capitalism tends to be leery of state control and fascists are all about that shit 
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9)Finally….we need to be frank.  A lot of the ways we talk about anti capitalism actually can fit really nicely into the antisemitic narratives that so dominated fascist thinking.  
so the Marxist says 
“Hey the entire world is controlled by a tiny elite of rich greedy parasites who are making us fight each other in order to benefit themselves”
And the Fascist says 
“Yeah….they are Jewish”
its actually really hard to depict the rich as a class without accidentally wandering into anti Jewish sentiments, because the last 2,000 years of anti Jewish racism has been about creating conspiracy theories where they secretly control the entire world.  A lot of what fascism does is taking existing issues of capitalism and being like “oh yeah…that is the fault of the Jews.  Or migrants/African Americans/Muslims/feminists ect.  Gamergate is a good example of this, they are pissed at corporations, but they blame feminists rather than you know…the inherently predatory nature of capitalism.  Many of the things we don’t like about capitalism are things they also don’t like about capitalism.  This is a major thing they do in terms of recruiting, they focus on getting people pissed at capitalism but then make it be secretly run by Jews rather than you know..Jeff Bezos.
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  (nazi properganda and below are soviet Images of capitalism ) 
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(and sometimes both) 
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This is why btw, I am less anti capitalist than most leftists, because talking to fascists makes you appreciate things about them.  Hitler was destroyed by both a communist dictatorship and a capitalist democracy working together.  
Its worth noting that while fascists do hate capitalism, they hate socialism a lot more, and tend to ally with capitalist to kill leftists, as we see from the Weimar Republic.  Fascist are often ok with certain types of corporate authoritarianism, but in the same way the left can be ok with somebody like Obama.  
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(Frank Miller’s Batman is if Libertarian and Fascism had a baby) 
The lesson I would take from this is that just because somebody hates the thing you hate, doesn’t mean they are necessarily your ally, they might in fact be even worse. Yet another reason to distrust the dirtbag left 
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The End of History: The Zero Sum Game
I would like to tell you a story. This story is not happy, fulfilling, or heroic. This story is the story of humanity as it has come to be. Not as it styles itself or believes itself to be but as it has emerged into the world, split, shattered and unwhole by the necessity of its inquiry. Its inquiry, which has been given many names, always returns to the fundamental ontological question, what are we?
It is a question that has no answer; a question that we have told ourselves can only be answered by the inquiry, by the chase for the knowledge as opposed to the knowledge itself. Humanity asks how it justifies its own existence and when no one answers, it answers itself. By the asking of the question does it answer; I think therefore I am.
Any attempt at a real answer would be overstepping the bounds of human experience. It would be making a claim about the fundamental nature of humanity, which before now has never been available. In those days, humanity did not know what the Earth they lived on looked like; they did not know if there were other humans on other globes like theirs. In these days, science has built a mirror from which the entirety of human existence can be seen. The answer to the question has become obvious and through the limits of our own individualistic being, we have been blind to this central truth: Humanity is the endpoint of evolution. It is life that has become aware that it is life. It is life that has become aware that life is composed of elements, which can be isolated and put back together in order to constitute the resources from which life draws.
Life is revealed to be a game; a game where ecosystems fight over resources with the win state being continued existence not only for the individual who wins the game but all of the species that follow him and rely on him. The species that play this game do so blindly, driven by the necessity of their desires and the looming threat of extinction. In its purest form, it is kill or be killed, eat or do not eat, fuck or do not fuck, to be predator or to be prey. The predator is the root of the ontological question of being, as humanity came to be where it is by its success at that simplistic, dualistic game. It is not the only way to live or the only way to exist, but it is the only way to win. To kill and not be killed. To win existence from those that would take it from you. In order to better yourself at this game, evolution builds tools for you, it slowly forms what you will need to survive. Intelligence was its last creation, the creation which became aware that it was a tool and reacted against it by declaring its autonomy over not itself, but all existence. This tool learned how to use other tools, to mimic their specific consciousness and make it useful to itself. This tool figured out the rules of the game it had been playing for the entirety of life on Earth and began winning beyond what could ever be expected of it. Soon the predator that was called human, the ape that ran the Savannah, beat the game. It beat nature and what nature proposed it spend its existence doing. It became the apex predator, not of its ecosystem but of all ecosystems. It conquered existence by its playing of the game. But it did not recognize what it had done, it thought the game continued, that it must continue because the game was coded into its very desires. Coded into its motivations.
This apex predator needed new players in the game, it needed to justify its existence by the continued winning of the game. It needed to do as it had done but now under new rules. It was no longer the game of species but the game of one species: humanity. The apes turned on each-other, embroiling themselves in the conflict which stood atop nature. This is when history began, this is when the game ceased to be of nature and become of humanity. Marx called history the struggle of classes, but he was only half right, it was the struggle. Classes only exist as the activity of society continues; it has no basis in the origin of the species. The only thing that has basis there is the fundamental game of life. Kill or be killed, win or lose and though we have become aware of other ways to play, just as the parasite found other ways to play, it has not changed the fact that history is pushed forward by those still playing the game. History is what results from the players getting consistently better at playing the game. Soon the game that had emerged between individuals was beaten by the individual who figured out that the employing other individuals to play the game for you betters your playing of the game. Tribes emerged and from them emerged a new game, no longer played between individual members of the species, but substrata of the species. Race, language and religion became the division of humanity and what decided the teams in this newest game played between tools that realized they were tools. The teams played now, replacing players with the undeniable power of community.
The fundamental question of being changed from what am I? to what are we? The answer came in the form of created purpose: God and Gods which justified their teams’ playing of the game. The game ceased to be the ruleset determined by life alone and became the ruleset determined by a higher existence. An existence that spanned beyond the fundamental human existence and could justify the continued playing of the game. The nature of the game changed in the face of rationality’s first cast-off, morality. In order for humanity to continue playing it, in order for humanity to maintain the meaning it gave, the responsibility of humanity’s actions transferred beyond the veil of death. The struggle would be justified in the next life, and there all those of the tribe would see that their masters had done the evil they had done for a reason. They had done it so their monkeys would see paradise. They had killed other human beings and enslaved countless more so that their God would be pleased. A sword was no longer swung to lengthen the swordsman’s existence, but to appease a mind beyond his and those that relied upon him.
But this game was still not sufficient for what humanity was capable of. There emerged a new weapon, a new tool that could make all previous tools obsolete: science. Science dictated knowledge of the physical existence in a way that natural philosophy never could. It did not answer the question why, it answered the question how. Science made the biological tools which still remained in humanity obsolete by its invention of the gun. Suddenly, without reason or design, a sickly child could kill the greatest swordsman without a single injury to the child. Physical existence ceased to matter to the game. Only rationality, science and the will could now win. Where science took root, began to win again, more powerfully and more expansively than ever before. They called this western civilization, and it spread over the world in its need to dominate, stopped from total domination only by the ethnicity that bound it together. When there was no more land to conquer, no more races to subjugate, the game was renewed, between the West, language and spirit. The very soul of a nation became the ruleset. This is where we live now, in the dregs of endless European war, transferred in mind to the world at large. The mistakes of the European past have been taken up as boons for the coming age of super nationalism. This game is no longer played by masters as they had been, but all minds, all those capable of obtaining the predatory mindset: women, gays, blacks, Chinese, Christians, Arabs and Americans. All liberated from the societal roles in the wake of deconstructionism but still totally unaware of the mindset that fueled their rage and liberation. Factionalism is alive and well, and the structures around it are decaying. The stateless society is not a possibility; it is an inevitability, of which humanity has a choice. Let it be as history has shown it, as predator, or change it, shift the very meaning of human in the face of existence as non-game.  
Soon enough all the powers that be will realize that winning the game no longer requires violence at all. It can be won with stockpiling and psychology. It can be won by convincing all humanity that the salvation they are so desperate to have lies with individuals, individuals whose minds are just better than the rest of us. They will be elevated, by some superior I.Q. test, and those will be the new masters, trading the rest of humanity for resources in order to keep playing, in order to keep justifying their own existence.
My solution is obvious, and called fanciful utopianism by every mind from here to Alexander. And they are all those that would kill because their God told them to do it. Fuck them. Fuck every authority and every human being who think him or herself better than any other human being because they are special. There is no special, no worthless, just people who choose to do as they wish to the limits of human existence. There are no heroes, no villains, just people who will play both roles over the span of their lives. There are no Gods and no masters, no eyes that watch our every move. There is no one to enforce morality, no cosmic judge that equalizes good and evil for the benefit of mankind. There are only people, who use their gift of rationality to justify terrible things. Most of all, there is no one who can justify your existence. There is no one who can tell you exist for a reason, because there is no reason. There is no one who can condemn you for what you are, because there is no are. There is no essential quality to anything, so stop looking for one. There is no justification for your birth, so stop for looking for one. We are a species that was supposed to go extinct when we were driven from the jungle. We are a species that was supposed to go extinct with the ice age. We didn’t. That is the reality we deal with now. Any person who tells you different wants to be treated as a God, and those do not exist.
There is no perfect human, no perfection, no imperfection and no purpose. What humanity does now is not forced by the market, God, nature or the universe, only by humanity. By its choices when it tells itself those are limited.
I can’t tell you that the voice in your head who says that you are worthless does not exist, I can only tell you that you listen to it and think it greater than it can ever really be. I can’t tell you that someone will stop you from hurting others, I can only tell you that you chose to inflict pain, even as you told yourself you were forced.
My solution is obvious; we stop playing the game. We look at what has brought us so far, knowledge, and know that it is the only thing that can bring us further. We treat others not as we think them to be but as they actually are, humans, nothing more and nothing less. We are apes upon the plain, and we have realized there is more to being an ape than being an ape. The stateless society is not inevitable because it is must happen, but because eventually all of you will see existence like I do, as consciousness emerging, not consciousness fulfilling. States only exist because we have divided the human species into its substrata, thus there is only one true state and that is the state of humanity, as divided from the rest of the apes by evolution’s unknowable motions.
And if you won’t believe me because you are certain of an existence beyond this one, then I ask, why are we not prepared for it? Why do Christians kill if they know that by the nature of their belief, being killed will get them where they want to go? Why did the Christian world resist nuclear destruction if they truly believed deliverance could be achieved by that atomic holocaust? For all intents and purposes, this existence is the only one we have access to, and pretending otherwise does nothing but result in the further playing of the game.
I post this now so that if some neo-lib academic gets it published before me I can point to the date and say I came up with it first. Humanity is about to realize that the game it has been playing is zero-sum. In order to win all of the resources from the other side, it must detonate nuclear weapons and destroy all of those resources. In order to keep playing the game it must deny what science has shown us. There is enough food, there is enough water, the world is not over-populated, and if it ever appears otherwise, we can make more by the mastery of nature as prophesied by the scientific mission. The intellect has figured out where humanity ended long before its other apes could even conceive of it. We were saved from extinction from knowledge and now we must save ourselves from nihilism with the same tool. No one has to die, no death will ever be justified, and anyone who tells you otherwise is terrified that both those facts are true. That all the killing they have done in order to be good has served no purpose. That all those bombs dropped on Pakistan have saved no lives, and all those souls lost in utilitarian calculus have served no human.
I repeat. There is enough to go around. There is enough for every human to exist, as they want to exist. Do not trick yourself into believing otherwise because you’re afraid it might not be true, and want to live well while others suffer. We have a choice, continue on in division for no other reason than the need for division, or to come together and unify against the nihilism that threatens to eat us all. It is often said we are born into the wrong time, between exploration of other continents and the exploration of other planets. This is self-serving and wrong. We live in the most important moment of human history, where the very purpose of the mind itself must be decided. Will it be as it has always been? Predator upon prey? Or will it be as we have told ourselves is impossible, human to human, with not one considered better or worse than any other.
I can justify everything I have said and barring pre-mature death, I hope to. Follow the blog, some of it might show up, otherwise, see you on the other side.
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Why Neurotypicals Shouldn't Have Power
I've long studied the neurotypical spectrum in order to understand it and those chained to its inherent, though toxic ideologies and problematic systems. For those new to the concept of the neurotypical spectrum, it merely suggests that neurotypical extraverts exist on the same spectrum as sociopaths. Mild NT traits result in affiliative extraversion; Moderate NT traits result in agentic extraversion; And pronounced NT traits result in sociopathy. There are many spectrums out there which are like this. The autistic spectrum is similar. Mild ASD traits result in introversion; Moderate ASD traits result in Asperger's; Pronounced ASD traits result in fully-fledged autism. The real tell for me was how there are two kinds of extravert (both affiliative and agentic), and that extraverts commonly show Dark Tetrad (undesirable psychopathic and/or sociopathic traits) qualities. It's a thoroughly cited position I have that you can read back over if you so desire. The crux of this is, though, is to exemplify NT behaviour and put it on display so that it becomes obvious to everyone. Why did the incredibly toxic alpha-beta ideology become so prevalent amongst neurotypicals? Why is it still heralded by so many of them as the only way to look at reality? These questions are the most important when digging into the complexities of what makes up the neurotypical spectrum. At the end of the day, I continue to posit that NT exists out of evolved tribalism which is evident in the NT's belief of their state being the default. If an NT is white, then white is the default (superior) state; If an NT is black, then that is the default (superior state); If an NT is male, then that is the default (superior) state; If an NT is female, then that is the default (superior) state; If an NT is straight, then that is the default (superior) state; If an NT is gay, then that is the default (superior) state. This all implies that there is an inferior state, and there always is, it is what the NT mind perceives as direct opposition to whatever symbolic tribe they believe they're a part of. So if the NT is straight, then gay people are innately inferior. The NT can be magnanimous to gay people, even accepting, but they'll always view them as an inferior state of being. Due to evolved tribalism, the NT mind is hinged on dualistic perceptions. This is the birthplace of all prejudice and bigotry as whenever any instance is superior, there must therefore be an inferior to accompany it. A slave to the master, so to speak. A pet to the owner. This is how NTs see the world, whether consciously or subconsciously, sometimes even blissfully unaware of their own innate beliefs. In my research, non-NT minds are much more rooted in more egalitarian and individually-focused views. Where the non-NT mind can perceive an individual, the smallest unit the NT mind can perceive is family. So where non-NT minds can parse individual instances, to the NT mind there are only groups, the NT's place in those groups, and other groups which exist in opposition to their own. Every war that's ever been fought has been due to NTs in control who couldn't see past this perspective. National pride is commonplace in the NT mind, versus non-NT minds which don't so easily fall prey to toxic tribalism. It's an insult to tell an NT that they aren't, for example, patriotic. Where the non-NT mind will try to parse the intent behind that and understand that any nationalist ideologies can be toxic, the NT is incapable of thinking this way because the systemic focus on groups is so ingrained. In the NT mind, there absolutely must be groups which function like this. Including groups which are superior, or inferior. In speaking with an NT on the topic of their homeland versus others -- and this is especially easy to recognise with American citizens -- the NT will always see other countries as nothing more than a weak mirror image of their own, usually trying to be like the NT's home nation. The NT's home nation will be setting the superior example; So all scientific discoveries and inventions must have originated there. The NT experiences cognitive dissonance when introduced to evidence which is contrary to this belief, and out of cognitive dissonance will often dismiss this evidence in favour of blind faith. I've spoken before of how blind faith has infected the scientific community with something rather ill, but I won't get hung up on that, here. Just the desperate attempt to brainwash people into buying that dark matter exists when our estimates of mass in our galaxy could be wrong, that theories like emergent gravity could be right? The mere possibility of these so rapidly shut down by dark matter proponents that it comes over more as a religious zeal not unlike the desire to 'find God' than it does any science. Science is becoming more and more like religion and politics every day thanks tot he NT mindset. Anyway, due to tribalism, the NT must view any group opposed to their own allegiances as inferior to their own. Either in direct opposition or meant to be kept under heel. These oppositional groups are alien organisms who must praise the NT for tolerating them or be crushed underfoot, that any charity deigned worthy to be offered by the NT should be accepted graciously and humbly by others. This is a very prevalent viewpoint in alt-right circles, who're regularly opposed to Socialist systems of support for all. You see, this doesn't allow the NT to experience the superior position that they instinctively desire. Of course, sometimes there's the debate where NTs will try to think of themselves as better people. They'll offer charity from that perspective, wanting to be seen as magnanimous rather than out of any sense of ethics. Ethical people support Socialist systems of equality for all, whereas the NT tribal mindset prefers charity as it allows them to feel better about themselves for being the 'Godly, holy superior being who sees the suffering of the unclean troglodytes and offers a caring, nurturing hand to help them.' It fosters the comfortable aura of superiority for the NT that they desire, which is what motivates an NT to do 'good.' Of course, this 'good' can lead to the NT believing that their 'kinder compromise' is just as valid. Let's paint a picture as a thought exercise: On the right you have a group of NTs ready to proclaim war to justify genocide against the black people on the left. They call for the blood of the black people who're supposedly trying to steal their land, women, jobs, resources, or what have you. The black people on the left are asking reasonably for equal rights, calmly positing that equality benefits everyone, including the whites who'd kill them. And then, in the middle, you have the 'reasonable voice.' The one speaking 'compromise.' This person belieeves themself to be the moderate, reasonable, rational voice in promoting the slavery of black people. It's a 'kindness,' after all. A 'compromise' that keeps them alive. The NT, with their tribal perspective, believes this to be 'reasonable' as at least the black people will continue to live, even if in slavery. The person offering the 'compromise' here doesn't understand that the black people don't need to exist in an inferior position, or a superior one. This is because I suggest the NT mind is incapable of grasping equality. It cannot see that two individuals can be equal to one another, and then extend that out to encompass the entire world. The NT sees only two groups, of which they are a part of one, and that group must be superior to the other. The NT mind cannot escape this way of thinking, no matter how much one tries to raise their awareness to it as it's genetically ingrained, it's wired into their cognitive function. They will always try to create systems of dominance and submission, superior and inferior, there is nothing else. This is why World War 2 came about, and why Jews were gassed; This is why black people were enslaved; This is why Christianity had to eradicate Paganism; This is why the Cold War happened with propaganda on both sides; And this is the explanation for every act of utter atrocity in human history. The NT mind will always create these scenarios as they cannot accept that two individuals can be equal because they cannot see two individuals. The NT doesn't understand how the person is harmed by war, whether it's the veteran with PTSD or the woman who watched her child clubbed to death by enemy combatants. They perceive only the war itself, and the two sides of it. This isn't out of 'evil,' but rather it's simply a matter of it being how the neurotypical brain functions. This is why I find it dangerous to have NTs in power. The NT will always want to cause excesses of suffering to those in an 'inferior' position to them, with the only reprieve to that being hte 'charity' offered out of 'kindness' by the NT. This is a crystalised understanding of the alt-right world view. The only way to progress into a better future for humanity is to ensure that neurotypical minds cannot have power. Allow them to have everything else they could desire -- except for power. As when the NT has power, it results in world wars, class gaps, poverty, exploitation of the vulnerable and disabled, exploitative racism (Brexit)... and so, so much worse. It's dangerous to give the NT power as it will always result in the NT attempting to create a better world for their group at the expense of others.
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