#upcoming chappy!
taintedsoul-if · 1 year
Unedited spoilers!
Orientation - image1
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Seems like someone has a crush on Instructor Levesque. 👀👀 - image2
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At this point this whole academy is just rotten to the core. -image3
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🙄🙄 competing for grade points. No wonder princess Drusilla is a dumb bitch. Image4 (don't do this at home. I literally code on my phone sometimes)
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Finally our cinnamon roll has made an appearance 😭😭 - image5
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👀👀👀 - image6
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So many questions. Though the most Important one is, why does headmaster Qadim dislike the MC so much? Hmm strange. Have a good day one and all. I seem to be lacking motivation this week... so I am taking a break to clear my head. 😏 tomorrow I'll be jumping right back between them pages! I haven't decided when I'll publish this update as yet.... so I really need to also think about that, I hate setting deadlines for myself so I'll kept y'all posted when I've reached the desired word count for this update. Alright I need to shut up... and go take a short nap. I feel drowsy. Please stay safe and have yourself a blessed/glorious day!
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onlyjaeyun · 4 months
i see the bra strap idea has made it into the chappy 👀 hoon silently freaking out in the inside forsho, jake checking on yn while silently cursing hoon in his brain, AND IT WAS JAKE! I KNEW IT! jake definitely gave hoon a nice bonk on the head later :3 also I saw hoon go very silent when they talked about staying over
hoon in his lil brain : i finally get to fuck in peace 🙄 good pussy in peace
jake being on guard duty so no one gets between hoon and yn <3 he's just happy for his friends to be fucking people he approves of
I HATE THAT FUCKING MOM- THE AMOUNT OF RAGE I FEEL?!? LIKE WHY DOES SHE HATE YN THAT MUCH?!? YNS A SWEETHEART TO NIKI AND SHE PROBABLY WOULD HAVE BEEN SWEET TO YUKI AND KENTA TOO IF THIS BITCH HADNT INTERFERED! NIKI IS DEFINITELY SNITCHING TO HOON AND HOONS GONNA GO BAT SHIT CRAZY AGAIN (pun intended) won't be surprised if hoon takes a quick solo trip to Japan during the girls trip and who knows, a certain sperm donor might be found in a ditch with multiple broken limbs with no witnesses and he doesn't remember shit about who did what to him 🤭❤️ guessing the falling out is gonna happen before or during the girls trip or them realising that there was a miscommunication so hoon is absolutely all emotional and feeling nothing but pure rage and AHHH I LOVE <3
kinda miss fuma being around to fuel hoon's jealousy 💔 he's such a fine man, I need him to rearrange my guts 😫
also hiii zadie!! im visiting home and I've just been super duper busyy 💔 the sun here is so nicee but it's so hot I feel like I'm gonna evaporate if I go out in the sun- but I've been eating good food and studying for my exams so hehe how's you been pretty girl? - 💫
HELLO BABY!!!!🩷🩷🩷 im so so glad youre enjoying your time at home, i hope youre also resting!!!🤥 thank you so much for your amazing hcs and suggestions and ideas i was so, so excited to use this one i lit thought about it ever since you sent it to me 😭
ive been doing well, just spending time with family and friends and work ofc!!!!
unfortunately hoonyn will actually......notgetofuckinpeace 🤕 since they will go no contact after the next chapter 😀😀
i love how you guys are so mad at the stepmom and i know its gonna get worse in the following chaps so im just ready atp 😝
also, bc ive noticed a lot of you guys have said similar things (regarding the nishimuras) they actually live in seoul too so hoonie wouldnt even have to gosll the way to japan to yk..be ch!hoon 😝😝😝
to give you guys a little overview of the upcoming written chap: the realisation of the miscommunication and second fallout will all happen in that chapter if that makes sense...the reason will be revealed to everyone and thats when hoonyn will have their "fuck." moments bc theyre gonna realise their lives were basically based on a huge game of intentional miscommunication 🫣
that's all im gonna say!!!
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davnittbraes · 1 year
The Fourth Step - Chapter Thirty
Part of The World Is Light, Embodied.
Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2600
Warnings, etc.: a light seasoning of smut, cockblocking ship strikes again, anxiety, fluffy domestic moments, character growth 🥹
Notes: a little snack of a chappie for y’all this week, apologies but I’m also working through a major rewrite after finding a plot hole in upcoming chapters. Next chapter will be a more substantial meal, I pinky promise. Also, yes I’m cutting it close but it’s technically still Saturday in my corner of the world so I’m gonna take the win. Also also, I’m ignoring everything from S3 including the whole name nonsense until we get clarification so. Take that as you will. It’s my sandbox and my imaginary friends, I’ll call them whatever I want 🤣
Mando’a translations at the end of the chapter.
Please check out the Series Masterlist page for more info.
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No. Stop that. 
You wrinkle your nose as sleep starts to loosen its grip, drags you back in your body. 
Come back. 
Desperate, you sink deeper into the warm, solid mass tucked into the crook of your arm, a wall of reassuring heat that presses along the length of your body. 
Your desperation only pushes the last webs of sleep away. 
Kriff. Fine. 
Blinking your eyes open, you sigh into the dark of the hold. 
Not even day cycle yet. 
The twinge of pain piercing the right side of your lower back apparently doesn’t care about lighting cycles.
Carefully, you stretch, pointing your toes down and arching your back just enough to ease the strain. 
The solid mass of reassuring heat shifts, ripples into wakefulness. 
Dank farrik. 
Din breathes deep, soft swell of his stomach lifting under your hand. You press a kiss to the curve of a shoulderblade, murmur against warm skin. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”
He mumbles wordlessly, grasps your hand, thumb stroking over the back of it gently. “Are you alright?”
Crikking hells. 
His sleep-rough words skirt down your spine to pool between your thighs. 
There’s an ache there that speaks to your activities just a few hours before, muscles strained from the angle when he fucked you against the wall so hard you couldn’t walk, then again in your blankets with your back bowed to take him as deep as possible - oh, that’s probably where the twinge comes from. 
Worth it. 
You squeeze his hand.”I’m fine. Go back to sleep.”
He pulls your hand up to tuck it against his chest. “What woke you?”
Your heartbeat stutters in your chest, arousal flaring gently at the combination of the intimate gesture and the rasp of his voice. “Just a muscle twinge. But what’s keeping me awake is you and that voice of yours. Go to sleep.”
A pause, then he’s moving, rolling over smoothly to cage you underneath his broad frame. His nose trails down your jaw, lips brush your ear. “What’s wrong with my voice?”
You can’t suppress the shiver that runs over your skin as his voice rasps along the curve of your neck. “You know nothing is wrong with it. Just like you know exactly what it does to me.”
He nips at your earlobe as his hand slips between your thighs. “I think I have an idea.”
His fingers cup your pussy and - kriff, so warm and thick, smooth callouses that graze your already-slick entrance. Want bursts bright, soothing the ache in your muscles and shifting your hips into his touch. 
Tilting your head to give him better access, you bite back a moan when he sucks a kiss onto the skin over your racing pulse. “I think you have more than an idea -“
Electronic beeping blasts through the ship. 
What -
Din is on his feet in a split second, moving through the dark hold to the cockpit. 
Reeling from the sudden shift, you haul yourself out of the blankets, grabbing one as you stand and wrapping it around your naked body as a makeshift dress while you stumble toward the bunk.
The kid, get the kid -
Your senses flare outward, searching for the source of the alarm - nothing unusual, the engines are humming like they do while in hyperspace. The ship is steady beneath your feet, the controlled atmosphere feels normal. 
So nothing extremely dangerous, then. 
The kid is awake, big eyes wide and ears perked in a panic, hammock swinging slightly as he tries to climb out. 
You reach for him quickly, pull him against your shoulder. “Hey, kiddo, it’s ok. Your dad is fixing it.”
As if on cue, the alarm cuts off. The sudden silence is almost deafening, heavy in your ears, the ghost of the sound somehow still echoing -
No, that’s the beep of the ship’s commlink. 
You hear a voice, crackling with electronic feedback.
“Mando? Are you there?” Deep, resonant with authority. Greef Karga. 
A clearing of a throat then Din’s voice. “Yes, I’m here.”
“Your visual isn’t coming through. And why do you sound so different?”
“Something must be off with the comm.” 
Frowning, you peer up toward the cockpit entrance. He sounds uncomfortable, why is -
His helmet. 
He’s not wearing his helmet. Must not have grabbed it on his way up. 
The kid chirps in surprise as you whirl around suddenly, keying the lights of the hold on.
You give him an apologetic squeeze. “Sorry, but we have to find your dad’s helmet, where -“
The glint of beskar catches your gaze from on top of a storage crate, the smooth curve of his helmet gleaming under the light. A pile of dark cloth is on the floor beside it - his underlayer. Both shirt and pants. 
A strangled mix of a laugh and a gasp chokes in the back of your throat. 
He’s in the cockpit. Naked. 
Talking to Karga. 
Dank farrik. 
He must be hiding somehow, covering the visual on the commlink, that’s why Karga can’t see him. 
Quickly, you shuffle over to grab the helmet and clothes, awkwardly trying to keep the blanket from tangling in your legs. As you climb the first couple rungs and slip the helmet over the edge of the cockpit entrance, juggling the kid in your arms, you hear Din signing off. 
The kid grumbles while you shift your grip on him to toss the clothes up into the cockpit, pitch your voice so Din can hear you. “Helmet and clothes are here.”
“Thank you.” 
His voice is heavy with relief, and your heart squeezes in sympathy. 
The kid coos softly, a hint of something sad in the tone that makes you look down at him. 
Those big ears are drooping, wrinkles creasing his little forehead. He’s looking at the small, round scar just above your heart, one tiny hand outstretched to brush a claw over it. 
The place where the blaster bolt had singed your skin, back on Savareen. 
A flash of memory - the shriek of the blaster bolt through the air, the surge of pain, the distant realization of what was happening. The kid, arm outstretched, frowning in concentration as the bolt hovered in front of you, less than an inch from your heart. 
You swallow back the threatening tears and stroke a finger down his cheek, bringing that amber gaze up to meet yours. “Hey. I’m ok, you saved me, remember? It’s just a scar.”
The cool air of the hold swirls over the bared skin of your back where the blanket dips low. 
Realization sinks in the pit of your stomach.
Your body surges into action, frantic. 
You need to get dressed, right now, before Din comes down and sees -
Where is your shirt -
How could you not realize your back was bared, the lights are on, they’ll see -
The kid, put the kid in the bunk, keep facing him so he doesn’t see your back and close the door -
Your shirt, find your shirt -
You had pulled it off just before you got to the blankets, it’s gotta be -
Sound of movement by the ladder, Din coming down -
Where is my kriffing shirt -
There, on the floor. 
Your hands are shaking, you can barely manage to pull it on, tug it tight over your shoulders, make sure everything is covered. 
Everything you don’t want him to see. 
His voice floats through the hold. “Let me know when you’re dressed.”
Your breath catches, lungs freezing for just a moment. 
Pfassk. Of course he would check with you first. 
Rolling your eyes at your needless panic, you take a deep breath, calm your racing heart. 
Finding the rest of your clothes is relatively easy, and you take a moment to pull together the pieces of his armour scattered about, stacking them neatly on the shelf he usually stores it on at night before ducking out from your corner of the hold. 
He’s leaning against the ladder, modesty in tact with his helmet on and underlayer covering the long lines of his body. The kid is propped in the crook of his arm, ears perked as he watches for you to appear. 
Throwing the little guy a smile, you join Din by the ladder. “What was the alarm for?”
“New coolant system is twitchy. Needed a slight adjustment.” He reaches out, slips his free hand into the curve of your waist, silently reassuring. “Greef has a lead on the location of a group of Mandalorians.”
You blink, surprise quickly shifting into a mixture of emotions that blur too much to identify. They pool and congeal on the pit of your stomach, heavy, a direct opposite to the jumble of thoughts that suddenly burst across your mind, too chaotic to grasp. It’s disorienting, and anxiety claws it’s way up the back of your throat. 
Stop it, be happy for him, this is what he’s been looking for. 
Clearing your throat, you push yourself to focus, to feel excitement for the good news. “Really? Where?”
“He didn’t want to risk the commlink being intercepted. He’s asked us to go to Nevarro to discuss it.”
“Ok.” You hold back the wince at the uncertainty in your own voice, forcing optimism into your tone as you tweak the tip of the kid’s ear. “Hear that, kiddo? You get to visit your friends on Nevarro.”
Din’s hand shifts on your waist, thumb stroking the line of your rib gently. “Only if you want to go.”
Your gaze locks on the black visor, panic welling up, closing off your throat. “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I want to go?”
“You tell me.”
Dank farrik.
Why did you even bother? You can’t hide anything from the Most Observant Man in the Galaxy. 
The problem is, you don’t even know what you were trying to hide. 
It’s all too much of a jumble of feeling - nausea coils in your stomach, some kind of tension prickles up your spine.
Whatever it is, whatever your feeling, it’s nothing compared to the importance of the lead. Other Mandalorians, possibly even Din’s people…
The instinct to brush it aside, reassure him you’re fine surges forward, words already on the tip of your tongue. 
Step by step, together. 
He’d said those words just yesterday. 
When he was pleading with you to talk to him, share with him. Let him support you when you need help. 
It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what you’re feeling, or why. You can trust him to help you understand.
Taking a deep breath, you rest a hand on his chest, needing to feel the warmth of him through his underlayer, the steady beat of his heart under your palm. “I’m… anxious, I guess? About finding your people. I don’t… I don’t know why, or even really understand what I’m feeling right now. There’s just a lot of… noise in my head.”
The helmet tilts, his voice soft through the modulator. “We don’t have to go. I can find a secure channel somewhere, a planet with private commlinks we can use.”
“No.” You press your hand tighter to his chest, insistent. “No, we’re not far from Nevarro, it will be faster and easier to just go there. And I want to talk to you about what I’m feeling, I just need some time to work it out. Is that… is that ok?”
He steps forward, nudging into your space, resting his forehead against yours. “Of course, kar’ta.”
A smile curves your lips at the term of endearment, the tenderness of the gesture. “Thank you.”
The kid whines, wriggling in Din’s arms, and you chuckle as he manages to scramble into an awkward half-embrace, tucked in between the two of you. 
That warm bright thing in your chest - love - glows, softens the edges of the unknown emotions slicing through your thoughts. 
Family. Aliit. 
Whatever it is you’re feeling, and whenever you figure it out, they will be here, just like this. 
The sun is setting as the Razor Crest lands on Nevarro, lining up perfectly with the night cycle on the ship. Good, at least you won’t have to deal with the jarring transition that comes with shifting your circadian rhythms on top of trying to piece out whatever those emotions are still swirling in the pit of your stomach. 
And kriff had you tried, using the time in hyperspace to sit alone in the hold and focus, really listen to whatever was going on inside your head. But it was no use, you just weren’t used to examining your feelings like that. 
Maybe a change of scenery would shake things up enough to clarify whatever was making you feel so uneasy. 
Greef Karga is waiting at the end of the ramp as you make your way down, kid already squirming out of your arms to reach for him. 
Karga smiles, taking the kid as soon as he’s close enough. “How’s my favourite little whatever you are? Have you been good? Of course you have.”
The kid coos innocently and you snort with laughter at the sigh that filters through the helmet’s modulator beside you. 
Karga throws Din a narrow look that quickly shifts into one of welcome. “Glad to see you again, Mando.”
Din silently accepts his outstretched hand, clasping his forearm in greeting. 
Karga turns his gaze to you, interest blatant in his dark eyes. “And you. I wasn’t sure if you would still be travelling together.”
The slight quirk of his eyebrow and the genuine warmth in his voice turns his words into a teasing jab, and you smile. “Yes, well. I paid for the luxury star cruise, and I’m not about to give up those credits just because the pilot obviously swindled me.”
Karga laughs, clapping a hand on your shoulder. “Let’s see if I can make up for that with an authentic Nevarran experience. Come, let’s get a drink.” 
He looks to Din, clearly steeling himself for the pending protest. “I know you’re all work and no play, my friend, but I’m still waiting for my contact to check in with confirmation on the exact whereabouts of the Mandalorians. It’s a good lead, a trustworthy source, but there’s no point in discussing until I have that confirmation tomorrow morning. So, that means we have time to relax, catch up.”
You glance at Din, quirking the corner of your mouth up in a silent question.
The helmet tilts, shoulders straightening. He’s leaving it up to you, given you’re still trying to work through whatever it is that’s bothering you. 
Chewing on your bottom lip, you consider it. Maybe relaxing a little is what you need. That change of scenery and some good conversation, then you can sit down and try to work through it with a fresh perspective. 
He seems to notice your decision, and turns to Karga. “Let’s go.”
The magistrate huffs an amused laugh, gaze flicking between you and Din, obviously entertained by the silent exchange. “Excellent. Cara will be joining us later, after she’s finished her rounds.”
You follow Karga and the kid, noise of your thoughts dimming just a bit with the promise of a distraction. Frowning, you steel yourself. 
Distraction is fine, but you still have to deal with it later. 
No more running away. 
No more silence. 
You have someone who cares about you. Someone who wants to help you with things like this. 
And you will let him. 
A warm weight on the small on your back draws your attention. 
Din’s hand is steady, centering. An unspoken promise of support when you need it. 
His steps fall into time with yours as the sun’s fading light illuminates the buildings of the city. 
Mando’a translations:
Tionas - question
Kar’ta - heart
Aliit - clan, the Mandalorian equivalent of family 
***** Previous Chapter Next Chapter
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Because Alec Lightwood will survive. But Alexander would have died a few deaths by then.
This KILLED me. It literally killed me. But I also cannot wait for what's to come. Please tell me we'll get the magnus waking up and not remembering Alec scene in the next chappy.
hello bb,
I love a good last line that’s so indicative of the upcoming doom ksnsjsjsjs
And yes, next chapter will have ‘THE’ scene. It’s gonna be a so fun lmao
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kkeropui · 1 year
୨୧ LUCKY ONE ! chapter four: i’m leaving
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and with that, jay could only put his phone down and look into the mirror he owned that conveniently hung on the wall next to him.
“am i scary?” he mutters to himself in confusion while he observes his facial features. “maybe i am.”
so he spends a few minutes that turned into hours of attempting to find the right smile that didn’t look too scary or weird. getting bored and frustrated, he opens tiktok and sees his for you page filled with ways to get someone to take interest in you and boy did he take interest in those.
and in the very next day, jay waltzes into class with a silly grin pointed right. at. you.
“hi, yn!” having not ever had a single proper conversation with the man himself, you could only stare at him agape while a million thoughts race through your mind. just who was this man? because this was not the same jay who looked like he wanted to murder anyone who decided to make a single noise in a silent room.
“could you help me give these files to mrs shin while i carry the box?”
“uh sure.”
if future you went back in time to tell you that you’d be walking alone with jay himself you would be laughing at her. well look at you now! ... walking ... with jay !!!!
unbeknownst to you however.. jay was sweating buttcheeks raking his mind on what he could talk to you about. think !!!! THINK !!!!!
“so uhh yn! heard you lost your wallet the other day, have you found it yet?”
“ohh i did actually! well i mean.. not me but heeseung! he passed it to me the other day.... and left me a 50 dollar bill in it too because i had no money heh. that was sweet of him.”
heeseung ?????
“i can do better than that.” would it be weird for him to jump out the next open window he sees?
no going back now
“i said i could do better than... him.”
and you laugh while his heart makes backflips and the sound of your laughter.
“what do you mean?”
“oh you’ll see.”
reaching the teacher’s room and mrs shin’s table, you and jay place the items neatly on her desk.
“you are actually more friendly than i thought.”
“what do you me-”
“hey, yn!” and both you and jay’s ears peak up with the mention of your name. jake sim being the owner of said voice.
“hi jake!” you giggle.
“pleasant seeing you here, saw the physics class schedule, we have an upcoming project together!”
and that only starts a conversation between the two of you that lasted approximately two minutes before getting interrupted by the ringing of the school bell, signifying the start of classes.
“oh! looks like we have to go back to class!”
lo and behold there stood jay who stared at jake like he wanted to behead him there and then except, jake wasn’t gonna back down.
and if future you went back in time to tell you that you’d be walking with thee jay park and jake sim back to class, you’d laugh at her.
୨୧ masterlist – ୨୧ chapter five – back to chapter three
SUMMARY ! you hated high school, oh with a burning passion. it was totally unbearable to be somewhere you felt as if you didn't belong, but who knew your existence itself could lead to the school's top student, star athlete, class president and sweetheart to fall head over heels for you. maybe these guys would make your time at school bearable ... or maybe not.
a/n ! HI ALL !!! so so so so sorry for the late late update but i’ve been busy with work and i have to start applying for college soon #THEGRINDNEVERSTOPS !!!! but thank you to all of you who showed interest in this smol series i love u guys. this chappie is more focused on jay because it’s like his proper (?) character introduction !!
taglist ! (send an ask / message to be added :P) @igotkpoops @luvrseung @sievenderz (can’t b tagged ☹️) @bbeomgyucafe @sserafimez @renchai
perma taglist ! @abdiitcryy @hiqhkey @luvrbin
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I saw that My Heart will end after ch 11?!? Will we not get to see Daemon feast on babey's boobies 🥺😭😂
No, no! We will, nonnie, we will. (Perhaps this upcoming chappie?) For now, this is all I have planned for this instalment - more-or-less ending straight after birth - but I might extend for a bit? Conversely, I might do a mini-instalment after it. Would be interested to hear thoughts on this! (Just, as a narrative, the story will more-or-less round itself out on chap 11 according to my current plans, the rest would be like 'scenes' kinda like little slut.)
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 3 months
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Louis Cameron Gossett Jr. (May 27, 1936 – March 29, 2024) was an American actor. Born in Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York City, he made his stage debut at the age of 17.[2] Shortly thereafter, he successfully auditioned for the Broadway play Take a Giant Step. Gossett continued acting onstage in critically acclaimed plays including A Raisin in the Sun (1959), The Blacks (1961), Tambourines to Glory (1963), and The Zulu and the Zayda (1965). In 1977, Gossett appeared in the popular miniseries Roots, for which he won Outstanding Lead Actor for a Single Appearance in a Drama or Comedy Series at the Emmy Awards.
Died March 29, 2024 (aged 87)
Santa Monica, California, U.S.
Gossett continued acting in high-profile films, television, plays, and video games. In 1982, for his role as Gunnery Sergeant Emil Foley in An Officer and a Gentleman, he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and became the first black actor to win in this category. At the Emmy Awards, Gossett continued to receive recognition, with nominations for The Sentry Collection Presents Ben Vereen: His Roots (1978), Palmerstown, U.S.A. (1981), Sadat (1983), A Gathering of Old Men (1987), Touched by an Angel (1997), and Watchmen (2019). He won and was nominated at other ceremonies including the Golden Globe Awards, Black Reel Awards, and NAACP Image Awards. Gossett was also well-known for his role as Colonel Chappy Sinclair in the Iron Eagle film series (1986-1995).
Gossett's other film appearances include Hal Ashby's The Landlord (1970), Paul Bogart's Skin Game (1971), George Cukor's Travels with My Aunt (1972), Stuart Rosenberg's The Laughing Policeman (1974), Philip Kaufman's The White Dawn (1974), Peter Yates's The Deep (1977), Wolfgang Petersen's Enemy Mine (1985), Christopher Cain's The Principal (1987), Mark Goldblatt's The Punisher (1989), Daniel Petrie's Toy Soldiers (1991), and Jasper, Texas (2003), and his television appearances include Bonanza (1971), The Jeffersons (1975), American Playhouse (1990), Stargate SG-1 (2005), Left Behind: World at War (2005), Boardwalk Empire (2013), and The Book of Negroes (2015).
Gossett was married three times and fathered one son and adopted one son. His first marriage was to Hattie Glascoe; it was annulled. His second, to Christina Mangosing, took place on August 21, 1973. Their son Satie was born in 1974. Gossett and Mangosing divorced in 1975. His third marriage, to Star Search champion Cyndi James-Reese, took place on December 25, 1987. They adopted a son, Sharron (born 1977). Gossett and James-Reese divorced in 1992.[117] Louis was the first cousin of actor Robert Gossett who starred on TNT's The Closer.
In 2022, Gossett was cast in a supporting role for the upcoming American horror film, Awaken the Reaper.[116] The film also features performances by Lance Henriksen and Robin Curtis. Awaken the Reaper is directed by Justin Paul and Dave Campfield. The film is produced by Fourth Horizon Cinema, Impact Media Studios and Design Weapons. In 2023, he portrayed Ol' Mister in the 2023 remake of The Color Purple. The role was originally portrayed by Adolph Caesar in the Steven Spielberg-directed critically acclaimed 1985 film.
Gossett stated that in 1966 he was handcuffed to a tree for three hours by the police in Beverly Hills.
Gossett struggled with a debilitating illness during the 1990s and early 2000s, having been given a prognosis of six months to live from a doctor at one stage. In 2001, he learned much of his illness was due to toxic mold in his Malibu home. On February 9, 2010, Gossett announced that he had prostate cancer. He added the disease was caught in its early stages, and he expected to make a full recovery. In late December 2020, Gossett was hospitalized in Georgia with COVID-19.
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lavendarlily · 6 months
ask game spam time! starting with:
from upcoming ei chappy <3
Before either of them could sprint into action, a voice shocked them, Danny jerking up and consequently tossing Valerie off of the bed. 
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520promotions · 1 year
Lil Chappy is gearing up for his latest single release "Put It Down"
Montgomery, AL-based artist Lil Chappy is set to make waves with his upcoming release “Put It Down,” slated to drop on July 4, 2023, under the label Official Entertainment. Produced by the talented TSZ, this track embodies Lil Chappy’s motivation for pushing creative boundaries and showcasing his out-of-the-box talent. With a focus on substance, Lil Chappy aims to captivate audiences with his…
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taintedsoul-if · 25 days
Currently working on editing all published chapters. Got a little help so that's made things a bit easier. Though instead of sending over my files we're combing through the documents paragraphs by paragraphs.... and I have to end up doing over the coding. So I am still around, editing, working on that update. I'll have a post sent out later on this week with the expected timeframe the new chapter will be released. I am really hoping to be a bit more consistent with TS updates. Your patience is greatly appreciated. 😭
Anyways daily dose!
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platinumhitz · 1 year
Lil Chappy is gearing up for his latest single release "Put It Down"
Montgomery, AL-based artist Lil Chappy is set to make waves with his upcoming release “Put It Down,” slated to drop on July 4, 2023, under the label Official Entertainment. Produced by the talented TSZ, this track embodies Lil Chappy’s motivation for pushing creative boundaries and showcasing his out-of-the-box talent. With a focus on substance, Lil Chappy aims to captivate audiences with his…
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0 notes
Lil Chappy is gearing up for his latest single release "Put It Down"
Montgomery, AL-based artist Lil Chappy is set to make waves with his upcoming release “Put It Down,” slated to drop on July 4, 2023, under the label Official Entertainment. Produced by the talented TSZ, this track embodies Lil Chappy’s motivation for pushing creative boundaries and showcasing his out-of-the-box talent. With a focus on substance, Lil Chappy aims to captivate audiences with his…
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platinumhiphop · 1 year
Lil Chappy is gearing up for his latest single release "Put It Down"
Montgomery, AL-based artist Lil Chappy is set to make waves with his upcoming release “Put It Down,” slated to drop on July 4, 2023, under the label Official Entertainment. Produced by the talented TSZ, this track embodies Lil Chappy’s motivation for pushing creative boundaries and showcasing his out-of-the-box talent. With a focus on substance, Lil Chappy aims to captivate audiences with his…
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ebonylatashasworld · 1 year
Lil Chappy is gearing up for his latest single release "Put It Down"
Montgomery, AL-based artist Lil Chappy is set to make waves with his upcoming release “Put It Down,” slated to drop on July 4, 2023, under the label Official Entertainment. Produced by the talented TSZ, this track embodies Lil Chappy’s motivation for pushing creative boundaries and showcasing his out-of-the-box talent. With a focus on substance, Lil Chappy aims to captivate audiences with his…
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Lil Chappy is gearing up for his latest single release "Put It Down"
Montgomery, AL-based artist Lil Chappy is set to make waves with his upcoming release “Put It Down,” slated to drop on July 4, 2023, under the label Official Entertainment. Produced by the talented TSZ, this track embodies Lil Chappy’s motivation for pushing creative boundaries and showcasing his out-of-the-box talent. With a focus on substance, Lil Chappy aims to captivate audiences with his…
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platinumvoicepr · 1 year
Lil Chappy is gearing up for his latest single release "Put It Down"
Montgomery, AL-based artist Lil Chappy is set to make waves with his upcoming release “Put It Down,” slated to drop on July 4, 2023, under the label Official Entertainment. Produced by the talented TSZ, this track embodies Lil Chappy’s motivation for pushing creative boundaries and showcasing his out-of-the-box talent. With a focus on substance, Lil Chappy aims to captivate audiences with his…
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