iantoyawrites · 3 months
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👑 Royal AU for UraGaa please and thank you? <3
(I am SO sorry for the wait. I wrote the answers down in a notebook, put it away, and forgot about it for far too damned long)
Urashiki is the Prince of a Powerful kingdom. Gaara is the King of a much smaller Kingdom.
Urashiki often leads troops into battle against other Kingdoms in hopes of expanding his family's kingdom. He usually wins rather easily and has quite the ego because of this.
Gaara is the first person to meet him in battle and force him to turn around and retreat. He hates it but it also causes him to take an immediate interest in Gaara. At first, he increases his attempts to defeat Gaara's army and beat him into submission, but when that fails his family switches tactics for the first time in generations.
A peace treaty is prepared, and Urashiki is informed that he will be married to someone from Gaara's Kingdom so that the two powers can be brought together.
He's not happy with this arrangement until the day he meets the person he is meant to Marry
The relationship isn't how Urashiki imagined. Gaara knows how to stand his ground and defend himself and his kingdom from Urashiki's usual tactics, and Urashiki finds that he really enjoys the challenge.
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Well, not sure if this is your cup of tea but,
May I please request UraGaa for Coffeeshop AU? ☕️ 🙏
I've been actively avoiding that ship... I'm sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ)
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shinkii15 · 3 years
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#uragaa#i ship them
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lesyarei7 · 2 years
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📝NSFW Yaoi Commission: Urashiki x Gaara for the fanfiction by @iantoyawrites 📖 🔞UNCENSORED If you want your own commission too - message me at.  → Facebook • Instagram  •  DeviantART  
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iantoyawrites · 3 months
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I read some amazing Bane and Gortash and was reminded of my lovelies with the human and God dynamic.
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iantoyawrites · 1 year
Doujinshi: Beautiful is the Flower
Rating: PG-13 (Explicit on AO3)
Fandom: Naruto AND Boruto (for Urashiki Otsutsuki)
Relationship: Urashiki x Gaara
Entry for @narutorarepairweek
Day 7 - August 5: Free Day | Alternate Ending
Summary: Urashiki is captivated by a hardy desert flower and Gaara is forever changed.
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iantoyawrites · 1 year
A loosely based Historical AU for #OtsutsukiWeek2023
More like Time Travel AU if you ask me, but imagine what you will.
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iantoyawrites · 1 year
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Fanart and fanfic entry for @otsutsukievent
Prompt: Day 00 - Free Day
Pairing: Urashiki x Gaara (Naruto era)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3.1k
You are Urashiki, a time-traveling Otsutsuki.
The young Kazekage of a previous time befriends you and asks you to show him where you are from.
Who are you to deny the Kazekage what he wants?
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iantoyawrites · 1 year
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He gonna get it
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iantoyawrites · 1 year
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Naruto Kinktober, Day 15 - Monsterfucking
Collaboration with @misttiddies
Accompanies my WIP, Kinktober Moon Orgy ****fest on AO3.
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iantoyawrites · 1 year
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F a v o r i t e s
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iantoyawrites · 1 year
WIP - Beautiful is the Flower
Coming soon.
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iantoyawrites · 2 years
Not sure how much attention this will get, but I have two fic ideas for uragaa. Which do I go with??
Urashiki time travels to assassinate Naruto, but finds Gara instead. His appearance triggers an assassination attempt on the Kazekage from a faction that found an opportunity while Gaara was visiting the Leaf. Does Urashiki save him despite the threat of interfering with time and Momoshiki's wrath of a failed mission?
OR, and bear with me, this is fucking WILD.
A/B/O? Shinki is Urashiki's child?? Urashiki muddled with Gaara's memories??? Gaara finds the medical records hidden away about Shinki's birth and circumstances?!?! Is that super crack?!?!
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iantoyawrites · 11 months
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Spicy tentacles prompt. Urashiki x TransGaara. Inspired by a WIP by @thatbrawley (twitter).
Full NSFW version on Twitter.
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iantoyawrites · 1 year
Unpopular opinion:
Maybe Gaara is able to entertain and even enjoy Urashiki's company because having him around is very familiar like his early days with Shukaku.
Cursing humanity? Check.
Teasing Gaara? Check.
Full of mischievous wiles? Check.
Not letting him sleep? Check.
It's just another day for the poor Kazekage, man.
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