#urami the swampert
askbohemiancompany · 1 year
I Never Dream
(Continued from here)
Upon entering his mentalscape, he saw the surroundings, his room was split into 4 corners, but the room was split up.
The first corner was what looked like a higher end house, with the most noticeable piece of furniture being a lamp on a table.
The second corner was a dingy looking garage, with couches and chairs that have clearly seen better days and booze bottles. Another thing seen on the table was what looked like a swampert's hand. Not gory or cut, but just laying there. 
The third looked like a club, one that would not be out of place for a crime movie, a scene where the crime boss is wasting their extravagant wealth.
Finally, there is what looks like a cave with a damp floor, which contains a number of vines covering the door with only what * assumed was some kind of tumbleweed
The only common factor that was shared between all four rooms was blue vines similar to the tangrowth's were binding the rooms together.
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Suddenly, what looked like a fuzz colored walnut enclosed in a thick layer of what would look like moss formed in the middle of all the rooms. In the center were two holes which served as its eyes. The eyes opened, startling the older mon. Its eyes were red in pockets, the exact same marks that were on Grohl’s eyes.
The darkrai could not make heads or tails as to what to do from here. It was clear each room was connected to his past. What was more vague was the vineless form of Grohl.
Blue glimmers and outlines began to form along specific items in each of the rooms. In addition, a trail of blue glowing tiny bugs carried over as if to guide Oscar’s eye to the living room first.
Carefully walking towards the room, as the older darkrai needed to keep his guard up. 
The bugs seemed to gather around the lamp specifically. Maybe the first thing I should do is turn on the light. See if it triggers something.
He pulled the switch.
Suddenly a tangella with a similar tree appendage and a human who looked height wise the same as Nat. Its face was noticeably vague, as faces can come off with little or no detail in these dreams, so this was not surprising. It was still unnerving
“Look. We need to get rid of you. I don’t hate you. Just, we need to move onto better things.” The voice must have been coming from the human.
A spark came from the lamp which caused the liquid to ignite into flames. 
Realizing it was gas, the darkrai dove away from the inferno. Despite the flames, there was no heat, likely due to it being a dream. 
The vines, which were keeping the corner of the room bound, began to recede back to the fuzzy chestnut in the center of the room. This showed it was looking more like a tangela at this point, but it was still a long way to go.
Looking back at the inferno, he saw the room segment separate itself from the other corners, collapsing into the abyss below.
“Those bugs again.” Oscar said to himself. This time they were guiding him towards the dingy garage-longue. 
“Grohl! The miata doesn’t work!” The voice sounded wrathful and commanding.
“Alright, we got the money! Grohl we are leaving!” After saying this, a red handprint began to form on the wall. Small red splatters began to form on the wall.
Oscar could read between the lines and realize what this meant and what happened. 
The noise of a fist making contact with a face, startled the darkrai, rendering the focus he had on the hand print lost.
“Grohl! I’m docking your pay for this! All you had to do was drive us in, shut the fuck up and drive us back. Instead, what happened was the engine exploded! Now we are down a car because of your lack of hindsight!”
“I-I tried to tell you multiple times, the engine needed to be fixed!”
“Then why did you not steal us a new car?!”
One final blow that managed to cause him to flinch, followed by the sound of metal hitting the floor. 
Looking to see where the sound came from, blue bugs gather around a knife.
This caused the darkrai to just stop, looking at the knife intently. Oscar began to experience dream entrapment, though he did not know that is what it was formally called.
Any pokemon that can enter anyone’s consciousness can accidentally find themselves being slowly pulled and trapped in their subject's mind due to thinking on, or dwelling too long on their own past.
Despite it being different, the knife was not far from his own claws. Oscar had his own background as a phantom, a boogie man.
A killer. One whose signature method of attack was slashing down at the body with his claws. How many lives had he taken? Would anything come back to hurt his family? Was he no different than the people who just ‘asked’ him to help with the situation?
“This. This is not real. This is not me. It’s the tangrowth’s dream.” Oscar needed to get back on track with what he was asked to do.
Sensing a pattern of just following the bugs, the dark type picked up the knife. From there, he approached the disembodied hand.
Taking a shot in the dark, he plunged the knife into the disembodied hand.
A loud, agonizing scream came from the same horrible voice from earlier. The swampert that owned the hand had materialized, as had Grohl.
“I quit!”
With a loud crunch and then a thunk, the swampert’s thumb was cut from his hand. Blood was gushing from the maimed hand.
“Kill him! Get him! Find him!”
One thing he had noticed was Grohl had taken the finger before running off. The other thing he noticed was the vines that were wrapped around the arm also began to recede and help form the Grohl in the center’s mass. The pin tree on his head had two vines now!
As with last time, the quarter of the room fell into the abyss below, but with the knowledge of how the domain would work, taking it into account was no longer a problem.
The bugs this time seemed to direct him to the bar. Hopefully this meant this was almost done.
He stepped into the bar.
“Hey good first job!” It has sounded like the toxicroak from before.
On the bar top, a carton appeared, with a pointed straw. The older mon found it odd that the choice of drink was not alcohol but it had to be symbolic of something. 
Not only that, the bugs were pointing him towards the beverage. So he abliged, jamming the straw into the slot.
“Ha! What’s that shyou got there?” A drunk voice shouted.
Suddenly Grohl and a very drunk gothita were sitting on the bar stools.
“My drink. I cannot drink alcohol. It is bad for certain grass types.” Grohl told the tiny drunk woman.
“Augh laaaame! Well if it for your health Icannot fight that. Still, iwanna buy shots of something. Gotta reward you for doing soooo well today.”
“Thank you Gwen. But I’m just doing my job.” Grohl seemed happy saying this.
Once that was said, each barstool, different Pokémon sat down of different species. Everyone from the room were there, but there were a few not present. Among noted were a female samurott with bows in her mustache, a zangoose with a scarf, a blue aipom, a malamar with one eye and a deino of all things.
After the confusing first room and the tense second room, Oscar was pleased for this one being more upbeat. A lot of feelings of nostalgia in seeing the samurott due to having strong ties to one. The drunken atmosphere put him at ease, as it reminds him of human parties from days gone-by definitely cleansed the palette from earlier.
The rumbling occurred again. The corner of the room began to plummet, which Oscar made sure he got off the chunk of room.
The construct of Grohl was looking better, though he was missing a good chunk of his left side. But his tree was now at 3 prongs.
Looking over to the final corner remaining, all there was a cluster of vines blocking the entrance, but also the random clump in front.
“Where are the bugs?” Oscar looked for the little glowing blue guides. He searched, and he received.
Forming a little circle around a tiny pool of water. This was odd, but there was a logical thought. The clustered ball was dried, maybe soaking it in this water would be the answer.
Grabbing the dried ball of vines, the darkrai bathed it in the pool of water then waited on a response.
The ball began to grow in size. An eye formed in the center of all the vines. Somehow, it managed to blink, which was unnerving. The lids look like little teeth closing.
Without acknowledging the dark type, the ball ran, screaming and running towards the vine wall. 
It then exploded.
There is a lot Oscar had to ask on that, but the final cluster of vines made its way back to the Grohl construct. He got to see past the wall.
There was…another Grohl and the toxicroak from the room. The legendary had to look into this further.
“Here you go Grohl. This area is yours to use for your health. If we get any mons that you can use as nutrients, do what you need to do. Let me know if you need anything, ok.”
Wait. The toxicroak and tangrowth were potentially imprisoning Pokémon for his sustenance?
“Thanks. This really means a lot Freddy.” Grohl sounded sentimental, showing gratitude for such a morbid matter.
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Before Oscar could try to gather more information, the dreamscape began to fade away.
A strong force, almost like an updraft, knocked Oscar off his feet throwing him upward and knocked him out of the dream.
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ask-the-evergreen · 3 years
✂ Urami threatening Merick
Urami threatening Merick No one had any idea where this came from, It was just a normal encounter at first, what led to this is a blur! besides...it's hard to think about what caused these....sour words to come in the first place. but after such words left the Swamperts mouth, a Cold gaze meeting the Red eyes of Merick. the tone of the Evergreen became as still as ice. with a calm speed Merick looked up to Urami! but his Expression, was that of calm Rage! and Urami began to feel a dangerous presence, almost as if the forest itself was glaring at him as if the trees had eyes. "Listen....you probably have your own reasons, your own agenda for saying such things. But who. are. you? to come into this sacred place, into MY home! and instead of being civil! you say something like that!? Not only disrespecting me! but put me, my home, my friends in harm by your hands. what makes you think this is something I can just skim by like it was never said?" his brow was furrowed in a way to show that he was reaching a boiling point, clenching his fists he stepped closer to Urami, clearly not scared of the Swamperts power, showing off his own Presence of Strength. "You're lucky I know mercy! the People of Victory road where I was raised were raised to me Merciless to their enemies. But all you've done is threaten with no actions to Back it up! if anything you're just trying to get a rise." "So...here's what's going to happen....you're going to Get. Out. of. My. Home! and you can come back with a Better tone fitting of a Man out of his Element! and in the place of his 'Enemy" His eyes blazing red along with the forest's presence, almost like EVERYTHING in this land was shooting daggers at him "You are in sacred grounds....I suggest you leave this play and try again another time! or you can prove that you mean what you say! and I'll Kick you out myself!"
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askthepathfinder · 4 years
Urami: God you are an ugly motherfucker. How exactly did something like you come into being? Please tell me you were genetically modified or something.
Zaitsev looked at the Swampert mostly, rolling his eyes. "You want to know I was sucked into an ultra beast wormhole and been. Exposed to whatever changed me into what I am now. Try spending a long time in what is like limbo hoping, you do not lose your mind or wanting to beg for death." He said he did not want to stay around the Swampert having. an uneasy feeling caused him to keep his distance. " I hope that gives your answer, but don't have time for idle talk." He said taking, out a flash bomb and threw it at the ground to cause a bright flash of light after. The bright light faded away Zaitsev vanished from the area.  
(Zaitsev status on Urami: Don’t trust/dangerous)
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gregnas-the-grouch · 3 years
Let’s do possession for Grohl and Whisper.
“Bahahaha, this is too easy!”, Urami yelled, swatting Freddy and Grohl aside as if they were gnats. “All it takes is one hit and you’re already down for the count. I knew the lot of ya were weak, but even I didn’t expect just how pathetic you really were”, the Swampert grunted, carrying his big ice stick with one hand as he loomed over the battered Toxicroak and Tangrowth. A large sneer spread across his face as he crouched down, prodding Freddy with the tip of his weapon. 
“C’mon, got nothing funny to say? You love talkin’ shit, don’t cha?”, the Swampert grunted, prodding Freddy harder as his grin only grew wider. “Well, ain’t this a fucking disappoint! All this anticipation and for what? Just laying on the ground, whimpering like newborns. Tell ya what, I can fix this” Urami said in a low tone, eying his beating stick with wide eyes as he looked over Freddy’s body. After a few moments of contemplation, Urami slammed it down on Freddy’s knee. The amphibian let out a loud yell, the sound of breaking bone accompanying it as Urami laughed.
“Oh, oh, that’s just too good! Bonus points if you leave ‘em crippled”, the Swampert laughed, twisting his frosty pole ever so slightly, delighting in Freddy’s pain. All the while, Grohl had been slumped against the wall of a building. Blood, or the Tangrowth equivalent of it, dripped from his head. One eye closed as the other remained half opened. His head pounded like a drum as he could only watch helplessly as Urami tortured Freddy. The Toxicroak’s screams and the Swampert’s laughter seemed to grow more distant, blending in the background with the thumping. 
“Well, isn’t that a darn shame”, suddenly called out a voice. Startled, Grohl looked to both sides wearily, but couldn’t see anything. That is, until the shadows around him began to0 shift and move on their own. Taking shape of something else entirely. A blob with the vague shape of what looked like a Gardevoir. A long red eye peering back at Grohl with insidious intent.
“I’ve seen people being thrown through the ringer, but I gotta say. Big, buff and blue over there makes ground beef look more attractive than you two. Speaking of which, how long until your friend there gets reduced to a greasy stain on the alley floor? My bets on a few minutes”, the shadow chuckled, seemingly delighted in the brutal scene itself as Grohl eyed it warily. “W-Who… who are you?”, the plant asked. The shadow paused, a smile forming on its ethereal face. 
“Who am I? I’m nobody! But you can call me Whisper. And I’m here to make you an offer! See, normally I’m just peachy keen on taking over somebody’s body without the slightest hint or warning. But you? I’m feeling generous”, the shadow chuckled, glancing back at Urami, who seemed to have grown bored playing with Freddy’s near unconscious body. “That guy seems like a bit of a prick, don’t he? Trust me, I’m quite the prick myself! But tell you what, I’ll spare your friend’s life and extract the other’s in payment. All you have to do is nod in agreement. Do you?”
Grohl stared silently for a few moments before he slowly nodded his head in agreement. “Oh joy, I knew you’d see things my way”, the shadow chortled as Grohl’s vision seemed to distort even further, falling into darkness. The last thing the plant could see were his own tendrils slowly wrapping around the neck of one startled Urami, his screams the last thing Grohl could remember before the abyss took him.
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thetakenpokemon · 5 years
Urami was curious about the cyborg. The many pokemon who have gone far to modify themselves was astonishing. It did make for interesting company. "Aren't a bit far out to be in the woods? Most the cyborgs I have met tend to stay in the city?" The swampert folded his arms staring at the cyborg, which was a nice sight, smirking. "So why were you modded? Actually, let me ask one further: was that even something you got to choose?"
[PoV: Zephyr]
Once again my motion detector starts pinging the location of another ‘visitor’. Unlike last time where I pretty much immediately took a battle stance, I instead simply turn and face the newcomer - albeit with some caution.
What is...with all of these Pokemon showing up?
Upon looking at the uniquely appareled Swampert, I couldn’t help but frown. There’s just something about his mug that doesn’t sit right with me. The guy looks like someone who’s up to no good, someone who has done a good deal of bad things.
But then again, who am I to judge? I’m not really that much better.
Using my lower arms to dig the lower blade of my sword into the earth, I look at the Swampert with a slightly guarded expression as my two upper-arms rest themselves behind my head. “Cyborgs are supposed to stay at a city? Funny, guess I must’ve missed that memo.” I say sarcastically. “And here I thought that I was allowed to go wherever I pleased. Isn’t that normally allowed, hmm?”
The hand that’s holding my sword starts rotating, causing the blade to start digging deep grooves into the grass. “Not to mention I’m rather curious.” I continue while my sword is still spinning, my tone possessing an edge. “With the way you act, you seem to be rather familiar with cyborgs.” My wrists stop their spinning, stopping the sword perpendicular to my body. With a simple mental command I activate the weapon, causing the blades to glow white with channeled power. Whatever dirt that managed to cling to the weapon is immediately vaporized, leaving the deadly weapon as clean as it was earlier. “Why is that?”
I hold a hard glare on him, my body absolutely still. To my knowledge, there’s only five cyborgs in existence. Me, Torrent, Inferno, Magnitude, and that other one that escaped before we were even made. The technology is still incredibly new and not released to the public, so why does this guy act like he’s seen them?
Unless...maybe it’s not quite as exclusive as I originally thought. Evolutia and Progria are kinda isolated from the surrounding regions, so if other places were to have been dabbling in such technology...we’d never know.
I cease channeling power to the weapon, causing the glow to vanish. I give it a quick spin before once again digging its blade into the ground. “You ask why I’m ‘modded’?” I begin again, flashing a grin. “Sorry bud, can’t tell you. That’s classified info!” I shake my head slightly, my grin growing. “Basically? If you were to have that knowledge, I’d have to kill you.” I start laughing after saying that, almost making it seem like a joke, however after a few seconds I stop and give him a hard look. “Not kidding, by the way.”
I lean into my weapon, my expression becoming nonchalant. “But as for the choice part? Don’t really see a reason on not telling you. Although it’s kinda funny that you asked that.”
My eyes narrow slightly, a suggestive grin worming its way back onto my lips. “Did I have a choice to become what I am? The answer...is most certainly.” I place a lower hand onto my hip. “I was given a choice to become what I am now, and honestly? Compared to what I was earlier, that was probably the most greatest decision I’ve ever made.”
A giggle escapes me. “So yeah, I did have a choice.” I waggle a finger at him. “But I can’t tell you the reason on why the option was given to me, not if you want to continue breathing~”
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askbohemiancompany · 2 years
Yemir: "Oi, so are we gonna be workin' together or somethin', fish man? I can tell because the furry and Granny Bao talked to each other a lot. What's the toughest thing ya beat with yer big ol' hands, huh? Was it a Tyranitar? A Mega Gyarados? Oh, maybe one of dem fancy pants Dynamax mons I hear so much about. Would be pretty neat to bash open a bootleg giant's head with yer ice stick." The giant merely grinned at the thought.
This gallade was something, that's for sure. She reminded him of his old colleague Sims, right down to being a female gallade with a good amount of muscle on her. The only difference here was that this one needed to bathe and had way sharper teeth. This help looked less like the classy, professional assassins like Haines was talking up, and some mangy mon pulled from the wild. Still, for the sake of keeping the peace, Urami had to oblige.
"Well. Let me answer what is not the toughest, but one where I felt the most pride.”  Uncharacteristically, Urami showed none of his usual aggression, though he still sounded aloof.
“When I was younger, as in, I freshly evolved into a swampert. I was forced by my handler to fight in underground battles, unofficial Pokemon matches that were mainly a means of showing off designer pokemon. As in ones that were specially bred, or an excuse to throw the rejects from those projects into a metaphorical meat grinder. It was contests, except you there was a 9/10 chance you would be dead by the end of a fight.”
Leaning against the wall, the swampert was becoming less tense, as if he was feeling some genuine pride.”The ones that survive longer become like mini celebrities, as much as one could be. Which was my proudest fight. My opponent was Marko Caine, a Chesnaut-Lucario hybrid that was the big hotness at the time. My trainer set me up for a squash match. My typing was supposed to make me the entrée for the major match of the evening. An easy win before he fights Black Hand Todd. I was set up to die.”
A sigh escaped Urami as he remembered about how rough the fight went. Spikey Shield was no joke, not to mention the drain punch and seed bomb that injured a good chunk of his body. He still had the blast scars on his body that he covered with his mesh armor.
“During the fight something snapped in me. One of his seed bombs hit me in just the wrong way that...I saw scarlet,” the blast in particular was delivered to his chest. He remembered his breathing was cutting out, the water type was winded. “I got a second wind. Any ice move I had known at the time was used and eventually he was down. He landed seventeen hits on me over two rounds. In that moment I landed the six that gave me a chance. As well as the killing blow.”
The memory of the ice punch that he quickly had turned into a blade at the last moment as it hit his grass type’s jaw. The blade managed to pierce his brain. He remembered the grass types expression became a fixture of stunned but his eyes were of dull surprise. When Marko collapsed, he remembered the entire ring going silent. No one expected that, especially Marko’s and Urami’s former trainer. “And that fight was the start of my road to going free lance. Well there is a little more, but that is what I will show for now.”
“You mentioned Dynamax pokemon. I have never actually heard of that before. What the hell is that?” Searching the internet on his own was on the table, but he has never even heard of the phenomenon. If told what it was, Urami would probably have thoughts.
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askbohemiancompany · 3 years
Kass@Urami: "Hmph. Big tough-guy assassin with a difficult past. Pokemon like you were a dime a dozen back in the old Team Skull days. Or at least, Pokemon who thought they could be like you. Most of 'em were wimps, though." The large dragon shrugs. "Anyway, enough about that. You seem like you're pretty capable of gettin' what you want by yourself. What made a guy like you decide to join up with the Delphox? Just revenge against that walkin' pile of noodles.. or is there something else?"
A dime a dozen? This mon needed to pick his next words carefully. This pile of scales talked a lot of smack for someone who hung out with a bunch of loser pokemon and trainers that dropped out of some dumb ritual.
As the dragon talked however, he was talking dirt on other mons. The swampert was going to keep the Team Skull knowledge in his back pocket. Needed to have a sick burn during a potential argument.
"See the answer if really simple. Initially I was actually hired by the pinsir to kill someone who tried to rip the alliance off on a huge sum of cash. So leaving the impression I did he hired me on full time. Chung and Haines being in an alliance I joined her by proxy. I joined because it paid well and I still can work freelance."
The swampert folded his arms as he recalled the awkward girafarig phase of his employment with the Alliance. "At first I could not go after Grohl because at the time the Bohemian Company was a main force for Haines and they themselves were under contract." A grim smile crept on his face. "Then Lenox screwed the pooch, forced an end to the contract and now I can hunt Grohl to my heart's content. Believe me I have plans for killing that little bitch.”
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askbohemiancompany · 3 years
Keller @ Urami: “Now you look like someone who’s been in and out of the slammer. Ain’t that right, big guy? I bet you've been up to all sorts of trouble after you got out. What’re the odds I’m gonna end up having to throw you back in there, huh?” Keller glances at the Swampert’s suit before adding, “With your cute spandex too.”
Check out the balls, and fuzzy collar, on this dude. Urami could tell that this is the kind of cop who would do ride alongs to people and many other unsavory 'but legal if they do it' actions. This guy was part of law enforcement, so Urami already felt intense disdain for him. Insulting his aquatic combat vest, which is not cheap, also did not help. Plus it complimented his strong physique.
"I'm going to stun you fluffy throat and tell you this: no I have not." There was a smug demeanor to his expression, giving the psychic cop a sneer. "Everything I have done is legal and something that even others of your career have had a hand in. Because I was bred for illegal pokemon matches, I was not held culpable for that as under the Bred and Ensnarement act. Any pokemon involved with these matches will be put into a public adoption and if you pass a civility test you can essentially assimilate into society no legal strings attached."
Urami might have gotten some of the proper nouns involved with the legal process wrong, he was more or less correct with the core of the topic. "Not to mention, I have had cops and even other civilians actually approach me to handle matters that are part of the cops' job. They are either too short staffed, ambivalent to the problem or need something done to cover their ass. Hell I know some people in your precinct I have done business with for a number of matters."
This was not a lie. Urami had a background as a hire hand, read mercenary, which meant due to his wide range of skills he managed to make bank on. What happened with the money afterwards has varied.
"If by some coincidence I do wind up in jail and you put me away, this is what will happen," Urami paused for a moment, putting his hands in a way like he was framing a scene. "There's gonna be a knock on the door to your interrogation room and you will be called outside. In the hall there will be a mon who outranks you. First, they'll compliment you on the fine job you've done, that you're making the city a safer place, that you're to receive a commendation and a raise. And then they will tell you that I am to be released. You're going to protest, but in the end you will be told I need to be released. The reason is that if I go away, I'm taking every single cop in across multiple precincts with me."
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askbohemiancompany · 4 years
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A piece done by @shadowscarknight / @talesofghalidor in trade for a shiny Toxicroak.
Urami is not exactly a grounded person.
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askbohemiancompany · 3 years
"Curious. Your hatred for the plant is obvious. Yet, your contradictions are hard to ignore, no?", called out a rather tall and humanoid Cofagrigus. Her mouth curled into a mocking smile as she looked down at Urami. "You called this Grohl a coward. A wimp. Yet he nearly managed to slaughter everyone, save you. Is underestimating him a wise thing to do? You are strong, but this plant obviously doesn't play by whatever excuses you use to nurse your injured ego."
Urami got in the empress' face, eyes wide to the lids with rage. "Oh listen to this bitch. I doubt you know a thing about combat. When you fight you don't use some thot tactics that make you look weak. You fight them upfront and with whatever skills you have! Not using cheap shit no one in their right mind would use! I doubt you have even seen combat, just wearing that armor for show. You are just gas no flame."
To Haines everything the swampert said was impressively wrong. For starts, fighting never constituted having to fight with ones own natural abilities. She had the rifles hanging on her wall as proof of that, as well as some of the different types of explosives that emitted cryogenic chemicals and dragon energy that she herself could not naturally use.
Second, Urami also seemed to forget that he got hired by Chung because he managed to ambush Renard by attacking him from underground. Renard was then frozen solid and shattered him instantly. That in itself would constitute a 'thot tactic' whatever that was. He also brought Gwen into their base by ambushing her when she was with Brittany and Lenox, though I doubt he wanted to have that acknowledged.
However, his biggest blunder was his assessment of the phantom before him. IF he knew who he was talking to he would not have just said half of what he just told her. Baozhai was, for a lack of a better term, way more familiar with war than what either of them did. Even if her empire failed, she still could end Urami with little problem. She knew that if the two were to fight it would go badly...for Urami. This display had gone on long enough and she had to step in.
“Urami. That’s enough. The person you are speaking to is a former empress of a kingdom long ago. She’s seen her fair share of combat, far, far more than either of us. So I would suggest backing off, not unless you want to wind up cleaved in two.”
Scoffing, the swampert turned his head away and grumbled. After stepping away he leaned against the wall to try and save some face, but glaring at Bao.
“I do apologize for that, but I would request you don’t antagonize the help. Though you are not wrong. Grohl is actually someone we need a contingency for and while I have some ideas, I need more reconnaissance.”
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askbohemiancompany · 3 years
Xander @ Urami: "A Swampert, now that's something I don't see everyday." Xander flashes a toothy grin, his hands resting on his hips. "So I heard Grohl used to be in a gang with you. Care to tell us what he was like back then?"
So swamperts were rare to this guy? Urami had to wonder what rock this guy lived under. Probably one that would allow vaporeons to be faded red and to grow facial hair. Not going to point that out though, at least this guy was giving him neutral energy he could run with.
"Well I'll fill you in on a neat secret. You aren't looking at a normal swampert. You looking at one in the peak of combat ability. Bred from birth to be the best of fighters." The swampert slammed his chest with his good hand, returning his own smile that looked more sinister and smug. "One of the best mercs in the market!"
His mood changed the moment Grohl came up. How the hell did that pussy build up a reputation? The massive pile of yard clippings must have found a way to fail upward in social interactions. Something he would probably be good at.
"So you know Grohl?" The fake jovial air Urami had evaporated as it came. "You friends with him? Because if you do I should let you know about how he was back in the day. After all, what would I be to not let his friends know about how he was as a member of my gang. Friends share stories about other friends am I right?" To anyone with ears, none of this sounded friendly, it was slithering with contempt.
“If I had two words to describe Grohl it would be these; wormy and cowardly.” As he said these words he raised a finger on his bad hand for each word he said. “He was a timid little puke who was always being a mood kill and awkward in a draining way. He was an incel before that became a general term. He was just absolutely pathetic with women, exuding such pathetic nice guy energy that when my gang would go out for drinks we would ditch him, make him do some busy work or pay him not to show up.”
Urami gave a short huff, feeling a sense of shame for even associating him. “He is also a massive coward. When he quit my gang he didn’t even do it to me face to face. If he had an issue with me, he should taken it up with me and fight me like a man! Instead he cut off my thumb and fled before me or my guys could fucking get his ass.” Seething at this point, the swampert clenched his bad hand so hard, his prosthetic thumb popped out of its socket.
“But he didn’t stop there. Not only did he steal my car, he rigged the one other car we had to explode when we started it. I lost my three other gang members and I was the one person who survived! The thing that I think still gets me is that he went out of his way to cut the breaks of the bike of the woman he was crushing on like a little creep when she went after him in pursuit.” Urami goes quiet for a moment, looking uncharacteristically silent. “She died instantly when a fire truck hit her when she tried to break at a stop light.”
“So next time you see Grohl. Let him know that I told this story and that his nice guy act is a farce and that the jackass is going to get killed the next time I see him.”
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askbohemiancompany · 5 years
(norehliananecdotes) Dahlia @ Urami: Dahlia folded her arms as she looked over Urami. "Word on the street is that you've got a ... less than savory past, is 'at right?" she leaned her head forward, though the rest of her moved no closer. "Surely there were other ways to make a name for yourself. Or were there? What motivated you to become who you are today? Parents? Someone else? I s'pose it's not really my business, since I only know what I've heard through the grapevine, but still."
What was it with pokemon who looked like they were out of the olden days? Urami knew that there were regions that still operated without human influence, but it was always jarring to see one in the city.
The swampert also found it more unnerving when they knew something about him. He seemed to be getting more attention as of late.
“Well. Word on the street is correct. My life has been what you would call, not easy.” Pulling out his phone, he began to flick through some pictures until he found one with him as a marshtomp, standing over a bloodied and beaten Machamp. “I used to be involved with the underground pokemon fighting league since I hatched out. I was groomed to basically do nothing but fighting.”
Despite discussing his past, Urami did not sound happy. It did not bring any warmth or even a smile, just a bitter frown. “Then one day, my ‘trainer’,” the way the swampert said trainer sounded contemptuous. “Decided to try and retire me because he wanted to change his team up.” ‘Retire’ sounded less like an actual case of Urami going into retirement and was more like they tried something with him.
“They bred me for fighting in blood sport, and when they tried to get rid of me, I left on my terms. My trainer and his team...they got what they paid for.”
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askbohemiancompany · 5 years
Persephone@Urami: Your thumb... did you lose it in a fight? You look like a really strong guy who spars a lot. Or was just an accident?
Darting his eyes back and forth making sure neither Haines or Chung were around, Urami pulled out a flask from a compartment he kept in his suit. While he may be under both of their payroll, this did not stop him from sneaking in some alcohol here or there. Given the recent events for both bosses, the amphibian was stunned they were not drinking.
Your thumb…
The moment Urami started to hear that he jolted to attention, quickly closed the flask and hid the flask as best as he could. Once he looked to see who had started talking to him, Urami began to relax himself. This ninetale was not someone he saw around the city, nor was she under either of the bosses’ payroll. Still, he could never know with them.
…did you loose it in a fight?
Urami glared at his right hand. Of course it would be about that. The shiny piece of metal serving as both his thumb and a lesson; no good deed goes unpunished. Despite how the fastest way to bring on his rage was talking about how he lost his thumb, it was a story the swampert would tell out of a duty. Double so if it poisons any potential friendships for Grohl.
“As someone who has been fighting pokemon most of his life, I wish. If I had lost it that way I could least come up with a cool story about how I at least fucked up the mon who cut off my thumb,” His expression curled into a scowl. “No. I lost it because I took somemon out of the gutter and they repaid me by getting upset because I had to break him in.”
For this story Urami was going to need to give context, which he was more than willing to give. Pulling out his phone, he flipped to a picture of Grohl that he snapped on his phone at some point when the tangrowth was minding his own business in the city.
“I took in this Tangrowth here when his old trainer released him into the wild. The guy had no direction and my old team needed a grass type. So I figured why not, after all we could also use him as a jobber or errand boy at worst.”
This brought back memories on how Grohl was when the two worked together, which also had the side effect brought back up old annoyances and points of outrage.
“He was more work than he was worth. Not only did we lose a lot of money from robberies because of this round foot, but he also had this annoying timid streak that drains the life out of the room and makes him insufferable to talk with. Anytime the crew and I hung out with women he would always make things super awkward or come off as creepy towards them.” Despite how annoyed he sounded, a small chuckle did slip from his lips, as an incredibly sick burn one of the women gave Grohl. If anything he was good as a joke.
“So he gets it in his head to jump me while I was sitting down in my office, grabbed my hand and snapped my thumb clean off using his creepy vine shit. After that he ran like a pussy and I lost my whole crew because he chose to leave everyone with a parting gift!”
Grohl. No matter how he came up, that giant pile of vines was constantly a fresh source of anger. The swampert could not wait to get his hands on him. Once he did, he knew exactly how that grass type was going to die. The idea of how prattled on in his head.
To start with, he was going to freeze his legs solid and break his whole torso off from there. Next he was going to ram ice spears through his arms, severing them from his body. Finally he would stab him through his torso with the sharpest, thickest, coldest ice spear he could make and just sit back and watch him squirm.
As he thought on how he would kill and torture his nemesis, Urami gave what looked like a calm smile that did not meet his eyes, which were frenzied. Realizing how he was coming off due to both his expression and his lack of saying anything, the swampert recomposed himself to put on a calm front for the ninetales.
“If you take anything from this, stay away from that mon. He is an aggressive little creep who puts up a wounded sawsbuck routine to get sympathy and then will use it to ruin you. Make sure you warn others about a tangrowth named Grohl.”
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askbohemiancompany · 6 years
Ekur@Urami "I must ask, how did you come into possession of your stone? I had mine bequeathed to me for being as good as I am. Yet I can't picture your case being any similar."
“Oh that’s a fun story. I got this way back in my days when I had my gang up and running.” Urami gave a nostalgic smile, which was uncharacteristically warm. “My gang and I were raiding a rival gang’s hideout and we hit the motherload that night. We got a bunch of money and I found not just my stone, but at least three others.” Urami chuckled. “Those other three sold for quite a pretty penny. Man, I wish you were there. My buddy Bearface was breaking necks, my girl Kiko was freezing people into frost, Kevin was going for people’s legs and Grohl was in the car not fucking anything. We celebrated that night like 25 was the new 80. I’m shocked I didn’t kill myself from drinking so much!”
The swampert’s joyful momentum slowed down, his face turning melancholic. “There are days I miss my old gang. Hope they are resting in peace.”
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askbohemiancompany · 6 years
(Askthewitchoftheunknown) Alma@Urami: Impressive what this new world has to offer, someone as massive as you is certainly fit for such bloody jobs *She inspects Urami with curiosity and an enchanting glint in her eyes* But no one is born for this, you chose this path.. But what could be so terrible to lead you down this road? What could have build your mind into that of a killer? *Giggles quietly* It's always such a fascinating question.
Despite feeling like a show car on display, Urami could not help but feel prideful over being observed by this scrafty. Sure she looked eerie and looked out of a horror film, but what could she do to him in the presence of Haines’ other units. Maintaining a calm demeanor, he gave her a relaxed smile.
“Well you are not too far off. I did not really choose this path. See I was bred for competitive battling in some of the less regulated circuits.” Those pit fights, Urami had not really talked about those in a while, not out of any sort of trauma, but more he had no real reason to do it. “The fights themselves were mostly held by rich humans who wanted to see more blood in their fights. Since most of us were rejects from breeding projects, no one would really complain if some us died. Cut down on overpopulation and rich people get to watch a pokemon lose a limb. Win-win for them.” Urami sounded cynical as he recounted the clientele. He then did motions with his hands, like he was gouging out someone’s eyes.
“I had a fairly brief childhood. By what would have been my teenage years, I had evolved into this state. I was big enough to be able to pop skulls with my bare hands. It was my trademark, to where my handler named me…” The swampert let out a sigh. This was the one thing he did not like recalling about his early day. Then again if word got out and someone decided to talk shit, he could make an example out of them and reduce their teeth into red mist.
“Cherrybomb.” Silence. He wanted to let that name sink in. “It was named after a firework.” There was the inclination to give context for what his old name meant.
“So eventually my handler found someone better to fit the big guy role and he let me go.” The way he said let me go sounded like he was insinuating something sinister. His mood flipped from blunt and indifferent to irritated with a scowl. “But he didn’t let me go on his terms. Then I formed my own gang, but that is a separate matter entirely. Sure you got…something to do.”
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askbohemiancompany · 2 years
((🗣 Urami on Zaitsev))
Urami: Zaitsev? Oh that weird looking decidueye right. Honestly, I do not know how to read those soldier types. They are always either really meek, have no personality, or are just always full of themselves. Just looking at him, he is in between the meek and the lack of a personality. Granted, he does actually have a personality, I just have not intereacted with him enough. I just hope he is not like Haines in secret. Cannot stand the soldiers that are full of themselves. At least he seems like he using a bunch of weapons.
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