#Grohl the Tangrowth
askbohemiancompany · 1 year
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I know people were doing bad ends but this an isolated one for Grohl.
This one is what happens if Grohl never had his mind unscrambled by Oscar. Eventually he makes contact with Wo-Chien and it posses him.
While Grohl is in the driver’s seat mentally, Wo-Chien forced his creativity with his natural abilities to be his main priority. If he feels no sentiment towards you as a person, you are a resource to test his powers on.
Said powers are enhanced to not only have his already lethal abilities against rock, ground and water to extend towards psychic and ghost types.
As opposed to just withering rock and ground types to dust like he can do normally, his powers expanded to have far more control. He can now use his enthralled water types to break down their bodies into concrete and warp them to inhuman proportions.
This ability to twist a Pokémon’s form can be done to psychic and ghost types. Ghosts in particular get the rawest deal having their mass redistributed, usually to hollow them out and attach them to his body to allow him to use ghost type moves to a limited degree or smashing them into another mon to make a hybrid.
The worse part is Grohl cannot kill Pokémon enthralled by his powers. Everyone is alive and conscious the whole time.
Despite this horrific turn of event, natural weaknesses and limits were discovered and the Bohemian Company was forced to put him down before he can expand further. Grohl’s final words being “Tired…so tired.”
This piece was drawn by the talented @superkryptiskvarulv who, as always crushed it with their shading and style of coloring.
Cameos include characters from: @ask-the-shiny-pokemons , @askleaderscrest , @psychicduo , @gregnas-the-grouch , @thestaticsquirrel , @ask-the-lost-prince , @askoinari
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the-feral-one · 4 months
🎵- Float On by Danny Brown
💌- Grohl and Wo-Chien
Some of the lyrics of that one made me think of middle-evo Pink.
Her tribe had been picked off my all sort of birds, with the majority being Corviknights. Their hammers had been broken as they tried to protect the younger members, leaving them with very little that they could do to defend themselves against the birds' onslaught.
Pink was told to run away by the tribe leader. She grabbed what was to be a bigger hammer and dashed away, taking only one look back. The Tinkatuff resumed her getaway as the tribe leader was finished off by the largest(and most terrifying) Corviknight that any hammer fairy could lay their eyes on.
Much later on, as she worked on making her hammer bigger in time for her evolution, she would meet Wo-Chien as he traveled towards Artazon. Even though she would end up stealing some things from him in order to do that, Wo manages to put it to the side in favor of helping Pink to defeat the oversized Corviknights.
Nowadays, Pink is more confident when she doesn't carry her hammer around. Ogerpon has been helping her to become capable of defending herself without it. She has also been getting assistance from Poppy's Tinkaton, who has been showing her how to ride on the backs of Corviknights and other larger birds.
Wo has seen pictures of Tangrowth in academy books, and he's heard info on the Grass-types from Chester and other mons who have seen them, but he hasn't seen one for himself.
Meeting one would make him want to find out more. He'd also say that they weren't to be afraid of him, as he would also like to be friends with them too.
If Grohl would like to meet Wo, the snail can be found at the Grasswither shrine. I'm sure they can become friends!
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lustrous-dawn · 1 year
Grohl, his mind clearly on another plane of reality, noticed the younger dog seemed to be a bit down. "You know. I'm in the same vain as you. Being scared does not mean you are not brave. And hey. You will grow into it." An awkwardly long pause until Grohl finally spoke up. "Tell me. You ever do anything you feel was brave? It always helps if I feel like a loser. Maybe it will help you."
The younger Arcanine sat by the riverbank, dejected. Roshi placed distance between them, studiously ignoring him and the egg at his side. 
Hikori glanced at the Tangrowth, his brows knitting together. He didn't want to be scared. He didn't want to grow into it. "Is it really okay though?" He asked quietly, more to himself than the Tangrowth at his side. It wasn't his first run-in with fear but it made him uncomfortable all the same. There was no way he was going to return to that place. Not without a fight. 
His gaze flickered towards Roshi. Hikori thought twice about asking Roshi. Behind all the rage Roshi roared, Hikori knew better than to dig into old wounds. There was something raw and old lingering in his booming voice. It was something he didn't quite understand either. 
The Arcanine stared at a deep impression in the soil, one of Roshi's footprints left in the earth. Slowly, he placed his paw in it. He couldn't hope to fill it, his ears drooping. 
"Feel like a loser?" Hikori tilted his head to the side. "Feeling sad, you mean?" 
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He could think of one instance, his breath leaving him at a ragged pace. "T-There is this one I think of," he stammered, "I-I think I was pretty brave for doing it." 
And it changed everything. Hikori grew quiet, a shadow over his expression. "I-I don't want to talk about it…" He inhaled shakily, his face averted. "Thinking about it... only makes me feel worse."
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“I’m no vampire lord, my good sir, I only know of my family’s needs and our species, however what I can say for certain is that vampirism comes in a multitude of forms. I can very easily imagine Grass-type vampirism like yours.” the elder Grimmsnarl spoke softly. “My and my family’s species are mostly comprised of Foreign Drinkers, and we don’t consume blood to survive either, which is why I believe you might be a different species that has similar characteristics, given your typing being different from us too.”
He paused, resting his chin on the back of his hand again.
“Say, what symptoms do you experience when you don’t have a feed on time? If you don’t mind indulging my curiosity,”
[ @askbohemiancompany ]
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birdyboogaloo · 4 years
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my half of an art trade with @askbohemiancompany of Grohl showing off his moves!
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gregnas-the-grouch · 3 years
How about Grohl for the meme?
"How gracious of Haines to provide me dossiers of all her little "friends". Ah, but this one here. A Tangrowth by the name of... Gruel? Groan? Grohl? I suppose anyone can pass for a hitman these days. But enough of that. Let's see what our rotund acquaintance is capable of."
"Tangrowths tend to be a nuisance. Physical attacks have little effect on them and this one has Regenerator on top of that. Delightful. So slicing and hacking away at him will do little, bludgeoning and crushing even less. Given his moveset, he's probably keen on getting into my personal space. Hoping to corral me with his little seed bombs before opening wide with his large arms to give me a big hug. Rooting me in place as he saps me of my energy. Not too shabby, taking advantage of his natural resilience."
"Having one's neck snapped by a vegetable is hardly a fun way to go. Ah, how unfortunate it is to still live with a vertebrae. Little problem for someone like me. If I were someone else, I'd certainly try to keep my own distance. Pelting them with special attacks such as ice, flying, bug, poison or fire. Fire being the most effective as it cauterizes wounds. Take advantage of his slow, lumbering nature. But keep in mind your positioning. The way he handles his Seed Bombs is interesting, to say the least. Would be wise to keep that in mind."
"However, this is simply Grop by himself. He has the rest of his group with him and they likely work together as a unit. Training and working together. Planning out their attacks beforehand... Wonder if that can be exploited. Developing bonds inevitably leads to tragedy, after all."
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asktheisle · 4 years
Grohl, in his normal tangrowth form approached Tala. If she looked at his eye, it would look like his left one was operating separate from his other eye, jolting in different directions ever other second. "Hello there! You know I have not been to Alola as much, so I'm not familiar with most of the mons or even the culture of the region. Can you tell me some things I should know?"
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I should also mention the water is fantastic for surfing! This island and Alola are so similar that if you come to see you like it here, I’m positive you’ll love Alola too!
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psychic-carnival · 10 years
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[ askbohemiancompany ]
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askreaper-dusknoir · 10 years
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Emi: I played it before with some of my friends! Mikiko and M..Mikhail! It was so much fun!
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askbohemiancompany · 4 months
Wo @ Grohl: "I have seen pictures of Tangrowth, but I haven't met one face to face. Could I get to know more about what you are...and I can write down what you tell me? I understand if I cannot do that. Oh, and forgive me for the lack of introductions - I go by Wo-Chien, or just 'Wo', and...I hope that my presence didn't scare you, I really don't mean to make anyone feel that way.."
Never saw a tangrowth? Grohl had never seen whatever this snail is before. While it being a grass type was obvious, the 'shell' only confused the tangrowth. This gave Grohl pause, but also it gave him an excuse to adjust his IV bag which was hooked into his back.
“Yeah sure…” why was this mon just asking about his species? He was not above asking these kinds of questions, but at least there was a general grasp as to what the other asking pokemon is.
“To start with, I am a plant based pokémon, so I do not have bones like a good amount of others in my line,” Grohl brought a finger to his ‘face’, scratching it so an audible soft rustling could be heard.
"The closest thing I have to a skull is my face here. The way I can describe it is that, behind this black moss, is a seed that houses my consciousness. That seed also forms a network of more seeds that forms these vines that I am covered with.”
Despite the IV bag hooked into his back, the tangrowth still managed to extend his arm and slam the ground with his arm, leaving a fist sized impact, which caused him to wince. IV bag takes no prisoners.
“I won’t show off the more inventive stuff I can do with my vines, because I don't come off like I am being a show-off...also my doctor says to cut that kind of thing down for now."
There was one thing Grohl forgot to address. What was this mon anyway?
"You don't scare me by the way I'm just...I don't want to say I'm baffled, but I have never seen any pokemon like you before. What are you exactly?"
(This blog operates as if the Paradox Pokemon and the Four Treasures are new phenomena and are not widely known to the public yet.)
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askbohemiancompany · 1 year
I Never Dream
(Continued from here)
Upon entering his mentalscape, he saw the surroundings, his room was split into 4 corners, but the room was split up.
The first corner was what looked like a higher end house, with the most noticeable piece of furniture being a lamp on a table.
The second corner was a dingy looking garage, with couches and chairs that have clearly seen better days and booze bottles. Another thing seen on the table was what looked like a swampert's hand. Not gory or cut, but just laying there. 
The third looked like a club, one that would not be out of place for a crime movie, a scene where the crime boss is wasting their extravagant wealth.
Finally, there is what looks like a cave with a damp floor, which contains a number of vines covering the door with only what * assumed was some kind of tumbleweed
The only common factor that was shared between all four rooms was blue vines similar to the tangrowth's were binding the rooms together.
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Suddenly, what looked like a fuzz colored walnut enclosed in a thick layer of what would look like moss formed in the middle of all the rooms. In the center were two holes which served as its eyes. The eyes opened, startling the older mon. Its eyes were red in pockets, the exact same marks that were on Grohl’s eyes.
The darkrai could not make heads or tails as to what to do from here. It was clear each room was connected to his past. What was more vague was the vineless form of Grohl.
Blue glimmers and outlines began to form along specific items in each of the rooms. In addition, a trail of blue glowing tiny bugs carried over as if to guide Oscar’s eye to the living room first.
Carefully walking towards the room, as the older darkrai needed to keep his guard up. 
The bugs seemed to gather around the lamp specifically. Maybe the first thing I should do is turn on the light. See if it triggers something.
He pulled the switch.
Suddenly a tangella with a similar tree appendage and a human who looked height wise the same as Nat. Its face was noticeably vague, as faces can come off with little or no detail in these dreams, so this was not surprising. It was still unnerving
“Look. We need to get rid of you. I don’t hate you. Just, we need to move onto better things.” The voice must have been coming from the human.
A spark came from the lamp which caused the liquid to ignite into flames. 
Realizing it was gas, the darkrai dove away from the inferno. Despite the flames, there was no heat, likely due to it being a dream. 
The vines, which were keeping the corner of the room bound, began to recede back to the fuzzy chestnut in the center of the room. This showed it was looking more like a tangela at this point, but it was still a long way to go.
Looking back at the inferno, he saw the room segment separate itself from the other corners, collapsing into the abyss below.
“Those bugs again.” Oscar said to himself. This time they were guiding him towards the dingy garage-longue. 
“Grohl! The miata doesn’t work!” The voice sounded wrathful and commanding.
“Alright, we got the money! Grohl we are leaving!” After saying this, a red handprint began to form on the wall. Small red splatters began to form on the wall.
Oscar could read between the lines and realize what this meant and what happened. 
The noise of a fist making contact with a face, startled the darkrai, rendering the focus he had on the hand print lost.
“Grohl! I’m docking your pay for this! All you had to do was drive us in, shut the fuck up and drive us back. Instead, what happened was the engine exploded! Now we are down a car because of your lack of hindsight!”
“I-I tried to tell you multiple times, the engine needed to be fixed!”
“Then why did you not steal us a new car?!”
One final blow that managed to cause him to flinch, followed by the sound of metal hitting the floor. 
Looking to see where the sound came from, blue bugs gather around a knife.
This caused the darkrai to just stop, looking at the knife intently. Oscar began to experience dream entrapment, though he did not know that is what it was formally called.
Any pokemon that can enter anyone’s consciousness can accidentally find themselves being slowly pulled and trapped in their subject's mind due to thinking on, or dwelling too long on their own past.
Despite it being different, the knife was not far from his own claws. Oscar had his own background as a phantom, a boogie man.
A killer. One whose signature method of attack was slashing down at the body with his claws. How many lives had he taken? Would anything come back to hurt his family? Was he no different than the people who just ‘asked’ him to help with the situation?
“This. This is not real. This is not me. It’s the tangrowth’s dream.” Oscar needed to get back on track with what he was asked to do.
Sensing a pattern of just following the bugs, the dark type picked up the knife. From there, he approached the disembodied hand.
Taking a shot in the dark, he plunged the knife into the disembodied hand.
A loud, agonizing scream came from the same horrible voice from earlier. The swampert that owned the hand had materialized, as had Grohl.
“I quit!”
With a loud crunch and then a thunk, the swampert’s thumb was cut from his hand. Blood was gushing from the maimed hand.
“Kill him! Get him! Find him!”
One thing he had noticed was Grohl had taken the finger before running off. The other thing he noticed was the vines that were wrapped around the arm also began to recede and help form the Grohl in the center’s mass. The pin tree on his head had two vines now!
As with last time, the quarter of the room fell into the abyss below, but with the knowledge of how the domain would work, taking it into account was no longer a problem.
The bugs this time seemed to direct him to the bar. Hopefully this meant this was almost done.
He stepped into the bar.
“Hey good first job!” It has sounded like the toxicroak from before.
On the bar top, a carton appeared, with a pointed straw. The older mon found it odd that the choice of drink was not alcohol but it had to be symbolic of something. 
Not only that, the bugs were pointing him towards the beverage. So he abliged, jamming the straw into the slot.
“Ha! What’s that shyou got there?” A drunk voice shouted.
Suddenly Grohl and a very drunk gothita were sitting on the bar stools.
“My drink. I cannot drink alcohol. It is bad for certain grass types.” Grohl told the tiny drunk woman.
“Augh laaaame! Well if it for your health Icannot fight that. Still, iwanna buy shots of something. Gotta reward you for doing soooo well today.”
“Thank you Gwen. But I’m just doing my job.” Grohl seemed happy saying this.
Once that was said, each barstool, different Pokémon sat down of different species. Everyone from the room were there, but there were a few not present. Among noted were a female samurott with bows in her mustache, a zangoose with a scarf, a blue aipom, a malamar with one eye and a deino of all things.
After the confusing first room and the tense second room, Oscar was pleased for this one being more upbeat. A lot of feelings of nostalgia in seeing the samurott due to having strong ties to one. The drunken atmosphere put him at ease, as it reminds him of human parties from days gone-by definitely cleansed the palette from earlier.
The rumbling occurred again. The corner of the room began to plummet, which Oscar made sure he got off the chunk of room.
The construct of Grohl was looking better, though he was missing a good chunk of his left side. But his tree was now at 3 prongs.
Looking over to the final corner remaining, all there was a cluster of vines blocking the entrance, but also the random clump in front.
“Where are the bugs?” Oscar looked for the little glowing blue guides. He searched, and he received.
Forming a little circle around a tiny pool of water. This was odd, but there was a logical thought. The clustered ball was dried, maybe soaking it in this water would be the answer.
Grabbing the dried ball of vines, the darkrai bathed it in the pool of water then waited on a response.
The ball began to grow in size. An eye formed in the center of all the vines. Somehow, it managed to blink, which was unnerving. The lids look like little teeth closing.
Without acknowledging the dark type, the ball ran, screaming and running towards the vine wall. 
It then exploded.
There is a lot Oscar had to ask on that, but the final cluster of vines made its way back to the Grohl construct. He got to see past the wall.
There was…another Grohl and the toxicroak from the room. The legendary had to look into this further.
“Here you go Grohl. This area is yours to use for your health. If we get any mons that you can use as nutrients, do what you need to do. Let me know if you need anything, ok.”
Wait. The toxicroak and tangrowth were potentially imprisoning Pokémon for his sustenance?
“Thanks. This really means a lot Freddy.” Grohl sounded sentimental, showing gratitude for such a morbid matter.
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Before Oscar could try to gather more information, the dreamscape began to fade away.
A strong force, almost like an updraft, knocked Oscar off his feet throwing him upward and knocked him out of the dream.
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askbohemiancompany · 1 year
Oh shit.
Holy shit.
The metaphorical shit has come fresh out the ass and into the fan.
This...one mon show was doing his whackadoo shit on facility grounds, which was weird enough. The alien was not lying, this mon sure did have a car.
Except it was not his. It was Grohl's.
It may just be a 2004 sedan, but that was Grohl sedan. One he tried to maintain as much as he could out of pragmaticism. Somehow, this deoxys managed to not just unlock his car but also commandeer it from Grohl's garage.
The other five Bohemian company members were in states of shock, anxiousness, anger and bafflement.
How did this mon get past security? Mariah is going to kill me!
If he so much as spilled anything on those seats, I am going to aerate his ass!
Arceus forbid, if Grohl found out he is going to be set back on his recovery.
A little baby and an old man? What does that mean?
Why is a Deoxys just here?!
All five able bodied members looked at each other and notice one unfortunate thing: the alien has parked the car on one of Grohl's live security wires. Not just that, the presure bulb. The tangrowth not only for sure knew his car was out of the garage, but there was a chance the seed bomb would explode.
Ringing. Everyone looked over to where the ringing was coming from. It was Freddy. Freddy's Holoclip was ringing. He slowly pushed the button and-
"Get my caaaaaaar! *ghack*" Grohl screamed before the sound of his holoclip cut out. Lonnie likely took it away.
Before they could even react, the freaky psychic type took off like a bandit. To everyone present, it was a miracle that a seed bomb did not go off.
Everyone, sans Freddy, flew off by their own means in a desperate means of catching the car thief. Certain mons were saying expletives, who was saying them is obvious.
Freddy was left alone staring in utter bafflement. The toxicroak was at a loss how to even catch up.
(All of the Bohemian Company is no longer available for asks)
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askbohemiancompany · 1 year
Somebody Home
Gingerly, Grohl began to open his eyes. While there was still the red mark, Lonnie said to the others it will fade away after sometime. The tangrowth almost wanted to keep them closed. Any light felt to intense now.
“Grohl!” Gwen sounded relieved. She did not care if this zoroark would give her shit for showing affection.
Or at least before she stopped herself. Grohl was still recovering, she had to be mindful of that.
After an awkward pause, both Grohl and Gwen looked at each other. Gwen had the smile that Grohl had only seen a few times, but he knew the likely reason why she was smiling.
“How long was I out for?” The tangrowth asked, almost ready to hear a few months.
“You have been out for two weeks. Lenox pulled some strings and had a friend’s darkrai come to help jump start your brain.” There was apprehension to advise on the potential concern for how much the dark type saw of his memory. It could have been any number of things the two did not disclose to others.
“Could you give me and Grohl some privacy please?”
With that, the zoroark nodded and left the hospital room, leaving the two alone.
“Grohl. Can I ask you a question? Please be honest with me on this,” there was a lull. Both were nervous over what the other was going to say. Gwen had to bite the bullet. “Did I...ever make you feel uncomfortable about saying something?”
Well shit. The tangrowth realized everyone likely knew about his medical condition. He had to clear the air about why he did not tell anyone.
“Not at all. I just did not want to have anyone worry about my medical condition. There was actually another reason I did not want to disclose it though.”
The psychic was relieved, but she did not have time for inner joy. What Grohl had to say could be important. She looked intently at the grass type, indicating she was listening.
“You know how I specialize in killing ground, rock and water types? Well, when I kill and take their life force, it actually makes my issues improve. It does more than that, it gives me a high. I just did not want to have Freddy not hire people or take jobs due to this,” a look of shame went over the tangrowth’s eyes. “I do not want any new hires to be uncomfortable with me if they were one of those types. I also was worried if I ever had a energy craving and lose control.”
The psychic slowly moved her hand towards Grohl’s should, wanting to allow Grohl to give silent permission.
The grass type allowed it, nodding his head.
Her hand rested on his shoulder. “Grohl. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are catastrophizing. You have been around plenty of rock, water and ground types. You have never acted out once. As for scaring new recruits. Trust me, Freddy or I would probably do that before you ever would.”
Both laughed at the joke. There was truth in what Gwen said. Everyone in the company would likely make people feel uncomfortable in their own unique way. Eccentricities, powers, attitude, those were more than one way to make someone nervous.
“I guess that is silly, yeah. Still, I need to be careful with certain of my creations. I have to make sure no one touches them. For everyone’s safety.”
No. Grohl was already thinking on his security system. Gwen shot him a concerned look, she wanted to stop him.
“Listen Grohl. I understand you are important to the system you made, but maybe we should not bother with that right now. It is what has been burning you out for the last few days. You need to just let that go for now.”
The tangrowth began to lean upward. “I have to maintain it, if it drops, we will be open for attack and the bombs can go off and hurt someone.”
Gently nudging the grass type back onto the bed. Gwen exhaled, not breaking eye contact at all. “Grohl. Please.”
Begrudgingly, he sighed. “I’ll leave it be for now. I’ll focus on recovering first.”
“That’s better,” The old Gwen was back, her confident, aloof and strong swagger was back in swing. “So do you want me to let everyone know you aare awake. I’ll take a moment to readjust and-”
Not that Grohl would get the chance, Lenox peered into the room and saw Grohl was awake. She was elated! The hawlucha then ran to go get Lonnie from wherever they were.
“Guess I don’t get to relax on my own.”
The friends chuckled, then gave each other a look of care for one another.
“Thank you Gwen.” Grohl raised hand up as if to fist bump.
“Ey, glad to have you back. Buddy.” Fists made contact, then they made it explode.
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askbohemiancompany · 1 year
Sick of the Sun
The infirmary was sterile, spotless and had not been used since Gwen was hospitalized. This was now the second major usage of the room and despite how bloodless Grohl was, he did not look in the best condition.
In addition to the bruises that had formed on both of his eyeballs, his vine had started to dry out. Upon getting a better look at the grass type, a number of vines throughout his body had dried out. The tips of his vines were also flaking off, many of which had begun to fall out upon putting him on the bed.
Inside the room, the other five members of the company were present, watching over his body. Gwen was trembling, in fear for her colleague's well being. Lenox showed concern for Grohl, but also noticed Gwen's own status, being ready to comfort her, as the psychic looked like she was on the verge of breaking down. Yumi showed muted melancholy. Compared to Eri’s death, she could barely muster much sorrow, especially since Grohl was alive for now. Jason just looked the grass type up and down, barely emoting as normal.
The doctor Lonnie, whose status as a member of the company was debatable, finished sticking IVs in Grohl, hooked to two kinds of liquid. The first liquid looked like water but no one was certain. The second was a brownish-green liquid.
“What exactly is wrong with him?” Freddy genuinely looked concerned. While he always cared about his right hand, this was new for him. For everyone.
“It is a number of factors. Starting with the dried vine clusters. It is a sign of a lack of water, dehydration, but this also confirms something I was looking into for a while. Grohl’s pre-existing condition.”
This was a massive shock to everyone in the room. Except Freddy.
“Is this all the result of Myculanemia?”
Myculanemia? Everyone looked at Freddy then to the mimikyu doctor, hoping for the doctor to elaborate.
“That is part of it. But it is also type 2 Faukopenia.”
Now Freddy was surprised. He did not know about this new disease.
“Faukopenia? Is…that a type of cancer?” Once Lenox had asked her question, Gwen gasped, tears beginning to break the surface.
“No not quite,” once that was said, the psychic’s breathing became steadier. It made everyone’s breathing steadier. “Faukopenia is the grass type equivalent of leukopenia, which is low white blood cell count. That typically is the result of cancer. Not the other way around.”
“Grass types, provided they are purely plant based, can have two types of faukopenia: type one is where the body cannot make enough plastids on its own and type two is due to a result of dieting, life style problems with physiology.”
“I don’t follow. Grohl does not have any bad dieting issues.” Yumi responded, genuinely confused.
“It can be more than just that,” Long dark purple tendrils, flaking at being stretched, pulled up what looked like an x-ray of Grohl’s entire nervous system. “See how his vines are connected to the root cavity? These are connected to the fruit of Grohl, which for all intents and purposes is his heart and brain combined. Most fruits are encased in a pit-like shell, akin to a skull for most of you. The veins are not getting enough nutrients plants need such as soil, water and sunlight. Grohl’s fruit is not strong enough to sustain both himself and his security system at the same time. That is where the dieting comes in, so to speak.”
Once that explanation occured, it made sense. Except.
“Freddy had mentioned Myculanemia. What is that?” Jason spoke up.
“That is the result of his body not making enough green cells. Think of it as anemia for specific grass types,” Lonnie paused for a moment. She tilted her sack head to Freddy. The toxicroak could tell what they were about to say. There was no point in hiding it now.
“Grohl has had myculanemia since he joined the company.”
This had floored everyone in the room. Everyone then turned to Freddy, as the toxicroak looked like he had something to say. “I knew about his myculanemia when he applied. He was up front with it as I was his employer. I had to have any records of him, including medical. He did not want to scare any of you with this or worry about him on the job. All these years he had been fighting, getting torn limb from limb, despite it possibly being a consistent health hazard for him. Anytime he has regenerated, it came with a massive toll. One he had been keeping in check all of these years.“
Solemnly, Freddy’s head dropped down, ashamed that he had to break the promise.
“Those yo-on-the-gos…” it had dawned on Lenox
“Actually medical supplements and rock and ground type extract. He’s a grass type so he can’t eat dairy. He just lied because he thought no one would put two and two.” Freddy sighed.
“So this is a matter of medical conditions. All he needs is his medical stuff. Right?” Yumi was not lost anymore but there had to be something more.
“That will lead to the third problem. Keeping vines up not only dwindled his health, but it out a drain on his mental health. I know he described it as always being awake and that aligns. He has gone catatonic due to physical and mental strain.” The mimikyu did not mince words here. All of the problems accumulated to this moment, and Grohl could not take it anymore.
Everyone in the room did not say a word. The concern for Grohl’s condition was clear. All that needed to be done was designate the blame.
“Did I…did I scare him from sharing this with me?” Gwen was choking back tears. “I’m a bad friend.” The psychic was sniveling, tears flowing.
Lenox put her hand on Gwen’s shoulder which caused the psychic type to seize up, but after a moment she relaxed herself.
“He didn’t want to disclose it to anyone. I should have spoken up on his behavior since the water park fiasco.” Lenox sounded conceited.
“I saw and knew about a lot of his issues. I just got wrapped up in myself I just disregarded it hoping he would bounce back.” Freddy looked crushed.
Jason remained silent. All of this was valuable information.
“Instead of self loathing, maybe we should look into having him recover faster.” Yumi snipped.
Everyone just looked at her, though Gwen was glaring at her. Despite the shortness, that was the pressing issue.
“The first two points he just needs his rest. As for his catatonic state, he is going to need extensive help to get that back together. We will likely need someone who can help rebuild or strengthen his subconscious. Those who can do that are the strongest Pokémon, whom none of you are likely to know.
Hearing that gave Lenox an idea. “I think I know someone who could help with that.”
(Grohl is unavailable for questioning)
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askbohemiancompany · 1 year
“Alright, just hook this in here and we are done.”
Grohl was hard at work on some new construct that was cool in his mind, but mundane in appearance.
In his hands, was a ball of vines. All tightly bundled together. Light to carry and easy to make. For Grohl. On the vines were little nubs, which he grabbed two of them and pulled apart, causing the ball to expand.
The ball did not grow to bigger size, but unfurled. It was still as light as it was, but there were multiple open holes on the ball, ones any mon could stick their hand through.
Or their head.
This was the intention for what Grohl was attempting to do today. He approached one of the captive water types, a greninja that was caught by him and was contained to be used as a living battery for Grohl’s vine network.
Maneuvering the long fin ears of the assassin, the grass type slipped the cluster over the target. There was barely any reaction from the greninja at this point. Any resistance to any further...experiments was long gone. He wanted to die, but Grohl would not let him.
This wish was about to be granted, in a way.
The crunch that always signified something was about to happen with Grohl. It was a noise that his captives at the beginning came to dread, as it meant his seeds were going to activate.
For a brief moment, the water type was fully intent and awake as the roots of the seeds swiftly began wrapping themselves around his brain, causing a cacophony of screams. Like if razor wire was wrapping around the water type’s head. His muffled screams of agony immediately stopped, the mon slouching into a hunch, clearly showing he was no longer in control.
To Grohl, there was a new breakthrough in his abilities to generate seeds and vines. Something that could keep everyone safe. What better way to test these out then to use them on their enemies.
Puppeting the greninja, he used an attack that Grohl was mildly familiar with; rock tomb. While the merc had used it previously on specific missions that called for it, but it was not something he liked using often. He preferred Hidden Power electric for that.
For the next experiment, Grohl forced the captive water type to come to a rock, it’s usually fast movement, were awkward, jittery with an expression in his eyes that showed no one ‘was home’ up there.
Once again, cracking specific points of his fingers, forced the greninja to raise its arm over its head and smash the rock. Brick break. Grohl was used to using this move for sure, so being able to have an extension for this move could have niche applications.
Final experiment. Time to see if he could use moves he would not normally know.
To his disappointment, no matter how often the greninja lunged and jutted around, water would not come out. Time for some creativity.
“Water!” Grohl held his hand in what could be his best attempt at the devil horns with his hands. “Water!” This time, Grohl thrust his palm upwards. Nothing.
Final attempt. If this would not solve it, then after that, it was a wash, ironically.
“Water!” Crossing his arms in an X shape, nothing happened. No water attacks, which was a disappointing development, or lack thereof.
“Ok. So, even if I can control mons, I cannot necessarily make them do moves that I do not know. That sucks.” There was a long pause. If the greninja was not home, then Grohl’s mental state was being confined to one side of the house, attention trailing off. “Either way. We are getting there.”
Turning his limited focus back to the test subject, who was just twitching but standing perfectly in place.
“Well I do not want to waste my precious resources,” within seconds his arms grabbed the greninja by the shoulders, extending over to the ‘holding spot, stuck him in, and reassimilated him into position. At full attention, for as long as he needed.
The greninja was free of pain. He was free of fear. Eyes glazing over into a distant gaze, eyes turning red due to roots reaching his eyes, finally.
(Grohl is no longer available for asks)
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askbohemiancompany · 1 year
Nothing At All
With everyone in the infirmary looking over Grohl. Everyone was giving their thanks that he was awake. Except Gwen, who was the first to see him wake up.
“It is great to see you awake!” Lenox gave a comforting smile.
“Hope you recover soon.” Jason said, tone flat as it had been lately.
“So how are you feeling?” Yumi spoke up.
“Still lethargic, but mentally I am feeling much better. I cannot get drunk, but I would imagine this is like getting over a hangover. Can you vouch Gwen?”
Everyone present laughed, including Gwen who took the joke in stride. “Nah my hangovers are nothing. I get back up and running the next day. I’d ask Len about that.”
The hawlucha playfully flipped the gothitelle the pidgey. Which prompted more laughter from everyone.
The only person who remained quiet was Freddy, who was trying to find the right thing to say. A pit of guilt wedged itself in his heart. He did not want to derail the morale being high. But he had to get back to business.
“I’m relieved you are awake Grohl,” In contrast to everyone else, Freddy sounded more earnest than the others. Not much room for jovial or even neutral feelings. “Would you all mind if I speak to Grohl one on one please?”
With that everyone cleared out of the room. The only people remaining were Freddy and Grohl.
“Grohl. I’m…sorry. I neglected your health. I…I got absorbed into my own issues. You're my right hand mon and I let you down. Everything would not have spiraled out of control if I had stepped in sooner. You are right to be mad at me if you are.”
It took Grohl a few seconds to process what the toxicroak was saying. On the one hand, the tangrowth was loyal to this mon and would move mountains for him. On the other, the toxicroak was not wrong.
“You are not wrong, but at the same time part of me kept this going. It might have been out of loyalty or a desire to show off, either way it was bad for me. I’m going to tone down the security system a bit. Just so my recovery and my health after will improve.”
“Hey that’s more than fine! Do what you need to recover!” Freddy sounded not phased. All that mattered to him was how happy he was to see up, alive and back in his right mind. The toxicroak also appreciated Grohl’s honesty.
“Though. There is one thing we need to discuss after I am back and walking. The bunker.” Grohl’s tone shifted.
The little joy in Freddy’s face turned to a serious expression. “Right. I’ll make sure everyone stays away from there until you return there.”
“Thanks Freddy. I knew I can count on you.”
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