revenant-coining · 2 months
Astrological Orientations
(pt: Astrological Orientations /end pt)
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Prosalbi; a term for being attracted to people who are equally ceresian, uranine, & neptunine!
Prosazurii; a term for being attracted to those who are more uranine & neptunine than ceresian!
Prosdula; a term for being attracted to those whose gender is more uranine than neptunine or ceresian!
Prosflaveo; a term for being attracted to those who are more ceresian & neptunine than uranine!
Prosrubra; a term for being attracted to those whose gender is more ceresian than uranine or neptunine!
Prostrina; a term for being attracted to those who are more ceresian & uranine than neptunine!
Prosvirens; a term for being attracted to those whose gender is more neptunine than ceresian or uranine!
etymology; pros [προσ], greek prefix for "motion towards, accession to, or nearness to", albi, latin for "white"/azurii, latin for "azure" & "blue'/(lavan)dula, latin for "lavender"/flaveo, latin for "be yellow or gold-colored"/rubra, latin for "red, ruddy, painted red"/(os)trina, latin for "purple"/virens, latin for "green"
for anon!
context for ceresian, neptunine, & uranine (link)
tagging; @radiomogai
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qerberus · 2 months
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Genderuranian: A gender with Uranian energies or that feels/is Uranine; a gender related or tied to the astrological planet Uranus.
Requested by anon, see also Gendermartian, Gendervenusian, and Genderneptunine.
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Totoya Hokkei (178-1850)
Uranin, da série Quinze Peças de Teatro No/ Unrinin, from the series Fifteen Noh Plays
Japão/ Japan/ século/ century XVIII
Estampas sobre papel/ Woodblock print on paper
in: Mundo Flutuante: estampas japonesas ukiyo-e
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation/ Lisbon
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian/ Lisboa
fotos/photos cjmn
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xhemilbeharaj · 19 days
Horoskopi për muajin shtator 2024
Dashi Nëse keni lindur në shenjën e Dashit, shtatori vjen me Uranin retrograd, ndikimi negativ i të cilit do të vazhdojë deri më 30 janar 2025. Si do të ndikojë tek njerëzit e shenjës suaj të zodiakut? Urani retrogradë mund të sjellë surpriza dhe ndryshime të papritura për të lindurit në shenjën e Dashit. Kjo mund të çojë në shfaqjen e vështirësive dhe sfidave të ndryshme që do t’ju kërkojnë të…
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politik-starnberg · 7 months
Tunnel Starnberg: Untersuchungen zur Fließrichtung des Grundwassers mittels Tracerversuch
Pressemitteilung des Staatlichen Bauamts Weilheim:
Ab 11. März werden die Fließverhältnisse des Grundwassers am Fuß des Almeida-Berges untersucht
Im Rahmen des Projekts Tunnel Starnberg wird ein Tracerversuch im Grundwasser von Starnberg durchgeführt. Dabei wird ein farbiger Markierungsstoff, der sogenannte Tracer, in ein Fließgewässer eingeleitet. Dieser Versuch dient der Überprüfung der Fließverhältnisse am Fuß des Almeida-Berges und erfolgt in Abstimmung mit dem Landratsamt Starnberg, dem Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU) und dem Wasserwirtschaftsamt Weilheim (WWA). Der Starttermin für den Tracerversuch ist voraussichtlich in der 11. Kalenderwoche ab Montag, den 11. März 2024. Die Messungen werden mindestens vier Wochen dauern. Der gesamte Versuch wird voraussichtlich bis Freitag, den 31. Mai 2024 abgeschlossen.
Für das Bauvorhaben wurden bereits mehrere Erkundungskampagnen durchgeführt, im Zuge derer insgesamt drei Grundwasserabschnitte festgestellt und eingehend untersucht wurden. Nun sollen die Berechnungen der Fließverhältnisse am Fuß des Almeida-Berges noch abschließend durch eine zusätzliche Messung mit Markierungsstoffen überprüft werden. Jeder Tracer wird dabei als aufgelöstes Pulver in geringen Mengen in Grundwassermessstellen eingegeben und durch Nachspülen mit frischem Wasser in das Grundwasser geleitet. In Richtung der Strömung des Grundwassers werden in verschiedenen Beobachtungsmessstellen die Konzentrationen des Tracers über einen bestimmten Zeitraum gemessen. Die Ergebnisse des Tracerversuchs werden zur Verifizierung der Berechnungen der maßgebenden Fließgeschwindigkeiten und des Fließverhaltens des Grundwasserstroms verwendet.
Der Tracerversuch wird als kombinierter Markierungsversuch mit den zwei Grundwassermarkern Uranin und Naphtionat durchgeführt. Dieses Vorgehen entspricht dem Stand der Technik und ist wassergütewirtschaftlich unbedenklich, da die eingesetzten Stoffe sich von selbst zersetzen und vollständig abgebaut werden. Die Durchführung des Tracerversuchs erfolgt zwischen der B 2 Höhe Almeida-Gelände nach Nordosten in Richtung Starnberger See, außerhalb des Einzugsbereichs der Quellen des Instituts für Fischerei (IFI) und den nachfolgenden Oberflächengewässern (Siebenquellenbach).
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dammbach2022 · 7 months
Dienstag 05.03.2024
Einsatz: 541
Gegen 17:44 Uhr wurde die Feuerwehr Schöllkrippen und die Feuerwehrinspektion Aschaffenburg-Land 3-3 zu einem ABC ÖL Wasser | Gefahrstoff - Öl auf fließendem Wasser alarmiert.
Wir wurden von der Leitstelle zusammen mit der Feuerwehrinspektion Aschaffenburg-Land 3-3 zu einem ABC Öl auf Wasser alarmiert.
Öl auf fließendem Gewässer
Mit der Alarmmeldung „Gefahrstoff Öl auf fließendem Gewässer“ wurde am Dienstag, 05.04.2024 um 17.44 Uhr die Feuerwehr Markt Schöllkrippen sowie Kreisbrandmeister Norbert Ries zu einer Gewässerverunreinigung am Flutgraben an der Industriestraße alarmiert
Das Gewässer war bei Eintreffen der Einsatzkräfte teils grünlich verfärbt. Passanten gaben an dass anfangs die Verfärbung stärker war. Nach einer Recherche wurde in Erfahrung gebracht, dass zuvor eine Fachfirma Kanaleinläufe bzw. Leckagen gesucht und dazu den Farbstoff Uranin verwendet hat.
Uranin ist ein hoch wirksames Wasser-Färbemittel, das zur Dichtheitsprüfung, Leckortung oder Gewässermarkierung eingesetzt wird. Der Farbstoff verschwindet nach einigen Stunden und ist für Mensch, Tier und Umwelt unbedenklich.
Der Einsatz war für die 18 Einsatzkräfte, die mit drei Fahrzeugen vor Ort waren, nach rund einer halben Stunde beendet. Weitere fünf Einsatzkräfte waren im Gerätehaus in Bereitschaft.
Eingesetzte Fahrzeuge:
Feuerwehr Schöllkrippen 11/1
Feuerwehr Schöllkrippen 40/1
Feuerwehr Schöllkrippen 56/1
Weitere Kräfte:
Feuerwehrinspektion Aschaffenburg-Land 3-3
Von einer Einsatzstelle zu anderen.
Während dem Einsatz 2024-024 wurde von Anwohnern die Feuerwehr über eine Fahrbahnverunreinigung mit Betriebsmitteln informiert.
In der Katharinenstraße war eine ca. 2qm große Verschmutzung der Fahrbahn mit Betriebsmitteln. Diese wurde gebunden und aufgenommen.
Im Einsatz waren neuen Einsatzkräfte mit einem Fahrzeug. 14 weitere Einsatzkräfte waren im Feuerwehrhaus in Bereitschaft. Nach rund 15 Minuten war auch dieser Einsatz beendet
Eingesetztes Fahrzeug:
Feuerwehr Schöllkrippen 40/1
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Can you design pride flags for astrological aspects of planets (gay, lesbian, bi, trans, ace, aro, pan…) ? Neptunine, uranine, saturnine, plutonic, martial, mercurial, venutial, lunial/lunar, jupiterian
I'll need a little bit more of an explanation on this so I can get it right. 💙💚
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nunoxaviermoreira · 5 years
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A short story about fluorescence by ChemiQ81 How to make a solution that "glows" in the dark? All you need is a UV flashlight (e.g. for testing money) and a bit of fluorescein (e.g. from a highlighter). You don't have fluorescein? No problem: a quinine tonic (e.g. Schweppes -> next picture) is enough. Rivanol solution (available at the pharmacy, used for decontamination) also gives great results. Quinine, fluorescein, uranine, rhodamine B (etc...) are so-called fluorescent indicators. Fluorescence is the emission of light by a substance excited by electromagnetic radiation. The particles absorb electromagnetic waves, some of the energy consumed is dissipated in the form of heat, and the rest is radiated as a quantum of light. Because the emitted photon has less energy than the one that caused the excitation, its wavelength is greater than absorbed. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is used for excitation, and the emission occurs in the visible light range. https://flic.kr/p/2iGyraZ
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supertaterblogs · 4 years
Green Color Focus Response
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Bruce Nauman, “Green Light Corridor”, 1970, wallboard and green fluorescent light. 
--Nauman enforces the contrasts between perceptual and physical experience of space in his sculptures and installations like the “Green Light Corridor.” This artwork creates a different phenomenological experience that makes someone think about the possibilities of the effects of the color green. His pieces have some humor and irony that challenges viewers to make them aware of their own physical reality. While he uses an array of media, his works are mainly known for exploring space, language, and the body. The color green imposes its discomfiting mood by creating this corridor that is a space for individual sensory exploration, which viewers don’t fully see until they exit the corridor and experience the results of violence to the eye. 
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Olafur Eliasson, “Green River Project”, 2000, uranine and water, Strommen waterway, Stockholm. 
-- Eliasson used a non-toxic water-soluble dye to test the ocean currents to turn six different rivers green. He used color in this work to draw viewers unwittingly into a new relationship with their surroundings. He expressed a goal to make the river in downtown Stockholm present again by encountering something familiar but wholly changed. He also stated that his main point of this artwork was not even the green river, but that the point was how it looked before and after and made an understanding of the past and future to rethink the color green.            
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revenant-coining · 2 months
astrological orientations anon. sorry if those sounded hyperspecific. neptunine means allusive to the planet neptune, uranine alludes to the uranus planet, and ceresian the dwarf planet, which is associated with virgo.
basically, they mimic genders (ceresian is seen as associated with woman-aligned energies, neptune man-aligned energy, and uranus is the "nonconformist" energy if that makes sense, but they remove the gender aspect and purely associate with astral planets directly instead)
they would be behavioral/'karmic' gender markers [since marsian/sun and venusian/moon are typically and traditionally associated with (fe)maleness and mercury/earth with intergender/ipsogender].
I requested astrological celestialgenders for @/qerberus but if pix declines you can make flags for the genders as well.
ooo ok :o! the orientation terms have been queued!
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qerberus · 2 months
Hey can you coin and flag terms for astrological versions of celestialgenders?
For example:
A gender with Neptunine energies or that feels/is Neptunine; a gender related or tied to the astrological planet Neptune
And then Uranine/Uranus, Venus, Mars. If you want, you can do the Moon, Lilith, Ceres, etc as well.
Neptune, Uranus, Venus and Mars are queued! I'll probably get to the others... eventually?
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horoskopiinteresant · 4 years
Binjaket horoskopi vitit 2021
Binjaket horoskopi vitit 2021
Nuk do të mungojnë vështirësitë, sepse, për fat të keq, edhe në këto muaj duhet t’i bëni llogaritë me Saturnin dhe Neptunin që do t’ua bëjnë një të përditshme të lodhshme dhe me angazhim në raportet familjare. Por jepini vetes kurajë, sepse do të keni në anën tuaj Uranin dhe Jupiterin, që do të përmirësojnë besimin, forcën për të gjetur zgjidhje, të cilat do t’ju sjellin të reja shumë të mëdha.…
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whileiamdying · 4 years
Aesthetica Archives: Olafur Eliasson
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Danish-born conceptual artist Olafur Eliasson (b. 1967) experiments with installation, public projects, photography and film to explore sensory perception and our relationship with the world around us. The socially conscious creations have long challenged viewers to confront real-world issues that range from climate change to immigration and displacement to sustainable agriculture.
Green River Project (1998-2001), featured in Aesthetica Issue 61, contemplates how art can alter nature – presenting viewers with a new version of the landscape. Uranine, a water soluble dye, was poured into rivers across urban and rural landscapes. The nontoxic colourant was carried along by the tide, drastically changing the appearance of the environment as waterways transformed from blue to green.
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Eliasson deftly moves between land art, installation and architecture. Gravity Stairs (2014) and Your Rainbow Panorama (2006-2011) are highlighted in Aesthetica Issue 85. Installed at Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, the former is a row of glowing circular outlines which sit above a yellow staircase. The model references the unaltered sequence of the solar system – allowing viewers to contemplate the importance of perspective and vision.
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The iconic Your Rainbow Panorama (2006-2011) exemplifies the artist’s intensive study of colour. It highlights his goal to “formulate a new colour theory based on the full spectrum of visible light.” The 360-degree walkway was designed for a rooftop enclosure at ARos Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark. A recent exhibition at Tate Modern, London, featured installations responding to this idea. It also engaged with the climate crisis. Entitled In Real Life, the show introduced weather – including the sun, mist and rainbows – to the gallery space. Visitors were invited to play with intangible reflections and shadows, interacting with their silhouettes to contemplate the relationship between humanity and the wider world at at a time of environmental emergency.
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cinemagraphicmemory · 4 years
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Oil on Canvas
Ophelia is an illustration of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, when Ophelia falls and drowns in the river.  It’s a beautiful piece painted by Sir John Everett Millais. This artist focused specifically on nature in this image.  The nature is green, which is a focus of the image. He painted nature outside from a reference image and was able to focus on those details.  What is interesting is that back in those times, nature wasn’t the focal point of a piece.  According to the website from Tate’s gallery, this was a really rarely painted image.  The order it was painted was usually subject and then nature.  This was painted the opposite, with more time focused painting nature than Ophelia.  This is a painting which “automatically” makes it the world’s definition of art, but it is still unique to those painted at the time. The artist chose green because of the details of the scene… the possible reference location was all greenery.  What I found fascinating while studying it, is how the death of Ophelia looks so natural because of the scene painted around her.  The nature (that’s green!) makes her death eerily calm.
When Olafur Eliasson dyed the rivers green
Green River Project, 2000, by Olafur Eliasson, uranine and water
Since 1962, the rivers of Chicago have been dyed green on St. Patrick's day.  But the Artist Eliasson got a new idea between 1998 and 2001, using uranine, a non-toxic water-soluble dye, to turn six different rivers green, including waterways in Bremen, Stockholm, Los Angeles and Tokyo.  According to the website, the goal was to bring people into their surroundings.  He used the green to make them think differently about their world.  He noticed that people were not aware of their rivers and wanted to draw attention to them to get people to think more about them and caring for them.  The project wasn’t necessarily about the color green, but that color grabs attention when water turns that color.  The people thought it was a chemical at first, but then they realized that it wasn’t.  The point is for them to think about how the world can change without anyone noticing, but this could be the extreme of before and after if we aren’t careful.  This study just makes you think….
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revenant-coining · 2 months
astrological orientations for:
attracted to people whose gender is more neptunine than ceresian or uranine
attracted to people whose gender is more ceresian than uranine or neptunine
attracted to people whose gender is more uranine than neptunine or ceresian
attracted to people who are more ceresian and neptunine than uranine
attracted to people who are more uranine and neptunine than ceresian
attracted to people who are more ceresian and uranine than neptunine
attracted to people who are equally ceresian, uranine, and neptunine
what do ceresian, neptunine, & uranine mean ? we weren't able to find anything for neptunine or uranine, & therefore assume ceresian isn't in reference to celestial system term (link)
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sophialovescolor · 5 years
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Color Focus: Green 
“Ophelia” by Sir John Everett Milliais, 1851-1852 (oil on canvas)
This artwork is based upon Shakespeare's character Ophelia’s death in Hamlet and “is considered to be one of the great masterpieces of the Pre-Raphaelite style.” Millais used green to express the nature backdrop of the story well. HE used the lush green landscape and flowers to show the time of the story - summer. In order to portray the accurate green colors of the river life, he had a life model lay in the river and he spent all day out in nature painting in the hot sun.
His choice to depict this moment in literature was quite weird in his time of art, but his risk paid off well as it showed off his technical skills as well as his visioning. I found it very interesting to learn that he used the flowers described by Shakespeare, but also added in a few of his own as hidden meaning. For example, the necklace of violets is a symbol of faithfulness (to Hamlet), but also refers to chastity and death. 
“Green River” by Olafur Eliasson, 2000 (uranine and water, Strommen waterway, Stockholm)
Eliasson dyed several different rivers neon green with the intent to get people to notice their natural surroundings more. He wanted to wake people up with the bright green and the appreciate that they are surrounded by powers of nature, not just pretty things to put on a postcard. Eliasson described the dye as “hyper-real”. He described the jolt of "encountering something familiar but wholly changed.” 
I appreciate his use of bright color to wake people up to notice and love things that they otherwise would just walk right past in the hum of a busy workday commute.
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