#urg i just love fiction and im starting to get really confident in myself with adhd
bluevaldezinator · 3 years
I think it’s hilarious how so many characters that I loved growing up are now being headcanoned as having adhd or autism, like this brain certainly knew who to relate to
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
What will daddy Henry do if his little is sad because someone took something valuable from her?
So i wanst sure what to base this on entirely, so I'm going to go with something I went through over the last few weeks. I had a little bit of anon hate, which I deleted but the words stuck with me making me second guess everything i was working on and the confidence i had in my writing was taken away. so this is like a shameful self indulgent fantasy that im going to read to myself when ever im down.
Warnings: Pretty Personal For Me, Angsty, Fluffy, Self Doubt, Happy Ending, DDLG, Long!!
Tagging: @viking-raider @isitmine @tinabean37 @loserrlauraa  @msblkfire84 @henrythickcavill @plainbrunettelbl @dummiesshort @cynic-spirit @pandaxnienke  @two-unbeatable-beaters @libbymouse @wolfieash @eldarwen333 @princesssterek @mom2000aggie @blackestpinkworld 
(not sure who to tag in headcannons? these are the ones on my everything taglist)
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Henry watched quietly with a frown as you sat down in the living room, eyes cast down at the tablet in front of you shoulders slumped.
"poppet what's wrong love?"
"n-nothing da-addy" you said with a small stutter
Henry shifted on his feet looking at you critically before coming over to you.
"nothing? So your sitting here almost in tears over nothing" he stated sceptically rounding the sofa sitting next to you.
"I'm not cryin" you sniffled trying to bite your lower lip to stop it from wobbling.
"not yet, but close enough poppet, hand it over" he said holding out his hand waiting for the tablet.
You whined not wanting to hand it to him at first but after a mini battle of wills you placed the colourful tablet in his hand.
Your head was cast down and you rubbed your eyes trying to catch the tears before they were noticeable.
"okay then, so this is your new story?" he asked scrolling through the page not reading it all but scanning the words, it was well written like always.
At the beginning of the pandemic he suggested you started a blog, and you had. A writing blog all full of fanfictions of... Him.
He didn't mind he actually love you doing something constructive, it kept you happy and busy which helped him because there wasn't many free days even in lockdown. He was working out, reading scripts or rearranging covid tests and travel.
Plus knew these smut blogs existed, even lurked on a few.
"y-yeah" you mumbled leaning on him hugging his arm scanning the page as he scrolled, you knew he wasn't reading everything maybe every few lines
"sooo what's the problem?" he said not finding an issue with the writing.
"i... I cant post it" you muttered looking down avoiding his gaze
"why?" he asked frowning not liking the defeated tone you had.
"j-just because..."
"ah I see, you have lost your confidence" he said quickly figuring out the problem, the downside to writing was everything was personal preference so tiny comments could knock your confidence.
In a way it was like his work, you put your heart and soul into it and then people don't like it? It was always a bummer. But he was used to it, you were not.
You nodded to him it was true you'd lost your confidence, you hadn't wrote for a while.
You couldn't seem to find the words to fit together anymore.
You felt silly, they were just a few mean comments, words from a nasty troll who didn't have anything better to do but it hurt, you poured your heart into every chapter and then for people to rip it to shreds? It stung.
"y-yes I... They didn't like it" you hummed fiddling with your fingers, drawing deep breaths trying not to cry
"and so what?" he said shrugging making you snap your gaze to him.
"it doesn't matter love, so a few people didn't like it, lots of people do, I love your stories"
"you have to your my daddy"
Henry huffed and shook his head at you ruffling your hair pressing a kiss to your head amused that you thought that's the only reason he liked your writing.
"don't stop writing just because of a few mean people nugget, it takes a lot of skill to write and a lot of bravery to share it. Your a brave talented little baby and I'm very proud of you"
He said cooing as that seemed to be the final push sending you over the edge making you burst out into tears.
He hugged you moving the tablet out of the way before pulling you to his lap, unbuttoning his shirt half way and squished you into his bare chest knowing you needed to feel him, not a shirt.
"shh its okay babygirl, your stories are wonderful, and you have fun writing them don't you baby?"
You nodded crying harder trying to get the words out but you just couldn't instead whining incoherently into him.
"and you enjoy making the little banners? And collect all your photos and gifs?"
"y-yeah but they di-dn't like it last time!"
"they don't have to like everything you do sweety"
"but I don't wana upset them!"
"did you do the warnings?" he asked knowing all about the do's and don'ts of posting your erotica.
You nodded whining you always did warnings on stuff to be safe.
"and make the little cut thingy you were telling me about?" again you nodded at him
"so your telling me they read the warnings, clicked to see it and then were mean?" you sniffled biting your lip trying to calm down but nodded to him humming quietly.
"well then it sounds to me like they were going out of their way, looking for someone to pick on" he said slowly rocking you slightly.
You fell quiet resting your head on his chest as he rubbed your back and patted your bottom soothing you.
"but what if they wasn't? What if my stories are bad- and encourage bad stuff!" you cried tucking yourself into him tighter.
"no-no you repeat after me, fiction is fiction" he said pulling you back wiping your tears waiting for you to say it out loud.
"fic-tion is f-fiction" you repeated
"I did everything I could to warn people"
"I-I did everyth-ing I could to w-warn people" he smiled at you as you drew a huge breath calming yourself down.
"and they are jealous because I'm an adorable, smart, funny kind and caring babygirl who has the cutest little peach butt in the world~" he said smirking at you from above holding you tightly to him pressing a kiss to your head.
"and they- daddy! Noo! I can't say that~" you gasped flushing as you realised what he had said
"oh yes you can because its the truth now come here let daddy bite that peach~" he growled playfully snapping his jaws at you.
"ah-no!" you screeched giggleing as he began tickling you all over wrestling you playfully trying to lean over and bite your but through your shorts.
He landed two solid bite's on your bottom before pulling back. Even though he had cheered you up he could see you were still doubting yourself.
Henry cast a glance to the tablet and smirked forming a plan that might just get you back on track. He was not going to let anyone steal your sparkle.
"come on you you've spent enough time writing go play in the garden with Kal"
Once you left henry got to work swiping up the tablet and going on your one drive seeing the meticulously organized notebooks, recognising a few by name.
A few weeks later Henry came in to the living room with a medium size box and plopped it on the sofa next to you.
"here we go nugget!" he said placing the gift next to you, they couldn't have come quickly enough, he had noticed you hadn't been writing at all, which upset him because he knew how much you loved it.
"what's that daddy?" you asked peering over the box not expecting any gifts.
"why don't you open it and find out?" he said sitting the other side of the box handing you a pair of scissors to slice the tape.
You moved slowly cutting it open and pulled the box open then froze.
"d-daddy? What thats my..." you trailed off pulling out the hard back books your banner on the front cover.
"your stories? Yes poppet, I realised that you were putting so much work into these things but could loose them, they are soo good that daddy wanted to read them over and over and now we can!" he said pleased with himself as you sat there shocked looking at the small collection of a5 books.
"but their- i dont..." you said happy but completely shocked, flicking through the pages, there were even a few comments in the margins from henry pointing out the pits he liked making your heart swell with pride.
Henry moved to stand behind you pressing a kiss to your hair.
"They are brilliant! So good I'm so proud of every thing you have achieved and I want them on our book shelf, in the living room" he said making you tear up.
"Really? You... You think their that good?" you whined eyes blurring with tears as you hugged the first book to your chest.
"absolutely poppet now go on, you do the honours~" he said pressing your shoulder urging you to go to the cube bookshelf.
You tiptoed over to it and slowly pulled out each little custom book with your banner on the front.
You sat down placing each one delicately on the shelf the five books each lining up with one another half filling the empty cube shelf.
"oh no baby look? The shelf isn't full is it? You know what that means" he said standing looking
"I-I've gotta write?" you asked sniffling weeping softly but this time because you were happy.
"exactly! You need to fill the whole shelf, so you keep up the good work and tell daddy when you finish your next story and we can keep adding to it!" he said cheerfully walking over handing you the tablet.
You smiled to yourself and looked to the books, your books- actual real life books on a shelf!
You grinned throwing yourself at him latching onto him feeling your confidence come back just from seeing how much you had done.
Suddenly the hate didn't matter, your daddy like them enough to make them into real life books! And even annotated them himself?
And if your writing was good enough for your daddy then it was good enough for you.
"daddy, can I have my screen time now, I want to write!!" you said jumping up and down on the spot excited to start your next chapter.
Henry grinned nodding deciding you can have as much screen time today as you wanted as long as it meant you wasn't giving up your new hobby.
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og-danny-dorito · 5 years
A Few Tommy Shelby Headcanons
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why did i decide to make this? good ass question cause idk myself
S F W:
- OK just to start it off, hes probably bisexual
- hear me out okay
- the dude has varied taste in women, obviously. the only distinct traits i could find between them all were short hair and formless figures. this doesn't necessarily mean that he's bisexual, but at the time there was a lot of social stigma around anything that wasn't heterosexual and so I'm fairly certain whatever attraction to men he has has been pushed down
- and pansexual is also very possible but i'd think that he'd get a little confused with gender fluidity or something like that and historically that sort of thing wasn't not all that prominent, especially in England in the 1930s where racism was still a normal thing
- what he probably does is that anytime he sees that a man is like relatively attractive his brain auto-corrects into harsh criticism and sudden scorn for the person for like no reason to cope with his gay feelings
- so you already know he's a stubborn baby man
- he doesn't admit a lot of things, like that he thinks you look nice or that he's happy to see you because his pride gets in the way a lot of the time
- the only time he really does admit anything outwardly is behind closed doors when you're both probably in bed and relaxed, not really thinking of anything. you'd probably hear him say something along the lines of “im a lucky man” or “dont leave me like the rest of them did”
- yeah, his self confidence is extremely low. of course he knows that he's a damn good businessman and a great leader, but he has doubts more often than not that cause him to loose sight of himself
- usually he drinks when this sort of thing happens because he can't help but feel ashamed to admit his feeling. it's a coping mechanism that he uses for pretty much everything, really
- he can't talk about himself very openly, so you'll either have to sit down and drink with him or urge him to speak about what's on his mind because that shit ain't healthy in more ways than one. (you personally can probably think of a million different solutions, those just seem like the most likely)
- speaking of which, he doesn't sleep much either. he can function on barely any sleep at all, but the issue is that before having to get into bed with someone he probably ends up falling asleep at his desk or on a couch or something. he's not sure how the blanket got there while he was sleeping, but he appreciates it regardless
- tommy probably enjoys someone who's confident in themselves or at least carries and air of being confident. people that he's pretty sure could stomp him into oblivion are hot, he can't help it. of course he also likes people who are the quiet type of scary as well. he can't ever figure out what's going on in their head, and it creates a sense of comfort in ignorance but unease in it as well
- i will elaborate on his secret masochism in my nsfw headcanons that i might make later (maybe idk yet)
- his favorite thing to do in his past time is read, honestly. it's a good way to detach from business and a good way to spend time with someone
- he probably likes historical fiction the most. maybe horror too, but he likes all things history. especially if they're about the Great War because honestly he wants to point out the flaws in some of the accounts he was part of
- if it's fine with you he'd rather just read and sleep all day or maybe bake something together if you've got enough time
- he gets frustrated with things that waste his time though so you'll have to probably do it on your own while he grumbles and watches
- if you were any sort of lgbtq+, he'd be that much more protective of you. same goes if you're a woman because in his mind woman=weaker. it's not necessarily true, but he feels an obligation to be protective of a woman. you're probably much stronger than him or at least seem like it, so not unless you tell him to stop treating you like a piece of glass he'll keep an arm around you at all times. a man he'd probably feel less protective of honestly just because he respects pride and dignity, but that doesn't mean he doesn't let up on the protection
- man or woman or anything like that, once you mean something to him you're going to have his boys’ eyes on you everywhere. it's a dangerous life he leads, and while he doesn't really want you to be involved in it to the point of keeping you in constant danger, it can't really be helped. expect to be kept under close inspection within his area and slightly closer inspection out of it
- is very hesitant to let you become a part of business affairs. even being at the meetings makes you a witness, therefore if one of the lower members snitches you might be in danger if your name is spilled. it's very unlikely he'll try to get you into business affairs unless you're trained and well-educated in that sort of thing
- this includes accounting, contract knowledge, and maybe even basic law knowledge amongst other things
- he may want you to come along for business events like parties or something, but if you're after grace there's close to no chance that he's introducing you as his significant other or bringing you at all. if you do come along though, he may introduce you as a whore. if you're a dude though you'll just be a friend coming along with him
- speaking of which, he has really bad PTSD. from the multiple things that's have happened to lead him to the present, it's not unlikely that he'll wake up with frequent nightmares and be triggered by things such as loud noises that are too sudden or someone screaming because they're in pain or something like that. and after the whole grace incident combined with john’s death he's probably even more of a mess
- this of course leads him to drinking quite often. it's no time unlikely for him to get intoxicated nearly every day of the week, and often times he doesn't say a word about it during and after. in fact, now that he has you around he's even more adamant to not talk about it. but he can't really help but talk once he feels safe doing so
- what if you leave him? would you have doubts because he's mentally damaged? what would happen if you did leave? these questions cause anxiety obviously
- but tommy has always paid attention to the little things. for instance, if you see him drunk and happen to sit next to him quietly while talking about something that has nothing to do with it, he'll definitely remember it the next day. the fact that it takes his mind off of whatever he's mourning about is something he really appreciates because he knows he wouldn't be able to do it himself
- he's never been one to have loose lips, but when he's intoxicated he may or may not just spill to you right there. you could be saying something like “- and then she knocked him the fuck out. It wasn't weird to watch cause she-” and he’ll just look you dead in the eye and say “I thought about France again today.”
- it's very likely you'll hear about his past lovers more than once and honestly Tommy is hesitant to talk about it. he may be insensitive sometimes but he's not an idiot, so he knows it may make you uncomfortable
- just listening to him makes all the difference to him. he hasn't felt like someone cared about what he's had to say without being a Shelby for a long time, and you just caring enough to sit and hear what he says means more than any big success in the business or good news from some merchant overseas
- he, in turn, is very good at listening. in fact, he's so good at it that all of that skill got drained from giving advice cause he's horrible at that. his way of handling things isn't great so when he tells you to shoot the guy at work who’s been bothering you in the hand as a “warning”  to the others, don't do it cause
- ok now for random headcanons that are not deep and depressing
- probably likes animals, but honestly if he had to keep one in the house he'd prefer a cat just because they're less strenuous and take less effort to handle. while he's not working he'd like one of them curled up in his lap and purring as he keep some one hand on the pen and the other on it’s head. he'd probably name the cat “Mitten” or “Button” ok let's all be honest with ourselves
- lowkey loves to wear your sweaters or something like that. he'll definitely deny any claims suggesting so, but you know damn we'll he still stealing your clothes whenever he can, feminine or masculine. honestly just having it feel like you're around him all the time by simply wearing your clothes makes him feel really comfortable, especially if you're bigger than him or wear clothes that are bigger than him. it makes him feel safe
- probably also likes it when you in turn wear his clothes. he won't say it out loud but he likes it when he notices that his shirt is missing only to see you groggily fixing yourself coffee/tee/literally anything else in it at like 8AM in the kitchen
- likes the color blue a lot, but red looks really nice on people in formal clothes. if you show up in a red dress or suit or whatever he's definitely going to be fucking you on the table later and that's just the facts
- he gets jealous very easily but never says anything about it. you can tell because he suddenly gets about 10x clingier and literally holds you close to him at all times to make a point. may also stare down anyone that looks in your general direction for good measure
- he gives his s/o flowers all the time, whether he's in person or not. he likes to pamper you to the point where you look like a monarch, but like alfie he fully understands if you're more simplistic and prefer to stay low-profile cause he does too
- guns are sexy and if you can use one or any other weapon that's hot and that's all i'm gonna say about that
- physical appearance doesn't matter to him all that much, but his favorite part of the human body is probably the hands. he likes to see hands that have been through some shit, like scars on them and maybe a little dirt or something from work
- he's always been fascinated by writers and people who can create something from nothing. in fact that sortof imagination is always something's he’s envied and wanted for himself, but he's not hopeless at it. he's very good at making up stories and detecting flaws in plot or logic in the storyline. so if you ever need someone to proof-read for something you missed he's the guy to go to. also he knows publishers all over so if you're having trouble he can hook you up with someone to get your stuff known
- kindof emotionally closed off but he can't help but want to talk when you're around. you're inviting in more ways than one, so he eventually ends up spilling no matter what's wrong
- once it's been established that you're close, the whole family may or may not watch you closely for several weeks trying to figure out whether you're good enough or not. arthur will most likely watch you from afar and give you death glares as a warning and john will defenitely flirt with you to see if you're going to cheat on his brother. finn is probably going to try to make friends with you, but aunt polly will interrogate you because that's what she does. ada will try to get the most information on you from everywhere she can and so and so forth until they finally decide that if tommy picked you you can't be all that bad
- they warm up to you quickly, to put it simply, but tommy will most likely have to shoo them off
- in conclusion, tommy shelby isn't an easy lover, but it's worth the struggle at the end of the day. it's been a while since he's felt someone cared about him, and regardless of the circumstance you bet your ass that once he's grown fond of you there's little to no getting out of it by that point. you're his lifeline, his world, and he plans to grow old with you or at least keep you next to him until he withers away and dies
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oracles · 6 years
All of the emojis for the sweet and pure asks
DSJFHFDJKHKFJFFF honestly you’re probably like the only person who cares about what i say on here … thank u .. my savior 💖
(obviously imma put this under a cut .. if it doesn’t work on mobile, i apologize in advance aadhjfdkff since when things are under a cut i tend to write long ass rambling answers)
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?
as an utterly hopeless romantic, i certainly want to. i think because of like … insecurities, self hate and stuff (not to get too deep), it’s a comforting idea to me to like Know that there’s someone out there who doesn’t see me the way i do … but realistically? no. i think you gotta realize that relationships are hard and something you have to work to keep healthy and happy and not as magically problem-solving as soulmate tropes make it out to be. so short answer: realistically no, ideally yes. 
💌- diary or journal?
the one i write in is honestly a mix of both, but i think it’s more of a diary. it’s cathartic to write things out when you don’t wanna talk to someone else about it (or in addition to venting to another person) and for the journal aspect of it, i really like looking back on things i did back in the day. i’ve had a diary/journal hybrid since like 2008-ish? so i love that !
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
ooh good question …. there’s a lot! i think i see bits of myself in a lot of characters so there isn’t any One (1) person i relate to the most. shaw from person of interest keeps coming to mind but maybe i’ve just absorbed parts of her, rather than actually being like her so who knows . jessica jones is another one, in some aspects. i think just from those two you can tell the Type of character i not only gravitate towards, but relate to too
💕- are you crushing on someone?
irl? no, i’m not. i have plenty of celebrity crushes though so i can’t even begin to start listing those. honestly most of the celebs i talk about / reblog on here are most likely a crush . to paraphrase an iconic pisces, yeah i’m a love whore and what about it ??? dfjkdhkjff
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
both !!!!! but kissing in the dark may be more ideal so i can hide how flustered i probably would be
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
💌💣🌙🥀🖤  less of an aesthetic and more so just emojis i like, i feel like
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
oof … this is a really hard question. honestly, i don’t know. there’s a lot of memorable things. i feel like it’s mainly just the lil things – moments that i look back on that don’t seem like much but are really warm and comforting to reminiscence about (sorry, this isn’t really an answer)
🌸- what is your favorite flower?
a more recent fav but i’ve been really interested in diphylleia grayi / skeleton flowers lately. part of me doesn’t even know if they’re like real, but i’ve written a lot about them lately (and ofc listened to the jonghyun song about it) so i’ve had a sort of attachment to them lately. aside from that, i don’t really have a favorite? i think they’re all pretty
💖- have you ever been in love?
a lot dkjfhkjff probably more of a crush / infatuation than anything else in actuality, i suppose, though. platonically in love, however? absolutely
🍰- strawberry or vanilla?
vanilla, hands down
🍯- describe your favorite smell
ironically, vanilla is a big favorite smell of mine. i think i have a pretty sensitive sense of smell so there’s a lot of different things. i also like tea / coffee smells? idk, just stuff like that. which is part of why i enjoy baking, i think
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
1) for more wishes … bc im a gremlin
beyond that, i never know what to say for these questions beyond things i obviously want like world peace, ending world hunger, etc etc. like for personal things maybe … like being happy with myself? bc i think my self-image issues hinder me a LOT.
🍪- cookie dough or cookies?
both!!!! i eat the left over cookie dough when i bake but the final product is always really good too. (cookies, if i had to pick one though)
☕- coffee or tea?
tea !!!! don’t really feel like the coffee type of person (aside from enjoying the smell of it)
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
a forest with fairies, that sounds absolutely lovely
🍂- what’s your middle name?
it’s my dad’s first name
💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign?
gemini sun, pisces moon and leo rising
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
stay inside in bed with chai. basically just having a lazy day – reading, watching something, etc etc
🍭- how tall are you?
5′7″, though a part of me likes to hypothesize that if my posture wasn’t absolute SHIT my actual height would be 5′8″ (wishful thinking probably, but my posture is bad though)
💒- which show would you want to live in?
the good place was the first one to come to mind but idk about that … they go through a lot of shit and i for sure would just be in the bad place, without a chance of redemption. to appeal my Babey side ……… can i say winnie the pooh or smth (also, im just blanking out on any decent tv show where the universe isn’t one where i will probably instantly DIE in bc of how inept i am)
🎄- what is your favorite holiday?
i often say christmas for this one actually. not because we really celebrate it or anything, i just like the atmosphere around this time of year usually. mostly bc of childhood memories and how fun it was for me then
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?
i don’t use any, but probably something vanilla-y so im sure there’s holiday candles that fit my taste
🎶- favorite song right now?
not necessarily a favorite (bc i have a LOT), but im listening to pirate king by ateez right now (thanks winnie)
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
idk !!!!!!! have a good/similar sense of humor to me, listen to what i have to say (and like ….. don’t make me feel like shit or annoying for bringing up my interests or showing you things i think you’ll like), and uhhhhhh maybe like do cute lil romantic things for me ??? im a sucker for that. esp when people remember lil details about me based off what i’ve just casually said, idk .. it’s bare minimum time i guess. i just can’t fathom anyone Wanting to win my heart in the first place so it’s really easy bc im touch and romance starved
🍩- current mood?
okay ? just kinda here – not really happy but not sad either. neutral. procrastinating
❄️- what is your favorite season?
spring because of my birthday and the weather is decent, i guess. though i’ll also nominate winter
💍- your current relationship status?
what you think? .. DJKHFKF SINGLE of course . when have i ever been anything else
📷- a photo of yourself
absolutely not. though i have posted some before (you can click my name in my description to see this ugly minion mug of mine)
💅🏻- do you like being spoiled?
it’s weird because as a concept, yes i absolutely do but in reality, i will feel guilty and bad if anyone spends money on me at all because i don’t think i’m worth that so in practice, i guess i have to abandon my sugar baby dreams
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
1) keysmashing ? dhfkjffjkf like it’s genuinely so instinctual to me that i have to stop and make myself stop before i type it to locals i know or in emails to my teachers. in a similar realm, is my lowercase aesthetic . if only i could type my essays like this
2) saying and typing ‘like’ a lot. i guess i really AM the valley girl that envi says i sound like ………. tis a sad day. i never really noticed how much i do it till i reread old messages
3) not sitting properly. at school i do it obviously, but at home i most often sit cross legged on chairs or with one leg up or something. gay culture, babey ! the amount of times i’ve been told off for sitting “improperly” or “like a man” .. amazing
and bonus 4) being a dumbass. i just felt the urge to say that. don’t expect me to think or say anything intelligent ever. especially if we’re talking irl because my brain will exit immediately and i won’t be able to put a single coherent sentence together. i sound better online than offline, trust me.
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
i don’t wanna turn this into oversharing emo o’clock but i’ll summarize it in one word … BAD. gremlin and scum are also fitting words. perhaps i have made points sometimes but that’s just after i go to rent-a-brain-cell ‘ r us . otherwise? complete fool . a clown, if you will . don’t get me started on my looks
🦋- how do you think others perceive you?
this is what i REALLY want to know. i have an irrationally strong desire to just know what people think of me. it’s what gives me a self-identity and a better sense of who i am bc idk !!!!!! is my quietness making me look mean ??? who knows ! just how ugly am i actually ???? someone tell me
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys
there’s a lot of things and i’m also feeling lazy to list things. but pretty smiles have always been a huge weakness of mine. and perhaps i have an arm kink ….. like not super muscley arms (i.e: body builder types) but kinda toned/defined ones? NUT . (not a necessity ofc, just a bonus)
🍓- one secret about yourself
well it’s not a secret online, but my sexuality i guess? offline, aside from kendra, no one else knows. beyond that, i wish i had something scandalous i could reveal but im genuinely a boring person
🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?
inside im a mess. usually i just like looking at them and going into my Daydream World (patent pending) to fulfill my romantic desires there. outwardly, i don’t do like anything. idk how obvious i am honestly. i don’t interact with them at all, aside from sneaking glances, bc i am scum !!! and also i lack any confidence whatsoever 
💔- the reason behind your last breakup?
never had one, so this is non-applicable :/
💬- what your last text message says?
to summarize, it was just me in the gc talking about a song i listened to a lot that i saw in my spotify top 100 list thing and about how i recently realized the singer/rapper was malaysian
🎥- what show are you currently binging on?
currently, im not really marathoning anything exactly ? i guess the closest would be blackish, but i haven’t watched that in a hot minute. i’m trying to catch up on it though. 
⛅- what is your morning routine?
usually it’s just get up, brush teeth / wash face, and then change into my clothes for the day and then have breakfast 
💗- who do you miss?
who i used to be ……. :( IM KIDDING . ummm idk, no one really? i guess i miss the people i don’t talk to as much anymore, though it’s really my own fault most of the time since im a horrible communicator 
🥀- last time you cried?
oof i don’t really remember …… like i get emo a lot but i don’t exactly full on cry a lot? one semi-recent time i remember crying was when envi sent us this one song in the gc and it was just really pure and romantic and i got in my feelings about it. funny how my crying works ……. i don’t cry a lot but it can be brought on by the weirdest, most random things
🎁- when is your birthday?
may 29th !!!!!
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
not really either (since im not scared of ghosts, though i do kinda believe in them. like i don’t NOT believe in them, but im also not gonna fight someone who doesn’t, y’know?) but long story short – i got smacked in the back of the head (like it felt like a hard slap) once and no one was there/did it. must’ve been the ghost in our apartment. i joke a lot about there being one in our place but i wouldn’t be surprised if there was, with the random stuff that happens sometimes (mostly things just falling). again im no huge believer in ghosts, it’s just whatever to me but getting hit in the back of the head like that was definitely WEIRD. bc it honestly felt like how my little brother hits me but it wasn’t him so …….. hm.
💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you?
same age or older (not by a lot), probably. being with someone younger makes me feel weird (weirdly, usually with men. like i’ll be more comfortable dating a girl a year younger than me than a guy for example.. for maturity reasons i GUESS). but it depends. if i like someone within a reasonable age range, then i like them. 
🎀- any question you want
you didn’t ask one so n/a (and neither did i in the ask i sent you so rip)
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