#and he’s out there mocking her? for what being smarter? actually having something interesting to say?
paradoxcase · 1 year
Chapter 10 and 11 of Harrow the Ninth
I wonder if this scene in the library with Magnus and Abigail is based on something that Harrow actually experienced in Gideon the Ninth that Gideon wasn't aware of, because it happened during the part of the book when they were separated? Although, I'm not sure why Harrow is in the library in this scene. If she was looking for something in there, that's never mentioned, and I'm sure she wasn't there to listen to Ortus recite the Noniad. I think at this stage in Gideon the Ninth, Harrow was actually making a thorough sweep of Canaan House and drawing maps and marking down and labeling all of the locked doors. But in this rendition, they've already been given the facility key and told that they're meant to go down there, and no one has said anything about locked doors to them yet
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Not Harrow calling Magnus a moron! I'm so sorry, Magnus
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Honestly enjoying Ortus's passive-aggressive sass in this chapter
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Yes, I got that one. Why save this for this book, though? Magnus finding an ancient Lyctoral dick joke carved into the wall of the men's room would have fit in perfectly with the ambience of Gideon the Ninth. Also, I like how apparently Magnus started this interaction by talking about this dick joke and then Ortus somehow turned that into a conversation about the Noniad
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That probably means that that question has an interesting answer. I wonder what it is
I like that we're now getting more details on what Abigail's designation as "speaker of the dead" actually means, even though she was killed at the end of the second act of the first book and I figured we'd never get to find that out
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Or at least you do when your cavalier is Ortus. It's kind of interesting that no one said or did anything in Gideon the Ninth to indicate that they thought Abigail and Magnus being married was weird, and we only found out it was weird at the end of the book reading the essay about the relationship between cavaliers and necromancers. But I guess maybe that just comes down to Gideon not knowing anything about what that relationship meant, so if anyone else had reacted she probably wouldn't have noticed
I also like how Magnus is the kind of guy who's like "by the way Abigail is my wife. Have I mentioned that Abigail is my wife? Because she is definitely my wife. Wife wife wife"
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I like how Harrow doesn't like the Noniad, but she has read it, and can give a precise play-by-play of this particular scene, including how many lines each of these events takes. I guess there's not much else to do in the Ninth House
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I wonder if Abigail did say something like this to her in actual fact. In Gideon the Ninth, when they were preparing to go to the anniversary party, Gideon described Harrow as being afraid, but thought that it didn't make sense for it to be social anxiety or something like that, and in spite of the fact that she told Gideon that she was suspicious of the food, she didn't seem to be suspicious of the food at the actual event. So I wonder if it was because Abigail had said this to her during a scene that Gideon wasn't part of
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Still not sure what this is about. Someone is trying to have a baby? Is it somehow related to Gideon's birth? It honestly sounds a bit like Mercy but that doesn't seem right
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Please, Ortus, "Heroes are passé, you see", "I'm certain your studies have kept you from the full breadth of the classics", you are on a roll here. I can't decide if he is mocking Harrow's comeback, or if this is a thing where Harrow is giving herself a hint that this is all her imagination and these kinds of lines don't actually happen in real life events
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Yeah, it's interesting, in this whole conversation they have, Harrow is yelling at him, and he's just being outwardly submissive and polite but also being passive-aggressive and showing that he's smarter or more educated than Harrow in some respects, and that just makes her madder, and there's like, no exit strategy for this conflict. Whereas, when Gideon found Harrow in a bone cocoon in the basement and Harrow tried to argue that she was fine and knew what she was doing, Gideon was just like "no, shut up, you're being dumb" and "don't die in a bone" in a completely forthright way, and eventually Harrow was like "...yeah, ok". Ortus would have been like "I'm sure you know exactly what you're doing and keep your physical health in mind at all times, my lady" and then Harrow would have yelled at him some more
Not sure what to make of Harrow sleepwalking to go try to kill Cytherea a second time. Was this caused by the haunted sword? Does Harrow just unconsciously hate Cytherea that much for making Gideon sacrifice herself?
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hecatemoon87 · 2 years
Eames Wins a Bet
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Read the introduction → Eames Hires a New Recruit 
Warnings-mentions of sex, undertones of smut. minors not allowed.
Part I
"This is ridiculous," Lila muttered, folding her arms and frowning. She was wearing an elegant green ball gown, looking beautiful but pissed. 
"You're just upset because you lost," Eames said, adjusting a cufflink as he looked himself over in the hotel room’s mirror. 
"I lost because you cheated," she said, flipping her silky black hair over her shoulder.
“There’s nothing more unattractive than being a bad sport, Lila,” he said, turning to face her. 
"Oh, shut up! How would you like a vibrator that isn't under your control stuck up your pussy," she said, walking over to poke him in the chest. 
"I don't see how that's my problem, darling," he said, pulling out a small remote from his left pocket. "I think it’s time for a quick test.”
Lila's eyes widened and she lunged for the remote in his hand. The vibrator was big enough to fit snugly inside her opening, with an extension resting on her clit. But not large enough to hinder her from natural movement. Eames moved his hand out of reach and pressed the button.
A strong wave of vibration titillated her pussy and nipped at her clit, causing Lila to gasp. "Fuck…oh, god…Eames!"
“I do love it when you moan my name, dear Lila,” he said, teasing.
"I wasn't moaning your stupid name! I was cursing you! What setting is that thing on?!" she demanded. 
Eames glanced down and chuckled. "Oops, it was on high, terribly sorry. Let's test it on low, shall we?" 
"Eames, don't you dare-ehhhhuhhh," Lila said, trying to stop him, but it was too late. A softer, but no less arousing current passed through her delicate womanhood. Eames released the button, allowing Lila to regain her composure. She took a deep breath and looked him squarely in the face. “I hate you.” she said with conviction. 
Eames looked deep into her eyes and replied, “You know what darling, I don’t give a damn.”
The two thieves glared at each other with mutual frustration. They had once been lovers, more of a fling than an actual relationship, yet it had been fueled by unbridled passion. That had been ten months ago. Recently they had been reunited through a job that Cobb had extended to them both.
Two weeks prior to the job, which was starting that very evening, Arthur was bored. He knew full well the dynamic between Lila and Eames. He considered them very much alike and that’s why they clashed at times. They would argue about how a job should proceed and Lila always thought she was smarter than Eames. It amused Arthur to watch Eames get so flustered over her. 
So Arthur concocted a bet, in hopes that Lila would win. But surprisingly, Eames had been successful in the matter. The terms of that bet weren’t privy to Arthur, but between the two contenders it went something like this.
“What happens if I win?” Eames asked, an arm stretched over the length of a leather booth.
“Absolutely nothing, because I will win,” Lila said, sipping her brandy. 
“There it is, that fucking annoying thing you do,” he said, pointing a finger at her accusingly. 
“What thing? You mean being smarter than you?” she said, smiling innocently. 
“No, being cocky,” he said. 
“Oh, please. You are the cockiest man I’ve ever met,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Look, I know what I want if I win.”
“Pray tell, I’m just dying to know,” Eames said with mock interest. 
“I get to peg you,” she said, leaning forward and skimming the brim of her drinking glass with her index finger while staring at him intently. 
Eames blinked and then laughed softly. “Jesus, of course you’d want that. Little miss, I have to be in control of everything.” 
“That’s what I want. And yes, in hypothetical terms, if you win, what do you want?”
Eames took a deep breath and thought for a moment. Then he smiled and said, “The gala, the one that Cobb wants us to do the job. You have to wear a vibrator during it.”
“That’s silly. So what if I’m wearing one?”
“I’m in control of the remote,” Eames said, locking her firmly in his gaze. 
She squirmed a little in her seat then nodded. “Fine, but it’s not like you’ll win anyway.”
In the end, Lila lost the bet. During their competition, the two had not gotten along well. They were constantly arguing and Lila accused Eames of cheating. That had royally pissed Eames off because he had not cheated. He hated being called something that wasn’t true. Sure, cheeky bastard or English cunt, that was fine. But a liar or cheater? No, absolutely not. And so the two former lovers were at odds.
“Now, why don’t you start acting like a big girl, hmmm?” Eames said, wagging the remote in front of her sharp emerald green eyes. “And come along so we can get this night over with.”
Eames had to admit, she was looking rather stunning. He wouldn’t have minded a quick shag back in the hotel room, but he had a feeling Lila wasn’t in the mood. She was too busy sulking over her loss. If she would have won, it would have been disastrous. She’d probably have found the largest dildo and would have made the whole pegging ordeal unbearable. It was better that he was in control. 
During the cab ride they sat in silence. Lila refused to look at Eames, but it didn’t matter. He’d have his fun either way that night. Once they arrived, Eames got out of the cab and then opened Lila’s door. He extended his hand to her and she eventually took it because it was difficult standing up in the dress. 
Now on her two feet she pulled her hand away from him in annoyance and glared at him. 
“That won’t do,” he chided. “Where’s that beautiful smile?” Eames slipped his hand into his pocket and pressed the button. He watched her shudder, closing her doe eyes, her long lashes pressed upon her chestnut skin, a plump red lip drawn into her mouth as she bit down on it. 
Eames watched her intently, she looked devastatingly alluring as she held back a little moan. He let the button go and she sighed. Taking a breath, she smoothed out the front of her dress and then gave Eames a pleasant smile. “There, is that better?” she asked, mockingly. 
“Good girl,” Eames said, placing his hand on her lower back and guiding her up the museum’s marble stairs. As they stood in line to enter the gala with their invitations Lila whispered, “You are such an English prick.”
“And you’re a Yankee slut who, if I recall correctly, enjoyed giving me head,” he said under his breath and smiled to the front desk as he provided his invitation. 
Upon entering the main hall, Arthur, who was on his first drink spotted Lila and Eames. He sauntered over for some entertainment. 
“Well, hello,” he said, raising his glass and then drinking from it. “How’s everything?”
“It couldn’t be better,” Eames said, smugly. 
Lila smiled and gave Arthur a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Good to see you, have you been working out?” she said, smoothing a hand over Arthur’s lapel. 
Eames knew she was overselling it, probably to make him feel jealous. But he’d remedy that. As she pulled back Eames hit the button. Lila inhaled sharply and bit her lower lip and shuddered. 
“She’s perfectly fine,” Eames said, smiling as he released the button.
“Um, you alright Lila?” Arthur asked.
“Oh, give it a rest will you!” she hissed. 
“What’s going on?” Arthur asked, confused. 
“Nothing, she just has her knickers in a twist over the bet she lost,” Eames said. 
Arthur was about to inquire for more information, but Cobb had come up through the crowd to join them.
“Eames, Arthur,” Cobb said, patting them both on the arm. Then upon seeing Lila, Cobb gave her a hug. “Good to see ya, kid.”
“Hi Dom. I know, I know. You told me to call, but I got caught up in some things,” she said. 
“Yes, you did, didn’t you, Lila?” Eames said, giving her a cocky smile. 
“Oh…you son of a bitch,” she said, glaring at him. “I need a drink.” She turned abruptly to go find the bar. 
“Uh, Whisky on the rocks, you remember the brand, don’t you, darling?” Eames said. She spun around and glared at him, but he arched his eyebrow as if to say, “Do you want to test me?”
Lila faltered a moment then said, “Of course, anything for you Ian.” Her tone was dripping with sarcasm and then she headed over to the bar. Both Arthur and Cobb looked at Eames and asked, “What did you do?”
“I won a bet, and she’s paying for it,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. 
“Paying for it, how exactly?” Cobb said, putting his hands in his pockets, a look of concern on his face. He had been friends with her father before he died. He watched out for Lila like a little sister. 
“I think considering the nature of the relationship you have with her, I’m not going to tell you,” Eames said. 
“Jesus, Eames. I need her for the job, okay? Don’t piss her off too much,” Cobb said, sighing heavily. 
“What about me? You can tell me, right?” Arthur asked, curiously. 
Cobb shook his head, “I’m going to wander off and scout out some of the merchandise, please don’t fuck this up, Ian.” With that said, Cobb drifted back into the crowd. 
Eames took a deep breath and simply looked about the party. Arthur stood impatiently, waiting for Eames to divulge what he had done to Lila. 
“For christ sakes, what did you do?” Arthur finally said. 
“Oh? You want to know?” Eames said, teasingly. 
“Fucks sakes,” Arthur said under his breath, then louder he said, “Yes, Eames. I want to know.”
“She’s wearing a vibrator and I have the remote,” Eames said, pulling it out of his pocket. 
“Are you serious?” Arthur said with disgust. 
“Don’t be so judgy. She wanted to peg me. I think what I’m doing is only fair,” Eames said, defending himself. 
“She wanted to peg you?” Arthur said, laughing. 
“Yeah, now shut it,” Eames said, watching Lila make her way back to them. 
“Here,” she said, handing Eames the whisky tumbler. She took her own glass and chugged it. 
“Easy, darling. Don’t get drunk on the job, hmmm?” Eames said, pushing back a stray lock behind her ear. 
“Don’t touch me,” she snapped, pushing his hand away. Although, secretly liking his attention. 
“So you were going to peg Eames?” Arthur said. 
Lila shrugged, “Yes, so? Many men enjoy that sort of thing. Eames would have liked it…eventually.”
“Yeah, let’s stop talking about my ass being pounded, cheers,” Eames said, then took a deep drink from his own glass. 
“I think you should at least consider it,” Arthur said, still laughing, tears forming in his eyes. 
“Fuck off, Arthur,” Eames said, unamused. 
“And yet it's perfectly acceptable for you to be controlling my public orgasms?” Lila said, with the same unamused tone. 
“Yes, it is,” Eames said, without hesitation. 
“And why is that?” she said, annoyed. 
“Because you need to learn a little humility,” Eames said, taking another drink. 
“Why? Because she’s smarter than you?” Arthur said, knowing full well it would stoke a fire within Lila. 
“Is that what this is all about?” she said, folding her arms and glaring at Eames. 
“Fuck…shut up Arthur. Don’t you have something else to be doing besides getting her all riled up?”
“No, not at the moment,” Arthur said, smiling. 
“I am smarter than you, does that upset you, Ian?” she said. 
“First of all, you’re not. Well, maybe just a little, but that’s not the point. And secondly, you lost the bloody bet so stop trying to get out of it!” Eames said a bit too loudly. 
Some people glanced over, but they gradually moved on as the noise in the crowd muffled most of the heat in Eames' voice. 
“Well if you hadn’t cheated…” she started to say, but Eames growled and hit the button. He moved in close, pulling her into him. He held her against him as she clutched at his suit and released a sexy moan into his shoulder. He held the button a bit longer, then released it. 
“That should cool you off,” Eames said. Arthur blinked and then looked down, his cheeks slightly red from hearing her moan. 
“You jerk!” she said, embarrassedly. 
“Deal with it, Lila. If it had been the other way around, you’d have been worse,” Eames said. 
Lila pushed out her bottom lip and pouted. “This isn’t fair.”
Part II coming soon
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Wishlist for Hazbin Hotel Season 1 (And Later)
With half year left till the series officially start (hopefully!), I would love to share my thoughts and opinions about what could happen in the story regarding characters and plot. They are all just my guesses and some wishes, headcanons if you will. Without further ado, let’s go!
We have to start with the main character, don’t we?
Charlie being smarter than we all expect. Please, give a moment or situation where she outsmarts Alastor! Maybe another deal or bet?
Seeing more of her demon powers!
Charlie’s attempts to spread the news about the hotel and getting a couple of sinners who are willing to try it out, making them third plan characters.
Charlie and Vaggie being a sun and moon couple.
Flashbacks to Charlie’s teenage/early years living with her parents.
Charlie in the office doing manager/boss/director of this place paperwork. Unless she knows what she’s doing from similar previous experience or she’s been taught management and business, I expect to see her struggling with it. Some angsty moments when legal issues happen (at least, Hell’s equal of legal). I would love to see her parents give her advice or send her a professional to help with this. Speaking of which…
Screentime for Lucifer and Lilith! Perhaps a phone call or something small at first where they would actually interact with Charlie for starters. Oh! How about this? Somewhere near the end, like few episodes left till the season’s finale, we could see a shot where all Hell’s royalty attends an annual gala or some formal and regal event (perfect opportunity to make Paimon, Stolas, Asmodeus or another HB cameo). I’m imagining that someone from those royals could, in a mocking way, mention to Lucifer and Lilith that they probably are so proud of their daughter’s endeavors. (Charlie would not attend that event for it being too preposterous to her). Then we cut to Lucifer saying to Lilith “How about I pay our daughter a visit?”. After that, Lucifer would appear in the season finale, being one of the last shots. For instance, Charlie hears a knock on the hotel door and opens it, seeing her father, who smiles and says “Hello, Charlie” or something cooler that I cannot think in the moment. Then we cut to black and end the first season. That would not only be a great homage to Alastor’s arrival in the pilot but could stir some mystery. Will Lucifer accept Charlie’s intentions? Will he wish to close and demolish the hotel for making him seen pathetic in other demons’ eyes, hence the sin of pride? Did Lilith tell Charlie about Lucifer’s arrival beforehand? That would be answered in the start of season 2.
Let us add the badass love interest who shines her own light.
Vaggie being in charge of the hotel more so than Charlie.
Seeing her fight and use her weapon capabilities.
Her being a protective gf while Charlie is oblivious, for example, moving a wire so that Charlie wouldn’t trip.
Vaggie constantly bickering with Angel and Alastor. As the season goes on, she finds it to be more fun than annoying.
Flashbacks to her live before death. What was her life, what did she do to be in Hell and how did she die?
Story of how she and Charlie met and fell in love with. Plus, what was she doing before the hotel?
 My favourite overlord, what I have in store for you.
I want to see him making that Jambalaya!
Alastor being a corny/dad joke kind of guy throughout the whole season.
Seeing snippets of Alastor’s radio show.
Alastor’s development in compassion to Hazbin and it’s residents. Bit by bit, he would start to care about Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Husk and Niffty (others not so much), catching himself in the middle of the season like “Goodness my! Why do I care if she’s sad?”. Then Alastor would heighten his guard up and become cold hearted, similar to pilot. Perhaps he would make some sort of terrible decision regarding hotel or Charlie which he would regret by the end of the season.
Him and Vox making fun of each other, having little battles here and there, their score being equal.
Seeing more musical numbers from him!
Seeing Alastor struggle with modern media references. Could be a gag about someone mentioning something like “Instagram, Iron Man, Twilight” and so on while Alastor pretends that he understands it/doesn’t care. Imagine explaining Twilight to him…
Flashbacks to his live before death. Why did he become a murderer, what was his family like (importance of mother), how he found his passion for radio?
Well, here we have a comedic yet tragic character to discuss.
His whole season arc could be about chilling in Hazbin while still being under Valentino’s control. With each episode, he would have a harder and harder time between choosing Hazbin (new friends, possible redemption and zero need to be over sexual) and Valentino (job and setting that he’s familiar with, some sort of fame, no need to change himself). By the end of the season, Angel would be at a crossroad of which path to embrace now.
Flashbacks to Angel’s live before death. Was he that involved with sex, did he have a partner, what was his family like?
I would love to see Angel teasing Alastor about all kinds of dirty stuff and surviving. The whole season he would remark on various sexual topics while Alastor can’t kill him because he promised that to Charlie. Seeing Alastor freeze or blush would be a highlight not only to him but to us.
Angel being a fashion icon. “Girl, those earrings with that top? No no no, we need to change those”.
Angel being besties with Cherri.
Seeing Angel’s alone moments when his “funny, dirty, charming” façade drops and he struggles with his life decisions.
Although he died only about 10 years later than Al, he would know all the up-to-date pop culture/media references, usually being the one to make them.
Category where I decided to put characters that I don’t have much to say…yet!
Would love to see the reason why Husk and Niffty are in debt to Alastor. (Plus, how many poor souls like those two are there?)
Husk being a grumpy father figure to all. (I think he is supposed to be older than all of them, besides Charlie, in years?)
Niffty being a happy go lucky clean freak.
All of Cherri’s backstory, how did she befriend Angel.
Sir Pentious’s development from cartoony villain to an ally of Hazbin.  
Seeing more of Hell’s TV, Internet and apps.
Seeing Hell’s live from different kinds of livers there (sinners, overlords, royalty).
Learning more about Heaven, the percentage of goodness to be accepted there, how do angels work.
Seeing Vox, Valentino and Velvet in action and their powers.
Overall, exploring new locations.
That’s all, folks! A share of my hopes for the series. If you would like, I could make more parts in the future. Of course, I would love to hear your thoughts! Have a fantastic day, my friend!
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pentition · 1 year
I like to think Pen is not all that smart (but certainly not as stupid mind you) but very good at reading people. Not even emotionally intelligent, just good at observing. He just generally doesn't give a fuck/hides if for, you know, reasons. Thoughts?
I can vibe this. This got a little long. Spoiler mentions below!
I think, like a lot of people, it just is specific to him. I think if someone/something interests him or it's within his strengths (like combat) he can be smarter - not that he's stupid or anything to begin with. Which seems redundant to say because that's how people just work. You're not going to go to Mabel to talk fighting stuff, as an example.
It feels like his main issue is he just doesn't care to consider a lot of things. I think he can deduce reading people and being observant but it's just a matter of the significance they hold to him either personally or in regards to his spy job. If he really wanted to, I feel like he could deduce things in an emotionally intelligent way. He probably just has never wanted or needed to in his life.
An example being, he doesn't really take the Civil Corps seriously but is willing to humor them to a point. If the information is good, he's there for it. If it's not, his lack of care redirects him. There's no comradery for Sandrock, not even when playing pretend. No care or attachment to pay them mind on a personal level. So I feel like there's an intersection where observation and his potential to be emotionally intelligent to whatever degree meets his apathy, lack of interest or general lack of care. And however much of that is Duvos influenced vs just being Pen is also debatable.
You can say even unintelligent people can be manipulative but I think it takes someone particularly sharp in a specific way to be manipulative in the way Pen was during the interrogation. We see him offering to help, giving mocking pointers on how to interrogate him (and a means of some self-awareness), fumbling with his reactions and information. How much of it was sincere and how much of it was for show? I think there's a helping of both there but ultimately he's guiding the builder and Grace down a line of thinking he was. Besides you know, getting his gains on. And in addition to that, the best manipulators are those that weaponize the truth between their omissions and lies. Pen was right on top of handling that. He kept the persona we've grown familiar with throughout being imprisoned, just a little more serious - then it's dropped much more when he shows up in the last mission for Knives Out.
I think his status in Duvos and his self-perception made for someone who doesn't care about much and also doesn't feel like he has to. He doesn't care to take the time to learn more about the people he claims to protect, he doesn't care to do anything with the information on them he observes. The builder could be the exact same but the difference is they usually seem to make the effort. Elise likes that golden bull relic? Well, have an extra one here so guess it's going to her. It's those little things that define people that he pretty much drops doing - aside from the builder's birthday, it seems? If they are close enough for it. It sometimes feels like the builder ends up being one of the few people he ends up taking more seriously.
This uncaring has led to less intelligent decisions which I think makes him appear stupider than he is (not saying you're claiming him as stupid, btw). Even if he has taken the builder seriously more than others, he didn't care enough to see they were actually more competent than he thought until Knives Out. As sharp as he can be with his observations and intelligent in what he knows, he can be careless and outright stupid because he thinks so little of everything around him. A fucking reflection of himself took him out, I mean--
So I think you're right, I think it's also a case by case thing. Very situational and also entirely based on whoever he may be engaging with at that time too. I think he's capable of being emotionally intelligent with himself and others, and not even in a manipulative sorta way. I just don't think right now he's in a place to act on it or has reason to because he cares so little. Which is sad to say cause the whole romance option, but even if he sincerely cared for the builder his loyalty and duty to Duvos still came out first. Whether he doesn't care or is making himself not care I think needs answering - because there is a difference even if the results are the same.
I guess you could also say, even if he did or does care there's a lack of experience he seems to have in being considerate. Considering others (or even ourselves) is the start of what allows us to perceive others beyond the surface. I feel like it's something he can learn since he has show appreciation in other ways for other things/people but at the moment, it feels like he's really just lacking in all the experiences that matter on a deeper level. Which could be why he's so superficial and boasts about things that aren't important - like his fans, or 12 separate lovers, how impressive some of what he does is, etc. Perpetuating a shallow version of himself for any number of reasons vs exploring things more deeply with himself or others by utilizing consideration to learn and progress like the builder does in the game.
God I rambled too much. I hope that makes sense and I answered you well. Ultimately, I pretty much vibe and agree with your assessment!! Thanks for the fun thought exercise! ^^ <3
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bluevaldezinator · 3 years
I think it’s hilarious how so many characters that I loved growing up are now being headcanoned as having adhd or autism, like this brain certainly knew who to relate to
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midnightstar-90 · 3 years
Live Laugh Love~ Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System
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Georgie Cooper x Reader
Summary: To appease his worried mother, Sheldon employs the techniques of a self-help book to try and make a friend.
Warnings: None
AN: I plan to write a new chapter once a week. It may change at the end of the school year. On the other hand, I tried to add more to the story. I hope you guys like it.
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Y/N's Pov
I am walking to lunch, and when I round the corner, I see Mary and George looking through the lunchroom window and talking to each other. I make a confused face while listening in on their conversation. "Look at him. It breaks my heart," Mary says sadly. "Poor little guy. Sitting all alone", George says sadly while responding to Mary's comment. "I don't know why his brother or even Y/N can't sit with him. Actually, Where is Y/N. I don't see her anywhere."
"I'm right here," I say, spooking Mary and George before continuing with, "Also, I tried to sit with Sheldon on his first day, and he said it would be best for me to sit with people who have the same intellect as me. I found that rude because he meant Georgie, and I am so much smarter than Georgie. Anyways, Georgie doesn't sit with him because he says In school, they don't know each other". I look between Georgie and Sheldon, then look at my godparents. "Yeah, come on Mary, when you were in high school would you have lunch with a nine-year-old," George asked Mary. "Yes, I would have," Mary responded.  "Well, there is something wrong with you." I took George's words as a sign to leave.
"Well, I'm... gonna... go," I told the married couple before heading into the lunchroom to sit with Georgie and our friends. I sat down to Georgie, trying to fit as many grapes as he can into his mouth. "Fourteen," he yelled out while all of Georgie's friends cheered him on. Georgie spits them all out before turning to me. "What did you think," Georgie asked me, trying to get my opinion on his 'cool' trick. "Georgie, if I wanted to see you stuff your mouth, I would just wait till dinner. In other words, not that interesting," I told my best friend. Georgie replied with a sad "oh" before going back to talking with his friends. I went back to finishing my newest sketch of a finch.
Georgie and I walked into the house. "Georgie, would you do me a tiny little favor," Mary asked Georgie while he was getting a drink out of the fridge. I sat with the girl I thought of as a little sister before saying hi. Georgie responded back with a "like what" before Mary asked Georgie to sit with Sheldon. I already told Mary why I don't sit with Sheldon. Missy with her smart remarks told Georgie, "Don't do it. I ate with him in second grade, it really hurt my social life." Georgie walked off while replying to Mary with a "No thanks". I kicked Missy under the table, then gave her a 'seriously' look. I shook my head and followed Georgie to 'help' him with his homework, which was more like do his work.
I don't follow Georgie because I'm his lost puppy. I follow Georgie to help him. Without me, Georgie would grow up to be a homeless man with great hair. I am basically Georgie's Guardian angel.
"Georgie, why do I always end up doing your homework? At this point, I don't even think you know how to read. Those magazines are just for show, and you know it. You probably only look at the pictures," I said to Georgie while sitting on his bed doing our geometry homework. "Aw, come on Y/N, don't you know that you're the smartest out of both of us. Without you, I would probably still be in the 5th grade. You were right about something though, those books are for looking, but I can read you." I roll my eyes at Georgie's comment before looking down and smiling.
I admit I might have a bit of a crush on Georgie but we're best friends, and how could I ever compare those girls in his magazine. If I tell Georgie that I like him, that could ruin our friendship, and that would be weird because we live together. So, I just stick to being his best friend. That way our friendship isn't ruined and I can still be as close to him as I can.
"Well I finished your homework and it's 10 o'clock, so I guess this is it. Have a good night," I said before heading out.
Georgie's POV
Y/N walked out of my room. I felt sad because she was gone. We talk all day, she does my homework, and we have practiced together, but I still miss her. "Maybe I like her," I mumble to myself while laying down staring at the ceiling. "Naw, that can't be," I said. I shut off my light and fell asleep.
I was leaving my art class when I see Sheldon talking to one of the cheerleaders. It's weird to be seeing Sheldon interacting with people without them running off and crying. It interested me so much I decided to listen in.
"Go wolves," Sheldon said in a monotone voice. Jessica closed her locker confused. Sheldon responded back to Jessica with, "You're a cheerleader, and by saying "Go Wolves" I'm initiating a conversation about something that interests you." "Oh, are you one of those special ed kids," Jessica asked still trying to understand what was happening. The older sister part of me kinda felt angry that she said that, but on the other hand she was talking to Sheldon. "My mom says I'm special. Would you like to be friends" Sheldon asks. She tells him, no, but Sheldon keeps going, "Are you sure? What if I told you I admired your boldly-applied makeup?" Jessica walks off offended.
I walk up to Sheldon frantically and say, "Sheldon, you can't say mean things like that. I'm at the top of the pyramid today, and Jessica is right underneath me." "Oh, I didn't know what I said was offensive. I thought that I was complimenting her," Sheldon says. "Well, just try not to insult people. If you don't know what to say, don't say anything to them." Sheldon replies with an "alright" before walking away from me. I watch Sheldon go before heading to my next class.
I got to my next class and I sat down beside Georgie. "I just ran into Sheldon trying to make friends," I told Georgie while I get the stuff I need for class out of my backpack. "I feel bad for whoever had to put up with Sheldon. That boy is not one for making friends," Georgie responds to my comment. "Well, I think it's cute, but I feel bad because he didn't make one friend." "You sound like my mom," Georgie says. I glare at Georgie. The teacher walks in and starts the class.
I hear Mary yelling about how Sheldon made a friend. I felt happy for him. I feel like Sheldon would really benefit from having a friend. I mean, I have Georgie, and we're inseparable.
I also heard Sheldon ask if he can start his rocketry hobby again with his new friend and I dipped. The last time he launched a rocket he killed a family of squirrels and my eyebrows. I wanted to bond with Sheldon so I helped him with his rocket.
I went downstairs to watch tv with Missy. She was watching DuckTales. "I'm surprised you're not with Georgie," Missy comments as I sit down with her. I roll my eyes and say, "Georgie isn't my whole life. I talked to Sheldon earlier, and now I just want to hang out with you. Sheldon has a new friend now, I have Georgie, but I feel like you don't have anyone to hang out with. So, what do you say tomorrow I take you to get your nails done." Missy's eyes go wide and she excitedly shouts, "Yes, I'm gonna go tell mom!"
After school, Missy and I went to get our nails done.
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(Missy's Nails)
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(Y/N's Nails)
When Missy and I got home Mary told us that Sheldon's friend was coming over. Missy and I sat down to talk and watch tv. There was a knock at the door, and that set Mary off. "He's here," she yelled. "Everybody, stay calm! Just a normal day, just a normal dinner," she continued. Missy asks if she and I can eat in front of the TV, which obviously didn't end well.
We're all sitting at the dinner table, except for Mary, when George starts asking Tam, questions. George makes it weird when he asked Tam if his mom was named Kim-lee. Me and Georgie look at each other with a cringed look.
Georgie releases us from the weird vibes when he asks Tam, "So, Vietnam, like in Rambo." Tam responds with a "yes" and then Georgie continues with, "That's a cool movie." Georgie asks Tam if he's in Rambo and I look at him and elbow him in the ribs. Georgie says, "oww, what was that for" before Tam tells him "no". Sheldon brings the conversation back to George's comment, but it is cut off by Mary serving dinner.
We learned a lot about Tam's family and life. It was very interesting. Georgie said a couple more stupid things, which earned him a few more elbows to the ribs.
I was in my room, getting ready for bed. Georgie walks in and sits on my bed.
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(Y/N's Room)
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(Y/N's PJ's)
"How was the day with my sister," Georgie asks me. I sign for Georgie to get off the bed and say, "We had fun. After our nails, we went to Dairy Queen and got a blizzard. I think Missy and I really needed today, you know." Georgie helps me make my bed and continues the conversation, "I missed you today." "Is Georgie Cooper jealous? Georgie Cooper didn't have someone to do his homework and now he's sad," I said mocking Georgie. Georgie grows a sad look on his face and says, "No, I missed my best friend. Not the girl that does my homework, or the girl that helps me clean my room. I miss the girl I talk to for hours. The girl that makes me feel special compared to the rest of my family. I miss that girl and that girl is you."
"Wow, that was deep for a kid that went a couple of hours without seeing me, but I know how you feel. Missy and Sheldon don't know how to do the things we do. I almost made Missy cry by insulting her earlier. I think I hang around boys too much," I say getting ready to lay down. Georgie climbs into the bed with me and we silently talk for the rest of the night.
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youryanderedaddy · 4 years
♡100 followers special♡
Guys, I would like to thank all of you for all the support since I started this blog, you are the best <3 Btw this is the fic Elon Musk doesn’t want you to see lol, jk jk 
Title: Humanity
Words: 3.6k 
Summary: When you get sold to an odd looking robot after the last failure of a rebellion, things go better than you had expected. Until they don’t. 
tw: robot/AI apocalypse au, dystopia au, slavery, slight non - sexual public nudity, discrimination, vulgar language, mention of death and child abuse (in the past), obsessive behavior, non - consensual touching, angst 
              AD 3061y., 14 September
 Your hometown was in ruins, shattered by the Forces and left without any source of food, clean water or reliable manpower. The rebellion had failed just like the first ten attempts and as much as you had wanted to believe this time would be different, your dreams stayed nothing more than a way to cope with the harsh reality. Any intelligent individual had either managed to flee before the prosecution or died in agony while trying. You could still hear their pained screams ringing in your ear, the desperate look in their pupils sealed forever in your mind along with the sound of heavy breathing slowly fading into the background like your own hopes for a better future.
 The ones who decided to play meek and close their eyes to the inhuman torture happening in the area were spared, but what awaited them could potentially be worse than death itself. You were part of the flock of pitiful weak humans who had surrendered to the heartless machines wanting nothing more than to see mankind squirm and kneel underneath their mechanic heel like a bug. And now you would face the hour of judgment – tired and exhausted, heavy rusty chains around your bruised ankles making every next step a little harder than the last one. But you were certain that the most painful humiliating event hadn’t taken place yet and the thought made your blood run cold. You could recall the countless stories you used to hear on the streets from your friends about androids stealing kids and selling them like cattle to the most powerful leaders of society. Back then you would laugh at them, finding the ideas ridiculous, better fit for a conspiracy theory or a legend rather than an actual threat. But during that time life was easier – the robots were still your friends, just your average citizens, equal to the humans in every manner. It wasn’t until ten years later that some of them realized just how much better, stronger and smarter than the people they really were. That’s how the apocalypse started and that’s how it was going to end. These days the mortals were becoming extinct with the population cut down to one million. You didn’t have names or rights to any possession. Your mere survival had one purpose only – to entertain the machines so they could feel human again. And right now you were being dragged to Soraq, also known as the biggest slave market in the country.
 It was just as terrifying as you had imagined it to be. The Capital was supposed to express wealth, luxury and maybe even happiness but your old human views were easily opposed when faced with the mud  covering what was left of the pavement and the pale exhausted bodies of the mortals wandering the streets searching for a hot meal and a little bit of kindness it was clear no one wanted to provide. You reached out to help a young girl sobbing all by herself on the ground but the Officer roughly yanked your shoulder back and ordered you to keep going – his cold hard touch was enough to bruise your skin.
 After a few long minutes of uncertainty your keeper finally stopped, pulling you up some black stairs leading to a small stage and if you weren’t too busy looking around for the others who were captured, you might have noticed the crowd gathered inches away from you. Soon enough you were forced to redirect your attention as you heard the approving screams and cheering below. There were hundreds of robots staring at you, smirking maliciously, pinning you with their cold calculating gazes. You finally realized that this wasn’t just a bad dream or a nightmare, something unreal you could easily run away from by opening your eyes. You were about to become property and the worst part was the way the cruel machines perfectly resembled people – they looked the same except for the dark red pupils each possessed which glowed when going into a fight mode. But unlike humans the androids had gotten rid of their most intimate emotions and fears, turning themselves into empty shells, shiny and murderous with no way to experience anything properly, be it pleasure or pain.
 “Ladies and gentlemen!” The Officers started off with a low chuckle, his heavy hand wrapped tightly around your arm. His voice should have been programmed to be monotone but now it had a playful edge to it. “Today our dear subjects have decided to be feisty yet again. They still haven’t learned their lesson it seems.” He grinned eerily, quickly followed by the mocking laugher of the crowd. Some even shouted slurs and insults but you tried to focus on controlling your feelings. You needed to stay calm if you wanted to survive. “We really can’t expect more from the mankind. They are primal after all, they just can’t learn from their mistakes.” The male robot paused for a second to fix his microphone. “It’s in their DNA code to be foolish and pathetic. That’s why we need to take better care of them.” He whispered the last line down your neck and despite knowing that the machines didn’t have actual lungs, you could swear you felt his cold breath on your sensitive skin.
 “The woman is in her early twenties. Her background is unknown, but she certainly looks like someone you would want in your collection.” The android continued talking as if you weren’t there, his hands all over your tinier frame. The mass was yelling, but you only made out the words „down”, „strip” and „human”. Your eyes watered involuntarily and you let the tears stream down your cheeks in spite of the weakness they showed. It didn’t matter – it couldn’t get any worse so you could at least let yourself experience such little bits of comfort. In the next moment the Officer ripped your old ragged t-shirt, exposing your breasts to the cold autumn air. The hot red humiliation washed over you as the degrading whistles pierced trough your heart. It was such a cruel unfair punishment and you couldn’t even keep your composure long enough to not break down ugly – crying right there.
 “The bidding starts at one thousand eros!” The robot’s evil voice echoed through the area, reaching the market borders. Suddenly all the attention was on your scared vulnerable half-naked self. More than ten androids raised their hands, making your stomach turn in terror. Most of them had unpleasant appearances, resembling old people, usually men. “Do we have two thousand eros?” The officer added quickly afterwards having seen the shown interest. This time there were only five bots willing to buy you for so much money – but the show was far from over. “Am I seeing three thousand eros?” Your keeper kept going, determined to drain your bidders off their wealth, but to his utmost surprise now there were only two robots with their hands in the air – one seemingly younger and the other looking all wrinkled and bitter at the world. You silently prayed that fate would work in your favor only this time and hand you over to the man who would treat you more like a living being and less like an object.
 “Ten thousand eros.” Suddenly the android with a kinder appearance declared out loud, his cold stern gaze fixed onto you. The other male hesitated for a moment, probably wondering whether or not you were worth so much money, but at the end he cursed under his breath and slowly put his hand down with a sour expression. “Sold to K-010 for ten thousand eros!” The automatic voice of the Officer was ringing in your ear like an alarm while the crowd was shouting and cussing, some going as far as to criticize your new owner for giving up his monthly salary for a “cheap human whore”. Next he was invited on the stage to sign off all the needed documents leading to your freedom being ripped away forever and you were injected with a tiny chip which would make your location visible to your buyer at any given time. The android looked at you soon after and in one swift move he managed to place his leather coat on your shoulders, muttering at you to cover up. You obeyed, embarrassed by the reminder that your upper half was still fully exposed to all the hungry prying immortals. When the chains were finally removed, the robot took you by the hand and led you to a small white flying car with a yellow lily drawn on top – the brand was popular among the most powerful members of the Forces.
 “Don’t even think about running away.” K-010 growled when he noticed the way your attention drifted to the nearby road before finally taking your seat. You knew it was pointless now that the tracking device was deep into your skin but deep down you still couldn’t kill the last bit of hope screaming at you to do something before you were too far away to find home again, wherever it was. “If you so much as look outside while we drive, I will use my lasers to turn you into ash. Okay?” You nodded meekly and sank into the soft comfortable seat, wishing that your body would stop shaking in fear but to no avail.
 The journey was long and silent but it made you remember the days when music was still allowed and you used to turn the radio all the way up in your mother’s car. You would sing loudly until your throat hurt and your friends would ask you to just shut up and focus on the road. Everything was so normal and happy back then. The stinging nostalgia threatened to overcome so you tried to focus on something else. You finally faced your owner in an attempt to study his appearance. He was probably in his late twenties, his hair white with some black locks here and there, a fashion trend you usually didn’t care much for. You couldn’t afford to bother with your hairstyle when you were constantly running for your life after all. The robotic male had sun-kissed brown skin, he was taller than most human men and his lips seemed softer than most robots’. But the biggest mystery laid in his deep dark eyes, they looked scarlet at first but the more you stared, the easier it was to realize the color was actually brown.
 “Are you a cyborg, K-010?” You asked in a small voice out of the blue, breaking the peace and quiet in the air. The android didn’t spare you much attention with his gaze fixed onto the open sky serving as a road, still he opened his mouth slightly to respond. “My name is Kyle, the numbers are just a formality.” He inhaled sharply as if he was reminiscing a bad memory. “And yes, I am biologically human – just with a few practical upgrades.” You had heard of such people before, the ones willing to become an experiment so they could join the high society oppressing their own neighbors, friends and relatives, setting the lands on fire and destroying the dying environment but you had never met one until today. Honestly, you felt betrayed. It was one thing to be some unfeeling machine’s plaything and entirely another to be owned by someone with a functioning heart even though they weren’t too keen on using it properly.
 “Why would you do that?” You couldn’t stop the question from leaving your lips in the next moment. “You should know what humans have to go through just to stay alive. Today hundreds of us were crushed and sold like some animals! Yet you changed yourself to appeal to their disgusting standards.” You raised your voice, the hot tears already spilling down your cheeks yet again, your fists clenched in pure anger at the foolish greedy man. He simply shook his head and leaned back. “I had my reasons, sweetheart. You don’t know anything.” With that the conversation had ended, you could try and argue or even blame him for being a selfish bastard but it wouldn’t have done you any good so you decided against it. It didn’t matter much anymore.
 A few months went by slowly even though time meant little to someone in your position. Living with Kyle wasn’t as terrible as you thought it would be – his mansion was big and spacious, luxurious even. You had your own room and you were allowed to explore the house in your free time. You didn’t have many duties to attend to, your work mostly revolved around cooking, cleaning and keeping company with your owner when he was too tired to keep the robotic mask on and just wanted something sweet, something weak, something more human around. He didn’t want much out of you so you tried to do your best and stay on his good side – there was always a warm meal waiting at the table at night, every window was carefully wiped from the previous dust and the glass was now shining brightly, and you would listen for hours on end to the cyborg’s ramblings no matter how dreadful it could be sometimes.
 But it couldn’t be denied that the man had some odd habits, even if you were to overlook him buying a living being instead of simply hiring a maid. For example, you knew how thin the walls actually were because you could hear him cry almost every night. The half-robot would hold you close any time the news were too loud or a bottle of beer had fallen and shattered on the ground. Still you weren’t allowed to leave his home so all the doors leading to the outside world were locked while he was away or at work. And there were these weird long cuts on his shoulders you had managed to take notice of the first time your master had asked you to bathe him. You hadn’t meant to prey upon his naked form, but the task had been so awkward you needed something to focus on to drive the unpleasant thoughts away. The injuries looked deep and the man would close his eyes any time the soap made contact with them. Finally one day you gathered the courage to ask him what had caused the raw scratches. You were messaging his scalp gently, applying jasmine in his roots, trying to soothe his nerves and get to the information.
 “ ’S not important. ” K-010 answered lazily while arching his back into your touch. More often than not the male would melt under your care and you couldn’t help but wonder just how lonely it was to be neither a human nor a machine. “She is dead now.” He whispered darkly, secretly hoping it wouldn’t reach your ear, yet it did. “Who is dead?” You questioned him after a while, stroking his wet locks until you heard him moan. You were getting better and better at provoking a reaction from the cyborg and despite knowing it was manipulative and a little devious, he was still the ruthless owner who held your one and only life in his palms. You needed to be sneaky if you wanted a safe, comfortable life.
 “My mother.” Kyle added quickly before looking at the blue ceiling, the glossy material copying both of your reflections. The mention of the woman made the sensitive skin of his nape crawl but he kept talking. “The crazy bitch used to beat me every. She even tried to kill me a couple of times.” A slight smile appeared on his full red lips. “It didn’t work out in the end, unfortunately.” So that’s where the cuts were from – he had been violated in his childhood by no other than the person supposed to look after him. You had always hated abusive parents taking advantage of their authority and even now your own imagination made your heart ache at the picture it painted. A small boy being hit over and over until there his whole body was bruised and bloodied. A child with no one to turn to. It didn’t excuse your master’s evil doing but it certainly explained a lot. “Don’t make such a sad face, darling.” He cooed at you, reaching out to pinch your cheek. “I will always be grateful to the Forces since they gave me the power I needed to finally free myself from her grasp. I even buried her myself after everything was said and done.” Kyle grinned from side to side like a little kid waiting to be praised for the picture they had drawn, except now the man was speaking of the way he had murdered his mother. You were at a total loss of words, suddenly too frightened to respond.
 “What’s so special about being a human anyways?” The cyborg grumbled, sounding almost offended of the words you still haven’t said but were definitely thinking deep down. You were staring forward unable to draw away from that one crack in the wall, his words flying above your head. Your confusion was interrupted by the man quickly raising to his knees and catching both of your hands with his strong robotized ones. The cold touch of the metal combined with the camouflage of a soft skin was enough to mess your mind even further into the maze that was his dark gaze. Next thing you knew the male had you pinned on the hard ground, spotlessly clean and reeking of abstergent. You tried to squirm away but the hold of your wrists was too tight and strong to even make your struggling worth the trouble. “Just look at how weak you humans are.” K-010 taunted you, smirking teasingly, cruelly, yet there was something desperate in his eyes, something hidden. “You are so fragile I could probably break you if I were to press harder on your flesh.” He whispered into your ear, breathing down your neck as he dug his icy fingers into your collarbone and made you whimper pathetically at the dull pain. “People are foolish creatures, illogical by nature. They try to fight authority yet the moment they are left with a free choice, they find a way to run from their responsibilities.” The cyborg chuckled maliciously while digging his nails further into your skin.
 “We might be doomed forever because of our emotions but there is something you fail to consider.” You finally spoke out despite your rapid heartbeat and fear so great it could defeat death herself. The predator already had you in his sharp claws and there was no pointing in playing coy anymore. The worst had come to worst. Your words caught the attention of the half-robot and he licked his lips in anticipation to hear what you had to say. “Unlike the androids we can still experience love. And at the end a life without love is a life wasted in the big picture. We might be mortal but you are the ones waiting to die instead of living.” You spat at the man fiercely, ready to face any punishment he would bestow upon your weak tired body for the sheer honesty. Instead he started laughed maniacally, the sound so loud it hit the ceiling and echoed through the house like a pained scream and so violent his shoulders shook to the sides. For the first time his eyes were glowing in a bright red color so saturated and vivid you couldn’t stand to look at them.
 “This is really funny, my little human.” Kyle pronounced carefully, having calmed down. He lowered his head so that his lips were ghosting over yours, just brushing against them. “I belong with neither humans nor robots so why does my chest ache every time I look at you? Tell me, darling, am I in love?” His voice was harsh, husky – as if he was purposely trying to sound evil but the tears in his eyes pointed at another feeling. A raw painful feeling.
 You couldn’t reply not only because you had no idea what to say after the confession but also because you couldn’t breathe properly with his pretty, wicked face so close to yours. Your silence only managed to stir the cyborg up further into his madness and he kissed you roughly, hungrily lapping and biting at your lips until they were sore and bruised, the robotic man more than happy to lick the small drops of blood off. For a moment you considered kicking or shouting for help but there wasn’t anyone willing to in the radius of kilometers. No one of significance cared much about the few remaining mortals. “I could never love you.” You uttered weakly, half – heartedly pushing the man away. You were all alone in this and there wasn’t really a point in fighting someone so much bigger and stronger, yet a sad little part of you hoped that Kyle would leave you alone if you made it clear enough just how much his actions were hurting you.
  “It’s fine if you don’t love me by choice.” Your master replied calmly in a cold piercing voice. His hands were wandering through your form stopping at your hips to draw them into his. The pretty dress you used to like so much was now crumpled and reeking of him, torn apart from your shivering body and thrown away. You wished you could cry but all the adrenaline had left you too uneasy to process the pain and fear. Kyle whispered in your ear while stroking your hair gently and it made you feel like a trembling sheep before a starved butcher. “I own you, little human.” He placed a small kiss on your hot sensitive neck. “And I have enough love for both of us.”
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sepublic · 4 years
Season 2 Teaser for The Owl House?
           So for those of you who haven’t caught up; A few days ago, Dana released an exclusive photo of herself on Instagram, with a cryptically-blurred reflection in her window that was all too conveniently-placed;
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           Now, this COULD just be some game she’s playing, but like; Reverse-image searches have yielded nothing, and it hurts no one to speculate! Thanks to @50shades-of-blue, who had the common sense to remember to flip the reflection, we have something more akin to THIS;
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           This image bears a decent resemblance to a sequence from the show’s intro, in terms of structuring; We have characters divided and separated by golden bars. This points to Dana’s image being a shot from a new intro for Season 2, either one for an entire season, or a single episode. I say this, because looking at the subject matter… On the very left, we see something vaguely blue, and similar in resemblance to a bile sac;
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           This could actually be the Titan’s heart, image below for reference;
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           Not only that, but as Blue’s helpful tracing points out, the other two figures in the ‘slots’ bear a resemblance to Owl Mask and Kikimora, the latter having the fingers of her hand-hair splayed out, and the former appearing to take off their mask.
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           What little we see of Owl Mask bears a decent-enough resemblance to the Season 2 character that Dana teased, further cementing a connection between the two. Not only that, but we get a glimpse of five (possibly six) colorful symbols above the three character slots, each likely pertaining to the Coven Heads, as shown by Blue’s earlier tracing.
           In particular, you can tell the blue symbol has the same distinctive, U-shaped horns of the Healing Head; And the green symbol bears enough resemblance to the Plant Head, with their dark-green bangs covering most of their lighter-green face. Combined with symbols that seem similar to the Construction, Beastkeeping, and Oracle Heads, the exact layout we’ve seen so far coincidentally seems to match the banner layout seen in The First Day;
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           You have from left to right; The Construction, Plant, Beastkeeping, Bard, and Healing Heads! Now, if you look to the very right of the image, there also seems to be a sixth symbol, a bit lower than the others, with what appears to be a purple coloration; This is likely the Oracle Head, especially since it matches with the aforementioned placement of the banners. Now, exact positioning beside, we also know that there are three more symbols obscured, the ones for the Abominations, Potions, and Illusion Heads. If we go by the pattern established by the rest of the image, with the Heads at either end of the display being placed lower than the rest, and the rest being shown in an up-down pattern… Then it seems we more or less have the vast majority of this mysterious screenshot, with some of it blacked out!
           As others such as @preciseprose​ have suggested, there’s a good chance that this is a screen transition, hence why only a specific corner and portion is obscured; Because if this shot parallels the one seen in the Season 1 intro with Willow, Gus, and Amity, which burns away in the middle to reveal King… Then it makes sense that a similar transition would happen with this show, perhaps obscuring from the outside-in this time as a contrast.
           Now, what’s interesting is that this style of shot, once reserved for protagonists and friends/peers of Luz, is now being designated towards lesser-known antagonists associated with the Emperor’s Coven. While this could just be how the Season 2 intro works, with Gus, Willow, and Amity appearing later or earlier, likely closer to Luz; It does make me and others wonder if we’ll get a dedicated intro to the Emperor’s Coven with Belos, front-and-center! I’ve talked at enormous length in the past of Luz and Belos being parallels… And it’d match other Disney TVA shows, such as Gravity Falls, Ducktales, or Amphibia, who had villainous takeovers for their shows’ intros as well!
           This could of course allude to an episode with a heavy focus on the members of the Coven System, specifically Belos and his aides Owl Mask and Kikimora, as well as the Head witches of the Covens he appointed and presumably trusts. This is of course all fascinating and has me even MORE intrigued, but also; The placement of the Titan’s heart alongside Owl Mask and Kikimora suggests its treatment as its own character as well… Which, if it’s a giant heart, it presumably represents and operates as a stand-in for the Titan, perhaps the conduit with which Belos even speaks to it (and vice-versa?) through! AKA the Heart represents the Titan, it IS the Titan, which then suggests that this Emperor’s Coven triumvirate consists of the Titan, Owl Mask, and Kikimora…
           But that’s not the only consideration! I’ve talked before about character parallels in this show… We have Luz and Amity, Eda and Lilith, Owlbert and Lilith’s palisman. I’ve speculated on King and Kikimora being parallels, and even Hooty and Belos… But that always made me wonder; What about Willow and Gus? Do THEY have parallels, associated with the Coven System and its Emperor? And for a while I entertained Warden Wrath and Owl Mask, but lo and behold; I may be right, at least about one of those two, and also in general about parallels! Because if we compare the placements… We have the Titan and Willow, Owl Mask and Gus, and Amity and Kikimora!
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           Owl Mask being a parallel to Gus is interesting, because they’re operating as a spy for Belos; And presumably, Illusionists would be great at stealth. I wouldn’t be surprised if Owl Mask used Illusions, albeit to disguise and mask their own presence; A parallel and contrast to Gus, who uses Illusions to create and draw attention and spectacle! Not only that, but it makes me wonder if Owl Mask is also a child prodigy like Gus, if they have issues with being overlooked, and as a contrast to Gus, they’ve embraced this instead of fighting against it…? And Owl Mask is sent to spy on Luz the human, perhaps a parallel to Gus’ own fascination with humans…?
           Then we’ve got Willow and the Titan’s heart. Now, this one interests me… And it makes me think about how Willow is presented with a raw, innate strength, and an uncanny ability to cast magic without summoning a circle nor glyph. I’ve talked before about Willow and Belos having parallels, as they both have distinct shots with their eyes glow green; Could this parallel stem more from a connection to the Titan, than anything else? Then as @aguigenae suggested, instead of Luz (or JUST Luz) being able to speak to the Titan… What if it was Willow? It’d re-contextualize her ability to draw onto raw, magical potential through pure emotions… And similarly, a lot of her spells draw power from the Isles itself in the form of plants, and we know the Isles as synonymous with the Titan!
           With how Belos seems to draw power and spells from the Isles, albeit with fleshy and stone formations… Perhaps Willow serves as a parallel and foil, creating constructs from the Isles as well, but in the form of plantlife! Her being able to speak to plants might provide a medium to contact the Isles they’re rooted in… And as I said before, Willow has shown an unusual ability with magic not unlike how Belos can cast magic, but through his unique form of spheres and orbs. If Willow is associated with the Titan’s heart, perhaps she could speak to it in a way that Belos can’t- Perhaps they BOTH can speak, and this will lead to a conflict with Belos, who seeks to preserve this ‘privilege’? Keep in mind that it’s Willow who openly defies Belos the most by rallying an entire crowd against him- If she’s the face of the revolution, her being able to speak to the Titan could create further parallels and odds between the two!
           Not only that, but… Talking again of Willow and the Titan’s Heart, if the two are parallels; What does this say about the Titan itself? Perhaps like Willow, it’s a being with raw magical power, easily terrifying, and with a connection to nature (as it IS nature in its case). If these characters are dark parallels, then what if the Titan was like Inner Willow, wrathful and fully exploring its dangerous power, having felt harmed and hurt, twisted…
           But what if it was also a Willow who never learned to stand up for herself? A powerful, dangerous witch… But with no true self-esteem, no believe in themselves? What if the Titan was like a Dark Willow, and this self-doubt was what allowed Belos to manipulate it? I’ve speculated before that perhaps Belos has managed to sway and influence the Titan into seeing his way as the right way to handle magic… If it was a dark parallel to Willow, perhaps the Titan is hopeless, thinking there’s nothing it can do to oppose Belos, feeling like it’s smarter than him, as a toxic friend with control; Think Anne and Sasha from Amphibia!
           We might even get a scene paralleling Willow and Amity’s first appearance, with how Amity condescendingly mocks Willow, albeit with potential, if misguided, good intentions. Perhaps Belos is like this- He’s cruel and manipulative of the Titan, but he also genuinely believes in what he’s doing, that this IS the best for the Isles, and that this is how the Titan should have its magic be utilized and taught. But, in absence of Amity, we see Willow’s true feelings of resentment and anger that have bottled up… So what if the Titan was like that with Belos, except dialed up? What if the Titan hates Belos or wants to see him defeated, but isn’t entirely sure if he’s wrong, either…
           So to get into blind speculation, what if- What if the Titan has tried to create a new champion? By going behind Belos’ back and communicating with a new, younger witch, perhaps one that reminds it of Belos before he turned corrupt… What if the Titan is contacting Luz and/or Willow? Hoping to find someone else who will actually speak for them, not just talk over as Belos possibly is doing? Maybe the Titan is trying to foster a new witch, an alternative champion to depose Belos or take over; Or have Belos and Luz/Willow compete, to prove to the Titan who has the best philosophy to magic through their own respective victories?
           And if Belos were to find out… Well, I imagine he might do something drastic to the Titan. He has control and access to its heart- Could he torture it in retaliation, perhaps causing quakes across the Isles that echo the Titan’s throes of agony? Would Belos do something drastic to prevent the Titan from helping Luz/Willow, adversely affecting the Boiling Isles in the process? Similarly, if Belos is a toxic friend to the Titan, perhaps there’s symbolism to his castle built around the Titan’s heart… Kudos to @fermented-writers-block​ for some of these ideas;
          Perhaps it could be interpreted as Belos having an iron grip over its heart, or the Titan building up walls around its heart –thanks to Belos’ encouragement- and letting in only Belos…? Alas, Belos is the one who convinces the Titan to hide itself away and let only him in, because only HE cares, only he knows best… And yet, he’s the one who helped build those walls that the Titan hides within. Ultimately, his castle MUST fall- Especially if it’s being used to exploit and manipulate the Titan’s heart in other, literal ways as well…
          Finally, let’s talk Amity and Kikimora sharing placements. There is of course the obvious implication of romantic feelings, but also… What if, instead, there was this idea of Belos being like Luz to Amity, for Kiki? For Amity, Luz was an outsider who came out of nowhere and changed her life for the better, helped her stand up for herself- What if Belos was that to Kikimora? What if he was an outsider, a human even (before he changed and decayed) that changed Kikimora’s life forever after he appeared from nowhere… The two starting to a prickly start, before truly caring for each other? As Belos encouraged Kikimora to stand up for herself, eventually culminating in her own life improving(?) as Kiki is now second only to him, the Emperor of the Boiling Isles! It might explain why he seems to trust her so much- The two genuinely care for each other and Kikimora feels like she owes everything to him…
           And, to incorporate my own analysis/speculation of Amity; Perhaps Kikimora has placed all of her sense of self-worth into Belos, about how she can help him, because only HE ever made her feel like something! What if as a toxic parallel to Luz and Amity, Kikimora has lowkey become dependent upon Belos- Who, while kind to Kikimora… Kiki still has placed all of her self-esteem not in herself, but in Belos’ approval of her. And while Belos DOES approve and provide support, it’s still dangerously dependent and shows that Kikimora can’t really stand for herself, that she needs someone else as a litmus test to judge her worth as a person.
          Finally, we know Amity is the least talented compared to Willow and Gus; Given how we have the literal Titan and Owl Mask, compared to Kikimora, who caves into Luz’s threats… It’s possible Kikimora is the least powerful amongst the Titan and Owl Mask, but has made up for it with raw determination and skill? After all, she presumably cast the magical cage that all of Luz’s efforts wouldn’t have been able to defeat. Perhaps like Amity, Kikimora had to work hard to prove herself, to earn respect; And like Amity in Episode 3, Kikimora feels a desperate need to hold onto that sense of accomplishment and superiority, and can and WILL retaliate viciously when it’s threatened. To Kikimora, she’s dedicated everything into making up for her own shortcomings, just like Amity- So she despises cheaters, or at least people who undermine that work.
           (I know what some may be thinking- Isn’t Kikimora a King parallel? Well, these parallels work in multiple ways… Amity parallels Luz, but then so too does Belos, presumably. I wouldn’t be surprised if Amity was both a parallel to Luz AND Kikimora, then.)
           And, that’s my general thoughts, analysis, and speculation, all based from this reflection we’ve seen! It’s possible Dana is trolling us, by accident or otherwise, with a videogame screenshot… But hey- It doesn’t hurt anyone if we’re wrong, I say! It’s all in good fun… Besides, if it WAS a teaser from Season 2, and we didn’t give our shot, then we’d all feel like idiots! We may as well take our chance and analyze, because- Just in case…!
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mgsapphire · 3 years
Ethics and morality... and how they're not the same...
Weird title, and I don't even know if I'll properly approach this one with all the topics I wish to this discuss in today's The Devil Judge essay, because a lot of things peaked my interest, I was debating on doing a separate post for each subject, but I'll do them all in here:
Starting simple
I know we're only 4 episodes in, but I want to break down the things that I often look for in a new show:
Character building
Plot devices
Social commentary (sometimes)
Of course, these are things most people would consider basics, but I find that a lot of TV shows don't have enough balance in them. Also, cinematography and soundtrack are pretty up there for me because when a plot gets slow, or something like that, I stay for those two (biggest example: King Eternal Monarch).
The soundtrack in The Devil Judge is amazing and the cinematography can be a character of its own. They really get me hooked and are used as tools to properly tell a story. And I'll get into that further down this post.
The onlooker will never understand the actor
Experience is your best friend not only applies to job hunting, but it's true in the real world too. You can't truly weigh in on something unless you've experienced it yourself, you can give it your judgment and everything, but when bad things happen to someone, you'll never truly understand their pain. Am I bringing up because of the difference of mind in Judge Kang and Judge Kim's opinions? On how the public treated the minister's son? No. I'm talking about a very specific scene, where the cinematography told me to think that way and not the dialogue (it's that easy for my mind to be swayed). In episode 3, when the rich are about to dine right after the foundation's commercial for a better future, we see this aerial shot:
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What's interesting about this? The seclusion and the enclosed feeling it conveys as a counterpart to the poverty shots we were just shown. Yet, these are the people making ads for a better future, what do they know?
They live comfortably behind concrete walls with no windows to see what goes on apart from the bubble they live in. This idea is further enforced at the party in episode 4, where they're not even a part of the donations, and watch and mock from afar as spectators. Yet, these people call the shots. They even call it commenting, as if they were watching the pain of others on TV.
The intriguing personality and the duality it encites
Now, this was a costume and wardrobe decision, but it was also very well thought of:
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Judge Kim wears white and Judge Kang wears black. One is morally perceived by viewers of the show as morally good and the other is perceived as morally dubious at best. However, besides the costume and wardrobe thought put into this, we also have to think about the delivery of this scene and how it may further affect my detailing of this section. Judge Kang brings down the coats, and hangs over the coat to Judge Kim, he's the one who is making that annotation: You're pure, I'm tainted. This can have one of two interpretations:
Either Judge Kang believes Judge Kim to be pure and innocent due to his status as a rookie in the field
Or he believes Judge Kim to be morally white and himself morally black as he's looking at his brother's face and not at Judge Kim's heart.
Because most of the back story we're unveiling is through Judge Kim's perception, there's also an inherit bias we're having as well, because in Judge Kim narrative, he believes he's doing what's right and believes Judge Kang to be evil. In being served information about Judge Kang through Judge Kim's eyes, our bias is inherently skewed.
Another thing is that, when they put on the coat, they're standing in front of the other, as if the producers of this series are telling us they're two sides of the same coin.
The duality is made in more deceitful ways, which include:
A difference of classes that implies one has suffered while the other has not.
A difference of experience that implies one is more tainted while the other is pure.
A difference of age that implies one is a sly fox while the other one is is bunny about to be eaten.
A difference of temper that makes one erratic and the other logical.
Power dynamics
This one, in this one I could make a whole thesis based on just a couple of scenes in the drama. And you know I have to mention it: director Jung being the puppeteer.
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It may not be as unexpected at first, nevertheless it brings forward a lot of things I've wished to touch upon for quite some time now. A woman being a puppeteer of an old man in the portrayed dystopia that The Devil Judge is painting makes much more sense than more common demonstrations of these dynamics where it's either a:
A man of power being controlled by a bigger man of power.
A man of power being controlled by a seemingly man of a lower status.
A woman being controlled by a man of power.
Although, there's nothing wrong with those power dynamics, and if they were to be used, a message could also be conveyed, this one in particular works as a megaphone.
A subversion of power in such a way can be interpreted as a true indication of the weak overcoming the powerful. Why? It is not that woman are naturally weaker than men, but that in society, patriarchy has been a big factor in taking voice away from women in order to give it to men.
In order for Director Jung to achieve her purposes, it's smarter for her to do it under the pretense that an old rich man in power is the one calling the shots.
This is better exemplified by her stance when the old man tries to excuse his behavior, and what her moral compass is. I'm not saying I agree with her unethical conduct, but that her morality is directly impacted by the perception of the public of her as a weak woman:
Just because a dog bites a human does the person get dirty?
This is telling on how she perceives the actions of the old man in gropping the waitress. She didn't do anything wrong, even if you touched her, you are the dirty one.
While she's evil, it's a refreshing and deep evil.
The public's opinion and how there's actually logic in the show's portrayal
The public opinion can make or break a person, even if it's not on a public trial like this. While "cancel culture" barely works in today's society, a person's reputation is forever tainted. The show does tell that, but it also exhibits the scary downside of it, by showing how easily it was to make people accept flaggelation as a fitting punishment.
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There are many experiments that have tried to test the effect of societal pressure on an individual's decision and the effect of the authority's enforcement of power in the outcome of these decisions. Furthermore, theories based on analysis of human behavior not necessarily relying on experiments can also help break this down. What do I mean? Here's a small attempt at explaining:
Milgram Experiment on Authority: which measured the individual willingness to carry out actions that go against their conscience due to an authority's approval.
Argument from Authority; The idea that people are more likely to use an authority's opinion on something as an argument for their reason. This is often seen in science, where trusted authorities have done the research and offer it to the public. In here, authority bias also plays a role, as we often believe, at first, that an authority must be right.
Moral disengagement: basically speaking, because this is evil or bad, I'm not part of it and I most probably am not actively participating in it. One may disengage by moral justification, which means that before engaging in something that has been previously perceived as immoral, I'm changing my stance on it based on what I tell myself to be logical arguments. This particular form of moral disengagement is very effective in changing the public opinion. I'll be touching on another form further down this post.
Other factors played a part, but these ones in particular came to mind when public flagelation as a form of corporeal punishment was wildly accepted. First, an authority is the one telling them it's correct, to go ahead. Secondly, another authority (the minister) had previously shown approval to such unusual punishment. Thirdly, they are not the ones to be engaging directly in the act, and even if they were, it would be acceptable because an authority has told them so. They may even believe the punishment to be a necessary evil for the greater good.
In fact, the minister's son was actually correct when pleading his case, they were accepting it because it wouldn't affect them directly.
Regarding the cinematographic descent of the public opinion regarding the situation can better be exemplified by the old man we've seen through the episodes.
Does suffering justify misdeeds?
Today I came along the difference between excuse and reason. You may give a reason for your behavior, but it doesn't excuse it.
Not because I've suffered through shit, means I have to make you suffer too.
I may explain myself, but it's on the other side to excuse me.
Why I hate the unreliable narrator and why I love it so much
This story has been told mostly through the eyes of Judge Kim and what he hears and sees regarding Judge Kang, if anything, the narrative is very close to that of the narrative we've seen in The Great Gatsby. An enigmatic man is being narrated to us from the eye of a man who hasn't known him for a long time.
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How is that an unreliable narrator? The narrator has their own set of bias and moral standards which function as lenses through which they see the world.
Another way of putting it would be the way teenage romances are often written in a first person narrative where either of the two teenagers is the narrator, so the author can sell to us something as simple as offering a pack of gum as the most romantic act on earth. We're perceiving interactions through rose tainted glasses.
In this case, we're seeing the interactions through Judge Kim's eyes who doesn't trust Judge Kang from the get go due to his own preset bias.
The narrative becomes even more unreliable as we're not exactly sure if what Judge Kang disclosed himself is a fact.
The reason why I love this narrative is because it leaves a lot of space to make simple plot twists to a narrative and make them seem grand, and can elongate a story without making it obvious.
The reason why I hate it is because sometimes, in tv shows mostly, we as viewers can see the other side of the story and grow increasingly frustrated with the main character's prejudice and misunderstandings (I'm looking at you my beloved Beyond Evil).
Also, because I have to wait for a long time before I actually have a clear picture of it.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
VALERIE - Part II. (Harry Styles)
thank you so much for all the love you have showed to the first part of valerie! im so happy you are just as excited about the story as i am so i hope i won’t let you down.
if you are enjoying the story please make sure to give it a like and reblog so it can reach even more people and of course as always im more than happy to read your thoughts and comments on the part!
word count: 3.9k
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Working on a major report you have to finish by the end of the week, you are completely focused on your computer’s screen when your phone buzzes on the desk next to the keyboard. You grab it and answer the call without even checking the screen.
“Y/N,” you say into the phone.
“What’s your size?”
Harry’s voice pushes you out of focus as you grimace unintentionally.
“Since when do you have my number? And what the Hell are you talking about?”
“Since I asked for it from your sister,” he tells you matter-of-factly. “And I’m asking you what size shirts you wear.”
“Why do you need to know that?”
“Because I’m trying to dress up as you for Halloween.” Your eyes widen at his comment, but soon enough he continues. “Because I found cute matching shirts for godparents and a goddaughter and I wanna buy it, but I don’t know your size.”
“Oh,” you say, finally understanding the situation. “What kind of shirts?”
“It’s Fairy Godparents themed, thought it would be funny to wear it at maybe Christmas or something. But only if you are up for it.”
“Yeah, sounds fine,” you nod and give him a little guide to what sizes you usually wear, letting him decide which information he needs for the shirt he wants to buy.
“Have you thought about what you are buying for Val for Christmas?” he asks once you put the topic of your size aside.
“Harry, it’s the middle of October. I don’t even think about Christmas presents until the 15th of December,” you let out a tired sigh.
No matter how bad you want to start shopping in time every year, you have failed every time so far, no exception.
“This proves that I’m the better godparent,” he huffs on the other end of the line.
“It’s not a competition, Harry,” you roll your eyes.
“But if it was, I would be winning. Anyway, I might go a little overboard with the present, so if I end up ordering something big, are you interested in teaming up? I don’t like to give the biggest present on my own, makes it feel like I’m bragging.”
“But you kind of are bragging.”
“That’s besides the point. So, do you want to share or not?”
“I guess we could,” you shrug your shoulders leaning back in your seat. Your legs feel numb as you finally straighten them under the desk, you haven’t even realized how long you’ve been sitting there, eyes glued to the screen.
“Perfect. Is that all?” you ask, not because you are impatient to leave the conversation, it’s been kind of pleasant, you just have a lot to do.
“So you’re really going on that blind date on Friday?”
You furrow your eyebrows at the sudden change in the topic and how boldly he just asked you about your private life. This was the last thing you expected from him.
“Why does that have anything to do with you?”
“Was just asking,” he says and you can see him shrugging his shoulders. “It’s an odd thing.”
“For you. I’m fine with it.”
“Are you though?”
“Why does that matter to you?”
“It doesn’t,” he simply answers. “At least there will be something to make a joke out of next time we meet,” he snorts and you roll your eyes at his comment. Now that sounded more like Harry.
“Unless you won’t have any information about it.”
“You seem to forget Steven gossips like a little girl and I can also have my ways with Rosa too. I’ll have the details before you even get home after the date.”
“You are so full of yourself, Styles,” you sigh, shaking your head.
“Yeah, and it seems like you were also full of me one time.”
“Go to Hell,” you spat, mocking his British accent that just makes him laugh. “If you are done making a joke out of me I’d like to get back to work.”
“Whatever, Love. We both know you just want to get away from this conversation so I don’t roast you even more.”
“Bye, Harry!” you sing before ending the line without even waiting for an answer. Harry Styles once again proved how talented he is in getting on your nerves.
 Marcus turns out to be a great company and you are finally sending your kudos to your sister for setting you up with a hot guy who is also smart enough to keep up the conversation and not bore you out of your pants.
He took you to a fancy restaurant that’s in the building of a hotel, a place you normally never go to, because it’s pretty much out of your budget, but Marcus was persistent on going there and paying for dinner. After the starter awkwardness you soon cool down and maybe that wine he ordered has helped you relax too. Marcus tells you about himself and then you do the same, just covering the usual fields of your life.
“I have to admit, when Rosa said she wants to set me up with her little sister I was hesitant at first,” he chuckles softly when your dishes finally arrive.
“You’re not alone with that.”
“Does she set you up often?”
You shake your head. “No, there was just one other time, but the guy was horrible, I have no idea why Rosa thought we would be a match.”
“I hope I’ve been better than him,” Marcus chuckles.
You hear your phone buzzing in your purse and at first you just ignore it, but when it goes off two more times you sigh and reach for your purse.
“Sorry, I forgot to mute it completely,” you excuse yourself as you grab your phone and your plan was just to mute it, but then you see that you got three texts from Harry and your curiosity doesn’t let you slide over it so you quickly check them.
“Well done with your outfit.”
“Gives a great view of your legs.”
“Is it also this tight on your ass?”
You run over the messages two more times, staring at your phone in complete confusion. What is he talking about? How does he know what you are wearing?
“Is everything alright?” Marcus asks and you snap your eyes back at him.
“I, uhh—Yes, everything is fine, it’s just that…”
As your gaze runs over the place your anger immediately boils inside you when you spot that familiar grin at the bar. Harry is sitting right there with a scotch in his hand that he raises when you spot him. There’s another guy with him who you don’t know, but it seems like he is more focused on you than his friend.
“For fuck’s sake…” you breathe out clenching your jaw. “Excuse me for a second,” you tell Marcus who just curiously eyes you as you slide out of your seat and head over to the bar. As you march over to the grinning Harry you are literally fuming, ready to kill him right then and there.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you snap at him trying to keep your voice down. You wouldn’t want to make a scene for sure.
“Having a drink, what does it seem like?” he asks innocently, but his face tells you otherwise.
“How did you know I would be here?”
“Why do you think I went into such depths as finding out where your blind date would be? Can’t I be here by accident?”
“Nothing about you is an accident except the fact that I ever found you charming enough to sleep with you,” you growl back and earn a laugh from his friend. Harry wasn’t expecting such a harsh response for sure, you can tell it surprised him, but he doesn’t let it push him out of his cocky act.
“Was it Rosa and Steven?” you ask, folding your arms on your chest.
“What if both?” he asks smugly and God! You just want to smack him across the face.
“Why are you here, Harry?” you narrow your eyes at him.
“Maybe I just want those details first handed. It’s funnier to witness it all.”
“You know what? I don’t think that’s the truth. The reason why you are here is because you are afraid someone might treat me right and that I might have an experience that would just make you appear like an even bigger asshole than what you already are.”
Harry chuckles looking away from you, but you can tell you just wounded his confidence big time, so you decide to take it further.
“I made a mistake with hooking up with you, but I’m smarter now and I don’t start with little boys like you. I know my worth and what I deserve so I’d really appreciate it if you could move on and let me be. I know it’s hard to forget about me, but you’ll have to try.”
You mentally highfive yourself, because this time you actually made him shut his mouth, he has no retort as he opens his mouth but then closes it back. Flashing him one last bitter smile you turn around and walk back to your date and make sure Harry has a nice view of your ass. He can have one nice thing after getting so burned.
 Your little scene with Harry doesn’t ruin your date, especially because not long after you made his jaw drop to the floor he decided it’s best if he just leaves quietly. By the time you finished eating he was nowhere to be seen.
However you keep thinking about why he even chose to come there. It was way over that healthy line of picking on someone and being an annoying stalker. It’s one thing wanting to know the awkward details about your date, but showing up was definitely just too much.
Part of you was expecting him to call you the next day, maybe apologize, but more like to make a joke out of the whole thing but you don’t hear a word from him and it makes it easier for you to forget about it pretty fast.
A week later you are having dinner over at Rosa’s, just the three of you plus baby Valerie who you keep in your arms the whole night, not able to get enough of her cuteness.
“I knew you two would hit it off,” Rosa sighs with a proud smile and Steven just rolls his eyes at his wife.
“It was alright, yeah,” you nod with a soft chuckle. You just told them about your date with Marcus and you can tell Rosa feels like she just hit the jackpot. After that disastrous try you had last time Marcus was surely a change for the better.
Valerie looks up at you with her huge eyes as you flash a grimace at her, earning a short giggle before her attention diverts somewhere else. She is grabbing onto your finger, not letting go of it as if she is trying to hold herself in place by her grip.
“Funny thing, Harry showed up at the restaurant too.”
Rosa almost chokes on her water and Steven starts to cough very suspiciously. Glancing up at them you can tell they are both to blame Harry had any information about where Marcus was taking you.
“Really? That’s… odd,” Rosa clears her throat.
“Is it though? You don’t have to pretend like you had nothing to do with it.”
“I’m sorry, but he just makes you talk so easily, he always gets what he wants,” Rosa sighs, clearly feeling guilty about it. “But I didn’t think he would actually show up. I thought he was just curious.”
“Did he cause a lot of trouble?” Steven asks, worried his friend gave you a hard time. He is not wrong, but it’s not your intention to throw dirt on Harry.
“It was just awkward. I don’t see why he came there,” you admit, shaking your head as you adjust baby Valerie in your arms so she is sitting now on your lap, looking around the table curiously.
You catch a look Rosa and Steve shares and you immediately know something is up.
“What? Do you know something I don’t?”
“No, we definitely don’t,” Rosa shakes her head, fingers running up and down the glass in her hands. “I just… there could be one reason I think he went there for.”
“What is that?”
“You don’t want me to say it out loud, it’s silly, let’s just forget about it,” she tries to end the discussion, but there’s no way you let it slip.
“I was just thinking, that… considering the past you two have, he might have been… jealous?”
“That’s literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard,” you scoff as you turn to Valerie. “Did your momma lose her mind, Princess?”
Valerie just looks at you curiously before smacking her little hands on the edge of the table, completely ignoring the conversation.
“I told you, you wouldn’t like this idea, but this is what I thought about.”
“Then stop thinking about it. There’s absolutely no way this is what it was about. Besides, our past is irrelevant. He was literally the biggest jerk to me when he had a chance with me. Why would have he blown that just to be up in my business now all jealous?”
“I didn’t say it doesn’t have any plot holes, but it could be a reason,” Rosa adds while Steven just hums next to her, not really taking part in the conversation.
Soon enough Steven takes Valerie up to put her to sleep while you and Rosa stay downstairs. You have moved on from Harry, but your mind keeps wandering back to him so you find yourself bringing him up again.
“What do you think about Harry? Aside from everything I’ve told you.”
You’ve always been curious how other people see him, since you had a very strong opinion on the guy that was tainted by everything that happened between the two of you.
Rosa takes her time thinking of her answer and you wait for her patiently. Leaning onto the table she rests her arms on it turning to face you.
“From what I’ve seen from him, he is a very loyal, caring and loving person. He and Steven have been friends for so long and Steven always told me how he could count on him no matter what and he has been proving the same to me. Have I told you he was the reason I got to wear the dress I dreamed of on my wedding?”
“What?” you ask surprised. “I didn’t know that.”
“Basically, I had that dress and a cheaper one held in the store until the day before the wedding. I knew we couldn’t afford the expensive one, but I guess I was hoping until the last minute for a miracle to happen and it seems like Harry was that. Steven asked him to pick the cheaper dress up because he was caught up with work that day. He told him specifically to bring the cheaper one and leave the other there. But when he arrived with the dress in the morning when I was getting ready, he had the expensive one. He said the lady asked which one he needed and when he said the cheaper one, the lady seemed sad and told him how much I loved the other one but I even told her I couldn’t afford it. Harry didn’t hesitate to pay for the difference the dress had over the cheaper one. I started crying the moment I saw that he had the one I loved and I was also panicking that I won’t be able to pay back to him.”
You listen to her in awe. It surely is a side of Harry you haven’t had the luck to see in the act, though you felt like you had a glimpse of it before the night of the wedding took a heated and then a quite sad turn later on. The Harry you got to know in the very beginning was the same Rosa was just talking about.
“Harry told me he won’t take my money, no matter how hard I tried to make a deal with him, he made his mind up and didn’t let me change it. I knew then that everything Steven told me about him is true. And I know he can be a cocky fucker sometimes,” she chuckles making you smile as well, “but he has a heart of gold for sure. And this is why I agreed when Steven told me he wants him to be the godfather. I want Val to learn from him, to look up to him, because I really think he can have an amazing impact on her.
“Listen,” she sighs leaning back in her seat and you watch her curiously. “I know that the two of you hate each other with passion, but… you can’t do it forever.”
You let out a long sigh looking down at your lap. It’s one of those sisterly talks when she’ll share her wisdom with you and you’ll just know she’s right. Rosa is always right. Well, mostly.
“I wasn’t there, I don’t know how he acted or what he told you exactly, but he is family now and one of you will have to take the first step. You’re wasting energy on the constant fighting, but I really believe you could work together as a team. I know it’s not just on you, I’ll try to have a talk with him as well. No matter what I think about why he showed up at your date, it was still an ass move. I’m just asking you to… be patient with him and maybe only say out loud half the insults you address to him in your head. That would be a nice start,” she chuckles and reaching over her hand squeezes yours as you nod quietly.
It almost hurts you how right she is. It doesn’t matter how pissed you are at Harry for everything he did and said in the past, you can’t keep on playing his ridiculous game forever. It consumes too much energy and time when you could just be neutral and coexist with each other happily in Valerie’s life. She doesn’t deserve to grow up seeing her godparents hate each other with a passion, that’s just not right. This time you gotta suck it up and move on from what happened, but everyone knows it can only happen if he cooperates as well. You can only hope he’ll take Rosa’s advice and show a nicer side of his face to you.
The room was exactly like battlefield, makeup and hair products laid on every possible surface as all the bridesmaids were getting ready, two hairstylists working on the girls while a third one was perfecting Rosa’s loose curls. Grabbing your dress you looked around for a possible corner where you could change since you were finished with hair and makeup, but you saw no free spot, so you had to be creative.
“I’ll go get changed in one of the other rooms,” you told Rosa before you walked out, down the hallway looking for an open and empty room you could use as a changing room for just two minutes.
Luckily you found one just two doors down the room Rosa and the girls were getting ready and taking a look around you made sure no one saw you sneak in there. It seemed once it was used as a smaller conference room, but now it was filled with boxes and extra chairs, looking more like a storage room. It was just fine for a quick change.
You quickly got rid of your plain shirt and jeans along with your bra since the dress had one sewed into it. You stood there, already in your dress as you were trying to get the zipper up, but it seemed like it got stuck.
“Great,” you grumbled, still jumping around hoping to find an angle where it slides right up, but it was stubbornly staying in the same spot. You were just about to gather your stuff and go back to the bride’s room and have someone zip you up when the door flew open and a tall, curly haired guy appeared with a suit on a hanger on his arm and a pair of shiny shoes in his other hand.
You jumped at the stranger’s arrival and he seemed just as surprised to see someone here as you were.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t expect anyone to be here.”
His British accent was thick through his words and it immediately made you think that he must be Harry, Steven’s best friend. You’ve heard about him before but never actually got the chance to meet him. Now standing in front of him with your back almost fully exposed you can’t help but feel a little shy. He surely has an intimidatingly handsome face and physique that shows even though his loose hoodie.
“I just snuck in here to get changed, I was just about to leave,” you explained yourself, holding your previous clothes to your chest along with the front of the dress so it didn’t fall.
“Your dress is… unzipped,” he pointed it out with a soft chuckle and you looked over your shoulder as if you had to check it for yourself, but you knew it well it was in fact unzipped.
“Oh, yeah. The zipper got stuck, I’ll just… have one of the girls help me.”
“Come here, let me help you,” he offered and you hesitantly, but turned around to show him your back.
His hold fingers made you jump a little when he reached for the zipper.
“Sorry,” he chuckled and you just shook your head letting him know it was alright.
It took him a few tries to get the zipper going, but it finally gave in and slid all the way up. Once it reached the top Harry ran his fingers over it gently as if he sealed it, the touch of his fingertips sent a shiver down your spine.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, turning around. “I’m… Y/N by the way,” you told him, holding out a hand that he took and shook with a charming smile on his soft looking, pink lips.
“Harry. You’re Rosa’s sister, right?”
“Yeah, and you’re Steven’s best friend.”
“I am,” he chuckled. “You look a lot like Rosa, if I might say.”
“We get it a lot. It’s the eyes, I think,” you told him. You and Rosa more or less have the same eyes and maybe share a similar jawline too that makes it pretty obvious that you two are sisters.
“Two sets of pretty eyes,” he smiled and your eyebrows rose at the compliment, feeling the heat crawling up on your neck to your cheeks.
“I… better get going, so you can change too,” you told him turning away and rushing to the door before he could realize how nervous he just made you.
“See you around, Pretty Eyes!” he called out after you.
 He called you Pretty Eyes quite often that evening. Whenever you met at the bar, when he sat next to you through dinner, when the two of you talked outside, a little farther away from the people having a smoke. But the last time he called you that was when the two of you were heading to his room, he was all over you, kissing you anywhere he could, hands gripping your waist greedily as you were trying to open the door with the card he handed you in the elevator. That was the last time he called you that. You haven’t heard this nickname from him since then.
let me know if you’d like to be added or taken off!
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sinclairesimblr · 3 years
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﹤ previous - next ﹥
Marianne was clear to James when she told him he had to make an effort to bond with Giannina, after all he didn’t have much choice since she was going to live under the same roof as him. 
One morning, he approached her and asked if she wanted to feed the horses and she agreed. They both sat there in the quiet silence for a bit while she fed the horse a few apples and pet him. 
-Have you ever ridden one? -he asked, finally breaking the silence and reminding himself he needed to make an effort and not just stare at her and make her uncomfortable.
 -Yes of course I have, every lady has riding lessons. 
-And you like it? 
-I enjoy it, yes. 
-Enjoy it? Ha -James laughed- do you always sound like that? 
- Do I sound like what?- she was starting to get defensive since last time the conversation between the two of them didn’t go so well 
-Like you are not being completely honest. Correct me if I’m wrong but you always say what you believe you should say and not what you are really thinking. -even if his words sounded harsh on Nina, he was looking at her as if she was the most fascinating person to figure out, but she did not like it one bit. 
-Are you always this rude? 
-Rude? For speaking what’s on my mind? You are just proving my point then, you don’t like people speaking their truth.
-There’s quite a difference you know, between being honest and being a complete…- she stopped at that 
-A complete what? -he grinned. 
-A complete unsensitive human being. 
-Ha, see? It’s in your soul, you can’t stop doing it -he mocked.
-You know not all of us have such liberties.-she cut him off
-What do you mean now? 
-I’m a girl, and as a girl I was raised to be polite and proper. Intelligence, my opinions or my interests were not encouraged. Now, I find I cannot express what I think in front of everyone, I was raised to behave the way I’m expected to. Then yes, I have the habit of doing that, instead of saying that riding horses actually scare me, quite a lot, I’d say I enjoy it. There. Is that enough for you?
-It is, for now-he grinned-. And I trust you are smarter than that, I mean… to know you are entitled to your own opinion and you should speak it out loud whenever you feel like it. I know you want to, I can see it written all over your face when you want to say something but you restrain yourself- he said as he played with the grass between them- You can be honest with me, you know, i don’t care if you are a girl -he shrugged.
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flying-nightwing · 4 years
Throne of Blood (3/3)
Hello there! Last part of Throne of Blood, I hope you appreciated this little serie! I loved t write it tbh, it was a nice change from the usual DC stuff I write. If you want a bonus chapter, let me know! I thought about doing either a prequel for when they invaded the castle, or some headcanons if y’all have some.
Ps: I realised I kinda made Bruce to be the bad guy here, oops. Sorry about that, but to my defence, family drama was something I built toward from the beginning 😅 Full disclosure, I have nothing against Bruce and Damian pls don’t come at me
Masterlist in bio / pinned!
Pairing: King!Jason x reader x Roy
Word count: 4414
Warnings: same as the last parts (cautious nsfw) + family drama lmao
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"--and the might of the casc… cascade could never compare to the ce… cerul… cerulean of her eyes. She was his hope, the only thing he cherished, none of his posse...ssions could ever be worth as much as a minute with her"
You paused to breathe as you reached a paragraph break. You could feel Roy's relaxed stare on you, a small smile ever present on his lips. His hand was absentmindedly rubbing your knees that were lying over his thigh, while his other arm was snugly wrapped around your waist. The quiet crackling of the fireplace indicated the need to add a log, but neither of you wanted to move from your nestled position. Eventually one would have to, though, before the room grew cold. 
"I like it when you read to me" Roy hummed, almost like he hadn't meant to say it out loud. But if you knew one thing about him, it's that he carried very little shame when it came to love. He would never intend to hide his thoughts when they came, and you admired that about him. Still, you couldn't help but look down in embarrassment. 
Him and Jason had taught you to read some months after you joined them, when he passed you a map to find a town's name and you had to tell him you couldn't. Ever since, you worked often on your reading skills, leafing through whatever seemed interesting from Jason's library. But you weren't a natural, far from it. 
"I can't even pronounce all the words correctly" You mumbled. "It must be hard to follow sometimes"
He gently pushed your chin up so he could look into your eyes again. It didn't matter for one second for him that you didn't have the diction of an erudit or the flow of a poet. All he wanted was to hear your voice and watch your eyebrows knit in concentration when you butted on a difficult word. He liked the little things so much better than the finished product.
"I think it sounds perfect"
The corner of your lips rose slightly at his praise as your heart skipped a few beats. Even after all the time you spent together, he always managed to find the right word to make you love him even more, if it was possible. His constant and unconditional support was your crutch, the thing you could rely on no matter what happened, the safe space in which you would never feel judged for what you couldn't do. 
"You know" He began again when he noticed you had trouble believing what he said. You wanted to believe him, but deep inside he knew it was harder for you, and he understood all too well the feeling of not being enough. "I couldn't read either before I was taken in by my warden"
You tilted your head to the side, frowning slightly. You had never known. 
"Took me years to get average at it. And you should have seen my writing-- Hell, you should see it now, it's catastrophic" 
You couldn't help but giggle along as he laughed. It was contagious.
"It's the same with Jason--No wait, the brat actually taught himself how to read somehow" He blinked slowly, like he was still surprised by it. You weren't really, you knew Jason was even smarter than you were aware of. Than anyone was aware of. "But his writing was terrible until he got a proper tutor, that I know of for a fact"
"But his writing is so…" You trailed off, trying to find the right word. "Exquisite"
"Now who's pulling out the big words, uh?"
"Shut up" You laughed, lightly hitting his chest with the book. “Don’t mock me”
“I’m not!” He argued, giving you wide, innocent eyes. He looked too cute for his own sake. “I swear I’m not. You’re just adorable when you get all flustered”
“We better start gearing up now” You evaded the subject, clearing your throat. “Jason will be expecting us--”
“Just one more chapter” He interrupted softly, caressing your waist. “Please?”
You held his stare for a moment before you were convinced, and you nodded, a sheepish smile on your face. You opened the book to the page you had marked and found the paragraph you had stopped to. 
“As he was sitting by the window, he couldn’t help but think about the ar-arrival of the spring, only a few weeks away if nature de...cided to be kind--”
“My Lord, my Lady” 
You paused your reading and looked up. This time, it was Roy who looked the most annoyed of the two of you. 
“It’s time”
You sighed and nodded, putting down the book on the table. Roy was clearly disappointed, but he helped you nevertheless get back on your feet, being careful not to pull on your bandages too much. You were healing well for your condition, you could now walk around and sit down without much help. Still, Roy and Jason didn’t like the idea of leaving you on your own for too long, just in case someone tried to come for you. You definitely couldn’t wield your axes just yet, so it made you an easy target even if you weren’t bed ridden anymore. 
You walked out of the chamber beside Roy, him following your slower pace without complaint. You reached the other end of the hallways and entered another room with chests and racks, where your equipment was kept. You began putting on your suit, the one you had made when you rode beside the Red Hood, well before he was king. It was all black with a red pointed arch on the chest that imitated Jason’s sigil, which was outlined with a single silver following your collarbone. It rose up the back of your neck and was reinforced to protect your vitals. 
“Could you help me pull it up, please?”
Roy nodded as he finished to lace his arm braces, stepping right behind you. He picked the stiff fabric and gently tugged it over your shoulder, brushing his fingers against your skin along the way. He was even more careful with your injured shoulder, making sure it wasn’t bent in any way to fit through the suit. He and Jason had advised against you wearing it, but you were stubborn and refused to show weakness in front of the enemy. Besides, it looked great on you. Roy then buttoned up the suit on your back and up your neck before giving you a kiss on the temple. 
“Close your eyes, I’ve got a little something for you” He whispered in your eyes, and despite your initial confusion, you did as you were told and shut your eyes. You felt something being passed over your head and gently rest on your shoulders, then straps being adjusted on your sides. “You can open the now”
You did as he said and looked down as he gently directed you to the mirror on your left. He had placed a beautiful piece of equipment that paired well with the colors of your suit, lightweight and practical, that covered your shoulders front and back. You usually went without, but it was appropriate considering another arrow in the back would do you no good right now. And since you most probably wouldn’t be using your axes anyway, you could do without your full shoulder movements range. 
“Where did you get this?” You asked as you trailed your finger on the skillfully crafted metal. There was no doubt it had been made for you by how it fit with both your body and suit. It must have cost a fortune.
“The blacksmith in town, the one living near the gates of the castle” He began. “His son was killed by the guild of thieves that lived uptown, the ones we wiped off right after the undertaking. He wanted to thank us somehow, and when he learned about what happened to you, he made this as a present”
“It’s… Very beautiful” You breathed out. “I’ll have to thank him later on. This must have taken so much time to make”
“But you deserve it” He said as he placed a light kiss on your jaw. “You deserve the best. And the best suits you”
“Thank you” You nodded, taking his hand. The leather of his archery glove was rough against your skin, but it had also become a comfort born from the endless days you spent training and hunting on the road. It was tied to some of your best memories with him, and it still amazed you how a simple touch could bring it all back vividly like that. “Come on, Jason must be waiting for us”
You went down to the court, where Jason was talking with the commander and some generals. Upon hearing your footsteps, he perked up and turned around, taking you specifically in. He smiled and nodded, heading for the three black steeds, groomed and in full armor, in the hands of the stable hands. You followed him and grabbed the reins of your mount, carefully climbing on its back and sitting in the saddle.
“Are we ready?” Jason asked.
“Of course” Roy replied first, then both of their eyes set on you.
“Let’s do this” You nodded firmly.
With a kick of your heels, you took off the court and onto the bridge, in the direction of the Wayne Kingdom.
“Soooooo…” Roy trailed off. “Do you think he stood us up or..?”
You looked away from the horizon and to Roy, who was slouched over the pommel of the saddle while his horse was trying to dig for grass through the snow. “Maybe he’s trying to ambush us”
“I don’t think so” Jason mumbled, his eyes still set northwest. His back was straight with a hand resting on his hips, the other holding the reins tight. His horse was attentive, chewing on its bit in anticipation. “It wouldn’t be like him, not while we’re on this hill anyway” 
You nodded as your fingers flexed around the reins, a bit bored and definitely not impressed by the opposite party being late to their own meeting. There was barely any wind over the field, and the thick cover of the cloud didn’t let the sun rays through. Still, smoke came out of the horses’ nostrils with every breath they let out. 
“There they come”
You glanced forward again at Jason’s warning, seeing a small party of riders coming your way. They didn’t seem to be in a hurry, walking rather than trying to reach you at a trot. The closer they came, the better you could point out characteristics for each rider. The one at the front was wearing all black with a cape that fell over the pale gray horse he was riding. It was almost white, but the dark skin around its eyes and nose proved differently. The second rider was on a smaller chestnut horse, and was a child. You blinked a few times, but his youthful features were obvious. The two other riders some paces behind were an escort, soldiers with steel armors and banners from their kingdom. 
After a long waiting for them to actually be at hearing range, they finally stopped a few meters ahead and assessed your party. Jason was visibly tense, but his blue eyes gave nothing out on how he was feeling about seeing his father in front of him after all this time. They stared at each other for long minutes before the piercing glance of Bruce Wayne set on you. You clenched your jaw, not backing down, until his eyes finally left you. 
“Your… Friend seems to have healed quite well” The older king spoke first.
“Don’t act like you give a fuck” Jason sneered. “You were the one who made this coward attack on her happen in the first place”
“Watch your mouth, runt” The child on the side almost barked. “You’re speaking to a legitimate King, unlike you”
“And who the fuck might this goblin be?” Roy said before he could stop himself. While the child looked appalled, Roy was still very relaxed on his horse. He might have been the only one to be, even if you did want to laugh at the outburst.
“I am the blood son, the true heir to the throne” He replied with all his might, except it didn’t quite have the desired effect, since he was on a pony, for one. “You peasant will respect me, or--”
“Damian, please” Bruce interrupted firmly. “Now is not the time to settle this”
“Why am I not surprised that you fathered a brat?” Jason leaned forward, feeling taunting for a moment. “Which one of your concubines had enough bad luck to get pregnant? Selina? Or was it Richard’s lover, whatever was her name? Or maybe Talia, oh memorable Talia--”
“Don’t speak of my mother that way” Damian pulled his sword out. 
“So Talia it is” He smirked. 
“We are here to negotiate peace, not fuel a war” Bruce replied sternly. “I can do much worse than an arrow in the shoulder of a loved one, you know it. So be careful what you’re advancing about my family”
“Then keep your son on a tighter leash” Jason said, his face returning to a serious expression. “I still haven’t made my mind about keeping peace, don’t give me reasons to leave this meeting before we can discuss it”
“I should be telling you this” He squinted his eyes slightly. “You have thrown over a stable ally of this kingdom and stole the crown, then taken prisoner the King of Blüdhaven without giving a follow up on his state. You are in no place to threaten a war, yet here you are”
Jason waited a few seconds, not letting his stare waver. Then, he sighed and whistled. The plains were silent, until the faint sound of hooves cantering on the crisp snow grew closer to your position. Soon enough, you were passed on your left by another rider, slowly walking around you and toward Bruce’s party. Dick had a neutral expression as he turned around, stopping at Bruce’s side.
“Here” Jason waved his hand dismissively. “Your golden son, unharmed albeit slightly vexed”
“You should still pay for a crime like this” Bruce said.
“It’s fine” Dick tried to appease the tensions. “I do not wish to further this conflict, I have done enough already as it is”
“Why didn’t you fight back, Richard?” Damian asked in a judging and accusatory tone. “This is a disgrace to our family, and a display of weakness--”
“I was trying to avoid a much worse escalation of this conflict by owning a diplomatic mistake I made in the first place” He bit back. “What would you even know of politics, spoiled child?”
Roy laughed, and the sound only seemed to anger Damian more. You were in the middle of a family conflict, and unlike him, you didn’t know this side of the family well. You didn’t really know how to act, so you observed what would go down rather than actively participate. 
“I find the ginger man’s insolence unwelcomed in this matter” Damian said, trying to wash down the humiliation his brother had just handed to him. “He’s got nothing to do with it, and he’s got no title. He shouldn’t even be speaking”
“He speaks because I say he can” Jason defended Roy in a heartbeat, his tone strong and authoritative. “As far as I’m concerned, I’ve got a crown and you don’t, which puts me above you in status and therefore my wishes outweigh yours”
Your eyebrow rose slowly as your eyes met Roy’s, who had an equally stunned expression. Jason had never used his status against anyone like that. It even seemed to take Damian by surprise, which was, with what you had learned about him in the last minutes, a hard feat to accomplish. If you were honest with yourself, while you loved Jason as a humble king, you were curious about the other side of him, even if he would show it in private.
“Your crown was stolen” Bruce reassessed. “The Kingdoms surrounding yours have decided this gesture would not stand. I wished a peaceful surrender from you, but it doesn’t seem like I will convince you to do so. You have three days to abdicate, until the next full moon, or your kingdom will be taken back by force”
“You think this is wise?” You finally spoke up on instinct, and all eyes turned to you, looking at you with surprise. You weren’t about to let those threats stand, especially not from Bruce. “Ever since King Jason came into power, he wiped out a guild that stole from families and murdered good people. Our kingdom is the safest for miles around, so much we get waves of new settlers even in winter. He lowered taxes on the population so much that most towns in the country have become flourishing trade posts in the span of a year, and instead taxed the nobility and cut on useless balls and dinners. Nobody starved last winter, and nobody is starving this one. Do you think the word didn’t get out to the other countries around? People are starting to want this for themselves too, and you think putting them through a devastating war will make things better? It will only make them resent you, those who didn’t already. We have people in every castle you know of who are ready to turn against you the second they get wind of aggression--”
“Bullshit” Damian called.
“Are you ready to take the risk?” You raised an eyebrow at him, before returning your glance to Bruce, who betrayed no emotion. “You will lose this war if you start it. You should consider your people before you send them to slaughter”
Silence fell over the hill for a moment.
“... What she said” Roy grinned, breaking the silence.
Bruce looked at Jason for a reaction, or most likely, some sort of opposition to what you had just said. Instead, he only readjusted his reins and straightened his back. “You heard right,” He said, not wavering. “You have three days, until the next moon, to annulate the warrants and back down. Think about your people, Bruce. Make the right decision”
With that mocking reprise of his father’s previous words, he turned his horse around and left him dumbfounded. With one last glance to their party, you followed Jason, trotting, then cantering away and back into your borders. Once you passed your soldiers’ road control, you slowed down to a walk.
“Huh” Roy exhaled as he leaned forward to glance at you over Jason’s horse between you two. “I didn’t know we had spies in other kingdoms”
“Now that I think about it,” Jason blinked a few times, his brows slightly furrowed. “Neither did I”
You shrugged. “Maybe we have them. That would be neat” 
You saw confusion, then astonishment flash in their eyes like their reactions were synchronized.
“Wait, did you just--”
“Did you fucking lie to Bruce in his face?” Roy cut off, almost yelling. Then, he laughed. “In his face?”
“By the time he realizes, no, if he even realizes I bluffed, we’ll have a solid plan to ward him off, no matter what he does” You explained. “We win”
“How did you manage to convince him?” Jason had an innocent incomprehension written all over his features, like a child in front of a magic trick. He was adorable. “You had me convinced”
“Oh, boys” You grinned. “You think women survive this long in the world without becoming excellent liars? How do you think I managed to infiltrate the staff for a week before we invaded the castle?”
“By… Um” Roy trailed off. “Cleaning well?”
You laughed. “People had questions, my dear. I had to build myself a credible life to feed them, so I wasn’t thrown out of the castle instantly. Lying to the enemy is a skill I learned to cultivate a long time ago”
“You’re awesome, you know that?” He sighed, a loopy smile on his face. Jason still had a starstruck expression on his face, his eyes sparkling with admiration.
“Wouldn’t hurt to hear it again, I must admit” You teased back, jutting your chin up. “But there is one thing that would be better… Last one in the bedroom owes the first one a shoulder massage”
You didn’t wait for them to register your words before kicking your horse to a gallop, no doubt closely followed by them.
The dancing light of the candles of the chandelier left a soft glow on your naked skin, moving around and spreading warmth as it crawled up and down your body. You were sitting upright as hands moved gently on your shoulders, careful to avoid the sensitive area of your still healing wound. In your laps was Jason’s head, your hands threading slowly in his black hair as his eyes were shut close. He wasn’t sleeping, his breathing made his chest rise too fast for him to be. But he was relaxed, his neck muscles were untensed on your legs and there were no harsh lines on his face. 
You looked behind you when Roy’s hand stopped massaging, pulling your hair to the side and kissing the back of your neck. 
“You really gotta get a faster horse” Your lips curved upwards. “You’re always losing these races”
“I think my horse’s speed is just fine” He whispered back. “Besides, you are both right where I want you to be”
Jason smirked. “Losing is always suddenly part of someone’s plan when they never win”
“Laugh all you want” He sighed, dramatically laying down on his side beside you, then leaning forward close to Jason’s ear. “We all know I end up winning anyway when you beg my name like a prayer, My King”
You could feel the shiver travel up his spine on your laps, as well as the sudden shift in the tension in his muscles. You played along and let your hand slightly pull his hair, which surprised a moan out of him. His eyes opened wide, the blue of his irises being quickly consummated by the black of his pupils. Then, his glance set on Roy, something hard to read beside the promising spark in it.
“Are you sure you’re ready for a, what, fourth go at it today?” He raised an eyebrow as his hand brushed his cheek. “I didn’t think you jaw recovered from earlier”
You laughed airily as Roy grinned mischievously. “Maybe you can take that voice when you put that brat child in its place” You suggested as you trailed up your hand up Jason’s bare chest. “I’m sure he would be happy to get back on his knees if you did”
Roy groaned at the suggestion, already imagining the whole scene behind his fluttering eyelids. However, Jason didn’t quite follow up on his reaction. “Don’t tempt me with…” He trailed off, then noticed the mood change. “Hey, is there something wrong?”
Jason blinked, then shook his head and gave a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. “I’m fine” He muttered, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on Roy’s lips. 
“No, something’s bothering you” He insisted gently. “What is it, Jay?”
Jason sighed, shaking his head. “It’s nothing” He replied, looking up to the ceiling. “Don’t worry about it”
“It’s clearly not nothing” You said as your hands threaded softly in his hair. “What’s eating at you?”
A silence followed your words. It was like Jason was searching for the right words, like he wanted to say it so bad but something else was holding him back. You were patient, however, and you didn’t mind that he took his time to tell you. You knew he would talk when he’s ready.
“It’s what Bruce said” Roy beat him to it, speaking barely over a whisper. “Isn’t it?”
You looked in between the two men, noticing how Jason did not deny Roy’s words. It was like they were having a silent conversation for a few seconds, before Roy put a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
“It’s how he didn’t see him as part of his family anymore” Roy spoke up, addressing you this time. “How Bruce didn’t seem to have any regret about replacing him in any way possible”
“Even after all this time” Jason gulped. “He won’t even stop reminding me he didn't care”
“Oh, my love” You reached for his hand and grabbed it, intertwining your fingers with his and giving it a squeeze. “He doesn’t deserve you beating yourself up about him like that. You’re worth so much more than anything he could even give you”
“She’s right,” Roy nodded. “We’re your family now, not him. Not him ever again. And I promise you we’ll never betray you that way, we’ll never set you aside. You’re our lover, you’re our King, you’re the most important person for us, and we would do anything for you”
You could see the crystal gleam of tears pooling in his eyes before he blinked them away, resisting the urge to break down. Jason had not often known true affection until he met Roy, then you. He felt like he didn’t deserve either of you, and sometimes he wondered why exactly you decided everyday to stay by his side. But you did stay, you did support him and guided him when he needed it. He wouldn’t have been anywhere near where he was right now without you. 
“You’re both so good to me” He whispered, adoration clear in his voice as he glanced at you, then Roy. “What would I do without you?”
“You’d be wonderful either way” You smiled as you slipped beside him, careful not to pull on your bandages. Soon enough, Roy joined him on the other side, snuggling into him. “You’d miss on major cuddling, however”
His chest rose in a silent chuckle as he pulled you and Roy just a little bit closer. “Give yourselves more credit, I’d crash and burn without you both by my side”
“Let’s not bother with what ifs, yeah?” Roy replied, his lips curved upward as he kissed his shoulder. “It only matters that you’re here with us today, and that you are a damn good King. The rest doesn’t matter”
“The rest doesn’t matter” Jason repeated in a mutter, nodding lightly. “Only you. Only us” 
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wheresmynaya · 3 years
Hate to Date Ch.2 | Brittana
A/N - Back to back weekly updates? You can thank this damn head cold for keeping me in bed LOL. I’m so blown away by the response the first chapter received, like holy shit you guys love a good trope combo same as me! Happy that you’re all enjoying it so far, hopefully I can keep delivering. Have at it! 💙
Available on ff.net (x) ao3 (x) & under the cut!
“I cannot believe this.”
Puck looks over at Santana muttering to herself as she stares at her phone and quirks his brow. She’s shaking her head now as she scrolls and it makes Puck wonder.
“What is it?”
Santana’s eyes widen at the screen before she’s scrolling again. With the shake of her head, she continues to mutter.
“Like I cannot actually believe this is happening to me.”
“What?” Puck tries again.
When Santana doesn’t answer, he leans over the armrest separating them to take a peek at her screen, but she quickly yanks the phone to her chest.
Puck sits back a little and starts to smirk, “You getting nudes in class now or something?”
Several students seated around turn to stare at them – even Brittany. Santana can already feel the color starting to drain from her face as they stare. It’s not the possibility that everyone will find out she’s being sent risky pictures, because hello been there done that – but because this is way worse.
“Jesus, no!” Santana snaps, but her deer-caught-in-the-headlights expression doesn’t help.
Brittany shakes her head before turning back to her work. The other students around them follow suit, but Puck’s the only one that seems way more interested in whatever’s going on with Santana than taking notes. He continues staring at her while she furiously taps at her screen.
“Can you stop? You’re being weird,” Santana grumbles as she side eyes him while she puts away her phone.
“Me?” Puck lets out a laugh in disbelief, “I’m being weird? You’re the one talking to yourself.”
Santana gives him a look but he doesn’t waver. In fact, he scoffs at her attitude.
“Ever since you came back from your last trip home you’ve been all,” Puck motions at her with his hand, “Which like, you’re always a little on edge whenever you come back from a visit but it’s lasting so much longer this time. Not to mention that you haven’t had any of your late night visitors come around. Something’s up.”
Santana stays quiet though and turns to keep taking notes. Puck eyes her, trying to find a weak spot in her armor.
“I haven’t seen Denise around,” Puck ends up adding, “I figured after bringing her home with you that she’d have a least one more week before you’re kicking her to the curb.”
At the mention of Denise, Santana stiffens.
Puck notices and pushes further, “Shit. What happened? Did your mom like…walk in on you two…” Puck lifts his hands to gesture but Santana quickly swats them down.
“Will you just drop it?”
“I can’t! Not when you’re always huffing and puffing at your phone,” Puck reasons, “Just tell me what’s going on with you?”
“No way.”
“Why not?”
“Because why?
“Because it’s too embarrassing.”
“Now you definitely have to tell me!”
Suddenly Brittany’s turning around again, a flash of blonde hair whipping past, and a scowl on her face. Her piercing blue eyes cut her like ice as she glares.
“Can you both keep it down?” She scolds, “Some of us are trying to pay attention.”
“Some of us are trying to pay attention,” Santana mocks.
“Grow up,” Brittany says with an eyeroll before turning around.
Santana only sticks her tongue out, but despite the reminder that they’re still in the middle of class Puck is determined to get Santana talking. He’s such a little shit like that when it comes to keeping secrets.
“Just tell me,” He insists in a hushed tone, “I told you about that one time I nearly burned my dick off using your fancy shaving cream.”
“Yeah, I didn’t ask for that,” Santana replies bluntly, “I remember specifically saying that I didn’t want to know.”
“But that’s an embarrassing moment, so now you have to tell me yours.”
“That’s not how it works,” Santana says.
Just then, her phone lights up on her desk. She glances to it as Puck does the same. She knows what’s about to happen, but she shifts her stare to Puck hoping that he’s smarter than that.
Of course, he’s not and soon they’re both lunging for her phone.
Santana’s closer so she gets a hand on it first, but so does Puck and he tries valiantly to muscle her out of the way. It’s a lost cause trying to beat him but what she lacks in brawn she makes up for in brain. She’s quick to pinch him right under the bicep and Puck instantly pulls back.
“Ow! Fuck!” He groans.
Santana only smirks, “Don’t touch my shit.”
His face is still screwed up in pain as he rubs the spot while Santana slips her phone safely in her bag.
“That was dirty,” Puck tells her.
Santana just shrugs, “Would you expect anything less of me?”
Puck starts to grin, “Guess not.”
“Okay then,” She smirks and nods to the front of the lecture hall, “Now leave me alone. I’m trying to listen.”
And Puck does as he’s told – for a solid five seconds.
“Come on,” Puck pleads, “This is just a review. You don’t even need to listen.”
Santana sighs, “You’re not going to drop this?”
“Fine,” Santana leans closer to Puck and whispers, “Swear you’ll never repeat this.”
Puck’s eyes widen like he’s just hit the jackpot, “I swear.”
“Okay,” Santana closes her eyes and settles her racing heart, “My mom is setting me up on blind dates because she’s tired of the kind of girls I bring home.”
Puck sits back and blinks, “Wait. What?”
“Yeah,” Santana says dejectedly as she goes back to writing, “It’s the same shit. She doesn’t think I take my future with her at the firm seriously because of my so-called reputation with women so now she’s taking over like she always does and trying to set me up with the perfect person. God, she makes it sound like I’m some sleezy player, but I’m respectful!”
“Now that’s hilarious,” Brittany comments just loud enough for Santana to hear.
Santana doesn’t pay her any mind though and looks back at Puck, “I’ve wine and dined every woman I’ve been with, you know that. I’ve opened every door, paid every tab, I even make sure they come first!”
“Totally, yeah.”
Santana slumps in her chair and thinks aloud, “I can’t help that I’m attractive, that’s what I told her. What’s so wrong about keeping my options open, right? What’s the point of being young and in college if she already wants me to settle down with someone already? It’s crazy and it’s ridiculous!”
Puck stays quiet for a moment longer like he’s still trying to grasp the concept, but only one question begs to be asked.
“Are they at least hot blind dates?”
Santana looks to him unamused, but she can tell he’s being completely serious and he’s so used to her judgment that it doesn’t usually phase him anymore anyway. So she sighs again and shrugs.
“I mean, yeah but that’s besides the point,” Santana answers honestly.
“Looks are important,” Puck assures her.
“Obviously, but I’m not that shallow,” Santana waves him off.
Puck shakes his head in disbelief, “So Mama Lopez has you going on blind dates...”
“Technically she’s only set me up on one blind date but she keeps sending through these potential romance partners,” Santana replies, “She has them formatted like a damn resume with a picture and bio, likes and dislikes, future plans. Every one of them has professional goals and despite them being relatively hot, they’re boring as hell!”
Puck starts to giggle as Santana shows him an example which earns him a punch in the arm.
“This is no laughing matter, Puckerman,” Santana says, “This is serious shit! I wouldn’t be surprised if she signs me up for The Bachelorette or something. This really is a new low for me.”
Puck looks back at her with a brow raised, “Oh no, my mom is setting me up on dates with beautiful and successful women. My life is so hard.”
“See that right there,” Santana points a finger at him, “That’s why I didn’t tell you in the first place.”
“Come on,” Puck jokes, “I can kind of see why she’s stepping in. Your dating history is on the same level as mine and that’s not a good thing.”
“Why?” Santana cocks her head to the side, “Because you’re a guy?”
“I – well…”
“Exactly,” Santana huffs, “I’m tired of the insane double standards. I like to date, so what? Doesn’t give her an excuse to meddle in my love life.”
“More like lust life.”
Santana gives him a look, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist,” Puck brushes off, “I’m just pointing out the obvious. You don’t do commitments and you don’t do long term. You’re there for the fun parts and then as soon as they get attached, you break it off. It’s text book Lopez.”
Santana hates how see-through she feels and crosses her arms over her chest in defiance.
“You’re one to talk. When was your last relationship?”
“You know the answer to that,” Puck says with an unexpected seriousness in his tone.
Santana grits her teeth and looks away, “Point is I don’t need her setting me up. I like my life the way that it is.”
“She’s doing the work for you though,” Puck reasons, “Don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic here?”
“Of course not!”
Suddenly Brittany’s turning around again, “You two are unbelievable.”
“Sorry Britt,” Puck apologizes and taps his paper, “I’m all ears now.”
Santana doesn’t have anything witty to say in return though, because now she’s finally letting the gravity of the situation she’s gotten herself into weight down on her. Since returning home, she’s been brushing this whole blind date thing off but now that she’s talked about it aloud it’s like the veil of ignorant bliss has been lifted.
She really is in deep shit.
There’s only so many times she can try to evade Maribel’s attempts before she’s being ambushed – hell, it’s already happened once before! Her mother’s never been one to back down easily, so Santana doesn’t see the end coming anytime soon, not until Santana has a proper suiter by her side.
“I have to figure a way out of this,” She says suddenly before turning to Puck. “She’s already set me up on another date when I come home for winter break.”
“Damn, Mama Lopez works quick.”
Santana reached over and grabs his wrist. Her grip is so tight that Puck winces.  
“Ow! What the hell?”
“You’ve got to help me,” Santana tells him, “What if I’m stuck going on boring dates for the rest of my life?”
Puck laughs as he pries her fingers off, “Why don’t you just date one of the girls you bring home for longer than a couple weeks?”
Santana shakes her head, “I can’t do that. Have you seen these women my mom has picked out? The Art Majors I’ve taken home can’t compete with that!”
“Well then I guess I can offer my services.”
Santana rolls her eyes, “One: that ship sailed a long ass time ago. Two: no one would believe it. Three: I need someone that’s actually impressive.”
“Rude,” Puck puffs out his chest, “I’m impressive. Check out these guns.”
Santana shakes her head as he starts to flex.
“You okay back there, Noah?” Professor Martinez asks, “You forget you’re not at football practice again?”
Puck instantly stops, “My B, Prof Martinez!”
While they get back to focusing on class, Santana’s gears are still turning, trying to come up with a solution to this mess.
After another few days of dealing with Maribel playing matchmaker, Santana’s had enough.
She and Puck are home trying to wind down after their long day of school and practice. Puck’s in the middle of ordering way too much pizza while Santana’s in the kitchen already halfway through her second glass of wine. She’s mindlessly scrolling through her phone when a text from Maribel comes through.
“This woman doesn’t quit,” Santana laughs as she joins Puck on the couch, “Check this one out.”
Puck leans over and reads, “Likes quiet nights at home, reading and horseback riding.”
“She’s a horse girl,” Santana states, “My mother has recommended I date a horse girl.”
“She’s the hottest horse girl I’ve ever seen,” Puck compliments, “And hey, at least she’d know how to ri– “
“Don’t even,” Santana stops him.
“What?” Puck snickers, “Let me see the next one.”
Santana sighs but shows him anyway. They go through a couple duds before settling on another pretty blonde that sparks both of their attentions.
“This one’s in culinary school,” Santana says, “Not really a career path mom would’ve included in here but maybe she’s an heir to the throne or something.”
“Which throne?”
“Who knows,” Santana shrugs.
“Dating a chef would be cool. You’d always eat good,” Puck starts to smirk, “You see what I did there?”
Santana looks unimpressed, “Stevie Wonder could see that coming.”
Puck brushes her off as he takes a sip of his beer.
“You’re mean when you haven’t been laid,” He frowns.
Once the pizza comes, they lay out the boxes on the coffee table and camp out around it while they continue drinking. Puck has something random on tv but it’s so lame that it starts to be hilarious – or maybe that’s the alcohol talking. They go between watching the screen and scrolling through more of the profiles Maribel sends through.
“I don’t even reply to these things anymore,” Santana giggles.
“You’re leaving Mama Lopez on read?” Puck asks with his eyes all glassy, “Damn. That’s cold. Even your own mom gets the Lady Killer Lopez treatment.”
“That’s not a thing,” Santana laughs, “Besides, I reply to her just not when she’s trying to set me up with a future wife.”
Puck shakes his head, “How you gonna ghost her when you go home in a few weeks?”
“Maybe I’ll skip going home?”
“Bullshit,” Puck jokes, “Your mom would kick your ass then she’d kick mine for not locking you out of the apartment.”
“You right,” Santana chuckles, “I guess I’ll just figure it out when I get there.”
After a few more slices of pizza and more drinking, Puck gets an idea.
“What if you tell her you already have a girlfriend?”
Santana starts to giggle, “And who would this girlfriend be?”
“I don’t know,” Puck shrugs, “She’s made up!”
“Made up? That’s the worst idea ever.”
“She can’t send you pics of hot chicks anymore if you’ve got one though?”
“But I don’t have one,” Santana reasons.
“So lie.”
Santana quirks her brow, “You want me to lie to Maribel Lopez?”
Puck raises his beer, “Got a better idea?”
Santana thinks about that for a moment but everything’s kind of wine-soaked and cloudy.
“I guess not.”
Puck grins, “Then this is the answer to all your problems! Tell her you have a girlfriend already!”
It’s not one of her brightest moments in the world, but are any ideas bright after a bottle of wine? She just wants the constant texts about prospective suiters to stop and at this moment in time, Puck’s a goddamn genius.
“Done,” Santana says triumphantly and goes to send the text to Maribel.
“Liar,” Puck laughs, “You didn’t actually, right?”
“I sure fucking did,” Santana nods and shows the screen to her best friend.
“Can’t. Got a gf. It’s pretty serious,” Puck reads then falls on his back roaring with laughter.
“What?” Santana looks back at the text. The screen’s a little blurry so she squints, “Did I spell something wrong?”
“I can’t believe you actually sent that,” Puck says. There’s a brief moment of clarity where Santana regrets her decision but it’s quickly interrupted by Puck adding, “You never listen to me!”
“Yeah, there’s a reason for that…”
Santana looks back at the screen contemplating whether or not she should follow up with a jk or just leave it, but the alcohol is making her move slower than usual. By the time she decides, there’s a next text from Maribel.
“Shit!” Santana throws the phone at Puck’s chest, “You read it. I can’t.”
Puck sits back up and does his best impression of Maribel as he reads, “Lovely. Can’t wait to meet her.”
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!”
“You’re so screwed,” Puck laughs, “What are you going to do?”
“Hell if I fucking know! This is your fault.”
“Hey, I didn’t send that message. You did.”
“You know how I feel about peer pressure!” Santana argues, “Mama didn’t raise no bitch.”
“You’re right, she raised a dumbass!”
“Fuck off!”
Puck laughs while Santana goes to stand and starts pacing but instead of straight lines, her path is curvy and she nearly trips over the leg of the coffee table.
“Sit your ass down. You’re making me dizzy!”
“I’m making me dizzy,” Santana snaps but slumps down on the coach. She tries to relax but her thoughts keep whirling, “Shit. What did I just do?”
Puck glances warily in her direction, “Okay. You’re killing my buzz. You need to chill.”
Santana shakes her head, “What I need is a hot and smart girlfriend who can put all these women my mom is trying to set me up with to shame now because apparently I have one of those!”
Puck raises a brow, “Where the hell you gonna find someone like that?”
Santana only shrugs as she downs the rest of her glass.  
Puck nods, but something about Santana’s comment gets him thinking.
It takes about a week before Puck’s finally ready to present Santana with his solution. He’s like a giddy kid on Christmas morning as he leads Santana to a vacant study room one day before her cheer practice.
Santana grows even more curious as they walk by the smaller rooms available for booking and head down to the very end where the larger rooms are situated. She wouldn’t say she trusts Puck’s judgement because he’s partly the reason why she’s in this mess, but part of her really is curious about this big idea he has.
Or maybe the curiosity is actually desperation?
When they get to the last door, Puck pauses and turns to her.
“You ready?”
Santana gives him a curious look before shrugging, “I guess?”
Puck nods and swings open the door in a showy fashion.
There is a single table with two chairs set up on the near side of the room and Puck leads the way over, pulling the chair out for Santana so she can sit. She’s looking around cautiously, trying to figure out what’s going on here when Puck calls out.
“Okay ladies, you can come out now!”
“Huh?” Santana deadpans.
Suddenly, a side door opens and line of six women come sauntering out. Santana’s looking at them, trying to figure out if she can recognize who they are. Instead, she finds them giving her flirty looks accompanied by brilliant smiles. Santana’s momentarily starstruck by their beauty, but then she turns to Puck and remembers that she has no idea what’s going on.
“What the hell is this?” She asks him.
“Well,” Puck smirks as he takes the seat next to her, “These are the most eligible girls on campus that you can take home to impress your mom.”
Santana’s jaw drops, “Are you kidding me?”
“I’m so serious,” Puck replies, “I listened to what you said the other night. You need hot, smart, and put together – someone who can put all the ones your mom suggests to shame. Well, look no further because here they are!”
“Why does everyone feel the need to ambush me with beautiful women?” Santana mumbles to herself before looking at Puck, “How did you find these people?”
“I’ve got my ways,” Puck smirks, “They tick all the boxes – mostly – so you just have to pick one to be your girlfriend. Problem solved.”
“Problem not solved,” Santana says, “I don’t want a girlfriend!”
“They know that,” Puck replies, “They’re all wannabe actors. They see this as an opportunity to go all Jared Leto.”
Santana wrinkles her nose, “They’re going to send me a dead pig?”
“What? No, they’re going to go all method acting on you! They know the relationship is all for show is what I’m trying to say,” Puck explains, “They’re just going to pretend to be your girlfriend.”
“So they’re basically escorts.”
“I mean,” Puck glances to them and back at Santana. He lowers his voice to a whisper, “I think one of them actually is. I’m not sure. No judgement though, do what you gotta do.”
Santana shakes her head, “No. Hell no.”
“Why?” Puck asks, “It’s like your personal episode of the Bachelorette. You love that show!”
Santana’s eyes widen, “Will you keep it down? I don’t love that show. I just like the drama.”
“Yeah whatever,” Puck waves off, “Just ask them a few questions and see which one you like the most and you’ll have a girlfriend. Boom!”
“I said no.”
“Come on, why not?”
“Why not?” Santana laughs, “Because I don’t want my life to be like that show. In fact, I was hoping it’d never happen to me and yet…here we are.”
Puck cringes but tries to smile through her anger, “At least we’re not on tv?”
Santana’s in disbelief, “Yeah. I guess there’s that.”
“You know, I worked really hard on this,” Puck frowns, “You know how many study sessions I’ve missed trying to find these people? I’m missing one right now, Britt’s so disappointed.”
“Boo-hoo,” Santana waves off, “I’m not doing this. I’m not about to pretend to date a random. First of all, they’re pretending to be someone they’re not on top of pretending to be my girlfriend. Second of all, I don’t know any of these people well enough to bring them around my family. It’s a shit show waiting to happen. God, you know what would happen if this got back to my mom? It would be way worse than what I’ve been doing.”
“How would it get back to her? Who would even tell?” Puck questions, “The girls have been sworn to secrecy!”
“Gee, I don’t know,” Santana argues, “Maybe her husband?”
Puck scoffs, “Coach wouldn’t – “
Santana gives him a look, “Who told her about the time cops busted up our Halloween party because some asshole tipped them off? And what about that llama that I helped your dumbass set free in the freshman dorms when you were drunk because of a ridiculous bet?”
“Shit, you’re right,” Puck slumps in his chair.
Santana stands and pats Puck on the shoulder, “This whole thing is a hard no. Good try though.”
“Thanks,” He sighs before calling out to the women, “Sorry, ladies! Deal’s off.”
The women all stop smiling and grumble beneath their breath as they exit the room, casting dirty looks at Puck and Santana.
“Hey, don’t look at me like that,” She says, “I didn’t have anything to do with this.”
“So winter break starts next week,” Puck mentions as the women file out of the room, “What are you going to do now?”
Santana shrugs, “I’ve been thinking of hanging back for Christmas so I can catch up on some work. Maybe make a little progress on that big assignment for Professor Martinez’s class.”
Puck’s brows rise, “You’re gonna stay home? I thought that was off the table?”
“Just for Christmas. I’ll definitely have to make an appearance for New Year’s,” Santana replies, “Maybe I’ll tell my mom I’ve gone home with my imaginary girlfriend to visit her family instead?”
“That could actually work,” Puck chuckles.
“Maybe,” Santana smirks, “Anyway…now you’ve got time for your study session with what’s-her-face.”
Puck laughs at that as he throws his arm around her shoulders, “You know I’m determined to figure this out for you, right? You asked for my help and I’m committed.”
“Yeah and I appreciate it,” Santana chuckles, “Go. Don’t want to keep Brittany waiting, she might draw a frowny face on your homework.”
Puck gets to thinking, “Don’t joke. She just might!”
While Santana continues to ponder on this dilemma, she contemplates swearing off alcohol for a long time. If she hadn’t been drinking with Puck that night then maybe she wouldn’t have dug herself into an even deeper hole. The longer she thinks on it, the more frustrated she becomes, but what can she do?
The next time Puck approaches Santana with a potential solution, it’s through a single text message a few days later:
Puckerman: Meet me at Rise & Grind at 3.
Santana eyes the message suspiciously. Judging by his last attempt, who knows what her best friend has up his sleeve this time. Still, she agrees because honestly she doesn’t have anything better to do and she’s curious. What could he possibly do to top his little Bachelorette stunt from the other day?
When she arrives to the café on time, Puck’s waiting for her outside the entry doors.
“Yo!” He calls out to her.
“Hey,” She greets in return before nodding at the doors, “I’m not about to walk into a blind date, am I?”
Puck laughs, “Mama Lopez got you all traumatized now?”
“I’m just saying,” Santana replies, “I don’t know if I can handle another one of your great ideas so this better be good.”
“Damn. Where’s the faith?”
“Why do you think I agreed to meet you? You’re lucky I even showed up,” Santana answers as she follows Puck inside.
“Okay, so hear me out – “
Santana freezes when Puck leads her to an occupied table. More importantly, a table being occupied by none other than Brittany S. Pierce herself.
“What the hell is this?” Santana snaps and turns to Puck, “Why is she here?”
Brittany also looks to Puck for an answer, “I could ask the same thing.”
Puck’s all devious grins and confidence as he pushes at Santana’s shoulders so that she’d sit across from Brittany. He grabs a spare chair from a nearby table and takes a seat between the enemies.
“So I’m sure you guys are wondering why we’re here,” Puck starts to explain.
“No shit,” Santana grumbles.
“I mean, I was meant to be here,” Brittany says and looks to Santana, “Just not with you.”
“Believe me, there are many places I’d much rather be,” Santana rolls her eyes and looks to Puck, “What is this about? I thought you were presenting me another one of your great ideas.”
“I am,” Puck insists, “If you’d just shut up for two seconds, I can explain.”
“Big ask,” Brittany teases, “She loves hearing the sound of her own voice.”
“Says you!” Santana snaps, “Seriously Puckerman, why’s she here?”
“Like I said, I’m meant to be here,” Brittany replies, “I booked this table.”
“Okay okay,” Puck interrupts Santana’s next insult, “The reason why you’re both here is that I think you two need each other.”
“Need each other?” Brittany’s brows rise comically while Santana’s just laughs.
“I need her like I need a nail to the head,” Santana says flatly.
“Same,” Brittany agrees then looks to Puck, “I thought we were here to make up for those study sessions you’ve been missing?”
“Of course you thought that,” Santana shakes her head, “What a nerd.”
“Hey,” Puck says sternly, “Didn’t you kick a girl out of your bed because she made you late for class?”
Santana’s jaw drops at the low blow, “I can’t believe you just said that.”
Brittany starts to smirk, “Who’s the nerd now?”
Santana rolls her eyes and goes to stand, “This was a big fail, Noah. I don’t know what you were thinking but this – “
“I didn’t even explain yet,” Puck interrupts, “Just sit, okay? You two are already going to have to work together so you might as well start getting along now.”
“Back up,” Santana flinches, “What do you mean work together?”
Brittany gives them both a blank look, “I’m so confused right now.”
“No surprise there,” Santana quips to which Brittany scoffs.
“Okay look,” Puck starts again, “I may have spoken to Professor Martinez and now you two are sort of working together for the assignment.”
Santana’s eyes widen, “How the fuck did you manage to pull that off?”
“It was weirdly easy actually,” Puck shrugs, “A little fear and intimidation tactic to get Brittany’s partner to agree to the switch then I just hit up Prof Martinez to confirm.”
“I didn’t agree to a partner switch,” Brittany adds then cuts a glare to Santana, “Especially when that partner is you.”
Santana rolls her eyes at the blonde before looking to Puck, “Seriously, I’m this close to kicking your ass.”
Brittany sputters a laugh, “As much as I’d love to see that considering your bite-sized stature – ”
“I’ll show you bite-sized.”
“See!” Puck interjects, “You guys are already hitting it off!”
Santana and Brittany both stop to glare at him.
“Clearly, we are not,” Santana points out.
Santana’s starting to get really worked up about this now, she can feel her face heating with rage. Honestly, what the hell was he thinking? This might be even worse than the whole imaginary girlfriend idea!
Brittany on the other hand speaks more calmly, “I don’t know why you’d think it would be okay to switch partners without my permission or what you’re trying to drag me into but I’m not here for it. This grade is important to me. My education is important to me.”
“I know,” Puck says genuinely, “Seriously, I know. That’s why I did it. Kind of.”
“Kind of?” Brittany frowns.
“Yeah, well it’s part of the reason why I did it,” Puck replies cryptically, “I think you two should work together, because you’re each other’s best chance at getting the grant. You’re the best in class!”
“I’m better,” Santana slips in.
Brittany gives her an amused look, “Sure.”
Puck shakes his head and looks at Santana, “I know you need this a lot more than I do.” Then he looks to Brittany, “So do you. And as cool as it would be to ride on Santana’s coattails for this, I don’t think I’d feel right sharing the benefits if I didn’t work as hard.”
“You’d have to win first,” Brittany comments.
“Right,” Puck agrees, “And it’s a slime chance of that if we’re teaming up – but you two? Together?”
Santana and Brittany share a glance, but they quickly avert their eyes back to Puck.
“Professor Martinez was right about what could be if you both put your differences aside,” Puck tells them, “If you two work together on this, it would be an easy win. You keep it the way it is, maybe none of us would get that grant.”
Brittany seems to really take in his words and consider the offer, while Santana watches him curiously. Since when has her best friend ever worried about riding her coattails for a good grade?
“Plus,” Puck adds, “It’ll help make your relationship a lot more believable.”
“Our what?!” Santana and Brittany gasp in unison.
“Your relationship,” Puck says, “You’ll be spending lots of time together working on this assignment, late nights at the library or whatever, sparks are bound to fly so a budding romance wouldn’t be the craziest thing ever. I mean, minus the whole hating each other part but you could just blame it on the sexual tension. Everyone’s already thinking it anyway.”
“Wait what?” Santana blinks blankly, “What do you mean they’re already thinking it?”
Puck ignores her, “You two working together on this assignment is the perfect cover! Like, how many lab partners have you hooked up with because you’ve spent so much time together? Personally, I’m at like a solid three and a half.”
“How can there be a half?” Brittany asks.
Puck only winks, “We got interrupted.”
Brittany looks taken aback, “Right…”
Santana, on the other hand, looks at Puck like he’s got two heads, “Have you lost your goddamn mind or have you been hit too many times out on that field and you’re now concussed?”
Puck sighs, “I’m serious.”
Santana stares back with her jaw tensed, still trying to decide how she feels about this proposition.
“I’m still on the relationship part,” Brittany mutters.
Puck looks to Santana with a proud grin on his face, “This’ll work.”
Santana doesn’t really know what to think at the moment. She hasn’t had enough time to process, but the logic is there – sort of. Call it a momentary lapse in judgement, but she let’s the thought roll around in her mind.
Unlike the girls he tried to set her up with the other day, she actually knows Brittany – she knows that she’s apparently a genius otherwise she wouldn’t be giving Santana so much grief. That’s at least one box checked so far?
“You’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this,” Santana notes.
“Dude, you have no idea!” Puck replies excitedly, “It’s my best work yet. Look at her, she’s everything you asked for.”
Puck and Santana glance at Brittany who’s growing even more confused by the second.
“What exactly did you ask for?” She looks between the two skeptically.
The question goes unanswered though as Santana quickly interrupts.
“Puckerman, no.”
“Santana, yes.”
Brittany cuts in, “Can someone answer me?”
Santana looks to Puck, “Don’t.”
Puck doesn’t listen though, “Long story short, Santana needs someone to pretend to be her girlfriend for awhile so her mom will take her seriously.”
Santana’s face goes red as she gives Puck a death glare.
Brittany looks to her and smirks, “I’ve seen the women hanging off of you. It’s going to take a lot more than a fake girlfriend to do that.”
“You know what? Fuck you,” Santana mutters.
“I know,” Puck says to Brittany, “That’s why she needs someone hot and smart and impressive to convince Mama Lopez that she’s in a legit relationship and she’s serious about her future and stuff. She needs you!”
Santana’s heart plummets to her stomach. She can’t believe Puck’s just airing out her business like this to Brittany of all people. She can’t wait to give him a good kick in the crotch when they’re out of here, maybe remind him about what it means to be loyal.
“Okay, you know what?” Santana snaps, “Fuck you both,”
Brittany’s even more intrigued now though, so much so that she begins to smirk.
“So you need me?” She asks devilishly, “This is getting better by the second.”
“I don’t,” Santana rolls her eyes and stands, “You’re out of your mind, Puck.”
“Wait!” Puck tries, “I’m not finished.”
“Nah, I’ve heard enough.”
“I’ll listen,” Brittany says which makes Santana stop.
“You’ll listen?” Santana’s in awe, “Why would you entertain this?”
“Because I’m interested,” Brittany shrugs, “And I think it’s hilarious that you, Miss Santana Lopez, the supposedly smoothest talking femme fatale on campus needs help from little ole me.”
Santana can’t help but roll her eyes.
“Which is satisfying in of itself, but what’s in it for me?” Brittany questions as she looks to Puck, “Why do I need to be in a relationship with her?”
Santana goes to sit back down, drawn in by the banter, “I don’t know why you say it like that as if several women wouldn’t kill to be in your position.”
“Well,” Brittany starts to smirk, “They must not be as smart and hot and impressive as me or they’d be here, right?”
Santana rests back in her chair, her arms crossed and eyes narrowed.
“That’s what I thought,” Brittany grins and looks to Puck, “So what’s in it for me?”
Puck looks between the two before settling on Brittany, “From what we were talking about yesterday, I think you know the answer to your question, Britt.”
Surprisingly, Brittany suddenly softens.
“You’d benefit from this just as much,” Puck continues, “It’s Santana Lopez after all. You know she has some pull around here.”
“Right,” Brittany answers quietly.
There’s something beneath the surface, Santana can see it, but she’s not sure what and she’s not sure why her pull means anything to the blonde. Brittany only nods like she and Puck share some secret and that tugs at something deep within Santana. But before Santana can try and delve into what that secret might be, the spotlight’s back on her.
“And New Year’s is coming up,” Puck mentions to Santana, “You really want to go home empty handed after telling your mom that you’ve got this serious girlfriend now?”
Santana groans, “Fuck that.”
“That’s what I thought,” Puck nods, “Think about it. You both need each other in more ways than one but hey, what do I know? Just the dumb jock here. You’ve got to admit though that this could work.”
Santana and Brittany exchange a look as if they are contemplating whether or not they’d actually be able to stand each other long enough to make this relationship believable.
“You wouldn’t need to do it forever,” Puck adds, “Just a few months or so.”
“True,” Brittany nods, “No way I could last any longer than that.”
“You got that right,” Santana agrees and looks to Brittany, “If you agree to this, you’ll have to fly home with me often. That means being around my family and there’s a lot of them. They’re going to be all up in your business too, can you handle that?”
“Easy,” Brittany shrugs, “Parents love me.”
Santana’s slightly impressed by the fact that Brittany’s seemingly confidence about this already. Most of the girls she has brought home either panic or don’t panic enough. She’s interested to see how much of this confidence holds up though when the time comes.
“And on campus,” Santana adds, “We’re going to have to act like a couple here too. We can’t slip up because word might get back to my mom and that’ll fuck up the whole thing.”
“It’ll be difficult,” Brittany replies, “But I’m sure I can manage, so long as you do your best work for Prof Martinez’s assignment. I need that grant.”
“We’ll get that grant,” Santana assures her.
“So,” Puck prompts, “What do you say? You two girlfriends now?”
Again, Santana and Brittany look back at each other. Santana eyes her analytically and she can’t believe she’s actually considering this. Ever since Brittany’s transferred here, she has challenged Santana academically at every turn, it’s been a nightmare. She’s never been one to share the top spot and now she’s expected to work with her? It’s crazy talk.
But the longer she stares, the more sense it starts to make because Brittany really does check all the boxes – no matter how much Santana hates to admit it. Obviously, the smarts are there otherwise they wouldn’t be in this rivalry mess but that’s not all there is. Brittany competes with the Brainiacs and she’s on the robotics team, she tutors in her free time and other nerdy shit Santana wouldn’t dare get involved with.
Not to mention, Brittany’s smokin’ hot. Like objectively speaking, Santana thinks. She’s got legs for days and this mega watt smile and those eyes – as much as she hates to make eye contact with her, it’s not the worst view in the world.
When Santana finally drifts back to reality, she lets out a deep sigh.
“Really?” Puck clarifies.
“I’m not going to say it again,” Santana grumbles.
“And you?” Puck asks Brittany.
She hesitates first before nodding, “Yeah.”
“Yes!” Puck exclaims and looks to Santana, “See, I told you I was committed to figuring this out! Break out your phones, let’s make this Facebook official!”
Santana nods warily then looks to Brittany, “The first hurdle will be the annual New Year’s Eve party my mom puts together so we can use the week before as a practice run. Unless you’re heading home for Christmas?”
Brittany shakes her head, “I’ll be here.”
“Great,” Santana replies, “God, I can’t believe I’m even talking about this. I can’t believe I have to pretend to be in a relationship with you.”
“The feeling’s mutual,” Brittany says, “Like you aren’t even my type.”
Santana’s first instinct is to scoff, but she can’t help but wonder what Brittany’s reason for agreeing to do all this might be. Surely her parents aren’t also trying to set her up on dates with randoms? Either way, whatever it is – maybe Santana can have some fun with this? After all, what’s the point of fake dating your archnemesis if you can’t make them suffer a little?
“Please,” Santana smirks, “I’m the embodiment of your type.”
“Yeah. Right,” Brittany laughs, “You like them easy and ditzy.”
Puck only wears a proud smile as he watches from between them.
“Love the bonding, guys! No one’s going to suspect a thing!”
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mochegato · 4 years
Will you Fake Date Me?
A bit of fun for the Jasonette July Fake Dating prompt.  I think this was the first fic I actually completed.
 “Explain this to me again,” Marinette said with slight exasperation as she stirred her coffee. She watched her friend, one of her best friends, run a hand through his hair looking slightly desperate and anxious. The fact that messing up his hair like that just made him even more attractive was utterly not fair.  Wait, she was supposed to be annoyed not turned on. Stop Marinette, focus!
Jason sighed staring down at the coffee in front of him, “I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend for the upcoming Wayne gala.  Bruce is forcing me go and I need some protection.”
“You need my protection?” she asked eyeing him suspiciously.  He nodded, still looking intently at his coffee. “From?”
“Bruce, Alfred, attention seeking harpies looking for a meal ticket,” he listed off gruffly, “Dick.”
“Dick?” She raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“Dick,” he nodded.  “He is positive I need to find a significant other. But, see, here’s the genius of the plan, if I have one already, he’ll stop trying to set me up with every single, roughly our age, mildly-attractive-in-Dick’s-eyes person he sees.”
“Just to be clear, you think pretending you have a girlfriend that Dick didn’t know about will get Dick to pester you less,” she deadpanned.  “I’m still looking for the genius part of this plan.”
Jason opened his mouth then closed it quickly.  She wasn’t wrong, but that wasn’t the point.  Stupid logic. “Come on, don’t make me go to this thing alone.  It’s going to be miserable and boring and annoying and it would be at least tolerable if you were there with me.”
“Wow you are selling it so well.  When you put it that way, how could I resist such an amazing offer?” she scoffed and rolled her eyes taking a sip of her coffee.  “Also, ‘tolerable’?  When did you turn into Damian?”
This wasn’t working.  He needed a different tactic, one he knew worked on her every time, “Please?” he begged asked in a very manly way, giving her the biggest puppy dog eyes he could manage.  
Marinette looked at the puppy dog eyes warily.  She could already feel herself giving in.  Damn beautiful, gorgeous, big blue eyes she could get lost in.  He knew she couldn’t resist his eyes.  She needed to think of something quick or she was going to lose her dignity and pretend to date someone she really did want to date and she was not some fucking fanfic trope, even if it was one of her favorites. One of Jason’s favorites, too, if she remembered correctly.  Even if it would be fun to “have to” spend even more time together, close together, touching and making out endlessly in order to sell the story.  
Wait, she had a point… Right! She was not going to let her real life succumb to her and Jason’s favorite trope…
Jason’s favorite... trope
What. The. Fuck.  That scruffy-looking, fic-loving, nerd-rat!  He was playing her… but only if he liked her.  So… he liked her?  What!?  When did that start!?  Why weren’t they already dating!?  He was sitting there playing games instead of kissing her!  Bastard.  He needed to stop playing games and act.  They could be kissing right now!!
Okay, so maybe he hadn’t asked directly because he was afraid of how she would react.  He wanted to keep their friendship and his dignity intact no matter what.  Aww, that was so adorable.  Still a nerd-rat, but an adorable one.  It was going to take tact and finesse to help keep the fine balance Jason was walking.
“Jason, if you want to ask me out, ask me, you coward.”  Finesse.  To be fair to her efforts... screw the balance.
Jason stared at her mouth agape.  Shit. This was not how this conversation was supposed to go.  She was supposed to agree to go with him to the gala.  He was supposed to show up wearing a dashing tux that would make her blush deep red and render her speechless.  She was supposed to wear a beautiful dress that took his breath away and made his jaw drop, so any dress really, or anything… or nothing.  No wait.  That wasn’t a fantasy he had time to indulge in right now.  If he started down that road…. What was he thinking about before? Oh right.  “What?” He gurgled out.  Eloquent. He knew words.
“We’ve both read enough fake dating fics to know how you think this ends.” She looked at him with narrowed eyes.
Jason considered his options for response and still keep his self-respect.  He was Red Hood.  He took down mob bosses, hell he was one for a long time.  He could handle this little soft-hearted pixie.  Surely.  
His knee-jerk response to any situation was his patented emotional detachment.  He didn’t care, not about this not about her.  But that wouldn’t work with Marinette, especially if he wanted to get a date out of this.  She knew he cared.  Maybe she didn’t know how much he loved CARED! cared about her, but she knew the detachment was a mask.  She’d certainly called him out on it enough.
He could play dumb.  He was good at that.  Damian always leapt at the chance to believe he was an idiot. Mari knew him better though and always trusted his insights into any situation because she trusted that he knew what he was talking about.  She knew he was smarter than he liked people to think.  She treated him like he was brilliant.  Even if it wasn’t the same way Tim or Barbara were, he still had as much to contribute, as much value.  She completely trusted him, even when she shouldn’t, giving him those eyes that melted him into a puddle.  So that was out.
He could try to play her, a corollary of the Play Dumb approach, playing off of her weaknesses; her refusal to back down from a challenge, her anxiety, her willingness to believe the best in everyone, her need to help everyone around her, her soft heart, her creativity, her kindness, her intelligence, her wit, her bravery, her beauty, her… wait… what was… WEAKNESSES!  Right.  He’d already used his puppy dog eyes though.  He could pull them out again and it might work, but...  Fuck it.  The direct approach then.  Just be straight forward with her, sincere.
“What are you talking about?” Sincerity is vastly overrated.
She stared at him, mouth set in a thin line.  He was still playing games.  Fine. He wanted to play games?  She could play, too.  And just like every game she played with him, she would destroy him.
“I don't know... I’m thinking about becoming a roommate with Roy and…” she gasped placing her hands on her cheeks, eyes and mouth wide open in shock. “…there might only be one bed,”
“The fuck you are,” Jason growled out under his breath before he could stop himself.  He noticed the victorious grin and light blush that appeared on Marinette’s face at his outburst before she schooled her face again.  He narrowed her eyes back at her.  She was playing with him.  She wasn’t walking away and she wasn’t saying ‘no’.  That meant… she was interested too, right?  She was interested and flirting with him.  A small smirk spread across his face before he schooled his expression as well.  Flirting he could do. “You better be careful or you might make me into an enemy, then when I get hurt I’ll have to come to you for comfort.”
Marinette drew in a breath “enemies to lovers, 10,000 word slow burn” she whispered in mock scandal nodding her head.
He chuckled at her and looked back into her eyes, “you didn’t say no, you know”.
“No” she said leaning back.
He stared at her for a second, his heart stumbling.  Had he read this wrong?
“I will not fake date you.  If you want a date, you can ask for one.”  
She started to get up but Jason grabbed her hand gently “Will you go on a date with me, secret princess Marinette?”  He said looking at her with soft eyes, smiling at her as a shy smile spread across her face.
“Yes, of course I will. I could never deny my soulmate.” She smiled wider.  “But…” She paused hesitantly.  
“But?” He asked nerves suddenly surfacing.
“But, where will we go? We’re already in a coffee shop…” she threw him a devastatingly wicked smile.
He groaned.  This was his life now.  He was never going to live this down.  
“Come on, let’s get out of here.” He held her hand as they walked out of the coffee shop, reveling in finally being able to touch her for more than a few seconds at a time.  He could feel her warm skin whenever he wanted.
“One thing though,” she started as they left the coffee shop.
He groaned again and threw his head back in mock exasperation, “Oh God, what?  You worried about your found family?”
“Oooo, that’s a good one, but no.  I was thinking,” she said suddenly a bit bashful, “that we don’t want anyone to suspect that we are just pretending to be dating, right?”
He eyed her suspiciously, “Right… because we’re not.”
“Right, but we don’t want Dick to keep pushing, so we want to make sure we look completely comfortable with each other, right?”
A happy grin spread across his face as he caught onto where she was going with this, “right, so we should maybe practice.  Things like being close to each other, holding hands, hugging, touching, kissing…”
“Exactly,” she nodded, looking up at him through her eyelashes.  “Just to make sure we completely convince Dick we are completely in love… so there’s no question.”
His hands cupped her cheeks as he stared into her eyes, “and I am” he whispered, lowering his head down to gently touch his lips to hers.
 Slightly dirtier bonus:
“Oh God,” he said with sudden realization breaking the kiss.
“What?” Marinette asked concern edging into her expression.
“Am I the Alpha or the Omega in this relationship?”
She let out a loud laugh, wound her arms around his neck, and pulled him down for another more searing kiss. “Who said you had to choose?  We can always switch.”
  Thanks to @gajer-1226 for helping me figure out who share the one bed with.
And thanks to siderealSandman for teaching me what “switch” means.
@fsketchart  @jasonette-july-2k20
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Dragon King Bakugou x Reader but its kinda like a beauty and the beast thing, Bakugou raids s/o's village, S/o is scares of him first, but when he orders her to come with him she has no choice, he didn't kill anyone but he raided the village. And at first s/o and Bakugou didn't get along but slowly she taught him how to become a good person and just..fluff?🤔💞😁
a/n: okay but dragon king bakugou gonna make me act up. and beauty and the beast, despite being slightly controversial, it’s got some bangers in it. be our guest goes hard.
fantasy au // aged up 18+ au (no smut, they’re just 18+)
summary: being a dragon king comes with its fair share of responsibilities. but those same responsibilities that lead him to your village fly out of the door when he spots you.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk / Springhelm - Bakugou’s hometown
warnings: swearing, fluff, slight violence
wordcount: 2k
»»————- ★ ————-««
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It wasn’t like he knew he was doing something wrong. Bakugou was a Dragon King. He had to take care of his duties, and if raiding a nearby village for supplies was on the list, he wasn’t going to just ignore it.
He’d picked a village roughly a few days travel away from his homeland, so he was expecting all good things. A place he’d never even heard of had to have something of value that he hadn’t seen before right?
He certainly didn’t expect to be leaving with you. 
- - -
“What’s happening?” You shouted at the shop owner, Rina. The shop you helped at sold trinkets and manmade items that you’d worked on. Rina paid you a cut of what you sold. If you could sell it, you got paid for it.
“Someone’s raiding the village.” Rina looked at you, her eyes darting around.
“Get in the closet, and don’t come out unless I tell you too!” Rina quickly shut the wooden window blinds, eliminating the sunlight that had previously flooded the cottage.
“But I can help! What if someone-”
“In now! And don’t open this door to anyone but me!” Rina pushed you into the small closet in the corner of the shop, locking you inside.
“Hey wait!” You banged on the wooden door, refusing defeat this early.
Rina went to lock the main door, but it was too late. As a strong fist punched the door open, Rina stumbled back. She stared at the buff man before her before cowering behind the counter.
“Hand over anything of value.” The blonde man ordered. 
You held your hand over your mouth to prevent anything from coming out. You scooched impossibly closer to the wall as you squeezed your eyes shut. This was actually happening.
“Just take whatever you want!” Rina shouted, trying to get the man to leave as quickly as possible.
Bakugou’s eyes scoured the shop, picking up little metal objects, shoving what piqued his interest in his satchel. His vermilion eyes landed on a wooden door that was latched closed. Suddenly, whatever was behind this door seemed to be calling to him.
You hadn’t said a word, but the loud footsteps that approached the door made you tremble.
“There’s nothing but some broomsticks in there.” Rina tried to cause the man to turn around, but he didn’t.
The door was unlatched and light trickled in as the gap in the doorframe widened.
Your eyes opened slowly. You took in a blonde man standing before you. He took a step in and you quickly grabbed something and threw it at him, in an attempt to escape, you crawled past him but he grabbed one of your legs, pulling you back.
“Let her go!” Rina screamed, coming to your side. Bakugou growled, stepping in front of the shopkeeper.
“I’ll be leaving now. And you’re coming with me.” Bakugou glared at you.
“W-What!? No!” You struggled against him as he bound your wrists and ankles with rope. Like it was nothing, he tossed you over his shoulder and marched out of the store.
You watched your village grow smaller and smaller as it disappeared in the distance. The man continued to carry you on his shoulder, but you were impatient, and you wouldn’t stand for this.
“Put me down you brute!” You shouted, struggling against him. In a swift movement, your body hit the ground with a thud.
You groaned in pain and looked back up at the man.
“Let me go.”
“Sorry. I can’t do that.” 
“Th-Then at least tell me your name.” You sat up, trying to ignore the dull pain in your body from the fall.
“Bakugou. Dragon King of Springhelm.” Bakugou, the blonde man, squatted down before you.
“Now are you done throwing your temper tantrum?”
“Temper tantrum? You just kidnapped me!”
“I can release you and you can try and find your way back home, but I doubt you’ll make it there before the creatures of the forest kill you.” Bakugou’s lips curled upward in a smirk.
“Or I can untie you and you can act somewhat decent as we head back toward my home where I’ll be able to protect you.” 
“I don’t need your help. I can protect myself.” You groaned, ushering for him to undo your restraints. Taking out a hunting knife, he cut through the rope that bound your wrists together. 
You rose to your feet and looked back in the direction you had come from. Surely you could make it back. But the sun began to set below the horizon, and the eerie sounds of forest creatures sent shivers down your spine.
“You comin’ princess or do I have to carry you again?”
“Don’t call me princess.” You huffed as you walked beside him, angrily going with him.
- - -
The castle that stood before you was grand and gorgeous. It was old and proved to have years of age on it, moss and vines creeping up the sides from the ground. The inside of the castle was even more beautiful.
The grand staircase that lead to who knows where. The gold and black chrome detailing made everything look so sophisticated.
“Bakugou’s returned!” A spikey redhead came into view, giving Bakugou a hug. Bakugou shoved him away before sulking up the stairs.
“Oh, and who are you?” The redhead smiled at you with sharp teeth.
“Some girl-” You looked around, still unsure of why he’d taken you.
“Oh this is great! Bakugou’s finally found someone-”
“Bakugou found someone?” A yellow-haired boy came into view wearing what looked like a musketeer’s outfit and a sword.
“Kaminari! Yes look!” 
“Woah, Kirishima she’s pretty!”
“Get her to a room.” Bakugou’s voice boomed from up the stairs as he glared at you.
You followed the redhead, Kirishima, to a room. It was lavish and had a large bed, much larger than the bed you had been sleeping in.
“Get dressed for dinner! And don’t be late. Bakugou doesn’t like waiting.” Kirishima smiled before shutting the door, locking you in the room much like how Rina had done.
“Great. I’m in a castle full of-”
Your eyes caught something sparkly and shiny in the closet. Pulling back the doors, your eyes landed on a beautiful gown, something you couldn’t clearly afford. Not with the pocket money you had on you. You’d have to work for at least a year to get enough for something this beautiful.
No. You weren’t his. And he didn’t own you. You weren’t staying here.
Planning your escape was much simpler than you thought. Tying all sorts of garments together, you created a rope and tossed it out of your window before crawling down it. 
You were home free. Of course, you’d have to make it home.
Everything was going great, or until a hoard of wolves came running at you. It was terrifying.
You were outsmarting them, to the best of your ability. But there was one wolf who proved much smarter than the rest. Jumping on you, it took you down, it’s muzzle angrily howling and trying to bite you, its claws sinking into your skin.
A cry of pain surfaced on your lips. The beast was yanked away and Bakugou stood before you, his eyes full of regret and pain. He took care of the wolves, but it didn’t end happily.
He’d gotten hurt. A large gash on his forearm made you wince. He’d hurt himself trying to save you. All because you left.
He didn’t have to come after you, but he did. 
No words were said as you stood, meekly looking back at the exit, the way back home. But your heart pulled you back toward the castle. To tend to Bakugou’s wound.
“Sit still.” You ushered, trying to help him. He was squirming as you tried to clean his wound.
“I’m trying to help you!” You glared at him. He was silent, but you could read his expression. He wasn’t entirely happy, but he was thankful for whatever exchange this was.
Over the course of a few days, you’d grown somewhat closer to Bakugou. You eventually thanked him for saving your life. And he invited you to dinner once again.
And this time, you went.
All washed up, you slipped into the gown and looked at yourself in the mirror. Mina, a kind girl helped you out, making sure you looked perfect.
“He’s got a tough exterior, but he’s sweet on the inside. He’s been through a lot.”
“Thank you.” You thanked Mina for her help and her words.
Bakugou was impressed when he saw you walk down the steps. You looked gorgeous. Bakugou felt his feelings of hatred and pride wash away at the sight of you. He didn’t want to be some tough asshole that mocked and made fun of everyone.
He wanted to be there for you.
“You look uh good.” Bakugou struggled to compliment you. It wasn’t that he didn’t think you looked good, he just wasn’t great at expressing feelings of romanticism.
“Thank you. You look great as well.” You complimented his attire. He cleaned up pretty well.
Dinner was great. And you’d gotten to know a little more about him. He’d been a Dragon King since he was five. His kingdom had been wiped out, and he was trying to rebuild, but he needed help.
He needed a queen.
“So this whole time you’ve just been trying to find someone to help you rebuild?” You questioned as his hand rested on your waist. 
“More or less. But it’s not as easy as it sounds.” Bakugou’s large hand encased yours as the two of you danced slowly, swaying around the large ballroom.
“There are other ways of asking ladies to take your hand in marriage than kidnapping them.”
“I know that.”
“Really?” You smiled.  Bakugou rolled his eyes and looked away, his throat dry.
“If I hadn’t taken you, you wouldn’t have come with me anyways. I raided your village.”
“You don’t know what I would’ve done.” You replied, capturing his gaze once more.
“If I’m being honest, I’ve always wanted to leave that village. If you would’ve asked me to come with you, I wouldn’t have given staying much of a second thought. But just taking me kind of made me bitter.”
“That’s an understatement.”
“You’re not so bad once you get past the big muscles and tough scowl you always wear.”
“And you’re not so bad yourself.”
You rested your head against his chest, swaying to the sound of music being played by a few of the members of the castle, including Kirishima and Kaminari.
- - -
After two months of living at the castle, you’d known that you’d fallen in love with Bakugou. He’d apologized for a lot of his actions, and for how you’d met. You had a hard time forgiving him, but he promised to keep you safe.
And he vowed to never force you to do anything you didn’t want to ever again. 
Being with you made him a better person, and he was happy to see the change in himself.
And he was happy to call you his queen.
“Are you gonna kiss me or what?” You giggled, looking at his as snow fell around the two of you.
Bakugou didn’t hesitate to bring his lips to yours. It was soft, tender, and loving. As snow coated the courtyard in a white fluffy blanket, Bakugou placed his hands on your waist, deepening the kiss.
You placed a hand on his cheek, leaning further into it. When Bakugou pulled away, both of you were breathless.
“Holy shit.”
“Stop talking and kiss me again.” You pulled him back to your lips, not wanting to hear him talk. You just wanted him. 
Kirishima and Kaminari fist-bumped as they watched the scene unfold.
“He’s the happiest he’s ever been.”
“It’s nice to see the King happy.”
“Are you guys spying on them?!” Mina yelled, yanking them away from the window.
“We’re just checking on him!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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fanficparker · 3 years
"The reward of sin is death? That’s hard." - Doctor Faustus, Marlowe
(Frenemies to Lovers! Mob AU! ) Harrison Osterfield x Fem!OC
Word count: 2.45k words
Warning: Swearing, jerk behaviour, keeping hostage, guns, blood and violence, sexual tension.
Synopsis: After the sudden death of his uncle and the eccentric multi-millionaire mafia king Lufian Clarke, Harrison Osterfield’s almost decent life is mostly devastated especially when half of what should be rightfully his fortune is transferred to their immediate rival for reasons he doesn’t know. What’s remaining is him trying to figure out how to deal with this collaboration of two rival corporations that don’t belong together and work on the side of the woman he never knew would ever be referred to as his partner in crime while they are dragged into a mess bigger than what they were trained to handle.
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"Kill her."
Harry coughed. Twice.
"You know that's not possible," because if it was, wouldn't they have eliminated all their rivals already? The mafia was no easy business. It was equivalent to living on the edge without a rope tied to your waist to pull you back in case you fall off the cliff. Rather there was a rope tied to your ankle, waiting for the perfect opportunity to pull you down.
Harrison licked his dried lips as he rose from the desk, stepping closer to him. "Yeah and that's why Tom should be here, not you." He paused for a moment before mumbling: "Kid," amusement crossing his sharp features.
Harry's stomach rumbled with anger. Oh, and you are an obtuse twenty-four-year-old crazy old man who is also a big ass jerk.
He wanted to punch that grimace off his face.
The only reason he was a part of the mafia was that he believed in Clarke's philosophy, his ideology, his way of dealing with things but with Harrison on board, was it even the same anymore?
Harrison crossed the nineteen-year-old, barging into the door to exit the room. "Ask Tom to meet me in the car at seven. And until then I don't want a single soul near myself." He stated before putting a foot out of the door.
Harry expected to hear his departing footsteps but Harrison rather took a foot back, meeting the redhead's eyes with a steady gaze.
"And from next time," He warned, "knock before you enter." And with that he left, his footsteps echoing behind him.
All Harry could do was clench his fist.
It was a business agreement but it felt more like a marriage. An unwanted, forceful one. One where you hated your spouse to the moon and back and yet had to lose a part of your bed, life and love.
Why would you ever do this to me, Clarke? Why would you?! The anger and frustration bubbling inside his chest were too much to handle. He had left along with Tom and had captured one of Dino's closest men.
Dino was one of their new clients and had lately caused a lot of trouble from not paying the amount he owed to actually trying to fly off Europe.
If it was for any other day, Harrison wouldn't even bother handling Dino or any of his men by himself but today he needed a punching bag. A punching bag on whom he could pour all his pent up rage out. Beat his torment off another person's bones. That made sense to him.
He had dragged the man in the dark of the abandoned warehouse— the place Dino once used as a storage for his illegal weapons. The place he had tried to erase, pretend that it never existed.
Tom tied him to the chair for enquiry but Harrison was in no mood for that. He had already made up his mind. He didn't even let the man lift up his head to comprehend what was happening before Harrison's fist made a sharp contact with his jaw, knocking him to the floor along with the chair.
Tom watched from the side as Harrison grabbed the man's shirt, now dusty and violated with stains of fresh blood mixed with spit, establishing the chair back on the cemented floor with a thud. "Ask your boss to show up, will you?" He raised his voice several octaves as if to mock him for being so weak and helpless.
With blood sputtering between the guy's teeth, he tried to speak, "I--"
But Harrison instantly cuts in, circling around his chair, "Oh wait. What can you even do? You are useless for both me and Dino. That's why Dino left you here. He doesn't give a fuck if you live or die." He halted his steps and pulled the man's hair, sharply forcing his head back, jarring his neck, painfully stretching the muscles of his throat before spatting into his face, "You hear that? You. Are. Worthless."
And then he again swung his fist across his face, just this time he didn't stop. His knuckles throbbed with the sharp collision of bone against bone. His skin turned bright blue hidden by red. God, it felt good.
"We don't wanna kill him." Tom reminded, voice laced with disgust. This was brutal even for Harrison.
"I want to." He groaned, fisting his hands in the man's shirt.
"And here I wondered, Clarke's scion would be smarter."
His neck snapped at the voice. The source of the words— the silhouette emerged from the door, her heels hitting against the cemented floor as she strolled towards the blue light that filled the otherwise dark room.
Harrison recognised the voice well, he didn't need to wait for it to materialise into human form but he also didn't want to hear it, let alone see the person whom it belonged to. Somethings are inevitable, anyway.
"What are you doing here?" Tom was the first one to speak, his eyes focused on the woman who stood just a few feet apart from them, her shoulder-length dark hair sitting as a tight ponytail, high on her head, giving her the illusion of height.
She crossed her arms over her midsection, one foot slightly ahead of the other and let out a breath. "That's not a question, you ask your boss. Especially in that tone." Her words were sharp but not her voice or tone for that matter. For an outsider or an amateur, it would appear as if she was just there to ridicule the two boys. Yeah, in some way, it was true except for the 'just' part. Both Tom and Harrison were neither an outsider nor amateurs to read into that. They knew why she was here.
Harrison asked anyway, swallowing his boiling rage, "What the hell are you doing here?"
Her lips twisted into a half grin. "Well, you can ask that though."
The small laughter that followed her words made a muscle tick in his jaw. He was this close to snapping. Snapping to no avail. Snapping for vain. She had won. She had won his prize and there was nothing he could do to reclaim it. He couldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing that she got him. No, she didn't. He reminded himself. No one could.
"I just came to check on you guys. Also, considering the fact that none of you noticed me standing right outside this room..." She looked over her shoulder, pointing a finger at the door, "Anyone could have shot you dead right there."
"And oh my god!" She gasped upon turning back to the scene, her voice infused with fake concern, "What have you done to this poor soul?"
The tension that hung between them had managed to make the muffled cries of the fourth person inaudible to the three pair of ears in the room. Maybe because he was the rat rather than the conventional elephant, people were so used to address.
"He is my client," Harrison growled, low in his throat— a thinly veiled attempt at trying to keep things civil.
"Not just yours." She corrected, flashing a small smile in his direction, more of a grimace, walking towards the man tied to the chair. The two guys watched her with narrowed, questioning eyes as she removed her coat, the draping neckline of her red top doing the bare minimum to cover anything.
She slouched across his chair, wiping the blood from the corner of his lip, softly smearing it across his cheek.
"Is this bad boy bullying you?" She momentarily shot a glance at Harrison. The man nodded, too afraid and too injured to speak.
Clicking her tongue in disdain, she gripped his chin tightly, her nails digging into his skin as she pushed the chair to the back, supported only by one of her heels. He jerked in his bonded state.
She leaned near his face, her breath tickling in his ear. "Why not better start behaving then?" She whispered, her lips brushing against the side of his face. "I don't like pretty faces as yours harmed."
Her finger traced over his lower lip, her nail scratching his wound in ways more sensual than painful. "Will you comply?" Her eyes flickered down to his lips.
He nodded instantly and desperately. He was charged up; her scent was filling his senses. When her eyes were back to his face, his slid to take a peek at her cleavage, a mixture of fear and excitement dotting his sweltering forehead with beads of sweat.
"Good boy," she muttered and dragged her foot away from the chair, installing him back to where they had started.
"P-Please..." The guy managed to utter when she moved away, urgency evident in his voice. A triumphant grin got pasted over her face in response, making her laugh at his needy request.
Harrison could bet that the guy had a mild erection even in his blood ridden pathetic state. The scene almost made him puke. Where he was using force and blood, she was using her body, sex as a weapon. Definitely not his way of working. Yet, he failed to suppress the dull tightening sensation in his abdomen—and the part below it.
She walked up to him, pulling her hair down, brushing them with her fingers. Her laughter had long subsided but its residue was still echoing in his head. He hated that. He hated her.
"Doesn't it spark old memories, Osterfield?"
His face flickered with annoyance. It was in his best interest to ignore her words.
"Let's talk over at dinner." She offered, carrying her coat on her elbow. Yeah, they very much needed to talk even when he didn't prefer it. So, he walked out of the room, waiting for her to follow.
"You should seriously take him back to wherever you picked him from." She instructed Tom as if Harrison wasn't enough for him to deal with.
"We had a reservation," she smiled at the hostess, "by the name of Sandhya Omar." Harrison, on the other hand, was somehow managing not to kill. Her, specifically.
The hostess smiled back, taking a glance at the register in her hand, "Welcome, Ms. Omar. Let me escort you to your table." She smiled at Harrison too. He didn't appreciate the gesture.
She led them to a table perfectly designed for two, for a date perhaps, placed on a quiet, dimly lit balcony. Harrison removed his blazer, hanging it over the chair before folding the sleeves of his beige-coloured shirt over his arms and occupying the seat. The hostess dragged Sandhya's chair, letting her sit.
She mumbled a quiet thank you.
"A waiter will be here shortly." She informed and left. She didn't lie; not a minute had passed and the waiter was already there, passing them two menus and pouring clear champagne into their flutes. Before he could proceed to light the candles decorated over the table, Harrison interrupted:
"We don't need that."
"Of course we need that, darling." She cuts in, smiling so pleasantly at him, just like a cat would smile at a canary.
It was the waiter who smiled back, at both of them, actually. "I will come back for the orders when you both are ready."
"Thank you. We will take some time, though."
"No worries, Ms. Saan—dha—ya."
"Just call me Sandy, it's fine." She shrugged away his absurd pronunciation of her name. The waiter just passed her an apologetic smile, walking away, leaving them in solitude, surrounded by nothing but luxury and privacy.
"Talk?" Harrison began.
"What?" She pretended to be clueless.
It was a game for her.
Not for him.
"You wanted to talk."
"You don't?"
He wasn't having it. So, she simply rolled her eyes, choosing to initiate. "Okay... I will start," she let out a breath, "My mob wants me dead because they want what I have inherited."
Funny, they and Harrison were on the same page.
"And you walked here alone?" He quirked a brow.
She slumped in her chair, one foot crossed over her knee, "You see, I am not alone." Her hands gestured at him.
He snorted. Ridiculous.
"You seriously think that I want you any less dead than them?"
"That's foolish." He leaned across the table, elbows pressing against the wood, "I'd kill you the second I'd get the chance." He stressed certain syllables, gritting his teeth in fury. His tone dripped scorn.
"No, you won't. You need me." She stated as a matter-of-fact, straightening her back.
"You wish." He replied quickly, scoffing at her misplaced confidence.
Her phone on the table vibrated, providing them with the much needed break from cocking their verbal guns at each other. The sneer on her face vanished in a heartbeat, quickly replaced by fear as soon as her eyes scanned the glowing screen. She tapped the dial on her watch before leaning across the table.
"Listen carefully..."
He didn't.
Her hands grabbed his collar, pulling his face closer to hers, tautly stretching the fabric of his shirt, "Your life is at threat too!"
Her eyes glanced at her watch again.
"Four minutes and they'll be here." The slight flicker of the candle burning across the table animated a dance of shadows on their faces, projecting the fearful vibrations in her stomach onto the surface. "For both of us," she clarified, their face centimeters apart.
He laughed pulling himself back, not considering her words any worthy of his contemplation, smoothening the creases she had created on his otherwise crisp shirt. But she was quick to pull him again, not allowing his eyes to focus on anything else but her.
"This is no drill, Harrison." She warned, her dark eyes cold and hard and locked on his blue ones.
"In four--three minutes, there will be a smoke bomb thrown below our table, and that's our only chance to escape. Take the left side, use the pipes to climb down as quickly as possible. A car will be waiting for you at the side of the street."
He squinted his eyes in disbelief, an expression of boredom covering his face. "Why would I trust you?"
She sighed, pulling a compact case, keeping it between them, the mirror facing his side. His pupils dilated noting the reflection on it. It was the reflection of a person, holding a sniper rifle, standing on the rooftop of the building across them.
A chill crept through his heart. Their eyes met again.
In a tone that lacked any hesitation and provided no explanation, she gave away the second part of the answer, "Because Clarke didn't die... He was murdered."
Yeah, people like Clarke don't just die.
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