#urgh i wish i didn't have any kind of crush at all
jess-frances-b · 8 months
Does anyone who's ever had a platonic crush or a squish get withdrawal when you don't get to see them or spend time with them as often? I want to know if I'm the only one who feels this way or not.
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Rivals on the streets (4)
Phew. How awkward. You just dropped him at his hotel. Nothing. Not a hug neither a kiss. What was he expecting? Study the text for real?
You closed the door of your apartment. It was quiet. The table was covered in text pages. But, hey, just between some you saw a green sticky note:
"Had a wonderful time. Hope we can do this somewhen again. RA"
Alarm clock was ringing. Another morning, another day.
Your mascara was smeared. You have forgotten to remove your make up and it was definitely showing. Your wardrobe was a mess. You are not the tidiest person on earth, for sure. However, you took your time to drink coffee and your toes were warmed by the sunlight that shone through the big windows of the room.
"Hey, (y/n)! Looking awesome.", Thomas grinned and greeted you. Completely clothed in black with red lipstick. "It will drive Benjamin crazy. Didn't he ban makeup for all of us today. Do you remember... the masks?"
Oh damn it! Today it was masking time and the cosmetics are really sensitive to every other substance.
"Thanks, as you can see, I completely forgot about it. I just go err .. you know."
On your way to the bath you bumped into your favorite co-worker.
"Hey slow down (y/n). How's your morning going?"
"I am sorry Richard, but I am in a hurry, see you!"
Why does this makeup stained your lips so much. Urgh. At least the rest of your face is 'all natural'. Still rubbing your lips off, you left the bathroom.
The team had already gathered in the mask and mostly all was down. Richard, who was, how could it be otherwise, already done with his plastic scanned you and his eyes widened. You came close to his ear and whispered seductively: "You could have joined me and, by the way, do you need a place to stay for tonight?" You could see him debating in his mind.
"You haven't been yourself lately. The, hopefully, noble man I am, will not accept your request. (Y/N), we are coworkers, we cannot do this."
Did he just coworkerzoned you?
"(Y/N)! Come on, this is our kind of rush hour and you're congestion. Mister Armitage can talk to you later.", Benjamin shouted above all heads.
What a modestly man. "Ok Richard, sorry I misunderstood some vibes. Maybe then just... tea?"
"Have you ever loved someone so much it ached? Especially when it's someone you used to hate." You risked a quick glance. Rhin was captured and in less than 20 hours executed.
"Rhin, my king, is there any hope? Should I contact someone? I don't have a lot of time, my father will be worried, moreover, suspicious of my visit..." Just bars separated you. You heard vulgar voices coming down the stairs.
„Hey Sweetheart, today at the pub is open-end, how about a hell yeah!", Thomas asked you on your way to undress.
The Pub screamed tropical islands. The staff ornates the turquoise walls with a mix out of palm trees and flamingos. The air smelled rich coconut-ish mixed with heavy rum. Almost the whole crew had arrived before the owner started playing ukulele and opened the night.
„Wow, (y/n), legit everybody is getting drunk tonight. I promise it." Most of the cast were wearing colorful shirts but one woman was over the top. Shimmery like diamonds in the sunlight and smooth as a fish in the water. At the moment she laughed and gossiped with some people, including Richard.
Wow he was here? How unexpected.
Thomas detangled his dark curls: "Jealous? That's Lizzy from the makeup-team. She is hot. Seems like Rich is not so ... noble." He smirked
It was getting late and you already lost Thomas in the crowd like years ago just from time to time you heard a "hell yeah".
Fancy manicured fingers were tapping your shoulder: "Hey girl! You look beautiful and I love your performance... wow I love your shoes!", it was a really tipsy Lizzy and Richard was following her. She pulled you softly a bit closer and murmured: "Richard is so hot. I wish we had more guys like him in my town... what do you think? I just heard it on the grapevine that he is about to burn bridges with his old crush because she changed so much. Nothing in particular, you now, just gossip. Do you think I should give it a shot?"
Lizzy was a model, she had dark, sunkissed skin and curves like a goddess. "Of course you should give it a try. I mean ... if he had one... that explains a lot..."
You didn't consider him having an actual girlfriend or anything comparable because he was just always busy. This rumor spreads like wildfire and Lizzy wasn't the only participant in kind of bewitching him with spells of love. In this moment you realized that you could just skip your plan because someone else was doing the dirty work for you therefore you could focus even more on your job. However, what a shame. You really would like to know if he kisses in reality as good as on script.
From behind you smell musky cologne, Richard's. "Can I have this dance?", he adjusts your necklace central again. Even though your dance was a misplaced combo in terms of music choice and Richard dances like a dad, you had a lot of fun together.
"The viewers are all over you!", you complimented him.
"Stop it. No business. Not now. Do you have any plans after this?"
"I thought no business? Well, I will participate in a movie project."
"Terrific! But I meant it more literally."
"Are you flirting with me?", you laughed out loud.
"Stop laughing.", he answered stern.
His comment, however, made this conversation twisted. Richard Armitage tried to hook up with you. In a rainbow colored bar, crowded and steamy after he dumped you.
"Who do you think you are? I got your point. You are not really interested and I am okay with that. But don't play it dirty, Mister Armitage. I am not that kind of woman."
Richard crossed his arms: "Please, hear me out. It's not-"
"Why the fuck should I listen to you, oh please, give me one reason why I shouldn't leave this place right now." You raised your chin high.
His eyes had turned cold and the last thing you heard while leaving the bar was Richard's voice: "It's okay. I understand. You can leave."
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