#ursaring may spook easy but theyre very unpredictable especially when theyre hungry. you dont take risks like that on the skyroute
reaperclothenjoyer · 2 years
making this a psa cuz i just had to have tonic scare off a SECOND ursaring (two in this short amount of time is bizarre):
if you are from a place that doesnt have native ursaring, and you go to a place that DOES have native ursaring. you will probably notice that the trash cans are either bolted into the ground, reinforced with metal, or both. these trash cans have been ursaring proofed. all you have to do is unlatch it (the latch is too sturdy and precise for ursaring claws), lift up the lid, and put your trash in. thats it
do NOT dispose of your trash ANYWHERE outdoors other than ursaring proofed trash cans.
do not litter (obviously). do not leave trash in your car. dont leave your trash bags to the side of the can cause your ass cant figure out the latch. ursarings sense of smell is absolutely insane and even one stinky trash bag can draw an ursaring from three miles away. these trash cans not only can withstand an ursaring probing at them but they also contain the odor
and trust me, us locals will not be appreciative of you drawing wild ursaring near our homes. and if theres too many ursaring sightings in a section of the skyroute the rangers have to close it down till they disperse. its annoying for you as well as us
psa over. arcspeed everyone have fun disposing of trash properly
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