#feel free to reblog this btw i want more people to know
reaperclothenjoyer · 2 years
making this a psa cuz i just had to have tonic scare off a SECOND ursaring (two in this short amount of time is bizarre):
if you are from a place that doesnt have native ursaring, and you go to a place that DOES have native ursaring. you will probably notice that the trash cans are either bolted into the ground, reinforced with metal, or both. these trash cans have been ursaring proofed. all you have to do is unlatch it (the latch is too sturdy and precise for ursaring claws), lift up the lid, and put your trash in. thats it
do NOT dispose of your trash ANYWHERE outdoors other than ursaring proofed trash cans.
do not litter (obviously). do not leave trash in your car. dont leave your trash bags to the side of the can cause your ass cant figure out the latch. ursarings sense of smell is absolutely insane and even one stinky trash bag can draw an ursaring from three miles away. these trash cans not only can withstand an ursaring probing at them but they also contain the odor
and trust me, us locals will not be appreciative of you drawing wild ursaring near our homes. and if theres too many ursaring sightings in a section of the skyroute the rangers have to close it down till they disperse. its annoying for you as well as us
psa over. arcspeed everyone have fun disposing of trash properly
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r0semultiverse · 6 months
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monty-glasses-roxy · 5 months
Three days worth of posts queued! I'm starting new meds in a few days so I'm gonna try and fill it as much as possible in case I go and forget the second I'm on them lmao no one let me sit and ramble forever when I have important work like this to do. Nothing more important on this site than reblogging everything ever!!
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janeromeroshow · 1 year
If your mutuals only how do we interact with you? /gen
ty for asking in good faith anon!
me being mutuals-only doesn't mean i don't follow anyone new; any time a roleplay blog follows me, i check to see if i can see us interacting, and if i can i will totally follow back! don't be intimidated by the fact i describe myself as selective!
the label of "selective" is mostly because i personally don't feel comfortable with personal (a.k.a non-roleplay blogs) interacting with or following me; this is a roleplay blog, not an ask or fanfiction blog, so my writing is just meant to be seen and responded to by the people i'm writing with. for the most part, if you follow me and i see you roleplay someone who i can see jane interacting with (a.k.a, a dead by daylight character - i'm sorry but i'm not really sure about writing with completely different fandoms if i don't know the person or we don't have a shared AU/verse) i will most likely follow back!
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mondaysaglitch · 2 years
seeing a lot of posts about the new harry potter game, and people saying "oh my god thanks for reminding me to buy it!" man it's almost funny how fucked up people are now-a-days.
we're on a rock hurling through space, and we're all hurting in ways nobody else but us can truly understand, yet some people make the concious decision and put foward effort and money to add onto the suffering of others.
why is the message "don't be a dickwad to people" so controversial? why is basic human decency a thing that people are outwardly proud about lacking?
furthermore, why do some people boast about lacking the brain power to even conceptualize the fact that just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean it's a personal attack against you and you have to do everything in your power to hurt them to get back at them.
formal language and any political issues aside; if you enjoy the suffering of others who exist in real life, get the fuck away from society until you re-learn how to be kind to others. if you derive any type of joy from the agony of others, especially agony that you've directly or indirectly caused? you need to be rehabilitated for a lesson that's supposed to be taught in kindergarden.
and to clarify, no i'm not talking about something like wipeout that's meant to be entertainment. i mean if you watch gore videos for entertainment or buy a game that monetarily supports a transphobe just to get back at those 'troons'. if you get any sick kicks from people who are genuienly suffering and DID NOT sign up for said suffering? you're worse off than a literal child in terms of decency.
i get that end times are coming and violence is more prone than ever, but the fact that there's a group of humans who are downright prideful about the fact that they find pleasure from the pain of others makes me think that society deserves to collapse now more than ever.
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pommunist · 7 months
‼️ This is very important so please read ‼️
The ex-admin for Dansir, Lapin, and Sk8ter (a penguin) came out on Twitter with her experience as a QSMP admin and it’s very grim. The user is @/Leasagne_ on Twitter.
I’m gonna try my best to translate from French :
1st Tweet : « Imagine having the first multilingual minecraft server in the world and paying your staff 150€/month and threatening to sue them if they complain. »
2nd Tweet: «  «You signed an NDA blablabla if you speak we’ll sue you. » Yeah Yeah, sure. They think they can gift me a toy and i’ll forgive them and shut my mouth. They don’t know who they are facing »
3rt Tweet : Talking about the NPC she played « Dansir, Tototte, my version of Cucurucho and Lapin won’t come back. Enough of treating people who give a lot of themselves like trash »
She then tweeted art she made for QSMP that she hasn’t been paid for. This include for exemple a Rose drawing, a Lucy drawing and the Techno fanart from Dia de los muertos event.
4th tweet : « Everyone is burnt out in their entreprise but it’s not a problem bc no one can talk or they risk getting sued. »
She then make a serie of tweets explaining why they got fired : « During a stream, Aypierre leaked my name, thanks dude, they saw that i was talking to him on discord, which is a FORBIDDEN THING. I was then accused of leaking things to him, bc on the screenshot, i was talking about DDOSon the server which is considered sensitive information. There was then an investigation on me, which i said was useless as I didn’t have anything to hide and was ready to answer all their questions. I admitted not following the rules (btw it’s forbidden to have chatrooms BETWEEN ADMINS, that’s why I wasn’t following the rules). We aren’t allowed to talk to streamers out of stream, but everyone does it i was just caught doing it. »
She also added some more stuff
-Saying that they were only TWO french admins (the other being Pomme’s) and OP had to do all the translations of QSMP newspapers, as well as adding articles on french CCs as they had been forgotten.
-Said that Empanada wasn’t supposed to be killed that day, it was an accident.
-Said that Pomme’s death, which was reversed, was forced so that « Baghera would have a tragic reaction »
-Said that the QSMP admin staff are all wonderful people with good dynamics, higher ups are the problem.
-Said that she believes Quackity isn’t aware that this is happening.
-Said that now QSMP ccs are aware that this is happening and want to discuss it with the admins.
I’m on my phone so it’s hard to include screenshots or links of everything so if you’re able to feel free to do it by reblog. I’ll add more things as soon as possible.
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kanmom51 · 3 months
Smeraldo garden marching band - JM
Song and MV - My thoughts
Very long post ahead. Seeing that @andy-wm wrote such an amazing post already, I am sending whoever hasn't read it to go read and like it.
I agree with @andy-wm's thoughts and am going to use it as a base to mine, jot down a few points I would like to either add or emphasize. I could have reblogged, but I felt there was just too much I wanted to convey and better I do it in a separate post.
So let's get it.
Where where where do I start?
Maybe from the end, seeing that the song does seem to open and closes with the BTS reference.
I do agree the song is not JM singing his love to Army.
I've seen Army trying to twist and turn it around once again making it all about Army, JM telling us things he couldn't tell us before, the truth he couldn't before - that he loves army? Say what? Since when did he not tell Army he loved us? Since when was that a truth that had to be hidden? Nah. It's funny how people are getting the whole connection to the Smeraldo flower, the connection to The truth untold (will talk about that a little more later on), but are not willing to take that one extra step and see or admit what that thing JM telling us is.
There is a reason this song comes after Set me free Pt. 2!!
This is a different JM. One that decided to live his life as himself, flying away free like a butterfly.
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And he connects the dots in the MV.
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This is about something that was obviously hidden by him until now, something he is telling us now, a secret he is letting us in on, once he told "all the opps" to fuck off.
These lines here:
All the things we couldn't say before And your hidden feelings too I'll tell you everything now (Just for you) Don't you worry anymore Since we’re together now Let's be a little more honest (Let's go)
Clear as day.
This is about hidden feelings (and not necessarily hidden from the person he loves but from us, as we are the audience and it's time to tell us about it). Same btw with the honesty. Not that he hasn't been honest with that person he loves, but it's time to be honest with us, perhaps practice that same honesty that certain person has been trying to practice throughout 2023.
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This is JM's time. JM's secret to tell.
So why, oh why the hell would it be about his love for Army and wanting to hold our flaming hands????? Please make it make sense.
Forget the fact that the lyrics are just not it. Nope. He might love army but he definitley doesn't want army, and spare me any reasoning, JM is a big boy and he KNOWS what it means when he says "I want you babe...", and it ain't him wanting Army. Nope. Nah. No way.
On top of that, by now we know that everything JM does is for a reason, and the 12 June in the lyrics is no different. This is about BTS, not Army, and the idea of the bookending, I love love love that one. This exactly:
That means the events happening in the song, happen within the context of Bangtan. Reading between the lines, the person he is singing to/about is within Bangtan.
Ah, and there is this too:
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No special course in reading comprehension needed here.
Not a love song to army. If it wasn't clear from the lyrics then it's said here. A song JM wrote for army to help them express their feelings for a loved one when they are having issues doing so themselves (all part of the layering I will talk about later on).
I'll just say here that JM is the king of layering. One song and MV containing messages within messages.
One more thing about that ending frame from JM though.
When the curtains rise and the lights turn on Everyone is in their places Turn up the music I think we’re ready now Let's begin one, two Put your hands up
These lines.
As I was watching the MV for the first time reading those lines, this is what popped straight into mind (and speaking of popping, I will get to that too, that naughty cutie, sexy, lovely man of ours and his not so innocent innuendos - yes, I do think his mind was going there):
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When do you feel your heart connected with another member ?
"...when my eyes naturally meet Jimin's and we high five..."
*Side note: not JK telling us his heart is connected with JM basically all the time...
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I guess JK is talking about moments like that.
When I saw/heard those lines in JM's song it felt like the one JM was talking to in that moment wasn't all of the members, but that one person standing on that stage with him, that one person that he just said all his "I love you"s to.
Oh, and a little example of nothing being coincidental and fully thought out by JM:
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Ok then.
Just as @andy-wm mentioned, JM gives us hints galore throughout the whole MV as to who that individual is he is speaking to, confessing his love to (again, all while also clearly talking to us letting us in on that secret that he was hiding until now).
We have him hinting to what it ain't.
That the person in question is not of the female variety. The potentially romantic moments are only with the male characters. That "yes sir" add-on.
Ooh, I love you babe I'll come closer to you I love you, babe (Yes, sir) Ooh, I want you, babe I wanna hold your hand I want you, babe
This is no mistake. This is not in the live version only. This is part of the actual lyrics. As is.
We have him giving us hints in the staging, the choreo, the set connecting with Serendipity.
The you are me I am you in the MV choreo
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And prey tell, who took ownership of that one, eh?
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We have the bubbles.
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And specifically JM in a bubble.
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Wait, what am I seeing there?
JM in a bubble with sunflowers?
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I guess we're in the business of recreating moments then.
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Not quite enough, right?
So we have JM literally using Golden hour lighting in his MV. All while the sunflowers (you know, those that grow towards the sun, and usually don't tend to open up and flourish as the sun is going down) are blooming.
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Oh, and who are they directed towards if not the recipient of JM's confession? You know, the sun part of the sun and moon duo. Get with it people. You should be reciting this off by heart by now.
Oh, @andy-wm you asked and I will reply. You are not crazy AT ALL. I will say it one more time and clearly:
The sunflowers, that represent the sun as in themselves, are blooming facing towards the camera, in the direction of JM's love confession, all while doing so when the sun is actually supposedly setting, it being Golden hour.
And if it's Golden hour we are talking about, how can we forget this?
Just JK telling us JM is the love of his life during Golden Hour .
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See full clip here:
And now we have JM doing just the same.
Who would have thought?
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So, basically the flowers are blooming facing (because of) the individual that JM is confessing his love to - you know, the sun to his moon.
Same moon that was doing this:
Every night You spin me up high The moon with you in its arms Let me have a taste Give me a good ride (Oh, I'm fallin', I'm fallin', I'm fallin') It's gon' be a good night (Oh, I'm fallin') Forever you and I
And if we are already drawing the lines between SGMB and Like crazy, then how about this perhaps connecting line:
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We know how personal Face was to JM. We know that every single song is him through and through. We know Like crazy is about him struggling during the pandemic.
We saw his breakdown during the MOTS ONE live streamed concert.
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This was October 2020, around 6 months into the pandemic. The uncertainty. This is their first performance and from there until Muster another 9 months go by. We know from Festa 2022 that the pandemic screwed up all of their plans. the uncertainty, working on and releasing Be and then Butter and PTD everything leading up to the PTD online concert, a year after MOTS ON:E. For those that performing is their life, standing in front of an audience and giving it their all, it's a hard pill to swallow. The unknown, if they will ever get back to perform on stage in front of a live audience, when this is who they are, their essence, it can be unbearable. JM wasn't the only performer to go through this. It's just that he shared this with us.
And JK was there by his side.
And all he wanted was to make it better.
Just like he did during the concert itself.
So yeah, I do believe it's JK referenced in that song.
And Yeah, like everything JM does, this song too, and it's MV, are layered.
And SMF pt. 2 is him breaking free, flying away like a butterfly and moving on to SGMB. Now he can say what he feels out loud for EVERYONE TO HEAR. And he's telling that someone that was worried about him, that one that stood by JM's side and perhaps JM felt like he was trying to save him, that it's ok, there is nothing to worry about anymore. And unlike in Like crazy, where JM doesn't want to be woken up from that dream, and he is fighting that person that wants to save him, at this point he's eager to wake up and live each day a new with that person he loves blossoming by his side.
Same person he wrote the Letter to?
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Yep. Same person.
I do believe that they are all one. Same person by his side in Like crazy, giving him a good ride, in his arms, trying to save JM. Same person he wrote his love letter to. And same person he's telling that he loves in SGMB.
And then there are these lines to consider:
All the things we couldn't say before And your hidden feelings too
Is JM confessing to that person, to us and for that person too? Telling us the feelings are mutual. Hidden until now, from us, and now out in the open.
And yes, although SGMB is JM confessing his love to that person (cough JK cough), he's already done that in a song, right? So what now?
Layering peeps.
JM is telling that person, but more so, I do believe, telling us.
Remember how Letter was hidden? Yes, we got to hear it, but it was hidden on JM's album. Like a secret that isn't to be shared with everyone. Like something that needs to be hidden. And here comes the layering again - it's hidden cause it's a private letter to the one he loves, but also hidden because it's something that cannot be revealed publicly, because he's an idol and 'not allowed' to have such a personal relationship and because the relationship itself is 'not allowed', being with another man.
And now we have SGMB. Not only is the song not hidden away, but it's out there in the open. Loud and proud. The first single released from Muse. How louder or more public can it get than that?
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Ok, so feels like a good place to talk about the song's choice of name and its lyrics for a sec.
Much has been said already about the Smeraldo flower, it's meaning and The Truth Untold.
And now we have this:
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"The longing to confess and find love on behalf of those unable to articulate their feelings..."
Let's talk about this sentence for a second.
One of the things we get from the MV is cupid or matchmaker JM. Not only is he telling his person how he feels, he is also helping those around him express their love. So, as usual we have a layered message, oh so like JM to do in his well thought out messages. JM 'confessing' to his love, but also to us about his love (first 2 layers) and another layer of JM helping us, his audience, to express our feelings to whomever we wish to and are struggling to do so. Oh and another layer to it all is the one surrounding all three, the one that connects to the Smeraldo flower and it's part in The Truth Untold - that part of allowing to show your true colours, your true feeling, and not be rejected for them, not necessarily by the person you love, but by those that surround you and will not accept your true self or your love for each other.
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The connecting lines between the two songs.
And we know who this song meant so much to as well.
"But I still want you"...
So most definitley not a coincidence JM choosing the Smeraldo flower nor calling his band The Smeraldo Garden Marching Band, having them be the ones to deliver this oh so loud and proud message to us all.
One last thing before I leave you for now.
Let's talk for a sec about the new JM dance challenge?
We got cutie sexy lovely JM in this one.
And again, thanks @andy-wm for your lovely post.
Once again, if it wasn't clear already, the one he's paired up with is Loco, sitting there on the sofa, not even dancing with him, just there all googly eyed at JM, struggling to keep a straight face. And the end, omg, that end.
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No Loco. That performance was not for you. And fyi, there is only one person JM is accepting flowers from ...
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You know...
That one and the same person he was rushing home to pack for their trip to Japan the next day.
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Same person he chose to enlist together with less than a month later.
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Masterpost: Visual Kei movies & other types jrockers were involved
So, it came to my attention some of you want to watch more visual kei movies so I thought of listing what I know, in case you've missed any of those. Please feel free to add anything I've missed with reblogs or in the comments.
Thank you @kirk-goes-to-gallifrey for the three movie links! ^^ And thank you @waretamado for helping with the titles of Plastic Tree's movies! Btw most of the vkei only movies must still be available on YT guys, however not all of them will be on HD.
Visual Kei movies:
Seth et Holth (1993) (Hide) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx_laJCEpew)
Moon Child (2003) (Gackt & Hyde)
Verte Aile/Bel Air (1997) (Malice Mizer) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdd58pTaK8A)
Bara no Konrei/Bridal of the Rose (2001) (Malice Mizer) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr1d_cFRnxs)
BeatRock☆Love (2009) (Takeru ex.SuG)
Number Six (2006) (Alice Nine)
Yuku Pura Kuru Pura... Edokawa Puranpo no 「Ougon otoko」~「Visual bako no bijo」 (Plastic Tree) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81Bb-3L4l2E)
Yuku Pura Kuru Pura... Edokawa Puranpo no 「Onan tokage」~「Bishounen wo kuu bijo」 (Plastic Tree) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAha6vDCE0Q)
Yuku Pura Kuru Pura...Edokawa Puranpo no「Angura Kaijin」~「Remon no bijo」 (Plastic Tree) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pzt3ai5LSXc)
Ascendead Master (2009) (Versailles)
Onegai Kanaete (2011) (Versailles)
Oresama (2004) (Miyavi) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcBvKQfVKNM)
Soundtrack (2002) (Sugizo) (I don't know if it's a vkei movie but since the theme appears to be music-oriented, I put it here)
Non Visual Kei movies jrockers acted in:
Kagen no Tsuki (2004) (this is a live action of a manga) (Hyde)
There is a movie that Takeru of SuG had played in for only a couple of scenes that was his first ever role, but I forget the name. I remember sth about "blue generation" or sth. If sb remembers it, please put it in the comments. Most people might remember the scene with the fluffy coat, him with blond hair turning to the protagonist with a menacing look, from the distance.
Paracelcus' Homonculus (2015) (this is an artsy film based off a photographer's exhibition) (Takeru of SuG)
Midori: the Camellia girl (2016) (live action of a manga) (Takeru of SuG)
Bunraku (2010) (Gackt)
Akumu-chan (2014) (Gackt)
Karanukan (2018) (Gackt)
Tonde Saitama 1 (2019) & 2 (2023) (Gackt)
Moshimo Tokugawa Ieyasu ga Sori Daijin ni Nattara (2024) (Gackt)
Furin Kazan (2007) (Gackt)
Mr. Brain (2009) (it must have been 1 episode or 2) (Gackt)
Tempest (2011) (Gackt)
Sengoku Basara (2012) (Gackt)
Time Spiral (2014) (Gackt)
BLEACH (2018) (live action) (Miyavi)
Hell Dogs (2022) (Miyavi)
Familia (2023) (Miyavi)
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019) (Miyavi)
Kate (2021) (Miyavi)
Stray (2019) (Miyavi)
Unbroken (2014) (Miyavi)
There's a movie with either gangs or bands that Chiyu of SuG played after the disband. Papiko, shed your light cause I don't remember the title.
30-thirty (2000) Hakuei
The Legend of the The Stardust Brothers (1985) (Issay)
溺れる魚 / Drowning Fish (2001) (Izam of Shazna)
REPO! The Genetic Opera (2008) (Yoshiki was involved with the music production of this film. Personally I learnt it years after I'd watched it)
Death Trance (2005) (It features many Dir en Grey songs in its soundtracks)
Hamlet (1998) (A rock opera version of the famous play, by Penicillin) YT link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hljXGPsUU1Q)
I hope you can find anything you like and enjoy!
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torturedpoetsdpmt · 7 months
Tumblrina Swiftie Follow Train!
I've been feeling a lil lonely on here lately and wanna be more involved and active in the community, which means I need more mutuals! I love doing these follow trains bc they help me find such great blogs to follow.
Here how it works:
Reblog this post if you post Taylor content (can totally be multi-fandom, but maybe add your other fandoms in the tags)
Put in the tags one of your favorite songs/album lately, a compliment about prev, or just something else fun! you don't have to, this is just to help people get to know you
Follow a few other blogs that have reblogged this post to help build your community
Feel free to follow me (btw @ mutuals I just changed my url from alitoowelll). Send me asks, whether you're new to my blog or not, let's be friends! I really want to interact with more of you <3
There's such an amazing community of swifties on here, but sometimes it can feel a little hard to break in and feel like you have real friends and are a part of things. I would love it if this post became a starting point for friendships between more of you and helped more people feel included :)
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half-oz-eddie · 5 days
I do not want to do discourse but I am quite tired so feel free to scroll past this or ignore it idc
First and foremost I do not care if other positivity projects exist. They can exist in unique ways for unique reasons. It's a beautiful thing. I'm sure people love what they do and they're doing it for fun. Personally? I love what I do. A normal amount. And I do it my own way. Kinley Café is my heartbeat and it's always been a project that I deeply enjoy and that I am passionate about. I ask for nothing in return except the chance to touch other people's lives and make them smile by sending out your orders.
I am so comforted by the amount of love and support I receive. It's motivating and has helped me through difficult times. I have been so distracted spreading joy that I've basically breezed through what is usually the most difficult month of my life.
And yet. And yet!! I have been reported as spam so the café does not come up in searches (it's limited/partially shadowbanned I guess you can say. I constantly worry that this affects people getting notified when they receive treats because I want them to know someone is thinking of them. But I have been communicating with Tumblr about it, so don't worry too much). I have received phishing links in DMs and on the order form. And more recently, a password protected blog that hasn't had any activity in 40 days receives nearly a dozen notifications out of the blue because of a months old post circulating as some sort of gotcha, and I find out someone is telling people that I copied an idea (from myself btw) and sent out anons trying to encourage people to call me out over...stealing my own idea?
And I don't wanna hear "they didn't know it was me" because nobody asked me shit! I didn't show anybody any disrespect. In fact, I was being supportive! I showed love! I took the time out to make something because I wanted to continue to encourage the spread the positivity.
And yet, people made accusations even though I was being kind? Do you want a trampoline since you like fucking jumping to conclusions?
KC has been open for FIVE weeks. And I've dealt with all this in a short period of time for absolutely no reason. I've been nothing but kind and supportive of others. I genuinely and sincerely try my best.
I don't wanna let this taint something beautiful or let anything discourage me from doing this again. But I swear to god.....this shit is getting really annoying and bringing out the worst in me. lmao why am I fighting for my life during this little hiatus? I'm dedicating my free time to creating things, and collaborating with others just to spread love and kindness. I don't want anything but peace and quiet.
What's next? Do I have to keep dealing with dumbassery? Or can I go back to sending out treats and going on about my fucking business? Because I do not have time for this. I do not want all this static!!!
I've turned off reblogs. If you want to talk to me privately that's fine but this has been a little overwhelming and I just wanted to get this off my chest.
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hanbindans · 1 year
a/n: I wrote this on impulse at 1 am and I have no regrets. I think I'm right btw but feel free to argue with me in the reblogs or comments if you want because I want friends. lowercase intended (I'm on desktop fight me if you want) also this is SATIRE in case it's not clear
big spoon all the way. little spoon makes him a little uncomfortable. like what if you bite him between the shoulder blades?? if he wants to be held he needs to be face-to-face with you so he can keep track of your moves and make sure you're not planning to attack him.
zhang hao
hmmm. mostly big spoon but it depends on his mood. sometimes after a long day dealing with people not as smart as him (everyone) he needs to be restrained as the little spoon so he doesn't go feral and commit any crimes. and he likes it when his back gets all warm and he can calm down 😗.
little spoon but he doesn't know it. insists on being big spoon because it makes him feel like he's protecting you but actually he is the one who needs to be protected. we all need to be protect hanbin at all costs. he DESERVES to be little spoon.
50% big spoon and 50% little spoon. he doesn't really care. you had a bad day? taerae is big spoon that day. he had to walk home in the rain? YOU'RE big spoon so he can warm up. a king who is secure in his masculinity.
little spoon by default but he wants to be big spoon so bad he will actually wrestle you so he can get behind you. I believe he is pretty strong though he will give great cuddles as big spoon with those arms. makes you pretty warm and toasty.
too cool for little spoon. has to be big spoon every time this is simply not up for discussion with him. just go with it. and to be fair he is a pretty good big spoon because mans got them custom sized limbs perfect for holding another human.
hmm.... I say little spoon at heart but big spoon by default because there is no big spooning this boy, the only other option is being his jetpack. he'd rather have his head cradled to your chest as his limbs cling to you because it has similar vibes to little spoon, just without the little. you should still ask for him to be big spoon sometimes though because I feel like he would be pretty warm.
75% big spoon and 25% little spoon. imo he should be little spoon-ed more but once again his height is kind of working against him on this one. but he also wants to be big spoon most of the time so it's all good in the end. be sure to be his jetpack once in a while tho so bro can fill his cuddles quota.
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candlewaxandp0lar0ids · 10 months
Hi all, so, basically I've been having a lot of thoughts and feelings about the state of fanfiction these days. Specifically, I've been thinking about the relationship and interactions between writers and their readers within the fandom (talking about my fandoms in particular, but I know that similar things seem to be happening across the board). I know that authors have been talking about how they've been getting less and less comments and feedback in general on their work. I haven't said much about it because I don't want to appear ungrateful to the people who take the time to leave detailed feedback — I'm incredibly grateful to them and they've played a huge part in keeping me going for this long. If you've left a comment on any of my works and see this and wonder if you haven't done enough, trust me, you have.
Still, if I'm being honest, the amount of silent readers is starting to take its toll on me. It's gotten to the point where when I write something, if it's a decently long piece (let's say over 4k), I'm likely to get less comments on the work than I've put hours into writing it. It sometimes feels like I have to beg for comments and that is not a nice feeling. As an author, it's hard to see that and not think that it says something about the quality of the work you've put out.
I've been trying to think of things that could help, I have a bunch of thoughts that I'll probably try to organize at some point (namely i think a network for writers to have constructive feedback, which doesn’t always mean negative feedback btw, could have a positive impact — feel free to let me know if you’d be interested but also i’ll probably make another poll for that). For now, I wanted to ask: as readers, if you don't leave comments, is it because you're not sure of what to say or how to articulate it? If so, would it help if I made a post detailing things you can tell writers in the comments (other than the classic, but always good 'I loved it')? In general I'd love to know more about why people don't leave comments.
Expect a couple more posts on the subject once I've collected my thoughts and in the meanwhile, here's a poll to let me know if it would help. Reblog to increase visibility/sample size, etc.
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hypernormalisation · 4 months
my "og colliders squad", subtitled "for the cool like five weeks collision was fun" community was approved, and like, fuck me if i know how this works, it's midnight and I have to sleep, but like this post if you want me to add you and i'll figure it out tomorrow. i think i have to add you. again, idk how this works. grandma emoji.
(also, feel free to reblog this post to reach more people (I have hardly any wrestling followers after deleting and remaking (hi btw i'm shoop)), but if you like this and we were never mutuals and don't know each other at all I might be a lil picky abt adding u, sowwy. also obviously don't like this if you're not a cm punk fan, like. c'mon )
ok thank u u can still like this post but that's enough reblogs
ok I think that's all i personally consider og, thanks for playing
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50shadesofoctarine · 2 months
@goodomensafterdark and other people in the GO fandom,
Hey! I make free good omens content because I love sharing with you all, but I am trying to manage my finances as a 19 year old who was kicked out by their mum. I am safe, with a roof over my head, don't fret! But a little extra cash goes a long way. (At the end of this post I will show you how far.)
These are some examples of my art that you might recognise me from:
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Anyway, if you're in a financial position to support me:
My commissions are open!! And my Patreon has paid tiers for $2, $5, and $7.
And if you aren't:
My Patreon has a free tier with lots of cool rewards and bonuses.
Plus, Reblogging this post is super helpful even if you can't directly donate. Maybe someone who follows you is in a position to support me.
How far does your money actually go?
Here are a few of my expenses:
Just $2 buys me a whole bag of expired bread at a local bakery. It's enough bread to keep me fed for a whole week!
My commute to work (I'm a pay-what-you-can tutor because I want to eliminate socioeconomic barriers to education. I have to take public transportation to my students' houses) costs me $10 every trip.
My internet bill is $39 a month.
$20 buys me 50 pages of the sketchbook paper I use.
Now, I am in a position where I don't need your support to pay for any part of my lifestyle. But holy fuck is it helpful. It means that I can start paying off my student loans, and that I can actually add to my savings account. (Btw, none of this is your responsibility. Don't feel obligated to maintain my financial decisions. I'm fine, I'm just giving you some insight into my life for the sake of transparency.)
Currently I make $28.75 a month from Patreon alone. I am so grateful for that. It is such a relief to have a bit of extra cash on the side, doing something I love.
If you want to know what my short term savings goal is, I want to buy a drawing tablet so that I can make comics more easily. Those can cost anywhere from 300-1000 dollars, so it'll be a while before I can afford it. Long term, I'm saving up for a deposit on a house. Is that a pipe-dream? Probably. But I'm nothing if not delusional.
Commission prices.
Patreon Link.
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doyouknowthistmntau · 10 months
Welcome to "Do you know this tmnt au?" !!
This blog is for every tmnt fan who loves alternative universes!! Since the fandom has so many different AUs I thought why not make a blog to see how many of them we know, and maybe support the lesser known ones!! Inspired by @haveyouseenthismovie-poll and other similar blogs :]
The polls will start on December 2023 (most likely). Submissions are OPEN!! You can submit by sending an ask with a link to the au (masterpost links are the best!! though i think sometimes it gives error adding links to asks so its ok if you dont add them) with the creator's handle ^^ Anything that has prosh*p or tc*st won't be accepted (including Rise boys x April*).
If you have any recommendations feel free to tell me, this is my first time doing something like this, so I would love to hear out your ideas and try making this blog better <33
If you could reblog so this blog reaches to more people that would be awesome dudes!!
(Also if you don't want your au as a poll feel free to tell me, I can remove it asap!!)
*its mainly because rise aprilxboys ships cause many fights that i dont want to get involved with btw
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dragongirltongue · 10 months
New Pinned post <3
Hi there, the name is Zelda, or one of like, 20 other names that may or may not be listed somewhere around here. If you know a name I go by that isn't findable here don't use it. <3
I'm bigender which is made up of girl and fem6oy, as such I use she/her and sometimes he/him pronouns when I'm feeling fem6oy enough <3
I'm in my 30s, not getting more specific than that until I decide it's not true enough to change it, don't try to find my exact age as I don't like sharing that information publicly, I don't even update it on my birthday <3
I'm a polyamorous bisexual voraphile freak and if you're over 18 you're welcome to talk to me about how much of a freak I am. I love to flirt and encourage it. Also happy to share my Other Blog with anyone interested, again as long as you're of age. <3
I'm a film graduate and currently working on doing something with that experience as well as working on a superhero comic and a 2D zelda style game. Feel free to bug me about any of those I love to discuss writing and media and want to encourage media literacy. <3
I'm also an ex-jehovahs witness and as a result I'm hugely into the holiday season in a very against my old god kinda way. Also big into sinning <3
Also I'm like, a dragon in probably an otherkin/thetadelta kinda way, like, it's core to who I am and how I understand myself so yeah. Despite this my fursona is a fox, the dragon in my icon is literally me <3
I also draw sometimes and when I do it'll be posted to @dragongirldrawings but always reblogged here too.
Also I'm a member of a plural system, feel free to check out the rest of the system over here @haven-sys <3
Further on the identity weirdness I'm an imaginary friend for the person who used to inhabit this body, they've been gone for like, over 20 years so it's not really relevant but I have started embracing my nature as a fictional creation, it's comforting.
Btw, if one of my posts containing my typing quirk ends up on your dash I take no responsibility for it. I use it in posts that are for me only and if they happen to resonate with others that's their choice to reblog.
I had intended to set tipping up on my blog for a while but adhd caused me to never get around to it sooo, homebrew tip button on my original posts. Feel free and outright encouraged to steal this idea <3
So yeah that's me, hiii I love you all <3
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this post is specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue
DNI list under the read more.
lmao imagine if I actually made one of those finally, that's how you'd know I've been replaced with an evil clone or something.
That being said if you're looking at my blog to send me an ask or dm about what someone gets off to please understand unless they're actively hurting someone I rly don't care. I have a lot of ignored and blocked anons about this.
This goes double if the person you're trying to alert me to is trans femme, we don't play that game here, especially given that I know I've been targetted for things as simple as engaging in vore the wrong way for some people or whatever.
Like, I just want to make it clear I rly don't give a fuck what another adult does in the bedroom, I rly don't care if the bedroom happens to include their blog and I rly don't care if they like to flirt about it with other adults on this website.
Also if your pinned post is a callout for anyone about anything it's likely to set off my paranoia around you, which is to say I will not be able to trust you if this is the case even if it's for someone who's actually a danger to a community, like, actively.
Like, this ain't a moral stance or anything, it's a mental health thing. I see that you want to make your first point of contact into a crosshair on someone else I'm gonna be scared you're gonna aim at me next even if it's completely reasonable that you'd never find anything objectionable with me. It scares me and I'm gonna spend every interaction walking on egg shells around you cos what if you're digging for dirt, like, I got no way of knowing.
Anyway as the opening joke implies I don't see any worth in having a list of things to not interact with me over cos the lived experience on this planet is so full of nuance and I've formed deem friendships with people who'd probably have avoided me if I had a DNI and they cared about it.
I think DNIs are dumb but this feels like a space to talk about some general limits on what I'm gonna put up with on this website. I'm just here for a good time with other freaks, anything else is optional. If you want to drag me into your discourse at this point then I guess this is whre I ask you to Do Not Interact. To anyone else, I love yall <3
If you've been directed here after sending an ask my way please apologize for wasting my time [here]
tl;dr DNIs are dumb but don't drag me into your personal grievances with others.
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this post is still specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue [tip]
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