#ursula wolfe
akitasimblr · 5 months
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3: (rabbit felix): are they always sleepin'?
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odiniswithus · 4 months
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two evils walkers;;
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apollenaria · 1 year
It's been a while, I have gone on a bit of a splurge, the initial plan was to just buy more of the discount rh dolls but I saw a store had relisted the rainbow dream dolls on their website and I had to pick up Carmen at least, I'll grab the other two when their on sale, I had known that Bambi was for sale but I last saw her when I was broke so perfect time to pick her up and Ursula was there too, I kinda hate that they switched out the inset eyes for painted ones and the lil blind box foods but the second outfit sold with them makes up for it, I'm just happy their for sale in stores and not just on the Disney store online
I was just checking store stock when I found Clawdeens bedroom, it's super cute!!!! And much cheaper then I was expecting, I've been slacking super hard on monster high hunting cause Mattel's been terrible about getting stock here
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And the crown jewel Sage! She finally arrived in the mail, I'm slowly building the band, god the Star Darling are so prettyyyy!!!! Hopefully I'll be able to buy my fave of the 5 soon
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bucket-barnes · 2 months
You asked to be asked about Max but what about a request?
Like Max returning to school in a new healthy throuple. And maybe they look like a captain of the Lost Revenge and a strong golden retriever third mate of another universe?
I do love a good challenge…challenge accepted
(Some creative liberties were taken in character designs for the sake of it making sense for the gossip girl universe)
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It had been five months since the breakup, Aki and Audrey thought they could make it work but…it just wasn’t the same without Max, they just…didn’t work without him. Maybe they weren’t meant to be…but they had to work as a duo again, it’s not like Max wants to ever see them again- but they saw him
It was a Wednesday, Aki and Audrey were on their way to the MET steps to meet up with the rest of the group, when who do they see but Max…and who are those people with him? And why were they so close to him?!
No, no, no- this won’t slide, no one gets that touchy with their boyf- ok, maybe no longer boyfriend, but they still have a right to protect him!
They were a girl and a boy, the girl had eyes like fall leaves and strands of teal woven into her jet black braids. Her wrists were adorned with gold bracelets and her earrings were pearls, but the most peculiar thing was her necklace. A gold naughtilus shell. She was holding Max’s hand and it looked like he hung on every word she said
As for the boy…Audrey was ashamed to admit what she thought when she saw him. He was built like a Greek god with his muscles practically ripping his shirt off, his blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail with a few strands hanging out, and his eyes were blue, but not the cold, piercing blue like Max’s, they were a warm and friendly blue, like a summer day. The boy was laying in Max’s lap, listening to the conversation with a goofy smile on his face while Max mindlessly stroked his hair
Max himself seemed different…was he wearing eyeliner?
Aki and Audrey walked up to Max and tried for smiles, but before they could get a word out, they were stopped by the girl with the brown eyes
One simple word cut them down, there was so much power behind it that Aki and Audrey had to stop in their tracks. Max looked up at his exes with unamused disdain, upon further inspection, he was wearing eyeliner
“I thought I said I never want to see you again”
His grip on the girl’s hand tightened
“We were hoping you’d introduce us to your new friends!”
Aki continued trying for that smile and failing miserably
“I thought you were our boyfriend?”
The boy in Max’s lap spoke up
Audrey stuttered which got a sigh out of Max
“Yes. This is my boyfriend, Graham and my girlfriend, Ulani”
Max explained with an annoyed scoff, wanting this conversation to end as soon as possible. Aki and Audrey looked at Max with shock, then down at Graham and Ulani…what was it with them? Why did they feel so…off?
They didn’t look like Constance students, honestly they kinda looked like they raided Max’s closet and just went with it. They looked like they were dressed as pirates…really fashionable pirates
“How…how did you meet?”
Audrey asked as her voice went up an octave
“Not your business, princess”
Ulani stared daggers into Audrey. For whatever reason, Ulani did not like Audrey. Did Max talk about her and Aki to his new partners? Why was Ulani so terrifying? And why did she smell like the ocean? They are in the middle of Manhattan!
Ulani and Graham started to seem possessive. Graham was no longer lying on Max’s lap and instead had his arm around his waist, and Ulani was practically gripping to Max’s hand and looked like she was ready to charge if her or Aki made the slightest move towards Max
…Ulani and Graham…huh
So while writing this I realized there was so much potential in this concept so I decided “fuck it! I’m writing a fic” when’s it coming? Eventually- we’ll see how much gets done- but it’ll happen!
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romance-club-daily · 1 year
Love from Outer Space comes back to Romance Club in only a few days! Are you ready?!
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its-to-the-death · 1 year
Glasses Swag Tournament Preliminary Round #8
Only one of these characters will make it into the bracket so vote for your favorite!
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ceoofdestructix · 11 months
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Nothing better than to nap on your love's shoulder 🐻🩵🐵
(Don't mind Drago, tho. He is jelly-jelly v:)
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jessebyron · 5 months
2023 Reading Wrap-Up
Big annual reading wrap up post!!! Here's my 2023 in reading:
I’ve attempted reading 50 books a few times since graduating college, but this year was the first time it actually stuck. In fact, I actually completed 53 titles! Since this is a tad longer than my previous wrap up posts, I’ll have the full list at the end up of this after some commentary.
Here’s some of the most impactful titles from 2023:
The first book I read this year gets a special mention. I read a good handful of sequential fiction this year, but Seance Tea Party was the most impactful. It might be the most impactful growing up story I’ve ever read.
Kings of Wyld: I think this is the most fun I’ve had with ‘high’ fantasy in a long time. A classic fantasy adventure delivered via the thinnest metaphor for an 80s hair metal band that ends up being one of the most heartfelt meditations on family, aging, legacy, and fatherhood that you’ll ever come across. Dirty, crass, hilarious, violent, and beautiful.
Veniss Underground: Yet another masterful fever dream from the man that, for me personally, defines the concepts of weird and experimental. Predating Vandermeer’s Annihilation, Veniss Underground is consuming exploration of story and form and while pushing us to the very edges of what makes a novel and what makes a person.
Hyperion: As anyone who knows me knows, I am a slut for stories about stories. I think this book was one of the smartest written science fiction books in my library. To read Hyperion is to begin exploring a few particular trailheads leading into literature, technology, conflict, and the human condition. I’ll definitely be exploring the rest of the Cantos in the years to come. (Be careful researching Simmons himself though. You will be disappointed.)
Shadow of the Torturer & The Claw of the Conciliator (the first two volumes of Gene Wolfe’s The Book of the New Sun): This was the most intellectually challenging of the things I read this year. It’s the first time I read something and then immediately watched multiple YouTube video essays just to grasp fully grasp. But, like a lot of the more challenging texts this year, it is so worth it. Will have to come back to these many times.
The Left Hand of Darkness: beautiful and challenging and enriching as well, this will also take multiple readings to begin to grok it.
The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction: necessary for any Neil Gaiman fan to read. It was awesome diving into how Neil sees the world, the stories he’s encountered, the experiences he’s had, and the insane amount interesting famous people he’s friends with.
The Fragile Threads of Power: less impactful and more just plain ol’ exciting, this was a brilliant return to world first introduced by Schwab’s Darker Shades.
Nostalgia Reads:
So You Want to be a Wizard: maybe the best alternative to Harry Potter. Beautiful and consistent world building that makes sense with stories and characters that invite us to explore who we are in the context of the greater world (and worlds!) around us. Reading the Young Wizards series in elementary school had a deep effect on me that still resonates to this day.
City of Bones: held up surprisingly well? Fun mythology and delightfully angsty characters.
A Wizard of Earthsea: hadn’t read this since senior year when I bought it with the money I won in a micro fiction writing contest, and it was so wonderful to revisit the archipelago.
The Collobaration: a powerful play that now contains one of my dream roles.
Certainly not the first time I’ve consumed The Sandman epic, but the audible versions were exquisite and brought the story to mw in a whole new way. Same thing with full cast audio version American Gods.
Most disturbing: Amygdalatropolis. Don’t read this. No, I’m serious. Not reading this book is an act of self care. You’ll only hurt your own feelings (and body and brain) if you read this book.
Second most disturbing: Tender is the Flesh. Reading this one is also harmful, but you should it.
Most disappointing: Paradise-1 by David Wellington. An interesting premise with a couple of fun bits of world building, it was ultimately defeated by a lack of internal unity and subpar editing.
The full list:
1. *Seance Tea Party by Reimina Yee
2. *Crushed by Don Zolidis
3. *Wiley and the Hairy Man by Susan Zeder
4. American Gods by Neil Gaiman (full cast audiobook)
5. Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman
6. *The City of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty
7. *Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
8. *The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd
9. *Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
10. *Exit Strategy by Martha Wells
11. *Paradise-1 by David Wellington
12. The Sandman: Act 1 (audible original)
13. The Homecoming by Harold Pinter
14. *Veniss Underground by Jeff Vandermeer
15. *Hyperion by Dan Simmons
16. *The Stranger by Albert Camus
17. *Treasure Island: The Adventures of Jim Hawkins adapted by James DeVita
18. The Sandman: Act 1 (audible original)
19. The Sandman: Act 2 (audible original)
20. The Sandman: Act 3 (audible original)
21. *Hellblazer: Rise + Fall by Taylor, Robertson, and Rodriguez
22. *Sandman Mystery Theatre Vol 1: The Tarantula by Matt Wagner, Guy Favis, and John Costanza
23. The Supernaturalist: The Graphic Novel
24. The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan
25. *Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames
26. The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan
27. *Amygdalatropolis by B. R. Yeager
28. The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan*Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McQuire
29. *Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McQuire
30. *Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McQuire
31. *Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein
32. *The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction by Neil Gaiman
33. *Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolfe
34. *Claw of the Conciliator by Gene Wolfe
35. *Peter Pan adapted by Douglas Irvine
36. Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan
37. So You Want to Be a Wizard by Diane Duane
38. *Tender is the Flesh by Augustine Bazterrica
39. *The Collaboration by Anthony McCarten
40. *The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
41. *The Fragile Threads of Power by V. E. Schwab
42. *Catch Me if You Can by Robert Thomas, adapted by Weinstock and Gilbert
43. City of Bones by Cassandra Claire
44. Jennifer scales and the ancient furnace by Mary Janice Davidson
45. *Why Religion? by Elaine Pagels
46. A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
47. *Bunny by Mona Awad
48. *Anya’s Ghost by Vera Brosgol
49. *Goblin Market and other Poems by Christina Rosetti
50. The Sandman: Endless Nights
51. *Dada Woof Papa Hot by Peter Parnell
52. *The Gospel According to Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens, and Count Leo Tolstoy: Discord by Scott Carter
53. *The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm by Christopher Paolini
Addendum for business: I will no longer be posting on the other three blogs (food, books, and tv/film) related) as it's too much for me to have it all divided up. This will now be my main/only blog
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caswensworld · 2 years
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My favorite girl trios
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
more slugs plsssa
This has become an actual story now. Ryuuji is a land slug, and Rin is a sea slug. Specifically a blue dragon sea slug. They have tanks next to each other.
Part: One (you're here), Two
-- - -- - --
Ryuuji wasn't sure about his new home. He had been lured to the big creature with a bit of fresh cucumber. He'd taken a bite of the delicious vegetable (his favorite), and then he'd suddenly been in the air and moving. He'd hung on as tightly as he could, and now...
And now he was here. There was dirt and crumbled leaves on the ground, but it didn't go very deep. Nudging it with his nose showed something hard underneath. Something he couldn't nudge away.
There was a large branch he booked it too (as fast as he could go, which was faster than his friend slugs, but not nearly fast enough for comfort) and hid under. He burrowed as far back as he could, squishing himself small and trying to be as invisible as possible. He could smell cucumber and spinach, and something that smelled like danger.
Ryuuji jolted and tried to squish smaller. 
"Are you new?"
Ryuuji risked moving one eye forward and peering out from under the branch. 
There was a big blue thing floating a few feet away from him. Just hovering in the air, all spikey and multicolored, and grinning.
Ryuuji yelped and hid back under his branch.
"Hey-no, come on out." There was a weird tapping noise. "Please?"
"Go away!"
"My name is Rin."
"Go away, Rin!"
There was another tap. Ryuuji risked peeking out again. The spikey thing —Rin— was floating a little closer. There was a tap each time he moved forward. 
"Stay back!"
"I can't come any closer —err, what's your name?"
Ryuuji slipped his other eye out and stared. Rin actually didn't seem able to come any closer. Slowly, cautiously, he squirmed slightly out from under the branch, tensing himself in case he needed to bat the thing and make a speedy escape. 
Rin bobbed up and down excitedly as Ryuuji moved. His spikey things flicked excitedly, and his body did a strange ripple. 
"I... I'm Ryuuji." 
Rin beamed and a flicker of blue light danced over his body. "Hiya, Ryuuji! Welcome to the tank!" He flared bright with blue light as he spoke. Ryuuji ducked right back under his branch.
The cucumber could wait. Ryuuji wasn't leaving the safety of this branch until it was dark and the weird thing that was Rin was gone.
——༼⍨༽— —
Rin was weird, but he wasn't actually dangerous, and he couldn't actually get to Ryuuji. There was some kind of solid thing between them. Something like ice, but not cold. It took Ryuuji a few days to get the courage to touch it, but once he did, he found himself thoroughly fascinated by the strange thing. 
Rin also wasn't just flying. He was in water, and a lot of it. His home was water. Kind of like tadpoles. Rin liked to swim and he was annoyingly fast as he swam and flipped and fluttered.
He was also talkative as hell. By his third day, Ryuuji knew that Rin had been living in his tank for years, that he had a brother and his best friend was a sea pig named Shiemi, that he liked to mix his greens and flakes to make new flavors, and that he had never tried cucumber.
He also liked asking questions. Ryuuji answered a few of them as he explored the boundaries of his own tank, but he mostly just tried to ignore Rin.
It didn't really work.
——༼⍨༽— —
"Ryuuji! Tell me a story~!"
Ryuuij blew out a tired breath as he trudged up the branch. The big creature had stuck the spinach on top of it, and it took forever to get up there. He was starving and Rin's ramble wasn't helping. 
"Whaddya want me to tell you a story for?"
"Because you're cool!"
Ryuuji paused in his track and turned his eyes on Rin. "Huh?" Rin was all fluttery and lit on fire underwater regularly. Ryuuji was not the cool one. 
"Yeah," Rin said as he casually flipped over on his back and spread his spikey fins. "You can move without water!"
Ryuuij continued to move up the branch. "Yeah, but I can't move on water." 
Rin flipped back over. "You can't?" He tilted his head and flared his fins a bit. He did that when he was especially curious. It showed off the pretty colors of his fins and made his bright eyes pop all the more.
Ryuuij forced his eyes back on his own prize. The spinach wasn't as pretty as Rin. Though, to be fair, nothing was as pretty as Rin.
"Whaddya wanna hear?"
"Tell me about the place you came from! Tell me about the frogs!"
Ryuuji finally reached his spinach. He huffed out sigh and couldn't keep a bit of amusement out of it. "Alright, you dork."
Rin swam right up to the barrier and plastered his face against it as Ryuuji told him about the frogs. Ryuuji tried to act like he didn't care, and was pretty sure Rin could tell it was an act. His good mood was just because of the spinach, and not because he liked having the pretty and bright slug's attention.
——༼⍨༽— —
Rin was sighing, and it was starting to worry Ryuuji. His friend (and yes, Rin was his friend, and no, he wouldn't admit it) was looking a little dim, and he wasn't fluttering like he usually did. 
Ryuuji grabbed a bit of cucumber and slowly made his way to the barrier. He'd prodded at it and hadn't found any cracks like he did with ice. But he was certain it couldn't all be solid. 
"Hey," he called around the mouthful of cucumber, "what's gotcha blue?" He blushed as soon as he said it. "I mean sad. You're supposed to be blue."
Rin fluttered towards him sadly. "I'm blue."
"Yeah, but it's a good blue." Ryuuji started to hurry up the barrier. He was going to find the damn crack and cheer his friend up. 
"No. I meant the other kind."
Ryuuji paused and frowned around the cumber. "Why?"
Rin floated closer instead of answering. "What're you doing?"
"Climbing. Stop avoiding the question. Why're ya sad?" Ryuuji resumed his expedient climb. 
"Yuki won't play with me."
"So? We can play."
Rin thunked his head against the barrier. Ryuuji held on extra tight, but the slight tap did nothing to him. 
"No we can't. You're stuck over there."
"Shut up and swim up. I'm gonna find a way over."
"Yuki says you can't."
That made Ryuuji pause again. He slid down the slightest bit and squished himself harder against the weird slick thing.
"What's that mean? Just ‘cause I can't flame and flutter like you?"
Rin shook his head and watched as Ryuuji climbed further up. 
"No. That's not why. He said it's that salt. Where are you going?"
"Up and over." Salt? "What salt?" Salt was bad. If that was between them, he'd have to be extra careful. He'd need more than cucumber. Maybe a few leaves of spinach. It'd be hard to drag all that. 
"Stop!" Rin flared and fluttered and rammed at the glass. Ryuuji held on and scowled.
"Stop that!"
"I live in salt! You can't!"
That stopped Ryuuji in his tracks. "You what?" Rin couldn’t live in salt. Rin said he was a slug. Ryuuji had always been taught salt would kill. He had seen it hurt other slugs. It had destroyed some of his friends. 
Rin nodded hard. “This is salty water. You can’t come over. You’ve gotta stay over there.” 
What? Rin lived in salty water? The thing he floated around in would murder Ryuuji if he touched it?
He could never go to Rin?
“All of it?” He asked softly, not noticing he was starting to slide back down in his shock.
Rin nodded with a mournful noise. “All of it.” He pressed his head against the barrier and sighed again. “I’d kill ya.”
Ryuuji slid down the barrier and trudged back to the branch. He didn’t notice he left his cucumber behind. He booked his way under it, ignoring Rin’s call as he squished as small as he could. He could never go over to Rin. There was always going to be a barrier between them.
Rin wasn’t the only blue one. 
— —༼⍨༽♡— —
“Ryuuji?” Rin couldn’t help but ask. The handsome slug was zooming along his branch and going straight for the barrier between them. Rin rarely saw him pull out that kind of speed. It always left him all tired and annoyed because Rin was still faster. 
“Shut up,” Ryuuji said, though it was teasing more than anything. “I gotta focus.”
Rin tried to be quiet, but couldn’t. Everything about the other slug was just so interesting, and he liked the way Ryuuji’s eyes shifted forward when he was really intense. 
“Focus on what?”
Ryuuji flicked one eye towards him. “Climbing.”
Rin’s fins fluttered in worry. “But you can’t.” Salt would burn Ryuuji and Rin didn’t want the slug burned. He liked Ryuuji. He wanted him to stick around for a really long time. And yeah, it sucked that he was always over there, but Rin could handle that. 
“Shut up,” Ryuuji grumbled, grabbing a chunk of cucumber. “I got plans.”
Ryuuji proceed to slide his way straight up the barrier with the cucumber in his mouth. Rin rammed at the barrier and it did nothing but earn him a glare. Ryuuji kept climbing and Rin ignited in panic. He rammed the barrier again and everything went a bit sparkly as Ryuuji kept climbing upwards. How was he gaining speed?
Ryuuji grumbled something around the cucumber and kept sliding upwards. He was almost at the top. 
Rin shook away the stars and swam higher. He couldn’t break the water surface or he might splash Ryuuji! What did he do?!
Ryuuji reached the top while he panicked. He dropped the cucumber on the rim with a wheeze. Rin swam higher, barely not breaking the water. 
“Would you relax?” Ryuuji laughed, and with those words, he nudged the cucumber over the edge and slipped back, carefully avoiding the splash of water. The bit of cucumber floated down through the water, brushing past Rin’s fin. He caught it before it could go any further. 
He didn’t understand. 
Ryuuji thunked his head against the barrier. “Hey, look at me. I ain’t gonna get salty and die.” 
Rin hugged the cucumber closer. Ryuuji was okay.
“But,” Ryuuji added, “I am gonna find a way to touch you. In the meantime, that’s my favorite and you said you’d never tried it before.”
Rin nodded slowly, feeling all warm, but not from flames. 
“Go on,” Ryuuji said, smiling widely at him, “try it.” 
Staring at Ryuuji’s big smile, Rin did just that.
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akitasimblr · 6 months
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cranberrybogmummy · 2 years
If you think about it...
Poor unfortunate souls, Ursula's villain song. Fits for Mr. Cutter better then the fine print
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hlblng · 1 year
What are everyone's favourite novels/ plays/ books that could be described as retellings of the classics? I'll start:
- Lavinia by Ursula K. le Guin
- Medea. Stimmen by Christa Wolf
- Antigonick by Anne Carson
- Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson (I'm counting it as a retelling)
- Averno by Louise Glück
- An Iliad by Lisa Petersson & Dennis O'Hare
Trying to compile the ultimate master list
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railway-roundhouse · 1 month
Our performances of The Little Mermaid happen over the next three days and we're probably gonna have to replace our Triton bc he literally refused to learn any of his lines and proceeded to argue with one of our teachers 😔
Anyway wish me luck I am SOOO scared I'm gonna fuck up and fumble my lines. But I have hope.
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bucket-barnes · 2 months
What's this? Chapter one of lost boy?!
I'm almost done with chapter two so as a little easter treat, here's the full first chapter of lost boy- the descendants/gossip girl 21 crossover fic
Chapter one: Uma
Chapter one: Uma
Honestly, the past week couldn’t have gone worse for Uma and Gil.
Ever since the barrier around the isle of the lost was taken down, a new villain was trying to stage a coup every other day. It was manageable though, and the problem was being solved as laws were put in place in an attempt to stop these impertinent villains 
But then Harry went missing 
They were dealing with none other than Uma’s own mother, Ursula. She said something about Auradon being weak because of their insistence on believing in “true love” and the rest was a blur…but by the time they all came back to…all that was left of Harry was his silver hook. No one was actually sure if he died, search parties were sent all around Auradon to try and find him, the brave ones went to Neverland to see if the sea witch stashed him with the lost boys but, no one could find him…so they had to assume
Harry Hook was dead…and there wasn’t even a body to bury. An empty grave, marked by the Hook family crest and a headstone, was plotted just off the shore, inscribed 
Harrison Liam Hook
Son, Brother, First mate
It was the first time anyone ever saw Captain Hook cry, the usually psychotic and drunken lunatic was in tears for his son…his only son, presumed dead. First his wife, now his boy. Uma couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the old pirate, Harry was her first mate, partner in crime, her best friend. They would both die and kill for each other, no questions asked…and now he’s gone, a…a lost boy, never to be seen again. Uma looked to Gil who was barely holding back tears, she took his hand in hers and gave it a quick squeeze 
“It’s ok…we’ll find him”
She tried to comfort, but Gil looked like he had lost hope
“We looked everywhere…”
He whimpered
“And we’re not giving up. He’s out there, I know it”
Uma insisted, her free hand traveling to her belt where she kept Harry’s hook
“We’ll find him”
The days passed by, and Uma had the lost revenge crew working overtime for any signs that Harry was still out there, though most of them had come to terms with the fact that he wasn’t coming back, they just didn’t dare to go against their captain’s orders. They’d search high and low, always checking two to three extra times…no sign. Uma always kept Gil with her while they searched, always going to places where Ursula would be both likely and unlikely to stash a hostage. The chip shop's storage room, her old grotto, Atlantica’s seaside shipyard, anywhere and everywhere and still nothing. It got bad enough that Gil punched a wall in frustration, something he wasn’t proud of…made him feel like his dad in a bad way. One night, they were searching down by the shore, walking over to the empty grave of their lover, at least if they couldn’t find him, they could still say hello. They stood at the grave hand-in-hand, as usual…nothing was there but the Hook crest and the stone
“Hi, Harry”
Gil said with a sigh. He fished into his pocket and pulled out a silver pocket watch, he held it in his palm for a moment before placing it at the base of the stone, joining the rest of the small trinkets left there in the pirate’s honor
“...please come home”
He whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek. Uma also had an offering, three pearls she tied together with a thin piece of twine, one for each of them. She twirled the pearls between her fingers and watched the moonlight shimmer off their surfaces. She liked how the pearls felt between her fingers, smooth and cold like marble. They made her think of Harry, the way his hair would blow in the breeze, the way his eyes would sparkle when on the water, even his maniacal laugh. While lost in her thoughts, she pressed too hard on the twine and it snapped, sending one of the pearls rolling into the water, never to be seen again…
“How apt”
Uma sighed. She placed the remaining pearls on the base of the grave, kissed her fingers, then touched them to the grave
“Come on, Gil…let’s go”
Uma and Gil turned away to walk back to ship empty handed when they heard…twinkling? They turned around to see the ocean illuminated teal and flecks of glitter flying off the surface
“That…wasn’t there before”
Gil pointed at the water as his eyes went wide 
“You don’t say”
Uma said to her boyfriend sarcastically. She stared into the water and couldn’t help but feel…drawn to it. Uma let go of Gil’s hand and walked toward the water, as she got closer, the teal faded from her hair and she seemed…less magical
She heard Gil call out, she didn’t answer, she simply kept walking toward the water, which was beginning to steam
“Uma!”Gil ran after her, but also ran into her, sending them both crashing into the mysterious mystery water in a flurry of bubbles and screams
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romance-club-daily · 1 year
Author answer some questions about Love From Outer Space:
A. Tepish answered in his VK page:
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Why are people asking for a romance between Agent Wolf and Amber? 🥴 She's literally in High School and he must be in his late thirties????
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